; SkoolKit disassembly for Dynamite Dan 2 ; Version: 25th September 2008 ; ; Copyright (c) 2019 Michael R. Cook (Skoolkit conversion) ; Copyright (c) 2008 bad_beard (annotated disassembly) ; Copyright (c) 1985 Mirrorsoft (Dynamite Dan 2) ; Dynamite Dan 2 was originally programmed by Rod Bowkett ; ; Errors or additions to: bad_beard@hotmail.com ; Many thanks to the authors of the tools usedDynamite Dan 2 during this project, namely :- ; Woody (SpecEmu), Dunny (BASin), Spin Team (especially Marko for the best debugger) (Spin) ; Extra big thanks to big D (Dunny) for sorting a comment formatting problem out @start=$6C90 ; room layout ; =========== ; ; Island 1 ; -------- ; B8,B9,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF ; 78,79,7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F ; 38,39,3A,3B,3C,3D,3E,3F ; ; Island 2 ; -------- ; B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7 ; 70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77 ; 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 ; ; Island 3 ; -------- ; A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF ; 68,69,6A,6B,6C,6D,6E,6F ; 28,29,2A,2B,2C,2D,2E,2F ; ; Island 4 ; -------- ; A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7 ; 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67 ; 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 ; ; Island 5 ; -------- ; 98,99,9A,9B,9C,9D,9E,9F ; 58,59,5A,5B,5C,5D,5E,5F ; 18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F ; ; Island 6 ; -------- ; 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97 ; 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57 ; 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 ; ; Island 7 ; -------- ; 88,89,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E,8F ; 48,49,4A,4B,4C,4D,4E,4F ; 08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F ; ; Island 8 ; -------- ; 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87 ; 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 ; 00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07 ; ; list of items found in the game ; =============================== ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Value | =h Name | =h Description } ; { $64 | fuel | refuel blimp } ; { $65 | record | play on jukebox } ; { $66 | bomb | blow open doors } ; { $67 | goggles | immune from blitzen } ; { $68 | mike | keeps Blitzen away (level 8 only) } ; { $69 | camera | opens secret passages } ; { $6a | time bomb | won't lose bomb when door blown } ; { $6b | fan | score + energy boost when hit by enemy, instead of losing energy } ; { $6c | mandolin | opens secret passages } ; { $6d | scissors | when going thro' a secret passage dan will get a bomb if carrying scissors } ; { $6e | snips | walk straight through doors } ; { $6f | pump | opens secret passages } ; { $70 | engine | stops fuel theft, removes all fuel from inventory bar 1 } ; { $71 | dumbbell | double height jumps } ; { $72 | jack | opens secret passages } ; { $73 | boots | walk on water } ; { $74 | crossbow | shoot enemies } ; { $75 | feather | opens secret passages } ; { $76 | corkscrew | skip level 5 } ; { $77 | gem | can't walk up steps } ; { $78 | mask | opens secret passages } ; { $79 | snake | play record remotely } ; { $7a | skull | immunity } ; { $7b | shell | opens secret passages } ; { $7c | aqualung | prevents drowning } ; { $7d | torch | stops item theft } ; { $7e | drill | opens secret passages } ; { $7f | food mixer | food items will never disappear } ; { $80 | grapes | replenishes energy } ; { $81 | magenta glass | replenishes energy } ; { $82 | white glass | replenishes energy } ; { $83 | chicken leg | replenishes energy } ; { $84 | cherries | replenishes energy } ; { $85 | ice cream | replenishes energy } ; { $86 | mushroom | replenishes energy } ; { $87 | cup of tea | replenishes energy } ; TABLE# @org ; attribute for musical note above number of records played b$5AC0 DEFB $00 i$5AC1 ; room item data ($5b00-$5bff) ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Bit(n) | =h Block # | =h Description } ; { 7 | block 1 | +$80 food item } ; { 6 | | +$40 third special item } ; { 5 | block 2 | +$20 second special item } ; { 4 | | +$10 first special item } ; { 3 | block 3 | +$08 goggles } ; { 2 | | +$04 bomb } ; { 1 | block 4 | +$02 record } ; { 0 | | +$01 fuel } ; TABLE# b$5B00 DEFS $40 $5B40 DEFS $40 $5B80 DEFS $40 $5BC0 DEFW $0000 ; points to current screen data 2 (not including blimp room) $5BC2 DEFW $0000 ; $5bxx where xx is the current room number $5BC4 DEFB $00 ; jukebox column (activated when in room with jukebox) $5BC5 DEFB $00 ; jukebox row (activated when in room with jukebox) ; door coordinates $5BC6 DEFB $00 ; column $5BC7 DEFB $00 ; row ; room items $5BC8 DEFB $00 ; column $5BC9 DEFB $00 ; row $5BCA DEFB $00 ; item (initial value 0) $5BCB DEFB $00 ; which bit set for this item $5BCC DEFB $00 ; column $5BCD DEFB $00 ; row $5BCE DEFB $00 ; item (initial value 0) $5BCF DEFB $00 ; which bit set for this item $5BD0 DEFB $00 ; column $5BD1 DEFB $00 ; row $5BD2 DEFB $00 ; item (initial value 0) $5BD3 DEFB $00 ; which bit set for this item $5BD4 DEFB $00 ; column $5BD5 DEFB $00 ; row $5BD6 DEFB $00 ; item (initial value 0) $5BD7 DEFB $00 ; which bit set for this item $5BD8 DEFB $00 ; counter (0-ff then starts at 0 again) $5BD9 DEFB $00 ; screen number $5BDA DEFB $00 ; 8 minus THIS BYTE=current level $5BDB DEFW $0000 ; amount to add to score $5BDD DEFB $00 ; score 1st digit (ten thousands) $5BDE DEFB $00 ; score 2nd digit (thousands) $5BDF DEFB $00 ; score 3rd digit (hundreds) $5BE0 DEFB $00 ; score 4th digit (tens) $5BE1 DEFB $00 ; score 5th digit (units) $5BE2 DEFB $00 ; amount to add to energy $5BE3 DEFB $00 ; amount to subtract from energy $5BE4 DEFB $00 ; energy $5BE5 DEFB $00 ; c=column AND row (used as lookup for placing enemies) $5BE6 DEFB $00 ; cycles through values 1-4 (used as offset to locate sprite in buffer) $5BE7 DEFB $00 ; dan attributes bit 0 (+1) dan direction (0=facing right, 1=facing left) bit 1 (+2) set ; dan jumping (straight up, left or right) (stays set during the whole jump, climbing and ; falling) bit 2 (+4) dan jumping left bit 3 (+8) dan jumping right bit 4 (+16) set dan ; jumping 2 (this flag varies slightly to bit 1 in that it will be set when dan starts a jump ; but will not reset again until dan manages to reach his maximum jump height either on the ; current jump or one subsequent thus ensuring his fall will be normal. If he fails to reach ; his maximum jump height (bangs his head on scenery or jumping up a ladder) then he will enter ; freefall state, immediately so in the case of banging his head or if he then say, fell off a ; ladder) Example: Dan jumps left and manages to reach his maximum jump height. His fall back ; down will therefore be normal. However, when reaching the same row he started his jump from ; there is no collision under his feet (nothing there!). He will therefore now enter freefall ; state and his fall will be twice as quick. bit 5 (+32) dan in freefall state (collided with ; scenery, walked off a platform, moved down a ladder or jumped left/right and at the end of ; his jump (same row he started on), there is nothing under his feet!) bit 6 (+64) dan walking ; up a step (rising 1 chararacter square up and 1 chararacter square left/right) bit 7 (+128) ; on a ladder $5BE8 DEFB $00 ; dan attributes bit 0 set (+1) =unused bit 1 set (+2) =stops fuel theft bit 2 set (+4) ; =walk on water bit 3 set (+8) =open secret passages bit 4 set (+16) =dan has been hit bit ; 5 set (+32) =clear dan buffer/redraw dan bit 6 set (+64) =hypnotised bit 7 set (+128) ; =immune from blitzen $5BE9 DEFB $00 ; dan column $5BEA DEFB $00 ; dan row $5BEB DEFB $00 ; dan line (0,2,4,6,8) (0 and 8 are same (row boundary) except 0=dan moved up to position, ; 8=dan moved down to position) $5BEC DEFB $00 ; dan sprite (0,1,2,3) $5BED DEFB $00 ; dan freefalling/freeclimbing counter (increments by 1 each time dan falls 2 or 4 lines) ; (counter also used when dan jumps straight up, increments by 1 each time dan climbs 2 lines) $5BEE DEFB $00 ; dan jump height $5BEF DEFB $00 ; time hypnotised by blitzen $5BF0 DEFB $00 ; time until door blows open $5BF1 DEFB $00 ; door blows open room number $5BF2 DEFB $00 ; blitzen attributes bit 0 +1 blitzen active bit 1 +2 firing ray gun bit 2 +4 direction ; (unset=travelling right, set=travelling left) bit 3 +8 firing ray gun shot type ; (unset=inbound shot,set=outbound shot) bit 4 +16 reverse blitzen direction bit 5 +32 ; blitzen hit dan with a shot from the ray gun bit 6 +64 unused bit 7 +128 unused $5BF3 DEFB $00 ; blitzen sprite (0,1,2,3) $5BF4 DEFB $00 ; blitzen column $5BF5 DEFB $00 ; blitzen row $5BF6 DEFB $00 ; blitzen room $5BF7 DEFB $00 ; blitzen ray gun shot length $5BF8 DEFB $00 ; level info. bit 0 set (+1) =level complete bit 1 set (+2) =draw ladder from airship bit 2 ; set (+4) =entering new level bit 3 set (+8) =airship moving bit 4 set (+16) =record ; played on jukebox bit 5 set (+32) =unused bit 6 set (+64) =unused bit 7 set (+128) =unused $5BF9 DEFB $00 ; incoming item $5BFA DEFB $00 ; special abilities bit 0 set (+1) =stops item theft bit 1 set (+2) =double height jumps ; bit 2 set (+4) =immunity (note: not immune from Blitzen) bit 3 set (+8) =can't walk up ; steps bit 4 set (+16) =shoot enemies bit 5 set (+32) =keep blitzen away bit 6 set (+64) ; =walk straight through doors bit 7 set (+128) =score + energy boost when hit by enemy instead ; of energy depletion $5BFB DEFB $00 ; timer $5BFC DEFB $00 ; control method 0=keyboard, 1=kempston $5BFD DEFB $00 ; keyboard/joystick movement $00=none,$01=right,$02=left,$04=down,$08=up,$10=jump (000FUDLR) $5BFE DEFB $00 ; max. lines attributes $5BFF DEFB $00 ; value of 'c' register after call to beeper i$5C00 ; enemy sprite buffer (landing area graphics when a level is completed) b$6000 DEFS $0500 ; dan background/sprite buffer b$6500 DEFS $0200 ; graphics buffer around where dan is standing ; ; 3 columns, 4 rows (1*32) ; ; column 1 b$66A0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 1 $66A4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66A8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 2 $66AC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66B0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 3 $66B4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66B8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 4 $66BC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; column 2 $66C0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 1 $66C4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66C8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 2 $66CC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66D0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 3 $66D4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66D8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 4 $66DC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; column 3 $66E0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 1 $66E4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66E8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 2 $66EC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66F0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 3 $66F4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $66F8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; row 4 $66FC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; calculate screen address ; ; Used by the routines at #R$675B, #R$69CD, #R$6A39, #R$7A77, #R$7DE8 and #R$7E8D. ; ; Input:H row ; L column ; Output:HL is the screen address ; A register is destroyed by this call c$6700 LD A,H ; $6701 PUSH AF ; $6702 AND $F8 ; and %11111000 $6704 ADD A,$40 ; $6706 LD H,A ; $6707 POP AF ; $6708 AND $07 ; and %00000111 $670A RRCA ; $670B RRCA ; $670C RRCA ; $670D ADD A,L ; $670E LD L,A ; $670F RET ; ; calculate attribute address ; ; Used by the routines at #R$69CD, #R$6A22, #R$6A6D, #R$7771, #R$77DA, #R$78C8, #R$7A77, #R$7D86, #R$7DE8, #R$7E50, ; #R$7E8D, #R$7F5C, #R$8192, #R$83C5 and #R$83DB. ; ; Input:H row ; L column ; Output:HL is the attribute address ; A register is destroyed by this call c$6710 PUSH HL ; preserve row and column $6711 LD A,H ; row $6712 SRA A ; $6714 SRA A ; $6716 SRA A ; shift right 3 times to get which third of the screen $6718 ADD A,$58 ; $671A LD H,A ; high byte now in right third of screen $671B POP AF ; restore row and column $671C AND $07 ; mask off 3 lowest bits (which row in third of screen) $671E RRCA ; $671F RRCA ; $6720 RRCA ; rotate right 3 times to get which row $6721 ADD A,L ; move to the correct column on the row $6722 LD L,A ; $6723 RET ; ; get graphic size ; ; Used by the routines at #R$677E, #R$6807 and #R$6ED0. ; ; Input:A first byte of graphic data ; Output:B width (number of columns 1-8) ; C height (number of rows 1-8) c$6724 LD B,A ; preserve original number $6725 AND $07 ; bits 0,1,2 (1,2,4) $6727 INC A ; gives a number between 1-8 $6728 LD C,A ; store in 'c' reg $6729 LD A,B ; start again with original number $672A RRA ; $672B RRA ; $672C RRA ; $672D AND $07 ; bits 3,4,5 (8,16,32) $672F INC A ; gives a number between 1-8 $6730 LD B,A ; store in 'b' reg $6731 RET ; ; get address from lookup table ; ; Used by the routines at #R$677E, #R$6807, #R$6ED0, #R$7404, #R$7A42, #R$83DB, #R$8426, #R$F7D0 and #R$F992. ; ; Output:A contains the graphic number we want ; DE contains the address where the graphic is stored c$6732 PUSH HL ; $6733 LD L,A ; $6734 LD H,$00 ; $6736 ADD HL,HL ; $6737 ADD HL,BC ; $6738 LD E,(HL) ; $6739 INC HL ; $673A LD D,(HL) ; $673B POP HL ; $673C RET ; ; clear screen ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00 and #R$71A0. ; ; Input:B contains the number of lines to clear c$673D LD HL,$5BFF ; $6740 LD A,(HL) ; value of 'c' register after call to beeper (always 8) $6741 AND $F8 ; set black border and mic OFF $6743 OUT ($FE),A ; $6745 LD (HL),A ; $6746 PUSH BC ; $6747 LD H,$00 ; no. of lines now in hl $6749 LD L,B ; $674A ADD HL,HL ; $674B ADD HL,HL ; $674C ADD HL,HL ; *32 (for each line we want to do every column on that line also) $674D ADD HL,HL ; $674E ADD HL,HL ; $674F LD C,L ; $6750 LD B,H ; $6751 DEC BC ; $6752 LD HL,$5800 ; start of attribute area $6755 LD D,H ; $6756 LD E,$01 ; $6758 LD (HL),L ; clear attribute area $6759 LDIR ; ; clear the screen c$675B LD L,C ; $675C LD H,B ; hl=0 $675D POP BC ; restore no. of lines *$675E PUSH HL ; $675F PUSH BC ; $6760 CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address $6763 LD C,$08 ; no. of rows *$6765 PUSH HL ; $6766 LD B,$20 ; no. of columns $6768 XOR A ; *$6769 LD (HL),A ; clear screen address $676A INC HL ; $676B DJNZ $6769 ; next column $676D POP HL ; $676E INC H ; $676F DEC C ; $6770 JR NZ,$6765 ; next row $6772 POP BC ; $6773 POP HL ; $6774 INC H ; $6775 DJNZ $675E ; next line $6777 RET ; ; create mirror image of graphic data (not attributes) ; ; Used by the routines at #R$77F8, #R$7EE5 and #R$F992. c$6778 PUSH AF ; $6779 PUSH HL ; $677A PUSH DE ; $677B PUSH BC ; $677C JR $67C1 ; create mirror image of graphic data only ; create mirror image of graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00, #R$6EBC, #R$6F1C and #R$8192. c$677E PUSH AF ; $677F PUSH HL ; $6780 PUSH DE ; $6781 PUSH BC ; $6782 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $6785 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $6788 LD A,(DE) ; $6789 CALL $6724 ; get graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $678C PUSH BC ; preserve graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $678D LD A,(DE) ; $678E INC DE ; de now points to either start of attribute data or start of graphic data $678F BIT 6,A ; draw graphic data only? $6791 JR NZ,$67C0 ; yes ; no, draw draw graphics AND attributes $6793 BIT 7,A ; same attribute for whole graphic? $6795 JR Z,$679A ; no ; yes $6797 INC DE ; de now points to start of graphic data $6798 JR $67C0 ; ; create mirror image of attribute data ; ; Used by the routine at #R$677E. ; ; Input:DE points to start of graphic attribute data c$679A PUSH BC ; preserve graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $679B XOR A ; a=0 *$679C ADD A,C ; $679D DJNZ $679C ; add up total number of rows in each column ; 'a' register now contains total attribute locations for this graphic $679F LD H,D ; $67A0 LD L,E ; hl now points to first location of graphic attribute data $67A1 LD C,A ; c=total attribute locations $67A2 ADD HL,BC ; hl now points to first location of graphic byte data $67A3 POP BC ; restore graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $67A4 PUSH HL ; preserve start of graphic byte data (POPped by DE at $67bf) ; swapping column TO column so only need to perform routine half the total amount of columns (swapping from 1 column ; to another column=TWO columns swapped) $67A5 SRL B ; divide graphic width(columns) by 2 $67A7 JR NC,$67AA ; $67A9 INC B ; round up odd numbers *$67AA PUSH BC ; amount of times to perform routine $67AB LD B,$00 ; b=0 $67AD AND A ; clear carry flag $67AE SBC HL,BC ; subtract the number of rows in the graphic to position to the correct column of attribute ; data ; hl now points to correct location of the graphic attribute data we are going to swap $67B0 PUSH HL ; preserve the current location(start of a column) of the graphic attribute data ; perform the swap *$67B1 LD A,(DE) ; a=first location of graphic attribute data we want to swap $67B2 LD B,A ; store in 'b' register $67B3 LD A,(HL) ; a=second location of graphic attribute data we want to swap $67B4 LD (DE),A ; $67B5 LD (HL),B ; swap them $67B6 INC HL ; $67B7 INC DE ; move to next location $67B8 DEC C ; $67B9 JR NZ,$67B1 ; repeat for the number of rows in the graphic ; one column has now been swapped at this point de already points to start of next column hl restored($67bb) and ; moves backwards by amount of rows($67ae) $67BB POP HL ; restore the current location(start of a column) of the graphic attribute data $67BC POP BC ; $67BD DJNZ $67AA ; repeat until all values swapped $67BF POP DE ; restore start of graphic byte data ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$677E. *$67C0 POP BC ; restore graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) ; create mirror image of graphic data *$67C1 LD A,C ; number of rows in graphic $67C2 ADD A,A ; $67C3 ADD A,A ; $67C4 ADD A,A ; multiply by 8 to get the number of lines $67C5 LD C,A ; c=total number of lines to swap $67C6 PUSH BC ; $67C7 LD HL,$0000 ; $67CA DEC B ; $67CB JR Z,$67D3 ; $67CD LD A,B ; $67CE LD B,L ; *$67CF ADD HL,BC ; $67D0 DEC A ; $67D1 JR NZ,$67CF ; *$67D3 ADD HL,DE ; hl now points to start of graphic data in last column $67D4 POP BC ; ; swapping column TO column so only need to perform routine half the total amount of columns (swapping from 1 column ; to another column=TWO columns swapped) $67D5 SRL B ; divide graphic width(columns) by 2 $67D7 JR NC,$67DA ; $67D9 INC B ; round up odd numbers *$67DA PUSH BC ; $67DB LD B,C ; b=total number of lines to swap *$67DC PUSH BC ; $67DD LD A,(DE) ; a=first location of graphic data we want to swap $67DE LD BC,$0800 ; *$67E1 RRCA ; $67E2 RL C ; $67E4 DJNZ $67E1 ; mirror the first byte into 'c' register $67E6 PUSH BC ; preserve it $67E7 LD A,(HL) ; a=second location of graphic data we want to swap $67E8 LD BC,$0800 ; *$67EB RRCA ; $67EC RL C ; $67EE DJNZ $67EB ; mirror the second byte into 'c' register ; now swap their locations $67F0 LD A,C ; byte from the second location $67F1 LD (DE),A ; store in first location $67F2 POP BC ; restore the first byte from the first location $67F3 LD (HL),C ; store in second location $67F4 INC DE ; $67F5 INC HL ; move to next location $67F6 POP BC ; $67F7 DJNZ $67DC ; repeat for each line $67F9 AND A ; clear the carry flag $67FA SBC HL,BC ; $67FC SBC HL,BC ; move backwards to start of next column of graphic data $67FE POP BC ; $67FF DJNZ $67DA ; repeat until all values swapped $6801 POP BC ; $6802 POP DE ; $6803 POP HL ; $6804 POP AF ; $6805 RET ; ; store for the graphic, colour of graphic or graphic coordinate lookup value ; ; (only of importance when storing the colour. graphic/coordinate lookup value is superfluous) b$6806 DEFB $00 ; display graphic ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00, #R$6E25, #R$6E61, #R$6E91, #R$6EBC, #R$6F1C, #R$6F30, #R$6F63, #R$70F6, #R$7139, ; #R$721C, #R$72B4, #R$78ED, #R$8426, #R$F7D0 and #R$F8C6. ; ; Input:A graphic ; C graphic, colour or coordinate lookup value c$6807 PUSH AF ; $6808 PUSH HL ; $6809 PUSH DE ; $680A PUSH BC ; $680B LD B,A ; temporarily store the graphic to be drawn in 'b' register $680C LD A,C ; $680D LD ($6806),A ; store the graphic, colour or coordinate lookup value (only the colour is important here when ; drawing doors ($681c) the graphic and coordinate lookup value is superfluous data) $6810 LD A,B ; restore the graphic $6811 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $6814 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $6817 LD A,(DE) ; get graphic info. $6818 BIT 6,A ; draw graphics AND attributes? $681A JR Z,$6829 ; yes ; no, draw graphic data only (note - only when drawing doors should the program drop through $681c-$6827) $681C EXX ; $681D SET 7,D ; set same attribute for whole graphic $681F LD HL,$6806 ; set hl to where we stored the graphic, colour or coordinate lookup value $6822 EXX ; $6823 INC DE ; de now points to start of graphic data $6824 CALL $6724 ; get graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $6827 JR $6844 ; *$6829 INC DE ; de now points to start of attribute data $682A PUSH DE ; $682B EXX ; $682C POP HL ; hl now points to start of attribute data $682D LD D,A ; d=graphic info. $682E CALL $6724 ; get graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $6831 PUSH BC ; $6832 LD A,$01 ; a=1 (move to next location if same attribute for whole graphic) $6834 BIT 7,D ; same attribute for whole graphic? $6836 JR NZ,$683C ; yes ; no $6838 XOR A ; a=0 *$6839 ADD A,C ; $683A DJNZ $6839 ; add up total number of rows for each column *$683C EXX ; $683D EX DE,HL ; hl now points to start of attribute data $683E LD C,A ; $683F LD B,$00 ; $6841 ADD HL,BC ; hl now points to start of graphic data $6842 EX DE,HL ; de now points to start of graphic data $6843 POP BC ; restore graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) *$6844 PUSH BC ; $6845 PUSH HL ; *$6846 EXX ; $6847 LD A,(HL) ; get atrribute (hl pointing to attribute data) $6848 EXX ; hl now contains h=row, l=column to display graphic (coordinate) $6849 CALL $6932 ; display character $684C EXX ; $684D BIT 7,D ; same attribute for whole graphic? $684F JR NZ,$6852 ; yes $6851 INC HL ; move to next attribute location *$6852 EXX ; $6853 INC H ; row=row+1 $6854 DEC C ; $6855 JR NZ,$6846 ; repeat for each row in the graphic $6857 POP HL ; restore coordinate $6858 POP BC ; restore graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $6859 INC L ; column=column+1 $685A DJNZ $6844 ; repeat for each column in the graphic $685C POP BC ; $685D POP DE ; $685E POP HL ; $685F POP AF ; $6860 RET ; ; Routine at 6861 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$6861 LD HL,$5BFC ; control method (0 keyboard, 1 kempston attached) $6864 LD A,(HL) ; $6865 INC HL ; $6866 AND A ; $6867 JR Z,$6870 ; jump if keyboard $6869 IN A,($1F) ; $686B AND A ; $686C JR Z,$6870 ; no joystick movement so try keyboard $686E LD (HL),A ; update joystick movement 1=right,2=left,4=down,$10=jump (000FUDLR) $686F RET ; ; Routine at 6870 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6861. c$6870 LD C,A ; c=0 ('c' register will store the key(s) pressed) $6871 LD A,$7F ; b,n,m,sym shift,space $6873 IN A,($FE) ; $6875 RRA ; $6876 JR C,$687A ; space key not pressed $6878 SET 4,C ; we pressed the space (jump) key (c=$10) *$687A LD A,$FE ; v,c,x,z,caps shift $687C IN A,($FE) ; $687E RRA ; $687F JR NC,$6887 ; jump if caps shift pressed (using a cursor joystick) $6881 LD A,C ; $6882 AND A ; c=0? (we didn't press the space (jump) key) $6883 JR Z,$68A9 ; yes $6885 LD (HL),A ; update keyboard movement 0=none,1=right,2=left,4=down,$10=jump (000FUDLR) - in this case 'a' ; register will always contain $10 $6886 RET ; ; cursor joystick ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6870. c$6887 LD A,$F7 ; 5,4,3,2,1 $6889 IN A,($FE) ; $688B AND $10 ; '5' key pressed? $688D JR NZ,$6891 ; no $688F SET 1,C ; yes, we pressed the left key (c=$02) *$6891 LD A,$EF ; 6,7,8,9,0 $6893 IN A,($FE) ; $6895 BIT 4,A ; '6' key pressed? $6897 JR NZ,$689B ; no $6899 SET 2,C ; yes, we pressed the down key (c=$04) *$689B BIT 3,A ; '7' key pressed? $689D JR NZ,$68A1 ; no $689F SET 3,C ; yes, we pressed the up key (c=$08) (*** think this line should be set 4,c (c=$10)) *$68A1 BIT 2,A ; '8' key pressed $68A3 JR NZ,$6907 ; no, so check left/right, down/up keys not pressed together and store key pressed $68A5 SET 0,C ; yes, we pressed the right key (c=$01) $68A7 JR $6907 ; check left/right, down/up keys not pressed together and store key pressed ; right sinclair joystick ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6870. c$68A9 LD A,$EF ; 6,7,8,9,0 (6,7 l/r 8,0 d/u) $68AB IN A,($FE) ; $68AD CPL ; all 0s to 1s, all 1s to 0s $68AE AND $1F ; pressed any key? $68B0 JR Z,$68C3 ; no $68B2 RRA ; $68B3 RL C ; $68B5 RRA ; $68B6 RL C ; $68B8 RRA ; $68B9 RL C ; $68BB SLA C ; $68BD SLA C ; $68BF OR C ; $68C0 LD C,A ; 6 left pressed c=$02 7 right pressed c=$01 8 down pressed c=$04 9 pressed ; c=$08 0 up/jump pressed c=$10 $68C1 JR $6907 ; check left/right, down/up keys not pressed together and store key pressed ; left sinclair joystick ; ; Used by the routine at #R$68A9. c$68C3 LD A,$F7 ; 5,4,3,2,1 $68C5 IN A,($FE) ; $68C7 CPL ; all 0s to 1s, all 1s to 0s $68C8 AND $1F ; pressed any key? $68CA JR Z,$68DC ; no $68CC LD B,A ; $68CD AND $03 ; $68CF RRA ; $68D0 RL C ; $68D2 RRA ; $68D3 RL C ; $68D5 LD A,B ; $68D6 AND $1C ; $68D8 OR C ; $68D9 LD C,A ; 1 left pressed c=$02 2 right pressed c=$01 3 down pressed c=$04 4 up pressed ; c=$08 5 jump pressed c=$10 $68DA JR $6907 ; check left/right, down/up keys not pressed together and store key pressed ; Routine at 68DC ; ; Used by the routine at #R$68C3. c$68DC LD A,$7E ; v,c,x,z, b,n,m,sym shift $68DE IN A,($FE) ; $68E0 CPL ; all 0s to 1s, all 1s to 0s $68E1 AND $1F ; $68E3 JR Z,$68E7 ; jump if not one of above keys $68E5 SET 4,C ; c=$10 (we pressed the jump key) *$68E7 LD A,$FD ; g,f,d,s,a $68E9 LD DE,$0201 ; $68EC CALL $691B ; $68EF LD A,$BF ; h,j,k,l,enter $68F1 LD DE,$0102 ; $68F4 CALL $691B ; $68F7 LD A,$FB ; t,r,e,w,q $68F9 LD DE,$0804 ; $68FC CALL $691B ; $68FF LD A,$DF ; y,u,i,o,p $6901 LD DE,$0408 ; $6904 CALL $691B ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$6887, #R$68A9 and #R$68C3. *$6907 LD B,$03 ; bits 0+1 pressed at same time (left+right together) $6909 CALL $6913 ; $690C LD B,$0C ; bits 2+3 pressed at same time (down+up together) $690E CALL $6913 ; $6911 LD (HL),C ; store the key pressed $6912 RET ; ; Routine at 6913 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$68DC. c$6913 LD A,C ; keys pressed $6914 CPL ; all 0s to 1s, all 1s to 0s $6915 AND B ; did we press either left/right or down/up at the same time? $6916 RET NZ ; no ; yes, so cancel the key presses $6917 LD A,B ; $6918 XOR C ; $6919 LD C,A ; 'c' will always=0 (no key pressed) $691A RET ; ; Routine at 691B ; ; Used by the routine at #R$68DC. c$691B IN A,($FE) ; read keyboard $691D CPL ; all 0s to 1s, all 1s to 0s $691E LD B,A ; $691F AND $1F ; any key pressed? $6921 RET Z ; no, so exit $6922 LD A,B ; $6923 AND $15 ; and %00010101 GFDSA HJKL[ENTER] TREWQ YUIOP $6925 JR Z,$692A ; jump if we didn't press A,D,G,[ENTER],K,H,Q,E,T,P,I,Y $6927 LD A,C ; $6928 OR D ; $6929 LD C,A ; c=$01 if [ENTER],K,H pressed c=$02 if A,D,G pressed c=$04 if I,Y pressed c=$08 if E,T pressed *$692A LD A,B ; $692B AND $0A ; and %00001010 GFDSA HJKL[ENTER] TREWQ YUIOP $692D RET Z ; exit if we didn't press S,F,L,J,W,R,O,U $692E LD A,C ; $692F OR E ; $6930 LD C,A ; c=$01 if S,F pressed c=$02 if L,J pressed c=$04 if W,R pressed c=$08 if O,U pressed $6931 RET ; ; display character ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6807, #R$6A6D, #R$6A8A, #R$7771, #R$83DB and #R$8402. ; ; Input:H row ; L column c$6932 PUSH HL ; $6933 PUSH BC ; $6934 LD C,A ; c=attribute (colour) $6935 LD A,$1F ; max. column value $6937 CP L ; valid column? $6938 JR C,$6940 ; no $693A LD A,($5BFE) ; attribute lines $693D CP H ; valid row? $693E JR NC,$6947 ; yes *$6940 LD B,$07 ; delay *$6942 DJNZ $6942 ; $6944 LD H,B ; set h=0 (we will write to ROM as invalid coordinate) $6945 JR $6964 ; *$6947 LD B,H ; temporarily store the row in 'b' register $6948 LD A,H ; row $6949 SRA A ; $694B SRA A ; $694D SRA A ; shift right 3 times to get which third of the screen $694F ADD A,$58 ; $6951 LD H,A ; high byte now in right third of screen $6952 LD A,B ; restore the row from 'b' register $6953 AND $07 ; mask off 3 lowest bits (which row in third of screen) $6955 RRCA ; $6956 RRCA ; $6957 RRCA ; rotate right 3 times to get which row $6958 ADD A,L ; move to the correct column on the row $6959 LD L,A ; $695A LD (HL),C ; write the attribute $695B LD A,H ; high byte of attribute address ($58,$59 or $5a) $695C AND $03 ; mask off 3 lowest bits $695E RLCA ; $695F RLCA ; $6960 RLCA ; rotate left 3 times to get the correct third of screen $6961 OR $40 ; add $40 to get the correct screen address $6963 LD H,A ; hl now points to correct screen address l (column) was already in correct place from the ; attribute location ; write 8 bytes *$6964 LD B,$08 ; *$6966 LD A,(DE) ; $6967 LD (HL),A ; $6968 INC DE ; $6969 INC H ; $696A DJNZ $6966 ; $696C POP BC ; $696D POP HL ; $696E RET ; ; Routine at 696F ; ; Used by the routine at #R$70F6. c$696F LD B,$05 ; number of digits in score $6971 LD C,A ; 'c' now holds the colour of the score digits *$6972 PUSH DE ; $6973 LD A,(DE) ; de points to current score digit $5bdd-$5be1 (ten thousands-units) $6974 CALL $6A8A ; display number $6977 INC L ; $6978 POP DE ; $6979 INC DE ; $697A DJNZ $6972 ; repeat for all 5 digits $697C RET ; ; number graphics used for score b$697D DEFB $3E,$7F,$63,$63,$63,$63,$7F,$3E ; '0' $6985 DEFB $0C,$1C,$1C,$0C,$0C,$0C,$1E,$1E ; '1' $698D DEFB $3E,$7F,$67,$0E,$1C,$38,$7F,$7F ; '2' $6995 DEFB $3E,$7F,$63,$0E,$0F,$63,$7F,$3E ; '3' $699D DEFB $60,$60,$66,$7F,$7F,$06,$06,$06 ; '4' $69A5 DEFB $7F,$7F,$60,$7E,$7F,$03,$7F,$7E ; '5' $69AD DEFB $3E,$7F,$60,$7E,$7F,$63,$7F,$3E ; '6' $69B5 DEFB $7F,$7F,$06,$0E,$0C,$1C,$18,$18 ; '7' $69BD DEFB $3E,$7F,$63,$3E,$7F,$63,$7F,$3E ; '8' $69C5 DEFB $3E,$7F,$63,$7F,$3F,$03,$7F,$3E ; '9' ; clear graphic from screen ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A42 and #R$F7D0. c$69CD PUSH HL ; $69CE PUSH BC ; *$69CF PUSH HL ; $69D0 PUSH BC ; *$69D1 PUSH HL ; $69D2 CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address $69D5 LD B,$08 ; $69D7 EX DE,HL ; *$69D8 LD A,(DE) ; $69D9 XOR (HL) ; $69DA LD (DE),A ; $69DB INC D ; $69DC INC HL ; $69DD DJNZ $69D8 ; $69DF EX DE,HL ; $69E0 POP HL ; $69E1 INC H ; $69E2 DEC C ; $69E3 JR NZ,$69D1 ; $69E5 POP BC ; $69E6 POP HL ; $69E7 INC L ; $69E8 DJNZ $69CF ; $69EA POP BC ; $69EB POP HL ; $69EC CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $69EF LD DE,$0020 ; *$69F2 PUSH HL ; $69F3 LD A,B ; *$69F4 LD (HL),D ; $69F5 INC L ; $69F6 DJNZ $69F4 ; $69F8 LD B,A ; $69F9 POP HL ; $69FA ADD HL,DE ; $69FB DEC C ; $69FC JR NZ,$69F2 ; $69FE RET ; ; shift graphics (shift pixels to right) ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7404, #R$85B1 and #R$F992. ; ; Input:A number of pixels to shift ; B columns ; C rows c$69FF SLA C ; $6A01 SLA C ; $6A03 SLA C ; multiply by 8 to get number of lines $6A05 LD D,$00 ; $6A07 LD E,C ; de now contains number of lines to process *$6A08 EX AF,AF' ; temporarily use the sprite number we are dealing with (1-4) $6A09 PUSH HL ; preserve buffer position $6A0A PUSH BC ; preserve columns and lines *$6A0B PUSH HL ; preserve buffer position $6A0C PUSH BC ; preserve columns and lines $6A0D AND A ; clear carry flag *$6A0E RR (HL) ; now shift one pixel to right $6A10 RLA ; move the carry into the sprite number $6A11 ADD HL,DE ; $6A12 RRA ; move any carry that was moved into the sprite number back out and into the carry $6A13 DJNZ $6A0E ; next column $6A15 POP BC ; restore columns and lines $6A16 POP HL ; restore buffer position $6A17 INC HL ; hl now points to next line $6A18 DEC C ; process next line $6A19 JR NZ,$6A0B ; $6A1B POP BC ; restore columns and lines $6A1C POP HL ; restore buffer position $6A1D EX AF,AF' ; $6A1E DEC A ; right shift another pixel $6A1F JR NZ,$6A08 ; $6A21 RET ; ; clear trailing attribute square ; ; Used by the routines at #R$77AD, #R$7A77 and #R$8192. ; ; Input:D is the colour ; H row ; L column c$6A22 PUSH HL ; $6A23 LD A,L ; $6A24 CP $20 ; valid column? $6A26 JR NC,$6A37 ; no $6A28 LD A,($5BFE) ; max. attribute lines $6A2B CP H ; valid row? $6A2C JR C,$6A37 ; no $6A2E CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $6A31 LD A,(HL) ; get the attribute $6A32 CP D ; same? $6A33 JR NZ,$6A37 ; no $6A35 LD (HL),$00 ; yes, so clear attribute to black ink and paper *$6A37 POP HL ; $6A38 RET ; ; gradual pixel screen clear ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6C90, #R$6F63 and #R$8426. ; ; Input:H row ; L column ; B columns to clear ; C rows to clear c$6A39 PUSH HL ; $6A3A PUSH BC ; $6A3B LD D,$FE ; $6A3D LD E,D ; *$6A3E PUSH BC ; $6A3F PUSH HL ; *$6A40 PUSH HL ; $6A41 CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address $6A44 LD B,$04 ; *$6A46 LD A,(HL) ; $6A47 AND A ; $6A48 JR Z,$6A51 ; *$6A4A RRC D ; $6A4C AND D ; $6A4D CP (HL) ; $6A4E JR Z,$6A4A ; $6A50 LD (HL),A ; *$6A51 INC H ; $6A52 LD A,(HL) ; $6A53 AND A ; $6A54 JR Z,$6A5D ; *$6A56 RLC E ; $6A58 AND E ; $6A59 CP (HL) ; $6A5A JR Z,$6A56 ; $6A5C LD (HL),A ; *$6A5D INC H ; $6A5E DJNZ $6A46 ; $6A60 POP HL ; $6A61 INC H ; $6A62 DEC C ; $6A63 JR NZ,$6A40 ; $6A65 POP HL ; $6A66 INC L ; $6A67 POP BC ; $6A68 DJNZ $6A3E ; $6A6A POP BC ; $6A6B POP HL ; $6A6C RET ; ; clear character ; ; (clears with black ink and a blank space) ; ; Input:B holds the columns to clear ; C holds the rows to clear c$6A6D PUSH BC ; $6A6E PUSH HL ; *$6A6F PUSH HL ; $6A70 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $6A73 LD A,(HL) ; $6A74 POP HL ; $6A75 AND $07 ; $6A77 JR Z,$6A80 ; jump if ink already black $6A79 XOR A ; set black ink $6A7A LD DE,$3D00 ; start of character set (space) $6A7D CALL $6932 ; display character *$6A80 INC L ; $6A81 DJNZ $6A6F ; $6A83 POP HL ; $6A84 INC H ; $6A85 POP BC ; $6A86 DEC C ; $6A87 JR NZ,$6A6D ; $6A89 RET ; ; display number ; ; Used by the routines at #R$696F, #R$721C and #R$78ED. ; ; Input:A number c$6A8A PUSH HL ; $6A8B ADD A,A ; $6A8C ADD A,A ; $6A8D ADD A,A ; multiply by 8 to locate correct number (as there are 8 bytes per number graphic) $6A8E LD L,A ; $6A8F LD H,$00 ; $6A91 LD DE,$697D ; base of number graphics 0-9 $6A94 ADD HL,DE ; hl now points to correct number $6A95 EX DE,HL ; $6A96 POP HL ; $6A97 LD A,C ; c holds the colour $6A98 CALL $6932 ; display character (number) $6A9B RET ; ; set sound affect ; ; Used by the routines at #R$70D1, #R$7139, #R$7176, #R$7396, #R$75DE, #R$7625, #R$76D8, #R$7823, #R$7847, #R$7872, ; #R$789D, #R$78ED, #R$7A77, #R$8064 and #R$F7D0. ; ; Input:A sound affect c$6A9C PUSH HL ; $6A9D PUSH BC ; $6A9E LD C,A ; $6A9F LD B,$03 ; 3 sounds affects $6AA1 LD HL,$6AF9 ; sound affect table *$6AA4 LD A,(HL) ; $6AA5 CP $30 ; anything there? ($30=default) $6AA7 JR NC,$6AAE ; no $6AA9 INC HL ; check next slot $6AAA DJNZ $6AA4 ; $6AAC JR $6AAF ; *$6AAE LD (HL),C ; place sound affect *$6AAF POP BC ; $6AB0 POP HL ; $6AB1 RET ; ; set up tune ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6C73, #R$71A0 and #R$8426. ; ; Input:A incoming tune c$6AB2 PUSH HL ; $6AB3 PUSH DE ; $6AB4 PUSH BC ; $6AB5 LD HL,$5AC0 ; note attribute on screen $6AB8 BIT 7,(HL) ; is there a tune already playing? 5ac0 is the attribute above the records played so flashing ; +$80 = playing $6ABA JR NZ,$6AE9 ; yes, so exit $6ABC LD D,A ; d=sound affect $6ABD LD HL,$FC29 ; tune data table $6AC0 AND A ; sound affect=0? $6AC1 JR Z,$6ACB ; yes $6AC3 LD A,$FF ; *$6AC5 LD C,A ; $6AC6 CPIR ; $6AC8 DEC D ; reached correct sound affect? $6AC9 JR NZ,$6AC5 ; no ; hl now points to correct sound affect *$6ACB EX DE,HL ; $6ACC LD B,$03 ; $6ACE LD HL,$6AEE ; *$6AD1 LD A,(HL) ; $6AD2 AND A ; $6AD3 JR NZ,$6AE3 ; $6AD5 DEC HL ; $6AD6 LD (HL),E ; $6AD7 INC HL ; pointer to sound affect $6AD8 LD (HL),D ; $6AD9 LD A,(DE) ; $6ADA CALL $6B9A ; $6ADD INC HL ; $6ADE LD (HL),E ; $6ADF INC HL ; $6AE0 LD (HL),D ; $6AE1 JR $6AE9 ; *$6AE3 INC HL ; $6AE4 INC HL ; $6AE5 INC HL ; $6AE6 INC HL ; $6AE7 DJNZ $6AD1 ; *$6AE9 POP BC ; $6AEA POP DE ; $6AEB POP HL ; $6AEC RET ; ; tune table b$6AED DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $6AF1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $6AF5 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; sound affect table b$6AF9 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF $6AFC DEFB $00 ; sound affect counter (0,1,2 then start at 0 again) ; used to grab data from $6af9, $6afa and $6afb ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6CB2 and #R$71A0. c$6AFD LD B,$03 ; $6AFF LD IY,$6AED ; $6B03 EXX ; $6B04 LD HL,$6AF9 ; $6B07 EXX ; *$6B08 LD L,(IY+$00) ; $6B0B LD H,(IY+$01) ; $6B0E LD A,H ; $6B0F AND A ; anything there? $6B10 JR Z,$6B3E ; no $6B12 DEC (IY+$03) ; $6B15 JR NZ,$6B38 ; jump if counter>0 $6B17 INC HL ; $6B18 LD A,(HL) ; $6B19 CP $FF ; end of the tune? $6B1B JR NZ,$6B28 ; no $6B1D LD HL,$5AC0 ; note attribute on screen $6B20 RES 7,(HL) ; stop flashing $6B22 LD (IY+$01),$00 ; clear the tune $6B26 JR $6B3E ; *$6B28 LD (IY+$00),L ; $6B2B LD (IY+$01),H ; $6B2E CALL $6B9A ; $6B31 LD (IY+$02),E ; $6B34 INC HL ; $6B35 LD (IY+$03),D ; *$6B38 LD A,(IY+$02) ; get the sound affect $6B3B EXX ; $6B3C LD (HL),A ; place it $6B3D EXX ; *$6B3E LD DE,$0004 ; $6B41 ADD IY,DE ; check next slot $6B43 EXX ; $6B44 INC HL ; $6B45 EXX ; $6B46 DJNZ $6B08 ; $6B48 LD B,$03 ; 3 sound affects *$6B4A LD HL,$6AFC ; sound affect counter $6B4D LD A,(HL) ; get counter $6B4E INC A ; add 1 $6B4F CP $03 ; does counter=3? $6B51 JR NZ,$6B54 ; no $6B53 XOR A ; yes, so reset counter to zero *$6B54 LD (HL),A ; $6B55 LD E,A ; $6B56 LD HL,$6AF9 ; sound affect table $6B59 ADD HL,DE ; $6B5A LD A,(HL) ; grab a sound affect $6B5B LD C,$30 ; $6B5D CP C ; <$30? $6B5E JR NC,$6B6A ; no ; reset the sound affect table $6B60 LD HL,$6AF9 ; sound affect table $6B63 LD (HL),C ; $6B64 INC HL ; $6B65 LD (HL),C ; $6B66 INC HL ; $6B67 LD (HL),C ; $6B68 JR $6B75 ; *$6B6A DJNZ $6B4A ; ; delay $6B6C LD BC,$0548 ; *$6B6F DEC BC ; $6B70 LD A,B ; $6B71 OR C ; $6B72 JR NZ,$6B6F ; $6B74 RET ; *$6B75 LD C,A ; $6B76 ADD A,A ; $6B77 LD E,A ; $6B78 LD D,$00 ; $6B7A LD HL,$6BAF ; note data for beeper table $6B7D ADD HL,DE ; $6B7E LD E,(HL) ; $6B7F INC HL ; $6B80 LD L,(HL) ; $6B81 LD H,D ; $6B82 LD A,C ; $6B83 CP $1F ; $6B85 JR NC,$6B91 ; $6B87 LD A,E ; $6B88 AND $07 ; $6B8A LD H,A ; $6B8B SRL E ; $6B8D SRL E ; $6B8F SRL E ; ; START OF QUOTING FROM SPECTRUM ROM DISASSEMBLY by Dr. Ian Logan and Dr. Frank O'Hara. This subroutine is entered ; with the DE register pair holding the value 'f*t', where a note of given frequency 'f' is to have a duration of ; 't' seconds, and the HL register pair holding a value equal to the number of T states in the 'timing loop' divided ; by '4'. i.e. For the note 'middle C' to be produced for one second DE holds +0105 (INT(261.3 * 1)) and HL holds ; +066A (derived from 6,689/4 - 30.125). END OF QUOTING ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6AFD. c$6B91 CALL $03B5 ; call beeper ; Routine at 6B94 c$6B94 DI ; $6B95 LD A,C ; 'c' always 8 $6B96 LD ($5BFF),A ; $6B99 RET ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$6AB2 and #R$6AFD. *$6B9A LD D,A ; $6B9B AND $1F ; and %00011111 $6B9D LD E,A ; $6B9E AND A ; $6B9F JR NZ,$6BA3 ; $6BA1 LD E,$30 ; *$6BA3 LD A,D ; $6BA4 AND $E0 ; and %11100000 $6BA6 RLCA ; $6BA7 RLCA ; $6BA8 RLCA ; $6BA9 INC A ; $6BAA LD D,A ; $6BAB ADD A,A ; $6BAC ADD A,D ; $6BAD LD D,A ; $6BAE RET ; ; note data for beeper b$6BAF DEFB $1E,$6B,$1E,$0D $6BB3 DEFB $1D,$B4,$25,$61 $6BB7 DEFB $25,$14,$24,$C7 $6BBB DEFB $24,$81,$24,$3E $6BBF DEFB $2C,$00,$2B,$C5 $6BC3 DEFB $2B,$8D,$2B,$58 $6BC7 DEFB $2B,$26,$2A,$F8 $6BCB DEFB $2A,$CB,$32,$A1 $6BCF DEFB $32,$7B,$32,$55 $6BD3 DEFB $3A,$32,$3A,$10 $6BD7 DEFB $41,$F1,$41,$D4 $6BDB DEFB $49,$B8,$49,$9D $6BDF DEFB $51,$84,$59,$6D $6BE3 DEFB $59,$57,$61,$42 $6BE7 DEFB $69,$2F,$69,$1C $6BEB DEFB $71,$0A,$0F,$F9 $6BEF DEFB $10,$EA,$11,$DB $6BF3 DEFB $12,$CD,$13,$C0 $6BF7 DEFB $14,$B3,$16,$A8 $6BFB DEFB $17,$9D,$18,$92 $6BFF DEFB $1A,$89,$1B,$7F $6C03 DEFB $1D,$76,$1F,$6E $6C07 DEFB $21,$66,$23,$5F $6C0B DEFB $25,$58,$27,$51 ; Routine at 6C0F ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6CB2 and #R$6D00. c$6C0F LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $6C12 CP $40 ; is dan on the bottom row of screens on a level? $6C14 LD A,$12 ; set max. attribute lines=18 $6C16 JR NC,$6C47 ; no, not on bottom row of screens $6C18 LD B,$20 ; 32 columns $6C1A LD HL,$5A40 ; attribute at LHS of play area *$6C1D LD (HL),$4F ; 64+8+7= bright, blue paper, white ink $6C1F INC L ; $6C20 DJNZ $6C1D ; place attribute in every column at bottom of play area $6C22 LD A,($5BD8) ; $6C25 RRA ; $6C26 AND $03 ; will be 0,1,2 or 3 $6C28 LD C,A ; $6C29 ADD A,A ; multiply by 5 $6C2A ADD A,A ; $6C2B ADD A,C ; $6C2C LD HL,$6C4B ; start of 'surf' graphics on water $6C2F LD C,A ; $6C30 ADD HL,BC ; move to correct graphics in sequence $6C31 EX DE,HL ; $6C32 LD C,$05 ; 5 rows of graphics $6C34 LD HL,$5040 ; screen location to start at LHS of screen *$6C37 LD B,$20 ; $6C39 PUSH HL ; $6C3A LD A,(DE) ; *$6C3B LD (HL),A ; write graphic in every column (32 times) $6C3C INC L ; $6C3D DJNZ $6C3B ; $6C3F POP HL ; $6C40 INC H ; $6C41 INC DE ; $6C42 DEC C ; $6C43 JR NZ,$6C37 ; repeat for all 5 rows $6C45 LD A,$11 ; *$6C47 LD ($5BFE),A ; set max. attribute lines=17 due to water $6C4A RET ; ; 'surf' graphics for water b$6C4B DEFB $0C,$16,$68,$80,$00 $6C50 DEFB $00,$02,$84,$18,$20 $6C55 DEFB $C0,$21,$02,$48,$00 $6C5A DEFB $00,$10,$58,$21,$02 ; clear sound affects ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6C73 and #R$71A0. c$6C5F LD HL,$6AED ; $6C62 LD DE,$6AEE ; clear area $6aed-$6af8 (12 bytes) $6C65 LD BC,$000B ; $6C68 LD (HL),B ; $6C69 LDIR ; $6C6B LD A,$30 ; $6C6D LD (DE),A ; $6C6E INC DE ; $6C6F LD (DE),A ; $6af9-$6afb = $30 (3 bytes) $6C70 INC DE ; $6C71 LD (DE),A ; $6C72 RET ; ; initialise tune ; ; Used by the routines at #R$78ED, #R$7A77, #R$8426 and #R$F7D0. c$6C73 PUSH HL ; $6C74 PUSH DE ; $6C75 PUSH BC ; $6C76 LD HL,$5AC0 ; note attribute on screen $6C79 BIT 7,(HL) ; jukebox tune already playing? 5ac0 is the attribute above the records played so flashing ; +$80=playing $6C7B JR NZ,$6C8B ; yes, jukebox tune playing so exit $6C7D PUSH AF ; preserve sound affect $6C7E CALL $6C5F ; clear sound affects $6C81 POP AF ; restore sound affect $6C82 LD B,A ; b=sound affect $6C83 CALL $6AB2 ; set up tune $6C86 LD A,B ; $6C87 INC A ; $6C88 CALL $6AB2 ; set up tune *$6C8B POP BC ; $6C8C POP DE ; $6C8D POP HL ; $6C8E RET ; ; Data block at 6C8F b$6C8F DEFB $CD ; START c$6C90 DI ; $6C91 EXX ; $6C92 PUSH HL ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$6CB2, #R$7139, #R$811A and #R$F7D0. *$6C93 LD A,$07 ; start at attribute 7 (white) *$6C95 EX AF,AF' ; $6C96 LD HL,$0000 ; starting position (h=row, l=column) $6C99 LD BC,$2018 ; b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $6C9C CALL $6A39 ; gradual pixel screen clear $6C9F EX AF,AF' ; $6CA0 LD HL,$5800 ; $6CA3 LD DE,$5801 ; $6CA6 LD BC,$02FF ; clear attributes in current colour $6CA9 LD (HL),A ; $6CAA LDIR ; $6CAC DEC A ; $6CAD JR NZ,$6C95 ; next attribute $6CAF CALL $71A0 ; initialise ; main game loop c$6CB2 CALL $6861 ; control $6CB5 CALL $F7D0 ; level completed $6CB8 CALL $78ED ; dan $6CBB CALL $70D1 ; energy $6CBE CALL $6AFD ; music $6CC1 CALL $6C0F ; add water graphics if on bottom of screens $6CC4 CALL $7368 ; enemies $6CC7 CALL $8426 ; item management $6CCA CALL $6F30 ; check if blowing a door open $6CCD CALL $8192 ; blitzen $6CD0 CALL $6F9D ; secret passages $6CD3 LD A,$DF ; $6CD5 IN A,($FE) ; $6CD7 RRA ; $6CD8 JR C,$6CE7 ; jump if we didn't press the p(ause) key $6CDA CALL $6CF0 ; *$6CDD LD A,$DF ; $6CDF IN A,($FE) ; $6CE1 RRA ; $6CE2 JR C,$6CDD ; $6CE4 CALL $6CF0 ; *$6CE7 LD A,$FB ; $6CE9 IN A,($FE) ; $6CEB RRA ; $6CEC JR C,$6CB2 ; jump if we didn't press the Q(uit) key $6CEE JR $6C93 ; Q(uit) key pressed so restart game ; Routine at 6CF0 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$6CF0 XOR A ; $6CF1 IN A,($FE) ; $6CF3 CPL ; $6CF4 AND $1F ; $6CF6 JR NZ,$6CF0 ; $6CF8 RET ; ; unused bytes b$6CF9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; draw/initialise new room ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6F9D, #R$721C and #R$8006. c$6D00 LD HL,$5BD9 ; $6D03 LD (HL),A ; new screen number $6D04 LD D,A ; $6D05 CP $C0 ; blimp room? $6D07 JR Z,$6D10 ; yes $6D09 RRA ; $6D0A RRA ; $6D0B RRA ; $6D0C AND $07 ; $6D0E INC HL ; hl=5bda (8- [$5bda]=current level) $6D0F LD (HL),A ; update level (8- this byte=current level) *$6D10 LD HL,$8F76 ; screen data table $6D13 LD A,D ; room number $6D14 AND A ; zero? $6D15 JR Z,$6D34 ; yes $6D17 LD A,$FF ; end of data marker(byte to search for) *$6D19 LD C,A ; length of search will be also $ff $6D1A CPIR ; search for $ff $6D1C DEC D ; $6D1D JR NZ,$6D19 ; repeat until at correct screen data for room ; hl now points to correct screen data 2 $6D1F LD A,(HL) ; get 1st byte $6D20 AND $03 ; bits 0,1 (number of ladders 0-3) $6D22 LD E,A ; e=number of ladders in room $6D23 LD A,(HL) ; get 1st byte $6D24 AND $8C ; bits 2,3,7 (4,8,128) bit 2 set=there are ladders in the room bit 3 set=there's a jukebox in ; the room bit 7 set=there's a door in the room $6D26 INC HL ; $6D27 LD B,$06 ; check bits 8,7,6,5,4,3 *$6D29 RLA ; to see if they're set $6D2A JR NC,$6D2D ; not set $6D2C INC E ; set, so add 1 to total for each bit set *$6D2D DJNZ $6D29 ; $6D2F INC E ; $6D30 INC E ; $6D31 INC E ; add 4 to total $6D32 INC E ; $6D33 ADD HL,DE ; *$6D34 PUSH HL ; $6D35 POP IY ; iy now points to correct screen data $6D37 LD B,$13 ; no. of lines to clear $6D39 CALL $673D ; clear screen (19 lines) $6D3C CALL $6C0F ; add water graphics if on bottom of screens $6D3F CALL $6E61 ; draw screen $6D42 LD HL,$5BD9 ; screen no. $6D45 LD A,(HL) ; $6D46 CP $C0 ; is dan in the blimp room? $6D48 JR NZ,$6D79 ; no $6D4A LD A,($5BF8) ; $6D4D BIT 2,A ; entering a new level? $6D4F JR NZ,$6D76 ; yes $6D51 INC HL ; hl now points to current level (8- this byte=current level) $6D52 LD A,(HL) ; $6D53 ADD A,$DD ; add level to minimum value $dd ($dd=start of landing area graphics) $6D55 LD HL,$100A ; row 16, column 10 $6D58 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6D5B CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only $6D5E LD L,H ; $6D5F CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6D62 CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only (back to normal) $6D65 LD HL,$070E ; row 7, column 14 $6D68 LD A,$3C ; $6D6A CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6D6D LD B,$0C ; $6D6F INC A ; *$6D70 INC H ; $6D71 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6D74 DJNZ $6D70 ; *$6D76 JP $6E39 ; *$6D79 PUSH IY ; iy points to 1 less than start of current room data $6D7B POP HL ; $6D7C INC HL ; hl now points to start of current room data 2 $6D7D LD ($5BC0),HL ; preserve pointer to start of current room data 2 $6D80 LD A,(HL) ; $6D81 AND $03 ; get the quantity 0-3 $6D83 INC A ; add one 1-4 $6D84 LD C,A ; $6D85 LD D,(HL) ; $6D86 INC HL ; $6D87 BIT 2,D ; are there ladders in the room? $6D89 JR Z,$6DA3 ; no *$6D8B LD A,(HL) ; $6D8C PUSH HL ; $6D8D CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6D90 LD A,$3C ; ladder graphic $6D92 CALL $6807 ; draw ladder graphic $6D95 INC A ; next ladder graphic $6D96 LD B,$05 ; draw five of second ladder graphic *$6D98 INC H ; $6D99 CALL $6807 ; draw ladder graphic $6D9C DJNZ $6D98 ; $6D9E POP HL ; $6D9F INC HL ; $6DA0 DEC C ; draw next ladder $6DA1 JR NZ,$6D8B ; *$6DA3 BIT 3,D ; is there a jukebox in the room? $6DA5 JR Z,$6DB6 ; no $6DA7 PUSH HL ; $6DA8 LD A,(HL) ; $6DA9 CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6DAC LD ($5BC4),HL ; $6DAF LD A,$37 ; $6DB1 CALL $6F1C ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side $6DB4 POP HL ; $6DB5 INC HL ; *$6DB6 BIT 7,D ; is there a door in the room? $6DB8 JR Z,$6DD8 ; no $6DBA PUSH HL ; $6DBB LD A,(HL) ; $6DBC CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6DBF LD ($5BC6),HL ; $6DC2 BIT 4,D ; is the door still active? (not blown) $6DC4 JR Z,$6DD6 ; no $6DC6 INC L ; $6DC7 LD A,$40 ; graphic $6DC9 LD C,$02 ; set door colour=red $6DCB CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6DCE DEC L ; $6DCF INC H ; $6DD0 DEC A ; a=$3f $6DD1 LD C,$06 ; set door handle colour=yellow $6DD3 CALL $6807 ; display graphic ; get the coordinates of 4 items for the room (even if not 4 items in room) ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6D00. c$6DD6 POP HL ; $6DD7 INC HL ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6D00. *$6DD8 LD C,L ; $6DD9 LD B,H ; bc now points to start of item placement coordinate lookup values $6DDA LD DE,$5BC8 ; room items $6DDD PUSH DE ; $6DDE LD A,$04 ; 4 coordinates per room *$6DE0 EX AF,AF' ; $6DE1 LD A,(BC) ; $6DE2 CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6DE5 EX DE,HL ; $6DE6 LD (HL),E ; set column $6DE7 INC HL ; $6DE8 LD (HL),D ; set row $6DE9 INC HL ; $6DEA LD (HL),$00 ; set item clear $6DEC EX DE,HL ; $6DED INC DE ; $6DEE INC DE ; $6DEF INC BC ; $6DF0 EX AF,AF' ; $6DF1 DEC A ; repeat for all 4 coordinates $6DF2 JR NZ,$6DE0 ; $6DF4 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $6DF7 LD C,A ; $6DF8 LD L,A ; $6DF9 LD H,$5B ; hl now points to current room item data $6DFB LD ($5BC2),HL ; $6DFE LD D,(HL) ; room item data now in 'd' register $6DFF LD E,$01 ; set the bit we are dealing with (bit 0 at start) $6E01 LD A,$64 ; first item number (fuel) $6E03 LD HL,$5BCA ; location of first item in a room $6E06 CALL $6E4A ; place item if bit 0 or 1 set (block 4 fuel and record) $6E09 CALL $6E4A ; place item if bit 2 or 3 set (block 3 bomb and goggles) $6E0C LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $6E0F LD B,A ; $6E10 ADD A,A ; $6E11 ADD A,B ; a=a*3 $6E12 ADD A,$68 ; pending level, will point to either torch, skull, gem, crossbow, dumbbell, snips, fan or ; mike, ie. 1st item of 3 special items for the level $6E14 CALL $6E4A ; place item if bit 4 or 5 set (first or second special item) $6E17 CALL $6E55 ; place item if bit 6 set (third special item) $6E1A LD A,C ; screen number $6E1B RLCA ; $6E1C RLCA ; $6E1D ADD A,C ; $6E1E AND $07 ; $6E20 ADD A,$80 ; 'a' register now contains a food item $80-$87 $6E22 CALL $6E55 ; place item if bit 7 set (food) ; draw any items in current room c$6E25 POP HL ; $6E26 LD B,$04 ; check each item *$6E28 LD E,(HL) ; get column $6E29 INC HL ; $6E2A LD D,(HL) ; get row $6E2B INC HL ; $6E2C LD A,(HL) ; $6E2D AND A ; anything there? $6E2E JR Z,$6E35 ; no ; yes, so draw it $6E30 EX DE,HL ; $6E31 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6E34 EX DE,HL ; *$6E35 INC HL ; $6E36 INC HL ; move to next item $6E37 DJNZ $6E28 ; ; enemy table starts $7330 *$6E39 LD HL,$7332 ; $6E3C LD B,$04 ; 4 sprites *$6E3E LD (HL),$80 ; set initialise $6E40 LD DE,$000E ; $6E43 ADD HL,DE ; next sprite $6E44 DJNZ $6E3E ; $6E46 CALL $7ECA ; $6E49 RET ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6DD6. *$6E4A CALL $6E55 ; place item $6E4D CALL $6E55 ; place item $6E50 INC HL ; $6E51 INC HL ; $6E52 INC HL ; $6E53 INC HL ; hl now points to next item $6E54 RET ; ; place an item if particular bit set ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6DD6 and #R$6E25. ; ; Input:D contains room item data c$6E55 RR D ; $6E57 JR NC,$6E5D ; nothing there $6E59 LD (HL),A ; store the item $6E5A INC HL ; $6E5B LD (HL),E ; store the bit set $6E5C DEC HL ; *$6E5D INC A ; $6E5E RLC E ; move to next bit we are dealing with $6E60 RET ; ; draw screen ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00, #R$6ED0 and #R$71A0. c$6E61 LD A,(IY+$01) ; coordinate lookup value $6E64 CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6E67 LD C,(IY+$02) ; graphic $6E6A LD A,(IY+$00) ; $6E6D INC A ; $6E6E RET Z ; exit if a=$ff (end of data marker) $6E6F INC A ; $6E70 JR Z,$6E91 ; draw horizontally ($fe) $6E72 INC A ; $6E73 JR Z,$6EAA ; draw vertically ($fd) $6E75 INC A ; $6E76 JR Z,$6EBC ; draw mirror image of graphic ($fc) $6E78 INC A ; $6E79 JR Z,$6ECA ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side ($fb) $6E7B INC A ; $6E7C JR Z,$6ED0 ; draw universal screen data ($fa) $6E7E SUB $06 ; restore coordinate lookup value $6E80 CALL $6EFD ; look up coordinate $6E83 LD A,(IY+$01) ; coordinate lookup value $6E86 CALL $6807 ; display graphic ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6ED0. *$6E89 LD E,$02 ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$6E91 and #R$6EBC. *$6E8B LD D,$00 ; $6E8D ADD IY,DE ; next graphic data $6E8F JR $6E61 ; ; draw horizontally ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6E61. c$6E91 CALL $6F0C ; get length and gap, output d=length, e=gap $6E94 LD A,C ; graphic to be drawn $6E95 CALL $6EEE ; find appropriate graphic data and get graphic size $6E98 LD C,A ; temp store graphic $6E99 LD A,B ; a=graphic size (columns) $6E9A LD B,D ; b=length $6E9B LD D,$00 ; $6E9D ADD A,E ; add the gap onto the size $6E9E LD E,A ; $6E9F LD A,C ; restore graphic ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6EAA. *$6EA0 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6EA3 ADD HL,DE ; add size+gap onto coordinate to get new coordinate (column) $6EA4 DJNZ $6EA0 ; $6EA6 LD E,$04 ; move to next graphic data $6EA8 JR $6E8B ; ; draw vertically ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6E61. c$6EAA CALL $6F0C ; get length and gap, output d=length, e=gap $6EAD LD A,C ; graphic to be drawn $6EAE CALL $6EEE ; find appropriate graphic data and get graphic size $6EB1 LD B,A ; temp store graphic $6EB2 LD A,C ; a=graphic size (rows) $6EB3 LD C,D ; temp store length $6EB4 ADD A,E ; add the gap onto the size $6EB5 LD D,A ; $6EB6 LD E,$00 ; $6EB8 LD A,B ; restore graphic $6EB9 LD B,C ; restore length $6EBA JR $6EA0 ; display it ; draw mirror image of graphic ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6E61. c$6EBC LD A,C ; graphic $6EBD CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only $6EC0 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6EC3 CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only (back to normal) ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6ECA. *$6EC6 LD E,$03 ; $6EC8 JR $6E8B ; ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6E61. c$6ECA LD A,C ; $6ECB CALL $6F1C ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side $6ECE JR $6EC6 ; ; draw universal screen data ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6E61. c$6ED0 PUSH IY ; $6ED2 LD D,(IY+$01) ; $6ED5 LD HL,$878A ; $6ED8 LD A,D ; $6ED9 AND A ; $6EDA JR Z,$6EE4 ; $6EDC LD A,$FF ; *$6EDE LD C,A ; $6EDF CPIR ; $6EE1 DEC D ; $6EE2 JR NZ,$6EDE ; *$6EE4 PUSH HL ; $6EE5 POP IY ; $6EE7 CALL $6E61 ; draw screen $6EEA POP IY ; $6EEC JR $6E89 ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$6E91, #R$6EAA and #R$6F1C. *$6EEE PUSH AF ; $6EEF PUSH DE ; $6EF0 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $6EF3 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $6EF6 LD A,(DE) ; de now points to correct graphic $6EF7 CALL $6724 ; get graphic size (b=width (number of columns 1-8), c=height (number of rows 1-8)) $6EFA POP DE ; $6EFB POP AF ; $6EFC RET ; ; look up coordinate ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00, #R$6DD6 and #R$6E61. ; ; Input:A incoming ; Output:H row coordinate ; L column coordinate c$6EFD PUSH BC ; $6EFE LD L,A ; $6EFF LD H,$00 ; $6F01 ADD HL,HL ; $6F02 LD BC,$FA0C ; coordinate lookup table $6F05 ADD HL,BC ; $6F06 LD A,(HL) ; $6F07 INC HL ; $6F08 LD L,(HL) ; $6F09 LD H,A ; $6F0A POP BC ; $6F0B RET ; ; calculate the number of times to draw a graphic and the gap to leave between each instance ; ; get length (number of times to draw graphic) (bits 0-4) and gap (bits 5-7) ; ; Output:D length (number of times to draw graphic) ; E gap c$6F0C LD A,(IY+$03) ; gap+length $6F0F LD E,A ; $6F10 AND $1F ; get the length $6F12 INC A ; add 1 to length $6F13 LD D,A ; $6F14 LD A,E ; $6F15 RLCA ; $6F16 RLCA ; multiply by 8 $6F17 RLCA ; $6F18 AND $07 ; mask off the gap we want before drawing ; next instance of graphic $6F1A LD E,A ; $6F1B RET ; ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6D00 and #R$6ECA. c$6F1C CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6F1F CALL $6EEE ; find appropriate graphic data and get graphic size $6F22 LD C,B ; $6F23 LD B,$00 ; $6F25 ADD HL,BC ; $6F26 CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only $6F29 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $6F2C CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only (back to normal) $6F2F RET ; ; Routine at 6F30 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$6F30 LD HL,$5BF0 ; time until door blows open $6F33 LD A,(HL) ; $6F34 AND A ; is dan blowing a door open? $6F35 RET Z ; no $6F36 DEC (HL) ; yes, so decrease the counter by 1 $6F37 RET Z ; exit if zero $6F38 LD A,($5BD9) ; room no. $6F3B LD B,A ; $6F3C LD A,($5BF1) ; door blows open room no. $6F3F CP B ; in the same room as the door that dan set for blowing? $6F40 RET NZ ; no, so exit $6F41 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $6F44 AND $07 ; mask bits 0..2 (this will be the ink colour for the door) $6F46 LD C,A ; ink colour $6F47 JR Z,$6F4D ; jump if zero (black) $6F49 CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder colour) $6F4B JR NZ,$6F4E ; no *$6F4D INC C ; add 1 to ink colour (occurs if black or cyan (ladder colour)) *$6F4E LD A,($5BF0) ; time until door blows open, first pass value=$2f (47) $6F51 LD HL,($5BC6) ; get the door coordinates $6F54 CP $1C ; $6F56 JR C,$6F63 ; jump if time less than 28 $6F58 INC L ; add 1 to column $6F59 LD A,$40 ; graphic $6F5B CALL $6807 ; draw graphic $6F5E DEC L ; subtract 1 from column $6F5F INC H ; add 1 to row $6F60 DEC A ; graphic =$3f $6F61 JR $6F73 ; ; first pass time=$1b (27) ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6F30. c$6F63 CP $0A ; $6F65 JR C,$6F76 ; jump if time less than 10 $6F67 PUSH HL ; preserve door coordinates $6F68 SUB $0A ; $6F6A LD E,A ; $6F6B LD D,$00 ; $6F6D LD HL,$6F8A ; door blowing open graphic table $6F70 ADD HL,DE ; $6F71 LD A,(HL) ; $6F72 POP HL ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$6F30. *$6F73 JP $6807 ; draw graphic *$6F76 LD BC,$0204 ; b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $6F79 DEC A ; $6F7A JP NZ,$6A39 ; gradual pixel screen clear $6F7D PUSH HL ; $6F7E PUSH BC ; $6F7F CALL $7DE8 ; copy background graphics around dan to screen $6F82 POP BC ; $6F83 POP HL ; $6F84 CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $6F87 JP $7ECA ; ; graphics for door blowing open 'BOOM' ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Value(n) | =h Description } ; { $11 | large 'BOOM' } ; { $10 | small 'BOOM' } ; { $0F | very small explosion } ; TABLE# b$6F8A DEFB $11,$11,$11,$11,$10,$11,$11,$10,$11 $6F93 DEFB $10,$0F,$10,$10,$11,$0F,$10,$10,$0F ; unused - line at 6f54 may meant to be 'cp $1d' to read this value b$6F9C DEFB $0F ; Routine at 6F9D ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$6F9D LD B,$20 ; check all 32 secret passage rooms $6F9F LD HL,$6FEA ; secret passage table $6FA2 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number *$6FA5 CP (HL) ; $6FA6 JR Z,$6FAF ; jump if match $6FA8 LD DE,$0006 ; $6FAB ADD HL,DE ; check next room $6FAC DJNZ $6FA5 ; $6FAE RET ; *$6FAF INC HL ; hl now points to required column for dan to be standing in $6FB0 LD DE,$5BE9 ; dan column $6FB3 LD A,(DE) ; $6FB4 CP (HL) ; is dan in the correct column? $6FB5 RET NZ ; no, so exit $6FB6 LD A,($5BE8) ; dan attributes $6FB9 BIT 3,A ; got the 'open secret passages' attribute? $6FBB RET Z ; no, so exit $6FBC INC HL ; hl now points to the required row for dan to be standing in $6FBD INC DE ; de now points to dan row $6FBE LD A,(DE) ; $6FBF CP (HL) ; is dan on the correct row? $6FC0 JR Z,$6FC5 ; yes $6FC2 DEC A ; no, so try the next row down $6FC3 CP (HL) ; is dan on the correct row? $6FC4 RET NZ ; no, still not so exit *$6FC5 EX DE,HL ; $6FC6 INC HL ; hl now points to $5beb $6FC7 LD (HL),$08 ; dan line=8 $6FC9 DEC HL ; $6FCA INC DE ; $6FCB LD A,(DE) ; $6FCC LD (HL),A ; update dan's row to where starting in new room $6FCD INC DE ; $6FCE DEC HL ; $6FCF LD A,(DE) ; $6FD0 LD B,A ; b now holds dan's column where starting in new room $6FD1 LD A,($5BE7) ; $6FD4 RRA ; is dan facing right? $6FD5 JR NC,$6FD8 ; yes $6FD7 DEC B ; column in new room=column in new room-1 *$6FD8 LD (HL),B ; update dan's column to where starting in new room $6FD9 INC DE ; $6FDA LD A,(DE) ; get the room that dan will be transported to $6FDB CALL $6D00 ; draw/initialise new room $6FDE LD A,$6D ; $6FE0 CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the scissors? $6FE3 RET NZ ; exit if no $6FE4 LD A,$66 ; $6FE6 LD ($5BF9),A ; give dan a bomb $6FE9 RET ; ; secret passage table ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h Description } ; { 1 | room no. that dan is currently in } ; { 2 | dan column } ; { 3 | dan row } ; { 4 | dan new row (new room) } ; { 5 | dan new column (new room) } ; { 6 | room no. that dan will be transported to } ; TABLE# b$6FEA DEFB $7B,$09,$01,$0E,$03,$7E ; level 1 $6FF0 DEFB $B8,$1A,$04,$06,$14,$7B $6FF6 DEFB $79,$03,$0E,$04,$0F,$C0 $6FFC DEFB $3F,$0E,$0E,$08,$0F,$3A $7002 DEFB $B4,$12,$03,$03,$01,$77 ; level 2 $7008 DEFB $75,$18,$0C,$03,$01,$73 $700E DEFB $76,$01,$03,$08,$10,$B1 $7014 DEFB $32,$05,$0E,$06,$0A,$75 $701A DEFB $2F,$1A,$0C,$0C,$0A,$28 ; level 3 $7020 DEFB $2A,$13,$0A,$06,$17,$2D $7026 DEFB $29,$17,$02,$0B,$10,$AE $702C DEFB $6F,$16,$06,$0C,$0A,$A8 $7032 DEFB $A6,$11,$08,$04,$11,$61 ; level 4 $7038 DEFB $A1,$13,$04,$00,$11,$66 $703E DEFB $20,$07,$0F,$08,$13,$26 $7044 DEFB $67,$10,$08,$08,$13,$21 $704A DEFB $5B,$0A,$0F,$00,$09,$9F ; level 5 $7050 DEFB $1F,$13,$0A,$04,$0F,$C0 $7056 DEFB $1B,$04,$0E,$00,$15,$98 $705C DEFB $12,$07,$0C,$04,$18,$96 ; level 6 $7062 DEFB $16,$09,$0C,$09,$0A,$93 $7068 DEFB $91,$07,$04,$0B,$07,$17 $706E DEFB $93,$05,$0C,$04,$1B,$10 $7074 DEFB $13,$09,$0C,$0C,$10,$95 $707A DEFB $08,$10,$0C,$0C,$1A,$8F ; level 7 $7080 DEFB $0F,$16,$0C,$06,$1B,$8B $7086 DEFB $8D,$12,$06,$0A,$1B,$48 $708C DEFB $0C,$0E,$0C,$06,$05,$4C $7092 DEFB $00,$0E,$0A,$08,$0E,$44 ; level 8 $7098 DEFB $40,$0E,$09,$01,$0E,$07 $709E DEFB $47,$0E,$09,$08,$0E,$43 $70A4 DEFB $85,$08,$08,$01,$0E,$04 $70AA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; blank ; amount to add to score ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7495, #R$78ED, #R$7A77 and #R$8426. c$70B0 PUSH HL ; $70B1 PUSH DE ; $70B2 LD D,$00 ; $70B4 LD E,A ; score to add $70B5 LD HL,($5BDB) ; get any score already waiting to be added $70B8 ADD HL,DE ; add it $70B9 LD ($5BDB),HL ; update it $70BC POP DE ; $70BD POP HL ; $70BE RET ; ; add or subtract to/from energy ; ; incoming 'a' register holds the amount to add/subtract c$70BF PUSH HL ; $70C0 LD HL,$5BE2 ; add to energy $70C3 JR $70C9 ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$70D1 and #R$7F3F. *$70C5 PUSH HL ; $70C6 LD HL,$5BE3 ; subtract from energy *$70C9 ADD A,(HL) ; cumulative amount to add/subtract $70CA JR NC,$70CE ; jump if total <=255 $70CC LD A,$FF ; if total was >255 then total=255 *$70CE LD (HL),A ; store new amount at either 5be2 (adding) or 5be3 (subtracting) $70CF POP HL ; $70D0 RET ; ; Routine at 70D1 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$70D1 LD HL,$5BD8 ; counter $70D4 INC (HL) ; counter=counter+1 $70D5 LD A,(HL) ; $70D6 CP $7F ; $70D8 JR NZ,$70DF ; jump if counter<>127 ; dan will lose 1 energy unit everytime counter=127 $70DA LD A,$01 ; $70DC CALL $70C5 ; subtract from energy (energy=energy-1) *$70DF LD C,$03 ; set the 'right arrow outline' graphic (appears after word 'score') $70E1 LD A,(HL) ; hl=5bd8 (counter) $70E2 RRA ; as counter increases by 1 on each pass there will be a carry every other pass $70E3 JR NC,$7106 ; this jump will occur 1 time out of every 2 passes $70E5 LD HL,($5BDB) ; amount to add to score $70E8 LD A,H ; $70E9 OR L ; anything there? $70EA JR Z,$7106 ; no $70EC DEC C ; graphic now set to 'right arrow' (alternates between right arrow outline/right arrow) $70ED DEC HL ; subtract 1 from amount to add $70EE LD ($5BDB),HL ; store it back $70F1 LD A,$2B ; $70F3 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect ; update score c$70F6 LD HL,$5BE1 ; start at 5th digit (units) $70F9 LD B,$05 ; check each digit *$70FB INC (HL) ; current digit=current digit+1 $70FC LD A,(HL) ; $70FD CP $0A ; >10 $70FF JR C,$7106 ; no $7101 LD (HL),$00 ; yes, so reset digit to 0 $7103 DEC HL ; move to next digit $7104 DJNZ $70FB ; repeat the check for all digits ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$70D1. *$7106 LD A,$17 ; $7108 LD ($5BFE),A ; max. lines attributes $710B LD A,C ; current graphic (right arrow outline or right arrow) $710C LD HL,$1405 ; row 20, column 5 $710F CALL $6807 ; display the right arrow outline or right arrow graphic $7112 INC L ; column 6 $7113 LD DE,$5BDD ; de now points to first digit of score $7116 LD A,$03 ; colour the score digits will appear (magenta) $7118 CALL $696F ; display the score $711B LD D,B ; d=0 (b will always be zero after DJNZ) $711C LD HL,$5BE2 ; amount to add to energy $711F LD B,(HL) ; $7120 INC HL ; $7121 LD C,(HL) ; amount to subtract from energy $7122 LD A,B ; $7123 CP C ; amounts are equal? $7124 JR NZ,$712D ; no ; amounts equal c$7126 LD (HL),D ; (hl)=0 $7127 DEC HL ; $7128 LD (HL),D ; (hl)=0 $7129 INC HL ; $712A INC HL ; hl points to energy $712B JR $7155 ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$70F6. *$712D JR NC,$7139 ; jump if amount to subtract from energy is less than amount to add to energy ; subtract amount>add amount c$712F LD A,C ; $7130 SUB B ; $7131 DEC A ; $7132 LD (HL),A ; $7133 DEC HL ; $7134 LD (HL),D ; $7135 INC HL ; $7136 INC HL ; $7137 JR $714A ; ; add amount>subtract amount ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7126. c$7139 LD (HL),D ; (hl)=0 ; hl pointing to subtract amount $713A SUB C ; add amount=add amount-subtract amount $713B DEC A ; add amount=add amount-1 $713C DEC HL ; hl points to add amount $713D LD (HL),A ; store new add amount $713E INC HL ; $713F INC HL ; hl points to energy $7140 INC (HL) ; energy=energy+1 (just subtracted 1 from add amount at 713b so now add it to energy) $7141 LD A,(HL) ; energy $7142 CP $31 ; energy<$31? (49) $7144 JR C,$7151 ; yes $7146 LD (HL),$30 ; no, so energy will have max value of $30 (48) $7148 JR $7155 ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$712F. *$714A DEC (HL) ; does dan have any energy left? $714B JR NZ,$7151 ; yes $714D POP HL ; $714E JP $6C93 ; no, so restart game *$7151 LD A,(HL) ; energy hl=$5be4 $7152 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7126. *$7155 LD A,(HL) ; energy hl=$5be4 $7156 LD C,$08 ; double energy bar graphic (when energy even number) $7158 SRL A ; is the energy an odd number? $715A JR NC,$715E ; no, it's an even number $715C DEC C ; single energy bar graphic (when energy odd number) $715D INC A ; *$715E LD E,A ; $715F LD HL,$1607 ; h=row, l=column (draw energy graphic starting at row 22, column 7) $7162 ADD HL,DE ; $7163 LD A,C ; draw either the single or double energy graphic $7164 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $7167 INC L ; next column $7168 LD BC,$0102 ; clear one column, 2 rows to right of graphic if needed (single) $716B CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $716E LD DE,$0405 ; attributes for the word 'energy' on screen d=green(04), e=cyan(05) $7171 LD A,L ; $7172 CP $0D ; is the column>=13 $7174 JR NC,$718E ; yes ; no column <13 and energy is getting low c$7176 LD A,($5BE2) ; amount to add to energy $7179 AND A ; anything there? $717A JR NZ,$718E ; yes $717C LD A,$28 ; $717E CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7181 LD A,$26 ; $7183 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7186 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $7189 RRA ; $718A JR NC,$718E ; jump every other pass $718C LD D,C ; $718D LD E,C ; de=0 attributes will be blanked out to give flashing affect on word 'energy' ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7139. *$718E LD HL,$5AC1 ; top left of word 'energy' $7191 LD B,$07 ; 7 attribute squares *$7193 LD (HL),E ; fill the top row with cyan $7194 INC L ; $7195 DJNZ $7193 ; $7197 LD L,$E1 ; bottom left of word 'energy' $7199 LD B,$07 ; 7 attribute squares *$719B LD (HL),D ; fill the bottom row with green $719C INC L ; $719D DJNZ $719B ; $719F RET ; ; blitzen attributes ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6C90. c$71A0 LD HL,$5BF2 ; $71A3 LD A,(HL) ; $71A4 AND $04 ; keep the direction blitzen was travelling at game over $71A6 LD (HL),A ; $71A7 LD B,$18 ; no. of lines to clear $71A9 CALL $673D ; clear screen (24 lines) $71AC LD A,$17 ; set attribute lines (23 lines) $71AE LD ($5BFE),A ; $71B1 LD IY,$72E8 ; iy now points to 'any key to play' screen data $71B5 CALL $6E61 ; draw screen $71B8 CALL $6C5F ; clear sound affects $71BB LD BC,$031A ; *$71BE LD A,C ; $71BF CALL $6AB2 ; set up tune $71C2 INC C ; $71C3 DJNZ $71BE ; *$71C5 CALL $6AFD ; $71C8 IN A,($FE) ; $71CA CPL ; $71CB AND $1F ; $71CD JR Z,$71C5 ; $71CF CALL $6C5F ; clear sound affects ; set control method c$71D2 LD C,$00 ; $71D4 LD HL,$5BFC ; hl now points to control method *$71D7 IN A,($1F) ; $00 kempston, $ff keyboard $71D9 AND $E0 ; and %11100000 $71DB JR NZ,$71E0 ; control is keyboard (c=0) $71DD DJNZ $71D7 ; $71DF INC C ; control is kempston (c=1) *$71E0 LD (HL),C ; $71E1 XOR A ; $71E2 LD ($5C48),A ; set black border $71E5 LD HL,$5BFB ; clear timer $71E8 LD (HL),A ; $71E9 LD HL,$72C8 ; copy startup data $71EC LD DE,$5BDA ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $71EF LD BC,$0018 ; $71F2 LDIR ; ; clear item table and graphic removal table c$71F4 LD HL,$8416 ; $71F7 LD D,H ; $71F8 LD E,L ; $71F9 INC E ; $71FA LD (HL),A ; $71FB LD BC,$000F ; $71FE LDIR ; $7200 LD A,$0C ; $7202 LD ($5BF8),A ; set airship moving + entering new level (8+4) $7205 LD HL,$5BFA ; set special abilities to none $7208 LD (HL),B ; $7209 LD HL,$5B00 ; clear memory area $5b00-$5bbf $720C LD D,H ; $720D LD E,$01 ; $720F LD BC,$00BF ; $7212 LD (HL),L ; $7213 LDIR ; ; place items on level ; ; items in each block will NEVER appear in a room together ; . ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Bit(n) | =h Block # | =h Description } ; { 7 | block 1 | +$80 food item } ; { 6 | | +$40 third special item } ; { 5 | block 2 | +$20 second special item } ; { 4 | | +$10 first special item } ; { 3 | block 3 | +$08 goggles } ; { 2 | | +$04 bomb } ; { 1 | block 4 | +$02 record } ; { 0 | | +$01 fuel } ; TABLE# c$7215 LD E,B ; e=0 (start at level 8) $7216 EXX ; $7217 LD C,$08 ; for each of the 8 levels ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$721C. *$7219 LD HL,$C080 ; h=%11000000, l=%10000000 ; h=items in block check ; ; moves 11000000 ; 00110000 ; 00001100 ; 00000011 ; ; if an item in the current block has already been placed in the chosen room, ; then try again and place it in another room ; ; l=item type (starts at $80=food item) ; Routine at 721C c$721C LD DE,$72E0 ; item quantity table $721F LD B,$04 ; process the 4 blocks *$7221 PUSH BC ; $7222 LD A,(DE) ; get amount of items to place $7223 CALL $7291 ; place items in room (food, second special item, goggles, record) $7226 RRC L ; move to next item $7228 INC DE ; move to next position in item quantity table $7229 LD A,(DE) ; get amount of items to place $722A CALL $7291 ; place items in room (third special item, first special item, bomb, fuel) $722D RRC L ; move next item $722F RRC H ; $7231 RRC H ; move h register 2 bits to right (move to next block) $7233 INC DE ; move to next position in item quantity table $7234 POP BC ; $7235 DJNZ $7221 ; process next block $7237 EXX ; $7238 LD A,E ; $7239 ADD A,$08 ; next level rooms (starts at level 8 and works backwards) $723B LD E,A ; $723C EXX ; $723D DEC C ; process next level $723E JR NZ,$7219 ; ; check all rooms for doors and set status $7240 LD HL,$8F76 ; start of screen data $7243 LD B,$C0 ; check all 193 rooms $7245 LD A,$FF ; *$7247 CP (HL) ; $7248 INC HL ; $7249 JR NZ,$7247 ; $724B BIT 7,(HL) ; is there a door in this room? $724D JR Z,$7251 ; no $724F SET 4,(HL) ; yes, there's a door so set active status (not blown) *$7251 DJNZ $7247 ; $7253 LD HL,$1300 ; row 19, column 0 $7256 CALL $72B4 ; draw upper red surround graphics for score $7259 INC L ; $725A LD A,$E5 ; 'items' graphic $725C CALL $6807 ; display graphic $725F LD L,$00 ; column 0 $7261 LD A,$01 ; 'score' graphic $7263 INC H ; next row (20) $7264 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $7267 INC H ; next row (21) $7268 CALL $72B4 ; draw lower red surround graphics for score $726B INC L ; next column $726C LD A,$06 ; 'held' graphic $726E CALL $6807 ; display graphic $7271 LD HL,$1600 ; row 22, column 0 $7274 LD A,$A1 ; musical note graphic $7276 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $7279 XOR A ; level number to display=0 $727A INC H ; next row $727B LD C,$03 ; colour (magenta) $727D CALL $6A8A ; display number (level) $7280 INC L ; $7281 LD A,$05 ; lower 'energy' graphic $7283 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $7286 DEC H ; $7287 DEC A ; upper 'energy' graphic $7288 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $728B LD A,$C0 ; room a new game will start in $728D CALL $6D00 ; draw/initialise new room $7290 RET ; ; place items in room ; ; Used by the routine at #R$721C. ; ; Input:A amount of items to place c$7291 LD B,A ; b=amount of items to place *$7292 EXX ; *$7293 CALL $7315 ; get random number $7296 AND $03 ; 'a' register now holds 0,1,2,3 $7298 JR Z,$7293 ; if zero then get another random number (number must be 1,2 or 3) $729A DEC A ; 'a' register now holds 0,1,2 $729B RRCA ; $729C RRCA ; $729D LD L,A ; 'l' register will be $00(0) bottom row of rooms, $40(1) middle row of rooms, or $80(2) top ; row of rooms $729E CALL $7315 ; get random number $72A1 AND $07 ; gives a number 0-7 $72A3 ADD A,L ; select a room on the chosen row $72A4 ADD A,E ; add level offset (e starts at 0 and increases by 8 on each call) $72A5 LD L,A ; hl now points to chosen room $72A6 LD A,(HL) ; get any items that have been placed in the room already $72A7 EXX ; $72A8 LD C,A ; c=items already in the room $72A9 AND H ; has one of items in the current block already been placed in the room? $72AA JR NZ,$7292 ; yes, so get another room to place item ; no, so place the item in the chosen room $72AC LD A,C ; a=items already in the room $72AD OR L ; merge whatever is in room already with current item $72AE EXX ; $72AF LD (HL),A ; store in room slot $5bxx $72B0 EXX ; $72B1 DJNZ $7292 ; next item $72B3 RET ; ; draw red surround graphics around 'score' ; ; Used by the routine at #R$721C. c$72B4 LD A,$09 ; left edge of red surround graphics $72B6 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $72B9 LD B,A ; we want 9 of the red middle sections $72BA LD A,$0A ; middle section of red surround graphics *$72BC INC L ; next column $72BD CALL $6807 ; display graphic $72C0 DJNZ $72BC ; $72C2 INC L ; next column $72C3 INC A ; right edge of red surround graphics $72C4 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $72C7 RET ; ; startup data b$72C8 DEFB $08 ; 9- this byte=start level ; 5bda $72C9 DEFB $00 $72CA DEFB $00 $72CB DEFB $00 $72CC DEFB $00 $72CD DEFB $00 $72CE DEFB $00 $72CF DEFB $00 $72D0 DEFB $30 ; dan starting energy $72D1 DEFB $00 $72D2 DEFB $00 $72D3 DEFB $00 $72D4 DEFB $00 $72D5 DEFB $00 $72D6 DEFB $20 ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag $72D7 DEFB $10 ; dan starting column $72D8 DEFB $05 ; dan starting row $72D9 DEFB $00 $72DA DEFB $00 $72DB DEFB $00 $72DC DEFB $0E ; dan jump height $72DD DEFB $00 $72DE DEFB $00 $72DF DEFB $00 ; item quantity table ; ; items in a block will NEVER appear in a room together ; . ; items in a block must therefore NEVER total more than 24 (rooms per level) ; ; block 1 b$72E0 DEFB $0E ; number of food items to place $72E1 DEFB $01 ; number of 3rd special item to place ; block 2 $72E2 DEFB $01 ; number of 2nd special item to place $72E3 DEFB $03 ; number of 1st special item to place ; block 3 $72E4 DEFB $04 ; number of goggles to place $72E5 DEFB $0B ; number of bombs to place ; block 4 $72E6 DEFB $01 ; number of records to place $72E7 DEFB $04 ; number of fuels to place $72E8 DEFB $FE,$4A,$E6,$61 ; 'any key to play' screen data ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value >= $fa } ; { 1 | $fe=draw horizontally } ; { | $fd=draw vertically } ; { | $fc=draw mirror image of graphic } ; { | $fb=draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side } ; { 1 | $fa=draw universal screen data } ; { 2 | coordinate lookup value } ; { 3 | graphic } ; { 4 | gap+length (number of times to draw graphic) } ; { | bits 0-4 =length (number of times to draw graphic) } ; { | bits 5,6,7 = gap to leave before drawing again } ; { | eg. 5,6,7 all unset = draw continuous line } ; { | bit 5 set = draw every other column } ; { | all set draw graphic every 7th column } ; TABLE# ; . ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value < $fa } ; { 1 | coordinate lookup value } ; { 2 | graphic } ; TABLE# b$72EC DEFB $FE,$46,$E7,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $72F0 DEFB $FE,$47,$E6,$21 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $72F4 DEFB $FE,$5A,$E6,$25 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $72F8 DEFB $FD,$5A,$E6,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $72FC DEFB $6F,$E6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $72FE DEFB $73,$E6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $7300 DEFB $FE,$73,$E6,$21 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $7304 DEFB $FE,$6E,$EA,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $7308 DEFB $FC,$4B,$B7 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $730B DEFB $4C,$B7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $730D DEFB $C8,$E8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $730F DEFB $D2,$E9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $7311 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; RNG seed data b$7312 DEFB $00 ; previous random number $7313 DEFW $0000 ; seed ; random number generator ; ; Ouput:A containing random number HL is preserved c$7315 PUSH HL ; *$7316 LD HL,($7313) ; get seed $7319 INC HL ; $731A LD A,H ; $731B AND $3F ; limit to ROM $731D LD H,A ; $731E LD ($7313),HL ; store seed $7321 LD A,R ; get 'r' (refresh) register value $7323 ADD A,(HL) ; add the contents of the ROM address as pointed to by the seed $7324 LD HL,$7312 ; previous random number $7327 CP (HL) ; is the number the same as last time? $7328 JR Z,$7316 ; yes, so try again $732A LD (HL),A ; no, it's different so store it for the next check $732B POP HL ; $732C RET ; exit with random number ; unused bytes b$732D DEFB $00 $732E DEFB $00 $732F DEFB $00 ; unused bytes ; enemy table ; ; max. 4 enemies on screen at once ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value < $fa } ; { 1,2 | jump address $7676,$7625,$75fe,$75d4 } ; { 3 | sprite action } ; { | bit 0 +1 enemy death } ; { | bit 1 +2 copy sprite data } ; { | bit 2 +4 enable sprite collision detection/movement } ; { | bit 3 +8 enemy direction (travelling left set, travelling right unset) } ; { | bit 4 +16 enemy direction has just changed } ; { | bit 5 +32 sprite selector } ; { | bit 6 +64 } ; { | bit 7 +128 set initialise } ; { 4 | row } ; { 5 | column } ; { 6 | line offset (0-8) - 0 and 8 are same (row boundary) except 0=enemy moved up to position, 8=enemy moved down to position } ; { 7 | sprite offset ($00,$50,$a0,$f0) } ; { 8 | passes until next movement } ; { 9 | speed } ; { 10 | counter used to write/shift sprite data into buffer/update sprite (various sprite related activities) } ; { 11 | attribute } ; { | enemy 1 attr=$42=bright red } ; { | enemy 2 attr=$43=bright magenta } ; { | enemy 3 attr=$44=bright green } ; { | enemy 4 attr=$47=bright white } ; { 12,13 | buffer } ; { | enemy 1 $6000 } ; { | enemy 2 $6140 } ; { | enemy 3 $6280 } ; { | enemy 4 $63c0 } ; { 14 | time until enemy changes direction } ; { | bit 7 set full speed } ; TABLE# ; enemy #1 b$7330 DEFW $7676 ; routine jump address $7332 DEFB $02 ; sprite action $7333 DEFB $0A ; row $7334 DEFB $00 ; column $7335 DEFB $00 ; line offset $7336 DEFB $00 ; sprite offset $7337 DEFB $01 ; passes until next movement $7338 DEFB $01 ; speed (value does not change) $7339 DEFB $10 ; counter to write/shift sprite data into buffer/update sprite (various sprite related ; activities) $733A DEFB $42 ; attribute (bright red) $733B DEFW $6000 ; buffer position $733D DEFB $00 ; time until enemy changes direction ; enemy #2 $733E DEFW $7625 ; routine jump address $7340 DEFB $02 ; sprite action $7341 DEFB $0A ; row $7342 DEFB $00 ; column $7343 DEFB $00 ; line offset $7344 DEFB $00 ; sprite offset $7345 DEFB $01 ; passes until next movement $7346 DEFB $01 ; speed (value does not change) $7347 DEFB $20 ; counter to write/shift sprite data into buffer/update sprite (various sprite related ; activities) $7348 DEFB $43 ; attribute (bright magenta) $7349 DEFW $6140 ; buffer position $734B DEFB $00 ; time until enemy changes direction ; enemy #3 $734C DEFW $75FE ; routine jump address $734E DEFB $02 ; sprite action $734F DEFB $0A ; row $7350 DEFB $00 ; column $7351 DEFB $00 ; line offset $7352 DEFB $00 ; sprite offset $7353 DEFB $02 ; passes until next movement $7354 DEFB $02 ; speed (value does not change) $7355 DEFB $30 ; counter to write/shift sprite data into buffer/update sprite (various sprite related ; activities) $7356 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright green) $7357 DEFW $6280 ; buffer position $7359 DEFB $0D ; time until enemy changes direction ; enemy #4 $735A DEFW $75D4 ; routine jump address $735C DEFB $02 ; sprite action $735D DEFB $0A ; row $735E DEFB $00 ; column $735F DEFB $00 ; line offset $7360 DEFB $00 ; sprite offset $7361 DEFB $03 ; passes until next movement $7362 DEFB $03 ; speed (value does not change) $7363 DEFB $40 ; counter to write/shift sprite data into buffer/update sprite (various sprite related ; activities) $7364 DEFB $47 ; attribute (bright white) $7365 DEFB $C0 ; buffer position $7366 DEFB $63 ; time until enemy changes direction $7367 DEFB $0D ; enemies ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$7368 LD A,($5BD9) ; $736B CP $C0 ; is dan on the blimp screen? $736D JR NZ,$7375 ; no $736F LD A,($5BF8) ; $7372 BIT 3,A ; is airship moving? $7374 RET NZ ; yes, so exit *$7375 LD IY,$7330 ; start of enemy table $7379 LD A,$04 ; counter (4 enemies) ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$77AD. *$737B EX AF,AF' ; preserve counter $737C LD H,(IY+$03) ; row $737F LD L,(IY+$04) ; column $7382 LD A,(IY+$02) ; get what action to take with sprite $7385 BIT 7,A ; $7387 JR NZ,$73E1 ; initialise a new sprite $7389 RRA ; $738A JR C,$7396 ; sprite death $738C RRA ; $738D JR C,$7404 ; copy sprite data $738F RRA ; $7390 JP NC,$7501 ; place an enemy $7393 JP $7495 ; sprite collision detection/movement (bit 2 of iy+2 has been set) ; sprite death ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7368. c$7396 LD B,(IY+$06) ; sprite offset $7399 LD C,(IY+$05) ; line offset $739C PUSH BC ; $739D PUSH HL ; $739E CALL $78DC ; locate sprite in buffer $73A1 LD D,$FE ; d=%11111110 $73A3 LD E,D ; e=%11111110 $73A4 LD B,$24 ; repeat 36 times (clear sprite from screen) *$73A6 LD A,(HL) ; $73A7 AND A ; anything there? $73A8 JR Z,$73B1 ; no *$73AA RRC D ; pattern rotates right $fe, $7f, $bf, $df, $ef, $f7, $fb, $fd $73AC AND D ; $73AD CP (HL) ; bits same as pattern? $73AE JR Z,$73AA ; yes, so try again $73B0 LD (HL),A ; *$73B1 INC HL ; next line $73B2 LD A,(HL) ; $73B3 AND A ; anything there? $73B4 JR Z,$73BD ; no *$73B6 RLC E ; pattern rotates left $fe, $fd, $fb, $f7, $ef, $df, $bf, $7f $73B8 AND E ; $73B9 CP (HL) ; bits same as pattern? $73BA JR Z,$73B6 ; yes, so try again $73BC LD (HL),A ; *$73BD INC HL ; next line $73BE DJNZ $73A6 ; $73C0 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $73C3 RLA ; $73C4 RLA ; sound affect based on sprite action counter $73C5 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $73C8 DEC (IY+$09) ; sprite action counter=0? $73CB JR NZ,$73DC ; no $73CD SET 7,(IY+$02) ; set new sprite $73D1 POP HL ; $73D2 LD BC,$0303 ; $73D5 CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $73D8 POP BC ; $73D9 JP $77CF ; process next enemy *$73DC POP HL ; $73DD POP BC ; $73DE JP $7783 ; display sprite ; initialise a new sprite ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7368 and #R$7495. c$73E1 LD A,(IY+$02) ; get current action to take (initialise) ; now update it with next action to take after initialising a sprite $73E4 AND $72 ; and %0111 0010 (114), reset bits 7,3,2,0. bit 7 initialise, bit 3 enemy direction, bit 2 ; sprite collision detection/movement,bit 0 sprite death $73E6 OR $02 ; or %0000 0010 (copy sprite data) $73E8 XOR $20 ; change sprite (alternate between the 2 sprites for each colour on a particular level) $73EA LD (IY+$02),A ; preserve next action $73ED LD (IY+$09),$0A ; set counter to write/shift sprite data into buffer correctly $73F1 LD L,(IY+$0B) ; buffer $73F4 LD H,(IY+$0C) ; hl=$6000,$6140,$6280 or $63c0 depending on which enemy we are dealing with $73F7 LD E,L ; $73F8 LD D,H ; $73F9 INC DE ; $73FA LD (HL),$00 ; clear memory 320 ($13f) bytes ready for new sprite $73FC LD BC,$013F ; $73FF LDIR ; $7401 JP $77CF ; process next enemy ; start value (iy+9)=$0a ; ; +4 for 4 different frames per sprite ; +6 for shifting the graphics ; 4+6=10 ($0a) ; ; buffer example ; ; first sprite written thus (squint to see zx chip!) :- ; ;6000 6018 6030 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000000000000000000 ;6008 6020 6038 000000000000000000000000 ; 000000000010110000000000 ; 000000000001111000000000 ; 000000001011011100000000 ; 000000000111011110000000 ; 000000101100000011000000 ; 000000011111011110000000 ; 000010110111011100000000 ;6010 6028 6040 000001100111011010000000 ; 000011010111110010000000 ; 000011110101101000000000 ; 000001110011001000000000 ; 000000110110100000000000 ; 000000011100100000000000 ; 000000001010000000000000 ; 000000000010000000000000 ; ; 1st pass zx spec sprite written to ; iy+2=9 sp4 6110 24848 left, 6128 24872 right ; 2nd pass zx spec sprite written to ; iy+2=8 sp3 60a8 24744 left, 60c0 24768 right ; 3rd pass zx spec sprite written to ; iy+2=7 sp2 6058 24664 left, 6070 24688 right ; 4th pass zx spec sprite written to ; iy+2=6 sp1 6008 24584 left, 6020 24608 right ; ; 1st pass clock sprite written to ; iy+2=9 sp4 6250 25168 left, 6268 25192 right ; 2nd pass clock sprite written to ; iy+2=8 sp3 61e8 25064 left, 6200 25088 right ; 3rd pass clock sprite written to ; iy+2=7 sp2 6198 24984 left, 61b0 25008 right ; 4th pass clock sprite written to ; iy+2=6 sp1 6148 24904 left, 6160 24928 right ; ; 1st pass robot sprite written to ; iy+2=9 sp4 6390 25488 left, 63a8 25512 right ; 2nd pass robot sprite written to ; iy+2=8 sp3 6328 25384 left, 6340 25408 right ; 3rd pass robot sprite written to ; iy+2=7 sp2 62d8 25304 left, 62f0 25328 right ; 4th pass robot sprite written to ; iy+2=6 sp1 6288 25224 left, 62a0 25248 right ; ; 1st pass bubble head sprite written to ; iy+2=9 sp4 64d0 25808 left, 64e8 25832 right ; 2nd pass bubble head sprite written to ; iy+2=8 sp3 6468 25704 left, 6480 25728 right ; 3rd pass bubble head sprite written to ; iy+2=7 sp2 6418 25624 left, 6430 25648 right ; 4th pass bubble head sprite written to ; iy+2=6 sp1 63c8 25544 left, 63e0 25568 right ; ; 5 shift 2 bits to right no.6 ; ; 4 shift 2 bits to right no.7 ; 3 shift 2 bits to right no.7 ; ; 2 shift 2 bits to right no.8 ; 1 shift 2 bits to right no.8 ; 0 shift 2 bits to right no.8 ; Routine at 7404 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7368. c$7404 LD L,(IY+$0B) ; buffer $7407 LD H,(IY+$0C) ; hl=$6000,$6140,$6280 or $63c0 $740A DEC (IY+$09) ; $740D LD DE,$00A0 ; for final pass $7410 JR NZ,$7418 ; jump if not final pass ; final pass $7412 RES 1,(IY+$02) ; reset copy sprite data flag ; (after this pass all 4 frames of current sprite data now copied and shifted!) $7416 JR $742E ; shift pixels to right *$7418 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $741B DEC A ; $741C JR Z,$742E ; shift pixels to right $741E DEC A ; $741F JR Z,$742E ; shift pixels to right $7421 LD E,$50 ; $7423 DEC A ; $7424 JR Z,$742E ; shift pixels to right $7426 DEC A ; $7427 JR Z,$742E ; shift pixels to right $7429 LD E,$00 ; $742B DEC A ; $742C JR NZ,$743A ; still copying sprite data into buffer ; shift pixels to right *$742E ADD HL,DE ; $742F LD BC,$0303 ; b=columns, c=rows $7432 LD A,$02 ; number of pixels to shift right $7434 CALL $69FF ; shift pixels to right $7437 JP $77CF ; process next enemy *$743A PUSH HL ; hl pointing to correct place in buffer $743B PUSH AF ; preserve iy+9 counter $743C LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $743F ADD A,A ; multiply by 2 (2 sprites per colour per level eg. get correct set 1 or 2) $7440 BIT 5,(IY+$02) ; change to next sprite? $7444 JR NZ,$7447 ; no $7446 INC A ; next sprite *$7447 ADD A,$F0 ; sprite range $f0-$ff $7449 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $744C CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table (de now points to start of set of sprites we are dealing with) $744F EX DE,HL ; swap buffer to de and start of set of sprites to hl $7450 INC HL ; hl now points to actual start of graphics in this set $7451 EX AF,AF' ; $7452 LD C,A ; get the sprite we are dealing with (1-4) $7453 EX AF,AF' ; $7454 DEC C ; $7455 SLA C ; $7457 SLA C ; multiply by 16 $7459 SLA C ; $745B SLA C ; c will be one of :- 0 if dealing with 4th enemy 16 if dealing with 3rd enemy 32 if dealing ; with 2nd enemy 48 if dealing with 1st enemy $745D LD B,$00 ; $745F ADD HL,BC ; hl now points to base of current sprite data we are dealing with $7460 LD C,$08 ; $7462 LD E,B ; $7463 LD D,B ; de=0 $7464 POP AF ; restore iy+9 counter $7465 DEC A ; $7466 JR Z,$747C ; $7468 LD C,$58 ; $746A LD E,$80 ; $746C DEC A ; $746D JR Z,$747C ; $746F LD C,$A8 ; $7471 LD DE,$0100 ; $7474 DEC A ; $7475 JR Z,$747C ; $7477 LD BC,$0110 ; $747A LD E,$80 ; *$747C ADD HL,DE ; hl now points to current sprite we are dealing with $747D EX DE,HL ; $747E POP HL ; restore buffer pointer $747F ADD HL,BC ; $7480 EX DE,HL ; $7481 LD BC,$0010 ; copy the left sprite data into the buffer (16 bytes) $7484 LDIR ; $7486 LD C,$30 ; $7488 ADD HL,BC ; second half of sprite $7489 EX DE,HL ; $748A LD C,$08 ; $748C ADD HL,BC ; $748D EX DE,HL ; $748E LD C,$10 ; $7490 LDIR ; copy the right sprite data into the buffer (16 bytes) $7492 JP $77CF ; process next enemy ; sprite collision check ; ; below diagram shows bit collision points ; eg. bit 4 set indicates a hit at bottom right corner ; bit 7 set indicates a hit on the top row ; ; single check in 'e' register, results OR'd into 'd' register ; ; $01 $80 $80 $80 $40 ; $02 $20 ; $02 $20 ; $02 $20 ; $04 $08 $08 $08 $10 ; ; bit 0 +1 top left corner ; bit 1 +2 left column ; bit 2 +4 bottom left corner ; bit 3 +8 bottom row ; bit 4 +16 bottom right corner ; bit 5 +32 right column ; bit 6 +64 top right corner ; bit 7 +128 top row ; check top row ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7368. c$7495 LD DE,$0080 ; e=$80 $7498 LD C,$03 ; $749A DEC H ; row=row-1 $749B LD B,C ; check 3 columns *$749C CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision $749F INC L ; next column $74A0 DJNZ $749C ; ; check top right corner $74A2 RRC E ; e=$40 $74A4 CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision ; check right column $74A7 RRC E ; e=$20 $74A9 INC H ; next row $74AA LD B,C ; check 3 rows *$74AB CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision $74AE INC H ; $74AF DJNZ $74AB ; ; check bottom right corner $74B1 RRC E ; e=$10 $74B3 CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision ; check bottom row $74B6 RRC E ; e=$08 $74B8 DEC L ; $74B9 LD B,C ; check 3 columns *$74BA CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision $74BD DEC L ; $74BE DJNZ $74BA ; ; check bottom left corner $74C0 RRC E ; e=$04 $74C2 CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision ; check left column $74C5 RRC E ; e=$02 $74C7 DEC H ; $74C8 LD B,C ; check 3 rows *$74C9 CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision $74CC DEC H ; $74CD DJNZ $74C9 ; ; check top left corner $74CF RRC E ; e=$01 $74D1 CALL $77DA ; check sprite collision $74D4 LD A,D ; $74D5 AND A ; has there been a collision? $74D6 JR Z,$74EC ; no ; yes $74D8 LD A,($5BFA) ; special abilities $74DB BIT 4,A ; has dan got the 'shoot enemies' special ability? $74DD JR Z,$74EC ; no $74DF SET 0,(IY+$02) ; set enemy death flag $74E3 LD (IY+$09),$08 ; set sprite action #08 $74E7 LD A,$01 ; +1 onto score $74E9 CALL $70B0 ; ; restore row and column (as they were before collision check) *$74EC INC H ; row=row+1 $74ED INC L ; column=column+1 $74EE LD A,L ; a=column $74EF ADD A,$03 ; $74F1 CP $23 ; column>=35 $74F3 JP NC,$73E1 ; yes, so initialise a new sprite (gone off screen) $74F6 LD A,H ; a=row $74F7 ADD A,$03 ; $74F9 CP $16 ; row>=22 $74FB JP NC,$73E1 ; yes, so initialise a new sprite (gone off screen) $74FE JP $75AF ; enemy movement ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7368. *$7501 LD BC,($5BE5) ; b=counter 1-4 (used as offset to locate sprite in buffer), c=column (column used as lookup ; for placing enemies) $7505 LD A,B ; $7506 INC A ; $7507 CP $05 ; 'a' register will be in range 1-4, path is 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 and so on $7509 JR NZ,$750D ; $750B LD A,$01 ; reset 'a' register to 1 *$750D LD B,A ; $750E LD D,B ; $750F LD A,C ; $7510 DEC D ; $7511 JR Z,$7543 ; jump when 'a' register=1 (enemy appears from top of screen) $7513 DEC D ; $7514 JR Z,$752F ; jump when 'a' register=2 (enemy appears from right of screen) $7516 DEC D ; $7517 JR Z,$755D ; jump when 'a' register=3 (enemy appears from bottom of screen), 'a' register=4 (enemy ; appears from left of screen) $7519 DEC D ; d=0 $751A LD E,$20 ; 'd' register already zero, so de =$0020 (next attribute location will be one down (next ; row) (see $78c8)) $751C INC A ; $751D CP $11 ; row<17 $751F JR NC,$75A0 ; no, it's invalid so we will write to ROM ; ALL enemies can appear from left of screen $7521 LD H,A ; $7522 LD L,D ; h=row, l=column (0) $7523 CALL $78C8 ; check if anything in 3 attribute locations $7526 JR NZ,$75A5 ; jump if something already there (write to ROM) $7528 DEC L ; $7529 DEC L ; l=$fe $752A LD DE,$0804 ; e into iy+9 $752D JR $7575 ; *$752F LD E,$20 ; 'd' register already zero, so de =$0020 (next attribute location will be one down (next ; row) (see $78c8)) $7531 INC A ; $7532 CP $11 ; row<17 $7534 JR NC,$75A0 ; no, it's invalid so we will write to ROM ; ALL enemies can appear from right of screen $7536 LD H,A ; $7537 LD L,$1F ; h=row, l=column (31) $7539 CALL $78C8 ; check if anything in 3 attribute locations $753C JR NZ,$75A5 ; jump if something already there (write to ROM) $753E LD DE,$0806 ; e into iy+9 $7541 JR $7575 ; *$7543 LD E,$01 ; 'd' register already zero, so de =$0001 (next attribute location will be one to right (see ; $78c8)) $7545 EX AF,AF' ; get which enemy we are dealing with $7546 CP $03 ; are we processing 2nd enemy (magenta)? (4,3,2,1 therefore 'cp 3'=2nd) $7548 JR Z,$759F ; yes, so write to ROM (magenta enemies CANNOT appear from top of screen), red, green and ; white enemies can ONLY appear from top of screen $754A EX AF,AF' ; $754B INC A ; add 1 to column $754C CP $1E ; column >=30? $754E JR NC,$75A0 ; yes, it's invalid so we will write to ROM $7550 LD H,D ; $7551 LD L,A ; h=row (0), l=column $7552 CALL $78C8 ; check if anything in 3 attribute locations $7555 JR NZ,$75A5 ; jump if something already there (write to ROM) $7557 DEC H ; $7558 DEC H ; h=$fe $7559 LD E,$04 ; e into sprite action counter $755B JR $7575 ; *$755D LD E,$01 ; 'd' register already zero, so de =$0001 (next attribute location will be one to right (see ; $78c8)) $755F EX AF,AF' ; $7560 BIT 1,A ; enemy 2(magenta) or 3(green)? $7562 JR NZ,$759F ; yes, so write to ROM (magenta or green enemies CANNOT appear from bottom of screen), red or ; white enemies can ONLY appear from bottom of screen $7564 EX AF,AF' ; $7565 INC A ; $7566 CP $1E ; column >=30? $7568 JR NC,$75A0 ; yes, it's invalid so we will write to ROM $756A LD L,A ; $756B LD H,$12 ; h=row (18), l=column $756D CALL $78C8 ; check if anything in 3 attribute locations $7570 JR NZ,$75A5 ; jump if something already there (write to ROM) $7572 LD DE,$0808 ; e into sprite action counter *$7575 LD C,A ; c=column/row $7576 LD ($5BE5),BC ; b=counter 1-4 (used as offset to locate sprite in buffer), c=column (column used as lookup ; for placing enemies) $757A LD (IY+$09),E ; set sprite action counter $757D LD B,$00 ; $757F LD C,D ; $7580 SET 2,(IY+$02) ; set enable sprite collision detection/movement $7584 LD (IY+$0D),$14 ; time until enemy changes direction $7588 LD A,E ; $7589 BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling left $758D JR NZ,$7595 ; yes ; no, enemy travelling right $758F CP $06 ; $7591 JR NC,$7599 ; jump if enemy coming from right or bottom of screen ; enemy coming from left or top of screen $7593 JR $759C ; *$7595 CP $05 ; $7597 JR NC,$759C ; jump if enemy coming from right or bottom of screen ; enemy coming from left or top of screen *$7599 CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction *$759C JP $7771 ; display sprite *$759F EX AF,AF' ; *$75A0 CP $1E ; column/row <30 $75A2 JR C,$75A5 ; yes $75A4 XOR A ; reset the column *$75A5 LD C,A ; c=column/row $75A6 LD ($5BE5),BC ; b=counter 1-4 (used as offset to locate sprite in buffer), c=column (column used as lookup ; for placing enemies) $75AA LD L,$20 ; set invalid colum (we will write to ROM) ; hl=$0020 (h=row, l=column for attribute lookup address (=$5820)) $75AC JP $7783 ; *$75AF LD C,(IY+$05) ; line offset $75B2 LD B,(IY+$06) ; sprite offset $75B5 BIT 4,(IY+$02) ; has the enemy direction just changed? $75B9 JR Z,$75C1 ; no $75BB RES 4,(IY+$02) ; yes, so reset enemy direction has just changed flag $75BF JR $75DB ; *$75C1 DEC (IY+$07) ; passes until next movement $75C4 JR NZ,$75DB ; jump if not ready to move $75C6 LD A,(IY+$08) ; enemy speed $75C9 LD (IY+$07),A ; restore passes until next movement $75CC EXX ; $75CD LD L,(IY+$00) ; $75D0 LD H,(IY+$01) ; hl now points to specific enemy routine $75D3 JP (HL) ; jump to routine $7676,$7625,$75fe or $75d4 (red, magenta, green, white) ; white enemy routine c$75D4 EXX ; $75D5 LD A,C ; a=line offset $75D6 AND A ; top line? $75D7 JR NZ,$75DE ; no ; yes $75D9 LD C,$08 ; set line offset=bottom line ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7495. *$75DB JP $7771 ; display sprite ; d=sprite collision data ; ; Used by the routine at #R$75D4. c$75DE BIT 3,D ; a collision on the bottom row? (enemy sprite has hit the bottom) $75E0 JR NZ,$75F0 ; yes, so time to stop the vertical fall and start to move horizontally $75E2 LD (IY+$08),$01 ; set speed (falling vertically) $75E6 INC H ; row=row+1 $75E7 LD A,$1E ; $75E9 SUB H ; sound affect relative to enemy row $75EA CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $75ED JP $7771 ; display sprite *$75F0 LD (IY+$08),$03 ; set speed (moving horizontally) $75F4 BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling left? $75F8 JP NZ,$776E ; yes (move to next sprite (left)/check for collision) ; no, enemy travelling right $75FB JP $7745 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision/display sprite ; green enemy routine c$75FE EXX ; $75FF LD E,$01 ; speed=$01 $7601 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $7604 BIT 2,A ; sprite action counter=4,5,6 or 7? $7606 JR NZ,$7609 ; yes $7608 INC E ; no, so speed=$02 *$7609 LD (IY+$08),E ; set speed $760C DEC (IY+$0D) ; time until enemy changes direction $760F JR NZ,$7622 ; continue in same direction $7611 CP $08 ; sprite action counter=#08? $7613 JR Z,$761D ; yes $7615 CP $02 ; sprite action counter=#02? $7617 JR NZ,$7622 ; no $7619 LD A,$04 ; $761B JR $761F ; set sprite action #04 *$761D LD A,$06 ; set sprite action #06 *$761F LD (IY+$09),A ; *$7622 JP $76BD ; perform universal sprite action ; magenta enemy routine c$7625 EXX ; $7626 BIT 7,(IY+$0D) ; is enemy going full speed? $762A JR Z,$764C ; no $762C BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling left? $7630 JR NZ,$763F ; yes ; no, enemy travelling right d=sprite collision data $7632 BIT 5,D ; a collision on the right column? $7634 JR NZ,$766A ; yes ; no, so enemy going fast to right $7636 INC L ; column=column+1 $7637 LD A,L ; $7638 ADD A,$10 ; sound affect relative to enemy column $763A CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $763D JR $7673 ; display sprite ; d=sprite collision data *$763F BIT 1,D ; a collision on the left column? $7641 JR NZ,$766A ; yes ; enemy going fast to left $7643 DEC L ; column=column-1 $7644 LD A,$30 ; $7646 SUB L ; sound affect relative to enemy column $7647 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $764A JR $7673 ; display sprite *$764C BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling left? $7650 JR NZ,$765F ; yes ; no, enemy travelling right $7652 LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $7653 CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $7655 JP NZ,$7745 ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 ; d=sprite collision data $7658 BIT 5,D ; a collision on the right column? $765A JP Z,$7745 ; no $765D JR $766A ; *$765F LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $7660 CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $7662 JP NZ,$776E ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 ; d=sprite collision data $7665 BIT 1,D ; a collision on the left column? $7667 JP Z,$776E ; no *$766A SET 7,(IY+$0D) ; set enemy full speed $766E CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $7671 LD B,$F0 ; set sprite offset=$f0 *$7673 JP $7771 ; display sprite ; red enemy routine c$7676 EXX ; $7677 DEC (IY+$0D) ; time until enemy changes direction $767A JR NZ,$76B3 ; $767C LD E,$10 ; time until enemy changes direction $767E LD A,D ; $767F AND A ; was there a collision? $7680 JR NZ,$768B ; yes ; no $7682 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $7685 AND $1F ; $7687 JR Z,$768B ; will jump if counter=0,32,64 or 128 $7689 LD E,$02 ; time until enemy changes direction *$768B LD (IY+$0D),E ; time until enemy changes direction, either $02 or $10 $768E INC (IY+$09) ; sprite action=sprite action+1 $7691 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $7694 CP $02 ; sprite action counter=2? $7696 JR NZ,$76A3 ; no $7698 BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling right? $769C JR Z,$76B3 ; yes ; no, enemy travelling left $769E CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $76A1 JR $76B0 ; display sprite *$76A3 CP $06 ; sprite action counter=6? $76A5 JR NZ,$76B5 ; no $76A7 BIT 3,(IY+$02) ; is the enemy travelling left? $76AB JR NZ,$76B3 ; yes ; no, enemy travelling right $76AD CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction *$76B0 JP $7771 ; display sprite *$76B3 JR $76BD ; perform universal sprite action *$76B5 CP $09 ; sprite action counter=9? (maximum value reached) $76B7 JR NZ,$76BD ; no $76B9 LD (IY+$09),$01 ; yes, so reset to 1 ; universal sprite actions *$76BD LD A,(IY+$09) ; sprite action counter $76C0 DEC A ; $76C1 JR Z,$76F6 ; 1 ; move to next line (up)/check for collision/display sprite $76C3 DEC A ; $76C4 JP Z,$774A ; 2 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision move to next line (up)/check for ; collision/display sprite OR create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change ; direction/display sprite $76C7 DEC A ; $76C8 JP Z,$7745 ; 3 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision/display sprite $76CB DEC A ; $76CC JR Z,$7720 ; 4 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision move to next line (down)/check for ; collision/display sprite OR create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change ; direction/display sprite $76CE DEC A ; $76CF JR Z,$771B ; 5 ; move to next line (down)/check for collision/display sprite $76D1 DEC A ; $76D2 JR Z,$76FC ; 6 ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision move to next line (down)/check for ; collision/display sprite OR create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change ; direction/display sprite $76D4 DEC A ; $76D5 JP Z,$776E ; 7 ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision/display sprite ; 8 ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision ; move to next line (up)/check for collision ; display sprite ; OR ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction ; display sprite c$76D8 LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $76D9 CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $76DB JR NZ,$76F3 ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 $76DD LD A,C ; a=line offset $76DE AND A ; at top? $76DF JR NZ,$76F3 ; no $76E1 LD A,D ; d=sprite collision data $76E2 AND $83 ; and %10000011 (bits 0 (top left corner),1 (left column),7 (top row)) $76E4 CP $01 ; of those 3 bits, is just bit 0 (a hit at top left corner) set? $76E6 JR NZ,$76F3 ; no ; yes $76E8 LD (IY+$09),$04 ; set sprite action #04 $76EC CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $76EF LD A,$25 ; sound affect $76F1 JR $7763 ; set sound affect/display sprite *$76F3 CALL $789D ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7676. *$76F6 CALL $7823 ; move to next line (up)/check for collision $76F9 JP $7771 ; display sprite ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7676. *$76FC LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $76FD CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $76FF JR NZ,$7718 ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 $7701 LD A,C ; a=line offset $7702 CP $08 ; on the bottom line? $7704 JR NZ,$7718 ; no $7706 LD A,D ; d=sprite collision data $7707 AND $0E ; and %00001110 (bits 1 (left column),2 (bottom left corner),3 (bottom row)) $7709 CP $04 ; of those 3 bits, is just bit 2 (a hit at bottom left corner) set? $770B JR NZ,$7718 ; no ; yes $770D LD (IY+$09),$02 ; set sprite action #02 $7711 CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $7714 LD A,$17 ; sound affect $7716 JR $773A ; set sound affect, display sprite *$7718 CALL $789D ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7676. *$771B CALL $7847 ; move to next line (down)/check for collision $771E JR $7771 ; display sprite ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7676. *$7720 LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $7721 CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $7723 JR NZ,$7740 ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 $7725 LD A,C ; a=line offset $7726 CP $08 ; on the bottom line? $7728 JR NZ,$7740 ; no $772A LD A,D ; d=sprite collision data $772B AND $38 ; and %00111000 (bits 3 (bottom row),4 (bottom right corner),5 (right column)) $772D CP $10 ; of those 3 bits, is just bit 4 (a hit at bottom right corner) set? $772F JR NZ,$7740 ; no ; yes $7731 LD (IY+$09),$08 ; set sprite action #08 $7735 CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $7738 LD A,$13 ; sound affect *$773A LD (IY+$0D),$08 ; time until enemy changes direction $773E JR $7763 ; set sound affect/display sprite *$7740 CALL $7872 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision $7743 JR $771B ; update sprite line/display sprite ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$75DE, #R$7625 and #R$7676. *$7745 CALL $7872 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision $7748 JR $7771 ; display sprite ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7676. *$774A LD A,B ; a=sprite offset $774B CP $F0 ; sprite offset=f0? $774D JR NZ,$7768 ; no, must be $00,$50 or $a0 $774F LD A,C ; a=line offset $7750 AND A ; at the top? $7751 JR NZ,$7768 ; no $7753 LD A,D ; d=sprite collision data $7754 AND $E0 ; and %11100000 (bits 5 (right column),6 (top right corner),7 (top row)) $7756 CP $40 ; of those 3 bits, is just bit 6 (a hit at top right corner) set? $7758 JR NZ,$7768 ; no ; yes $775A LD (IY+$09),$06 ; set sprite action #06 $775E CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $7761 LD A,$1B ; *$7763 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7766 JR $7771 ; display sprite *$7768 CALL $7872 ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision $776B JP $76F6 ; move to next line (up)/check for collision/display sprite ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$75DE, #R$7625 and #R$7676. *$776E CALL $789D ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision ; display sprite ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7495, #R$75D4, #R$75DE, #R$7625, #R$7676 and #R$76D8. c$7771 LD (IY+$03),H ; enemy row $7774 LD (IY+$04),L ; enemy column $7777 LD (IY+$05),C ; line offset $777A LD (IY+$06),B ; sprite offset $777D BIT 4,(IY+$02) ; enemy direction has just changed? $7781 JR NZ,$77CF ; yes, so process next enemy ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$7396 and #R$7495. *$7783 EX DE,HL ; $7784 CALL $78DC ; locate sprite in buffer $7787 EX DE,HL ; $7788 LD B,$03 ; columns *$778A LD C,$03 ; rows ; (we will display 3*3 characters) *$778C PUSH HL ; $778D PUSH HL ; $778E CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7791 LD A,(HL) ; get attribute $7792 POP HL ; restore coordinate lookup $7793 AND A ; anything there? $7794 JR Z,$779C ; no $7796 AND $07 ; check if any ink 1-7 there $7798 JR NZ,$779C ; yes $779A LD L,$20 ; set invalid column (we will write to ROM) *$779C LD A,(IY+$0A) ; enemy colour $779F CALL $6932 ; display character $77A2 POP HL ; $77A3 INC H ; next row $77A4 DEC C ; $77A5 JR NZ,$778C ; $77A7 DEC H ; $77A8 DEC H ; $77A9 DEC H ; row=row-3 (back to row we started at) $77AA INC L ; next column $77AB DJNZ $778A ; ; clear trailing attribute squares around sprite c$77AD DEC H ; row=row-1 (back to row we started at MINUS 1) $77AE LD C,$04 ; check 4 rows $77B0 LD D,(IY+$0A) ; enemy colour $77B3 LD B,C ; check 4 rows forwards *$77B4 INC H ; $77B5 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $77B8 DJNZ $77B4 ; $77BA LD B,C ; check 4 columns backwards *$77BB DEC L ; $77BC CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $77BF DJNZ $77BB ; $77C1 LD B,C ; check 4 rows backwards *$77C2 DEC H ; $77C3 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $77C6 DJNZ $77C2 ; $77C8 LD B,C ; check 4 columns forwards *$77C9 INC L ; $77CA CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $77CD DJNZ $77C9 ; ; process next enemy *$77CF LD DE,$000E ; $77D2 ADD IY,DE ; next enemy in table $77D4 EX AF,AF' ; restore counter $77D5 DEC A ; processed all 4 enemies? $77D6 JP NZ,$737B ; no $77D9 RET ; yes, so exit ; check sprite collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7495. c$77DA LD A,($5BFE) ; max.lines attributes $77DD CP H ; h=row, is it in valid area of screen? $77DE RET C ; no, so exit $77DF LD A,L ; column $77E0 CP $20 ; valid column <32? $77E2 RET NC ; no, so exit $77E3 PUSH HL ; $77E4 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $77E7 LD A,(HL) ; $77E8 AND A ; black ink and paper (nothing there)? $77E9 JR Z,$77F6 ; yes, so ignore $77EB CP $45 ; bright black paper and cyan ink (dan)? $77ED JR Z,$77F6 ; yes, so ignore $77EF AND $47 ; anything there? enemy or ink based graphic $77F1 JR Z,$77F6 ; no, so ignore $77F3 LD A,D ; $77F4 OR E ; $77F5 LD D,A ; preserve bits where collision occurred *$77F6 POP HL ; $77F7 RET ; ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7495, #R$7625, #R$7676, #R$76D8, #R$7872 and #R$789D. c$77F8 PUSH HL ; $77F9 PUSH BC ; $77FA PUSH DE ; $77FB LD E,(IY+$0B) ; buffer $77FE LD D,(IY+$0C) ; de=$6000,$6140,$6280 or $63c0 $7801 LD BC,$0303 ; b=columns, c=rows $7804 LD A,$04 ; each enemy has 4 frames *$7806 CALL $6778 ; create mirror image of graphic data (not attributes) $7809 LD HL,$0050 ; $780C ADD HL,DE ; hl now points to next sprite $780D EX DE,HL ; $780E DEC A ; $780F JR NZ,$7806 ; repeat for all sprites $7811 LD A,(IY+$02) ; $7814 XOR $08 ; flip bit 3, change enemy direction (opposite to what it was) $7816 OR $10 ; set bit 4, direction has just changed $7818 LD (IY+$02),A ; $781B POP DE ; $781C POP BC ; $781D POP HL ; $781E LD A,$F0 ; $7820 SUB B ; old sprite offset $7821 LD B,A ; new sprite offset ($00>>$f0, $50>>$a0 $a0>>$50, $f0>>$00) $7822 RET ; ; move to next line (up)/check for collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$76D8. c$7823 DEC C ; $7824 DEC C ; line offset=line offset-2 $7825 RET P ; exit if line offset still positive $7826 INC C ; $7827 INC C ; line offset=line offset+2 ; d=sprite collision data $7828 BIT 7,D ; a collision on the top row? $782A JR NZ,$7830 ; yes ; no $782C DEC H ; row=row-1 $782D LD C,$06 ; line offset=6 $782F RET ; *$7830 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $7833 LD E,$05 ; sprite action=#05 $7835 RRA ; sprite action counter=1,3,5 or 7? $7836 JR C,$783E ; yes ; no $7838 DEC E ; sprite action=#04 $7839 RRA ; sprite action counter originally 2? $783A JR C,$783E ; yes $783C LD E,$06 ; sprite action=#06 *$783E LD (IY+$09),E ; set sprite action counter $7841 LD A,$0F ; $7843 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7846 RET ; ; move to next line (down)/check for collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$76D8. c$7847 LD A,C ; line offset $7848 CP $08 ; is enemy on bottom line? $784A JR Z,$784F ; yes $784C INC C ; $784D INC C ; no, so line=line+2 $784E RET ; ; d=sprite collision data *$784F BIT 3,D ; a collision on the bottom row? $7851 JR NZ,$7857 ; yes ; no $7853 LD C,$02 ; line offset=2 $7855 INC H ; row=row+1 $7856 RET ; *$7857 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $785A LD E,$02 ; sprite action=#02 $785C SUB $04 ; sprite action counter=4? (move to next sprite/display sprite) $785E JR Z,$7866 ; yes ; no $7860 DEC E ; sprite action=#01 $7861 DEC A ; sprite action counter=5? (update sprite line/display sprite) $7862 JR Z,$7866 ; yes ; no $7864 LD E,$08 ; sprite action=#08 *$7866 LD (IY+$09),E ; set sprite action counter (#02,#01 or #08) $7869 LD (IY+$0D),$10 ; time until enemy changes direction $786D XOR A ; $786E CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7871 RET ; ; move to next sprite (right)/check for collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$76D8. c$7872 LD A,B ; sprite offset $7873 CP $F0 ; $7875 JR Z,$787B ; jump if sprite offset=$f0 (end of cycle) $7877 ADD A,$50 ; $7879 LD B,A ; otherwise sprite offset =next one up $00>>$50, $50>>$a0, $a0>>$f0 $787A RET ; ; d=sprite collision data *$787B BIT 5,D ; a collision on the right column? $787D JR NZ,$7883 ; yes ; no $787F LD B,$00 ; set sprite offset=$00 $7881 INC L ; column=column+1 $7882 RET ; *$7883 CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $7886 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $7889 LD E,$08 ; sprite action=#08 $788B DEC A ; $788C DEC A ; sprite action counter=2? $788D JR Z,$7894 ; yes ; no $788F DEC E ; sprite action=#07 $7890 DEC A ; sprite action counter=3? $7891 JR Z,$7894 ; yes ; no $7893 DEC E ; sprite action=#06 *$7894 LD (IY+$09),E ; set sprite action counter (#08, #07, or #06) $7897 LD A,$05 ; $7899 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $789C RET ; ; move to next sprite (left)/check for collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$76D8. c$789D LD A,B ; sprite offset $789E CP $F0 ; $78A0 JR Z,$78A6 ; jump if sprite offset=$f0 $78A2 ADD A,$50 ; $78A4 LD B,A ; otherwise sprite offset =next one up $00>>$50, $50>>$a0, $a0>>$f0 $78A5 RET ; ; d=sprite collision data *$78A6 BIT 1,D ; a collision on the left column? $78A8 JR NZ,$78AE ; yes ; no $78AA LD B,$00 ; sprite offset=$00 $78AC DEC L ; column=column-1 $78AD RET ; *$78AE CALL $77F8 ; create mirror images of all 4 frames of current sprite, change direction $78B1 LD A,(IY+$09) ; $78B4 LD E,$04 ; sprite action=#04 $78B6 SUB $06 ; sprite action counter=$06? $78B8 JR Z,$78BF ; yes ; no $78BA DEC E ; sprite action=#03 $78BB DEC A ; sprite action counter was $07? $78BC JR Z,$78BF ; yes ; no $78BE DEC E ; sprite action=#02 *$78BF LD (IY+$09),E ; set sprite action counter (#04,#03 or #02) $78C2 LD A,$0A ; $78C4 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $78C7 RET ; ; check if anything in 3 attribute locations ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7495. ; ; Input:HL coordinate (h=row, l=column) ; Output:Z zero flag set if nothing already in attribute square, reset if something already in attribute square c$78C8 PUSH HL ; preserve coordinate $78C9 PUSH AF ; preserve column $78CA CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $78CD LD C,$03 ; check 3 attribute squares *$78CF LD A,(HL) ; $78D0 AND $07 ; anything there? checking the ink colour 1-7 $78D2 JR NZ,$78D8 ; yes $78D4 ADD HL,DE ; hl now points to next attribute location $78D5 DEC C ; process next attribute location $78D6 JR NZ,$78CF ; ; zero flag will be set if there was nothing in any of the 3 attribute squares *$78D8 POP HL ; restore the column (af into hl) $78D9 LD A,H ; a=column again $78DA POP HL ; enemy coordinate $78DB RET ; ; locate sprite in buffer ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7396 and #R$7771. ; ; Input:B sprite offset C line offset ; Output:HL points to correct sprite location c$78DC LD L,(IY+$0B) ; buffer $78DF LD H,(IY+$0C) ; hl=$6000,$6140,$6280 or $63c0 (base of enemy sprites in buffer) $78E2 LD A,$08 ; $78E4 SUB C ; $78E5 LD C,A ; c=line offset $78E6 LD A,B ; $78E7 LD B,$00 ; $78E9 ADD HL,BC ; add line offset $78EA LD C,A ; $78EB ADD HL,BC ; add sprite offset $78EC RET ; ; Routine at 78ED ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$78ED LD IX,$5BE7 ; $78F1 LD D,(IX+$01) ; dan attributes $78F4 BIT 5,D ; clear dan buffer/redraw dan? $78F6 JR Z,$7905 ; no $78F8 CALL $856E ; $78FB LD BC,($5BEB) ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $78FF LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7902 JP $7C2E ; *$7905 CALL $7D86 ; $7908 BIT 2,(IX+$16) ; are we pressing 'down'? $790C JR Z,$7912 ; no $790E RES 7,(IX+$00) ; clear dan on a ladder flag *$7912 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $7915 RRA ; $7916 JR NC,$794C ; jump if even number (every other pass) $7918 LD A,(IX+$14) ; timer for special ability $791B AND A ; active? $791C JR Z,$794C ; no $791E DEC (IX+$14) ; yes, so decrement timer $7921 JR Z,$792E ; jump if we reached zero $7923 CP $32 ; $7925 JR NC,$794C ; jump if timer>=50 $7927 LD A,$2D ; $7929 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $792C JR $794C ; *$792E LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $7931 LD B,A ; $7932 ADD A,A ; $7933 ADD A,B ; a=a*3 $7934 ADD A,$68 ; pending level, will point to either torch, skull, gem, crossbow, dumbbell, snips, fan or ; mike, ie. 1st item of 3 special items for the level $7936 CALL $7EAD ; remove the special ability item $7939 CALL $7F4B ; was dan carrying another of this item? $793C JR NZ,$7944 ; no $793E LD (IX+$14),$FF ; yes, so reset the timer=255 $7942 JR $794C ; *$7944 LD (IX+$13),$00 ; cancel any special abilities $7948 SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag *$794C LD B,$0E ; dan jump height (normal) $794E BIT 1,(IX+$13) ; has dan got double height jump ability? $7952 JR Z,$7958 ; no $7954 LD B,$1C ; yes, so give dan double jump height $7956 JR $7962 ; *$7958 LD A,($5BE4) ; energy $795B CP $0A ; less than 10 energy? $795D JR NC,$7962 ; no $795F ADD A,$04 ; yes, so jump height = energy+4 $7961 LD B,A ; *$7962 LD (IX+$07),B ; store jump height $7965 LD DE,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7969 PUSH DE ; $796A LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $796D CP $C0 ; in the blimp room? $796F JP Z,$7A77 ; yes $7972 LD HL,($5BC0) ; current room data $7975 PUSH HL ; $7976 LD A,$65 ; $7978 CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the record? $797B JR NZ,$79C0 ; no $797D LD A,$79 ; $797F CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the snake? $7982 JR Z,$7994 ; yes, so remote play the record $7984 BIT 3,(HL) ; is there a jukebox in the room? $7986 JR Z,$79C0 ; no $7988 LD BC,($5BC4) ; b=jukebox row, c=jukebox column $798C LD HL,$0406 ; jukebox dimensions h=columns, l=rows $798F CALL $7F1D ; check dan is in range of object (jukebox) $7992 JR C,$79C0 ; *$7994 LD A,$65 ; $7996 CALL $7EAD ; remove record from inventory $7999 SET 4,(IX+$11) ; set 'record played on jukebox' $799D LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $79A0 LD C,A ; $79A1 ADD A,A ; a:=a*2 $79A2 ADD A,$0A ; a:=a+10 $79A4 CALL $6C73 ; initialise tune $79A7 LD HL,$5AC0 ; note attribute on screen $79AA SET 7,(HL) ; set flashing $79AC LD HL,$5BFE ; max. attribute lines $79AF LD B,(HL) ; temporarily store max. attribute lines value $79B0 LD (HL),$17 ; max. attribute lines=24 $79B2 PUSH HL ; $79B3 LD A,$08 ; number we are going to display $79B5 SUB C ; 8-level (level 1=7, level 8=0) $79B6 LD HL,$1700 ; h=row, l=column $79B9 LD C,$03 ; set colour to magenta $79BB CALL $6A8A ; display number (level) $79BE POP HL ; hl=$5bfe (max. attribute lines) $79BF LD (HL),B ; restore original value of max. attribute lines *$79C0 POP HL ; hl=current room data $79C1 BIT 4,(HL) ; is there a door in the current room? $79C3 JR Z,$7A0F ; no $79C5 PUSH HL ; $79C6 LD BC,($5BC6) ; get the door coordinates $79CA LD HL,$0204 ; door dimensions h=columns, l=rows $79CD CALL $7F1D ; check dan is in range of object (door) $79D0 POP HL ; $79D1 JR C,$7A0F ; $79D3 BIT 6,(IX+$13) ; dan has walk straight through doors special ability? $79D7 JR Z,$79EB ; no $79D9 LD L,C ; $79DA LD H,B ; hl=door coordinates (h=row, l=column) $79DB INC L ; add 1 to column $79DC LD A,$40 ; door graphic code $79DE LD C,$05 ; set new door colour (cyan) $79E0 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $79E3 INC H ; $79E4 DEC L ; $79E5 DEC A ; graphic code now=$3f $79E6 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $79E9 JR $7A0F ; *$79EB LD A,$66 ; $79ED CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying a bomb? $79F0 JR NZ,$7A0F ; no $79F2 RES 4,(HL) ; set door is blown (inactive) $79F4 LD HL,$5BF0 ; $79F7 LD (HL),$30 ; set time until door blows open $79F9 INC HL ; $79FA LD A,($5BD9) ; get current room number $79FD LD (HL),A ; store it ($5bf1) $79FE LD A,$64 ; $7A00 CALL $70B0 ; +100 onto score $7A03 LD A,$6A ; $7A05 CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the time bomb? $7A08 JR Z,$7A0F ; yes, so dan won't lose the bomb from inventory $7A0A LD A,$66 ; $7A0C CALL $7EAD ; remove bomb from inventory *$7A0F LD HL,$5BC8 ; room items $7A12 LD A,$04 ; upto 4 items per room *$7A14 EX AF,AF' ; $7A15 LD C,(HL) ; item column $7A16 INC HL ; $7A17 LD B,(HL) ; item row $7A18 INC HL ; $7A19 LD A,(HL) ; item $7A1A AND A ; anything there? $7A1B JR Z,$7A27 ; no $7A1D PUSH HL ; $7A1E LD HL,$0202 ; item dimensions h=columns, l=rows $7A21 CALL $7F1D ; check dan is in range of object (item) $7A24 POP HL ; $7A25 JR NC,$7A2F ; jump if dan in range *$7A27 INC HL ; $7A28 INC HL ; hl now points to start of next item $7A29 EX AF,AF' ; $7A2A DEC A ; check next item $7A2B JR NZ,$7A14 ; $7A2D JR $7A77 ; no item was touched *$7A2F LD A,(HL) ; item touched $7A30 PUSH AF ; $7A31 LD (HL),$00 ; remove the item $7A33 LD ($5BF9),A ; add as incoming item $7A36 RLA ; is it a food item? $7A37 JR NC,$7A42 ; no $7A39 LD A,$7F ; $7A3B CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the food mixer? $7A3E JR NZ,$7A53 ; no $7A40 JR $7A5B ; jump if dan is carrying the food mixer ; find a spare slot in the inventory ; ; Used by the routine at #R$78ED. c$7A42 EXX ; $7A43 LD HL,$8416 ; item table $7A46 LD B,$08 ; 8 slots *$7A48 LD A,(HL) ; $7A49 AND A ; anything there? $7A4A JR Z,$7A52 ; no $7A4C INC HL ; yes, so try next slot $7A4D DJNZ $7A48 ; $7A4F EXX ; $7A50 JR $7A5B ; *$7A52 EXX ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$78ED. *$7A53 INC HL ; hl now points to which bit set for this item $7A54 LD D,(HL) ; get the bit set $7A55 LD HL,($5BC2) ; hl=$5bxx where xx is the current room number $7A58 LD A,(HL) ; $7A59 XOR D ; remove the item from the room $7A5A LD (HL),A ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$78ED. *$7A5B LD H,B ; h=item row $7A5C LD L,C ; l=item column $7A5D POP AF ; a=graphic $7A5E LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $7A61 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $7A64 LD A,(DE) ; $7A65 RLA ; graphic has a single attribute? $7A66 JR C,$7A6B ; yes $7A68 INC DE ; $7A69 INC DE ; $7A6A INC DE ; *$7A6B INC DE ; $7A6C INC DE ; de now points to start of actual graphic $7A6D LD BC,$0202 ; b=columns, c=rows $7A70 CALL $69CD ; clear graphic from screen $7A73 POP HL ; $7A74 JP $7E0A ; ; dan collision ; ; single check in 'e' register, results OR'd into 'd' register ; ; $01 $80 $80 $40 ; $02 $20 ; $02 $20 ; $02 $20 ; $04 $08 $08 $10 ; ; bit 0 +1 top left corner ; bit 1 +2 left column ; bit 2 +4 bottom left corner ; bit 3 +8 bottom row ; bit 4 +16 bottom right corner ; bit 5 +32 right column ; bit 6 +64 top right corner ; bit 7 +128 top row ; Routine at 7A77 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$78ED. c$7A77 POP HL ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7A78 LD BC,($5BEB) ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $7A7C LD D,$00 ; $7A7E LD A,C ; $7A7F AND $07 ; is dan on line 2,4 or 6? $7A81 JR NZ,$7ACE ; yes, not on a row boundary $7A83 PUSH HL ; $7A84 BIT 3,C ; dan on line 8? (moved down to position) $7A86 JR NZ,$7A89 ; yes ; no, so dan line=0 (moved up to position) $7A88 DEC H ; row=row-1 *$7A89 BIT 1,B ; 2nd or 3rd sprite? $7A8B JR Z,$7AB5 ; no $7A8D PUSH HL ; $7A8E BIT 0,(IX+$00) ; is dan facing right? $7A92 JR Z,$7AA4 ; yes ; dan facing left $7A94 LD E,$01 ; $7A96 CALL $7E50 ; check for dan collision at top left corner $7A99 INC H ; $7A9A INC H ; $7A9B INC H ; $7A9C INC H ; row=row+4 $7A9D LD E,$04 ; $7A9F CALL $7E50 ; check for dan collision at bottom left corner $7AA2 JR $7AB4 ; *$7AA4 INC L ; $7AA5 INC L ; column=column+2 $7AA6 LD E,$40 ; $7AA8 CALL $7E50 ; check for dan collision at top right corner $7AAB INC H ; $7AAC INC H ; $7AAD INC H ; $7AAE INC H ; row=row+4 $7AAF LD E,$10 ; $7AB1 CALL $7E50 ; check for dan collision at bottom right corner *$7AB4 POP HL ; *$7AB5 PUSH HL ; $7AB6 LD E,$80 ; $7AB8 CALL $7E74 ; check for dan collision on top row $7ABB POP HL ; $7ABC LD E,$08 ; $7ABE INC H ; $7ABF INC H ; $7AC0 INC H ; $7AC1 INC H ; row=row+4 $7AC2 CALL $7E74 ; check for dan collision on bottom row $7AC5 BIT 7,(IX+$00) ; is dan on a ladder? $7AC9 JR Z,$7ACD ; no $7ACB SET 3,D ; yes, so d=OR $08 (set dan collision on bottom row) *$7ACD POP HL ; restore original dan coordinates before the dan collision check *$7ACE LD A,B ; $7ACF CP $02 ; 2nd sprite? $7AD1 JR NZ,$7AF6 ; no $7AD3 PUSH HL ; $7AD4 LD E,$02 ; dan collision check value for left column $7AD6 BIT 0,(IX+$00) ; is dan facing left? $7ADA JR NZ,$7AE0 ; yes ; no, dan facing right $7ADC LD E,$20 ; dan collision check value for right column $7ADE INC L ; $7ADF INC L ; column=column+2 ; check for dan collision on either left or right column *$7AE0 LD B,$03 ; check 3 rows $7AE2 LD A,C ; dan line $7AE3 AND A ; moved up to position? (line=0) $7AE4 JR Z,$7AED ; yes $7AE6 INC H ; row=row+1 $7AE7 CP $08 ; moved down to position? (line=8) $7AE9 JR Z,$7AED ; yes ; no, line=2,4 or 6 (not on row boundary) $7AEB DEC H ; so row=row-1 $7AEC INC B ; and check 4 rows, not 3 *$7AED CALL $7E50 ; dan collision check $7AF0 INC H ; row=row+1 $7AF1 DJNZ $7AED ; $7AF3 LD B,$02 ; set sprite #02 $7AF5 POP HL ; *$7AF6 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $7AF9 CP $40 ; on the bottom row screens of a level? $7AFB JR NC,$7B0A ; no $7AFD LD A,H ; dan row $7AFE CP $0F ; is row<15? $7B00 JR C,$7B0A ; yes ; no, so dan must be on the water $7B02 BIT 2,(IX+$01) ; does dan have the 'walk on water' attribute? $7B06 JR Z,$7B0A ; no $7B08 SET 3,D ; yes, so d=OR $08 (set dan collision on bottom row) *$7B0A BIT 3,(IX+$13) ; can dan walk up steps? $7B0E JR Z,$7B2D ; yes $7B10 BIT 3,(IX+$16) ; pressed up? $7B14 JR Z,$7B2D ; no $7B16 LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $7B19 CP $05 ; is dan on level 3? $7B1B JR NZ,$7B2D ; no $7B1D LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $7B20 CP $70 ; is dan on top row of screens on level 3? $7B22 JR C,$7B2B ; no $7B24 LD A,($5BEA) ; dan row $7B27 CP $06 ; is row<6? $7B29 JR C,$7B2D ; yes *$7B2B SET 3,D ; no, so d=OR $08 (set dan collision on bottom row) (will always end up stood on a platform ; at this position on level 3!) *$7B2D LD E,(IX+$00) ; dan attributes $7B30 BIT 4,(IX+$01) ; has dan been hit? $7B34 JR Z,$7B44 ; no ; yes $7B36 LD A,($5BE3) ; amount to subtract from energy $7B39 AND A ; anything there? $7B3A JR NZ,$7B44 ; yes $7B3C RES 4,(IX+$01) ; clear dan hit flag $7B40 SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag *$7B44 BIT 1,E ; is dan jumping? (straight up, left or right) $7B46 JP NZ,$7BEE ; yes $7B49 BIT 6,E ; is dan walking up a step? $7B4B JP NZ,$7C1C ; yes $7B4E BIT 3,D ; dan collision on the bottom row? $7B50 JR NZ,$7B87 ; yes $7B52 BIT 6,(IX+$01) ; dan hypnotised? $7B56 JR Z,$7B60 ; no $7B58 DEC (IX+$08) ; time hynotised=time hypnotised-1 $7B5B JR NZ,$7B60 ; jump if still hypnotised $7B5D INC (IX+$08) ; time hynotised=1 (so dan will not stop on a ladder) *$7B60 BIT 1,C ; dan line=2 or 6? $7B62 JR NZ,$7B67 ; yes, so just move down 2 lines ; no, dan line=0 or 8 so move down 4 lines $7B64 CALL $811A ; move dan down *$7B67 CALL $811A ; move dan down ; dan line will now be either 4 or 8 $7B6A BIT 5,E ; is dan in freefall state? $7B6C JR NZ,$7B74 ; yes $7B6E SET 5,E ; no, so set dan in freefall state $7B70 LD (IX+$06),$00 ; clear dan freefalling counter *$7B74 INC (IX+$06) ; add 1 to dan freefalling counter $7B77 LD A,C ; a=dan line (4 or 8) $7B78 SRL A ; $7B7A SRL A ; divide by 4 (result can be 1 or 2) $7B7C LD D,A ; result into 'd' register $7B7D LD A,$14 ; $7B7F SUB H ; a=20-dan row (lowest dan row can be $00, highest dan row can be $11(17) eg. under water) ; (gives range 3-20) $7B80 ADD A,A ; multiply result by 2 (range=6-40) $7B81 SUB D ; subtract either 1 or 2 from result ; value will now be in range 4-39 (the sound affect!) $7B82 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $7B85 JR $7BF1 ; *$7B87 BIT 5,E ; is dan in freefall state? $7B89 JR Z,$7B9E ; no ; yes $7B8B RES 5,E ; clear dan in freefall state $7B8D LD A,(IX+$06) ; dan freefalling counter $7B90 LD (IX+$06),$00 ; clear dan freefalling counter $7B94 SUB $11 ; $10 is the limit (8 rows) for freefalling before dan will lose energy due to the height of ; fall $7B96 JR C,$7B9E ; jump if freefalling counter <$11(17), so dan will not lose energy after this fall ; amount of energy to lose=(fall height-$11)/2+1 $7B98 SRL A ; divide by 2 $7B9A INC A ; add 1 (dan will lose a MINIMUM of 1 energy unit) $7B9B CALL $7F3F ; deplete energy, set flags *$7B9E BIT 6,(IX+$01) ; dan hypnotised? $7BA2 JR Z,$7BC9 ; no $7BA4 DEC (IX+$08) ; time hynotised=time hypnotised-1 $7BA7 JR NZ,$7BB4 ; jump if still hypnotised $7BA9 RES 6,(IX+$01) ; cancel hypnotised $7BAD SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag $7BB1 JP $7C24 ; *$7BB4 BIT 0,E ; is dan facing left? $7BB6 JR NZ,$7BBE ; yes $7BB8 BIT 5,D ; dan collision on right column? $7BBA JR Z,$7C06 ; no ; yes $7BBC JR $7BC3 ; create mirror image of dan *$7BBE BIT 1,D ; dan collision on left column? $7BC0 JP Z,$7C21 ; no ; yes *$7BC3 CALL $7EE5 ; create mirror image of dan $7BC6 JP $7BF1 ; *$7BC9 LD A,($5BFD) ; keyboard/joystick movement $00=none,$01=right,$02=left,$04=down,$08=up,$10=jump (000FUDLR) $7BCC BIT 4,A ; jump key pressed? $7BCE JR Z,$7BF3 ; no ; yes, jump key pressed $7BD0 BIT 7,D ; dan collision on top row? $7BD2 JR NZ,$7BF3 ; yes $7BD4 SET 1,E ; set dan is jumping (straight up, left or right) $7BD6 SET 4,E ; set dan is jumping 2 flag $7BD8 RRA ; is dan jumping left or straight up? $7BD9 JR NC,$7BE4 ; yes ; no, dan is jumping right $7BDB LD A,D ; a=dan collision data $7BDC AND $60 ; and %01100000, dan collision on top right corner or right column? $7BDE JR NZ,$7BEE ; yes ; no $7BE0 SET 3,E ; set dan jumping right $7BE2 JR $7BEE ; *$7BE4 RRA ; is dan jumping straight up? $7BE5 JR NC,$7BEE ; yes ; no, dan is jumping left $7BE7 LD A,D ; a=dan collision data $7BE8 AND $03 ; and %00000011, dan collision on top left corner or left column? $7BEA JR NZ,$7BEE ; yes ; no $7BEC SET 2,E ; set dan jumping left *$7BEE CALL $8064 ; *$7BF1 JR $7C24 ; *$7BF3 RRA ; right pressed? $7BF4 JR NC,$7C0B ; no $7BF6 LD A,D ; a=dan collision data $7BF7 AND $28 ; and %00101000 $7BF9 CP $28 ; dan collision on both bottom row and right column? $7BFB JR NZ,$7C06 ; no $7BFD PUSH HL ; $7BFE INC L ; $7BFF INC L ; column=column+2 $7C00 CALL $7DDA ; dan walking up a step $7C03 POP HL ; $7C04 JR $7C1C ; *$7C06 CALL $7FB7 ; $7C09 JR $7C24 ; *$7C0B RRA ; left pressed? $7C0C JR NC,$7C24 ; no $7C0E LD A,D ; a=dan collision data $7C0F AND $0A ; and %00001010 $7C11 CP $0A ; dan collision on both bottom row and left column? $7C13 JR NZ,$7C21 ; no $7C15 PUSH HL ; $7C16 CALL $7DDA ; dan walking up a step $7C19 POP HL ; $7C1A JR NZ,$7C21 ; *$7C1C CALL $7FFF ; $7C1F JR $7C24 ; *$7C21 CALL $800F ; *$7C24 LD ($5BE9),HL ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7C27 LD ($5BEB),BC ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $7C2B LD (IX+$00),E ; store dan attributes ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$78ED. *$7C2E PUSH HL ; $7C2F CALL $7F07 ; $7C32 EX DE,HL ; $7C33 POP HL ; $7C34 LD BC,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $7C37 PUSH HL ; $7C38 EXX ; $7C39 POP HL ; $7C3A CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7C3D LD DE,$0020 ; next attribute position= +32 (1 row down) $7C40 LD B,$03 ; we will check 3 columns *$7C42 LD C,$04 ; we will check 4 rows, checking is around dan sprite $7C44 PUSH HL ; *$7C45 EXX ; $7C46 PUSH HL ; $7C47 LD A,($5BFE) ; max. attribute lines $7C4A CP H ; $7C4B JR C,$7C68 ; jump if out of range $7C4D CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address $7C50 EXX ; $7C51 LD A,(HL) ; $7C52 EXX ; $7C53 CP $45 ; bright+black paper+cyan ink? (dan) $7C55 JR Z,$7C6A ; yes ; no $7C57 AND A ; anything else there? $7C58 JR NZ,$7C60 ; yes ; no $7C5A EXX ; $7C5B LD (HL),$45 ; set attribute to bright+black paper+cyan ink ; (dan sprite) $7C5D EXX ; $7C5E JR $7C6A ; *$7C60 BIT 6,A ; check if bright set (there is an enemy there) $7C62 JR NZ,$7C8E ; jump if bright, dan has been hit ; ink or paper? $7C64 AND $07 ; mask off ink $7C66 JR NZ,$7C6A ; jump if not black ink ; it's paper (dan moving behind scenery) *$7C68 LD H,$00 ; if black ink then write to ROM (don't display) ; copy dan sprite, merge with background display on screen *$7C6A LD A,$08 ; *$7C6C EX AF,AF' ; $7C6D LD A,(BC) ; $7C6E EX DE,HL ; $7C6F XOR (HL) ; $7C70 EX DE,HL ; $7C71 LD (HL),A ; $7C72 INC BC ; $7C73 INC DE ; $7C74 INC H ; $7C75 EX AF,AF' ; $7C76 DEC A ; $7C77 JR NZ,$7C6C ; *$7C79 POP HL ; dan position h=row, l=column $7C7A INC H ; next row $7C7B EXX ; $7C7C ADD HL,DE ; $7C7D DEC C ; $7C7E JR NZ,$7C45 ; $7C80 EXX ; $7C81 DEC H ; $7C82 DEC H ; $7C83 DEC H ; $7C84 DEC H ; $7C85 INC L ; $7C86 EXX ; $7C87 POP HL ; $7C88 INC L ; $7C89 DJNZ $7C42 ; $7C8B JP $7D5B ; *$7C8E LD ($7D85),A ; temporarily store colour of enemy that has hit dan $7C91 LD A,$08 ; *$7C93 EX AF,AF' ; $7C94 LD A,(DE) ; dan sprite data $7C95 AND (HL) ; is it the same as on screen? $7C96 JR Z,$7CA0 ; yes, so no collision has occurred ; no $7C98 LD A,($7D85) ; enemy colour $7C9B SET 7,A ; set collision +$80 $7C9D LD ($7D85),A ; *$7CA0 LD A,(DE) ; dan sprite data $7CA1 OR (HL) ; merge it with the enemy on screen $7CA2 LD (HL),A ; $7CA3 INC BC ; $7CA4 INC DE ; $7CA5 INC H ; $7CA6 EX AF,AF' ; $7CA7 DEC A ; next line $7CA8 JR NZ,$7C93 ; $7CAA LD A,($7D85) ; enemy colour $7CAD RLA ; bit 7 set? (collision) $7CAE JR NC,$7C79 ; no $7CB0 RRA ; yes, so restore the byte $7CB1 AND $07 ; get the ink $7CB3 JR NZ,$7CDF ; jump if ink 1-7 (enemy, scenery) ; if ink is black then it must be a hit off blitzens zapper *$7CB5 BIT 6,(IX+$01) ; is dan already in a hypnotised state? $7CB9 JP NZ,$7D54 ; yes ; no $7CBC PUSH HL ; $7CBD LD HL,$5BF2 ; blitzen attributes $7CC0 RES 3,(HL) ; reset firing the ray gun (inbound shot) $7CC2 SET 5,(HL) ; set blitzen hit dan with a shot from the ray gun $7CC4 POP HL ; $7CC5 BIT 7,(IX+$01) ; immune from blitzen set? (wearing the goggles) $7CC9 JP NZ,$7D3D ; yes $7CCC SET 6,(IX+$01) ; set dan hypnotised $7CD0 LD (IX+$08),$5A ; set the time dan will be hypnotised for $7CD4 SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag $7CD8 LD A,$08 ; $7CDA CALL $6C73 ; initialise tune $7CDD JR $7D3D ; *$7CDF BIT 2,(IX+$13) ; does dan have immunity? $7CE3 JR NZ,$7C79 ; yes $7CE5 LD A,($7D85) ; colour of enemy that has hit dan $7CE8 RES 7,A ; reset to 'no collision' $7CEA CALL $7F8C ; set enemy death $7CED JR NZ,$7D54 ; jump if enemy death already set $7CEF BIT 0,(IX+$13) ; has dan got the stop item theft special ability? $7CF3 JR NZ,$7D3D ; yes $7CF5 CP $43 ; is the enemy that has hit dan bright magenta? $7CF7 JR NZ,$7D06 ; no $7CF9 BIT 1,(IX+$01) ; has dan got the stop fuel theft attribute? $7CFD JR NZ,$7D3D ; yes $7CFF LD A,$64 ; fuel $7D01 CALL $7EAD ; remove fuel from inventory if carried $7D04 JR $7D3D ; *$7D06 CP $42 ; is the enemy that has hit dan bright red? $7D08 JR NZ,$7D20 ; no $7D0A LD A,$67 ; goggles $7D0C CALL $7EAD ; remove goggles from inventory if carried $7D0F LD A,$67 ; goggles $7D11 CALL $7F4B ; is dan still carrying a pair of goggles? (was dan carrying more than one pair?) $7D14 JR Z,$7D3D ; yes $7D16 RES 7,(IX+$01) ; reset the 'immune from blitzen' attribute $7D1A SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag $7D1E JR $7D3D ; *$7D20 CP $47 ; is the enemy that has hit dan bright white? $7D22 JR NZ,$7D2B ; no $7D24 LD A,$66 ; bomb $7D26 CALL $7EAD ; remove bomb from inventory if carried $7D29 JR $7D3D ; *$7D2B CP $44 ; is the enemy that has hit dan bright green? $7D2D JR NZ,$7CB5 ; no $7D2F LD A,$77 ; gem $7D31 CALL $7EAD ; remove gem from inventory if carried $7D34 CALL $7F4B ; is dan still carrying a gem? (was dan carrying more than one?) $7D37 JR Z,$7D3D ; yes $7D39 RES 3,(IX+$13) ; remove the 'can't walk up steps' ability *$7D3D BIT 7,(IX+$13) ; score and energy boost ability set? $7D41 JR Z,$7D4F ; no $7D43 LD A,$08 ; $7D45 CALL $70BF ; energy=energy+8 $7D48 LD A,$19 ; +25 onto score $7D4A CALL $70B0 ; $7D4D JR $7D54 ; *$7D4F LD A,$04 ; amount to subtract from energy $7D51 CALL $7F3F ; deplete energy, set flags *$7D54 XOR A ; $7D55 LD ($7D85),A ; clear colour of enemy that has hit dan $7D58 JP $7C79 ; *$7D5B LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7D5E LD D,$45 ; dan colour (bright+black paper+cyan ink) ; check 3 attribute squares horizontally above dan $7D60 DEC H ; $7D61 LD B,$03 ; *$7D63 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $7D66 INC L ; $7D67 DJNZ $7D63 ; ; check 4 attribute squares vertically to right of dan $7D69 INC H ; $7D6A LD B,$04 ; *$7D6C CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $7D6F INC H ; $7D70 DJNZ $7D6C ; ; check 3 attribute squares horizontally below dan $7D72 DEC L ; $7D73 LD B,$03 ; *$7D75 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $7D78 DEC L ; $7D79 DJNZ $7D75 ; ; check 4 attribute squares vertically to left of dan $7D7B DEC H ; $7D7C LD B,$04 ; *$7D7E CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $7D81 DEC H ; $7D82 DJNZ $7D7E ; $7D84 RET ; ; colour of enemy that has hit dan b$7D85 DEFB $00 ; Routine at 7D86 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$78ED. c$7D86 LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7D89 LD BC,($5BEB) ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $7D8D LD A,D ; dan attributes $7D8E AND $50 ; dan hit or hypnotised? $7D90 JR NZ,$7DD5 ; yes $7D92 LD A,C ; $7D93 AND $07 ; is dan on line 2,4 or 6? $7D95 RET NZ ; yes, so exit (not on row boundary) $7D96 BIT 3,C ; dan line=8? (moved down to position) $7D98 JR Z,$7D9B ; no ; dan line must=0 (moved up to position) $7D9A INC H ; *$7D9B INC H ; either row=row+3 or row=row+4 $7D9C INC H ; $7D9D INC H ; $7D9E LD A,B ; dan sprite (0,1,2,3) $7D9F CP $03 ; $7DA1 BIT 0,(IX+$00) ; is dan facing right? $7DA5 JR Z,$7DAB ; yes $7DA7 JR NC,$7DAE ; no, facing left. Jump if dan sprite=3 ; dan is facing left and dan sprite=0,1 or 2 $7DA9 JR $7DAD ; *$7DAB JR C,$7DAE ; jump if dan sprite=0,1 or 2 *$7DAD INC L ; column=column+1 *$7DAE CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7DB1 LD A,(HL) ; attribute location UNDER dan's feet $7DB2 CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7DB4 JR NZ,$7DD5 ; no, not a ladder ; yes, it's a ladder $7DB6 INC L ; column=column+1 (check next attribute location) $7DB7 LD A,(HL) ; $7DB8 CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7DBA JR NZ,$7DD5 ; no, not a ladder ; yes, it's a ladder $7DBC LD BC,$0020 ; $7DBF AND A ; clear carry flag $7DC0 SBC HL,BC ; hl now points to attribute location 1 row up (AT dan's feet) $7DC2 LD A,(HL) ; attribute location AT dan's feet $7DC3 CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7DC5 JR NZ,$7DD5 ; no $7DC7 LD A,(IX+$00) ; dan attributes $7DCA AND $F1 ; and %11110001 (clear dan jumping flags) $7DCC OR $80 ; set bit 7, on a ladder $7DCE LD (IX+$00),A ; store attributes $7DD1 LD (IX+$06),B ; b always 0 here so clear dan freefalling counter $7DD4 RET ; *$7DD5 RES 7,(IX+$00) ; clear dan is on ladder flag $7DD9 RET ; ; dan walking up a step ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7A77. c$7DDA BIT 3,(IX+$13) ; can't walk up steps ability set? $7DDE RET NZ ; yes, so exit as dan can't walk up steps $7DDF JP $7F5C ; check if dan can walk up a step ; unused bytes b$7DE2 DEFB $00 $7DE3 DEFB $00 $7DE4 DEFB $00 $7DE5 DEFB $00 $7DE6 DEFB $00 $7DE7 DEFB $00 ; copy background graphics around dan to screen ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6F63 and #R$F8C6. c$7DE8 LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $7DEB LD BC,$0304 ; b=columns, c=rows $7DEE LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column *$7DF1 PUSH HL ; $7DF2 PUSH BC ; *$7DF3 PUSH HL ; $7DF4 CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address $7DF7 LD B,$08 ; *$7DF9 LD A,(DE) ; $7DFA LD (HL),A ; $7DFB INC DE ; $7DFC INC H ; $7DFD DJNZ $7DF9 ; $7DFF POP HL ; $7E00 INC H ; $7E01 DEC C ; $7E02 JR NZ,$7DF3 ; $7E04 POP BC ; $7E05 POP HL ; $7E06 INC L ; $7E07 DJNZ $7DF1 ; $7E09 RET ; ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$7A42 and #R$F7D0. *$7E0A CALL $7ECA ; $7E0D LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7E10 PUSH HL ; $7E11 EXX ; $7E12 POP HL ; $7E13 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7E16 EXX ; $7E17 LD BC,($5BEB) ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $7E1B CALL $7F07 ; $7E1E LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $7E21 EXX ; $7E22 LD B,$03 ; $7E24 LD DE,$0020 ; *$7E27 LD C,$04 ; $7E29 PUSH HL ; *$7E2A LD A,(HL) ; $7E2B EXX ; $7E2C CP $45 ; dan there? $7E2E JR Z,$7E34 ; no $7E30 BIT 6,A ; bright set (enemy)? $7E32 JR NZ,$7E3F ; yes *$7E34 LD B,$08 ; *$7E36 LD A,(DE) ; $7E37 XOR (HL) ; $7E38 LD (DE),A ; $7E39 INC DE ; $7E3A INC HL ; $7E3B DJNZ $7E36 ; $7E3D JR $7E46 ; *$7E3F LD BC,$0008 ; $7E42 ADD HL,BC ; $7E43 EX DE,HL ; $7E44 ADD HL,BC ; $7E45 EX DE,HL ; *$7E46 EXX ; $7E47 ADD HL,DE ; $7E48 DEC C ; $7E49 JR NZ,$7E2A ; $7E4B POP HL ; $7E4C INC L ; $7E4D DJNZ $7E27 ; $7E4F RET ; ; dan collision check ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77 and #R$7E74. c$7E50 PUSH HL ; $7E51 LD A,($5BFE) ; max. attribute lines $7E54 CP H ; $7E55 JR C,$7E72 ; exit routine if out of range $7E57 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7E5A LD A,(HL) ; get the attribute $7E5B CP $46 ; bright+black paper+yellow ink? (70) (blitzen top) $7E5D JR Z,$7E6F ; yes $7E5F CP $41 ; bright+black paper+blue ink? (65) (blitzen bottom) $7E61 JR Z,$7E6F ; yes $7E63 BIT 6,A ; bright set? (enemy, dan, blitzen middle) $7E65 JR NZ,$7E72 ; yes, ignore $7E67 CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7E69 JR Z,$7E72 ; yes, ignore $7E6B AND $07 ; get the ink colour $7E6D JR Z,$7E72 ; ignore if black ink *$7E6F LD A,D ; $7E70 OR E ; $7E71 LD D,A ; preserve bits where dan collision occurred *$7E72 POP HL ; $7E73 RET ; ; check either 1 or 2 columns for dan collision ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7A77. c$7E74 LD A,$03 ; sprite check number $7E76 BIT 0,(IX+$00) ; is dan facing left? $7E7A JR NZ,$7E81 ; yes ; no, he's facing right $7E7C CP B ; 3rd sprite? $7E7D JR NZ,$7E85 ; no $7E7F JR $7E84 ; yes *$7E81 CP B ; 3rd sprite? $7E82 JR Z,$7E85 ; yes *$7E84 INC L ; column=column+1 *$7E85 CALL $7E50 ; dan collision check $7E88 INC L ; column=column+1 $7E89 CALL $7E50 ; dan collision check $7E8C RET ; ; copy background graphics around dan to buffer ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7ECA, #R$7FB7, #R$8006, #R$80D8 and #R$811A. c$7E8D PUSH HL ; $7E8E CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7E91 LD A,(HL) ; $7E92 POP HL ; $7E93 LD B,$08 ; $7E95 CP $45 ; dan attribute? bright cyan $7E97 JR Z,$7E9D ; yes $7E99 BIT 6,A ; bright set? an enemy there? $7E9B JR NZ,$7EA7 ; yes *$7E9D CALL $6700 ; calculate screen address *$7EA0 LD A,(HL) ; $7EA1 LD (DE),A ; $7EA2 INC H ; $7EA3 INC DE ; $7EA4 DJNZ $7EA0 ; $7EA6 RET ; *$7EA7 XOR A ; *$7EA8 LD (DE),A ; $7EA9 INC DE ; $7EAA DJNZ $7EA8 ; $7EAC RET ; ; remove item from inventory ; ; Used by the routines at #R$78ED, #R$7A77, #R$851F, #R$F7D0 and #R$F8C6. ; ; Input:A item to be removed c$7EAD PUSH HL ; $7EAE PUSH BC ; $7EAF PUSH DE ; $7EB0 LD DE,$841E ; graphic removal table $7EB3 LD B,$08 ; $7EB5 LD HL,$8416 ; item table *$7EB8 CP (HL) ; found the item? $7EB9 JR Z,$7EC1 ; yes $7EBB INC DE ; $7EBC INC HL ; $7EBD DJNZ $7EB8 ; check next item $7EBF JR $7EC6 ; ; Routine at 7EC1 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7EAD. c$7EC1 LD (HL),$00 ; delete the item $7EC3 EX DE,HL ; $7EC4 LD (HL),$08 ; set graphic removal ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$7EAD. *$7EC6 POP DE ; $7EC7 POP BC ; $7EC8 POP HL ; $7EC9 RET ; ; Routine at 7ECA ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6E25, #R$6F63, #R$7DE8 and #R$F8C6. c$7ECA LD HL,($5BE9) ; h=dan row, l=dan column $7ECD LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $7ED0 LD B,$03 ; 3 columns *$7ED2 LD C,$04 ; 4 rows $7ED4 PUSH HL ; $7ED5 PUSH BC ; *$7ED6 PUSH HL ; $7ED7 CALL $7E8D ; copy background graphics around dan $7EDA POP HL ; $7EDB INC H ; $7EDC DEC C ; $7EDD JR NZ,$7ED6 ; $7EDF POP BC ; $7EE0 POP HL ; $7EE1 INC L ; $7EE2 DJNZ $7ED2 ; $7EE4 RET ; ; create mirror image of dan ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77, #R$7FB7, #R$8006 and #R$85B1. c$7EE5 EXX ; $7EE6 LD B,$04 ; $7EE8 LD DE,$6500 ; *$7EEB PUSH BC ; $7EEC LD BC,$0304 ; b=columns, c=rows $7EEF CALL $6778 ; create mirror image of graphic data (not attributes) $7EF2 EX DE,HL ; $7EF3 LD BC,$0068 ; $7EF6 ADD HL,BC ; $7EF7 EX DE,HL ; $7EF8 POP BC ; $7EF9 DJNZ $7EEB ; $7EFB EXX ; $7EFC LD A,E ; $7EFD XOR $01 ; $7EFF LD E,A ; $7F00 LD A,B ; $7F01 LD B,$03 ; $7F03 CP B ; $7F04 RET NZ ; $7F05 DEC B ; $7F06 RET ; ; locate dan sprite in buffer ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77 and #R$7DE8. c$7F07 LD A,B ; dan sprite $7F08 INC A ; $7F09 LD HL,$FF98 ; $7F0C LD DE,$0068 ; *$7F0F ADD HL,DE ; $7F10 DEC A ; $7F11 JR NZ,$7F0F ; $7F13 LD A,$08 ; $7F15 SUB C ; dan line $7F16 LD E,A ; $7F17 ADD HL,DE ; $7F18 LD DE,$6500 ; dan sprite buffer $7F1B ADD HL,DE ; $7F1C RET ; ; check dan is in range of object ; ; Used by the routine at #R$78ED. ; ; Input:D dan row ; E dan column ; B object row ; C object column ; HL object dimensions: h=columns, l=rows c$7F1D LD A,E ; get dan column $7F1E ADD A,$02 ; add 2 to column $7F20 CP C ; object column $7F21 RET C ; exit if not in range $7F22 LD A,C ; get object column $7F23 ADD A,H ; add object width $7F24 DEC A ; subtract 1 $7F25 CP E ; dan column $7F26 RET C ; exit if not in range $7F27 LD A,B ; object row $7F28 ADD A,L ; object rows $7F29 DEC A ; subtract 1 $7F2A CP D ; dan row $7F2B RET C ; exit if not in range $7F2C LD A,D ; dan row $7F2D ADD A,$04 ; add 4 to row $7F2F CP B ; object row $7F30 RET C ; exit if not in range ; now in range of object $7F31 JR NZ,$7F39 ; jump if not approaching from above item $7F33 LD A,($5BEB) ; dan line $7F36 CP $08 ; check if dan on the correct line (row boundary moving down to position) $7F38 RET ; *$7F39 LD A,($5BEC) ; dan sprite $7F3C CP $02 ; 2nd sprite? $7F3E RET ; ; deplete energy/set flags ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7A77. c$7F3F CALL $70C5 ; subtract from energy (energy depletion) $7F42 SET 4,(IX+$01) ; set dan hit flag $7F46 SET 5,(IX+$01) ; set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag $7F4A RET ; ; is dan carrying a particular item? ; ; Used by the routines at #R$6F9D, #R$78ED, #R$7A77, #R$811A, #R$8426, #R$F7D0 and #R$F8BB. ; ; Input:A item to check ; Output:Z zero flag set if carrying, reset if not carrying c$7F4B PUSH HL ; $7F4C PUSH BC ; $7F4D LD B,$08 ; check all 8 pockets $7F4F LD HL,$8416 ; start of items *$7F52 CP (HL) ; is dan carrying this item? $7F53 JR Z,$7F59 ; yes $7F55 INC HL ; $7F56 DJNZ $7F52 ; check next item $7F58 INC B ; unnecessary instruction (djnz does not affect flags) *$7F59 POP BC ; $7F5A POP HL ; $7F5B RET ; ; check if dan can walk up a step ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7DDA. c$7F5C LD A,($5BEB) ; dan line $7F5F AND A ; dan has moved UP to his current position? $7F60 JR Z,$7F63 ; yes $7F62 INC H ; row=row+1 *$7F63 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $7F66 LD A,(HL) ; $7F67 CP $45 ; bright+black paper+cyan ink? (dan) $7F69 JR Z,$7F72 ; yes, clear for dan to move to $7F6B CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7F6D JR Z,$7F72 ; yes, clear for dan to move to $7F6F AND $47 ; anything there? enemy or ink based graphic $7F71 RET NZ ; exit if yes (not clear, dan can't walk up a step) *$7F72 PUSH DE ; $7F73 LD DE,$0020 ; $7F76 ADD HL,DE ; next attribute down $7F77 POP DE ; $7F78 LD A,(HL) ; $7F79 CP $45 ; bright+black paper+cyan ink? (dan) $7F7B JR Z,$7F84 ; yes, clear for dan to move to $7F7D CP $05 ; black paper+cyan ink? (ladder) $7F7F JR Z,$7F84 ; yes, clear for dan to move to $7F81 AND $47 ; anything there? enemy or ink based graphic $7F83 RET NZ ; exit if yes (not clear, dan can't walk up a step) *$7F84 BIT 7,D ; dan collision on top row? $7F86 RET NZ ; exit if yes $7F87 SET 6,E ; set dan walking up a step flag $7F89 XOR A ; a=0 $7F8A LD D,A ; d=0 (clear dan collision data) $7F8B RET ; ; set enemy death ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77 and #R$8192. ; ; Input:A holds the enemy colour c$7F8C PUSH IY ; $7F8E PUSH DE ; $7F8F PUSH BC ; $7F90 LD IY,$7330 ; enemy table data $7F94 LD B,$04 ; check all 4 enemies on screen *$7F96 CP (IY+$0A) ; check the colour (is it this enemy we are dealing with?) $7F99 JR Z,$7FA4 ; yes $7F9B LD DE,$000E ; $7F9E ADD IY,DE ; check next enemy $7FA0 DJNZ $7F96 ; $7FA2 JR $7FB2 ; *$7FA4 BIT 0,(IY+$02) ; enemy death flag set? $7FA8 JR NZ,$7FB2 ; yes $7FAA SET 0,(IY+$02) ; no, so set the enemy death flag $7FAE LD (IY+$09),$08 ; set sprite action counter *$7FB2 POP BC ; $7FB3 POP DE ; $7FB4 POP IY ; $7FB6 RET ; ; Routine at 7FB7 ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77, #R$8006 and #R$8064. c$7FB7 BIT 5,D ; dan collision on right column? $7FB9 RET NZ ; exit if yes $7FBA BIT 0,E ; is dan facing left? $7FBC JP NZ,$7EE5 ; yes, so create mirror image of dan ; no $7FBF INC B ; next sprite $7FC0 BIT 2,B ; is this what would be the 4th sprite? (doesn't exist) $7FC2 RET Z ; no, so exit $7FC3 LD B,$00 ; yes, it's what would be the 4th sprite so reset the sprite to 0 $7FC5 INC L ; column=column+1 $7FC6 LD A,L ; $7FC7 CP $1E ; is this column 30? $7FC9 JR NZ,$7FD3 ; no, so update background graphics (moving right) as still on same screen ; yes, so move to next screen to right $7FCB LD L,B ; set column=0 $7FCC LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $7FCF INC A ; screen number=screen number+1 $7FD0 JP $8053 ; set up new room ; update background graphics (moving right) *$7FD3 EXX ; $7FD4 LD HL,$66C0 ; dan background graphics middle column $7FD7 LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $7FDA LD BC,$0020 ; $7FDD LDIR ; middle column copied to left column $7FDF LD HL,$66E0 ; dan background graphics right column $7FE2 LD DE,$66C0 ; dan background graphics middle column $7FE5 LD C,$20 ; $7FE7 LDIR ; right column copied to middle column $7FE9 EXX ; $7FEA PUSH HL ; $7FEB EXX ; $7FEC POP HL ; $7FED LD C,$04 ; 4 rows $7FEF INC L ; $7FF0 INC L ; $7FF1 LD DE,$66E0 ; right column *$7FF4 PUSH HL ; $7FF5 CALL $7E8D ; copy background graphics into right column $7FF8 POP HL ; $7FF9 INC H ; $7FFA DEC C ; $7FFB JR NZ,$7FF4 ; $7FFD EXX ; $7FFE RET ; ; Routine at 7FFF ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7A77. c$7FFF BIT 3,D ; dan collision on bottom row? $8001 JR Z,$8006 ; no $8003 RES 6,E ; clear dan walking up a step flag $8005 RET ; ; Routine at 8006 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7FFF. c$8006 LD D,$00 ; clear dan collision data $8008 CALL $80D8 ; move dan up $800B BIT 0,E ; is dan facing right? $800D JR Z,$7FB7 ; yes ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$7A77 and #R$8064. *$800F BIT 1,D ; dan collision on left column? $8011 RET NZ ; exit if yes $8012 BIT 0,E ; is dan facing right? $8014 JP Z,$7EE5 ; yes, so create mirror image of dan ; no $8017 INC B ; next sprite $8018 BIT 2,B ; is this what would be the 4th sprite? (doesn't exist) $801A RET Z ; no, so exit $801B LD B,$00 ; yes, it's what would be the 4th sprite so reset the sprite to 0 $801D DEC L ; column=column-1 $801E JP P,$8029 ; update background graphics (moving left) if still on same screen ; move to next screen to left $8021 LD L,$1D ; set column=29 $8023 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $8026 DEC A ; screen number=screen number-1 $8027 JR $8053 ; set up new room ; update background graphics (moving left) *$8029 EXX ; $802A LD HL,$66C0 ; dan background graphics middle column $802D LD DE,$66E0 ; dan background graphics right column $8030 LD BC,$0020 ; $8033 LDIR ; middle column copied to right column $8035 LD HL,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $8038 LD DE,$66C0 ; dan background graphics middle column $803B LD C,$20 ; $803D LDIR ; left column copied to middle column $803F EXX ; $8040 PUSH HL ; $8041 EXX ; $8042 POP HL ; $8043 LD C,$04 ; 4 rows $8045 LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column *$8048 PUSH HL ; $8049 CALL $7E8D ; copy background graphics into left column $804C POP HL ; $804D INC H ; $804E DEC C ; $804F JR NZ,$8048 ; $8051 EXX ; $8052 RET ; ; set up new room *$8053 PUSH HL ; $8054 PUSH BC ; $8055 PUSH DE ; $8056 LD ($5BE9),HL ; h=dan row, l=dan column $8059 LD ($5BEB),BC ; b=dan sprite, c=dan line $805D CALL $6D00 ; draw/initialise new room $8060 POP DE ; $8061 POP BC ; $8062 POP HL ; $8063 RET ; ; Routine at 8064 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$7A77. c$8064 BIT 4,E ; dan is jumping 2 flag set? $8066 JR Z,$8085 ; no $8068 BIT 7,D ; dan collision on top row? $806A JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $806C CALL $80D8 ; move dan up $806F INC (IX+$06) ; add 1 to dan freefalling counter (freeclimbing in this instance) $8072 LD A,(IX+$06) ; dan freefalling counter (freeclimbing in this instance) $8075 PUSH AF ; $8076 INC A ; add 1 (MINIMUM value will be 2 here due to line $806f) $8077 RLCA ; multiply by 2, result will be the sound affect (range will be 4-30) $8078 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $807B POP AF ; restore dan freefalling counter (freeclimbing in this instance) $807C CP (IX+$07) ; has dan reached his maximum jump height? $807F JR C,$80A0 ; no $8081 RES 4,E ; reset dan is jumping 2 flag $8083 JR $80A0 ; *$8085 BIT 3,D ; dan collision on bottom row? $8087 JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $8089 CALL $811A ; move dan down $808C LD A,(IX+$06) ; dan freefalling counter $808F INC A ; add 1 $8090 RLCA ; multiply by 2, result will be the sound affect, (range will be 4-30) $8091 CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $8094 DEC (IX+$06) ; subtract 1 from dan freefalling counter $8097 JR NZ,$80A0 ; jump if not zero $8099 LD A,B ; dan sprite (0,1,2,3) $809A AND A ; is it sprite 0? $809B JR Z,$80CF ; yes, the jump has finished ; sprite=1,2 or 3 so continue $809D INC (IX+$06) ; add 1 to dan freefalling counter (dan freefalling counter ALWAYS=1 here) *$80A0 BIT 3,E ; is dan jumping right? $80A2 JR Z,$80B8 ; no $80A4 BIT 5,D ; dan collision on right column? $80A6 JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $80A8 BIT 4,E ; dan is jumping 2 flag set? $80AA JR NZ,$80B0 ; yes $80AC BIT 4,D ; dan collision on bottom right corner? $80AE JR NZ,$80CF ; yes *$80B0 BIT 6,D ; dan collision on top right corner? $80B2 JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $80B4 CALL $7FB7 ; $80B7 RET ; *$80B8 BIT 2,E ; is dan jumping left? $80BA RET Z ; exit if no ; yes, dan is jumping left $80BB BIT 1,D ; dan collision on left column? $80BD JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $80BF BIT 4,E ; dan is jumping 2 flag set? $80C1 JR NZ,$80C7 ; yes $80C3 BIT 2,D ; dan collision on bottom left corner? $80C5 JR NZ,$80CF ; yes *$80C7 BIT 0,D ; dan collision on top left corner? $80C9 JR NZ,$80CF ; yes $80CB CALL $800F ; $80CE RET ; *$80CF LD A,E ; dan attributes $80D0 AND $F1 ; and %11110001 (clear dan jumping flags) $80D2 LD E,A ; $80D3 LD (IX+$06),$00 ; clear dan freefalling counter $80D7 RET ; ; move dan up ; ; Used by the routines at #R$8006 and #R$8064. c$80D8 BIT 7,D ; dan collision on top row? $80DA RET NZ ; exit if yes ; no, so dan can move up! $80DB DEC C ; $80DC DEC C ; dan line=dan line-2 $80DD RET P ; exit if still positive (0,2,4) ; dan line went down to $fe (0 minus 2) $80DE LD C,$06 ; set dan line=6 $80E0 DEC H ; row=row-1 $80E1 JP P,$80F4 ; update background graphics (moving up) if still on same screen ; dan has gone through top of screen, move to new screen (dan row has dipped below 0 to $ff, gone out of play area) $80E4 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $80E7 ADD A,$40 ; move up a screen $80E9 CP $C0 ; out of play area? $80EB JR C,$80EF ; no $80ED LD A,$C0 ; yes, so set screen to blimp room *$80EF LD H,$0F ; set row=15 $80F1 JP $8053 ; set up new room ; update background graphics (moving up) *$80F4 EXX ; $80F5 LD DE,$66FF ; $80F8 LD HL,$66F7 ; $80FB LD BC,$0058 ; $80FE LDDR ; copy rows 3,2,1 into row 4,3,2 $8100 EXX ; $8101 PUSH HL ; $8102 EXX ; $8103 POP HL ; $8104 LD C,$03 ; $8106 LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column *$8109 PUSH HL ; $810A CALL $7E8D ; copy 1st row background graphics $810D EX DE,HL ; $810E LD DE,$0018 ; $8111 ADD HL,DE ; $8112 EX DE,HL ; $8113 POP HL ; $8114 INC L ; $8115 DEC C ; $8116 JR NZ,$8109 ; $8118 EXX ; $8119 RET ; ; move dan down ; ; Used by the routines at #R$7A77 and #R$8064. c$811A INC C ; $811B INC C ; dan line=dan line+2 $811C LD A,C ; $811D CP $0A ; has dan line reached 10? $811F RET C ; no, so exit $8120 LD C,$02 ; set dan line=2 $8122 INC H ; row=row+1 $8123 LD A,H ; $8124 CP $10 ; gone off bottom of screen? (out of play area) $8126 JR C,$8161 ; no, so update background graphics (moving down) $8128 LD A,($5BD9) ; room no. $812B CP $C0 ; is dan in the blimp room? $812D JR NZ,$813E ; no ; set room to go to after leaving blimp room $812F LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $8132 EXX ; $8133 LD HL,$818A ; room to go to after leaving blimp room table $8136 LD E,A ; $8137 LD D,$00 ; $8139 ADD HL,DE ; $813A LD A,(HL) ; get room to go to $813B EXX ; $813C JR $815C ; *$813E CP $40 ; is dan already on the bottom row of screens on a level? $8140 JR NC,$815A ; no, so dan can move to next screen down $8142 LD A,H ; $8143 CP $12 ; 18th row? (under the water) $8145 JR NZ,$8161 ; no, so update background graphics (moving down) $8147 LD A,$7C ; $8149 CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the aqualung? (only available on level 2) $814C JR NZ,$8155 ; no $814E LD A,$B4 ; room number dan will go to $8150 LD HL,$0307 ; h=dan row, l=dan column $8153 JR $815E ; *$8155 POP HL ; $8156 POP HL ; $8157 JP $6C93 ; restart game *$815A SUB $40 ; go to next room down *$815C LD H,$00 ; row=0 *$815E JP $8053 ; set up new room ; update background graphics (moving down) *$8161 EXX ; $8162 LD DE,$66A0 ; dan background graphics left column $8165 LD HL,$66A8 ; $8168 LD BC,$0058 ; $816B LDIR ; copy rows 4,3,2 into row 3,2,1 $816D EXX ; $816E PUSH HL ; $816F EXX ; $8170 POP HL ; $8171 LD C,$03 ; 3 columns $8173 INC H ; $8174 INC H ; $8175 INC H ; $8176 LD DE,$66B8 ; dan background graphics bottom left row *$8179 PUSH HL ; $817A CALL $7E8D ; copy 4th row background graphics $817D EX DE,HL ; $817E LD DE,$0018 ; $8181 ADD HL,DE ; next column 4th row $8182 EX DE,HL ; $8183 POP HL ; $8184 INC L ; $8185 DEC C ; $8186 JR NZ,$8179 ; $8188 EXX ; $8189 RET ; ; room to go to after leaving blimp room table ; ; first room that dan will start in after the leaving the blimp room for each level b$818A DEFB $85 ; level 8 $818B DEFB $88 ; level 7 $818C DEFB $93 ; level 6 $818D DEFB $9C ; level 5 $818E DEFB $A4 ; level 4 $818F DEFB $AB ; level 3 $8190 DEFB $B4 ; level 2 $8191 DEFB $BE ; level 1 ; blitzen ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$8192 LD IY,$5BF2 ; iy points to blitzen attributes $8196 LD HL,($5BF4) ; h=blitzen row, l=blitzen column $8199 LD DE,($5BF2) ; e=blitzen attributes, d=blitzen graphic $819D LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $81A0 CP (IY+$04) ; blitzen screen number ; is dan on the same screen as blitzen? $81A3 JP NZ,$826C ; no $81A6 BIT 0,E ; is blitzen active? $81A8 JP Z,$826C ; no $81AB LD A,E ; $81AC AND $22 ; mask blitzen hit dan with a shot from the ray gun (bit 5) and firing ray gun (bit 1) $81AE CP $20 ; has blitzen hit dan with a shot from the ray gun already but still firing? $81B0 JR NZ,$81B7 ; yes ; no, blitzen has hit dan but has now finished firing $81B2 RES 5,E ; clear blitzen hit dan with a shot from the ray gun $81B4 JP $8247 ; turn blitzen around and send him back in the direction he came *$81B7 PUSH HL ; $81B8 DEC L ; $81B9 BIT 2,E ; blitzen travelling left? $81BB JR NZ,$81C1 ; yes $81BD INC L ; $81BE INC L ; blitzen travelling right $81BF INC L ; $81C0 INC L ; *$81C1 BIT 5,L ; column at least 32 (invalid)? $81C3 JP NZ,$823B ; yes, column value is too high (>32) $81C6 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $81C9 PUSH DE ; $81CA BIT 1,E ; firing the ray gun? $81CC LD DE,$0020 ; $81CF PUSH HL ; $81D0 JP NZ,$8305 ; yes $81D3 LD BC,$0300 ; check 3 attribute squares (vertically) *$81D6 BIT 6,(HL) ; is dan or an enemy already at this location? (bright set) $81D8 JR NZ,$81E2 ; yes, dan or an enemy is already there $81DA LD A,(HL) ; get the attribute $81DB AND A ; black paper, black ink? (nothing there) $81DC JR Z,$81E6 ; yes $81DE AND $07 ; mask the ink colour $81E0 JR Z,$81E6 ; jump if black ink (jump if clear) ; there is a paper attribute(1-7) or ink attribute(1-7) at location *$81E2 SET 0,C ; c will now equal 1 as set to zero at $81d3 (setting flag, paper(1-7) or ink(1-7) there) ; flag checked at $8243 $81E4 JR $81E9 ; *$81E6 ADD HL,DE ; check next attribute location $81E7 DJNZ $81D6 ; *$81E9 POP HL ; $81EA ADD HL,DE ; point hl to middle attribute location $81EB POP DE ; $81EC LD A,(IY+$02) ; blitzen column $81EF CP $1E ; less than 30? $81F1 JR NC,$823B ; no $81F3 LD A,D ; $81F4 CP $03 ; blitzen sprite 3? $81F6 JR NZ,$823B ; no, so he is not in position to contemplate firing a shot ; yes, so check whether blitzen will fire a shot $81F8 LD B,$0C ; check 12 attribute locations (deciding whether blitzen will fire or not) blitzen will fire ; if dan or an enemy is in his line of fire *$81FA LD A,(HL) ; $81FB CP $45 ; bright+black paper+cyan ink? (dan) $81FD JR Z,$821F ; yes $81FF BIT 6,A ; is bright set (an enemy there)? $8201 JR NZ,$8225 ; yes $8203 AND $07 ; mask the ink colour $8205 JR NZ,$823B ; jump if not black ink (jump if not clear) $8207 BIT 2,E ; is blitzen travelling right? $8209 JR Z,$8215 ; yes ; no, blitzen travelling left $820B DEC L ; column=column-1 $820C LD A,L ; $820D AND $1F ; $820F CP $1F ; column=31? $8211 JR Z,$823B ; yes, crossed screen boundary onto previous attribute line, so exit $8213 JR $821B ; *$8215 INC L ; column=column+1 $8216 LD A,L ; $8217 AND $1F ; column=0? $8219 JR Z,$823B ; yes, crossed screen boundary onto next attribute line, so exit *$821B DJNZ $81FA ; $821D JR $823B ; *$821F BIT 6,(IY-$0A) ; is dan hypnotised? $8223 JR NZ,$823B ; yes *$8225 LD (IY+$05),$00 ; set blitzen ray gun shot length to zero $8229 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $822C LD (IY+$04),A ; copy the current screen number to blitzen screen number $822F LD A,E ; blitzen attributes $8230 OR $0A ; set bits 1+3 (firing ray gun and shot type=outbound) $8232 LD (IY+$00),A ; $5bf2 $8235 POP HL ; $8236 LD A,$C2 ; graphic $8238 JP $83DB ; *$823B POP HL ; restore blitzen coordinates $823C INC D ; next sprite $823D BIT 2,D ; is this what would be the 4th sprite? (doesn't exist) $823F JR Z,$8258 ; no $8241 LD D,$00 ; yes, it's what would be the 4th sprite so reset blitzen sprite to 0 $8243 BIT 0,C ; did we set the paper(1-7) or ink(1-7) there flag at $81e2? $8245 JR Z,$825A ; no ; yes, so blitzen needs to turn around *$8247 LD A,$BE ; $be=1st blitzen graphic in graphic lookup table $8249 LD B,$05 ; 5 blitzen graphics *$824B CALL $677E ; create mirror image of both graphic and attribute data OR graphic data only $824E INC A ; next graphic $824F DJNZ $824B ; $8251 LD A,E ; $8252 XOR $04 ; flip bit 2, change blitzen direction (opposite to what it was) $8254 OR $10 ; set bit 4, direction has just changed $8256 LD E,A ; $8257 LD D,B ; d=0 *$8258 JR $82D1 ; *$825A BIT 2,E ; is blitzen travelling left? $825C JR NZ,$8266 ; yes ; no, blitzen travelling right $825E INC L ; column=column+1 $825F LD A,L ; $8260 CP $21 ; blitzen gone off right of screen? $8262 JR Z,$826C ; yes $8264 JR $82D1 ; *$8266 DEC L ; column=column-1 $8267 LD A,L ; $8268 CP $FC ; blitzen gone off left of screen? $826A JR NZ,$82D1 ; no *$826C RES 0,E ; set blitzen inactive $826E RES 1,E ; set ray gun not firing $8270 LD A,(IY-$0B) ; $8273 AND $22 ; $8275 JR NZ,$82CF ; $8277 BIT 6,(IY-$0A) ; is dan hypnotised? $827B JR NZ,$82CF ; yes $827D LD A,($5BDA) ; level ; 8- this byte=current level $8280 AND A ; $8281 JR NZ,$8292 ; jump if not on level 8 ; level 8 only $8283 BIT 5,(IY+$08) ; does dan have the keep blitzen away ability? (carrying the mike) $8287 JR NZ,$82CF ; yes $8289 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $828C AND $7F ; $828E JR NZ,$82CF ; will jump unless counter=0 or $80 $8290 JR $8298 ; ; levels 1-7 *$8292 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $8295 AND A ; $8296 JR NZ,$82CF ; do not start blitzen UNLESS counter=0 ; initialise blitzen *$8298 LD H,(IY-$08) ; dan row $829B INC H ; blitzen start row=current dan row+1 $829C BIT 4,(IY-$09) ; is dan column at least 16? $82A0 JR NZ,$82B8 ; yes, so start blitzen from left ; no, column<16 so start blitzen from right start blitzen from right $82A2 LD L,$1F ; column=31 $82A4 CALL $83C5 ; search for an attribute location clear of ink $82A7 JR NZ,$82CF ; jump if we didn't find one ; we found one, so set blitzen active $82A9 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $82AC LD (IY+$04),A ; blitzen room $82AF INC L ; column=32 $82B0 SET 0,E ; blitzen active (from right of screen) $82B2 BIT 2,E ; is blitzen travelling right? $82B4 JR Z,$8247 ; yes, so turn blitzen around ; no, blitzen travelling left $82B6 JR $82D1 ; ; start blitzen from left *$82B8 LD L,A ; column=0 $82B9 CALL $83C5 ; search for an attribute location clear of ink $82BC JR NZ,$82CF ; jump if we didn't find one ; we found one, so set blitzen active $82BE LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $82C1 LD (IY+$04),A ; blitzen room $82C4 LD L,$FD ; column=$fd $82C6 SET 0,E ; blitzen active (from left of screen) $82C8 BIT 2,E ; is blitzen travelling left? $82CA JP NZ,$8247 ; yes, so turn blitzen around ; no, blitzen travelling right $82CD JR $82D1 ; *$82CF LD L,$20 ; column=32 *$82D1 LD ($5BF4),HL ; h=blitzen row, l=blitzen column $82D4 LD ($5BF2),DE ; e=blitzen attributes, d=blitzen graphic $82D8 LD A,D ; $82D9 ADD A,$BE ; blitzen graphic $82DB CALL $83DB ; $82DE BIT 4,(IY+$00) ; has blitzen just direction just changed? $82E2 JR Z,$82E9 ; no ; yes, the direction just changed $82E4 RES 4,(IY+$00) ; clear direction has just changed flag $82E8 RET ; exit *$82E9 BIT 2,(IY+$00) ; is blitzen travelling left? $82ED JR NZ,$82F3 ; yes ; no, travelling right $82EF DEC L ; $82F0 DEC L ; $82F1 DEC L ; $82F2 DEC L ; ; blitzen attributes *$82F3 LD D,$46 ; bright+yellow ink $82F5 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $82F8 INC H ; next row $82F9 LD D,$43 ; bright+magenta ink $82FB CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $82FE INC H ; next row $82FF LD D,$41 ; bright+blue ink $8301 CALL $6A22 ; clear trailing attribute square if required $8304 RET ; *$8305 LD HL,($5BF4) ; h=blitzen row, l=blitzen column $8308 LD A,$C2 ; graphic $830A CALL $83DB ; $830D LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $8310 LD B,A ; temporarily store counter in 'b' register $8311 AND $07 ; bits 0,1,2 this will be the paper colour, ink value will be 0 (black) $8313 JR NZ,$8317 ; $8315 LD A,$07 ; if value was 0 (black) then make it 7 (white) *$8317 RLCA ; $8318 RLCA ; multiply by 8 to get the paper colur $8319 RLCA ; $831A OR $40 ; set bright ON $831C LD ($8415),A ; blitzen ray gun firing attribute $831F POP HL ; $8320 LD DE,$0020 ; $8323 ADD HL,DE ; point hl to the middle attribute location $8324 EX DE,HL ; $8325 LD A,B ; restore the counter value $8326 AND $03 ; $8328 ADD A,A ; $8329 ADD A,A ; multiply by 8 $832A ADD A,A ; $832B LD L,A ; $832C LD BC,$FC00 ; start of blitzen ray gun firing graphics $832F ADD HL,BC ; hl now points to correct graphic $8330 EX DE,HL ; $8331 POP BC ; $8332 LD A,(IY+$05) ; blitzen ray gun shot length $8335 BIT 3,C ; is it an outbound shot? $8337 JR NZ,$8346 ; yes ; no it's an inbound shot $8339 DEC A ; shot length=shot length-1 $833A JR NZ,$8350 ; jump if length>0 $833C CALL $8394 ; shot has ended so clear it $833F POP AF ; $8340 RES 1,(IY+$00) ; stop firing the ray gun $8344 JR $8394 ; *$8346 INC A ; shot length=shot length+1 $8347 CP $0E ; $8349 JR NZ,$8350 ; jump if length<14 $834B RES 3,(IY+$00) ; set ray gun shot type to inbound $834F DEC A ; *$8350 LD (IY+$05),A ; blitzen ray gun shot length $8353 LD B,A ; $8354 POP AF ; $8355 BIT 2,C ; blitzen travelling left? $8357 JR NZ,$8366 ; yes *$8359 CALL $839B ; draw the ray gun firing $835C INC L ; next attribute location (to left) $835D LD A,L ; $835E AND $1F ; $8360 JR Z,$8380 ; jump if crossed screen boundary onto next attribute line $8362 DJNZ $8359 ; $8364 JR $8373 ; *$8366 CALL $839B ; draw the ray gun firing $8369 DEC L ; next attribute location (to right) $836A LD A,L ; $836B AND $1F ; $836D CP $1F ; $836F JR Z,$8380 ; jump if crossed screen boundary onto previous attribute line $8371 DJNZ $8366 ; *$8373 BIT 3,C ; is the shot an outbound shot? $8375 JR Z,$8394 ; no, shot was inbound so clear it ; yes, shot is outbound so check if we hit anything $8377 LD A,(HL) ; get the attribute $8378 AND $07 ; mask the ink $837A RET Z ; exit if shot didn't hit anything $837B LD A,(HL) ; get the attribute again $837C BIT 6,A ; is bright set? (hit dan or enemy) $837E JR NZ,$8385 ; yes *$8380 RES 3,(IY+$00) ; set ray gun shot type to inbound $8384 RET ; *$8385 CP $45 ; hit dan? $8387 RET Z ; exit if yes ; no, it's an enemy $8388 CALL $7F8C ; set enemy death $838B INC (IY+$05) ; blitzen ray gun shot length $838E RES 3,(IY+$00) ; set ray gun shot type to inbound $8392 JR $839B ; *$8394 LD DE,$3D00 ; start of character set (space) $8397 XOR A ; $8398 LD ($8415),A ; clear blitzen ray gun firing attribute ; draw the ray gun firing *$839B LD A,(HL) ; $839C AND A ; anything there? $839D JR Z,$83A9 ; no, so draw the gun firing ; yes $839F AND $47 ; $83A1 CP $40 ; is it the current colour of the ray gun zapping? $83A3 JR Z,$83A9 ; yes, so draw the gun firing ; no $83A5 LD A,(HL) ; $83A6 AND $07 ; ink based object there (dan, enemy)? $83A8 RET Z ; no, so exit. (a hit has been made so cease firing) *$83A9 PUSH HL ; $83AA PUSH DE ; $83AB PUSH BC ; $83AC LD A,($8415) ; blitzen ray gun firing attribute $83AF LD (HL),A ; hl points to attribute address $83B0 LD A,H ; $83B1 AND $03 ; $83B3 RLCA ; $83B4 RLCA ; $83B5 RLCA ; $83B6 OR $40 ; $83B8 LD H,A ; hl now points to screen address $83B9 LD B,$08 ; *$83BB LD A,(DE) ; $83BC LD (HL),A ; $83BD INC DE ; $83BE INC H ; $83BF DJNZ $83BB ; copy the current ray gun firing graphic to screen $83C1 POP BC ; $83C2 POP DE ; $83C3 POP HL ; $83C4 RET ; ; search for an attribute location clear of ink ; ; Used by the routine at #R$8192. c$83C5 PUSH HL ; $83C6 PUSH DE ; $83C7 CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $83CA LD DE,$0020 ; $83CD LD B,$03 ; check 3 attribute locations vertically *$83CF LD A,(HL) ; get attribute $83D0 AND $07 ; ink based object there? $83D2 JR Z,$83D8 ; no $83D4 ADD HL,DE ; next attribute location down $83D5 DJNZ $83CF ; check again $83D7 INC B ; unnecessary instruction (djnz does not affect flags) *$83D8 POP DE ; $83D9 POP HL ; $83DA RET ; ; Routine at 83DB ; ; Used by the routine at #R$8192. c$83DB LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $83DE CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $83E1 INC DE ; $83E2 EXX ; $83E3 LD HL,$FC20 ; $83E6 EXX ; $83E7 LD C,$03 ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$8402. *$83E9 LD B,$03 ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$8402. *$83EB PUSH HL ; $83EC CALL $6710 ; calculate attribute address $83EF LD A,(HL) ; $83F0 AND A ; $83F1 JR Z,$8402 ; $83F3 AND $07 ; $83F5 JR NZ,$8402 ; $83F7 LD L,$20 ; set column invalid (write will be to ROM) $83F9 CALL $6932 ; display character $83FC POP HL ; $83FD EXX ; $83FE INC HL ; $83FF EXX ; $8400 JR $840A ; ; Routine at 8402 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$83DB. c$8402 POP HL ; $8403 EXX ; $8404 LD A,(HL) ; $8405 INC HL ; $8406 EXX ; $8407 CALL $6932 ; display character ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$83DB. *$840A INC H ; $840B DJNZ $83EB ; $840D DEC H ; $840E DEC H ; $840F DEC H ; $8410 INC L ; $8411 DEC C ; $8412 JR NZ,$83E9 ; $8414 RET ; ; blitzen ray gun firing attribute b$8415 DEFB $00 ; item table b$8416 DEFB $11,$A0,$66,$01,$04,$03,$2A,$E9 ; graphic removal table b$841E DEFB $5B,$E5,$C5,$E5,$CD,$00,$67,$06 ; Routine at 8426 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$8426 LD HL,$841E ; graphic removal table $8429 LD B,$08 ; 8 items *$842B PUSH HL ; $842C PUSH BC ; $842D LD A,(HL) ; $842E AND A ; anything to remove? $842F JR Z,$8441 ; no $8431 DEC (HL) ; ; calculate correct column $8432 LD A,$08 ; a-b = correct item 0-7 $8434 SUB B ; $8435 ADD A,A ; multiply by 2 $8436 ADD A,$10 ; and add 16 to get correct column $8438 LD L,A ; $8439 LD H,$14 ; row 20 $843B LD BC,$0202 ; b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $843E CALL $6A39 ; gradual pixel clear *$8441 POP BC ; $8442 POP HL ; $8443 INC HL ; $8444 DJNZ $842B ; $8446 LD HL,$5BF9 ; hl=incoming item $8449 LD A,(HL) ; $844A AND A ; anything there? $844B RET Z ; no, so exit $844C LD (HL),$00 ; set incoming item to nothing again $844E LD C,A ; the item $844F CP $80 ; $8451 JR C,$8468 ; jump if not food item ; it's a food item $8453 LD A,$04 ; $8455 CALL $6C73 ; initialise tune $8458 LD A,$30 ; $845A CALL $70BF ; energy=energy+48 $845D LD A,$7F ; $845F CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the food mixer? $8462 RET Z ; yes $8463 LD A,$19 ; +25 onto score $8465 JP $70B0 ; *$8468 CP $64 ; $846A JR NZ,$8477 ; jump if not fuel $846C CALL $7F4B ; is dan already carrying fuel? $846F JR NZ,$8477 ; no $8471 BIT 1,(IX+$01) ; got the stop fuel theft attribute? $8475 JR NZ,$84A8 ; yes, so dan can carry only one fuel *$8477 LD DE,$841E ; graphic table $847A LD HL,$8416 ; item table $847D LD B,$08 ; *$847F LD A,(HL) ; $8480 AND A ; is there an item in this spot? $8481 JR Z,$8488 ; no, so we can place it $8483 INC DE ; $8484 INC HL ; $8485 DJNZ $847F ; $8487 RET ; exit if no space for item *$8488 LD (HL),C ; place the item $8489 EX DE,HL ; $848A LD (HL),$00 ; clear graphic removal $848C LD A,$08 ; a-b = correct item 0-7 $848E SUB B ; $848F ADD A,A ; multiply by 2 $8490 ADD A,$10 ; and add 16 to get correct column $8492 LD L,A ; $8493 LD H,$14 ; row 20 $8495 EX DE,HL ; $8496 LD HL,$5BFE ; max. lines attributes $8499 LD B,(HL) ; temp store max. lines attributes $849A LD (HL),$15 ; set max. lines attributes=21 $849C LD A,C ; graphic to draw $849D EX DE,HL ; $849E CALL $6807 ; display graphic $84A1 EX DE,HL ; $84A2 LD (HL),B ; restore max. lines attributes $84A3 LD A,C ; $84A4 CP $68 ; $84A6 JR NC,$84B5 ; jump if not fuel, record, bomb or goggles (items 64-67) *$84A8 LD A,$32 ; +50 onto score $84AA CALL $70B0 ; $84AD LD A,C ; $84AE SUB $64 ; $84B0 CALL $6AB2 ; set up tune $84B3 JR $84BF ; *$84B5 LD A,$96 ; +150 onto score $84B7 CALL $70B0 ; $84BA LD A,$06 ; $84BC CALL $6C73 ; initialise tune *$84BF LD A,C ; $84C0 SUB $64 ; $84C2 LD BC,$84D2 ; $84C5 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $84C8 EX DE,HL ; $84C9 LD IX,$5BE7 ; $84CD JP (HL) ; jump to item routine $84CE INC HL ; $84CF DJNZ $847F ; $84D1 RET ; ; jump table when dan collects an item ; ; 856d=RET (do nothing) b$84D2 DEFW $856D ; fuel $84D4 DEFW $856D ; record $84D6 DEFW $856D ; bomb $84D8 DEFW $854D ; goggles ; immune from blitzen $84DA DEFW $8544 ; mike ; keeps blitzen away (level 8 only) $84DC DEFW $8548 ; camera ; opens secret passages $84DE DEFW $856D ; time bomb $84E0 DEFW $8516 ; fan ; score + energy boost when hit by enemy, instead of losing energy $84E2 DEFW $8548 ; mandolin ; opens secret passages $84E4 DEFW $856D ; scissors $84E6 DEFW $8512 ; snips ; walk straight through doors $84E8 DEFW $8548 ; pump ; opens secret passages $84EA DEFW $851F ; engine ; stops fuel theft, removes all fuel from inventory bar 1 $84EC DEFW $855C ; dumbbell ; double height jumps $84EE DEFW $8548 ; jack ; opens secret passages $84F0 DEFW $851A ; boots ; walk on water $84F2 DEFW $8540 ; crossbow ; shoot enemies $84F4 DEFW $8548 ; feather ; opens secret passages $84F6 DEFW $856D ; corkscrew $84F8 DEFW $853C ; gem ; can't walk up steps $84FA DEFW $8548 ; mask ; opens secret passages $84FC DEFW $856D ; snake $84FE DEFW $850A ; skull ; immunity (but not from blitzen) $8500 DEFW $8548 ; shell ; opens secret passages $8502 DEFW $856D ; aqualung $8504 DEFW $8560 ; torch ; stops item theft $8506 DEFW $8548 ; drill ; opens secret passages $8508 DEFW $856D ; food mixer ; immunity c$850A LD B,$04 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$04, 5bfb(timer)=$ff (immunity) $850C SET 5,(IX+$01) ; 5be8=5be8+$20 (set clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag) $8510 JR $8562 ; ; walk straight through doors c$8512 LD B,$40 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$40 $8514 JR $8562 ; ; score + energy boost when hit by enemy c$8516 LD B,$80 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$80, 5bfb(timer)=$ff $8518 JR $8562 ; ; Routine at 851A c$851A SET 2,(IX+$01) ; 5be8=5be8+$04 $851E RET ; ; stops fuel theft c$851F SET 1,(IX+$01) ; 5be8=5be8+$02 $8523 LD A,$64 ; fuel $8525 LD HL,$8416 ; item table $8528 LD BC,$0800 ; b=check all 8 items, c=counter *$852B CP (HL) ; is dan carrying fuel? $852C JR NZ,$852F ; no $852E INC C ; yes, so increase counter *$852F INC HL ; check next item $8530 DJNZ $852B ; repeat for all items $8532 DEC C ; $8533 RET M ; exit if dan wasn't carrying any fuel $8534 RET Z ; exit if carrying just one fuel *$8535 CALL $7EAD ; remove all fuel carried $8538 DEC C ; apart from one $8539 JR NZ,$8535 ; $853B RET ; ; can't walk up steps c$853C LD B,$08 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$08, 5bfb(timer)=$ff $853E JR $8562 ; ; shoot enemies c$8540 LD B,$10 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$10, 5bfb(timer)=$ff $8542 JR $8562 ; ; keeps blitzen away c$8544 LD B,$20 ; 5bfa=5bfa+$20, 5bfb(timer)=$ff $8546 JR $8562 ; ; opens secret passages c$8548 SET 3,(IX+$01) ; 5be8=5be8+$08 $854C RET ; $854D LD A,(IX+$01) ; ix+1 pointing to $5be8 $8550 OR $A0 ; set bit 5 (clear dan buffer/redraw dan flag) ; set bit 7 (immune from blitzen) $8552 AND $BF ; reset bit 6 of 5be8 (no longer hypnotised) $8554 LD (IX+$01),A ; 5be8 $8557 LD (IX+$08),$00 ; 5bef time hypnotised by blitzen $855B RET ; ; double height jumps c$855C LD B,$02 ; 5bfa=5bfa+2, 5bfb(timer)=$ff $855E JR $8562 ; ; stops item theft c$8560 LD B,$01 ; 5bfa=5bfa+1, 5bfb(timer)=$ff ; This entry point is used by the routines at #R$850A, #R$8512, #R$8516, #R$853C, #R$8540, #R$8544 and #R$855C. *$8562 LD A,(IX+$13) ; $8565 OR B ; $8566 LD (IX+$13),A ; 5bfa $8569 LD (IX+$14),$FF ; 5bfb timer $856D RET ; ; clear dan buffer/redraw dan ; ; Used by the routine at #R$78ED. c$856E RES 5,(IX+$01) ; cancel 'clear dan buffer/redraw dan' flag $8572 LD HL,$6500 ; $8575 LD D,H ; $8576 LD E,L ; $8577 INC E ; $8578 LD (HL),$00 ; $857A LD BC,$019F ; $857D LDIR ; clear dan background/sprite buffer 416 bytes $857F LD DE,$6508 ; ; only go invisible if dan has been hit (1 pass) OR immunity special ability is set $8582 BIT 4,(IX+$01) ; been hit? $8586 JR NZ,$858E ; yes, so we will draw dan outline $8588 BIT 2,(IX+$13) ; does dan have immunity? $858C JR Z,$85B1 ; no ; draw dan outline *$858E LD HL,$872A ; dan invisible head $8591 CALL $8602 ; $8594 LD DE,$6518 ; $8597 LD HL,$874A ; dan invisible legs 1 $859A CALL $860D ; $859D LD DE,$6510 ; $85A0 LD HL,$873A ; dan invisible body $85A3 BIT 6,(IX+$01) ; dan hypnotised? $85A7 JR Z,$85AC ; no $85A9 LD HL,$871A ; invisible body/ arm outstretched *$85AC CALL $8602 ; $85AF JR $85E3 ; ; draw dan normal ; ; Used by the routine at #R$856E. c$85B1 LD HL,$862A ; normal dan head $85B4 BIT 7,(IX+$01) ; immune from blitzen set? (wearing the goggles) $85B8 JR Z,$85BD ; no $85BA LD HL,$863A ; normal dan, wearing goggles *$85BD CALL $8602 ; $85C0 LD DE,$6510 ; $85C3 BIT 6,(IX+$01) ; dan hypnotised? $85C7 JR Z,$85D4 ; no $85C9 LD HL,$86CA ; dan normal body/arm pointing forward $85CC CALL $8602 ; $85CF LD HL,$86DA ; dan legs hypnotised 1 $85D2 JR $85DD ; *$85D4 LD HL,$864A ; dan normal body $85D7 CALL $860D ; $85DA LD HL,$868A ; dan normal legs 1 *$85DD LD DE,$6518 ; $85E0 CALL $860D ; ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$856E. *$85E3 LD A,$06 ; intial number of pixels to shift right $85E5 LD HL,$6638 ; *$85E8 PUSH AF ; $85E9 LD BC,$0304 ; b=columns, c=rows $85EC CALL $69FF ; shift pixels to right $85EF LD BC,$0068 ; $85F2 AND A ; $85F3 SBC HL,BC ; $85F5 POP AF ; $85F6 DEC A ; $85F7 DEC A ; now shift 4 and 2 pixels to right $85F8 JR NZ,$85E8 ; $85FA BIT 0,(IX+$00) ; dan direction $85FE CALL NZ,$7EE5 ; create mirror image of dan if facing left $8601 RET ; ; Routine at 8602 ; ; Used by the routines at #R$856E and #R$85B1. c$8602 LD A,$04 ; *$8604 PUSH HL ; $8605 CALL $8616 ; $8608 POP HL ; $8609 DEC A ; $860A JR NZ,$8604 ; $860C RET ; ; Routine at 860D ; ; Used by the routines at #R$856E and #R$85B1. c$860D LD A,$04 ; *$860F CALL $8616 ; $8612 DEC A ; $8613 JR NZ,$860F ; $8615 RET ; ; Routine at 8616 ; ; Used by the routines at #R$8602 and #R$860D. c$8616 LD BC,$0008 ; $8619 LDIR ; $861B EX DE,HL ; $861C LD C,$18 ; $861E ADD HL,BC ; $861F EX DE,HL ; $8620 LD C,$08 ; $8622 LDIR ; $8624 EX DE,HL ; $8625 LD C,$40 ; $8627 ADD HL,BC ; $8628 EX DE,HL ; $8629 RET ; ; Dan sprites, each size 2*8 ; ; dan head normal b$862A DEFB $00,$07,$0E,$09,$05,$07,$03,$03 $8632 DEFB $E0,$08,$F4,$F0,$A0,$F0,$E0,$C0 ; dan normal wearing goggles $863A DEFB $00,$07,$0E,$09,$04,$07,$03,$03 $8642 DEFB $E0,$08,$F4,$90,$20,$90,$E0,$C0 ; dan normal upper body $864A DEFB $06,$0F,$0F,$0D,$0D,$0C,$0C,$0D $8652 DEFB $E0,$00,$80,$C0,$C0,$E0,$00,$E0 ; dan upper body $865A DEFB $06,$0F,$0F,$0D,$0E,$0E,$06,$07 $8662 DEFB $E0,$00,$80,$C0,$C0,$60,$00,$60 ; dan upper body $866A DEFB $06,$0F,$09,$0D,$0E,$06,$07,$03 $8672 DEFB $E0,$00,$80,$C0,$C0,$E0,$60,$00 ; dan upper body $867A DEFB $06,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0D,$0E,$06,$06 $8682 DEFB $E0,$00,$80,$C0,$C0,$E0,$00,$60 ; dan legs normal 1 $868A DEFB $01,$0D,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 $8692 DEFB $E0,$C0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$C0 ; dan legs normal 2 $869A DEFB $00,$03,$04,$07,$06,$0C,$0C,$0F $86A2 DEFB $60,$40,$80,$40,$E0,$74,$38,$10 ; dan legs normal 3 $86AA DEFB $04,$0E,$0F,$0E,$1D,$18,$30,$18 $86B2 DEFB $C0,$40,$00,$80,$C0,$E8,$70,$20 ; dan legs normal 4 $86BA DEFB $00,$03,$00,$06,$0E,$1C,$18,$04 $86C2 DEFB $60,$40,$40,$C0,$C0,$C0,$C0,$F0 ; dan normal body/arm pointing forward $86CA DEFB $06,$0F,$0F,$0D,$0E,$0F,$00,$07 $86D2 DEFB $60,$80,$E0,$FD,$3C,$C0,$00,$E0 ; dan legs hypnotised 1 $86DA DEFB $07,$07,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 $86E2 DEFB $E0,$C0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$C0 ; dan legs hypnotised 2 $86EA DEFB $07,$03,$07,$07,$0E,$0C,$0C,$0F $86F2 DEFB $C0,$80,$80,$40,$C0,$E8,$70,$20 ; dan legs hypnotised 3 $86FA DEFB $07,$07,$0F,$0E,$1C,$18,$30,$18 $8702 DEFB $C0,$80,$40,$C0,$E0,$E0,$78,$60 ; dan legs hypnotised 4 $870A DEFB $07,$03,$07,$0F,$0E,$1C,$18,$0C $8712 DEFB $C0,$C0,$80,$40,$C0,$C0,$C0,$F0 ; invisible body/ arm outstretched $871A DEFB $04,$00,$0A,$00,$08,$00,$00,$04 $8722 DEFB $40,$00,$00,$A9,$14,$00,$00,$20 ; dan invisible head $872A DEFB $00,$02,$08,$00,$00,$04,$00,$01 $8732 DEFB $A0,$00,$14,$00,$20,$10,$00,$20 ; dan invisible body $873A DEFB $04,$01,$08,$00,$08,$00,$08,$00 $8742 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$40,$00,$20,$00,$20 ; dan invisible legs 1 $874A DEFB $00,$04,$00,$02,$00,$02,$00,$02 $8752 DEFB $00,$40,$00,$80,$00,$00,$00,$80 ; dan invisible legs 2 $875A DEFB $00,$00,$04,$00,$04,$08,$00,$0A $8762 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$00,$40,$00,$24,$10 ; dan invisible legs 3 $876A DEFB $00,$00,$09,$00,$10,$00,$20,$08 $8772 DEFB $00,$40,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00,$20 ; dan invisible legs 4 $877A DEFB $00,$02,$04,$00,$08,$00,$10,$04 $8782 DEFB $00,$40,$00,$40,$00,$80,$00,$A0 ; universal screen data ; ; template graphics for use on any screen ; . ; $00 b$878A DEFB $FE,$8C,$2D,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $878E DEFB $FE,$98,$33,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8792 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $01 $8793 DEFB $FE,$98,$4E,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8797 DEFB $FE,$A0,$2D,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $879B DEFB $FE,$AA,$36,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $879F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $02 $87A0 DEFB $FA,$9E ; universal screen data $9e $87A2 DEFB $7C,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87A4 DEFB $80,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87A6 DEFB $FC,$E0,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $87A9 DEFB $FE,$A3,$59,$17 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87AD DEFB $E9,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87AF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $03 $87B0 DEFB $FD,$3D,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87B4 DEFB $FD,$41,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87B8 DEFB $FD,$3E,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87BC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $04 $87BD DEFB $FE,$9E,$4E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87C1 DEFB $FE,$D3,$2D,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87C5 DEFB $FE,$B3,$36,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87C9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $05 $87CA DEFB $FE,$00,$32,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87CE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $06 $87CF DEFB $FC,$BD,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $87D2 DEFB $FE,$07,$59,$17 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87D6 DEFB $C5,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87D8 DEFB $FE,$23,$26,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87DC DEFB $FE,$2A,$25,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87E0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $07 $87E1 DEFB $19,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87E3 DEFB $16,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87E5 DEFB $46,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87E7 DEFB $49,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87E9 DEFB $78,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87EB DEFB $DA,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87ED DEFB $B6,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87EF DEFB $B5,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $87F1 DEFB $FD,$02,$4F,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87F5 DEFB $FD,$DC,$4F,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87F9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $08 $87FA DEFB $FE,$00,$51,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $87FE DEFB $FE,$C4,$50,$E1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8802 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $09 $8803 DEFB $EB,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8805 DEFB $FE,$4D,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8809 DEFB $4F,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $880B DEFB $FE,$D8,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $880F DEFB $FC,$E3,$48 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8812 DEFB $6E,$54 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8814 DEFB $6C,$54 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8816 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0a $8817 DEFB $89,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8819 DEFB $FE,$8A,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $881D DEFB $FE,$D3,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8821 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0b $8822 DEFB $FE,$83,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8826 DEFB $8B,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8828 DEFB $FE,$A0,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $882C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0c $882D DEFB $66,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $882F DEFB $A0,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8831 DEFB $CA,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8833 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0d $8834 DEFB $FC,$DB,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8837 DEFB $FC,$CE,$33 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $883A DEFB $FC,$05,$43 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $883D DEFB $DE,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $883F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0e $8840 DEFB $FA,$05 ; universal screen data $05 $8842 DEFB $34,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8844 DEFB $36,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8846 DEFB $37,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8848 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $0f $8849 DEFB $C8,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $884B DEFB $FE,$A0,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $884F DEFB $B1,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8851 DEFB $A2,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8853 DEFB $FC,$E5,$55 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8856 DEFB $DF,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8858 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $10 $8859 DEFB $FE,$00,$D1,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $885D DEFB $FC,$06,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8860 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $11 $8861 DEFB $D7,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8863 DEFB $6D,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8865 DEFB $FA,$0A ; universal screen data $0a $8867 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $12 $8868 DEFB $FC,$66,$33 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $886B DEFB $D8,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $886D DEFB $D9,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $886F DEFB $FA,$0B ; universal screen data $0b $8871 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $13 $8872 DEFB $FA,$0D ; universal screen data $0d $8874 DEFB $FC,$CB,$54 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8877 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $14 $8878 DEFB $00,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $887A DEFB $00,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $887C DEFB $23,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $887E DEFB $D0,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8880 DEFB $26,$54 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8882 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $15 $8883 DEFB $7B,$EE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8885 DEFB $84,$ED ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8887 DEFB $9B,$EE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8889 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $16 $888A DEFB $C1,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $888C DEFB $06,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $888E DEFB $D5,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8890 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $17 $8891 DEFB $FC,$C2,$48 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8894 DEFB $FE,$00,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8898 DEFB $1C,$54 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $889A DEFB $0C,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $889C DEFB $FC,$C0,$55 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $889F DEFB $26,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88A1 DEFB $21,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88A3 DEFB $24,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88A5 DEFB $25,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88A7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $18 $88A8 DEFB $FE,$66,$33,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88AC DEFB $E4,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88AE DEFB $E3,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88B0 DEFB $E2,$55 ; universal screen data $42 $88B2 DEFB $D7 ; eod marker $88B3 DEFB $48 $88B4 DEFB $68,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88B6 DEFB $FC,$E1,$45 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $88B9 DEFB $FC,$A2,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $88BC DEFB $FC,$DF,$33 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $88BF DEFB $A0,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88C1 DEFB $E6,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88C3 DEFB $A8,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $88C5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $19 $88C6 DEFB $FA,$1C ; universal screen data $1c $88C8 DEFB $FA,$1D ; universal screen data $1d $88CA DEFB $FD,$24,$5E,$0A ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88CE DEFB $FE,$24,$60,$A3 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88D2 DEFB $FD,$2F,$5E,$09 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88D6 DEFB $FD,$2E,$5E,$09 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88DA DEFB $FE,$F8,$5F,$64 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88DE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1a $88DF DEFB $FD,$32,$60,$0D ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88E3 DEFB $FD,$2D,$63,$25 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88E7 DEFB $FD,$33,$60,$0D ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88EB DEFB $FD,$31,$63,$25 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88EF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1b $88F0 DEFB $FD,$C2,$60,$07 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88F4 DEFB $FD,$2D,$63,$22 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88F8 DEFB $FD,$03,$60,$07 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $88FC DEFB $FD,$31,$63,$22 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8900 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1c $8901 DEFB $FA,$58 ; universal screen data $58 $8903 DEFB $FE,$98,$5B,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8907 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1d $8908 DEFB $FE,$14,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $890C DEFB $FA,$5C ; universal screen data $5c $890E DEFB $FA,$5B ; universal screen data $5b $8910 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1e $8911 DEFB $FD,$0D,$41,$0A ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8915 DEFB $FD,$C5,$41,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8919 DEFB $FE,$1D,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $891D DEFB $FD,$F2,$41,$08 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8921 DEFB $FE,$61,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8925 DEFB $FE,$A4,$4E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8929 DEFB $B2,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $892B DEFB $B3,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $892D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $1f $892E DEFB $FD,$C5,$41,$07 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8932 DEFB $FE,$09,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8936 DEFB $0D,$41 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8938 DEFB $FD,$38,$41,$08 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $893C DEFB $FE,$44,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8940 DEFB $FD,$77,$41,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8944 DEFB $FE,$EE,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8948 DEFB $FE,$BB,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $894C DEFB $F3,$41 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $894E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $20 $894F DEFB $FE,$B4,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8953 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $21 $8954 DEFB $FE,$A0,$D1,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8958 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $22 $8959 DEFB $FE,$21,$8B,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $895D DEFB $FA,$2D ; universal screen data $2d $895F DEFB $FD,$1A,$9C,$0E ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8963 DEFB $FD,$DE,$9C,$0D ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8967 DEFB $FE,$00,$D1,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $896B DEFB $FE,$45,$D0,$84 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $896F DEFB $FE,$28,$D0,$84 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8973 DEFB $FE,$98,$D0,$84 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8977 DEFB $FE,$99,$D0,$84 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $897B DEFB $FA,$27 ; universal screen data $27 $897D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $23 $897E DEFB $FD,$05,$9C,$0F ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8982 DEFB $FE,$DC,$D1,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8986 DEFB $C1,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8988 DEFB $FE,$27,$8B,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $898C DEFB $FD,$27,$9C,$0C ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8990 DEFB $FE,$2C,$D0,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8994 DEFB $FE,$95,$D0,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8998 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $24 $8999 DEFB $FA,$23 ; universal screen data $23 $899B DEFB $FE,$A9,$D1,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $899F DEFB $A8,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89A1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $25 $89A2 DEFB $FA,$2B ; universal screen data $2b $89A4 DEFB $A0,$CF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89A6 DEFB $E0,$CF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89A8 DEFB $FA,$2F ; universal screen data $2f $89AA DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $26 $89AB DEFB $FA,$23 ; universal screen data $23 $89AD DEFB $FB,$44,$D2 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $89B0 DEFB $FE,$D2,$CF,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89B4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $27 $89B5 DEFB $FE,$AA,$CF,$0F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89B9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $28 $89BA DEFB $FA,$29 ; universal screen data $29 $89BC DEFB $FA,$00 ; universal screen data $00 $89BE DEFB $79,$CE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89C0 DEFB $87,$CC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89C2 DEFB $89,$CD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89C4 DEFB $FE,$90,$CA,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89C8 DEFB $FC,$93,$CA ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89CB DEFB $FC,$DD,$CA ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89CE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $29 $89CF DEFB $FD,$DC,$CB,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89D3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2a $89D4 DEFB $FA,$2B ; universal screen data $2b $89D6 DEFB $FC,$A0,$D1 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89D9 DEFB $FC,$A3,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89DC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2b $89DD DEFB $FC,$00,$D1 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89E0 DEFB $FC,$07,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $89E3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2c $89E4 DEFB $FD,$05,$9C,$10 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89E8 DEFB $FE,$CD,$8B,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89EC DEFB $FA,$39 ; universal screen data $39 $89EE DEFB $BE,$D0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89F0 DEFB $F5,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89F2 DEFB $BF,$D1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $89F4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2d $89F5 DEFB $FD,$E7,$9C,$10 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89F9 DEFB $FD,$C1,$9C,$10 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $89FD DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2e $89FE DEFB $FE,$21,$8B,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A02 DEFB $FA,$2D ; universal screen data $2d $8A04 DEFB $FA,$10 ; universal screen data $10 $8A06 DEFB $FE,$45,$D0,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A0A DEFB $FE,$28,$D0,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A0E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $2f $8A0F DEFB $FE,$AA,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A13 DEFB $FC,$D4,$97 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A16 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $30 $8A17 DEFB $FE,$4A,$95,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A1B DEFB $FE,$7D,$95,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A1F DEFB $FA,$35 ; universal screen data $35 $8A21 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $31 $8A22 DEFB $FE,$7C,$95,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A26 DEFB $FD,$01,$94,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A2A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $32 $8A2B DEFB $FE,$A0,$D1,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A2F DEFB $FC,$A9,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A32 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $33 $8A33 DEFB $00,$90 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A35 DEFB $C4,$96 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A37 DEFB $0F,$90 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A39 DEFB $D5,$96 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A3B DEFB $FE,$66,$95,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A3F DEFB $FA,$35 ; universal screen data $35 $8A41 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $34 $8A42 DEFB $FA,$33 ; universal screen data $33 $8A44 DEFB $08,$90 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A46 DEFB $FE,$2E,$9E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A4A DEFB $2C,$A0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A4C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $35 $8A4D DEFB $FA,$37 ; universal screen data $37 $8A4F DEFB $FA,$36 ; universal screen data $36 $8A51 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $36 $8A52 DEFB $FD,$05,$94,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A56 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $37 $8A57 DEFB $FD,$06,$94,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A5B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $38 $8A5C DEFB $FE,$E8,$D1,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A60 DEFB $F4,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A62 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $39 $8A63 DEFB $ED,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A65 DEFB $05,$D1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A67 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $3a $8A68 DEFB $FA,$2A ; universal screen data $2a $8A6A DEFB $FA,$38 ; universal screen data $38 $8A6C DEFB $23,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A6E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $3b $8A6F DEFB $FA,$34 ; universal screen data $34 $8A71 DEFB $FA,$32 ; universal screen data $32 $8A73 DEFB $28,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8A75 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $3c $8A76 DEFB $FE,$D5,$CF,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A7A DEFB $FE,$0D,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A7E DEFB $FE,$1D,$A2,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A82 DEFB $FE,$38,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A86 DEFB $FE,$41,$CF,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A8A DEFB $FD,$F7,$CF,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A8E DEFB $FD,$5F,$CF,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A92 DEFB $FE,$F7,$A2,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A96 DEFB $FE,$6C,$CF,$C1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8A9A DEFB $FA,$3D ; universal screen data $3d $8A9C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $3d $8A9D DEFB $FE,$8A,$A2,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AA1 DEFB $FE,$D3,$CF,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AA5 DEFB $FE,$F3,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AA9 DEFB $FE,$BB,$A2,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AAD DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $3e $8AAE DEFB $FA,$43 ; universal screen data $43 $8AB0 DEFB $FA,$42,$FF ; $3f $8AB3 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $8AB5 DEFB $FA,$45 ; universal screen data $45 $8AB7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $40 $8AB8 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $8ABA DEFB $FA,$47 ; universal screen data $47 $8ABC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $41 $8ABD DEFB $FA,$48 ; universal screen data $48 $8ABF DEFB $FE,$57,$B2,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AC3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $42 $8AC4 DEFB $FE,$A0,$B2,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AC8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $43 $8AC9 DEFB $FA,$41 ; universal screen data $41 $8ACB DEFB $FD,$24,$B3,$61 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8ACF DEFB $FD,$CB,$B3,$61 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AD3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $44 $8AD4 DEFB $FE,$00,$B2,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AD8 DEFB $FD,$26,$B3,$61 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8ADC DEFB $FE,$57,$B2,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AE0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $45 $8AE1 DEFB $FE,$A0,$B2,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AE5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $46 $8AE6 DEFB $FD,$ED,$B2,$A1 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AEA DEFB $FD,$08,$B2,$A1 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AEE DEFB $FD,$DE,$B3,$61 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AF2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $47 $8AF3 DEFB $FE,$F4,$B2,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AF7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $48 $8AF8 DEFB $FE,$00,$B2,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8AFC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $49 $8AFD DEFB $FA,$48 ; universal screen data $48 $8AFF DEFB $FA,$42 ; universal screen data $42 $8B01 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $4a $8B02 DEFB $FA,$49 ; universal screen data $49 $8B04 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $8B06 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $4b $8B07 DEFB $FA,$49 ; universal screen data $49 $8B09 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $8B0B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $4c $8B0C DEFB $90,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B0E DEFB $FC,$D2,$A3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B11 DEFB $95,$A4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B13 DEFB $F4,$A3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B15 DEFB $A1,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B17 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $4d $8B18 DEFB $A0,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B1A DEFB $9F,$A4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B1C DEFB $AE,$A3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B1E DEFB $FC,$A8,$A3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B21 DEFB $FF ; $4e $8B22 DEFB $FA,$43 ; universal screen data $43 $8B24 DEFB $CA,$A3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B26 DEFB $FC,$A8,$A5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B29 DEFB $A4,$A4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B2B DEFB $A1,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B2D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $4f $8B2E DEFB $FA,$29 ; universal screen data $29 $8B30 DEFB $FC,$42,$C3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B33 DEFB $FE,$4B,$C7,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B37 DEFB $FE,$EE,$C7,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B3B DEFB $76,$C3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B3D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $50 $8B3E DEFB $FA,$29 ; universal screen data $29 $8B40 DEFB $41,$C3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B42 DEFB $FE,$F7,$C7,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B46 DEFB $FC,$79,$C3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B49 DEFB $FE,$83,$C7,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B4D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $51 $8B4E DEFB $8C,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B50 DEFB $98,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B52 DEFB $9A,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B54 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $52 $8B55 DEFB $FE,$CA,$4C,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B59 DEFB $FE,$9B,$4F,$83 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B5D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $53 $8B5E DEFB $92,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B60 DEFB $FC,$9E,$33 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B63 DEFB $FC,$9E,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B66 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $54 $8B67 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $8B69 DEFB $FE,$7C,$C7,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B6D DEFB $FE,$8C,$51,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B71 DEFB $FE,$D4,$50,$E1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B75 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $55 $8B76 DEFB $FE,$7F,$4C,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B7A DEFB $7B,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B7C DEFB $FD,$4A,$4F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B80 DEFB $FD,$48,$4F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B84 DEFB $FE,$2D,$C4,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B88 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $56 $8B89 DEFB $FD,$D6,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B8D DEFB $FD,$08,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B91 DEFB $FE,$C7,$C4,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B95 DEFB $FE,$F5,$4C,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8B99 DEFB $80,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8B9B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $57 $8B9C DEFB $FE,$00,$C4,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BA0 DEFB $FD,$45,$4F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BA4 DEFB $7C,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BA6 DEFB $54,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BA8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $58 $8BA9 DEFB $FE,$7C,$5D,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BAD DEFB $FE,$7C,$5C,$A5 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BB1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $59 $8BB2 DEFB $FE,$14,$61,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BB6 DEFB $FE,$7C,$5D,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BBA DEFB $FE,$7C,$5C,$A1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BBE DEFB $FA,$5C ; universal screen data $5c $8BC0 DEFB $FA,$5E ; universal screen data $5e $8BC2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5a $8BC3 DEFB $FE,$F1,$61,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BC7 DEFB $FE,$EE,$5D,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BCB DEFB $FE,$7E,$5C,$A1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BCF DEFB $FA,$5B ; universal screen data $5b $8BD1 DEFB $FA,$5D ; universal screen data $5d $8BD3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5b $8BD4 DEFB $DE,$60 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BD6 DEFB $FD,$30,$5E,$09 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BDA DEFB $DD,$5F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BDC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5c $8BDD DEFB $23,$60 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BDF DEFB $FD,$28,$5E,$09 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BE3 DEFB $F8,$5F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BE5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5d $8BE6 DEFB $FE,$96,$5B,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BEA DEFB $96,$62 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BEC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5e $8BED DEFB $98,$5B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BEF DEFB $9F,$5B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BF1 DEFB $FC,$F9,$62 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BF4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $5f $8BF5 DEFB $FD,$09,$9A,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8BF9 DEFB $FC,$44,$8C ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8BFC DEFB $FE,$4E,$88,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C00 DEFB $3E,$8E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C02 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $60 $8C03 DEFB $FE,$4B,$88,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C07 DEFB $3F,$8E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C09 DEFB $3C,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C0B DEFB $FD,$C1,$8A,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C0F DEFB $02,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C11 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $61 $8C12 DEFB $FE,$45,$88,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C16 DEFB $25,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C18 DEFB $FD,$C1,$8A,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C1C DEFB $02,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C1E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $62 $8C1F DEFB $FD,$C2,$9A,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C23 DEFB $FC,$32,$8C ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C26 DEFB $FE,$3C,$88,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C2A DEFB $39,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C2C DEFB $FD,$CE,$8A,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C30 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $63 $8C31 DEFB $FE,$2F,$88,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C35 DEFB $2F,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C37 DEFB $FD,$44,$8A,$0C ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C3B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $64 $8C3C DEFB $FE,$66,$88,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C40 DEFB $FC,$D9,$9B ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C43 DEFB $FD,$7A,$9A,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C47 DEFB $A6,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C49 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $65 $8C4A DEFB $FE,$6D,$88,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C4E DEFB $D7,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C50 DEFB $FD,$7E,$8A,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C54 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $66 $8C55 DEFB $FD,$CE,$8A,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C59 DEFB $39,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C5B DEFB $FE,$42,$88,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C5F DEFB $FD,$42,$8A,$0C ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C63 DEFB $42,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C65 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $67 $8C66 DEFB $FE,$00,$88,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C6A DEFB $FD,$C2,$9A,$12 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C6E DEFB $FC,$C6,$9B ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C71 DEFB $FE,$0A,$88,$12 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C75 DEFB $03,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C77 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $68 $8C78 DEFB $FA,$86 ; universal screen data $86 $8C7A DEFB $FA,$1D ; universal screen data $1d $8C7C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $69 $8C7D DEFB $FA,$87 ; universal screen data $87 $8C7F DEFB $FA,$20 ; universal screen data $20 $8C81 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6a $8C82 DEFB $FD,$C6,$8A,$0E ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C86 DEFB $7B,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C88 DEFB $FD,$C7,$8A,$0F ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C8C DEFB $9B,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C8E DEFB $12,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C90 DEFB $FE,$A0,$88,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C94 DEFB $FE,$AA,$88,$12 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C98 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6b $8C99 DEFB $FD,$C2,$9A,$12 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8C9D DEFB $2D,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8C9F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6c $8CA0 DEFB $FE,$98,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CA4 DEFB $FE,$A0,$93,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CA8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6d $8CA9 DEFB $FE,$00,$93,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CAD DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CB1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6e $8CB2 DEFB $FD,$07,$8F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CB6 DEFB $FE,$45,$92,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CBA DEFB $28,$9D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8CBC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $6f $8CBD DEFB $FE,$00,$93,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CC1 DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CC5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $70 $8CC6 DEFB $FE,$98,$61,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CCA DEFB $FE,$A0,$93,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CCE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $71 $8CCF DEFB $FA,$20 ; universal screen data $20 $8CD1 DEFB $FD,$F8,$63,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CD5 DEFB $FD,$DD,$63,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CD9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $72 $8CDA DEFB $FD,$BD,$63,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CDE DEFB $FD,$04,$63,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CE2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $73 $8CE3 DEFB $FA,$62 ; universal screen data $62 $8CE5 DEFB $CE,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8CE7 DEFB $FC,$08,$8C ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8CEA DEFB $FE,$04,$88,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CEE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $74 $8CEF DEFB $FE,$9D,$61,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CF3 DEFB $FE,$CF,$93,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CF7 DEFB $FD,$A4,$8F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8CFB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $75 $8CFC DEFB $FE,$C7,$93,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D00 DEFB $FE,$27,$61,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D04 DEFB $FD,$09,$8F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D08 DEFB $FE,$2F,$92,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D0C DEFB $2F,$91 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D0E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $76 $8D0F DEFB $FA,$69 ; universal screen data $69 $8D11 DEFB $FD,$00,$8A,$0F ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D15 DEFB $FC,$A0,$8C ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D18 DEFB $FE,$A0,$88,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D1C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $77 $8D1D DEFB $FD,$08,$8A,$0F ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D21 DEFB $FC,$A1,$8C ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D24 DEFB $FE,$E8,$88,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D28 DEFB $DF,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D2A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $78 $8D2B DEFB $FE,$3F,$D6,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D2F DEFB $FD,$01,$D7,$0E ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D33 DEFB $FD,$0F,$D7,$0E ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D37 DEFB $FD,$ED,$D7,$0E ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D3B DEFB $FE,$10,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D3F DEFB $FE,$3B,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D43 DEFB $FE,$EA,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D47 DEFB $FE,$97,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D4B DEFB $FE,$A3,$D9,$82 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D4F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $79 $8D50 DEFB $FD,$06,$D7,$12 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D54 DEFB $FD,$34,$D8,$41 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D58 DEFB $F9,$D8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D5A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7a $8D5B DEFB $FE,$3C,$D6,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D5F DEFB $FA,$79 ; universal screen data $79 $8D61 DEFB $A6,$D9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D63 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7b $8D64 DEFB $FE,$3F,$D6,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D68 DEFB $FA,$79 ; universal screen data $79 $8D6A DEFB $A6,$D9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D6C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7c $8D6D DEFB $FE,$00,$D1,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D71 DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D75 DEFB $FD,$8E,$D7,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D79 DEFB $FE,$83,$D6,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D7D DEFB $FD,$DA,$D7,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D81 DEFB $FE,$97,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D85 DEFB $FD,$F4,$D7,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D89 DEFB $6F,$D8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D8B DEFB $FE,$11,$D8,$C2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D8F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7d $8D90 DEFB $FE,$82,$D6,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D94 DEFB $FA,$79 ; universal screen data $79 $8D96 DEFB $7A,$D8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8D98 DEFB $FE,$02,$D1 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8D9B DEFB $06 ; eod marker $8D9C DEFB $FE,$25,$61,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DA0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7e $8DA1 DEFB $FE,$83,$D6,$11 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DA5 DEFB $FA,$79 ; universal screen data $79 $8DA7 DEFB $7A,$D8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8DA9 DEFB $FE,$00,$D1,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DAD DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$11 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DB1 DEFB $FC,$42,$DC ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8DB4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $7f $8DB5 DEFB $FA,$80 ; universal screen data $80 $8DB7 DEFB $FA,$81 ; universal screen data $81 $8DB9 DEFB $FA,$21 ; universal screen data $21 $8DBB DEFB $FF ; $80 $8DBC DEFB $FD,$64,$9C,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DC0 DEFB $FD,$78,$9C,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DC4 DEFB $FB,$D8,$DD ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8DC7 DEFB $4D,$9F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8DC9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $81 $8DCA DEFB $FD,$89,$9C,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DCE DEFB $FB,$6C,$DD ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8DD1 DEFB $4E,$9F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8DD3 DEFB $FD,$EC,$9C,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DD7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $82 $8DD8 DEFB $FA,$81 ; universal screen data $81 $8DDA DEFB $FE,$A6,$D1,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DDE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $83 $8DDF DEFB $FA,$80 ; universal screen data $80 $8DE1 DEFB $FE,$A0,$D1,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DE5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $84 $8DE6 DEFB $FD,$06,$D8,$23 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DEA DEFB $36,$D7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8DEC DEFB $FA,$7C ; universal screen data $7c $8DEE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $85 $8DEF DEFB $FE,$57,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DF3 DEFB $FD,$63,$D8,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DF7 DEFB $FA,$7C ; universal screen data $7c $8DF9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $86 $8DFA DEFB $FE,$00,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8DFE DEFB $FE,$0A,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E02 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $87 $8E03 DEFB $FE,$A0,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E07 DEFB $FE,$AA,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E0B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $88 $8E0C DEFB $FE,$69,$88,$16 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E10 DEFB $FD,$69,$8A,$08 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E14 DEFB $69,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E16 DEFB $7B,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E18 DEFB $FD,$ED,$8A,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E1C DEFB $CB,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E1E DEFB $FE,$2F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E20 DEFB $88,$02 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E22 DEFB $2C,$9B,$FD,$41 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E26 DEFB $8A ; eod marker $8E27 DEFB $0C,$FF ; $89 $8E29 DEFB $FE,$66,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E2D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8a $8E2E DEFB $FE,$66,$88,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E32 DEFB $FD,$64,$9A,$08 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E36 DEFB $FC,$D8,$9B ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E39 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8b $8E3A DEFB $FC,$6A,$BB ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E3D DEFB $6C,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E3F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8c $8E40 DEFB $FC,$57,$B7 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E43 DEFB $56,$B7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E45 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8d $8E46 DEFB $F5,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E48 DEFB $FC,$58,$B7 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E4B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8e $8E4C DEFB $81,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E4E DEFB $FC,$E4,$BA ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E51 DEFB $85,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E53 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $8f $8E54 DEFB $FC,$F8,$BA ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E57 DEFB $6E,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E59 DEFB $FC,$7E,$BA ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E5C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $90 $8E5D DEFB $FE,$07,$B5,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E61 DEFB $D0,$B6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E63 DEFB $C7,$B6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E65 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $91 $8E66 DEFB $FE,$A3,$B5,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E6A DEFB $CA,$B6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E6C DEFB $CF,$B6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E6E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $92 $8E6F DEFB $E7,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E71 DEFB $FC,$4A,$B9 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E74 DEFB $53,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E76 DEFB $FC,$EF,$B9 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E79 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $93 $8E7A DEFB $FE,$E3,$31,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E7E DEFB $74,$41 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E80 DEFB $EE,$41 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E82 DEFB $FD,$77,$41,$07 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E86 DEFB $FE,$A4 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E88 DEFB $31,$07 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E8A DEFB $F3,$41,$FF ; $94 $8E8D DEFB $FE,$57,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E91 DEFB $FE,$5D,$92,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8E95 DEFB $FA,$68 ; universal screen data $68 $8E97 DEFB $FA,$6C ; universal screen data $6c $8E99 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $95 $8E9A DEFB $1E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E9B DEFB $BB $8E9C DEFB $FC,$6E,$BB ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8E9F DEFB $38,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EA1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $96 $8EA2 DEFB $C1,$44 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EA4 DEFB $FE,$06,$32,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8EA8 DEFB $34,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EAA DEFB $35,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EAC DEFB $56,$49 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EAE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $97 $8EAF DEFB $00,$32 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EB1 DEFB $C6,$32 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EB3 DEFB $07,$32 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EB5 DEFB $FC,$DC,$44 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EB8 DEFB $34,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EBA DEFB $36,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EBC DEFB $FC,$5C,$49 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EBF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $98 $8EC0 DEFB $00,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EC2 DEFB $00,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EC4 DEFB $E7,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EC6 DEFB $C1,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EC8 DEFB $25,$54 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ECA DEFB $23,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ECC DEFB $4B,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ECE DEFB $4D,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ED0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $99 $8ED1 DEFB $04,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ED3 DEFB $C5,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ED5 DEFB $DE,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8ED7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9a $8ED8 DEFB $FA,$0D ; universal screen data $0d $8EDA DEFB $4E,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EDC DEFB $4F,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EDE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9b $8EDF DEFB $CA,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EE1 DEFB $C8,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EE3 DEFB $E5,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EE5 DEFB $12,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EE7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9c $8EE8 DEFB $FC,$5E,$47 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EEB DEFB $FC,$5F,$45 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EEE DEFB $73,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EF0 DEFB $76,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EF2 DEFB $91,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EF4 DEFB $90,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EF6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9d $8EF7 DEFB $A0,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EF9 DEFB $CA,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EFB DEFB $A8,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EFD DEFB $A9,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8EFF DEFB $D3,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F01 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9e $8F02 DEFB $FE,$7B,$31,$0D ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F06 DEFB $FE,$84,$31,$0F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F0A DEFB $FE,$8E,$31,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F0E DEFB $FE,$97,$31,$15 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F12 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $9f $8F13 DEFB $FB,$06,$27 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F16 DEFB $FB,$20,$E2 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F19 DEFB $FD,$3C,$25,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F1D DEFB $FD,$42,$25,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F21 DEFB $FA ; universal screen data $02 $8F22 DEFB $02 $8F23 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $a0 $8F24 DEFB $FA,$06 ; universal screen data $06 $8F26 DEFB $FE,$57,$26,$0F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F2A DEFB $FE,$5D,$59,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F2E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $a1 $8F2F DEFB $FA,$A0 ; universal screen data $a0 $8F31 DEFB $FD,$7A,$2A,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F35 DEFB $FD,$79,$2B,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F39 DEFB $7A,$2C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F3B DEFB $FB,$90,$28 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F3E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $a2 $8F3F DEFB $FD,$C1,$2A,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F43 DEFB $FD,$D1,$2B,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F47 DEFB $FB,$06,$28 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F4A DEFB $FB,$40,$29 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F4D DEFB $7A,$2C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F4F DEFB $FE,$8E,$31,$13 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F53 DEFB $FA,$01 ; universal screen data $01 $8F55 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $a3 $8F56 DEFB $FE,$98,$4E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F5A DEFB $A0,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F5C DEFB $E0,$2D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F5E DEFB $AA,$36 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F60 DEFB $AC,$36 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F62 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; $a4 $8F63 DEFB $FB,$20,$13 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F66 DEFB $FB,$5A,$E2 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, coordinate lookup value, ; graphic $8F69 DEFB $FE,$7F,$25,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F6D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; unused bytes b$8F6E DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; specific screen data ; ; screen data 1 ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value >= $fa } ; { 1 | $fe=draw horizontally } ; { | $fd=draw vertically } ; { | $fc=draw mirror image of graphic } ; { | $fb=draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side } ; { | $fa=draw universal screen data } ; { 2 | coordinate lookup value } ; { 3 | graphic } ; { 4 | gap+length } ; { | bits 0-4=length } ; { | bits 5,6,7= gap to leave before drawing again } ; { | eg. 5,6,7 all unset =draw continuous line } ; { | bit 5 set = draw every other column } ; { | all set draw graphic every 7th column } ; TABLE# ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value < $fa } ; { 1 | coordinate lookup value } ; { 2 | graphic } ; TABLE# ; ; ; screen data 2 ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h value >= $fa } ; { 1 | bits 0,1 (plus ONE)=no. of ladders (1-4) (0=1 ladder, 1=2 ladders, 2=3 ladders, 3=4 ladders) } ; { | bit 2 +4 = there are ladders in the room } ; { | bit 3 +8 = there's a jukebox in the room } ; { | bit 4 +16 = door status (blown/not blown) } ; { | bit 7 +128= there's a door in the room } ; TABLE# ; room $00 screen data 1 b$8F76 DEFB $FA,$4C ; universal screen data $4c $8F78 DEFB $FA,$7A ; universal screen data $7a $8F7A DEFB $3D,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F7C DEFB $F5,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F7E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $00 screen data 2 $8F7F DEFB $08 ; jukebox $8F80 DEFB $52 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $8F81 DEFB $31,$2C,$30,$7E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $01 screen data 1 $8F85 DEFB $FE,$00,$92,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F89 DEFB $A0,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F8B DEFB $FA,$78 ; universal screen data $78 $8F8D DEFB $63,$DC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F8F DEFB $53,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F91 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $01 screen data 2 $8F92 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $8F93 DEFB $2D,$31,$2F,$13 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $02 screen data 1 $8F97 DEFB $FE,$00,$92,$15 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8F9B DEFB $D5,$9D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F9D DEFB $DB,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8F9F DEFB $FA,$78 ; universal screen data $78 $8FA1 DEFB $FD,$F1,$8A,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8FA5 DEFB $FE,$C5,$88,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8FA9 DEFB $FE,$0E,$88,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8FAD DEFB $5E,$DC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FAF DEFB $A1,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FB1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $02 screen data 2 $8FB2 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $8FB3 DEFB $2D,$31,$2F,$13 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $03 screen data 1 $8FB7 DEFB $FA,$86 ; universal screen data $86 $8FB9 DEFB $FA,$7B ; universal screen data $7b $8FBB DEFB $FA,$4D ; universal screen data $4d $8FBD DEFB $FC,$84,$A5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FC0 DEFB $FA,$65 ; universal screen data $65 $8FC2 DEFB $A2,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FC4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $03 screen data 2 $8FC5 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $8FC6 DEFB $3D,$C0 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $8FC8 DEFB $2A,$59,$28,$8F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $04 screen data 1 $8FCC DEFB $FA,$86 ; universal screen data $86 $8FCE DEFB $FA,$64 ; universal screen data $64 $8FD0 DEFB $FA,$7A ; universal screen data $7a $8FD2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $04 screen data 2 $8FD3 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $8FD4 DEFB $04 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $8FD5 DEFB $F1 ; door coordinate lookup value $8FD6 DEFB $31,$2F,$EA,$50 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $05 screen data 1 $8FDA DEFB $FA,$86 ; universal screen data $86 $8FDC DEFB $FA,$78 ; universal screen data $78 $8FDE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $05 screen data 2 $8FDF DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $8FE0 DEFB $13,$2D,$31,$2F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $06 screen data 1 $8FE4 DEFB $FA,$86 ; universal screen data $86 $8FE6 DEFB $FA,$78 ; universal screen data $78 $8FE8 DEFB $D9,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FEA DEFB $67,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FEC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $06 screen data 2 $8FED DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $8FEE DEFB $31,$2F,$13,$2D ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $07 screen data 1 $8FF2 DEFB $02,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $8FF4 DEFB $FE,$00,$88,$0D ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8FF8 DEFB $FE,$0A,$88,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $8FFC DEFB $FA,$7B ; universal screen data $7b $8FFE DEFB $EA,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9000 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $07 screen data 2 $9001 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9002 DEFB $28,$2A,$2D,$31 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $08 screen data 1 $9006 DEFB $FE,$5F,$95,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $900A DEFB $FA,$26 ; universal screen data $26 $900C DEFB $FE,$AE,$CF,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9010 DEFB $D4,$97 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9012 DEFB $8B,$A2 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9014 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $08 screen data 2 $9015 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9016 DEFB $4C ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9017 DEFB $EE,$F2,$F9,$84 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $09 screen data 1 $901B DEFB $FE,$5D,$95,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $901F DEFB $9C,$D0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9021 DEFB $FE,$9E,$CF,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9025 DEFB $FE,$D3,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9029 DEFB $FE,$B2,$CF,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $902D DEFB $FA,$2C ; universal screen data $2c $902F DEFB $FA,$25 ; universal screen data $25 $9031 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $09 screen data 2 $9032 DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $9033 DEFB $C4,$DB,$F2 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9036 DEFB $EF ; door coordinate lookup value $9037 DEFB $EB,$9D,$F8,$97 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0a screen data 1 $903B DEFB $FA,$22 ; universal screen data $22 $903D DEFB $FE,$43,$89,$A2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9041 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $0a screen data 2 $9042 DEFB $0C ; jukebox + 1 ladder $9043 DEFB $09 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9044 DEFB $61 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $9045 DEFB $84,$8B,$87,$F7 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0b screen data 1 $9049 DEFB $FA,$22 ; universal screen data $22 $904B DEFB $FB,$43,$D2 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $904E DEFB $FE,$40,$9E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9052 DEFB $44,$A0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9054 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $0b screen data 2 $9055 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9056 DEFB $84,$89,$87,$8B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0c screen data 1 $905A DEFB $FA,$2E ; universal screen data $2e $905C DEFB $FE,$98,$D0,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9060 DEFB $FE,$99,$D0,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9064 DEFB $FE,$A9,$CF,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9068 DEFB $FA,$27 ; universal screen data $27 $906A DEFB $FA,$36 ; universal screen data $36 $906C DEFB $87 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $906D DEFB $A2 ; eod marker $906E DEFB $FF ; room $0c screen data 2 $906F DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9070 DEFB $84,$6F,$9D,$9E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0d screen data 1 $9074 DEFB $FE,$19,$95,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9078 DEFB $FA,$2F ; universal screen data $2f $907A DEFB $FE,$AB,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $907E DEFB $FA,$30 ; universal screen data $30 $9080 DEFB $50,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9082 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $0d screen data 2 $9083 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $9084 DEFB $C2,$72 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9086 DEFB $F5 ; door coordinate lookup value $9087 DEFB $E2,$35,$39,$9E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0e screen data 1 $908B DEFB $FE,$14,$95,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $908F DEFB $FA,$26 ; universal screen data $26 $9091 DEFB $FA,$27 ; universal screen data $27 $9093 DEFB $FE,$11,$0E,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9097 DEFB $FE,$A3,$0D,$63 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $909B DEFB $FE,$4B,$95,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $909F DEFB $FA,$31 ; universal screen data $31 $90A1 DEFB $FF ; room $0e screen data 2 $90A2 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $90A3 DEFB $3C ; ladder coordinate lookup value $90A4 DEFB $64,$9B,$EE,$7E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $0f screen data 1 $90A8 DEFB $FA,$25 ; universal screen data $25 $90AA DEFB $FA,$3C ; universal screen data $3c $90AC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $0f screen data 2 $90AD DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $90AE DEFB $F6 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $90AF DEFB $F8,$97,$92,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $10 screen data 1 $90B3 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $90B5 DEFB $FA,$4C ; universal screen data $4c $90B7 DEFB $FD,$73,$AF,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $90BB DEFB $4A,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90BD DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $10 screen data 2 $90BE DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $90BF DEFB $7E,$32,$5B,$DA ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $11 screen data 1 $90C3 DEFB $FA,$43 ; universal screen data $43 $90C5 DEFB $01,$AE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90C7 DEFB $FC,$9D,$A4 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $90CA DEFB $FA,$4D ; universal screen data $4d $90CC DEFB $25,$A6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90CE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $11 screen data 2 $90CF DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $90D0 DEFB $F5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $90D1 DEFB $43,$40,$8F,$90 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $12 screen data 1 $90D5 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $90D7 DEFB $CC,$A4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90D9 DEFB $FE,$C2,$98,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $90DD DEFB $FE,$50,$98,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $90E1 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $90E3 DEFB $F4,$A3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90E5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $12 screen data 2 $90E6 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $90E7 DEFB $07 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $90E8 DEFB $43,$3D,$40,$41 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $13 screen data 1 $90EC DEFB $FA,$4E ; universal screen data $4e $90EE DEFB $23,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90F0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $13 screen data 2 $90F1 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $90F2 DEFB $43,$42,$91,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $14 screen data 1 $90F6 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $90F8 DEFB $FC,$9F,$A4 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $90FB DEFB $A0,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $90FD DEFB $FE,$DE,$61,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9101 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $9103 DEFB $FA,$4C ; universal screen data $4c $9105 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $14 screen data 2 $9106 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9107 DEFB $50 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9108 DEFB $43,$79,$EE,$8F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $15 screen data 1 $910C DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9110 DEFB $FA,$43 ; universal screen data $43 $9112 DEFB $5E,$AE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9114 DEFB $A0,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9116 DEFB $9F,$A4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9118 DEFB $A2,$A5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $911A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $15 screen data 2 $911B DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $911C DEFB $46 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $911D DEFB $2E ; door coordinate lookup value $911E DEFB $43,$8F,$84,$44 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $16 screen data 1 $9122 DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9126 DEFB $FA,$4E ; universal screen data $4e $9128 DEFB $56,$AD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $912A DEFB $31,$A6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $912C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $16 screen data 2 $912D DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $912E DEFB $D1,$51 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9130 DEFB $2A ; door coordinate lookup value $9131 DEFB $43,$41,$F0,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $17 screen data 1 $9135 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $9137 DEFB $FE,$21,$61,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $913B DEFB $FA,$4D ; universal screen data $4d $913D DEFB $FE,$19,$98,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9141 DEFB $FA,$1E ; universal screen data $1e $9143 DEFB $FD,$4E,$AF,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9147 DEFB $FD,$4C,$AF,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $914B DEFB $30,$A9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $914D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $17 screen data 2 $914E DEFB $9C ; door, jukebox + 1 ladder $914F DEFB $ED ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9150 DEFB $68 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $9151 DEFB $EE ; door coordinate lookup value $9152 DEFB $43,$91,$8F,$39 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $18 screen data 1 $9156 DEFB $FA,$92 ; universal screen data $92 $9158 DEFB $FA,$8E ; universal screen data $8e $915A DEFB $FB,$9A,$E4 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $915D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $18 screen data 2 $915E DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $915F DEFB $70,$5C ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9161 DEFB $32,$62,$84,$D8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $19 screen data 1 $9165 DEFB $FA,$8F ; universal screen data $8f $9167 DEFB $81,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9169 DEFB $06,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $916B DEFB $5B,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $916D DEFB $30,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $916F DEFB $EC,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9171 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $19 screen data 2 $9172 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9173 DEFB $68,$D8,$47,$E1 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1a screen data 1 $9177 DEFB $FA,$8F ; universal screen data $8f $9179 DEFB $7B,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $917B DEFB $6C,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $917D DEFB $FA,$8E ; universal screen data $8e $917F DEFB $80,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9181 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1a screen data 2 $9182 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9183 DEFB $D8,$D7,$69,$F5 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1b screen data 1 $9187 DEFB $FA,$90 ; universal screen data $90 $9189 DEFB $FA,$8D ; universal screen data $8d $918B DEFB $5F,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $918D DEFB $D4,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $918F DEFB $7C,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9191 DEFB $6F,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9193 DEFB $F9,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9195 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1b screen data 2 $9196 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $9197 DEFB $8E,$48 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9199 DEFB $2F ; door coordinate lookup value $919A DEFB $7D,$86,$F2,$63 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1c screen data 1 $919E DEFB $07,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91A0 DEFB $D0,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91A2 DEFB $C0,$B5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91A4 DEFB $DB,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91A6 DEFB $FA,$8F ; universal screen data $8f $91A8 DEFB $64,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91AA DEFB $FA,$8C ; universal screen data $8c $91AC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1c screen data 2 $91AD DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $91AE DEFB $E1,$E7,$F7 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $91B1 DEFB $31 ; door coordinate lookup value $91B2 DEFB $42,$41,$D7,$43 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1d screen data 1 $91B6 DEFB $FE,$BD,$BD,$23 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $91BA DEFB $08,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91BC DEFB $F8,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91BE DEFB $FA,$8E ; universal screen data $8e $91C0 DEFB $78,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91C2 DEFB $EC,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91C4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1d screen data 2 $91C5 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $91C6 DEFB $D8,$D9,$76,$E1 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1e screen data 1 $91CA DEFB $00,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91CC DEFB $2F,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91CE DEFB $8E,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91D0 DEFB $7F,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91D2 DEFB $8B,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91D4 DEFB $D3,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91D6 DEFB $95,$BA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91D8 DEFB $E8,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91DA DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1e screen data 2 $91DB DEFB $90 ; door $91DC DEFB $6C ; door coordinate lookup value $91DD DEFB $DD,$93 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $1f screen data 1 $91DF DEFB $81,$D9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91E1 DEFB $A3,$BA $91E3 DEFB $FE,$8E,$BA,$25 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $91E7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $1f screen data 2 $91E8 DEFB $08 ; jukebox $91E9 DEFB $53 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $91EA DEFB $8F,$81,$7B,$78 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $20 screen data 1 $91EE DEFB $5A,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $91F0 DEFB $FE,$5C,$4C,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $91F4 DEFB $FA,$52 ; universal screen data $52 $91F6 DEFB $FA,$53 ; universal screen data $53 $91F8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $20 screen data 2 $91F9 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $91FA DEFB $F5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $91FB DEFB $90,$7E,$49,$47 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $21 screen data 1 $91FF DEFB $FA,$28 ; universal screen data $28 $9201 DEFB $FE,$19,$4C,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9205 DEFB $FE,$4A,$4C,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9209 DEFB $FD,$02,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $920D DEFB $78,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $920F DEFB $FD,$C5,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9213 DEFB $77,$4F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9215 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $21 screen data 2 $9216 DEFB $07 ; 4 ladders $9217 DEFB $06,$4D,$4E,$CE ; ladder coordinate lookup values $921B DEFB $32,$38,$6F,$81 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $22 screen data 1 $921F DEFB $FA,$56 ; universal screen data $56 $9221 DEFB $FA,$00 ; universal screen data $00 $9223 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $22 screen data 2 $9224 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9225 DEFB $79,$7A,$7B,$7C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $23 screen data 1 $9229 DEFB $FE,$57,$4C,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $922D DEFB $FD,$00,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9231 DEFB $7C,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9233 DEFB $FD,$C2,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9237 DEFB $FD,$C7,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $923B DEFB $FD,$08,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $923F DEFB $FE,$00,$C4,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9243 DEFB $80,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9245 DEFB $FA,$00 ; universal screen data $00 $9247 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $23 screen data 2 $9248 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9249 DEFB $3C ; ladder coordinate lookup value $924A DEFB $2E ; door coordinate lookup value $924B DEFB $43,$DA,$44,$7E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $24 screen data 1 $924F DEFB $FA,$57 ; universal screen data $57 $9251 DEFB $FA,$07 ; universal screen data $07 $9253 DEFB $FA,$00 ; universal screen data $00 $9255 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $24 screen data 2 $9256 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9257 DEFB $06 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9258 DEFB $43,$81,$7E,$6A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $25 screen data 1 $925C DEFB $FA,$51 ; universal screen data $51 $925E DEFB $FA,$52 ; universal screen data $52 $9260 DEFB $FA,$56 ; universal screen data $56 $9262 DEFB $FA,$53 ; universal screen data $53 $9264 DEFB $FE,$00,$EF,$A2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9268 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $25 screen data 2 $9269 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $926A DEFB $CE ; ladder coordinate lookup value $926B DEFB $30 ; door coordinate lookup value $926C DEFB $81,$90,$44,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $26 screen data 1 $9270 DEFB $FA,$57 ; universal screen data $57 $9272 DEFB $FA ; universal screen data $28 $9273 DEFB $28 ; eod marker $9274 DEFB $FF ; room $26 screen data 2 $9275 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9276 DEFB $EA ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9277 DEFB $7B,$78 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $57 screen data 2 $9279 DEFB $6F ; 4 ladders $927A DEFB $EF ; room $27 screen data 1 $927B DEFB $10,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $927D DEFB $4D,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $927F DEFB $5B,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9281 DEFB $FA,$51 ; universal screen data $51 $9283 DEFB $FA,$52 ; universal screen data $52 $9285 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $27 screen data 2 $9286 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9287 DEFB $90,$81,$48,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $28 screen data 1 $928B DEFB $FA,$A4 ; universal screen data $a4 $928D DEFB $FE,$E0,$2D,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9291 DEFB $FE,$AC,$36,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9295 DEFB $FE,$E5,$3E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9299 DEFB $F7,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $929B DEFB $FE,$F2,$59,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $929F DEFB $FC,$F2,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $92A2 DEFB $FE,$65,$26,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92A6 DEFB $FA,$04 ; universal screen data $04 $92A8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $28 screen data 2 $92A9 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $92AA DEFB $4C ; ladder coordinate lookup value $92AB DEFB $D4,$91,$EC,$39 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $29 screen data 1 $92AF DEFB $D1,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92B1 DEFB $FB,$09,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92B4 DEFB $FE,$04,$3E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92B8 DEFB $FE,$66,$26,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92BC DEFB $FB,$44,$4B ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92BF DEFB $FE,$4B,$59,$14 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92C3 DEFB $FE,$70,$25,$82 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92C7 DEFB $4C,$49 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92C9 DEFB $FA,$01 ; universal screen data $01 $92CB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $29 screen data 2 $92CC DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $92CD DEFB $03 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $92CE DEFB $73 ; door coordinate lookup value $92CF DEFB $3B,$32,$84,$85 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2a screen data 1 $92D3 DEFB $FE,$00,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92D7 DEFB $FE,$C7,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92DB DEFB $FA,$A2 ; universal screen data $a2 $92DD DEFB $FB,$52,$4D ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92E0 DEFB $FE,$84,$3E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92E4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2a screen data 2 $92E5 DEFB $0C ; jukebox + 1 ladder $92E6 DEFB $C0 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $92E7 DEFB $EB ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $92E8 DEFB $78,$81,$EC,$EE ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2b screen data 1 $92EC DEFB $FE,$00,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92F0 DEFB $FE,$D5,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92F4 DEFB $3E,$3E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $92F6 DEFB $FA,$A3 ; universal screen data $a3 $92F8 DEFB $FA,$04 ; universal screen data $04 $92FA DEFB $FE,$46,$C9,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $92FE DEFB $64,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9300 DEFB $D7,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9302 DEFB $FE,$91,$C9,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9306 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2b screen data 2 $9307 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9308 DEFB $13,$EA ; ladder coordinate lookup values $930A DEFB $36,$33,$7A,$EC ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2c screen data 1 $930E DEFB $FE,$00,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9312 DEFB $FE,$09,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9316 DEFB $FE,$0D,$30,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $931A DEFB $FE,$3F,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $931E DEFB $FB,$53,$13 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9321 DEFB $FA,$A2 ; universal screen data $a2 $9323 DEFB $FE,$4E,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9327 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2c screen data 2 $9328 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9329 DEFB $03,$C2 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $932B DEFB $7B,$78,$41,$EC ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2d screen data 1 $932F DEFB $FE,$00,$3E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9333 DEFB $FB,$D0,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9336 DEFB $3C,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9338 DEFB $FE,$0A,$30,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $933C DEFB $FA,$01 ; universal screen data $01 $933E DEFB $C0,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9340 DEFB $FB,$C7,$13 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9343 DEFB $04,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9345 DEFB $FB,$44,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9348 DEFB $FE,$59,$26,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $934C DEFB $FE,$5F,$30,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9350 DEFB $4B,$3E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9352 DEFB $FE,$D8,$3E,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9356 DEFB $FE,$72,$25,$43 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $935A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2d screen data 2 $935B DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $935C DEFB $02,$3A,$48 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $935F DEFB $50,$51,$8A,$84 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2e screen data 1 $9363 DEFB $FA,$06 ; universal screen data $06 $9365 DEFB $FE,$57,$31,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9369 DEFB $FE,$5D,$30,$0F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $936D DEFB $FA,$A3 ; universal screen data $a3 $936F DEFB $FE,$9B,$3E,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9373 DEFB $FE,$A6,$25,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9377 DEFB $FA,$04 ; universal screen data $04 $9379 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2e screen data 2 $937A DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $937B DEFB $C3 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $937C DEFB $72 ; door coordinate lookup value $937D DEFB $3D,$41,$82,$89 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $2f screen data 1 $9381 DEFB $FE,$E7,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9385 DEFB $FE,$EB,$3E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9389 DEFB $64,$49 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $938B DEFB $D1,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $938D DEFB $FB,$BD,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9390 DEFB $FB,$43,$4B ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9393 DEFB $FE,$57,$31,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9397 DEFB $5D,$30 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9399 DEFB $FA,$A3 ; universal screen data $a3 $939B DEFB $FA,$3C ; universal screen data $3c $939D DEFB $67,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $939F DEFB $FE,$9B,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93A3 DEFB $FE,$A6,$25,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93A7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $2f screen data 2 $93A8 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $93A9 DEFB $D7,$03 ; item placement coordinate lookup values $93AB DEFB $82,$53 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3a screen data 1 $93AD DEFB $CB,$59 ; universal screen data $1c ; room $30 screen data 1 $93AF DEFB $D0,$46 ; universal screen data $68 $93B1 DEFB $C2,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93B3 DEFB $C0 ; eod marker $93B4 DEFB $45 $93B5 DEFB $03,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93B7 DEFB $D5,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93B9 DEFB $40,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93BB DEFB $FA,$11 ; universal screen data $11 $93BD DEFB $A9,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93BF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $30 screen data 2 $93C0 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $93C1 DEFB $44,$C7 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $93C3 DEFB $2E,$31,$59,$90 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $31 screen data 1 $93C7 DEFB $FA,$12 ; universal screen data $12 $93C9 DEFB $89,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93CB DEFB $8A,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93CD DEFB $94,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93CF DEFB $8D,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93D1 DEFB $CE,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93D3 DEFB $04,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93D5 DEFB $39,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93D7 DEFB $F6,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93D9 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $31 screen data 2 $93DA DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $93DB DEFB $50,$6F,$EA,$74 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $32 screen data 1 $93DF DEFB $FC,$D0,$48 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $93E2 DEFB $FE,$D5,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93E6 DEFB $FE,$4D,$4C,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93EA DEFB $FE,$7B,$4C,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93EE DEFB $FE,$CA,$4C,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $93F2 DEFB $FA,$03 ; universal screen data $03 $93F4 DEFB $8C,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $93F6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $32 screen data 2 $93F7 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders (bit 4 door not blown status also set but ; unnecessary) $93F8 DEFB $3C,$64 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $93FA DEFB $52 ; door coordinate lookup value $93FB DEFB $36,$6B,$F0,$91 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $33 screen data 1 $93FF DEFB $FE,$00,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9403 DEFB $C0,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9405 DEFB $D5,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9407 DEFB $FE,$4B,$4C,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $940B DEFB $FE,$7C,$4C,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $940F DEFB $FE,$A0,$4C,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9413 DEFB $FD,$3F,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9417 DEFB $FA,$03 ; universal screen data $03 $9419 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $33 screen data 2 $941A DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders (bit 4 door not blown status also set but ; unnecessary) $941B DEFB $C7,$64 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $941D DEFB $51 ; door coordinate lookup value $941E DEFB $90,$34,$93,$F6 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $34 screen data 1 $9422 DEFB $FA,$9A ; universal screen data $9a $9424 DEFB $4B,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9426 DEFB $7C,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9428 DEFB $A0,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $942A DEFB $FD,$3F,$4F,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $942E DEFB $FA,$0A ; universal screen data $0a $9430 DEFB $FA,$9B ; universal screen data $9b $9432 DEFB $9B,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9434 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $34 screen data 2 $9435 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9436 DEFB $44 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9437 DEFB $F6,$3A,$F8,$77 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $35 screen data 1 $943B DEFB $FA,$98 ; universal screen data $98 $943D DEFB $FA,$13 ; universal screen data $13 $943F DEFB $FA,$11 ; universal screen data $11 $9441 DEFB $FA,$0B ; universal screen data $0b $9443 DEFB $8B,$55 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9445 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $35 screen data 2 $9446 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9447 DEFB $E7 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9448 DEFB $72,$6E,$59,$3B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $36 screen data 1 $944C DEFB $FA,$14 ; universal screen data $14 $944E DEFB $FA,$12 ; universal screen data $12 $9450 DEFB $D2,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9452 DEFB $FE,$D5,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9456 DEFB $06,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9458 DEFB $D1,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $945A DEFB $FE,$AB,$0E,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $945E DEFB $FE,$A2,$0D,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9462 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $36 screen data 2 $9463 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9464 DEFB $50,$6F,$95,$9E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $37 screen data 1 $9468 DEFB $FE,$00,$48,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $946C DEFB $FC,$1A,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $946F DEFB $FC,$1D,$45 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9472 DEFB $3A,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9474 DEFB $FA,$9C ; universal screen data $9c $9476 DEFB $FE,$AA,$0E,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $947A DEFB $FE,$E0,$0D,$43 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $947E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $37 screen data 2 $947F DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9480 DEFB $CB ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9481 DEFB $99,$9F,$7A,$5B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $38 screen data 1 $9485 DEFB $8A,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9487 DEFB $FA,$5A ; universal screen data $5a $9489 DEFB $FA,$63 ; universal screen data $63 $948B DEFB $FA,$66 ; universal screen data $66 $948D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $38 screen data 2 $948E DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $948F DEFB $1D,$68,$31,$65 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $39 screen data 1 $9493 DEFB $FE,$0C,$3E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9497 DEFB $FE,$10,$3E,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $949B DEFB $FA,$72 ; universal screen data $72 $949D DEFB $FA,$73 ; universal screen data $73 $949F DEFB $D6,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $94A1 DEFB $FA,$19 ; universal screen data $19 $94A3 DEFB $FA,$61 ; universal screen data $61 $94A5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $39 screen data 2 $94A6 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $94A7 DEFB $03,$42 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $94A9 DEFB $D9,$64,$67,$68,$FA,$1C,$FA,$68 $94B1 DEFB $27,$A6,$FF ; room $3a screen data 2 $94B4 DEFB $08 ; jukebox $94B5 DEFB $40 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $94B6 DEFB $64,$D9,$67,$D7 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3b screen data 1 $94BA DEFB $FA,$59 ; universal screen data $59 $94BC DEFB $FA,$67 ; universal screen data $67 $94BE DEFB $FA,$5F ; universal screen data $5f $94C0 DEFB $2C,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $94C2 DEFB $FA,$5A ; universal screen data $5a $94C4 DEFB $85,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $94C6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $3b screen data 2 $94C7 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $94C8 DEFB $DB ; ladder coordinate lookup value $94C9 DEFB $59 ; door coordinate lookup value $94CA DEFB $64,$82,$E3,$68 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3c screen data 1 $94CE DEFB $FA,$72 ; universal screen data $72 $94D0 DEFB $FA,$60 ; universal screen data $60 $94D2 DEFB $FA,$19 ; universal screen data $19 $94D4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $3c screen data 2 $94D5 DEFB $90 ; door $94D6 DEFB $50 ; door coordinate lookup value $94D7 DEFB $3B,$D8,$E2,$32 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3d screen data 1 $94DB DEFB $84,$57 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $94DD DEFB $FD,$C6,$8A,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $94E1 DEFB $FD,$C7,$8A,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $94E5 DEFB $FA,$58 ; universal screen data $58 $94E7 DEFB $FA,$1D ; universal screen data $1d $94E9 DEFB $FA,$5E ; universal screen data $5e $94EB DEFB $FA,$5D ; universal screen data $5d $94ED DEFB $FA,$66 ; universal screen data $66 $94EF DEFB $D6,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $94F1 DEFB $FA,$6B ; universal screen data $6b $94F3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $3d screen data 2 $94F4 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $94F5 DEFB $40,$09 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $94F7 DEFB $31,$64,$67,$68 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3e screen data 1 $94FB DEFB $FA,$72 ; universal screen data $72 $94FD DEFB $FA,$1C ; universal screen data $1c $94FF DEFB $FA,$5F ; universal screen data $5f $9501 DEFB $FA,$1D ; universal screen data $1d $9503 DEFB $FA,$1B ; universal screen data $1b $9505 DEFB $FD,$CE,$8A,$11 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9509 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $3e screen data 2 $950A DEFB $90 ; door (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $950B DEFB $59 ; door coordinate lookup value $950C DEFB $E3,$64,$D9,$67 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $3f screen data 1 $9510 DEFB $FA,$60 ; universal screen data $60 $9512 DEFB $FA,$59 ; universal screen data $59 $9514 DEFB $FA,$1E ; universal screen data $1e $9516 DEFB $0B,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9518 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $3f screen data 2 $9519 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders (bit 4 door not blown status also set but ; unnecessary) $951A DEFB $62,$90 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $951C DEFB $EE ; door coordinate lookup value $951D DEFB $93,$32,$4E,$84 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $40 screen data 1 $9521 DEFB $41,$DB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9523 DEFB $FA,$7D ; universal screen data $7d $9525 DEFB $27,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9527 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $40 screen data 2 $9528 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9529 DEFB $74,$EF,$77,$73 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $41 screen data 1 $952D DEFB $FE,$A0,$92,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9531 DEFB $FA,$84 ; universal screen data $84 $9533 DEFB $FE,$41,$DB,$62 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9537 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $41 screen data 2 $9538 DEFB $90 ; door $9539 DEFB $49 ; door coordinate lookup value $953A DEFB $72,$6E,$74,$E1 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $42 screen data 1 $953E DEFB $FE,$A0,$92,$15 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9542 DEFB $D3,$9D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9544 DEFB $FE,$E9,$88,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9548 DEFB $FE,$AB,$88,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $954C DEFB $A2,$9B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $954E DEFB $BC,$8A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9550 DEFB $FA,$84 ; universal screen data $84 $9552 DEFB $FD,$8A,$8F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9556 DEFB $FE,$3F,$DB,$62 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $955A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $42 screen data 2 $955B DEFB $90 ; door $955C DEFB $49 ; door coordinate lookup value $955D DEFB $70,$73,$68,$77 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $43 screen data 1 $9561 DEFB $FA,$87 ; universal screen data $87 $9563 DEFB $FA,$7E ; universal screen data $7e $9565 DEFB $FE,$52,$42,$0E ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9569 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $43 screen data 2 $956A DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $956B DEFB $E5,$C0 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $956D DEFB $70,$72,$6E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $44 screen data 1 $9570 DEFB $41 ; universal screen data $87 $9571 DEFB $FA $9572 DEFB $87,$FA ; universal screen data $7d $9574 DEFB $7D,$FE,$57,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9578 DEFB $0C,$FE,$52,$61 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $957C DEFB $0E ; eod marker $957D DEFB $FF ; room $44 screen data 2 $957E DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $957F DEFB $E8,$E1,$C2 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9582 DEFB $42,$44,$74,$73 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $45 screen data 1 $9586 DEFB $FA,$87 ; universal screen data $87 $9588 DEFB $FA,$85 ; universal screen data $85 $958A DEFB $5B,$93 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $958C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $45 screen data 2 $958D DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $958E DEFB $3C,$4E ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9590 DEFB $2E ; door coordinate lookup value $9591 DEFB $3D,$44,$72,$EF ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $46 screen data 1 $9595 DEFB $FA,$87 ; universal screen data $87 $9597 DEFB $FA,$85 ; universal screen data $85 $9599 DEFB $28,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $959B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $46 screen data 2 $959C DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $959D DEFB $D0 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $959E DEFB $5F ; door coordinate lookup value $959F DEFB $3C,$70,$74,$73 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $47 screen data 1 $95A3 DEFB $FE,$57,$61,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95A7 DEFB $A6,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95A9 DEFB $FE,$A0,$88,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95AD DEFB $FE,$AA,$88,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95B1 DEFB $FA,$7E ; universal screen data $7e $95B3 DEFB $10,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95B5 DEFB $48,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95B7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $47 screen data 2 $95B8 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $95B9 DEFB $EB ; ladder coordinate lookup value $95BA DEFB $2A ; door coordinate lookup value $95BB DEFB $43,$70,$72,$6E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $48 screen data 1 $95BF DEFB $FE,$5B,$95,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95C3 DEFB $FA,$24 ; universal screen data $24 $95C5 DEFB $77,$D5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95C7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $48 screen data 2 $95C8 DEFB $00 $95C9 DEFB $F7,$F2,$EE,$7E ; room $49 screen data 1 $95CD DEFB $FE,$5D,$95,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95D1 DEFB $FA,$3A ; universal screen data $3a $95D3 DEFB $D8,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95D5 DEFB $FD,$05,$9C,$0F ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95D9 DEFB $FA,$39 ; universal screen data $39 $95DB DEFB $4E,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95DD DEFB $5E,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95DF DEFB $FE,$F2,$D1,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95E3 DEFB $9C,$CF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $95E5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $49 screen data 2 $95E6 DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $95E7 DEFB $A2,$CC,$DB ; ladder coordinate lookup values $95EA DEFB $DE ; door coordinate lookup value $95EB DEFB $F8,$EB,$DD,$4A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4a screen data 1 $95EF DEFB $FA,$2D ; universal screen data $2d $95F1 DEFB $FA,$10 ; universal screen data $10 $95F3 DEFB $FE,$4B,$D1,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95F7 DEFB $FC,$4E,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $95FA DEFB $FD,$6C,$9C,$05 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $95FE DEFB $FE,$F8,$CF,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9602 DEFB $FE,$98,$CF,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9606 DEFB $FE,$F2,$95,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $960A DEFB $FA,$36 ; universal screen data $36 $960C DEFB $FA,$21 ; universal screen data $21 $960E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4a screen data 2 $960F DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9610 DEFB $A4 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9611 DEFB $69 ; door coordinate lookup value $9612 DEFB $3B,$7D,$78,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4b screen data 1 $9616 DEFB $FE,$9D,$CF,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $961A DEFB $FA,$2C ; universal screen data $2c $961C DEFB $FE,$4B,$95,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9620 DEFB $FA,$37 ; universal screen data $37 $9622 DEFB $FA,$21 ; universal screen data $21 $9624 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4b screen data 2 $9625 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9626 DEFB $F2 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9627 DEFB $EF ; door coordinate lookup value $9628 DEFB $D4,$36,$89,$32 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4c screen data 1 $962C DEFB $FE,$78,$95,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9630 DEFB $FA,$36 ; universal screen data $36 $9632 DEFB $FA,$2E ; universal screen data $2e $9634 DEFB $FE,$43,$D4,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9638 DEFB $3D,$89 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $963A DEFB $FA,$32 ; universal screen data $32 $963C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4c screen data 2 $963D DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $963E DEFB $69 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $963F DEFB $8F,$E2,$68,$6B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4d screen data 1 $9643 DEFB $FE,$BA,$95,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9647 DEFB $FE,$7C,$95,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $964B DEFB $FA,$30 ; universal screen data $30 $964D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4d screen data 2 $964E DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $964F DEFB $3D,$C8 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9651 DEFB $F5 ; door coordinate lookup value $9652 DEFB $D7,$33,$E2,$D8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4e screen data 1 $9656 DEFB $FE,$B4,$95,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $965A DEFB $FE,$4B,$95,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $965E DEFB $FA,$31 ; universal screen data $31 $9660 DEFB $FA,$24 ; universal screen data $24 $9662 DEFB $44,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9664 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4e screen data 2 $9665 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9666 DEFB $7D ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9667 DEFB $32,$35,$D9,$7E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $4f screen data 1 $966B DEFB $FA,$2A ; universal screen data $2a $966D DEFB $FA,$3C ; universal screen data $3c $966F DEFB $76,$D4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9671 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $4f screen data 2 $9672 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9673 DEFB $F6 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9674 DEFB $92,$59,$D6,$F8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $50 screen data 1 $9678 DEFB $16,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $967A DEFB $FA,$40 ; universal screen data $40 $967C DEFB $F9,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $967E DEFB $79,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9680 DEFB $5B,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9682 DEFB $74,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9684 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $50 screen data 2 $9685 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9686 DEFB $61,$47,$E2,$86 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $51 screen data 1 $968A DEFB $FA,$3E ; universal screen data $3e $968C DEFB $06,$AD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $968E DEFB $C0,$AD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9690 DEFB $FE,$EB,$AA,$14 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9694 DEFB $E6,$AE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9696 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $51 screen data 2 $9697 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9698 DEFB $D1 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9699 DEFB $27 ; door coordinate lookup value $969A DEFB $43,$38,$8F,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $52 screen data 1 $969E DEFB $FA,$3F ; universal screen data $3f $96A0 DEFB $FE,$C8,$98,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96A4 DEFB $FE,$50,$98,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96A8 DEFB $FA,$40 ; universal screen data $40 $96AA DEFB $08,$A8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96AC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $52 screen data 2 $96AD DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $96AE DEFB $A3 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $96AF DEFB $43,$8E,$90,$92 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $53 screen data 1 $96B3 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $96B5 DEFB $FA,$4B ; universal screen data $4b $96B7 DEFB $00,$A8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96B9 DEFB $FE,$F2,$AA,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96BD DEFB $70,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96BF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $53 screen data 2 $96C0 DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $96C1 DEFB $50,$07,$ED ; ladder coordinate lookup values $96C4 DEFB $43,$8E,$91,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $54 screen data 1 $96C8 DEFB $FA,$3F ; universal screen data $3f $96CA DEFB $FE,$4B,$AA,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96CE DEFB $C2,$AC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96D0 DEFB $FE,$5A,$98,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96D4 DEFB $CE,$AC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96D6 DEFB $FA,$40 ; universal screen data $40 $96D8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $54 screen data 2 $96D9 DEFB $90 ; door (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $96DA DEFB $23 ; door coordinate lookup value $96DB DEFB $49,$48,$46,$8F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $55 screen data 1 $96DF DEFB $FA,$4A ; universal screen data $4a $96E1 DEFB $FE,$24,$92,$16 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96E5 DEFB $27,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $96E7 DEFB $FD,$8B,$AF,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96EB DEFB $FD,$7E,$AF,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96EF DEFB $FD,$88,$AF,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $96F3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $55 screen data 2 $96F4 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $96F5 DEFB $07,$EA ; ladder coordinate lookup values $96F7 DEFB $43,$D7,$91,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $56 screen data 1 $96FB DEFB $FA,$4B ; universal screen data $4b $96FD DEFB $FE,$21,$92,$1A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9701 DEFB $24,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9703 DEFB $7E,$AB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9705 DEFB $FD,$8E,$AF,$01 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9709 DEFB $FD,$78,$AF,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $970D DEFB $FD,$87,$AF,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9711 DEFB $FD,$83,$AF,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9715 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $56 screen data 2 $9716 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9717 DEFB $D2 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9718 DEFB $8F,$81,$6F,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $57 screen data 1 $971C DEFB $FA,$3F ; universal screen data $3f $971E DEFB $FE,$B6,$98,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9722 DEFB $FA,$1F ; universal screen data $1f $9724 DEFB $46,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9726 DEFB $37,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9728 DEFB $FF ; eod marker $9729 DEFB $07 $972A DEFB $68,$F4,$EA,$ED ; ladder coordinate lookup values $972E DEFB $43,$F8,$8E,$6D ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $58 screen data 1 $9732 DEFB $FA,$8D ; universal screen data $8d $9734 DEFB $E2,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9736 DEFB $78,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9738 DEFB $E6,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $973A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $58 screen data 2 $973B DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $973C DEFB $D4,$D9,$56,$44 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $59 screen data 1 $9740 DEFB $FA,$90 ; universal screen data $90 $9742 DEFB $08,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9744 DEFB $FA,$8C ; universal screen data $8c $9746 DEFB $81,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9748 DEFB $A9,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $974A DEFB $7E,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $974C DEFB $68,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $974E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $59 screen data 2 $974F DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9750 DEFB $C0 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9751 DEFB $28 ; door coordinate lookup value $9752 DEFB $42,$41,$64,$BF ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5a screen data 1 $9756 DEFB $00,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9758 DEFB $FA,$92 ; universal screen data $92 $975A DEFB $82,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $975C DEFB $C7,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $975E DEFB $81,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9760 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5a screen data 2 $9761 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9762 DEFB $C0 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9763 DEFB $64,$62,$32,$6F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5b screen data 1 $9767 DEFB $C7,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9769 DEFB $C5,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $976B DEFB $3D,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $976D DEFB $47,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $976F DEFB $D8,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9771 DEFB $82,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9773 DEFB $FA,$91 ; universal screen data $91 $9775 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5b screen data 2 $9776 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9777 DEFB $34 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9778 DEFB $8F,$37,$F0,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5c screen data 1 $977C DEFB $A3,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $977E DEFB $CA,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9780 DEFB $91,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9782 DEFB $E5,$B5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9784 DEFB $A2,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9786 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5c screen data 2 $9787 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9788 DEFB $E6 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9789 DEFB $8F,$92,$95,$7A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5d screen data 1 $978D DEFB $FA,$92 ; universal screen data $92 $978F DEFB $02,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9791 DEFB $FE,$E0,$BD,$23 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9795 DEFB $A1,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9797 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5d screen data 2 $9798 DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $9799 DEFB $C2,$65,$56 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $979C DEFB $8F,$D4,$62,$90 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5e screen data 1 $97A0 DEFB $02,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97A2 DEFB $D9,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97A4 DEFB $E2,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97A6 DEFB $FA,$8D ; universal screen data $8d $97A8 DEFB $BF,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97AA DEFB $84,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97AC DEFB $A0,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97AE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5e screen data 2 $97AF DEFB $90 ; door $97B0 DEFB $3C ; door coordinate lookup value $97B1 DEFB $F8,$51,$52,$44 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $5f screen data 1 $97B5 DEFB $C1,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97B7 DEFB $FA,$8C ; universal screen data $8c $97B9 DEFB $50,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97BB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $5f screen data 2 $97BC DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $97BD DEFB $D1 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $97BE DEFB $43,$42,$41,$3D ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $60 screen data 1 $97C2 DEFB $70,$C5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97C4 DEFB $FE,$84,$C7,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97C8 DEFB $FA,$55 ; universal screen data $55 $97CA DEFB $0D,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97CC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $60 screen data 2 $97CD DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $97CE DEFB $26 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $97CF DEFB $51 ; door coordinate lookup value $97D0 DEFB $D9,$E2,$74,$EF ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $61 screen data 1 $97D4 DEFB $19,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97D6 DEFB $09,$50 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97D8 DEFB $C3,$51 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $97DA DEFB $FA,$50 ; universal screen data $50 $97DC DEFB $FE,$5A,$4C,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97E0 DEFB $FE,$B6,$4C,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97E4 DEFB $FD,$3C,$4F,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97E8 DEFB $FE,$8B,$4C,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97EC DEFB $FD,$6B,$4F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $97F0 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $61 screen data 2 $97F1 DEFB $97 ; door + 4 ladders $97F2 DEFB $69,$A9,$68,$DF ; ladder coordinate lookup values $97F6 DEFB $62 ; door coordinate lookup value $97F7 DEFB $70,$6F,$39,$3A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $62 screen data 1 $97FB DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $97FD DEFB $FE,$4B,$C7,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9801 DEFB $FC,$35,$C5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9804 DEFB $83,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9806 DEFB $FE,$9D,$C4,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $980A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $62 screen data 2 $980B DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $980C DEFB $43 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $980D DEFB $8A,$EC,$3B,$32 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $63 screen data 1 $9811 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9813 DEFB $FA,$55 ; universal screen data $55 $9815 DEFB $FE,$98,$C4,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9819 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $63 screen data 2 $981A DEFB $90 ; door (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $981B DEFB $51 ; door coordinate lookup value $981C DEFB $84,$D9,$E2,$8A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $64 screen data 1 $9820 DEFB $00,$50 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9822 DEFB $FE,$98,$C4,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9826 DEFB $FA,$07 ; universal screen data $07 $9828 DEFB $38,$C5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $982A DEFB $FE,$4C,$C7,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $982E DEFB $BC,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9830 DEFB $A1,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9832 DEFB $D4,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9834 DEFB $4D,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9836 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $64 screen data 2 $9837 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9838 DEFB $06,$A9 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $983A DEFB $D6,$7D,$3A,$6A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $65 screen data 1 $983E DEFB $FE,$4B,$C7,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9842 DEFB $FE,$9D,$C4,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9846 DEFB $FE,$A0,$EF,$A2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $984A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $65 screen data 2 $984B DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $984C DEFB $9E ; ladder coordinate lookup value $984D DEFB $3B,$32,$D4,$38 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $66 screen data 1 $9851 DEFB $FA,$4F ; universal screen data $4f $9853 DEFB $2E,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9855 DEFB $84,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9857 DEFB $FE,$98,$C4,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $985B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $66 screen data 2 $985C DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $985D DEFB $EB ; ladder coordinate lookup value $985E DEFB $3B,$32,$68,$6D ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $67 screen data 1 $9862 DEFB $2A,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9864 DEFB $FE,$7C,$C7,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9868 DEFB $FC,$6C,$C5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $986B DEFB $33,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $986D DEFB $11,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $986F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $67 screen data 2 $9870 DEFB $0E ; jukebox + 3 ladders $9871 DEFB $2D,$07,$72 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9874 DEFB $42 ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $9875 DEFB $69,$6A,$D9,$27 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $68 screen data 1 $9879 DEFB $FC,$C4,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $987C DEFB $FE,$D0,$59,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9880 DEFB $C7,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9882 DEFB $26,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9884 DEFB $FE,$3D,$3E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9888 DEFB $48,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $988A DEFB $FE,$7D,$3E,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $988E DEFB $FE,$84,$C9,$83 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9892 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $68 screen data 2 $9893 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9894 DEFB $C1 $9895 DEFB $35 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9896 DEFB $D9 ; item placement coordinate lookup values $9897 DEFB $33,$67,$EF ; room $69 screen data 1 $989A DEFB $8E,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $989C DEFB $82,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $989E DEFB $FE,$F5,$26,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98A2 DEFB $FE,$61,$59,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98A6 DEFB $FC,$61,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $98A9 DEFB $FB,$A4,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $98AC DEFB $FE,$E8,$3E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98B0 DEFB $D2,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $98B2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $69 screen data 2 $98B3 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $98B4 DEFB $12 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $98B5 DEFB $EE ; door coordinate lookup value $98B6 DEFB $93,$44,$81,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6a screen data 1 $98BA DEFB $FA,$A1 ; universal screen data $a1 $98BC DEFB $FE,$CF,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98C0 DEFB $FE,$A0,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98C4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6a screen data 2 $98C5 DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $98C6 DEFB $50,$C3,$E5 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $98C9 DEFB $7E ; door coordinate lookup value $98CA DEFB $F0,$DD,$3C,$43 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6b screen data 1 $98CE DEFB $FA,$A0 ; universal screen data $a0 $98D0 DEFB $FE,$A0,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98D4 DEFB $FE,$D3,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98D8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6b screen data 2 $98D9 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $98DA DEFB $59,$4D ; ladder coordinate lookup values $98DC DEFB $31 ; door coordinate lookup value $98DD DEFB $3D,$44,$8E,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6c screen data 1 $98E1 DEFB $FE,$C3,$42,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98E5 DEFB $FA,$A1 ; universal screen data $a1 $98E7 DEFB $FE,$A0,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98EB DEFB $FE,$A4,$3E,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98EF DEFB $FE,$F3,$30,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98F3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6c screen data 2 $98F4 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $98F5 DEFB $C8,$12 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $98F7 DEFB $3D,$8E,$93,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6d screen data 1 $98FB DEFB $FE,$00,$42,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $98FF DEFB $FE,$57,$26,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9903 DEFB $FE,$5D,$59,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9907 DEFB $5C,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9909 DEFB $FE,$A0,$3E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $990D DEFB $FE,$AA,$30,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9911 DEFB $FB,$CA,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9914 DEFB $80,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9916 DEFB $EF,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9918 DEFB $67,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $991A DEFB $E5,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $991C DEFB $FB,$CF,$13 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $991F DEFB $E8,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9921 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6d screen data 2 $9922 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9923 DEFB $A6 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9924 DEFB $7B ; door coordinate lookup values $9925 DEFB $3D,$53,$F8,$8E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6e screen data 1 $9929 DEFB $FE,$00,$42,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $992D DEFB $FC,$D0,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9930 DEFB $FE,$C6,$59,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9934 DEFB $09,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9936 DEFB $FE,$24,$30,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $993A DEFB $FE,$32,$25,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $993E DEFB $FE,$50,$25,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9942 DEFB $FA,$02 ; universal screen data $02 $9944 DEFB $FB,$72,$27 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9947 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6e screen data 2 $9948 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9949 DEFB $C9 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $994A DEFB $F8,$D9,$E2,$6C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $6f screen data 1 $994E DEFB $FE,$7C,$C9,$E2 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9952 DEFB $FB,$E0,$4A ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9955 DEFB $FA,$3C ; universal screen data $3c $9957 DEFB $FE,$E6,$3E,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $995B DEFB $D2,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $995D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $6f screen data 2 $995E DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $995F DEFB $12,$5E ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9961 DEFB $8F,$67,$CB,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $70 screen data 1 $9965 DEFB $FA,$13 ; universal screen data $13 $9967 DEFB $FA,$9C ; universal screen data $9c $9969 DEFB $FA,$9B ; universal screen data $9b $996B DEFB $D3,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $996D DEFB $5A,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $996F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $70 screen data 2 $9970 DEFB $07 ; 4 ladders $9971 DEFB $38,$09,$E4,$CF ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9975 DEFB $5B,$4F,$7A,$4A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $71 screen data 1 $9979 DEFB $FA,$14 ; universal screen data $14 $997B DEFB $FA,$16 ; universal screen data $16 $997D DEFB $FA,$99 ; universal screen data $99 $997F DEFB $FA,$09 ; universal screen data $09 $9981 DEFB $80,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9983 DEFB $DF,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9985 DEFB $E8,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9987 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $71 screen data 2 $9988 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9989 DEFB $62,$DB ; ladder coordinate lookup values $998B DEFB $32,$34,$35,$33 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $72 screen data 1 $998F DEFB $FA,$13 ; universal screen data $13 $9991 DEFB $FA,$17 ; universal screen data $17 $9993 DEFB $FA,$11 ; universal screen data $11 $9995 DEFB $D4,$48 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9997 DEFB $91,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9999 DEFB $FB,$7C,$46 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $999C DEFB $FC,$CA,$48 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $999F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $72 screen data 2 $99A0 DEFB $90 ; door (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $99A1 DEFB $69 ; door coordinate lookup value $99A2 DEFB $7D,$7A,$74,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $73 screen data 1 $99A6 DEFB $FA,$14 ; universal screen data $14 $99A8 DEFB $FA,$16 ; universal screen data $16 $99AA DEFB $FE,$50,$42,$15 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $99AE DEFB $4A,$4F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99B0 DEFB $FA,$12 ; universal screen data $12 $99B2 DEFB $E5,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99B4 DEFB $D3,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99B6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $73 screen data 2 $99B7 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $99B8 DEFB $CF,$D1 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $99BA DEFB $6F,$EA,$42,$44 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $74 screen data 1 $99BE DEFB $FA,$99 ; universal screen data $99 $99C0 DEFB $FE,$57,$42,$18 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $99C4 DEFB $4C,$4F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99C6 DEFB $D7,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99C8 DEFB $6D,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99CA DEFB $A2,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99CC DEFB $DF,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99CE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $74 screen data 2 $99CF DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $99D0 DEFB $3D,$41,$59,$92 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $75 screen data 1 $99D4 DEFB $FA,$17 ; universal screen data $17 $99D6 DEFB $FA,$9A ; universal screen data $9a $99D8 DEFB $EB,$56 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99DA DEFB $FA,$18 ; universal screen data $18 $99DC DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $75 screen data 2 $99DD DEFB $07 ; 4 ladders $99DE DEFB $D9,$DB,$EA,$E6 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $99E2 DEFB $3A,$53,$94,$51 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $76 screen data 1 $99E6 DEFB $FA,$98 ; universal screen data $98 $99E8 DEFB $FA,$13 ; universal screen data $13 $99EA DEFB $FA,$0C ; universal screen data $0c $99EC DEFB $FA,$0A ; universal screen data $0a $99EE DEFB $A9,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99F0 DEFB $D2,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99F2 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $76 screen data 2 $99F3 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $99F4 DEFB $C4 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $99F5 DEFB $81 ; door coordinate lookup value $99F6 DEFB $3B,$90,$8F,$EF ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $77 screen data 1 $99FA DEFB $FA,$14 ; universal screen data $14 $99FC DEFB $02,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $99FE DEFB $06,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A00 DEFB $FA,$0B ; universal screen data $0b $9A02 DEFB $67,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A04 DEFB $FC,$B7,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A07 DEFB $FC,$BB,$45 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A0A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $77 screen data 2 $9A0B DEFB $0D ; jukebox + 2 ladders $9A0C DEFB $C2,$6C ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9A0E DEFB $4A ; jukebox coordinate lookup value $9A0F DEFB $53,$70 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $78 screen data 1 $9A11 DEFB $72,$E4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A13 DEFB $C4,$93 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A15 DEFB $C1,$93 ; universal screen data $75 $9A17 DEFB $FA,$75,$FE,$BC ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A1B DEFB $61,$08 ; universal screen data $65 $9A1D DEFB $FA,$65 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A1F DEFB $56 ; eod marker $9A20 DEFB $93,$FF ; room $78 screen data 2 $9A22 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9A23 DEFB $C0,$F5 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9A25 DEFB $59,$F4,$C9,$42 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $79 screen data 1 $9A29 DEFB $FA,$6D ; universal screen data $6d $9A2B DEFB $FE,$11,$3E,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A2F DEFB $FE,$45,$92,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A33 DEFB $31,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A35 DEFB $FA,$6B ; universal screen data $6b $9A37 DEFB $FA,$71 ; universal screen data $71 $9A39 DEFB $FA,$77 ; universal screen data $77 $9A3B DEFB $FA,$64 ; universal screen data $64 $9A3D DEFB $FA,$65 ; universal screen data $65 $9A3F DEFB $FE,$E2,$3E,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A43 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $79 screen data 2 $9A44 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9A45 DEFB $51,$12 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9A47 DEFB $EA,$59,$56,$53 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7a screen data 1 $9A4B DEFB $FA,$6D ; universal screen data $6d $9A4D DEFB $FA,$6E ; universal screen data $6e $9A4F DEFB $FA,$89 ; universal screen data $89 $9A51 DEFB $5B,$8E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A53 DEFB $FA,$76 ; universal screen data $76 $9A55 DEFB $2D,$A6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A57 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7a screen data 2 $9A58 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9A59 DEFB $6A ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9A5A DEFB $50,$F5,$D4,$F0 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7b screen data 1 $9A5E DEFB $FE,$B4,$61,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A62 DEFB $FE,$BC,$61,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A66 DEFB $FA,$63 ; universal screen data $63 $9A68 DEFB $FA,$73 ; universal screen data $73 $9A6A DEFB $F1,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A6C DEFB $FA,$89 ; universal screen data $89 $9A6E DEFB $FA,$6F ; universal screen data $6f $9A70 DEFB $FA,$6A ; universal screen data $6a $9A72 DEFB $0B,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9A74 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7b screen data 2 $9A75 DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $9A76 DEFB $D1,$A2,$25 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9A79 DEFB $8E,$50,$51,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7c screen data 1 $9A7D DEFB $FA,$1B ; universal screen data $1b $9A7F DEFB $FE,$45,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A83 DEFB $FA,$64 ; universal screen data $64 $9A85 DEFB $FA,$68 ; universal screen data $68 $9A87 DEFB $FA,$71 ; universal screen data $71 $9A89 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7c screen data 2 $9A8A DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9A8B DEFB $6A ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9A8C DEFB $EA,$C8,$E5,$DF ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7d screen data 1 $9A90 DEFB $FE,$14,$61,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A94 DEFB $FA,$88 ; universal screen data $88 $9A96 DEFB $FA,$20 ; universal screen data $20 $9A98 DEFB $FA,$67 ; universal screen data $67 $9A9A DEFB $FD,$F6,$8A,$0D ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9A9E DEFB $FE,$45,$88,$14 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9AA2 DEFB $FA,$75 ; universal screen data $75 $9AA4 DEFB $3B,$A6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AA6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7d screen data 2 $9AA7 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9AA8 DEFB $0C,$A4 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9AAA DEFB $F5,$53,$56,$51 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7e screen data 1 $9AAE DEFB $FA,$8A ; universal screen data $8a $9AB0 DEFB $FA,$6D ; universal screen data $6d $9AB2 DEFB $FA,$6E ; universal screen data $6e $9AB4 DEFB $FA,$1B ; universal screen data $1b $9AB6 DEFB $FA,$63 ; universal screen data $63 $9AB8 DEFB $FA,$71 ; universal screen data $71 $9ABA DEFB $FA,$65 ; universal screen data $65 $9ABC DEFB $FA,$1A ; universal screen data $1a $9ABE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7e screen data 2 $9ABF DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9AC0 DEFB $CC,$A9,$59,$D3 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $7f screen data 1 $9AC4 DEFB $FA,$6F ; universal screen data $6f $9AC6 DEFB $FA,$61 ; universal screen data $61 $9AC8 DEFB $FA,$64 ; universal screen data $64 $9ACA DEFB $5A,$8E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9ACC DEFB $FE,$B4,$61,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9AD0 DEFB $FA,$1F ; universal screen data $1f $9AD2 DEFB $33,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AD4 DEFB $AD,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AD6 DEFB $03,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AD8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $7f screen data 2 $9AD9 DEFB $07 ; 4 ladders $9ADA DEFB $C2,$EF,$6A,$ED ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9ADE DEFB $27,$4A,$9D,$68 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $80 screen data 1 $9AE2 DEFB $FA,$82 ; universal screen data $82 $9AE4 DEFB $73,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AE6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $80 screen data 2 $9AE7 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9AE8 DEFB $91,$93,$94,$5B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $81 screen data 1 $9AEC DEFB $FA,$7F ; universal screen data $7f $9AEE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $81 screen data 2 $9AEF DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9AF0 DEFB $8F,$D4,$91,$92 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $82 screen data 1 $9AF4 DEFB $FA,$7F ; universal screen data $7f $9AF6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $82 screen data 2 $9AF7 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9AF8 DEFB $F8,$90,$93,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $83 screen data 1 $9AFC DEFB $F0,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9AFE DEFB $FA,$83 ; universal screen data $83 $9B00 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $83 screen data 2 $9B01 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9B02 DEFB $E5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9B03 DEFB $8F,$D4,$91,$EE ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $84 screen data 1 $9B07 DEFB $FA,$82 ; universal screen data $82 $9B09 DEFB $8F,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B0B DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $84 screen data 2 $9B0C DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9B0D DEFB $C8 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9B0E DEFB $91,$93,$94,$81 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $85 screen data 1 $9B12 DEFB $C2,$DD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B14 DEFB $FC,$D1,$DD ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B17 DEFB $FE,$24,$31,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B1B DEFB $FE,$2D,$DA,$41 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B1F DEFB $2F,$9F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B21 DEFB $FE,$4D,$B3,$82 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B25 DEFB $FE,$4D,$31,$0D ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B29 DEFB $FA,$9E ; universal screen data $9e $9B2B DEFB $FA,$21 ; universal screen data $21 $9B2D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $85 screen data 2 $9B2E DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9B2F DEFB $06,$3D ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9B31 DEFB $D9,$E2,$DD,$81 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $86 screen data 1 $9B35 DEFB $FA,$7F ; universal screen data $7f $9B37 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $86 screen data 2 $9B38 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9B39 DEFB $CA ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9B3A DEFB $F8,$91,$93,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $87 screen data 1 $9B3E DEFB $FA,$83 ; universal screen data $83 $9B40 DEFB $11,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B42 DEFB $85,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B44 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $87 screen data 2 $9B45 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9B46 DEFB $8F,$D4,$91,$76 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $88 screen data 1 $9B4A DEFB $FE,$E3,$95,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B4E DEFB $FD,$25,$9C,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B52 DEFB $FD,$DC,$9C,$06 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B56 DEFB $C2,$DE ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B58 DEFB $FC,$D1,$DE ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B5B DEFB $FE,$46,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B5F DEFB $FE,$50,$CF,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B63 DEFB $FE,$A9,$D1,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B67 DEFB $A8,$D3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B69 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $88 screen data 2 $9B6A DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9B6B DEFB $06,$41 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9B6D DEFB $59,$F0,$DD,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $89 screen data 1 $9B71 DEFB $FE,$66,$95,$0A ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B75 DEFB $FA,$36 ; universal screen data $36 $9B77 DEFB $FA,$38 ; universal screen data $38 $9B79 DEFB $08,$90 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B7B DEFB $FC,$A0,$D1 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B7E DEFB $FC,$A3,$D3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9B81 DEFB $FE,$6E,$D4,$43 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B85 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $89 screen data 2 $9B86 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9B87 DEFB $A2 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9B88 DEFB $50,$51,$F5,$F8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8a screen data 1 $9B8C DEFB $FE,$9E,$95,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B90 DEFB $FA,$3B ; universal screen data $3b $9B92 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8a screen data 2 $9B93 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9B94 DEFB $69 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9B95 DEFB $F8,$52,$D4,$EC ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8b screen data 1 $9B99 DEFB $FE,$98,$95,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9B9D DEFB $FA,$34 ; universal screen data $34 $9B9F DEFB $FA,$38 ; universal screen data $38 $9BA1 DEFB $F2,$D5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BA3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8b screen data 2 $9BA4 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9BA5 DEFB $67 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9BA6 DEFB $E4 ; door coordinate lookup value $9BA7 DEFB $84,$50,$82,$F5 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8c screen data 1 $9BAB DEFB $FA,$3B ; universal screen data $3b $9BAD DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8c screen data 2 $9BAE DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9BAF DEFB $69 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9BB0 DEFB $8E,$D4,$F5,$EA ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8d screen data 1 $9BB4 DEFB $FA,$33 ; universal screen data $33 $9BB6 DEFB $47,$D5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BB8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8d screen data 2 $9BB9 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9BBA DEFB $EA,$50,$56,$37 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8e screen data 1 $9BBE DEFB $FE,$66,$95,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BC2 DEFB $FD,$2A,$94,$04 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BC6 DEFB $FE,$70,$D4,$62 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BCA DEFB $FA,$24 ; universal screen data $24 $9BCC DEFB $8D,$95 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BCE DEFB $41,$99 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BD0 DEFB $FE,$44,$9E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BD4 DEFB $3E,$A0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BD6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8e screen data 2 $9BD7 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9BD8 DEFB $56,$50,$EE,$7E ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $8f screen data 1 $9BDC DEFB $FA,$2A ; universal screen data $2a $9BDE DEFB $FE,$8C,$95,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BE2 DEFB $3F,$A0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BE4 DEFB $FA,$3D ; universal screen data $3d $9BE6 DEFB $FB,$38,$DE ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BE9 DEFB $FE,$EE,$CF,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9BED DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $8f screen data 2 $9BEE DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9BEF DEFB $D7 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9BF0 DEFB $F5 ; door coordinate lookup value $9BF1 DEFB $7D,$7F,$7A,$6B ; room $90 screen data 1 $9BF5 DEFB $FA,$40 ; universal screen data $40 $9BF7 DEFB $5A,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BF9 DEFB $67,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BFB DEFB $F9,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BFD DEFB $6A,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9BFF DEFB $B5,$AF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C01 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $90 screen data 2 $9C02 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9C03 DEFB $51,$53,$4A,$86 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $91 screen data 1 $9C07 DEFB $FA,$44 ; universal screen data $44 $9C09 DEFB $FA,$42 ; universal screen data $42 $9C0B DEFB $A9,$AD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C0D DEFB $E5,$AD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C0F DEFB $78,$AB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C11 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $91 screen data 2 $9C12 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9C13 DEFB $EA,$D2 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9C15 DEFB $43,$F8,$91,$92 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $92 screen data 1 $9C19 DEFB $FA,$45 ; universal screen data $45 $9C1B DEFB $EF,$A7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C1D DEFB $FA,$47 ; universal screen data $47 $9C1F DEFB $A1,$A8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C21 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $92 screen data 2 $9C22 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9C23 DEFB $F8,$8E,$D4,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $93 screen data 1 $9C27 DEFB $FD,$19,$B3,$21 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C2B DEFB $FD,$18,$B3,$21 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C2F DEFB $C2,$DF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C31 DEFB $FC,$D1,$DF ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C34 DEFB $FE,$24,$CF,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C38 DEFB $FE,$4D,$CF,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C3C DEFB $FE,$84,$CF,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C40 DEFB $FE,$D4,$0D,$83 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C44 DEFB $5C,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C46 DEFB $FA,$42 ; universal screen data $42 $9C48 DEFB $A0,$A8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C4A DEFB $81,$AB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C4C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $93 screen data 2 $9C4D DEFB $07 ; 4 ladders $9C4E DEFB $06,$F7,$A3,$F4 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9C52 DEFB $35,$76,$93,$6F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $94 screen data 1 $9C56 DEFB $84,$A9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C58 DEFB $FA,$45 ; universal screen data $45 $9C5A DEFB $C8,$AC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C5C DEFB $DF,$AC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C5E DEFB $FA,$47 ; universal screen data $47 $9C60 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $94 screen data 2 $9C61 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9C62 DEFB $F8,$8E,$92,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $95 screen data 1 $9C66 DEFB $FA,$46 ; universal screen data $46 $9C68 DEFB $FE,$F2,$AA,$04 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C6C DEFB $FA,$42 ; universal screen data $42 $9C6E DEFB $79,$AB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C70 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $95 screen data 2 $9C71 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9C72 DEFB $A3 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9C73 DEFB $D4,$91,$95,$92 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $96 screen data 1 $9C77 DEFB $FA,$3E ; universal screen data $3e $9C79 DEFB $FE,$4B,$AA,$0D ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9C7D DEFB $E4,$B4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C7F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $96 screen data 2 $9C80 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9C81 DEFB $F5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9C82 DEFB $25 ; door coordinate lookup value $9C83 DEFB $3B,$42,$90,$94 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $97 screen data 1 $9C87 DEFB $FA,$3F ; universal screen data $3f $9C89 DEFB $FA,$93 ; universal screen data $93 $9C8B DEFB $F7,$A9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C8D DEFB $4C,$A9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C8F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $97 screen data 2 $9C90 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9C91 DEFB $F4 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9C92 DEFB $8E,$43,$93,$F0 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $98 screen data 1 $9C96 DEFB $FA,$8B ; universal screen data $8b $9C98 DEFB $FA,$90 ; universal screen data $90 $9C9A DEFB $EC,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9C9C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $98 screen data 2 $9C9D DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9C9E DEFB $51,$56,$F5,$E1 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $99 screen data 1 $9CA2 DEFB $51,$B5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CA4 DEFB $FA,$91 ; universal screen data $91 $9CA6 DEFB $A1,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CA8 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $99 screen data 2 $9CA9 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9CAA DEFB $E5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9CAB DEFB $79 ; door coordinate lookup value $9CAC DEFB $8E,$90,$95,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $9a screen data 1 $9CB0 DEFB $A0,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CB2 DEFB $88,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CB4 DEFB $E6,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CB6 DEFB $87,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CB8 DEFB $CF,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CBA DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9a screen data 2 $9CBB DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9CBC DEFB $E5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9CBD DEFB $95,$D4,$6F,$F8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $9b screen data 1 $9CC1 DEFB $FA,$95 ; universal screen data $95 $9CC3 DEFB $C0,$E0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CC5 DEFB $20,$B5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CC7 DEFB $E4,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CC9 DEFB $FE,$83,$BD,$22 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9CCD DEFB $CF,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CCF DEFB $E9,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CD1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9b screen data 2 $9CD2 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9CD3 DEFB $67 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9CD4 DEFB $46 ; door coordinate lookup value $9CD5 DEFB $F0,$72,$94,$5C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $9c screen data 1 $9CD9 DEFB $C2,$E0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CDB DEFB $FC,$D1,$E0 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CDE DEFB $40,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CE0 DEFB $50,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CE2 DEFB $8E,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CE4 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9c screen data 2 $9CE5 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9CE6 DEFB $06 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9CE7 DEFB $81,$3D,$7D,$3C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $9d screen data 1 $9CEB DEFB $FE,$01,$E0,$24 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9CEF DEFB $E6,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CF1 DEFB $A6,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CF3 DEFB $FA,$8B ; universal screen data $8b $9CF5 DEFB $77,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9CF7 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9d screen data 2 $9CF8 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9CF9 DEFB $C8,$D9 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9CFB DEFB $D4,$51,$56,$F5 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $9e screen data 1 $9CFF DEFB $FE,$BD,$BD,$27 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9D03 DEFB $D9,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D05 DEFB $FA,$8D ; universal screen data $8d $9D07 DEFB $5F,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D09 DEFB $81,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D0B DEFB $A6,$BB ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D0D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9e screen data 2 $9D0E DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9D0F DEFB $F2,$44,$64,$51 ; ladder coordinate lookup values ; room $9f screen data 1 $9D13 DEFB $00,$BD ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D15 DEFB $FA,$90 ; universal screen data $90 $9D17 DEFB $FA,$8C ; universal screen data $8c $9D19 DEFB $EB,$B9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D1B DEFB $50,$B0 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D1D DEFB $A8,$B1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D1F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $9f screen data 2 $9D20 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $9D21 DEFB $D2,$51 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9D23 DEFB $28 ; door coordinate lookup value $9D24 DEFB $3C,$42,$90,$41 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a0 screen data 1 $9D28 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9D2A DEFB $3B,$C5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D2C DEFB $FE,$4D,$C7,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9D30 DEFB $F3,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D32 DEFB $DD,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D34 DEFB $88,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D36 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a0 screen data 2 $9D37 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9D38 DEFB $32,$34,$37,$39 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a1 screen data 1 $9D3C DEFB $F0,$50 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D3E DEFB $94,$51 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D40 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9D42 DEFB $FA,$4F ; universal screen data $4f $9D44 DEFB $83,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D46 DEFB $99,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D48 DEFB $84,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D4A DEFB $B6,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D4C DEFB $61,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D4E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a1 screen data 2 $9D4F DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9D50 DEFB $EB ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9D51 DEFB $3B,$32,$68,$6D ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a2 screen data 1 $9D55 DEFB $FA,$54 ; universal screen data $54 $9D57 DEFB $FA,$55 ; universal screen data $55 $9D59 DEFB $FC,$2F,$52 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D5C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a2 screen data 2 $9D5D DEFB $90 ; door $9D5E DEFB $51 ; door coordinate lookup value $9D5F DEFB $D8,$D9,$E2,$E3 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a3 screen data 1 $9D63 DEFB $FA,$54 ; universal screen data $54 $9D65 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a3 screen data 2 $9D66 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9D67 DEFB $64,$6A,$68,$65 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a4 screen data 1 $9D6B DEFB $FE,$7C,$C7,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9D6F DEFB $8C,$50 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D71 DEFB $FC,$D8,$C5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D74 DEFB $79,$4C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D76 DEFB $FA,$07 ; universal screen data $07 $9D78 DEFB $C2,$E1 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D7A DEFB $FC,$D1,$E1 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D7D DEFB $E1,$C5 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D7F DEFB $88,$C7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9D81 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a4 screen data 2 $9D82 DEFB $06 ; 3 ladders $9D83 DEFB $06,$69,$A9 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9D86 DEFB $5F,$6A,$67,$C8 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a5 screen data 1 $9D8A DEFB $FE,$83,$C7,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9D8E DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9D90 DEFB $FA,$55 ; universal screen data $55 $9D92 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a5 screen data 2 $9D93 DEFB $90 ; door $9D94 DEFB $51 ; door coordinate lookup value $9D95 DEFB $70,$E2,$EF,$77 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a6 screen data 1 $9D99 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9D9B DEFB $FA,$50 ; universal screen data $50 $9D9D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a6 screen data 2 $9D9E DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9D9F DEFB $70,$6E,$39,$3A ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a7 screen data 1 $9DA3 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9DA5 DEFB $FE,$4B,$C7,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9DA9 DEFB $FC,$F6,$C5 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DAC DEFB $9F,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DAE DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a7 screen data 2 $9DAF DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9DB0 DEFB $A3,$EB ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9DB2 DEFB $3B,$32,$34,$35 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a8 screen data 1 $9DB6 DEFB $FA,$A4 ; universal screen data $a4 $9DB8 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9DBA DEFB $8E,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DBC DEFB $FC,$CC,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DBF DEFB $FE,$CA,$59,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9DC3 DEFB $CF,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DC5 DEFB $F0,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DC7 DEFB $7E,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DC9 DEFB $94,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DCB DEFB $48,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DCD DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a8 screen data 2 $9DCE DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9DCF DEFB $A8 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9DD0 DEFB $81,$D7,$EE,$33 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $a9 screen data 1 $9DD4 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9DD6 DEFB $FC,$05,$52 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DD9 DEFB $80,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DDB DEFB $8E,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DDD DEFB $91,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DDF DEFB $79,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DE1 DEFB $F0,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DE3 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $a9 screen data 2 $9DE4 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9DE5 DEFB $81,$7A,$E2,$EE ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $aa screen data 1 $9DE9 DEFB $FC,$00,$52 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DEC DEFB $FA,$9F ; universal screen data $9f $9DEE DEFB $FB,$5A,$27 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DF1 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $aa screen data 2 $9DF2 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9DF3 DEFB $C9 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9DF4 DEFB $F8,$81,$6A,$6C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $ab screen data 1 $9DF8 DEFB $C2,$E2 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DFA DEFB $FC,$D1,$E2 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9DFD DEFB $FE,$20,$25,$81 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E01 DEFB $FE,$4A,$31,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E05 DEFB $FE,$50,$25,$42 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E09 DEFB $FA,$02 ; universal screen data $02 $9E0B DEFB $62,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E0D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $ab screen data 2 $9E0E DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9E0F DEFB $06,$41 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9E11 DEFB $81,$4C,$D9,$E2 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $ac screen data 1 $9E15 DEFB $05,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E17 DEFB $FA,$9F ; universal screen data $9f $9E19 DEFB $FB,$5B,$27 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E1C DEFB $FE,$C9,$42,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E20 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $ac screen data 2 $9E21 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9E22 DEFB $69,$6A,$6C,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $ad screen data 1 $9E26 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9E28 DEFB $00,$52 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E2A DEFB $FE,$A0,$42,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E2E DEFB $7C,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E30 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $ad screen data 2 $9E31 DEFB $00 ; no ladders, jukebox or door $9E32 DEFB $8F,$D4,$91,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $ae screen data 1 $9E36 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9E38 DEFB $FB,$63,$4D ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E3B DEFB $D9,$EF ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E3D DEFB $FE,$A0,$42,$07 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E41 DEFB $FE,$9B,$26,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E45 DEFB $FE,$CA,$59,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E49 DEFB $FC,$CA,$5A ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E4C DEFB $A4,$5A ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E4E DEFB $EC,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E50 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $ae screen data 2 $9E51 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9E52 DEFB $5A ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9E53 DEFB $8E,$49,$EE,$82 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $af screen data 1 $9E57 DEFB $FA,$08 ; universal screen data $08 $9E59 DEFB $FB,$38,$E2 ; draw normal graphic and mirror image of graphic side by side, ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E5C DEFB $FE,$EE,$3E,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E60 DEFB $FA,$3D ; universal screen data $3d $9E62 DEFB $FE,$8E,$C9,$62 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9E66 DEFB $73,$C9 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E68 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $af screen data 2 $9E69 DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9E6A DEFB $D7 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9E6B DEFB $F5 ; door coordinate lookup value $9E6C DEFB $81,$DA,$6B,$5B ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b0 screen data 1 $9E70 DEFB $FA,$96 ; universal screen data $96 $9E72 DEFB $FC,$A2,$53 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E75 DEFB $FC,$DF,$33 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E78 DEFB $FA,$9C ; universal screen data $9c $9E7A DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b0 screen data 2 $9E7B DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9E7C DEFB $A4,$74 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9E7E DEFB $5B,$92,$DD,$4F ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b1 screen data 1 $9E82 DEFB $FA,$0E ; universal screen data $0e $9E84 DEFB $FA,$9D ; universal screen data $9d $9E86 DEFB $FA,$15 ; universal screen data $15 $9E88 DEFB $E8,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E8A DEFB $E9,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9E8C DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b1 screen data 2 $9E8D DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9E8E DEFB $A2 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9E8F DEFB $DA ; door coordinate lookup values $9E90 DEFB $8F,$8E,$95,$91 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b2 screen data 1 $9E94 DEFB $FA,$0E ; universal screen data $0e $9E96 DEFB $FA,$0F ; universal screen data $0f $9E98 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b2 screen data 2 $9E99 DEFB $90 ; door $9E9A DEFB $DA ; door coordinate lookup value $9E9B DEFB $95,$92,$8E,$91 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b3 screen data 1 $9E9F DEFB $FA,$97 ; universal screen data $97 $9EA1 DEFB $EF,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EA3 DEFB $E1,$53 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EA5 DEFB $59,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EA7 DEFB $58,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EA9 DEFB $FA,$9D ; universal screen data $9d $9EAB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b3 screen data 2 $9EAC DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9EAD DEFB $D2,$60 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9EAF DEFB $8F,$8E,$90,$95 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b4 screen data 1 $9EB3 DEFB $C2,$43 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EB5 DEFB $C2,$E3 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EB7 DEFB $FC,$DC,$43 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EBA DEFB $FC,$D1,$E3 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EBD DEFB $FA,$09 ; universal screen data $09 $9EBF DEFB $E8,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EC1 DEFB $E9,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EC3 DEFB $57,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EC5 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b4 screen data 2 $9EC6 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9EC7 DEFB $06 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9EC8 DEFB $38,$39,$94,$DD ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b5 screen data 1 $9ECC DEFB $FA,$96 ; universal screen data $96 $9ECE DEFB $6B,$45 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9ED0 DEFB $65,$33 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9ED2 DEFB $FA,$0F ; universal screen data $0f $9ED4 DEFB $FA,$15 ; universal screen data $15 $9ED6 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b5 screen data 2 $9ED7 DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $9ED8 DEFB $6D,$A2 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9EDA DEFB $7A ; door coordinate lookup value $9EDB DEFB $95,$8F,$94,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b6 screen data 1 $9EDF DEFB $FA,$05 ; universal screen data $05 $9EE1 DEFB $FA,$18 ; universal screen data $18 $9EE3 DEFB $FC,$EC,$56 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EE6 DEFB $FE,$63,$4C,$02 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9EEA DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b6 screen data 2 $9EEB DEFB $95 ; door + 2 ladders $9EEC DEFB $65,$CC ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9EEE DEFB $37 ; door coordinate lookup value $9EEF DEFB $8E,$50,$4F,$F7 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b7 screen data 1 $9EF3 DEFB $FA,$97 ; universal screen data $97 $9EF5 DEFB $FA,$0C ; universal screen data $0c $9EF7 DEFB $A6,$46 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EF9 DEFB $A9,$47 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9EFB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b7 screen data 2 $9EFC DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9EFD DEFB $C8 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9EFE DEFB $81 ; door coordinate lookup value $9EFF DEFB $8F,$D4,$EA,$91 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b8 screen data 1 $9F03 DEFB $FE,$5F,$92,$05 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F07 DEFB $5F,$91 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F09 DEFB $FD,$04,$8F,$08 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F0D DEFB $FE,$57,$88,$1F ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F11 DEFB $FA,$5B ; universal screen data $5b $9F13 DEFB $FA,$74 ; universal screen data $74 $9F15 DEFB $FA,$73 ; universal screen data $73 $9F17 DEFB $FE,$F1,$61,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F1B DEFB $A8,$93 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F1D DEFB $CC,$93 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F1F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b8 screen data 2 $9F20 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9F21 DEFB $E5 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9F22 DEFB $85,$8A,$90,$D4 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $b9 screen data 1 $9F26 DEFB $FA,$94 ; universal screen data $94 $9F28 DEFB $FA,$6B ; universal screen data $6b $9F2A DEFB $FD,$08,$8A,$12 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F2E DEFB $D9,$DA ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F30 DEFB $E1,$DC ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F32 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $b9 screen data 2 $9F33 DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9F34 DEFB $EB,$F5 ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9F36 DEFB $84,$82,$42,$3C ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $ba screen data 1 $9F3A DEFB $FA,$94 ; universal screen data $94 $9F3C DEFB $FD,$00,$8A,$12 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F40 DEFB $FD,$A3,$8F,$02 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F44 DEFB $27,$A6 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F46 DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $ba screen data 2 $9F47 DEFB $04 ; 1 ladder $9F48 DEFB $52 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9F49 DEFB $84,$3D,$44,$85 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $bb screen data 1 $9F4D DEFB $FA,$70 ; universal screen data $70 $9F4F DEFB $FA,$88 ; universal screen data $88 $9F51 DEFB $AD,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F53 DEFB $FA,$67 ; universal screen data $67 $9F55 DEFB $FA,$77 ; universal screen data $77 $9F57 DEFB $BC,$8D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F59 DEFB $FE,$14,$61,$09 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F5D DEFB $FE,$57,$88,$06 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F61 DEFB $EB,$8C ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F63 DEFB $FD,$1F,$8A,$03 ; draw vertical, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F67 DEFB $FA,$5C ; universal screen data $5c $9F69 DEFB $FE,$5D,$92,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F6D DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $bb screen data 2 $9F6E DEFB $05 ; 2 ladders $9F6F DEFB $D2,$5F ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9F71 DEFB $51,$53,$F5,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $bc screen data 1 $9F75 DEFB $FA,$89 ; universal screen data $89 $9F77 DEFB $FA,$1B ; universal screen data $1b $9F79 DEFB $FA,$76 ; universal screen data $76 $9F7B DEFB $FE,$F9,$3E,$01 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F7F DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $bc screen data 2 $9F80 DEFB $90 ; door (bit 4 door not blown status also set but unnecessary) $9F81 DEFB $6F ; door coordinate lookup value $9F82 DEFB $95,$51,$92,$F5 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $bd screen data 1 $9F86 DEFB $FA,$8A ; universal screen data $8a $9F88 DEFB $FA,$65 ; universal screen data $65 $9F8A DEFB $FA,$6A ; universal screen data $6a $9F8C DEFB $FA,$74 ; universal screen data $74 $9F8E DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $bd screen data 2 $9F8F DEFB $94 ; door + 1 ladder $9F90 DEFB $B1 ; ladder coordinate lookup value $9F91 DEFB $E1 ; door coordinate lookup value $9F92 DEFB $EA,$F8,$89,$59 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $be screen data 1 $9F96 DEFB $C2,$E4 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F98 DEFB $FC,$D1,$E4 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9F9B DEFB $FE,$24,$61,$0B ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9F9F DEFB $FA,$8A ; universal screen data $8a $9FA1 DEFB $FA,$65 ; universal screen data $65 $9FA3 DEFB $FA,$6C ; universal screen data $6c $9FA5 DEFB $FE,$4D,$61,$0C ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9FA9 DEFB $FA,$1A ; universal screen data $1a $9FAB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $be screen data 2 $9FAC DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $9FAD DEFB $06,$F5,$EB ; ladder coordinate lookup values $9FB0 DEFB $77 ; door coordinate lookup value $9FB1 DEFB $EA,$35,$59,$87 ; item placement coordinate lookup values ; room $bf screen data 1 $9FB5 DEFB $FA,$64 ; universal screen data $64 $9FB7 DEFB $FA,$70 ; universal screen data $70 $9FB9 DEFB $FA,$93 ; universal screen data $93 $9FBB DEFB $12,$C8 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FBD DEFB $3A,$A7 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FBF DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; room $bf screen data 2 $9FC0 DEFB $96 ; door + 3 ladders $9FC1 DEFB $D7,$F4,$C8 $9FC4 DEFB $72 $9FC5 DEFB $EA,$50,$84,$F0 ; room $c0 screen data 1 $9FC9 DEFB $00,$1D ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FCB DEFB $01,$14 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FCD DEFB $02,$15 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FCF DEFB $03,$16 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FD1 DEFB $04,$18 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FD3 DEFB $05,$19 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FD5 DEFB $FE,$1E,$1A,$14 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9FD9 DEFB $FE,$1F,$1B,$0E ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9FDD DEFB $FE,$20,$1C,$08 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9FE1 DEFB $32,$22 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FE3 DEFB $FC,$33,$22 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FE6 DEFB $F7,$3B ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FE8 DEFB $46,$23 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FEA DEFB $FC,$47,$23 ; draw mirrored image of graphic, coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FED DEFB $48,$17 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FEF DEFB $50,$1E ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FF1 DEFB $FE,$51,$24,$03 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $9FF5 DEFB $53,$20 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FF7 DEFB $5A,$1F ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FF9 DEFB $5B,$21 ; coordinate lookup value, graphic $9FFB DEFB $FF ; eod marker ; unused bytes b$9FFC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; graphic lookup table b$A000 DEFW $0000 ; $00 ; points to buffer (various) $A002 DEFW $A200 ; $01 ; 5*8 ; 'SCORE' $A004 DEFW $A725 ; $02 ; 1*8 ; right arrow (solid) $A006 DEFW $A72F ; $03 ; 1*8 ; right arrow (outline) $A008 DEFW $D30F ; $04 ; 7*8 ; top half 'energy' $A00A DEFW $D349 ; $05 ; 7*8 ; bottom half 'energy' $A00C DEFW $A739 ; $06 ; 5*8 ; 'HELD' $A00E DEFW $A23D ; $07 ; 1*16 ; single energy bar graphic (when energy odd number) $A010 DEFW $A22A ; $08 ; 1*16 ; double energy bar graphic (when energy even number) $A012 DEFW $B0FF ; $09 ; 1*8 ; red score border left edge $A014 DEFW $B109 ; $0a ; 1*8 ; red score border $A016 DEFW $B113 ; $0b ; 1*8 ; red score border right edge $A018 DEFW $0000 ; $0c ; unused $A01A DEFW $B72A ; $0d ; 1*16 ; red jetty post (as found on island 2 and 7) $A01C DEFW $B34B ; $0e ; 1*8 ; green jetty platform (as found on island 2 and 7) $A01E DEFW $BD7A ; $0f ; 2*32 ; door blowing open 1 $A020 DEFW $BDBB ; $10 ; 2*32 ; door blowing open 2 $A022 DEFW $BDFC ; $11 ; 2*32 ; door blowing open 3 $A024 DEFW $BE3D ; $12 ; 2*32 ; door blowing open 4 (BOOM!) $A026 DEFW $A7C7 ; $13 ; 3*48 ; gargoyle LHS (used in rooms $28,$2c,$2d,$6d,$a8) $A028 DEFW $A250 ; $14 ; 7*24 ; 'MIRR' (MIRRORSOFT) $A02A DEFW $A2FA ; $15 ; 7*24 ; 'RORS' (MIRRORSOFT) $A02C DEFW $A3A4 ; $16 ; 7*24 ; 'SOFT' (MIRRORSOFT) $A02E DEFW $EB97 ; $17 ; 2*8 ; small green graphic on blimp $A030 DEFW $A44E ; $18 ; 3*48 ; RHS of airship (position= after 'MIRRORSOFT') $A032 DEFW $A4E0 ; $19 ; 3*56 ; RHS of airship (position= furthestmost right) $A034 DEFW $A654 ; $1a ; 1*16 ; airship edging (appears under the 'M' and 'T' in 'MIRRORSOFT') $A036 DEFW $A666 ; $1b ; 1*16 ; airship edging (appears under the 'IR' and 'OF' in 'MIRRORSOFT') $A038 DEFW $A678 ; $1c ; 1*16 ; airship edging (appears under the 'RORS' in 'MIRRORSOFT') $A03A DEFW $A58A ; $1d ; 5*40 ; LHS of airship (position= to left of 'MIRRORSOFT') $A03C DEFW $A68A ; $1e ; 4*8 ; top LHS of airship pod (position= left of ladder) $A03E DEFW $A6CE ; $1f ; 4*8 ; bottom LHS of airship pod (position= left of ladder) $A040 DEFW $A6AC ; $20 ; 4*8 ; top RHS of airship pod (position= left of propellor) $A042 DEFW $A6F0 ; $21 ; 4*8 ; bottom RHS of airship pod (position= left of propellor) $A044 DEFW $D759 ; $22 ; 2*16 ; pod support beam upper $A046 DEFW $D747 ; $23 ; 2*8 ; pod support beam lower $A048 DEFW $A712 ; $24 ; 1*16 ; middle section of airship pod $A04A DEFW $E943 ; $25 ; 2*32 ; yellow pillar (found on island 3) $A04C DEFW $E985 ; $26 ; 2*8 ; marble paving (also on top of 3 pillars) (found on island 3) $A04E DEFW $EA16 ; $27 ; 1*24 ; magenta gargoyle $A050 DEFW $A763 ; $28 ; 1*48 ; upper 2 face carvings (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) $A052 DEFW $A795 ; $29 ; 1*48 ; lower 2 face carvings (used in rooms $2a,$2c) $A054 DEFW $A859 ; $2a ; 1*16 ; pillar outer LHS (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) $A056 DEFW $EA64 ; $2b ; 1*16 ; pillar outer RHS (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) $A058 DEFW $EA76 ; $2c ; 4*16 ; face carvings pillar top/bottom decoration (found on island 3) $A05A DEFW $A875 ; $2d ; 8*8 ; grass $A05C DEFW $0000 ; $2e ; unused $A05E DEFW $0000 ; $2f ; unused $A060 DEFW $A989 ; $30 ; 2*16 ; japanese writing graphic (used in rooms $2c,$2d,$2e,$2f,$6c,$6d,$6e) $A062 DEFW $A86B ; $31 ; 1*8 ; steps (as found on island 3 and as platforms at RHS of island 6) $A064 DEFW $ACB3 ; $32 ; 8*40 ; yellow earth cliff top (found on island 2) $A066 DEFW $AE39 ; $33 ; 8*24 ; yellow earth bottom $A068 DEFW $0000 ; $34 ; unused $A06A DEFW $0000 ; $35 ; unused $A06C DEFW $A8B7 ; $36 ; 8*8 ; chalk earth (found under grass on island 3) $A06E DEFW $D278 ; $37 ; 2*48 ; jukebox LHS ; propeller graphics b$A070 DEFW $A927 ; $38 ; 1*40 ; propeller $A072 DEFW $A8F9 ; $39 ; 1*40 ; propeller $A074 DEFW $A9AB ; $3a ; 1*24 ; propeller housing $A076 DEFW $A9C5 ; $3b ; 1*24 ; propeller $A078 DEFW $B61F ; $3c ; 2*8 ; ladder section $A07A DEFW $B631 ; $3d ; 2*8 ; ladder section $A07C DEFW $EA04 ; $3e ; 2*8 ; green platforms (found on island 3) $A07E DEFW $BD69 ; $3f ; 1*16 ; door handle (red doors) $A080 DEFW $BD48 ; $40 ; 1*32 ; door (red doors) $A082 DEFW $A955 ; $41 ; 2*8 ; brick wall $A084 DEFW $AA25 ; $42 ; 1*8 ; tightrope $A086 DEFW $E603 ; $43 ; 3*56 ; LHS yellow earth vertical section $A088 DEFW $E598 ; $44 ; 1*40 ; LHS yellow earth section $A08A DEFW $AA8D ; $45 ; 1*16 ; LHS yellow earth section $A08C DEFW $E6AD ; $46 ; 2*16 ; LHS yellow earth section $A08E DEFW $E6D2 ; $47 ; 2*16 ; RHS yellow earth section $A090 DEFW $AEFB ; $48 ; 8*16 ; yellow earth platform $A092 DEFW $E823 ; $49 ; 2*16 ; flame torch $A094 DEFW $EAB8 ; $4a ; 2*48 ; black/white face with headdress (found on island 3) $A096 DEFW $EB25 ; $4b ; 2*56 ; white/black '88' decoration (found on island 3) $A098 DEFW $AA2F ; $4c ; 4*8 ; green platform (found on island 4) $A09A DEFW $B73C ; $4d ; 2*48 ; cyan statue clutching babies (found on island 3) $A09C DEFW $AA51 ; $4e ; 4*8 ; white platform resting on grass (found on island 3) $A09E DEFW $AA73 ; $4f ; 1*24 ; red post (found on island 2) $A0A0 DEFW $AA9F ; $50 ; 7*32 ; tree foliage $A0A2 DEFW $AB9C ; $51 ; 7*32 ; tree foliage $A0A4 DEFW $EBA9 ; $52 ; 3*32 ; tree foliage (berries) (found on level 3) $A0A6 DEFW $AC99 ; $53 ; 1*24 ; yellow earth platform $A0A8 DEFW $AE17 ; $54 ; 1*32 ; yellow earth stalactite (found on island 2) $A0AA DEFW $E6F7 ; $55 ; 6*8 ; yellow earth weak bridge $A0AC DEFW $AF7D ; $56 ; 2*24 ; skeleton $A0AE DEFW $AFAF ; $57 ; 2*16 ; tall grass $A0B0 DEFW $0000 ; $58 ; unused $A0B2 DEFW $EA30 ; $59 ; 1*24 ; yellow stripe roof (found on island 3) $A0B4 DEFW $EA4A ; $5a ; 1*24 ; yellow stripe roof LHS edge (found on island 3) $A0B6 DEFW $B03D ; $5b ; 8*24 ; red earth platform (found on island 1) $A0B8 DEFW $AFD1 ; $5c ; 1*24 ; white platform support (found on island 1) $A0BA DEFW $AFEB ; $5d ; 1*8 ; white platform $A0BC DEFW $AFF5 ; $5e ; 1*8 ; vertical girder support $A0BE DEFW $AFFF ; $5f ; 3*8 ; girder base $A0C0 DEFW $B355 ; $60 ; 1*8 ; girder cap $A0C2 DEFW $B019 ; $61 ; 1*8 ; horizontal girder platform $A0C4 DEFW $B023 ; $62 ; 1*24 ; LHS earth section (found on island 1) $A0C6 DEFW $C098 ; $63 ; 3*8 ; magenta and yellow graphic (found on island 1) $A0C8 DEFW $A967 ; $64 ; 2*16 ; fuel $A0CA DEFW $AA03 ; $65 ; 2*16 ; record $A0CC DEFW $A9E1 ; $66 ; 2*16 ; bomb $A0CE DEFW $B5FA ; $67 ; 2*16 ; goggles $A0D0 DEFW $E8B5 ; $68 ; 2*16 ; mike $A0D2 DEFW $E8DA ; $69 ; 2*16 ; camera $A0D4 DEFW $E8FC ; $6a ; 2*16 ; time bomb $A0D6 DEFW $DB01 ; $6b ; 2*16 ; fan $A0D8 DEFW $DA55 ; $6c ; 2*16 ; mandolin $A0DA DEFW $D030 ; $6d ; 2*16 ; scissors $A0DC DEFW $CE65 ; $6e ; 2*16 ; snips $A0DE DEFW $D4E8 ; $6f ; 2*16 ; pump $A0E0 DEFW $D568 ; $70 ; 2*16 ; engine $A0E2 DEFW $BC36 ; $71 ; 2*16 ; dumbbell $A0E4 DEFW $F071 ; $72 ; 2*16 ; jack $A0E6 DEFW $D5CC ; $73 ; 2*16 ; boots $A0E8 DEFW $EE6D ; $74 ; 2*16 ; crossbow $A0EA DEFW $E7DF ; $75 ; 2*16 ; feather $A0EC DEFW $EE8F ; $76 ; 2*16 ; corkscrew $A0EE DEFW $E79B ; $77 ; 2*16 ; gem $A0F0 DEFW $EEB4 ; $78 ; 2*16 ; mask $A0F2 DEFW $E7BD ; $79 ; 2*16 ; snake $A0F4 DEFW $ADF5 ; $7a ; 2*16 ; skull $A0F6 DEFW $E921 ; $7b ; 2*16 ; shell $A0F8 DEFW $E801 ; $7c ; 2*16 ; aqualung $A0FA DEFW $CDF6 ; $7d ; 2*16 ; torch $A0FC DEFW $CE1B ; $7e ; 2*16 ; drill $A0FE DEFW $CE40 ; $7f ; 2*16 ; food mixer $A100 DEFW $BE7E ; $80 ; 2*16 ; grapes $A102 DEFW $BCC1 ; $81 ; 2*16 ; magenta glass $A104 DEFW $BC58 ; $82 ; 2*16 ; white glass $A106 DEFW $BC9C ; $83 ; 2*16 ; chicken leg $A108 DEFW $CD3E ; $84 ; 2*16 ; cherries $A10A DEFW $CD63 ; $85 ; 2*16 ; ice cream $A10C DEFW $CD88 ; $86 ; 2*16 ; mushroom $A10E DEFW $BC7A ; $87 ; 2*16 ; cup of tea $A110 DEFW $BFC4 ; $88 ; 1*8 ; horizontal pipe $A112 DEFW $B6F8 ; $89 ; 2*24 ; yellow hanging decorations (found on island 7) $A114 DEFW $BFCE ; $8a ; 1*8 ; vertical pipe 1 (mirror of vertical pipe 2) $A116 DEFW $B55B ; $8b ; 1*8 ; bright blue girder type decoration (found under yellow japanese roofs) $A118 DEFW $BFD8 ; $8c ; 2*16 ; lower RHS pipe bend $A11A DEFW $C03A ; $8d ; 3*16 ; pipe valve $A11C DEFW $BFFA ; $8e ; 2*16 ; stop tap $A11E DEFW $C01C ; $8f ; 1*8 ; vertical bright red air duct (found on island 1) $A120 DEFW $B151 ; $90 ; 7*32 ; red roof with green dragon LHS (tail) (found on island 7) $A122 DEFW $C026 ; $91 ; 1*8 ; LHS lower bright red air duct corner piece (found on island 1) $A124 DEFW $C030 ; $92 ; 1*8 ; horizontal bright red air duct (found on island 1) $A126 DEFW $C0B4 ; $93 ; 5*24 ; blue power guages (found on island 1) $A128 DEFW $B5AE ; $94 ; 1*24 ; yellow vertical bamboo (found on island 7) $A12A DEFW $DAE7 ; $95 ; 3*8 ; yellow horizontal bamboo (found on island 7) $A12C DEFW $B24E ; $96 ; 7*32 ; red roof with green dragon RHS (body/head) (found on island 7) $A12E DEFW $B643 ; $97 ; 5*32 ; white moster head (facing left) (found on island 7) $A130 DEFW $BA52 ; $98 ; 4*8 ; yellow/red weak bridge $A132 DEFW $B11D ; $99 ; 1*24 ; LHS section japanese umbrellas $A134 DEFW $C06C ; $9a ; 1*8 ; vertical pipe 2 (mirror of vertical pipe 1) $A136 DEFW $C076 ; $9b ; 2*16 ; upper LHS pipe bend $A138 DEFW $B4AE ; $9c ; 1*8 ; helter skelter pillar $A13A DEFW $C12E ; $9d ; 1*8 ; RHS lower bright red air duct corner piece (found on island 1) $A13C DEFW $B577 ; $9e ; 2*24 ; japanese umbrellas $A13E DEFW $CF4C ; $9f ; 3*24 ; blitzen flag $A140 DEFW $B137 ; $a0 ; 1*24 ; RHS section japanese umbrellas $A142 DEFW $D383 ; $a1 ; 1*8 ; musical note (above number of records played) $A144 DEFW $B5C8 ; $a2 ; 2*24 ; green statue (found on island 7) $A146 DEFW $B8A1 ; $a3 ; 5*16 ; red car $A148 DEFW $B955 ; $a4 ; 7*32 ; green/yellow car, blue truck and white volkswagen $A14A DEFW $B8F3 ; $a5 ; 6*16 ; magenta car $A14C DEFW $D2E5 ; $a6 ; 5*8 ; 'NO SMOKING' $A14E DEFW $BB35 ; $a7 ; 1*40 ; parking meter $A150 DEFW $BB03 ; $a8 ; 2*24 ; blue/white parking sign $A152 DEFW $BB5F ; $a9 ; 2*24 ; traffic cone $A154 DEFW $BA77 ; $aa ; 1*16 ; black and white chevrons $A156 DEFW $D51F ; $ab ; 2*32 ; petrol pump $A158 DEFW $BB96 ; $ac ; 1*24 ; traffic light $A15A DEFW $B7A9 ; $ad ; 2*24 ; blue/white up arrow $A15C DEFW $B7DB ; $ae ; 3*16 ; blue/white left and right arrows $A15E DEFW $D50D ; $af ; 2*8 ; red platforms (found at far left of island 6) $A160 DEFW $D58A ; $b0 ; 4*16 ; cloud $A162 DEFW $D710 ; $b1 ; 3*16 ; eye (found on island 5) $A164 DEFW $BA89 ; $b2 ; 5*24 ; black/white dotted platforms (found on island 6) $A166 DEFW $B84F ; $b3 ; 2*40 ; white pillar (found on level 8) $A168 DEFW $B80D ; $b4 ; 4*16 ; 'EXIT' sign $A16A DEFW $D5EE ; $b5 ; 4*32 ; red/yellow picture (found on island 5) $A16C DEFW $D67F ; $b6 ; 4*32 ; blue/white picture (found on island 5) $A16E DEFW $F699 ; $b7 ; 6*32 ; hand graphic (pointing left) $A170 DEFW $0000 ; $b8 ; unused $A172 DEFW $D38D ; $b9 ; 3*40 ; man and child with umbrellas $A174 DEFW $D407 ; $ba ; 2*56 ; finger $A176 DEFW $EED9 ; $bb ; 4*48 ; hand (pointing down) (found on level 5) $A178 DEFW $0000 ; $bc ; unused $A17A DEFW $F01F ; $bd ; 3*24 ; tuba ; blitzen b$A17C DEFW $BEA0 ; $be ; 3*24 ; blitzen sprite 0 $A17E DEFW $BEE9 ; $bf ; 3*24 ; blitzen sprite 1 $A180 DEFW $BF32 ; $c0 ; 3*24 ; blitzen sprite 2 $A182 DEFW $BF7B ; $c1 ; 3*24 ; blitzen sprite 3 $A184 DEFW $CDAD ; $c2 ; 3*24 ; blitzen firing (sprite #5) $A186 DEFW $BBF4 ; $c3 ; 2*32 ; tree branch trunk connecting section (found on island 4) $A188 DEFW $BCE6 ; $c4 ; 3*32 ; thatched roof (found on island 4) $A18A DEFW $D938 ; $c5 ; 4*48 ; end of branch twigs/leaves $A18C DEFW $0000 ; $c6 ; unused $A18E DEFW $BBB2 ; $c7 ; 4*16 ; tree branch $A190 DEFW $D00B ; $c8 ; 2*16 ; jetty winch $A192 DEFW $B35F ; $c9 ; 2*16 ; multi coloured platform $A194 DEFW $B384 ; $ca ; 2*32 ; tree roots $A196 DEFW $D8A7 ; $cb ; 4*32 ; tree trunk $A198 DEFW $B3F8 ; $cc ; 7*8 ; tree base roots LHS $A19A DEFW $B432 ; $cd ; 6*8 ; tree base roots RHS $A19C DEFW $B3C6 ; $ce ; 6*8 ; tree base $A19E DEFW $B565 ; $cf ; 2*8 ; steps (found on island 7) $A1A0 DEFW $B4B8 ; $d0 ; 3*16 ; red decorative floor/roof (found on island 7) $A1A2 DEFW $B464 ; $d1 ; 3*24 ; yellow roof section (found on island 7) $A1A4 DEFW $B4EA ; $d2 ; 2*24 ; LHS red/white decoration (found on level 7) $A1A6 DEFW $D486 ; $d3 ; 4*24 ; yellow roof left edge (found on island 7) $A1A8 DEFW $B521 ; $d4 ; 1*56 ; magenta japanese writing flag (found on island 7) $A1AA DEFW $DA23 ; $d5 ; 2*24 ; red table (found on island 7) $A1AC DEFW $CE87 ; $d6 ; 1*16 ; magenta/white walkway (as found on island 8) $A1AE DEFW $CE9A ; $d7 ; 2*8 ; yellow/red pillar (as found on island 8) $A1B0 DEFW $D052 ; $d8 ; 4*8 ; column platform supports (as found on island 8) $A1B2 DEFW $CF9E ; $d9 ; 6*16 ; pillar base (found on island 8) $A1B4 DEFW $CEAD ; $da ; 5*16 ; 'blitzen' sign $A1B6 DEFW $CF08 ; $db ; 2*24 ; gold disc $A1B8 DEFW $CF3A ; $dc ; 1*16 ; factory whistle ; landing area graphics LHS b$A1BA DEFW $E848 ; $dd ; 4*24 level 8 $A1BC DEFW $DA7A ; $de ; 4*24 level 7 $A1BE DEFW $E52B ; $df ; 4*24 level 6 $A1C0 DEFW $EFB2 ; $e0 ; 4*24 level 5 $A1C2 DEFW $D83A ; $e1 ; 4*24 level 4 $A1C4 DEFW $E997 ; $e2 ; 4*24 level 3 $A1C6 DEFW $E72E ; $e3 ; 4*24 level 2 $A1C8 DEFW $D77B ; $e4 ; 4*24 level 1 $A1CA DEFW $D7E8 ; $e5 ; 5*16 ; 'items' graphic $A1CC DEFW $EE17 ; $e6 ; 1*16 ; vertical barrel $A1CE DEFW $EE29 ; $e7 ; 2*16 ; RHS top horizontal and pipe bends down barrel $A1D0 DEFW $F772 ; $e8 ; 6*8 ; 'ANY KEY' $A1D2 DEFW $F7A4 ; $e9 ; 5*8 ; 'TO PLAY' $A1D4 DEFW $EE4B ; $ea ; 2*16 ; RHS bottom horizontal and pipe bends up barrel $A1D6 DEFW $0000 ; $eb ; unused $A1D8 DEFW $0000 ; $ec ; unused $A1DA DEFW $E5CC ; $ed ; 3*16 ; caves sign $A1DC DEFW $E5C2 ; $ee ; 1*8 ; signpost post $A1DE DEFW $DA11 ; $ef ; 2*8 ; bird nest ; enemy sprites, each size 2*16 ; ; level 8 b$A1E0 DEFW $D077 ; $f0 $A1E2 DEFW $DB26 ; $f1 ; level 7 $A1E4 DEFW $DD27 ; $f2 $A1E6 DEFW $DF28 ; $f3 ; level 6 $A1E8 DEFW $C138 ; $f4 $A1EA DEFW $F096 ; $f5 ; level 5 $A1EC DEFW $C339 ; $f6 $A1EE DEFW $F498 ; $f7 ; level 4 $A1F0 DEFW $C53A ; $f8 $A1F2 DEFW $C73B ; $f9 ; level 3 $A1F4 DEFW $F297 ; $fa $A1F6 DEFW $E32A ; $fb ; level 2 $A1F8 DEFW $E129 ; $fc $A1FA DEFW $EC16 ; $fd ; level 1 $A1FC DEFW $C93C ; $fe $A1FE DEFW $CB3D ; $ff ; GRAPHIC INFO. ; ; first byte=graphic info. ; ; bits 0,1,2 PLUS 1=graphic height (rows) ; bits 3,4,5 PLUS 1=graphic width (columns) ; bit 6 set draw graphic data only ; bit 6 reset draw graphics AND attributes ; bit 7 set same attribute for whole graphic ; bit 7 reset graphic has different attributes ; $01 'SCORE', size 5*8 b$A200 DEFB $A0 ; graphic info. $A201 DEFB $06 ; attribute for 'SCORE' (black paper, yellow ink) ; 'S' $A202 DEFB %00011111 $A203 DEFB %00111111 $A204 DEFB %00110000 $A205 DEFB %00111110 $A206 DEFB %00011111 $A207 DEFB %00000011 $A208 DEFB %00111111 $A209 DEFB %00111110 ; 'C' $A20A DEFB %00011110 $A20B DEFB %00111111 $A20C DEFB %00110011 $A20D DEFB %00110000 $A20E DEFB %00110000 $A20F DEFB %00110011 $A210 DEFB %00111111 $A211 DEFB %00011110 ; 'O' $A212 DEFB %00011110 $A213 DEFB %00111111 $A214 DEFB %00110011 $A215 DEFB %00110011 $A216 DEFB %00110011 $A217 DEFB %00110011 $A218 DEFB %00111111 $A219 DEFB %00011110 ; 'R' $A21A DEFB %00111110 $A21B DEFB %00111111 $A21C DEFB %00110011 $A21D DEFB %00111111 $A21E DEFB %00111110 $A21F DEFB %00110011 $A220 DEFB %00110011 $A221 DEFB %00110011 ; 'E' $A222 DEFB %00111111 $A223 DEFB %00111111 $A224 DEFB %00110000 $A225 DEFB %00111110 $A226 DEFB %00111110 $A227 DEFB %00110000 $A228 DEFB %00111111 $A229 DEFB %00111111 ; $08 double energy bar (when energy even number) size 1*16 b$A22A DEFB $01 ; graphic info. $A22B DEFB $05 ; attribute upper half of energy bar $A22C DEFB $03 ; attribute lower half of energy bar $A22D DEFB %00000000 $A22E DEFB %00000000 $A22F DEFB %00100010 $A230 DEFB %01000100 $A231 DEFB %01000100 $A232 DEFB %01000100 $A233 DEFB %01000100 $A234 DEFB %01000100 $A235 DEFB %01000100 $A236 DEFB %01000100 $A237 DEFB %01000100 $A238 DEFB %01000100 $A239 DEFB %01000100 $A23A DEFB %01000100 $A23B DEFB %00100010 $A23C DEFB %00000000 ; $07 single energy bar (when energy odd number) size 1*16 b$A23D DEFB $01 ; graphic info. $A23E DEFB $05 ; attribute upper half of energy bar $A23F DEFB $03 ; attribute lower half of energy bar $A240 DEFB %00000000 $A241 DEFB %00000000 $A242 DEFB %00100000 $A243 DEFB %01000000 $A244 DEFB %01000000 $A245 DEFB %01000000 $A246 DEFB %01000000 $A247 DEFB %01000000 $A248 DEFB %01000000 $A249 DEFB %01000000 $A24A DEFB %01000000 $A24B DEFB %01000000 $A24C DEFB %01000000 $A24D DEFB %01000000 $A24E DEFB %00100000 $A24F DEFB %00000000 ; $14 'MIRR' (MIRRORSOFT) size 7*24 b$A250 DEFB $B2 ; graphic info. $A251 DEFB $57 ; attribute (bright, red paper, white ink) $A252 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00 $A25A DEFB $3F,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00 $A262 DEFB $3E,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00,$00,$00 $A26A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$C0,$00,$E1,$00 $A272 DEFB $E1,$00,$F3,$00,$F3,$00,$7F,$00 $A27A DEFB $7F,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00,$00,$00 $A282 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A28A DEFB $FF,$00,$DF,$00,$DF,$00,$9F,$00 $A292 DEFB $9F,$00,$1F,$00,$1F,$00,$00,$00 $A29A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$7D,$00,$7D,$00 $A2A2 DEFB $7D,$00,$7D,$00,$7D,$00,$7D,$00 $A2AA DEFB $7D,$00,$7D,$00,$7D,$00,$00,$00 $A2B2 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A2BA DEFB $F8,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A2C2 DEFB $F7,$00,$F1,$00,$F0,$00,$00,$00 $A2CA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$F9,$00,$FF,$00 $A2D2 DEFB $7F,$00,$FF,$00,$FD,$00,$C1,$00 $A2DA DEFB $F1,$00,$FD,$00,$7F,$00,$00,$00 $A2E2 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A2EA DEFB $F0,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A2F2 DEFB $F7,$00,$F1,$00,$F0,$00,$00,$00 ; $15 'RORS' (MIRRORSOFT) size 7*24 b$A2FA DEFB $B2 ; graphic info $A2FB DEFB $57 ; attribute (bright, red paper, white ink) $A2FC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$F8,$00,$FD,$00 $A304 DEFB $7F,$00,$FF,$00,$FD,$00,$C1,$00 $A30C DEFB $F1,$00,$FC,$00,$7F,$00,$00,$00 $A314 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$FF,$00 $A31C DEFB $F8,$00,$F0,$00,$F0,$00,$F0,$00 $A324 DEFB $F8,$00,$FF,$00,$3F,$00,$00,$00 $A32C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FC,$00,$FF,$00 $A334 DEFB $1F,$00,$0F,$00,$0F,$00,$0F,$00 $A33C DEFB $1F,$00,$FF,$00,$FC,$00,$00,$00 $A344 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$3F,$00,$3F,$00 $A34C DEFB $BE,$00,$BF,$00,$BF,$00,$BF,$00 $A354 DEFB $BE,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00,$00,$00 $A35C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A364 DEFB $0F,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$F8,$00 $A36C DEFB $FE,$00,$3F,$00,$0F,$00,$00,$00 $A374 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$0F,$00,$FF,$00 $A37C DEFB $FF,$00,$DF,$00,$8F,$00,$01,$00 $A384 DEFB $00,$00,$9F,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 $A38C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A394 DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A39C DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 ; $16 'SOFT' (MIRRORSOFT) size 7*24 b$A3A4 DEFB $B2 ; graphic info $A3A5 DEFB $57 ; attribute (bright, red paper, white ink) $A3A6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$00,$F3,$00 $A3AE DEFB $07,$00,$87,$00,$F7,$00,$FF,$00 $A3B6 DEFB $FF,$00,$F3,$00,$E0,$00,$00,$00 $A3BE DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A3C6 DEFB $E0,$00,$C0,$00,$C0,$00,$C0,$00 $A3CE DEFB $E0,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 $A3D6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$00,$FC,$00 $A3DE DEFB $7E,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00,$3E,$00 $A3E6 DEFB $7E,$00,$FC,$00,$F0,$00,$00,$00 $A3EE DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A3F6 DEFB $F8,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A3FE DEFB $F8,$00,$F8,$00,$F8,$00,$00,$00 $A406 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FD,$00,$FD,$00 $A40E DEFB $00,$00,$E0,$00,$E0,$00,$E0,$00 $A416 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A41E DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $A426 DEFB $0F,$00,$0F,$00,$0F,$00,$0F,$00 $A42E DEFB $0F,$00,$0F,$00,$0F,$00,$00,$00 $A436 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$FC,$00,$FC,$00 $A43E DEFB $80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00 $A446 DEFB $80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$00,$00 ; $18 RHS of airship (position= after 'MIRRORSOFT') size 3*48 b$A44E DEFB $95 ; graphic info. $A44F DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A450 DEFB $FF,$E0,$8A,$0F,$15,$2A,$85,$F0 $A458 DEFB $FE,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF $A460 DEFB $FF,$FF,$AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55 $A468 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA,$FF,$FF,$55 $A470 DEFB $AA,$00,$00,$30,$7C,$7F,$3F,$0F $A478 DEFB $03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A480 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$7F,$AA,$55,$AA $A488 DEFB $00,$E0,$FF,$FF,$D5,$7F,$FF,$FF $A490 DEFB $FF,$EA,$BF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$D5,$7F $A498 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$EA,$BF,$FF,$AA,$54 $A4A0 DEFB $00,$00,$3F,$FF,$1F,$03,$E0,$FC $A4A8 DEFB $FF,$7F,$2F,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A4B0 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$FF,$AA,$55,$AA $A4B8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$D5,$7E,$FF,$FF,$FF $A4C0 DEFB $EA,$BF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$F5,$5F,$FF $A4C8 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FA,$AF,$FA,$55,$A8,$00 $A4D0 DEFB $03,$FF,$1F,$E3,$FC,$FF,$7F,$0F $A4D8 DEFB $81,$F0,$FE,$FF,$BF,$17,$02,$00 ; $19 RHS of airship (position= furthestmost right) size 3*56 b$A4E0 DEFB $96 ; graphic info. $A4E1 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A4E2 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$FF,$AA,$55,$AA $A4EA DEFB $00,$00,$55,$00,$00,$C0,$F8,$EA $A4F2 DEFB $BF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$F5,$5F,$FF,$FF $A4FA DEFB $FF,$FA,$AF,$FD,$AA,$50,$00,$01 $A502 DEFB $9F,$E3,$FC,$FF,$7F,$8F,$F1,$FE $A50A DEFB $FF,$3F,$07,$C0,$F8,$FF,$FF,$5F $A512 DEFB $0B,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A51A DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$FF,$AA,$55,$AA $A522 DEFB $00,$55,$00,$00,$00,$00,$2A,$80 $A52A DEFB $F0,$FE,$FF,$D5,$7F,$FF,$FF,$FF $A532 DEFB $EA,$BF,$EA,$55,$A0,$00,$03,$F1 $A53A DEFB $FE,$FF,$7F,$8F,$F1,$FE,$FF,$3F $A542 DEFB $C7,$F8,$FF,$FF,$1F,$03,$E0,$FC $A54A DEFB $FF,$7F,$2F,$0B,$01,$00,$00,$00 $A552 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$FF,$AA,$55,$AA $A55A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$2A,$80,$00 $A562 DEFB $00,$00,$AA,$60,$FC,$FF,$FA,$AF $A56A DEFB $FF,$D5,$AA,$40,$00,$0F,$FF,$FF $A572 DEFB $3F,$C7,$F8,$FF,$FF,$3F,$C7,$F8 $A57A DEFB $FF,$FF,$1F,$E3,$FC,$FF,$7F,$0F $A582 DEFB $81,$F0,$FE,$FF,$7F,$2F,$0B,$00 ; $1d LHS of airship (position= to left of 'MIRRORSOFT') size 5*40 b$A58A DEFB $A4 ; graphic info. $A58B DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A58C DEFB $57,$FD,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AB,$FE,$FF $A594 DEFB $FF,$7F,$D5,$FF,$FF,$FF,$BF,$EA $A59C DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$5F,$F5,$FF,$FF,$FF $A5A4 DEFB $AF,$FA,$FF,$57,$AA,$05,$A8,$55 $A5AC DEFB $AA,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A5B4 DEFB $FF,$57,$FD,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AB,$FE $A5BC DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF $A5C4 DEFB $AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$7F,$D5,$FF,$FF $A5CC DEFB $FF,$BF,$EA,$FF,$AF,$55,$02,$54 $A5D4 DEFB $AA,$55,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A5DC DEFB $FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA $A5E4 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF $A5EC DEFB $FF,$AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$7F,$D5,$FF $A5F4 DEFB $FF,$FF,$BF,$EA,$FF,$5F,$AA,$05 $A5FC DEFB $A8,$55,$AA,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A604 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF $A60C DEFB $AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$7F,$D5,$FF,$FF $A614 DEFB $FF,$BF,$EA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$5F,$F5 $A61C DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$AF,$FA,$FF,$AB,$55 $A624 DEFB $02,$54,$AA,$55,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A62C DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$5F,$F5,$FF,$FF,$FF $A634 DEFB $AF,$FA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$57,$FD,$FF $A63C DEFB $FF,$FF,$AB,$FE,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55 $A644 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA,$FF,$FF,$55 $A64C DEFB $AA,$00,$AA,$55,$AA,$00,$00,$00 ; $1a airship edging (appears under the 'M' and 'T' in 'MIRRORSOFT') size 1*16 b$A654 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $A655 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A656 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA,$FF,$FF $A65E DEFB $AA,$55,$00,$55,$AA,$55,$00,$00 ; $1b airship edging (appears under the 'IR' and 'OF' in 'MIRRORSOFT') size 1*16 b$A666 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $A667 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A668 DEFB $FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA,$FF $A670 DEFB $FF,$55,$AA,$00,$AA,$55,$AA,$00 ; $1c airship edging (appears under the 'RORS' in 'MIRRORSOFT') size 1*16 b$A678 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $A679 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A67A DEFB $FF,$FF,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$AA $A682 DEFB $FF,$FF,$AA,$55,$00,$55,$AA,$55 ; $1e top LHS of airship pod (position= left of ladder) size 4*8 b$A68A DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $A68B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A68C DEFB $00,$00,$07,$3F,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A694 DEFB $00,$3F,$FF,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A69C DEFB $66,$F9,$FF,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A6A4 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 ; $20 top RHS of airship pod (position= left of propellor) size 4*8 b$A6AC DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $A6AD DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A6AE DEFB $63,$8F,$FF,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A6B6 DEFB $A0,$8E,$80,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A6BE DEFB $07,$ED,$02,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A6C6 DEFB $FE,$99,$22,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 ; $1f bottom LHS of airship pod (position= left of ladder) size 4*8 b$A6CE DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $A6CF DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $A6D0 DEFB $55,$3F,$07,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A6D8 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$7F,$07,$00,$00,$00 $A6E0 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$1F,$00,$00 $A6E8 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$7F,$01 ; $21 bottom RHS of airship pod (position= left of propellor) size 4*8 b$A6F0 DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $A6F1 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $A6F2 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF $A6FA DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$F8 $A702 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FC,$FF,$F0,$00 $A70A DEFB $55,$FF,$F2,$86,$1C,$E0,$00,$00 ; $24 middle section of airship pod size 1*16 b$A712 DEFB $01 ; graphic info. $A713 DEFB $07 ; upper half attribute (black paper, white ink) $A714 DEFB $06 ; lower half attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $A715 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $A71D DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; $02 right arrow (solid) size 1*8 b$A725 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $A726 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $A727 DEFB $00,$08,$0C,$3E,$3E,$0C,$08,$00 ; $03 right arrow (outline) size 1*8 b$A72F DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $A730 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $A731 DEFB $08,$0C,$7A,$41,$41,$7A,$0C,$08 ; $06 'HELD' size 5*8 b$A739 DEFB $A0 ; graphic info. $A73A DEFB $47 ; attribute (bright, black paper, white ink) $A73B DEFB $07,$04,$05,$05,$07,$07,$00,$00 $A743 DEFB $97,$94,$F5,$95,$97,$97,$00,$00 $A74B DEFB $E7,$84,$C5,$85,$87,$E7,$00,$00 $A753 DEFB $8F,$89,$8B,$8B,$8F,$EF,$00,$00 $A75B DEFB $C0,$20,$20,$20,$20,$C0,$00,$00 ; $28 upper 2 face carvings (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) size 1*48 b$A763 DEFB $85 ; graphic info. $A764 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A765 DEFB $40,$20,$20,$30,$33,$35,$3B,$1A $A76D DEFB $25,$1E,$07,$28,$21,$33,$58,$43 $A775 DEFB $0F,$30,$24,$08,$0A,$03,$01,$00 $A77D DEFB $00,$1E,$39,$02,$7A,$65,$42,$08 $A785 DEFB $35,$19,$01,$23,$37,$75,$71,$5C $A78D DEFB $43,$20,$26,$17,$0B,$03,$01,$00 ; $29 lower 2 face carvings (used in rooms $2a,$2c) size 1*48 b$A795 DEFB $85 ; graphic info. $A796 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A797 DEFB $00,$20,$02,$15,$4A,$28,$47,$19 $A79F DEFB $26,$79,$7E,$63,$41,$59,$51,$23 $A7A7 DEFB $1E,$05,$18,$25,$28,$0B,$05,$00 $A7AF DEFB $00,$54,$2A,$15,$39,$4E,$73,$4C $A7B7 DEFB $52,$29,$20,$71,$7D,$1C,$61,$5E $A7BF DEFB $41,$54,$40,$4A,$20,$3F,$0F,$00 ; $13 gargoyle LHS (used in rooms $28,$2c,$2d,$6d,$a8) size 3*48 b$A7C7 DEFB $95 ; graphic info. $A7C8 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A7C9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$2A,$2A $A7D1 DEFB $2A,$2A,$15,$1E,$0C,$0E,$06,$07 $A7D9 DEFB $07,$03,$03,$01,$00,$06,$0C,$08 $A7E1 DEFB $10,$18,$30,$20,$30,$60,$40,$60 $A7E9 DEFB $40,$E0,$80,$C0,$80,$C0,$80,$C7 $A7F1 DEFB $98,$A0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A7F9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$05,$05,$84 $A801 DEFB $82,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$04 $A809 DEFB $03,$80,$A8,$AB,$AB,$2B,$2A,$28 $A811 DEFB $28,$28,$28,$28,$28,$00,$1C,$3C $A819 DEFB $3E,$3E,$1E,$1F,$0F,$0F,$07,$03 $A821 DEFB $C3,$29,$11,$02,$02,$00,$02,$00 $A829 DEFB $10,$20,$48,$53,$55,$53,$22,$9D $A831 DEFB $7E,$4F,$67,$63,$28,$13,$01,$0C $A839 DEFB $09,$E5,$03,$53,$69,$74,$7A,$FD $A841 DEFB $DE,$79,$03,$0E,$2D,$5A,$55,$DA $A849 DEFB $B5,$B7,$2B,$37,$5F,$1F,$AF,$85 $A851 DEFB $CA,$E1,$50,$A8,$A4,$04,$A0,$00 ; $2a pillar outer LHS (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) size 1*16 b$A859 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $A85A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $A85B DEFB $9B,$AB,$8B,$8B,$9B,$AB,$8B,$8B $A863 DEFB $9B,$AB,$8B,$8B,$9B,$AB,$8B,$00 ; $31 steps (as found on island 3 and as platforms at RHS of island 6) size 1*8 b$A86B DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $A86C DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A86D DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00 ; $2d grass size 8*8 b$A875 DEFB $B8 ; graphic info. $A876 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $A877 DEFB $84,$69,$FB,$BE,$54,$A5,$11,$10 $A87F DEFB $24,$5A,$BF,$F6,$D1,$4B,$04,$41 $A887 DEFB $A4,$52,$9C,$ED,$7F,$4A,$24,$01 $A88F DEFB $84,$49,$AA,$F7,$7C,$A5,$A9,$04 $A897 DEFB $02,$49,$B4,$DF,$EB,$46,$29,$48 $A89F DEFB $10,$52,$A5,$FF,$DB,$A5,$4A,$24 $A8A7 DEFB $A4,$42,$ED,$7F,$DD,$37,$AD,$94 $A8AF DEFB $84,$69,$FB,$BE,$F5,$52,$2A,$89 ; $36 chalk earth (found under grass on island 3) size 8*8 b$A8B7 DEFB $B8 ; graphic info. $A8B8 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A8B9 DEFB $41,$3A,$19,$31,$22,$66,$07,$00 $A8C1 DEFB $0C,$32,$94,$CC,$C3,$26,$01,$00 $A8C9 DEFB $68,$31,$9E,$C9,$C3,$66,$05,$00 $A8D1 DEFB $41,$8B,$B2,$26,$63,$4E,$29,$00 $A8D9 DEFB $01,$AA,$99,$31,$32,$61,$23,$00 $A8E1 DEFB $00,$32,$94,$CC,$C3,$26,$48,$00 $A8E9 DEFB $00,$C6,$95,$26,$6C,$48,$99,$00 $A8F1 DEFB $00,$16,$64,$49,$89,$DC,$2A,$00 ; $39 propeller size 1*40 b$A8F9 DEFB $04 ; graphic info. ; attributes top-bottom $A8FA DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A8FB DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A8FC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A8FD DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A8FE DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A8FF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A907 DEFB $00,$10,$10,$38,$38,$38,$10,$00 $A90F DEFB $70,$7C,$7E,$7F,$4E,$54,$10,$30 $A917 DEFB $30,$78,$78,$38,$38,$10,$10,$00 $A91F DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $38 propeller size 1*40 b$A927 DEFB $04 ; graphic info. ; attributes top-bottom $A928 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A929 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A92A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A92B DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A92C DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A92D DEFB $00,$10,$10,$38,$38,$38,$3C,$3C $A935 DEFB $3C,$3C,$18,$18,$10,$10,$10,$00 $A93D DEFB $70,$7C,$7E,$7F,$7F,$7E,$4C,$50 $A945 DEFB $10,$10,$10,$30,$30,$30,$78,$78 $A94D DEFB $78,$78,$38,$38,$38,$10,$10,$00 ; $41 brick wall size 2*8 b$A955 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $A956 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A957 DEFB $7F,$7F,$55,$00,$7B,$7B,$2A,$00 $A95F DEFB $DE,$DE,$4A,$00,$FE,$FE,$AA,$00 ; $64 fuel size 2*16 b$A967 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $A968 DEFB $03 ; attribute $A969 DEFB $00,$1F,$20,$27,$3F,$40,$7F,$4A $A971 DEFB $5A,$4A,$5A,$58,$7F,$40,$3F,$00 $A979 DEFB $1C,$00,$FC,$FE,$FE,$02,$FE,$96 $A981 DEFB $B6,$96,$B6,$92,$FE,$02,$FC,$00 ; $30 japanese writing (used in rooms $2c,$2d,$2e,$2f,$6c,$6d,$6e) size 2*16 b$A989 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $A98A DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A98B DEFB $00,$55,$00,$10,$5F,$22,$2B,$2A $A993 DEFB $48,$00,$2A,$00,$7F,$00,$00,$00 $A99B DEFB $00,$54,$00,$10,$DE,$22,$AA,$28 $A9A3 DEFB $C8,$00,$AA,$00,$FE,$00,$00,$00 ; $3a propeller housing size 1*24 b$A9AB DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $A9AC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $A9AD DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $A9B5 DEFB $70,$7C,$7E,$7F,$7F,$7E,$7C,$70 $A9BD DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $3b propeller size 1*24 b$A9C5 DEFB $02 ; graphic info. $A9C6 DEFB $03 ; upper attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A9C7 DEFB $02 ; middle attribute (black paper, red ink) $A9C8 DEFB $03 ; lower attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $A9C9 DEFB $00,$10,$10,$38,$38,$3C,$3C,$18 $A9D1 DEFB $18,$50,$54,$4E,$7F,$7E,$7C,$70 $A9D9 DEFB $00,$10,$38,$38,$38,$10,$10,$00 ; $66 bomb size 2*16 b$A9E1 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $A9E2 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $A9E3 DEFB $00,$01,$00,$02,$0F,$13,$17,$24 $A9EB DEFB $2C,$2C,$3C,$1C,$1C,$0F,$03,$00 $A9F3 DEFB $30,$88,$08,$C4,$F0,$F8,$F8,$3C $A9FB DEFB $DC,$3C,$DC,$D8,$38,$F0,$C0,$00 ; $65 record size 2*16 b$AA03 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $AA04 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AA05 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$06,$08,$16,$12,$20 $AA0D DEFB $21,$21,$10,$10,$08,$06,$01,$00 $AA15 DEFB $00,$00,$C0,$30,$08,$04,$04,$C2 $AA1D DEFB $42,$82,$24,$34,$08,$30,$C0,$00 ; $42 tightrope size 1*8 b$AA25 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $AA26 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AA27 DEFB $EE,$77,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $4c green platform (found on island 4) size 4*8 b$AA2F DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $AA30 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $AA31 DEFB $31,$7B,$7B,$31,$0A,$A9,$56,$00 $AA39 DEFB $86,$CF,$CF,$96,$10,$69,$B6,$00 $AA41 DEFB $31,$7B,$7B,$35,$82,$5D,$AE,$00 $AA49 DEFB $8C,$DE,$DE,$8C,$21,$4E,$97,$00 ; $4e white platform resting on grass (found on island 3) size 4*8 b$AA51 DEFB $98 ; graphic info. $AA52 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AA53 DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$FB,$B6,$63 $AA5B DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$FE,$FA,$25 $AA63 DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$F7,$BB,$14 $AA6B DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$FB,$B7,$15 ; $4f red post (found on island 2) size 1*24 b$AA73 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $AA74 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $AA75 DEFB $CB,$D7,$AD,$D9,$A9,$75,$9A,$8D $AA7D DEFB $9E,$D7,$AD,$D9,$B5,$6B,$C5,$82 $AA85 DEFB $C3,$A7,$DD,$AB,$97,$AB,$D5,$A7 ; $45 LHS yellow earth section size 1*16 b$AA8D DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $AA8E DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; Data block at AA8F b$AA8F DEFB $49,$6E,$26,$34,$13,$1F,$0F,$07 $AA97 DEFB $03,$03,$01,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $50 tree foliage size 7*32 b$AA9F DEFB $33 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $AAA0 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA1 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA2 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA3 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $AAA4 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA5 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA6 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $AAA7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $AAA8 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAA9 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAAA DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $AAAB DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $AAAC DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAAD DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAAE DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $AAAF DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $AAB0 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $AAB1 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAB2 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAB3 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 6 attributes top-bottom $AAB4 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AAB5 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AAB6 DEFB $44 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $AAB7 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 7 attributes top-bottom $AAB8 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $AAB9 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $AABA DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $AABB DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $AABC DEFB $0C,$12,$29,$06,$40,$61,$52,$30 $AAC4 DEFB $10,$00,$07,$1F,$15,$20,$27,$28 $AACC DEFB $30,$11,$02,$02,$16,$25,$24,$50 $AAD4 DEFB $48,$68,$4C,$34,$24,$1C,$06,$00 $AADC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$A8,$0C,$C4 $AAE4 DEFB $2E,$22,$16,$D2,$4A,$6E,$84,$02 $AAEC DEFB $7C,$AA,$81,$1E,$E0,$00,$00,$00 $AAF4 DEFB $0B,$52,$34,$96,$A4,$29,$4C,$08 $AAFC DEFB $1C,$1E,$07,$81,$61,$62,$36,$44 $AB04 DEFB $C5,$95,$22,$22,$12,$3A,$18,$84 $AB0C DEFB $42,$31,$02,$44,$22,$18,$26,$40 $AB14 DEFB $10,$48,$6C,$C8,$A4,$76,$54,$82 $AB1C DEFB $00,$3C,$C0,$9F,$F0,$67,$F4,$B8 $AB24 DEFB $1D,$6E,$A7,$AB,$A9,$AC,$B5,$55 $AB2C DEFB $56,$1A,$0A,$02,$20,$80,$11,$40 $AB34 DEFB $04,$00,$33,$52,$29,$40,$89,$00 $AB3C DEFB $20,$05,$00,$11,$02,$C1,$04,$F1 $AB44 DEFB $02,$70,$00,$BC,$80,$DE,$61,$B6 $AB4C DEFB $9D,$AE,$AB,$A9,$55,$15,$02,$00 $AB54 DEFB $4C,$14,$08,$80,$2A,$04,$12,$84 $AB5C DEFB $88,$10,$88,$44,$18,$14,$28,$00 $AB64 DEFB $42,$18,$28,$10,$20,$52,$60,$08 $AB6C DEFB $80,$20,$C0,$90,$74,$28,$A4,$00 $AB74 DEFB $91,$44,$80,$18,$28,$91,$00,$10 $AB7C DEFB $20,$02,$08,$40,$12,$04,$02,$90 $AB84 DEFB $08,$22,$8D,$12,$24,$05,$48,$02 $AB8C DEFB $54,$08,$A2,$48,$15,$6A,$43,$14 $AB94 DEFB $00,$65,$09,$AA,$15,$02,$44,$00 ; $51 tree foliage size 7*32 b$AB9C DEFB $33 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $AB9D DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $AB9E DEFB $46 ; attribute (bright, black paper, yellow ink) $AB9F DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $ABA0 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $ABA1 DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $ABA2 DEFB $46 ; attribute (bright, black paper, yellow ink) $ABA3 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $ABA4 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $ABA5 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABA6 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $ABA7 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $ABA8 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $ABA9 DEFB $07 ; attribute (bright, black paper, green ink) $ABAA DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABAB DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $ABAC DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $ABAD DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $ABAE DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABAF DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABB0 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 6 attributes top-bottom $ABB1 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABB2 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $ABB3 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABB4 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 7 attributes top-bottom $ABB5 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABB6 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $ABB7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $ABB8 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $ABB9 DEFB $C4,$4A,$84,$20,$12,$29,$12,$00 $ABC1 DEFB $F5,$2E,$2B,$2A,$2A,$15,$15,$95 $ABC9 DEFB $84,$C2,$68,$32,$5C,$57,$15,$01 $ABD1 DEFB $14,$46,$60,$A4,$4A,$A5,$58,$24 $ABD9 DEFB $22,$00,$4A,$24,$8A,$1A,$8C,$20 $ABE1 DEFB $00,$A0,$CC,$F2,$BC,$AB,$54,$52 $ABE9 DEFB $A8,$A0,$00,$6C,$93,$24,$C9,$72 $ABF1 DEFB $5E,$53,$94,$A5,$29,$02,$00,$00 $ABF9 DEFB $54,$A4,$0C,$52,$A2,$52,$A0,$00 $AC01 DEFB $04,$40,$1A,$84,$3A,$0A,$28,$00 $AC09 DEFB $08,$80,$26,$18,$34,$1A,$28,$00 $AC11 DEFB $C0,$18,$E0,$58,$20,$80,$00,$00 $AC19 DEFB $00,$A8,$14,$58,$24,$58,$62,$90 $AC21 DEFB $00,$80,$A0,$40,$40,$58,$20,$20 $AC29 DEFB $40,$8A,$24,$12,$2C,$14,$01,$00 $AC31 DEFB $14,$09,$A4,$19,$34,$4A,$10,$02 $AC39 DEFB $8A,$26,$50,$A8,$01,$6D,$40,$0A $AC41 DEFB $04,$31,$78,$70,$EE,$CC,$DD,$19 $AC49 DEFB $3B,$3A,$31,$03,$07,$C7,$0E,$8E $AC51 DEFB $5D,$1D,$1B,$0B,$07,$C6,$32,$00 $AC59 DEFB $0E,$3F,$FC,$FB,$FF,$BE,$3F,$97 $AC61 DEFB $60,$8A,$26,$D1,$02,$28,$11,$44 $AC69 DEFB $A0,$0A,$C0,$E0,$F2,$F8,$DC,$CC $AC71 DEFB $EE,$F6,$F6,$5A,$6C,$EC,$E8,$A0 $AC79 DEFB $12,$21,$00,$C9,$E4,$60,$80,$E9 $AC81 DEFB $60,$02,$00,$24,$02,$08,$40,$02 $AC89 DEFB $C0,$19,$20,$8C,$28,$B2,$14,$2B $AC91 DEFB $14,$1B,$09,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00 ; $53 yellow earth platform size 1*24 b$AC99 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $AC9A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $AC9B DEFB $4E,$96,$93,$13,$3A,$3A,$98,$9C $ACA3 DEFB $8C,$CC,$C8,$E8,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0 $ACAB DEFB $70,$30,$50,$D0,$60,$30,$10,$60 ; $32 yellow earth cliff top (found on island 2) size 8*40 b$ACB3 DEFB $BC ; graphic info. $ACB4 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $ACB5 DEFB $40,$E4,$F6,$BB,$DD,$D9,$EB,$E3 $ACBD DEFB $E7,$C7,$CF,$CF,$CE,$CF,$8F,$8F $ACC5 DEFB $9F,$1E,$3E,$FC,$F8,$B0,$C0,$C8 $ACCD DEFB $E4,$66,$84,$C1,$E3,$E3,$D3,$D2 $ACD5 DEFB $D6,$56,$44,$64,$62,$31,$09,$04 $ACDD DEFB $00,$00,$80,$60,$98,$E6,$E0,$C0 $ACE5 DEFB $C1,$C1,$83,$82,$85,$07,$07,$0F $ACED DEFB $0F,$0C,$1C,$1D,$19,$99,$49,$61 $ACF5 DEFB $31,$31,$30,$53,$53,$63,$7B,$7B $ACFD DEFB $1E,$3C,$38,$31,$73,$67,$6C,$C8 $AD05 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$47,$DF $AD0D DEFB $DF,$DF,$EF,$EF,$67,$B7,$96,$DA $AD15 DEFB $CC,$EC,$F4,$F8,$F8,$F9,$F1,$F3 $AD1D DEFB $E3,$07,$C7,$CF,$8F,$8F,$97,$14 $AD25 DEFB $33,$62,$E6,$CC,$98,$31,$21,$61 $AD2D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$A0,$90 $AD35 DEFB $81,$87,$9F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$7E,$7D $AD3D DEFB $7D,$7B,$7B,$3F,$37,$5F,$57,$6E $AD45 DEFB $26,$B6,$BA,$9C,$DD,$CD,$97,$13 $AD4D DEFB $33,$62,$E6,$CC,$98,$90,$04,$29 $AD55 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$02,$05,$1C,$78 $AD5D DEFB $F8,$F0,$E2,$E5,$CC,$C8,$58,$18 $AD65 DEFB $B8,$B8,$B8,$30,$30,$71,$50,$60 $AD6D DEFB $61,$F2,$F1,$E1,$E3,$CB,$89,$9D $AD75 DEFB $1F,$36,$7A,$78,$F9,$F1,$C2,$80 $AD7D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$60 $AD85 DEFB $18,$06,$00,$01,$81,$06,$06,$07 $AD8D DEFB $0F,$0F,$9F,$5F,$6F,$37,$B7,$F6 $AD95 DEFB $E8,$44,$1E,$3F,$9F,$9F,$CF,$8F $AD9D DEFB $27,$67,$E7,$D7,$D3,$3B,$99,$C0 $ADA5 DEFB $00,$02,$05,$06,$0E,$0F,$27,$27 $ADAD DEFB $73,$79,$F9,$FC,$FC,$FE,$3E,$1E $ADB5 DEFB $1E,$8E,$8E,$8E,$8E,$8C,$08,$40 $ADBD DEFB $20,$31,$19,$1C,$0E,$A6,$96,$93 $ADC5 DEFB $BB,$BB,$F9,$B9,$F8,$F4,$E4,$C8 $ADCD DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80,$41,$21,$11,$8B $ADD5 DEFB $83,$C3,$C7,$E7,$E7,$4F,$4F,$0F $ADDD DEFB $1F,$1F,$1F,$3E,$3F,$23,$19,$39 $ADE5 DEFB $59,$F9,$F9,$F9,$73,$73,$73,$31 $ADED DEFB $24,$27,$2B,$4D,$5E,$DE,$9E,$0C ; $7a skull size 2*16 b$ADF5 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $ADF6 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $ADF7 DEFB $03,$0F,$1F,$1F,$18,$10,$10,$19 $ADFF DEFB $1F,$06,$0B,$0A,$0C,$05,$07,$00 $AE07 DEFB $E0,$F8,$FC,$FC,$8C,$84,$84,$CC $AE0F DEFB $7C,$B0,$E8,$A8,$18,$50,$F0,$00 ; $54 yellow earth stalactite (found on island 2) size 1*32 b$AE17 DEFB $83 ; graphic info. $AE18 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $AE19 DEFB $4E,$4E,$45,$27,$A7,$F3,$D3,$B1 $AE21 DEFB $79,$68,$64,$26,$AD,$97,$CF,$E7 $AE29 DEFB $B7,$D3,$BB,$A7,$B3,$DB,$E5,$ED $AE31 DEFB $CB,$D3,$E7,$CF,$D7,$E7,$EF,$EF ; $33 yellow earth bottom size 8*24 b$AE39 DEFB $BA ; graphic info. $AE3A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $AE3B DEFB $42,$91,$8C,$12,$31,$38,$98,$DC $AE43 DEFB $CC,$CC,$EC,$EC,$F6,$FE,$7A,$7F $AE4B DEFB $3F,$3F,$3F,$1E,$18,$10,$11,$03 $AE53 DEFB $39,$E2,$82,$04,$04,$8E,$CE,$66 $AE5B DEFB $62,$72,$70,$38,$38,$3C,$1C,$1D $AE63 DEFB $19,$01,$03,$0F,$3F,$EF,$9E,$38 $AE6B DEFB $4E,$E7,$E7,$E3,$F1,$72,$72,$71 $AE73 DEFB $39,$39,$59,$48,$48,$CC,$C4,$C4 $AE7B DEFB $84,$82,$82,$04,$04,$08,$08,$10 $AE83 DEFB $0D,$B1,$42,$C2,$87,$9B,$1B,$1D $AE8B DEFB $1C,$8C,$CE,$CE,$CE,$E4,$E4,$74 $AE93 DEFB $70,$31,$39,$79,$65,$D0,$B8,$70 $AE9B DEFB $10,$62,$CC,$9E,$9F,$3D,$3A,$3A $AEA3 DEFB $76,$76,$6F,$6F,$5F,$DF,$BF,$BF $AEAB DEFB $7F,$7F,$FE,$FE,$FA,$E4,$48,$18 $AEB3 DEFB $22,$C9,$4C,$2C,$0C,$94,$96,$9A $AEBB DEFB $1E,$0C,$0D,$89,$88,$8A,$12,$12 $AEC3 DEFB $27,$27,$07,$0E,$0E,$1E,$24,$01 $AECB DEFB $34,$2E,$8C,$C9,$DA,$52,$54,$41 $AED3 DEFB $03,$C3,$E3,$F1,$71,$78,$79,$39 $AEDB DEFB $39,$39,$19,$10,$12,$22,$C2,$81 $AEE3 DEFB $59,$CC,$E8,$82,$03,$43,$93,$0D $AEEB DEFB $07,$03,$83,$81,$C1,$C0,$60,$70 $AEF3 DEFB $38,$BC,$9C,$CE,$CE,$E7,$67,$71 ; $48 yellow earth platform size 8*16 b$AEFB DEFB $B9 ; graphic info. $AEFC DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $AEFD DEFB $03,$1B,$61,$71,$38,$38,$3C,$3C $AF05 DEFB $1C,$1C,$1C,$1E,$0E,$0F,$07,$00 $AF0D DEFB $60,$30,$BA,$9D,$DD,$CF,$E6,$E6 $AF15 DEFB $66,$64,$44,$14,$12,$3A,$18,$00 $AF1D DEFB $03,$07,$0E,$1C,$18,$38,$30,$70 $AF25 DEFB $70,$F2,$E3,$E7,$E7,$62,$41,$00 $AF2D DEFB $62,$B7,$B6,$26,$42,$4A,$C8,$C4 $AF35 DEFB $C4,$62,$63,$37,$17,$32,$20,$40 $AF3D DEFB $1C,$3E,$5F,$5F,$8F,$8F,$8F,$87 $AF45 DEFB $43,$47,$23,$03,$01,$0B,$04,$00 $AF4D DEFB $19,$1B,$13,$33,$A6,$A6,$B6,$D4 $AF55 DEFB $D4,$D4,$B4,$A4,$A2,$62,$C1,$00 $AF5D DEFB $30,$78,$72,$77,$EF,$DF,$DF,$DD $AF65 DEFB $5C,$4C,$26,$16,$02,$01,$00,$00 $AF6D DEFB $A5,$CD,$0E,$0C,$D5,$59,$9B,$BB $AF75 DEFB $B3,$B6,$36,$36,$62,$61,$30,$00 ; $56 skeleton size 2*24 b$AF7D DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $AF7E DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AF7F DEFB $01,$03,$02,$03,$01,$01,$00,$03 $AF87 DEFB $04,$05,$08,$09,$14,$10,$04,$0C $AF8F DEFB $16,$12,$13,$21,$29,$28,$E0,$00 $AF97 DEFB $C2,$E5,$A2,$E0,$42,$C0,$04,$30 $AF9F DEFB $D8,$08,$EC,$04,$64,$82,$62,$02 $AFA7 DEFB $44,$04,$4A,$0A,$80,$C0,$80,$00 ; $57 tall grass size 2*16 b$AFAF DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $AFB0 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $AFB1 DEFB $FE,$F7,$9B,$0F,$66,$FA,$CE,$E6 $AFB9 DEFB $77,$B3,$DB,$CB,$E9,$ED,$F5,$D7 $AFC1 DEFB $C7,$9B,$3F,$27,$5C,$73,$E7,$CC $AFC9 DEFB $CB,$9F,$99,$33,$27,$2F,$AD,$5B ; $5c white platform support (found on island 1) size 1*24 b$AFD1 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $AFD2 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AFD3 DEFB $FF,$00,$19,$A5,$2C,$2C,$2C,$2C $AFDB DEFB $2C,$2C,$2C,$2C,$2C,$2C,$2C,$2C $AFE3 DEFB $2C,$2C,$2C,$2C,$00,$2C,$5E,$00 ; $5d white platform size 1*8 b$AFEB DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $AFEC DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $AFED DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $5e vertical girder support size 1*8 b$AFF5 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $AFF6 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $AFF7 DEFB $B5,$BB,$BD,$BB,$B5,$AD,$DD,$AD ; $5f girder base size 3*8 b$AFFF DEFB $90 ; graphic info. $B000 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B001 DEFB $00,$00,$04,$09,$00,$27,$4A,$00 $B009 DEFB $4A,$00,$FF,$55,$00,$FF,$AA,$00 $B011 DEFB $00,$00,$E0,$50,$00,$FC,$AA,$00 ; $61 horizontal girder platform size 1*8 b$B019 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B01A DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B01B DEFB $7F,$80,$41,$22,$14,$08,$E7,$00 ; $62 LHS earth section (found on island 1) size 1*24 b$B023 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $B024 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B025 DEFB $B1,$86,$4A,$27,$6B,$C5,$64,$2A $B02D DEFB $18,$24,$2E,$15,$1C,$2A,$15,$1A $B035 DEFB $07,$0F,$0A,$06,$09,$05,$04,$00 ; $5b red earth platform (found on island 1) size 8*24 b$B03D DEFB $BA ; graphic info. $B03E DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B03F DEFB $7B,$21,$8B,$40,$A1,$E0,$70,$D0 $B047 DEFB $60,$F0,$78,$AC,$44,$95,$68,$A8 $B04F DEFB $5A,$D4,$2D,$2F,$4C,$55,$88,$0C $B057 DEFB $C8,$F0,$7E,$FF,$BC,$CF,$32,$BF $B05F DEFB $17,$2E,$15,$42,$05,$0A,$01,$82 $B067 DEFB $05,$06,$02,$A0,$C4,$30,$8A,$00 $B06F DEFB $9C,$2E,$07,$8F,$DD,$16,$82,$C1 $B077 DEFB $21,$F2,$90,$A0,$E4,$70,$C0,$E2 $B07F DEFB $AA,$44,$62,$B2,$44,$AD,$4A,$04 $B087 DEFB $D6,$2F,$63,$0F,$9B,$EC,$DB,$AB $B08F DEFB $AE,$77,$A9,$3C,$D7,$46,$AE,$36 $B097 DEFB $64,$19,$53,$3A,$4C,$12,$08,$59 $B09F DEFB $10,$22,$89,$A2,$89,$C5,$02,$45 $B0A7 DEFB $A3,$45,$C3,$94,$8A,$87,$4C,$16 $B0AF DEFB $16,$1D,$22,$17,$A8,$12,$34,$4C $B0B7 DEFB $A1,$18,$2C,$8D,$9E,$E7,$CA,$B5 $B0BF DEFB $E8,$52,$E8,$C8,$B2,$C1,$A2,$80 $B0C7 DEFB $51,$00,$08,$42,$0C,$14,$48,$28 $B0CF DEFB $8D,$C7,$DE,$A6,$96,$83,$C1,$42 $B0D7 DEFB $C9,$61,$A9,$44,$65,$20,$11,$20 $B0DF DEFB $01,$12,$89,$22,$00,$11,$80,$C1 $B0E7 DEFB $C6,$8B,$49,$07,$0E,$04,$0B,$45 $B0EF DEFB $27,$6B,$C5,$4A,$24,$41,$20,$14 $B0F7 DEFB $02,$C4,$02,$81,$40,$12,$90,$89 ; $09 red score border left edge size 1*8 b$B0FF DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B100 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B101 DEFB $00,$3F,$60,$45,$6F,$3F,$00,$00 ; $0a red score border size 1*8 b$B109 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B10A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B10B DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$55,$FF,$FF,$00,$00 ; $0b red score border right edge size 1*8 b$B113 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B114 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B115 DEFB $00,$FE,$03,$51,$FB,$FE,$00,$00 ; $99 LHS section japanese umbrellas size 1*24 b$B11D DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $B11E DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B11F DEFB $00,$02,$01,$05,$0E,$1E,$3F,$9F $B127 DEFB $27,$79,$7E,$7F,$80,$7F,$7E,$39 $B12F DEFB $27,$9F,$0F,$06,$02,$00,$01,$00 ; $a0 RHS section japanese umbrellas size 1*24 b$B137 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $B138 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B139 DEFB $00,$80,$00,$40,$E0,$F0,$F8,$F4 $B141 DEFB $C8,$3C,$FC,$FC,$02,$FC,$FC,$38 $B149 DEFB $C8,$F4,$E0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00 ; $90 red roof with green dragon LHS (tail) (found on island 7) size 7*32 b$B151 DEFB $33 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $B152 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B153 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B154 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B155 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $B156 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B157 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B158 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B159 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $B15A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B15B DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B15C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B15D DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $B15E DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B15F DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B160 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B161 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $B162 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B163 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B164 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B165 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 6 attributes top-bottom $B166 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B167 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B168 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B169 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 7 attributes top-bottom $B16A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B16B DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B16C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B16D DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B16E DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$36,$34 $B176 DEFB $00,$01,$03,$06,$0E,$1C,$18,$18 $B17E DEFB $0C,$0C,$07,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B186 DEFB $37,$30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B18E DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$01,$00 $B196 DEFB $7C,$EF,$AB,$81,$03,$00,$01,$00 $B19E DEFB $00,$10,$30,$00,$78,$78,$00,$B7 $B1A6 DEFB $B7,$30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B1AE DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$B7,$07 $B1B6 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$C0,$E0,$70,$F0,$38 $B1BE DEFB $F8,$1E,$7F,$0F,$1B,$06,$05,$00 $B1C6 DEFB $80,$00,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B1CE DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$B7,$B7 $B1D6 DEFB $00,$7B,$3B,$02,$30,$30,$10,$00 $B1DE DEFB $01,$03,$8F,$FF,$FE,$AB,$AC,$00 $B1E6 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B1EE DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$B7,$B4 $B1F6 DEFB $00,$01,$07,$0E,$1A,$36,$77,$DB $B1FE DEFB $BF,$BC,$D8,$F0,$E0,$40,$00,$00 $B206 DEFB $03,$00,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B20E DEFB $30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$00,$00 $B216 DEFB $7F,$ED,$5B,$DB,$DB,$ED,$7F,$83 $B21E DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$78,$78,$00,$32 $B226 DEFB $33,$30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B22E DEFB $30,$03,$7A,$7A,$00,$30,$30,$00 $B236 DEFB $00,$E0,$B8,$7C,$7E,$7B,$B7,$F7 $B23E DEFB $D6,$BA,$3F,$3D,$1B,$0B,$03,$01 $B246 DEFB $20,$30,$00,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 ; $96 red roof with green dragon RHS (body/head) (found on island 7) size 7*32 b$B24E DEFB $33 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $B24F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B250 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B251 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B252 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $B253 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B254 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B255 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B256 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $B257 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B258 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B259 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B25A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $B25B DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B25C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B25D DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B25E DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $B25F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B260 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B261 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B262 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 6 attributes top-bottom $B263 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B264 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B265 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B266 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 7 attributes top-bottom $B267 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B268 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B269 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B26A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B26B DEFB $00,$00,$1F,$0F,$00,$3F,$E0,$9F $B273 DEFB $70,$2F,$19,$06,$00,$80,$FF,$76 $B27B DEFB $EE,$EF,$6F,$F6,$DD,$BD,$BE,$DF $B283 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B28B DEFB $00,$00,$C0,$F0,$18,$C8,$64,$F4 $B293 DEFB $71,$FB,$87,$1F,$7A,$F6,$76,$FB $B29B DEFB $FF,$7D,$DE,$DF,$CE,$E0,$E0,$80 $B2A3 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B2AB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$07,$0C,$3B,$7B,$CD $B2B3 DEFB $BF,$BB,$D7,$77,$FB,$F0,$E0,$40 $B2BB DEFB $C0,$80,$00,$8E,$FD,$76,$13,$09 $B2C3 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B2CB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$C0,$F0,$98,$7C,$72 $B2D3 DEFB $EF,$AF,$79,$77,$B6,$7D,$1D,$17 $B2DB DEFB $06,$06,$03,$00,$C0,$40,$00,$00 $B2E3 DEFB $03,$30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B2EB DEFB $00,$00,$08,$08,$0E,$0D,$03,$70 $B2F3 DEFB $1C,$C7,$BF,$C7,$5F,$E3,$F7,$2D $B2FB DEFB $F3,$F6,$74,$F9,$2C,$00,$00,$00 $B303 DEFB $B7,$30,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B30B DEFB $00,$08,$08,$18,$18,$B0,$F8,$BF $B313 DEFB $7F,$3F,$F9,$F6,$F4,$E0,$C7,$CF $B31B DEFB $66,$F1,$B4,$44,$43,$05,$08,$08 $B323 DEFB $80,$20,$03,$7B,$7B,$03,$30,$30 $B32B DEFB $30,$02,$7A,$7A,$02,$30,$36,$36 $B333 DEFB $80,$80,$F0,$D0,$C0,$E0,$DC,$BE $B33B DEFB $CE,$DE,$38,$84,$44,$4A,$3A,$04 $B343 DEFB $00,$06,$06,$7A,$78,$00,$30,$30 ; $0e green jetty platform (as found on island 2 and 7) size 1*8 b$B34B DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B34C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B34D DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $60 girder cap size 1*8 b$B355 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B356 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $B357 DEFB $A1,$40,$40,$40,$FF,$A1,$A1,$FF ; $c9 multi coloured platform size 2*16 b$B35F DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $B360 DEFB $04 ; upper left attribute (black paper, green ink) $B361 DEFB $18 ; lower left attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $B362 DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B363 DEFB $28 ; lower right attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B364 DEFB $BF,$40,$CA,$2F,$1F,$57,$2B,$81 $B36C DEFB $ED,$5F,$FB,$D7,$BB,$F6,$6A,$77 $B374 DEFB $F9,$01,$AA,$F3,$F4,$EC,$A2,$48 $B37C DEFB $DB,$3F,$A6,$EF,$5D,$F6,$BB,$EB ; $ca tree roots size 2*32 b$B384 DEFB $8B ; graphic info. $B385 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B386 DEFB $03,$16,$44,$89,$19,$93,$36,$32 $B38E DEFB $52,$25,$63,$42,$42,$44,$24,$42 $B396 DEFB $24,$22,$26,$51,$06,$2A,$2A,$4C $B39E DEFB $12,$35,$23,$12,$02,$24,$04,$42 $B3A6 DEFB $1C,$38,$D2,$64,$88,$29,$30,$52 $B3AE DEFB $44,$24,$44,$62,$64,$22,$20,$42 $B3B6 DEFB $24,$24,$52,$22,$42,$22,$24,$48 $B3BE DEFB $44,$24,$44,$62,$64,$22,$21,$42 ; $ce tree base size 6*8 b$B3C6 DEFB $A8 ; graphic info. $B3C7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B3C8 DEFB $01,$01,$04,$03,$0F,$15,$36,$99 $B3D0 DEFB $44,$87,$2A,$73,$AB,$73,$E7,$87 $B3D8 DEFB $EE,$FB,$DF,$F6,$FF,$59,$F3,$73 $B3E0 DEFB $F7,$7D,$B3,$AF,$F1,$B7,$7D,$EF $B3E8 DEFB $7E,$ED,$D5,$EE,$65,$D2,$B7,$D9 $B3F0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80,$C0,$60,$7C,$BB ; $cc tree base roots LHS size 7*8 b$B3F8 DEFB $B0 ; graphic info. $B3F9 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B3FA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01,$05,$38,$43,$CF $B402 DEFB $00,$02,$0F,$73,$8E,$79,$E2,$07 $B40A DEFB $11,$9E,$E8,$41,$07,$3A,$70,$00 $B412 DEFB $0D,$9E,$79,$B4,$C0,$83,$C8,$61 $B41A DEFB $AB,$B5,$47,$87,$0A,$1D,$71,$C3 $B422 DEFB $AB,$B5,$79,$63,$D3,$E5,$46,$8E $B42A DEFB $C3,$AE,$8A,$3C,$68,$51,$71,$1B ; $cd tree base roots RHS size 6*8 b$B432 DEFB $A8 ; graphic info. $B433 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B434 DEFB $CC,$E6,$B3,$69,$FC,$AE,$B7,$31 $B43C DEFB $D1,$7A,$1F,$8D,$E0,$38,$8F,$67 $B444 DEFB $36,$EB,$A0,$01,$78,$1D,$07,$E1 $B44C DEFB $88,$79,$EF,$07,$D8,$6D,$1A,$80 $B454 DEFB $00,$40,$E0,$38,$03,$DE,$F4,$01 $B45C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$E0,$DC,$0A,$63 ; $d1 yellow roof section (found on island 7) size 3*24 b$B464 DEFB $92 ; graphic info. $B465 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B466 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$00,$6D $B46E DEFB $6D,$6D,$61,$6C,$6D,$0D,$6D,$61 $B476 DEFB $6D,$6C,$0D,$6D,$24,$DB,$6D,$00 $B47E DEFB $F7,$08,$F7,$00,$AA,$F7,$00,$B6 $B486 DEFB $86,$B6,$B0,$36,$B6,$B6,$B6,$86 $B48E DEFB $B0,$36,$B6,$B6,$92,$6D,$B6,$00 $B496 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$AA,$FF,$00,$DB $B49E DEFB $DB,$C3,$D8,$1B,$DB,$DB,$DB,$C3 $B4A6 DEFB $D8,$1B,$DB,$DB,$49,$B6,$DB,$00 ; $9c helter skelter pillar size 1*8 b$B4AE DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B4AF DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B4B0 DEFB $8D,$9B,$97,$AD,$DD,$BF,$AE,$5E ; $d0 red decorative floor/roof (found on island 7) size 3*16 b$B4B8 DEFB $91 ; graphic info. $B4B9 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B4BA DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$20,$3F,$22,$22,$E3 $B4C2 DEFB $22,$22,$3F,$20,$00,$FF,$FF,$00 $B4CA DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$41,$FF,$00,$00,$FF $B4D2 DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$41,$00,$FF,$FF,$00 $B4DA DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$02,$FE,$22,$22,$E3 $B4E2 DEFB $22,$22,$FE,$02,$00,$FF,$FF,$00 ; $d2 LHS red/white decoration (found on level 7) size 2*24 b$B4EA DEFB $0A ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $B4EB DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B4EC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B4ED DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; right attributes top-bottom $B4EE DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B4EF DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B4F0 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B4F1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$1E,$20,$0A,$00,$0A $B4F9 DEFB $00,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A $B501 DEFB $0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0A,$02 $B509 DEFB $01,$01,$00,$EF,$A8,$A8,$A8,$6F $B511 DEFB $00,$3B,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A $B519 DEFB $2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$2A,$1B ; $d4 magenta japanese writing flag (found on island 7) size 1*56 b$B521 DEFB $86 ; graphic info. $B522 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $B523 DEFB $EF,$D7,$BB,$7D,$FF,$01,$01,$11 $B52B DEFB $7D,$11,$29,$29,$45,$01,$01,$01 $B533 DEFB $7D,$11,$39,$11,$11,$7D,$01,$01 $B53B DEFB $01,$7D,$01,$7D,$29,$29,$25,$01 $B543 DEFB $01,$01,$55,$39,$11,$39,$55,$11 $B54B DEFB $7D,$01,$01,$01,$45,$29,$11,$39 $B553 DEFB $11,$7D,$11,$01,$01,$01,$FF,$FF ; $8b bright blue girder type decoration (found under yellow japanese roofs) size 1*8 b$B55B DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $B55C DEFB $41 ; attribute (bright, black paper, blue ink) $B55D DEFB $1C,$77,$D5,$D5,$77,$5D,$FF,$00 ; $cf steps (found on island 7) size 2*8 b$B565 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $B566 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B567 DEFB $FE,$FE,$00,$55,$2A,$55,$2A,$00 $B56F DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$55,$AA,$55,$AA,$00 ; $9e japanese umbrellas size 2*24 b$B577 DEFB $0A ; graphic info. ; lhs attributes top bottom $B578 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B579 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B57A DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; rhs attributes top-bottom $B57B DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B57C DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B57D DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B57E DEFB $00,$EE,$EF,$EF,$EE,$EE,$6D,$6D $B586 DEFB $AB,$AB,$28,$D7,$38,$D7,$28,$AB $B58E DEFB $AB,$6D,$6D,$EE,$EE,$EE,$11,$00 $B596 DEFB $00,$82,$01,$45,$E6,$F2,$FB,$F1 $B59E DEFB $CD,$3D,$FC,$FC,$02,$FC,$FC,$39 $B5A6 DEFB $C9,$F3,$E7,$C6,$82,$00,$01,$00 ; $94 ; yellow vertical bamboo (found on island 7) size 1*24 b$B5AE DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $B5AF DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $B5B0 DEFB $C3,$C3,$C3,$C3,$D7,$EB,$C3,$C3 $B5B8 DEFB $C3,$C3,$C3,$EB,$D7,$C3,$C3,$C3 $B5C0 DEFB $C3,$C3,$C3,$EB,$D7,$C3,$C3,$C3 ; $a2 green statue (found on island 7) size 2*24 b$B5C8 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $B5C9 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $B5CA DEFB $E8,$D4,$92,$9F,$38,$B6,$B0,$2F $B5D2 DEFB $2B,$6F,$6F,$7B,$F0,$DF,$9E,$8C $B5DA DEFB $9D,$8D,$CD,$CF,$FD,$8F,$04,$56 $B5E2 DEFB $17,$2B,$49,$F9,$1C,$6C,$0D,$F4 $B5EA DEFB $D4,$F6,$F6,$DE,$0F,$FB,$79,$31 $B5F2 DEFB $B9,$B1,$B3,$F3,$BF,$F1,$20,$6A ; $67 goggles size 2*16 b$B5FA DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $B5FB DEFB $04 ; upper left attribute (black paper, green ink) $B5FC DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $B5FD DEFB $04 ; upper right attribute (black paper, green ink) $B5FE DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $B5FF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$07,$38,$40,$00 $B607 DEFB $FF,$00,$81,$83,$42,$46,$3C,$00 $B60F DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$E0,$1C,$02,$00 $B617 DEFB $FF,$00,$81,$C1,$42,$62,$3C,$00 ; $3c ladder section size 2*8 b$B61F DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $B620 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $B621 DEFB $00,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10 $B629 DEFB $00,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 ; $3d ladder section size 2*8 b$B631 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $B632 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $B633 DEFB $17,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10 $B63B DEFB $E8,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 ; $97 white moster head (facing left) (found on island 7) size 5*32 b$B643 DEFB $23 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $B644 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $B645 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B646 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B647 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $B648 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $B649 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B64A DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B64B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $B64C DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $B64D DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B64E DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B64F DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $B650 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B651 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B652 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B653 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $B654 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $B655 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B656 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B657 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B658 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B660 DEFB $C0,$B1,$FF,$DF,$6F,$70,$3F,$4F $B668 DEFB $30,$0F,$00,$1E,$7F,$60,$CF,$C0 $B670 DEFB $87,$C0,$60,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B678 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B680 DEFB $80,$C1,$FF,$3F,$C1,$7E,$8F,$E1 $B688 DEFB $7F,$80,$FF,$00,$80,$0F,$F0,$0F $B690 DEFB $FF,$FF,$3F,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B698 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B6A0 DEFB $0F,$FF,$FF,$FE,$FC,$7E,$E1,$C9 $B6A8 DEFB $C0,$E7,$1F,$E3,$19,$E4,$0B,$4B $B6B0 DEFB $53,$B7,$C7,$FF,$6A,$15,$0A,$00 $B6B8 DEFB $1B,$36,$26,$6C,$5C,$98,$38,$F0 $B6C0 DEFB $E1,$C6,$8F,$3F,$FF,$FF,$FF,$F8 $B6C8 DEFB $60,$03,$37,$98,$94,$35,$EA,$1A $B6D0 DEFB $F4,$85,$FC,$F9,$B2,$41,$82,$00 $B6D8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $B6E0 DEFB $40,$A8,$D4,$FE,$FE,$C7,$01,$40 $B6E8 DEFB $E4,$FC,$F8,$E0,$00,$8C,$E6,$70 $B6F0 DEFB $73,$C7,$00,$55,$AA,$55,$AA,$00 ; $89 yellow hanging decorations (found on island 7) 2*24 b$B6F8 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $B6F9 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B6FA DEFB $00,$0F,$11,$3F,$27,$78,$47,$77 $B702 DEFB $84,$F7,$87,$FA,$8B,$7B,$4A,$7B $B70A DEFB $28,$3F,$11,$0F,$00,$04,$04,$07 $B712 DEFB $00,$F0,$F8,$FC,$DC,$0E,$EE,$2E $B71A DEFB $6F,$6F,$77,$37,$77,$16,$76,$C6 $B722 DEFB $1C,$FC,$F8,$F0,$00,$A0,$A0,$E0 ; $0d red jetty post (as found on island 2 and 7) size 1*16 b$B72A DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $B72B DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $B72C DEFB $FF,$D1,$A1,$D1,$A1,$D1,$A1,$D1 $B734 DEFB $A1,$D1,$A1,$D1,$A1,$D1,$A1,$D5 ; $4d cyan statue clutching babies (found on island 3) size 2*48 b$B73C DEFB $0D ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $B73D DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B73E DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B73F DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B740 DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B741 DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B742 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) ; right attributes top-bottom $B743 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B744 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B745 DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B746 DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B747 DEFB $28 ; attribute (cyan paper, black ink) $B748 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $B749 DEFB $2A,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$00 $B751 DEFB $2A,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$00,$00 $B759 DEFB $F9,$F6,$E9,$E9,$F6,$D9,$DF,$90 $B761 DEFB $9F,$80,$80,$BF,$E7,$C4,$84,$84 $B769 DEFB $87,$C0,$FF,$FF,$F6,$E9,$D6,$FF $B771 DEFB $FF,$F0,$F0,$FF,$D5,$80,$80,$FF $B779 DEFB $AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00 $B781 DEFB $AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00 $B789 DEFB $CE,$CA,$44,$41,$C0,$E3,$7C,$37 $B791 DEFB $F3,$03,$02,$FE,$F6,$94,$97,$A0 $B799 DEFB $E0,$00,$FF,$FF,$B5,$4A,$B5,$FF $B7A1 DEFB $FF,$3F,$3F,$FF,$55,$00,$00,$FF ; $ad blue/white up arrow size 2*24 b$B7A9 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $B7AA DEFB $0F ; attribute (blue paper, white ink) $B7AB DEFB $3F,$40,$80,$80,$81,$83,$87,$8F $B7B3 DEFB $9F,$9F,$9B,$93,$93,$83,$83,$83 $B7BB DEFB $83,$83,$83,$83,$83,$80,$40,$3F $B7C3 DEFB $FC,$02,$01,$01,$81,$C1,$E1,$F1 $B7CB DEFB $F9,$F9,$D9,$C9,$C9,$C1,$C1,$C1 $B7D3 DEFB $C1,$C1,$C1,$C1,$C1,$01,$02,$FC ; $ae blue/white left and right arrows size 3*16 b$B7DB DEFB $91 ; graphic info. $B7DC DEFB $0F ; attribute (blue paper, white ink) $B7DD DEFB $7F,$80,$87,$8E,$9F,$9F,$8E,$87 $B7E5 DEFB $80,$83,$83,$80,$80,$80,$80,$7F $B7ED DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00 $B7F5 DEFB $00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF $B7FD DEFB $FE,$01,$01,$01,$C1,$C1,$01,$E1 $B805 DEFB $71,$F9,$F9,$71,$E1,$01,$01,$FE ; $b4 'EXIT' sign size 4*16 b$B80D DEFB $99 ; graphic info. $B80E DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $B80F DEFB $00,$7F,$7F,$70,$70,$73,$73,$70 $B817 DEFB $70,$73,$73,$70,$70,$7F,$7F,$00 $B81F DEFB $00,$FF,$FF,$CE,$CE,$E4,$E4,$F1 $B827 DEFB $F1,$E4,$E4,$CE,$CE,$FF,$FF,$00 $B82F DEFB $00,$FF,$FF,$64,$64,$E7,$E7,$E7 $B837 DEFB $E7,$E7,$E7,$67,$67,$FF,$FF,$00 $B83F DEFB $00,$FE,$FE,$0E,$0E,$3E,$3E,$3E $B847 DEFB $3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$FE,$FE,$00 ; $b3 white pillar (found on level 8) size 2*40 b$B84F DEFB $8C ; graphic info. $B850 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $B851 DEFB $85,$91,$AA,$82,$8D,$C7,$89,$82 $B859 DEFB $A5,$83,$95,$A2,$84,$91,$8D,$87 $B861 DEFB $D1,$8A,$A4,$8D,$87,$95,$8A,$A3 $B869 DEFB $86,$C3,$97,$A5,$89,$86,$AA,$83 $B871 DEFB $95,$CC,$8B,$A6,$82,$D9,$95,$FF $B879 DEFB $55,$BF,$ED,$9F,$5D,$B7,$FD,$9F $B881 DEFB $69,$5F,$BD,$97,$7D,$5F,$79,$AF $B889 DEFB $D5,$3F,$B5,$7F,$AD,$DF,$7D,$4F $B891 DEFB $D5,$BF,$6D,$BF,$59,$7F,$B5,$5F $B899 DEFB $D5,$BF,$6D,$7F,$95,$3F,$55,$FF ; $a3 red car size 5*16 b$B8A1 DEFB $A1 ; graphic info. $B8A2 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $B8A3 DEFB $FB,$86,$08,$16,$2E,$5C,$BC,$E4 $B8AB DEFB $E7,$FD,$F0,$E7,$C8,$17,$14,$18 $B8B3 DEFB $FE,$7F,$0E,$01,$12,$24,$00,$FF $B8BB DEFB $9E,$6F,$2F,$97,$53,$A0,$AE,$40 $B8C3 DEFB $03,$FF,$78,$30,$31,$32,$38,$9B $B8CB DEFB $40,$DF,$DF,$DF,$DF,$00,$EF,$00 $B8D3 DEFB $F0,$FE,$E3,$10,$20,$40,$1F,$F0 $B8DB DEFB $0F,$FD,$FA,$F5,$EA,$C5,$05,$00 $B8E3 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$C0,$70,$3F,$C8,$7F $B8EB DEFB $0F,$F3,$0B,$EA,$14,$E8,$28,$00 ; $a5 magenta car size 6*16 b$B8F3 DEFB $A9 ; graphic info. $B8F4 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B8F5 DEFB $00,$00,$09,$3B,$6B,$5B,$77,$0E $B8FD DEFB $25,$1B,$07,$0E,$0F,$03,$01,$00 $B905 DEFB $00,$7C,$FF,$FF,$83,$FD,$06,$F3 $B90D DEFB $FB,$9D,$0C,$0E,$18,$FB,$E0,$00 $B915 DEFB $00,$7F,$B0,$98,$DC,$CE,$EF,$67 $B91D DEFB $73,$B3,$B3,$00,$FF,$FF,$AB,$00 $B925 DEFB $37,$C2,$24,$40,$03,$3F,$33,$DF $B92D DEFB $DF,$DF,$9A,$00,$00,$E0,$3F,$00 $B935 DEFB $3F,$40,$83,$8F,$FE,$F9,$F6,$EC $B93D DEFB $EB,$57,$B7,$3B,$03,$1B,$E1,$00 $B945 DEFB $FE,$FD,$FF,$FF,$3F,$FF,$1A,$ED $B94D DEFB $F0,$1B,$0C,$0E,$07,$8F,$FE,$00 ; $a4 green/yellow car, blue truck and white volkswagen size 7*32 b$B955 DEFB $33 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $B956 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B957 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B958 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $B959 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $B95A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B95B DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B95C DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B95D DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $B95E DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B95F DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B960 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B961 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $B962 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $B963 DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B964 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B965 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $B966 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B967 DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B968 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $B969 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 6 attributes top-bottom $B96A DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B96B DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B96C DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B96D DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 7 attributes top-bottom $B96E DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $B96F DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B970 DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $B971 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $B972 DEFB $00,$37,$77,$6F,$6F,$AF,$AF,$AF $B97A DEFB $B0,$BF,$61,$42,$40,$4F,$5F,$5F $B982 DEFB $5F,$3F,$5F,$5F,$5F,$5F,$4F,$62 $B98A DEFB $C4,$C1,$FF,$E0,$DF,$5E,$15,$00 $B992 DEFB $00,$EC,$EE,$F6,$F6,$F5,$F5,$F5 $B99A DEFB $0C,$FD,$26,$42,$02,$F2,$FA,$FA $B9A2 DEFB $FA,$FC,$FA,$FA,$FA,$FA,$F2,$06 $B9AA DEFB $83,$02,$FE,$1A,$E6,$A8,$50,$00 $B9B2 DEFB $00,$01,$03,$04,$08,$14,$32,$65 $B9BA DEFB $00,$7F,$FF,$80,$DE,$B3,$66,$48 $B9C2 DEFB $00,$03,$04,$08,$08,$09,$17,$2F $B9CA DEFB $0F,$67,$DB,$C5,$C5,$63,$77,$01 $B9D2 DEFB $00,$FE,$FF,$17,$13,$11,$11,$11 $B9DA DEFB $00,$FF,$F6,$FE,$7E,$3E,$00,$00 $B9E2 DEFB $FF,$08,$08,$28,$48,$FF,$F7,$F7 $B9EA DEFB $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$A8,$FF $B9F2 DEFB $00,$0F,$18,$17,$2F,$2C,$00,$6F $B9FA DEFB $00,$EF,$EF,$EF,$EF,$EF,$00,$1D $BA02 DEFB $80,$60,$10,$48,$8B,$CB,$F4,$FA $BA0A DEFB $F8,$E3,$ED,$C5,$C1,$A3,$6F,$80 $BA12 DEFB $00,$C7,$6C,$AB,$D7,$D6,$00,$FF $BA1A DEFB $00,$FF,$FF,$F8,$F7,$E8,$13,$D7 $BA22 DEFB $17,$13,$08,$07,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BA2A DEFB $00,$00,$80,$80,$80,$00,$00,$00 $BA32 DEFB $00,$E2,$32,$DA,$EA,$6A,$00,$FE $BA3A DEFB $00,$FE,$FE,$3E,$9E,$4E,$20,$A0 $BA42 DEFB $A0,$20,$40,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BA4A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $98 yellow/red weak bridge size 4*8 b$BA52 DEFB $18 ; graphic info. $BA53 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $BA54 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BA55 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $BA56 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $BA57 DEFB $FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$00,$00,$00 $BA5F DEFB $FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$00,$00,$00 $BA67 DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$FF,$FF,$FF $BA6F DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$FF,$FF,$FF ; $aa black and white chevrons size 1*16 b$BA77 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $BA78 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BA79 DEFB $00,$C3,$E1,$F0,$78,$3C,$1E,$0F $BA81 DEFB $1E,$3C,$78,$F0,$E1,$C3,$00,$00 ; $b2 black/white dotted platforms (found on island 6) size 5*24 b$BA89 DEFB $A2 ; graphic info. $BA8A DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BA8B DEFB $FF,$80,$9A,$94,$B9,$8A,$B6,$8B $BA93 DEFB $92,$AE,$99,$8D,$93,$A9,$94,$AE $BA9B DEFB $8A,$A4,$B1,$96,$AB,$80,$FF,$00 $BAA3 DEFB $FF,$00,$0D,$96,$6C,$19,$8E,$6B $BAAB DEFB $A0,$06,$59,$15,$20,$8A,$4A,$99 $BAB3 DEFB $CC,$12,$6F,$8A,$59,$00,$FF,$00 $BABB DEFB $FF,$00,$3A,$51,$F5,$10,$A3,$6A $BAC3 DEFB $94,$DD,$32,$6F,$8A,$65,$89,$A6 $BACB DEFB $D2,$29,$55,$DC,$49,$00,$FF,$00 $BAD3 DEFB $FF,$00,$58,$67,$AC,$62,$D3,$B9 $BADB DEFB $86,$69,$A6,$85,$52,$28,$9D,$90 $BAE3 DEFB $5A,$69,$16,$73,$6A,$00,$FF,$00 $BAEB DEFB $FE,$02,$EA,$52,$2A,$B2,$DA,$72 $BAF3 DEFB $32,$9A,$EA,$12,$C2,$AA,$32,$4A $BAFB DEFB $D2,$5A,$A2,$5A,$D2,$02,$FE,$00 ; $a8 blue/white parking sign size 2*24 b$BB03 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $BB04 DEFB $0F ; attribute (blue paper, white ink) $BB05 DEFB $3F,$40,$80,$8F,$8F,$8F,$8E,$8E $BB0D DEFB $8F,$8F,$8F,$8E,$8E,$8E,$8E,$8E $BB15 DEFB $80,$80,$8F,$8F,$80,$80,$40,$3F $BB1D DEFB $FC,$02,$01,$E1,$F1,$F1,$71,$71 $BB25 DEFB $F1,$F1,$E1,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 $BB2D DEFB $E1,$71,$F9,$F9,$71,$E1,$02,$FC ; $a7 parking meter size 1*40 b$BB35 DEFB $84 ; graphic info. $BB36 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BB37 DEFB $7E,$C3,$89,$91,$81,$FF,$FF,$E7 $BB3F DEFB $FF,$7E,$7E,$7E,$3C,$3C,$3C,$00 $BB47 DEFB $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18 $BB4F DEFB $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18 $BB57 DEFB $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$00 ; $a9 traffic cone size 2*24 b$BB5F DEFB $0A ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $BB60 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BB61 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BB62 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; right attributes top-botto $BB63 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BB64 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BB65 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BB66 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$00,$01,$02,$01,$03 $BB6E DEFB $00,$05,$03,$07,$0B,$07,$0B,$00 $BB76 DEFB $17,$0F,$17,$2F,$00,$FB,$FB,$00 $BB7E DEFB $00,$00,$80,$80,$80,$C0,$C0,$C0 $BB86 DEFB $00,$E0,$E0,$E0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$00 $BB8E DEFB $F8,$F8,$F8,$FC,$00,$EF,$EF,$00 ; $ac traffic light size 1*24 b$BB96 DEFB $02 ; graphic info. $BB97 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $BB98 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $BB99 DEFB $20 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $BB9A DEFB $FF,$01,$7D,$45,$BB,$21,$01,$45 $BBA2 DEFB $7D,$45,$BB,$21,$01,$45,$7D,$45 $BBAA DEFB $BB,$21,$01,$45,$7D,$01,$FF,$FF ; $c7 tree branch size 4*16 b$BBB2 DEFB $99 ; graphic info. $BBB3 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BBB4 DEFB $A4,$11,$2C,$52,$E4,$FB,$CF,$5B $BBBC DEFB $F7,$DB,$FF,$7B,$2D,$4B,$12,$00 $BBC4 DEFB $84,$11,$8C,$52,$E4,$7B,$CE,$BB $BBCC DEFB $FB,$BE,$EF,$65,$DA,$44,$12,$00 $BBD4 DEFB $A4,$0B,$45,$92,$E4,$7B,$FF,$D6 $BBDC DEFB $FD,$EF,$9E,$73,$84,$52,$A8,$00 $BBE4 DEFB $44,$10,$42,$5D,$F7,$DD,$EF,$FE $BBEC DEFB $F7,$EC,$BE,$53,$CA,$05,$92,$00 ; $c3 tree branch trunk connecting section (found on island 4) size 2*32 b$BBF4 DEFB $8B ; graphic info. $BBF5 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $BBF6 DEFB $59,$34,$D5,$BA,$24,$5B,$F6,$59 $BBFE DEFB $D6,$E5,$7F,$DB,$EF,$FE,$BB,$F5 $BC06 DEFB $FF,$DD,$6B,$FD,$FE,$E7,$AD,$FF $BC0E DEFB $AA,$F6,$BB,$D4,$B9,$16,$F2,$25 $BC16 DEFB $80,$00,$60,$80,$D0,$24,$88,$65 $BC1E DEFB $92,$C4,$39,$76,$FF,$DD,$EA,$7F $BC26 DEFB $EA,$D7,$7F,$F5,$D9,$E6,$B5,$49 $BC2E DEFB $34,$A0,$10,$A0,$00,$00,$80,$00 ; $71 dumbbell size 2*16 b$BC36 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $BC37 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $BC38 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$10,$10,$30,$30,$30 $BC40 DEFB $B3,$B3,$30,$30,$30,$10,$10,$00 $BC48 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$08,$08,$0C,$0C,$0C $BC50 DEFB $ED,$ED,$0C,$0C,$0C,$08,$08,$00 ; $82 white glass size 2*16 b$BC58 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $BC59 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BC5A DEFB $04,$08,$0B,$0B,$05,$05,$02,$01 $BC62 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$06,$00 $BC6A DEFB $10,$18,$F8,$F8,$F0,$F0,$E0,$C0 $BC72 DEFB $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$40,$F0,$00 ; $87 cup of tea size 2*16 b$BC7A DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $BC7B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BC7C DEFB $0F,$30,$47,$40,$60,$7F,$3F,$4F $BC84 DEFB $52,$56,$56,$52,$76,$72,$3F,$0F $BC8C DEFB $80,$60,$90,$D0,$3E,$DE,$B2,$D2 $BC94 DEFB $32,$92,$BC,$10,$B0,$B0,$E0,$80 ; $83 chicken leg size 2*16 b$BC9C DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $BC9D DEFB $02 ; upper left attribute (black paper, red ink) $BC9E DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $BC9F DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $BCA0 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $BCA1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$03,$07 $BCA9 DEFB $0F,$3F,$7F,$7F,$FE,$FD,$73,$3E $BCB1 DEFB $14,$1B,$0B,$1E,$30,$60,$C0,$C0 $BCB9 DEFB $E0,$E0,$40,$C0,$80,$80,$00,$00 ; $81 magenta glass size 2*16 b$BCC1 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $BCC2 DEFB $07 ; upper left attribute (black paper, white ink) $BCC3 DEFB $03 ; lower left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $BCC4 DEFB $07 ; upper right attribute (black paper, white ink) $BCC5 DEFB $03 ; lower right attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $BCC6 DEFB $00,$0F,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 $BCCE DEFB $0F,$0F,$07,$03,$01,$01,$02,$1F $BCD6 DEFB $00,$B0,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50,$50 $BCDE DEFB $B0,$B0,$60,$C0,$00,$00,$40,$A8 ; $c4 thatched roof (found on island 4) size 3*32 b$BCE6 DEFB $93 ; graphic info. $BCE7 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $BCE8 DEFB $22,$C4,$12,$2A,$AA,$44,$4A,$A9 $BCF0 DEFB $51,$B6,$00,$91,$A5,$A3,$2A,$94 $BCF8 DEFB $4A,$AA,$AA,$A8,$91,$AA,$5D,$00 $BD00 DEFB $94,$92,$42,$A0,$8A,$4A,$52,$40 $BD08 DEFB $2A,$AA,$A8,$4A,$41,$A9,$A5,$24 $BD10 DEFB $4C,$B5,$00,$26,$54,$52,$AA,$B2 $BD18 DEFB $91,$95,$A4,$95,$35,$AA,$55,$00 $BD20 DEFB $92,$94,$45,$A1,$88,$49,$45,$A1 $BD28 DEFB $95,$48,$89,$AA,$50,$52,$0A,$A8 $BD30 DEFB $D2,$BA,$00,$92,$A2,$B4,$55,$54 $BD38 DEFB $12,$22,$A6,$14,$54,$52,$4B,$00 $BD40 DEFB $24,$AA,$AA,$50,$92,$2A,$23,$11 ; $40 door (red doors) size 1*32 b$BD48 DEFB $43 ; graphic info. $BD49 DEFB $00,$04,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4 $BD51 DEFB $E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4 $BD59 DEFB $E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4 $BD61 DEFB $E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$04,$00 ; $3f door handle (red doors) size 1*16 b$BD69 DEFB $41 ; graphic info. $BD6A DEFB $00,$20,$20,$20,$22,$24,$52,$76 $BD72 DEFB $76,$06,$22,$20,$20,$20,$00,$00 ; $0f door blowing open 1 size 2*32 b$BD7A DEFB $4B ; graphic info. $BD7B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BD83 DEFB $00,$20,$21,$24,$2A,$35,$53,$77 $BD8B DEFB $77,$17,$32,$38,$28,$28,$06,$00 $BD93 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BD9B DEFB $00,$04,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4 $BDA3 DEFB $E4,$C4,$E4,$E4,$F4,$A4,$CC,$EC $BDAB DEFB $C4,$A4,$2C,$C4,$F4,$A4,$24,$C4 $BDB3 DEFB $E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$04,$00 ; $10 door blowing open 2 size 2*32 b$BDBB DEFB $4B ; graphic info. $BDBC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$0C,$09,$19 $BDC4 DEFB $03,$22,$23,$24,$2B,$34,$54,$77 $BDCC DEFB $40,$1F,$10,$18,$07,$38,$4F,$49 $BDD4 DEFB $79,$0F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BDDC DEFB $00,$04,$04,$EC,$04,$04,$F0,$02 $BDE4 DEFB $F2,$02,$E2,$02,$E1,$25,$2D,$ED $BDEC DEFB $05,$A5,$AC,$84,$B2,$22,$22,$44 $BDF4 DEFB $64,$44,$E4,$C4,$E4,$C4,$04,$00 ; $11 door blowing open 3 size 2*32 b$BDFC DEFB $4B ; graphic info. $BDFD DEFB $00,$00,$01,$33,$27,$63,$43,$07 $BE05 DEFB $07,$23,$20,$27,$2C,$28,$4F,$40 $BE0D DEFB $4F,$18,$10,$1C,$06,$33,$48,$8B $BE15 DEFB $84,$84,$C4,$64,$1C,$06,$01,$00 $BE1D DEFB $00,$04,$FE,$FE,$00,$80,$FC,$82 $BE25 DEFB $02,$FC,$7C,$82,$F1,$19,$99,$F9 $BE2D DEFB $05,$E5,$34,$34,$32,$E2,$02,$84 $BE35 DEFB $E2,$61,$31,$31,$31,$61,$C2,$00 ; $12 door blowing open 4 size 2*32 b$BE3D DEFB $4B ; graphic info. $BE3E DEFB $40,$C1,$83,$07,$07,$03,$03,$07 $BE46 DEFB $07,$83,$80,$8F,$9C,$18,$0F,$00 $BE4E DEFB $0F,$3F,$38,$3C,$0F,$33,$78,$FB $BE56 DEFB $CF,$84,$C4,$74,$1F,$07,$01,$00 $BE5E DEFB $00,$FC,$FE,$FE,$00,$FC,$FC,$80 $BE66 DEFB $FC,$F8,$38,$C0,$78,$3C,$9D,$F8 $BE6E DEFB $01,$E1,$70,$30,$F0,$E1,$01,$C1 $BE76 DEFB $F1,$F0,$38,$39,$39,$F0,$E0,$00 ; $80 grapes size 2*16 b$BE7E DEFB $89 ; graphic. info $BE7F DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $BE80 DEFB $00,$00,$02,$18,$2B,$35,$07,$32 $BE88 DEFB $6C,$56,$1D,$6A,$B3,$F1,$60,$00 $BE90 DEFB $06,$6C,$D0,$B6,$2B,$8F,$66,$B0 $BE98 DEFB $F6,$6B,$8F,$B6,$58,$78,$30,$00 ; $be blitzen sprite 0 size 3*24 b$BEA0 DEFB $52 ; graphic info., $BEA1 DEFB $15,$0A,$14,$0A,$01,$03,$01,$00 $BEA9 DEFB $03,$07,$07,$05,$0C,$0E,$0F,$07 $BEB1 DEFB $00,$1F,$0F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BEB9 DEFB $C0,$E0,$00,$90,$F0,$C0,$E0,$00 $BEC1 DEFB $C0,$40,$A0,$C0,$F0,$2C,$84,$E0 $BEC9 DEFB $00,$FC,$F8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BED1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BED9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BEE1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $bf blitzen sprite 1 size 3*24 b$BEE9 DEFB $52 ; graphic info. $BEEA DEFB $00,$0A,$05,$02,$05,$02,$00,$00 $BEF2 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$01,$03,$03,$03,$01 $BEFA DEFB $00,$07,$03,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF02 DEFB $00,$F0,$78,$00,$64,$FC,$F8,$70 $BF0A DEFB $00,$F0,$D8,$E8,$70,$3C,$8B,$E1 $BF12 DEFB $00,$FD,$FA,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF1A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF22 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF2A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $c0 blitzen sprite 2 size 3*24 b$BF32 DEFB $52,$00,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$00 $BF3A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF42 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF4A DEFB $00,$5C,$AE,$40,$A9,$5F,$3E,$1C $BF52 DEFB $00,$3C,$76,$7A,$5C,$CF,$E2,$F8 $BF5A DEFB $64,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF62 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF6A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$C0 $BF72 DEFB $40,$00,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF7A DEFB $00 ; $c0 blitzen sprite 3 size 3*24 b$BF7B DEFB $52 ; graphic info. $BF7C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF84 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF8C DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BF94 DEFB $2F,$57,$A0,$56,$2F,$4F,$07,$00 $BF9C DEFB $0F,$1D,$1E,$17,$33,$38,$3F,$1C $BFA4 DEFB $00,$5F,$2F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $BFAC DEFB $00,$80,$00,$40,$C0,$80,$00,$00 $BFB4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80,$C0,$B0,$10,$80 $BFBC DEFB $00,$F0,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $88 horizontal pipe size 1*8 b$BFC4 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $BFC5 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BFC6 DEFB $FF,$FF,$55,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$00 ; $8a vertical pipe 1 size 1*8 b$BFCE DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $BFCF DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $BFD0 DEFB $8D,$9D,$8D,$9D,$8D,$9D,$8D,$9D ; $8c lower RHS pipe bend size 2*16 b$BFD8 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $BFD9 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BFDA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$03,$0E,$7C $BFE2 DEFB $F2,$A8,$40,$00,$03,$FC,$00,$00 $BFEA DEFB $D2,$E2,$C2,$A2,$C2,$02,$84,$04 $BFF2 DEFB $08,$10,$20,$C0,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $8e stop tap size 2*16 b$BFFA DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $BFFB DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $BFFC DEFB $01,$33,$2B,$33,$00,$03,$03,$43 $C004 DEFB $5C,$5F,$4A,$40,$40,$5F,$40,$00 $C00C DEFB $80,$CC,$AC,$CC,$00,$C0,$C0,$C2 $C014 DEFB $3A,$FA,$AA,$02,$02,$FA,$02,$00 ; $8f vertical bright red air duct (found on island 1) size 1*8 b$C01C DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $C01D DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $C01E DEFB $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$FF,$AA ; $91 LHS lower bright red air duct corner piece (found on island 1) size 1*8 b$C026 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $C027 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $C028 DEFB $54,$52,$51,$48,$47,$20,$1F,$00 ; $92 horizontal bright red air duct (found on island 1) size 1*8 b$C030 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $C031 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $C032 DEFB $F7,$00,$F7,$00,$F7,$00,$F7,$00 ; $8d pipe valve size 3*16 b$C03A DEFB $91 ; graphic info. $C03B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $C03C DEFB $00,$01,$03,$07,$06,$0C,$0C,$0C $C044 DEFB $0C,$0C,$06,$07,$03,$00,$00,$00 $C04C DEFB $7C,$FF,$87,$01,$C6,$EE,$54,$38 $C054 DEFB $54,$EE,$C6,$01,$87,$FE,$38,$42 $C05C DEFB $00,$00,$80,$C0,$C0,$60,$60,$60 $C064 DEFB $60,$60,$C0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00 ; $9a vertical pipe 2 size 1*8 b$C06C DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $C06D DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $C06E DEFB $B1,$B9,$B1,$B9,$B1,$B9,$B1,$B9 ; $9b upper LHS pipe bend size 2*16 b$C076 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $C077 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $C078 DEFB $00,$03,$0F,$1C,$1A,$34,$30,$28 $C080 DEFB $71,$61,$72,$62,$72,$62,$72,$62 $C088 DEFB $7F,$FF,$55,$80,$00,$1F,$60,$80 $C090 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $63 magenta and yellow graphic (found on island 1) size 3*8 b$C098 DEFB $10 ; graphic info $C099 DEFB $18 ; left attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $C09A DEFB $30 ; middle attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $C09B DEFB $18 ; right attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $C09C DEFB $FF,$D5,$81,$7F,$FF,$EA,$80,$7F $C0A4 DEFB $A1,$40,$40,$FF,$FF,$A1,$A1,$FF $C0AC DEFB $FF,$AB,$81,$FE,$FF,$57,$01,$FE ; $93 blue power guages (found on island 1) size 5*24 b$C0B4 DEFB $A2 ; graphic info. $C0B5 DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, blue ink) $C0B6 DEFB $00,$FF,$80,$BF,$BF,$B0,$A6,$AB $C0BE DEFB $AD,$A0,$B0,$BF,$BF,$B0,$A6,$AD $C0C6 DEFB $AB,$A0,$B0,$BF,$BF,$80,$FF,$00 $C0CE DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$E1,$4C,$5A $C0D6 DEFB $56,$40,$E1,$FF,$FF,$E1,$4C,$56 $C0DE DEFB $5A,$40,$E1,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $C0E6 DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$C3,$99,$AD $C0EE DEFB $B5,$81,$C3,$FF,$FF,$C3,$99,$B5 $C0F6 DEFB $AD,$81,$C3,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $C0FE DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$87,$33,$5B $C106 DEFB $6B,$03,$87,$FF,$FF,$87,$33,$5B $C10E DEFB $6B,$03,$87,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $C116 DEFB $00,$FE,$02,$FA,$FA,$FA,$FA,$FA $C11E DEFB $DA,$9A,$3A,$9A,$3A,$7A,$FA,$FA $C126 DEFB $FA,$FA,$FA,$FA,$FA,$02,$FE,$00 ; $9d RHS lower bright red air duct corner piece (found on island 1) size 1*8 b$C12E DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $C12F DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $C130 DEFB $95,$15,$E5,$09,$F1,$02,$FC,$00 ; level 6 enemy sprites set #1 b$C138 DEFB $7F ; weightlifter sprite 1 left 49465-49480 $C139 DEFB $0F,$3F,$3C,$79 $C13D DEFB $7B,$73,$65,$6F $C141 DEFB $47,$3B,$7D,$EE $C145 DEFB $EE,$EE,$7D,$38 ; wooly hat sprite 1 left 49481-49496 $C149 DEFB $00,$01,$03,$07 $C14D DEFB $09,$10,$20,$70 $C151 DEFB $BC,$8F,$C7,$60 $C155 DEFB $38,$DF,$E7,$00 ; spaceman sprite 1 left 49497-49512 $C159 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$03 $C15D DEFB $07,$0E,$08,$26 $C161 DEFB $46,$0D,$0D,$06 $C165 DEFB $72,$78,$60,$60 ; coach sprite 1 left 49513-49528 $C169 DEFB $1F,$11,$11,$11 $C16D DEFB $22,$22,$22,$3E $C171 DEFB $1F,$1D,$07,$1B $C175 DEFB $24,$25,$28,$18 ; weightlifter sprite 1 right 49529-49544 $C179 DEFB $F8,$E0,$18,$E8 $C17D DEFB $FE,$FE,$F8,$C0 $C181 DEFB $F0,$E0,$80,$20 $C185 DEFB $26,$EB,$F9,$06 ; wooly hat sprite 1 right 49545-49560 $C189 DEFB $C0,$E0,$E0,$E0 $C18D DEFB $E0,$10,$10,$10 $C191 DEFB $78,$E8,$8C,$1C $C195 DEFB $78,$E0,$8C,$1C ; spaceman sprite 1 right 49561-49576 $C199 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$8E $C19D DEFB $37,$63,$C9,$BE $C1A1 DEFB $5C,$28,$C0,$A0 $C1A5 DEFB $70,$20,$00,$00 ; coach sprite 1 right 49577-49592 $C1A9 DEFB $FC,$24,$24,$24 $C1AD DEFB $48,$48,$48,$40 $C1B1 DEFB $F0,$FE,$C5,$B1 $C1B5 DEFB $4A,$C8,$50,$30 ; weightlifter sprite 2 left 49593-49608 $C1B9 DEFB $07,$1F,$3E,$3D $C1BD DEFB $7B,$7B,$75,$2F $C1C1 DEFB $07,$3B,$7D,$F6 $C1C5 DEFB $EE,$DE,$7D,$38 ; wooly hat sprite 2 left 49609-49624 $C1C9 DEFB $03,$03,$07,$07 $C1CD DEFB $08,$08,$10,$10 $C1D1 DEFB $3F,$4F,$40,$70 $C1D5 DEFB $3F,$CF,$E3,$00 ; spaceman sprite 2 left 49625-49640 $C1D9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $C1DD DEFB $03,$06,$09,$06 $C1E1 DEFB $0C,$5B,$9B,$05 $C1E5 DEFB $3A,$78,$66,$77 ; coach sprite 2 left 49641-49656 $C1E9 DEFB $3F,$24,$24,$14 $C1ED DEFB $14,$14,$14,$14 $C1F1 DEFB $1F,$1D,$07,$0B $C1F5 DEFB $14,$14,$14,$08 ; weightlifter sprite 2 right 49657-49672 $C1F9 DEFB $F0,$C0,$30,$DE $C1FD DEFB $FE,$F8,$E0,$F8 $C201 DEFB $F0,$E0,$86,$29 $C205 DEFB $29,$FB,$86,$00 ; wooly hat sprite 2 right 49673-49688 $C209 DEFB $C0,$C0,$E0,$E0 $C20D DEFB $10,$10,$08,$08 $C211 DEFB $FC,$F2,$02,$0E $C215 DEFB $FC,$F3,$C7,$00 ; spaceman sprite 2 right 49689-49704 $C219 DEFB $00,$00,$9C,$AE $C21D DEFB $46,$92,$7C,$B8 $C221 DEFB $50,$20,$8C,$08 $C225 DEFB $C0,$80,$00,$00 ; coach sprite 2 right 49705-49720 $C229 DEFB $F0,$88,$88,$88 $C22D DEFB $88,$88,$E8,$80 $C231 DEFB $D9,$E4,$B5,$5A $C235 DEFB $A6,$A6,$A0,$40 ; weightlifter sprite 3 left 49721-49736 $C239 DEFB $07,$1F,$3E,$3D $C23D DEFB $7B,$7B,$35,$0F $C241 DEFB $07,$3B,$7D,$F6 $C245 DEFB $EE,$DE,$7D,$38 ; wooly hat sprite 3 left 49737-49752 $C249 DEFB $03,$07,$07,$07 $C24D DEFB $07,$08,$08,$08 $C251 DEFB $1E,$17,$31,$38 $C255 DEFB $1E,$07,$31,$38 ; spaceman sprite 3 left 49753-49768 $C259 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$02 $C25D DEFB $06,$0D,$08,$27 $C261 DEFB $4E,$0D,$05,$32 $C265 DEFB $79,$70,$38,$18 ; coach sprite 3 left 49769-49784 $C269 DEFB $03,$04,$3A,$D1 $C26D DEFB $88,$44,$24,$22 $C271 DEFB $17,$1D,$07,$0B $C275 DEFB $14,$12,$0A,$04 ; weightlifter sprite 3 right 49785-49800 $C279 DEFB $F0,$C0,$30,$DE $C27D DEFB $FE,$F8,$C0,$E0 $C281 DEFB $F0,$E0,$86,$29 $C285 DEFB $79,$CD,$06,$00 ; wooly hat sprite 3 right 49801-49816 $C289 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$E0 $C28D DEFB $90,$08,$04,$0E $C291 DEFB $3D,$F1,$E3,$06 $C295 DEFB $1C,$FB,$E7,$00 ; spaceman sprite 3 right 49817-49832 $C299 DEFB $38,$5C,$46,$92 $C29D DEFB $BC,$78,$B0,$40 $C2A1 DEFB $A3,$9A,$B8,$00 $C2A5 DEFB $80,$60,$E0,$C0 ; coach sprite 3 right 49833-49848 $C2A9 DEFB $C0,$60,$30,$10 $C2AD DEFB $88,$88,$54,$E3 $C2B1 DEFB $84,$55,$B3,$44 $C2B5 DEFB $AE,$94,$50,$20 ; weightlifter sprite 4 left 49849-49864 $C2B9 DEFB $07,$1F,$3E,$3D $C2BD DEFB $7B,$7B,$75,$6F $C2C1 DEFB $47,$3B,$7D,$F6 $C2C5 DEFB $EE,$DE,$7D,$38 ; wooly hat sprite 4 left 49865-49880 $C2C9 DEFB $03,$03,$07,$07 $C2CD DEFB $08,$08,$10,$10 $C2D1 DEFB $3F,$4F,$40,$70 $C2D5 DEFB $3F,$0F,$63,$70 ; spaceman sprite 4 left 49881-49896 $C2D9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $C2DD DEFB $03,$06,$09,$06 $C2E1 DEFB $0C,$5B,$9B,$05 $C2E5 DEFB $3A,$78,$66,$77 ; coach sprite 4 left 49897-49912 $C2E9 DEFB $3F,$22,$22,$22 $C2ED DEFB $22,$22,$22,$22 $C2F1 DEFB $1F,$1D,$07,$1B $C2F5 DEFB $24,$2D,$24,$18 ; weightlifter sprite 4 right 49913-49928 $C2F9 DEFB $F0,$C0,$30,$DE $C2FD DEFB $FE,$F8,$C0,$E0 $C301 DEFB $F0,$E0,$86,$2D $C305 DEFB $69,$F9,$86,$00 ; wooly hat sprite 4 right 49929-49944 $C309 DEFB $C0,$C0,$E0,$E0 $C30D DEFB $10,$10,$08,$08 $C311 DEFB $FC,$F2,$02,$0E $C315 DEFB $FC,$F0,$C6,$0E ; spaceman sprite 4 right 49945-49960 $C319 DEFB $00,$00,$9C,$AE $C31D DEFB $46,$92,$7C,$B8 $C321 DEFB $50,$20,$80,$18 $C325 DEFB $D0,$80,$00,$00 ; coach sprite 4 right 49961-49976 $C329 DEFB $F0,$48,$48,$48 $C32D DEFB $48,$48,$48,$47 $C331 DEFB $F9,$F9,$C7,$B2 $C335 DEFB $4A,$D8,$48,$30 ; level 5 enemy sprites set #1 b$C339 DEFB $7F ; hat shoes sprite 1 left 49978-49993 $C33A DEFB $00,$07,$0F,$1B $C33E DEFB $17,$17,$17,$5F $C342 DEFB $9F,$40,$3F,$00 $C346 DEFB $6F,$7F,$77,$73 ; umbrella sprite 1 left 49994-50009 $C34A DEFB $00,$01,$0D,$3B $C34E DEFB $7B,$F7,$F7,$89 $C352 DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01 $C356 DEFB $01,$05,$05,$02 ; expander sprite 1 left 50010-50025 $C35A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C35E DEFB $88,$89,$55,$55 $C362 DEFB $22,$22,$54,$54 $C366 DEFB $88,$88,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 1 left 50026-50041 $C36A DEFB $00,$1F,$3B,$35 $C36E DEFB $02,$DF,$3E,$7F $C372 DEFB $7F,$7F,$7F,$5F $C376 DEFB $23,$1F,$60,$FF ; hat shoes sprite 1 right 50042-50057 $C37A DEFB $00,$E0,$F0,$F0 $C37E DEFB $F0,$F4,$F2,$E6 $C382 DEFB $18,$E0,$00,$00 $C386 DEFB $C0,$E0,$F8,$FC ; umbrella sprite 1 right 50058-50073 $C38A DEFB $00,$00,$60,$B8 $C38E DEFB $BC,$DE,$DE,$22 $C392 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C396 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; expander sprite 1 right 50074-50089 $C39A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$60 $C39E DEFB $F0,$8E,$7E,$00 $C3A2 DEFB $78,$00,$70,$00 $C3A6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 1 right 50090-50105 $C3AA DEFB $00,$C0,$E0,$E0 $C3AE DEFB $00,$B0,$40,$20 $C3B2 DEFB $20,$A0,$E0,$E0 $C3B6 DEFB $C0,$80,$60,$F0 ; hat shoes sprite 2 left 50106-50121 $C3BA DEFB $07,$0F,$1B,$17 $C3BE DEFB $17,$17,$5F,$9F $C3C2 DEFB $40,$3F,$00,$3F $C3C6 DEFB $39,$B8,$80,$E1 ; umbrella sprite 2 left 50122-50137 $C3CA DEFB $00,$01,$0D,$3D $C3CE DEFB $3B,$7B,$7B,$7B $C3D2 DEFB $45,$01,$01,$01 $C3D6 DEFB $01,$05,$05,$02 ; expander sprite 2 left 50138-50153 $C3DA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C3DE DEFB $00,$88,$54,$22 $C3E2 DEFB $21,$21,$22,$54 $C3E6 DEFB $88,$00,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 2 left 50154-50169 $C3EA DEFB $00,$03,$0B,$05 $C3EE DEFB $02,$1F,$3E,$7F $C3F2 DEFB $7F,$7F,$7F,$5F $C3F6 DEFB $23,$1F,$00,$1F ; hat shoes sprite 2 right 50170-50185 $C3FA DEFB $E0,$F0,$F0,$F0 $C3FE DEFB $F4,$F2,$E6,$18 $C402 DEFB $E0,$00,$FF,$FE $C406 DEFB $F8,$00,$F0,$F8 ; umbrella sprite 2 right 50186-50201 $C40A DEFB $00,$00,$60,$78 $C40E DEFB $B8,$BC,$BC,$BC $C412 DEFB $44,$00,$00,$00 $C416 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; expander sprite 2 right 50202-50217 $C41A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$30 $C41E DEFB $78,$C7,$BF,$80 $C422 DEFB $3C,$00,$38,$00 $C426 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 2 right 50218-50233 $C42A DEFB $00,$F8,$FC,$FC $C42E DEFB $00,$BE,$40,$24 $C432 DEFB $2C,$AC,$E4,$EC $C436 DEFB $D8,$80,$7C,$FE ; hat shoes sprite 3 left 50234-50249 $C43A DEFB $00,$07,$0F,$1B $C43E DEFB $17,$17,$17,$5F $C442 DEFB $9F,$40,$3F,$00 $C446 DEFB $1B,$1F,$1C,$1C ; umbrella sprite 3 left 50250-50265 $C44A DEFB $01,$02,$06,$05 $C44E DEFB $0D,$0D,$0D,$0D $C452 DEFB $0F,$05,$01,$01 $C456 DEFB $05,$05,$02,$00 ; expander sprite 3 left 50266-50281 $C45A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C45E DEFB $88,$89,$55,$55 $C462 DEFB $22,$22,$54,$54 $C466 DEFB $88,$88,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 3 left 50282-50297 $C46A DEFB $00,$01,$0B,$05 $C46E DEFB $02,$1F,$3E,$7F $C472 DEFB $7F,$7F,$7F,$5F $C476 DEFB $23,$1F,$00,$0F ; hat shoes sprite 3 right 50298-50313 $C47A DEFB $00,$E0,$F0,$F0 $C47E DEFB $F0,$F4,$F2,$E6 $C482 DEFB $18,$E0,$00,$E0 $C486 DEFB $FF,$FE,$F0,$00 ; umbrella sprite 3 right 50314-50329 $C48A DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$40 $C48E DEFB $60,$60,$60,$60 $C492 DEFB $E0,$40,$00,$00 $C496 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; expander sprite 3 right 50330-50345 $C49A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$60 $C49E DEFB $F0,$8E,$7E,$00 $C4A2 DEFB $78,$00,$70,$00 $C4A6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 3 right 50346-50361 $C4AA DEFB $00,$FC,$FE,$FE $C4AE DEFB $00,$BF,$40,$2A $C4B2 DEFB $2E,$AE,$E2,$EE $C4B6 DEFB $DC,$80,$7E,$FF ; hat shoes sprite 4 left 50362-50377 $C4BA DEFB $07,$0F,$1B,$17 $C4BE DEFB $17,$17,$5F,$9F $C4C2 DEFB $40,$3F,$00,$07 $C4C6 DEFB $37,$3F,$3B,$39 ; umbrella sprite 4 left 50378-50393 $C4CA DEFB $01,$0D,$1D,$1B $C4CE DEFB $3B,$3B,$3B,$3B $C4D2 DEFB $25,$01,$01,$01 $C4D6 DEFB $05,$05,$02,$00 ; expander sprite 4 left 50394-50409 $C4DA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $C4DE DEFB $A3,$A6,$55,$54 $C4E2 DEFB $A9,$A8,$51,$50 $C4E6 DEFB $A8,$A8,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 4 left 50410-50425 $C4EA DEFB $00,$07,$0B,$15 $C4EE DEFB $02,$1F,$3E,$7F $C4F2 DEFB $7F,$7F,$7F,$5F $C4F6 DEFB $23,$1F,$00,$3F ; hat shoes sprite 4 right 50426-50441 $C4FA DEFB $E0,$F0,$F0,$F0 $C4FE DEFB $F4,$F2,$E6,$18 $C502 DEFB $E0,$10,$7F,$BE $C506 DEFB $C0,$F0,$FC,$FE ; umbrella sprite 4 right 50442-50457 $C50A DEFB $00,$60,$70,$B0 $C50E DEFB $B8,$B8,$B8,$B8 $C512 DEFB $48,$00,$00,$00 $C516 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; expander sprite 4 right 50458-50473 $C51A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80 $C51E DEFB $C0,$38,$F8,$00 $C522 DEFB $E0,$00,$C0,$00 $C526 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; man apple sprite 4 right 50474-50489 $C52A DEFB $00,$F0,$F8,$F8 $C52E DEFB $00,$BC,$40,$28 $C532 DEFB $28,$A8,$E8,$E8 $C536 DEFB $D0,$80,$78,$FC ; level 4 enemy sprites set #1 b$C53A DEFB $7F ; snake sprite 1 left 50491-50506 $C53B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C53F DEFB $60,$F0,$B0,$B1 $C543 DEFB $93,$93,$12,$12 $C547 DEFB $12,$16,$1E,$0C ; dragon sprite 1 left 50507-50522 $C54B DEFB $01,$00,$78,$38 $C54F DEFB $29,$43,$47,$C7 $C553 DEFB $87,$83,$C1,$E3 $C557 DEFB $7F,$3F,$1A,$0F ; flower sprite 1 left 50523-50538 $C55B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$07 $C55F DEFB $1F,$77,$4F,$DE $C563 DEFB $B9,$B7,$EF,$7F $C567 DEFB $7E,$DD,$80,$67 ; hornet sprite 1 left 50539-50554 $C56B DEFB $1C,$0E,$67,$73 $C56F DEFB $F3,$F9,$FC,$FC $C573 DEFB $7E,$7E,$39,$06 $C577 DEFB $78,$C0,$00,$00 ; snake sprite 1 right 50555-50570 $C57B DEFB $00,$38,$64,$64 $C57F DEFB $6C,$66,$39,$30 $C583 DEFB $98,$9C,$C6,$C6 $C587 DEFB $46,$6C,$78,$30 ; dragon sprite 1 right 50571-50586 $C58B DEFB $00,$B0,$4C,$DB $C58F DEFB $FF,$F0,$9E,$C0 $C593 DEFB $F1,$7E,$81,$F4 $C597 DEFB $E8,$D4,$A8,$F0 ; flower sprite 1 right 50587-50602 $C59B DEFB $00,$30,$F0,$E0 $C59F DEFB $E6,$DE,$BC,$7C $C5A3 DEFB $E8,$D8,$A0,$50 $C5A7 DEFB $A6,$08,$30,$C0 ; hornet sprite 1 right 50603-50618 $C5AB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C5AF DEFB $89,$8A,$84,$98 $C5B3 DEFB $68,$B8,$80,$00 $C5B7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; snake sprite 2 left 50619-50634 $C5BB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C5BF DEFB $00,$00,$30,$79 $C5C3 DEFB $59,$59,$59,$49 $C5C7 DEFB $0B,$0E,$0E,$04 ; dragon sprite 2 left 50635-50650 $C5CB DEFB $01,$3C,$1C,$15 $C5CF DEFB $13,$37,$67,$47 $C5D3 DEFB $43,$61,$73,$3F $C5D7 DEFB $3F,$1A,$0F,$00 ; flower sprite 2 left 50651-50666 $C5DB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$07 $C5DF DEFB $1F,$77,$4F,$DE $C5E3 DEFB $B9,$B7,$EF,$7F $C5E7 DEFB $7E,$DD,$80,$6F ; hornet sprite 2 left 50667-50682 $C5EB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $C5EF DEFB $00,$00,$03,$0F $C5F3 DEFB $1E,$39,$07,$38 $C5F7 DEFB $60,$40,$00,$00 ; 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bubble head sprite 4 right 51965-51980 $CAFD DEFB $E0,$10,$08,$08 $CB01 DEFB $04,$04,$08,$48 $CB05 DEFB $90,$60,$20,$40 $CB09 DEFB $E0,$F0,$F8,$FC ; robot sprite 4 right 51981-51996 $CB0D DEFB $E0,$88,$6C,$9C $CB11 DEFB $00,$FE,$FF,$FF $CB15 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$00 $CB19 DEFB $00,$F0,$10,$F0 ; clock sprite 4 right 51997-52012 $CB1D DEFB $00,$F8,$04,$78 $CB21 DEFB $FC,$54,$54,$54 $CB25 DEFB $DC,$BC,$FC,$68 $CB29 DEFB $98,$60,$80,$40 ; zx chip sprite 4 right 52013-52028 $CB2D DEFB $30,$78,$DC,$DE $CB31 DEFB $06,$DC,$DA,$F2 $CB35 DEFB $6A,$C8,$A8,$20 $CB39 DEFB $A0,$80,$80,$00 ; level 1 enemy sprites set #2 b$CB3D DEFB $7F ; mouse sprite 1 left 52030-52045 $CB3E DEFB $06,$18,$20,$40 $CB42 DEFB $40,$88,$11,$21 $CB46 DEFB $20,$A7,$9F,$4F $CB4A DEFB $4E,$24,$18,$04 ; robot sprite 1 left 52046-52061 $CB4E DEFB $3F,$F1,$CE,$B1 $CB52 DEFB $A0,$40,$4E,$AA $CB56 DEFB $BF,$CE,$EE,$EE $CB5A DEFB $1F,$3F,$FF,$FF ; helicap sprite 1 left 52062-52077 $CB5E DEFB $07,$0F,$0F,$06 $CB62 DEFB $07,$02,$3C,$7B $CB66 DEFB $73,$00,$07,$09 $CB6A DEFB $17,$2F,$2F,$3C ; rotating sprite 1 left 52078-52093 $CB6E DEFB $03,$21,$6E,$EE $CB72 DEFB $C1,$83,$03,$03 $CB76 DEFB $03,$03,$03,$00 $CB7A DEFB $EE,$FF,$BB,$91 ; mouse sprite 1 right 52094-52109 $CB7E DEFB $20,$18,$04,$02 $CB82 DEFB $02,$C1,$71,$EC $CB86 DEFB $78,$C0,$E1,$72 $CB8A DEFB $0A,$04,$18,$60 ; robot sprite 1 right 52110-52125 $CB8E DEFB $F0,$C0,$78,$BC $CB92 DEFB $9C,$58,$54,$B0 $CB96 DEFB $B8,$7C,$FC,$FC $CB9A DEFB $00,$80,$E0,$E0 ; helicap sprite 1 right 52126-52141 $CB9E DEFB $80,$40,$40,$80 $CBA2 DEFB $3C,$FA,$7C,$00 $CBA6 DEFB $00,$00,$C0,$F0 $CBAA DEFB $F8,$FC,$00,$7F ; rotating sprite 1 right 52142-52157 $CBAE DEFB $C8,$CC,$DA,$DA $CBB2 DEFB $C2,$C0,$C0,$C0 $CBB6 DEFB $C0,$C0,$C0,$00 $CBBA DEFB $EE,$FF,$BB,$11 ; mouse sprite 2 left 52158-52173 $CBBE DEFB $07,$18,$20,$40 $CBC2 DEFB $00,$04,$89,$91 $CBC6 DEFB $90,$97,$9F,$4F $CBCA DEFB $46,$21,$10,$03 ; robot sprite 2 left 52174-52189 $CBCE DEFB $3F,$F1,$CE,$B1 $CBD2 DEFB $A0,$5C,$54,$BC $CBD6 DEFB $BD,$DE,$DC,$BE $CBDA DEFB $7F,$FF,$FF,$00 ; helicap sprite 2 left 52190-52205 $CBDE DEFB $1C,$3A,$3A,$3A $CBE2 DEFB $1E,$06,$02,$01 $CBE6 DEFB $00,$07,$09,$17 $CBEA DEFB $2F,$2F,$3C,$00 ; rotating sprite 2 left 52206-52221 $CBEE DEFB $00,$03,$00,$07 $CBF2 DEFB $0E,$1C,$01,$03 $CBF6 DEFB $03,$03,$03,$00 $CBFA DEFB $77,$FF,$DD,$88 ; mouse sprite 2 right 52222-52237 $CBFE DEFB $C0,$08,$04,$02 $CC02 DEFB $02,$C1,$71,$E9 $CC06 DEFB $7D,$C1,$E0,$60 $CC0A DEFB $22,$04,$18,$E0 ; robot sprite 2 right 52238-52253 $CC0E DEFB $F0,$C0,$78,$BC $CC12 DEFB $9C,$5C,$5C,$B0 $CC16 DEFB $BC,$7C,$FC,$FC $CC1A DEFB $00,$C0,$D8,$3C ; helicap sprite 2 right 52254-52269 $CC1E DEFB $00,$1C,$3E,$7A $CC22 DEFB $76,$F8,$C0,$00 $CC26 DEFB $00,$C0,$F0,$F8 $CC2A DEFB $FC,$00,$7F,$00 ; rotating sprite 2 right 52270-52285 $CC2E DEFB $00,$C0,$50,$58 $CC32 DEFB $5C,$C0,$C0,$C0 $CC36 DEFB $C0,$C0,$C0,$00 $CC3A DEFB $77,$FF,$DD,$89 ; mouse sprite 3 left 52286-52301 $CC3E DEFB $07,$08,$00,$40 $CC42 DEFB $40,$82,$8C,$90 $CC46 DEFB $93,$97,$8F,$4F $CC4A DEFB $46,$01,$18,$07 ; robot sprite 3 left 52302-52317 $CC4E DEFB $3F,$F1,$CE,$B1 $CC52 DEFB $AE,$4A,$4E,$AE $CC56 DEFB $BF,$DF,$DF,$3F $CC5A DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$7F ; helicap sprite 3 left 52318-52333 $CC5E DEFB $00,$70,$E8,$F4 $CC62 DEFB $7C,$1E,$05,$01 $CC66 DEFB $00,$07,$09,$17 $CC6A DEFB $2F,$2F,$3C,$00 ; rotating sprite 3 left 52334-52349 $CC6E DEFB $00,$00,$13,$1B $CC72 DEFB $1B,$0B,$03,$03 $CC76 DEFB $03,$03,$03,$00 $CC7A DEFB $DD,$FF,$F7,$A2 ; mouse sprite 3 right 52350-52365 $CC7E DEFB $E0,$18,$00,$00 $CC82 DEFB $02,$E1,$B1,$71 $CC86 DEFB $E9,$D9,$C9,$42 $CC8A DEFB $42,$00,$10,$E0 ; robot sprite 3 right 52366-52381 $CC8E DEFB $F0,$C0,$78,$BC $CC92 DEFB $9C,$5C,$50,$B0 $CC96 DEFB $BC,$7C,$7C,$9C $CC9A DEFB $E0,$E0,$00,$F0 ; helicap sprite 3 right 52382-52397 $CC9E DEFB $00,$0E,$3F,$79 $CCA2 DEFB $76,$F8,$40,$00 $CCA6 DEFB $00,$C0,$F0,$F8 $CCAA DEFB $FC,$00,$7F,$00 ; rotating sprite 3 right 52398-52413 $CCAE DEFB $00,$00,$C0,$90 $CCB2 DEFB $30,$70,$60,$40 $CCB6 DEFB $80,$C0,$C0,$00 $CCBA DEFB $DD,$FF,$77,$22 ; mouse sprite 4 left 52414-52429 $CCBE DEFB $01,$10,$20,$40 $CCC2 DEFB $40,$84,$89,$91 $CCC6 DEFB $90,$97,$1F,$0F $CCCA DEFB $46,$21,$18,$07 ; robot sprite 4 left 52430-52445 $CCCE DEFB $3F,$F1,$CE,$B1 $CCD2 DEFB $A0,$47,$45,$A7 $CCD6 DEFB $B7,$CF,$F7,$EF $CCDA DEFB $1F,$7F,$7F,$80 ; helicap sprite 4 left 52446-52461 $CCDE DEFB $01,$02,$02,$01 $CCE2 DEFB $3C,$5F,$3E,$00 $CCE6 DEFB $00,$00,$07,$09 $CCEA DEFB $17,$2F,$2E,$38 ; rotating sprite 4 left 52462-52477 $CCEE DEFB $00,$03,$03,$73 $CCF2 DEFB $3B,$1B,$03,$03 $CCF6 DEFB $03,$03,$03,$00 $CCFA DEFB $77,$FF,$DD,$88 ; mouse sprite 4 right 52478-52493 $CCFE DEFB $E0,$18,$04,$02 $CD02 DEFB $00,$C0,$70,$ED $CD06 DEFB $79,$C1,$E1,$62 $CD0A DEFB $22,$04,$08,$80 ; robot sprite 4 right 52494-52509 $CD0E DEFB $F0,$C0,$78,$BC $CD12 DEFB $9C,$58,$54,$B0 $CD16 DEFB $B8,$7C,$7C,$BC $CD1A DEFB $C0,$E0,$E0,$00 ; helicap sprite 4 right 52510-52525 $CD1E DEFB $E0,$F0,$F0,$60 $CD22 DEFB $E0,$40,$3C,$DE $CD26 DEFB $CE,$00,$C0,$F0 $CD2A DEFB $F8,$FC,$00,$FF ; rotating sprite 4 right 52526-52541 $CD2E DEFB $00,$C0,$C7,$6E $CD32 DEFB $5C,$80,$C0,$C0 $CD36 DEFB $C0,$C0,$C0,$00 $CD3A DEFB $77,$FF,$DD,$89 ; $84 cherries size 2*16 b$CD3E DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CD3F DEFB $02 ; upper left attribute (black paper, red ink) $CD40 DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $CD41 DEFB $04 ; upper right attribute (black paper, green ink) $CD42 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $CD43 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$1E,$23,$4F,$5F $CD4B DEFB $5E,$7C,$3D,$1D,$01,$01,$00,$00 $CD53 DEFB $00,$02,$0C,$32,$C2,$02,$04,$04 $CD5B DEFB $78,$8C,$3E,$7E,$7E,$FE,$FC,$78 ; $85 ice cream size 2*16 b$CD63 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CD64 DEFB $02 ; upper left attribute (black paper, red ink) $CD65 DEFB $07 ; lower left attribute (black paper, white ink) $CD66 DEFB $07 ; upper right attribute (black paper, white ink) $CD67 DEFB $05 ; lower right attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $CD68 DEFB $00,$07,$6E,$C2,$BC,$7E,$7F,$7F $CD70 DEFB $00,$7F,$7F,$00,$3F,$00,$0F,$00 $CD78 DEFB $04,$38,$74,$FA,$7A,$BF,$5F,$64 $CD80 DEFB $00,$FE,$FE,$00,$FC,$00,$F0,$00 ; $86 mushroom size 2*16 b$CD88 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CD89 DEFB $07 ; upper left attribute (black paper, white ink) $CD8A DEFB $07 ; lower left attribute (black paper, white ink) $CD8B DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CD8C DEFB $06 ; lower right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CD8D DEFB $07,$1C,$3F,$7F,$7F,$7C,$71,$23 $CD95 DEFB $1B,$03,$03,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00 $CD9D DEFB $F0,$1C,$E2,$F9,$FD,$1F,$C7,$E1 $CDA5 DEFB $F6,$D0,$D0,$D0,$F8,$E0,$80,$00 ; $c2 blitzen firing (sprite #5) b$CDAD DEFB $52 ; graphic info. $CDAE DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $CDB6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $CDBE DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $CDC6 DEFB $2F,$5F,$20,$46,$9F,$49,$09,$06 $CDCE DEFB $09,$1F,$1F,$19,$3C,$3B,$3F,$1C $CDD6 DEFB $00,$5F,$2F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $CDDE DEFB $40,$A0,$50,$20,$90,$20,$00,$00 $CDE6 DEFB $00,$C0,$F6,$74,$10,$80,$60,$C0 $CDEE DEFB $00,$F0,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $7d torch size 2*16 b$CDF6 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CDF7 DEFB $07 ; upper left attribute (black paper, white ink) $CDF8 DEFB $03 ; lower left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CDF9 DEFB $07 ; upper right attribute (black paper, white ink) $CDFA DEFB $03 ; lower right attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CDFB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$02,$05 $CE03 DEFB $03,$07,$0E,$1C,$38,$70,$20,$00 $CE0B DEFB $00,$10,$38,$1C,$6E,$64,$F0,$40 $CE13 DEFB $80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $7e drill size 2*16 b$CE1B DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CE1C DEFB $05 ; upper left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $CE1D DEFB $03 ; lower left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CE1E DEFB $04 ; upper right attribute (black paper, green ink) $CE1F DEFB $06 ; lower right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CE20 DEFB $00,$00,$06,$AE,$06,$00,$00,$00 $CE28 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$14,$22,$51,$50,$00 $CE30 DEFB $00,$FF,$FF,$CF,$CF,$FF,$00,$38 $CE38 DEFB $1C,$2C,$0E,$06,$A6,$58,$00,$00 ; $7f food mixer size 2*16 b$CE40 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $CE41 DEFB $06 ; upper left attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CE42 DEFB $07 ; lower left attribute (black paper, white ink) $CE43 DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CE44 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $CE45 DEFB $03,$04,$1F,$23,$2F,$1F,$00,$0A $CE4D DEFB $0A,$0A,$0A,$15,$15,$15,$0A,$00 $CE55 DEFB $E0,$00,$F0,$F0,$C4,$08,$04,$08 $CE5D DEFB $10,$28,$28,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $6e snips size 2*16 b$CE65 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $CE66 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CE67 DEFB $06,$0C,$0C,$0E,$06,$05,$01,$02 $CE6F DEFB $03,$06,$06,$0C,$0C,$18,$18,$00 $CE77 DEFB $C0,$60,$60,$E0,$C0,$C0,$80,$80 $CE7F DEFB $40,$60,$60,$30,$30,$18,$18,$00 ; $d6 magenta/white walkway (as found on island 8) size 1*16 b$CE87 DEFB $01 ; graphic info. $CE88 DEFB $03 ; upper attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CE89 DEFB $07 ; lower attribute (black paper, white ink) $CE8A DEFB $FF,$CC,$DD,$FF,$00,$C6,$6C,$30 $CE92 DEFB $18,$6C,$C6,$00,$FF,$CC,$DD,$FF ; $d7 yellow/red pillar (as found on island 8) size 2*8 b$CE9A DEFB $08 ; graphic info. $CE9B DEFB $30 ; LHS attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $CE9C DEFB $10 ; RHS attribute (red paper, black ink) $CE9D DEFB $8F,$80,$8F,$80,$8F,$80,$8F,$80 $CEA5 DEFB $FD,$1D,$FD,$1D,$FD,$1D,$FD,$1D ; $da 'blitzen' sign size 5*16 b$CEAD DEFB $21 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $CEAE DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $CEAF DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $CEB0 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $CEB1 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $CEB2 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $CEB3 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $CEB4 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $CEB5 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) ; column 5 attributes top-bottom $CEB6 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $CEB7 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $CEB8 DEFB $FF,$80,$BF,$B3,$B3,$B3,$B0,$B0 $CEC0 DEFB $B3,$B3,$B3,$B3,$B0,$BF,$80,$FF $CEC8 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$CF,$CF,$CF,$49,$49 $CED0 DEFB $4F,$49,$49,$49,$49,$FF,$00,$FF $CED8 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$3F,$3F,$3F,$08,$08 $CEE0 DEFB $3F,$3E,$3C,$39,$38,$FF,$00,$FF $CEE8 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$41,$41 $CEF0 DEFB $4D,$41,$CF,$CF,$41,$FF,$00,$FF $CEF8 DEFB $FF,$00,$FE,$FE,$FE,$3E,$06,$06 $CF00 DEFB $36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$FE,$00,$FF ; $db gold disc size 2*24 b$CF08 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $CF09 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $CF0A DEFB $FF,$80,$BF,$BC,$B0,$B4,$A8,$A9 $CF12 DEFB $A1,$A0,$B0,$B0,$BC,$BF,$BF,$BF $CF1A DEFB $BF,$AA,$B5,$BF,$BF,$80,$FF,$FF $CF22 DEFB $FF,$01,$FD,$3D,$0D,$0D,$05,$85 $CF2A DEFB $85,$05,$0D,$0D,$3D,$FD,$FD,$FD $CF32 DEFB $FD,$AD,$55,$FD,$FD,$01,$FF,$FF ; $dc factory whistle size 1*16 b$CF3A DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $CF3B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $CF3C DEFB $FF,$83,$97,$AB,$97,$AB,$97,$AB $CF44 DEFB $97,$AB,$97,$FF,$00,$18,$00,$1F ; $9f blitzen flag size 3*24 b$CF4C DEFB $12 ; graphic info. ; left column top-bottom $CF4D DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $CF4E DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $CF4F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; middle column top-bottom $CF50 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CF51 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CF52 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; right column top-bottom $CF53 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $CF54 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $CF55 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $CF56 DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 $CF5E DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 $CF66 DEFB $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00 $CF6E DEFB $7C,$7F,$43,$49,$49,$49,$49,$49 $CF76 DEFB $49,$41,$43,$7F,$07,$00,$00,$00 $CF7E DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $CF86 DEFB $00,$80,$E0,$E0,$30,$10,$48,$48 $CF8E DEFB $18,$48,$48,$08,$98,$F0,$30,$10 $CF96 DEFB $40,$60,$40,$20,$10,$00,$00,$00 ; $d9 pillar base (found on island 8) size 6*16 b$CF9E DEFB $29 ; graphic info. ; column 1 $CF9F DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $CFA0 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 2 $CFA1 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFA2 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 $CFA3 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFA4 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 4 $CFA5 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFA6 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 5 $CFA7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFA8 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 6 $CFA9 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFAA DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $CFAB DEFB $00,$00,$1F,$3C,$3F,$7C,$7F,$7C $CFB3 DEFB $7F,$7C,$7F,$7C,$7F,$7C,$7E,$00 $CFBB DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $CFC3 DEFB $FF,$00,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$0F,$00 $CFCB DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $CFD3 DEFB $FF,$00,$7F,$00,$0F,$00,$07,$00 $CFDB DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $CFE3 DEFB $FF,$00,$F8,$00,$C0,$00,$83,$00 $CFEB DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $CFF3 DEFB $FF,$00,$1F,$00,$03,$00,$C1,$00 $CFFB DEFB $00,$00,$08,$0C,$0C,$0E,$0E,$0E $D003 DEFB $0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$00 ; $c8 jetty winch size 2*16 b$D00B DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $D00C DEFB $04 ; upper left attribute (black paper, green ink) $D00D DEFB $05 ; lower left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $D00E DEFB $04 ; upper right attribute (black paper, green ink) $D00F DEFB $04 ; lower right attribute (black paper, green ink) $D010 DEFB $19,$54,$0E,$47,$03,$41,$00,$40 $D018 DEFB $00,$40,$40,$20,$30,$B0,$F0,$60 $D020 DEFB $FE,$FA,$7E,$00,$8E,$CE,$E6,$72 $D028 DEFB $38,$1C,$0A,$06,$08,$0E,$06,$02 ; $6d scissors size 2*16 b$D030 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $D031 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D032 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$30,$48,$48,$3C,$06 $D03A DEFB $03,$02,$05,$3C,$48,$48,$30,$00 $D042 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1E,$78,$60 $D04A DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$F0,$78,$1E,$00,$00 ; $d8 column platform supports (as found on island 8) size 4*8 b$D052 DEFB $18 ; graphic info $D053 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D054 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D055 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D056 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D057 DEFB $00,$00,$7F,$70,$7F,$70,$7F,$00 $D05F DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $D067 DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $D06F DEFB $00,$00,$C6,$06,$C6,$06,$C6,$00 ; level 8 enemy sprites set #1 b$D077 DEFB $7F ; glasses sprite 1 left 53368-53383 $D078 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$04 $D07C DEFB $04,$19,$21,$27 $D080 DEFB $4C,$5A,$B6,$E6 $D084 DEFB $D5,$52,$24,$18 ; television sprite 1 left 53384-53399 $D088 DEFB $17,$2F,$58,$52 $D08C DEFB $54,$51,$52,$54 $D090 DEFB $B1,$B2,$B4,$B8 $D094 DEFB $BF,$B7,$A2,$77 ; french horn sprite 1 left 53400-53415 $D098 DEFB $78,$48,$58,$C0 $D09C DEFB $1C,$3E,$72,$E6 $D0A0 DEFB $CD,$72,$00,$41 $D0A4 DEFB $51,$5A,$22,$1C ; headphones sprite 1 left 53416-53431 $D0A8 DEFB $00,$0F,$3F,$3F $D0AC DEFB $60,$40,$40,$20 $D0B0 DEFB $00,$20,$E0,$E0 $D0B4 DEFB $E0,$A0,$20,$00 ; glasses sprite 1 right 53432-53447 $D0B8 DEFB $38,$DC,$32,$6D $D0BC DEFB $DD,$9A,$54,$08 $D0C0 DEFB $F0,$80,$80,$80 $D0C4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; television sprite 1 right 53448-53463 $D0C8 DEFB $F8,$FC,$0E,$46 $D0CC DEFB $96,$26,$46,$96 $D0D0 DEFB $27,$47,$97,$0F $D0D4 DEFB $FF,$77,$23,$77 ; french horn sprite 1 right 53464-53479 $D0D8 DEFB $00,$00,$08,$1C $D0DC DEFB $36,$60,$60,$C0 $D0E0 DEFB $40,$80,$80,$00 $D0E4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; headphones sprite 1 right 53480-53495 $D0E8 DEFB $01,$80,$E1,$E1 $D0EC DEFB $30,$12,$11,$22 $D0F0 DEFB $04,$22,$39,$3A $D0F4 DEFB $38,$28,$20,$00 ; glasses sprite 2 left 53496-53511 $D0F8 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$04 $D0FC DEFB $04,$19,$21,$27 $D100 DEFB $4C,$5A,$B2,$EA $D104 DEFB $D9,$5A,$24,$18 ; television sprite 2 left 53512-53527 $D108 DEFB $17,$2F,$58,$52 $D10C DEFB $56,$50,$57,$57 $D110 DEFB $B6,$B6,$B0,$B8 $D114 DEFB $BF,$B7,$A2,$77 ; french horn sprite 2 left 53528-53543 $D118 DEFB $3C,$24,$2C,$60 $D11C DEFB $00,$1F,$33,$66 $D120 DEFB $6D,$32,$00,$51 $D124 DEFB $59,$62,$3C,$00 ; headphones sprite 2 left 53544-53559 $D128 DEFB $00,$07,$1F,$1F $D12C DEFB $30,$20,$20,$10 $D130 DEFB $00,$70,$70,$70 $D134 DEFB $50,$10,$00,$00 ; glasses sprite 2 right 53560-53575 $D138 DEFB $38,$DC,$32,$6D $D13C DEFB $CD,$AA,$24,$08 $D140 DEFB $F0,$80,$80,$80 $D144 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; television sprite 2 right 53576-53591 $D148 DEFB $F8,$FC,$0E,$C6 $D14C DEFB $C6,$D6,$D6,$D6 $D150 DEFB $17,$F7,$F7,$0F $D154 DEFB $FF,$77,$23,$77 ; french horn sprite 2 right 53592-53607 $D158 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $D15C DEFB $0E,$1B,$30,$60 $D160 DEFB $60,$C0,$80,$00 $D164 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; headphones sprite 2 right 53608-53623 $D168 DEFB $00,$82,$E0,$E2 $D16C DEFB $32,$10,$12,$21 $D170 DEFB $02,$39,$3A,$38 $D174 DEFB $28,$20,$00,$00 ; glasses sprite 3 left 53624-53639 $D178 DEFB $03,$04,$04,$00 $D17C DEFB $60,$81,$81,$87 $D180 DEFB $8C,$98,$B4,$EC $D184 DEFB $CD,$4A,$24,$18 ; television sprite 3 left 53640-53655 $D188 DEFB $17,$2F,$58,$51 $D18C DEFB $54,$52,$51,$54 $D190 DEFB $B2,$B1,$B4,$B8 $D194 DEFB $BF,$B7,$A2,$77 ; french horn sprite 3 left 53656-53671 $D198 DEFB $00,$04,$24,$10 $D19C DEFB $C0,$00,$1E,$3F $D1A0 DEFB $31,$21,$22,$1E $D1A4 DEFB $01,$19,$0E,$00 ; headphones sprite 3 left 53672-53687 $D1A8 DEFB $00,$07,$1F,$1F $D1AC DEFB $30,$20,$20,$10 $D1B0 DEFB $60,$70,$70,$50 $D1B4 DEFB $10,$00,$00,$00 ; glasses sprite 3 right 53688-53703 $D1B8 DEFB $F8,$1C,$32,$65 $D1BC DEFB $D5,$92,$54,$08 $D1C0 DEFB $F0,$80,$80,$80 $D1C4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; television sprite 3 right 53704-53719 $D1C8 DEFB $F8,$FC,$0E,$26 $D1CC DEFB $96,$46,$26,$96 $D1D0 DEFB $47,$27,$97,$0F $D1D4 DEFB $FF,$77,$23,$77 ; french horn sprite 3 right 53720-53735 $D1D8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$18 $D1DC DEFB $38,$28,$E0,$60 $D1E0 DEFB $40,$40,$80,$80 $D1E4 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; headphones sprite 3 right 53736-53751 $D1E8 DEFB $08,$00,$C8,$C8 $D1EC DEFB $60,$28,$24,$42 $D1F0 DEFB $34,$72,$74,$50 $D1F4 DEFB $40,$00,$00,$00 ; glasses sprite 4 left 53752-53767 $D1F8 DEFB $03,$04,$04,$00 $D1FC DEFB $60,$81,$81,$87 $D200 DEFB $8C,$98,$B4,$E4 $D204 DEFB $D5,$52,$24,$18 ; television sprite 4 left 53768-53783 $D208 DEFB $17,$2F,$58,$53 $D20C DEFB $50,$57,$50,$57 $D210 DEFB $B0,$B7,$B0,$B8 $D214 DEFB $BF,$B7,$A2,$77 ; french horn sprite 4 left 53784-53799 $D218 DEFB $10,$90,$40,$9F $D21C DEFB $33,$66,$6D,$32 $D220 DEFB $00,$51,$59,$62 $D224 DEFB $3C,$00,$00,$00 ; headphones sprite 4 left 53800-53815 $D228 DEFB $00,$07,$1F,$1F $D22C DEFB $30,$20,$20,$10 $D230 DEFB $00,$70,$70,$70 $D234 DEFB $50,$10,$00,$00 ; glasses sprite 4 right 53816-53831 $D238 DEFB $F8,$1C,$32,$69 $D23C DEFB $C9,$AA,$24,$08 $D240 DEFB $F0,$80,$80,$80 $D244 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; television sprite 4 right 53832-53847 $D248 DEFB $F8,$FC,$0E,$E6 $D24C DEFB $06,$F6,$06,$F6 $D250 DEFB $07,$F7,$07,$0F $D254 DEFB $FF,$77,$23,$77 ; french horn sprite 4 right 53848-53863 $D258 DEFB $00,$00,$0E,$1B $D25C DEFB $30,$60,$60,$C0 $D260 DEFB $80,$00,$00,$00 $D264 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; headphones sprite 4 right 53864-53879 $D268 DEFB $00,$84,$E0,$E4 $D26C DEFB $34,$10,$14,$22 $D270 DEFB $01,$3A,$39,$3A $D274 DEFB $28,$20,$00,$00 ; $37 jukebox LHS size 2*48 b$D278 DEFB $0D ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $D279 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D27A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D27B DEFB $01 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D27C DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D27D DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D27E DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) ; right attributes top-bottom $D27F DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D280 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D281 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D282 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $D283 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $D284 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D285 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$03,$04,$08,$10,$11 $D28D DEFB $23,$23,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$00 $D295 DEFB $FE,$00,$FE,$00,$FE,$00,$FE,$00 $D29D DEFB $D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9 $D2A5 DEFB $D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9 $D2AD DEFB $D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$D9,$C9,$E3,$FF $D2B5 DEFB $00,$1D,$CE,$01,$1C,$70,$C0,$80 $D2BD DEFB $0B,$00,$0B,$00,$2B,$40,$4B,$00 $D2C5 DEFB $B5,$84,$B5,$84,$B5,$84,$B5,$00 $D2CD DEFB $00,$FF,$52,$AD,$56,$A9,$66,$5A $D2D5 DEFB $B5,$2A,$59,$56,$AD,$B5,$4A,$5A $D2DD DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF ; $a6 'NO SMOKING' size 5*8 b$D2E5 DEFB $A0 ; graphic info. $D2E6 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $D2E7 DEFB $FF,$80,$98,$95,$95,$94,$80,$FF $D2EF DEFB $FF,$00,$8D,$49,$45,$8D,$00,$FF $D2F7 DEFB $FF,$00,$A2,$55,$55,$52,$00,$FF $D2FF DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$65,$55,$55,$00,$FF $D307 DEFB $FF,$00,$8C,$50,$54,$4C,$00,$FF ; $04 top half 'energy' size 7*8 b$D30F DEFB $B0 ; graphic info. $D310 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $D311 DEFB $00,$00,$07,$1F,$1C,$38,$38,$27 $D319 DEFB $00,$00,$B7,$BD,$38,$38,$30,$A0 $D321 DEFB $00,$00,$03,$8F,$CE,$9C,$1C,$53 $D329 DEFB $00,$00,$DD,$DE,$1C,$1C,$18,$D0 $D331 DEFB $00,$00,$83,$4F,$0E,$1C,$1C,$11 $D339 DEFB $00,$00,$EC,$EC,$0C,$06,$07,$E1 $D341 DEFB $00,$00,$38,$38,$38,$78,$F8,$D8 ; $05 bottom half 'energy' size 7*8 b$D349 DEFB $B0 ; graphic info. $D34A DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D34B DEFB $0F,$1F,$38,$38,$1C,$1F,$07,$00 $D353 DEFB $98,$98,$38,$38,$38,$B8,$B8,$00 $D35B DEFB $C1,$C7,$DC,$DC,$CE,$CF,$C3,$00 $D363 DEFB $CC,$DC,$1C,$1C,$1C,$DC,$DC,$00 $D36B DEFB $05,$0D,$1C,$1C,$0E,$0F,$03,$00 $D373 DEFB $E0,$E0,$6C,$6C,$66,$E7,$E1,$00 $D37B DEFB $20,$30,$38,$38,$70,$F0,$C0,$00 ; $a1 musical note (above number of records played) size 1*8 b$D383 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $D384 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D385 DEFB $07,$3F,$39,$21,$23,$63,$60,$00 ; $b9 man and child with umbrellas size 3*40 b$D38D DEFB $94 ; graphic info. $D38E DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D38F DEFB $00,$07,$18,$25,$49,$90,$EE,$11 $D397 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00 $D39F DEFB $00,$02,$02,$01,$00,$08,$3E,$7F $D3A7 DEFB $FF,$08,$0B,$0F,$18,$0B,$2C,$17 $D3AF DEFB $07,$07,$07,$05,$05,$0D,$00,$00 $D3B7 DEFB $40,$BC,$B7,$5B,$5D,$EE,$EE,$51 $D3BF DEFB $41,$42,$42,$47,$40,$C2,$43,$C3 $D3C7 DEFB $61,$50,$5E,$A1,$20,$18,$08,$08 $D3CF DEFB $88,$08,$0F,$88,$08,$08,$09,$19 $D3D7 DEFB $91,$51,$11,$11,$1F,$B2,$41,$7E $D3DF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80,$C0,$E0,$F0,$00 $D3E7 DEFB $C0,$60,$20,$F0,$00,$A0,$E0,$60 $D3EF DEFB $C0,$00,$38,$54,$94,$B4,$36,$3A $D3F7 DEFB $7A,$7A,$CB,$3D,$B9,$BA,$58,$5C $D3FF DEFB $5C,$5C,$5C,$5C,$7C,$26,$41,$3F ; $ba finger size 2*56 b$D407 DEFB $0E ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $D408 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D409 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D40A DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D40B DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D40C DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D40D DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D40E DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) ; right attributes top-bottom $D40F DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D410 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D411 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D412 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D413 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D414 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D415 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D416 DEFB $03,$0F,$1E,$1C,$3D,$05,$3D,$05 $D41E DEFB $C2,$FA,$C3,$F9,$C0,$F8,$C0,$F8 $D426 DEFB $E0,$F8,$E0,$FC,$C0,$FC,$C0,$FC $D42E DEFB $C0,$F8,$C0,$F0,$C0,$F0,$C0,$F0 $D436 DEFB $C0,$F0,$C0,$F0,$C0,$F0,$C0,$F0 $D43E DEFB $C0,$F0,$E0,$F0,$F8,$E0,$F8,$C0 $D446 DEFB $F8,$C0,$F8,$C0,$FC,$C0,$FC,$E0 $D44E DEFB $C0,$F0,$08,$F0,$F8,$F8,$F8,$F8 $D456 DEFB $07,$57,$57,$5F,$F7,$07,$07,$03 $D45E DEFB $3B,$0B,$03,$03,$0B,$03,$0B,$03 $D466 DEFB $03,$03,$01,$01,$1D,$01,$3D,$19 $D46E DEFB $3D,$01,$09,$01,$03,$03,$03,$0B $D476 DEFB $03,$0B,$03,$0B,$03,$03,$0B,$0B $D47E DEFB $03,$17,$13,$13,$13,$13,$03,$07 ; $d3 yellow roof left edge (found on island 7) size 4*24 b$D486 DEFB $9A ; graphic info. $D487 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D488 DEFB $18,$30,$30,$18,$1E,$09,$06,$03 $D490 DEFB $02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D498 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D4A0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$C0,$3F,$80 $D4A8 DEFB $3F,$C0,$0C,$35,$19,$01,$06,$03 $D4B0 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D4B8 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$03,$1C,$E1,$0E,$F1 $D4C0 DEFB $0F,$F0,$06,$B6,$B6,$86,$B0,$36 $D4C8 DEFB $16,$66,$30,$06,$03,$00,$00,$00 $D4D0 DEFB $03,$3C,$C1,$1E,$60,$85,$2E,$70 $D4D8 DEFB $83,$18,$DB,$C3,$DB,$1B,$DB,$D8 $D4E0 DEFB $C3,$DB,$DB,$0B,$61,$36,$03,$00 ; $6f pump size 2*16 b$D4E8 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $D4E9 DEFB $07 ; upper left attribute (black paper, white ink) $D4EA DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $D4EB DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D4EC DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $D4ED DEFB $2A,$54,$80,$4E,$91,$55,$9F,$4E $D4F5 DEFB $00,$3F,$77,$6B,$63,$6B,$7F,$00 $D4FD DEFB $FC,$03,$30,$4A,$6A,$6A,$7A,$32 $D505 DEFB $00,$FE,$63,$6B,$67,$6B,$FF,$00 ; $af red platforms (found at far left of island 6) size 2*8 b$D50D DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $D50E DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D50F DEFB $76,$5B,$B6,$24,$92,$DB,$76,$00 $D517 DEFB $DA,$20,$DB,$92,$48,$6D,$DA,$00 ; $ab petrol pump size 2*32 b$D51F DEFB $0B ; graphic info. ; left top to bottom $D520 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D521 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D522 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D523 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) ; right top to bottom $D524 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D525 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $D526 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D527 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D528 DEFB $0F,$11,$15,$15,$15,$11,$0F,$00 $D530 DEFB $F0,$C7,$DD,$97,$9F,$9E,$9F,$80 $D538 DEFB $FF,$D0,$D0,$D0,$E8,$E8,$E8,$E8 $D540 DEFB $F4,$F4,$F4,$F4,$FF,$E8,$B0,$FF $D548 DEFB $E0,$10,$50,$10,$50,$10,$E0,$04 $D550 DEFB $1D,$C5,$77,$D4,$73,$F2,$F2,$03 $D558 DEFB $FE,$06,$0E,$0A,$0A,$0A,$0D,$0F $D560 DEFB $1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$FF,$0F,$03,$FF ; $70 engine size 2*16 b$D568 DEFB $89,$07,$CC,$CE,$C6,$26,$C6,$CA $D570 DEFB $CB,$2D,$08,$2E,$0B,$2F,$09,$04 $D578 DEFB $07,$00,$54,$00,$FE,$6D,$92,$7F $D580 DEFB $0F,$C0,$7F,$01,$BE,$FF,$FE,$F8 $D588 DEFB $80,$00 ; $b0 cloud size 4*16 b$D58A DEFB $99 ; graphic info. $D58B DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D58C DEFB $03,$1B,$8D,$12,$00,$00,$00,$8C $D594 DEFB $26,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D59C DEFB $70,$E8,$50,$87,$0B,$01,$73,$BB $D5A4 DEFB $3F,$55,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D5AC DEFB $00,$00,$01,$8C,$E6,$EF,$F7,$FF $D5B4 DEFB $FF,$FF,$AF,$15,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D5BC DEFB $38,$FC,$3E,$7E,$FF,$7F,$FE,$FF $D5C4 DEFB $FE,$FD,$FE,$FC,$A0,$00,$00,$00 ; $73 boots size 2*16 b$D5CC DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $D5CD DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D5CE DEFB $01,$3C,$02,$C6,$FE,$7C,$02,$5E $D5D6 DEFB $2D,$1E,$2F,$1F,$0F,$25,$1E,$00 $D5DE DEFB $C0,$20,$E0,$C0,$20,$C0,$60,$50 $D5E6 DEFB $0E,$83,$39,$FC,$FC,$D4,$3C,$00 ; $b5 red/yellow picture (found on island 5) size 4*32 b$D5EE DEFB $1B ; graphic info. $D5EF DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F0 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F1 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F2 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F3 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F4 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D5F5 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D5F6 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5F8 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D5F9 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $D5FA DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5FB DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5FC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5FD DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5FE DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D5FF DEFB $FF,$AA,$95,$C0,$AF,$C8,$A8,$C8 $D607 DEFB $A8,$C8,$A8,$C8,$A8,$C8,$A8,$C8 $D60F DEFB $A8,$C8,$A8,$C8,$A8,$C8,$A8,$C8 $D617 DEFB $A8,$C8,$A8,$CF,$A0,$CA,$95,$FF $D61F DEFB $FF,$AA,$55,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 $D627 DEFB $7F,$BF,$C7,$7B,$1C,$07,$E0,$F8 $D62F DEFB $FE,$FF,$7F,$FF,$FF,$FF,$DF,$FE $D637 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$AA,$55,$FF $D63F DEFB $FF,$AA,$55,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 $D647 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$39,$CF,$77,$1B $D64F DEFB $0B,$0D,$05,$86,$C2,$C2,$E2,$E2 $D657 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$AA,$55,$FF $D65F DEFB $FF,$A9,$53,$05,$F3,$15,$13,$15 $D667 DEFB $13,$15,$13,$15,$13,$15,$13,$15 $D66F DEFB $13,$15,$13,$15,$13,$15,$13,$15 $D677 DEFB $13,$15,$13,$F5,$03,$A9,$55,$FF ; $b6 blue/white picture (found on island 5) size 4*32 b$D67F DEFB $1B ; graphic info. $D680 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D681 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D682 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D683 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D684 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D685 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D686 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D687 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D688 DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D689 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D68A DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $D68B DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D68C DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D68D DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D68E DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D68F DEFB $08 ; attribute (blue paper, black ink) $D690 DEFB $00,$55,$6A,$3F,$50,$37,$57,$37 $D698 DEFB $57,$37,$57,$37,$57,$37,$57,$37 $D6A0 DEFB $57,$37,$57,$37,$57,$37,$57,$37 $D6A8 DEFB $57,$37,$57,$30,$5F,$35,$6A,$00 $D6B0 DEFB $00,$55,$AA,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF $D6B8 DEFB $FF,$FC,$F0,$F0,$F0,$E0,$F0,$F4 $D6C0 DEFB $05,$04,$03,$03,$05,$33,$6F,$00 $D6C8 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$55,$AA,$00 $D6D0 DEFB $00,$55,$AA,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF $D6D8 DEFB $00,$C0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F8,$F0,$D0 $D6E0 DEFB $5F,$DF,$3F,$3F,$1F,$03,$01,$FF $D6E8 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$55,$AA,$00 $D6F0 DEFB $00,$56,$AC,$FA,$0C,$EA,$EC,$EA $D6F8 DEFB $EC,$EA,$EC,$EA,$EC,$EA,$EC,$EA $D700 DEFB $EC,$EA,$EC,$EA,$EC,$EA,$EC,$EA $D708 DEFB $EC,$EA,$EC,$0A,$FC,$56,$AA,$00 ; $b1 eye (found on island 5) size 3*16 b$D710 DEFB $11 ; graphic info. ; left attributes $D711 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D712 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; middle attributes $D713 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D714 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; right attributes $D715 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D716 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D717 DEFB $00,$0A,$29,$24,$52,$49,$27,$8C $D71F DEFB $33,$1B,$44,$23,$48,$12,$00,$00 $D727 DEFB $A8,$A8,$55,$55,$AA,$FF,$80,$4D $D72F DEFB $C5,$E3,$7C,$83,$7C,$81,$95,$10 $D737 DEFB $A0,$A4,$48,$48,$92,$D4,$E4,$18 $D73F DEFB $87,$18,$E4,$12,$48,$40,$00,$00 ; $23 pod support beam lower size 2*8 b$D747 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $D748 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D749 DEFB $03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D751 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$60,$30,$18,$0C,$06 ; $22 pod support beam upper size 2*16 b$D759 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $D75A DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D75B DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$60,$30,$18,$0C,$06 $D763 DEFB $03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D76B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $D773 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$60,$30,$18,$0C,$06 ; $e4 landing area graphics LHS level 1 size 4*24 b$D77B DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $D77C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D77D DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D77E DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $D77F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D780 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D781 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $D782 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D783 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D784 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $D785 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D786 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D787 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $D788 DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$2A,$3F,$00,$1F,$00 $D790 DEFB $0F,$0F,$00,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 $D798 DEFB $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$00 $D7A0 DEFB $FF,$00,$55,$AA,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $D7A8 DEFB $41,$41,$00,$80,$B0,$88,$88,$88 $D7B0 DEFB $89,$89,$88,$88,$8C,$86,$80,$00 $D7B8 DEFB $FF,$00,$54,$A9,$F3,$01,$F3,$01 $D7C0 DEFB $E3,$E1,$03,$D1,$97,$02,$60,$90 $D7C8 DEFB $68,$48,$90,$60,$00,$97,$D0,$00 $D7D0 DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$55,$FF,$AA,$00,$80 $D7D8 DEFB $3D,$BD,$00,$9A,$1A,$1A,$1A,$1A $D7E0 DEFB $1A,$1A,$1A,$1A,$0A,$EA,$1A,$00 ; $e5 'items' size 5*16 b$D7E8 DEFB $A1 ; graphic info. $D7E9 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D7EA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$03,$03,$00 $D7F2 DEFB $03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$01,$00,$00 $D7FA DEFB $00,$00,$30,$30,$30,$79,$7B,$33 $D802 DEFB $33,$33,$33,$33,$33,$99,$00,$00 $D80A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$C6,$EF,$EF $D812 DEFB $2D,$2D,$EC,$0C,$2C,$C6,$00,$00 $D81A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$C3,$E7,$E7 $D822 DEFB $66,$66,$63,$61,$64,$33,$00,$00 $D82A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$80 $D832 DEFB $80,$00,$80,$C0,$40,$80,$00,$00 ; $e1 landing area graphics LHS level 4 size 4*24 b$D83A DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $D83B DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D83C DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D83D DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $D83E DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D83F DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D840 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $D841 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D842 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D843 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $D844 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D845 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D846 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $D847 DEFB $31,$7B,$7B,$11,$6A,$E9,$C2,$C0 $D84F DEFB $18,$28,$12,$44,$CB,$98,$D0,$43 $D857 DEFB $06,$0E,$0C,$1C,$18,$10,$00,$01 $D85F DEFB $B1,$DB,$D1,$A6,$0E,$AC,$4A,$93 $D867 DEFB $00,$C3,$75,$12,$88,$C9,$62,$10 $D86F DEFB $44,$13,$83,$23,$60,$CC,$9C,$02 $D877 DEFB $86,$CF,$CF,$86,$30,$78,$23,$07 $D87F DEFB $30,$28,$10,$41,$53,$23,$0A,$A0 $D887 DEFB $16,$12,$B8,$B8,$B8,$9C,$46,$00 $D88F DEFB $36,$6F,$6F,$B6,$08,$C1,$9A,$29 $D897 DEFB $10,$0C,$9E,$A6,$03,$4D,$1B,$01 $D89F DEFB $19,$CC,$E0,$60,$70,$10,$08,$00 ; $cb tree trunk size 4*32 b$D8A7 DEFB $1B ; graphic info. $D8A8 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D8A9 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8AA DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8AB DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8AC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D8AD DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8AE DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8AF DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B0 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D8B1 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B2 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B3 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B4 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D8B5 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B6 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B7 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $D8B8 DEFB $AE,$5B,$96,$49,$95,$0F,$4B,$12 $D8C0 DEFB $AA,$90,$22,$54,$62,$17,$B0,$DB $D8C8 DEFB $F5,$DC,$B0,$E3,$3A,$D5,$49,$28 $D8D0 DEFB $61,$D4,$74,$A8,$DD,$52,$A8,$7E $D8D8 DEFB $FF,$AF,$FB,$6D,$F3,$FE,$B7,$F7 $D8E0 DEFB $11,$20,$80,$08,$01,$18,$50,$00 $D8E8 DEFB $02,$50,$20,$04,$40,$15,$08,$40 $D8F0 DEFB $11,$20,$80,$0A,$00,$18,$50,$02 $D8F8 DEFB $B3,$57,$DD,$FF,$7D,$F7,$D6,$FD $D900 DEFB $41,$04,$20,$01,$01,$08,$40,$14 $D908 DEFB $4D,$04,$20,$82,$01,$08,$40,$14 $D910 DEFB $0C,$2A,$00,$48,$31,$80,$12,$10 $D918 DEFB $EA,$55,$B0,$CA,$74,$E9,$D8,$E4 $D920 DEFB $56,$6B,$2A,$5D,$27,$9A,$2D,$92 $D928 DEFB $15,$AA,$4F,$35,$8B,$16,$27,$1B $D930 DEFB $56,$6B,$2A,$5D,$27,$9A,$2D,$92 ; $c5 end of branch twigs/leaves size 4*48 b$D938 DEFB $1D ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $D939 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D93A DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D93B DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D93C DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D93D DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D93E DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $D93F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D940 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D941 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D942 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D943 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D944 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $D945 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D946 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D947 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D948 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D949 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D94A DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $D94B DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D94C DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D94D DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $D94E DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D94F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D950 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $D951 DEFB $04,$05,$06,$42,$72,$1A,$0F,$03 $D959 DEFB $19,$0C,$63,$C5,$16,$1A,$09,$03 $D961 DEFB $06,$0C,$16,$12,$20,$21,$03,$00 $D969 DEFB $11,$04,$A0,$03,$41,$2C,$67,$10 $D971 DEFB $36,$03,$34,$ED,$8B,$0A,$60,$C3 $D979 DEFB $26,$34,$13,$06,$34,$19,$01,$00 $D981 DEFB $00,$4E,$63,$AC,$C6,$58,$36,$83 $D989 DEFB $C8,$71,$30,$98,$7D,$EF,$8F,$03 $D991 DEFB $00,$01,$0F,$36,$D8,$40,$00,$00 $D999 DEFB $10,$00,$64,$30,$82,$12,$36,$24 $D9A1 DEFB $03,$6C,$3A,$12,$33,$25,$65,$08 $D9A9 DEFB $22,$63,$4D,$06,$60,$D4,$36,$23 $D9B1 DEFB $30,$20,$0C,$D8,$42,$92,$D8,$49 $D9B9 DEFB $13,$27,$C5,$8E,$0C,$18,$B8,$D0 $D9C1 DEFB $FA,$FF,$DF,$0D,$87,$90,$63,$23 $D9C9 DEFB $37,$1E,$1E,$1A,$2B,$51,$E8,$80 $D9D1 DEFB $0B,$01,$12,$41,$08,$02,$50,$08 $D9D9 DEFB $01,$00,$0A,$80,$C5,$40,$10,$08 $D9E1 DEFB $89,$51,$62,$44,$58,$F0,$C0,$80 $D9E9 DEFB $00,$30,$C0,$40,$20,$00,$00,$00 $D9F1 DEFB $44,$90,$42,$FD,$DF,$FD,$F7,$03 $D9F9 DEFB $58,$D2,$26,$60,$0C,$86,$10,$66 $DA01 DEFB $33,$01,$4C,$36,$D2,$08,$AC,$B4 $DA09 DEFB $50,$40,$60,$28,$8C,$C4,$00,$00 ; $ef bird nest size 2*8 b$DA11 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $DA12 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $DA13 DEFB $16,$AC,$50,$5A,$A6,$18,$23,$19 $DA1B DEFB $A0,$0A,$05,$2A,$96,$D9,$2A,$94 ; $d5 red table (found on island 7) size 2*24 b$DA23 DEFB $8A ; graphic info. $DA24 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $DA25 DEFB $00,$FF,$95,$9A,$97,$BF,$DB,$B7 $DA2D DEFB $DB,$B7,$DB,$B7,$DB,$B7,$DB,$B7 $DA35 DEFB $DB,$B7,$DB,$B7,$DB,$B7,$DB,$BF $DA3D DEFB $04,$FF,$49,$C9,$4B,$DD,$EB,$DD $DA45 DEFB $EB,$DD,$EB,$DD,$EB,$DD,$EB,$DD $DA4D DEFB $EB,$DD,$EB,$DD,$EB,$DD,$EB,$DF ; $6c mandolin size 2*16 b$DA55 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $DA56 DEFB $02 ; upper left attribute (black paper, red ink) $DA57 DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $DA58 DEFB $03 ; upper right attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA59 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $DA5A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$1E,$7E,$7D,$FF $DA62 DEFB $FE,$E7,$F3,$FB,$7F,$7F,$1F,$00 $DA6A DEFB $10,$2C,$1A,$34,$60,$C4,$80,$04 $DA72 DEFB $60,$E4,$E0,$E0,$C0,$C0,$00,$00 ; $dd landing area graphics LHS level 7 size 4*24 b$DA7A DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $DA7B DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA7C DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA7D DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $DA7E DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA7F DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA80 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $DA81 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA82 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA83 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $DA84 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA85 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DA86 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $DA87 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $DA8F DEFB $0C,$1A,$14,$38,$35,$3A,$1F,$07 $DA97 DEFB $00,$01,$02,$00,$0C,$33,$0C,$F7 $DA9F DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01,$04,$0B,$17,$0E $DAA7 DEFB $2F,$5F,$3D,$B8,$70,$E1,$C0,$15 $DAAF DEFB $00,$57,$AA,$00,$CC,$33,$CC,$77 $DAB7 DEFB $01,$01,$AA,$56,$FF,$FE,$EC,$D8 $DABF DEFB $6E,$03,$C0,$65,$00,$57,$00,$7F $DAC7 DEFB $00,$FF,$AA,$00,$CC,$33,$CC,$77 $DACF DEFB $80,$40,$90,$3D,$C0,$F9,$00,$05 $DAD7 DEFB $00,$97,$00,$5F,$00,$FF,$00,$FF $DADF DEFB $00,$FF,$AA,$00,$CC,$33,$CC,$77 ; $95 yellow horizontal bamboo (found on island 7) size 3*8 b$DAE7 DEFB $90 ; graphic info. $DAE8 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $DAE9 DEFB $00,$EF,$DF,$EF,$DF,$00,$00,$00 $DAF1 DEFB $00,$DF,$EF,$DF,$EF,$00,$00,$00 $DAF9 DEFB $00,$DF,$BF,$DF,$BF,$00,$00,$00 ; $6b fan size 2*16 b$DB01 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $DB02 DEFB $05 ; upper left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $DB03 DEFB $03 ; lower left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $DB04 DEFB $05 ; upper right attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $DB05 DEFB $05 ; lower right attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $DB06 DEFB $48,$7E,$49,$49,$49,$4A,$52,$54 $DB0E DEFB $55,$5A,$55,$7A,$7F,$78,$3F,$80 $DB16 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$28,$10,$28,$44,$86 $DB1E DEFB $1C,$62,$82,$7F,$82,$02,$FF,$00 ; level 8 enemy sprites set #1 b$DB26 DEFB $7F ; toothbrush sprite 1 left 56103-56118 $DB27 DEFB $00,$30,$4C,$82 $DB2B DEFB $81,$41,$42,$80 $DB2F DEFB $8D,$3A,$F5,$CB $DB33 DEFB $04,$02,$0D,$0C ; 8track sprite 1 left 56119-56134 $DB37 DEFB $38,$5D,$9E,$EE $DB3B DEFB $F2,$74,$B9,$C2 $DB3F DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$AF $DB43 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$40 ; radio sprite 1 left 56135-56150 $DB47 DEFB $00,$7F,$01,$1E $DB4B DEFB $21,$6E,$71,$7F $DB4F DEFB $40,$54,$4A,$54 $DB53 DEFB $4A,$54,$40,$7F ; walkman sprite 1 left 56151-56166 $DB57 DEFB $07,$18,$20,$4F $DB5B DEFB $48,$E9,$AA,$AC $DB5F DEFB $AC,$EB,$C9,$0A $DB63 DEFB $0C,$0C,$0B,$0F ; toothbrush sprite 1 right 56167-56182 $DB67 DEFB $00,$10,$2C,$58 $DB6B DEFB $30,$00,$40,$80 $DB6F DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $DB73 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8track sprite 1 right 56183-56198 $DB77 DEFB $1C,$A2,$77,$7F $DB7B DEFB $77,$22,$9C,$21 $DB7F DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$11 $DB83 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$02 ; radio sprite 1 right 56199-56214 $DB87 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$80 $DB8B DEFB $BE,$7F,$81,$81 $DB8F DEFB $FF,$AB,$FF,$CD $DB93 DEFB $B5,$97,$CD,$FF ; walkman sprite 1 right 56215-56230 $DB97 DEFB $E0,$18,$04,$F2 $DB9B DEFB $F2,$F7,$F5,$F5 $DB9F DEFB $F5,$F3,$F3,$F0 $DBA3 DEFB $F0,$F0,$F0,$F0 ; toothbrush sprite 2 left 56231-56246 $DBA7 DEFB $00,$70,$88,$84 $DBAB DEFB $82,$42,$40,$8D $DBAF DEFB $3A,$F5,$C3,$0A $DBB3 DEFB $08,$04,$04,$00 ; 8track sprite 2 left 56247-56262 $DBB7 DEFB $38,$7D,$BA,$92 $DBBB DEFB $BA,$7C,$B9,$C2 $DBBF DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$BB $DBC3 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$40 ; radio sprite 2 left 56263-56278 $DBC7 DEFB $00,$7F,$01,$5E $DBCB DEFB $61,$7F,$40,$54 $DBCF DEFB $4A,$54,$4A,$54 $DBD3 DEFB $40,$7F,$00,$00 ; walkman sprite 2 left 56279-56294 $DBD7 DEFB $03,$0C,$10,$2F $DBDB DEFB $48,$49,$EA,$AC $DBDF DEFB $AE,$AA,$A9,$CA $DBE3 DEFB $0C,$0E,$0A,$0F ; toothbrush sprite 2 right 56295-56310 $DBE7 DEFB $10,$2C,$58,$30 $DBEB DEFB $00,$40,$80,$00 $DBEF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $DBF3 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8track sprite 2 right 56311-56326 $DBF7 DEFB $1C,$AE,$4F,$77 $DBFB DEFB $79,$3A,$9C,$21 $DBFF DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$11 $DC03 DEFB $53,$FF,$FF,$02 ; radio sprite 2 right 56327-56342 $DC07 DEFB $00,$80,$7E,$FF $DC0B DEFB $81,$81,$FF,$AB $DC0F DEFB $FF,$CD,$B5,$97 $DC13 DEFB $CD,$FF,$00,$00 ; walkman sprite 2 right 56343-56358 $DC17 DEFB $F0,$0C,$02,$F7 $DC1B DEFB $F5,$F5,$F5,$F5 $DC1F DEFB $F3,$F0,$F0,$F0 $DC23 DEFB $F0,$F0,$F0,$F0 ; toothbrush sprite 3 left 56359-56374 $DC27 DEFB $30,$4C,$42,$82 $DC2B DEFB $81,$41,$40,$86 $DC2F DEFB $9D,$7A,$65,$01 $DC33 DEFB $05,$04,$04,$04 ; 8track sprite 3 left 56375-56390 $DC37 DEFB $38,$75,$F2,$EE $DC3B DEFB $9E,$5C,$B9,$C2 $DC3F DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$EB $DC43 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$40 ; radio sprite 3 left 56391-56406 $DC47 DEFB $00,$0F,$01,$3F $DC4B DEFB $02,$FC,$00,$4A $DC4F DEFB $54,$4A,$54,$40 $DC53 DEFB $7F,$00,$00,$00 ; walkman sprite 3 left 56407-56422 $DC57 DEFB $07,$18,$20,$4F $DC5B DEFB $48,$E9,$AA,$BE $DC5F DEFB $DC,$5A,$79,$0A $DC63 DEFB $0E,$0C,$0A,$0F ; toothbrush sprite 3 right 56423-56438 $DC67 DEFB $08,$16,$2C,$18 $DC6B DEFB $00,$20,$40,$80 $DC6F DEFB $00,$80,$80,$00 $DC73 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; 8track sprite 3 right 56439-56454 $DC77 DEFB $1C,$BE,$5D,$49 $DC7B DEFB $5D,$3E,$9C,$21 $DC7F DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$11 $DC83 DEFB $55,$FF,$FF,$02 ; radio sprite 3 right 56455-56470 $DC87 DEFB $00,$BE,$7F,$01 $DC8B DEFB $81,$FF,$AB,$FF $DC8F DEFB $CD,$B5,$97,$CD $DC93 DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$00 ; walkman sprite 3 right 56471-56486 $DC97 DEFB $E0,$18,$04,$F2 $DC9B DEFB $F2,$F7,$F5,$F9 $DC9F DEFB $FB,$F6,$F6,$F0 $DCA3 DEFB $F0,$F0,$F0,$F0 ; toothbrush sprite 4 left 56487-56502 $DCA7 DEFB $00,$1C,$23,$40 $DCAB DEFB $40,$21,$21,$20 $DCAF DEFB $43,$4E,$3D,$30 $DCB3 DEFB $02,$02,$04,$04 ; 8track sprite 4 left 56503-56518 $DCB7 DEFB $38,$45,$EE,$FE $DCBB DEFB $EE,$44,$B9,$C2 $DCBF DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$AB $DCC3 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$40 ; radio sprite 4 left 56519-56534 $DCC7 DEFB $00,$00,$7F,$3F $DCCB DEFB $40,$7F,$7F,$40 $DCCF DEFB $54,$4A,$54,$4A $DCD3 DEFB $54,$40,$7F,$00 ; walkman sprite 4 left 56535-56550 $DCD7 DEFB $0F,$30,$40,$4F $DCDB DEFB $E8,$A9,$AB,$AC $DCDF DEFB $EC,$CA,$09,$0B $DCE3 DEFB $0C,$0C,$0A,$0F ; toothbrush sprite 4 right 56551-56566 $DCE7 DEFB $00,$04,$0B,$96 $DCEB DEFB $8C,$00,$10,$20 $DCEF DEFB $40,$80,$40,$C0 $DCF3 DEFB $80,$80,$00,$00 ; 8track sprite 4 right 56567-56582 $DCF7 DEFB $1C,$BA,$79,$77 $DCFB DEFB $4F,$2E,$9C,$21 $DCFF DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$11 $DD03 DEFB $95,$FF,$FF,$02 ; radio sprite 4 right 56583-56598 $DD07 DEFB $00,$00,$80,$7E $DD0B DEFB $FF,$81,$81,$FF $DD0F DEFB $AB,$FF,$CD,$B5 $DD13 DEFB $97,$CD,$FF,$00 ; walkman sprite 4 left 56599-56614 $DD17 DEFB $C0,$30,$08,$F4 $DD1B DEFB $F2,$F2,$F7,$F5 $DD1F DEFB $F5,$F5,$F3,$F3 $DD23 DEFB $F0,$F0,$F0,$F0 ; level 7 enemy sprites set #1 b$DD27 DEFB $7F ; angry duck sprite 1 left 56616-56631 $DD28 DEFB $1F,$31,$60,$56 $DD2C DEFB $52,$61,$76,$6B $DD30 DEFB $28,$0B,$06,$60 $DD34 DEFB $3F,$3B,$18,$0F ; cup saucer sprite 1 left 56632-56647 $DD38 DEFB $00,$07,$08,$10 $DD3C DEFB $10,$10,$5F,$5F $DD40 DEFB $DF,$EF,$E0,$7F $DD44 DEFB $7F,$1F,$00,$00 ; monster head sprite 1 left 56648-56663 $DD48 DEFB $0F,$3F,$3F,$7A $DD4C DEFB $F2,$C7,$D9,$D5 $DD50 DEFB $D4,$D4,$D4,$D6 $DD54 DEFB $D3,$D9,$FD,$7E ; chinese sprite 1 left 56664-56679 $DD58 DEFB $01,$07,$1F,$7F $DD5C DEFB $FF,$00,$09,$0F $DD60 DEFB $16,$38,$3E,$3E $DD64 DEFB $1E,$01,$3F,$63 ; angry duck sprite 1 right 56680-56695 $DD68 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$A0 $DD6C DEFB $20,$C0,$E8,$F8 $DD70 DEFB $70,$88,$70,$00 $DD74 DEFB $C0,$E0,$E0,$C0 ; cup saucer sprite 1 right 56696-56711 $DD78 DEFB $00,$C0,$40,$5C $DD7C DEFB $44,$84,$98,$C0 $DD80 DEFB $C0,$98,$38,$F0 $DD84 DEFB $E0,$00,$00,$00 ; monster head sprite 1 right 56712-56727 $DD88 DEFB $00,$B8,$7C,$7C $DD8C DEFB $64,$64,$6C,$38 $DD90 DEFB $83,$FD,$7F,$14 $DD94 DEFB $00,$FE,$FC,$00 ; chinese sprite 1 right 56728-56743 $DD98 DEFB $80,$E0,$F8,$FE $DD9C DEFB $FF,$00,$30,$F0 $DDA0 DEFB $E8,$1C,$FC,$F8 $DDA4 DEFB $E0,$18,$FC,$C6 ; angry duck sprite 2 left 56744-56759 $DDA8 DEFB $1F,$3F,$21,$4C $DDAC DEFB $44,$63,$76,$68 $DDB0 DEFB $29,$04,$03,$00 $DDB4 DEFB $3F,$77,$11,$0F ; cup saucer sprite 2 left 56760-56775 $DDB8 DEFB $00,$07,$08,$10 $DDBC DEFB $10,$50,$DF,$DF $DDC0 DEFB $DF,$EF,$E0,$78 $DDC4 DEFB $3F,$1F,$07,$00 ; monster head sprite 2 left 56776-56791 $DDC8 DEFB $0E,$3F,$7A,$F2 $DDCC DEFB $E7,$D9,$D5,$D4 $DDD0 DEFB $D4,$D4,$D6,$D3 $DDD4 DEFB $D9,$FD,$7E,$1F ; chinese sprite 2 left 56792-56807 $DDD8 DEFB $00,$07,$1E,$3F $DDDC DEFB $7F,$3F,$1F,$27 $DDE0 DEFB $30,$38,$3E,$3E $DDE4 DEFB $1E,$01,$3F,$63 ; 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worm sprite 1 right 57706-57721 $E16A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E16E DEFB $C0,$B0,$60,$58 $E172 DEFB $30,$2C,$1B,$16 $E176 DEFB $06,$07,$03,$00 ; boulder sprite 1 right 57722-57737 $E17A DEFB $00,$F8,$7C,$FE $E17E DEFB $FE,$F4,$F8,$F2 $E182 DEFB $EA,$D2,$A2,$56 $E186 DEFB $84,$08,$38,$C0 ; bat sprite 1 right 57738-57753 $E18A DEFB $00,$08,$F9,$53 $E18E DEFB $F4,$E2,$02,$62 $E192 DEFB $63,$64,$FC,$C6 $E196 DEFB $42,$C1,$00,$00 ; skull and crossbones sprite 1 right 57754-57769 $E19A DEFB $E0,$F0,$90,$90 $E19E DEFB $D0,$70,$F0,$50 $E1A2 DEFB $13,$E7,$1E,$20 $E1A6 DEFB $C0,$30,$1C,$0E ; worm sprite 2 left 57770-57785 $E1AA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$06 $E1AE DEFB $01,$0C,$16,$18 $E1B2 DEFB $2C,$30,$58,$60 $E1B6 DEFB $30,$40,$60,$00 ; boulder sprite 2 left 57786-57801 $E1BA DEFB $00,$03,$1F,$75 $E1BE DEFB $CF,$DF,$FF,$DF $E1C2 DEFB $FF,$FF,$7F,$75 $E1C6 DEFB $6A,$10,$0F,$00 ; bat sprite 2 left 57802-57817 $E1CA DEFB $00,$00,$12,$13 $E1CE DEFB $19,$15,$10,$10 $E1D2 DEFB $10,$10,$10,$16 $E1D6 DEFB $19,$11,$03,$00 ; skull and crossbones sprite 2 left 57818-57833 $E1DA DEFB $01,$07,$09,$09 $E1DE DEFB $0B,$0E,$0B,$08 $E1E2 DEFB $0E,$E3,$F0,$0C $E1E6 DEFB $03,$7C,$70,$00 ; worm sprite 2 right 57834-57849 $E1EA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80 $E1EE DEFB $60,$C0,$B0,$60 $E1F2 DEFB $58,$30,$2B,$16 $E1F6 DEFB $16,$07,$03,$00 ; boulder sprite 2 right 57850-57865 $E1FA DEFB $00,$C0,$F0,$FC $E1FE DEFB $FC,$FE,$FA,$F2 $E202 DEFB $EA,$F2,$EA,$52 $E206 DEFB $02,$04,$98,$00 ; bat sprite 2 right 57866-57881 $E20A DEFB $00,$00,$08,$F8 $E20E DEFB $54,$F4,$E4,$04 $E212 DEFB $64,$64,$64,$FC $E216 DEFB $44,$40,$60,$00 ; skull and crossbones sprite 2 right 57882-57897 $E21A DEFB $F0,$F8,$F8,$98 $E21E DEFB $98,$D0,$F0,$A0 $E222 DEFB $20,$CE,$3E,$CC $E226 DEFB $00,$FC,$1C,$00 ; worm sprite 3 left 57898-57913 $E22A DEFB $00,$00,$01,$0D $E22E DEFB $06,$19,$0D,$30 $E232 DEFB $19,$60,$30,$40 $E236 DEFB $30,$40,$60,$00 ; boulder sprite 3 left 57914-57929 $E23A DEFB $03,$1F,$1A,$27 $E23E DEFB $6F,$7F,$6F,$7F $E242 DEFB $7F,$3F,$3F,$75 $E246 DEFB $6A,$30,$1F,$00 ; bat sprite 3 left 57930-57945 $E24A DEFB $00,$00,$02,$03 $E24E DEFB $05,$05,$06,$04 $E252 DEFB $04,$08,$08,$08 $E256 DEFB $0A,$0D,$09,$03 ; skull and crossbones sprite 3 left 57946-57961 $E25A DEFB $07,$0F,$0C,$0C $E25E DEFB $0D,$0F,$0F,$05 $E262 DEFB $C4,$E3,$78,$04 $E266 DEFB $03,$0C,$38,$70 ; worm sprite 3 right 57962-57977 $E26A DEFB $00,$00,$80,$00 $E26E DEFB $C0,$80,$40,$C0 $E272 DEFB $A0,$60,$CC,$18 $E276 DEFB $58,$3C,$0C,$00 ; boulder sprite 3 right 57978-57993 $E27A DEFB $F0,$F8,$F8,$FC $E27E DEFB $FC,$FC,$F6,$F2 $E282 DEFB $E2,$C2,$A4,$4C $E286 DEFB $88,$38,$E0,$00 ; bat sprite 3 right 57994-58009 $E28A DEFB $00,$00,$08,$F8 $E28E DEFB $54,$F4,$EC,$14 $E292 DEFB $64,$68,$68,$68 $E296 DEFB $F8,$C8,$40,$60 ; skull and crossbones sprite 3 right 58010-58025 $E29A DEFB $E0,$F0,$90,$90 $E29E DEFB $D0,$70,$F0,$50 $E2A2 DEFB $16,$EE,$1C,$E0 $E2A6 DEFB $00,$E0,$38,$1C ; worm sprite 4 left 58026-58041 $E2AA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E2AE DEFB $06,$19,$2B,$30 $E2B2 DEFB $58,$60,$B0,$C0 $E2B6 DEFB $60,$80,$C0,$00 ; boulder sprite 4 left 58042-58057 $E2BA DEFB $00,$19,$3A,$67 $E2BE DEFB $6F,$7F,$6F,$7F $E2C2 DEFB $7F,$7F,$7F,$3D $E2C6 DEFB $3A,$0F,$03,$00 ; bat sprite 4 left 58058-58073 $E2CA DEFB $00,$02,$23,$31 $E2CE DEFB $2D,$22,$21,$20 $E2D2 DEFB $10,$10,$10,$3E $E2D6 DEFB $31,$23,$06,$00 ; skull and crossbones sprite 4 left 58074-58089 $E2DA DEFB $0F,$1F,$1F,$19 $E2DE DEFB $19,$0B,$0F,$05 $E2E2 DEFB $04,$73,$7C,$03 $E2E6 DEFB $00,$1F,$1C,$00 ; worm sprite 4 right 58090-58105 $E2EA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E2EE DEFB $C0,$80,$60,$C0 $E2F2 DEFB $B0,$60,$56,$2C $E2F6 DEFB $2C,$0E,$06,$00 ; boulder sprite 4 right 58106-58121 $E2FA DEFB $00,$F0,$F8,$FE $E2FE DEFB $FA,$FA,$F1,$F1 $E302 DEFB $E5,$D1,$A5,$43 $E306 DEFB $0E,$F8,$C0,$00 ; bat sprite 4 right 58122-58137 $E30A DEFB $00,$08,$F8,$52 $E30E DEFB $F2,$EE,$12,$E2 $E312 DEFB $62,$62,$64,$FC $E316 DEFB $C4,$42,$C0,$00 ; skull and crossbones sprite 4 right 58138-58153 $E31A DEFB $80,$E0,$90,$90 $E31E DEFB $D0,$70,$D0,$10 $E322 DEFB $70,$C7,$1F,$23 $E326 DEFB $C0,$3E,$0E,$00 ; level 3 enemy sprites set #2 b$E32A DEFB $7F ; bird sprite 1 left 58155-58170 $E32B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E32F DEFB $FC,$FE,$1F,$0F $E333 DEFB $E7,$10,$1F,$0E $E337 DEFB $67,$38,$08,$0C ; evil eye sprite 1 left 58171-58186 $E33B DEFB $7F,$FF,$5F,$E1 $E33F DEFB $7E,$F0,$6C,$DC $E343 DEFB $6E,$F7,$78,$FF $E347 DEFB $7F,$00,$08,$07 ; beetle sprite 1 left 58187-58202 $E34B DEFB $03,$04,$43,$20 $E34F DEFB $0F,$1F,$1F,$DF $E353 DEFB $1F,$1D,$15,$15 $E357 DEFB $0D,$2D,$47,$00 ; parrot sprite 1 left 58203-58218 $E35B DEFB $23,$24,$28,$28 $E35F DEFB $28,$28,$28,$24 $E363 DEFB $23,$24,$2B,$28 $E367 DEFB $2D,$2C,$2E,$2E ; bird sprite 1 right 58219-58234 $E36B DEFB $F8,$C0,$DF,$CF $E36F DEFB $01,$70,$70,$77 $E373 DEFB $70,$F0,$D0,$20 $E377 DEFB $CC,$38,$40,$40 ; evil eye sprite 1 right 58235-58250 $E37B DEFB $FA,$FD,$FA,$85 $E37F DEFB $7A,$0D,$B2,$39 $E383 DEFB $72,$ED,$1A,$FD $E387 DEFB $FA,$00,$10,$E0 ; beetle sprite 1 right 58251-58266 $E38B DEFB $C0,$20,$C4,$08 $E38F DEFB $F0,$58,$48,$4B $E393 DEFB $48,$48,$48,$58 $E397 DEFB $50,$74,$E2,$00 ; parrot sprite 1 right 58267-58282 $E39B DEFB $E0,$10,$08,$08 $E39F DEFB $88,$08,$08,$10 $E3A3 DEFB $EE,$17,$FF,$FF $E3A7 DEFB $01,$FC,$20,$20 ; bird sprite 2 left 58283-58298 $E3AB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E3AF DEFB $00,$FC,$FF,$0F $E3B3 DEFB $67,$90,$1F,$0E $E3B7 DEFB $07,$38,$0C,$06 ; evil eye sprite 2 left 58299-58314 $E3BB DEFB $7F,$FF,$5F,$E7 $E3BF DEFB $79,$FE,$60,$DE $E3C3 DEFB $6E,$F7,$78,$FF $E3C7 DEFB $7F,$00,$08,$07 ; beetle sprite 2 left 58315-58330 $E3CB DEFB $03,$04,$43,$20 $E3CF DEFB $0F,$1E,$1E,$DE $E3D3 DEFB $3A,$34,$35,$35 $E3D7 DEFB $1D,$2B,$49,$00 ; parrot sprite 2 left 58331-58346 $E3DB DEFB $23,$24,$28,$29 $E3DF DEFB $29,$29,$28,$24 $E3E3 DEFB $23,$24,$2B,$28 $E3E7 DEFB $2D,$2C,$2E,$2E ; bird sprite 2 right 58347-58362 $E3EB DEFB $F8,$C0,$DC,$CE $E3EF DEFB $06,$72,$70,$76 $E3F3 DEFB $71,$F0,$D0,$20 $E3F7 DEFB $C0,$30,$40,$80 ; evil eye sprite 2 right 58363-58378 $E3FB DEFB $FA,$FD,$FA,$E5 $E3FF DEFB $9A,$7D,$02,$59 $E403 DEFB $12,$2D,$1A,$FD $E407 DEFB $FA,$00,$10,$E0 ; beetle sprite 2 right 58379-58394 $E40B DEFB $C0,$20,$C4,$08 $E40F DEFB $F0,$B8,$AC,$AF $E413 DEFB $AC,$54,$54,$54 $E417 DEFB $58,$B4,$32,$00 ; parrot sprite 2 right 58395-58410 $E41B DEFB $E0,$10,$08,$C8 $E41F DEFB $48,$C8,$08,$10 $E423 DEFB $EE,$17,$FF,$FF $E427 DEFB $01,$80,$FC,$20 ; bird sprite 3 left 58411-58426 $E42B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $E42F DEFB $00,$00,$0E,$1F $E433 DEFB $3F,$78,$67,$4E $E437 DEFB $07,$01,$01,$07 ; evil eye sprite 3 left 58427-58442 $E43B DEFB $7F,$FF,$5F,$EF $E43F DEFB $73,$FD,$7E,$C0 $E443 DEFB $6F,$F7,$78,$FF $E447 DEFB $7F,$00,$08,$07 ; beetle sprite 3 left 58443-58458 $E44B DEFB $03,$04,$43,$20 $E44F DEFB $0F,$1E,$3E,$FC $E453 DEFB $7B,$69,$57,$51 $E457 DEFB $37,$23,$41,$00 ; parrot sprite 3 left 58459-58474 $E45B DEFB $23,$24,$29,$2A $E45F DEFB $2A,$2A,$29,$24 $E463 DEFB $23,$24,$2B,$28 $E467 DEFB $2D,$2D,$2E,$2E ; bird sprite 3 right 58475-58490 $E46B DEFB $F8,$C0,$DC,$CC $E46F DEFB $0C,$74,$70,$70 $E473 DEFB $76,$F2,$D2,$20 $E477 DEFB $C0,$00,$00,$C0 ; evil eye sprite 3 right 58491-58506 $E47B DEFB $FA,$FD,$FA,$F5 $E47F DEFB $CA,$BD,$7E,$21 $E483 DEFB $02,$8D,$1A,$FD $E487 DEFB $FA,$00,$10,$E0 ; beetle sprite 3 right 58507-58522 $E48B DEFB $C0,$20,$C4,$08 $E48F DEFB $F0,$B8,$AC,$6F $E493 DEFB $AC,$34,$D4,$14 $E497 DEFB $D8,$94,$02,$00 ; parrot sprite 3 right 58523-58538 $E49B DEFB $E0,$10,$C8,$28 $E49F DEFB $28,$28,$C8,$10 $E4A3 DEFB $EE,$17,$FF,$FF $E4A7 DEFB $01,$78,$80,$FC ; bird sprite 4 left 58539-58554 $E4AB DEFB $00,$00,$E0,$78 $E4AF DEFB $1C,$1E,$8F,$4F $E4B3 DEFB $27,$10,$1F,$0E $E4B7 DEFB $07,$38,$0C,$06 ; evil eye sprite 4 left 58555-58570 $E4BB DEFB $7F,$FF,$5F,$EF $E4BF DEFB $77,$FB,$7D,$FE $E4C3 DEFB $60,$F7,$78,$FF $E4C7 DEFB $7F,$00,$08,$07 ; beetle sprite 4 left 58571-58586 $E4CB DEFB $03,$04,$03,$60 $E4CF DEFB $0F,$1E,$1E,$5E $E4D3 DEFB $BA,$34,$34,$34 $E4D7 DEFB $1C,$68,$08,$00 ; parrot sprite 4 left 58587-58602 $E4DB DEFB $23,$27,$2E,$2C $E4DF DEFB $2C,$2C,$2E,$27 $E4E3 DEFB $23,$24,$2B,$28 $E4E7 DEFB $2D,$2C,$2E,$2E ; bird sprite 4 right 58603-58618 $E4EB DEFB $F8,$C0,$DC,$CE $E4EF DEFB $06,$72,$77,$74 $E4F3 DEFB $70,$F0,$D0,$20 $E4F7 DEFB $C0,$30,$40,$80 ; evil eye sprite 4 right 58619-58634 $E4FB DEFB $FA,$FD,$FA,$F5 $E4FF DEFB $EA,$DD,$BE,$7D $E503 DEFB $02,$C5,$0A,$FD $E507 DEFB $FA,$00,$10,$E0 ; beetle sprite 4 right 58635-58650 $E50B DEFB $C0,$20,$C0,$0C $E50F DEFB $F0,$B8,$AC,$AE $E513 DEFB $AD,$54,$54,$54 $E517 DEFB $58,$36,$30,$00 ; parrot sprite 4 right 58651-58666 $E51B DEFB $E0,$F0,$38,$18 $E51F DEFB $18,$18,$38,$F0 $E523 DEFB $EE,$17,$FF,$FF $E527 DEFB $01,$80,$FC,$20 ; $df landing area graphics LHS level 6 size 4*24 b$E52B DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $E52C DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E52D DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E52E DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $E52F DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E530 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E531 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $E532 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E533 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E534 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $E535 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E536 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E537 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E538 DEFB $1F,$1F,$00,$7F,$7F,$00,$FF,$FF $E540 DEFB $00,$FF,$C0,$C6,$C6,$C6,$F7,$FF $E548 DEFB $00,$17,$17,$17,$17,$00,$3F,$00 $E550 DEFB $FF,$C0,$00,$FF,$80,$00,$FF,$00 $E558 DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$31,$31,$31,$BD,$FF $E560 DEFB $00,$02,$02,$02,$02,$00,$87,$00 $E568 DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00 $E570 DEFB $00,$FF,$00,$8C,$8C,$8C,$EF,$FF $E578 DEFB $00,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$00,$F0,$00 $E580 DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00 $E588 DEFB $00,$FF,$03,$63,$63,$63,$7B,$FF $E590 DEFB $00,$5C,$5C,$5C,$5C,$00,$FE,$00 ; $44 LHS yellow earth section size 1*40 b$E598 DEFB $84 ; graphic info. $E599 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E59A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01 $E5A2 DEFB $02,$02,$03,$03,$03,$01,$01,$09 $E5AA DEFB $09,$0D,$0C,$0C,$1C,$19,$19,$19 $E5B2 DEFB $12,$13,$15,$16,$06,$0A,$1E,$1E $E5BA DEFB $0E,$2E,$6C,$3C,$5A,$5A,$52,$71 ; $ee signpost post size 1*8 b$E5C2 DEFB $80 ; graphic info. $E5C3 DEFB $10 ; attribute (red paper, black ink) $E5C4 DEFB $CF,$27,$8F,$17,$2F,$87,$27,$FF ; $ed caves sign size 3*16 b$E5CC DEFB $11 ; graphic info. ; left attributes b$E5CD DEFB $18 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $E5CE DEFB $18 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) ; middle attributes b$E5CF DEFB $18 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $E5D0 DEFB $18 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) ; right attributes b$E5D1 DEFB $18 ; attribute (green paper, black ink) $E5D2 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $E5D3 DEFB $FF,$F8,$C0,$C0,$99,$B2,$A2,$A3 $E5DB DEFB $A1,$B0,$B9,$9F,$8E,$C0,$F0,$FF $E5E3 DEFB $FF,$00,$08,$25,$B5,$95,$88,$80 $E5EB DEFB $C2,$01,$05,$01,$05,$0B,$07,$FF $E5F3 DEFB $FF,$1F,$C3,$2D,$C9,$05,$D9,$03 $E5FB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $43 LHS yellow earth vertical section size 3*56 b$E603 DEFB $96 ; graphic info. $E604 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E605 DEFB $DB,$83,$85,$CD,$CE,$CE,$E7,$E7 $E60D DEFB $67,$77,$33,$31,$19,$89,$88,$5C $E615 DEFB $58,$78,$B1,$B1,$B7,$9F,$CB,$C7 $E61D DEFB $EF,$FF,$EE,$D7,$D3,$BA,$AB,$DD $E625 DEFB $D4,$B7,$B6,$B3,$99,$88,$89,$DF $E62D DEFB $C7,$42,$62,$33,$36,$1D,$99,$98 $E635 DEFB $CC,$CE,$EF,$B5,$B4,$1C,$18,$8E $E63D DEFB $38,$B8,$D8,$C8,$EC,$E6,$66,$63 $E645 DEFB $73,$B3,$B3,$9B,$C9,$CD,$87,$C3 $E64D DEFB $EE,$D9,$F0,$E9,$F0,$C2,$C7,$C7 $E655 DEFB $9F,$37,$B3,$93,$63,$CB,$FD,$F6 $E65D DEFB $63,$73,$31,$39,$98,$4C,$E6,$F9 $E665 DEFB $3C,$1E,$0E,$0F,$87,$C7,$83,$E3 $E66D DEFB $73,$31,$19,$98,$CC,$64,$59,$3F $E675 DEFB $37,$25,$2D,$6C,$C8,$98,$99,$B6 $E67D DEFB $3E,$62,$4D,$4D,$A6,$A6,$D3,$F3 $E685 DEFB $73,$B9,$D9,$DD,$ED,$EF,$77,$77 $E68D DEFB $7B,$7B,$B9,$B1,$90,$90,$98,$C9 $E695 DEFB $C9,$CD,$C5,$C5,$E7,$67,$33,$1B $E69D DEFB $4D,$17,$07,$0B,$1B,$1B,$B5,$B5 $E6A5 DEFB $B3,$B3,$91,$C9,$C9,$89,$8B,$DF ; $46 LHS yellow earth section size 2*16 b$E6AD DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $E6AE DEFB $06 ; upper left attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6AF DEFB $00 ; lower left attribute (black paper, black ink) $E6B0 DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6B1 DEFB $30 ; lower right attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E6B2 DEFB $71,$38,$0E,$03,$01,$01,$00,$00 $E6BA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $E6C2 DEFB $86,$CC,$5C,$18,$3A,$BE,$BF,$9F $E6CA DEFB $A4,$D4,$F2,$FB,$D9,$CD,$F6,$FE ; $47 RHS yellow earth section size 2*16 b$E6D2 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $E6D3 DEFB $06 ; upper left attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6D4 DEFB $30 ; lower left attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E6D5 DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6D6 DEFB $00 ; lower right attribute (black paper, black ink) $E6D7 DEFB $D9,$97,$26,$2D,$4E,$4E,$64,$F0 $E6DF DEFB $C7,$67,$2F,$3F,$9B,$93,$37,$FF $E6E7 DEFB $67,$4C,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00 $E6EF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $55 yellow earth weak bridge size 6*8 b$E6F7 DEFB $28 ; graphic info. $E6F8 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6F9 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6FA DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E6FB DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E6FC DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6FD DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E6FE DEFB $6E,$C4,$90,$13,$31,$39,$98,$9C $E706 DEFB $3B,$EC,$58,$03,$F7,$EE,$F8,$70 $E70E DEFB $D7,$62,$BB,$8D,$C7,$F1,$FF,$FF $E716 DEFB $18,$76,$3F,$8C,$66,$FF,$FF,$FF $E71E DEFB $1A,$E6,$3B,$93,$80,$00,$00,$00 $E726 DEFB $E9,$72,$66,$84,$F3,$3F,$0F,$07 ; $e3 landing area graphics LHS level 2 size 4*24 b$E72E DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $E72F DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $E730 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E731 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $E732 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $E733 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E734 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $E735 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $E736 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E737 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $E738 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $E739 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E73A DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E73B DEFB $01,$0A,$37,$0D,$2A,$45,$29,$24 $E743 DEFB $01,$03,$03,$03,$02,$06,$06,$06 $E74B DEFB $02,$09,$0B,$0B,$0D,$0D,$08,$10 $E753 DEFB $12,$A9,$4A,$B7,$5A,$25,$04,$02 $E75B DEFB $A0,$68,$31,$27,$93,$59,$D9,$99 $E763 DEFB $99,$19,$B8,$A8,$AC,$E6,$C0,$E0 $E76B DEFB $88,$52,$D5,$AA,$D3,$24,$89,$00 $E773 DEFB $86,$61,$E7,$AF,$DB,$DD,$DD,$9D $E77B DEFB $BE,$3E,$38,$60,$03,$97,$D6,$04 $E783 DEFB $45,$92,$4D,$B6,$DC,$AB,$14,$02 $E78B DEFB $78,$AE,$24,$8B,$1F,$DE,$DE,$92 $E793 DEFB $18,$28,$24,$F4,$F8,$90,$00,$00 ; $77 gem size 2*16 b$E79B DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E79C DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E79D DEFB $01,$03,$07,$17,$23,$08,$73,$F7 $E7A5 DEFB $F7,$73,$08,$23,$17,$07,$03,$01 $E7AD DEFB $80,$C0,$E0,$E8,$C4,$10,$CE,$EF $E7B5 DEFB $EF,$CE,$10,$C4,$E8,$E0,$C0,$80 ; $79 snake size 2*16 b$E7BD DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E7BE DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E7BF DEFB $00,$CF,$69,$87,$00,$1F,$3F,$70 $E7C7 DEFB $5F,$6A,$3F,$00,$1F,$7F,$60,$55 $E7CF DEFB $F0,$98,$F8,$F8,$1C,$FC,$F8,$00 $E7D7 DEFB $F8,$9C,$EE,$36,$EE,$FE,$0E,$54 ; $75 feather size 2*16 b$E7DF DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E7E0 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E7E1 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$01,$05,$05,$05,$14 $E7E9 DEFB $16,$12,$51,$5B,$66,$2C,$3B,$EC $E7F1 DEFB $00,$52,$52,$54,$4D,$68,$1B,$B0 $E7F9 DEFB $6E,$C0,$BC,$03,$FC,$00,$F0,$00 ; $7c aqualung size 2*16 b$E801 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E802 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $E803 DEFB $06,$29,$4B,$46,$52,$57,$70,$5A $E80B DEFB $79,$78,$71,$66,$6F,$69,$36,$00 $E813 DEFB $00,$38,$4C,$5C,$5C,$7C,$5C,$7C $E81B DEFB $7C,$7C,$7C,$7C,$7C,$7C,$38,$00 ; $49 flame torch size 2*16 b$E823 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $E824 DEFB $05 ; upper left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E825 DEFB $07 ; lower left attribute (black paper, white ink) $E826 DEFB $02 ; upper right attribute (black paper, red ink) $E827 DEFB $00 ; lower right attribute (black paper, black ink) $E828 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$04,$06 $E830 DEFB $0F,$C5,$32,$08,$24,$60,$40,$80 $E838 DEFB $50,$50,$A0,$48,$A8,$B0,$40,$00 $E840 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $dd landing area graphics LHS level 8 size 4*24 b$E848 DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $E849 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E84A DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E84B DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $E84C DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E84D DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E84E DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $E84F DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E850 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E851 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $E852 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E853 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E854 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E855 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $E85D DEFB $00,$00,$01,$03,$07,$06,$0F,$1D $E865 DEFB $1E,$38,$34,$78,$69,$F2,$F0,$00 $E86D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$03,$0F,$3D $E875 DEFB $76,$E8,$D0,$A3,$4C,$83,$3C,$03 $E87D DEFB $3C,$C3,$3C,$00,$FF,$AA,$00,$00 $E885 DEFB $00,$01,$0F,$7D,$F6,$B8,$40,$83 $E88D DEFB $1C,$C3,$3C,$C3,$3C,$C3,$3C,$C3 $E895 DEFB $3C,$C3,$3C,$00,$FF,$AA,$00,$00 $E89D DEFB $0F,$E7,$F0,$A3,$07,$C3,$37,$C3 $E8A5 DEFB $37,$C3,$37,$C3,$37,$C3,$37,$C3 $E8AD DEFB $37,$C3,$37,$03,$F7,$A3,$07,$00 ; $68 mike size 2*16 b$E8B5 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $E8B6 DEFB $05 ; upper left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E8B7 DEFB $04 ; lower left attribute (black paper, green ink) $E8B8 DEFB $03 ; upper right attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E8B9 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $E8BA DEFB $00,$0E,$15,$0B,$15,$0B,$15,$0A $E8C2 DEFB $00,$04,$04,$04,$04,$00,$17,$00 $E8CA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$00,$08,$08 $E8D2 DEFB $80,$88,$50,$48,$30,$00,$00,$00 ; $69 camera size 2*16 b$E8DA DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E8DB DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E8DC DEFB $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$78,$3F,$3F,$3F $E8E4 DEFB $3F,$00,$03,$07,$0F,$1E,$3C,$00 $E8EC DEFB $00,$00,$E0,$F3,$37,$B7,$B7,$B3 $E8F4 DEFB $F0,$00,$C0,$80,$40,$00,$00,$00 ; $6a time bomb size 2*16 b$E8FC DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $E8FD DEFB $03 ; upper left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E8FE DEFB $04 ; lower left attribute (black paper, green ink) $E8FF DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E900 DEFB $02 ; lower right attribute (black paper, red ink) $E901 DEFB $1C,$22,$41,$45,$49,$22,$5D,$48 $E909 DEFB $23,$00,$EE,$00,$EE,$00,$77,$00 $E911 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$03,$02,$00,$02 $E919 DEFB $71,$01,$EA,$00,$E8,$00,$70,$00 ; $7b shell size 2*16 b$E921 DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $E922 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $E923 DEFB $01,$02,$04,$12,$00,$2B,$24,$25 $E92B DEFB $05,$2B,$00,$13,$04,$05,$03,$01 $E933 DEFB $80,$C0,$60,$D8,$38,$D4,$EC,$EC $E93B DEFB $EC,$D4,$38,$D8,$E0,$E0,$C0,$80 ; $25 yellow pillar (found on island 3) size 2*32 b$E943 DEFB $8B ; graphic info. $E944 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $E945 DEFB $B8,$B8,$BA,$B4,$FB,$B5,$B8,$FF $E94D DEFB $BC,$B7,$BC,$B6,$FA,$BF,$F8,$BF $E955 DEFB $B8,$B5,$B9,$BE,$BD,$F7,$B8,$FF $E95D DEFB $B8,$BC,$BA,$B4,$FC,$B2,$B8,$FF $E965 DEFB $03,$45,$AB,$A5,$13,$13,$01,$FF $E96D DEFB $01,$53,$E5,$4F,$E5,$57,$01,$FF $E975 DEFB $01,$57,$53,$A5,$53,$13,$01,$FF $E97D DEFB $01,$DB,$A9,$DB,$8B,$8B,$01,$FF ; $26 marble paving (also on top of 3 pillars) (found on island 3) size 2*8 b$E985 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $E986 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $E987 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$44,$77,$00,$FF,$00 $E98F DEFB $7F,$00,$2A,$44,$77,$00,$7F,$00 ; $e2 landing area graphics LHS level 3 size 4*24 b$E997 DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $E998 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E999 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E99A DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $E99B DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E99C DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E99D DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $E99E DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E99F DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E9A0 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $E9A1 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $E9A2 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $E9A3 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $E9A4 DEFB $00,$30,$48,$43,$CE,$FC,$70,$00 $E9AC DEFB $08,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$10 $E9B4 DEFB $04,$00,$12,$00,$97,$00,$97,$00 $E9BC DEFB $00,$00,$00,$80,$40,$00,$01,$00 $E9C4 DEFB $55,$80,$23,$AF,$15,$80,$55,$00 $E9CC DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $E9D4 DEFB $07,$00,$1D,$00,$7B,$00,$DD,$00 $E9DC DEFB $55,$00,$94,$33,$96,$00,$55,$00 $E9E4 DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 $E9EC DEFB $7E,$00,$EB,$00,$77,$00,$DD,$00 $E9F4 DEFB $55,$00,$4B,$76,$9A,$00,$55,$00 $E9FC DEFB $FF,$00,$AA,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 ; $3e green platforms (found on island 3) size 2*8 b$EA04 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $EA05 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $EA06 DEFB $FF,$A0,$53,$A3,$03,$03,$03,$00 $EA0E DEFB $FF,$2A,$D5,$AA,$80,$80,$80,$00 ; $27 magenta gargoyle size 1*24 b$EA16 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $EA17 DEFB $18 ; attribute (magenta paper, black ink) $EA18 DEFB $78,$10,$3C,$A6,$AB,$F6,$DC,$F0 $EA20 DEFB $E4,$FC,$A8,$5E,$59,$6C,$9C,$C6 $EA28 DEFB $E2,$C6,$E7,$C3,$AD,$FF,$00,$FF ; $59 yellow stripe roof (found on island 3) size 1*24 b$EA30 DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $EA31 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EA32 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$88,$99,$99,$99 $EA3A DEFB $99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99 $EA42 DEFB $99,$BB,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00 ; $5a yellow stripe roof LHS edge (found on island 3) size 1*24 b$EA4A DEFB $82 ; graphic info. $EA4B DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EA4C DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$86,$8C,$8C,$88 $EA54 DEFB $98,$98,$98,$90,$90,$B0,$B0,$A0 $EA5C DEFB $A0,$A0,$E0,$00,$E0,$E0,$E0,$00 ; $2b pillar outer RHS (used in rooms $2a,$2c,$6a,$6c) size 1*16 b$EA64 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $EA65 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EA66 DEFB $D9,$D5,$D1,$D1,$D9,$D5,$D1,$D1 $EA6E DEFB $D9,$D5,$D1,$D1,$D9,$D5,$D1,$00 ; $2c face carvings pillar top/bottom decoration (found on island 3) size 4*16 b$EA76 DEFB $99 ; graphic info. $EA77 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EA78 DEFB $9B,$AB,$88,$89,$98,$A9,$8A,$89 $EA80 DEFB $9A,$AA,$89,$88,$99,$A8,$8B,$00 $EA88 DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$55,$00,$22,$DD,$22 $EA90 DEFB $D5,$54,$13,$00,$55,$00,$FF,$00 $EA98 DEFB $FF,$FF,$00,$AA,$00,$44,$BB,$44 $EAA0 DEFB $AB,$2A,$C8,$00,$AA,$00,$FF,$00 $EAA8 DEFB $D9,$D5,$11,$91,$19,$95,$51,$91 $EAB0 DEFB $59,$55,$91,$11,$99,$15,$D1,$00 ; $4a black/white face with headdress (found on island 3) size 2*48 b$EAB8 DEFB $0D ; graphic info. ; left attributes top-bottom $EAB9 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EABA DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EABB DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EABC DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EABD DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EABE DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) ; right attributes top-bottom $EABF DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EAC0 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EAC1 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EAC2 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EAC3 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EAC4 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EAC5 DEFB $7F,$00,$15,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F $EACD DEFB $FF,$AA,$D5,$AF,$DD,$BA,$F7,$EF $EAD5 DEFB $DF,$C7,$E1,$B8,$EE,$D7,$D9,$BE $EADD DEFB $BF,$8F,$81,$F0,$DF,$BF,$F3,$AD $EAE5 DEFB $E7,$B1,$DF,$AB,$D5,$AA,$FF,$80 $EAED DEFB $C0,$BF,$A0,$A9,$BB,$C7,$FF,$00 $EAF5 DEFB $FF,$00,$00,$AA,$BF,$BF,$80,$DB $EAFD DEFB $E7,$B2,$7B,$D9,$B9,$FD,$7D,$BD $EB05 DEFB $DF,$EE,$FD,$76,$1D,$95,$FD,$75 $EB0D DEFB $9D,$F5,$FD,$14,$1E,$F4,$5C,$B8 $EB15 DEFB $F8,$90,$50,$34,$F2,$A6,$E0,$20 $EB1D DEFB $1F,$CE,$06,$53,$F9,$FC,$FE,$00 ; $4b white/black '88' decoration (found on island 3) size 2*56 b$EB25 DEFB $8E ; graphic info. $EB26 DEFB $38 ; attribute (white paper, black ink) $EB27 DEFB $D2,$F6,$ED,$D2,$F6,$FF,$81,$81 $EB2F DEFB $81,$81,$FF,$EB,$EB,$EB,$F5,$EA $EB37 DEFB $F5,$FF,$80,$FF,$80,$80,$80,$8F $EB3F DEFB $C6,$E0,$B0,$D0,$A0,$C6,$8F,$80 $EB47 DEFB $80,$80,$80,$FF,$C0,$DF,$D0,$D7 $EB4F DEFB $D5,$D7,$D0,$DF,$C0,$FF,$80,$80 $EB57 DEFB $80,$98,$98,$9F,$80,$80,$80,$FF $EB5F DEFB $49,$DB,$A4,$6D,$FF,$C0,$BF,$A6 $EB67 DEFB $B3,$BC,$BE,$BD,$9F,$C0,$FF,$E3 $EB6F DEFB $63,$E3,$23,$E3,$23,$23,$23,$23 $EB77 DEFB $23,$63,$E3,$A3,$63,$23,$23,$23 $EB7F DEFB $23,$23,$23,$E3,$23,$E3,$63,$63 $EB87 DEFB $63,$63,$63,$E3,$23,$E3,$A3,$E3 $EB8F DEFB $A3,$E3,$A3,$E3,$03,$03,$03,$FF ; $17 small green graphic on blimp size 2*8 b$EB97 DEFB $88 ; graphic info. $EB98 DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $EB99 DEFB $C0,$80,$00,$00,$00,$0E,$00,$2E $EBA1 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$E0,$00,$E0 ; $52 tree foliage (berries) (found on level 3) size 3*32 b$EBA9 DEFB $13 ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $EBAA DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBAB DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBAC DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $EBAD DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $EBAE DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $EBAF DEFB $04 ; attribute (black paper, green ink) $EBB0 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBB1 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $EBB2 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBB3 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBB4 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EBB5 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $EBB6 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$3E,$27,$6A,$42,$04 $EBBE DEFB $18,$00,$1E,$24,$69,$02,$1C,$80 $EBC6 DEFB $5F,$EA,$B1,$ED,$EB,$7B,$B6,$FD $EBCE DEFB $5D,$BF,$B7,$ED,$FA,$DF,$F6,$FF $EBD6 DEFB $90,$22,$48,$24,$22,$40,$10,$09 $EBDE DEFB $24,$22,$20,$D0,$12,$14,$28,$4A $EBE6 DEFB $01,$30,$78,$EC,$94,$40,$64,$18 $EBEE DEFB $7F,$AA,$B0,$ED,$EA,$DB,$F6,$FF $EBF6 DEFB $00,$0E,$7B,$64,$D0,$81,$64,$18 $EBFE DEFB $00,$3E,$F3,$E4,$90,$41,$64,$18 $EC06 DEFB $00,$3E,$73,$E4,$90,$41,$64,$18 $EC0E DEFB $7F,$FF,$AB,$35,$8B,$2A,$D5,$5B ; level 2 enemy sprites set #2 b$EC16 DEFB $7F ; scorpion sprite 1 left 60439-60454 $EC17 DEFB $3C,$62,$40,$C0 $EC1B DEFB $80,$80,$C0,$60 $EC1F DEFB $78,$3F,$1F,$27 $EC23 DEFB $45,$48,$88,$08 ; caveman sprite 1 left 60455-60470 $EC27 DEFB $04,$12,$4D,$27 $EC2B DEFB $54,$AD,$47,$37 $EC2F DEFB $7A,$35,$0E,$26 $EC33 DEFB $70,$C3,$0E,$3C ; devil sprite 1 left 60471-60486 $EC37 DEFB $17,$0F,$16,$0F $EC3B DEFB $07,$0A,$3D,$7E $EC3F DEFB $6D,$03,$67,$27 $EC43 DEFB $0B,$0C,$18,$1C ; axe sprite 1 left 60487-60502 $EC47 DEFB $00,$06,$06,$01 $EC4B DEFB $01,$04,$0E,$0E $EC4F DEFB $00,$01,$01,$00 $EC53 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; scorpion sprite 1 right 60503-60518 $EC57 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $EC5B DEFB $00,$00,$03,$0C $EC5F DEFB $17,$B0,$E6,$B9 $EC63 DEFB $18,$8C,$83,$40 ; caveman sprite 1 right 60519-60534 $EC67 DEFB $88,$54,$A8,$F5 $EC6B DEFB $9A,$B1,$CC,$3E $EC6F DEFB $FE,$FC,$E0,$10 $EC73 DEFB $F0,$38,$1C,$0F ; devil sprite 1 right 60535-60550 $EC77 DEFB $00,$08,$88,$9C $EC7B DEFB $94,$08,$14,$F4 $EC7F DEFB $68,$88,$C8,$C8 $EC83 DEFB $88,$40,$C0,$F0 ; axe sprite 1 right 60551-60566 $EC87 DEFB $00,$38,$FC,$FC $EC8B DEFB $F4,$C6,$FC,$40 $EC8F DEFB $80,$80,$C0,$C0 $EC93 DEFB $60,$60,$70,$30 ; scorpion sprite 2 left 60567-60582 $EC97 DEFB $00,$3C,$62,$C2 $EC9B DEFB $80,$80,$C0,$60 $EC9F DEFB $78,$3F,$1F,$27 $ECA3 DEFB $45,$48,$88,$90 ; caveman sprite 2 left 60583-60598 $ECA7 DEFB $12,$0A,$25,$17 $ECAB DEFB $54,$AE,$07,$37 $ECAF DEFB $73,$78,$35,$0E $ECB3 DEFB $26,$70,$C1,$07 ; devil sprite 2 left 60599-60614 $ECB7 DEFB $17,$0F,$15,$0F $ECBB DEFB $07,$1B,$7C,$F9 $ECBF DEFB $CB,$07,$C7,$4B $ECC3 DEFB $1C,$18,$30,$38 ; axe sprite 2 left 60615-60630 $ECC7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $ECCB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$06 $ECCF DEFB $0F,$7C,$F0,$C0 $ECD3 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; scorpion sprite 2 right 60631-60646 $ECD7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $ECDB DEFB $00,$06,$08,$0F $ECDF DEFB $18,$A0,$E7,$B8 $ECE3 DEFB $1C,$87,$80,$40 ; caveman sprite 2 right 60647-60662 $ECE7 DEFB $20,$48,$AA,$F4 $ECEB DEFB $9A,$BA,$F0,$CC $ECEF DEFB $3E,$FE,$FC,$E0 $ECF3 DEFB $10,$F0,$B8,$1C ; devil sprite 2 right 60663-60678 $ECF7 DEFB $48,$88,$1C,$94 $ECFB DEFB $88,$14,$B4,$68 $ECFF DEFB $68,$88,$88,$48 $ED03 DEFB $E0,$7C,$10,$00 ; axe sprite 2 right 60679-60694 $ED07 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $ED0B DEFB $C0,$E6,$C6,$18 $ED0F DEFB $7C,$FC,$5E,$5E $ED13 DEFB $4E,$7C,$20,$00 ; scorpion sprite 3 left 60695-60710 $ED17 DEFB $00,$00,$78,$C4 $ED1B DEFB $80,$80,$C0,$60 $ED1F DEFB $78,$3F,$1F,$27 $ED23 DEFB $45,$49,$08,$10 ; caveman sprite 3 left 60711-60726 $ED27 DEFB $04,$15,$4F,$57 $ED2B DEFB $2C,$56,$07,$32 $ED2F DEFB $3A,$D0,$6D,$0D $ED33 DEFB $01,$00,$1F,$06 ; devil sprite 3 left 60727-60742 $ED37 DEFB $17,$0F,$16,$0F $ED3B DEFB $07,$0B,$1D,$1C $ED3F DEFB $36,$31,$03,$33 $ED43 DEFB $14,$06,$0C,$0E ; axe sprite 3 left 60743-60758 $ED47 DEFB $0C,$0E,$06,$06 $ED4B DEFB $03,$03,$01,$01 $ED4F DEFB $02,$3F,$63,$2F $ED53 DEFB $3F,$3F,$1C,$00 ; scorpion sprite 3 right 60759-60774 $ED57 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $ED5B DEFB $00,$00,$03,$0C $ED5F DEFB $17,$B0,$E6,$B9 $ED63 DEFB $18,$0C,$83,$80 ; caveman sprite 3 right 60775-60790 $ED67 DEFB $90,$28,$AA,$F4 $ED6B DEFB $9A,$DA,$F0,$30 $ED6F DEFB $20,$00,$C0,$FC $ED73 DEFB $FE,$7E,$1C,$00 ; devil sprite 3 right 60791-60806 $ED77 DEFB $02,$02,$87,$C5 $ED7B DEFB $42,$35,$BD,$5A $ED7F DEFB $82,$C2,$C2,$A2 $ED83 DEFB $7C,$10,$00,$00 ; axe sprite 3 right 60807-60822 $ED87 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $ED8B DEFB $00,$80,$80,$00 $ED8F DEFB $70,$70,$20,$80 $ED93 DEFB $80,$60,$60,$00 ; scorpion sprite 4 left 60823-60838 $ED97 DEFB $00,$1C,$32,$21 $ED9B DEFB $20,$60,$60,$70 $ED9F DEFB $38,$3F,$1F,$2F $EDA3 DEFB $44,$88,$89,$11 ; caveman sprite 4 left 60839-60854 $EDA7 DEFB $02,$24,$13,$57 $EDAB DEFB $2C,$56,$0F,$37 $EDAF DEFB $73,$78,$35,$0E $EDB3 DEFB $26,$70,$C3,$0E ; devil sprite 4 left 60855-60870 $EDB7 DEFB $17,$0F,$15,$0F $EDBB DEFB $07,$1B,$7C,$FD $EDBF DEFB $CB,$07,$C7,$48 $EDC3 DEFB $1C,$18,$30,$38 ; axe sprite 4 left 60871-60886 $EDC7 DEFB $00,$04,$3E,$72 $EDCB DEFB $7A,$7A,$3F,$3E $EDCF DEFB $18,$63,$67,$03 $EDD3 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; scorpion sprite 4 right 60887-60902 $EDD7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $EDDB DEFB $00,$00,$00,$03 $EDDF DEFB $0C,$B7,$E0,$A6 $EDE3 DEFB $B9,$98,$07,$00 ; caveman sprite 4 right 60903-60918 $EDE7 DEFB $90,$A4,$48,$F2 $EDEB DEFB $94,$BA,$F0,$CC $EDEF DEFB $3E,$FE,$FC,$E0 $EDF3 DEFB $00,$E0,$30,$38 ; devil sprite 4 right 60919-60934 $EDF7 DEFB $40,$80,$08,$88 $EDFB DEFB $9C,$14,$88,$68 $EDFF DEFB $74,$94,$08,$C8 $EE03 DEFB $68,$68,$30,$00 ; axe sprite 4 right 60935-60950 $EE07 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $EE0B DEFB $03,$0F,$3E,$F0 $EE0F DEFB $60,$00,$00,$00 $EE13 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 ; $e6 vertical barrel (used to make up 'DDII' on 'any key to play' screen (60953-60968)) size 1*16 b$EE17 DEFB $81 ; graphic info. $EE18 DEFB $05 ; attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $EE19 DEFB $00,$5F,$5F,$00,$2E,$2E,$00,$5F $EE21 DEFB $5F,$00,$2E,$2E,$00,$5F,$5F,$00 ; $e7 RHS top horizontal and pipe bends down barrel (used to make up 'DDII' on 'any key to play' screen ; (60971-61002)) size 2*16 b$EE29 DEFB $89 $EE2A DEFB $05 ; attribute $EE2B DEFB $00,$61,$6D,$6D,$6D,$61,$0C,$61 $EE33 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EE3B DEFB $00,$80,$B0,$BC,$BC,$BE,$1E,$8E $EE43 DEFB $2E,$00,$5F,$5F,$00,$2E,$2E,$00 ; $ea RHS bottom horizontal and pipe bends up barrel used to make up 'DDII' on 'any key to play' screen ; (61005-61036) size 2*16 b$EE4B DEFB $89 $EE4C DEFB $05 ; attribute $EE4D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EE55 DEFB $61,$0C,$61,$6D,$6D,$6D,$61,$00 $EE5D DEFB $00,$2E,$2E,$00,$5F,$5F,$00,$2E $EE65 DEFB $8E,$0E,$9E,$BC,$BC,$B0,$80,$00 ; $74 crossbow size 2*16 b$EE6D DEFB $89 ; graphic info. $EE6E DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EE6F DEFB $00,$03,$00,$02,$00,$02,$00,$02 $EE77 DEFB $01,$02,$08,$1C,$38,$70,$20,$00 $EE7F DEFB $00,$86,$62,$18,$28,$54,$A4,$42 $EE87 DEFB $02,$AA,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $76 corkscrew size 2*16 b$EE8F DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $EE90 DEFB $03 ; upper left attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $EE91 DEFB $04 ; lower left attribute (black paper, green ink) $EE92 DEFB $05 ; upper right attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $EE93 DEFB $06 ; lower right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EE94 DEFB $01,$3D,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00 $EE9C DEFB $01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00 $EEA4 DEFB $80,$B8,$00,$80,$80,$80,$80,$00 $EEAC DEFB $00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$00 ; $78 mask size 2*16 b$EEB4 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $EEB5 DEFB $02 ; upper left attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEB6 DEFB $02 ; lower left attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEB7 DEFB $06 ; upper right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EEB8 DEFB $06 ; lower right attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EEB9 DEFB $30,$7E,$7F,$67,$41,$63,$7F,$27 $EEC1 DEFB $3F,$25,$3C,$1F,$1C,$0C,$07,$00 $EEC9 DEFB $18,$7C,$FC,$CC,$04,$8C,$FC,$C8 $EED1 DEFB $F8,$48,$78,$F0,$70,$60,$C0,$00 ; $bb hand (pointing down) (found on level 5) size 4*48 b$EED9 DEFB $1D ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $EEDA DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EEDB DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEDC DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEDD DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEDE DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEDF DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $EEE0 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EEE1 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE2 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE3 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE4 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE5 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $EEE6 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EEE7 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE8 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEE9 DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEEA DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEEB DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $EEEC DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EEED DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEEE DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEEF DEFB $02 ; attribute (black paper, red ink) $EEF0 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $EEF1 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $EEF2 DEFB $07,$3F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$70 $EEFA DEFB $05,$2A,$57,$6F,$5F,$3F,$1F,$5F $EF02 DEFB $6F,$6F,$77,$7B,$7B,$7D,$7D,$7E $EF0A DEFB $7E,$7F,$7E,$31,$2F,$3F,$3F,$3F $EF12 DEFB $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$1F,$19,$1F,$1F $EF1A DEFB $1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$0F,$07,$00 $EF22 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$80,$00 $EF2A DEFB $57,$AF,$CF,$E4,$F3,$EB,$F3,$EB $EF32 DEFB $F7,$EB,$F3,$F9,$F4,$F9,$F4,$FA $EF3A DEFB $7C,$6E,$74,$36,$B6,$51,$87,$5E $EF42 DEFB $9F,$5F,$9F,$5F,$9F,$4E,$80,$40 $EF4A DEFB $80,$C0,$80,$C0,$80,$80,$00,$00 $EF52 DEFB $F5,$F6,$F5,$F5,$F6,$FF,$03,$00 $EF5A DEFB $55,$EA,$75,$FE,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF $EF62 DEFB $FF,$FE,$CD,$33,$D3,$DA,$D5,$B9 $EF6A DEFB $74,$7A,$74,$AA,$BD,$BE,$3D,$BE $EF72 DEFB $5F,$9F,$5E,$98,$40,$00,$00,$00 $EF7A DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EF82 DEFB $B0,$68,$2C,$AC,$6C,$EC,$FC,$0C $EF8A DEFB $80,$A0,$50,$A8,$D0,$A8,$D0,$E8 $EF92 DEFB $F0,$20,$40,$B0,$A8,$70,$F8,$D4 $EF9A DEFB $BA,$FC,$FA,$7E,$7C,$7C,$38,$80 $EFA2 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EFAA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $e0 landing area graphics LHS level 5 size 4*24 b$EFB2 DEFB $1A ; graphic info. ; column 1 attributes top-bottom $EFB3 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFB4 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFB5 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 2 attributes top-bottom $EFB6 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFB7 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFB8 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 3 attributes top-bottom $EFB9 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFBA DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFBB DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) ; column 4 attributes top-bottom $EFBC DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFBD DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $EFBE DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $EFBF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EFC7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $EFCF DEFB $06,$0C,$18,$30,$71,$6F,$FE,$70 $EFD7 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$03,$0F,$1F,$2F $EFDF DEFB $5F,$3F,$5F,$BF,$7F,$BF,$5E,$39 $EFE7 DEFB $43,$0F,$1E,$78,$E3,$C0,$00,$00 $EFEF DEFB $00,$00,$00,$03,$E3,$F8,$FC,$FE $EFF7 DEFB $FE,$FC,$F9,$F7,$CF,$BE,$78,$F3 $EFFF DEFB $C7,$9E,$3C,$F8,$E0,$00,$00,$00 $F007 DEFB $02,$1F,$FF,$E6,$8E,$0C,$1C,$38 $F00F DEFB $70,$E0,$C0,$80,$00,$00,$80,$00 $F017 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; $bd tuba size 3*24 b$F01F DEFB $12 ; graphic info. ; left column top-bottom $F020 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $F021 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $F022 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) ; middle column top-bottom $F023 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $F024 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $F025 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) ; right column top-bottom $F026 DEFB $06 ; attribute (black paper, yellow ink) $F027 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $F028 DEFB $30 ; attribute (yellow paper, black ink) $F029 DEFB $70,$00,$20,$21,$27,$26,$2C,$2C $F031 DEFB $D3,$DF,$E1,$FF,$F3,$F3,$F7,$F5 $F039 DEFB $F5,$F5,$F6,$FB,$F8,$FC,$FF,$FF $F041 DEFB $0F,$07,$01,$F8,$FC,$06,$02,$AA $F049 DEFB $FD,$57,$00,$57,$55,$FD,$0D,$F5 $F051 DEFB $D7,$BC,$A3,$BF,$B4,$CC,$30,$FF $F059 DEFB $FD,$FA,$F4,$F4,$E8,$68,$68,$68 $F061 DEFB $97,$97,$D7,$57,$57,$57,$57,$57 $F069 DEFB $57,$D7,$97,$2F,$6F,$1F,$7F,$FF ; $72 jack size 2*16 b$F071 DEFB $09 ; graphic info. $F072 DEFB $05 ; upper left attribute (black paper, cyan ink) $F073 DEFB $05 ; lower left attribute (black paper, green ink) $F074 DEFB $03 ; upper right attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F075 DEFB $04 ; lower right attribute (black paper, green ink) $F076 DEFB $00,$0C,$18,$14,$18,$14,$18,$14 $F07E DEFB $18,$1C,$08,$00,$2E,$5F,$5F,$00 $F086 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$28,$28 $F08E DEFB $10,$10,$20,$20,$40,$00,$00,$00 ; level 6 enemy sprites set #2 b$F096 DEFB $7F ; schoolboy sprite 1 left 61591-61606 $F097 DEFB $1F,$10,$15,$1A $F09B DEFB $00,$0F,$01,$0C $F09F DEFB $13,$66,$E5,$B5 $F0A3 DEFB $55,$34,$07,$03 ; police hat sprite 1 left 61607-61622 $F0A7 DEFB $03,$07,$0B,$10 $F0AB DEFB $20,$2F,$4F,$53 $F0AF DEFB $53,$8F,$80,$40 $F0B3 DEFB $40,$33,$0C,$00 ; temp guage sprite 1 left 61623-61638 $F0B7 DEFB $00,$07,$18,$12 $F0BB DEFB $21,$30,$4F,$73 $F0BF DEFB $8C,$8A,$89,$FA $F0C3 DEFB $21,$50,$27,$50 ; walking chassis sprite 1 left 61639-61654 $F0C7 DEFB $0F,$34,$64,$44 $F0CB DEFB $7B,$FA,$FB,$9B $F0CF DEFB $0F,$10,$1D,$1D $F0D3 DEFB $1E,$2F,$3F,$3B ; schoolboy sprite 1 right 61655-61670 $F0D7 DEFB $C0,$78,$58,$AE $F0DB DEFB $00,$D8,$F0,$00 $F0DF DEFB $E0,$30,$D8,$DC $F0E3 DEFB $DC,$3C,$FC,$B0 ; police hat sprite 1 right 61671-61686 $F0E7 DEFB $00,$80,$40,$20 $F0EB DEFB $10,$10,$08,$88 $F0EF DEFB $88,$04,$08,$30 $F0F3 DEFB $C8,$3C,$3E,$1E ; temp guage sprite 1 right 61687-61702 $F0F7 DEFB $00,$E0,$18,$08 $F0FB DEFB $04,$0C,$F2,$CE $F0FF DEFB $31,$95,$51,$9F $F103 DEFB $44,$0A,$E4,$0A ; walking chassis sprite 1 right 61703-61718 $F107 DEFB $C0,$40,$20,$20 $F10B DEFB $FD,$FE,$FE,$E7 $F10F DEFB $C3,$00,$00,$00 $F113 DEFB $00,$B4,$F4,$E8 ; schoolboy sprite 2 left 61719-61734 $F117 DEFB $00,$1F,$10,$1D $F11B DEFB $06,$08,$0F,$01 $F11F DEFB $0C,$13,$67,$F6 $F123 DEFB $BA,$5A,$37,$0F ; police hat sprite 2 left 61735-61750 $F127 DEFB $03,$07,$0B,$10 $F12B DEFB $20,$27,$47,$4C $F12F DEFB $4C,$C7,$40,$20 $F133 DEFB $58,$E7,$F0,$E0 ; temp guage sprite 2 left 61751-61766 $F137 DEFB $07,$18,$11,$21 $F13B DEFB $30,$4F,$73,$8C $F13F DEFB $AA,$89,$FA,$01 $F143 DEFB $50,$27,$50,$20 ; walking chassis sprite 2 left 61767-61782 $F147 DEFB $00,$0F,$34,$64 $F14B DEFB $44,$7B,$FA,$FB $F14F DEFB $9B,$2F,$70,$D9 $F153 DEFB $F8,$3D,$1F,$0F ; schoolboy sprite 2 right 61783-61798 $F157 DEFB $00,$C0,$78,$58 $F15B DEFB $AE,$00,$D8,$F0 $F15F DEFB $00,$E0,$10,$E8 $F163 DEFB $EC,$EC,$0C,$FC ; police hat sprite 2 right 61799-61814 $F167 DEFB $00,$80,$40,$20 $F16B DEFB $10,$90,$88,$C8 $F16F DEFB $C8,$84,$08,$16 $F173 DEFB $6E,$9C,$00,$00 ; temp guage sprite 2 right 61815-61830 $F177 DEFB $E0,$18,$08,$04 $F17B DEFB $0C,$F2,$CE,$31 $F17F DEFB $91,$51,$9F,$40 $F183 DEFB $0A,$E4,$0A,$04 ; walking chassis sprite 2 right 61831-61846 $F187 DEFB $00,$C0,$40,$20 $F18B DEFB $20,$FD,$FE,$FE $F18F DEFB $E7,$C3,$20,$E6 $F193 DEFB $6E,$BE,$B8,$60 ; schoolboy sprite 3 left 61847-61862 $F197 DEFB $1F,$10,$15,$1A $F19B DEFB $00,$0F,$01,$0C $F19F DEFB $13,$66,$E5,$B5 $F1A3 DEFB $55,$34,$07,$03 ; police hat sprite 3 left 61863-61878 $F1A7 DEFB $03,$07,$0B,$10 $F1AB DEFB $20,$23,$43,$47 $F1AF DEFB $47,$83,$40,$30 $F1B3 DEFB $4C,$F3,$F0,$E0 ; temp guage sprite 3 left 61879-61894 $F1B7 DEFB $07,$18,$10,$21 $F1BB DEFB $30,$4F,$73,$8C $F1BF DEFB $8A,$89,$FA,$01 $F1C3 DEFB $20,$57,$20,$50 ; walking chassis sprite 3 left 61895-61910 $F1C7 DEFB $0F,$34,$64,$44 $F1CB DEFB $7B,$FA,$FB,$9B $F1CF DEFB $0F,$00,$0F,$0F $F1D3 DEFB $0F,$17,$1F,$1D ; schoolboy sprite 3 right 61911-61926 $F1D7 DEFB $F8,$08,$56,$A8 $F1DB DEFB $00,$D8,$F0,$00 $F1DF DEFB $E0,$30,$D8,$DC $F1E3 DEFB $DC,$3C,$FC,$70 ; police hat sprite 3 right 61927-61942 $F1E7 DEFB $00,$80,$40,$20 $F1EB DEFB $10,$D0,$C8,$28 $F1EF DEFB $28,$C4,$04,$08 $F1F3 DEFB $08,$30,$C0,$00 ; temp guage sprite 3 right 61943-61958 $F1F7 DEFB $E0,$18,$88,$04 $F1FB DEFB $0C,$F2,$CE,$31 $F1FF DEFB $95,$51,$9F,$40 $F203 DEFB $04,$EA,$04,$0A ; walking chassis sprite 3 right 61959-61974 $F207 DEFB $C0,$40,$20,$20 $F20B DEFB $FD,$FE,$FE,$E7 $F20F DEFB $C3,$00,$00,$00 $F213 DEFB $80,$DC,$FC,$F8 ; schoolboy sprite 4 left 61975-61990 $F217 DEFB $00,$1F,$10,$15 $F21B DEFB $1A,$00,$0F,$01 $F21F DEFB $0C,$13,$67,$F6 $F223 DEFB $BA,$5A,$37,$0F ; police hat sprite 4 left 61991-62006 $F227 DEFB $03,$07,$0B,$10 $F22B DEFB $20,$27,$47,$4C $F22F DEFB $4C,$87,$40,$A0 $F233 DEFB $D8,$E7,$00,$00 ; temp guage sprite 4 left 62007-62022 $F237 DEFB $00,$07,$18,$11 $F23B DEFB $21,$30,$4F,$73 $F23F DEFB $8C,$AA,$89,$FA $F243 DEFB $21,$50,$27,$50 ; walking chassis sprite 4 left 62023-62038 $F247 DEFB $00,$0F,$34,$64 $F24B DEFB $44,$7B,$FA,$FB $F24F DEFB $9B,$0F,$20,$77 $F253 DEFB $7B,$1D,$0D,$06 ; schoolboy sprite 4 right 62039-62054 $F257 DEFB $00,$F8,$08,$56 $F25B DEFB $A8,$00,$D8,$F0 $F25F DEFB $E0,$30,$D8,$DC $F263 DEFB $DC,$3C,$FC,$70 ; police hat sprite 4 right 62055-62070 $F267 DEFB $00,$80,$40,$20 $F26B DEFB $10,$90,$88,$C8 $F26F DEFB $C8,$8C,$08,$10 $F273 DEFB $68,$9C,$3E,$1C ; temp guage sprite 4 right 62071-62086 $F277 DEFB $00,$E0,$18,$08 $F27B DEFB $04,$0C,$F2,$CE $F27F DEFB $31,$91,$51,$9F $F283 DEFB $44,$0A,$E4,$0A ; walking chassis sprite 4 right 62087-62102 $F287 DEFB $00,$C0,$40,$20 $F28B DEFB $20,$FD,$FE,$FE $F28F DEFB $E7,$C1,$06,$C7 $F293 DEFB $EF,$7E,$F8,$F0 ; level 3 enemy sprites set #1 b$F297 DEFB $7F ; snail sprite 1 left 62104-62119 $F298 DEFB $2A,$AA,$AA,$AA $F29C DEFB $FE,$FC,$79,$79 $F2A0 DEFB $7D,$3D,$01,$1C $F2A4 DEFB $1F,$2F,$3F,$39 ; native sprite 1 left 62120-62135 $F2A8 DEFB $00,$06,$04,$03 $F2AC DEFB $06,$03,$00,$7B $F2B0 DEFB $87,$06,$07,$00 $F2B4 DEFB $05,$05,$02,$03 ; diamond sprite 1 left 62136-62151 $F2B8 DEFB $00,$01,$02,$04 $F2BC DEFB $08,$10,$20,$5F $F2C0 DEFB $20,$10,$08,$04 $F2C4 DEFB $02,$01,$00,$00 ; ghost sprite 1 left 62152-62167 $F2C8 DEFB $03,$0F,$17,$03 $F2CC DEFB $01,$31,$1B,$3F $F2D0 DEFB $07,$07,$0F,$0F $F2D4 DEFB $0F,$DF,$78,$00 ; snail sprite 1 right 62168-62183 $F2D8 DEFB $00,$70,$50,$4E $F2DC DEFB $1F,$1F,$EE,$20 $F2E0 DEFB $3F,$00,$FF,$00 $F2E4 DEFB $38,$E8,$F8,$F0 ; native sprite 1 right 62184-62199 $F2E8 DEFB $00,$60,$48,$94 $F2EC DEFB $D0,$80,$01,$BE $F2F0 DEFB $C0,$C0,$00,$A0 $F2F4 DEFB $50,$50,$A8,$56 ; diamond sprite 1 right 62200-62215 $F2F8 DEFB $80,$40,$60,$30 $F2FC DEFB $38,$1C,$1E,$E1 $F300 DEFB $1E,$1C,$38,$30 $F304 DEFB $60,$40,$80,$00 ; ghost sprite 1 right 62216-62231 $F308 DEFB $FC,$EA,$EB,$FF $F30C DEFB $F3,$E3,$E3,$C6 $F310 DEFB $CE,$DC,$F8,$F8 $F314 DEFB $CE,$08,$00,$00 ; snail sprite 2 left 62232-62247 $F318 DEFB $2A,$AA,$AA,$AA $F31C DEFB $FE,$FC,$79,$79 $F320 DEFB $7D,$3D,$01,$70 $F324 DEFB $7C,$BF,$FF,$E7 ; native sprite 2 left 62248-62263 $F328 DEFB $06,$04,$03,$66 $F32C DEFB $43,$40,$3B,$07 $F330 DEFB $06,$07,$00,$04 $F334 DEFB $05,$05,$05,$05 ; diamond sprite 2 left 62264-62279 $F338 DEFB $00,$01,$02,$04 $F33C DEFB $08,$11,$21,$5E $F340 DEFB $21,$11,$08,$04 $F344 DEFB $02,$01,$00,$00 ; ghost sprite 2 left 62280-62295 $F348 DEFB $23,$1F,$07,$03 $F34C DEFB $01,$01,$3B,$1F $F350 DEFB $37,$07,$0F,$8F $F354 DEFB $DF,$7F,$38,$00 ; snail sprite 2 right 62296-62311 $F358 DEFB $70,$50,$4E,$5F $F35C DEFB $1F,$0E,$E0,$3F $F360 DEFB $2A,$55,$FF,$00 $F364 DEFB $EE,$AA,$EE,$DC ; native sprite 2 right 62312-62327 $F368 DEFB $60,$48,$94,$D0 $F36C DEFB $8C,$04,$B8,$C0 $F370 DEFB $C0,$00,$A0,$A0 $F374 DEFB $50,$50,$50,$00 ; diamond sprite 2 right 62328-62343 $F378 DEFB $80,$40,$60,$F0 $F37C DEFB $F8,$FC,$FE,$01 $F380 DEFB $FE,$FC,$F8,$F0 $F384 DEFB $60,$40,$80,$00 ; ghost sprite 2 right 62344-62359 $F388 DEFB $FC,$EA,$EB,$FF $F38C DEFB $F3,$E3,$E3,$E6 $F390 DEFB $FE,$FC,$F8,$F8 $F394 DEFB $DC,$14,$00,$00 ; snail sprite 3 left 62360-62375 $F398 DEFB $2A,$AA,$AA,$AA $F39C DEFB $FE,$FC,$78,$78 $F3A0 DEFB $7D,$3D,$01,$1C $F3A4 DEFB $1F,$2F,$3F,$39 ; native sprite 3 left 62376-62391 $F3A8 DEFB $00,$06,$04,$03 $F3AC DEFB $64,$43,$40,$3B $F3B0 DEFB $07,$06,$07,$00 $F3B4 DEFB $0A,$15,$15,$6A ; diamond sprite 3 left 62392-62407 $F3B8 DEFB $00,$01,$03,$07 $F3BC DEFB $0F,$1F,$3F,$40 $F3C0 DEFB $3F,$1F,$0F,$07 $F3C4 DEFB $03,$01,$00,$00 ; ghost sprite 3 left 62408-62423 $F3C8 DEFB $03,$07,$0F,$13 $F3CC DEFB $01,$01,$3B,$3F $F3D0 DEFB $07,$07,$0F,$6F $F3D4 DEFB $BF,$1E,$00,$00 ; snail sprite 3 right 62424-62439 $F3D8 DEFB $00,$70,$50,$4E $F3DC DEFB $5F,$1F,$0E,$00 $F3E0 DEFB $FF,$0E,$FF,$06 $F3E4 DEFB $38,$E8,$F8,$F0 ; native sprite 3 right 62440-62455 $F3E8 DEFB $00,$60,$48,$94 $F3EC DEFB $50,$8C,$04,$B8 $F3F0 DEFB $C0,$C0,$00,$A0 $F3F4 DEFB $A0,$40,$40,$80 ; diamond sprite 3 right 62456-62471 $F3F8 DEFB $80,$40,$20,$90 $F3FC DEFB $88,$C4,$C2,$3D $F400 DEFB $C2,$C4,$88,$90 $F404 DEFB $20,$40,$80,$00 ; ghost sprite 3 right 62472-62487 $F408 DEFB $FC,$EA,$EB,$FF $F40C DEFB $F3,$E3,$E7,$E6 $F410 DEFB $E6,$FC,$F8,$F8 $F414 DEFB $CC,$0C,$00,$00 ; snail sprite 4 left 62488-62503 $F418 DEFB $2A,$AA,$AA,$AA $F41C DEFB $FE,$FC,$79,$79 $F420 DEFB $7D,$3D,$00,$37 $F424 DEFB $37,$4B,$6F,$6E ; native sprite 4 left 62504-62519 $F428 DEFB $06,$04,$03,$64 $F42C DEFB $43,$40,$3B,$07 $F430 DEFB $06,$07,$00,$0A $F434 DEFB $0A,$0A,$14,$15 ; diamond sprite 4 left 62520-62535 $F438 DEFB $00,$01,$03,$06 $F43C DEFB $0E,$1C,$3C,$43 $F440 DEFB $3C,$1C,$0E,$06 $F444 DEFB $03,$01,$00,$00 ; ghost sprite 4 left 62536-62551 $F448 DEFB $03,$1F,$07,$03 $F44C DEFB $61,$31,$7B,$0F $F450 DEFB $07,$07,$0F,$0F $F454 DEFB $0F,$DF,$7C,$00 ; snail sprite 4 right 62552-62567 $F458 DEFB $70,$50,$4E,$5F $F45C DEFB $1F,$0E,$E0,$3F $F460 DEFB $2A,$55,$FF,$00 $F464 DEFB $CE,$FA,$FE,$7C ; native sprite 4 right 62568-62583 $F468 DEFB $60,$48,$94,$50 $F46C DEFB $80,$00,$B8,$C4 $F470 DEFB $C4,$08,$A0,$A0 $F474 DEFB $A0,$A0,$A0,$20 ; diamond sprite 4 right 62584-62599 $F478 DEFB $80,$40,$20,$10 $F47C DEFB $08,$04,$02,$FD $F480 DEFB $02,$04,$08,$10 $F484 DEFB $20,$40,$80,$00 ; ghost sprite 4 right 62600-62615 $F488 DEFB $FC,$EA,$EB,$EF $F48C DEFB $F3,$E3,$83,$86 $F490 DEFB $06,$04,$88,$FE $F494 DEFB $CC,$84,$00,$00 ; level 5 enemy sprites set #2 b$F498 DEFB $7F ; big nose sprite 1 left 62617-62632 $F499 DEFB $00,$3E,$41,$5E $F49D DEFB $BF,$80,$91,$CE $F4A1 DEFB $F0,$7F,$7F,$5F $F4A5 DEFB $2E,$60,$3B,$1D ; man stick sprite 1 left 62633-62648 $F4A9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $F4AD DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $F4B1 DEFB $23,$5F,$15,$20 $F4B5 DEFB $21,$46,$47,$00 ; submarine sprite 1 left 62649-62664 $F4B9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $F4BD DEFB $00,$01,$01,$00 $F4C1 DEFB $C3,$CF,$3C,$CE $F4C5 DEFB $C3,$00,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 1 left 62665-62680 $F4C9 DEFB $01,$03,$3B,$FF $F4CD DEFB $A0,$A0,$A6,$A6 $F4D1 DEFB $A0,$A0,$A1,$A0 $F4D5 DEFB $A0,$7F,$00,$00 ; big nose sprite 1 right 62681-62696 $F4D9 DEFB $00,$00,$84,$C4 $F4DD DEFB $48,$54,$6C,$7C $F4E1 DEFB $FC,$DC,$0C,$84 $F4E5 DEFB $04,$00,$00,$80 ; man stick sprite 1 right 62697-62712 $F4E9 DEFB $70,$70,$88,$70 $F4ED DEFB $70,$20,$80,$B0 $F4F1 DEFB $F0,$B8,$E8,$EC $F4F5 DEFB $F0,$B0,$8C,$3C ; submarine sprite 1 right 62713-62728 $F4F9 DEFB $30,$20,$20,$00 $F4FD DEFB $70,$F0,$F0,$B8 $F501 DEFB $FE,$FF,$93,$DB $F505 DEFB $FF,$FE,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 1 right 62729-62744 $F509 DEFB $E0,$F0,$F0,$83 $F50D DEFB $3D,$72,$ED,$E5 $F511 DEFB $E5,$E1,$72,$3D $F515 DEFB $01,$FF,$00,$00 ; big nose sprite 2 left 62745-62760 $F519 DEFB $3E,$41,$9E,$BE $F51D DEFB $BF,$80,$CE,$F0 $F521 DEFB $FF,$7F,$7C,$3F $F525 DEFB $5C,$C2,$E7,$71 ; man stick sprite 2 left 62761-62776 $F529 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$00 $F52D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $F531 DEFB $23,$5F,$15,$00 $F535 DEFB $11,$11,$16,$17 ; submarine sprite 2 left 62777-62792 $F539 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $F53D DEFB $00,$01,$01,$00 $F541 DEFB $03,$CF,$3C,$CE $F545 DEFB $03,$00,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 2 left 62793-62808 $F549 DEFB $00,$01,$1D,$3F $F54D DEFB $28,$28,$2A,$2A $F551 DEFB $28,$28,$29,$28 $F555 DEFB $28,$1F,$00,$00 ; big nose sprite 2 right 62809-62824 $F559 DEFB $00,$88,$88,$50 $F55D DEFB $68,$78,$78,$F8 $F561 DEFB $F8,$98,$08,$08 $F565 DEFB $20,$E0,$C0,$80 ; man stick sprite 2 right 62825-62840 $F569 DEFB $E0,$E0,$10,$E0 $F56D DEFB $E0,$40,$A0,$B0 $F571 DEFB $F8,$B8,$EC,$E0 $F575 DEFB $F0,$B0,$0C,$BC ; submarine sprite 2 right 62841-62856 $F579 DEFB $00,$20,$20,$00 $F57D DEFB $70,$F0,$F0,$B8 $F581 DEFB $FE,$FF,$93,$DB $F585 DEFB $FF,$FE,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 2 right 62857-62872 $F589 DEFB $E0,$F0,$F0,$82 $F58D DEFB $3C,$66,$DA,$CA $F591 DEFB $CA,$C2,$66,$3C $F595 DEFB $02,$FE,$00,$00 ; big nose sprite 3 left 62873-62888 $F599 DEFB $00,$3F,$41,$9E $F59D DEFB $BF,$80,$91,$CE $F5A1 DEFB $F0,$FF,$7F,$7F $F5A5 DEFB $36,$08,$DB,$6F ; man stick sprite 3 left 62889-62904 $F5A9 DEFB $01,$01,$02,$01 $F5AD DEFB $01,$00,$00,$01 $F5B1 DEFB $03,$47,$A5,$28 $F5B5 DEFB $11,$10,$0B,$0B ; submarine sprite 3 left 62905-62920 $F5B9 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $F5BD DEFB $00,$01,$01,$00 $F5C1 DEFB $03,$0F,$DC,$0E $F5C5 DEFB $03,$00,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 3 left 62921-62936 $F5C9 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$07 $F5CD DEFB $1F,$12,$12,$12 $F5D1 DEFB $12,$12,$12,$12 $F5D5 DEFB $12,$12,$1F,$00 ; big nose sprite 3 right 62937-62952 $F5D9 DEFB $00,$00,$C2,$C2 $F5DD DEFB $64,$6A,$76,$7E $F5E1 DEFB $FE,$EE,$06,$82 $F5E5 DEFB $02,$00,$80,$00 ; man stick sprite 3 right 62953-62968 $F5E9 DEFB $C0,$C0,$20,$C0 $F5ED DEFB $C0,$80,$20,$B0 $F5F1 DEFB $F8,$AC,$E0,$E0 $F5F5 DEFB $F8,$B6,$0E,$C0 ; submarine sprite 3 right 62969-62984 $F5F9 DEFB $60,$20,$20,$00 $F5FD DEFB $70,$F0,$F0,$B8 $F601 DEFB $FE,$FF,$93,$DB $F605 DEFB $FF,$FE,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 3 right 62985-63000 $F609 DEFB $00,$E0,$F0,$F0 $F60D DEFB $80,$3C,$FA,$F2 $F611 DEFB $F2,$F2,$F2,$FA $F615 DEFB $3C,$04,$FC,$00 ; big nose sprite 4 left 63001-63016 $F619 DEFB $3F,$41,$BE,$80 $F61D DEFB $B1,$91,$CE,$F0 $F621 DEFB $FF,$7F,$7F,$3F $F625 DEFB $9C,$82,$71,$38 ; man stick sprite 4 left 63017-63032 $F629 DEFB $00,$00,$01,$00 $F62D DEFB $00,$00,$00,$01 $F631 DEFB $23,$57,$15,$08 $F635 DEFB $11,$11,$16,$17 ; submarine sprite 4 left 63033-63048 $F639 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00 $F63D DEFB $00,$01,$01,$00 $F641 DEFB $03,$CF,$3C,$CE $F645 DEFB $03,$00,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 4 left 63049-63064 $F649 DEFB $00,$03,$07,$77 $F64D DEFB $FE,$A0,$A1,$AB $F651 DEFB $AB,$A3,$A3,$A5 $F655 DEFB $A0,$A0,$7F,$00 ; big nose sprite 4 right 63065-63080 $F659 DEFB $00,$C1,$C1,$62 $F65D DEFB $65,$7B,$7F,$FF $F661 DEFB $E7,$C3,$81,$11 $F665 DEFB $70,$E0,$C0,$00 ; man stick sprite 4 right 63081-63096 $F669 DEFB $E0,$E0,$10,$E0 $F66D DEFB $E0,$40,$A0,$B0 $F671 DEFB $F0,$B8,$E8,$E8 $F675 DEFB $F0,$B0,$0C,$BC ; submarine sprite 4 right 63097-63112 $F679 DEFB $00,$20,$20,$00 $F67D DEFB $70,$F0,$F0,$B8 $F681 DEFB $FE,$FF,$93,$DB $F685 DEFB $FF,$FE,$00,$00 ; camera sprite 4 right 63113-63128 $F689 DEFB $00,$80,$C0,$C0 $F68D DEFB $08,$F0,$98,$68 $F691 DEFB $28,$28,$08,$98 $F695 DEFB $F0,$08,$F8,$00 ; $b7 hand on 'any key to play' screen size 6*32 b$F699 DEFB $2B ; graphic info. ; column 1 (from the LHS) (when mirrored column is from the RHS) $F69A DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F69B DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F69C DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) $F69D DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) ; column 2 $F69E DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F69F DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A0 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A1 DEFB $00 ; attribute (black paper, black ink) ; column 3 $F6A2 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A3 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A4 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A5 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 4 $F6A6 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A7 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A8 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6A9 DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 5 $F6AA DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6AB DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6AC DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) $F6AD DEFB $03 ; attribute (black paper, magenta ink) ; column 6 $F6AE DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $F6AF DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $F6B0 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $F6B1 DEFB $07 ; attribute (black paper, white ink) $F6B2 DEFB $00,$00,$1F,$7F,$FF,$FF,$FF,$7F $F6BA DEFB $0A,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $F6C2 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $F6CA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $F6D2 DEFB $00,$0F,$FF,$FF,$DF,$DF,$FF,$55 $F6DA DEFB $AA,$00,$1F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$1F,$0A $F6E2 DEFB $15,$00,$0F,$0F,$07,$07,$03,$01 $F6EA DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 $F6F2 DEFB $07,$FF,$EF,$F7,$F7,$F7,$FA,$50 $F6FA DEFB $A7,$1F,$BD,$83,$DF,$DA,$60,$B8 $F702 DEFB $07,$FF,$F7,$FA,$F5,$AA,$50,$87 $F70A DEFB $3E,$7F,$7F,$7F,$3A,$0D,$00,$00 $F712 DEFB $FF,$FF,$FC,$FB,$E7,$9F,$7F,$FF $F71A DEFB $FF,$FF,$FD,$AA,$51,$87,$2F,$F7 $F722 DEFB $77,$8B,$FB,$A7,$47,$3B,$DD,$D9 $F72A DEFB $E5,$7B,$E9,$50 $F72E DEFB $80,$00,$00,$00 ; draw horizontal, coordinate lookup value, graphic, gap+length $F732 DEFB $9C,$2A,$F4,$FA,$FD,$FE,$FD,$FE $F73A DEFB $FD,$FA,$51,$A6,$0F,$F7,$F7,$FA $F742 DEFB $FF,$FE,$FD,$FA,$FD,$FA,$F5,$FB $F74A DEFB $D4,$AA,$54,$A8,$00,$00,$00,$00 $F752 DEFB $F8,$FC,$FC,$7C,$7E,$7E,$7E,$7E $F75A DEFB $3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3E $F762 DEFB $3E,$3E,$3E,$30,$3E,$64,$5A,$52 $F76A DEFB $64,$7E,$42,$FC,$F8,$00,$00,$00 ; $e8 'ANY KEY' size 6*8 b$F772 DEFB $A8 ; graphic info. $F773 DEFB $60 ; attribute (bright, green paper, black ink) $F774 DEFB $00,$1E,$3F,$3B,$3F,$3F,$3B,$00 $F77C DEFB $00,$73,$7B,$7F,$7F,$77,$73,$00 $F784 DEFB $00,$66,$3C,$38,$38,$38,$38,$00 $F78C DEFB $00,$3B,$3E,$3E,$3E,$3F,$3B,$00 $F794 DEFB $00,$7D,$70,$7C,$70,$7C,$7C,$00 $F79C DEFB $00,$99,$F0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$00 ; $e9 'TO PLAY' size 5*8 b$F7A4 DEFB $A0 ; graphic info $F7A5 DEFB $60 ; attribute (bright, green paper, black ink) $F7A6 DEFB $00,$F7,$E7,$E7,$E7,$E7,$E7,$00 $F7AE DEFB $00,$E3,$63,$63,$63,$63,$E3,$00 $F7B6 DEFB $00,$EE,$AE,$EE,$8E,$8E,$8F,$00 $F7BE DEFB $00,$1E,$3F,$3B,$3F,$3F,$BB,$00 $F7C6 DEFB $00,$66,$3C,$38,$38,$38,$38,$00 ; unused bytes b$F7CE DEFB $00,$00 ; Routine at F7D0 ; ; Used by the routine at #R$6CB2. c$F7D0 LD IX,$5BE7 ; $F7D4 LD A,($5BD9) ; screen number $F7D7 CP $C0 ; is dan in the blimp room? $F7D9 RET NZ ; no, so exit ; yes $F7DA LD A,(IX+$11) ; get level info. $F7DD LD HL,$FA0A ; hl points to address which contains airship ladder row $F7E0 RRA ; $F7E1 JR C,$F83B ; level complete (bit 0 set) $F7E3 RRA ; $F7E4 JP C,$F87F ; draw ladder from airship (bit 1 set) $F7E7 RRA ; $F7E8 JP C,$F8A6 ; entering new level (bit 2 set) $F7EB RRA ; $F7EC JP C,$F8DF ; scroll base graphics (bit 3 set airship moving) $F7EF LD A,(IX+$03) ; dan row $F7F2 CP $08 ; row less than 8? $F7F4 RET NC ; no, so exit $F7F5 LD A,(IX+$02) ; dan column $F7F8 CP $10 ; column more than 15? $F7FA RET C ; no, so exit $F7FB LD A,$64 ; $F7FD CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying fuel? $F800 RET NZ ; no, so exit $F801 BIT 4,(IX+$11) ; has dan played the record on the jukebox? $F805 RET Z ; no, so exit ; dan is stood in the correct position, has some fuel and has played the record on the jukebox $F806 BIT 1,(IX+$01) ; got the stop fuel theft attribute? $F80A JR NZ,$F80F ; yes $F80C CALL $7EAD ; no, so remove fuel from inventory *$F80F RES 4,(IX+$11) ; clear 'played record on jukebox' $F813 RES 3,(IX+$01) ; remove 'open secret passages' attribute $F817 RES 2,(IX+$01) ; remove 'walk on water' attribute $F81B LD IY,$7330 ; enemy table $F81F LD DE,$000E ; $F822 LD B,$04 ; for each enemy *$F824 SET 0,(IY+$02) ; set enemy death $F828 LD (IY+$09),$0C ; set sprite action counter (number of times to run death routine) $F82C ADD IY,DE ; $F82E DJNZ $F824 ; $F830 SET 0,(IX+$11) ; set level complete $F834 LD HL,$58EF ; attribute directly behind dan's legs ; (top right of ladder) $F837 LD (HL),$07 ; set paper 0, ink 7 $F839 JR $F86E ; *$F83B LD A,(HL) ; airship ladder row $F83C CP $07 ; 7th row? (down to the last ladder section? (opposite dan's legs)) $F83E JR NZ,$F871 ; no ; yes $F840 RES 0,(IX+$11) ; clear level complete flag $F844 SET 3,(IX+$11) ; set airship moving ; fill in the airship graphics $F848 LD HL,$080E ; h=row, l=column $F84B LD A,$24 ; graphic=middle section of airship pod $F84D CALL $6807 ; display graphic $F850 INC L ; column=column+1 $F851 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $F854 DEC H ; $F855 DEC L ; hl=$070e (h=row, l=column) $F856 LD A,$3C ; graphic=ladder section $F858 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $F85B CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table $F85E INC DE ; $F85F INC DE ; de now points to start of actual graphic data $F860 LD BC,$0201 ; $F863 CALL $69CD ; clear graphic from screen $F866 CALL $7E0A ; $F869 LD A,$06 ; $F86B CALL $6C73 ; initialise tune *$F86E JP $F992 ; write background graphics to buffer *$F871 PUSH HL ; hl points to airship ladder row $F872 LD H,(HL) ; airship ladder row $F873 LD L,$0E ; column $F875 LD BC,$0201 ; $F878 CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear (rolling up the ladder) $F87B POP HL ; restore hl pointing to airship ladder row $F87C DEC (HL) ; airship ladder row=airship ladder row-1 $F87D JR $F898 ; *$F87F LD A,($FA0B) ; current propeller graphic $F882 CP $3B ; $F884 JR NZ,$F8DC ; $F886 INC (HL) ; $F887 LD A,(HL) ; $F888 CP $12 ; $F88A JR NZ,$F890 ; $F88C RES 1,(IX+$11) ; clear draw ladder from airship flag *$F890 LD A,$3D ; $F892 LD H,(HL) ; $F893 LD L,$0E ; $F895 CALL $6807 ; display graphic ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$F8C6. *$F898 LD A,($FA0A) ; airship ladder row $F89B ADD A,A ; $F89C LD B,A ; $F89D CALL $6A9C ; set sound affect $F8A0 LD A,B ; create another sound affect $F8A1 ADD A,$05 ; $F8A3 JP $6A9C ; set sound affect *$F8A6 RES 2,(IX+$11) ; clear entering a new world flag $F8AA LD A,$E0 ; column to start drawing base graphics (negative number off screen) $F8AC LD ($FA09),A ; $F8AF LD A,(IX-$0D) ; 8- this byte=current level $F8B2 AND A ; last level? $F8B3 JP Z,$6C93 ; yes, so restart game $F8B6 LD B,A ; b=current level, a=current level $F8B7 ADD A,A ; $F8B8 ADD A,B ; a=a*3 $F8B9 ADD A,$68 ; pending level, will point to either torch, skull, gem, crossbow, dumbbell, snips, fan or ; mike, ie. 1st item of 3 special items for the level ; Routine at F8BB c$F8BB LD B,A ; $F8BC LD A,$76 ; $F8BE CALL $7F4B ; is dan carrying the corkscrew? $F8C1 JR NZ,$F8C6 ; no $F8C3 DEC (IX-$0D) ; advance 1 (additional) level if dan is carrying the corkscrew (proceed from level 4 to level ; 6) ; remove special items at start of new level ; ; On commencement of a new level, pending the level, if carried, dan will lose 3 of first item, 1 of second item and ; 1 of third item. ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Level | =h Item 1 | =h Item 2 | =h Item 2 } ; { 1 | $80 food | $81 food | $82 food } ; { 2 | $7d torch | $7e drill | $7f food mixer } ; { 3 | $7a skull | $7b shell | $7c aqualung } ; { 4 | $77 gem | $78 mask | $79 snake } ; { 5 | $74 crossbow | $75 feather | $76 corkscrew } ; { 6 | $71 dumbbell | $72 jack | $73 boots } ; { 7 | $6e snips | $6f pump | $70 engine } ; { 8 | $6b fan | $6c mandolin | $6d scissors } ; TABLE# c$F8C6 LD A,B ; $F8C7 LD B,$03 ; *$F8C9 CALL $7EAD ; remove 3 of first item if carried $F8CC DJNZ $F8C9 ; $F8CE INC A ; $F8CF CALL $7EAD ; remove 1 of next item if carried $F8D2 INC A ; $F8D3 CALL $7EAD ; remove 1 of next item if carried $F8D6 DEC (IX-$0D) ; advance 1 level $F8D9 CALL $F992 ; write background graphics to buffer ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$F7D0. *$F8DC JP $F962 ; draw propeller graphics+alter mirrorsoft attributes ; This entry point is used by the routine at #R$F7D0. *$F8DF LD HL,$6000 ; $F8E2 LD DE,($FA08) ; d=base graphics column, e=shifted graphics amount $F8E6 INC E ; $F8E7 BIT 2,E ; e=4? $F8E9 JR Z,$F929 ; no $F8EB LD E,L ; $F8EC INC D ; column=column+1 $F8ED LD A,D ; $F8EE CP $0A ; 10th column? $F8F0 JR NZ,$F921 ; no $F8F2 RES 3,(IX+$11) ; airship no longer moving $F8F6 LD ($FA08),DE ; $F8FA SET 1,(IX+$11) ; set draw ladder from airship $F8FE CALL $7DE8 ; copy background graphics around dan to screen $F901 LD HL,$070E ; h=row, l=column $F904 LD A,$3C ; top of ladder graphic $F906 CALL $6807 ; draw graphic $F909 INC A ; next graphic $F90A INC H ; row=row+1 $F90B CALL $6807 ; display graphic $F90E LD A,H ; $F90F LD ($FA0A),A ; store airship ladder row $F912 LD HL,$1009 ; h=row, l=column $F915 LD BC,$0103 ; $F918 CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear $F91B CALL $7ECA ; $F91E JP $F898 ; *$F921 CP $21 ; 33rd column? (off screen) (when dan has left a world) $F923 JR NZ,$F929 ; no $F925 SET 2,(IX+$11) ; set entering a new world flag *$F929 LD ($FA08),DE ; $F92D LD BC,$0110 ; *$F930 DEC E ; $F931 JP M,$F937 ; $F934 ADD HL,BC ; $F935 JR $F930 ; *$F937 LD ($A000),HL ; $F93A PUSH HL ; $F93B LD L,D ; $F93C LD H,$10 ; $F93E XOR A ; $F93F CALL $6807 ; display graphic $F942 POP HL ; $F943 LD BC,$0088 ; $F946 ADD HL,BC ; $F947 LD ($A000),HL ; $F94A LD A,D ; $F94B ADD A,$06 ; $F94D LD L,A ; $F94E LD H,$10 ; $F950 XOR A ; $F951 CALL $6807 ; display graphic $F954 LD A,L ; $F955 SUB $07 ; $F957 LD L,A ; $F958 BIT 5,L ; $F95A JR NZ,$F962 ; $F95C LD BC,$0103 ; $F95F CALL $6A6D ; clear x character squares b=columns to clear, c=rows to clear ; draw propeller graphics+alter mirrorsoft attributes *$F962 LD A,($5BD8) ; counter $F965 LD B,A ; $F966 RRA ; will give same number for 2 passes (pattern: $38,$38,$39,$39,$3a,$3a,$3b,$3b) $F967 AND $03 ; mask bits 0+1 $F969 ADD A,$38 ; propeller graphic, possible outcome: $38,$39,$3a,$3b $F96B LD ($FA0B),A ; store current propeller graphic $F96E LD HL,$0616 ; h=row, l=column $F971 BIT 1,A ; $F973 JR Z,$F976 ; will be zero every 4 passes $F975 INC H ; row=row+1 *$F976 CALL $6807 ; display propeller graphic $F979 LD HL,$5805 ; top left attribute of word 'mirrorsoft' $F97C LD DE,$000B ; amount to add at end of a row to start at correct column on next line $F97F LD A,B ; $F980 AND $03 ; $F982 RLCA ; ink will go up in 2s (blue, magenta, cyan, white) $F983 OR $11 ; paper always red and ink always at least blue $F985 LD C,$03 ; 3 rows *$F987 LD B,$15 ; 21 columns *$F989 LD (HL),A ; set attribute $F98A INC L ; next column $F98B DJNZ $F989 ; $F98D ADD HL,DE ; hl points to start of next row $F98E DEC C ; next row $F98F JR NZ,$F987 ; $F991 RET ; ; write background graphics to buffer clear buffer $6000-643f (24576-25663) ; ; Used by the routines at #R$F7D0 and #R$F8C6. c$F992 LD HL,$6000 ; $F995 PUSH HL ; $F996 LD D,H ; $F997 LD E,$01 ; $F999 LD (HL),L ; $F99A LD BC,$043F ; clear 1088 bytes $F99D LDIR ; $F99F LD A,(IX-$0D) ; current level $F9A2 ADD A,$DD ; $dd=start of landing area graphics lookup values ; 'a' register now contains correct graphic lookup pending the level $F9A4 LD BC,$A000 ; graphic lookup table $F9A7 CALL $6732 ; get address from lookup table ; de now points to start of landing area graphics for this level $F9AA INC DE ; ignore the normal graphic info. for this graphic and move to start of attribute data $F9AB POP HL ; hl=$6000 (start of buffer) $F9AC LD (HL),$22 ; ($6000)=$22 (set graphic info.) %00100010 bits 0,1,2 PLUS ONE=height(rows), bits 3,4,5 PLUS ; ONE=width(columns) ; therefore, set 3 rows and 5 columns (5*24) $F9AE INC HL ; hl=$6001 $F9AF PUSH DE ; preserve start location of landing area graphic attribute data ; copy 3 attributes $F9B0 LD B,$03 ; number of attributes to copy *$F9B2 LD A,(DE) ; $F9B3 LD (HL),A ; copy attributes into buffer ($d77c-$d77e copied to $6001-6003) $F9B4 INC DE ; $F9B5 INC HL ; $F9B6 DJNZ $F9B2 ; ; copy additional 4 sets (4*3 bytes) of attribute pattern now at $6001-$6003 to $6004-$6006, $6007-$6009, ; $600a-$600c and $600d-$600f $F9B8 EX DE,HL ; $F9B9 LD HL,$6001 ; $F9BC LD C,$0C ; $F9BE LDIR ; ; copy actual graphic data into buffer $F9C0 POP HL ; hl pointing to start of landing area graphic attribute data $F9C1 LD C,$0C ; $F9C3 ADD HL,BC ; hl now points to landing area graphic actual graphic data $F9C4 LD C,$60 ; copy 96 bytes (original size= 4*24) $F9C6 LDIR ; ; make a copy of the data now at $6000-$606f(111 bytes) to $6088-$60f7(111 bytes) $F9C8 LD L,B ; $F9C9 LD H,D ; hl=$6000 $F9CA LD E,$88 ; de=$6088 $F9CC LD C,$88 ; copy 136 bytes $F9CE LDIR ; $F9D0 PUSH DE ; de=$6110 $F9D1 LD BC,$0403 ; b=columns, c=rows $F9D4 LD DE,$6098 ; $F9D7 CALL $6778 ; create mirror image of graphic data (not attributes) $F9DA LD HL,$6000 ; $F9DD POP DE ; $F9DE LD BC,$0330 ; 816 bytes $F9E1 LDIR ; ; de=$6440 $F9E3 LD HL,$6010 ; $F9E6 LD BC,$0402 ; *$F9E9 PUSH BC ; $F9EA LD A,C ; a=2 number of pixels to shift right $F9EB LD BC,$0503 ; b=columns, c=rows $F9EE CALL $69FF ; shift pixels to right $F9F1 LD DE,$0088 ; $F9F4 ADD HL,DE ; $F9F5 POP BC ; $F9F6 LD A,C ; a=2 number of pixels to shift right $F9F7 PUSH BC ; $F9F8 LD BC,$0503 ; b=columns, c=rows $F9FB CALL $69FF ; shift pixels to right $F9FE LD DE,$0088 ; $FA01 ADD HL,DE ; $FA02 POP BC ; $FA03 INC C ; $FA04 INC C ; $FA05 DJNZ $F9E9 ; $FA07 RET ; ; Data block at FA08 b$FA08 DEFB $03 ; shifted graphics amount $FA09 DEFB $20 ; base graphics column $FA0A DEFB $00 ; airship ladder row $FA0B DEFB $00 ; current propeller graphic ; coordinate lookup table ; ; #TABLE(default,centre,:w) ; { =h Byte(n) | =h Description } ; { 1 | row } ; { 2 | column } ; TABLE# b$FA0C DEFB $00,$00 ; $00 $FA0E DEFB $00,$05 ; $01 $FA10 DEFB $00,$0C ; $02 $FA12 DEFB $00,$13 ; $03 $FA14 DEFB $00,$1A ; $04 $FA16 DEFB $00,$1D ; $05 $FA18 DEFB $00,$0E ; $06 $FA1A DEFB $00,$03 ; $07 $FA1C DEFB $00,$1E ; $08 $FA1E DEFB $00,$15 ; $09 $FA20 DEFB $01,$00 ; $0a $FA22 DEFB $01,$13 ; $0b $FA24 DEFB $01,$10 ; $0c $FA26 DEFB $01,$15 ; $0d $FA28 DEFB $01,$1C ; $0e $FA2A DEFB $00,$0F ; $0f $FA2C DEFB $01,$04 ; $10 $FA2E DEFB $11,$04 ; $11 $FA30 DEFB $10,$13 ; $12 $FA32 DEFB $04,$1C ; $13 $FA34 DEFB $02,$00 ; $14 $FA36 DEFB $02,$01 ; $15 $FA38 DEFB $02,$10 ; $16 $FA3A DEFB $02,$1F ; $17 $FA3C DEFB $02,$12 ; $18 $FA3E DEFB $02,$0A ; $19 $FA40 DEFB $02,$14 ; $1a $FA42 DEFB $02,$1C ; $1b $FA44 DEFB $02,$0F ; $1c $FA46 DEFB $02,$15 ; $1d $FA48 DEFB $03,$05 ; $1e $FA4A DEFB $03,$08 ; $1f $FA4C DEFB $03,$0B ; $20 $FA4E DEFB $03,$00 ; $21 $FA50 DEFB $03,$01 ; $22 $FA52 DEFB $03,$03 ; $23 $FA54 DEFB $03,$09 ; $24 $FA56 DEFB $03,$0C ; $25 $FA58 DEFB $03,$07 ; $26 $FA5A DEFB $03,$13 ; $27 $FA5C DEFB $04,$03 ; $28 $FA5E DEFB $04,$01 ; $29 $FA60 DEFB $04,$05 ; $2a $FA62 DEFB $04,$1F ; $2b $FA64 DEFB $04,$14 ; $2c $FA66 DEFB $04,$09 ; $2d $FA68 DEFB $04,$0F ; $2e $FA6A DEFB $04,$15 ; $2f $FA6C DEFB $04,$1B ; $30 $FA6E DEFB $04,$12 ; $31 $FA70 DEFB $05,$0A ; $32 $FA72 DEFB $05,$13 ; $33 $FA74 DEFB $05,$0D ; $34 $FA76 DEFB $05,$10 ; $35 $FA78 DEFB $05,$0F ; $36 $FA7A DEFB $05,$12 ; $37 $FA7C DEFB $05,$15 ; $38 $FA7E DEFB $05,$17 ; $39 $FA80 DEFB $05,$1A ; $3a $FA82 DEFB $05,$04 ; $3b $FA84 DEFB $06,$0C ; $3c $FA86 DEFB $06,$0A ; $3d $FA88 DEFB $06,$1E ; $3e $FA8A DEFB $06,$00 ; $3f $FA8C DEFB $06,$0E ; $40 $FA8E DEFB $06,$14 ; $41 $FA90 DEFB $06,$10 ; $42 $FA92 DEFB $06,$02 ; $43 $FA94 DEFB $06,$15 ; $44 $FA96 DEFB $04,$00 ; $45 $FA98 DEFB $07,$0B ; $46 $FA9A DEFB $07,$12 ; $47 $FA9C DEFB $07,$13 ; $48 $FA9E DEFB $07,$0F ; $49 $FAA0 DEFB $07,$0A ; $4a $FAA2 DEFB $07,$00 ; $4b $FAA4 DEFB $07,$19 ; $4c $FAA6 DEFB $07,$08 ; $4d $FAA8 DEFB $07,$17 ; $4e $FAAA DEFB $07,$18 ; $4f $FAAC DEFB $08,$0A ; $50 $FAAE DEFB $08,$0E ; $51 $FAB0 DEFB $08,$11 ; $52 $FAB2 DEFB $08,$12 ; $53 $FAB4 DEFB $08,$01 ; $54 $FAB6 DEFB $08,$1F ; $55 $FAB8 DEFB $08,$10 ; $56 $FABA DEFB $08,$00 ; $57 $FABC DEFB $08,$1E ; $58 $FABE DEFB $08,$1C ; $59 $FAC0 DEFB $09,$0A ; $5a $FAC2 DEFB $09,$12 ; $5b $FAC4 DEFB $09,$0D ; $5c $FAC6 DEFB $09,$00 ; $5d $FAC8 DEFB $09,$18 ; $5e $FACA DEFB $09,$1A ; $5f $FACC DEFB $09,$17 ; $60 $FACE DEFB $09,$15 ; $61 $FAD0 DEFB $09,$19 ; $62 $FAD2 DEFB $09,$0E ; $63 $FAD4 DEFB $0A,$06 ; $64 $FAD6 DEFB $0A,$1C ; $65 $FAD8 DEFB $0A,$00 ; $66 $FADA DEFB $0A,$12 ; $67 $FADC DEFB $0A,$17 ; $68 $FADE DEFB $0A,$09 ; $69 $FAE0 DEFB $0A,$0E ; $6a $FAE2 DEFB $0A,$1B ; $6b $FAE4 DEFB $0A,$14 ; $6c $FAE6 DEFB $0A,$19 ; $6d $FAE8 DEFB $0B,$0B ; $6e $FAEA DEFB $0B,$0E ; $6f $FAEC DEFB $0B,$03 ; $70 $FAEE DEFB $0B,$01 ; $71 $FAF0 DEFB $0B,$05 ; $72 $FAF2 DEFB $0B,$12 ; $73 $FAF4 DEFB $0B,$15 ; $74 $FAF6 DEFB $0B,$1F ; $75 $FAF8 DEFB $0B,$14 ; $76 $FAFA DEFB $0B,$1B ; $77 $FAFC DEFB $0C,$0B ; $78 $FAFE DEFB $0C,$10 ; $79 $FB00 DEFB $0C,$0D ; $7a $FB02 DEFB $0C,$08 ; $7b $FB04 DEFB $0C,$00 ; $7c $FB06 DEFB $0C,$07 ; $7d $FB08 DEFB $0C,$18 ; $7e $FB0A DEFB $0C,$0A ; $7f $FB0C DEFB $0C,$1E ; $80 $FB0E DEFB $0C,$05 ; $81 $FB10 DEFB $0D,$0C ; $82 $FB12 DEFB $0D,$00 ; $83 $FB14 DEFB $0D,$07 ; $84 $FB16 DEFB $0D,$14 ; $85 $FB18 DEFB $0D,$0D ; $86 $FB1A DEFB $0D,$0E ; $87 $FB1C DEFB $0D,$1E ; $88 $FB1E DEFB $0D,$15 ; $89 $FB20 DEFB $0D,$16 ; $8a $FB22 DEFB $0D,$10 ; $8b $FB24 DEFB $0E,$00 ; $8c $FB26 DEFB $0E,$1E ; $8d $FB28 DEFB $0E,$05 ; $8e $FB2A DEFB $0E,$03 ; $8f $FB2C DEFB $0E,$0E ; $90 $FB2E DEFB $0E,$0D ; $91 $FB30 DEFB $0E,$18 ; $92 $FB32 DEFB $0E,$17 ; $93 $FB34 DEFB $0E,$1C ; $94 $FB36 DEFB $0E,$14 ; $95 $FB38 DEFB $0F,$12 ; $96 $FB3A DEFB $0F,$04 ; $97 $FB3C DEFB $0F,$00 ; $98 $FB3E DEFB $0F,$03 ; $99 $FB40 DEFB $0F,$07 ; $9a $FB42 DEFB $0F,$08 ; $9b $FB44 DEFB $0F,$1E ; $9c $FB46 DEFB $0F,$14 ; $9d $FB48 DEFB $0F,$18 ; $9e $FB4A DEFB $0F,$06 ; $9f $FB4C DEFB $10,$00 ; $a0 $FB4E DEFB $10,$1E ; $a1 $FB50 DEFB $10,$17 ; $a2 $FB52 DEFB $10,$03 ; $a3 $FB54 DEFB $10,$15 ; $a4 $FB56 DEFB $10,$01 ; $a5 $FB58 DEFB $10,$0C ; $a6 $FB5A DEFB $10,$1F ; $a7 $FB5C DEFB $10,$0D ; $a8 $FB5E DEFB $10,$0E ; $a9 $FB60 DEFB $11,$00 ; $aa $FB62 DEFB $11,$18 ; $ab $FB64 DEFB $11,$02 ; $ac $FB66 DEFB $11,$13 ; $ad $FB68 DEFB $11,$08 ; $ae $FB6A DEFB $11,$0F ; $af $FB6C DEFB $11,$0E ; $b0 $FB6E DEFB $11,$10 ; $b1 $FB70 DEFB $11,$14 ; $b2 $FB72 DEFB $11,$16 ; $b3 $FB74 DEFB $12,$00 ; $b4 $FB76 DEFB $12,$10 ; $b5 $FB78 DEFB $12,$0A ; $b6 $FB7A DEFB $12,$14 ; $b7 $FB7C DEFB $12,$1C ; $b8 $FB7E DEFB $12,$04 ; $b9 $FB80 DEFB $12,$0C ; $ba $FB82 DEFB $12,$15 ; $bb $FB84 DEFB $12,$17 ; $bc $FB86 DEFB $00,$02 ; $bd $FB88 DEFB $04,$1E ; $be $FB8A DEFB $08,$19 ; $bf $FB8C DEFB $00,$12 ; $c0 $FB8E DEFB $00,$0D ; $c1 $FB90 DEFB $00,$0A ; $c2 $FB92 DEFB $00,$1C ; $c3 $FB94 DEFB $00,$07 ; $c4 $FB96 DEFB $00,$1B ; $c5 $FB98 DEFB $00,$09 ; $c6 $FB9A DEFB $00,$14 ; $c7 $FB9C DEFB $10,$0A ; $c8 $FB9E DEFB $10,$1C ; $c9 $FBA0 DEFB $10,$08 ; $ca $FBA2 DEFB $03,$18 ; $cb $FBA4 DEFB $10,$07 ; $cc $FBA6 DEFB $03,$1E ; $cd $FBA8 DEFB $00,$18 ; $ce $FBAA DEFB $10,$14 ; $cf $FBAC DEFB $00,$08 ; $d0 $FBAE DEFB $00,$10 ; $d1 $FBB0 DEFB $10,$10 ; $d2 $FBB2 DEFB $10,$16 ; $d3 $FBB4 DEFB $0E,$07 ; $d4 $FBB6 DEFB $00,$16 ; $d5 $FBB8 DEFB $03,$17 ; $d6 $FBBA DEFB $0A,$18 ; $d7 $FBBC DEFB $0A,$05 ; $d8 $FBBE DEFB $0A,$0C ; $d9 $FBC0 DEFB $0C,$0F ; $da $FBC2 DEFB $00,$17 ; $db $FBC4 DEFB $00,$11 ; $dc $FBC6 DEFB $0E,$1A ; $dd $FBC8 DEFB $03,$1B ; $de $FBCA DEFB $10,$18 ; $df $FBCC DEFB $10,$02 ; $e0 $FBCE DEFB $0B,$1A ; $e1 $FBD0 DEFB $0A,$10 ; $e2 $FBD2 DEFB $0A,$15 ; $e3 $FBD4 DEFB $0B,$0F ; $e4 $FBD6 DEFB $10,$12 ; $e5 $FBD8 DEFB $10,$06 ; $e6 $FBDA DEFB $00,$06 ; $e7 $FBDC DEFB $10,$1A ; $e8 $FBDE DEFB $10,$1B ; $e9 $FBE0 DEFB $08,$04 ; $ea $FBE2 DEFB $07,$07 ; $eb $FBE4 DEFB $0D,$1A ; $ec $FBE6 DEFB $00,$19 ; $ed $FBE8 DEFB $0C,$15 ; $ee $FBEA DEFB $0B,$19 ; $ef $FBEC DEFB $0E,$15 ; $f0 $FBEE DEFB $02,$17 ; $f1 $FBF0 DEFB $07,$1B ; $f2 $FBF2 DEFB $11,$15 ; $f3 $FBF4 DEFB $10,$19 ; $f4 $FBF6 DEFB $08,$15 ; $f5 $FBF8 DEFB $05,$18 ; $f6 $FBFA DEFB $07,$16 ; $f7 $FBFC DEFB $0E,$02 ; $f8 $FBFE DEFB $0F,$0D ; $f9 ; blitzen ray gun firing graphics (size 1*8) ; ; ray gun firing graphic 1 b$FC00 DEFB $FF,$FF,$77,$AA,$DD,$FF,$FF,$FF ; ray gun firing graphic 2 $FC08 DEFB $DF,$AF,$6E,$F5,$FB,$FF,$FF,$FF ; ray gun firing graphic 3 $FC10 DEFB $FB,$F5,$75,$AE,$AF,$DF,$FF,$FF ; ray gun firing graphic 4 $FC18 DEFB $FF,$7F,$BA,$D5,$EF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; blitzen sprite attributes ; ; left column attributes (top to bottom) b$FC20 DEFB $46 ; attribute (bright, black paper, yellow ink) $FC21 DEFB $43 ; attribute (bright, black paper, magenta ink) $FC22 DEFB $41 ; attribute (bright, black paper, blue ink) ; middle column attributes (top to bottom) $FC23 DEFB $46 ; attribute (bright, black paper, yellow ink) $FC24 DEFB $43 ; attribute (bright, black paper, magenta ink) $FC25 DEFB $41 ; attribute (bright, black paper, blue ink) ; right column attributes (top to bottom) $FC26 DEFB $46 ; attribute (bright, black paper, yellow ink) $FC27 DEFB $43 ; attribute (bright, black paper, magenta ink) $FC28 DEFB $41 ; attribute (bright, black paper, blue ink) ; tune data b$FC29 DEFB $1B,$39,$1B,$36,$3B,$19,$36,$14,$90,$FF $FC33 DEFB $09,$0B,$0D,$10,$B9,$17,$15,$12,$10,$B2,$10,$0D,$0B,$09,$4D,$00,$6D,$FF $FC45 DEFB $07,$0C,$0E,$10,$0E,$0C,$0E,$30,$0C,$00,$4C,$FF $FC51 DEFB $0C,$00,$2C,$0B,$0C,$2E,$69,$67,$FF $FC5A DEFB $B5,$34,$35,$38,$DD,$3C,$3D,$3F,$3D,$3C,$3D,$35,$38,$FC,$FF $FC69 DEFB $B1,$30,$31,$34,$D5,$34,$35,$36,$35,$34,$35,$31,$35,$F8,$FF $FC78 DEFB $27,$0B,$0C,$2E,$27,$0C,$0E,$30,$27,$0E,$10,$31,$33,$20,$13,$00,$33,$15,$13,$11,$00,$31,$13,$11,$10,$00,$30,$11,$10,$2E,$6C,$FF $FC98 DEFB $22,$27,$2B,$24,$27,$2C,$25,$0B,$0C,$2E,$2C,$2B,$2A,$6A,$09,$00,$68,$07,$00,$67,$25,$64,$FF $FCAF DEFB $32,$DE,$DB,$39,$3B,$D9,$B9,$FF $FCB7 DEFB $2F,$DB,$D7,$36,$37,$D6,$B6,$FF $FCBF DEFB $10,$0E,$0D,$0E,$71,$13,$11,$10,$11,$75,$16,$15,$14,$15,$1C,$1A,$19,$1A,$1C,$1A,$19,$1A,$5D,$FF $FCD7 DEFB $60,$0E,$09,$05,$09,$02,$40,$11,$0E,$09,$0E,$05,$40,$13,$11,$10,$11,$13,$11,$10,$11,$55,$FF $FCEE DEFB $DA,$00,$FA,$7A,$77,$78,$7A,$77,$73,$75,$77,$F3,$EE,$FF $FCFC DEFB $27,$2E,$33,$30,$72,$6E,$27,$2E,$33,$30,$72,$6E,$27,$2E,$33,$30,$72,$6E,$27,$2E,$33,$30,$72,$6E,$FF $FD15 DEFB $B3,$12,$13,$15,$13,$12,$10,$13,$00,$13,$10,$B3,$12,$13,$10,$0E,$0B,$0C,$AE,$FF $FD29 DEFB $AB,$09,$0B,$0C,$0B,$09,$07,$0B,$00,$0B,$09,$AB,$0E,$10,$0C,$0B,$07,$09,$AB,$FF $FD3D DEFB $37,$34,$32,$30,$32,$34,$37,$34,$32,$30,$12,$14,$12,$14,$37,$34,$37,$39,$34,$39,$37,$34,$32,$70,$FF $FD56 DEFB $34,$30,$2B,$28,$2B,$30,$34,$30,$2B,$28,$2B,$30,$34,$30,$74,$30,$74,$30,$2B,$68,$FF $FD6B DEFB $27,$26,$64,$69,$6B,$69,$67,$66,$64,$FF $FD75 DEFB $3C,$3E,$7F,$3E,$3C,$7B,$3C,$3E,$77,$39,$3B,$7C,$FF $FD82 DEFB $3D,$3C,$3D,$3C,$3D,$38,$3B,$39,$D6,$2D,$31,$36,$D8,$31,$35,$38,$D9,$FF $FD94 DEFB $39,$38,$39,$38,$39,$35,$32,$31,$2D,$2C,$2A,$C5,$2F,$2D,$2C,$29,$2C,$2F,$D1,$FF $FDA8 DEFB $2D,$2F,$30,$32,$34,$30,$74,$33,$2F,$73,$32,$2E,$72,$2D,$2F,$30,$32,$34,$30,$34,$39,$37,$34,$30,$34,$77,$FF $FDC3 DEFB $61,$68,$64,$6B,$63,$6A,$62,$69,$61,$68,$61,$63,$64,$6B,$64,$FF $FDD3 DEFB $F3,$77,$7A,$72,$32,$13,$15,$F3,$FC,$7A,$7F,$7A,$78,$F7,$FF $FDE2 DEFB $27,$2E,$2B,$2E,$27,$2E,$2B,$2E,$29,$2E,$2C,$2E,$27,$2E,$2B,$2E,$27,$30,$2C,$30,$27,$2E,$2B,$2E,$26,$2E,$29,$2E,$27,$2E,$2B,$2E,$27,$FF $FE04 DEFB $E2,$E7,$6B,$60,$6B,$60,$E8,$E9,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$E2,$E7,$6B,$60,$6B,$60,$E8,$E9,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$E2,$E3,$E3,$62,$60,$62,$60,$E3,$E3,$62,$60,$62,$60,$67,$6A,$6E,$73,$6A,$6E,$73,$76,$6E,$73,$76,$7A,$72,$73,$76,$7A,$6A,$60,$6A,$60,$6A,$60,$6A,$60,$6B,$60,$6B,$60,$67,$60,$67,$60,$6A,$60,$6A,$60,$67,$60,$67,$60,$67,$60,$66,$60,$E7,$E7,$FF $FE58 DEFB $E2,$E7,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$E8,$E9,$6C,$60,$6C,$60,$E2,$E7,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$E8,$E9,$6C,$60,$6C,$60,$E2,$60,$73,$76,$7B,$60,$7A,$60,$7A,$60,$73,$76,$7B,$60,$7A,$60,$7A,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$6D,$60,$6D,$60,$6D,$60,$6D,$60,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$6B,$60,$6B,$60,$6F,$60,$6F,$60,$6E,$60,$6E,$2C,$2D,$6E,$6B,$EC,$EB,$EB,$FF $FEA8 DEFB $E0,$60,$73,$7A,$73,$77,$7A,$60,$73,$7A,$72,$75,$FA,$FA,$60,$60,$73,$7A,$73,$77,$7A,$60,$73,$7A,$72,$75,$FA,$FA,$60,$60,$73,$76,$6F,$60,$6E,$60,$6E,$60,$73,$76,$6F,$60,$6E,$60,$6E,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$E0,$7F,$60,$7F,$60,$7F,$60,$3F,$20,$7F,$7F,$7A,$7C,$77,$7A,$7C,$60,$F3,$75,$76,$73,$75,$77,$60,$35,$36,$77,$73,$F5,$F3,$F3,$FF ; Unused s$FEFC DEFS $18 ; remains of tape loader i$FF14