; ; Reverse engineering of Robotron 2084 Solid Blue Label by Scott Tunstall (Paisley, Scotland.) ; ; All questions, comments, corrections - please send to scott.tunstall@ntlworld.com ; ; ; ; Convention: where the term METADATA is used, that means "information about data". For example, the term "Animation Frame Metadata" means "information held about an animation frame", which is ; the animation frame's width, height, and pixel buffer pointer. ; num_players_d EQU $0040 credits_d EQU $0051 JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT EQU $5F99 PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT EQU $6147 TEXT_FUNCTIONS EQU $61A2 ; changed from subs to functions TEXT_PTRS EQU $6291 COPY_NIB_XYB1 EQU $6F0C def_wel_msg_ptr EQU $6F0F COPY_NIB_XYB EQU $6F11 CLEAR_CMOS EQU $6F21 LOAD_CMOS_DEFS1 EQU $6F2C LOAD_CMOS_DEFS2 EQU $6F3B def_wel_msg EQU $6F65 ram_palette_start EQU $9800 ; read by the interrupt routine and used to set palette entries ram_palette_end EQU $980F ???? EQU $9810 object_metadata_list_pointer EQU $9811 ; linked list of object metadata. see $D196 object_metadata_list_2_pointer EQU $9813 ; second list of object metadata, used by enforcer, quark, spark and shell: begins at $A9E0. See $D6F0. task_list_pointer EQU $9815 ; maintains a forward only linked list of tasks - see $D1E3 spheroids_enforcers_quarks_sparks_shells EQU $9817 ; pointer to linked list of spheroids, enforcers, quarks, sparks and tankshells. ???? EQU $9819 free_object_list_pointer EQU $981B ; pointer to a linked list of object entries free to use. third_object_metadata_list_pointer EQU $981D ; pointer to a linked list of object metadata, used by progs and cruise missiles. Begins at $B0E8. See code at $D705 family_list_pointer EQU $981F ; pointer to linked list of all family members grunts_hulks_brains_progs_cruise_tanks EQU $9821 ; pointer to linked list of grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks electrode_list_pointer EQU $9823 ; pointer to linked list of all electrodes ???? EQU $9827 $982B and $982C are scratch variables, used for different purposes. current_player EQU $983F ; 1 = currently player one playing, 2 = currently player two playing num_players EQU $9840 ; 1 = one player game, 2 = two player game beam_counter EQU $9841 ; used to keep track of the vertical beam counter. ???? EQU $9842 ???? EQU $9844 rom_control_flag EQU $9845 ; used to keep track of rom_enable_scr_ctrl value. extra_man_every EQU $9846 ; 16 bit BCD number. The table of preset values are below. ; Value in $9846 Value in $9847 Maps to "Game Adjustment |Bonus Life Every" setting ; =================================================================================================== ; 00 00 No extra men ; 02 00 20000 Liberal ; 02 50 25000 Recommended ; 03 00 30000 Conservative ; 05 00 50000 Extra Conservative player_collision_detection EQU $9848 ; When set to 1, it means player collision detection routine is checking for collisions. family_member_lookup_list EQU $9849 ; not same as $981F. This field is a pointer to an entry in a quick lookup list used by hulks and brains to find family members to target. ; the list starts at #$B354 and ends at #$B3A4 (50 bytes, 2 bytes per family member pointer, meaning can hold 25 family members max) bonus_credit_counter EQU $984F ; used to keep track of coins inserted for "units required for bonus credit" setting in game adjustment screen units_required_for_credit_counter EQU $9850 ; used to keep track of coins inserted for "units required for credit" setting in game adjustment screen total_credits EQU $9851 ; number of credits in total. Includes unused credits from previous game sessions saved in CMOS. ???? EQU $9859 ; This contains bit flags that appear to control rendering and disabling some game logic. ; Bit 0 set: ; Bit 1 set: ; Bit 2 set: ; Bit 3 set: Do not re-draw spheroids, enforcers, sparks, tank shells (see $DCE7) ; Bit 4 set: Do not re-draw player (see $DD3E) ; Bit 5 set: ; Bit 6 set: ; Bit 7 set: Do not accept coins (see $2704) player_object_start EQU $985A ; start of player object in memory. player_animation_frame_metadata_pointer EQU $985C player_blitter_destination $985E player_x EQU $09864 ; X coordinate of player. #$4A = middle of screen, #$07 = as far as can go left, #$8C = as far as can go right of screen player_y EQU $09866 ; Y coordinate of player. #$7C = middle of screen, #$18 = as far as can go up, #$DF = as far as can go down animation_index EQU $9870 ; index into current player animation (0-based) lasers_fired_by_player EQU $9887 ; number of lasers fired by the player. laser_horizontal_direction EQU $9888 ; used in collision detection routines. horizontal axis of the player's laser ($FF = left, 0 = none, $1 = right) laser_vertical_direction EQU $9889 ; used in collision detection routines. vertical axis of the player's laser ($FF = up, 0 = none, 1=down) number_of_sparks_on_screen EQU $988A ; current number of enforcer missiles (sparks) on screen grunt_list EQU $988B ; linked list of grunts number_of_family_members_saved EQU $988D ; number of family members saved this wave number_of_cruise_missiles_on screen EQU $988E ; number of cruise missiles (missiles fired by brain) on screen current_wall_colour EQU $988F ; colour of the wall at edge of playfield current_electrode_colour EQU $9890 ; colour to draw electrodes in flattened_laser_colour EQU $9891 ; number_of_electrodes EQU $9892 ; number of electrodes to draw (see $354B) current_electrode_animation_frame_metadata EQU $9893 ; pointer to animation metadata for electrode type brain_progging_flag EQU $9895 ; when non-zero it means brain is progging a human TODO: unknown_explosion_list EQU $9896 ; see $5B6C TODO: unknown_explosion_list EQU $9898 ; see $5B84 explosion_list_pointer EQU $98A9 ; pointer to a forward-only linked list of explosions explosion_list_entry_pointer EQU $98AD ; pointer to first free explosion ???_list_pointer EQU $98C0 text_colour EQU $98CF ; colour to render text characters in. From Sean's site: colours are BB GGG RRR format. odd_pixel_flag EQU $98D0 ; when rendering text characters, this flag is 1 when rendering needs to begin from on an odd numbered pixel. 0 otherwise. ??? EQU $98D1 ; TODO: font related font_size EQU $98D2 ; 5 = small font. 7 = large font. ??? EQU $98D5 ; TODO: font related ??? EQU $98D7 ; TODO: font related temp_enforcer_count EQU $98ED ; number of enforcers currently on the screen minute_timer EQU $98EE ; This counter is used to determine when a minute elapses during the game. After every minute, the Play Time In Minutes bookkeeping item is updated in CMOS tank_movement_delay EQU $98EF EQU $98F0 ; appears to be incremented each time the player score is updated (see $DB9E) tank_shell_count EQU $98F1 ; number of tank shells currently on screen ??? EQU $98F4 ; $B3A4 - $B3E3 reserved for use by electrodes ; $BDE4 is the start of the game state for player 1 p1_score EQU $BDE4 ; score is 4 bytes, stored as BCD. E.g. a score of 1,234,567 is stored as: 01 23 45 67 p1_next_free_man EQU $BDE8 ; score required to get a bonus life. Stored as same format as p1_score p1_men EQU $BDEC p1_wave EQU $BDED ; $BDEE - $BE71 is a snapshot of player 1's current wave state, e.g. how many grunts are on screen, how many spheroids, how many hulks etc. ; This information is used to re-create the wave when the player dies or, if in a 2 player game, it's Player 1's turn. ; When starting a new wave, this state is initialised by code @ $2B7C ; p1_grunt_delay EQU $BDEE p1_grunt_delay_throttle EQU $BDEF ; minimum value that grunt movement delay can be ; These variables are initialised by the code @ $2B0B p1_grunts EQU $BDFA p1_electrodes EQU $BDFB p1_mommies EQU $BDFC p1_daddies EQU $BDFD p1_mikeys EQU $BDFE p1_hulks EQU $BDFF p1_brains EQU $BE00 p1_sphereoids EQU $BE01 p1_quarks EQU $BE02 p1_tanks EQU $BE03 ; $BE20 is the start of the game state for player 2 p2_score EQU $BE20 ; score is 4 bytes, stored as BCD. E.g. a score of 1,234,567 is stored as: 01 23 45 67 p2_next_free_man EQU $BE24 ; score required to get a bonus life. Stored as same format as p2_score p2_men EQU $BE28 p2_wave EQU $BE29 p2_grunts EQU $BE36 p2_electrodes EQU $BE37 p2_mommies EQU $BE38 p2_daddies EQU $BE39 p2_mikeys EQU $BE3A p2_hulks EQU $BE3B p2_brains EQU $BE3C p2_sphereoids EQU $BE3D p2_quarks EQU $BE3E p2_tanks EQU $BE3F ; I've not applied labels to these guys because I'm not sure what to call them! $BE5C - used by grunt AI to determine how often grunts move. See $39E6 . The lower the number the faster the grunts will go. This field is updated when grunts are killed, to make game faster - see $3A96. $BE5D - used by grunt AI to throttle the delay of the grunts. This represents the lowest value that can go into $BE5C - see $3A9A. $BE5E - used by spheroid and quark initialisation routines when determining how many enforcers and tanks respectively to drop. See $1193 and $4B66 $BE5F - used by enforcer. This value is used to determine when an enforcer fires a spark. See $136D $BE60 - used by sphereoid to determine delay before spawning enforcer. See $118B and $11F2 $BE61 - used by hulk. This value is used to determine how fast a hulk moves (ie: how often its update routine is called) - the lower the faster - see $0098 $BE62 - used by brain. This value is used to determine how often to fire a cruise missile at the player. - the lower the more often - See $1B46 $BE63 - used by brain. This value is used to determine how fast a brain moves (ie: how often its update routine is called) - the lower the faster - see $1C9C $BE64 - used by tank. This value is used to determine how often a tank can fire a shell. - the lower the more often - See $4D55 $BE65 - used by tank shell creation routine. From the logic I think this is an "accuracy" setting $BE66 - used by quark logic. Maximum delay before a quark can spawn a tank. See $4B5E $BE67 - used by quark logic for computing movement deltas. See $4B82 cur_grunts EQU $BE68 cur_electrodes EQU $BE69 cur_mommies EQU $BE6A cur_daddies EQU $BE6B cur_mikeys EQU $BE6C cur_hulks EQU $BE6D cur_brains EQU $BE6E cur_sphereoids EQU $BE6F cur_quarks EQU $BE70 cur_tanks EQU $BE71 stacktop EQU $BF70 color_registers EQU $C000 widget_pia_dataa EQU $C804 widget_pia_ctrla EQU $C805 widget_pia_datab EQU $C806 widget_pia_ctrlb EQU $C807 ; c804 widget_pia_dataa (widget = I/O board) ; bit 0 Move up ; bit 1 Move down ; bit 2 Move left ; bit 3 Move right ; bit 4 1 Player ; bit 5 2 Players ; bit 6 Fire up ; bit 7 Fire down ;c806 widget_pia_datab ; bit 0 Fire left ; bit 1 Fire right ; bit 2 ; bit 3 ; bit 4 ; bit 5 ; bit 6 ; bit 7 rom_pia_dataa EQU $C80C rom_pia_ctrla EQU $C80D rom_pia_datab EQU $C80E rom_pia_ctrlb EQU $C80F rom_enable_scr_ctrl EQU $C900 start_blitter EQU $CA00 blitter_mask EQU $CA01 blitter_source EQU $CA02 blitter_dest EQU $CA04 blitter_dest_h EQU $CA04 blitter_dest_l EQU $CA05 ; mamedev.org - http://mamedev.org/source/src/mame/drivers/williams.c.html contains incorrect information about the Williams' blitter. ; their docs say the width and height is written to $CA07 and $CA06 respectively, which is wrong. ; The correction is that that width is written to $CA06 and height to $CA07. Please see http://www.seanriddle.com/blittest.html ; I proved this with my own experiments, specifically within the code block $8DC9 blitter_w_h EQU $CA06 blitter_width EQU $CA06 blitter_height EQU $CA07 vidctrs EQU $CB00 ; raster position watchdog EQU $CBFF ; ; The following EQUates are CMOS-backed Game settings that can be edited in the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. ; Each setting is stored as 2 bytes (a word) where the lower nibble of each byte represents a single BCD digit. The upper nibble - we don't care about. ; ; Two quick examples: ; 1. in extra_man_every ($CC00), if you had a setting on screen of 25000 (the RECOMMENDED value) the lower nibble of the first byte would be set to 2, ; and lower nibble of second byte would be 5. The BCD value is multiplied by 1000 before being displayed on screen. ; 2. For difficulty_of_play ($CC14) if the setting is 10 (EXTRA CONSERVATIVE) then the lower nibble of the first byte is 1, the lower nibble of second byte is 0. ; Otherwise, the lower nibble of the first byte is 0 and the lower nibble of the second bye is the value displayed on screen. ; ; You'll learn quicker how the settings are stored by using the Memory Window in the MAME debugger and viewing from address $CC00. ; extra_man_every EQU $CC00 ; 20 = every 20000, 25 = every 25000, 30 = every 30000, 50 = every 50000 turns_per_player EQU $CC02 ; how many lives a player gets upon starting the game pricing_selection EQU $CC04 ; 0 - 9. 9 = free play left_slot_units EQU $CC06 ; number of coins inserted into left slot centre_slot_units EQU $CC08 ; number of coins inserted into left slot right_slot_units EQU $CC0A units_required_for_credit EQU $CC0C units_required_for_bonus_credit EQU $CC0E minimum_units_for_any_credit EQU $CC10 fancy_attract_mode_on_off EQU $CC12 ; Boolean. 1 = on, 0 = off. difficulty_of_play EQU $CC14 ; 0 - 10. 0 = extra liberal, 5 = recommended, 10 = extra conservative letters_for_highest_score_name EQU $CC16 ; 3 - 20. 3 = recommended restore_factory_settings EQU $CC18 clear_bookkeeping_totals EQU $CC1A high_score_table_reset EQU $CC1C auto_cycle EQU $CC1E set_attract_mode_message EQU $CC20 set_highest_score_name EQU $CC22 game_adjustment_settings_checksum EQU $CC8C ; checksum of $CC00-CC23 is stored here. This is used to determine integrity of CMOS game settings credits_cmos EQU $CD00 ; number of credits - BCD number split over 2 bytes, byte 0 = most significant 4 bits ; Bookkeeping totals left_slot_coins EQU $CD02 centre_slot_coins EQU $CD08 right_slot_coins EQU $CD0E paid_credits EQU $CD14 extra_men_earned EQU $CD1A play_time_in_minutes EQU $CD20 men_played EQU $CD26 credits_played EQU $CD2C top_score EQU $CD32 high_scores EQU $CD68 score_chksum EQU $CD60 ; These labels were created by Sean Riddle. CLR_SCREEN1 EQU $D012 LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1 EQU $D033 FLIP_SCR_UP1 EQU $D099 FLIP_SCR_DOWN1 EQU $D09C PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 EQU $D0A2 STA_NIB_X1 EQU $D0AB FLIP_SCR_UP EQU $D4FC FLIP_SCR_DOWN EQU $D503 PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A EQU $D512 STA_NIB_X EQU $D52B ADDA_CREDS EQU $D541 LOAD_DA51_PALETTE EQU $D795 colorpalette2 EQU $DA51 CLR_SCREEN EQU $DB7C CHECK_CMOS1 EQU $E3D0 GET_INITIALS1 EQU $E3D3 CHKSUM_SCORES EQU $E5BC CHECK_CMOS EQU $E5F5 MOVE_SCORES EQU $E6CC COPY_XYA EQU $E6EC GET_INITIALS EQU $E6F7 CHECK_SCORE EQU $E72A CHECK_NUM_SCORES1 EQU $E82C CHECK_NUM_SCORES2 EQU $E830 CMP_HSINIT_X EQU $E85B SAVE_HS EQU $E875 RESET EQU $F431 LOAD_F60B_PALETTE EQU $F5F5 colorpalette1 EQU $F60B LOAD_F6EE_PALETTE EQU $F6AD colorpalette3 EQU $F6EE RAM_TEST EQU $FD65 CHK_ROM_CHKSUMS EQU $FF3F rom_checksums EQU $FFB5 ORG $0000 *** Robotron Blue Label 0000: 7E 01 6D JMP $016D ; initialise all hulks 0003: 7E 02 B2 JMP $02B2 ; initialise all family members 0006: 7E 00 9E JMP $009E ; ensure object stays in bounds 0009: 7E 03 51 JMP $0351 ; pointer to "1000" animation frame metadata - this is read by $1329 when drawing a spheroid's points value after its shot 000C: 04 85 ; pointer to animation frame metadata of mommy standing still, facing left 000E: 05 2F ; pointer to animation frame metadata of daddy standing still, facing left 0010: 07 FF ; pointer to animation frame metadata of mikey standing still, facing left 0012: 0B 3B ; pointer to animation frame metadata of HULK standing still, facing left 0014: 0C F9 0016: 01 CC 03 CF 04 37 001C: D0 01 10 06 00 D0 03 04 17 00 E0 01 20 0D 00 E0 002C: 01 18 002E: 1A 00 ORCC #$00 ; ; Looks like this routine waits until some flags are cleared, and when they are the hulk can go stomping! ; ; 0030: 96 59 LDA $59 0032: 85 7F BITA #$7F 0034: 27 08 BEQ $003E ; if bits 0..6 are clear then go to the animate hulk routines 0036: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; delay before calling routine below 0038: 8E 00 30 LDX #$0030 ; address of routine to call 003B: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ANIMATE_HULK: 003E: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to hulk object COMPUTE_HULK_ANIMATION_FRAME: 0040: 10 AE 4D LDY $000D,U ; get hulk animation table pointer (see $01CC for description of how it's laid out) 0043: A6 4B LDA $000B,U ; get animation index into A 0045: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y ; Y+= A. Now Y points to correct animation table entry. 0047: E6 A4 LDB ,Y ; get byte at Y into B. Now B is an offset to be added to $0CF9 (see $0054) 0049: 2A 04 BPL $004F ; if bit 7 of the byte is not set, then we're not at the end of the animation sequence, goto $004F 004B: 6F 4B CLR $000B,U ; bit 7 is set, so at end of animation. Set index to 0, to start the animation off again 004D: 20 F1 BRA $0040 004F: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; add 3 to bump to next entry in animation table. 0051: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; set animation index to A 0053: 4F CLRA ; clear A as we don't want it affecting calculation below 0054: C3 0C F9 ADDD #$0CF9 ; #$0CF9 + B to give pointer to the animation frame metadata for correct hulk animation frame 0057: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; store D in animation frame metadata pointer. 0059: A6 21 LDA $0001,Y ; read X delta of animation table entry 005B: 5F CLRB 005C: 47 ASRA ; move bit 0 of A into carry, while preserving bit 7 (thus retaining sign bit) 005D: 56 RORB ; and move carry into most significant bit of B. Now A = whole part of delta, B = fractional part 005E: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X ; add to hulk's X coordinate 0060: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save D (computed new X coordinate) on stack 0062: E6 22 LDB $0002,Y ; read Y delta of animation table entry 0064: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; add to hulk's Y coordinate 0066: 8D 36 BSR $009E ; ensure computed X and Y coordinates are in bounds 0068: 27 04 BEQ $006E ; if components are in bounds, update actual X and Y coordinates 006A: 32 62 LEAS $0002,S ; discard B and A pushed on the stack @ $0060 006C: 20 22 BRA $0090 006E: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of hulk 0070: 35 06 PULS A,B ; restore computed new X coordinate from stack (see $0060) 0072: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; and store in X coordinate of hulk 0074: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; B = Y coordinate of hulk 0076: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer into U 0078: 8E 98 23 LDX #$9823 ; pointer to linked list of electrodes (hulks stomp electrodes) 007B: 34 46 PSHS U,B,A 007D: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 0080: 35 46 PULS A,B,U 0082: 8E 98 1F LDX #$981F ; pointer to linked list of family members (hulks kill family members) 0085: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 0088: DE 15 LDU $15 008A: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to hulk object into X 008C: 6A 4C DEC $000C,U ; decrement hulk move counter 008E: 26 02 BNE $0092 ; if hulk move counter !=0 goto $0092 0090: 8D 74 BSR $0106 ; change direction 0092: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 0095: 8E 00 3E LDX #$003E ; address of function to call 0098: B6 BE 61 LDA $BE61 ; get counter to say how long it will be before this routine is called again (to speed up hulk movement as wave progresses.) 009B: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; Ensure an object is within bounds of the playfield ; ; A = X coordinate of where object would *like* to move to ; B = Y coordinate of where object would *like* to move to ; X = object pointer ; ; Returns: ; Zero flag set if object coordinates in A & B are valid ; ENSURE_OBJECT_IN_BOUNDS: 009E: 34 06 PSHS B,A 00A0: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; X < 7? 00A2: 25 10 BCS $00B4 ; yes, goto $00B4 00A4: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; Y < #$18? 00A6: 25 0C BCS $00B4 ; yes, goto $00B4 00A8: E3 98 02 ADDD [$02,X] ; add in width in bytes and height in pixels of the object 00AB: 81 8F CMPA #$8F ; X+width in bytes > #$8F ? 00AD: 22 05 BHI $00B4 ; yes, so leave routine 00AF: C1 EA CMPB #$EA ; Y+height in pixels > $#EA ? 00B1: 22 01 BHI $00B4 ; yes, so leave routine 00B3: 4F CLRA ; otherwise set zero flag (A is restored by next instruction) 00B4: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Make the hulk react to being hit by player bullets ; HULK_BULLET_COLLISION_HANDLER: 00B6: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection? 00B8: 26 49 BNE $0103 ; yes 00BA: 96 88 LDA $88 ; A = bullet X delta 00BC: 5F CLRB 00BD: 0D 84 TST $84 ; read random number variable 00BF: 2B 01 BMI $00C2 ; if bit 7 set, go to $00C2 00C1: 48 ASLA ; A *= 2 (double the impact of the bullet on the X axis) 00C2: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X ; D+= hulk X coordinate 00C4: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save D (computed new X coordinate) on the stack for later (see 00DD) 00C6: D6 89 LDB $89 ; B = bullet Y delta 00C8: 96 86 LDA $86 ; read random number variable 00CA: 81 C0 CMPA #$C0 ; if > #$C0 00CC: 24 01 BCC $00CF ; jump to $CF 00CE: 58 ASLB ; else double the impact of the bullet on the Y axis 00CF: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B+= hulk Y coordinate 00D1: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; A = hulk computed new X coordinate from stack 00D3: 8D C9 BSR $009E ; ensure hulk X and Y are within boundaries 00D5: 27 04 BEQ $00DB ; if in boundaries, go to $00DB 00D7: 32 62 LEAS $0002,S ; adjust stack pointer to discard X and Y coordinates pushed earlier 00D9: 20 21 BRA $00FC ; and finish processing hulk ; hulk's new position has been validated, so update object's X and Y coordinates 00DB: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; hulk Y coordinate = B 00DD: 35 06 PULS A,B ; restore D 00DF: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; hulk X coordinate = D 00E1: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get hulk Y coordinate into B 00E3: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get current animation frame metadata pointer 00E5: 34 10 PSHS X 00E7: 8E 98 23 LDX #$9823 ; start of linked list for electrodes 00EA: 34 46 PSHS U,B,A 00EC: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 00EF: 35 46 PULS A,B,U 00F1: 8E 98 1F LDX #$981F ; start of linked list for family members 00F4: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 00F7: 35 10 PULS X 00F9: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; - draw object 00FC: CC 00 1C LDD #$001C 00FF: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 0102: 39 RTS 0103: 7E D0 18 JMP $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - blit object ; ; if the hulk is moving horizontally, make it move vertically, and vice versa. ; hulk gravitates towards its "target" but sometimes its target doesn't actually exist as an on-screen object. ; ; ; X = pointer to hulk object ; U = pointer to hulk metadata ; HULK_CHANGE_DIRECTION: 0106: 96 86 LDA $86 ; get a random number 0108: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask with #$1F (so that number lays in 0..31 decimal) 010A: 4C INCA ; add 1 to it (to ensure its nonzero) 010B: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; set in "move count" variable ; LDY [$09,U] gets a pointer to the target object in the object metadata linked list. ; An interesting bug: this instruction is supposed to return an active object but there are times when a hulk is created and there's nothing ; else on screen yet. As a result *(U + 9) computes to WORD 0 (which I call NULL) and the contents of memory addresses $0000 and $0001 are read into Y. ; You get Y=7E 01. Go look at ORG $0000 and see for yourself... ; ; Now, $7E01 certainly does not point to any real object, so the hulk ends up going on a wild goose chase, chasing an object that does not exist. ; This probably explains why hulks wander off doing their own thing and getting stuck in the corner at times. ; 010D: 10 AE D8 09 LDY [$09,U] ; get pointer to target object to stalk 0111: 26 04 BNE $0117 ; if not NULL goto $117 0113: 10 8E 98 5A LDY #$985A ; player_object_start. Looks like we're wanting to make the hulk stalk the player 0117: EC 4D LDD $000D,U ; get hulk animation table pointer (see $01CC for description of how it's laid out) 0119: 10 83 01 CC CMPD #$01CC ; is the hulk moving left? 011D: 27 26 BEQ $0145 ; yes, so this time we want to make the hulk move vertically 011F: 10 83 01 D9 CMPD #$01D9 ; is the hulk moving right? 0123: 27 20 BEQ $0145 ; yes, so this time we want to make the hulk move vertically ; ; Compute an X coordinate to move to, which in this case is (target X coordinate -15) .. (target X coordinate +15) ; where target can be player or family member, or even invalid object (see comments at $10D above) causing unpredictable hulk behaviour. ; HULK_MOVE_HORIZONTALLY: 0125: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 0127: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask in lower 5 bits (to give a number between 0..31 decimal) 0129: 8B F0 ADDA #$F0 ; add #$F0 (-15 decimal) - this should give a number between -15 and 16 012B: AB 24 ADDA $0004,Y ; add to most significant byte of target objects blitter destination (which in this case is the X component of address) 012D: 81 8F CMPA #$8F ; far right position of playfield area 012F: 23 06 BLS $0137 0131: 81 CF CMPA #$CF ; No idea why this is here, this is an invalid coordinate. 0133: 23 02 BLS $0137 0135: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; left-most of position playfield area 0137: A1 04 CMPA $0004,X ; if 7 is <= the most significant byte of the hulk's blitter destination, the hulk will move left 0139: 23 05 BLS $0140 013B: CC 01 D9 LDD #$01D9 ; pointer to animation table to make hulk move right 013E: 20 1F BRA $015F ; set hulk animation table pointer 0140: CC 01 CC LDD #$01CC ; pointer to animation table to make hulk move left 0143: 20 1A BRA $015F ; set hulk animation table pointer ; ; Compute a Y coordinate to move to, which in this case is (target Y coordinate -15) .. (target Y coordinate +15) ; where target can be player or family member, or even invalid object (see comments at $10D above) causing unpredictable hulk behaviour. ; MAKE_HULK_MOVE_VERTICALLY: 0145: 96 85 LDA $85 ; get another random number 0147: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask in lower 5 bits (to give a number between 0..31 decimal) 0149: 8B F0 ADDA #$F0 ; add #$F0 (-15 decimal) - this should give a number between -15 and 16 014B: AB 25 ADDA $0005,Y ; add to least significant byte of target objects blitter destination (the Y component) 014D: 81 06 CMPA #$06 ; far left edge of playfield 014F: 24 02 BCC $0153 ; if A>6 goto $0153 0151: 86 EA LDA #$EA ; far right edge of playfield 0153: A1 05 CMPA $0005,X ; if A is <= the least significant byte of the hulk's blitter destination (the Y component), the hulk will move up 0155: 23 05 BLS $015C 0157: CC 01 E6 LDD #$01E6 ; pointer to animation table to make hulk move down 015A: 20 03 BRA $015F 015C: CC 01 F3 LDD #$01F3 ; pointer to animation table to make hulk move up 015F: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; set animation table pointer to U 0161: 4F CLRA 0162: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; set index into animation table to 0 - first frame 0164: E6 D8 0D LDB [$0D,U] ; read offset from animation table (remember, each entry in the table has 3 bytes, first byte is offset to add to animation frame metadata list start ) 0167: C3 0C F9 ADDD #$0CF9 ; add offset to animation frame metadata list start for hulk, giving you a pointer in D to the animation frame metadata ... 016A: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; store to animation frame metadata pointer 016C: 39 RTS INITIALISE_ALL_HULKS: 016D: B6 BE 6D LDA cur_hulks ; get count of hulks into A 0170: 34 02 PSHS A ; save count on stack for use in loop 0172: 27 06 BEQ $017A ; if 0, exit 0174: 8D 06 BSR $017C ; create and initialise a hulk 0176: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement hulk count on stack 0178: 26 FA BNE $0174 ; if we've not set up all hulks, go back to $0174 017A: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; This function initialises a hulk object. ; ; HULK_INITIALISE: 017C: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 017F: 00 30 ; address of function to call ; at this point, X= newly created object metadata for hulk 0181: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; U = X = pointer to object metadata 0183: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) 0186: CC 0C F9 LDD #$0CF9 ; pointer to animation frame metadata (first 2 bytes at 0CF9 are 07 10 width & height , next 2 bytes 0D 1D pointer to image) 0189: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; store current animation frame metadata pointer 018B: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; store previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 018E: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata in this object 0190: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; store address of this object to U + 7 0192: CC 00 B6 LDD #$00B6 ; address of function to call when hulk is hit 0195: ED 08 STD $0008,X 0197: BD 38 8E JSR $388E ; JMP $38FE -compute safe rectangle for player ; find a start position for the hulk 019A: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) ; this block of code is here to ensure the hulk X and Y coordinates are valid ; and that the hulk's not too near to the player 019D: D1 2B CMPB $2B ; 019F: 23 0C BLS $01AD 01A1: D1 2C CMPB $2C 01A3: 24 08 BCC $01AD ; > 01A5: 91 2D CMPA $2D 01A7: 23 04 BLS $01AD ; <= 01A9: 91 2E CMPA $2E 01AB: 23 ED BLS $019A ; if the coordinate is invalid, then go get another one ; if we get here, hulk X and Y coordinates are valid 01AD: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set "last" blitter destination 01AF: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set current hulk X coordinate (whole part) 01B1: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set current hulk Y coordinate 01B3: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 01B5: 81 C0 CMPA #$C0 01B7: 23 05 BLS $01BE ; if number <= #$C0 (192 decimal) make the hulk stalk a family member 01B9: CC B3 A2 LDD #$B3A2 ; set target pointer to very last entry in family member list - which might not have anything in it 01BC: 20 02 BRA $01C0 ; get a family member for the hulk to stalk 01BE: 8D 77 BSR $0237 ; get a family member from the family member list into D 01C0: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; store into target 01C2: BD 01 06 JSR $0106 ; pick a direction for hulk 01C5: BD 38 8B JSR $388B ; JMP $393C - blit hulk in solid colour invisible to player 01C8: 6F 88 13 CLR $13,X 01CB: 39 RTS ; HULK MOVEMENT TABLES ; Animation tables. 13 bytes per animation sequence, terminated by $FF. ; ; format (offsets are zero-based): ; ; byte 0: offset into animation frame metadata list (note it's a multiple of 4, each entry in animation frame metadata list is 4 bytes long). ; Add this offset to #$0CF9 and that gives you a pointer to the animation frame metadata to use to draw hulk. ; ; byte 1 is a packed byte which contains a delta to add to hulk's current X coordinate. The byte isn't added "as-is", but instead goes under this process: ; ; LDA, byte ; CLRB ; ASRA ; move bit 0 of A into carry ; RORB ; move carry into bit 7 of B. A is now the whole part of the step, and B is fractional part of step (in 256ths). ; ; for example, if the hulk was to move 2.5 pixels each step, A = 1 (remember 1 byte = 2 pixels), B = 128 (given that 128 is half of 256.... ) ; ; finally: ; ADDD $000A,X - to compute where the hulk would LIKE to move to, in the X axis, and store result in D. ; ; ; byte 2 is a signed byte to add to hulk's current Y coordinate. ; ; *Remember, the Hulk only goes in 4 directions..... hence only 4 animations :) ; animation 1 (move hulk left) 01CC: 00 FD 00 - frame 1 01CF: 04 FC 00 - frame 2 01D2: 00 FD 00 - frame 3 01D5: 08 FC 00 - frame 4 01D8: FF - indicates end of animation sequence, roll back to frame 1 (see $004B for code which does just that) ; animation 2 (move hulk right) 01D9: 0C 03 00 01DC: 10 04 00 01DF: 0C 03 00 01E2: 14 04 00 01E5: FF ; animation 3 (move hulk down) 01E6: 18 00 02 01E9: 1C 00 02 01EC: 18 00 02 01EF: 20 00 02 01F2: FF ; animation 4 (move hulk up) 01F3: 18 00 FE 01F6: 1C 00 FE 01F9: 18 00 FE 01FC: 20 00 FE 01FF: FF ; Clear the family member list. zero from $B354 to B3A3. ; ; Hulks and brains use this list to find family members to target. ; ; CLEAR_FAMILY_MEMBER_LIST: 0200: 8E B3 54 LDX #$B354 ; start of family member list 0203: 9F 49 STX $49 0205: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ 0207: 8C B3 A4 CMPX #$B3A4 020A: 26 F9 BNE $0205 020C: 39 RTS ; Add a family member object to the family member list. ; ; X = pointer to family member object to add to list ; ADD_ENTRY_TO_FAMILY_MEMBER_LIST: 020D: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 020F: 8E B3 54 LDX #$B354 0212: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read entry at X and add 2 to X 0214: 26 FC BNE $0212 ; if entry is not null, its occupied, so go read next entry 0216: EC 62 LDD $0002,S ; D = X from stack, which is pointer to family member object to add 0218: ED 1E STD -2,X ; write family member object into list 021A: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; This routine removes a family member from the family member list. ; The family member is either dead or has been saved by the player. ; Brains and Hulks will no longer consider this object in their AI. ; ; X = pointer to family member object to remove from list. ; ; REMOVE_FAMILY_LIST_ENTRY: 021C: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 021E: 8E B3 54 LDX #$B354 ; start of object list 0221: EC 62 LDD $0002,S ; D = X from stack 0223: 10 A3 81 CMPD ,X++ ; compare D to *X, and add 2 to X 0226: 27 09 BEQ $0231 ; if a match, goto $0231 0228: 8C B3 A4 CMPX #$B3A4 ; have we hit end of list? 022B: 26 F6 BNE $0223 ; no, goto $0223 ; if we get here, the family member can't be found. So therefore something's went wrong, and this forces the game to hang. 022D: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Disable interrupts 022F: 20 FE BRA $022F ; infinite loop, force watchdog to reset ; otherwise, we've found the family member in the list, so time to remove it 0231: 4F CLRA ; clear A & B (which both form D) - this will zero out (nullify) the object pointer in the list 0232: 5F CLRB ; effectively saying "this object does not exist any more" 0233: ED 1E STD -2,X ; overwrite the object pointer in the list (remember X++ increments X by 2 after the CMPD instruction, moving us past the entry list we want) 0235: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Get next family member from the list of family members. ; ; Returns: D = family member ; GET_FAMILY_MEMBER_FROM_LIST: 0237: 34 10 PSHS X 0239: 9E 49 LDX $49 ; get pointer to current entry in family member list 023B: 8C B3 A4 CMPX #$B3A4 ; are we past the end of the list? 023E: 25 09 BCS $0249 ; no, goto $0249 0240: 8E B3 54 LDX #$B354 ; yes, so reset pointer to point to start of family member list 0243: 20 04 BRA $0249 0245: 9C 49 CPX $49 ; if X == pointer to current entry then that means the entire list has been scanned. No family members left. 0247: 27 14 BEQ $025D ; if no family members left (all dead or rescued) then goto $025D, (RTS) 0249: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read family member pointer entry and add 2 to X to bump X to next entry 024B: 26 0A BNE $0257 ; if pointer not NULL goto $0257 024D: 8C B3 A4 CMPX #$B3A4 ; is X past the end of the list? 0250: 25 F3 BCS $0245 ; no, goto $0245 0252: 8E B3 54 LDX #$B354 ; yes, so start at beginning of list 0255: 20 EE BRA $0245 0257: 9F 49 STX $49 ; save pointer to NEXT family member object pointer slot in $49 - it might be null 0259: 30 1E LEAX $-2,X ; X= X -2. This is because the X++ in $0249 has added 2 to X which we need to undo 025B: 1F 10 TFR X,D ; D = X, which is family member pointer 025D: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ANIMATE_FAMILY_MEMBER: 025F: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to family member object 0261: 10 AE 4D LDY $000D,U ; get pointer to animation tables (see $03CF) 0264: A6 4B LDA $000B,U ; get index into tables (a multiple of 3) 0266: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y ; Y+= A 0268: E6 A4 LDB ,Y ; B is now offset to add to animation frame metadata start pointer (see $0275) 026A: 2A 04 BPL $0270 026C: 6F 4B CLR $000B,U ; reset index to 0 026E: 20 F1 BRA $0261 0270: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; bump index to next entry in tables 0272: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; update index 0274: 4F CLRA ; set a to 0, so only B is used in the ADDD below. 0275: E3 49 ADDD $0009,U ; add in animation frame metadata start pointer in B. D now points to animation frame metadata. 0277: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 0279: A6 21 LDA $0001,Y ; get X delta 027B: 5F CLRB 027C: 47 ASRA ; shift A right 1 bit, preserving sign bit 027D: 56 RORB ; now bit 0 of A is into bit 7 of B. A now holds whole part of X delta, and B holds fractional part 027E: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X ; D += object X coordinate 0280: 34 06 PSHS B,A 0282: E6 22 LDB $0002,Y ; get Y delta 0284: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B += object Y coordinate 0286: 34 40 PSHS U 0288: CE 98 23 LDU #$9823 ; start of electrode linked list 028B: BD 26 C6 JSR $26C6 ; JMP $3085 - rectangle intersection function 028E: 35 40 PULS U 0290: 26 05 BNE $0297 ; if family member has walked into an electrode then goto $0297, to make family member change direction 0292: BD 00 06 JSR $0006 ; JMP $009E: ensure object stays in bounds 0295: 27 04 BEQ $029B ; yes, object has new position, update coords ; if we get here, then the family member has tried to move to an invalid position ; such as off playfield OR into an electrode. 0297: 32 62 LEAS $0002,S ; discard A & B pushed on stack (see $0286 above) 0299: 20 0A BRA $02A5 ; make the family member change direction, then draw the family member, and we're done' 029B: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set object Y coordinate 029D: 35 06 PULS A,B 029F: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; set object X coordinate 02A1: 6A 4C DEC $000C,U ; decrement walk countdown 02A3: 26 02 BNE $02A7 ; if 0, make family member change direction 02A5: 8D 6B BSR $0312 ; call change direction routine 02A7: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 02AA: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; delay before calling function 02AC: 8E 02 5F LDX #$025F ; address of routine to call (animate family member) 02AF: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task INITIALISE_FAMILY_MEMBERS: 02B2: BD 02 00 JSR $0200 ; clear (zero) family list from $B354 to $B3A3 02B5: 8E 0B 3B LDX #$0B3B ; load X with pointer to animation frame metadata for first mikey (memory at this $0B3B: 03,0B = width, height; 0B 6B = pointer to first mikey image) 02B8: CE 03 30 LDU #$0330 ; Load U with address of routine that handles mikey death/rescue/progging 02BB: B6 BE 6C LDA cur_mikeys 02BE: 8D 14 BSR $02D4 ; call function that creates A number of family member (in this case, Mikey) with parameters X and U 02C0: 8E 05 2F LDX #$052F ; load X with pointer to animation frame metadata for first mommy (memory at $052F: O4,OE = width, height; 05 5F = pointer to first mummy image) 02C3: CE 03 35 LDU #$0335 ; Load U with address of routine that handles mommy death/rescue/progging 02C6: B6 BE 6A LDA cur_mommies 02C9: 8D 09 BSR $02D4 ; call function that creates A number of family member (in this case, Mommy) with parameters X and U 02CB: 8E 07 FF LDX #$07FF ; load X with pointer to animation frame metadata for first daddy (memory at $07FF: O5,OD = width, height; 08 2F = pointer to first mummy image) 02CE: CE 03 3A LDU #$033A ; load U with address of routine that handles daddy death/rescue/progging 02D1: B6 BE 6B LDA cur_daddies ; ; U = routine to call to remove family member from game (ie: when family member killed or rescued) ; X = pointer to animation frame metadata for family member ; A = number of particular family member ; 02D4: 34 52 PSHS U,X,A 02D6: 4D TSTA ; number of family type == 0? 02D7: 27 37 BEQ $0310 ; Yes, so just exit 02D9: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 02DC: 02 5F ; pointer to function (which looks like address of the animation routine) 02DE: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; U += X 02E0: BD D0 87 JSR $D087 ; JMP $D2F2 - reserve object [for family member] ; X = freshly reserved object 02E3: EC 61 LDD $0001,S ; load D with pointer to animation frame metadata, from stack 02E5: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 02E7: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 02EA: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; set animation frame metadata list start pointer 02EC: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; save pointer to object metadata in family member object 02EE: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to this object in U + 7 02F0: EC 63 LDD $0003,S ; D = routine to kill family member 02F2: ED 08 STD $0008,X ; store routine 02F4: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) 02F7: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; "last" blitter destination = D 02F9: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set current family member X coordinate (whole part) 02FB: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set current family member Y coordinate 02FD: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 02FF: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; make number in range of 0..7 0301: 4C INCA ; add 1, to ensure number is nonzero 0302: A7 44 STA $0004,U 0304: 8D 0C BSR $0312 ; set up the initial animation for the family member 0306: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - blit object 0309: BD 02 0D JSR $020D ; reserve an entry for this family member object in list in $B354 onwards... hulks use the list to get targets! 030C: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement temporary count of family member type to process 030E: 26 C9 BNE $02D9 ; if !=0, more family members to process 0310: 35 D2 PULS A,X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CHANGE_FAMILY_MEMBER_DIRECTION: 0312: 96 86 LDA $86 ; get a random number 0314: 84 7F ANDA #$7F ; mask with #$7F (127 decimal) to give number between 0 and 127 0316: 4C INCA ; add 1, to ensure A is nonzero 0317: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; make A count of how many cycles to walk in particular direction 0319: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 031B: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; we have 7 animations for each family member and... 031D: C6 0D LDB #$0D ; ... each animation sequence occupies 0D (13 decimal) bytes exactly 031F: 3D MUL ; multiply A by B to give offset into animation tables 0320: C3 03 CF ADDD #$03CF ; compute where in animation tables (see 03CF for description) to start from 0323: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; store result 0325: 4F CLRA 0326: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; reset index into animation tables (see $0261) 0328: E6 D8 0D LDB [$0D,U] ; read first byte from animation tables- this byte is the offset part (see $03CF for description) 032B: E3 49 ADDD $0009,U ; add offset to animation frame metadata list start (see $02EA) 032D: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 032F: 39 RTS 0330: 7A BE 6C DEC cur_mikeys 0333: 20 08 BRA $033D 0335: 7A BE 6A DEC cur_mommies 0338: 20 03 BRA $033D 033A: 7A BE 6B DEC cur_daddies ; ; This routine is called when a family member is saved by the player, killed by a hulk, or about to be prog'd. ; ; FAMILY_MEMBER_SAVED_KILLED_OR_PROGGED: 033D: BD 02 1C JSR $021C ; remove family member from list in $B354 0340: BD D0 8A JSR $D08A ; JMP $D2D2 - deallocate family member object 0343: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 0346: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination 0348: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; get pointer to object metadata into X 034A: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 034D: 0D 95 TST $95 ; is the family member being prog'd? (see $1CFF) 034F: 26 51 BNE $03A2 ; if yes, goto $03A2 (just an RTS) 0351: BD D0 6C JSR $D06C ; JMP $D32B - create entity with params and add to linked list at $9817 0354: 03 A3 ; parameters to pass to $D06C - function to call on next game cycle 0356: 04 7D ; parameters to pass to $D06C - animation frame metadata pointer (which is a 2x2 black square!) 0358: 03 90 ; parameters to pass to $D06C - function to call when this object has a collision ; X = pointer to new object 035A: 81 89 CMPA #$89 ; 035C: 25 02 BCS $0360 035E: 86 89 LDA #$89 0360: ED 04 STD $0004,X 0362: 0D 95 TST $95 ; is this family member being progged? 0364: 26 2D BNE $0393 ; yes, so draw the "death" image 0366: 0D 48 TST $48 ; was it the player who saved this family member? 0368: 27 29 BEQ $0393 ; no, so draw the "death" image 036A: 86 3C LDA #$3C ; how long to show the point score for rescuing family member 036C: A7 49 STA $0009,U 036E: 0C 8D INC $8D ; increment number of family members saved 0370: 96 8D LDA $8D 0372: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; have we saved 5 members? 0374: 23 02 BLS $0378 ; if lower or same as 5, goto $0378 0376: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; otherwise, cap at 5 0378: 48 ASLA ; A *= 2; 0379: 48 ASLA ; A *= 2; 037A: CE 04 81 LDU #$0481 ; animation metadata start for bonus. compute whether to show 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000 037D: 33 C6 LEAU A,U ; U = U + A 037F: EF 02 STU $0002,X ; set animation metadata pointer for object 0381: CE 03 C3 LDU #$03C3 ; Start of points value table. Real entries begin at $03C5 0384: 44 LSRA ; divide A by 2. A is now an offset into points value table. 0385: EC C6 LDD A,U ; D = *(U+A). D now holds score parameter to pass to $DB9C. ; If A==0, score value is 1000 points, A==2, score value 2000 points etc. 0387: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 038A: CC 00 26 LDD #$0026 038D: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 0390: 4F CLRA 0391: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 0393: 86 5A LDA #$5A ; countdown before image disappears 0395: A7 49 STA $0009,U 0397: CC 04 37 LDD #$0437 ; pointer to "family death" image 039A: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 039C: CC 00 2B LDD #$002B 039F: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 03A2: 39 RTS ; ; Draw the points value for rescuing the family member ; DRAW_POINTS_FOR_RESCUING_FAMILY_MEMBER: 03A3: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; load X with pointer to object 03A5: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; blitter destination 03A7: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; pointer to image struct 03AA: BD D0 21 JSR $D021 ; JMP $DA82 - do blit without transparency 03AD: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U 03AF: 27 08 BEQ $03B9 03B1: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 03B3: 8E 03 A3 LDX #$03A3 ; address of function to call 03B6: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 03B9: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 03BC: DC 1B LDD $1B 03BE: ED 84 STD ,X 03C0: 9F 1B STX $1B 03C2: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; points added to score when you rescue a family member RESCUE_FAMILY_POINTS_TABLE: 03C5: 02 10 ; 1000 points 03C7: 02 20 ; 2000 points 03C9: 02 30 ; 3000 points 03CB: 02 40 ; 4000 points 03CD: 02 50 ; 5000 points ; Family member animation tables. Used by Mommy, Daddy and Mikey. ; ; 13 (decimal) bytes per animation sequence, terminated by $FF. ; ; format of each entry: ; byte 0: offset into animation frame metadata list (note it's a multiple of 4, each entry in animation frame metadata list is 4 bytes long) ; Note: Mommy's animation frame metadata list starts @052F ; Daddy's animation frame metadata list starts @07FF ; Mikey's animation frame metadata list starts @0B3B ; ; ; byte 1 is a packed byte containing a delta to add to family member's current X coordinate. It needs to be unpacked before it can be used. ; The byte represents a whole and (optionally) a fractional part. ; The byte goes under this process: ; ; LDA, byte ; CLRB ; clear B ; ASRA ; shift bit 0 of A into carry, preserving bit 7 (the sign bit). A now is the whole part of the delta. ; RORB ; move carry into fractional part of number. B now is the fractional part of the delta. ; ADDD $000A,X - adds delta to the X coordinate, storing result in D. ; ; Result: ; A = whole part of new coordinate, B = fractional part. ; ; For example, in $03D3 we have $FF as our value. Let's put this byte through the process above: ; $FF ASR 1 = $FF (remember ASR instruction preserves bit 7.), with 1 in carry ; RORB moves carry into bit 7 of B, which was cleared to zero by the CLRB. ; So now A = $FF, B = $80. ; ; What does this mean? ; $FF is -1 as a signed byte. ; $80 = .5 (256 / 128 represented as a fraction is .5, a half!) ; ; This means the family member will have -1.5 added to its current X coordinate, moving the family member LEFT 2.5 pixels (remember, 1 byte = 2 pixels) ; ; ; byte 2 is a signed byte to add to the family member's current Y coordinate. No unpacking necessary. ; 03CF: 00 FE 00 03D2: 04 FF 00 03D5: 00 FE 00 03D8: 08 FF 00 03DB: FF - marks end of this animation sequence 03DC: 0C 02 00 03DF: 10 01 00 03E2: 0C 02 00 03E5: 14 01 00 03E8: FF - marks end of animation sequence 03E9: 18 00 01 03EC: 1C 00 01 03EF: 18 00 01 03F2: 20 00 01 03F5: FF - marks end of animation sequence 03F6: 24 00 FF 03F9: 28 00 FF 03FC: 24 00 FF 03FF: 2C 00 FF 0402: FF - marks end of animation sequence 0403: 00 FE FF 0406: 08 FF FF 0409: 00 FE FF 040C: 08 FF FF 040F: FF - marks end of animation sequence 0410: 0C 02 FF 0413: 10 01 FF 0416: 0C 02 FF 0419: 14 01 FF 041C: FF - marks end of animation sequence 041D: 0C 02 01 0420: 10 01 01 0423: 0C 02 01 0426: 14 01 01 0429: FF - marks end of animation sequence 042A: 00 FE 01 042D: 04 FF 01 0430: 00 FE 01 0433: 08 FF 01 0436: FF - marks end of animation sequence ; Animation frame metadata for "family death" image 0437: 06 0B 04 3B ; Width = 6 bytes (=12 pixels) , height = 0B (13 decimal, so 13 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $043B ; Pixel data for family death image 043B: 00 00 AA A0 00 00 00 0A AA AA 0445: 00 00 0A 0F FA FF 0A 00 AA 0A A0 AA 0A A0 00 A0 0455: AA A0 A0 00 00 0A 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 A0 A0 00 00 0465: 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 A0 A0 00 00 00 AA 00 0A 0475: A0 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 02 02 04 81 00 00 00 00 0485: 06 05 04 99 06 05 04 B7 06 05 04 D5 06 05 04 F3 0495: 06 05 05 11 0F F0 FF FF FF F0 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 04A5: 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 0F FF FF FF 04B5: FF F0 0F FF BB BB BB B0 00 0F B0 B0 B0 B0 0F FF 04C5: B0 B0 B0 B0 0F 00 B0 B0 B0 B0 0F FF BB BB BB B0 04D5: 0F FF EE EE EE E0 00 0F E0 E0 E0 E0 0F FF E0 E0 04E5: E0 E0 00 0F E0 E0 E0 E0 0F FF EE EE EE E0 0F 0F 04F5: BB BB BB B0 0F 0F B0 B0 B0 B0 0F FF B0 B0 B0 B0 0505: 00 0F B0 B0 B0 B0 00 0F BB BB BB B0 0A AA EE EE 0515: EE E0 0A 00 E0 E0 E0 E0 0A AA E0 E0 E0 E0 00 0A 0525: E0 E0 E0 E0 0A AA EE EE EE E0 ; All animation frame metadata for mommy's animations ; ; MOMMY_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA 052F: 04 0E 05 5F ; Width = 4 bytes (8 pixels) , height = 0E (14 decimal, so 14 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $055F 0533: 04 0E 05 97 ; Width = 4 bytes (8 pixels) , height = 0E (14 decimal, so 14 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0597 0537: 04 0E 05 CF 053B: 04 0E 06 07 053F: 04 0E 06 3F 0543: 04 0E 06 77 0547: 04 0E 06 AF 054B: 04 0E 06 E7 054F: 04 0E 07 1F 0553: 04 0E 07 57 0557: 04 0E 07 8F 055B: 04 0E 07 C7 ; Pixel data for Mommy's animations ; Mommy left #1 055F: 00 55 00 00 00 25 0565: 50 00 00 62 50 00 00 22 55 00 00 03 30 00 00 34 0575: 30 00 00 04 30 00 00 39 30 00 03 33 33 00 00 69 0585: 60 00 00 09 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 33 00 00 00 00 0595: 00 00 ; Mommy left #2 0597: 00 55 00 00 00 25 50 00 00 62 50 00 00 22 05A5: 55 00 00 03 30 00 00 33 34 00 00 03 34 00 09 33 05B5: 39 00 63 33 33 00 66 90 90 00 09 00 90 00 09 00 05C5: 90 00 33 03 30 00 00 00 00 00 ; Mommy left #3 05CF: 00 55 00 00 00 25 05D5: 50 00 00 62 50 00 00 22 55 00 00 03 30 00 00 43 05E5: 34 00 04 43 34 00 09 33 39 00 03 33 33 60 00 90 05F5: 96 60 09 00 90 00 09 00 90 00 33 03 30 00 00 00 0605: 00 00 ; Mommy right #1 0607: 00 05 50 00 00 55 20 00 00 52 60 00 05 52 0615: 20 00 00 33 00 00 00 34 30 00 00 34 00 00 00 39 0625: 30 00 03 66 63 00 00 66 60 00 00 09 00 00 00 09 0635: 00 00 00 03 30 00 00 00 00 00 ; Mommy right #2 063F: 00 05 50 00 00 55 0645: 20 00 00 52 60 00 05 52 20 00 00 33 00 00 04 33 0655: 30 00 04 33 00 00 09 33 39 00 66 63 33 00 66 60 0665: 90 00 00 90 09 00 00 90 09 00 00 33 03 30 00 00 0675: 00 00 ; Mommy right #3 0677: 00 05 50 00 00 55 20 00 00 52 60 00 05 52 0685: 20 00 00 33 00 00 00 33 40 00 00 33 44 00 09 33 0695: 39 00 03 33 66 60 00 90 66 60 00 90 09 00 00 90 06A5: 09 00 00 33 03 30 00 00 00 00 ; Mommy down #1 06AF: 00 55 50 00 05 22 06B5: 25 00 05 62 65 00 55 22 25 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 06C5: 30 40 40 03 00 40 90 33 30 90 63 33 33 00 60 90 06D5: 90 00 00 90 90 00 00 90 90 00 03 30 33 00 00 00 06E5: 00 00 ; Mommy down #2 06E7: 00 55 50 00 05 22 25 00 05 62 65 00 55 22 06F5: 25 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 30 40 90 03 00 40 60 33 0705: 30 90 63 33 33 00 00 90 90 00 00 90 90 00 00 90 0715: 33 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 ; Mommy down #3 071F: 00 55 50 00 05 22 0725: 25 00 05 62 65 00 55 22 25 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 0735: 30 40 40 03 00 90 90 33 30 00 63 33 33 00 60 90 0745: 90 00 00 90 90 00 03 30 90 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 0755: 30 00 ; Mommy up #1 0757: 00 55 50 00 05 55 55 00 05 55 55 00 55 55 0765: 55 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 30 40 40 03 00 40 90 33 0775: 30 90 03 33 33 60 00 90 90 60 00 90 90 00 00 90 0785: 90 00 03 30 33 00 00 00 00 00 ; Mommy up #2 078F: 00 55 50 00 05 55 0795: 55 00 05 55 55 00 55 55 55 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 07A5: 30 40 90 03 00 40 00 33 30 90 03 33 33 60 00 90 07B5: 90 60 00 90 90 00 00 90 33 00 00 90 00 00 00 30 07C5: 00 00 ; Mommy up #3 00 55 50 00 05 55 55 00 05 55 55 00 55 55 07D5: 55 50 33 33 33 30 40 33 30 40 40 03 00 90 90 33 07E5: 30 60 03 33 33 60 00 90 90 00 00 90 90 00 03 30 07F5: 90 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 30 00 ; All animation frame metadata for daddy's animations ; ; DADDY_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA 07FF: 05 0D 08 2F ; Width = 5 bytes (10 pixels) , height = 0D (13 decimal, so 13 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $082F 0803: 05 0D 08 70 ; Width = 5 bytes (10 pixels) , height = 0D (13 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0870 0807: 05 0D 08 B1 ; ... you get the drift 080B: 05 0D 08 F2 080F: 05 0D 09 33 0813: 05 0D 09 74 0817: 05 0D 09 B5 081B: 05 0D 09 F6 081F: 05 0D 0A 37 0823: 05 0D 0A 78 0827: 05 0D 0A B9 082B: 05 0D 0A FA ; Pixel data for daddy's animations ; Daddy moving left #1 082F: 00 02 55 00 00 00 0835: 09 25 00 00 00 02 25 00 00 00 07 77 00 00 00 07 0845: 77 00 00 00 07 77 00 00 00 07 77 00 00 00 07 27 0855: 00 00 00 88 88 00 00 00 88 88 00 00 00 88 88 00 0865: 00 00 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Daddy moving left 2 0870: 00 02 55 00 00 0875: 00 09 25 00 00 00 02 25 00 00 00 07 77 00 00 00 0885: 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 27 0895: 77 20 00 00 07 88 88 00 00 70 88 88 00 00 70 88 08A5: 88 00 02 20 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Daddy moving left 3 08B1: 00 02 55 00 08B5: 00 00 09 25 00 00 00 02 25 00 00 00 07 77 00 00 08C5: 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 77 77 70 00 00 08D5: 27 77 20 00 88 88 07 00 00 88 88 07 00 00 88 88 08E5: 07 00 00 02 20 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Daddy moving right #1 08F2: 00 55 20 08F5: 00 00 00 52 90 00 00 00 52 20 00 00 00 77 70 00 0905: 00 00 77 70 00 00 00 77 70 00 00 00 77 70 00 00 0915: 00 72 70 00 00 00 87 88 00 00 00 87 88 00 00 00 0925: 87 88 00 00 00 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Daddy moving right #2 0933: 00 55 0935: 20 00 00 00 52 90 00 00 00 52 20 00 00 00 77 70 0945: 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 0955: 00 02 77 72 00 00 00 77 78 88 00 00 70 87 88 00 0965: 00 70 87 88 00 00 22 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Daddy moving right #3 0974: 00 0975: 55 20 00 00 00 52 90 00 00 00 52 20 00 00 00 77 0985: 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 70 00 00 07 77 77 0995: 00 00 02 77 72 00 00 88 77 70 00 00 88 78 07 00 09A5: 00 88 78 07 00 00 00 22 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; daddy moving down #1 09B5: 00 22 20 00 00 00 92 90 00 00 00 22 20 00 00 77 09C5: 81 87 70 00 77 71 77 70 00 70 71 70 70 00 70 71 09D5: 70 70 00 20 77 70 20 00 00 70 70 88 00 00 70 70 09E5: 88 00 00 70 70 88 00 02 20 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 09F5: 00 ; daddy moving down #2 09F6: 00 22 20 00 00 00 92 90 00 00 00 22 20 00 00 0A05: 77 81 87 70 00 77 71 77 70 00 70 71 70 70 00 20 0A15: 71 70 70 00 00 77 70 20 00 00 70 70 88 00 00 70 0A25: 70 88 00 00 70 22 88 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 20 00 0A35: 00 00 ; daddy moving down #3 0A37: 00 22 20 00 00 00 92 90 00 00 00 22 20 00 0A45: 00 77 81 87 70 00 77 71 77 70 00 70 71 70 70 00 0A55: 70 71 70 20 00 20 77 70 88 00 00 70 70 88 00 00 0A65: 70 70 88 00 02 20 70 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 0A75: 20 00 00 ; daddy moving up #1 0A78: 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 45 0A85: 40 00 00 77 77 77 70 00 77 77 77 70 00 70 77 70 0A95: 70 00 70 77 70 70 00 20 77 70 20 08 80 70 70 00 0AA5: 08 80 70 70 00 08 80 70 70 00 00 02 20 22 00 00 0AB5: 00 00 00 00 ; daddy moving up #2 0AB9: 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 0AC5: 45 40 00 00 77 77 77 70 00 77 77 77 70 00 70 77 0AD5: 70 70 00 20 77 70 70 08 80 77 70 20 08 80 70 70 0AE5: 00 08 80 70 70 00 00 00 70 22 00 00 00 70 00 00 0AF5: 00 00 20 00 00 ; daddy moving up #3 0AFA: 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 55 50 00 00 0B05: 00 45 40 00 00 77 77 77 70 00 77 77 77 70 00 70 0B15: 77 70 70 00 70 77 70 20 00 20 77 70 00 08 80 70 0B25: 70 00 08 80 70 70 00 08 82 20 70 00 00 00 00 70 0B35: 00 00 00 00 20 00 ; All animation frame metadata for mikey's animations ; ; MIKEY_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA 0B3B: 03 0B 0B 6B ; Width = 3 bytes (6 pixels) , height = 0B (11 decimal, so 11 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0B6B 0B3F: 03 0B 0B 8C ; Width = 3 bytes (6 pixels) , height = 0B (11 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0B8C 0B43: 03 0B 0B AD ; Get my drift? 0B47: 03 0B 0B CE 0B4B: 03 0B 0B EF 0B4F: 03 0B 0C 10 0B53: 03 0B 0C 31 0B57: 03 0B 0C 52 0B5B: 03 0B 0C 73 0B5F: 03 0B 0C 94 0B63: 03 0B 0C B5 0B67: 03 0B 0C D6 ; Pixel data for Mike's animations follows ; Mikey left #1 0B6B: 02 22 00 09 22 00 02 22 00 00 0B75: 20 00 01 11 00 01 91 00 01 91 00 00 10 00 00 10 0B85: 00 09 90 00 00 00 00 ; Mikey left #2 0B8C: 02 22 00 09 22 00 02 22 00 0B95: 00 20 00 01 11 00 09 11 00 90 10 90 01 01 00 01 0BA5: 00 10 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey left #3 0BAD: 02 22 00 09 22 00 02 22 0BB5: 00 00 20 00 01 11 00 01 11 90 90 10 90 01 01 00 0BC5: 01 00 10 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey right #1 0BCE: 02 22 00 02 29 00 02 0BD5: 22 00 00 20 00 01 11 00 01 91 00 01 91 00 00 10 0BE5: 00 00 10 00 00 99 00 00 00 00 ; Mikey right #2 0BEF: 02 22 00 02 29 00 0BF5: 02 22 00 00 20 00 01 11 00 91 11 00 90 10 90 01 0C05: 01 00 10 01 00 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey right #3 0C10: 02 22 00 02 29 0C15: 00 02 22 00 00 20 00 01 11 00 01 19 00 90 10 90 0C25: 01 01 00 10 01 00 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey down #1 0C31: 02 22 00 09 0C35: 29 00 02 92 00 00 20 00 11 11 10 91 11 90 91 11 0C45: 90 01 01 00 01 01 00 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey down #2 0C52: 02 22 00 0C55: 09 29 00 02 92 00 00 20 00 91 11 10 91 11 90 01 0C65: 11 90 01 01 00 01 09 90 01 00 00 99 00 00 ; Mikey down #3 0C73: 02 22 0C75: 00 09 29 00 02 92 00 00 20 00 11 11 90 91 11 90 0C85: 91 11 00 01 01 00 99 01 00 00 01 00 00 09 90 ; Mikey up #1 0C94: 02 0C95: 22 00 02 22 00 02 22 00 00 20 00 11 11 10 91 11 0CA5: 90 91 11 90 01 01 00 01 01 00 99 09 90 00 00 00 ; Mikey up #2 0CB5: 02 22 00 02 22 00 02 22 00 00 20 00 91 11 10 91 0CC5: 11 90 01 11 90 01 01 00 01 09 90 01 00 00 99 00 0CD5: 00 ; Mikey up #3 0CD6: 02 22 00 02 22 00 02 22 00 00 20 00 11 11 90 0CE5: 91 11 90 91 11 00 01 01 00 99 01 00 00 01 00 00 0CF5: 09 90 0CF7: 07 10 ; HULK ANIMATION FRAME METADATA 0CF9: 07 10 0D 1D ; width = 7 bytes (=14 pixels), height = 10 (16 decimal) bytes (16 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0D1D 0CFD: 07 10 0D 8D ; width = 7 bytes (=14 pixels), height = 10 (16 decimal) bytes (16 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $0D8D 0D01: 07 10 0D FD ; and so on... 0D05: 07 10 0F BD 0D09: 07 10 10 2D 0D0D: 07 10 10 9D 0D11: 07 10 0E 6D 0D15: 07 10 0E DD 0D19: 07 10 0F 4D ; Pixel data for Hulk animations follows ; Hulk left #1 0D1D: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0D25: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 06 66 0D35: AA 66 00 00 00 06 66 AA 66 00 00 00 06 66 AA 66 0D45: 00 00 00 06 66 AA 66 00 00 00 06 66 AA 66 00 00 0D55: 00 06 66 AA 66 00 00 00 06 6A AA 66 00 00 00 00 0D65: 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 0D75: 00 00 00 00 00 11 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D85: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk left #2 0D8D: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0D95: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 06 66 0DA5: AA 66 00 00 00 06 66 AA A6 00 00 00 06 66 6A AA 0DB5: 00 00 00 06 66 66 AA A0 00 00 A6 66 66 6A A0 00 0DC5: 0A A6 66 66 A6 00 00 00 06 66 66 66 00 00 00 00 0DD5: 11 01 10 00 00 10 01 10 00 11 10 00 01 11 00 00 0DE5: 00 11 00 00 10 00 00 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0DF5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk left #3 0DFD: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0E05: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 06 66 0E15: AA 66 00 00 00 06 6A AA 66 00 00 00 06 AA A6 66 0E25: 00 00 00 0A AA 66 66 00 00 A0 AA A6 66 66 A0 00 0E35: 0A A6 66 66 66 AA 00 00 06 66 66 66 00 00 00 00 0E45: 11 01 10 00 00 10 01 10 00 11 10 00 01 11 00 00 0E55: 00 11 00 00 10 00 00 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E65: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk up/down #1 0E6D: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0E75: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 AA A6 66 0E85: 66 66 AA A0 AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0E95: 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 0EA5: AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 A0 A6 66 66 66 A0 A0 A0 A0 0EB5: 11 01 10 A0 A0 00 00 11 01 10 00 00 00 00 11 01 0EC5: 10 00 00 00 11 11 01 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0ED5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk up/down #2 0EDD: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0EE5: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 AA A6 66 0EF5: 66 66 AA A0 AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0F05: 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 0F15: AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 A0 A6 66 66 66 A0 A0 A0 A0 0F25: 11 01 10 A0 A0 00 11 11 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 01 0F35: 10 00 00 00 00 00 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 01 10 00 0F45: 00 00 00 00 01 11 10 00 ; Hulk up/down #3 0F4D: 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 00 0F55: 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 AA A6 66 0F65: 66 66 AA A0 AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0F75: 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 AA 06 66 66 66 0A A0 0F85: AA A6 66 66 66 AA A0 A0 A6 66 66 66 A0 A0 A0 A0 0F95: 11 01 10 A0 A0 00 00 11 01 11 10 00 00 00 11 00 0FA5: 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 0FB5: 00 00 11 11 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk right #1 0FBD: 00 00 BB B0 00 00 00 00 0FC5: 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 66 AA 0FD5: 66 60 00 00 00 66 AA 66 60 00 00 00 66 AA 66 60 0FE5: 00 00 00 66 AA 66 60 00 00 00 66 AA 66 60 00 00 0FF5: 00 66 AA 66 60 00 00 00 66 AA A6 60 00 00 00 00 1005: 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 1015: 00 00 00 00 00 11 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1025: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk right #2 102D: 00 00 BB B0 00 00 00 00 1035: 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 66 AA 1045: 66 60 00 00 00 6A AA 66 60 00 00 00 AA A6 66 60 1055: 00 00 0A AA 66 66 60 00 00 0A A6 66 66 6A 00 00 1065: 00 6A 66 66 6A A0 00 00 66 66 66 60 00 00 00 01 1075: 10 11 00 00 00 01 11 00 01 10 01 00 11 00 00 00 1085: 11 10 00 01 11 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1095: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Hulk right #3 109D: 00 00 BB B0 00 00 00 00 10A5: 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 66 AA 10B5: 66 60 00 00 00 66 AA A6 60 00 00 00 66 6A AA 60 10C5: 00 00 00 66 66 AA A0 A0 00 0A 66 66 6A AA 00 00 10D5: AA 66 66 66 60 00 00 00 66 66 66 60 00 00 00 01 10E5: 10 11 00 00 00 01 11 00 01 10 01 00 11 00 00 00 10F5: 11 10 00 01 11 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1105: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 110D: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 1115: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 1125: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 1135: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 113D: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 1140: 7E 11 68 JMP $1168 1143: 7E 12 FA JMP $12FA 1146: 14 F2 18 D2 18 E6 ; Enforcer spawn sound info 114C: D8 01 114E: 08 18 00 ; Spheroid death sound info 1151: D1 01 1153: 08 08 00 ; Spark (enforcer missile) fired sound 1156: D0 01 1158: 08 1159: 1D 99 ; Enforcer killed sound 115B: 04 17 00 ; Spark (enforcer missile) death sound 1160: D0 01 1166: 14 00 INITIALISE_ALL_SPHEROIDS: 1168: B6 BE 6F LDA cur_sphereoids ; get number of sphereoids into A 116B: 34 02 PSHS A ; save spheroid count on stack 116D: 27 3E BEQ $11AD ; if spheroid count ==0, goto $11AD (= RTS) 117D: 86 09 LDA #$09 ; set X coordinate of spheroid to be #$09 - tentatively; depends on next 2 lines of code 117F: 0D 84 TST $84 ; read a random number 1181: 2B 02 BMI $1185 ; if bit 7 set, goto $1185 1183: 86 87 LDA #$87 ; set X coordinate of spheroid to be #$87 1185: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set sphereoid current blit destination 1187: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set sphereoid X coordinate 1189: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set sphereoid Y coordinate 118B: B6 BE 60 LDA $BE60 ; read enforcer drop countdown setting 118E: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1191: A7 49 STA $0009,U ; set countdown before creating first enforcer 1193: B6 BE 5E LDA $BE5E ; read enforcer drop count variable 1196: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1199: 44 LSRA ; divide number by 2, move bit 0 into carry 119A: 89 00 ADCA #$00 ; ensure that A is non zero 119C: A7 4A STA $000A,U ; set count of enforcers to drop 119E: BD 12 5F JSR $125F ; pick initial direction 11A1: CC 15 02 LDD #$1502 ; pointer to collision detection animation frame metadata for spheroid (see $D7F4) 11A4: ED 88 16 STD $16,X 11A7: 9F 17 STX $17 ; store pointer to spheroid object in linked list 11A9: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement spheroid count on stack 11AB: 26 C2 BNE $116F 11AD: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ANIMATE_SPHEROID: 11AF: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object 11B1: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get current animation frame metadata pointer 11B3: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next image's metadata pointer 11B6: 10 83 15 02 CMPD #$1502 ; end of animation frame metadata list? 11BA: 23 0B BLS $11C7 11BC: CC 14 F2 LDD #$14F2 ; back to first spheroid image 11BF: 0D 59 TST $59 11C1: 26 04 BNE $11C7 11C3: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U ; decrement enforcer drop countdown 11C5: 27 14 BEQ $11DB ; if countdown == 0, then time to drop an enforcer, goto $11DB 11C7: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 11C9: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement move countdown before enforcer decides where to move to next 11CB: 26 03 BNE $11D0 ; if countdown !=0, enforcer continues on its current path, goto $11D0 ; sphereoid wants to go somewhere else 11CD: BD 12 5F JSR $125F ; set spheroid movement curvature factors and move countdown 11D0: BD 12 79 JSR $1279 ; update spheroid X and Y movement deltas 11D3: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 11D5: 8E 11 AF LDX #$11AF ; address of routine to jump to next time for this object 11D8: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task DROP_ENFORCER: 11DB: B6 BE 60 LDA $BE60 ; read enforcer drop delay setting 11DE: 44 LSRA ; this time, divide it by 4 - potentially making this spheroid drop its next enforcer much faster than it did first time 11DF: 44 LSRA 11E0: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 11E3: A7 49 STA $0009,U ; set countdown before dropping enforcer 11E5: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; load X with pointer to spheroid object 11E7: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; load D with pointer to animation frame metadata 11E9: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next animation frame metadata 11EC: 10 83 15 0E CMPD #$150E ; at end of spheroid animation (last animation frame in list)? 11F0: 23 1C BLS $120E ; no 11F2: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U ; decrement countdown before dropping enforcer 11F4: 26 15 BNE $120B ; countdown !=0, not time to drop enforcer, so goto $120B ; at this point, the spheroid wants to drop an enforcer. But there can only be 8 enforcers maximum on ; screen at once. 11F6: 96 ED LDA temp_enforcer_count 11F8: 81 08 CMPA #$08 ; 8 enforcers at the moment? 11FA: 24 DF BCC $11DB ; if >= 8, goto $11DB, compute delay before trying to drop enforcer again 11FC: 96 42 LDA $42 11FE: 81 11 CMPA #$11 1200: 24 D9 BCC $11DB 1202: BD 13 54 JSR $1354 ; create an enforcer 1205: 6A 4A DEC $000A,U ; decrement enforcers dropped counter 1207: 27 19 BEQ $1222 ; if counter == 0 goto $1222. Time for the spheroid to disappear!!! 1209: 20 D0 BRA $11DB 120B: CC 14 F2 LDD #$14F2 ; start of spheroid animation frame metadata 120E: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; save pointer to current animation frame metadata 1210: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement spheroid "countdown before I change direction" counter. 1212: 26 03 BNE $1217 ; if counter!=0, it's not time to change direction, goto $1217. 1214: BD 12 5F JSR $125F ; change spheroid direction and set countdown before changing direction. 1217: BD 12 79 JSR $1279 ; update spheroid movement deltas 121A: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 121C: 8E 11 E5 LDX #$11E5 ; address of function to call 121F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; The spheroid has dropped all of its enforcers and needs to go. ; TIME_FOR_SPHEROID_TO_EXIT_PRONTO: 1222: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 ; set Y delta (do not move vertically) 1225: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; store Y delta 1228: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 ; this value will make the spheroid move right - but might be changed at $122F depending on a random number's value 122B: 0D 84 TST $84 ; is bit 7 of the random number variable set? 122D: 2A 01 BPL $1230 ; if bit 7 not set, goto $1230 122F: 40 NEGA ; flip X delta to move left 1230: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta 1232: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; load X with pointer to object 1234: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; load D with pointer to animation frame metadata 1236: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next animation frame metadata 1239: 10 83 15 02 CMPD #$1502 ; have we hit the end of the animation frame metadata list? 123D: 23 0D BLS $124C ; no, set pointer to current animation frame metadata 123F: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate (whole part) 1241: 81 0A CMPA #$0A ; compare to #$0A (10 decimal) 1243: 23 11 BLS $1256 ; <= , spheroid is at leftmost edge of screen and needs to be removed from the playfield 1245: 81 85 CMPA #$85 ; compare to #$85 (133 decimal) 1247: 24 0D BCC $1256 ; >=, spheroid is at rightmost edge of screen and needs to be removed from the playfield 1249: CC 14 F2 LDD #$14F2 ; start of spheroid animation frame metadata list (to begin animation from start) 124C: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 124E: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 1250: 8E 12 32 LDX #$1232 ; address of function to call for this object next 1253: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 1256: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 1259: 7A BE 6F DEC cur_sphereoids ; reduce spheroid count 125C: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; OK, I realise its a long label, but you gotta be descriptive ;) ; See $DCFF for details on how the spheroid glides so smoothly SET_SPHEROID_CURVATURE_FACTORS_AND_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_CHANGING_DIRECTION: 125F: 96 85 LDA $85 ; get a random number into A 1261: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask in bits 0..5 1263: 8B F0 ADDA #$F0 ; add #$F0 (-15 decimal) 1265: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; set X curvature factor 1267: 96 86 LDA $86 ; get another random number into A 1269: 98 84 EORA $84 ; xor with another random number... 126B: 84 3F ANDA #$3F 126D: 8B E0 ADDA #$E0 126F: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; set Y curvature factor 1271: 86 0F LDA #$0F 1273: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 1276: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; set countdown before spheroid changes direction 1278: 39 RTS UPDATE_SPHEROID_MOVEMENT_DELTAS: 1279: E6 4C LDB $000C,U ; B = X coordinate curvature factor 127B: 1D SEX ; sign extend B into A (so D = sign extended version of B) 127C: E3 0E ADDD $000E,X ; add X delta to D 127E: 10 83 01 00 CMPD #$0100 ; is Y delta making the spheroid move right? 1282: 2D 03 BLT $1287 ; no, goto $1287 1284: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 ; set X delta to move right 1287: 10 83 FF 00 CMPD #$FF00 ; is X delta making the spheroid move left? 128B: 2E 03 BGT $1290 128D: CC FF 00 LDD #$FF00 ; set X delta to move left 1290: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta (only temporarily; this value will be overwritten in $129D) 1292: 43 COMA 1293: 53 COMB 1294: 58 ASLB 1295: 49 ROLA 1296: 58 ASLB 1297: 49 ROLA 1298: 1F 89 TFR A,B 129A: 1D SEX 129B: E3 0E ADDD $000E,X ; add X delta to D 129D: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta 129F: E6 4D LDB $000D,U ; B = Y coordinate curvature factor 12A1: 1D SEX ; sign extend B into A (so D = sign extended version of B) 12A2: E3 88 10 ADDD $10,X ; add Y delta to D 12A5: 10 83 02 00 CMPD #$0200 ; is Y delta making the spheroid move down? 12A9: 2D 03 BLT $12AE ; no, goto $12AE 12AB: CC 02 00 LDD #$0200 ; set Y delta to move down 12AE: 10 83 FE 00 CMPD #$FE00 ; is Y delta making the spheroid move up? 12B2: 2E 03 BGT $12B7 12B4: CC FE 00 LDD #$FE00 ; set Y delta to move up 12B7: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta (only temporarily; this value will be overwritten in $12C4) 12BA: 43 COMA 12BB: 53 COMB 12BC: 58 ASLB 12BD: 49 ROLA 12BE: 1F 89 TFR A,B 12C0: 1D SEX 12C1: E3 88 10 ADDD $10,X ; D+= Y delta 12C4: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta to D 12C7: 39 RTS SPHEROID_COLLISION_HANDLER: 12C8: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection called this? 12CA: 26 24 BNE $12F0 ; yes 12CC: BD D0 78 JSR $D078 ; JMP $D320 - deallocate object, and its metadata, and erase object from screen 12CF: DE 1B LDU $1B 12D1: EC C4 LDD ,U 12D3: DD 1B STD $1B ; spheroid is dead 12D5: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 12D8: 12 F1 ; pointer to function 12DA: EF 07 STU $0007,X ; set object metadata pointer in this object 12DC: CC 14 F6 LDD #$14F6 ; animation frame metadata pointer 12DF: ED 42 STD $0002,U 12E1: 7A BE 6F DEC cur_sphereoids 12E4: CC 02 10 LDD #$0210 12E7: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 12EA: CC 11 51 LDD #$1151 12ED: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 12F0: 39 RTS ; ; When you shoot a spheroid, it's drawn a different colour (the same colour as the player score, to be precise) ; for a short while, to signify it's dying. Then it disappears and the points value of the spheroid appears in its place. ; DRAW_SPHEROID_IN_DEATH_THROES: 12F1: CC FF AA LDD #$FFAA ; A = colour to draw points value of spheroid in, B = colour to draw dying spheroid in 12F4: ED 4B STD $000B,U ; set colour remap values in object metadata 12F6: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; countdown before spheroid disappears and spheroid points value appears in its place 12F8: A7 4D STA $000D,U 12FA: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; X = pointer to object from object metadata 12FC: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 12FF: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D= blitter destination 1301: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF - clear image rectangle 1304: 31 24 LEAY $0004,Y ; Set Y to pointer to animation frame metadata 1306: 10 AF 02 STY $0002,X 1309: 6A 4D DEC $000D,U ; decrement countdown before score value is shown 130B: 27 11 BEQ $131E ; if countdown is 0, time to show the points value of the sphereoid, goto $131E 130D: A6 4C LDA $000C,U ; otherwise, draw the spheroid in the colour specified at $12F1 130F: 97 2D STA $2D ; set colour remap value 1311: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1313: BD D0 90 JSR $D090 ; JMP $DA9E - do solid and transparent blit 1316: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 1318: 8E 12 FA LDX #$12FA ; address of function to call 131B: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; The spheroid is dead, now show its points value ; ; DRAW_SPHEROID_POINTS_VALUE: 131E: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D= blitter destination of spheroid 1320: C3 01 05 ADDD #$0105 ; adjust position for score image 1323: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination 1325: 86 1E LDA #$1E 1327: A7 49 STA $0009,U ; set countdown of how long score is displayed 1329: FC 00 0C LDD $000C ; read points value animation frame metadata pointer 132C: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set pointer to animation frame metadata 132E: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object from object metadata 1330: A6 4B LDA $000B,U 1332: 97 2D STA $2D ; set solid colour 1334: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; set pointer to animation frame metadata 1337: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; set D = blitter destination 1339: BD D0 90 JSR $D090 ; JMP $DA9E - do solid and transparent blit, to draw points value of spheroid 133C: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U ; decrement countdown of score display 133E: 27 08 BEQ $1348 ; if 0, the score has been displayed long enough, goto $1348 1340: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 1342: 8E 13 2E LDX #$132E ; address of function to call 1345: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; clear the score off screen 1348: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 134B: DC 1B LDD $1B ; read "free object entry" pointer 134D: ED 84 STD ,X ; store in this object (creating a forward only linked list that includes this object) 134F: 9F 1B STX $1B ; set "free object entry" linked list to begin with this object 1351: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; X = pointer to spheroid that is spawning the enforcer ; ; ; ; CREATE_ENFORCER: 1354: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 1356: 1F 12 TFR X,Y ; Spheroid pointer -> Y 1358: BD D0 6C JSR $D06C ; JMP $D32B - create entity with params and add to linked list at $9817 ; parameters to pass to $D06C 135B: 13 90 ; address of function to call after 1 game cycle 135D: 18 D2 ; animation frame metadata pointer 135E: 14 83 ; address of routine to handle collision 1361: 27 1C BEQ $137F ; if Z flag set then enforcer could not be created, goto $137F ; X = pointer to freshly created object 1363: A6 2A LDA $000A,Y ; get X coordinate from Spheroid 1365: E6 2C LDB $000C,Y ; get Ycoordinate from Spheroid 1367: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set X coordinate (whole part) of Enforcer 1369: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set Y coordinate of Enforcer 136B: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination 136D: B6 BE 5F LDA $BE5F ; read enforcer control variable 1370: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1373: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; set delay on how long it is before enforcer fires a spark 1375: 9F 17 STX $17 1377: CC 11 4C LDD #$114C 137A: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 137D: 0C ED INC temp_enforcer_count 137F: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; The enforcer is spawning here. This function is called to advance the spawn one frame at a time. ; ENFORCER_SPAWN_ANIMATION: 1381: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to enforcer object from object metadata 1383: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer 1385: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next animation frame metadata in the list 1388: 10 83 18 E6 CMPD #$18E6 ; last animation frame of spawn? 138C: 24 0A BCC $1398 ; if >= last frame then goto $1398 - the enforcer's ready to attack! 138E: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 1390: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; set delay before next call to this routine, to advance spawn 1392: 8E 13 81 LDX #$1381 ; address of function to call 1395: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; when we get here, the enforcer has spawned and is ready to attack! ENFORCER_SPAWN_COMPLETE: 1398: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 139A: BD 13 B5 JSR $13B5 ; pick the location that the enforcer wants to move to ; ; This routine is the enforcer AI. I haven't called this ANIMATE_ENFORCER because the enforcer has no animations! ; ENFORCER_AI: 139D: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object into X 139F: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement countdown before enforcer selects a new location to move to 13A1: 26 03 BNE $13A6 ; if countdown !=0, keep the enforcer going in its current direction, goto $13A6 13A3: BD 13 B5 JSR $13B5 ; otherwise, the enforcer must evaluate where it wants to move to next 13A6: 6A 4D DEC $000D,U ; decrement enforcer spark countdown. When countdown == 0, the enforcer will fire a spark. 13A8: 26 03 BNE $13AD ; if countdown !=0, goto $13AD 13AA: BD 14 04 JSR $1404 ; counter is ==0, call function to fire a spark. 13AD: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay before calling this enforcer AI function again 13AF: 8E 13 9D LDX #$139D ; address of enforcer AI function 13B2: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Pick a destination for the enforcer to move to. ; ; See $DCFF for information on how the enforcer glides so smoothly. ; PICK_ENFORCER_DESTINATION: 13B5: BD D0 3C JSR $D03C ; JMP $D6C8 - get random numbers into A and B 13B8: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; make A a number between 0..31 decimal 13BA: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; countdown before enforcer selects new location to move to 13BC: 4F CLRA ; A = 0 13BD: 57 ASRB ; move bit 0 of B into carry while preserving bit 7 (sign bit) 13BE: 57 ASRB 13BF: 57 ASRB 13C0: DB 5E ADDB $5E ; B+= most significant byte of player blitter destination (the horizontal component) ; at this point B is an X coordinate that the enforcer is considering moving to. 13C2: C1 07 CMPB #$07 ; at left-most of playfield? 13C4: 24 02 BCC $13C8 ; no, goto $13C8 13C6: C6 07 LDB #$07 13C8: 81 8F CMPA #$8F ; why is A being read when it's zero (see $13BC) - don't they mean to use B? Could this be the enforcer bug? 13CA: 23 0A BLS $13D6 ; as a result of A always being 0, this code always executes ; I've put a breakpoint on this block of code in MAME debugger and it's never been called. 13CC: C1 CF CMPB #$CF 13CE: 24 04 BCC $13D4 13D0: C6 8F LDB #$8F 13D2: 20 02 BRA $13D6 13D4: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; end of code that is never called 13D6: E0 0A SUBB $000A,X ; B-= X coordinate (whole part) of enforcer 13D8: 82 00 SBCA #$00 13DA: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of B into carry 13DB: 49 ROLA ; ; if you want to see how the deltas affect the horizontal movement of the enforcer, or indeed any omnidirectional object, put a breakpoint on the line below, ; and just before executing the instruction, set register D to 0, $FF00 or $0100 in the MAME debugger. ; $FF00 = move to left, $0100 = move to right.If you set D to 0, there will no movement on the horizontal axis at all. ; Tinker with the least significant byte (the fractional part) to have the enforcer move in oblique angles. ; 13DC: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta of enforcer 13DE: 4F CLRA 13DF: D6 85 LDB $85 ; get a random number into B 13E1: 57 ASRB ; shift B right 1, preserve sign bit 13E2: 57 ASRB ; shift B right 1, preserve sign bit 13E3: 57 ASRB ; shift B right 1, preserve sign bit 13E4: DB 5F ADDB $5F ; B+= least significant byte of player blitter destination (the vertical component) 13E6: C1 EA CMPB #$EA ; at very bottom of playfield? 13E8: 23 02 BLS $13EC ; if <= bottom of playfield goto $13EC 13EA: C6 EA LDB #$EA 13EC: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; >= top of playfield (#$18 is 24 decimal)? 13EE: 24 0A BCC $13FA ; yes 13F0: C1 0C CMPB #$0C 13F2: 24 04 BCC $13F8 13F4: C6 EA LDB #$EA 13F6: 20 02 BRA $13FA 13F8: C6 18 LDB #$18 13FA: E0 0C SUBB $000C,X ; B-= Y coordinate (whole part) of enforcer 13FC: 82 00 SBCA #$00 13FE: 58 ASLB 13FF: 49 ROLA ; ; if you want to see how the deltas affect the vertical movement of the enforcer, or indeed any omnidirectional object, put a breakpoint on the line below, ; and just before executing the instruction, set register D to 0, $FF00 or $0100 in the MAME debugger. ; $FF00 = move up, $0100 = move down.If you set D to 0, there will no movement on the vertical axis at all. ; Tinker with the least significant byte (the fractional part) to have the enforcer move in oblique angles. ; 1400: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta of enforcer 1403: 39 RTS ; ; Enforcer missiles are called "sparks". As you can see from this function, there's a maximum of 20 on screen at once. ; CREATE_SPARK: 1404: 34 50 PSHS U,X 1406: 1F 12 TFR X,Y 1408: B6 BE 5F LDA $BE5F ; read enforcer spark control variable 140B: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 140E: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; store in "countdown before fire next spark" field 1410: 96 8A LDA $8A ; get count of sparks on screen 1412: 81 14 CMPA #$14 ; compare to #$14 (20 decimal) 1414: 24 6B BCC $1481 ; if count >= 20 decimal, goto 1481. Can't create any more sparks 1416: 96 42 LDA $42 1418: 81 11 CMPA #$11 141A: 24 65 BCC $1481 141C: BD D0 6C JSR $D06C ; JMP $D32B - create entity with params and add to linked list at $9817 141F: 14 A8 ; address of function to call after 1 game cycle 1421: 1A 34 ; animation frame metadata pointer to spark first frame 1423: 14 DC ; address of routine to handle collision 1425: 27 5A BEQ $1481 1427: 0C 8A INC $8A ; increment number of sparks on screen 1429: EC 24 LDD $0004,Y 142B: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; store A in X coordinate (whole part) of spark 142D: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; store B in Y coordinate of spark 142F: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; store D in blitter destination of spark ; ; After doing a bit of toying about with the A and B registers, I've deduced this part of the CREATE_SPARK function is to calculate the ; spark's initial angle, speed and longevity. ; 1431: D6 84 LDB $84 ; get a random number into B 1433: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; and with #$1F (preserve bits 0..5) giving a number from 0..31 decimal 1435: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 ; B+= #$F0 (240 decimal) - or you could look at it this way, B -= #$0F 1437: 96 5E LDA $5E ; get player's blitter destination hi byte 1439: 81 17 CMPA #$17 143B: 24 01 BCC $143E ; if >= #$17, goto 143E 143D: 5F CLRB 143E: DB 5E ADDB $5E ; add player's blitter destination hi byte 1440: 4F CLRA 1441: E0 04 SUBB $0004,X ; B-= spark's blitter destination hi byte 1443: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if the subtraction caused a carry, make A = $FF, else A=0 1445: 58 ASLB 1446: 49 ROLA 1447: 58 ASLB 1448: 49 ROLA 1449: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta of object 144B: D6 86 LDB $86 144D: C4 1F ANDB #$1F 144F: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 1451: DB 5F ADDB $5F ; add player's blitter destination lo byte 1453: 4F CLRA 1454: E0 05 SUBB $0005,X ; B-= spark's blitter destination lo byte 1456: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if the subtraction caused a carry, make A = $FF, else A=0 1458: 58 ASLB 1459: 49 ROLA 145A: 58 ASLB 145B: 49 ROLA 145C: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta of object 145F: D6 86 LDB $86 ; get a random number 1461: C4 1F ANDB #$1F 1463: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 1465: 1D SEX ; make D = sign extended version of B 1466: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; set X curvature factor 1468: D6 85 LDB $85 ; get a random number 146A: C4 1F ANDB #$1F 146C: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 146E: 1D SEX ; make D = sign extended version of B 146F: ED 4B STD $000B,U ; set Y curvature factor 1471: 9F 17 STX $17 1473: 96 85 LDA $85 ; get a "random" number (probably same value as $1468) 1475: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask in 4 least significant bits leaving a number 0- #$0F (15 decimal) 1477: 8B 14 ADDA #$14 ; add #$14 (20 decimal) to the result 1479: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; set counter for how long this spark will live 147B: CC 11 56 LDD #$1156 147E: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 1481: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ENFORCER_COLLISION_HANDLER: 1483: 96 48 LDA $48 ; called by player collision detection? 1485: 26 20 BNE $14A7 ; yes 1487: BD D0 78 JSR $D078 ; JMP $D320 - deallocate object, and its metadata, and erase object from screen 148A: 9E 1B LDX $1B ; X = pointer to free object linked list 148C: EC 84 LDD ,X 148E: DD 1B STD $1B ; mark this object as the first entry in the free object linked list 1490: BD 5B 43 JSR $5B43 ; JMP $5C1F - create an explosion 1493: DC 1B LDD $1B 1495: ED 84 STD ,X 1497: 9F 1B STX $1B 1499: 0A ED DEC temp_enforcer_count 149B: CC 01 15 LDD #$0115 149E: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 14A1: CC 11 5B LDD #$115B 14A4: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 14A7: 39 RTS ANIMATE_SPARK: 14A8: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to enforcer object from object metadata 14AA: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer 14AC: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump 4 to move to next animation frame metadata 14AF: 10 83 1A 40 CMPD #$1A40 ; gone past end of animation frame metadata list? 14B3: 23 03 BLS $14B8 ; if not, go to $14B8 14B5: CC 1A 34 LDD #$1A34 ; pointer to start of spark animation 14B8: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer ; 14BA: EC 0E LDD $000E,X ; read X delta of object 14BC: E3 49 ADDD $0009,U ; take into account curvature factor of spark 14BE: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; and store back to X delta 14C0: EC 88 10 LDD $10,X ; read Y delta of object 14C3: E3 4B ADDD $000B,U ; take into account curvature factor of spark 14C5: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; and store back to Y delta 14C8: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; life counter, when zero the spark disappears. 14CA: 27 08 BEQ $14D4 14CC: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; delay before calling function 14CE: 8E 14 A8 LDX #$14A8 ; address of next function to call for this object 14D1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; spark has burnt out 14D4: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 14D7: 0A 8A DEC $8A ; decrement count of sparks on screen 14D9: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 14DC: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection? 14DE: 26 11 BNE $14F1 ; yes 14E0: BD D0 78 JSR $D078 ; JMP $D320 - deallocate object, and its metadata, and erase object from screen 14E3: 0A 8A DEC $8A ; decrement count of sparks on screen 14E5: CC 00 25 LDD #$0025 14E8: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 14EB: CC 11 60 LDD #$1160 14EE: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 14F1: 39 RTS ; SPHEROID ANIMATION FRAME METADATA 14F2: 08 0F 15 12 ; width 8 bytes (=16 pixels), height 0F (15 decimal) pixels, , animation frame pixel data at $1512 14F6: 08 0F 15 8A ; width 8 bytes (=16 pixels), height 0F (15 decimal) pixels, , animation frame pixel data at $158A 14FA: 08 0F 16 02 ; width 8 bytes (=16 pixels), height 0F (15 decimal) pixels, , animation frame pixel data at $1602 14FE: 08 0F 16 7A ; you get... 1502: 08 0F 16 F2 ; ... the rest. 1506: 08 0F 17 6A 150A: 08 0F 17 E2 150E: 08 0F 18 5A ; Pixel data for Spheroid animation follows ; Spheroid animation frame #1 (looks like a ".") 1512: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1522: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1532: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1542: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 1552: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1562: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1572: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1582: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #2 (looks like a "+") 158A: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1592: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15A2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15B2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 15C2: 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 15D2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15E2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15F2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #3 (looks like a chunky "o") 1602: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1612: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1622: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 1632: 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 0F F0 FF 00 00 00 1642: 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 1652: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1662: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1672: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #4 (looks like a chunky "O") 167A: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1682: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1692: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 16A2: 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 FF F0 00 00 16B2: 00 00 FF 00 0F F0 00 00 00 00 FF F0 FF F0 00 00 16C2: 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 16D2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16E2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #5 (looks like a very large "O") 16F2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1702: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 1712: 00 00 FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 0F FF 00 0F FF 00 00 1722: 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 1732: 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F FF 00 0F FF 00 00 1742: 00 00 FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 1752: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1762: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #6 (an even larger "O" than previous) 176A: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1772: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 1782: 00 0F FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 1792: 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 17A2: 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 17B2: 00 FF 00 00 00 0F F0 00 00 0F F0 00 00 FF 00 00 17C2: 00 0F FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 0F FF FF 00 00 00 17D2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #7 (a slightly larger "O" than previous frame, but top bottom left right sides not joined together) 17E2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 17F2: 00 00 FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1802: 00 F0 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 F0 00 1812: 0F F0 00 00 00 00 FF 00 0F F0 00 00 00 00 FF 00 1822: 0F F0 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 F0 00 1832: 00 F0 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1842: 00 00 FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 1852: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spheroid animation frame #8 - ha, how to put this? looks like the arrow keys on a remote control: <^> - best I can describe it! 185A: 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 1862: 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1872: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1882: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 1892: FF 00 00 00 00 00 0F F0 0F 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 18A2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18B2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18C2: 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 ; ENFORCER ANIMATION FRAME METADATA 18D2: 05 0B 19 21 ; width 5 bytes (=10 pixels), height 0B (11 decimal) pixels, animation frame pixel data at $1921 18D6: 05 0B 19 58 ; width 5 bytes (=10 pixels), height 0B (11 decimal) pixels, animation frame pixel data at $1958 18DA: 05 0B 19 8F 18DE: 05 0B 19 C6 18E2: 05 0B 19 FD 18E6: 05 0B 18 EA ; Pixel data for Enforcer animations follow ; Enforcer fully grown and ready to kill 18EA: 00 00 80 00 00 00 08 88 18F2: 00 00 00 8A AA 80 00 08 FF FF F8 00 00 08 88 00 1902: 00 90 88 78 80 90 09 97 77 99 00 90 77 77 70 90 1912: 00 00 80 00 00 00 DD DD D0 00 0D DD DD DD 00 ; Enforcer spawning animation frame #1 1921: 00 1922: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1932: 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 08 F8 00 00 00 00 70 1942: 00 00 00 00 D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1952: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Enforcer spawning animation frame #2 1958: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1962: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 08 F8 00 00 00 1972: 00 80 00 00 00 09 79 00 00 00 00 D0 00 00 00 00 1982: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; Enforcer spawning animation frame #3 198F: 00 00 00 1992: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 00 19A2: 00 00 08 FF 80 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 09 77 90 00 19B2: 00 00 77 00 00 00 00 DD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19C2: 00 00 00 00 ; Enforcer spawning animation frame #4 19C6: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 08 19D2: A8 00 00 00 8F FF 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 08 78 19E2: 00 00 09 97 77 99 00 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 80 00 19F2: 00 00 0D DD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19FD: 00 00 00 00 00 1A02: 00 00 88 00 00 00 08 AA 80 00 00 8F FF F8 00 00 1A12: 00 88 00 00 00 98 88 89 00 00 09 77 90 00 00 97 1A22: 77 79 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 0D DD D0 00 00 00 00 1A32: 00 00 ; SPARK (ENFORCER MISSILE) ANIMATION FRAME METADATA 1A34: 04 07 1A 44 ; width 4 bytes (=8 pixels) , height = 7 pixels, animation frame pixel data at $1A44 1A38: 04 07 1A 60 ; width 4 bytes (=8 pixels) , height = 7 pixels, animation frame pixel data at $1A60 1A3C: 04 07 1A 7C 1A40: 04 07 1A 98 ; Spark animation frame 1: looks like "+" 1A44: 00 0B 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 0B 00 00 FF FB 1A52: FF F0 00 0B 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 0B 00 00 ; Spark animation frame 2: looks like "X" 1A60: 00 00 1A62: 00 00 0F 00 0B 00 00 F0 B0 00 00 0B 00 00 00 B0 1A72: F0 00 0B 00 0F 00 00 00 00 00 ; Spark animation frame 3: looks like "+" - except colours swapped on axes 1A7C: 00 0F 00 00 00 0F 1A82: 00 00 00 0F 00 00 BB BB BB B0 00 0F 00 00 00 0F 1A92: 00 00 00 0F 00 00 ; Spark animation frame 4: looks like "X" - is horizontally flipped image of animation frame 2 1A98: 00 00 00 00 0B 00 0F 00 00 B0 1AA2: F0 00 00 0B 00 00 00 F0 B0 00 0F 00 0B 00 00 00 1AB2: 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 1AC0: 7E 1A F4 JMP $1AF4 1AC3: 21 41 BRN $1B06 1AC5: 7E 1D AF JMP $1DAF 1AC8: 7E 1D C2 JMP $1DC2 1ACB: 1F 68 D0 01 04 14 01 08 11 00 D0 02 04 17 00 D0 1ADB: 01 04 14 02 04 17 00 C8 01 08 15 01 08 14 00 ; Brain Progging human sound info 1AEA: D0 02 1AEC: 03 12 00 D8 01 08 11 00 INITIALISE_ALL_BRAINS: 1AF4: 0F 95 CLR $95 ; clear "progging" flag 1AF6: B6 BE 6E LDA cur_brains ; get count of brains 1AF9: 34 02 PSHS A ; save on the stack 1AFB: 27 58 BEQ $1B55 ; exit if count == 0 1AFD: D6 95 LDB $95 ; ; Security related code. ; 1AFF: 10 8E D0 15 LDY #$D015 1B03: EB A4 ADDB ,Y ; B+= *Y 1B05: 31 28 LEAY $0008,Y ; Y = Y + 8 1B07: 10 8C EA B1 CMPY #$EAB1 1B0B: 25 F6 BCS $1B03 1B0D: C1 4A CMPB #$4A ; if after all that adding in $1b03 the total is #$4A... (For the blue label this is always true) 1B0F: 27 0E BEQ $1B1F ; The ROM hasn't been tampered with, security check passes, so goto $1B1F. ; corrupt game state deliberately. 1B11: 96 85 LDA $85 1B13: 81 20 CMPA #$20 1B15: 24 08 BCC $1B1F 1B17: 86 98 LDA #$98 1B19: D6 86 LDB $86 1B1B: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; so Y will be #$98xx, which is where game state resides. 1B1D: 63 A4 COM ,Y ; Change game state and ruin the game... ; normal game resumes 1B1F: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 1B22: 1B D8 ; pointer to function 1B24: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; U = X = object metadata entry 1B26: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) ; X= object entry 1B29: CC 21 59 LDD #$2159 ; pointer to animation frame metadata for brain standing still (start of wave) 1B2C: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 1B2E: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 1B31: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata 1B33: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to object in object metadata 1B35: CC 1C B2 LDD #$1CB2 ; *pointer to pointer* to animation frame metadata of brain moving down (as you see at the start of the wave) 1B38: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; store in object metadata 1B3A: 6F 4B CLR $000B,U ; clear animation table index (0-based) 1B3C: CC 1D D6 LDD #$1DD6 ; address of routine to call when brain is shot 1B3F: ED 08 STD $0008,X 1B41: 8D 14 BSR $1B57 ; set the brain's initial position 1B43: BD 1B 95 JSR $1B95 ; find nearest family member to prog ; Y = family member 1B46: B6 BE 62 LDA $BE62 ; read brain cruise missile fire delay field 1B49: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1B4C: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; set countdown to fire cruise missile 1B4E: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 1B51: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; reduce count of brains left to initialise on stack 1B53: 26 CA BNE $1B1F ; if !=0 , do next brain 1B55: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) SET_BRAIN_INITIAL_POSITION: 1B57: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) 1B5A: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination 1B5C: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set brain X coordinate (whole part) 1B5E: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set brain Y coordinate 1B60: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1B63: 0D 84 TST $84 ; read random number variable 1B65: 2B 17 BMI $1B7E ; if bit 7 is set goto $1b7e, to do some tinkering with the Y component of the brain position. 1B67: 86 10 LDA #$10 ; number to multiply by (16 decimal) 1B69: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A ; A = result of multiplication 1B6C: 0D 85 TST $85 ; read another random number variable 1B6E: 2B 04 BMI $1B74 ; if bit 7 is set (number is negative) goto $1b74 1B70: 8B 07 ADDA #$07 ; add in left border coordinate 1B72: 20 05 BRA $1B79 1B74: AB A4 ADDA ,Y ; add width of brain image to A 1B76: 40 NEGA ; A = -A 1B77: 8B 8F ADDA #$8F ; #$8F is furthest permissible right position on playfield. So calc is: A= (#$8F - Abs(A)) 1B79: A7 04 STA $0004,X ; set most significant byte of blitter destination 1B7B: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set brain X coordinate (whole part) 1B7D: 39 RTS ; ; this piece of code adjusts the Y component of the brain's position. ; 1B7E: 86 20 LDA #$20 1B80: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A ; A = result of multiplication 1B83: 0D 86 TST $86 ; read yet another random number variable 1B85: 2B 04 BMI $1B8B ; if bit 7 is set (number is negative) goto $1B8B 1B87: 8B 18 ADDA #$18 ; add in top border coordinate 1B89: 20 05 BRA $1B90 1B8B: AB 21 ADDA $0001,Y ; add height of brain image to A 1B8D: 40 NEGA ; A= -A 1B8E: 8B EA ADDA #$EA ; #$EA is furthermost permissible down position on playfield. So calc is: A = (#$EA - Abs(A)) 1B90: A7 05 STA $0005,X ; store in least significant byte of blitter destination (the Y part) 1B92: A7 0C STA $000C,X ; set Y coordinate of brain position (whole part) 1B94: 39 RTS ; Find the nearest family member to program. ; ; Now here's where the infamous "brains all go for the same family member" bug (or "feature" depending what way you look at it) resides. ; ; On starting wave 5 and inspecting the list entries, I found that the family member entries aren't in the list by the time this function has been called. ; All entries in the list are NULL (WORD 0). As the algorithm to find a family member finds NULL in every value, it by default returns a pointer to the ; first entry of the list: $B354. Thus, *all* Brains get a target of $B354. ; ; When $B354 *is* populated with a pointer to a family member, as the wave begins or shortly thereafter, guess what family member gets the slot? That's right - Mikey! ; That's why all Brains go for Mikey straight away. ; ; if this function was called *after* all family members were added to the list on wave start, it would work properly. ; ; Expects: ; X = pointer to brain object ; ; returns: Y = pointer to entry in family member list (e.g. $B354) ; ; FIND_NEAREST_FAMILY_MEMBER_TO_PROG: 1B95: CC FF FF LDD #$FFFF ; D = closest distance 1B98: 10 8E B3 54 LDY #$B354 ; start of family member pointer list. 1B9C: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 1B9E: EE A4 LDU ,Y ; read family member pointer from list 1BA0: 27 28 BEQ $1BCA ; if null, goto $1BCA 1BA2: 4F CLRA 1BA3: E6 44 LDB $0004,U ; get blitter destination hi byte (X component of address) of family member into B 1BA5: E0 04 SUBB $0004,X ; B-= blitter destination hi byte (X coordinate) of brain 1BA7: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if there's a carry, A will be made #$FF and the bpl below will not execute 1BA9: 2A 04 BPL $1BAF 1BAB: 43 COMA ; these 2 lines negate D, making D a positive number again 1BAC: 50 NEGB ; 1BAD: 82 FF SBCA #$FF ; A+= -1 1BAF: DD 2B STD $2B 1BB1: 4F CLRA 1BB2: E6 45 LDB $0005,U ; get blitter destination lo byte (Y component of screen address) of family member 1BB4: E0 05 SUBB $0005,X ; 1BB6: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if there's a carry, A will be made #$FF and the bpl below will not execute 1BB8: 2A 04 BPL $1BBE 1BBA: 43 COMA ; these 2 lines negate D, making D a positive number again 1BBB: 50 NEGB 1BBC: 82 FF SBCA #$FF ; A+= -1 1BBE: D3 2B ADDD $2B 1BC0: 10 A3 E4 CMPD ,S ; is D, our distance, higher than the "distance to nearest family member" value on the stack? 1BC3: 22 05 BHI $1BCA ; yes, we've not found a family member closer this time, goto $1BCA 1BC5: ED E4 STD ,S ; no, this distance is lower than previous "closest", so record the "closer" distance. 1BC7: 10 AF 62 STY $0002,S ; and update Y (pointer to the current closest family member ) on stack. 1BCA: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y ; Y += 2. Point to next family member pointer in list 1BCC: 10 8C B3 A4 CMPY #$B3A4 ; at end of family member list? 1BD0: 26 CC BNE $1B9E ; if not at end of list, goto $1B9E 1BD2: 35 66 PULS A,B,Y,U ; Y will now hold the closest family member 1BD4: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U ; store family member as brain target 1BD7: 39 RTS 1BD8: 96 59 LDA $59 1BDA: 85 7F BITA #$7F 1BDC: 27 08 BEQ $1BE6 1BDE: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; delay before calling function 1BE0: 8E 1B D8 LDX #$1BD8 ; address of function to call (this one!) 1BE3: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 1BE6: 86 0C LDA #$0C ; delay before calling function 1BE8: 8E 1B EE LDX #$1BEE ; function to call (animate brain) 1BEB: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task BRAIN_AI: 1BEE: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to brain object into X 1BF0: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 ; clear horizontal and vertical movement temp variables 1BF3: DD 2B STD $2B 1BF5: 10 AE D8 09 LDY [$09,U] ; is our target still alive? 1BF9: 26 14 BNE $1C0F ; if target is not null then it is alive, goto $1C0F 1BFB: 10 8E 98 5A LDY #$985A ; Brain needs a target. $985A is the player object. 1BFF: B6 BE 6A LDA cur_mommies ; count how many family members there are on screen 1C02: BB BE 6B ADDA cur_daddies 1C05: BB BE 6C ADDA cur_mikeys 1C08: 27 05 BEQ $1C0F ; if 0 family members goto $1C0F - the brains will target the player 1C0A: BD 1B 95 JSR $1B95 ; otherwise, family members exist, so find nearest family member to program ; Y = target family member 1C0D: 20 E6 BRA $1BF5 ; here: X = brain, Y = target ANIMATE_BRAIN: 1C0F: A6 24 LDA $0004,Y ; get hi byte (X coordinate) of target's blitter destination into A 1C11: A0 04 SUBA $0004,X ; A-= hi byte of brain blitter destination 1C13: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; A+=2 1C15: 81 04 CMPA #$04 ; 1C17: 23 0B BLS $1C24 ; if the brain's close enough on the horizontal axis to its target, it doesn't need to face left or right 1C19: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; set horizontal movement direction to be right for this brain 1C1B: A6 24 LDA $0004,Y ; get hi byte of target blitter destination into A 1C1D: A1 04 CMPA $0004,X ; compare to hi byte of brain blitter destination 1C1F: 24 01 BCC $1C22 ; if target is to the right goto $1C22 1C21: 50 NEGB ; make B (our horizontal direction register) = $FF 1C22: D7 2B STB $2B ; store horizontal movement value for brain (1= move brain right, $FF = move brain left) 1C24: A6 25 LDA $0005,Y ; get lo byte (Y component) of target blitter destination into A 1C26: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; set vertical movement direction to be down for this brain 1C28: A1 05 CMPA $0005,X ; 1C2A: 24 01 BCC $1C2D ; if target is below brain goto $1C2D 1C2C: 50 NEGB ; make B (our vertical direction register) = $FF (up). The brain's target is above it 1C2D: D7 2C STB $2C ; store vertical movement direction for brain (1= move brain down, $FF = move brain up) 1C2F: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination of brain 1C31: 9B 2B ADDA $2B ; add horizontal movement value (see $1C22) 1C33: DB 2C ADDB $2C ; add vertical movement value (see $1C2D) 1C35: BD 00 06 JSR $0006 ; ensure brain stays in bounds 1C38: 27 04 BEQ $1C3E ; if brain is in bounds goto $1C3E 1C3A: 90 2B SUBA $2B ; otherwise undo the movement brain attempted to make 1C3C: D0 2C SUBB $2C 1C3E: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update brain's X coordinate (whole part) 1C40: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update brain's Y coordinate 1C42: 10 8C 98 5A CMPY #$985A ; is player this brains target? 1C46: 27 10 BEQ $1C58 ; yes, goto $1C58 ; if we get here, the brain is going after a family member. ; how close is this brain to the family member? ; X = brain object pointer, Y = family member pointer, D = brain's blitter position 1C48: E0 25 SUBB $0005,Y ; B-= target's Y component of blitter destination 1C4A: CB 03 ADDB #$03 ; B+= 3, to adjust B. I find the reason for this hard to explain even though I know "why" in my head. 1C4C: C1 06 CMPB #$06 ; is target 6 pixels (or less) beneath the adjusted B? 1C4E: 22 08 BHI $1C58 ; if >6 pixels beneath, target is out of reach, goto $1C58 1C50: A0 24 SUBA $0004,Y ; A-= target's X coordinate 1C52: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; A+= 3, to adjust A. 1C54: 81 06 CMPA #$06 ; is target <=12 pixels to the right of the adjusted A? Remember 2 pixels per byte. 1C56: 23 6A BLS $1CC2 ; if <= than 12 pixels, BEGIN PROGRAMMING THE HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry, got carried away there.) 1C58: 96 2B LDA $2B ; read horizontal direction temp field 1C5A: 27 0C BEQ $1C68 ; if 0, meaning the brain is not moving horizontally, goto $1C68 1C5C: 2B 05 BMI $1C63 ; if $FF (up) goto $1C63 1C5E: CC 1C AA LDD #$1CAA ; pointer to walk right animation table 1C61: 20 11 BRA $1C74 1C63: CC 1C A2 LDD #$1CA2 ; pointer to walk left animation table 1C66: 20 0C BRA $1C74 1C68: 96 2C LDA $2C ; read vertical direction temp field 1C6A: 2B 05 BMI $1C71 ; if bit 7 is set (ie: the value is negative) goto $1C71 to make brain walk up 1C6C: CC 1C B2 LDD #$1CB2 ; pointer to walk down animation table 1C6F: 20 03 BRA $1C74 1C71: CC 1C BA LDD #$1CBA ; pointer to walk up animation table ; D = pointer to animation sequence table for brain (see $1CA2) 1C74: 10 A3 4D CMPD $000D,U ; are we moving in a direction that uses the same animation sequence as the one last used? 1C77: 27 04 BEQ $1C7D ; yes, no need to change the animation table we're using, goto $1C7D 1C79: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; no, different animation needed, set animation table pointer in object metadata 1C7B: 20 08 BRA $1C85 1C7D: E6 4B LDB $000B,U ; get index into animation table into B 1C7F: CB 02 ADDB #$02 ; bump index to next entry 1C81: C1 08 CMPB #$08 ; have we hit the end of the animation sequence? 1C83: 25 01 BCS $1C86 ; if not, goto $1C86 1C85: 5F CLRB ; yes, so we need to reset the index into the animation table back to 0 1C86: E7 4B STB $000B,U ; and update the index to point to the correct animation frame metadata entry 1C88: 10 AE 4D LDY $000D,U ; Y = animation sequence table pointer 1C8B: EC A5 LDD B,Y ; D = *(animation sequence table pointer+index into table) 1C8D: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer to D 1C8F: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 1C92: 6A 4C DEC $000C,U ; decrement cruise missile countdown. When zero, brain will fire a cruise missile. 1C94: 26 03 BNE $1C99 1C96: BD 20 06 JSR $2006 ; fire a cruise missile! 1C99: 8E 1B EE LDX #$1BEE ; pointer to "animate brain" routine 1C9C: B6 BE 63 LDA $BE63 ; delay before calling function 1C9F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task BRAIN_ANIMATION_TABLES: 1CA2: 21 41 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain walking left #1 1CA4: 21 45 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain walking left #2 1CA6: 21 41 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain walking left #1 1CA8: 21 49 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain walking left #3 1CAA: 21 4D ; address of animation frame metadata for brain walking right #1 1CAC: 21 51 ; do I really need to repeat myself :) 1CAE: 21 4D 1CB0: 21 55 1CB2: 21 59 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain moving down.... 1CB4: 21 5D 1CB6: 21 59 1CB8: 21 61 1CBA: 21 65 ; address of animation frame metadata for brain moving up.... 1CBC: 21 69 1CBE: 21 65 1CC0: 21 6D ; ; The brain's got a family member to program! ; X = pointer to brain object ; Y = pointer to family member object ; BEGIN_PROGRAMMING_FAMILY_MEMBER: 1CC2: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate (whole part) of brain 1CC4: A1 24 CMPA $0004,Y ; compare to hi byte (X component) of family member blitter destination 1CC6: 25 12 BCS $1CDA ; if brain.X <= family member.X goto $1CDA 1CC8: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate (whole part) of brain 1CCA: A0 B8 02 SUBA [$02,Y] ; subtract width of family member being prog'd 1CCD: 80 01 SUBA #$01 1CCF: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; is the result past the left edge of the playfield? 1CD1: 25 07 BCS $1CDA ; yes, so result is invalid, goto $1CDA 1CD3: A7 2A STA $000A,Y ; set X coordinate of family member being prog'd. Now family member will be standing left of brain. 1CD5: CC 21 41 LDD #$2141 ; animation frame pointer of brain facing left, ready to program human 1CD8: 20 0D BRA $1CE7 1CDA: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate (whole part) of brain 1CDC: 8B 08 ADDA #$08 ; X coordinate += 8 (16 pixels) 1CDE: 81 8B CMPA #$8B ; X coordinate > #$8B? is this sprite, when you take its width into account, off the playfield? 1CE0: 24 E6 BCC $1CC8 ; yes, X coordinate is invalid, goto $1CC8 1CE2: A7 2A STA $000A,Y ; store to X coordinate of family member. Now family member will be standing right of brain. 1CE4: CC 21 4D LDD #$214D ; animation frame pointer of brain facing right, ready to program human 1CE7: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; update brain animation frame metadata pointer 1CE9: A6 0C LDA $000C,X ; read brain Y coordinate 1CEB: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; Y+ = 2 1CED: A7 2C STA $000C,Y ; set family member Y coordinate. 1CEF: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 1CF2: 6F 0B CLR $000B,X 1CF4: 6F 88 12 CLR $12,X ; clear flag for image to be shifted right one pixel 1CF7: BD 1D AF JSR $1DAF ; draw brain in programming mode!! ; done the brain prep, now do the prog prep. 1CFA: AE D8 09 LDX [$09,U] ; get pointer to family member object from family member list ($B354 - $B3A4.) 1CFD: 34 50 PSHS U,X 1CFF: 86 01 LDA #$01 1D01: 97 95 STA $95 ; set "you are being prog'd!" flag which collision handler will read 1D03: AD 98 08 JSR [$08,X] ; call family member's collision handler 1D06: 35 50 PULS X,U 1D08: 0F 95 CLR $95 1D0A: EC 84 LDD ,X ; mark family member object as free 1D0C: DD 1B STD $1B 1D0E: AF 49 STX $0009,U ; set brain's target in object metadata 1D10: 6F 0B CLR $000B,X 1D12: 6F 88 12 CLR $12,X 1D15: 10 AE 06 LDY $0006,X ; Y = pointer to family member object's metadata 1D18: EC 29 LDD $0009,Y ; D = pointer to object metadata's very own animation frame metadata pointer. Confused? 1D1A: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set family member objects animation frame metadata pointer (to "standing still" image) 1D1C: 86 14 LDA #$14 ; count of how long to make prog shake for (see $1D7A) 1D1E: A7 4B STA $000B,U 1D20: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to brain object from brain object's metadata 1D22: CC 1A EA LDD #$1AEA 1D25: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 1D28: BD 1D AF JSR $1DAF ; draw the brain prog'ing away. 1D2B: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; X = pointer to family member object from brain object's metadata 1D2D: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blit destination of family member 1D2F: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1D32: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 1D35: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; A = X coordinate (whole part) DRAW_PROG_STARTING_TO_SHAKE: 1D37: D6 84 LDB $84 ; get a random number 1D39: C4 07 ANDB #$07 ; mask in bits 0..2, giving us a number between 0..7 in B 1D3B: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B = B + Y coordinate 1D3D: C1 DC CMPB #$DC ; B <= #$DC? (will the shaking prog be drawn within the playfield?) 1D3F: 23 02 BLS $1D43 ; yes, no need to adjust Y, goto $1D43 1D41: C6 DC LDB #$DC ; No, so make B #$DC. The prog's Y coordinate has been adjusted to keep it in the playfield. 1D43: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; blit destination = D 1D45: CC AA BB LDD #$AABB ; set remap colour 1 and 2 1D48: 8D 78 BSR $1DC2 ; draw rectangle in colour A, then family member image as solid with colour B 1D4A: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 1D4C: 8E 1D 52 LDX #$1D52 ; address of function to call 1D4F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 1D52: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; X = pointer to family member object being programmed 1D54: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1D56: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1D59: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle ; this is another part that makes the prog "shake" vertically as the Brain is programming it... 1D5C: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; A = X coordinate (whole part) 1D5E: D6 84 LDB $84 ; get a random number into B 1D60: C4 07 ANDB #$07 ; make number from 0..7 1D62: 50 NEGB 1D63: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B += Y coordinate. This gives us a coordinate to draw the shaking prog at - but we never update the prog's actual Y coordinate in memory 1D65: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; is B > top border wall of game ? 1D67: 24 02 BCC $1D6B ; Yes, calculated Y coordinate is within game bounds, no need to adjust it, goto $1D6B 1D69: C6 18 LDB #$18 ; otherwise draw prog at very top of game confines 1D6B: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; blit destination = D 1D6D: CC AA BB LDD #$AABB ; set remap colour 1 and 2 1D70: 8D 50 BSR $1DC2 ; draw rectangle in colour A, then family member as solid with colour B 1D72: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 1D74: 8E 1D 7A LDX #$1D7A ; address of function to call 1D77: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 1D7A: 6A 4B DEC $000B,U ; decrement the prog'ing countdown. When 0 the prog'ing is done 1D7C: 26 A2 BNE $1D20 ; if countdown !=0 then goto 1D20, keep drawing brain proging and family member being prog'd. 1D7E: CC 1A EF LDD #$1AEF 1D81: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 1D84: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get pointer to family member target from brain object metadata 1D86: DC 1B LDD $1B 1D88: ED 84 STD ,X 1D8A: 9F 1B STX $1B ; mark family member as a free object (the programming's done!) 1D8C: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1D8E: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1D91: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle ; no idea why these are reloaded here, the previous subroutine saved D on stack and didn't corrupt Y 1D94: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1D96: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1D99: BD 1E 19 JSR $1E19 ; create the prog 1D9C: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object from object metadata 1D9E: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1DA0: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1DA3: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 1DA6: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 1DA9: BD 1B 95 JSR $1B95 ; find another family member to prog!!!! 1DAC: 7E 1B EE JMP $1BEE DRAW_BRAIN_IN_PROGGING_STATE: 1DAF: C6 BB LDB #$BB ; remap colour 1DB1: D7 2D STB $2D 1DB3: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; A = object X coordinate (whole part) 1DB5: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; read object Y coordinate 1DB7: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination pointer 1DB9: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1DBC: BD D0 93 JSR $D093 ; JMP $DA61 - blit rectangle with colour remap 1DBF: 7E D0 18 JMP $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit ; Blit an image as a single solid colour, with another solid colour as its background. ; Think of when the progs are being programmed, mommy/daddy/mikey is drawn as a solid shape ; and has a rapidly cycling background colour. ; ; X = object pointer ; A = solid colour to draw as rectangular background ; B = solid colour to draw image belonging to X in ; BLIT_IMAGE_AS_SOLID_COLOUR_WITH_SOLID_BACKGROUND: 1DC2: 34 06 PSHS B,A 1DC4: 97 2D STA $2D ; store remap colour 1 1DC6: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1DC8: BD D0 93 JSR $D093 ; JMP $DA61 - blit rectangle with colour remap 1DCB: A6 61 LDA $0001,S ; A = B (remap colour 2) 1DCD: 97 2D STA $2D ; $2D = remap colour 2 1DCF: A6 04 LDA $0004,X ; get blitter destination 1DD1: BD D0 90 JSR $D090 ; JMP $DA9E - do solid and transparent blit 1DD4: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) BRAIN_COLLISION_HANDLER: 1DD6: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection? 1DD8: 26 3C BNE $1E16 ; yes, goto $1E16. We don't do anything here. 1DDA: 7A BE 6E DEC cur_brains ; oh dear, the brain's been hit by a laser. Reduce brain count 1DDD: BD 5B 4F JSR $5B4F ; JMP $5C0A 1DE0: BD D0 7E JSR $D07E ; JMP $D2C2 - remove baddy from baddies list 1DE3: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; X = pointer to object metadata for this object 1DE5: 33 84 LEAU ,X 1DE7: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 1DEA: EC 42 LDD $0002,U 1DEC: 10 83 1D 52 CMPD #$1D52 1DF0: 25 17 BCS $1E09 1DF2: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get pointer to family member target from brain object metadata 1DF4: DC 1B LDD $1B ; get free object entry list pointer 1DF6: ED 84 STD ,X ; store the family member object as next object in free object linked list 1DF8: 9F 1B STX $1B ; make this dead family member object start of the free object entry linked list 1DFA: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1DFD: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 1DFF: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 1E02: 0C 95 INC $95 1E04: BD 00 09 JSR $0009 ; JSR $0351 - draw points value for family member saved from progging 1E07: 0F 95 CLR $95 1E09: CC 1A CD LDD #$1ACD 1E0C: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 1E0F: CC 01 50 LDD #$0150 1E12: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 1E15: 39 RTS 1E16: 7E D0 18 JMP $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit ; ; D = blitter destination of family member that's been prog'd ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata (so that prog can use frames of family member when rendering itself) CREATE_PROG: 1E19: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A 1E1B: DC 1D LDD $1D ; do we have space for prog in the prog list? 1E1D: 27 34 BEQ $1E53 ; no, so goto $1E53, which is an RTS 1E1F: 4F CLRA 1E20: 8E 1E AB LDX #$1EAB ; address of prog animation function to call 1E23: BD D0 5A JSR $D05A ; JMP $D243 - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $981D and call function in X 1E26: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; U = object metadata entry 1E28: BD 1F FC JSR $1FFC ; call function to clear (zero) bytes 7..31 decimal in object metadata 1E2B: 86 11 LDA #$11 1E2D: A7 4F STA $000F,U ; set prog trail index to start of trail list, which begins in memory at U + #$11 (17 decimal). ; for more info on the "prog trail" see $1EFD 1E2F: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) ; X = pointer to reserved object 1E32: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; save pointer to this prog object in prog object metadata 1E34: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to metadata in this prog object 1E36: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U ; set pointer to animation frame metadata in object metadata (phew!) 1E39: 10 AF 02 STY $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 1E3C: 10 AF 88 14 STY $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 1E40: EC E4 LDD ,S ; read D from stack (remember, A and B comprise 16 bit register D) 1E42: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set X coordinate (whole part) 1E44: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set Y coordinate 1E46: CC 1F 1F LDD #$1F1F ; address of function to call when this prog is in a collision 1E49: ED 08 STD $0008,X 1E4B: 8D 08 BSR $1E55 ; compute distances from player for prog to move towards 1E4D: 8D 22 BSR $1E71 ; set initial prog direction 1E4F: 4F CLRA 1E50: 5F CLRB ; D = 0 1E51: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination to be NULL 1E53: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; This function here computes two signed bytes: X Distance and Y Distance. ; The X Distance and Y Distance variables are added on to the Player X and Player Y coordinates respectively. ; The Prog will run to the resulting point(PlayerX + X Distance, PlayerY + Y Distance) coordinates - AS LONG AS THE ; COORDINATES ARE WITHIN PLAYFIELD BOUNDS. ; ; Obviously, the smaller the distances, the closer the prog chases towards the player. ; COMPUTE_X_AND_Y_DISTANCES_TO_CHASE: 1E55: 86 0F LDA #$0F ; load A with 15 (decimal) 1E57: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1E5A: 8B F0 ADDA #$F0 ; A+= -16 (decimal). This will make the number in A negative 1E5C: 40 NEGA ; make number positive 1E5D: 48 ASLA ; multiply by 2 1E5E: 48 ASLA ; multiply by 2 again 1E5F: 8B E0 ADDA #$E0 ; A+= -32 1E61: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; save as X Distance 1E63: 86 12 LDA #$12 ; load a with 18 decimal 1E65: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 1E68: 8B ED ADDA #$ED ; A+= -19 (decimal). This will make the number in A negative 1E6A: 40 NEGA ; make number positive 1E6B: 48 ASLA ; multiply by 2 1E6C: 8B EE ADDA #$EE ; A+= -18 (decimal) 1E6E: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; save as Y Distance 1E70: 39 RTS ; Instead of me wittering on about X-axis and Y axis, I'll make this simple. ; ; A prog can move in the following directions: ; ; LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN. That is all. ; ; No combinations thereof are permitted. ; CHANGE_PROG_DIRECTION: 1E71: 96 85 LDA $85 ; read a random number 1E73: 2B 18 BMI $1E8D ; if negative (bit 7 set) goto $1E8D - make the prog move vertically ; if we get here, the prog is going to move horizontally... 1E75: 96 64 LDA $64 ; Get player X coordinate 1E77: AB 4B ADDA $000B,U ; add in X distance, to give target X 1E79: 81 BF CMPA #$BF ; is target X *way* off the playfield bounds?? 1E7B: 23 02 BLS $1E7F ; no, goto $1E7F 1E7D: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; otherwise, set target X to be left border edge 1E7F: A1 0A CMPA $000A,X ; compare to prog's X coordinate (whole part) 1E81: 23 05 BLS $1E88 ; if target X <= prog X, goto $1E88 to make the prog move LEFT 1E83: CC 1F D8 LDD #$1FD8 ; pointer to animation table to move prog RIGHT 1E86: 20 1B BRA $1EA3 ; skip over the code that moves the prog vertically 1E88: CC 1F CC LDD #$1FCC ; pointer to animation table to move prog LEFT 1E8B: 20 16 BRA $1EA3 ; skip over the code that moves the prog vertically ; if we get here, the prog is going to move vertically... 1E8D: 96 66 LDA $66 ; Get player Y coordinate 1E8F: AB 4C ADDA $000C,U ; add in Y distance, to give target Y 1E91: 81 FC CMPA #$FC ; is target Y *way* off the playfield bounds? 1E93: 23 02 BLS $1E97 ; 1E95: 86 18 LDA #$18 1E97: A1 0C CMPA $000C,X ; compare to prog's Y coordinate 1E99: 23 05 BLS $1EA0 ; if target Y<= prog Y, goto $1EA0 to make the prog move UP 1E9B: CC 1F E4 LDD #$1FE4 ; pointer to animation table to move prog DOWN 1E9E: 20 03 BRA $1EA3 1EA0: CC 1F F0 LDD #$1FF0 ; pointer to animation table to move prog UP 1EA3: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; update animation table pointer for prog 1EA5: 86 FD LDA #$FD ; set A to -3 decimal (this might look strange, but look at code at $1EB3, which adds 3 to this value before it is used) 1EA7: A7 88 13 STA $13,X ; set index into animation tables 1EAA: 39 RTS ANIMATE_PROG: 1EAB: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object into X 1EAD: 10 AE 4D LDY $000D,U ; get pointer to prog animation table into Y (see $1FCC for description of animation table) 1EB0: A6 88 13 LDA $13,X ; get index into animation tables (as each entry in the table takes 3 bytes, this number is a multiple of 3) 1EB3: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; bump index to next entry in animation table, by adding 3 1EB5: 81 09 CMPA #$09 ; there's 12 bytes per entry 1EB7: 23 01 BLS $1EBA ; if we're not at the end of the animation table then goto $1EBA 1EB9: 4F CLRA ; reset index - taking the animation back to the start 1EBA: A7 88 13 STA $13,X ; set animation index 1EBD: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y ; Y = Y + A 1EBF: E6 A4 LDB ,Y ; read offset into animation metadata list (see docs at $1FCC) 1EC1: 4F CLRA ; clear A so that doesn't affect the addition below 1EC2: E3 49 ADDD $0009,U ; add D to animation frame metadata list pointer. Now D points to animation frame metadata, used for the blit funcs. 1EC4: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set pointer to animation frame metadata 1EC6: EC 21 LDD $0001,Y ; get direction deltas to add to X and Y coordinates (see $1FCC) 1EC8: AB 0A ADDA $000A,X ; A += X coordinate of prog (whole part) 1ECA: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B += Y coordinate of prog 1ECC: BD 00 06 JSR $0006 ; test that object is in bounds 1ECF: 26 13 BNE $1EE4 ; if zero flag not set, object coordinate is invalid, goto $1EE4 to change prog direction 1ED1: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; X coordinate (whole part) = A 1ED3: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; Y coordinate = B 1ED5: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 1ED7: 81 F8 CMPA #$F8 ; compare to #$F8 (248 decimal) 1ED9: 23 03 BLS $1EDE 1EDB: BD 1E 55 JSR $1E55 ; call COMPUTE_X_AND_Y_DISTANCES_TO_CHASE 1EDE: 96 86 LDA $86 ; read a random number 1EE0: 81 E4 CMPA #$E4 ; compare to #$E4 (228 decimal) 1EE2: 23 03 BLS $1EE7 ; if <= goto $1EE7, do not change prog direction 1EE4: BD 1E 71 JSR $1E71 ; change prog direction 1EE7: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1EEA: A6 4F LDA $000F,U ; get prog trail list index into A 1EEC: EC C6 LDD A,U ; D = blitter destination 1EEE: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle (erase the "tail" of the prog) 1EF1: CC EE 00 LDD #$EE00 ; colours 1EF4: BD 1D C2 JSR $1DC2 ; draw rectangle in colour A, then prog as solid with colour B 1EF7: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; A = X coordinate of prog (whole part) 1EF9: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; B = Y coordinate of prog (whole part) 1EFB: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination of object 1EFD: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; Y = blitter destination ; ; The prog trail is a list - not a queue - of 7 pointers. Each pointer contains a screen address where blits of the prog have been made. ; The prog trail is used to remember where the prog was blitted, so that the "trail" of the prog can be erased from the screen. ; 1EFF: A6 4F LDA $000F,U ; get prog trail list index 1F01: 10 AF C6 STY A,U ; * (A+U) = blitter destination 1F04: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; bump index to next item in prog trail, effectively "growing" the trail 1F06: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; are we at the end of the list? 1F08: 25 02 BCS $1F0C ; no, goto $1F0C 1F0A: 86 11 LDA #$11 ; reset prog trail index to start of list 1F0C: A7 4F STA $000F,U ; update prog trail index to be A 1F0E: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = animation frame metadata pointer 1F11: CC 00 AA LDD #$00AA ; remap colours 1 + 2. 1F14: BD 1D C2 JSR $1DC2 ; blit solid background in A + then do solid and transparent blit with B 1F17: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay before calling function 1F19: 8E 1E AB LDX #$1EAB ; address of function to call 1F1C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task PROG_COLLISION_DETECTION: 1F1F: 96 48 LDA $48 ; is the player calling this function? 1F21: 26 44 BNE $1F67 ; yes, goto $1F67 (don't do anything) ; ; The prog has been killed. We need to erase the trail of the prog, as well as the prog itself. ; 1F23: 34 10 PSHS X ; save pointer to prog object on stack 1F25: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 1F28: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; get pointer to object metadata for this object into X 1F2A: 86 11 LDA #$11 ; start of prog trail which begins at (X + #$11) (#$11 is 17 decimal) 1F2C: 34 02 PSHS A 1F2E: EC 86 LDD A,X ; Get pointer to where prog was blitted 1F30: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 1F33: 35 02 PULS A 1F35: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; bump to next entry in the prog trail 1F37: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; have we reached the end of the trail? (ie: all segments of prog trail have been erased) 1F39: 25 F1 BCS $1F2C ; no, goto $1F2C and clear rest of prog trail 1F3B: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 1F3E: 35 10 PULS X ; restore pointer to prog object from stack 1F40: CC 1F 68 LDD #$1F68 ; pointer to animation frame metadata 1F43: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 1F45: 86 8A LDA #$8A 1F47: A1 04 CMPA $0004,X ; compare to Hi byte (X component) of blitter destination 1F49: 24 02 BCC $1F4D ; if A > #$8A (138 decimal) goto $1F4D 1F4B: A7 04 STA $0004,X 1F4D: 86 DB LDA #$DB ; 1F4F: A1 05 CMPA $0005,X ; compare to Lo byte (y component) of blitter destination 1F51: 24 02 BCC $1F55 ; if A > #$DB (219 decimal) goto $1F55 1F53: A7 05 STA $0005,X 1F55: BD 5B 43 JSR $5B43 ; JMP $5C1F - create an explosion 1F58: BD D0 7E JSR $D07E ; JMP $D2C2 - remove baddy from baddies list 1F5B: CC 1A DA LDD #$1ADA 1F5E: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 1F61: CC 01 10 LDD #$0110 1F64: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 1F67: 39 RTS ; Animation frame metadata 1F68: 06 10 1F 6C 1F6C: AA AA AA AA AA A0 AA 00 00 00 0A A0 1F78: AA 0B B0 BB 0A A0 AA 0B B0 BB 0A A0 AA 0B B0 BB 1F88: 0A A0 AA 00 00 00 0A A0 AA AA A0 AA AA A0 AA A0 1F98: 00 00 AA A0 AA 00 00 00 0A A0 AA 0A 00 0A 0A A0 1FA8: AA 0A 00 0A 0A A0 AA AA 0A 0A AA A0 AA AA 0A 0A 1FB8: AA A0 AA AA 0A 0A AA A0 AA 00 0A 00 0A A0 AA AA 1FC8: AA AA AA A0 ; ; Animation tables for prog. ; ; Byte 0: offset into family member animation metadata list. ; Byte 1: signed offset to add to X coordinate of prog ; Byte 2: signed offset to add to Y coordinate of prog ; ; PROG_ANIMATION_TABLES: 1FCC : 00 FE 00 04 FE 00 00 FE 00 08 FE 00 1FD8: 0C 02 00 10 02 00 0C 02 00 14 02 00 1FE4: 18 00 04 1C 00 04 18 00 04 20 00 04 1FF0: 24 00 FC 28 00 FC 24 00 FC 2C 00 FC ; ; ; CLEAR_BYTES_7_TO_30_FROM_U: 1FFC: 86 07 LDA #$07 1FFE: 6F C6 CLR A, U 2000: 4C INCA 2001: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; compare A to #$1F (31 decimal) 2003: 25 F9 BCS $1FFE ; if lower, goto $1FFE 2005: 39 RTS ; ; The missiles that Brains fire at the player are called "Cruise missiles" ; ; CREATE_CRUISE_MISSILE: 2006: 34 50 PSHS U,X 2008: B6 BE 62 LDA $BE62 ; read "maximum delay before firing cruise missile" global setting 200B: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 200E: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; set delay to fire next cruise missile in Brain 2010: 96 8E LDA $8E ; get count of cruise missiles currently on screen 2012: 81 08 CMPA #$08 ; 8? 2014: 24 43 BCC $2059 ; if >=8, we have enough missiles on screen as it is, goto $2059 (exit) 2016: DC 1D LDD $1D ; do we have a slot for the cruise missile to go into? 2018: 27 3F BEQ $2059 ; if not, goto $2059 201A: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Y = X 201C: 4F CLRA 201D: 8E 20 B0 LDX #$20B0 ; address of cruise missile AI/animation routine 2020: BD D0 5A JSR $D05A ; JMP $D243 - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $981D and add function pointed to by X to "task list" 2023: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; X = pointer to object metadata entry. Now U = X. 2025: 8D D5 BSR $1FFC ; clear bytes (U+7 to U+31) 2027: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) 202A: CC 20 5B LDD #$205B ; pointer to collision detection animation frame metadata for cruise missile (see $D7F4) 202D: ED 88 16 STD $16,X ; 2030: CC 20 6B LDD #$206B ; pointer to cruise missile animation frame metadata 2033: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 2035: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 2038: CC 21 19 LDD #$2119 ; set address of routine to call when shot 203B: ED 08 STD $0008,X 203D: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata in object 203F: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to object in object metadata 2041: EC 24 LDD $0004,Y 2043: C3 03 04 ADDD #$0304 2046: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set "last" blitter destination 2048: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; set coordinates 204A: BD 20 7B JSR $207B ; pick direction for cruise missile to go in 204D: 0C 8E INC $8E ; increment cruise missile count 204F: 86 0D LDA #$0D 2051: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; reset "cruise missile trail" list index to beginning 2053: CC 1A E2 LDD #$1AE2 2056: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 2059: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 205B: 03 04 20 5F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 206B: 03 04 20 6F 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 ; ; Pick a direction for cruise missile ; PICK_CRUISE_MISSILE_DIRECTION: 207B: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 207E: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; clear deltas of cruise missile 2080: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 2082: 2A 13 BPL $2097 ; if bit 7 is not set, no adjustment of horizontal movement to be done, goto $2097 2084: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask off bottom 4 bits 2086: 8B FA ADDA #$FA ; add -6 to A 2088: 9B 64 ADDA $64 ; add in player's X coordinate ($9864) to give target X 208A: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; X delta =1 (moving right) 208C: A1 0A CMPA $000A,X ; compare A to cruise missile X coordinate 208E: 24 01 BCC $2091 ; if target X >= X coordinate, goto $2091 2090: 50 NEGB ; X delta = -1 (moving left) 2091: E7 49 STB $0009,U ; set X delta of cruise missile 2093: 96 86 LDA $86 ; read a random number 2095: 2B 11 BMI $20A8 ; if bit 7 set, goto $20A8 2097: 96 85 LDA $85 ; get another random number 2099: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask off bottom 4 bits, to give a number from 0..15 in A 209B: 8B FA ADDA #$FA ; add -6 to A 209D: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; Y delta = 1 (moving down) 209F: 9B 66 ADDA $66 ; add in player's Y coordinate ($9866) 20A1: A1 0B CMPA $000B,X ; compare A to cruise missile Y coordinate 20A3: 24 01 BCC $20A6 ; if A >= Y coordinate, goto $20A6 20A5: 50 NEGB ; Y delta = -1 (moving up) 20A6: E7 4A STB $000A,U ; set Y delta of cruise missile 20A8: 86 07 LDA #$07 20AA: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 20AD: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; set countdown before cruise missile changes direction 20AF: 39 RTS ; Cruise missile AI & animation logic ANIMATE_CRUISE_MISSILE: 20B0: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer from object metadata 20B2: 6A 4B DEC $000B,U ; decrement countdown before cruise missile changes direction 20B4: 26 03 BNE $20B9 ; if countdown != 0, goto $20B9 20B6: BD 20 7B JSR $207B ; otherwise, countdown is zero, its time for cruise missile to change direction 20B9: BD 20 C7 JSR $20C7 ; move cruise missile (creating a trail) 20BC: BD 20 C7 JSR $20C7 ; move cruise missile again (creating a trail) 20BF: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 20C1: 8E 20 B0 LDX #$20B0 ; address of function to call 20C4: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task MOVE_CRUISE_MISSILE: 20C7: EC 0A LDD $000A,X ; D = objects coordinates (MSB = X coordinate, LSB = Y coordinate). 20C9: AB 49 ADDA $0009,U ; add cruise missile's X delta to most significant byte of coordinate 20CB: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; cruise missile at left-most border? 20CD: 24 06 BCC $20D5 ; no, goto $20D5 20CF: A0 49 SUBA $0009,U ; yes, cruise missile has reached edge of screen, can't move any further, so undo change made at $20C9 20D1: 60 49 NEG $0009,U ; negate X delta of cruise missile (making it move in opposite direction horizontally) 20D3: 20 F4 BRA $20C9 20D5: 81 8E CMPA #$8E ; cruise missile at right-most border? 20D7: 22 F6 BHI $20CF ; yes, goto $20CF to undo change made at $20C9 20D9: EB 4A ADDB $000A,U ; add cruise missile's Y delta to most significant byte (whole part) of Y coordinate 20DB: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; cruise missile at top-most border? 20DD: 24 06 BCC $20E5 ; no, goto $20E5 20DF: E0 4A SUBB $000A,U ; undo change made at $20D9 20E1: 60 4A NEG $000A,U ; negate Y delta of cruise missile (making it move in opposite direction horizontally) 20E3: 20 F4 BRA $20D9 20E5: C1 EA CMPB #$EA ; cruise missile at bottom-most border? 20E7: 22 F6 BHI $20DF ; yes, undo change made at $20D9 ; A = X coordinate ; B = Y coordinate ; X = pointer to cruise missile object DRAW_CRUISE_MISSILE: 20E9: 10 8E DD DD LDY #$DDDD ; pixel colours to write (remember 4 bits per pixel) 20ED: 10 AF 98 0A STY [$0A,X] ; write 4 pixels to screen RAM 20F1: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; update screen address to write pixels to 20F3: 83 01 01 SUBD #$0101 20F6: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; update blitter destination 20F8: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 ; 4 black pixels 20FC: A6 4C LDA $000C,U ; read index into "cruise missile trail" list 20FE: 10 AF D6 STY [A,U] ; write black pixels to trail (thus erasing trail) 2101: CC AA AA LDD #$AAAA ; colour of cruise missile "head" 2104: 10 AE 0A LDY $000A,X ; get blitter address of head 2107: ED A4 STD ,Y ; draw cruise missle head 2109: A6 4C LDA $000C,U ; get "cruise missile trail" list index 210B: 10 AF C6 STY A,U ; save blitter address of head of cruise missile in list 210E: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; bump to next entry in list 2110: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; at end of list buffer (meaning cruise missile trail can't expand any more)? 2112: 25 02 BCS $2116 ; no, goto $2116 2114: 86 0D LDA #$0D ; yes, reset "cruise missile trail" list index to beginning 2116: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; update cruise missile trail list index 2118: 39 RTS CRUISE_MISSILE_COLLISION_HANDLER: 2119: 0A 8E DEC $8E ; reduce count of cruise missiles on screen 211B: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection? 211D: 26 21 BNE $2140 ; yes 211F: BD D0 7E JSR $D07E ; JMP $D2C2 - remove baddy from baddies list 2122: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; get pointer to object metadata into X 2124: CE 00 00 LDU #$0000 ; 4 black pixels 2127: 86 0D LDA #$0D ; start of "cruise missile trail" list 2129: EF 96 STU [A,X] ; write pixels, deleting the "tail" of the cruise missile ; one segment at a time 212B: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; bump index to next item in "cruise missile trail" list 212D: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; have all segments of the cruise missile's trail been erased? 212F: 26 F8 BNE $2129 ; no, goto $2129 2131: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 2134: CC 00 25 LDD #$0025 2137: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 213A: CC 1A D5 LDD #$1AD5 213D: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 2140: 39 RTS ; ; Brain animation frame metadata. Each animation frame takes up 4 bytes as you can see. ; First two bytes are width, height of the animation frame. ; Next 2 bytes are a pointer to the actual image data. ; ; BRAIN_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA 2141: 07 10 21 71 ; width: 7 bytes (14 pixels, remember 2 pixels per byte), height: 10 (16 decimal) pixels, pixel data at $2171 2145: 07 10 21 E1 ; width: 7 bytes (14 pixels), height: 10 (16 decimal) pixels, pixel data at $21E1 2149: 07 10 22 51 ; I am sure... 214D: 07 10 22 C1 ; .. you get the drift with the rest.. 2151: 07 10 23 31 2155: 07 10 23 A1 ; brain moving down #1. 2159: 07 10 24 11 ; brain moving down #2 215D: 07 10 24 81 ; brain moving down #3 2161: 07 10 24 F1 ; brain moving up #1 2165: 07 10 25 61 ; brain moving up #2 2169: 07 10 25 D1 ; brain moving up #3 216D: 07 10 26 41 ; Brain pixel data follows. ; brain walking left #1 (this frame also used for "programming") 2171: 00 00 7C 7C 70 00 00 00 0C 0C 0C 7C 00 00 00 7C 2181: 7C C0 CC 70 00 07 0C C0 C7 C0 C7 00 0C CC 7C CC 2191: C7 C7 00 07 77 7C C7 C0 CC 00 00 07 77 CC 0C C7 21A1: 00 00 7A A7 77 0C 70 00 00 77 77 7C C0 00 00 00 21B1: 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 00 06 70 00 00 00 00 66 66 21C1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 21D1: 00 00 00 04 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain walking left #2 21E1: 00 00 7C 7C 70 00 00 00 0C 0C 0C 7C 00 00 00 7C 21F1: 7C C0 CC 70 00 07 0C C0 C7 C0 C7 00 0C CC 7C CC 2201: C7 C7 00 07 77 7C C7 C0 CC 00 00 07 77 CC 0C C7 2211: 00 00 7A A7 77 0C 70 00 00 77 77 7C C0 00 00 00 2221: 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 00 06 70 00 00 00 00 66 66 2231: 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 60 00 00 00 00 40 40 06 00 2241: 00 00 00 04 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain walking left #3 2251: 00 00 7C 7C 70 00 00 00 0C 0C 0C 7C 00 00 00 7C 2261: 7C C0 CC 70 00 07 0C C0 C7 C0 C7 00 0C CC 7C CC 2271: C7 C7 00 07 77 7C C7 C0 CC 00 00 07 77 CC 0C C7 2281: 00 00 7A A7 77 0C 70 00 00 77 77 7C C0 00 00 00 2291: 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 00 06 70 00 00 00 00 66 66 22A1: 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 40 00 00 00 00 60 60 04 00 22B1: 00 00 00 06 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain walking right #1 22C1: 00 07 CC 7C 00 00 00 00 CC 7C CC 70 00 00 07 C7 22D1: 0C 70 7C 00 00 77 CC 7C 7C CC 70 00 CC 0C CC 0C 22E1: 70 70 00 7C C0 7C CC CC 70 00 77 CC CC 77 70 00 22F1: 00 0C C7 C7 7A A7 00 00 00 07 77 77 77 00 00 00 2301: 00 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 07 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 2311: 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 2321: 00 00 00 00 00 66 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain walking right #2 2331: 00 07 CC 7C 00 00 00 00 CC 7C CC 70 00 00 07 C7 2341: 0C 70 7C 00 00 77 CC 7C 7C CC 70 00 CC 0C CC 0C 2351: 70 70 00 7C C0 7C CC CC 70 00 77 CC CC 77 70 00 2361: 00 0C C7 C7 7A A7 00 00 00 07 77 77 77 00 00 00 2371: 00 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 07 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 2381: 66 66 00 00 00 00 06 60 00 00 00 00 00 60 04 04 2391: 00 00 00 00 06 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain walking right #3 23A1: 00 07 CC 7C 00 00 00 00 CC 7C CC 70 00 00 07 C7 23B1: 0C 70 7C 00 00 77 CC 7C 7C CC 70 00 CC 0C CC 0C 23C1: 70 70 00 7C C0 7C CC CC 70 00 77 CC CC 77 70 00 23D1: 00 0C C7 C7 7A A7 00 00 00 07 77 77 77 00 00 00 23E1: 00 07 77 70 00 00 00 00 07 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 23F1: 66 66 00 00 00 00 04 60 00 00 00 00 00 40 06 06 2401: 00 00 00 00 04 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain moving down #1 2411: 00 00 0C 70 00 00 00 00 7C C7 7C 7C 70 00 07 CC 2421: 0C CC 0C 77 00 77 C7 C7 C0 C0 CC 70 CC C0 CC C7 2431: CC 0C 70 C7 C7 7C 0C 77 C7 C0 70 C7 77 C7 70 7C 2441: 70 0C CA AA 7A AA 77 00 07 77 77 77 77 70 00 00 2451: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 2461: 66 60 00 00 00 06 00 60 06 00 00 00 00 06 06 00 2471: 00 00 00 00 66 06 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain moving down #2 2481: 00 00 0C 70 00 00 00 00 7C C7 7C 7C 70 00 07 CC 2491: 0C CC 0C 77 00 77 C7 C7 C0 C0 CC 70 CC C0 CC C7 24A1: CC 0C 70 C7 C7 7C 0C 77 C7 C0 70 C7 77 C7 70 7C 24B1: 70 0C CA AA 7A AA 77 00 07 77 77 77 77 70 00 00 24C1: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 24D1: 66 60 00 00 00 06 00 66 06 00 00 00 00 06 06 60 24E1: 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 ; brain moving down #3 24F1: 00 00 0C 70 00 00 00 00 7C C7 7C 7C 70 00 07 CC 2501: 0C CC 0C 77 00 77 C7 C7 C0 C0 CC 70 CC C0 CC C7 2511: CC 0C 70 C7 C7 7C 0C 77 C7 C0 70 C7 77 C7 70 7C 2521: 70 0C CA AA 7A AA 77 00 07 77 77 77 77 70 00 00 2531: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 2541: 66 60 00 00 00 06 06 60 06 00 00 00 00 66 06 00 2551: 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 60 00 00 ; brain moving up #1 2561: 00 00 07 C0 00 00 00 00 7C 70 C7 C7 70 00 0C 70 2571: C7 CC C7 C7 00 7C 00 C7 0C 0C 07 70 7C C7 7C CC 2581: 7C 7C C0 77 7C C0 C0 C7 C7 70 77 00 CC 0C 07 C7 2591: 70 07 7C 77 CC CC 77 00 00 C7 70 C7 77 70 00 00 25A1: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 25B1: 66 60 00 00 00 06 00 60 06 00 00 00 00 06 06 00 25C1: 00 00 00 00 66 06 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; brain moving up #2 25D1: 00 00 07 C0 00 00 00 00 7C 70 C7 C7 70 00 0C 70 25E1: C7 CC C7 C7 00 7C 00 C7 0C 0C 07 70 7C C7 7C CC 25F1: 7C 7C C0 77 7C C0 C0 C7 C7 70 77 00 CC 0C 07 C7 2601: 70 07 7C 77 CC CC 77 00 00 C7 70 C7 77 70 00 00 2611: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 2621: 66 60 00 00 00 06 00 66 06 00 00 00 00 06 06 60 2631: 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 ; brain moving up #3 2641: 00 00 07 C0 00 00 00 00 7C 70 C7 C7 70 00 0C 70 2651: C7 CC C7 C7 00 7C 00 C7 0C 0C 07 70 7C C7 7C CC 2661: 7C 7C C0 77 7C C0 C0 C7 C7 70 77 00 CC 0C 07 C7 2671: 70 07 7C 77 CC CC 77 00 00 C7 70 C7 77 70 00 00 2681: 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 07 67 00 00 00 00 00 66 2691: 66 60 00 00 00 06 06 60 06 00 00 00 00 66 06 00 26A1: 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 60 00 00 26B1: 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 26C0: 7E 2F C2 JMP $2FC2 26C3: 7E 31 99 JMP $3199 26C6: 7E 30 85 JMP $3085 26C9: 7E 34 E0 JMP $34E0 26CC: 7E 26 FC JMP $26FC 26CF: 7E 26 F5 JMP $26F5 26D2: 7E 34 AF JMP $34AF 26D5: 35 EB ; pointer to animation frame metadata for player standing still facing LEFT 26D7: 35 AE 26D9: EE 02 LDU $0002,X 26DB: 08 11 ASL $11 26DD: 01 Illegal Opcode 26DE: 20 17 BRA $26F7 26E0: 00 F0 NEG $F0 26E2: 01 Illegal Opcode 26E3: 10 28 00 F0 LBVC $27D7 ; 26E6 is referred to by $273D 26E7: 01 Illegal Opcode 26E8: 10 25 00 E0 LBCS $27CC 26EC: 1D SEX 26ED: 04 0E LSR $0E 26EF: 00 D0 NEG $D0 26F1: 01 Illegal Opcode 26F2: 08 01 ASL $01 26F4: 00 26F5: 86 02 LDA #$02 26F7: 20 05 BRA $26FE 26F9: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 26FC: 86 01 LDA #$01 26FE: 10 8E C3 B3 LDY #$C3B3 2702: 0D 59 TST $59 ; if bit 7 of $59 is set.. 2704: 2A F3 BPL $26F9 ; .. leave this function. 2706: F6 CC 05 LDB $CC05 ; read pricing selection 2709: C4 0F ANDB #$0F 270B: C1 09 CMPB #$09 ; free play? 270D: 26 02 BNE $2711 ; no, goto $2711 270F: 97 51 STA $51 ; yes, its free play, set credit count to arbitrary value 2711: 91 51 CMPA $51 2713: 22 E4 BHI $26F9 2715: 97 40 STA $40 ; set number of players 2717: 0F 4F CLR $4F 2719: 0F 50 CLR $50 271B: C6 08 LDB #$08 ; "credits played" bookkeeping item. 271D: BD D0 BA JSR $D0BA ; JMP $D65B - update bookkeeping total in CMOS 2720: CE D0 15 LDU #$D015 2723: 40 NEGA 2724: 8B 9A ADDA #$9A 2726: 9B 51 ADDA $51 2728: 19 DAA 2729: 97 51 STA $51 ; set number of credits 272B: 8E CD 00 LDX #credits_cmos 272E: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; update number of credits in CMOS 2731: 96 40 LDA $40 ; read number of players 2733: 80 02 SUBA #$02 2735: CC 26 E1 LDD #$26E1 2738: 25 03 BCS $273D 273A: CC 26 E6 LDD #$26E6 273D: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 2740: 4F CLRA 2741: AB C4 ADDA ,U 2743: 33 48 LEAU $0008,U 2745: 11 83 EA B1 CMPU #$EAB1 2749: 25 F6 BCS $2741 274B: A7 A9 FA BF STA $FABF,Y 274F: 86 7F LDA #$7F ; set game state bit flags to enable certain features (see docs) 2751: 97 59 STA $59 2753: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 2756: 8E BD E4 LDX #p1_score ; 2759: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; clear bytes in score to 0 (plain English: reset player score to 0) 275B: 8C BE 5C CMPX #$BE5C 275E: 26 F9 BNE $2759 2760: 8E CC 02 LDX #$CC02 ; address of turns_per_player value in CMOS 2763: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; pack 2 bytes into 1 2766: BD D0 C6 JSR $D0C6 ; JMP $D5D8 - convert from BCD to normal number 2769: B7 BD EC STA p1_men ; set number of player 1 lives 276C: 86 01 LDA #$01 276E: 97 3F STA $3F ; player 1 2770: 86 01 LDA #$01 2772: B7 BD ED STA p1_wave ; wave 1 2775: 97 48 STA $48 ; 2777: 8E CC 00 LDX #$CC00 ; address of extra_men_every value in CMOS 277A: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; pack 2 bytes into 1 277D: 5F CLRB 277E: 44 LSRA ; move right nibble (bits 0..3) of A into bits (4..7) of B 277F: 56 RORB 2780: 44 LSRA 2781: 56 RORB 2782: 44 LSRA 2783: 56 RORB 2784: 44 LSRA 2785: 56 RORB 2786: DD 46 STD $46 2788: FD BD E9 STD $BDE9 278B: BD 2B 7C JSR $2B7C 278E: 8E BD E4 LDX #p1_score 2791: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 2793: A7 88 3B STA $3B,X 2796: 8C BE 20 CMPX #p2_score 2799: 26 F6 BNE $2791 279B: 96 40 LDA $40 279D: 4A DECA 279E: 26 03 BNE $27A3 27A0: 7F BE 28 CLR p2_men ; called by 3196, after player has died 27A3: 86 7F LDA #$7F ; 27A5: 97 59 STA $59 ; set game state flag 27A7: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 27AA: 6A 08 DEC $0008,X ; reduce player lives left 27AC: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 27AF: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 27B2: AE 9F 98 11 LDX [$9811,X] 27B6: 26 0B BNE $27C3 27B8: BD D0 36 JSR $D036 ; JMP $D6EC 27BB: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 27BE: 27 C3 ; pointer to function 27C0: 7E D0 96 JMP $D096 ; JMP $D196 27C3: BD D0 33 JSR LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1 27C6: BD 5B 40 JSR $5B40 ; JMP $5B5E - clear explosion list 27C9: BD D0 30 JSR $D030 ; JMP $D7A5 - initialise all object lists 27CC: BD 2A 21 JSR $2A21 ; set border wall colour 27CF: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 27D2: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab 27D5: 2A 08 BPL $27DF 27D7: 96 3F LDA $3F ; read player number 27D9: 4A DECA ; reduce by 1 27DA: 27 03 BEQ $27DF 27DC: BD D0 9C JSR FLIP_SCR_DOWN1 ; if player number is not 0, it must be player 2's turn. Flip screen (for cocktail cabinets) 27DF: BD 34 AF JSR $34AF ; draw player scores, lives and border wall 27E2: BD D0 24 JSR $D024 ; JMP $D89E - create tasks to animate colour palette 27E5: 0F F2 CLR $F2 27E7: 96 48 LDA $48 27E9: 26 05 BNE $27F0 27EB: BD 34 C0 JSR $34C0 ; print wave number 27EE: 20 36 BRA $2826 27F0: FC BD E5 LDD $BDE5 27F3: 26 0B BNE $2800 27F5: 86 11 LDA #$11 ; colour to print string in 27F7: 97 CF STA $CF ; set text colour field 27F9: 86 71 LDA #$71 27FB: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 27FE: 20 03 BRA $2803 2800: BD 34 C0 JSR $34C0 ; print wave number 2803: 0F 48 CLR $48 2805: 96 40 LDA $40 2807: 4A DECA 2808: 27 1C BEQ $2826 280A: 96 90 LDA $90 ; read current_electrode_colour 280C: 97 CF STA $CF ; and set as text colour to pass to PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT 280E: D6 3F LDB $3F ; read player number 2810: 86 67 LDA #$67 2812: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 2815: 86 73 LDA #$73 2817: 8E 28 1D LDX #$281D 281A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 281D: 0F CF CLR $CF 281F: D6 3F LDB $3F 2821: 86 67 LDA #$67 2823: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 BEGIN_WAVE: 2826: BD 2B 0B JSR $2B0B ; Read in object counts for this wave (how many grunts, hulks, family members etc etc) ; U = #$BE72 2829: BD 2F 8C JSR $2F8C ; WAVE_START_PLAYER 282C: 0F 06 CLR $06 282E: 7F C0 06 CLR $C006 ; clear a colour register. 2831: BD 00 00 JSR $0000 ; JMP $016D - initialise all hulks 2834: BD 1A C0 JSR $1AC0 ; JMP $1AF4 - initialise all brains 2837: BD 4B 00 JSR $4B00 ; JMP $4D10 - initialise all tanks 283A: BD 00 03 JSR $0003 ; JMP $02B2 - initialise all family members 283D: BD 38 83 JSR $3883 ; JMP $3950 - initialise all electrodes 2840: BD 38 80 JSR $3880 ; JMP $38AA - initialise all grunts 2843: BD 29 A4 JSR $29A4 ; clear all baddies from screen 2846: 86 08 LDA #$08 2848: 97 92 STA $92 284A: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 284D: 35 4B ; pointer to function ; spawn task to draw all electrodes 284F: BD 29 8F JSR $298F ; draw all electrodes 2852: BD D0 33 JSR LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1 2855: BD 11 40 JSR $1140 ; JMP $1168 - initialise all spheroids 2858: BD 4B 03 JSR $4B03 ; JMP $4B36 - initialise all quarks 285B: 86 19 LDA #$19 ; bit flags for do not draw player + ? 285D: 97 59 STA $59 285F: B6 BE 6E LDA cur_brains ; any brains on this wave? 2862: 27 0D BEQ $2871 ; no, goto $2871 2864: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 2867: 41 40 ; pointer to function, which is a JMP $459B - begin brain wave 2869: 86 96 LDA #$96 ; delay before calling function 286B: 8E 28 74 LDX #$2874 ; address of function to call 286E: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 2871: 7E 28 FE JMP $28FE ; No brains on this wave, just draw as usual 2874: BD 29 F5 JSR $29F5 2877: BD 29 8F JSR $298F 287A: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; delay 287C: 8E 28 82 LDX #$2882 ; address of function to call 287F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 2882: BD 29 D2 JSR $29D2 2885: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; delay 2887: 8E 28 8D LDX #$288D ; address of function to call 288A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 288D: BD 29 83 JSR $2983 2890: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 2893: 31 B5 ; pointer to function 2895: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 2898: 30 B3 ; pointer to function 289A: 0F 59 CLR $59 289C: 86 0C LDA #$0C 289E: 8E 28 A4 LDX #$28A4 28A1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 28A4: BD 29 83 JSR $2983 28A7: BD 29 8F JSR $298F 28AA: 86 0A LDA #$0A 28AC: 8E 28 B2 LDX #$28B2 28AF: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 28B2: BD 29 83 JSR $2983 28B5: BD 29 8F JSR $298F 28B8: 86 04 LDA #$04 28BA: 97 92 STA $92 28BC: 0F CF CLR $CF ; colour 0 (black) 28BE: 86 71 LDA #$71 ; clear the "(C) 1982 Williams Electronics" message at the bottom 28C0: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 28C3: BD 34 C0 JSR $34C0 ; print wave number 28C6: 8E 20 FB LDX #$20FB 28C9: CE 2C 03 LDU #$2C03 28CC: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ 28CE: 88 5A EORA #$5A 28D0: 27 05 BEQ $28D7 28D2: BD 5F 90 JSR $5F90 28D5: 20 F5 BRA $28CC 28D7: 7E 2A 85 JMP $2A85 28DA: (C) 1982 WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS I 28FA: NC. ; ; Draw all baddies for each wave except brain waves ; ; ; ; 28FE: DE 15 LDU $15 ; load U with function call list pointer 2900: 6F 47 CLR $0007,U 2902: 8E 98 21 LDX #$9821 ; pointer to grunts_hulks_brains_progs_cruise_tanks list start 2905: AF 49 STX $0009,U 2907: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; read first entry in list 2909: AF 4B STX $000B,U 290B: AF 4D STX $000D,U 290D: 86 01 LDA #$01 290F: 34 02 PSHS A 2911: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get pointer to object list 2913: AE 84 LDX ,X ; read next entry in list 2915: 27 15 BEQ $292C ; if NULL, goto $292C 2917: BD 29 B5 JSR $29B5 ; ; A6 = X coord, A7 = Y coord 291A: A6 47 LDA $0007,U 291C: 84 03 ANDA #$03 291E: 81 03 CMPA #$03 2920: 26 05 BNE $2927 2922: BD 5B 58 JSR $5B58 ; JMP $5BB1 which goes to $F066 if fancy attract mode is set ON 2925: 20 03 BRA $292A 2927: BD 5B 46 JSR $5B46 ; JMP $5BC6 ; X = 292A: AF 49 STX $0009,U 292C: 6C 47 INC $0007,U 292E: A6 47 LDA $0007,U 2930: 81 20 CMPA #$20 2932: 23 0D BLS $2941 2934: 10 AE 4D LDY $000D,U 2937: 27 18 BEQ $2951 2939: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y 293C: 27 13 BEQ $2951 293E: 10 AF 4D STY $000D,U 2941: 6A E4 DEC ,S 2943: 26 CC BNE $2911 2945: 35 02 PULS A 2947: 8D 1C BSR $2965 2949: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 294B: 8E 29 0D LDX #$290D ; address of function to call 294E: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 2951: 35 02 PULS A 2953: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 2955: 8E 29 5B LDX #$295B ; address of function to call 2958: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 295B: 8D 26 BSR $2983 295D: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; delay before calling function 295F: 8E 28 74 LDX #$2874 ; address of function to call 2962: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 2965: 34 10 PSHS X 2967: 86 04 LDA #$04 2969: 97 2B STA $2B 296B: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 296D: AC 4D CPX $000D,U 296F: 26 05 BNE $2976 2971: 8E 98 21 LDX #$9821 ; pointer to GRUNTS_HULKS_BRAINS_PROGS_CRUISE_TANKS list start 2974: 20 03 BRA $2979 2976: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 2979: AE 84 LDX ,X 297B: 0A 2B DEC $2B 297D: 26 EE BNE $296D 297F: AF 4B STX $000B,U 2981: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) DRAW_ALL_GRUNTS_HULKS_BRAINS_PROGS_CRUISE_TANKS: 2983: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; pointer to list start 2985: 27 07 BEQ $298E 2987: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 298A: AE 84 LDX ,X 298C: 26 F9 BNE $2987 298E: 39 RTS DRAW_ALL_ELECTRODES: 298F: 9E 23 LDX $23 ; pointer to electrodes list start 2991: 27 0C BEQ $299F 2993: 96 90 LDA $90 ; load electrode colour 2995: BD 38 88 JSR $3888 ; JMP $3942 - do solid & transparent blit 2998: AF 98 06 STX [$06,X] 299B: AE 84 LDX ,X 299D: 26 F4 BNE $2993 299F: 39 RTS CLEAR_ALL_ELECTRODES: 29A0: 9E 23 LDX $23 ; pointer to electrodes list start 29A2: 20 02 BRA $29A6 CLEAR_ALL_GRUNTS_HULKS_BRAINS_PROGS_CRUISE_TANKS: 29A4: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; pointer to baddies list start 29A6: 27 0C BEQ $29B4 29A8: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = "last" blitter destination 29AA: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 29AD: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 29B0: AE 84 LDX ,X ; X = next object in chain 29B2: 26 F4 BNE $29A8 ; if X!=NULL then $29A8 29B4: 39 RTS ; ; ; ; 29B5: 34 46 PSHS U,B,A 29B7: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; U = pointer to animation frame metadata 29B9: E6 C4 LDB ,U ; B = width in bytes of animation frame 29BB: A6 04 LDA $0004,X ; get X component of blitter destination into A 29BD: 48 ASLA ; multiply by 2. 29BE: 24 02 BCC $29C2 29C0: 86 FF LDA #$FF 29C2: 3D MUL ; D = width in bytes of animation frame * 29C3: AB 04 ADDA $0004,X 29C5: 97 A6 STA $A6 29C7: E6 41 LDB $0001,U ; B = height in bytes of animation frame 29C9: A6 05 LDA $0005,X ; get Y component of blitter destination into A 29CB: 3D MUL ; D = height * Y component 29CC: AB 05 ADDA $0005,X 29CE: 97 A7 STA $A7 29D0: 35 C6 PULS A,B,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 29D2: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 29D5: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; animation frame metadata pointer 29D8: A6 21 LDA $0001,Y ; A = height of player animation 29DA: 34 02 PSHS A 29DC: A6 E4 LDA ,S 29DE: 9B 5F ADDA $5F ; add in LSB of player blitter destination (X component) 29E0: 4A DECA 29E1: 97 A7 STA $A7 29E3: 4F CLRA 29E4: BD 46 86 JSR $4686 ; JMP $46E6 29E7: 43 COMA 29E8: BD 46 86 JSR $4686 ; JMP $46E6 29EB: A6 E4 LDA ,S 29ED: 80 03 SUBA #$03 29EF: A7 E4 STA ,S 29F1: 2A E9 BPL $29DC 29F3: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; ; 29F5: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 29F8: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; get pointer to animation frame metadata for player 29FB: A6 21 LDA $0001,Y ; A = height of animation frame 29FD: 34 02 PSHS A ; save height on stack 29FF: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; get height from stack 2A01: 9B 5F ADDA $5F ; add in LSB of player blitter destination (Y component) 2A03: 4A DECA 2A04: 97 A7 STA $A7 2A06: BD 5B 46 JSR $5B46 ; JMP $5BC6 - draw warp in vertically 2A09: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement height on stack 2A0B: 26 F2 BNE $29FF ; if nonzero, goto $29FF 2A0D: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; get width of animation frame 2A0F: A7 E4 STA ,S ; save on stack 2A11: A6 E4 LDA ,S 2A13: 9B 5E ADDA $5E ; add in MSB of player blitter destination (X component) 2A15: 4A DECA 2A16: 97 A6 STA $A6 2A18: BD 5B 58 JSR $5B58 ; JMP $5BB1 - draw warp in horizontally 2A1B: 6A E4 DEC ,S 2A1D: 26 F2 BNE $2A11 2A1F: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Sets border wall colour, electrode colour, the electrode image, and the laser splash damage colour. ; So the method is misnamed. But it'll do, as long as the comments are here. Can't think of a replacement atm! ; SET_BORDER_WALL_COLOUR: 2A21: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2A24: CE 2A 4B LDU #$2A4B ; Border wall colour table 2A27: A6 09 LDA $0009,X ; read current wave 2A29: 4A DECA ; decrement by 1 to give a 0-based index 2A2A: 81 09 CMPA #$09 ; is index 9? 2A2C: 23 04 BLS $2A32 ; if <= 9 then goto $2A32 2A2E: 80 0A SUBA #$0A ; else subtract 10 decimal from the index until we have a number from 0-9. 2A30: 20 F8 BRA $2A2A 2A32: 33 C6 LEAU A,U ; U = U + index in A 2A34: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; read colour at *U 2A36: 97 8F STA $8F ; set border wall colour 2A38: A6 4A LDA $000A,U 2A3A: 97 90 STA $90 ; set electrode colour 2A3C: E6 C8 14 LDB $14,U 2A3F: BE 38 86 LDX $3886 ; = 3B05 2A42: 3A ABX ; X+= B 2A43: 9F 93 STX $93 ; set electrode animation frame metadata 2A45: A6 C8 1E LDA $1E,U 2A48: 97 91 STA $91 ; set laser splash damage colour 2A4A: 39 RTS BORDER_WALL_COLOUR_TABLE: 2A4B: 22 55 11 EE 77 33 44 88 00 CC ELECTRODE_COLOUR_TABLE: 2A55: FF EE BB DD EE FF 11 BB DD AA ; add to $3B05 to compute address of electrode animation frame metadata ELECTRODE_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_OFFSET_TABLE: 2A5F: 00 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 00 60 LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_COLOUR_TABLE: 2A69: 99 00 99 66 99 99 99 11 AA 99 ; ; Returns total number of enemies on screen, excluding any missiles and progs. ; COUNT_ENEMIES_ON_SCREEN: 2A73: B6 BE 68 LDA cur_grunts 2A76: BB BE 6F ADDA cur_sphereoids 2A79: 9B ED ADDA temp_enforcer_count 2A7B: BB BE 6E ADDA cur_brains 2A7E: BB BE 71 ADDA cur_tanks 2A81: BB BE 70 ADDA cur_quarks 2A84: 39 RTS 2A85: DE 15 LDU $15 2A87: 86 12 LDA #$12 2A89: A7 47 STA $0007,U 2A8B: 0F F0 CLR $F0 2A8D: 8D E4 BSR $2A73 ; count enemies on screen (excluding missiles and progs) 2A8F: 26 24 BNE $2AB5 ; if there are some enemies left, goto $2AB5 2A91: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2A94: 6C 09 INC $0009,X ; increment wave number for player 2A96: 26 02 BNE $2A9A ; have we passed wave 255 and are now in wave 0 (which wouldn't be right) ? if not, goto $2A9A 2A98: 6C 09 INC $0009,X ; otherwise, we're back to wave 1 2A9A: 6C 08 INC $0008,X ; this appears to increment the number of lives the player has.... but why? 2A9C: CC 26 EB LDD #$26EB 2A9F: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 2AA2: BD 2B 7C JSR $2B7C ; initialise settings and object counts for current player wave 2AA5: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 2AA8: 86 7F LDA #$7F 2AAA: 97 59 STA $59 2AAC: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 2AAF: BD 57 00 JSR $5700 ; JMP $5703 - draw colour cycling tunnel effect 2AB2: 7E 27 A3 JMP $27A3 ; ; Easter egg code ; EASTER_EGG_PART_1: 2AB5: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 2AB8: 81 58 CMPA #$58 ; move right + 1p + fire up 2ABA: 26 03 BNE $2ABF 2ABC: BD D0 69 JSR $D069 ; JMP D30E 2ABF: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U 2AC1: 26 31 BNE $2AF4 2AC3: 86 0F LDA #$0F 2AC5: A7 47 STA $0007,U ; Update grunt speed as level progresses 2AC7: B6 BE 68 LDA cur_grunts ; read number of grunts on screen 2ACA: 81 1E CMPA #$1E ; compare to 30 decimal 2ACC: 24 26 BCC $2AF4 2ACE: CC FF FE LDD #$FFFE 2AD1: 0D F0 TST $F0 2AD3: 26 03 BNE $2AD8 2AD5: CC FE FC LDD #$FEFC 2AD8: BB BE 5D ADDA $BE5D ; A+= grunt speed throttle setting 2ADB: 0F F0 CLR $F0 2ADD: 81 01 CMPA #$01 2ADF: 2C 02 BGE $2AE3 2AE1: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; lowest (most difficult) it can be 2AE3: B7 BE 5D STA $BE5D ; update grunt speed throttle setting 2AE6: FB BE 5C ADDB $BE5C 2AE9: F1 BE 5D CMPB $BE5D ; compare to grunt speed throttle setting 2AEC: 2C 03 BGE $2AF1 2AEE: F6 BE 5D LDB $BE5D ; set grunt movement speed to the throttle setting, which is the fastest the grunts can move for this level 2AF1: F7 BE 5C STB $BE5C ; update grunt movement speed 2AF4: 96 EE LDA $EE ; read minute calculation field. 2AF6: 4C INCA 2AF7: 81 96 CMPA #$96 ; compare to 150 decimal. When this gets to 150 another minute has elapsed in the game. 2AF9: 25 06 BCS $2B01 ; no, minute hasn't elapsed yet 2AFB: C6 06 LDB #$06 ; index of "number of minutes played" in CMOS bookkeeping totals 2AFD: BD D0 BD JSR $D0BD ; JMP $D655 - increment bookkeeping total by 1 2B00: 4F CLRA ; reset minute calculation field 2B01: 97 EE STA $EE ; update minute calculation field 2B03: 86 0F LDA #$0F 2B05: 8E 2A 8D LDX #$2A8D 2B08: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; When its a player's turn, get the wave difficulty settings and the number of objects (baddies/family etc) remaining on the wave from the relevant player's wave state and copy to "current wave state". ; The system will then use the current wave state information to run the wave at the right difficulty and right number of baddies. ; ; See also $2B7C, which is responsible for initialising the wave state on wave start. ; LOAD_SETTINGS_AND_OBJECT_COUNTS_FOR_CURRENT_PLAYER_WAVE: 2B0B: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2B0E: 30 0A LEAX $000A,X ; X+=10. X now points to $BDEE for player 1, $BE2A for player 2 2B10: CE BE 5C LDU #$BE5C 2B13: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read byte from player wave state at X. Increment X by 1 2B15: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; store byte at U to update current wave state. Increment U by 1. 2B17: 11 83 BE 72 CMPU #$BE72 2B1B: 26 F6 BNE $2B13 ; wonder why they didn't just push X on the stack at $2B0B and pop it off here instead of calling function to set X? 2B1D: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2B20: A6 09 LDA $0009,X ; read wave number 2B22: 81 04 CMPA #$04 ; compare wave number to 4 2B24: 22 32 BHI $2B58 ; wave number > 4? If so goto $2B58, which exits function 2B26: E6 08 LDB $0008,X ; B = number of lives left 2B28: DD 2B STD $2B ; save wave number & lives left 2B2A: 5D TSTB ; lives left == 0? 2B2B: 27 12 BEQ $2B3F ; yes, goto $2B3F - the player must be having a shocker of a game 2B2D: 81 02 CMPA #$02 ; wave number == 2 ? 2B2F: 22 27 BHI $2B58 ; if >2 then exit ; ; OK, we're in wave 1 or 2. The following code reads the number of lives the player has left and determines ; if the number is the same as or higher as the "turns per player" setting in the CMOS. ; If the number is the same or higher, then the player's doing OK and the routine exits. ; Otherwise the player's not doing too great, so some remedial action is needed - the enforcer and grunts ; speed settings are changed. ; ; Here's Larry Demar's comments after I raised this discovery: ; ; "The Bozo mode was not in the original Robotron code. There were some complaints from the field about how brutal ; the game was to new players and Scott has discovered the code put in to address these complaints. ; In that 2nd release the default difficulty was also moved down from 5 to 3. ; If you are down a man very early in the game then the settings are dialed as low as they can go through the first wave. ; ; 2B31: 8E CC 02 LDX #$CC02 ; address of turns per player setting in CMOS 2B34: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; convert 2 bytes to BCD 2B37: BD D0 C6 JSR $D0C6 ; JMP $D5D8 - convert from BCD to normal number 2B3A: 4A DECA 2B3B: 91 2C CMPA $2C ; compare to lives left 2B3D: 23 19 BLS $2B58 ; if turns per player <= player lives left, player's doing OK, goto $2b58 and exit 2B3F: 96 2B LDA $2B ; read wave number 2B41: 8E 2B 55 LDX #$2B55 ; $2B55 is start of remedial action table - 4 bytes. 2B44: 48 ASLA ; 2B45: 48 ASLA ; multiplies A by 4 2B46: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; X = X + A 2B48: EC 81 LDD ,X++ 2B4A: B7 BE 60 STA $BE60 ; set enforcer spawn control variable 2B4D: F7 BE 5F STB $BE5F ; set enforcer spark control variable 2B50: EC 84 LDD ,X 2B52: B7 BE 5C STA $BE5C ; set grunt delay initial setting 2B55: F7 BE 5D STB $BE5D ; set grunt delay minimum value 2B58: 39 RTS ; ; Settings to make game a bit easier ; Nicknamed "BOZO MODE" apparently. ; BOZO_MODE_TABLE: 2B59: 26 60 1E 0F 2B5D: 26 60 19 0C 2B61: 24 30 14 0A 2B65: 1E 1E 0F 07 2B69: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2B6C: 30 0A LEAX $000A,X ; point X to wave snapshot for player. The player has died, and we're storing info ; about the wave in the snapshot, so we can rebuild the wave the player's next turn. 2B6E: CE BE 5C LDU #$BE5C ; copy from $BE5C to $BE71 2B71: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ 2B73: A7 80 STA ,X+ 2B75: 11 83 BE 72 CMPU #$BE72 2B79: 26 F6 BNE $2B71 2B7B: 39 RTS ; ; This routine is responsible for setting the numbers of objects for the current wave and difficulty level related fields. ; ; INITIALISE_SETTINGS_AND_OBJECT_COUNTS_FOR_CURRENT_PLAYER_WAVE: 2B7C: 8E CC 14 LDX #$CC14 ; address of difficulty_of_play value in CMOS 2B7F: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD 2B82: BD D0 B4 JSR $D0B4 ; JMP $D5E2 - convert BCD in B into base 10 number 2B85: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 2B88: C1 05 CMPB #$05 ; is difficulty of play at "recommended" level? 2B8A: 24 14 BCC $2BA0 ; if difficulty is recommended level or harder, goto $2BA0 ; if we get here, the game is set to easier difficulty than normal :) 2B8C: A6 09 LDA $0009,X ; read wave number 2B8E: 81 0E CMPA #$0E ; is wave number #$0E (14 decimal) ? 2B90: 25 02 BCS $2B94 ; if wave number is < 14 decimal goto $2B94 2B92: C6 05 LDB #$05 2B94: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; is wave number #$5 ? 2B96: 25 08 BCS $2BA0 ; if wave number < 5 goto $2BA0 2B98: A6 08 LDA $0008,X ; read lives left 2B9A: 81 03 CMPA #$03 ; does player have at least 3 lives left? 2B9C: 25 02 BCS $2BA0 ; if player has < 3 lives, goto $2BA0 2B9E: C6 05 LDB #$05 ; B = difficulty of play level 2BA0: C0 05 SUBB #$05 ; subtract 5 from difficulty of play value 2BA2: D7 2C STB $2C ; and store in $2C. 2BA4: 2A 01 BPL $2BA7 ; if the result is still positive, goto $2BA7 2BA6: 50 NEGB ; if we get here, B is a negative number, so NEGB makes B positive again 2BA7: D7 2B STB $2B 2BA9: E6 09 LDB $0009,X ; read wave number into B (which I will call "temp wave number") 2BAB: CE 2C 22 LDU #$2C22 2BAE: 30 0A LEAX $000A,X ; X+= 10 decimal 2BB0: C1 28 CMPB #$28 ; is temp wave number #$28 (40 decimal) ? 2BB2: 23 04 BLS $2BB8 ; if temp wave number <= 40 decimal, goto $2BB8 2BB4: C0 14 SUBB #$14 ; substract #$14 (20 decimal) from temp wave number 2BB6: 20 F8 BRA $2BB0 ; goto $2BB0 to continue until temp wave number value is 40 decimal or less ; B = wave number to load data for. Is a number from 1-40 ; X = pointer to player wave state setting ; $2B = Math.Abs(Difficulty setting - 5) ; $2C = (Difficulty setting - 5) ; 2BB8: 11 83 2E 24 CMPU #$2E24 ; is U register now pointing within the object count tables? 2BBC: 25 06 BCS $2BC4 ; if U < #$2E24 then no, we're not in the object count tables just yet, goto $2BC4 ; When the game hits this piece of code, its time to set up the number of objects (grunts, electrodes) for the wave. 2BBE: 33 5D LEAU $-3,U ; U -= 3, so as to adjust U correctly to start of object count list 2BC0: A6 C5 LDA B,U ; A = *(U + wave number) where wave number is 1..40. A now holds count for an object type (how many of object type to create at wave start). 2BC2: 20 31 BRA $2BF5 ; store it. ; This part of the code computes difficulty settings for the wave. ; ; B = wave number to load data for. Is a number from 1-40 ; X = pointer to player wave state setting ; U = pointer to difficulty settings table ; $2B = Math.Abs(Difficulty setting value - 5) - referred to as "difficulty setting absolute value 1" below ; $2C = (Difficulty setting - 5) - referred to as "difficulty setting value 2" below ; ; 2BC4: A6 C5 LDA B,U ; A = *(U + wave number) . A now holds value for given wave (now referred to as "wave setting value") 2BC6: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; push wave number in B and wave setting value in A onto stack 2BC8: E6 5E LDB $-2,U ; B = *(U-2) 2BCA: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; mask in bits 0..5 2BCC: 96 2B LDA $2B ; get difficulty setting absolute value 1 (see code @ $2BA0) 2BCE: 3D MUL ; multiply A and B together to give result in D 2BCF: 35 02 PULS A ; restore wave setting value from the stack (see $2BC6) 2BD1: 3D MUL ; and multiply with difficulty setting absolute value 1. 2BD2: 89 00 ADCA #$00 2BD4: D6 2C LDB $2C ; get difficulty setting value 2 (will be a negative number if difficulty level is easier than "recommended") 2BD6: E8 5E EORB $-2,U ; EOR with multiplier byte 0 in table 2BD8: 35 04 PULS B ; restore wave number into B from stack 2BDA: 2A 09 BPL $2BE5 ; if the EOR caused the result to be positive (ie: bit 7 is not set) goto $2BE5 ; This code only executes if bit 7 of the "multiplier" byte is set AND difficulty level is "recommended" or harder 2BDC: 40 NEGA 2BDD: 27 06 BEQ $2BE5 2BDF: AB C5 ADDA B,U ; A+= *(B+U) 2BE1: 25 06 BCS $2BE9 2BE3: 20 08 BRA $2BED 2BE5: AB C5 ADDA B,U ; A+= *(B+U) 2BE7: 25 0A BCS $2BF3 ; if a carry occurred, just use maximum value for wave ; A = value to store in wave setting 2BE9: A1 5F CMPA $-1,U ; compare wave setting to minimum threshold for current wave 2BEB: 24 02 BCC $2BEF ; if setting value is >= minimum threshold, goto $2BEF 2BED: A6 5F LDA $-1,U ; otherwise, A is an invalid setting, so load A with minimum value allowed for wave 2BEF: A1 C4 CMPA ,U ; compare wave setting to maximum threshold for current wave 2BF1: 23 02 BLS $2BF5 ; if setting value is <= maximum threshold, its OK, goto $2BF5, which will write the value "as-is" to player wave state 2BF3: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; otherwise, A is an invalid setting, so load A with maximum value allowed for wave 2BF5: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; write to wave state 2BF7: 33 C8 2B LEAU $2B,U ; U += $2B (43 decimal) - bump to next table 2BFA: 11 83 2F 8B CMPU #$2F8B ; has U went past the area of memory reserved for the settings data table? 2BFE: 25 B8 BCS $2BB8 ; if < #$2F8B, then no, there's more settings to be done 2C00: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; terminate wave state table with byte 0 marker 2C02: 39 RTS 2C03: 01 19 06 7A 6B 63 62 68 7A 0D 13 16 16 13 1B 2C12: 17 2C13: 09 7A 1F 16 1F 19 67 7A 13 14 19 67 5A WAVE_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS_TABLES: ; ; This is used to configure difficulty settings in the wave. Each table here takes up exactly 43 bytes. ; ; Byte 0: the "multiplier" byte ; Bits 0..4 of the byte serve as a multiplier. The resulting value is multiplied by the difficulty level value held in $2B. ; **** Note: The difficulty level value in $2B is Math.Abs((CMOS difficulty level setting value) - 5). ; e.g. "recommended" difficulty has a value of 5 in CMOS, so $2B will hold 0 **** ; ; Bit 7 of the byte is a special flag. ; ; ; Byte 1: minimum value ; Byte 2: maximum value ; Bytes 3 - 42 (decimal): values per level ; ; Grunt move probability table. The values in the table are used to compute the probability of a grunt moving. See docs for $BE5C. ; 2C20: 8E 0A 14 14 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0E 0E 0E 2C30: 0E 0E 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0D 0D 0D 2C40: 0D 0D 0D 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0F 03 ; ; Grunt move probability limit table. The values in the table are used to compute a limit for the top speed of grunts on a wave. See docs for $BE5D. ; 2C4B: 8E 03 0A 09 07 06 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 04 04 2C5B: 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 04 2C6B: 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 03 ; ; Enforcer/ quark drop count control value. The values below do not represent how many enforcers/tanks are dropped per level, but are used to calculate ; the maximum that can be dropped by each spheroid and quark. See docs for $BE5E. ; 2C76: 0E 08 0C 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 2C86: 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 2C96: 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B 0B ; ; Enforcer fire control table. The values in the table are used to compute how often enforcers can fire sparks at a player. See docs for $BE5F. ; 2CA1: 8E 0D 28 1E 1C 1A 18 16 14 12 12 10 0E 0E 0E 0E 2CB1: 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 2CC1: 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E ; ; enforcer spawn control table. The values in the table are used to compute how fast spheroids can spawn enforcers. See docs for $BE60. ; 2CCC: 8E 0C 28 1E 1C 1A 18 1E 14 12 10 12 19 0C 0C 0C 2CDC: 19 19 0C 0C 0C 12 14 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 19 0E 0E 12 2CEC: 19 0C 0C 0C 0C 19 0C 0C 0C 12 14 ; ; Hulk speed table. The values in this table are used to compute the hulks walking speed. See docs for $BE61. ; 2CF7: 8E 05 09 08 08 07 07 07 07 07 06 06 06 06 05 05 2D07: 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 2D17: 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 ; ; Regulates how often brains can fire a cruise missile at the player. See docs for $BE62. ; 2D22: 8E 19 50 40 40 40 40 40 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 26 2D32: 26 26 26 24 24 24 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1E 1E 2D42: 1E 1E 1E 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 ; ; Brain speed control table. See docs for $BE63. ; 2D4D: 8E 06 0A 08 08 08 08 08 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 2D5D: 07 07 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 2D6D: 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 ; ; Tank shell firing control table. Used to compute how often tanks can fire shells. See docs for $BE64. ; ; 2D78: 8E 14 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1E 2D83: 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1E 1E 1E 1E 2D93: 1E 1E 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 18 18 18 18 ; ; TODO: what is this tables exact purpose? It's quark related, but what? See docs for $BE65. ; ; 2DA3: 0E A0 FF B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 2DB3: B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B0 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 B8 2DC3: B8 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 ; ; Quark tank spawn delay control table. Used to compute how often quarks can spawn tanks. See docs for $BE66. ; 2DCE: 8E 0C 30 10 10 2DD3: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0F 0F 0F 0F 2DE3: 0F 0F 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 2DF3: 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E ; ; Quark movement table. TODO: Not quite sure about exactly how this affects the quark's movement yet. See docs for $BE67. ; ; 2DF9: 0E 28 44 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 2E03: 32 32 32 32 32 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 2E13: 38 38 38 38 38 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 2E23: 3C WAVE_OBJECT_COUNT_TABLES: ; There are 40 entries below for each type of object, an entry for each wave. ; ; Grunt counts ; ; ; wave 1 = #$0F (15 decimal) grunts. ; Wave 2 = #$11 (17 decimal) ; Wave 3 = #$16 (22 decimal) ; Wave 4 = #$22 (34 decimal) ; .. and so on ; 2E24: 0F 11 16 22 14 20 00 23 3C 19 23 00 23 1B 19 2E33: 23 00 23 46 19 23 00 23 00 19 23 00 23 4B 19 23 2E43: 00 23 1E 1B 23 00 23 50 1E ; ; Electrode counts ; 2E4C: 05 0F 19 19 14 19 00 2E53: 19 00 14 19 00 19 05 14 19 00 19 00 14 19 00 19 2E63: 00 14 19 00 19 00 14 19 00 19 00 0F 19 00 19 00 2E73: 0F ; ; Mommies ; 2E74: 01 01 02 02 0F 03 2E7A: 04 03 03 00 03 03 03 05 00 2E83: 03 03 03 03 08 03 03 03 03 19 03 03 03 03 00 03 2E93: 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 0A ; ; Daddies ; 2E9C: 01 01 02 02 00 03 04 03 03 2EA5: 16 03 03 03 05 00 03 03 03 03 08 03 03 03 2EB3: 03 00 03 03 03 03 19 03 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 2EC3: 0A ; ; Mikeys ; 2EC4: 00 01 02 02 01 03 04 03 03 00 03 03 03 05 16 2ED3: 03 03 03 03 08 03 03 03 03 01 03 03 03 03 00 03 2EE3: 03 03 03 19 03 03 03 03 0A ; ; Hulks ; 2EEC: 00 05 06 07 00 07 0C 08 04 00 08 0D 08 14 02 2EFB: 03 0E 08 03 02 08 0F 08 2F03: 0D 01 08 10 08 04 01 08 10 08 19 02 08 10 08 06 2F13: 02 ; ; Brains ; Note how brains only appear every 5th entry..... ; 2F14: 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 14 2F23: 00 00 00 2F26: 00 14 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 16 00 2F33: 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 00 19 ; ; Spheroids ; 2F3C: 00 01 03 04 01 04 00 2F43: 05 05 01 05 00 05 02 01 05 00 05 05 02 05 2F51: 00 05 2F53: 06 01 05 00 05 05 01 05 00 05 02 01 05 00 05 05 2F63: 01 ; ; Quarks ; 2F64: 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 2F73: 00 0C 00 00 00 00 0C 00 07 2F7C: 00 00 0C 01 01 01 01 0D 01 02 02 02 0E 02 01 01 ; WAVE START - SETS UP PLAYER POSITION WAVE_START_PLAYER: 2F8C: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 2F8F: CC 36 03 LDD #$3603 ; set animation frame metadata pointer to $3603. First 2 bytes at 3603: 04 0C (width and height, 2 pixels per byte for width), next 2 bytes 37 3B (pointer to actual image) 2F92: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 2F94: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 2F97: 0F 70 CLR $70 ; flag that indicates player animation needs to change 2F99: 0F 71 CLR $71 ; index into animation sequence = 0 (meaning, the start) 2F9B: CC 30 7B LDD #$307B ; pointer to player animation sequence 2F9E: DD 72 STD $72 2FA0: CC 4A 7C LDD #$4A7C ; A = 4A, B = 7C (middle of the screen) 2FA3: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set "last" blitter destination 2FA5: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; Set player X coordinate (whole part) to #$4A (74 decimal) 2FA7: 6F 0B CLR $000B,X ; set fractional part of X coordinate to 0 2FA9: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; Set player Y coordinate to #$7C (124 decimal) 2FAB: 6F 0D CLR $000D,X ; set fractional part of Y coordinate to 0 2FAD: 0F 87 CLR $87 ; number of player lasers on screen = 0 2FAF: 0F 48 CLR $48 ; flag used in collision detection. When set to 1, it means player collision detection routine is checking for collisions. 2FB1: 0F 8D CLR $8D ; number of family members saved = 0 2FB3: 0F 8E CLR $8E ; number of cruise missiles on screen = 0 2FB5: 0F 8A CLR $8A ; number of sparks on screen = 0 2FB7: 0F 95 CLR $95 ; clear the "family member being prog'd" flag 2FB9: 0F ED CLR temp_enforcer_count 2FBB: 86 02 LDA #$02 2FBD: 97 EF STA $EF ; tank movement delay 2FBF: 0F F1 CLR $F1 ; number of tank shells on screen = 0 2FC1: 39 RTS 2FC2: 96 59 LDA $59 2FC4: 85 01 BITA #$01 2FC6: 27 01 BEQ $2FC9 2FC8: 39 RTS 2FC9: 4D TSTA 2FCA: 2A 04 BPL $2FD0 ; Hmm, this looks suspicious. Looks like this is injecting fake player movements to the move player routine. ; TODO: See if this code is called during demo time, which I suspect it is 2FCC: 96 52 LDA $52 2FCE: 20 03 BRA $2FD3 MOVE_PLAYER: 2FD0: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa ; read movement stick bits (bits 0-3) 2FD3: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start (X register doesn't appear to be used in this routine?) 2FD6: CE 30 31 LDU #$3031 ; pointer to player movement and animation sequence descriptor table (see $3031) 2FD9: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; Only want the movement bits from the stick and nothing else 2FDB: 48 ASLA 2FDC: 48 ASLA ; A = A * 4 2FDD: 33 C6 LEAU A,U ; U = U + A 2FDF: EC C4 LDD ,U ; Load A with horizontal direction delta and B with vertical direction delta 2FE1: DB 66 ADDB $66 ; Add B to $9866 (player_y) 2FE3: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; is Y past top border wall ? (invalid) 2FE5: 25 06 BCS $2FED ; yes, so don't update Y coordinate, try updating X coordinate instead 2FE7: C1 DF CMPB #$DF ; is Y > bottom border wall ? (invalid) 2FE9: 22 02 BHI $2FED ; yes, so don't update Y coordinate, try updating X coordinate instead 2FEB: D7 66 STB $66 ; store B in $9866 (player_y) 2FED: 5F CLRB ; clear B because we're moving the fractional part of the horizontal delta into it 2FEE: 47 ASRA ; shift bit 0 into carry, while preserving bit 7 (the sign bit) 2FEF: 56 RORB ; move carry into B, to give us the fractional part 2FF0: D3 64 ADDD $64 ; Add D to $9864 (player_x) 2FF2: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; is player X past left border wall? (invalid) 2FF4: 25 06 BCS $2FFC ; yes, coordinate is invalid, goto $2FFC 2FF6: 81 8C CMPA #$8C ; is player X past far right boundary of screen? (invalid) 2FF8: 22 02 BHI $2FFC ; yes, coordinate is invalid, goto $2FFC 2FFA: DD 64 STD $64 ; store D in $9864 (player_x) 2FFC: EC 42 LDD $0002,U ; get pointer to animation table into D (see $3071 for description of table) 2FFE: 27 30 BEQ $3030 3000: 10 93 72 CMPD $72 ; are we still using the same the same animation table as before? 3003: 27 06 BEQ $300B ; yes, don't need to update pointer to it, goto $300B 3005: DD 72 STD $72 ; animation needs to change, so update pointer to current animation sequence 3007: 0F 71 CLR $71 ; set index into animation to 0 (the start) 3009: 0F 70 CLR $70 ; ; The player may have moved but that doesn't necessarily mean the animation frame changes also. ; It appears that $70, when 0, is the flag that says "OK, time to change animation frame" ; 300B: D6 70 LDB $70 ; is it time to change the animation frame in the sequence? 300D: 26 17 BNE $3026 ; no, goto $3026 300F: DE 72 LDU $72 ; get pointer to animation sequence 3011: 96 71 LDA $71 ; read index into animation sequence 3013: E6 C6 LDB A,U ; get byte from animation sequence into B 3015: 26 04 BNE $301B ; if byte is not 0, where zero indicates the end of the animation sequence, goto $301B 3017: 0F 71 CLR $71 ; otherwise, byte is 0, animation sequence needs to start at first frame (index 0) 3019: E6 C4 LDB ,U ; read first byte from 301B: 0C 71 INC $71 ; bump index into animation sequence to next entry 301D: 5A DECB ; B--; 301E: 58 ASLB ; 301F: 58 ASLB ; Multiply B by 4 3020: 4F CLRA 3021: C3 35 EB ADDD #$35EB ; compute pointer to current animation frame metadata for current player animation 3024: DD 5C STD $5C ; set animation frame metadata pointer for player 3026: 96 70 LDA $70 ; read animation frame change countup - yes, count *up* 3028: 4C INCA ; count up, erm, counts up by 1... 3029: 81 02 CMPA #$02 ; is countup < 2? When countup = 2, animation frame will change to next in sequence 302B: 25 01 BCS $302E ; yes, <2, so no change of animation frame required yet, goto $302E 302D: 4F CLRA ; OK count up is 2, so reset count up to 0. $300B will pick this up, and next frame will be drawn 302E: 97 70 STA $70 ; update count up. 3030: 39 RTS PLAYER_MOVEMENT_AND_ANIMATION_DESCRIPTORS: ; 4 bytes per entry. ; Byte 0: delta to be added to player X. This includes a fractional part: if bit 0 is set, player moves 1/2 a step more ; Byte 1: delta to be added to player Y. ; Byte 2 and 3: a pointer to the animation tables for player sprite. 3031: 00 00 00 00 ; up 3035: 00 FF ; movement delta X and Y 3037: 30 80 ; animation table pointer (see $3080) ; down 3039: 00 01 ; movement delta X and Y 303B: 30 7B ; animation table pointer (see $307B) ; unused 303D: 00 00 303F: 00 00 ' left 3041: FF 00 3043: 30 71 ; up left 3045: FF FF 3047: 30 71 ; down left 3049: FF 01 304B: 30 71 ; right 3051: 01 00 3053: 30 76 ; up right 3055: 01 FF 3057: 30 76 ; down right 3059: 01 01 305B: 30 76 ; ; Each player animation sequence is 5 bytes long. ; The system knows an animation sequence has ended and needs to start from the beginning, when a zero byte is encountered. ; Non zero bytes are read, multiplied by 4, and added to #35EB to give pointer to animation frame metadata for required animation frame ; ; e.g. take animation sequence for moving right, beginning at $3076 ; First byte is 4. ; Multiply by 4 = $10 (16 decimal). ; Add #$10 to #$35EB, gives you #$35FB, which is the animation frame metadata for player moving right, animation frame #1 ; ; Next byte is 5. ; Multiply by 4 = $14 (20 decimal) ; Add #$14 to #$35EB, gives you #$35FF, which is the animation frame metadata for player moving right, animation frame #2 ; ; Next byte is 4, computes to animation frame #1 as above. ; ; Next byte is 6. ; Multiply by 4 = $18 (24 decimal) ; Add #$14 to #$35EB, gives you #$3603, which is the animation frame metadata for player moving right, animation frame #3 ; ; Final byte is 0 which means "animation sequence has ended (start the animation from the beginning)" PLAYER_ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_TABLES: ; animation sequence for moving left 3071: 01 02 01 03 00 ; animation sequence for moving right 3076: 04 05 04 06 00 ; animation sequence for moving down 307B: 07 08 07 09 00 ; animation sequence for moving up 3080: 0A 0B 0A 0C 00 ; ; X = pointer to object ; A = ; U = pointer to linked list of objects to check for collision with ; CHECK_IF_ANOTHER_OBJECT_PRESENT: 3085: 34 46 PSHS U,B,A 3087: 34 06 PSHS B,A 3089: E3 98 02 ADDD [$02,X] ; add in width & height of animation frame metadata 308C: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save height (in B) and width (in A) on stack 308E: 20 1B BRA $30AB 3090: EC 44 LDD $4,U 3092: A1 E4 CMPA ,S 3094: 24 15 BCC $30AB 3096: E1 61 CMPB $1,S 3098: 24 11 BCC $30AB 309A: E3 D8 02 ADDD [$02,U] 309D: A1 62 CMPA $2,S 309F: 23 0A BLS $30AB 30A1: E1 63 CMPB $3,S 30A3: 23 06 BLS $30AB 30A5: 34 40 PSHS U 30A7: AC E1 CMPX ,S++ 30A9: 26 04 BNE $30AF 30AB: EE C4 LDU ,U ; get next object in the list 30AD: 26 E1 BNE $3090 30AF: 32 64 LEAS $4,S 30B1: 35 C6 PULS A,B,U,PC ; (PUL? PC=RTS) PLAYER_COLLISION_DETECTION: 30B3: 86 01 LDA #$01 30B5: 97 48 STA $48 ; Set flag to say it's the player calling the collision detection function 30B7: DC 5E LDD $5E ; D = blitter destination of player 30B9: DE 6E LDU $6E ; U = animation frame metadata pointer 30BB: 8E 98 21 LDX #$9821 ; X = pointer to grunts_hulks_brains_progs_cruise_tanks list 30BE: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 30C1: 26 2C BNE $30EF ; if collision, goto $30EF, KILL_PLAYER 30C3: DC 5E LDD $5E 30C5: DE 6E LDU $6E 30C7: 8E 98 23 LDX #$9823 ; pointer to electrode linked list 30CA: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 30CD: 26 20 BNE $30EF ; if collision, goto $30EF, KILL_PLAYER 30CF: DC 5E LDD $5E 30D1: DE 6E LDU $6E 30D3: 8E 98 17 LDX #$9817 ; pointer to spheroids_enforcers_quarks_sparks_shells list 30D6: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 30D9: 26 14 BNE $30EF ; if collision, goto $30EF, KILL_PLAYER 30DB: DC 5E LDD $5E 30DD: DE 6E LDU $6E 30DF: 8E 98 1F LDX #$981F ; family member linked list start 30E2: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 30E5: 0F 48 CLR $48 30E7: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 30E9: 8E 30 B3 LDX #$30B3 ; address of function to call for this object next 30EC: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; Player has hit something KILL_PLAYER: 30EF: CC 26 D9 LDD #$26D9 30F2: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 30F5: 86 1B LDA #$1B 30F7: 97 59 STA $59 30F9: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP D1FF 30FC: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; index of "men played" entry in CMOS bookkeeping totals 30FE: BD D0 BD JSR $D0BD ; JMP $D655 - increment bookkeeping total by 1 3101: BD D0 24 JSR $D024 ; JMP $D89E - create tasks to animate colour palette 3104: BD 5B 4C JSR $5B4C ; Make player flash when dying 3107: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X (but why? results never used!) 310A: B6 BD EC LDA p1_men ; any more men left for either player? 310D: BA BE 28 ORA p2_men 3110: 26 1E BNE $3130 ; there's lives left, so adjust wave 3112: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; no more men left 3114: 97 59 STA $59 3116: CC 1C 0A LDD #$1C0A ; width in bytes = 1C, height = 0A 3119: 8E 3C 7E LDX #$3C7E ; blitter dest 311C: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 311F: 86 28 LDA #$28 3121: C6 AA LDB #$AA 3123: D7 CF STB $CF 3125: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 ; print GAME OVER 3128: 86 78 LDA #$78 312A: 8E E3 D3 LDX #GET_INITIALS1 312D: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; ; POST_PLAYER_DEATH_WAVE_ADJUST: 3130: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 3133: A6 0B LDA $000B,X 3135: B7 BE 5D STA $BE5D ; set grunt minimum delay value (the absolute lowest delay any grunt can have before moving again. lower value = faster) 3138: B1 BE 5C CMPA $BE5C ; is the delay value beneath the current grunt delay control value? (ie: has wave lasted so long that grunts are moving too fast) 313B: 23 03 BLS $3140 ; yes, no need to adjust current grunt delay value, goto $3140 313D: B7 BE 5C STA $BE5C ; otherwise, make grunt delay setting = minimum grunt delay value, so grunts don't move faster than they should 3140: 4F CLRA ; reset A to 0 3141: D6 ED LDB temp_enforcer_count ; any enforcers on screen? 3143: 27 1E BEQ $3163 ; no, goto $3163 3145: C0 04 SUBB #$04 ; B-= 4 3147: 2B 03 BMI $314C ; if there's a negative result, that means B is 3 or less 3149: 4C INCA 314A: 20 F9 BRA $3145 ; A = number of enforcers on screen divided by 4 ; X = pointer to player game state 314C: 4D TSTA ; how many multiples of 4 do we have? 314D: 26 06 BNE $3155 ; if non zero, goto $3155 314F: 7D BE 6F TST cur_sphereoids 3152: 26 01 BNE $3155 3154: 4C INCA 3155: BB BE 6F ADDA cur_sphereoids ; add the number of sphereoids remaining on screen to the value in A 3158: A1 88 1D CMPA $1D,X ; compare the value to the number of sphereoids that are on the wave originally 315B: 23 03 BLS $3160 315D: A6 88 1D LDA $1D,X ; read 3160: B7 BE 6F STA cur_sphereoids ; set the number of spheroids on the level to A 3163: BD 2B 69 JSR $2B69 ; copy the wave information to the player's own wave state snapshot. When it's this player's turn again, this info will be used to "re-build" the wave. 3166: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 3169: E6 08 LDB $0008,X ; B = number of lives left 316B: 26 1C BNE $3189 ; if some lives left, goto $3189 316D: CC 1C 20 LDD #$1C20 ; width in bytes = 1C (28 decimal), height = 20 (32 decimal) 3170: 8E 3C 77 LDX #$3C77 ; blitter dest 3173: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 3176: 86 4B LDA #$4B ; string number 3178: C6 AA LDB #$AA ; colour 317A: D7 CF STB $CF 317C: D6 3F LDB $3F 317E: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 3181: 86 60 LDA #$60 3183: 8E 31 89 LDX #$3189 3186: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task SWAP_CURRENT_PLAYER: 3189: 96 3F LDA $3F ; read current player 318B: 88 03 EORA #$03 ; make current player = 0 if current player is 1, and vice versa 318D: BD D0 48 JSR $D048 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 3190: E6 08 LDB $0008,X ; B = number of lives left 3192: 27 F7 BEQ $318B ; if lives left is 0, goto $318B - I suspect this is to put the game into an infinite loop 3194: 97 3F STA $3F ; set current player 3196: 7E 27 A3 JMP $27A3 ; Generate random position for an object at the start of the wave ; ; X = pointer to object ; ; Returns: A = X coordinate (multiply by 2 to get real pixel coordinate), B = Y coordinate ; COMPUTE_INITIAL_POSITION: 3199: EC 98 02 LDD [$02,X] ; get width and height into D 319C: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save B (height) and A (width) 319E: 86 88 LDA #$88 31A0: A0 E0 SUBA ,S+ ; compute #$88 minus width held on stack. 31A2: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 31A5: 8B 06 ADDA #$06 ; add left border 31A7: 1F 89 TFR A,B 31A9: 86 D2 LDA #$D2 ; compute #$D2 minus height on stack 31AB: A0 E0 SUBA ,S+ 31AD: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 31B0: 8B 17 ADDA #$17 ; add border top 31B2: 1E 89 EXG A,B ; swap A and B so that A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate 31B4: 39 RTS 31B5: 6F 47 CLR $0007,U 31B7: 6F 48 CLR $0008,U 31B9: 96 59 LDA $59 31BB: 2A 04 BPL $31C1 ; ; I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this value here is used during the demo mode, to emulate the player firing lasers. ; Am I right? Stay tuned and find out, folks! ; 31BD: DC 52 LDD $52 ; 31BF: 20 06 BRA $31C7 ; c804 widget_pia_dataa (widget = I/O board) ; bit 0 Move up ; bit 1 Move down ; bit 2 Move left ; bit 3 Move right ; bit 4 1 Player ; bit 5 2 Players ; bit 6 Fire up ; bit 7 Fire down ;c806 widget_pia_datab ; bit 0 Fire left ; bit 1 Fire right ; bit 2 ; bit 3 ; bit 4 ; bit 5 ; bit 6 ; bit 7 READ_PLAYER_FIRE_JOYSTICK: 31C1: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 31C4: F6 C8 06 LDB widget_pia_datab 31C7: 54 LSRB ; move "fire left" into carry 31C8: 46 RORA ; 31C9: 54 LSRB ; move "fire right" bit into carry 31CA: 46 RORA ; at this point in A: ; bit 7: Fire right status ; bit 6: Fire left status ; bit 5: Fire up status ; bit 4: Fire down status ; all other bits - don't care 31CB: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; mask off top 4 bits (the fire direction bits in A) 31CD: E6 47 LDB $0007,U ; read previous fire direction 31CF: A7 47 STA $0007,U ; save current fire direction 31D1: E1 47 CMPB $0007,U ; compare previous fire direction to current 31D3: 26 54 BNE $3229 ; if current fire direction is different to previous, goto $3229 31D5: 6C 48 INC $0008,U ; increment "count up before can fire a laser" value. When this value reaches 2, we can try to fire a laser. 31D7: E6 48 LDB $0008,U 31D9: C1 02 CMPB #$02 ; have we counted up to 2? 31DB: 27 04 BEQ $31E1 ; yes, we've waited long enough, so try to fire a laser 31DD: C4 07 ANDB #$07 ; ensure count up is between 0 and 7 31DF: 26 4E BNE $322F ; Try to fire a laser. 31E1: D6 87 LDB $87 ; how many player lasers have been fired? 31E3: C1 04 CMPB #$04 31E5: 24 46 BCC $322D ; if 4 or more.... can't create any more, goto $322D 31E7: 0D 13 TST $13 31E9: 27 44 BEQ $322F ; If we get here, we are allowed to fire a laser. ; ; A = value of stick bits ; bit 7: Fire right status ; bit 6: Fire left status ; bit 5: Fire up status ; bit 4: Fire down status ; 31EB: 44 LSRA ; shift bits right .. 31EC: 44 LSRA ; .. twice. 31ED: 34 02 PSHS A ; and then save on stack 31EF: 44 LSRA ; shift bits right again 31F0: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; and add bits to the value on stack ; A = computed offset into laser description table beginning at $3237 (see $3237 for docs) 31F2: 10 8E 32 37 LDY #$3237 31F6: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y ; Y+= A 31F8: 81 42 CMPA #$42 31FA: 24 33 BCC $322F 31FC: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; X= function to call to initialise laser 31FE: 27 2F BEQ $322F 3200: 4F CLRA 3201: BD D0 57 JSR $D057 ; JMP $D25A - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $9813 and call function in X 3204: 1F 13 TFR X,U ; U = object metadata entry 3206: BD D0 51 JSR $D051 ; reserve an object entry - JMP $D28F. ; X = reserved object for laser. ; Y = pointer to entry in laser descriptor table (see $3237 for docs) 3209: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to this object in object metadata 320B: EC 24 LDD $0004,Y ; 320D: C3 35 AE ADDD #$35AE ; calculate address of animation frame metadata for laser 3210: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 3212: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 3215: DC 5E LDD $5E ; read player blitter destination (A = X component, B = Y component) 3217: AB 22 ADDA $0002,Y ; add horizontal part of laser offset to high byte of player's blitter destination 3219: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set X coordinate of laser 321B: EB 23 ADDB $0003,Y ; add part of laser offset to low byte of player's blitter destination 321D: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; and store in vertical component of laser object 321F: 0C 87 INC $87 ; increment counter of lasers fired 3221: CC 26 F0 LDD #$26F0 3224: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 3227: 20 06 BRA $322F ; and schedule task to check fire joystick direction again. 3229: 6F 48 CLR $0008,U ; Clear "count up before firing laser" value. 322B: 20 02 BRA $322F ; and schedule task to check fire joystick direction again. 322D: 6A 48 DEC $0008,U ; Reduce "count up before firing another laser" value - delaying firing of another laser more 322F: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 3231: 8E 31 B9 LDX #$31B9 ; address of function 3234: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Laser descriptor table. Describes the "strategy" to move the laser, positioning and animation frame metadata for a laser. ; ; There is an entry for each direction the player can fire a laser in (8 entries) and two null entries which are never used. ; ; Each entry in the table takes 6 bytes. ; ; The first two bytes is the address of the function that initialises *and* moves the laser. ; The third byte is the signed X offset to add to the players X coordinate, to place the laser in its start position. ; The fourth byte is the signed Y offset to add to the players Y coordinate, to place the laser in its start position. ; The fifth and sixth bytes form the offset into the block of data beginning at $35AE, which holds all the animation frame ; metadata for the laser. ; ; For example, take the 2nd entry beginning with 32 AD. ; 32AD - the first two bytes - is the address of the function that moves the laser in the given direction. ; ; Let's inspect the next 2 bytes. ; 02 FF means the laser is going to be 4 pixels to the right of the player (remember, 2 pixels to a byte, so a value of 2 = 4 pixels) and ; one pixel above the player. (#$FF is -1 decimal as a signed byte) ; ; And let's inspect the last 2 bytes for this entry. ; 00 04 means an offset of 4 is added to $35AE. $35AE + 4 = $35B2. Whats at memory address 35B2? 4 bytes like so: ; 01 06 35 C1 ; As we know the animation frame metadata structure, we can see that we have an animation frame that is ; 01 bytes (2 pixels) wide, 6 bytes high, and the actual pixel data begins at $35C1. ; LASER_DESCRIPTOR TABLE: 3237: ; null entry, never used 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; fire up 32 AD ; address of function to move laser 02 FF ; offset from players current position. 2 bytes (=4 pixels) to right and -1 pixels above. 00 04 ; offset from $35AE ; fire down 32 C7 ; address of function to move laser 02 04 ; offset from players current position. 2 bytes (=4 pixels) to right and 4 pixels below top of player. 00 04 ; offset from $35AE ; null entry, never used 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; fire left 32 93 ; address of function to move laser 00 04 ; offset from players current position. 0 bytes to right and 4 pixels below top of player. 00 00 ; offset from $35AE ; fire up & left 33 FF ; address of function to move laser 00 00 ; offset from players current position. 0 bytes to right and 0 pixels below top of player. 00 0C ; offset from $35AE ; fire down & left 33 DC ; address of function to move laser 00 04 ; offset from players current position. 0 bytes to right and 4 pixels below top of player. 00 08 ; offset from $35AE ; null entry, never used 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; fire right 32 79 ; address of function to move laser 02 04 ; offset from players current position. 2 bytes (4 pixels) to right and 4 pixels below top of player. 00 00 ; offset from $35AE ; fire up & right 34 22 ; address of function to move laser 02 00 ; offset from players current position. 2 bytes (4 pixels) to right and 0 pixels below top of player. 00 08 ; offset from $35AE ; fire down & right 34 45 ; address of function to move laser 02 04 ; offset from players current position. 2 bytes (4 pixels) to right and 4 pixels below top of player. 00 0C ; offset from $35AE MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_RIGHT: 3279: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 327B: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate into A 327D: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; add 3 bytes (6 pixels) to A 327F: 81 8D CMPA #$8D ; at far right edge of playfield? 3281: 22 5E BHI $32E1 ; yes, laser is out of bounds, goto $32E1 3283: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; no, so update laser's X coordinate 3285: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 3288: BD 34 6B JSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 328B: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling this function 328D: 8E 32 79 LDX #$3279 ; address of this function 3290: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Routine to move player laser left ; ; MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_LEFT: 3293: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 3295: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate into A 3297: 80 03 SUBA #$03 ; subtract 3 bytes (6 pixels, remember 2 pixels per byte) to A 3299: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; at far left edge of playfield? 329B: 25 48 BCS $32E5 ; if <, then laser is out of bounds, goto $32E5 329D: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; no, so update laser's X coordinate 329F: CC FF 00 LDD #$FF00 ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 32A2: BD 34 6B JSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 32A5: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling this function 32A7: 8E 32 93 LDX #$3293 ; address of this function 32AA: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Routine to move player laser up ; MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_UP: 32AD: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 32AF: A6 0C LDA $000C,X ; get Y coordinate into A 32B1: 8B FA ADDA #$FA ; subtract 6 from A (results in move of 6 pixels) 32B3: 81 18 CMPA #$18 ; at top of playfield? 32B5: 25 34 BCS $32EB ; yes, laser has hit top border wall, goto $32EB 32B7: A7 0C STA $000C,X ; no, update laser's Y coordinate 32B9: CC 00 FF LDD #$00FF ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 32BC: BD 34 6B JSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 32BF: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling this function 32C1: 8E 32 AD LDX #$32AD ; address of this function 32C4: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Routine to move player laser down ; MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_DOWN: 32C7: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 32C9: A6 0C LDA $000C,X ; get vertical position into A 32CB: 8B 06 ADDA #$06 ; add 6 to A (results in move of 6 pixels) 32CD: 81 E5 CMPA #$E5 ; at bottom of playfield? 32CF: 22 1E BHI $32EF ; yes, laser has hit bottom border wall, goto $32EF 32D1: A7 0C STA $000C,X ; no, update laser's Y coordinate 32D3: CC 00 01 LDD #$0001 ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 32D6: BD 34 6B JSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 32D9: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling this function 32DB: 8E 32 C7 LDX #$32C7 ; address of this function 32DE: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; called by MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_RIGHT 32E1: 86 90 LDA #$90 ; X coordinate of far right border 32E3: 20 02 BRA $32E7 ; called by MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_LEFT 32E5: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; X coordinate of far left border 32E7: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; B = vertical position 32E9: 20 0A BRA $32F5 ; called by MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_UP 32EB: C6 17 LDB #$17 ; Y coordinate of topmost border 32ED: 20 02 BRA $32F1 ; called by MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_DOWN 32EF: C6 EB LDB #$EB ; Y coordinate of bottommost border 32F1: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate of laser into A 32F3: 20 2F BRA $3324 ; ; This routine draws the laser "impacting" on the border walls. The laser's impact spreads vertically. (think of a bullet hitting a solid wall and you'll get what I mean) ; ; D = address on screen to draw a "flattened out" laser ; DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_VERTICAL: 32F5: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; store address on screen of part of wall where laser hit 32F7: BD 34 A3 JSR $34A3 ; dispose of laser object and erase laser image 32FA: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 32FC: 96 91 LDA $91 ; get colour to draw splash damage in A... 32FE: D6 91 LDB $91 ; ... and B 3300: ED 1F STD $-1,X ; write to screen 1 pixel above of where laser hit. 4 pixels are written - 2 horizontally and 2 vertically 3302: A7 01 STA $0001,X ; write to screen 1 pixel below where laser hit 3304: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay 3306: 8E 33 0C LDX #$330C ; address of function to call 3309: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; remove splash damage from wall ; UNDO_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_VERTICAL: 330C: 96 8F LDA $8F ; get wall colour 330E: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get address on screen where laser "splash damage" was drawn 3310: A7 1F STA $-1,X ; and undo what was done at $3300 3312: A7 01 STA $0001,X ; and undo what was done at $3302. 3314: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay 3316: 8E 33 1C LDX #$331C ; address of function to call 3319: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; remove final trace of laser RESTORE_WALL_VERTICAL: 331C: 96 8F LDA $8F ; get wall colour 331E: A7 D8 09 STA [$09,U] ; and finally erase last vestige of laser 3321: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; This routine draws the laser "impacting" on the walls. The laser's impact spreads horizontally. (think of a bullet hitting a solid wall and you'll get what I mean) ; ; D = address on screen to draw a "flattened out" laser ; DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_HORIZONTAL: 3324: C1 EA CMPB #$EA ; did laser hit bottom part of wall? 3326: 24 02 BCC $332A ; yes, goto $332A 3328: C6 16 LDB #$16 ; ok, set Y coordinate to #$16 (22 decimal) where laser hit wall 332A: 81 06 CMPA #$06 ; did laser hit left part of wall? 332C: 22 01 BHI $332F 332E: 4C INCA 332F: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; store address on screen of part of wall where laser hit 3331: BD 34 A3 JSR $34A3 ; dispose of laser object and erase laser image 3334: 96 91 LDA $91 ; get colour to draw flattened laser in A... 3336: D6 91 LDB $91 ; ... and B 3338: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get address on screen where laser hit wall 333A: ED 84 STD ,X ; draw 4 pixels (2 bytes) at part of wall where laser hit ; ; Some notes. As you recall, the Williams hardware has 4 bits per pixel. Therefore 2 pixels are packed into a single byte. ; The left nibble (bits 7..4) is the first pixel and the right nibble (bits 3..0) is the second pixel. 333C: 96 8F LDA $8F ; get wall colour 333E: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; preserve the leftmost pixel (the left nibble, as described above) 3340: 34 02 PSHS A ; save result on stack 3342: 96 91 LDA $91 ; get colour to draw flattened laser into A 3344: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; preserve the rightmost pixel (the right nibble) 3346: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; combine the leftmost pixel of the wall colour and the rightmost pixel of the flattened laser. Now A holds 2 pixels 3348: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; 334A: ED 89 FF 00 STD $FF00,X ; write D 2 pixels to left of where the laser hit the wall - creating splash damage 334E: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 3350: 8E 33 56 LDX #$3356 ; address of function to call 3353: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; remove splash damage from wall ; UNDO_HORIZONTAL_SPLASH_DAMAGE: 3356: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get address on screen where laser "splash damage" was drawn 3358: 96 8F LDA $8F ; get wall colour into A.. 335A: D6 8F LDB $8F ; and B.. Now D has 4 pixel's worth of wall colour. 335C: ED 89 FF 00 STD $FF00,X ; write D 2 pixels (1 byte) to left of where laser hit wall. Undoes what was done at $334A 3360: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; remove left hand pixel from A. 3362: C4 0F ANDB #$0F ; remove left hand pixel from B. 3364: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; push remaining pixels on stack 3366: 96 91 LDA $91 ; get colour to draw splash damage into A... 3368: D6 91 LDB $91 ; and B. Now D has 4 pixel's worth of splash damage colour. 336A: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; remove right hand pixel from A 336C: C4 F0 ANDB #$F0 ; remove right hand pixel from B 336E: E3 E1 ADDD ,S++ ; combine those pixels with those on the stack 3370: ED 84 STD ,X ; and write to the screen. The laser's splash damage is ALMOST removed now. RESTORE_WALL_HORIZONTAL completes the job. 3372: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 3374: 8E 33 7A LDX #$337A ; address of function to call 3377: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; remove final trace of laser RESTORE_WALL_HORIZONTAL: 337A: 96 8F LDA $8F ; get wall colour into A.. 337C: D6 8F LDB $8F ; and B.. 337E: ED D8 09 STD [$09,U] ; set part of wall where laser hit back to wall colour - removing last trace of laser 3381: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 3384: 7E 32 F5 JMP $32F5 ; jump to DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_VERTICAL 3387: 20 9B BRA $3324 ; go to DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_HORIZONTAL ; ; When we get here, the laser has hit a border wall. ; ; A = horizontal direction of laser ($FF = left, 0 =no horizontal movement, 1=right) ; B = vertical direction of laser ($FF = up, 0 = no vertical movement, 1 = down) ; Y = packed word containing deltas to add to laser position. ; Most significant byte: ; LASER_HIT_WALL: 3389: D7 2C STB $2C ; store vertical direction 338B: 5F CLRB 338C: 47 ASRA 338D: 56 RORB 338E: DD 2D STD $2D 3390: 1F 20 TFR Y,D ; A holds horizontal delta of laser, B holds vertical delta of laser 3392: AB 0A ADDA $000A,X ; A+= X coordinate of laser 3394: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; B+= Y coordinate of laser 3396: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update X coordinate of laser 3398: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of laser 339A: DC 2D LDD $2D 339C: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X 339E: ED 0A STD $000A,X 33A0: E6 0C LDB $000C,X 33A2: DB 2C ADDB $2C 33A4: E7 0C STB $000C,X 33A6: C1 EA CMPB #$EA ; hit bottom wall? 33A8: 22 DD BHI $3387 ; yes, goto $3387, which then branches to DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_HORIZONTAL 33AA: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; hit top wall? 33AC: 25 D9 BCS $3387 ; yes, goto $3387 33AE: 81 8F CMPA #$8F ; hit right wall? 33B0: 22 D2 BHI $3384 ; yes, goto $3384, which then jumps to DRAW_LASER_SPLASH_DAMAGE_VERTICAL 33B2: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; hit left wall? 33B4: 25 CE BCS $3384 ; yes, goto $3384 33B6: 20 E2 BRA $339A ; called by MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_DOWN_LEFT 33B8: 10 8E 00 05 LDY #$0005 33BC: CC FF 01 LDD #$FF01 33BF: 20 C8 BRA $3389 ; called by MOVE_LASER_UP_LEFT 33C1: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 33C5: CC FF FF LDD #$FFFF 33C8: 20 BF BRA $3389 ; called by MOVE_LASER_UP_RIGHT 33CA: 10 8E 02 00 LDY #$0200 33CE: CC 01 FF LDD #$01FF 33D1: 20 B6 BRA $3389 ; called by MOVE_LASER_DOWN_RIGHT 33D3: 10 8E 02 05 LDY #$0205 33D7: CC 01 01 LDD #$0101 33DA: 20 AD BRA $3389 ; ; Routine to move player laser down left ; ; I wonder why these routines are down here, instead of being up there with the rest of the laser movement code? ; Could it be, that the diagonal firing was added later when Vid Kidz decided 4-way firing wasn't good enough? ; MOVE_PLAYER_LASER_DOWN_LEFT: 33DC: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 33DE: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate of laser into A 33E0: 80 03 SUBA #$03 ; subtract 3 (effectively 6 pixels) from X coordinate 33E2: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get vertical position into B 33E4: CB 06 ADDB #$06 ; add 6 to vertical position 33E6: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; has laser hit left border wall? 33E8: 25 CE BCS $33B8 ; yes, goto $33B8 33EA: C1 E5 CMPB #$E5 ; has laser hit bottom border wall?? 33EC: 22 CA BHI $33B8 ; yes, goto $33B8 33EE: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update X coordinate of laser 33F0: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of laser 33F2: CC FF 01 LDD #$FF01 ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 33F5: 8D 74 BSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 33F7: 86 01 LDA #$01 33F9: 8E 33 DC LDX #$33DC ; address of function to call (this one) 33FC: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Routine to move player laser up left. ; MOVE_LASER_UP_LEFT: 33FF: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 3401: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate into A 3403: 80 03 SUBA #$03 ; subtract 3 (effectively 6 pixels) from X coordinate 3405: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; has laser hit left border wall? 3407: 25 B8 BCS $33C1 ; yes, goto $33C1 3409: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get vertical position into B 340B: C0 06 SUBB #$06 ; subtract 6 from Y coordinate 340D: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; has laser hit top border wall? 340F: 25 B0 BCS $33C1 ; yes, goto $33C1 3411: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update X coordinate of laser 3413: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of laser 3415: CC FF FF LDD #$FFFF ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 3418: 8D 51 BSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 341A: 86 01 LDA #$01 341C: 8E 33 FF LDX #$33FF ; address of function to call 341F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task MOVE_LASER_UP_RIGHT: 3422: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 3424: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate into A 3426: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; add 3 (effectively 6 pixels) to X coordinate 3428: 81 8D CMPA #$8D ; has laser hit far right border wall? 342A: 22 9E BHI $33CA ; yes, goto $33CA 342C: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get vertical position into B 342E: C0 06 SUBB #$06 ; subtract 6 from Y coordinate 3430: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; has laser hit top border wall? 3432: 25 96 BCS $33CA 3434: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update X coordinate of laser 3436: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of laser 3438: CC 01 FF LDD #$01FF ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 343B: 8D 2E BSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 343D: 86 01 LDA #$01 343F: 8E 34 22 LDX #$3422 ; address of function to call 3442: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task MOVE_LASER_DOWN_RIGHT: 3445: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to laser object from object metadata 3447: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; get X coordinate into A 3449: 8B 03 ADDA #$03 ; add 3 (effectively 6 pixels) to X coordinate 344B: 81 8D CMPA #$8D ; has laser hit far right border wall? 344D: 22 84 BHI $33D3 ; yes, goto $33D3 344F: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get vertical position into B 3451: CB 06 ADDB #$06 ; add 6 to Y coordinate 3453: C1 E5 CMPB #$E5 ; has laser hit far bottom border wall? 3455: 23 03 BLS $345A ; no, goto $345A 3457: 7E 33 D3 JMP $33D3 345A: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; update X coordinate of laser 345C: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update Y coordinate of laser 345E: CC 01 01 LDD #$0101 ; set direction parameters for collision detection function (see docs @ $346B) 3461: 8D 08 BSR $346B ; call function to handle any collisions with this laser 3463: 86 01 LDA #$01 3465: 8E 34 45 LDX #$3445 ; address of function to call 3468: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Expects: ; A = horizontal direction of laser ($FF = left, 0 = not moving horizontally, 1=right) ; B = vertical direction of laser ($FF = up, 0 = not moving vertically, 1 = down) ; X = pointer to laser object ; LASER_COLLISION_DETECTION: 346B: DD 88 STD $88 ; set player laser directions 346D: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 3470: 34 50 PSHS U,X 3472: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer into U 3474: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; read blitter destination into D 3476: 8E 98 23 LDX #$9823 ; electrode list pointer 3479: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 347C: 26 1E BNE $349C 347E: AE E4 LDX ,S 3480: EE 02 LDU $0002,X 3482: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 3484: 8E 98 21 LDX #$9821 ; pointer to grunts/hulks/brains/progs/cruise missile/tank list 3487: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 348A: 26 10 BNE $349C 348C: AE E4 LDX ,S 348E: EE 02 LDU $0002,X 3490: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 3492: 8E 98 17 LDX #$9817 ; pointer to quarks, sparks, sphereoids, enforcers, tank shells 3495: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 3498: 26 02 BNE $349C 349A: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 349C: 35 50 PULS X,U 349E: 8D 03 BSR $34A3 ; dispose of laser object and erase laser image 34A0: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; Erase the laser image from the screen and free the laser object ; ; ERASE_LASER_AND_FREE_OBJECT: 34A3: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 34A6: DC 1B LDD $1B 34A8: ED 84 STD ,X 34AA: 9F 1B STX $1B ; mark this laser as current first free object 34AC: 0A 87 DEC $87 ; reduce count of lasers on screen 34AE: 39 RTS DRAW_PLAYER_SCORES_LIVES_AND_BORDER_WALL: 34AF: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 34B1: 96 40 LDA $40 34B3: BD D0 0F JSR $D00F ; JMP $DC13 - draw player scores 34B6: 4A DECA 34B7: 26 FA BNE $34B3 34B9: 8D 6B BSR $3526 ; draw border walls 34BB: BD 26 C9 JSR $26C9 ; JMP $34E0 - draw player lives remaining 34BE: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; print wave at bottom of screen PRINT_WAVE_NUMBER: 34C0: B6 BD ED LDA p1_wave 34C3: BD D0 2A JSR $D02A ; Convert wave number to BCD and store in A 34C6: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; B = wave number 34C8: 86 68 LDA #$68 34CA: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 34CD: 96 40 LDA $40 ; read how many players are playing (1 or 2) 34CF: 4A DECA ; reduce count by 1 34D0: 27 0D BEQ $34DF ; if count == 0, then it's a one player game, no need to draw player 2's wave, goto $34DF 34D2: B6 BE 29 LDA p2_wave ; Convert wave number to BCD and store in A 34D5: BD D0 2A JSR $D02A ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 34D8: 1F 89 TFR A,B 34DA: 86 72 LDA #$72 34DC: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 34DF: 39 RTS DRAW_LIVES_REMAINING: 34E0: 8E 2E 0E LDX #$2E0E ; X= blitter destination 34E3: CC 15 08 LDD #$1508 ; A = width (#$15), B = height (#$08) 34E6: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF: clear rectangle to black 34E9: 8E 6E 0E LDX #$6E0E ; X= blitter destination 34EC: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 34EF: 10 8E 35 92 LDY #$3592 ; set blitter source 34F3: B6 BD EC LDA p1_men ; read number of player 1 lives left 34F6: 27 14 BEQ $350C ; if no lives left, go do player 2 lives @ $350C 34F8: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; is number of lives left <=7? 34FA: 23 02 BLS $34FE ; yes, goto $34FE 34FC: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; lives left is >7, so set 7 images to be drawn max, to fit into space allocated for player 1 lives left 34FE: 97 2B STA $2B 3500: CC 2E 0E LDD #$2E0E ; blitter destination 3503: BD D0 21 JSR $D021 ; JMP $DA82 - do blit without transparency 3506: 8B 04 ADDA #$04 ; increment X component of blitter destination for player life image (4 bytes = 8 pixels) 3508: 0A 2B DEC $2B ; decrement number of player life images left to draw 350A: 26 F7 BNE $3503 ; if we've not drawn all lives goto $3503 350C: B6 BE 28 LDA p2_men ; read number of player 2 lives left 350F: 27 14 BEQ $3525 ; if no lives left, goto $3525, which is an RTS 3511: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; is number of lives left <=7? 3513: 23 02 BLS $3517 ; yes, goto $3517 3515: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; lives left is >7, so set 7 images to be drawn max, to fit into space allocated for player 2 lives left 3517: 97 2B STA $2B 3519: CC 6E 0E LDD #$6E0E ; blitter destination 351C: BD D0 21 JSR $D021 ; JMP $DA82 - do blit without transparency 351F: 8B 04 ADDA #$04 3521: 0A 2B DEC $2B ; decrement number of player life icons left to draw 3523: 26 F7 BNE $351C ; increment X component of blitter destination for player life image (4 bytes = 8 pixels) 3525: 39 RTS DRAW_BORDER_WALLS: 3526: 8E 06 16 LDX #$0616 3529: 96 8F LDA $8F ; read current wall colour 352B: A7 89 8A 00 STA $8A00,X ; plot pixels for right hand border wall 352F: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; plot pixels for left hand border wall 3531: 8C 06 EC CMPX #$06EC ; all side walls drawn? 3534: 23 F5 BLS $352B ; if not, goto $352B 3536: 8E 07 16 LDX #$0716 ; screen address for top border 3539: D6 8F LDB $8F ; read current wall colour (now D = wall colour) 353B: ED 84 STD ,X ; write top border wall 353D: ED 89 00 D5 STD $00D5,X ; write bottom border wall 3541: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; move to next pixel pair across (remember Williams graphics hardware screen layout) 3545: 8C 8F 16 CMPX #$8F16 ; all top & bottom walls drawn? 3548: 23 F1 BLS $353B ; if not, goto $353B 354A: 39 RTS ; done ; ; This is a task that runs throughout the game to ensure the electrodes are drawn. ; It draws electrodes one at a time (not all at once which might be too processor intensive), ; cycling through the electrode list from start to finish. ; ; This is called from $284A. ; ; expects: ; $9890 = colour to draw electrodes in ; $9892 = number of electrodes to draw ; $9893 = pointer to animation frame metadata for electrode ; DRAW_ALL_ELECTRODES_TASK: 354B: DE 27 LDU $27 ; U = pointer to electrode to draw 354D: 11 83 B3 E4 CMPU #$B3E4 ; are we at the end of the electrode list? 3551: 25 03 BCS $3556 ; no, goto $3556 3553: CE B3 A4 LDU #$B3A4 ; yes, so start again from first electrode 3556: 96 92 LDA $92 ; A = count of electrodes to process (not same as number of electrodes alive) 3558: 34 02 PSHS A 355A: 10 9E 93 LDY $93 ; Y = pointer to list of animation frame metadata for this electrode 355D: AE C1 LDX ,U++ ; get object pointer from U 355F: 27 21 BEQ $3582 ; if X == 0 then get next pointer 3561: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; read width in bytes, and height 3563: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; XOR width with 4 for blitter 3565: C8 04 EORB #$04 ; XOR height with 4 for blitter 3567: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 3569: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 356C: D6 90 LDB $90 ; read colour to draw electrodes in 356E: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask 3571: EC 22 LDD $0002,Y ; read pointer to actual image 3573: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 3576: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; read blitter destination from object 3578: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 357B: C6 1A LDB #$1A ; blitter flags: 11010 - transparent, solid 357D: F7 CA 00 STB start_blitter 3580: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag 3582: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; reduce count of electrodes to process by one 3584: 26 D7 BNE $355D ; if !=0, get next one 3586: 32 61 LEAS $0001,S ; discard A pushed on stack @ $3558 3588: DF 27 STU $27 ; bump to next electrode to draw 358A: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay 358C: 8E 35 4B LDX #$354B ; address of function to call (this) - this task keeps going until the wave is cleared or player dies/ game ends 358F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 3592: 03 08 COM $08 3594: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 3596: 02 22 00 BB 0B B0 BB 0B B0 00 20 00 88 08 80 30 35A6: 80 30 08 08 00 88 08 80 03 01 35 BE 01 06 35 C1 35B6: 03 06 35 C7 03 06 35 D9 AA AA AA A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 35C6: A0 00 00 0A 00 00 A0 00 0A 00 00 A0 00 0A 00 00 35D6: A0 00 00 A0 00 00 0A 00 00 00 A0 00 00 0A 00 00 35E6: 00 A0 00 00 0A ; Animation frame metadata for player. ; PLAYER_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA: 35EB: 04 0C 36 1B ; width 4 bytes (=8 pixels), height 0C (12 decimal, 12 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $361B 35EF: 04 0C 36 4B ; width 4 bytes (=8 pixels), height 0C (12 decimal, 12 pixels), animation frame pixel data at $364B 35F3: 04 0C 36 7B ; and so on... 35F7: 04 0C 36 AB 35FB: 04 0C 36 DB 35FF: 04 0C 37 0B 3603: 04 0C 37 3B 3607: 04 0C 37 6B 360B: 04 0C 37 9B 360F: 04 0C 37 CB 3613: 04 0C 37 FB 3617: 04 0C 38 2B ; Pixel data for Player animations follows... ; Player moving left animation frame #1 361B: 0B 22 20 00 0B BB BB 00 0B 22 2B 3626: 00 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 00 99 90 00 00 93 90 3636: 00 00 93 90 00 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 99 00 3646: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving left animation frame #2 364B: 0B 22 20 00 0B BB BB 00 0B 22 2B 3656: 00 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 00 09 90 00 03 33 93 3666: 00 00 09 93 00 00 90 93 00 00 90 90 00 09 90 90 3676: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving left animation frame #3 367B: 0B 22 20 00 0B BB BB 00 0B 22 2B 3686: 00 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 00 09 90 00 03 39 93 3696: 00 00 09 93 00 00 90 93 00 00 90 90 00 09 90 90 36A6: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving right animation frame #1 36AB: 02 22 B0 00 BB BB B0 00 B2 22 B0 36B6: 00 02 22 00 00 00 90 00 00 09 99 00 00 09 39 00 36C6: 00 09 39 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 99 00 36D6: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving right animation frame #2 36DB: 02 22 B0 00 BB BB B0 00 B2 22 B0 36E6: 00 02 22 00 00 00 90 00 00 09 90 00 00 39 93 30 36F6: 00 39 90 00 00 39 09 00 00 09 09 00 00 09 09 90 3706: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving right animation frame #3 370B: 02 22 B0 00 BB BB B0 00 B2 22 B0 3716: 00 02 22 00 00 00 90 00 00 09 90 00 00 39 33 30 3726: 00 39 90 00 00 39 09 00 00 09 09 00 00 09 09 90 3736: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player standing still / player moving down animation frame #1 373B: 00 22 20 00 BB B2 BB B0 B0 B0 B0 3746: B0 0B 22 2B 00 00 09 00 00 09 93 99 00 39 93 99 3756: 30 30 93 90 30 30 90 90 30 00 90 90 00 09 90 99 3766: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving down animation frame #2 376B: 00 22 20 00 BB B2 BB B0 B0 B0 B0 3776: B0 0B 22 2B 00 00 09 00 00 09 93 99 00 39 93 99 3786: 30 30 93 90 30 30 90 90 00 09 90 90 00 00 00 90 3796: 00 00 00 99 00 ; Player moving down animation frame #3 379B: 00 22 20 00 BB B2 BB B0 B0 B0 B0 37A6: B0 0B 22 2B 00 00 09 00 00 09 93 99 00 39 93 99 37B6: 30 30 93 90 30 00 90 90 30 00 90 99 00 00 90 00 37C6: 00 09 90 00 00 ; Player moving up animation frame #1 37CB: BB 22 2B B0 B2 22 22 B0 B2 22 22 37D6: B0 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 09 99 99 00 39 99 99 37E6: 30 30 99 90 30 30 90 90 30 00 90 90 00 09 90 99 37F6: 00 00 00 00 00 ; Player moving up animation frame #2 37FB: BB 22 2B B0 B2 22 22 B0 B2 22 22 3806: B0 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 09 99 99 00 39 99 99 3816: 30 30 99 90 30 30 90 90 00 09 90 90 00 00 00 90 3826: 00 00 00 99 00 ; Player moving up animation frame #3 282B: BB 22 2B B0 B2 22 22 B0 B2 22 22 3836: B0 00 22 20 00 00 09 00 00 09 99 99 00 39 99 99 3846: 30 30 99 90 30 00 90 90 30 00 90 99 00 00 90 00 3856: 00 09 90 00 00 385B: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3866: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3876: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3880: 7E 38 AA JMP $38AA 3883: 7E 39 50 JMP $3950 3886: 3B 05 ; referenced by $2A3F 3888: 7E 39 42 JMP $3942 388B: 7E 39 3C JMP $393C 388E: 7E 38 FE JMP $38FE 3891: 40 NEGA 3892: 63 3B COM $FFFB,Y 3894: 05 Illegal Opcode 3895: 7E 3A D9 JMP $3AD9 ; ; when I see illegal opcode I just know this is data used somewhere! ; 3898: D0 01 SUBB $01 389A: 0C 14 INC $14 389C: 01 Illegal Opcode 389D: 08 17 ASL $17 389F: 00 C0 NEG $C0 38A1: 01 Illegal Opcode 38A2: 0A 06 DEC $06 38A4: 00 D0 NEG $D0 38A6: 01 Illegal Opcode 38A7: 08 17 ASL $17 INITIALISE_ALL_GRUNTS: 38AA: B6 BE 68 LDA cur_grunts ; read number of grunts 38AD: 34 02 PSHS A 38AF: 27 4B BEQ $38FC ; if we have no grunts, goto $38FC 38B1: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) ; X = newly reserved object entry 38B4: CC 40 63 LDD #$4063 ; set blitter source to start image's metadata 38B7: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 38B9: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 38BC: 8D D0 BSR $388E ; JMP $38FE - compute player safe rectangle 38BE: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) 38C1: D1 2B CMPB $2B 38C3: 23 0C BLS $38D1 38C5: D1 2C CMPB $2C 38C7: 24 08 BCC $38D1 38C9: 91 2D CMPA $2D 38CB: 23 04 BLS $38D1 38CD: 91 2E CMPA $2E 38CF: 25 ED BCS $38BE ; position is invalid, go compute a new position 38D1: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; blitter destination = D 38D3: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; X coordinate = A 38D5: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; Y coordinate = B 38D7: 1F 03 TFR D,U ; U = blitter destination 38D9: EC 98 02 LDD [$02,X] ; get width in bytes and height of initial grunt image into D 38DC: BD D0 03 JSR $D003 ; JMP $DE0F - TEST_FOR_PIXELS_WITHIN_RECTANGLE 38DF: 26 DD BNE $38BE ; if Z==0 then there is something under the grunt, so new coordinates are required 38E1: B6 BE 5C LDA $BE5C ; 38E4: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 38E7: A7 88 13 STA $13,X ; set movement delay field 38EA: CC 3A 76 LDD #$3A76 ; address of routine to jump to when grunt hits something 38ED: ED 08 STD $0008,X ; 38EF: 8D 9A BSR $388B ; JMP $393C - blit grunt in solid colour invisible to player 38F1: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement count of grunts on stack 38F3: 26 BC BNE $38B1 ; if !=0 then we've got more grunts to process, goto $38B1 38F5: 9F 8B STX $8B ; store index of last grunt in $8B. 38F7: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 38FA: 39 B7 ; pointer to function 38FC: 35 82 PULS A, PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; When a wave starts, there is an invisible rectangular "safe" area containing the player that the enemies cannot be placed into. ; this is to give the player a fighting chance. As you advance through waves the safe area gets smaller. ; ; COMPUTE_PLAYER_SAFE_RECTANGLE: 38FE: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A 3900: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X 3903: A6 09 LDA $0009,X ; read wave number 3905: 81 0A CMPA #$0A ; compare to #$0A (10 decimal) 3907: 25 04 BCS $390D ; if < goto $390D 3909: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; ok, wave number is 10 or more, so use wave 6's information 390B: 20 06 BRA $3913 390D: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; compare wave number to 5 390F: 23 02 BLS $3913 ; if <= 5 goto $3913 3911: 86 05 LDA #$05 3913: 8E 39 20 LDX #$3920 ; address of safe area rectangle list. Each rectangle occupies 4 bytes. 3916: 48 ASLA 3917: 48 ASLA ; multiply wave number in A by 4 3918: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; X+= A 391A: EC 84 LDD ,X 391C: DD 2B STD $2B 391E: EC 02 LDD $0002,X 3920: DD 2D STD $2D 3922: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; wave 1 safe area 3924: 40 B0 3926: 1A 7A ; wave 2 safe area 3928: 48 A8 392A: 1A 7A ; wave 3 safe area 392C: 50 A0 392E: 2A 6A ; wave 4 safe area 3930: 54 9D 3932: 30 60 ; wave 5 safe area 3934: 5D 96 3936: 35 59 ; wave 6 safe area 3938: 62 94 393A: 38 5C ; ; Draw an object in a solid colour that the player can't see. ; ; This function is called during the wave setup when objects like baddies and family members are given their initial places. ; It draws the objects in a colour that we can't see, but the system can detect, to ensure no objects overlap at wave start. ; ; We do not want objects to be stacked on top of other objects - for example a grunt being stacked on top of an electrode, that would kill them both! ; BLIT_IN_SOLID_COLOUR_INVISIBLE_TO_PLAYER: 393C: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A 393E: 86 66 LDA #$66 ; solid colour 3940: 20 02 BRA $3944 ; do solid and transparent blit DO_SOLID_AND_TRANSPARENT_BLIT: 3942: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A 3944: 97 2D STA $2D ; set solid colour 3946: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 3948: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 394B: BD D0 90 JSR $D090 ; JMP $DA9E - do solid and transparent blit 394E: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) INITIALISE_ALL_ELECTRODES: 3950: 34 70 PSHS U,Y,X 3952: 8E B3 A4 LDX #$B3A4 3955: 9F 27 STX $27 3957: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Y = X (#$B3A4) 3959: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; clear (zero) from $B3A4 to $B3E3 395B: 8C B3 E4 CMPX #$B3E4 395E: 25 F9 BCS $3959 3960: B6 BE 69 LDA cur_electrodes ; read number of electrodes 3963: 34 02 PSHS A ; save number on stack 3965: 27 4E BEQ $39B5 ; number of electrodes 0? If so, goto $39B5 (just an RTS) 3967: BD D0 81 JSR $D081 ; JMP $D2E7 - reserve an electrode object entry 396A: DC 93 LDD $93 ; get current electrode animation frame metadata pointer 396C: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 396E: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 3971: 8D 8B BSR $38FE ; compute safe rectangle for player 3973: DC 2B LDD $2B 3975: C3 03 FC ADDD #$03FC 3978: DD 2B STD $2B 397A: DC 2D LDD $2D 397C: C3 02 FD ADDD #$02FD 397F: DD 2D STD $2D 3981: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) 3984: D1 2B CMPB $2B 3986: 23 0C BLS $3994 3988: D1 2C CMPB $2C 398A: 24 08 BCC $3994 398C: 91 2D CMPA $2D 398E: 23 04 BLS $3994 3990: 91 2E CMPA $2E 3992: 25 ED BCS $3981 ; position is invalid, go recompute another position 3994: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; current blitter destination 3996: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set object X coordinate 3998: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set object Y coordinate 399A: EE 04 LDU $0004,X ; U = blitter destination of object 399C: EC 98 02 LDD [$02,X] ; A= width of object in bytes, B = height of object 399F: BD D0 03 JSR $D003 ; JMP $DE0F - TEST_FOR_PIXELS_WITHIN_RECTANGLE 39A2: 26 DD BNE $3981 ; Z flag is non-zero, pixels have been found, can't place electrodel here, goto $3981 39A4: CC 3A A9 LDD #$3AA9 ; Address of function to handle electrode collision detection 39A7: ED 08 STD $0008,X 39A9: 10 AF 06 STY $0006,X ; store pointer to object metadata 39AC: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y 39AE: BD 38 8B JSR $388B ; JMP $393C - blit electrode in solid colour invisible to player 39B1: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement electrode count on stack 39B3: 26 B2 BNE $3967 39B5: 35 F2 PULS A,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 39B7: 96 59 LDA $59 39B9: 85 7F BITA #$7F 39BB: 27 08 BEQ $39C5 39BD: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 39BF: 8E 39 B7 LDX #$39B7 ; start of this function 39C2: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 39C5: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; delay before calling function 39C7: 8E 39 CD LDX #$39CD ; address of function that moves the grunt 39CA: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Called by $D1E0 ; GRUNT_AI: 39CD: 5F CLRB 39CE: B6 BE 68 LDA cur_grunts ; read number of grunts 39D1: 34 06 PSHS B,A 39D3: 27 0F BEQ $39E4 ; 0? if so, go to $39E4 - we're done 39D5: 9E 8B LDX $8B ; get pointer to FIRST grunt 39D7: 20 02 BRA $39DB ; here, X = pointer to a grunt object. The first two bytes of the object point ; to the NEXT grunt object in the list, making it a forward-only linked list type ; setup. 39D9: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get pointer to NEXT grunt 39DB: 6A 88 13 DEC $13,X ; decrement move countdown counter 39DE: 27 06 BEQ $39E6 ; if zero its time for grunt to move 39E0: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement grunt count (on the stack) 39E2: 26 F5 BNE $39D9 ; go get next grunt 39E4: 20 7E BRA $3A64 ; we're done with grunts MOVE_GRUNT: 39E6: B6 BE 5C LDA $BE5C ; read grunt speed control field 39E9: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 39EC: A7 88 13 STA $13,X ; set move countdown counter to random number 39EF: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get grunt Y coordinate 39F1: D0 66 SUBB $66 ; subtract player_y 39F3: 22 08 BHI $39FD ; no carry? if so, this means the player is above or about the same Y position as the grunt, goto $39FD 39F5: C1 FE CMPB #$FE ; is difference from grunt Y to player Y >-2? 39F7: 22 16 BHI $3A0F ; yes, so don't make any adjustments to grunt Y 39F9: C6 04 LDB #$04 ; we're wanting to move grunt +4 pixels down 39FB: 20 06 BRA $3A03 39FD: C1 02 CMPB #$02 ; is difference from grunt Y to player Y <2 ? 39FF: 25 0E BCS $3A0F ; yes, so don't make any adjustments to grunt Y 3A01: C6 FC LDB #$FC ; move grunt -4 pixels up 3A03: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; add in grunt Y coordinate 3A05: C1 DE CMPB #$DE ; is grunt Y > $#DE? (past bottom border) 3A07: 22 06 BHI $3A0F ; Yes, go to $3A0F, do not update grunt Y coordinate 3A09: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; is grunt Y < $#18 (past top border)? 3A0B: 25 02 BCS $3A0F ; Yes, go to $3A0F, do not update grunt Y coordinate ; if we get here, grunt Y position about to be updated 3A0D: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update grunt Y coordinate ; now read the grunt's X position 3A0F: E6 0A LDB $000A,X ; get grunt X coordinate 3A11: D0 64 SUBB $64 ; subtract player_X coordinate 3A13: 22 04 BHI $3A19 ; no carry? if so, go to $3A19 3A15: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; we're wanting to move grunt 4 pixels (2 bytes) to the right 3A17: 20 06 BRA $3A1F 3A19: C1 01 CMPB #$01 3A1B: 25 0E BCS $3A2B 3A1D: C6 FE LDB #$FE ; -2 bytes to left (which is 4 pixels) 3A1F: EB 0A ADDB $000A,X ; add in grunt's X coordinate 3A21: C1 8A CMPB #$8A ; is grunt X > $#8A (past right border) ? 3A23: 22 06 BHI $3A2B ; Yes, go to $3A2B, do not update grunt X coordinate 3A25: C1 07 CMPB #$07 ; is grunt X < #$07 (past left border) ? 3A27: 25 02 BCS $3A2B ; Yes, go to $3A2B, do not update grunt X coordinate 3A29: E7 0A STB $000A,X ; update grunt X coordinate DRAW_GRUNT: 3A2B: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer 3A2D: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; add 4 to bump to next animation frame's metadata (each metadata entry is 4 bytes long) 3A30: 10 83 40 6F CMPD #$406F ; got to invalid frame? (meaning, past end of animation sequence) 3A34: 23 03 BLS $3A39 ; no 3A36: CC 40 63 LDD #$4063 ; reset blitter source to animation start image's metadata 3A39: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; store animation frame metadata pointer 3A3B: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 3A3E: 6C 61 INC $0001,S 3A40: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer 3A42: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; set D to current blitter destination 3A44: 34 10 PSHS X ; push grunt object pointer 3A46: 8E 98 23 LDX #$9823 ; pointer to linked list of electrodes (these kill grunts) 3A49: BD D0 27 JSR $D027 ; JMP $D7C9 - collision detection function 3A4C: 35 10 PULS X ; restore object pointer 3A4E: 27 0E BEQ $3A5E ; if zero flag set, no collision occurred, goto $3A5E 3A50: 10 AE 84 LDY ,X ; Y = next grunt in list 3A53: 8D 21 BSR $3A76 ; call grunt collision handler 3A55: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement grunt count on stack 3A57: 27 0B BEQ $3A64 ; if 0, we're done with grunts 3A59: 30 A4 LEAX ,Y ; X = Y. So now X is next grunt in list 3A5B: 7E 39 DB JMP $39DB ; process the grunt at X 3A5E: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement grunt count on stack 3A60: 10 26 FF 75 LBNE $39D9 ; if !=0 then process grunt 3A64: EC E1 LDD ,S++ ; restore A and B 3A66: 27 06 BEQ $3A6E 3A68: CC 38 A0 LDD #$38A0 3A6B: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 3A6E: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; delay before calling function 3A70: 8E 39 CD LDX #$39CD ; address of function to call 3A73: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; X = grunt that was in a collision ; GRUNT_COLLISION_HANDLER: 3A76: 96 48 LDA $48 ; is it the player collision detection routine invoking this handler? 3A78: 26 2C BNE $3AA6 ; yes, goto $3AA6 3A7A: BD 5B 43 JSR $5B43 ; JMP $5C1F - create an explosion 3A7D: 9C 8B CPX $8B ; compare X to last grunt created pointer 3A7F: 26 04 BNE $3A85 ; if != then goto $3A85 3A81: EC 84 LDD ,X ; get pointer to next object in object list (which must be a grunt) 3A83: DD 8B STD $8B ; and store in $8B - the pointer to the grunt list 3A85: BD D0 7E JSR $D07E ; JMP $D2C2 - remove baddy from baddies list 3A88: CC 01 10 LDD #$0110 3A8B: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 3A8E: CC 38 98 LDD #$3898 ; pointer to data to use 3A91: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 3A94: C6 E0 LDB #$E0 3A96: B6 BE 5C LDA $BE5C ; read grunt speed control field. 3A99: 3D MUL 3A9A: B1 BE 5D CMPA $BE5D ; compare to grunt movement delay minimum (the lower this value is, the faster the grunts can move) 3A9D: 25 03 BCS $3AA2 ; if A < grunt delay minimum, then A is invalid, the grunts delay is as low as it can be for the wave. Goto $3AA2 3A9F: B7 BE 5C STA $BE5C ; set grunt speed control field. This will increase the remaining grunts' speed as more die 3AA2: 7A BE 68 DEC cur_grunts ; reduce grunt count 3AA5: 39 RTS 3AA6: 7E D0 18 JMP $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit ; ; ELECTRODE_COLLISION_HANDLER: 3AA9: 96 48 LDA $48 ; was it the player that called this routine? 3AAB: 26 27 BNE $3AD4 ; yes, so do nothing, just exit 3AAD: BD D0 84 JSR $D084 ; JMP $D2CA: deallocate electrode object 3AB0: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 3AB3: ED 98 06 STD [$06,X] 3AB6: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 3AB9: 7A BE 69 DEC cur_electrodes ; decrement number of electrodes on screen 3ABC: DC 13 LDD $13 3ABE: 27 13 BEQ $3AD3 3AC0: 33 84 LEAU ,X 3AC2: AE 84 LDX ,X 3AC4: 9F 1B STX $1B 3AC6: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 3AC9: 3A D9 ; pointer to function 3ACB: EF 07 STU $7,X 3ACD: CC 38 A5 LDD #$38A5 3AD0: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B 3AD3: 39 RTS 3AD4: 96 90 LDA $90 3AD6: 7E 38 88 JMP $3888 ; JMP $3942 3AD9: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; X= pointer to electrode object 3ADB: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 3ADE: 20 17 BRA $3AF7 ; would have been better going to 3AFA, it just stores same value as it read ; ; this code is called when an electrode dies ; ELECTRODE_DEATH: 3AE0: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer 3AE2: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; load Y with animation frame metadata pointer 3AE5: 31 25 LEAY $0005,Y ; Y = Y + 5 3AE7: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; read next animation frame 3AE9: 26 0C BNE $3AF7 ; if not zero (where 0 means "end of animation frame sequence") goto $3AF7, draw electrode dying ; OK, we've got an animation frame of zero, so end of death animation sequence, time to remove electrode 3AEB: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 3AEE: DC 1B LDD $1B 3AF0: ED 84 STD ,X 3AF2: 9F 1B STX $1B 3AF4: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task DRAW_ELECTRODE_DYING: 3AF7: 10 AF 02 STY $0002,X ; update animation frame metadata pointer 3AFA: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 3AFD: A6 24 LDA $0004,Y ; get delay 3AFF: 8E 3A E0 LDX #$3AE0 ; address of function to call 3B02: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 3B05: 05 09 3B 95 06 05 09 3B C2 03 05 09 3B EF 02 00 3B15: 05 09 3C 1C 06 05 09 3C 49 03 05 09 3C 76 02 00 3B25: 05 09 3C A3 06 05 09 3C D0 03 05 09 3C FD 02 00 3B35: 05 09 3D 2A 06 05 09 3D 57 03 05 09 3D 84 02 00 3B45: 03 09 3D B1 06 03 09 3D CC 03 03 09 3D E7 02 00 3B55: 05 09 3E 02 06 05 09 3E 2F 03 05 09 3E 5C 02 00 3B65: 09 07 3E 89 06 09 07 3E C8 03 09 07 3F 07 02 00 3B75: 05 09 3F 46 06 05 09 3F 73 03 05 09 3F A0 02 00 3B85: 05 0A 3F CD 06 05 0A 3F FF 03 05 0A 40 31 02 00 3B95: 00 00 90 00 00 09 00 90 09 00 00 90 90 90 00 00 3BA5: 09 99 00 00 99 99 99 99 90 00 09 99 00 00 00 90 3BB5: 90 90 00 09 00 90 09 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 3BC5: 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 A0 A0 00 00 0A AA 00 3BD5: 00 0A AA AA AA 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 A0 A0 A0 00 3BE5: 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3BF5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A 3C05: AA 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C15: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 09 09 09 09 3C25: 00 00 90 90 90 00 09 09 09 09 00 90 90 00 90 90 3C35: 09 09 09 09 00 00 90 90 90 00 09 09 09 09 00 00 3C45: 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A 3C55: 0A 00 00 00 A0 A0 A0 00 0A 0A 0A 0A 00 00 A0 A0 3C65: A0 00 00 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C75: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C85: 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 3C95: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 99 99 3CA5: 99 99 90 99 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 3CB5: 99 90 99 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 99 3CC5: 90 99 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 99 90 00 00 00 00 00 3CD5: 0A AA AA AA 00 0A AA AA AA 00 0A AA AA AA 00 0A 3CE5: AA AA AA 00 0A AA AA AA 00 0A AA AA AA 00 0A AA 3CF5: AA AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D05: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 0A AA 00 3D15: 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D25: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 09 90 00 3D35: 00 00 99 90 00 00 09 99 90 00 00 99 99 90 00 09 3D45: 99 99 90 00 99 99 99 90 09 99 99 99 90 99 99 99 3D55: 99 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 3D65: 00 00 00 00 AA 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 AA AA 00 3D75: 00 0A AA AA 00 00 AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D85: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D95: 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A A0 00 00 00 AA 3DA5: A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 99 99 90 99 3DB5: 99 90 99 99 90 99 99 90 99 99 90 99 99 90 99 99 3DC5: 90 99 99 90 99 99 90 00 00 00 0A AA 00 0A AA 00 3DD5: 0A AA 00 0A AA 00 0A AA 00 0A AA 00 0A AA 00 00 3DE5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 3DF5: 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 3E05: 00 00 00 09 99 00 00 00 99 99 90 00 09 99 99 99 3E15: 00 99 99 99 99 90 09 99 99 99 00 00 99 99 90 00 3E25: 00 09 99 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3E35: 00 A0 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 AA AA A0 00 0A AA 3E45: AA AA 00 00 AA AA A0 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 00 A0 3E55: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3E65: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 3E75: 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3E85: 00 00 00 00 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 90 90 00 90 3E95: 00 90 00 90 90 90 99 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 3EA5: 00 90 90 90 00 90 00 90 90 99 90 90 90 90 99 90 3EB5: 90 90 00 90 00 90 00 99 90 90 99 99 99 99 99 99 3EC5: 99 99 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A AA AA AA 3ED5: AA AA AA AA 00 0A A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 AA 00 0A 00 3EE5: A0 A0 A0 00 00 0A 00 0A AA A0 A0 A0 A0 AA AA 00 3EF5: 0A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F05: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F15: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A AA 3F25: AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F35: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F45: 00 00 00 90 00 00 09 99 99 99 00 09 99 09 99 00 3F55: 09 90 00 99 00 99 00 00 09 90 09 90 00 99 00 09 3F65: 99 09 99 00 09 99 99 99 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 3F75: 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 AA AA A0 00 00 AA 0A 3F85: A0 00 0A A0 00 AA 00 00 AA 0A A0 00 00 AA AA A0 3F95: 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3FA5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 3FB5: AA 0A A0 00 00 0A AA 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 3FC5: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 99 99 99 99 90 90 00 00 3FD5: 00 90 90 99 99 90 90 90 90 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 3FE5: 90 90 99 90 90 90 90 00 00 90 90 99 99 99 90 90 3FF5: 00 00 00 00 90 09 99 99 99 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 4005: 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA A0 00 00 A0 00 A0 00 A0 A0 4015: A0 A0 00 A0 AA A0 A0 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 AA AA AA 4025: A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4035: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA A0 00 00 A0 00 A0 00 4045: 00 A0 A0 A0 00 00 AA A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4055: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 0D 4065: 40 73 05 0D 40 B4 05 0D 40 73 05 0D 40 F5 00 01 4075: 11 00 00 00 66 66 60 00 00 CC CC C0 00 00 01 11 4085: 00 00 11 91 11 91 10 51 19 99 11 50 50 11 91 10 4095: 50 50 01 11 00 50 00 01 11 00 00 00 11 01 10 00 40A5: 00 11 01 10 00 05 55 05 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40B5: 01 11 00 00 00 66 66 60 00 00 CC CC C0 00 00 01 40C5: 11 00 00 11 91 11 91 10 51 19 99 11 50 50 11 91 40D5: 10 50 50 01 11 00 50 00 11 11 00 00 00 11 01 10 40E5: 00 05 55 01 10 00 00 00 01 10 00 00 00 05 55 00 40F5: 00 01 11 00 00 00 66 66 60 00 00 CC CC C0 00 00 4105: 01 11 00 00 11 91 11 91 10 51 19 99 11 50 50 11 4115: 91 10 50 50 01 11 00 50 00 01 11 10 00 00 11 01 4125: 10 00 00 11 05 55 00 00 11 00 00 00 05 55 00 00 4135: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4140: 7E 45 9B JMP $459B 4143: FF 01 4145: 01 13 00 ; ; Colour tables used in pixel operations during brain wave warp in ; BRAIN_WAVE_WARP_COLOUR_TABLES: ; table 0 4148: 99 22 55 11 99 22 55 11 99 22 55 11 99 22 55 11 99 22 55 11 ; table 1 415C: AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC AA CC ; table 2 4170: 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 99 77 ; table 3 4184: 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 11 55 ; table 4 4198: FF EE DD CC BB AA FF EE DD CC BB AA FF EE DD CC BB AA FF EE ; table 5 41AC: 11 66 77 BB AA 11 66 77 BB AA 11 66 77 BB AA 11 66 77 BB AA ; table 6 41C0: 33 55 33 55 AA 33 55 33 55 AA 33 55 33 55 AA 33 55 33 55 AA ; These are pointers to colour tables above BRAIN_WAVE_WARP_COLOUR_TABLE_LOOKUPS: 41D4: 41 48 ; points to colour table @ 4148 41D6: 41 5C ; points to table @ 415C 41D8: 41 70 ; points to table @ 4170 41DA: 41 84 ; you get the rest... 41DC: 41 98 41DE: 41 AC 41F0: 41 C0 41F2: 41 98 41E4: 20 43 BRA $4229 41E6: OPYRIGHT 1982 WILLIAMS ELECTRONI 4206: CS INC. ; ; Create a linked list of image processing buffer metadata from $B3ED. ; This metadata contains important information about image processing buffers, which are used during the brain wave to do the "baddies warping in" effect. ; TODO: Define a buffer ; ; Each metadata entry in the linked list is 129 (decimal) bytes in size ; ; struct IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER_METADATA ; { ; (WORD) IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER_METADATA *next_item ; offset 0 ; BYTE width; ; offset 2 - width in bytes of image (remember, 2 pixels per byte) ; BYTE height; ; offset 3 - height in pixels of image ; BYTE *pPixelData; ; offset 4 - pointer to image processing buffer pixel data (see offset 13 decimal) ; BYTE *pOriginal; ; offset 6 - pointer to original animation frame metadata ; BYTE pixelDataSize; ; offset 8 - set to (width in bytes * height) ; BYTE *pPixelOp; ; offset 9 - pointer to pixel operation to perform ; BYTE *pColourTable; ; offset 11 (decimal) - points to a list of colours to use in warp in effect ; BYTE [] PixelBuffer; ; offset 13 (decimal) - buffer pixel data ; } ; ; ; Returns: ; $B3E4 = pointer to start of linked list ; $B3E6 = NULL (WORD 0) CREATE_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER_METADATA_LIST: 420E: 34 30 PSHS Y,X 4210: 8E B3 ED LDX #$B3ED 4213: BF B3 E4 STX $B3E4 ; store start of linked list in $B3E4 4216: 31 89 00 81 LEAY $0081,X ; Y = X + #$81 (129 decimal) 421A: 10 AF 84 STY ,X ; set back pointer to previous entry 421D: 10 8C B8 F7 CMPY #$B8F7 4221: 24 04 BCC $4227 4223: 30 A4 LEAX ,Y ; X = Y 4225: 20 EF BRA $4216 4227: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 ; terminate list with NULL 422B: 10 AF 84 STY ,X 422E: 10 BF B3 E6 STY $B3E6 4232: 35 B0 PULS X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Given a pointer to animation frame metadata, create an equivalent image processing buffer in RAM. ; ; Expects: ; X = pointer to animation frame metadata for image to be transformed in RAM (ST notes: verified with MAME) ; ; Returns: ; X = pointer to animation frame metadata for the image processing buffer in RAM. ; ; $B3E6 = pointer to last created buffer metadata. RESERVE_AND_INIT_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER_METADATA: 4234: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 4236: 8D 37 BSR $426F ; try and get a pointer to image processing buffer metadata into Y (see $420E for details) 4238: 25 27 BCS $4261 ; if could not acquire a buffer, goto $4261 (RTS) 423A: 10 BF B3 E6 STY $B3E6 ; store pointer to metadata in $B3E6 423E: AF 26 STX $0006,Y ; save animation frame metadata pointer 4240: EC 84 LDD ,X ; get width and height into D 4242: ED 22 STD $0002,Y ; write to linked list item 4244: 3D MUL ; D = width * height 4245: E7 28 STB $0008,Y ; save number of bytes that comprise image to Y+8 4247: 33 2D LEAU $000D,Y ; U = Y + #$0D. Now U points to buffer that will hold pixel data 4249: EF 24 STU $0004,Y ; store pointer to pixel buffer 424B: 8D 16 BSR $4263 ; zero B count of bytes starting at *(Y+4) 424D: CE 43 38 LDU #$4338 ; pointer to start of pixel operation instruction list 4250: EF 29 STU $0009,Y 4252: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 4255: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; ensure number is between 0 and 7 4257: 48 ASLA ; multiply by 2 to give an offset into warp colour table pointer list 4258: CE 41 D4 LDU #$41D4 ; U = start of BRAIN_WAVE_WARP_COLOUR_TABLE_LOOKUPS (see $41D4) 425B: EC C6 LDD A,U ; D = *(A+U) - now D points to the first entry of a brain wave warp colour table 425D: ED 2B STD $000B,Y 425F: 30 22 LEAX $0002,Y ; set X to point to animation frame metadata for buffer 4261: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Clear (zero) the image processing buffer, making it an empty canvas ready to draw on. ; ; Y = pointer to image processing buffer item ; B = number of bytes to clear CLEAR_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER: 4263: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A 4265: 10 AE 24 LDY $0004,Y 4268: 6F A0 CLR ,Y+ 426A: 5A DECB 426B: 26 FB BNE $4268 426D: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Reserve metadata for an image processing buffer. ; ; ; Expects: ; X = pointer to animation frame metadata ; ; Returns: ; If was able to reserve image buffer metadata from linked list (created @ $420E) then carry flag is clear, and ; Y holds entry to image buffer metadata item, which has the following structure: ; ; If failed to reserve image processing buffer metadata: ; carry flag is set ; RESERVE_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER_METADATA: 426F: 34 10 PSHS X 4271: 10 BE B3 E4 LDY $B3E4 ; get pointer to current image buffer. 4275: 27 0E BEQ $4285 ; if free image buffer is NULL, goto 4285, set carry flag 4277: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; get pointer to next image buffer 4279: BF B3 E4 STX $B3E4 ; save in $B3E4, so next time this method called, will return next image buffer 427C: BE B3 E6 LDX $B3E6 ; get pointer to last created image buffer (see $423A) 427F: AF A4 STX ,Y ; and establish a linked list 4281: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag, to indicate success 4283: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 4285: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag to indicate failure 4287: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Expects: Y = pointer to image processing buffer metadata ; ; Returns: X = pointer to original animation frame metadata ; U = pointer to encoded pixel operation. ; B = size of pixel buffer ; $B3E8 = points to a colour value to be used in pixel op type 3 (see $42D9) GET_NEXT_PIXEL_OPERATION: 4289: AE 29 LDX $0009,Y ; get pointer to current pixel operation 428B: 34 10 PSHS X ; push X onto stack - this will be pulled into U @ 42A0 428D: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; X++ 428F: AF 29 STX $0009,Y ; update current pixel operation pointer 4291: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number 4293: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; make number between 0 and 7 4295: AE 2B LDX $000B,Y ; get start of assigned warp colour table into X 4297: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; X+=A. Now X points to a colour value to be used in pixel op type 3 (see $42D9) 4299: BF B3 E8 STX $B3E8 ; save pointer to colour for use at $42E6 429C: AE 26 LDX $0006,Y ; X = pointer to original animation frame metadata 429E: E6 28 LDB $0008,Y ; B = size of pixel buffer 42A0: 35 C0 PULS U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; note how U is pulled here. ; ; Given an image to use as a template, read pixel data within, apply transform operations to the pixels, and output the result ; to an image processing buffer. This is what we had to do before pixel shaders existed :) ; ; ; Expects: ; X = pointer to original animation frame metadata. The pixel data in the animation frame is held in ROM, therefore is read-only. ; Y = pointer to image processing buffer metadata in RAM. ; U = pointer to packed byte that contains a pixel operation and an index ; B = size of pixel buffer (= width in bytes * height) ; ; $B3EA = size of pixel buffer (= width in bytes * height) ; $B3EB = pointer to current image processing buffer metadata (should be same as Y register, I expect) ; ; PERFORM_BATCH_PIXEL_OP_IN_IMAGE_PROCESSING_BUFFER: 42A2: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 42A4: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; get pixel data pointer from original animation frame metadata into X 42A6: 10 AE 24 LDY $0004,Y ; get pixel data pointer from image processing buffer metadata into Y 42A9: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; read encoded pixel operation instruction 42AB: 2A 13 BPL $42C0 ; if bit 7 is not set, goto $42C0, which tests if bit 6 is set instead 42AD: 84 7F ANDA #$7F ; .. otherwise, clear bit 7 of A ; ; Pixel op type 1 ; ; A is an index from 0..127 decimal. ' 42AF: BD 42 F5 JSR $42F5 ; given A as a parameter, compute a pointer to a WORD containing index of byte to write to and pixel op value. Store in U 42B2: EC C1 LDD ,U++ ; A = index of byte to write to. B = pixel operand 42B4: B1 B3 EA CMPA $B3EA ; is the index greater than the actual size of the image buffer? (buffer overflow check) 42B7: 24 1C BCC $42D5 ; yes, so go to $42D5 (an RTS), we've done all the pixels for this op 42B9: 53 COMB ; flip bits in pixel op value 42BA: E4 A6 ANDB A,Y ; B &= *(Y+A) 42BC: E7 A6 STB A,Y ; write pixels to image processing buffer 42BE: 20 F2 BRA $42B2 42C0: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; is bit 6 set? 42C2: 26 13 BNE $42D7 ; yes, goto $42D7 ; ; Pixel Op type 2 ; ; A is an index from 0..63 decimal. ; 42C4: 8D 2F BSR $42F5 ; given A as a parameter, compute a pointer to a WORD containing index of byte to write to and pixel op value. Store in U 42C6: EC C1 LDD ,U++ ; A = index of byte to write to. B = pixel operand 42C8: B1 B3 EA CMPA $B3EA ; is the index greater than the actual size of the image buffer? (buffer overflow check) 42CB: 24 08 BCC $42D5 ; yes, so go to $42D5 (an RTS), we've done all the pixels for this op 42CD: E4 86 ANDB A,X ; B &= byte read from original image at *(X+A) 42CF: EA A6 ORB A,Y ; B |= *(Y+A) 42D1: E7 A6 STB A,Y ; write pixels to image processing buffer 42D3: 20 F1 BRA $42C6 42D5: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Pixel Op type 3 ; 42D7: 84 3F ANDA #$3F ; remove bits 6 & 7 , giving a number from 0-63 decimal ; A is now an index between 0..63 decimal 42D9: 8D 1A BSR $42F5 ; given A as a parameter, compute a pointer to a WORD containing index of byte to write to and pixel op value. Store in U 42DB: EC C1 LDD ,U++ ; A = index of byte to write to. B = pixel operand 42DD: B1 B3 EA CMPA $B3EA ; is the index greater than the actual size of the image buffer? (buffer overflow check) 42E0: 24 F3 BCC $42D5 ; yes, so go to $42D5 (an RTS), we've done all the pixels for this op ; A is index into image processing buffer of pixel pair to alter 42E2: E4 86 ANDB A,X ; B &= byte read from original image at *(X+A) 42E4: 27 F5 BEQ $42DB 42E6: E6 9F B3 E8 LDB [$B3E8] ; read colour value from assigned brain wave warp colour table 42EA: 7C B3 E9 INC $B3E9 ; bump pointer to point to next colour value 42ED: E4 5F ANDB $-1,U ; B &= pixel operand 42EF: EA A6 ORB A,Y ; B |= *(Y+A) 42F1: E7 A6 STB A,Y ; write pixels to image processing buffer 42F3: 20 E6 BRA $42DB ; ; Get a pointer to a pixel index and an operand to use in transforming the pixel @ index. ; ; Expects: ; A = index from 0..7 ; B = size of pixel buffer ; ; Returns: ; U = pointer to pixel index and operand. ; Byte 0: index of the byte in the image processing buffer to perform the pixel operation on ; Byte 1: operand to use in pixel transformation op. ; ; $B3EA = size of pixel buffer ; GET_PIXEL_INDEX_AND_OPERAND: 42F5: CE 43 BB LDU #$43BB 42F8: 4A DECA ; A-- 42F9: 48 ASLA ; A*=2 42FA: EE C6 LDU A,U ; U = *(U+A) 42FC: F7 B3 EA STB $B3EA ; store size of pixel buffer in $B3EA 42FF: 39 RTS ; ; Expects: ; Y = ; ; Returns: ; Y = ; $B3E4 = ; 4300: 34 10 PSHS X 4302: AE A4 LDX ,Y 4304: AF 9F B3 EB STX [$B3EB,X] 4308: BE B3 E4 LDX $B3E4 430B: AF A4 STX ,Y 430D: 10 BF B3 E4 STY $B3E4 4311: 10 BE B3 EB LDY $B3EB 4315: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Called from $45E4 - brain wave ; DO_BRAIN_WAVE_BADDY_WARP_IN_EFFECT: 4317: 10 8E B3 E6 LDY #$B3E6 ; get pointer to last image processing buffer metadata in the list. 431B: 20 0C BRA $4329 431D: BD 42 89 JSR $4289 ; call GET_NEXT_PIXEL_OPERATION 4320: 11 83 43 BA CMPU #$43BA ; have we reached the last pixel op? 4324: 27 0D BEQ $4333 ; yes ; X = 4326: BD 42 A2 JSR $42A2 ; perform the pixel operation on the image processing buffer 4329: 10 BF B3 EB STY $B3EB ; store current image processing buffer metadata being processed 432D: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y ; get pointer to next image processing buffer metadata 4330: 26 EB BNE $431D ; if not NULL goto $431D 4332: 39 RTS 4333: BD 43 00 JSR $4300 4336: 20 F1 BRA $4329 ; ; Pixel operation list ; ; Each byte from 4338 to 43BA is a packed byte. The packed byte specifies both a pixel operation and an index into the lookup list @ $43BB ; (NB: the index needs to be multiplied by 2 before it can be used, proper). ; ; Bit 7 set: select pixel Op type 1, index is value & 0x7f - see $42AF for info ; Bit 6 set: select pixel Op type 3, index is value & 0x3f - see $42D9 ; If neither bit 7 nor bit 6 is set, then select Pixel Op type 2 and index = value - see $42C4 ; 4338: 43 83 46 86 44 84 42 82 41 81 47 87 44 46 84 42 C.F.D.B.A.G.DF.B 4348: 86 43 82 41 83 45 81 48 85 47 88 44 87 45 42 84 .C.A.E.H.G.D.EB. 4358: 46 85 47 82 48 86 43 87 41 88 42 83 44 81 45 47 F.G.H.C.A.B.D.EG 4368: 82 46 84 85 48 87 43 86 44 42 88 45 83 41 84 43 .F..H.C.DB.E.A.C 4378: 82 47 46 85 48 81 42 83 44 87 41 86 45 88 43 46 .GF.H.B.D.A.E.CF 4388: 84 48 81 47 85 44 82 41 45 83 42 86 88 43 87 46 .H.G.D.AE.B..C.F 4398: 84 48 85 07 81 04 05 82 01 83 02 86 03 88 06 87 .H.............. 43A8: 08 84 07 85 04 81 05 01 82 83 02 03 88 08 84 87 ................ 43B8: 07 04 00 PIXEL_INDEX_AND_OPERAND_LOOKUPS: 43BB: 43 CB 43BD: 44 05 43BF: 44 3F 43C1: 44 79 43C3: 44 B3 43C5: 44 ED 43C7: 45 27 43C9: 45 61 ; ; Used by method @ 42F5 ; ; byte pairs: byte 0 represents index of byte in image processing buffer ; byte 1 represents operand to pass to pixel operation ; ; Let's have a look at these, shall we? ; Starting at $43CB we can see 2 bytes, 00 and F0. ; The 0 represents byte 0 in the image processing buffer, which is always the top left 2 pixels of the image. ; The F0? ; observant readers may notice that this is the left (high) nibble of the byte, and those who know the Williams hardware know ; that there are 2 pixels per byte, each pixel encoded on a nibble. High nibble = left pixel. Low nibble = right pixel. ; So, it's safe to surmise that this operand is doing something with the left pixel - it all depends on the pixel op. (see $42A2 for pixel op disassembly) ; ; Let's look at the next 2 bytes, 06 and 0F. ; 06 represents byte 6 in the image processing buffer. ; The 0F? That's the right hand nibble. Its fair to say that this operand will affect the right pixel of byte 6. PIXEL_INDEX_AND_OPERAND_TABLES: ; pixel index and operand table 1 43CB: 00 F0 06 0F 09 0F 0C F0 13 F0 43D5: 17 0F 18 0F 1D F0 22 F0 25 0F 2B F0 2E 0F 30 F0 43E5: 32 0F 3C F0 3E 0F 43 0F 45 F0 48 F0 4C 0F 50 0F 43F5: 51 F0 5A F0 5D 0F 60 0F 65 F0 6A 0F 6E 0F 73 F0 ; pixel index and operand table 2 4405: 01 0F 03 F0 08 F0 0F 0F 12 F0 14 0F 1B 0F 1E F0 4415: 20 F0 22 0F 2D F0 2F 0F 33 0F 35 F0 39 0F 3D F0 4425: 43 F0 47 0F 4A 0F 4E F0 53 F0 55 0F 5B 0F 5B F0 4435: 63 0F 68 F0 6D F0 71 0F 73 0F ; pixel index and operand table 3 443F: 04 0F 07 F0 09 F0 4445: 0A 0F 14 F0 15 0F 1C 0F 1F F0 21 F0 23 0F 29 0F 4455: 2E F0 34 0F 36 F0 3A F0 3D 0F 42 F0 44 0F 49 0F 4465: 4D F0 55 F0 57 0F 59 0F 5C F0 61 F0 68 0F 6A F0 4475: 6D 0F 72 0F 00 0F 02 F0 0A F0 0C 0F 10 F0 16 0F 4485: 1A F0 1E 0F 21 0F 23 F0 2C 0F 2F F0 33 F0 36 0F 4495: 38 F0 3B 0F 42 0F 46 F0 49 F0 4D 0F 52 F0 54 0F 44A5: 5A 0F 5D F0 61 0F 64 F0 69 0F 6C F0 70 F0 02 0F 44B5: 06 F0 08 0F 0E F0 13 0F 16 F0 19 F0 1D 0F 24 0F 44C5: 27 F0 29 F0 2B 0F 30 0F 31 F0 3C 0F 3E F0 40 0F 44D5: 41 F0 4B F0 4E 0F 52 0F 57 F0 59 F0 5E 0F 62 F0 44E5: 65 0F 67 F0 6B 0F 6F F0 01 F0 07 0F 0B 0F 0D F0 44F5: 11 0F 15 F0 1A 0F 1C F0 20 0F 25 F0 2A F0 2D 0F 4505: 31 0F 32 F0 38 0F 3F F0 44 F0 46 0F 4B 0F 4F F0 4515: 54 F0 56 0F 58 0F 5F F0 60 F0 66 F0 6C 0F 6F 0F 4525: 71 F0 03 0F 04 F0 0D 0F 0F F0 11 F0 12 0F 18 F0 4535: 1F 0F 26 F0 27 0F 28 0F 2C F0 34 F0 37 0F 3B F0 4545: 3F 0F 40 F0 45 0F 48 0F 4A F0 53 0F 56 F0 58 F0 4555: 5C 0F 62 0F 64 0F 6B F0 70 0F 72 F0 05 F0 05 0F 4565: 0B F0 0E 0F 10 0F 17 F0 19 0F 1B F0 24 F0 26 0F 4575: 28 F0 2A 0F 35 0F 37 F0 39 F0 3A 0F 41 0F 47 F0 4585: 4C F0 4F 0F 50 F0 51 0F 5E F0 5F 0F 63 F0 66 0F 4595: 67 0F 69 F0 6E F0 ; ; This routine first creates a linked list of image processing buffer metadata objects. The metadata includes a pointer to an image processing buffer. ; An image processing buffer is simply pixel data used to enable per-pixel effects on the baddies during the "warp-in" phase of a brain wave. ; Why? you can't update the sprite pixel data because it is held in ROM, so what you need to do is create a copy of the pixel data in RAM, ; make modifications (such as the warp in pixel scrambling), and then blit it. ; ; Pseudocode: ; ; foreach(baddy in Grunts_Hulks_Brains_List) ; { ; buffer = CreateImageProcessingBuffer(); ; baddy.PreviousAnimationFrameData = baddy.AnimationFrameData; ; baddy.AnimationFrameData = buffer.AnimationFrameData; ; } ; Call Blit_Grunts_Hulks_Brains_List(); ; INIT_BRAIN_WAVE: 459B: BD 42 0E JSR $420E ; create linked list for image processing purposes at $B3ED 459E: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; get pointer to linked list of grunts, hulks, brains 45A0: 27 52 BEQ $45F4 ; if NULL, goto $45F4. 45A2: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 45A5: 46 07 ; pointer to function (play brain wave warp in sounds) 45A7: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; get pointer to linked list of grunts, hulks, brains 45A9: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 ; set D to NULL 45AC: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 ; set Y to NULL 45B0: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; push D on stack 45B2: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; push D on stack again 45B4: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get current animation frame metadata pointer into D 45B6: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer to D 45B9: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y ; Y++ 45BB: 10 8C 00 0F CMPY #$000F ; Y == 15 decimal? 45BF: 22 05 BHI $45C6 ; if higher than 15 decimal, goto $45C6, which resets Y to 0 45C1: 10 A3 E4 CMPD ,S ; compare animation frame metadata pointer to whats on stack 45C4: 27 11 BEQ $45D7 ; if it's the same as before, we have an image processing buffer ready made to use, goto $45D7 45C6: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 ; reset Y 45CA: ED E4 STD ,S ; set value on stack to be the animation frame metadata pointer held in D. ; when we get here, we need to get a buffer to do some image processing with. 45CC: 34 10 PSHS X ; save address of current grunt/ hulk/ brain being processed on stack 45CE: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; get current animation frame metadata pointer into X 45D0: BD 42 34 JSR $4234 ; reserve a spare image processing buffer for our use, and get a pointer to the animation frame metadata field it contains into X. 45D3: AF 64 STX $0004,S ; store animation frame metadata pointer for image processing buffer to stack for temp storage 45D5: 35 10 PULS X ; restore address from @45CC 45D7: EC 62 LDD $0002,S ; get pointer to image processing buffer metadata from temp stack storage (set at $45D3) 45D9: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer to field of buffer (a cheeky pixel buffer swap) 45DB: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get pointer to next object in list 45DD: 26 D5 BNE $45B4 ; if not NULL (meaning, end of list) goto $45B4 45DF: 32 64 LEAS $0004,S ; discard temp items pushed on stack 45E1: BD 46 39 JSR $4639 ; draw all grunts, hulks and brains 45E4: BD 43 17 JSR $4317 ; do the brain wave warp in effect 45E7: BE B3 E6 LDX $B3E6 45EA: 27 08 BEQ $45F4 45EC: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 45EE: 8E 45 E1 LDX #$45E1 ; address of function to call 45F1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 45F4: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; get pointer to linked list of grunts, hulks, brains 45F6: 27 09 BEQ $4601 45F8: EC 88 14 LDD $14,X ; get previous animation frame metadata pointer 45FB: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer (now current = previous) 45FD: AE 84 LDX ,X 45FF: 26 F7 BNE $45F8 4601: BD F0 09 JSR $F009 ; clear explosion list 4604: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task PLAY_BRAIN_WAVE_WARP_IN_SOUNDS: 4607: CC 41 43 LDD #$4143 ; address of sound data 460A: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 460D: 86 48 LDA #$48 ; countdown 460F: A7 47 STA $0007,U 4611: C6 12 LDB #$12 ; "warp in" sound index 4613: BD D0 06 JSR $D006 ; JMP $D3B6 - play sound in B. 4616: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown 4618: 27 08 BEQ $4622 ; if countdown == 0, goto $4622 461A: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay 461C: 8E 46 11 LDX #$4611 ; address of function to call 461F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 4622: 86 24 LDA #$24 ; countdown 4624: A7 47 STA $0007,U 4626: C6 12 LDB #$12 ; "warp in" sound index 4628: BD D0 06 JSR $D006 ; JMP $D3B6 - play sound in B 462B: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown 462D: 10 27 8A 32 LBEQ $D063 ; if countdown ==0, then JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 4631: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay 4633: 8E 46 26 LDX #$4626 ; address of function to call 4636: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task DRAW_GRUNTS_HULKS_BRAINS: 4639: 9E 21 LDX $21 ; get pointer to linked list of grunts, hulks, brains 463B: 27 23 BEQ $4660 ; if NULL, nothing to process, goto $4660 (RTS) 463D: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer 4640: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; A = width in bytes, B = height 4642: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; necessary to xor width and height for the blitter op 4644: C8 04 EORB #$04 4646: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 4648: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 464B: EE 22 LDU $0002,Y ; get actual pixel data pointer into U 464D: FF CA 02 STU blitter_source 4650: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get current object's blit destination 4652: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4655: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; sync with E clock (for blit from RAM to RAM) 4657: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 465A: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag 465C: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get next object in the list 465E: 26 DD BNE $463D ; if not null then process it 4660: 39 RTS 4661: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4671: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4680: 7E 46 8C JMP $468C 4683: 7E 47 3F JMP $473F 4686: 7E 46 E6 JMP $46E6 4689: 7E 4A 79 JMP $4A79 468C: 34 30 PSHS Y,X 468E: 8E BB E4 LDX #$BBE4 4691: 9F C0 STX $C0 4693: 31 88 33 LEAY $33,X 4696: 10 AF 84 STY ,X 4699: 10 8C BD E2 CMPY #$BDE2 469D: 24 04 BCC $46A3 469F: 30 A4 LEAX ,Y 46A1: 20 F0 BRA $4693 46A3: 10 8E 00 00 LDY #$0000 46A7: 10 AF 84 STY ,X 46AA: 10 9F BC STY $BC 46AD: 10 9F BE STY $BE 46B0: 35 B0 PULS X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; ; TODO: Another linked list ; 46B2: 34 20 PSHS Y 46B4: DE C0 LDU $C0 46B6: 27 12 BEQ $46CA 46B8: 10 AE C4 LDY ,U 46BB: 10 9F C0 STY $C0 46BE: 10 9E BC LDY $BC 46C1: 10 AF C4 STY ,U 46C4: DF BC STU $BC 46C6: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag to indicate that this function succeeded 46C8: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 46CA: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag to indicate that this function failed 46CC: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; ; TODO: Another linked list ; 46CE: 34 20 PSHS Y 46D0: DE C0 LDU $C0 46D2: 27 F6 BEQ $46CA 46D4: 10 AE C4 LDY ,U 46D7: 10 9F C0 STY $C0 46DA: 10 9E BE LDY $BE 46DD: 10 AF C4 STY ,U 46E0: DF BE STU $BE 46E2: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag 46E4: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; X = object ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata ; $A7 ; ; 46E6: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 46E8: BD 46 CE JSR $46CE 46EB: 25 40 BCS $472D 46ED: A7 C8 12 STA $12,U 46F0: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get object's blitter destination into D 46F2: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; get pointer to object's animation frame metadata into X 46F4: ED 4B STD $000B,U 46F6: A7 44 STA $0004,U 46F8: D6 A7 LDB $A7 46FA: E7 45 STB $0005,U 46FC: E0 4C SUBB $000C,U 46FE: 25 04 BCS $4704 4700: E1 01 CMPB $0001,X 4702: 25 0B BCS $470F 4704: E6 84 LDB ,X 4706: 54 LSRB 4707: E7 46 STB $0006,U 4709: EB 4C ADDB $000C,U 470B: E7 45 STB $0005,U 470D: 20 02 BRA $4711 470F: E7 46 STB $0006,U 4711: EC 84 LDD ,X 4713: ED 4D STD $000D,U 4715: C6 01 LDB #$01 4717: E7 C8 11 STB $11,U 471A: 88 04 EORA #$04 471C: C8 04 EORB #$04 471E: ED 4F STD $000F,U 4720: AE 02 LDX $0002,X 4722: AF 42 STX $0002,U 4724: CC 10 00 LDD #$1000 4727: ED 48 STD $0008,U 4729: 6F 47 CLR $0007,U 472B: 8D 02 BSR $472F 472D: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; U = pointer to ??? ; ; ; 472F: AE 42 LDX $0002,U ; X = pointer to pixel data 4731: E6 4D LDB $000D,U ; B = width of image 4733: A6 4E LDA $000E,U ; A = height of image (number of rows to proces) 4735: 33 C8 13 LEAU $13,U 4738: AF C1 STX ,U++ ; store address of pixel row at U, then increment U by 2 473A: 3A ABX ; X += width of image. X now points to start of next pixel row in image 473B: 4A DECA ; decrement row counter 473C: 26 FA BNE $4738 ; if not zero, goto $4738 473E: 39 RTS ; ; ; X = enemy to explode ; A = value determining the direction the enemy's top half must explode ($FF = top half of explosion moves up and left, 0 = top half moves straight up, 1= top half of explosion moves up and right) ; B = value determining the direction the enemy's bottom half must explode ($FF = top half of explosion moves down and left, 0 = bottom half moves straight down, 1 = bottom half of explosion moves down and right) ; ; $88 = horizontal direction of player's laser ($FF = left, 0=no horizontal movement, 1 = right) ; $89 =vertical direction of players laser ($FF = up, 0=no vertical movement, 1 = down) ; $A6 = pointer to screen address where enemy and object that made it explode collided CREATE_DIRECTIONAL_EXPLOSION: 473F: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 4741: BD 46 B2 JSR $46B2 ; get next available ??? for use 4744: 25 44 BCS $478A ; if carry is set, function failed 4746: A7 C8 12 STA $12,U 4749: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 474B: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; X = pointer to animation frame metadata 474D: ED 4B STD $000B,U ; save blitter destination 474F: A7 44 STA $0004,U 4751: D6 A7 LDB $A7 4753: E7 45 STB $0005,U 4755: E0 4C SUBB $000C,U 4757: 25 04 BCS $475D 4759: E1 01 CMPB $0001,X ; 475B: 25 0B BCS $4768 ; if B < height, goto $4768 475D: E6 84 LDB ,X ; B = height 475F: 54 LSRB ; B /= 2 4760: E7 46 STB $0006,U 4762: EB 4C ADDB $000C,U 4764: E7 45 STB $0005,U 4766: 20 02 BRA $476A 4768: E7 46 STB $0006,U 476A: EC 84 LDD ,X ; A = width, B = height 476C: ED 4D STD $000D,U 476E: E7 C8 11 STB $11,U 4771: C6 01 LDB #$01 4773: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; xor width with 4 4775: C8 04 EORB #$04 ; xor height with 4 (this must be precalculations for blitting) 4777: ED 4F STD $000F,U ; 4779: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; X = pointer to pixel data for animation frame 477B: AF 42 STX $0002,U 477D: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 4780: ED 48 STD $0008,U 4782: 6F 47 CLR $0007,U 4784: 86 10 LDA #$10 4786: A7 4A STA $000A,U 4788: 8D A5 BSR $472F ; 478A: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Y = pointer to segment of image to render in explosion ; D = Blitter destination ; U = blitter flags ; $BA : contains offset to add to D after each blit, to space out the explosion segments DRAW_EXPLOSION_SEGMENTS: 478C: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 478E: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4791: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4794: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 4797: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4799: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 479B: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 479E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47A1: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47A4: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47A6: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47A8: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47AB: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47AE: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47B1: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47B3: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47B5: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47B8: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47BB: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47BE: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47C0: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47C2: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47C5: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47C8: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47CB: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47CD: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47CF: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47D2: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47D5: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47D8: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47DA: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47DC: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47DF: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47E2: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47E5: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47E7: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47E9: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47EC: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47EF: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47F2: D3 BA ADDD $BA 47F4: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 47F6: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 47F9: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 47FC: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 47FF: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4801: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 4803: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4806: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4809: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 480C: D3 BA ADDD $BA 480E: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 4810: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4813: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4816: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 4819: D3 BA ADDD $BA 481B: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 481D: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4820: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4823: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 4826: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4828: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 482A: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 482D: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4830: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 4833: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4835: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 4837: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 483A: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 483D: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 4840: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4842: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 4844: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4847: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 484A: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 484D: D3 BA ADDD $BA 484F: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ 4851: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source 4854: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4857: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter 485A: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear carry flag 485C: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 485E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4861: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 4864: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4866: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4869: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 486C: D3 BA ADDD $BA 486E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4871: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 4874: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4876: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4879: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 487C: D3 BA ADDD $BA 487E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4881: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 4884: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4886: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4889: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 488C: D3 BA ADDD $BA 488E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4891: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 4894: D3 BA ADDD $BA 4896: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 4899: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 489C: D3 BA ADDD $BA 489E: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48A1: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48A4: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48A6: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48A9: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48AC: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48AE: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48B1: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48B4: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48B6: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48B9: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48BC: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48BE: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48C1: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48C4: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48C6: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48C9: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48CC: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48CE: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48D1: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48D4: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48D6: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest 48D9: FF C9 FF STU $C9FF 48DC: D3 BA ADDD $BA 48DE: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear carry flag 48E0: 39 RTS 48E1: E6 A8 11 LDB $11,Y 48E4: C0 10 SUBB #$10 48E6: 50 NEGB 48E7: 58 ASLB 48E8: 58 ASLB 48E9: 58 ASLB 48EA: 8E 48 5E LDX #$485E 48ED: 3A ABX 48EE: EC 27 LDD $0007,Y 48F0: DD BA STD $BA 48F2: 96 45 LDA $45 48F4: C6 12 LDB #$12 48F6: 1F 03 TFR D,U 48F8: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 48FB: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 48FD: FD CA 01 STD blitter_mask 4900: EC 2F LDD $000F,Y 4902: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 4905: EC 2B LDD $000B,Y 4907: 6E 84 JMP ,X 4909: CE 98 BC LDU #$98BC 490C: 10 AC C4 CMPY ,U 490F: 27 08 BEQ $4919 4911: EE C4 LDU ,U 4913: 26 F7 BNE $490C 4915: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 4917: 20 FE BRA $4917 4919: EC A4 LDD ,Y 491B: ED C4 STD ,U 491D: DC C0 LDD $C0 491F: ED A4 STD ,Y 4921: 10 9F C0 STY $C0 4924: 31 C4 LEAY ,U 4926: 39 RTS 4927: EC 28 LDD $0008,Y 4929: 83 01 00 SUBD #$0100 492C: A1 28 CMPA $0008,Y 492E: 26 03 BNE $4933 4930: E7 29 STB $0009,Y 4932: 39 RTS 4933: BD 48 E1 JSR $48E1 4936: 96 59 LDA $59 4938: 26 08 BNE $4942 493A: DC 5E LDD $5E 493C: A7 24 STA $0004,Y 493E: EB 26 ADDB $0006,Y 4940: E7 25 STB $0005,Y 4942: A6 2E LDA $000E,Y 4944: 97 C2 STA $C2 4946: EC 28 LDD $0008,Y 4948: 83 01 00 SUBD #$0100 494B: 81 01 CMPA #$01 494D: 22 12 BHI $4961 494F: CE 98 BE LDU #$98BE 4952: 20 B8 BRA $490C 4954: 6A 2A DEC $000A,Y 4956: 27 B1 BEQ $4909 4958: A6 2E LDA $000E,Y 495A: 97 C2 STA $C2 495C: EC 28 LDD $0008,Y 495E: C3 01 00 ADDD #$0100 4961: 97 BB STA $BB 4963: ED 28 STD $0008,Y 4965: 44 LSRA 4966: 97 C5 STA $C5 4968: E6 A8 12 LDB $12,Y 496B: 2A 01 BPL $496E 496D: 40 NEGA 496E: A7 27 STA $0007,Y 4970: 97 BA STA $BA 4972: E6 26 LDB $0006,Y 4974: 26 02 BNE $4978 4976: D7 C5 STB $C5 4978: 96 BB LDA $BB 497A: E6 26 LDB $0006,Y 497C: D7 B9 STB $B9 497E: 3D MUL 497F: DD C3 STD $C3 4981: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y 4983: 4F CLRA 4984: 93 C3 SUBD $C3 4986: DB C5 ADDB $C5 4988: 89 00 ADCA #$00 498A: 26 04 BNE $4990 498C: C1 18 CMPB #$18 498E: 22 0E BHI $499E 4990: 0A C2 DEC $C2 4992: 0A B9 DEC $B9 4994: DB BB ADDB $BB 4996: 89 00 ADCA #$00 4998: 26 F6 BNE $4990 499A: C1 18 CMPB #$18 499C: 23 F2 BLS $4990 499E: E7 2C STB $000C,Y 49A0: 96 B9 LDA $B9 49A2: D6 BA LDB $BA 49A4: 2B 2C BMI $49D2 49A6: 3D MUL 49A7: DD C3 STD $C3 49A9: E6 24 LDB $0004,Y 49AB: 4F CLRA 49AC: 93 C3 SUBD $C3 49AE: 4D TSTA 49AF: 26 04 BNE $49B5 49B1: C1 07 CMPB #$07 49B3: 22 41 BHI $49F6 49B5: 0F B8 CLR $B8 49B7: 0A C2 DEC $C2 49B9: 0C B8 INC $B8 49BB: DB BA ADDB $BA 49BD: 89 00 ADCA #$00 49BF: 26 F6 BNE $49B7 49C1: C1 07 CMPB #$07 49C3: 23 F2 BLS $49B7 49C5: E7 2B STB $000B,Y 49C7: D6 B8 LDB $B8 49C9: 96 BB LDA $BB 49CB: 3D MUL 49CC: EB 2C ADDB $000C,Y 49CE: E7 2C STB $000C,Y 49D0: 20 26 BRA $49F8 49D2: 50 NEGB 49D3: 3D MUL 49D4: EB 2D ADDB $000D,Y 49D6: EB 24 ADDB $0004,Y 49D8: 89 00 ADCA #$00 49DA: 26 04 BNE $49E0 49DC: C1 8F CMPB #$8F 49DE: 23 14 BLS $49F4 49E0: 0F B8 CLR $B8 49E2: 0A C2 DEC $C2 49E4: 0C B8 INC $B8 49E6: DB BA ADDB $BA 49E8: 89 FF ADCA #$FF 49EA: 26 F6 BNE $49E2 49EC: C1 8F CMPB #$8F 49EE: 22 F2 BHI $49E2 49F0: E0 2D SUBB $000D,Y 49F2: 20 D1 BRA $49C5 49F4: E0 2D SUBB $000D,Y 49F6: E7 2B STB $000B,Y 49F8: 30 A8 13 LEAX $13,Y 49FB: E6 2E LDB $000E,Y 49FD: D0 C2 SUBB $C2 49FF: 58 ASLB 4A00: 3A ABX 4A01: 96 C2 LDA $C2 4A03: 4A DECA 4A04: D6 BB LDB $BB 4A06: 3D MUL 4A07: EB 2C ADDB $000C,Y 4A09: 89 00 ADCA #$00 4A0B: 27 0A BEQ $4A17 4A0D: 0A C2 DEC $C2 4A0F: 27 48 BEQ $4A59 4A11: D0 BB SUBB $BB 4A13: 82 00 SBCA #$00 4A15: 26 F6 BNE $4A0D 4A17: C1 EA CMPB #$EA 4A19: 24 F2 BCC $4A0D 4A1B: 96 C2 LDA $C2 4A1D: 4A DECA 4A1E: D6 BA LDB $BA 4A20: 2B 19 BMI $4A3B 4A22: 3D MUL 4A23: EB 2D ADDB $000D,Y 4A25: EB 2B ADDB $000B,Y 4A27: 89 00 ADCA #$00 4A29: 27 0A BEQ $4A35 4A2B: 0A C2 DEC $C2 4A2D: 27 2A BEQ $4A59 4A2F: D0 BA SUBB $BA 4A31: 82 00 SBCA #$00 4A33: 26 F6 BNE $4A2B 4A35: C1 8F CMPB #$8F 4A37: 22 F2 BHI $4A2B 4A39: 20 1A BRA $4A55 4A3B: 50 NEGB 4A3C: 3D MUL 4A3D: DD C3 STD $C3 4A3F: E6 2B LDB $000B,Y 4A41: 4F CLRA 4A42: 93 C3 SUBD $C3 4A44: 4D TSTA 4A45: 27 0A BEQ $4A51 4A47: 0A C2 DEC $C2 4A49: 27 0E BEQ $4A59 4A4B: D0 BA SUBB $BA 4A4D: 82 FF SBCA #$FF 4A4F: 26 F6 BNE $4A47 4A51: C1 07 CMPB #$07 4A53: 23 F2 BLS $4A47 4A55: 96 C2 LDA $C2 4A57: 26 03 BNE $4A5C 4A59: 7E 49 09 JMP $4909 ; Render an explosion with A segments. ; ; Expects: ; Register A determines how many segments are drawn. A should be from 0 to 15. ; Outside this range is invalid, and the game may reset. This is the cause of the famous "shot in the corner" bug. ; ; Returns: the system will jump to location ; $478C + (Math.Abs(A) * (13 decimal)) ; ; Why is magic number 13 decimal used, and why can you only have 16 segments? ; ; OK, look at the code starting at 478C. This set of instructions is repeated *16* (decimal) times: ; 478C: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ ; 478E: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source ; 4791: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest ; 4794: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter ; 4797: D3 BA ADDD $BA ; ; How many bytes does this set of instructions take up? Answer: 13 (decimal). ; ; 4A5C: A7 A8 11 STA $11,Y 4A5F: 80 10 SUBA #$10 ; A -= 16. This works nicely if A is 0..16. If not, game goes kaboom! 4A61: 40 NEGA ; A = (0 - A), giving negative A 4A62: C6 0D LDB #$0D ; 13 decimal 4A64: 3D MUL ; Multiply A * B (meaning D = A * 13 decimal) 4A65: C3 47 8C ADDD #$478C ; D += 478C to give address to jump to in the explosion segment draw 4A68: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A ; push Y and return address (D) to stack 4A6A: CE 0A 0A LDU #$0A0A 4A6D: EC 2F LDD $000F,Y 4A6F: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 4A71: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 4A74: EC 2B LDD $000B,Y ; set blitter destination 4A76: 31 84 LEAY ,X 4A78: 39 RTS ; pull return address off stack (this is what causes the crash at times) 4A79: 10 9E BC LDY $BC 4A7C: 27 0B BEQ $4A89 4A7E: BD 48 E1 JSR $48E1 4A81: BD 49 54 JSR $4954 4A84: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y 4A87: 26 F5 BNE $4A7E 4A89: 10 9E BE LDY $BE 4A8C: 27 08 BEQ $4A96 4A8E: BD 49 27 JSR $4927 4A91: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y 4A94: 26 F8 BNE $4A8E 4A96: 39 RTS 4A97: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AA7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AB7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AC7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AD7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AE7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4AF7: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 4B00: 7E 4D 10 JMP $4D10 4B03: 7E 4B 36 JMP $4B36 4B06: 50 C2 50 0E 50 26 D0 01 08 11 00 C8 01 08 04 00 4B16: C8 01 04 14 01 01 13 00 D0 01 03 01 01 04 15 01 4B26: 04 13 00 D0 01 04 15 01 08 11 00 D0 01 08 19 00 ; Tank shot sound info 4B0C: D0 01 ; TODO: Tank shell related sound - see $4F8C 4B11: C8 01 ; Tank shell bouncing off wall sound info 4B16: C8 01 ; Tank shell shot by player sound info 4B1E: D0 01 ; Quark Collision sound info 4B29: D0 01 ; Tank spawn sound info 4B31: D0 01 INITIALISE_ALL_QUARKS: 4B36: B6 BE 70 LDA cur_quarks ; get count of quarks into A 4B39: 34 02 PSHS A ; save count on stack 4B3B: 27 43 BEQ $4B80 ; if no quarks, exit 4B3D: BD D0 6C JSR $D06C ; JMP $D32B - create entity with params and add to linked list at $9817 ; parameters to pass to $D06C 4B40: 4B FB ; address of function to call after 1 game cycle 4B42: 50 C6 ; animation frame metadata pointer 4B44: 4B C9 ; address of routine to handle collision 4B46: 27 38 BEQ $4B80 ; if could not create object, RTS 4B48: C6 1A LDB #$1A ; initial Y coordinate of quark 4B4A: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 4B4D: 2A 02 BPL $4B51 ; if bit 7 of random number not set, goto $4B51 4B4F: C6 DC LDB #$DC ; set Y coordinate of quark to something else 4B51: 86 7E LDA #$7E ; 4B53: BD D0 42 JSR $D042 ; JMP $D6AC - multiply A by a random number and put result in A 4B56: 8B 06 ADDA #$06 ; add 6 bytes (12 pixels to X coordinate) 4B58: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination 4B5A: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set quark X coordinate (whole part) 4B5C: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set quark Y coordinate 4B5E: B6 BE 66 LDA $BE66 ; get "maximum delay before spawning tank" control value 4B61: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 4B64: A7 49 STA $0009,U ; set countdown before spawning first tank 4B66: B6 BE 5E LDA $BE5E ; read tank spawn control variable 4B69: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 4B6C: 44 LSRA ; Divide by 2 (putting bit 0 into carry) 4B6D: 89 00 ADCA #$00 ; Ensure that value is non zero 4B6F: A7 4A STA $000A,U ; set number of tanks this quark can spawn 4B71: CC 50 D2 LDD #$50D2 ; pointer to collision detection animation frame metadata for quark (see $D7F4) 4B74: ED 88 16 STD $16,X 4B77: 9F 17 STX $17 4B79: BD 4B 82 JSR $4B82 ; set initial quark direction 4B7C: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement count of quarks on stack 4B7E: 26 BD BNE $4B3D 4B80: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CHANGE_QUARK_DIRECTION: 4B82: B6 BE 67 LDA $BE67 4B85: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 4B88: E6 0A LDB $000A,X ; get quark X coordinate (whole part) 4B8A: C1 0C CMPB #$0C ; X coordinate <= #$0C (12 decimal)? 4B8C: 23 09 BLS $4B97 ; yes, goto $4b97 where the value in A will be used to compute a new delta for X axis 4B8E: C1 83 CMPB #$83 ; X coordinate >=#$83 (131 decimal)? 4B90: 24 04 BCC $4B96 ; yes, goto $4b97 where the value in A will be used to compute a new delta for X axis 4B92: D6 86 LDB $86 ; OK, if this quark's not at the left or right playfield border, get another random number into B... 4B94: 2A 01 BPL $4B97 ; and if the random number now in B is positive then goto $4b97, otherwise... 4B96: 40 NEGA ; ... negate A, which will make the quark move to some other X coordinate entirely ; compute delta to keep adding to X coordinate ; A = (I suspect) the destination X coordinate 4B97: 1F 89 TFR A,B 4B99: 1D SEX 4B9A: 58 ASLB 4B9B: 49 ROLA 4B9C: 58 ASLB 4B9D: 49 ROLA 4B9E: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta 4BA0: B6 BE 67 LDA $BE67 4BA3: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 4BA6: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; get quark Y coordinate 4BA8: C1 1D CMPB #$1D ; Y coordinate <= $#1D (29 decimal)? 4BAA: 23 09 BLS $4BB5 ; yes, goto $4bb5 where the value in A will be used to compute a new delta for Y axis 4BAC: C1 D6 CMPB #$D6 ; Y coordinate >= $D6 (230 decimal) ? 4BAE: 24 04 BCC $4BB4 ; yes, goto $4bb5 where the value in A will be used to compute a new delta for Y axis 4BB0: D6 85 LDB $85 ; OK, if this quark's not at the left or right playfield border, get another random number into B... 4BB2: 2B 01 BMI $4BB5 ; and if the random number now in B is negative then goto $4bb5, otherwise... 4BB4: 40 NEGA ; ... negate A, which will make the quark move to some other Y coordinate entirely ; compute delta to keep adding to Y coordinate ; A = (I suspect) the destination Y coordinate 4BB5: 1F 89 TFR A,B 4BB7: 1D SEX 4BB8: 58 ASLB 4BB9: 49 ROLA 4BBA: 58 ASLB 4BBB: 49 ROLA 4BBC: 58 ASLB 4BBD: 49 ROLA 4BBE: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta 4BC1: 96 84 LDA $84 ; read a random number 4BC3: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; Make number from 0..31 decimal 4BC5: 4C INCA ; Add 1 to ensure value is nonzero 4BC6: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; set countdown before quark picks new direction to move in 4BC8: 39 RTS QUARK_COLLISION_HANDLER: 4BC9: 96 48 LDA $48 ; has player been hit? 4BCB: 26 2D BNE $4BFA ; if yes, goto $4BFA 4BCD: BD D0 78 JSR $D078 ; JMP $D320 - deallocate object, and its metadata, and erase object from screen 4BD0: DE 1B LDU $1B 4BD2: EC C4 LDD ,U 4BD4: DD 1B STD $1B 4BD6: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 4BD9: 11 43 ; pointer to function 4BDB: EF 07 STU $0007,X 4BDD: CC 50 C6 LDD #$50C6 ; quark animation metadata 4BE0: ED 42 STD $0002,U 4BE2: CC DD DD LDD #$DDDD 4BE5: ED 0B STD $000B,X 4BE7: 86 08 LDA #$08 4BE9: A7 0D STA $000D,X 4BEB: CC 4B 29 LDD #$4B29 4BEE: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4BF1: CC 02 10 LDD #$0210 4BF4: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 4BF7: 7A BE 70 DEC cur_quarks 4BFA: 39 RTS ANIMATE_QUARK: 4BFB: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to quark object 4BFD: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get pointer to animation frame metadata into D 4BFF: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump D to pointer to next animation frame metadata 4C02: 10 83 50 D2 CMPD #$50D2 ; hit end of animation frame metadata for quark? 4C06: 23 0B BLS $4C13 ; no 4C08: CC 50 C2 LDD #$50C2 ; back to first image of quark 4C0B: 0D 59 TST $59 4C0D: 26 04 BNE $4C13 4C0F: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U ; decrement tank spawn countdown 4C11: 27 11 BEQ $4C24 ; if 0, goto $4C24, it 4C13: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set pointer to animation frame metadata 4C15: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement countdown before quark picks new direction to move in 4C17: 26 03 BNE $4C1C ; if countdown not hit 0, no direction change, goto $4C1C 4C19: BD 4B 82 JSR $4B82 ; otherwise, pick a new direction for quark to move in 4C1C: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay before calling function 4C1E: 8E 4B FB LDX #$4BFB ; pointer to animate quark routine to call 4C21: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task SET_TANK_SPAWN_COUNTDOWN: 4C24: B6 BE 66 LDA $BE66 ; 4C27: 44 LSRA 4C28: 4C INCA 4C29: BD D0 3F JSR $D03F ; JMP $D6B6 - get a random number lower than or equal to A 4C2C: A7 49 STA $0009,U 4C2E: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer into X 4C30: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U ; decrement tank spawn countdown 4C32: 26 1C BNE $4C50 4C34: 96 42 LDA $42 4C36: 81 11 CMPA #$11 4C38: 24 EA BCC $4C24 4C3A: 96 13 LDA $13 ; this piece of code determines if we have any free objects we can use .. 4C3C: 9A 1B ORA $1B ; ... to hold a new tank 4C3E: 27 E4 BEQ $4C24 ; if not, goto $4C24, we'll wait for a free object to become available (e.g.: something dies) 4C40: B6 BE 71 LDA cur_tanks 4C43: 81 14 CMPA #$14 ; compare number of tanks to #$14 (20 decimal) 4C45: 24 DD BCC $4C24 ; if we've got >= 20 tanks, go to $4C24 4C47: BD 4C AC JSR $4CAC ; spawn a tank! 4C4A: 6A 4A DEC $000A,U ; decrement counter of tanks left to spawn 4C4C: 27 21 BEQ $4C6F 4C4E: 20 D4 BRA $4C24 4C50: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get pointer to animation frame metadata 4C52: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next image 4C55: 10 83 50 E2 CMPD #$50E2 ; hit end of animation frame metadata list for tank? 4C59: 23 03 BLS $4C5E ; if not, go to $4C5E 4C5B: CC 50 C2 LDD #$50C2 ; reset animation frame metadata pointer to start of animation frame metadata list 4C5E: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 4C60: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U 4C62: 26 03 BNE $4C67 4C64: BD 4B 82 JSR $4B82 ; change quark direction 4C67: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay before calling function 4C69: 8E 4C 2E LDX #$4C2E ; address of function to call 4C6C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 4C6F: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 4C72: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta 4C74: CC 02 00 LDD #$0200 4C77: 0D 84 TST $84 4C79: 2A 01 BPL $4C7C 4C7B: 40 NEGA 4C7C: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta ; ; the Quark's dropped all its tanks, it now wants to get off screen.... ; MAKE_QUARK_VAMOOSE: 4C7F: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer 4C81: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer into D 4C83: 83 00 04 SUBD #$0004 ; D -= 4 (point D to previous animation frame metadata) 4C86: 10 83 50 C2 CMPD #$50C2 ; beyond start of animation frame metadata list? 4C8A: 24 0D BCC $4C99 ; no 4C8C: A6 0C LDA $000C,X ; read object Y coordinate 4C8E: 81 1A CMPA #$1A ; <= #$1A (26 decimal) ? 4C90: 23 11 BLS $4CA3 ; yes, so remove this object from playfield 4C92: 81 DA CMPA #$DA ; >#$DA (218 decimal) ? 4C94: 24 0D BCC $4CA3 ; yes, so remove this object from playfield 4C96: CC 50 E2 LDD #$50E2 ; load D with address of quark animation frame metadata 4C99: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 4C9B: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay before calling function 4C9D: 8E 4C 7F LDX #$4C7F ; function to call next (this one!) 4CA0: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 4CA3: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 4CA6: 7A BE 70 DEC cur_quarks 4CA9: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; Spawn a tank. ; ; X = pointer to quark giving birth ; SPAWN_TANK: 4CAC: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 4CAE: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Y = X 4CB0: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 4CB3: 4D 83 ; values to pass to the function 4CB5: 33 84 LEAU ,X ; U = X 4CB7: BD D0 7B JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) ; X = pointer to object 4CBA: 7C BE 71 INC cur_tanks ; increment number of tanks on screen counter 4CBD: CC 50 0E LDD #$500E ; $500E - pointer to animation frame metadata 4CC0: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 4CC2: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 4CC5: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata 4CC7: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set back-pointer to object, from object metadata 4CC9: CC 4D F2 LDD #$4DF2 ; store pointer to routine that handles tank collision 4CCC: ED 08 STD $0008,X 4CCE: CC 4B 31 LDD #$4B31 4CD1: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4CD4: EC 24 LDD $0004,Y ; D = blitter destination of quark 4CD6: C1 18 CMPB #$18 ; compare vertical position of quark to #$18 (24 decimal) 4CD8: 27 01 BEQ $4CDB 4CDA: 5A DECB 4CDB: C3 02 06 ADDD #$0206 ; birth place of tank = 4 pixels from left of quark, 6 pixels from top 4CDE: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination 4CE0: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set X coordinate (whole part) 4CE2: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set Y coordinate 4CE4: BD 4E 11 JSR $4E11 ; pick a destination for tank to move to 4CE7: B6 BE 64 LDA $BE64 ; read "tank fire delay" 4CEA: A7 4D STA $000D,U 4CEC: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 4CEF: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 4CF1: (C) WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. ; ; ; ; INITIALISE_ALL_TANKS: 4D10: B6 BE 71 LDA cur_tanks ; get count of tanks for this wave into A 4D13: 34 02 PSHS A 4D15: 27 4A BEQ $4D61 ; if count ==0, no tanks on this wave, goto $4D61 (RTS) 4D17: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 4D1A: 4D 8B ; data to pass to function (looks like an address to call) 4D1C: 8B 33 LEAU, X 4D1E: 84 BD JSR $D07B ; JMP $D2DA - reserve entry in list used by grunts, hulks, brains, progs, cruise missiles and tanks (starts at $9821) 4D21: CC 50 26 LDD #$5026 4D24: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 4D26: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 4D29: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata to U 4D2B: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to this object in object metadata 4D2D: CC 4D F2 LDD #$4DF2 ; address of tank collision handler routine 4D30: ED 08 STD $0008,X 4D32: BD 38 8E JSR $388E ; JMP $38FE -compute safe rectangle for player 4D35: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) ; determine if the computed position is valid (meaning, not in the player's safe area) 4D38: D1 2B CMPB $2B 4D3A: 23 0C BLS $4D48 4D3C: D1 2C CMPB $2C 4D3E: 24 08 BCC $4D48 4D40: 91 2D CMPA $2D 4D42: 23 04 BLS $4D48 4D44: 91 2E CMPA $2E 4D46: 23 ED BLS $4D35 ; position is invalid, get another one 4D48: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set blitter destination of object 4D4A: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set X coordinate (whole part) of tank 4D4C: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set Y coordinate of tank 4D4E: BD 4E 11 JSR $4E11 ; pick initial direction for tank to move 4D51: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number into A 4D53: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask off lower 5 bits giving a number from 0..31 4D55: BB BE 64 ADDA $BE64 ; add on "tank fire delay variable" to set countdown before firing. 4D58: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; set countdown before firing first shell 4D5A: BD 38 8B JSR $388B ; JMP $393C - blit tank in solid colour invisible to player 4D5D: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement count of tanks left to do on the stack 4D5F: 26 B6 BNE $4D17 ; if !=0, goto $4D17 4D61: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; TODO: Find out why this is doing some animation. Is this demo related code?? ; 4D63: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to object into X 4D65: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 4D68: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination into D 4D6A: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 4D6D: AB 24 ADDA $0004,Y 4D6F: EB 25 ADDB $0005,Y 4D71: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set tank X coordinate MSB 4D73: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set tank Y coordinate MSB 4D75: 31 26 LEAY $0006,Y ; Y+= 6 4D77: 10 AF 02 STY $0002,X 4D7A: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 4D7D: 10 8C 50 26 CMPY #$5026 4D81: 24 08 BCC $4D8B 4D83: 86 0C LDA #$0C ; delay before calling function 4D85: 8E 4D 63 LDX #$4D63 ; address of function to call 4D88: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; Spawned by $4D17 WAIT_FOR_PERMISSION_TO_MOVE_TANK: 4D8B: 96 59 LDA $59 ; read a game control flag 4D8D: 85 7F BITA #$7F ; if no bits from 0..6 are set.. 4D8F: 27 08 BEQ $4D99 ; then you can animate the tank! 4D91: 86 0F LDA #$0F ; otherwise, wait. delay before calling function 4D93: 8E 4D 8B LDX #$4D8B ; address of function to call 4D96: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ANIMATE_TANK: 4D99: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer in X 4D9B: 6A 4D DEC $000D,U ; decrement tank fire countdown 4D9D: 26 03 BNE $4DA2 ; if countdown !=0 goto $4DA2 4D9F: BD 4E 46 JSR $4E46 ; if countdown is 0 then fire a tank shell 4DA2: A6 4B LDA $000B,U ; get horizontal delta of tank 4DA4: 5F CLRB 4DA5: 47 ASRA 4DA6: 56 RORB 4DA7: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X ; add delta to X coordinate of tank 4DA9: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save result of addition in D on stack 4DAB: E6 4C LDB $000C,U ; get vertical delta of tank 4DAD: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X ; add delta to vertical position of tank 4DAF: BD 00 06 JSR $0006 ; test that object is in bounds 4DB2: 27 04 BEQ $4DB8 ; yes tank is in bounds, goto $4DB8 4DB4: 32 62 LEAS $0002,S ; discard items pushed on stack @ 4DA9 4DB6: 20 2F BRA $4DE7 4DB8: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; update vertical position of tank 4DBA: 35 06 PULS A,B ; restore new X coordinate of tank from stack 4DBC: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; update X coordinate of tank ; ; This piece of code specifies how the tank is animated. If the tank is moving to the LEFT, the tank animation runs "backwards", ; but if the tank is moving in any other direction the animation runs "forwards". ; I never noticed this in the game before.... ; 4DBE: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; read current animation frame metadata pointer 4DC0: 6D 4B TST $000B,U ; is the tank moving to the right (or, put another way, just not moving left) ? 4DC2: 2A 0E BPL $4DD2 ; yes, goto $4DD2 ; make tank animation play "backwards" 4DC4: 83 00 04 SUBD #$0004 ; bump animation frame metadata pointer to previous animation (making tank animation go *backwards*) 4DC7: 10 83 50 26 CMPD #$5026 ; have we gone past the start animation frame? 4DCB: 24 11 BCC $4DDE ; no, goto $4DDE 4DCD: CC 50 32 LDD #$5032 ; yes, so set pointer to last tank animation 4DD0: 20 0C BRA $4DDE ; make tank animation play "forward" 4DD2: C3 00 04 ADDD #$0004 ; bump to next animation frame metadata in list for tank 4DD5: 10 83 50 32 CMPD #$5032 ; gone past last animation frame metadata in list? 4DD9: 23 03 BLS $4DDE ; no, goto $4DDE 4DDB: CC 50 26 LDD #$5026 ; yes, reset to first animation frame metadata for tank 4DDE: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set animation frame metadata pointer 4DE0: BD D0 8D JSR $D08D ; JMP $DB2F - erase then re-blit object 4DE3: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement "tank move" countdown 4DE5: 26 03 BNE $4DEA ; if !=0, not time to change direction, goto $4DEA 4DE7: BD 4E 11 JSR $4E11 ; otherwise, countdown hit 0, find a new direction for the tank to move in 4DEA: 96 EF LDA $EF ; delay before calling function 4DEC: 8E 4D 99 LDX #$4D99 ; address of function to call 4DEF: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; TANK_COLLISION_HANDLER: 4DF2: 96 48 LDA $48 ; player collision detection? 4DF4: 26 1A BNE $4E10 ; yes 4DF6: 7A BE 71 DEC cur_tanks 4DF9: BD 5B 4F JSR $5B4F ; JMP $5C0A 4DFC: BD D0 7E JSR $D07E ; JMP $D2C2 - remove baddy from baddies list 4DFF: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; get pointer to object metadata into X 4E01: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 4E04: CC 01 20 LDD #$0120 4E07: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 4E0A: CC 4B 0C LDD #$4B0C 4E0D: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4E10: 39 RTS ; ; Tank needs to move somewhere. ; Depending on a random number, the tank either moves towards a random position on the screen ; OR gravitates towards the player. ; PICK_DESTINATION_TO_MOVE_TANK_TO: 4E11: 96 84 LDA $84 ; get a random number into A 4E13: 81 60 CMPA #$60 ; compare to #$60 (96 decimal) 4E15: 23 05 BLS $4E1C ; if lower or the same goto $4E1C - gravitate towards player 4E17: BD 26 C3 JSR $26C3 ; JMP $3199 - get random position on playfield for object (returns: A = X coordinate, B = Y coordinate) 4E1A: 20 02 BRA $4E1E ; and skip over the next line... 4E1C: DC 5E LDD $5E ; read player's blitter destination 4E1E: DD 2B STD $2B ; what this piece of code does is check to see if the screen destination in $2B ; is 16 pixels above or below the tank. If it's less than 16 pixels, the B register is cleared to indicate "no vertical movement" 4E20: E0 05 SUBB $0005,X ; B = B - low byte of tank blitter destination (vertical component) 4E22: 24 01 BCC $4E25 ; if the subtraction didn't cause a carry, goto $4E25 4E24: 50 NEGB ; OK, the subtraction caused a carry and the result is negative. NEGB will make the result positive again. 4E25: C1 10 CMPB #$10 ; is the vertical distance between the tank and the destination #$10 (16 decimal) ? 4E27: 24 03 BCC $4E2C ; it's more than 16 pixels, goto $4E2C 4E29: 5F CLRB ; ok, distance is 16 pixels or less, clear the B register (see $4E3C comments) to make tank move horizontally only 4E2A: 20 09 BRA $4E35 ; and skip over the lines which determine whether to move tank up or down (as we're not moving vertically) 4E2C: DC 2B LDD $2B ; get screen destination where tank wants move into A & B (A=horizontal part, B = vertical part) 4E2E: E1 05 CMPB $0005,X ; compare vertical part of screen destination with tank's current vertical position 4E30: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; when B = 1, tank will move down 4E32: 24 01 BCC $4E35 ; if vertical pos of screen destination > tank's current vertical position goto $4E35 4E34: 50 NEGB ; B = #$FF, tank will move up 4E35: A1 04 CMPA $0004,X ; compare horizontal pos of screen destination with tank's current X coordinate 4E37: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; when A = 1, tank will move right 4E39: 24 01 BCC $4E3C ; if horizontal pos of screen destination > tank's current X coordinate goto $4E35 4E3B: 40 NEGA ; move tank left ; ; At this point: A = horizontal direction of tank ($FF = left, 0 = no horizontal movement, 1=right) ; B = vertical direction of tank ($FF = up, 0 = no vertical movement, 1= down) ; 4E3C: ED 4B STD $000B,U ; $000B = horizontal direction, $000C = vertical direction 4E3E: 96 84 LDA $84 ; read a random number 4E40: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask in bits 0..4, giving us a number from 0..31 4E42: 4C INCA ; ensure number is nonzero 4E43: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; set "move tank" countdown (see $4DE3) 4E45: 39 RTS ; ; X = pointer to tank ; CREATE_TANK_SHELL: 4E46: 34 50 PSHS U,X 4E48: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Y = pointer to tank 4E4A: B6 BE 64 LDA $BE64 4E4D: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; reset countdown for tank to shell 4E4F: 96 42 LDA $42 4E51: 81 11 CMPA #$11 4E53: 10 24 01 3B LBCC $4F92 ; just an RTS 4E57: 96 F1 LDA $F1 ; read count of tank shells on screen 4E59: 81 14 CMPA #$14 ; compare to #$14 (20 decimal) 4E5B: 10 22 01 33 LBHI $4F92 ; if higher than 20 decimal, goto $4F92 (exits function) 4E5F: 0C F1 INC $F1 ; increment count of tank shells on screen 4E61: BD D0 6C JSR $D06C ; JMP $D32B - create entity with params and add to linked list at $9817 4E64: 4F 94 ; parameters to pass to $D06C - function to call on next game cycle 4E66: 4F EE ; parameters to pass to $D06C - animation frame metadata pointer for tank shell 4E68: 4F D5 ; parameters to pass to $D06C - function to call when this object has a collision 4E6A: 10 27 01 24 LBEQ $4F92 ; if the zero flag is set, then can't create shell, goto $4F92 (RTS) 4E6E: EC 24 LDD $4,Y ; get blitter destination of tank 4E70: C3 01 00 ADDD #$0100 ; add 256 to it, making result 2 pixels to right of previous 4E73: A7 0A STA $A,X ; set X coordinate of shell 4E75: E7 0C STB $C,X ; set Y coordinate of shell 4E77: ED 04 STD $4,X ; set blitter destination of shell ; We now need to set the direction vector for the shell to follow.. 4E79: C6 80 LDB #$80 ; load B with 128 decimal... 4E7B: D1 84 CMPB $84 ; compare B to a random number 4E7D: 23 55 BLS $4ED4 ; if B <= the random number then goto $4ED4 4E7F: D6 86 LDB $86 ; read another random number 4E81: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; mask in bits 0..5, giving a number from 0..31 decimal 4E83: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 ; add -16 decimal to the number. Now B is, as a signed byte, in range of -16 .. 15 decimal 4E85: 96 5E LDA $5E ; read player blitter destination hi byte (X component) 4E87: 81 11 CMPA #$11 ; how close is the player to the left hand border wall? 4E89: 24 01 BCC $4E8C ; if X component is > #$11 (17 decimal) then not too close to the wall, goto $4E8C 4E8B: 5F CLRB ; otherwise, the player is close to the left wall, clear B 4E8C: DB 5E ADDB $5E ; B+= player blitter destination hi byte (X component) 4E8E: 4F CLRA 4E8F: E0 04 SUBB $4,X ; B -= tank shell blitter destination hi byte (X component) 4E91: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if a carry occurred, A will be made #$FF (-1 decimal). This is a flag to indicate B needs to be negated. 4E93: 34 02 PSHS A 4E95: 2A 01 BPL $4E98 ; if A is not #$FF, goto $4E98 4E97: 50 NEGB ; B = NEG(B) 4E98: B6 BE 65 LDA $BE65 ; read tank shell accuracy setting 4E9B: 3D MUL 4E9C: 1F 89 TFR A,B 4E9E: A6 E0 LDA ,S+ ; restore flag from stack (see $4E93). A is either #$FF or 0. 4EA0: 2A 01 BPL $4EA3 ; if A is not #$FF, and thus not a negative value, goto $4EA3 4EA2: 53 COMB ; flip bits in B. 4EA3: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left 4EA4: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4EA5: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left 4EA6: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4EA7: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left 4EA8: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4EA9: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta of tank shell ; now do the vertical delta of the tank shell 4EAB: D6 86 LDB $86 ; read another random number 4EAD: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; mask in bits 0..5, giving a number from 0..31 4EAF: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 ; add -16 decimal to the number. Now B is, as a signed byte, in range of -16 .. 15 decimal 4EB1: DB 5F ADDB $5F ; B+= player blitter destination lo byte (Y component) 4EB3: 4F CLRA 4EB4: E0 05 SUBB $0005,X ; B -= tank shell blitter destination lo byte (Y component) 4EB6: 82 00 SBCA #$00 ; if a carry occurred, A will be made #$FF (-1 decimal). This is a flag to indicate B needs to be negated. ; At this point, B is the vertical distance between the shell's current Y coordinate and where the Y coordinate of where shell has been aimed at (an area near the player) ; a negative value in B states the shell's target is above, a positive value in B states the shell's target is below. 4EB8: 34 02 PSHS A 4EBA: 2A 01 BPL $4EBD ; if A is not #$FF, goto $4EBD 4EBC: 50 NEGB ; B = -B 4EBD: B6 BE 65 LDA $BE65 ; read tank shell accuracy setting 4EC0: 3D MUL 4EC1: 1F 89 TFR A,B 4EC3: A6 E0 LDA ,S+ ; restore flag from stack (see $4EB8). A is either #$FF or 0. 4EC5: 2A 01 BPL $4EC8 4EC7: 53 COMB ; flip bits in B 4EC8: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left; next 4 instructions move 4EC9: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4ECA: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left 4ECB: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4ECC: 58 ASLB ; move bit 7 of b into carry, and shift remaining bits to left 4ECD: 49 ROLA ; move carry into bit 0 of A, and rotate remaining bits left 4ECE: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta of tank shell 4ED1: 7E 4F 82 JMP $4F82 ; Called from $4E7D ; ; ; X = pointer to newly created tank shell ; 4ED4: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 4ED7: 44 LSRA ; move bit 0 into carry 4ED8: 25 29 BCS $4F03 ; if carry is now set from LSRA, goto $4F03 4EDA: 4F CLRA 4EDB: D6 84 LDB $84 ; get a random number 4EDD: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; ensure number in range of 0..31 decimal 4EDF: CB F0 ADDB #$F0 ; add -16 decimal, to make number in range of -16 to 15 decimal 4EE1: EB 05 ADDB $0005,X ; B+= tank shell blitter destination lo byte (Y component) 4EE3: DB 5F ADDB $5F ; B+= player blitter destination lo byte (Y component) 4EE5: 89 00 ADCA #$00 4EE7: 44 LSRA 4EE8: 56 RORB 4EE9: 96 86 LDA $86 ; get another random number 4EEB: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; ensure number in range of 0..7 decimal 4EED: 27 0A BEQ $4EF9 ; if number == 0, goto $4EF9 4EEF: 96 5E LDA $5E ; get hi byte (X component) of player blitter destination 4EF1: 81 4B CMPA #$4B ; is player on the right half of the screen? 4EF3: 25 0A BCS $4EFF ; no, player is either in centre or left half of screen, goto $4EFF 4EF5: 86 8F LDA #$8F ; ok, player is in right half of screen, aim at the far right wall 4EF7: 20 33 BRA $4F2C 4EF9: 96 5E LDA $5E ; get hi byte (X component) of player blitter destination 4EFB: 81 4B CMPA #$4B ; is player in right half of screen? 4EFD: 23 F6 BLS $4EF5 ; no, player is in left hand half or centre of screen, goto $4EF5 4EFF: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; ok, player is in left half of screen, aim at the far left wall 4F01: 20 29 BRA $4F2C 4F03: 4F CLRA 4F04: D6 84 LDB $84 ; get a random number into A 4F06: C4 0F ANDB #$0F ; ensure number in range of 0..15 decimal 4F08: CB F8 ADDB #$F8 ; add -8 decimal, to make number in range of -8 to 7 decimal 4F0A: EB 04 ADDB $0004,X ; B+= tank shell blitter destination hi byte (X component) 4F0C: DB 5E ADDB $5E ; add hi byte (X component) of player blitter destination 4F0E: 89 00 ADCA #$00 4F10: 44 LSRA 4F11: 56 RORB 4F12: 96 86 LDA $86 ; get another random number 4F14: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; ensure number in range of 0..7 decimal 4F16: 27 0A BEQ $4F22 4F18: 96 5F LDA $5F ; get lo byte (Y component) of player blitter destination 4F1A: 81 81 CMPA #$81 ; is player in bottom half of screen? 4F1C: 25 0A BCS $4F28 ; no, goto $4F28, shell will be aimed at top wall 4F1E: 86 EA LDA #$EA ; ok, player is in bottom half of screen, aim at the bottom wall 4F20: 20 08 BRA $4F2A 4F22: 96 5F LDA $5F ; get lo byte (Y component) of player blitter destination 4F24: 81 81 CMPA #$81 ; is player in bottom half of the screen? 4F26: 23 F6 BLS $4F1E ; no, goto $4F1E 4F28: 86 18 LDA #$18 ; player is in top half of screen, so aim at top wall 4F2A: 1E 89 EXG A,B ; A = X coordinate to shoot shell at ; B = Y coordinate to shoot shell at 4F2C: 97 2B STA $2B 4F2E: 4F CLRA 4F2F: E0 05 SUBB $0005,X 4F31: 82 00 SBCA #$00 4F33: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta of shell 4F36: D6 2B LDB $2B 4F38: 4F CLRA 4F39: E0 04 SUBB $0004,X 4F3B: 82 00 SBCA #$00 4F3D: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta of shell 4F3F: F6 BE 65 LDB $BE65 ; read tank shell accuracy setting 4F42: 86 40 LDA #$40 4F44: 3D MUL 4F45: 1F 89 TFR A,B 4F47: 4F CLRA 4F48: 58 ASLB 4F49: 49 ROLA 4F4A: 58 ASLB 4F4B: 49 ROLA 4F4C: 34 06 PSHS B,A 4F4E: 43 COMA 4F4F: 53 COMB 4F50: 34 06 PSHS B,A 4F52: 58 ASLB 4F53: 49 ROLA 4F54: 34 06 PSHS B,A 4F56: 43 COMA 4F57: 53 COMB 4F58: 34 06 PSHS B,A 4F5A: EC 0E LDD $000E,X ; read X delta 4F5C: 10 A3 64 CMPD $0004,S 4F5F: 2F 1F BLE $4F80 4F61: 10 A3 66 CMPD $0006,S 4F64: 2C 1A BGE $4F80 4F66: EC 88 10 LDD $10,X ; read Y delta 4F69: 10 A3 62 CMPD $0002,S 4F6C: 2F 12 BLE $4F80 4F6E: 10 A3 E4 CMPD ,S 4F71: 2C 0D BGE $4F80 4F73: 58 ASLB 4F74: 49 ROLA 4F75: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta 4F78: EC 0E LDD $000E,X ; read X delta 4F7A: 58 ASLB 4F7B: 49 ROLA 4F7C: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta 4F7E: 20 DC BRA $4F5C 4F80: 32 68 LEAS $0008,S ; discard values pushed on stack @ 4F4C, 4F50, 4F54, 4F58 4F82: 9F 17 STX $17 4F84: 96 85 LDA $85 ; get another random number 4F86: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; ensure value in range of 0..31 decimal 4F88: 8B 30 ADDA #$30 ; add 48 decimal 4F8A: A7 4E STA $000E,U ; set lifespan of shell 4F8C: CC 4B 11 LDD #$4B11 4F8F: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4F92: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) MAKE_TANK_SHELL_BOUNCE_IF_HITS_BORDER_WALL: 4F94: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 4F96: EC 0A LDD $000A,X ; get tank shell X coordinate into D 4F98: E3 0E ADDD $000E,X ; add X delta 4F9A: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; hit left border wall? 4F9C: 25 23 BCS $4FC1 ; yes, so goto $4FC1 to make the tank shell bounce off 4F9E: 81 8B CMPA #$8B ; hit right border wall? 4FA0: 22 1F BHI $4FC1 ; yes, so goto $4FC1 to make the tank shell bounce off 4FA2: EC 0C LDD $000C,X ; get tank shell Y coordinate into D 4FA4: E3 88 10 ADDD $10,X ; add Y delta to D 4FA7: 81 18 CMPA #$18 ; hit top border wall? 4FA9: 25 1C BCS $4FC7 ; yes, so goto $4FC7 to make the tank shell bounce off 4FAB: 81 E3 CMPA #$E3 ; hit bottom border wall? 4FAD: 22 18 BHI $4FC7 ; yes, so goto $4FC7 to make the tank shell bounce off 4FAF: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U ; decrement tank shell lifespan counter 4FB1: 27 08 BEQ $4FBB ; if =0 goto $4FBB to remove the tank shell from the playfield 4FB3: 86 02 LDA #$02 4FB5: 8E 4F 94 LDX #$4F94 4FB8: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Remove a tank shell from the screen. ; ; This is where the infamous "only 20 tank shells fired in a wave" bug is to be found. ; The "current number of tank shells on screen" variable at $98F1 should be decremented when a tank shell "fizzles out". ; However, that never happens, so the game logic thinks there is always 20 shells on screen, and prevents no more from being created. ; REMOVE_TANK_SHELL: ; if you were able somehow to add DEC $F1 here, the bug would be fixed.... 4FBB: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen ; JMP $D31B 4FBE: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; Called when the tank shell hits the left-most or right-most border ; The shell will fly off in the opposite direction ; TANK_SHELL_BOUNCE_HORIZONTAL: 4FC1: 63 0E COM $000E,X ; flip bits X delta 4FC3: 63 0F COM $000F,X 4FC5: 20 06 BRA $4FCD ; ; Called when the tank shell hits the top-most or bottom-most border ; The shell will fly off in the opposite direction ; TANK_SHELL_BOUNCE_VERTICAL: 4FC7: 63 88 10 COM $10,X ; flip bits Y delta 4FCA: 63 88 11 COM $11,X 4FCD: CC 4B 16 LDD #$4B16 4FD0: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4FD3: 20 DE BRA $4FB3 SHELL_COLLISION_HANDLER: 4FD5: 96 48 LDA $48 ; did the player collision routine call this function? 4FD7: 26 14 BNE $4FED ; yes, goto $4FED 4FD9: 0A F1 DEC $F1 ; decrement number of tank shells on screen count 4FDB: BD 5B 43 JSR $5B43 ; JMP $5C1F - create an explosion 4FDE: BD D0 78 JSR $D078 ; JMP $D320 - deallocate object, and its metadata, and erase object from screen 4FE1: CC 00 25 LDD #$0025 4FE4: BD D0 0C JSR $D00C ; JMP $DB9C - update player score 4FE7: CC 4B 1E LDD #$4B1E 4FEA: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority 4FED: 39 RTS 4FEE: 04 07 4F F2 00 0A 00 00 0A CC CA 00 0C 0B 0C A0 4FFE: AC BB BC A0 0C 0B 0C A0 0A CC CA 00 00 0A 00 00 500E: 02 04 50 36 FF FF 04 07 50 3E 00 FF 04 08 50 5A 501E: FF FE 06 0C 50 7A 00 FE 07 10 55 1E 07 10 55 8E 502E: 07 10 55 FE 07 10 56 6E 01 00 11 10 11 10 97 90 503E: 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 00 11 11 11 00 16 66 61 00 504E: 11 11 11 00 79 79 79 00 07 97 90 00 00 11 10 00 505E: 00 19 10 00 11 11 11 10 16 60 66 10 16 06 06 10 506E: 11 11 11 10 97 79 77 90 07 97 79 00 00 00 11 11 507E: 00 00 00 00 19 91 00 00 00 00 11 11 00 00 00 00 508E: 01 10 00 00 00 11 11 11 11 00 00 10 60 06 01 00 509E: 00 16 06 60 61 00 00 10 60 06 01 00 00 11 11 11 50AE: 11 00 00 97 79 77 97 00 07 00 00 00 00 70 00 79 50BE: 77 97 79 00 08 0F 50 E6 08 0F 51 5E 08 0F 51 D6 50CE: 08 0F 52 4E 08 0F 52 C6 08 0F 53 3E 08 0F 53 B6 50DE: 08 0F 54 2E 08 0F 54 A6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50EE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50FE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 510E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE E0 00 00 00 511E: 00 00 00 EA E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE E0 00 00 00 512E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 513E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 514E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 515E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 516E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 517E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 518E: 00 00 00 EE E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 EA E0 00 00 00 519E: 00 00 00 EE E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51AE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51BE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51CE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51DE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51EE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51FE: 00 00 0E EE EE 00 00 00 00 00 0E A0 AE 00 00 00 520E: 00 00 0E 0A 0E 00 00 00 00 00 0E A0 AE 00 00 00 521E: 00 00 0E EE EE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 522E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 523E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 524E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 525E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 526E: 00 00 EE EE EE E0 00 00 00 00 EA 00 0A E0 00 00 527E: 00 00 E0 A0 A0 E0 00 00 00 00 E0 0A 00 E0 00 00 528E: 00 00 E0 A0 A0 E0 00 00 00 00 EA 00 0A E0 00 00 529E: 00 00 EE EE EE E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 52AE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 52BE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 52CE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 52DE: 00 0E EE EE EE EE 00 00 00 0E A0 00 00 AE 00 00 52EE: 00 0E 0A 00 0A 0E 00 00 00 0E 00 A0 A0 0E 00 00 52FE: 00 0E 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 0E 00 A0 A0 0E 00 00 530E: 00 0E 0A 00 0A 0E 00 00 00 0E A0 00 00 AE 00 00 531E: 00 0E EE EE EE EE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 532E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 533E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 534E: 00 EE 00 EE E0 0E E0 00 00 EA 00 00 00 0A E0 00 535E: 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 00 536E: 00 E0 00 E0 E0 00 E0 00 00 E0 00 00 00 00 E0 00 537E: 00 E0 00 E0 E0 00 E0 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 00 538E: 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 00 EA 00 00 00 0A E0 00 539E: 00 EE 00 EE E0 0E E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53AE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53BE: 0E E0 00 EE E0 00 EE 00 0E A0 00 00 00 00 AE 00 53CE: 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 53DE: 00 00 0E 00 0E 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 53EE: 0E 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 53FE: 00 00 0E 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 540E: 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 0E A0 00 00 00 00 AE 00 541E: 0E E0 00 EE E0 00 EE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 542E: E0 00 00 0E 00 00 00 E0 0A 00 00 0E 00 00 0A 00 543E: 00 A0 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 544E: 00 00 E0 00 00 E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 545E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE 00 00 00 00 00 0E E0 546E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 547E: 00 00 E0 00 00 E0 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 548E: 00 A0 00 00 00 00 A0 00 0A 00 00 0E 00 00 0A 00 549E: E0 00 00 0E 00 00 00 E0 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 54AE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54BE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54CE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54DE: E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54EE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54FE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 550E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 551E: 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 19 09 10 00 00 00 00 552E: 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 553E: 00 00 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 554E: 00 01 06 60 00 66 01 00 01 06 06 06 06 01 00 01 555E: 00 66 66 60 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 11 11 556E: 11 11 11 00 09 77 79 77 79 77 00 70 00 00 00 00 557E: 00 70 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 79 77 79 77 70 00 558E: 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 19 09 10 00 00 00 00 559E: 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 55AE: 00 00 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 55BE: 00 01 06 06 06 66 01 00 01 06 06 00 00 01 00 01 55CE: 06 06 66 66 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 11 11 55DE: 11 11 11 00 07 97 77 97 77 97 00 70 00 00 00 00 55EE: 00 70 07 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 97 77 97 77 90 00 55FE: 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 560E: 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 561E: 00 00 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 562E: 00 01 00 66 06 60 01 00 01 06 06 06 06 01 00 01 563E: 06 60 60 66 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 11 11 564E: 11 11 11 00 07 79 77 79 77 79 00 70 00 00 00 00 565E: 00 70 09 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 77 79 77 79 70 00 566E: 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 567E: 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 11 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 568E: 00 00 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 569E: 00 01 06 66 06 06 01 00 01 00 00 06 06 01 00 01 56AE: 06 66 66 06 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 11 11 56BE: 11 11 11 00 07 77 97 77 97 77 00 90 00 00 00 00 56CE: 00 90 07 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 77 97 77 97 70 00 56DE: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 56EE: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 56FE: FF FF 5700: 7E 57 03 JMP $5703 ; ; This routine is responsible for drawing the colour cycling tunnel effect that you see when you complete a wave. ; ; ; DRAW_COLOUR_CYCLING_TUNNEL_EFFECT: 5703: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address of subroutine off stack and put in D 5705: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get address of current task 5707: ED 47 STD $0007,U ; save return address - will be used @ $576A when tunnel drawing is done 5709: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 570C: 59 B0 ; values to pass to the function ; ; A = packed byte. Left nibble = colour 0 , Right nibble = colour 1 ; X = screen address of top left of tunnel part to draw ; Y = screen address of bottom right of tunnel part to draw ; 570E: 86 EF LDA #$EF ; packed byte: Left nibble = colour 0 , Right nibble = colour 1 5710: 8E 3B 80 LDX #$3B80 ; screen address of top left of tunnel part to draw 5713: 10 8E 5A 82 LDY #$5A82 ; screen address of bottom right of tunnel part to draw 5717: AF 49 STX $0009,U 5719: 10 AF 4B STY $000B,U 571C: A7 4D STA $000D,U 571E: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 5720: 8E 57 26 LDX #$5726 ; address of function to call 5723: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 5726: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get screen address of top left of tunnel part to draw 5728: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U ; get screen address of bottom right of tunnel part to draw 572B: A6 4D LDA $000D,U ; get packed byte containing colours to draw tunnel part in 572D: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; how many times to draw a part of tunnel using these colours 572F: E7 4E STB $000E,U 5731: BD 5A 11 JSR $5A11 ; draw a rectangular part of tunnel 5734: 4D TSTA ; are we drawing in colour 0 (black) ? 5735: 27 1A BEQ $5751 ; yes, goto $5751 ; OK, we need to see what colours we're currently drawing with, then change them. ; As stated before, A is a packed byte, with both nibbles containing colours. ; Take for example the code @ $573F: the CMPA #$F1 means "is colour 1 set to #$F, and colour 2 set to #$1?" ; The subsequent BNE and LDA effectively means "if these are NOT the current colours, then goto $5747, else load A with this colour pair" which in this case is #$DE. ; ; (Note: I didn't use $5737 for an example, as the values 1 and 2 being assigned to colours 1 and 2 might confuse the hell out of some casual readers... :P ) ; 5737: 81 12 CMPA #$12 5739: 26 04 BNE $573F 573B: 86 EF LDA #$EF 573D: 20 12 BRA $5751 573F: 81 F1 CMPA #$F1 5741: 26 04 BNE $5747 5743: 86 DE LDA #$DE 5745: 20 0A BRA $5751 5747: 81 23 CMPA #$23 5749: 26 04 BNE $574F 574B: 86 F1 LDA #$F1 574D: 20 02 BRA $5751 574F: 80 22 SUBA #$22 ; adjust colour 1 and colour 2 5751: 8C 06 16 CMPX #$0616 ; is left of tunnel = 6, and top = 16 (22 decimal) ? 5754: 27 0E BEQ $5764 ; yes, we've drawn the tunnel as far as we should, goto $5764 5756: 30 89 FE FE LEAX -258,X ; adjust pointer to top left of tunnel part to draw 575A: 31 A9 01 02 LEAY $0102,Y ; adjust pointer to bottom right of tunnel part to draw 575E: 6A 4E DEC $000E,U 5760: 26 CF BNE $5731 ; draw another part of the tunnel 5762: 20 B3 BRA $5717 5764: 4D TSTA ; is the colour we're drawing the tunnel in black? 5765: 27 03 BEQ $576A ; yes, so finish drawing, we're done 5767: 4F CLRA ; set colour to draw tunnel in, to black. This is the tunnel draw end-phase 5768: 20 A6 BRA $5710 ; draw tunnel from the centre again - in black. 576A: 6E D8 07 JMP [$07,U] ; do next task 576D: 59 84 1F 00 59 00 3F 00 58 A8 3F 00 57 9D 0F 00 577D: 57 B5 0F 00 57 CD 0F 00 57 E9 0F 00 58 39 1F 00 578D: 58 6B 1F 00 58 91 0F 00 58 07 1F 00 59 58 1F 00 579D: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0F 17 1F 2D 34 3A 7A BA FA 57AD: F8 F0 E0 D0 C0 C0 00 00 C0 C0 D0 E0 F0 F8 FA BA 57BD: 7A 3A 34 2D 1F 17 0F 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 00 57CD: C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 87 87 47 47 07 07 47 47 57DD: 87 87 C7 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 00 00 38 38 31 3A 57ED: 3B 3C 2D 2E 2F 27 1F 17 17 0F 07 07 0F 17 17 1F 57FD: 27 2F 2E 2D 2C 3B 3A 39 00 00 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 580D: 3E 3F 37 2F 27 17 0F 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 01 01 581D: 49 CA DA E8 F8 F9 FA FB FD FF BF 3F 3E C0 C0 C0 582D: 07 07 38 38 38 07 C0 38 FF FF 00 00 38 39 3A 3B 583D: 3C 3D 3E 3F 37 2F 27 1F 17 47 47 87 87 C7 C7 C6 584D: C5 CC CB CA DA E8 F8 F9 FA FB FD FF BF 3F 3E C0 585D: C0 C0 07 07 38 38 38 07 C0 38 FF FF 00 00 38 39 586D: 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 37 2F 27 1F 17 47 47 87 87 C7 587D: C7 C6 C5 CC CB CA DA E8 F8 F9 FA FB FD FF BF 3F 588D: 3E 3C 00 00 37 2F 27 1F 17 47 47 87 87 C7 C7 C6 589D: C5 CC CB CA C0 D0 98 38 33 00 00 07 0F 17 1F 27 58AD: 2F 37 3F 3F 7F 7F BF BF FF FF FF BF BF 7F 7F 3F 58BD: 3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 38 30 28 20 08 08 49 52 58CD: A5 FB FC FD FE FF FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F0 E8 58DD: E0 D8 D0 C8 C0 80 40 01 01 01 01 02 03 04 05 06 58ED: 4F EF F7 FF FF F7 EF E7 DF D7 CF C7 87 87 47 47 58FD: 07 00 00 07 0F 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 3F 7F 7F BF BF 590D: FF FF FF BF BF 7F 7F 3F 3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 591D: 38 78 78 B8 B8 F8 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF FF FE 592D: FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F0 E8 E0 D8 D0 C8 C0 C1 C2 C3 593D: C4 C5 C6 C7 C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FF F7 EF E7 594D: DF D7 CF C7 87 87 47 47 07 00 00 07 0F 17 1F 27 595D: 2F 37 3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 38 78 78 B8 B8 F8 596D: F8 F0 E8 E0 D8 D0 C8 C0 80 41 01 01 02 03 04 05 597D: 06 07 07 07 07 00 00 07 0F 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 3E 598D: 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 38 78 78 B8 B8 F8 F8 F0 E8 E0 599D: D8 D0 C8 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C7 87 87 47 47 59AD: 07 00 00 10 ; ; I've played through 10 waves and I've not seen this code called yet. So, I'll need to go through all the self-test code, ; demo, hi-score routines etc to see when this is hit. ; ; 59B1: 8E 57 6D LDX #$576D 59B4: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 59B7: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 59B9: 81 0C CMPA #$0C 59BB: 24 F7 BCC $59B4 59BD: 48 ASLA 59BE: 48 ASLA 59BF: 1F 89 TFR A,B 59C1: AE A5 LDX B,Y 59C3: CB 02 ADDB #$02 59C5: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 59C8: A4 A5 ANDA B,Y 59CA: AF 47 STX $0007,U 59CC: 30 86 LEAX A,X 59CE: AF 49 STX $0009,U 59D0: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 59D2: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; X++ 59D4: 6D 84 TST ,X 59D6: 26 02 BNE $59DA 59D8: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 59DA: AF 49 STX $0009,U 59DC: 10 8E 98 01 LDY #$9801 59E0: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 59E2: 26 04 BNE $59E8 59E4: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 59E6: 20 F8 BRA $59E0 59E8: A7 A0 STA ,Y+ 59EA: 10 8C 98 10 CMPY #$9810 59EE: 25 F0 BCS $59E0 59F0: C6 00 LDB #$00 59F2: A6 4B LDA $000B,U 59F4: 4A DECA 59F5: 81 05 CMPA #$05 59F7: 25 02 BCS $59FB 59F9: 86 04 LDA #$04 59FB: A7 4B STA $000B,U 59FD: 8E 98 01 LDX #$9801 ; start of RAM palette entries + 1 5A00: E7 86 STB A,X ; write to palette 5A02: 30 05 LEAX $0005,X ; X+=5, bumps 5 palette entries along 5A04: 8C 98 10 CMPX #$9810 ; at end of palette entries? 5A07: 25 F7 BCS $5A00 ; no. 5A09: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay 5A0B: 8E 59 D0 LDX #$59D0 ; address of task 5A0E: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; A = packed byte. Left nibble = colour 0 , Right nibble = colour 1 ; X = screen address of top left of tunnel part to draw ; Y = screen address of bottom right of tunnel part to draw ; ; Returns: ; all registers same as on entry DRAW_RECTANGULAR_PART_OF_TUNNEL: 5A11: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5A13: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; mask in left nibble of colour value 5A15: 97 CC STA $CC ; set colour 1 value 5A17: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; restore colour value from stack 5A19: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; this time, mask in right nibble of colour value 5A1B: 97 CD STA $CD ; set colour 2 value 5A1D: 1F 10 TFR X,D 5A1F: 97 CA STA $CA ; $CA = X component of left 5A21: D7 C8 STB $C8 ; $C8 = Y component of top 5A23: 1F 20 TFR Y,D 5A25: 97 CB STA $CB ; $CB = X component of right 5A27: D7 C9 STB $C9 ; $C9 = Y component of bottom 5A29: D0 C8 SUBB $C8 5A2B: 56 RORB ; move bit 0 into carry - to test if the number is odd 5A2C: 24 02 BCC $5A30 ; if number is not odd, goto $5A30 5A2E: 0A C9 DEC $C9 5A30: BD 5A C3 JSR $5AC3 ; call COPY_HI_NIBBLE_TO_LOW_CC which sets B 5A33: 96 C8 LDA $C8 ; Y coordinate of top of tunnel 5A35: BD 5A 89 JSR $5A89 ; draw horizontal line 5A38: 4C INCA ; bump Y coordinate to one pixel row down 5A39: BD 5A CC JSR $5ACC ; call COPY_LOW_NIBBLE_TO_HI_CD which sets B 5A3C: 8D 6C BSR $5AAA ; move to next pixel column horizontally, and draw horizontal tunnel line 5A3E: 96 C9 LDA $C9 ; Y coordinate of bottom of tunnel part being drawn 5A40: BD 5A C3 JSR $5AC3 ; call colour combining code to read $CC, put result in B 5A43: 8D 44 BSR $5A89 ; draw horizontal line 5A45: 4A DECA 5A46: BD 5A CC JSR $5ACC ; call COPY_LOW_NIBBLE_TO_HI_CD which sets B to result 5A49: 8D 5F BSR $5AAA ; move to next pixel column horizontally, and draw horizontal tunnel line 5A4B: 96 CA LDA $CA ; X coordinate of left of tunnel part being drawn 5A4D: BD 5A D5 JSR $5AD5 ; call COMBINE_CC_AND_CD which ORs $CC and $CD and sets B to result 5A50: 8D 09 BSR $5A5B ; draw vertical line at left hand side of tunnel 5A52: 96 CB LDA $CB ; X coordinate of right of tunnel part being drawn 5A54: BD 5A DA JSR $5ADA ; call MOVE_CC_TO_HI_NIBBLE_AND_CD_TO_LOW_NIBBLE which sets B to result 5A57: 8D 02 BSR $5A5B ; draw vertical line at right hand side of tunnel 5A59: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; B = colour to draw line in ; DRAW_VERTICAL_TUNNEL_LINE: 5A5B: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC 5A5D: 8D 1C BSR $5A7B ; calculate height of line to draw 5A5F: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 5A61: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask 5A64: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; width of 1 byte (= 2 pixels), blitter width requires a value xor'd with 4 5A66: C8 04 EORB #$04 ; blitter height needs to be xor'd with 4 also 5A68: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 5A6B: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 5A6E: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 5A71: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 5A74: 86 12 LDA #$12 ; solid mode + synchronise with E clock (for RAM to RAM blits) 5A76: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 5A79: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Expects: ; A = X coordinate of tunnel part ; ; Returns: ; B = number of pixels down to blit ; X = screen address to start drawing vertical line from CALCULATE_TUNNEL_LINE_HEIGHT: 5A7B: 34 04 PSHS B 5A7D: D6 C8 LDB $C8 ; B = Y component of top of tunnel part being drawn 5A7F: 5C INCB 5A80: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X now is a blit destination. The vertical line will be drawn from this address 5A82: D6 C9 LDB $C9 ; load B with $C9, Y component of bottom part of tunnel being drawn 5A84: D0 C8 SUBB $C8 ; subtract Y component of top part 5A86: 5A DECB ; adjust height 5A87: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; A = Y coordinate of tunnel part ; B = colour to draw line in ; DRAW_HORIZONTAL_TUNNEL_LINE: 5A89: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC 5A8B: 8D 28 BSR $5AB5 ; call routine to calculate width of line to draw 5A8D: 5C INCB 5A8E: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 5A90: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask 5A93: C8 04 EORB #$04 ; XOR width with 4 as the blitter chip needs this 5A95: F7 CA 06 STB blitter_width ; set width 5A98: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; height of 1 byte, blitter requires a value xor'd with 4 5A9A: B7 CA 07 STA blitter_height 5A9D: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 5AA0: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 5AA3: 86 12 LDA #$12 ; solid mode + synchronise with E clock (for RAM to RAM blits) 5AA5: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 5AA8: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) MOVE_TO_NEXT_PIXEL_COLUMN_ACROSS_AND_DRAW_HORIZONTAL_TUNNEL_LINE: 5AAA: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC 5AAC: 8D 07 BSR $5AB5 ; calculate tunnel line width and set B to bytes across (multiply by 2 to get width in pixels) 5AAE: 5A DECB ; reduce width by 1 5AAF: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; X+=256 decimal. Move to next pixel column across 5AB3: 20 D9 BRA $5A8E ; and do blit again ; ; Expects: ; A = Y coordinate of tunnel part ; ; Returns: ; B = number of bytes across to blit (multiply by 2 to give pixels) ; X = screen address to start drawing horizontal line from CALCULATE_TUNNEL_LINE_WIDTH: 5AB5: 34 04 PSHS B 5AB7: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; move Y coordinate of tunnel part into B 5AB9: 96 CA LDA $CA ; load A with X component of left part of tunnel being drawn 5ABB: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X now is a blit destination. The horizontal line will be drawn from this address 5ABD: D6 CB LDB $CB ; load B with X component of right part of tunnel being drawn 5ABF: D0 CA SUBB $CA 5AC1: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; BEGIN colour combining related code ; COPY_HI_NIBBLE_TO_LOW_CC: 5AC3: D6 CC LDB $CC ; read byte from $CC into B 5AC5: 54 LSRB ; shift bits in B 4 places to the right... 5AC6: 54 LSRB 5AC7: 54 LSRB 5AC8: 54 LSRB 5AC9: DA CC ORB $CC ; and OR shifted bits with original value. Now both nibbles are identical 5ACB: 39 RTS COPY_LOW_NIBBLE_TO_HI_CD: 5ACC: D6 CD LDB $CD 5ACE: 58 ASLB 5ACF: 58 ASLB 5AD0: 58 ASLB 5AD1: 58 ASLB 5AD2: DA CD ORB $CD 5AD4: 39 RTS COMBINE_CC_AND_CD: 5AD5: D6 CC LDB $CC 5AD7: DA CD ORB $CD 5AD9: 39 RTS MOVE_CC_TO_HI_NIBBLE_AND_CD_TO_LOW_NIBBLE: 5ADA: D6 CC LDB $CC 5ADC: 54 LSRB 5ADD: 54 LSRB 5ADE: 54 LSRB 5ADF: 54 LSRB 5AE0: 34 04 PSHS B 5AE2: D6 CD LDB $CD 5AE4: 58 ASLB 5AE5: 58 ASLB 5AE6: 58 ASLB 5AE7: 58 ASLB 5AE8: EA E0 ORB ,S+ 5AEA: 39 RTS ; ; END colour combining related code ; 5AEB: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5AFB: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5B0B: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5B1B: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5B2B: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5B3B: FF FF FF FF FF 5B40: 7E 5B 5E JMP $5B5E 5B43: 7E 5C 1F JMP $5C1F 5B46: 7E 5B C6 JMP $5BC6 5B49: 7E 5E 15 JMP $5E15 5B4C: 7E 5E 38 JMP $5E38 5B4F: 7E 5C 0A JMP $5C0A 5B52: 7E 5C 14 JMP $5C14 5B55: 7E 5B 98 JMP $5B98 5B58: 7E 5B B1 JMP $5BB1 5B5B: 7E 5B BB JMP $5BBB 5B5E: 0F 96 CLR $96 5B60: 0F 97 CLR $97 5B62: 0F 98 CLR $98 5B64: 0F 99 CLR $99 5B66: BD F0 09 JSR $F009 ; clear explosion list 5B69: 7E 46 80 JMP $4680 ; ; ; Returns: if carry flag clear, U = pointer to free object ; if carry flag set, no free object was found ; 5B6C: 34 10 PSHS X 5B6E: DE 1B LDU $1B ; get free object 5B70: 27 0E BEQ $5B80 ; if NULL, then there's no free objects left, goto $5b80 and set carry flag then exit 5B72: AE C4 LDX ,U 5B74: 9F 1B STX $1B 5B76: 9E 96 LDX $96 5B78: AF C4 STX ,U 5B7A: DF 96 STU $96 5B7C: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag 5B7E: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 5B80: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag 5B82: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Returns: ; if carry clear, U = pointer to free object ; if carry set, no free object was found ; ; TODO: This code is related to warping in 5B84: 34 10 PSHS X 5B86: DE 1B LDU $1B ; U = address of free object list 5B88: 27 F6 BEQ $5B80 ; if NULL, goto $5B80 which sets carry flag and returns to caller of this function 5B8A: AE C4 LDX ,U ; get pointer to NEXT free object 5B8C: 9F 1B STX $1B ; set free object list pointer start to begin at the free object 5B8E: 9E 98 LDX $98 5B90: AF C4 STX ,U 5B92: DF 98 STU $98 5B94: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag 5B96: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 5B98: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5B9A: 8D E8 BSR $5B84 5B9C: 25 6A BCS $5C08 5B9E: ED 49 STD $0009,U 5BA0: CC 0E 0E LDD #$0E0E 5BA3: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 5BA6: 20 30 BRA $5BD8 ; Read the CMOS "Fancy Attract Mode" setting. ; ; Returns: A with fancy attract mode flag setting. 1 = On, 0 = off ; GET_FANCY_ATTRACT_MODE_FLAG: 5BA8: 34 02 PSHS A 5BAA: B6 CC 13 LDA $CC13 ; "fancy attract mode" on? (=YES) 5BAD: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 5BAF: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CREATE_???_IF_FANCY_ATTRACT_MODE_ON: 5BB1: 8D F5 BSR $5BA8 ; read fancy attract mode flag 5BB3: 10 26 94 58 LBNE $F00F ; if fancy attract mode is on, goto $F00F (which is a JMP $F066) 5BB7: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5BB9: 20 0D BRA $5BC8 CREATE_EXPLOSION_IF_FANCY_ATTRACT_MODE_ON: 5BBB: 8D EB BSR $5BA8 ; read fancy attract mode flag 5BBD: 10 26 94 4B LBNE $F00C ; if fancy attract mode is on, goto $F00C (which is a JMP $F0D7) to create a explosion 5BC1: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5BC3: 7E 5C 3A JMP $5C3A ; X = pointer to object ; $A7 = Y coordinate ; ; ; Called by $29F5, DRAW_WARP_IN_VERTICALLY: 5BC6: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5BC8: 8D BA BSR $5B84 ; reserve free object for warping in 5BCA: 25 3C BCS $5C08 ; if carry set, could not reserve object , so goto $5C08 which is RTS 5BCC: CC 0A 0A LDD #$0A0A 5BCF: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 5BD2: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 5BD4: ED 49 STD $0009,U 5BD6: AE 02 LDX $0002,X 5BD8: D6 A7 LDB $A7 5BDA: E7 44 STB $0004,U 5BDC: E0 4A SUBB $000A,U 5BDE: 25 04 BCS $5BE4 5BE0: E1 01 CMPB $0001,X 5BE2: 25 0B BCS $5BEF 5BE4: E6 84 LDB ,X 5BE6: 54 LSRB 5BE7: E7 45 STB $0005,U 5BE9: EB 4A ADDB $000A,U 5BEB: E7 44 STB $0004,U 5BED: 20 02 BRA $5BF1 5BEF: E7 45 STB $0005,U 5BF1: EC 84 LDD ,X 5BF3: ED 4B STD $000B,U 5BF5: C6 01 LDB #$01 5BF7: E7 4F STB $000F,U 5BF9: 88 04 EORA #$04 5BFB: C8 04 EORB #$04 5BFD: ED 4D STD $000D,U 5BFF: AE 02 LDX $0002,X 5C01: AF 42 STX $0002,U 5C03: CC 10 00 LDD #$1000 5C06: ED 46 STD $0006,U 5C08: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 5C0A: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 5C0D: DD 88 STD $88 ; set player laser direction fields 5C0F: 8D 0E BSR $5C1F ; create explosion 5C11: 7E 5B 5B JMP $5B5B 5C14: CC 01 01 LDD #$0101 ; down, right 5C17: DD 88 STD $88 ; set laser direction fields 5C19: 8D 04 BSR $5C1F ; create explosion 5C1B: 86 FF LDA #$FF 5C1D: 97 88 STA $88 ; ; When an enemy has been shot or collided with an object that kills it (e.g. laser, electrode), this routine is called to make it explode. ; ; X = enemy that's to explode ; $88 = horizontal direction of player's laser ($FF = left, 0=no horizontal movement, 1 = right) ; $89 =vertical direction of players laser ($FF = up, 0=no vertical movement, 1 = down) ; $A6 = pointer to screen address where enemy and object that killed it collided ; MAKE_ENEMY_EXPLODE: 5C1F: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A 5C21: 96 88 LDA $88 ; A = horizontal direction of player's laser ($FF = left, 0=laser moving vertical only, 1 = right) 5C23: 26 07 BNE $5C2C ; if the players laser is moving on the horizontal axis only, goto $5C2C 5C25: BD 5B 5B JSR $5B5B ; JMP $5BBB (read fancy mode flag, and if is on, go to $F0D7, which creates the actual explosion) 5C28: 24 7D BCC $5CA7 ; if carry clear, couldn't create an explosion, so exit 5C2A: 20 13 BRA $5C3F 5C2C: D6 89 LDB $89 ; B = vertical direction of players laser ($FF = up, 0=laser moving horizontal only, 1 = down) 5C2E: 27 0A BEQ $5C3A ; if players laser is moving on the horizontal axis but not vertical axis, goto $5C3A 5C30: 98 89 EORA $89 ; A = A xor laser vertical direction 5C32: 43 COMA ; flip bits 5C33: BD 46 83 JSR $4683 ; JMP $473F - create a directional explosion 5C36: 24 6F BCC $5CA7 ; if carry clear, exit 5C38: 20 05 BRA $5C3F 5C3A: BD 5B 6C JSR $5B6C ; reserve an object in U 5C3D: 24 0A BCC $5C49 ; if carry clear, then object reservation was successful, goto $5C49. ; if we get here, couldn't make the enemy explode so we just remove him from the screen. 5C3F: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 5C42: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination 5C44: BD D0 1E JSR $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 5C47: 20 5E BRA $5CA7 ; exit ; ; U = object entry ; ; TODO: Define metadata structure here. 5C49: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination of enemy 5C4B: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer of enemy 5C4D: ED 49 STD $0009,U 5C4F: CC 0A 0A LDD #$0A0A 5C52: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 5C55: D6 A7 LDB $A7 5C57: E7 44 STB $0004,U 5C59: E0 4A SUBB $000A,U 5C5B: 25 04 BCS $5C61 5C5D: E1 01 CMPB $0001,X 5C5F: 25 0B BCS $5C6C 5C61: E6 01 LDB $0001,X 5C63: 54 LSRB 5C64: E7 45 STB $0005,U 5C66: EB 4A ADDB $000A,U 5C68: E7 44 STB $0004,U 5C6A: 20 02 BRA $5C6E 5C6C: E7 45 STB $0005,U 5C6E: 10 8E C3 A5 LDY #$C3A5 5C72: EC 84 LDD ,X 5C74: ED 4B STD $000B,U 5C76: E7 4F STB $000F,U 5C78: C6 01 LDB #$01 5C7A: 88 04 EORA #$04 5C7C: C8 04 EORB #$04 5C7E: ED 4D STD $000D,U 5C80: 96 59 LDA $59 5C82: 2B 16 BMI $5C9A 5C84: A6 A9 FA CD LDA $FACD,Y 5C88: 81 4A CMPA #$4A 5C8A: 27 0E BEQ $5C9A 5C8C: 96 86 LDA $86 5C8E: 26 0A BNE $5C9A 5C90: D6 85 LDB $85 5C92: 86 98 LDA #$98 5C94: 34 06 PSHS B,A 5C96: EF F4 STU [,S] 5C98: 35 06 PULS A,B 5C9A: AE 02 LDX $0002,X 5C9C: AF 42 STX $0002,U 5C9E: CC 01 00 LDD #$0100 5CA1: ED 46 STD $0006,U 5CA3: 86 10 LDA #$10 5CA5: A7 48 STA $0008,U 5CA7: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 5CA9: E6 2F LDB $000F,Y 5CAB: C0 10 SUBB #$10 5CAD: 50 NEGB 5CAE: 86 06 LDA #$06 5CB0: 3D MUL 5CB1: BE F0 17 LDX $F017 5CB4: 3A ABX 5CB5: 34 10 PSHS X 5CB7: A6 26 LDA $0006,Y 5CB9: 97 A8 STA $A8 5CBB: A6 29 LDA $0009,Y 5CBD: C6 12 LDB #$12 5CBF: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 5CC1: B7 CA 04 STA blitter_dest 5CC4: A6 2A LDA $000A,Y 5CC6: CE 00 00 LDU #$0000 5CC9: FF CA 01 STU blitter_mask 5CCC: B7 CA 03 STA blitter_source_l 5CCF: EE 2D LDU $000D,Y 5CD1: FF CA 06 STU blitter_w_h 5CD4: CE CA 05 LDU #$CA05 5CD7: 8E CA 00 LDX #start_blitter 5CDA: 39 RTS 5CDB: CE 98 96 LDU #$9896 5CDE: 10 AC C4 CMPY ,U 5CE1: 27 08 BEQ $5CEB 5CE3: EE C4 LDU ,U 5CE5: 26 F7 BNE $5CDE 5CE7: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 5CE9: 20 FE BRA $5CE9 ; infinite loop, force watchdog to reset machine 5CEB: EC A4 LDD ,Y 5CED: ED C4 STD ,U 5CEF: DC 1B LDD $1B 5CF1: ED A4 STD ,Y 5CF3: 10 9F 1B STY $1B 5CF6: 31 C4 LEAY ,U 5CF8: 39 RTS 5CF9: ROBOTRON: 2084 COPYRIGHT 1982 5D19: WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. ALL R 5D39: IGHTS RESERVED 5D48: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y 5D4A: 83 00 80 SUBD #$0080 5D4D: A1 26 CMPA $0006,Y 5D4F: 26 03 BNE $5D54 5D51: E7 27 STB $0007,Y 5D53: 39 RTS 5D54: BD 5C A9 JSR $5CA9 5D57: 96 59 LDA $59 5D59: 26 08 BNE $5D63 5D5B: DC 5E LDD $5E 5D5D: A7 29 STA $0009,Y 5D5F: EB 25 ADDB $0005,Y 5D61: E7 24 STB $0004,Y 5D63: A6 2C LDA $000C,Y 5D65: 97 9C STA $9C 5D67: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y 5D69: 81 01 CMPA #$01 5D6B: 22 08 BHI $5D75 5D6D: 8D 27 BSR $5D96 5D6F: CE 98 98 LDU #$9898 5D72: 7E 5C DE JMP $5CDE 5D75: 83 00 80 SUBD #$0080 5D78: 81 01 CMPA #$01 5D7A: 22 1A BHI $5D96 5D7C: A6 A8 10 LDA $10,Y 5D7F: 81 0E CMPA #$0E 5D81: 26 EC BNE $5D6F 5D83: 86 01 LDA #$01 5D85: 20 0F BRA $5D96 5D87: 6A 28 DEC $0008,Y 5D89: 10 27 FF 4E LBEQ $5CDB 5D8D: A6 2C LDA $000C,Y 5D8F: 97 9C STA $9C 5D91: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y 5D93: C3 01 00 ADDD #$0100 5D96: 97 A8 STA $A8 5D98: ED 26 STD $0006,Y 5D9A: 44 LSRA 5D9B: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y 5D9D: 26 01 BNE $5DA0 5D9F: 4F CLRA 5DA0: 97 9F STA $9F 5DA2: AE 22 LDX $0002,Y 5DA4: 96 A8 LDA $A8 5DA6: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y 5DA8: 3D MUL 5DA9: DD 9D STD $9D 5DAB: E6 24 LDB $0004,Y 5DAD: 4F CLRA 5DAE: 93 9D SUBD $9D 5DB0: DB 9F ADDB $9F 5DB2: 89 00 ADCA #$00 5DB4: 26 04 BNE $5DBA 5DB6: C1 18 CMPB #$18 5DB8: 22 16 BHI $5DD0 5DBA: 0A 9C DEC $9C 5DBC: DB A8 ADDB $A8 5DBE: 89 00 ADCA #$00 5DC0: 26 F8 BNE $5DBA 5DC2: C1 18 CMPB #$18 5DC4: 23 F4 BLS $5DBA 5DC6: E7 2A STB $000A,Y 5DC8: EC 2B LDD $000B,Y 5DCA: D0 9C SUBB $9C 5DCC: 3D MUL 5DCD: 3A ABX 5DCE: 20 02 BRA $5DD2 5DD0: E7 2A STB $000A,Y 5DD2: 96 9C LDA $9C 5DD4: 4A DECA 5DD5: D6 A8 LDB $A8 5DD7: 3D MUL 5DD8: EB 2A ADDB $000A,Y 5DDA: 89 00 ADCA #$00 5DDC: 27 08 BEQ $5DE6 5DDE: 0A 9C DEC $9C 5DE0: D0 A8 SUBB $A8 5DE2: 82 00 SBCA #$00 5DE4: 26 F8 BNE $5DDE 5DE6: C1 EA CMPB #$EA 5DE8: 24 F4 BCC $5DDE 5DEA: 96 9C LDA $9C 5DEC: 10 27 FE EB LBEQ $5CDB 5DF0: A7 2F STA $000F,Y 5DF2: 80 10 SUBA #$10 5DF4: 40 NEGA 5DF5: C6 0B LDB #$0B 5DF7: 3D MUL 5DF8: F3 F0 15 ADDD $F015 5DFB: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A ; save return address on stack 5DFD: EE A8 10 LDU $10,Y 5E00: EC 2D LDD $000D,Y ; get width in bytes & height for blit 5E02: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 5E04: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 5E07: A6 29 LDA $0009,Y ; get blitter destination 5E09: B7 CA 04 STA blitter_dest 5E0C: E6 2B LDB $000B,Y 5E0E: A6 2A LDA $000A,Y 5E10: 10 8E CA 05 LDY #$CA05 5E14: 39 RTS ; pop return address off stack (see $5DFB) 5E15: 10 9E 96 LDY $96 5E18: 27 0B BEQ $5E25 5E1A: BD 5C A9 JSR $5CA9 5E1D: BD 5D 87 JSR $5D87 ; compute type of blit to perform and do blit 5E20: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y 5E23: 26 F5 BNE $5E1A 5E25: 10 9E 98 LDY $98 5E28: 27 08 BEQ $5E32 5E2A: BD 5D 48 JSR $5D48 5E2D: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y 5E30: 26 F8 BNE $5E2A 5E32: BD F0 12 JSR $F012 5E35: 7E 46 89 JMP $4689 5E38: DE 15 LDU $15 5E3A: 35 06 PULS A,B 5E3C: ED 4D STD $000D,U 5E3E: 86 0A LDA #$0A 5E40: A7 47 STA $0007,U 5E42: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 5E45: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 5E48: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 5E4B: 86 99 LDA #$99 5E4D: BD 38 88 JSR $3888 ; JMP $3942 5E50: 86 02 LDA #$02 5E52: 8E 5E 58 LDX #$5E58 5E55: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 5E58: 96 84 LDA $84 5E5A: 84 03 ANDA #$03 5E5C: 8E 5E AE LDX #$5EAE 5E5F: A6 86 LDA A,X 5E61: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 5E64: BD 38 88 JSR $3888 ; JMP $3942 5E67: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U 5E69: 27 08 BEQ $5E73 5E6B: 86 06 LDA #$06 5E6D: 8E 5E 48 LDX #$5E48 5E70: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 5E73: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 5E76: BD D0 24 JSR $D024 ; JMP $D89E - create tasks to animate colour palette 5E79: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 5E7C: DE 15 LDU $15 5E7E: 8E 5E B2 LDX #$5EB2 5E81: AF 47 STX $0007,U 5E83: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 5E86: 86 CC LDA #$CC 5E88: BD 38 88 JSR $3888 ; JMP $3942 5E8B: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 5E8D: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 5E8F: 97 0C STA $0C 5E91: 27 0A BEQ $5E9D 5E93: AF 47 STX $0007,U 5E95: 86 04 LDA #$04 5E97: 8E 5E 8B LDX #$5E8B 5E9A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 5E9D: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start 5EA0: 6F 88 12 CLR $12,X 5EA3: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen 5EA6: BD D0 24 JSR $D024 ; JMP $D89E - create tasks to animate colour palette 5EA9: DE 15 LDU $15 5EAB: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] 5EAE: 00 11 33 77 FF F6 AD A4 5B 52 09 00 5EBA: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5ECA: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5EDA: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5EEA: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5EFA: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F0A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F1A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F2A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F3A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F4A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F5A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F6A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F7A: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F8A: FF FF FF FF FF FF 5F90: 7E 5F BE JMP $5FBE 5F93: 7E 60 23 JMP $6023 5F96: 7E 61 3F JMP $613F JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT: 5F99: 7E 61 47 JMP PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT 5F9C: 7E 5F A2 JMP $5FA2 5F9F: 7E 60 96 JMP $6096 ; ; ; RESET_TEXT_RENDERING_FIELDS: 5FA2: 34 02 PSHS A 5FA4: 86 11 LDA #$11 5FA6: 97 CF STA $CF ; set text colour 5FA8: 35 02 PULS A 5FAA: 34 02 PSHS A 5FAC: 86 07 LDA #$07 5FAE: 97 D2 STA $D2 ; set font height 5FB0: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit odd pixel" flag 5FB2: 0F D5 CLR $D5 5FB4: 0F D7 CLR $D7 5FB6: 86 01 LDA #$01 5FB8: 97 D1 STA $D1 5FBA: 9F D3 STX $D3 5FBC: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Blit an alphanumeric or symbolic character to the screen, using the small font ; ; A = ordinal of character to print (uses ASCII for A-Z) ; X = address of screen to blit character to ; $CF = Colour to draw character in ; $D7 = ??? ; $D0 : if non-zero, set blitter to shift 1 pixel to right BLIT_SMALL_CHARACTER: 5FBE: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 5FC0: C6 39 LDB #$39 ; prevent watchdog from resetting system 5FC2: F7 CB FF STB watchdog 5FC5: C6 05 LDB #$05 ; small font size 5FC7: D7 D2 STB $D2 ; set font size 5FC9: 81 20 CMPA #$20 ; SPACE? 5FCB: 26 02 BNE $5FCF ; no, goto $5FCF 5FCD: 86 3A LDA #$3A 5FCF: 10 BE E9 C8 LDY $E9C8 ; contains pointer to SMALL_CHARACTER_TABLE, which resolves to $E9CC 5FD3: 81 5E CMPA #$5E 5FD5: 22 4A BHI $6021 5FD7: 80 30 SUBA #$30 ; subtract #$30 (48 decimal) from A 5FD9: 25 46 BCS $6021 ; if there was a carry (ie: result is negative) exit. A must be invalid 5FDB: 48 ASLA ; A = A * 2, to give an offset to add to Y 5FDC: 10 AE A6 LDY A,Y ; read from SMALL_CHARACTER_TABLE+ A to get a pointer to character to print 5FDF: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; get width of character in pixels 5FE1: 44 LSRA ; divide by 2, to give number of bytes to blit 5FE2: 4C INCA ; ensure value is nonzero 5FE3: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; for blitter purposes. Blitter needs width XOR 4 5FE5: C6 01 LDB #$01 5FE7: 34 21 PSHS Y,CC 5FE9: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 5FEB: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 5FEE: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y ; Y ++ . Now Y points to the pixel data to blit 5FF0: 10 BF CA 02 STY blitter_source 5FF4: 96 CF LDA $CF 5FF6: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask 5FF9: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 5FFC: 86 1A LDA #$1A ; Blitter flags: Transparent + take source + remap 5FFE: D6 D0 LDB $D0 ; read "blitter must do pixel shift" flag 6000: 27 02 BEQ $6004 ; if 0, no pixel shift required ; if we get here then the character needs to be drawn one pixel to the right. Remember, on the Robotron hardware there are 2 pixels per byte, ; and in order for the blitter to begin drawing from an "odd" pixel the special "shift one pixel right" bit needs to be set, as below: 6002: 86 3A LDA #$3A ; Blitter flags: Transparent + take source + remap + shift one pixel right 6004: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 6007: 35 21 PULS CC,Y ; Y = pointer to character to print 6009: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; get width of character in pixels 600B: 4C INCA ; add 1 600C: 5F CLRB 600D: 44 LSRA ; then divide by 2, to give number of bytes to adjust X by 600E: 30 8B LEAX D,X ; X += D. Now X points to blit destination for *next* character 6010: 24 0F BCC $6021 ; If we get here, the LSRA at $600D has caused a carry meaning the width of the character is an odd number. ; the next character might require blitting on an odd pixel, so we need to set/reset (toggle) the blitter pixel shift flag accordingly. 6012: 96 D0 LDA $D0 ; read "blitter must do pixel shift" flag 6014: 27 07 BEQ $601D ; if no pixel shift required, goto $601D 6016: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; add $0100 (256 decimal) to bump to next 2 pixels on same row 601A: 5F CLRB 601B: 20 02 BRA $601F 601D: C6 FF LDB #$FF 601F: D7 D0 STB $D0 ; set "blitter must do pixel shift" flag 6021: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Blit an alphanumeric or symbolic character to the screen, using the large font ; ; A = ordinal of character to blit (uses ASCII for A-Z) ; X = address of screen to blit character to ; $CF = Colour to draw character in ; $D7 = this value is character height related. I don't know its exact purpose. ; ; ; $D0 : if non-zero, set blitter to shift 1 pixel to right ; ; returns: X = address of screen to blit NEXT character to ; BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER: 6023: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 6025: C6 39 LDB #$39 ; prevent watchdog from resetting system 6027: F7 CB FF STB watchdog 602A: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; large font 602C: D7 D2 STB $D2 ; set font size 602E: 81 20 CMPA #$20 ; SPACE? 6030: 26 02 BNE $6034 6032: 86 3A LDA #$3A ; if a space, change to #$3A (58 decimal) 6034: 10 BE E9 CA LDY $E9CA ; Y always resolves to #$EC34, which is the address of LARGE_CHARACTER_TABLE 6038: 81 5E CMPA #$5E ; if > #$5E (94 decimal) then return 603A: 22 E5 BHI $6021 603C: 80 30 SUBA #$30 ; subtract #$30 (48 decimal) 603E: 25 E1 BCS $6021 ; if there was a carry (ie: result is negative) exit. A must be invalid. 6040: 48 ASLA ; A = A * 2, to give an offset to add to Y 6041: 10 AE A6 LDY A,Y ; read from $EC34+ A to get pointer to large character to print 6044: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; get width of character in pixels 6046: 44 LSRA ; divide by 2 to give number of bytes to blit 6047: 4C INCA ; add 1, to ensure nonzero width 6048: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; for blitter purposes. Blitter needs width XOR 4 604A: D6 D7 LDB $D7 ; get height adjustment into B 604C: 2F 01 BLE $604F ; if 0 or (N xor V) == 1 goto $604C 604E: 50 NEGB 604F: CB 06 ADDB #$06 ; add 6 to height 6051: C8 04 EORB #$04 ; for blitter purposes. Blitter needs height xor 4 6053: 34 21 PSHS Y,CC 6055: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 6057: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 605A: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y ; Y = Y + 1 605C: D6 D7 LDB $D7 605E: 2F 05 BLE $6065 6060: 88 04 EORA #$04 ; get rid of bit 2 in A, to get real width 6062: 3D MUL 6063: 31 A5 LEAY B,Y ; Y = Y + B 6065: 10 BF CA 02 STY blitter_source 6069: 96 CF LDA $CF ; get colour to blit character in 606B: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask 606E: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 6071: 86 1A LDA #$1A ; blitter flags (11010b) - transparency mode + solid mode 6073: D6 D0 LDB $D0 ; read "blitter must do pixel shift" flag 6075: 27 8D BEQ $6004 ; if no pixel shift required, goto $6004 6077: 20 89 BRA $6002 ; start the blit at X, one pixel to right 6079: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 607B: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 607D: 86 05 LDA #$05 607F: 5F CLRB 6080: 20 2F BRA $60B1 6082: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 6084: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 6086: 86 05 LDA #$05 6088: C6 01 LDB #$01 608A: 20 25 BRA $60B1 608C: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 608E: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 6090: 86 07 LDA #$07 6092: C6 01 LDB #$01 6094: 20 1B BRA $60B1 6096: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 6098: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 609A: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; large font please 609C: D7 D2 STB $D2 ; set font size 609E: C6 02 LDB #$02 60A0: D7 D1 STB $D1 60A2: 8D 65 BSR $6109 60A4: A6 E4 LDA ,S 60A6: 8D 65 BSR $610D 60A8: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 60AA: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 60AC: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60AE: 86 07 LDA #$07 60B0: 5F CLRB 60B1: 97 D2 STA $D2 ; set font size 60B3: D7 D1 STB $D1 60B5: A6 E4 LDA ,S 60B7: 20 02 BRA $60BB ; ; A = BCD number to print ; ; ; PRINT_BCD_NUMBER: 60B9: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60BB: 0F D6 CLR $D6 60BD: 8D 4A BSR $6109 ; print left nibble 60BF: 0C D6 INC $D6 60C1: A6 E4 LDA ,S 60C3: 8D 48 BSR $610D ; print right nibble 60C5: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 60C7: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 60C9: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60CB: 86 05 LDA #$05 60CD: 5F CLRB 60CE: 20 1B BRA $60EB 60D0: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 60D2: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60D4: 86 05 LDA #$05 60D6: C6 01 LDB #$01 60D8: 20 11 BRA $60EB 60DA: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 60DC: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60DE: 86 07 LDA #$07 60E0: C6 01 LDB #$01 60E2: 20 07 BRA $60EB 60E4: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear odd pixel flag 60E6: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60E8: 86 07 LDA #$07 60EA: 5F CLRB 60EB: 97 D2 STA $D2 60ED: D7 D1 STB $D1 60EF: A6 E4 LDA ,S 60F1: 20 02 BRA $60F5 60F3: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 60F5: 0F D6 CLR $D6 60F7: 8D 10 BSR $6109 60F9: A6 E4 LDA ,S 60FB: 8D 10 BSR $610D 60FD: A6 61 LDA $0001,S 60FF: 8D 08 BSR $6109 6101: 0C D6 INC $D6 6103: A6 61 LDA $0001,S 6105: 8D 06 BSR $610D 6107: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; A = BCD encoded number to print ; ; PRINT_BCD_NUMBER_LEFT_NIBBLE: 6109: 44 LSRA ; move left nibble of A to right nibble 610A: 44 LSRA 610B: 44 LSRA 610C: 44 LSRA PRINT_BCD_NUMBER_RIGHT_NIBBLE: 610D: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask in right nibble of A, discard all other bits 610F: 26 08 BNE $6119 ; is result 0? If not, goto $6119 6111: D6 D6 LDB $D6 6113: 26 04 BNE $6119 6115: D6 D1 LDB $D1 6117: 26 0F BNE $6128 6119: 0C D6 INC $D6 611B: 8B 30 ADDA #$30 ; convert to ASCII for 0..9 611D: D6 D2 LDB $D2 ; read font-size flag 611F: C1 07 CMPB #$07 ; large font? 6121: 10 27 FE FE LBEQ $6023 ; yes, branch to BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER routine 6125: 7E 5F BE JMP $5FBE ; no, jump to BLIT_SMALL_CHARACTER routine 6128: C1 02 CMPB #$02 612A: 26 0E BNE $613A 612C: 30 89 02 00 LEAX $0200,X ; move text cursor 4 pixels to right 6130: D6 D2 LDB $D2 ; read font-size flag 6132: C1 05 CMPB #$05 ; small font? 6134: 27 04 BEQ $613A 6136: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X 613A: 39 RTS 613B: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 613D: 20 12 BRA $6151 ; Prints a text string in small characters. ; ; A = index of text string to draw (see TEXT_PTRS) ; B = parameter to insert into string (along the lines of in C: printf("texthere: %d", param) or C#: string.Format("texthere: {0}", param)) ; for example, $34C0 (PRINT_WAVE_NUMBER) calls this function, passing the wave number in B. This function then draws the string "[n] WAVE" ; ; X = screen address to start drawing text at ; PRINT_STRING_SMALL_FONT: 613F: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blitter must do pixel shift" flag. See $6002 for more info 6141: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 6143: C6 05 LDB #$05 ; small font size indicator 6145: 20 06 BRA $614D ; Prints a text string in large characters. ; ; A = index of text string to draw (see TEXT_PTRS) ; X = screen address to start drawing text string ; B, Y = parameters to pass to functions ; PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT: 6147: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "odd pixel" flag -see $6002 for more info 6149: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A 614B: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; large font size indicator 614D: D7 D2 STB $D2 ; set font-size (see $6190 for how this affects what size of font is rendered) 614F: 0F D7 CLR $D7 6151: 34 42 PSHS U,A ; ; BEGIN Security related code ; 6153: CE 99 4B LDU #$994B 6156: C6 37 LDB #$37 6158: 0D 59 TST $59 615A: 2B 13 BMI $616F 615C: E1 C8 A8 CMPB -$58,U 615F: 27 0E BEQ $616F 6161: 96 85 LDA $85 6163: 81 30 CMPA #$30 6165: 22 08 BHI $616F 6167: D6 84 LDB $84 ; read a random number 6169: 86 98 LDA #$98 ; make D = $98xx 616B: 1F 03 TFR D,U 616D: 63 C4 COM ,U ; flip the bits at U, corrupting game state!!! The game will eventually go kaboom... ; END security related code 616F: 35 42 PULS A,U ; restore A & U from stack 6171: 1F 89 TFR A,B 6173: 4F CLRA 6174: 58 ASLB 6175: 49 ROLA 6176: 10 8E 62 91 LDY #TEXT_PTRS 617A: 10 AE AB LDY D,Y ; Y = *(D+Y) 617D: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ ; Read character 617F: 27 1F BEQ $61A0 ; if == 0, then end of string 6181: 81 17 CMPA #$17 ; compare to #$17 (23 decimal) 6183: 24 0B BCC $6190 ; >= 23 decimal? This is a character to print, goto $6190 ; if A is < 23 decimal then this means its a special instruction, for example to change the text colour or change the position of where to write text. ; The appropriate function is looked up in the TEXT_FUNCTIONS table and called. 6185: 4A DECA 6186: 48 ASLA ; multiply A by 2 to give an offset to add to TEXT_FUNCTIONS below 6187: CE 61 A2 LDU #TEXT_FUNCTIONS 618A: EE C6 LDU A,U ; U = *(A+U) 618C: AD C4 JSR ,U ; call function at U 618E: 20 ED BRA $617D ; get next character 6190: D6 D2 LDB $D2 ; read "font size" field 6192: C1 07 CMPB #$07 ; do we want LARGE font?? 6194: 26 05 BNE $619B ; no, goto $619B, print string in small text 6196: BD 60 23 JSR $6023 ; call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER routine 6199: 20 E2 BRA $617D ; go read next character/instruction 619B: BD 5F BE JSR $5FBE ; call BLIT_SMALL_CHARACTER routine 619E: 20 DD BRA $617D ; go read next character/instruction 61A0: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; List of subroutines to call ; TEXT_FUNCTIONS: 61A2: 61 D8 ; do nothing (just an RTS) 61A4: 61 D8 ; do nothing 61A6: 61 D8 ; do nothing 61A8: 61 D9 ; SET_TEXT_COLOUR 61AA: 61 DE ; MOVE_TEXT_CURSOR_RELATIVE 61AC: 62 16 ; SAVE_ODD_PIXEL_FLAG_TO_D5_AND_SCREEN_ADDR_TO_D3 61AE: 62 1D ; SWITCH_TO_LARGE_FONT 61B0: 62 2A ; SWITCH_TO_SMALL_FONT 61B2: 62 37 ; set $D1 to 1 61B4: 62 3C ; Set $D1 to 0 61B6: 62 44 ; D = *(Y++) 61B8: 62 49 ; 61BA: 62 4E 61BC: 62 53 61BE: 62 75 61C0: 62 58 61C2: 62 6B 61C4: 62 0F ; SET_ABSOLUTE_TEXT_CURSOR_POSITION 61C6: 62 70 61C8: 61 CE 61CA: 62 3F ; set $D1 to 2 61CC: 62 5D 61CE: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab 61D1: 10 2B 00 A0 LBMI $6275 61D5: EC A1 LDD ,Y++ 61D7: 39 RTS 61D8: 39 RTS ; ; Used to change text colours during PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT function ; ; Y = pointer to colour byte ; SET_TEXT_COLOUR: 61D9: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ 61DB: 97 CF STA $CF 61DD: 39 RTS ; ; Move cursor relative to current cursor position. ; ; X = current text cursor position (screen address where top left of character will be blitted) ; ; Y = pointer to 3 bytes: ; Byte 0: offset to add to X component of screen address ; Byte 1: offset to add to Y component of screen address ; Byte 2: flag which indicates whether to adjust "odd pixel" flag or not. If 0, no, do not adjust flag ; ; ; On exit: ; X = updated text position ; Y = pointer to next instruction or character to print MOVE_TEXT_CURSOR_RELATIVE: 61DE: 1F 10 TFR X,D ; D = screen blit address 61E0: AB A4 ADDA ,Y ; A+= X component 61E2: EB 21 ADDB $0001,Y ; B+= Y component 61E4: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X= D. X = screen blit address 61E6: 6D 22 TST $0002,Y ; read "adjust odd pixel" flag 61E8: 27 22 BEQ $620C ; if 0, we don't want to adjust the odd pixel flag, goto $620C. 61EA: 6D A4 TST ,Y ; is our X offset we added to the screen coordinate a negative one? 61EC: 2B 0F BMI $61FD ; If bit 7 is set, yes its negative, goto $61FD 61EE: 96 D0 LDA $D0 ; are we blitting on an odd pixel? 61F0: 27 06 BEQ $61F8 ; no, goto $61F8, now we will be on an odd pixel next time 61F2: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; adjust screen blit address to be 2 pixels to right of previous 61F6: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; when INCA below occurs, $FF will become 0, and we'll be blitting on odd pixels 61F8: 4C INCA 61F9: 97 D0 STA $D0 ; set odd pixel blit value (0= blit on even pixels, 1 = blit on odd) 61FB: 20 0F BRA $620C ; and get outa here 61FD: 96 D0 LDA $D0 ; read "adjust odd pixel" flag 61FF: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; is it set to 1? 6201: 27 06 BEQ $6209 ; if set to 1, we are blitting on an odd pixel, goto $6209, which will set A to 0, meaning "blit on even pixel" 6203: 30 89 FF 00 LEAX -256,X ; X = X - 256 decimal (to adjust screen address 2 pixels to the left) 6207: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; After DECA beneath occurs, A will be set to 1, meaning "blit to odd pixel" 6209: 4A DECA 620A: 97 D0 STA $D0 ; set odd pixel blit value (0= blit on even pixels, 1 = blit on odd) 620C: 31 23 LEAY $0003,Y ; Y += 3 620E: 39 RTS SET_ABSOLUTE_TEXT_CURSOR_POSITION: 620F: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ ; set blitter destination for character 6211: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ 6213: 97 D0 STA $D0 ; set "odd pixel" flag 6215: 39 RTS SAVE_ODD_PIXEL_FLAG_TO_D5_AND_SCREEN_ADDR_TO_D3 6216: D6 D0 LDB $D0 6218: D7 D5 STB $D5 621A: 9F D3 STX $D3 621C: 39 RTS SWITCH_TO_LARGE_FONT: 621D: 96 D2 LDA $D2 ; what size of font are we using? 621F: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; large font? 6221: 27 06 BEQ $6229 ; if using large font goto $6229 (RTS) 6223: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; otherwise, set large font 6225: 97 D2 STA $D2 6227: 30 1F LEAX $-1,X ; X-- 6229: 39 RTS SWITCH_TO_SMALL_FONT: 622A: 96 D2 LDA $D2 ; what size of font are we using? 622C: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; small font? 622E: 27 F9 BEQ $6229 ; if using small font, goto $6229 (RTS) 6230: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; otherwise, set small font 6232: 97 D2 STA $D2 6234: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; X++ 6236: 39 RTS ; ; Sets $D1 to 1 ; ; 6237: 86 01 LDA #$01 6239: 97 D1 STA $D1 623B: 39 RTS ; ; Sets $D1 to 0 ; ; 623C: 0F D1 CLR $D1 623E: 39 RTS ; ; Sets $D1 to 2 ; 623F: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; 6241: 97 D1 STA $D1 6243: 39 RTS ; ; D = *(Y++) ; 6244: EC A1 LDD ,Y++ 6246: 7E 60 F3 JMP $60F3 6249: EC B1 LDD [,Y++] 624B: 7E 60 F3 JMP $60F3 ; ; A = *(Y+) ; 624E: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ 6250: 7E 60 B9 JMP $60B9 ; call PRINT_BCD_NUMBER ; ; ; 6253: A6 B1 LDA [,Y++] 6255: 7E 60 B9 JMP $60B9 ; call PRINT_BCD_NUMBER ; Print MSB of Y from stack, pushed at $6141 or $6149. Values are treated as BCD. So if Y was #$1234, A would be #$12, and "12" would be printed. 6258: A6 63 LDA $0003,S 625A: 7E 60 B9 JMP $60B9 ; call PRINT_BCD_NUMBER 625D: A6 63 LDA $0003,S 625F: 81 05 CMPA #$05 6261: 23 05 BLS $6268 6263: 81 FB CMPA #$FB 6265: 24 01 BCC $6268 6267: 4F CLRA 6268: 97 D7 STA $D7 626A: 39 RTS 626B: EC 64 LDD $0004,S 626D: 7E 60 F3 JMP $60F3 6270: A6 B1 LDA [,Y++] 6272: 97 CF STA $CF ; set text colour 6274: 39 RTS ; ; At this moment in time, U,Y,B,A are pushed onto the stack (in that order) such that you'd have to PULS A,B,Y,U to restore them. ; ; 6275: 32 78 LEAS $-8,S 6277: E6 6B LDB $000B,S 6279: E7 61 STB $0001,S 627B: EC 6C LDD $000C,S 627D: ED 62 STD $0002,S 627F: CC 62 8E LDD #$628E 6282: ED 66 STD $0006,S 6284: EC A1 LDD ,Y++ 6286: 10 AF 64 STY $0004,S 6289: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; set pointer to character to print (or op to perform) 628B: 7E 61 7D JMP $617D ; read next character to print 628E: 1F 32 TFR U,Y 6290: 39 RTS TEXT_PTRS: 6291: 6D 1B ; 6293: 6C D1 ; OPERATIONAL 6295: 6D 58 ; RAM 6297: 6D 4D ; ROM ERROR 6299: 6B B4 ; ALL ROMS OK 629B: 6B FC ; NO RAM ERRORS DETECTED 629D: 6C 08 ; NO CMOS RAM ERRORS DETECTED 629F: 6C 25 ; CMOS RAM 62A1: 6C 2F ; OR WRITE PROTECT FAILURE 62A3: 6C 8A ; SOUND LINE [value in B register] 62A5: 6D 37 ; ROM 62A7: 6D 42 ; RAM 62A9: 6B A2 ; SWITCH TEST 62AB: 6A D0 ; AUTO UP 62AD: 6A D8 ; ADVANCE 62AF: 6A E0 ; RIGHT COIN 62B1: 6A EB ; #$10 - HIGH SCORE RESET 62B3: 6A FC ; LEFT COIN 62B5: 6B 06 ; CENTER COIN 62B7: 6B 12 ; SLAM SWITCH 62B9: 6B 1E ; MOVE UP 62BB: 6B 29 ; MOVE DOWN 62BD: 6B 36 ; MOVE LEFT 62BF: 6B 43 ; MOVE RIGHT 62C1: 6B 51 ; 1 62C3: 6B 56 ; 2 62C5: 6B 65 ; FIRE UP 62C7: 6B 70 ; FIRE DOWN 62C9: 6B 7D ; FIRE LEFT 62CB: 6B 8A ; FIRE RIGHT 62CD: 6A 9B ; 3 62CF: 69 62 ; / 62D1: 6A 5C ;#$20 - 62D3: 6A 6C 62D5: 6A 7E 62D7: 69 9E 62D9: 69 B3 62DB: 69 CC 62DD: 69 E9 62DF: 69 FC 62E1: 6D E4 62E3: 69 55 ; Print contents of B register (where B is BCD) 62E5: 69 58 ; Print contents of Y register (where Y is BCD) 62E7: 69 5B 62E9: 67 90 62EB: 67 96 62ED: 68 14 ; EXTRA MAN EVERY 62EF: 68 24 ; TURNS PER 62F1: 68 32 ;#$30 - PRICING SELECTION 62F3: 68 44 ; LEFT 62F5: 68 4C ; CENTER 62F7: 68 56 ; RIGHT 62F9: 68 6B ; CREDIT 62FB: 68 75 ; BONUS CREDIT 62FD: 68 85 ; MINIMUM UNITS FOR ANY CREDIT 62FF: 68 B6 ; FANCY ATTRACT MODE 6301: 68 C9 ; DIFFICULTY OF PLAY 6303: 68 DC ; LETTERS FOR 6305: 68 FF ; RESTORE 6307: 69 0A ; CLEAR 6309: 69 13 ; HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET 630B: 69 2A ; AUTO CYCLE 630D: 69 35 ; SET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE 630F: 69 4E ; SET 6311: 65 4C ;#$40 - LIBERAL 6313: 65 5B ; RECOMMENDED 6315: 65 9F ; 6317: 65 A2 ; HIGH VOLUME ARCADES 6319: 65 B9 ; 631B: 65 BF ; FOR WEAKER PLAYERS 631D: 65 D5 ; CUSTOM (ADJUST BELOW) 631F: 66 14 ; YES 6321: 66 18 ; NO 6323: 66 1B 6325: 66 2C 6327: 6D F2 6329: 66 33 632B: 66 3A 632D: 65 6E ; CONSERVATIVE 632F: 66 EB ; 6331: 67 49 ;#$50 6333: 65 F0 ; YES 6335: 66 51 ; FIFTY .. DOLLAR 6337: 66 73 ; TODO: Seems to be a number of escape codes 6339: 66 85 ; QUARTER .. DOLLAR 633B: 66 9C 633D: 66 AC ; FIFTY .. DOLLAR (not same as 6335) 633F: 66 C1 6341: 66 D0 6343: 66 E1 6345: 66 41 ; NO EXTRA MEN 6347: 69 6E ; 6349: 64 28 634B: 69 7F 634D: 64 A6 634F: 64 FD 6351: 65 29 ;#$60 - INITIALS 6353: 65 3C ; 6355: 65 42 6357: 65 45 6359: 64 35 635B: 63 CF ; CENTER THE LINE USING "FIRE". WHEN CENTERED PRESS ADVANCE TO EXIT 635D: 65 82 ; EXTRA 635F: 6E 01 6361: 6E 0B ; print wave number in register B 6363: 6C C4 6365: 6A 13 6367: 6A 33 ; 6369: 6A 37 ; CREDIT 636B: 6A 58 636D: 63 95 636F: 63 CA 6371: 6D 6C ;#$70 6373: 6D B7 6375: 6E 1F 6377: 6E 28 ; MOMMY 6379: 6E 3B ; DADDY 637B: 6E 41 ; MIKEY 637D: 6E 2E ; GRUNT- 100 637F: 6E 47 ; INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK 6381: 6E 5B ; SPHEREOID - 1000 6383: 6E 7D ; ENFORCER - 150 6385: 6E 99 ; BRAIN - 500 6387: 66 66 ; FIFTY 6389: 6E BD ; PROG - 100 638B: 68 05 ; 638D: 63 BB ; ROBOTRON HERO 638F: 6D AD 6391: 6E C8 ;#$80 - ROBOTRON: 2084 6393: 6E DD ; SAVE THE LAST HUMAN FAMILY 6935: 53 45 54 20 41 54 54 52 41 43 54 20 4D 4F 44 45 SET ATTRACT MODE 6945: 20 4D 45 53 53 41 47 45 00 53 45 54 0F 68 EB 00 MESSAGE.SET.h.. 6955: 15 10 00 0A 11 00 05 06 00 00 15 11 00 12 2F 10 ............../. 6965: 00 04 99 0F 69 89 04 11 00 12 20 60 00 04 33 0F ....i..... `..3. 6975: 69 89 43 4C 45 41 52 45 44 00 12 2A 40 00 04 88 i.CLEARED..*@... 6985: 0F 69 13 00 20 42 4F 4F 4B 4B 45 45 50 49 4E 47 .i.. BOOKKEEPING 6995: 20 54 4F 54 41 4C 53 20 00 12 1C 60 00 50 41 49 TOTALS ...`.PAI 69A5: 44 20 43 52 45 44 49 54 53 12 6C 60 00 00 12 1C D CREDITS.l`.... 69B5: 70 00 45 58 54 52 41 20 4D 45 4E 20 45 41 52 4E p.EXTRA MEN EARN 69C5: 45 44 12 6C 70 00 00 12 1C 80 00 50 4C 41 59 20 ED.lp......PLAY 69D5: 54 49 4D 45 20 49 4E 20 4D 49 4E 55 54 45 53 12 TIME IN MINUTES. 69E5: 6C 80 00 00 12 1C 90 00 4D 45 4E 20 50 4C 41 59 l.......MEN PLAY 69F5: 45 44 12 6C 90 00 00 12 1C A0 00 43 52 45 44 49 ED.l.......CREDI 6A05: 54 53 20 50 4C 41 59 45 44 12 6C A0 00 00 12 1C TS PLAYED.l..... 6A15: C0 00 41 56 45 52 41 47 45 20 54 49 4D 45 20 50 ..AVERAGE TIME P 6A25: 45 52 20 43 52 45 44 49 54 12 64 C0 00 00 3F 0A ER CREDIT.d...?. 6A35: 10 00 12 1C D0 00 41 56 45 52 41 47 45 20 54 55 ......AVERAGE TU 6A45: 52 4E 53 20 50 45 52 20 43 52 45 44 49 54 12 64 RNS PER CREDIT.d 6A55: D0 00 00 3D 0A 10 00 12 1C 30 00 4C 45 46 54 0F ...=.....0.LEFT. 6A65: 6A 8F 12 6C 30 00 00 12 1C 40 00 43 45 4E 54 45 j..l0....@.CENTE 6A75: 52 0F 6A 8F 12 6C 40 00 00 12 1C 50 00 52 49 47 R.j..l@....P.RIG 6A85: 48 54 0F 6A 8F 12 6C 50 00 00 20 53 4C 4F 54 20 HT.j..lP.. SLOT 6A95: 43 4F 49 4E 53 00 04 33 12 3A 80 00 43 4F 4C 4F COINS..3.:..COLO 6AA5: 52 20 52 41 4D 20 54 45 53 54 12 27 B0 00 56 45 R RAM TEST.'..VE 6AB5: 52 54 49 43 41 4C 20 42 41 52 53 20 49 4E 44 49 RTICAL BARS INDI 6AC5: 43 41 54 45 20 45 52 52 4F 52 00 41 55 54 4F 20 CATE ERROR.AUTO 6AD5: 55 50 00 41 44 56 41 4E 43 45 00 52 49 47 48 54 UP.ADVANCE.RIGHT 6AE5: 20 43 4F 49 4E 00 48 49 47 48 20 53 43 4F 52 45 COIN.HIGH SCORE 6AF5: 20 52 45 53 45 54 00 4C 45 46 54 20 43 4F 49 4E RESET.LEFT COIN 6B05: 00 43 45 4E 54 45 52 20 43 4F 49 4E 00 53 4C 41 .CENTER COIN.SLA 6B15: 4D 20 53 57 49 54 43 48 00 4D 4F 56 45 20 55 50 M SWITCH.MOVE UP 6B25: 14 6B 98 00 4D 4F 56 45 20 44 4F 57 4E 14 6B 98 .k..MOVE DOWN.k. 6B35: 00 4D 4F 56 45 20 4C 45 46 54 14 6B 98 00 4D 4F .MOVE LEFT.k..MO 6B45: 56 45 20 52 49 47 48 54 14 6B 98 00 31 0F 6B 5B VE RIGHT.k..1.k[ 6B55: 00 32 0F 6B 5B 00 3A 0F 64 9E 53 54 41 52 54 00 .2.k[.:.d.START. 6B65: 46 49 52 45 20 55 50 14 6B 98 00 46 49 52 45 20 FIRE UP.k..FIRE 6B75: 44 4F 57 4E 14 6B 98 00 46 49 52 45 20 4C 45 46 DOWN.k..FIRE LEF 6B85: 54 14 6B 98 00 46 49 52 45 20 52 49 47 48 54 14 T.k..FIRE RIGHT. 6B95: 6B 98 00 20 20 5B 0F 64 9E 09 10 5C 00 04 88 12 k.. [.d...\.... 6BA5: 3A 1A 00 53 57 49 54 43 48 20 54 45 53 54 00 04 :..SWITCH TEST.. 6BB5: 99 12 3E 50 00 41 4C 4C 20 52 4F 4D 53 20 4F 4B ..>P.ALL ROMS OK 6BC5: 12 36 90 00 04 33 52 41 4D 20 54 45 53 54 20 46 .6...3RAM TEST F 6BD5: 4F 4C 4C 4F 57 53 0F 6B DF 00 12 2F A0 00 0F 64 OLLOWS.k.../...d 6BE5: 1D 00 20 52 41 4D 20 45 52 52 4F 52 53 20 44 45 .. RAM ERRORS DE 6BF5: 54 45 43 54 45 44 00 04 99 12 2A 80 00 4E 4F 0F TECTED....*..NO. 6C05: 6B E7 00 04 99 12 23 80 00 4E 4F 20 43 4D 4F 53 k.....#..NO CMOS 6C15: 0F 6B E7 00 43 4D 4F 53 20 52 41 4D 0F 6D 63 00 .k..CMOS RAM.mc. 6C25: 04 11 12 36 80 00 0F 6C 19 00 0F 6C 25 12 28 90 ...6...l...l%.(. 6C35: 00 4F 52 20 57 52 49 54 45 20 50 52 4F 54 45 43 .OR WRITE PROTEC 6C45: 54 20 46 41 49 4C 55 52 45 04 99 0F 6C 7E 14 6C T FAILURE...l~.l 6C55: 57 00 04 00 0F 6C 7E 04 99 12 17 B0 00 40 0F 67 W....l~......@.g 6C65: 86 20 4D 55 53 54 20 42 45 20 4F 50 45 4E 20 46 . MUST BE OPEN F 6C75: 4F 52 20 54 45 53 54 40 00 12 1B B0 00 40 0F 67 OR TEST@.....@.g 6C85: 64 0F 6C 66 00 04 00 12 57 80 00 3E 04 99 12 3A d.lf....W..>...: 6C95: 80 00 53 4F 55 4E 44 20 4C 49 4E 45 20 09 10 00 ..SOUND LINE ... 6CA5: 3D 3A 3A 12 30 70 00 49 4E 49 54 49 41 4C 20 54 =::.0p.INITIAL T 6CB5: 45 53 54 53 20 49 4E 44 49 43 41 54 45 3F 00 04 ESTS INDICATE?.. 6CC5: 11 0F 6C A8 12 3C 90 00 0F 6D 1B 00 04 99 0F 6C ..l..<...m.....l 6CD5: A8 12 3F 90 01 4F 50 45 52 41 54 49 4F 4E 41 4C ..?..OPERATIONAL 6CE5: 00 04 11 0F 6C A8 12 40 90 00 00 20 28 43 29 20 ....l..@... (C) 6CF5: 31 39 38 32 20 57 49 4C 4C 49 41 4D 53 20 45 4C 1982 WILLIAMS EL 6D05: 45 43 54 52 4F 4E 49 43 53 20 49 4E 43 2E 20 12 ECTRONICS INC. . 6D15: 40 80 00 04 11 00 0F 6D 14 05 E2 00 00 53 50 45 @......m.....SPE 6D25: 43 49 41 4C 20 43 48 49 50 20 46 41 49 4C 55 52 CIAL CHIP FAILUR 6D35: 45 00 0F 6D 14 52 4F 4D 0F 6D 63 10 00 0F 6D 14 E..m.ROM.mc...m. 6D45: 52 41 4D 0F 6D 63 10 00 0F 6C E6 52 4F 4D 0F 6D RAM.mc...l.ROM.m 6D55: 63 10 00 0F 6C E6 52 41 4D 0F 6D 63 10 00 20 45 c...l.RAM.mc.. E 6D65: 52 52 4F 52 20 09 00 04 AA 12 24 C8 00 0F 6D BB RROR .....$...m. 6D75: 04 66 12 38 B5 00 44 45 53 49 47 4E 45 44 20 42 .f.8..DESIGNED B 6D85: 59 20 56 49 44 20 4B 49 44 5A 12 2E BC 00 46 4F Y VID KIDZ....FO 6D95: 52 20 0F 6D CA 04 22 12 3D A8 00 07 43 52 45 44 R .m..".=...CRED 6DA5: 49 54 53 3F 3A 09 10 00 04 AA 12 41 EE 00 0F 6D ITS?:......A...m 6DB5: A1 00 12 24 EE 00 43 4F 50 59 52 49 47 48 54 20 ...$..COPYRIGHT 6DC5: 31 39 38 32 20 57 49 4C 4C 49 41 4D 53 20 45 4C 1982 WILLIAMS EL 6DD5: 45 43 54 52 4F 4E 49 43 53 20 49 4E 43 3D 00 12 ECTRONICS INC=.. 6DE5: 3E 80 00 47 41 4D 45 20 4F 56 45 52 00 12 3F 79 >..GAME OVER..?y 6DF5: 01 0F 6E 05 12 3E 86 00 0F 6D E8 00 12 3F 7A 01 ..n..>...m...?z. 6E05: 0F 64 9E 09 10 00 12 3E EE 00 15 04 AA 10 05 03 .d.....>........ 6E15: 00 00 04 BB 20 57 41 56 45 00 05 04 00 00 09 04 .... WAVE....... 6E25: AA 10 00 4D 4F 4D 4D 59 00 47 52 55 4E 54 20 40 ...MOMMY.GRUNT @ 6E35: 20 31 30 30 00 00 44 41 44 44 59 00 4D 49 4B 45 100..DADDY.MIKE 6E45: 59 00 49 4E 44 45 53 54 52 55 43 54 41 42 4C 45 Y.INDESTRUCTABLE 6E55: 20 48 55 4C 4B 00 53 50 48 45 52 45 4F 49 44 20 HULK.SPHEREOID 6E65: 40 20 31 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 51 55 41 52 4B @ 1000 QUARK 6E75: 20 40 20 31 30 30 30 00 45 4E 46 4F 52 43 45 52 @ 1000.ENFORCER 6E85: 20 40 20 31 35 30 20 20 20 54 41 4E 4B 20 40 20 @ 150 TANK @ 6E95: 32 30 30 00 42 52 41 49 4E 20 40 20 35 30 30 20 200.BRAIN @ 500 6EA5: 20 20 20 20 43 52 55 49 53 45 20 4D 49 53 53 49 CRUISE MISSI 6EB5: 4C 45 20 40 20 32 35 00 50 52 4F 47 20 40 20 31 LE @ 25.PROG @ 1 6EC5: 30 30 00 04 AA 12 36 24 00 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 00....6$.ROBOTRO 6ED5: 4E 3F 3A 32 30 38 34 00 04 AA 12 25 84 00 53 41 N?:2084....%..SA 6EE5: 56 45 20 54 48 45 20 4C 41 53 54 20 48 55 4D 41 VE THE LAST HUMA 6EF5: 4E 20 46 41 4D 49 4C 59 00 FF FF 7E 70 FD 7E 74 N FAMILY... 6F00: 7E 70 FD JMP $70FD 6F03: 7E 74 B8 JMP $74B8 6F06: 7E 75 2C JMP $752C 6F09: 7E 75 3A JMP $753A COPY_NIB_XYB1: 6F0C: 7E 6F 11 JMP COPY_NIB_XYB def_wel_msg_ptr: 6F0F: 6F 65 CLR $0005,S ; ; Unpack the nibbles of a range of B bytes starting @ address X, to address Y ; ; X = source ; Y = destination ; B = count of bytes to process ; ; COPY_NIB_XYB: 6F11: 34 02 PSHS A 6F13: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read byte from source 6F15: 1E 12 EXG X,Y ; Make Y = source, X = destination 6F17: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; Store A to X+1, and A >> 4 to X, then add 2 to X 6F1A: 1E 12 EXG X,Y ; Make Y = destination, X = source 6F1C: 5A DECB 6F1D: 26 F4 BNE $6F13 ; all bytes copied? If not, goto $6F13 6F1F: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CLEAR_CMOS: 6F21: 8E CC 00 LDX #$CC00 6F24: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ 6F26: 8C D0 00 CMPX #$D000 6F29: 26 F9 BNE $6F24 6F2B: 39 RTS LOAD_CMOS_DEFS1: 6F2C: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A 6F2E: 8E 6F 53 LDX #$6F53 6F31: 10 8E CC 00 LDY #$CC00 6F35: C6 12 LDB #$12 6F37: 8D D8 BSR COPY_NIB_XYB 6F39: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) LOAD_CMOS_DEFS2: 6F3B: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A 6F3D: 8E 6F 65 LDX #def_wel_msg 6F40: 10 8E CC 24 LDY #$CC24 6F44: C6 34 LDB #$34 6F46: 8D C9 BSR COPY_NIB_XYB 6F48: BD 74 91 JSR $7491 6F4B: 8E CC 8E LDX #$CC8E 6F4E: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 6F51: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) *** default CMOS settings 6F53: 25 03 03 01 04 01 01 00 00 01 03 03 00 00 00 00 6F63: 00 00 20 20 6F67: PRESENTED BY WILLIAMS 6F87: ELECTRONICS INC=/( ; ; When the user changes the PRICING SELECTION setting on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen, ; this table is used as a lookup to determine the units associated with the selection. ; ; Referred to by code @$745B ; ; The size of each row is 6 bytes. Each byte is BCD encoded. ; ; Byte 0: value for LEFT SLOT UNITS ; 1: value for CENTER SLOT UNITS ; 2: value for RIGHT SLOT UNITS ; 3: value for UNITS REQUIRED FOR CREDIT ; 4: value for UNITS REQUIRED FOR BONUS CREDIT ; 5: value for MINIMUM UNITS FOR ANY CREDIT GAME_ADJUSTMENT_PRICING_SELECTION_TABLE: ; default units for CUSTOM (left slot units =1, center =4, right=1, for credit=1, for bonus=0, mininum for any=0) 6F99: 01 04 01 01 00 00 ; units for 1/FIFTY 3/DOLLAR 6F9F: 01 04 01 02 04 00 ; units for 1/1 DM 6/5 DM 6FA5: 06 00 01 01 00 00 ; units for 1/QUARTER 4/DOLLAR 6FAB: 01 04 01 01 00 00 ; units for 1/2 F 3/5 F 6FB1: 01 16 06 02 00 00 ; units for 1/FIFTY 2/DOLLAR 6FB7: 01 04 01 02 00 00 ; units for 1/25 4/1 G 6FBD: 01 00 04 01 00 00 ; units for 1/5 F 2/10 F 6FC3: 01 00 02 01 00 00 ; units for 1/10 F 6FC9: 01 00 02 02 00 00 ; units for FREE PLAY 6FCF: 01 04 01 01 00 00 ; ; Table used to format the settings on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. I'll call this table GAME ADJUSTMENT SETTING METADATA. ; If you come up with a better name, let me know, and I might use it. ; ; The size of each row of the table is 6 bytes. ; ; Byte 0: minimum value, in BCD, that setting can be ; Byte 1: maximum value, in BCD, that setting can be ; Byte 2 & 3: pointer to list of options for this setting (see docs @$7041 for more info) ; Byte 4: indent flag (0= don't indent on screen, 1=indent. Used to indent units under PRICING SELECTION) ; Byte 5: Y coordinate to display setting text & associated value GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING_METADATA: 6FD5: ; metadata for EXTRA MAN EVERY - see list @$7041 00 50 70 41 00 1E ; metadata for TURNS PER PLAYER - see list @$704C 01 20 70 4C 00 27 ; metadata for PRICING SELECTION - see list @705A 00 09 70 5A 00 32 ; metadata for LEFT SLOT UNITS - see list @$7057 00 99 70 57 01 3B ; metadata for CENTER SLOT UNITS - see list @$7057 00 99 70 57 01 44 ; metadata for RIGHT SLOT UNITS - see list @$7057 00 99 70 57 01 4D ; metadata for UNITS REQUIRED FOR CREDIT - see list @$7057 01 99 70 57 01 56 ; metadata for UNITS REQUIRED FOR BONUS CREDIT - see list @$7057 00 99 70 57 01 5F ; metadata for MINIMUM UNITS FOR ANY CREDIT - see list @$7057 00 99 70 57 01 68 ; metadata for FANCY ATTRACT MODE - see list @$706F 00 01 70 6F 00 73 ; metadata for DIFFICULTY OF PLAY - see list @$7079 00 10 70 79 00 7C ; metadata for LETTERS FOR HIGHEST SCORE NAME - see list @$7084 03 20 70 84 00 85 ; metadata for RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 90 ; metadata for CLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 99 ; metadata for HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 A2 ; metadata for AUTO CYCLE - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 AB ; metadata for SET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 B4 ; metadata for SET HIGHEST SCORE NAME - see list @$7074 00 01 70 74 00 BD ; ; The lists below are referenced by the table starting @ $6FD5. ; ; These lists represent the options to be displayed on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. A list can be referenced by more than one table row ; (ie: a many-to-one relationship) . For example ; ; Each list starts with an unused zero byte, then pairs of bytes (S1,V1) - we'll call these pairs "Tuples" - ; where S1 is an index of a string to print and V1 is a threshold value. ; ; In the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen context, if a game setting value (read from CMOS memory) is < the threshold value V1, print the text string S1. ; ; For example, let's take the list @$7041: ; Skip the first byte, 0, then pair the remaining bytes in the list. ; You get these tuples: (5A,20) , (40,25) , (41,30) , (4E,50) , (66,FF) ; ; Read the docs @ $70C8 for information on how these lists are parsed. ; ; (5A,20): [setting value] NO EXTRA MEN ; (40,25): [setting value] LIBERAL ; (41,30): [setting value] RECOMMENDED ; (4E,50): [setting value] CONSERVATIVE ; (66,FF): [setting value] EXTRA CONSERVATIVE 7041: 00 5A 20 40 25 41 30 4E 50 66 FF ; (42,02): [setting value] [no associated text] ; (43,03): [setting value] HIGH VOLUME ARCADES ; (44,04): [setting value] RECOMMENDED ; (45,05): [setting value] FOR WEAKER PLAYERS ; (42,FF): [setting value] [no associated text] 704C: 00 42 02 43 03 44 04 45 05 42 FF ; (42,FF): Displays setting value with no associated text 7057: 00 42 FF ; (46,01): [setting value] CUSTOM - (ADJUST BELOW) ; (52,02): [setting value] 1/FIFTY 3/DOLLAR ; (53,03): [setting value] 1/1 DM 6/5 DM ; (54,04): [setting value] 1/QUARTER 4/DOLLAR ; (55,05): [setting value] 1/2 F 3/5 F ; (56,06): [setting value] 1/FIFTY 2/DOLLAR ; (57,07): [setting value] 1/25 4/1 G ; (58,08): [setting value] 1/5 F 2/10 F ; (59,09): [setting value] 1/10 F ; (7B,FF): [setting value] FREE PLAY 705A: 00 46 01 52 02 53 03 54 04 55 05 56 06 57 07 58 08 59 09 7B FF ; (48,01): NO ; (47,FF): YES 706F: 00 48 01 47 FF ; (48,01) : NO ; (51,FF) : YES ADVANCE TO ACTIVATE 7074: 00 48 01 51 FF ; (49,03): [setting value] EXTRA LIBERAL ; (4A,05): [setting value] LIBERAL ; (44,06): [setting value] RECOMMENDED ; (4C,08): [setting value] CONSERVATIVE ; (4D,FF): [setting value] EXTRA CONSERVATIVE 7079: 00 49 03 4A 05 44 06 4C 08 4D FF ; (44,04): [setting value] RECOMMENDED ; (42,FF): [setting value] 7084: 00 44 04 42 FF ; ; This code is called from the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. ; ; ; ; A = index of text string to print ; U = pointer to row in table @$6fd5 - see docs @6fd5 for table layout ; PRINT_GAME_SETTING_NAME_AND_VALUE: 7089: 34 22 PSHS Y,A 708B: 86 11 LDA #$11 ; tentatively set X coordinate to print text to #$11 (17 decimal) 708D: 6D 44 TST $0004,U ; Read indent flag from table 708F: 27 02 BEQ $7093 ; if zero, do not indent under previous heading, goto $7093 7091: 86 16 LDA #$16 ; indent text under previous heading 7093: E6 45 LDB $0005,U ; Read Y coordinate from table 7095: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = screen address to print text at 7097: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; A = index of text string to print 7099: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 709C: 8D 02 BSR $70A0 ; display current game setting value 709E: 35 A2 PULS A,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; X = screen address ; Y = pointer to game setting value in CMOS ; PRINT_GAME_SETTING_VALUE: 70A0: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A 70A2: 1E 12 EXG X,Y ; X now = pointer to game setting value, and Y now = screen address 70A4: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD, increment X by 2 70A7: C1 FF CMPB #$FF ; is packaged BCD value in B set to #$FF? (255 decimal) 70A9: 26 02 BNE $70AD ; No, goto $70AD 70AB: C6 EE LDB #$EE ; Otherwise, adjust B to #$EE (no idea why this is done. ) 70AD: 1E 12 EXG X,Y ; Y now = pointer to NEXT game setting value, X now = screen address 70AF: 1E 10 EXG X,D ; D now = screen address 70B1: 86 59 LDA #$59 ; Replace X coordinate in D with #$59 70B3: E6 45 LDB $0005,U ; Read Y coordinate from table. Now D = screen address to print game setting value at. 70B5: 1E 10 EXG X,D 70B7: 34 06 PSHS B,A 70B9: CC 3C 05 LDD #$3C05 ; width in bytes = 3C , height = 05 70BC: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 70BF: 35 06 PULS A,B ; B = raw game setting value in BCD 70C1: 8D 05 BSR $70C8 ; Set A = index of string for game setting value. 70C3: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 70C6: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Given a value in B and a list of byte pair tuples in U each comprising (S1,V1), ; return the first S1 where V1 > B. ; ; Expects: ; B = value ; U = list of tuples (see docs @$7041 for more info) ; ; Returns: ; A = index of text string for game setting value ; ; Example: ; Using the list @$7041 as an example, which is: ; 0 5A 20 40 25 41 30 4E 50 66 FF ; ; Let's say we have B set to #$30: ; First tuple: (5A,20) : B is >20, so skip to next tuple. ; Second tuple: (40,25) : B is > 25 so skip to next tuple. ; Third tuple: (41,30) : B is == 30, but we need B to be higher than V1, so skip to next tuple. ; Fourth tuple: (4E,50) : B is < 50, we've found a V1 higher than B so our scan of the list is done! Return #$4E (78 decimal) in A ; GET_GAME_SETTING_TEXT_STRING: 70C8: 34 20 PSHS Y 70CA: 10 AE 42 LDY $0002,U 70CD: E1 A1 CMPB ,Y++ ; Compare B to V1 in tuple 70CF: 24 FC BCC $70CD ; B >= value read from tuple, so read next tuple 70D1: A6 3D LDA $-3,Y 70D3: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Clear the screen, then display the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen in full. ; ; SHOW_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SCREEN: 70D5: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 70D8: 86 66 LDA #$66 ; RGB value (Green) 70DA: 97 CF STA $CF ; set text colour 70DC: CE 6F D5 LDU #$6FD5 ; pointer to game setting table (see docs @ $6FD5 for layout) 70DF: 10 8E CC 00 LDY #$CC00 ; start of game settings in CMOS 70E3: 86 2E LDA #$2E ; index of text string "EXTRA MAN EVERY", our first setting 70E5: 8E CC 24 LDX #$CC24 ; Display CMOS entries up to (but not including) #$CC24 70E8: 34 10 PSHS X ; save end address on stack 70EA: 8D 9D BSR $7089 ; Display game setting name and current value 70EC: 33 46 LEAU $0006,U ; bump U to point to next row of game setting table 70EE: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y ; Bump Y to point to next game setting in CMOS 70F0: 4C INCA ; Bump A to index of next setting text string 70F1: 10 AC E4 CMPY ,S ; is Y at the end address (#$CC24) ? 70F4: 26 F4 BNE $70EA ; No, we have more CMOS entries to display, goto $70EA 70F6: 86 2D LDA #$2D ; Index of footer text string "USE - MOVE- TO SELECT ADJUSTMENT, USE -FIRE- LEVER" .. etc 70F8: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 70FB: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; This is the entry point to the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. ; ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT: 70FD: BD 74 AB JSR $74AB ; call function to calculate checksum for game settings and compare to last known 7100: 27 03 BEQ $7105 ; if zero flag set, checksum matches last known, so CMOS isn't corrupt, goto $7105 7102: BD 6F 2C JSR LOAD_CMOS_DEFS1 ; otherwise, load CMOS defaults 7105: 8E CC 18 LDX #$CC18 ; clear from $CC18.. 7108: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ 710A: 8C CC 24 CMPX #$CC24 ; ..to $CC23. 710D: 25 F9 BCS $7108 ; if X < #$CC24, goto $7108 710F: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 7112: 8D C1 BSR $70D5 ; Display all game settings and values 7114: CE 6F D5 LDU #$6FD5 ; pointer to GAME ADJUSTMENT SETTING METADATA table (see docs @$6FD5 for info) 7117: 10 8E CC 00 LDY #$CC00 ; pointer to start of game settings in CMOS 711B: 86 2E LDA #$2E 711D: BD 74 33 JSR $7433 ; store A,Y,U in temporary variables 7120: BD 71 FE JSR $71FE ; Display "->" cursor 7123: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 7126: 72 9F ; pointer to function that checks if ADVANCE is held down 7128: BD 72 1D JSR $721D ; check if user wants to select a different game setting 712B: 8D 08 BSR $7135 ; check if user wants to change the value of the current setting 712D: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 712F: 8E 71 28 LDX #$7128 ; address of function to call 7132: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; Check if the user has pushed the FIRE UP or FIRE DOWN to change the value of the current game setting. ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_FIRE_JOYSTICK_HANDLER: 7135: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address off stack 7137: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get current task into U 7139: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; store return address in task 713B: 86 20 LDA #$20 ; delay 713D: A7 47 STA $0007,U 713F: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa ; read state of FIRE stick 7142: 2B 22 BMI $7166 ; if FIRE DOWN (bit 7) is set, goto $7166 7144: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; test if FIRE UP (bit 6) is set 7146: 26 03 BNE $714B ; yes, goto $714B 7148: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] ; otherwise, jump to the return address we pulled off the stack GAME_ADJUSTMENT_ON_FIRE_UP: 714B: 8D 32 BSR $717F ; call function to advance/increment the current setting value (read docs @$717F for more info) 714D: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 714F: 8E 71 55 LDX #$7155 ; address of function to call 7152: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7155: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa ; read state of sticks 7158: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; test FIRE UP bit 715A: 27 EC BEQ $7148 ; not set, so exit 715C: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown 715E: 26 ED BNE $714D ; if countdown is !=0, goto $714D 7160: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; reset countdown to 5 7162: A7 47 STA $0007,U 7164: 20 E5 BRA $714B ; advance/increment the current setting value GAME_ADJUSTMENT_ON_FIRE_DOWN: 7166: 8D 3D BSR $71A5 ; call function to regress/decrement the current setting value 7168: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 716A: 8E 71 70 LDX #$7170 ; address of function to call 716D: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7170: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 7173: 2A D3 BPL $7148 ; if bit 7 (FIRE DOWN) is not set, goto $7148 7175: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U 7177: 26 EF BNE $7168 7179: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; reset countdown to 5 717B: A7 47 STA $0007,U 717D: 20 E7 BRA $7166 ; regress/decrement the current setting value ; ; Increment/Advance value of game setting. ; ; The behaviour of this function depends on what game setting you are editing. ; For all settings with the exception of EXTRA MAN EVERY, this function effectively increments the setting value in CMOS by 1. ; The EXTRA MAN EVERY setting isn't formed of linear numbers and so has its own special routine @$71BF ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_BUMP_UP_SETTING_VALUE: 717F: BD 74 3E JSR $743E ; Restore A,Y,U. Now Y = address of CMOS setting being edited. U = entry in table @$6fd5 7182: 1F 21 TFR Y,X ; X now is address of CMOS setting being edited 7184: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; Load setting value into A 7187: 10 8C CC 00 CMPY #$CC00 ; Are we editing EXTRA MAN EVERY? 718B: 27 32 BEQ $71BF ; yes, goto $71BF, to bump the EXTRA MAN EVERY value 718D: 8B 01 ADDA #$01 ; increment value of setting 718F: 19 DAA ; ensure A is valid BCD 7190: 25 12 BCS $71A4 ; if a carry was generated (A is >#$99), goto $71A4 7192: A1 41 CMPA $0001,U ; Read maximum value allowed from table entry 7194: 22 0E BHI $71A4 ; if A > maximum value, goto $71A4 (exit) 7196: 1F 21 TFR Y,X ; X is now, again, address of CMOS setting being edited 7198: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; Write new setting value to CMOS 719B: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 719E: BD 70 A0 JSR $70A0 ; print new game setting value 71A1: BD 74 49 JSR $7449 ; handle PRICING SELECTION sub-settings if we're editing PRICING SELECTION 71A4: 39 RTS ; ; Decrement/Regress value of game setting. ; ; As with the increment function, the behaviour of this function depends on what game setting you are editing. ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_BUMP_DOWN_GAME_SETTING_VALUE: 71A5: BD 74 3E JSR $743E ; Restore A,Y,U. Now Y = address of CMOS setting being edited. U = entry in table @$6fd5 71A8: 1F 21 TFR Y,X ; X now is address of CMOS setting being edited 71AA: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; Load setting value into A 71AD: 4D TSTA ; is value read 0? 71AE: 27 F4 BEQ $71A4 ; yes, goto $71A4 71B0: 10 8C CC 00 CMPY #$CC00 ; Are we editing EXTRA MAN EVERY? 71B4: 27 0F BEQ $71C5 ; yes, goto $71C5, to bump the EXTRA MAN EVERY value down. 71B6: 8B 99 ADDA #$99 ; Effectively subtract 1 from A 71B8: 19 DAA ; ensure A is valid BCD 71B9: A1 C4 CMPA ,U ; Read minimum value allowed from table entry 71BB: 25 E7 BCS $71A4 ; if A < minimum value, goto $71A4 (exit) 71BD: 20 D7 BRA $7196 ; write new setting value to CMOS ; ; Bump EXTRA MAN EVERY value to next value UP. ; ; EXTRA MAN EVERY follows this progression: ; 0->20000->25000->30000->50000 ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_BUMP_EXTRA_MAN_EVERY_UP: 71BF: 8D 0A BSR $71CB ; Get a pointer to first value <= A from list @$71DB 71C1: A6 01 LDA $0001,X ; Bump X to point to next value in list 71C3: 20 D1 BRA $7196 ; write new EXTRA MAN EVERY setting value to CMOS ; ; Bump EXTRA MAN EVERY value to previous value. ; ; EXTRA MAN EVERY will regress like so: ; 50000->30000->25000->20000->0 ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_BUMP_EXTRA_MAN_EVERY_DOWN: 71C5: 8D 04 BSR $71CB ; Get a pointer to first value <= A from list @$71DB 71C7: A6 1F LDA $-1,X ; Bump X to point to previous value in list 71C9: 20 CB BRA $7196 ; write new EXTRA MAN EVERY setting value to CMOS ; Get a pointer to first value lower or equal to A from the list @ $71DB. ; ; Expects: ; A = setting value in BCD ; ; Returns: ; X = pointer to BCD value ; GET_FIRST_VALUE_LOWER_OR_EQUAL_TO_A_71DB: 71CB: 8E 71 DB LDX #$71DB ; X = start of list 71CE: A1 84 CMPA ,X ; Compare A to *X 71D0: 23 07 BLS $71D9 ; if A <= *X then exit 71D2: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; otherwise, X++ 71D4: 8C 71 DF CMPX #$71DF ; have we reached the end of the list? 71D7: 25 F5 BCS $71CE ; no, goto $71CE 71D9: 39 RTS 71DA: 00 ; Referenced by routine @$71CB. These are the allowed values for the EXTRA MAN EVERY CMOS setting. 71DB: 00 20 25 30 50 71E0: 50 NEGB ; ; Can user edit the PRICING SELECTION units on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen? (e.g. LEFT SLOT UNITS, CENTER SLOT UNITS, RIGHT SLOT UNITS) ; The user can only edit the units when PRICING SELECTION is set to "0 CUSTOM -ADJUST BELOW." ; ; Expects: ; U = pointer to entry in table @6fd5 ; ; Returns: ; Carry flag clear if can edit pricing selection units ; CHECK_IF_CAN_EDIT_PRICING_SELECTION_UNITS: 71E1: 34 12 PSHS X,A 71E3: A6 44 LDA $0004,U ; read indent flag. Only UNITS settings have indent flag set to 1. 71E5: 27 13 BEQ $71FA ; if A == 0 then no, no indent, not a units setting, goto $71F (clear carry flag and exit) 71E7: 8E CC 04 LDX #$CC04 ; X = address in CMOS of PRICING SELECTION 71EA: 4A DECA ; if this is indented, meaning its a "units setting".. 71EB: 27 03 BEQ $71F0 ; .. the BEQ will goto $71F0. ; $71ED can never be reached 71ED: 8E CC 14 LDX #$CC14 ; address in CMOS of difficulty of play setting 71F0: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; read from CMOS and get BCD value into A 71F3: 4D TSTA ; is A zero? (if PRICING SELECTION is CUSTOM then A will be 0) 71F4: 27 04 BEQ $71FA ; if A is zero goto $71FA (clear carry flag and exit - meaning the user can edit the units) 71F6: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag 71F8: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 71FA: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag 71FC: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Show the -> arrow cursor that tells the user what setting they are editing. ; ; U = pointer to entry in GAME ADJUSTMENT SETTING METADATA table beginning @6fD5 ; ; SHOW_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_CURSOR: 71FE: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 7200: E6 45 LDB $0005,U ; Read Y coordinate from table 7202: 86 0C LDA #$0C ; Set X coordinate to #$0C (12 decimal) 7204: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; D now = screen address to blit cursor to 7206: 86 2C LDA #$2C 7208: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 720B: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Hide the arrow cursor. ; ; U = pointer to entry in GAME ADJUSTMENT SETTING METADATA table beginning @6fD5 ; HIDE_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_CURSOR: 720D: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 720F: E6 45 LDB $0005,U ; Read Y coordinate from table 7211: 86 0C LDA #$0C ; Set X coordinate to #$0C (12 decimal) 7213: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; D now = screen address to clear (erase?) cursor from 7215: CC 03 05 LDD #$0305 ; width in bytes = 3, height 5 7218: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 721B: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Does the user want to select another game setting to edit? ; ; Test joystick for MOVE UP and MOVE DOWN. ; If MOVE UP pressed, move to previous game setting. ; If MOVE DOWN pressed, move to next game setting. ; GAME_ADJUSTMENT_MOVE_JOYSTICK_HANDLER: 721D: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address off stack 721F: DE 15 LDU $15 ; 7221: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; Save return address against task 7223: 86 30 LDA #$30 7225: A7 47 STA $0007,U 7227: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa ; Read joystick bits 722A: 46 RORA ; put MOVE UP joystick bit into carry flag 722B: 25 21 BCS $724E ; if set, user is pushing UP, goto $724E 722D: 46 RORA ; put MOVE DOWN joystick bit into carry flag 722E: 25 03 BCS $7233 ; if set, user is pushing DOWN, goto $7233 7230: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] ; 7233: 8D 33 BSR $7268 ; move cursor to next game setting 7235: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 7237: 8E 72 3D LDX #$723D ; address of function to call 723A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; The user has pushed MOVE DOWN on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. ; ; Basically this code says: ; IF the user is still holding MOVE DOWN, wait for a specific cool off period before moving to next setting. ; Else exit. ; WAIT_BEFORE_ALLOWING_MOVE_TO_NEXT_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING: 723D: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 7240: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; test MOVE DOWN bit 7242: 27 EC BEQ $7230 ; if not set, exit 7244: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown set at @$7225 7246: 26 ED BNE $7235 ; if countdown hasn't elapsed, goto $7235 7248: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; reset countdown to 8. 724A: A7 47 STA $0007,U 724C: 20 E5 BRA $7233 ; move cursor to next game setting 724E: 8D 34 BSR $7284 ; move cursor to previous game setting 7250: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 7252: 8E 72 58 LDX #$7258 ; address of function to call 7255: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task WAIT_BEFORE_ALLOWING_MOVE_TO_PREVIOUS_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING: 7258: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 725B: 46 RORA ; move "MOVE UP" bit into carry 725C: 24 D2 BCC $7230 ; if not set, exit 725E: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown set at @$7225 7260: 26 EE BNE $7250 ; if countdown hasn't elapsed, goto $7250 7262: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; reset countdown to 8. 7264: A7 47 STA $0007,U 7266: 20 E6 BRA $724E ; move cursor to previous game setting ; ; ; ; ; _MOVE_CURSOR_TO_NEXT_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING: 7268: BD 74 3E JSR $743E ; Restore A,Y,U ; At this point: Y = pointer to game setting in CMOS being edited, U = pointer to entry in metadata table @6fd5 726B: 8D A0 BSR $720D ; Hide cursor 726D: 10 8C CC 22 CMPY #$CC22 ; Are we editing the last (SET HIGHEST SCORE NAME) game setting? 7271: 27 0D BEQ $7280 ; yes, we can't move the cursor down, so goto $7280 7273: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y ; bump Y to next CMOS setting 7275: 4C INCA 7276: 33 46 LEAU $0006,U ; bump U to point to next entry in metadata table @6fd5 7278: BD 71 E1 JSR $71E1 727B: 25 F0 BCS $726D 727D: BD 74 33 JSR $7433 ; Store A,Y,U in temporary variables 7280: BD 71 FE JSR $71FE ; Show cursor 7283: 39 RTS ; ; ; ; ; MOVE_CURSOR_TO_PREVIOUS_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING: 7284: BD 74 3E JSR $743E ; Restore A,Y,U 7287: 8D 84 BSR $720D ; Hide cursor 7289: 10 8C CC 00 CMPY #$CC00 ; Are we editing the first (EXTRA MAN EVERY) game setting? 728D: 27 F1 BEQ $7280 ; yes, we can't move the cursor up, goto $7280 728F: 31 3E LEAY $-2,Y ; bump Y to previous CMOS setting 7291: 4A DECA 7292: 33 5A LEAU $-6,U ; bump U to point to previous entry in metadata table @6fd5 7294: BD 71 E1 JSR $71E1 7297: 25 F0 BCS $7289 7299: BD 74 33 JSR $7433 ; Store A,Y,U in temporary variables 729C: 7E 71 FE JMP $71FE ; Show cursor ; Spawned by $7123 729F: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 72A1: 8E 72 A7 LDX #$72A7 ; address of function to call 72A4: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; Has ADVANCE on "GAME ADJUSTMENT" screen been pressed? TEST_ADVANCE_ON_GAME_ADJUSTMENT: 72A7: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 72AA: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; has ADVANCE been pressed? 72AC: 27 F1 BEQ $729F ; no, goto 729F 72AE: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 72B1: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 72B4: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 72B7: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; is ADVANCE still held down? 72B9: 26 F9 BNE $72B4 ; yes, goto $72B4 72BB: B6 CC 1B LDA $CC1B ; Read "CLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS" flag 72BE: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 72C0: 27 14 BEQ $72D6 ; if flag is not set, user does not want to clear bookkeeping totals, goto $72D6 72C2: 7F CC 1B CLR $CC1B ; Clear (Reset) "CLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS" flag 72C5: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 72C8: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 72CB: BD 75 15 JSR $7515 ; Show CLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS screen 72CE: 86 40 LDA #$40 ; Delay before calling function 72D0: 8E 72 D6 LDX #$72D6 ; Address of function to call (HANDLE_HIGH_SCORE_TABLE_RESET) 72D3: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task HANDLE_HIGH_SCORE_TABLE_RESET: 72D6: B6 CC 1D LDA $CC1D ; Read HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET flag 72D9: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 72DB: 27 11 BEQ $72EE ; if flag is not set, user does not want to reset high score table, goto $72EE 72DD: 7F CC 1D CLR $CC1D ; Clear (Reset) HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET flag 72E0: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 72E3: BD E3 D9 JSR $E3D9 ; JMP $E433 - Reset high score table 72E6: 86 40 LDA #$40 ; Delay before calling function 72E8: 8E 72 EE LDX #$72EE ; Address of function to call 72EB: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task HANDLE_SET_ATTRACT_MODE_MESSAGE: 72EE: B6 CC 21 LDA $CC21 ; Read SET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE flag 72F1: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 72F3: 27 5D BEQ $7352 ; if flag is not set, user does not want to set a message, goto $7352 72F5: 7F CC 21 CLR $CC21 ; Clear (Reset) SET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE flag 72F8: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 72FB: 86 3A LDA #$3A 72FD: 8E CC 24 LDX #$CC24 7300: C6 32 LDB #$32 7302: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 7305: 5A DECB 7306: 26 FA BNE $7302 7308: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 730B: 86 5C LDA #$5C ; index of ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE USE MOVE TO SELECT LETTER FIRE UP TO ENTER LETTER 730D: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 7310: 10 8E CC 24 LDY #$CC24 7314: 8E 25 30 LDX #$2530 7317: CC 19 80 LDD #$1980 731A: BD 75 3A JSR $753A 731D: C6 30 LDB #$30 731F: 8E CC 88 LDX #$CC88 7322: 10 8E CC 24 LDY #$CC24 7326: BD 73 8A JSR $738A 7329: 86 5C LDA #$5C ; index of ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE USE MOVE TO SELECT LETTER FIRE UP TO ENTER LETTER 732B: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 732E: BD 74 0D JSR $740D 7331: 10 8E CC 56 LDY #$CC56 7335: 8E 25 40 LDX #$2540 7338: CC 19 80 LDD #$1980 733B: BD 75 3A JSR $753A 733E: C6 40 LDB #$40 7340: 8E CC 8A LDX #$CC8A 7343: 10 8E CC 56 LDY #$CC56 7347: 8D 41 BSR $738A 7349: BD 74 91 JSR $7491 734C: 8E CC 8E LDX #$CC8E 734F: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 7352: B6 CC 23 LDA $CC23 ; read SET HIGHEST SCORE NAME flag 7355: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 7357: 27 09 BEQ $7362 ; if flag is not set then goto $7362. 7359: 7F CC 23 CLR $CC23 ; clear SET HIGHEST SCORE NAME flag 735C: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 735F: BD E3 D6 JSR $E3D6 7362: B6 CC 1F LDA $CC1F ; read AUTO CYCLE flag 7365: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 7367: 27 0B BEQ $7374 ; if flag is not set then goto $7374 7369: 7F CC 1F CLR $CC1F ; clear AUTO CYCLE flag 736C: BD 74 78 JSR $7478 ; call routine to calculate checksum for game settings in CMOS 736F: 8D 08 BSR $7379 7371: 7E F0 06 JMP $F006 HANDLE_RESTORE_FACTORY_SETTINGS: 7374: 8D 03 BSR $7379 ; call function to check restore factory setting flag and corrupt checksum if necessary 7376: 7E D0 00 JMP $D000 ; and go to game "intro page" 7379: B6 CC 19 LDA $CC19 ; read RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS flag 737C: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 737E: 27 09 BEQ $7389 7380: 7C CC 8C INC $CC8C ; tamper with CMOS checksum!! An invalid checksum will force the CMOS default game settings to load. 7383: 7C CC 8C INC $CC8C 7386: 7F CC 19 CLR $CC19 ; clear RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS flag 7389: 39 RTS 738A: DE 15 LDU $15 738C: 86 25 LDA #$25 738E: ED 47 STD $0007,U 7390: 35 06 PULS A,B 7392: ED 4D STD $000D,U 7394: AF 4B STX $000B,U 7396: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U 7399: 86 25 LDA #$25 739B: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 739E: 86 65 LDA #$65 73A0: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ;print CENTER THE LINE 73A3: 86 04 LDA #$04 73A5: 8E 73 AB LDX #$73AB 73A8: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 73AB: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 73AE: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; has "ADVANCE" been pressed? 73B0: 26 F1 BNE $73A3 73B2: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab 73B5: 85 02 BITA #$02 73B7: 27 10 BEQ $73C9 73B9: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 73BB: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 73BE: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 73C0: 4C INCA 73C1: 81 3A CMPA #$3A 73C3: 23 15 BLS $73DA 73C5: 86 3A LDA #$3A 73C7: 20 11 BRA $73DA 73C9: 46 RORA 73CA: 24 1D BCC $73E9 73CC: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 73CE: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 73D1: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 73D3: 4A DECA 73D4: 81 13 CMPA #$13 73D6: 24 02 BCC $73DA 73D8: 86 13 LDA #$13 73DA: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 73DD: A7 47 STA $0007,U 73DF: 8D 2C BSR $740D 73E1: 86 10 LDA #$10 73E3: 8E 73 B2 LDX #$73B2 73E6: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 73E9: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 73EC: 85 02 BITA #$02 73EE: 26 08 BNE $73F8 73F0: 86 04 LDA #$04 73F2: 8E 73 B2 LDX #$73B2 73F5: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 73F8: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 73FB: 86 04 LDA #$04 73FD: 8E 74 03 LDX #$7403 7400: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7403: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 7406: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; Has "ADVANCE" been pressed? 7408: 26 F1 BNE $73FB 740A: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] 740D: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit on odd pixel" flag 740F: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer 7411: 30 89 FF 00 LEAX $FF00,X ; blitter destination (effectively subtracts 1 from X component of screen address held in X register) 7415: 86 5A LDA #$5A ; width in bytes 7417: C6 09 LDB #$09 ; height in pixels 7419: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 741C: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get object pointer 741E: 0F D0 CLR $D0 7420: 10 AE 49 LDY $0009,U 7423: C6 19 LDB #$19 7425: 1E 12 EXG X,Y 7427: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 742A: 1E 12 EXG X,Y 742C: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER 742F: 5A DECB 7430: 26 F3 BNE $7425 7432: 39 RTS ; ; Save A,Y,U in temporary variables for safekeeping. ; ; 7433: 10 BF B3 EC STY $B3EC 7437: FF B3 EF STU $B3EF 743A: B7 B3 EE STA $B3EE 743D: 39 RTS ; ; Restore A,Y,U from temporary variables (see $7433) ; ; 743E: 10 BE B3 EC LDY $B3EC 7442: FE B3 EF LDU $B3EF 7445: B6 B3 EE LDA $B3EE 7448: 39 RTS ; Called by $71A1 7449: 10 8C CC 04 CMPY #$CC04 ; Are we editing PRICING SELECTION? 744D: 27 01 BEQ $7450 ; Yes, goto $7450 744F: 39 RTS ; Nope, just get outa here ; ; Special logic for PRICING SELECTION on the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen. ; ; When you change the PRICING SELECTION setting, this routine looks up the associated unit ; (LEFT SLOT UNITS, CENTER SLOT UNITS etc) values from the table at $6f99. ; It then writes the new unit values to CMOS and refreshes the unit display. ; ; Expects: ; U = pointer to entry in GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING_METADATA table @$6fd5 ; Y = #$CC04 (Address of CMOS entry for PRICING SELECTION) ; HANDLE_PRICING_SELECTION_UNITS: 7450: 1F 21 TFR Y,X ; X = address in CMOS 7452: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; Read setting value as BCD from CMOS and put into A 7455: 48 ASLA 7456: 34 02 PSHS A 7458: 48 ASLA 7459: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; Effectively: A = A * 6. 745B: 8E 6F 99 LDX #$6F99 ; Point X at start of PRICING SELECTION table... 745E: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; X += A. Now X points to a row in the table. See docs @$6F99 for how table is structured. ; for all units: read unit value from table, write value to CMOS, then refresh screen 7460: 33 46 LEAU $0006,U ; Bump U to point to next entry in GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTING_METADATA table 7462: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y ; Bump Y to point to next game setting entry in CMOS 7464: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Read unit value from PRICING SELECTION table 7466: 34 10 PSHS X 7468: 1F 21 TFR Y,X ; Now X = address of unit setting in CMOS 746A: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; Write updated setting value to CMOS 746D: 35 10 PULS X 746F: BD 70 A0 JSR $70A0 ; display (refresh) game setting value 7472: 10 8C CC 10 CMPY #$CC10 ; Are we past the last CMOS setting we want to update (the last unit related setting being MINIMUM UNITS FOR ANY CREDIT) 7476: 25 E8 BCS $7460 ; No, goto $7460 7478: 34 12 PSHS X,A 747A: 8D 08 BSR $7484 ; calculate checksum for game adjustment settings 747C: 8E CC 8C LDX #$CC8C ; and store in #$CC8C 747F: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 7482: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Calculate checksum of GAME ADJUSTMENT setting values in CMOS. ; ; Returns: A = checksum ; CALCULATE_GAME_ADJUSTMENT_SETTINGS_CHECKSUM: 7484: 34 34 PSHS Y,X,B 7486: 8E CC 00 LDX #$CC00 ; start address of GAME ADJUSTMENT settings values in CMOS 7489: 10 8E CC 24 LDY #$CC24 ; end address 748D: 8D 09 BSR $7498 ; calculate checksum 748F: 35 B4 PULS B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7491: 8E CC 24 LDX #$CC24 7494: 10 8E CC 8C LDY #$CC8C ; ; Calculate a checksum for CMOS memory range X..Y. ; ; Expects: X = start ; Y = end ; ; Returns: A= checksum ; CALCULATE_CMOS_MEMORY_CHECKSUM: 7498: 10 9F 2B STY $2B 749B: 4F CLRA 749C: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; read byte from source 749E: C4 0F ANDB #$0F ; mask in lower nibble 74A0: 34 04 PSHS B ; save result on stack 74A2: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; add result on stack to A 74A4: 9C 2B CPX $2B ; have we reached end of memory range to create checksum for? 74A6: 26 F4 BNE $749C ; no, goto $749C 74A8: 8B 37 ADDA #$37 ; add on what appears to be a arbitrary value chosen by devs... 74AA: 39 RTS ; ; Calculate checksum for all GAME ADJUSTMENT settings and compare to existing checksum held at $CC8C in CMOS. ; This is used to determine if the CMOS game settings are corrupt or have been tampered with by hackers. ; ; Returns: ; Zero flag set if calculated checksum == current CMOS checksum ; COMPARE_A_TO_GAME_SETTINGS_CHECKSUM: 74AB: 8D D7 BSR $7484 ; call routine to calculate checksum 74AD: 34 02 PSHS A 74AF: 8E CC 8C LDX #$CC8C ; Address of GAME ADJUSTMENT SETTINGS checksum in CMOS 74B2: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; get existing checksum into A 74B5: A1 E0 CMPA ,S+ ; compare the existing checksum to the calculated checksum on the stack. If equal, Zero flag is set 74B7: 39 RTS 74B8: 8D 6B BSR $7525 74BA: 8D EF BSR $74AB ; Compare A to game settings checksum held in CMOS. 74BC: 27 3A BEQ $74F8 74BE: 86 39 LDA #$39 74C0: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy 74C3: BD 6F 2C JSR LOAD_CMOS_DEFS1 74C6: 86 39 LDA #$39 74C8: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy 74CB: 8D AB BSR $7478 74CD: 86 39 LDA #$39 74CF: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy 74D2: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 74D5: 86 39 LDA #$39 74D7: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy 74DA: 8D 23 BSR $74FF 74DC: BD E3 DC JSR $E3DC 74DF: BD E3 D0 JSR CHECK_CMOS1 74E2: 8D C7 BSR $74AB ; Compare A to game settings checksum held in CMOS. 74E4: 27 15 BEQ $74FB 74E6: 86 4F LDA #$4F 74E8: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 74EB: 86 39 LDA #$39 74ED: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy 74F0: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 74F3: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; Has "ADVANCE" been pressed? 74F5: 27 F4 BEQ $74EB 74F7: 39 RTS 74F8: 7E E3 D0 JMP CHECK_CMOS1 74FB: 86 50 LDA #$50 74FD: 20 E9 BRA $74E8 74FF: 8E CD 02 LDX #$CD02 7502: C6 04 LDB #$04 7504: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 7506: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 7508: 81 09 CMPA #$09 750A: 23 03 BLS $750F 750C: 5A DECB 750D: 27 06 BEQ $7515 750F: 8C CD 32 CMPX #top_score 7512: 26 F0 BNE $7504 7514: 39 RTS CLEAR_BOOKKEEPING_TOTALS: 7515: 86 5B LDA #$5B ; index of BOOKKEEPING TOTALS CLEARED string 7517: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 751A: 8E CD 02 LDX #$CD02 ; clear from $CD02.. 751D: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ 751F: 8C CD 32 CMPX #$CD32 ; ..to $CD31 7522: 26 F9 BNE $751D 7524: 39 RTS ; and we're done. 7525: 8D 05 BSR $752C 7527: 27 FB BEQ $7524 7529: 7E 6F 3B JMP LOAD_CMOS_DEFS2 752C: BD 74 91 JSR $7491 752F: 34 02 PSHS A 7531: 8E CC 8E LDX #$CC8E 7534: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 7537: A1 E0 CMPA ,S+ 7539: 39 RTS 753A: DE 15 LDU $15 753C: ED 47 STD $0007,U 753E: AF 49 STX $0009,U 7540: 10 AF 4B STY $000B,U 7543: 35 06 PULS A,B 7545: ED 4D STD $000D,U 7547: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; delay before calling function 7549: 8E 75 4F LDX #$754F ; address of function to call 754C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 754F: 8D 34 BSR $7585 7551: 26 F4 BNE $7547 7553: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 7556: 77 49 ; pointer to function 7558: EC 4D LDD $000D,U 755A: ED 0D STD $000D,X 755C: EC 47 LDD $0007,U 755E: ED 07 STD $0007,X 7560: EF 09 STU $0009,X 7562: 9F D8 STX $D8 7564: 86 99 LDA #$99 7566: 97 CF STA $CF ; text colour field 7568: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit on odd pixel" flag 756A: 0F DA CLR $DA 756C: 0F DB CLR $DB 756E: 0F DC CLR $DC 7570: 8D 08 BSR $757A 7572: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function 7574: 8E 75 8B LDX #$758B ; address of function to call 7577: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 757A: BD 76 2A JSR $762A 757D: BD 76 36 JSR $7636 7580: 86 3A LDA #$3A 7582: 7E 76 5D JMP $765D 7585: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 7588: 85 40 BITA #$40 758A: 39 RTS 758B: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 758E: 46 RORA 758F: 10 25 01 16 LBCS $76A9 7593: 46 RORA 7594: 10 25 00 F3 LBCS $768B 7598: 8D EB BSR $7585 759A: 27 D6 BEQ $7572 759C: A6 48 LDA $0008,U 759E: 84 80 ANDA #$80 75A0: 8B 20 ADDA #$20 75A2: A7 48 STA $0008,U 75A4: BD 76 48 JSR $7648 75A7: 81 5E CMPA #$5E 75A9: 27 4D BEQ $75F8 75AB: 96 D0 LDA $D0 75AD: 97 DC STA $DC 75AF: BD 76 45 JSR $7645 75B2: BD 76 48 JSR $7648 75B5: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 75B7: 9F DA STX $DA 75B9: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER 75BC: AF 49 STX $0009,U 75BE: BD 76 72 JSR $7672 75C1: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U 75C3: 27 2B BEQ $75F0 75C5: BD 75 7A JSR $757A 75C8: 86 02 LDA #$02 75CA: 8E 75 D0 LDX #$75D0 75CD: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 75D0: 8D B3 BSR $7585 75D2: 27 0F BEQ $75E3 75D4: A6 47 LDA $0007,U 75D6: 4A DECA 75D7: 27 EF BEQ $75C8 75D9: 6A 48 DEC $0008,U 75DB: 27 06 BEQ $75E3 75DD: A6 48 LDA $0008,U 75DF: 81 80 CMPA #$80 75E1: 26 E5 BNE $75C8 75E3: BD 75 85 JSR $7585 75E6: 27 8A BEQ $7572 75E8: A6 48 LDA $0008,U 75EA: 84 80 ANDA #$80 75EC: 8B 04 ADDA #$04 75EE: 20 B2 BRA $75A2 75F0: 9E D8 LDX $D8 75F2: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 75F5: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] 75F8: 8D 4B BSR $7645 75FA: 8D 2E BSR $762A 75FC: 86 3A LDA #$3A 75FE: 8D 5D BSR $765D 7600: 9E DA LDX $DA 7602: AF 49 STX $0009,U 7604: D6 DC LDB $DC 7606: D7 D0 STB $D0 7608: 6C 47 INC $0007,U 760A: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 760D: 31 3F LEAY $FFFF,Y 760F: 10 8C C0 00 CMPY #color_registers 7613: 25 02 BCS $7617 7615: 31 3F LEAY $FFFF,Y 7617: 10 AF 4B STY $000B,U 761A: 86 01 LDA #$01 761C: 8E 76 22 LDX #$7622 761F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7622: BD 75 85 JSR $7585 7625: 26 F3 BNE $761A 7627: 7E 75 6A JMP $756A 762A: 34 06 PSHS B,A 762C: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; blitter destination 762E: CC 04 07 LDD #$0407 ; width in bytes = 4, height = 7 7631: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 7634: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7636: 86 99 LDA #$99 7638: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 763A: A7 08 STA $0008,X 763C: A7 89 01 08 STA $0108,X 7640: A7 89 02 08 STA $0208,X 7644: 39 RTS 7645: 4F CLRA 7646: 20 F0 BRA $7638 7648: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 764B: 10 8C C0 00 CMPY #color_registers 764F: 24 03 BCC $7654 7651: A6 A4 LDA ,Y 7653: 39 RTS 7654: 34 10 PSHS X 7656: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7658: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 765B: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 765D: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 7660: 10 8C C0 00 CMPY #color_registers 7664: 24 03 BCC $7669 7666: A7 A4 STA ,Y 7668: 39 RTS 7669: 34 10 PSHS X 766B: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 766D: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 7670: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7672: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 7675: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y 7677: 10 8C C0 00 CMPY #color_registers 767B: 25 02 BCS $767F 767D: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y 767F: 10 AF 4B STY $000B,U 7682: 39 RTS ; wait a short while... 7683: 8E 20 00 LDX #$2000 7686: 30 1F LEAX $FFFF,X ; X-- 7688: 26 FC BNE $7686 768A: 39 RTS 768B: 86 0A LDA #$0A 768D: 8D 7F BSR $770E 768F: 8D F2 BSR $7683 7691: F6 C8 04 LDB widget_pia_dataa 7694: C5 02 BITB #$02 ; Move Down 7696: 10 27 FE FE LBEQ $7598 769A: 4A DECA 769B: 26 F2 BNE $768F 769D: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 769F: 8E 76 A5 LDX #$76A5 ; address of function to call 76A2: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 76A5: 86 01 LDA #$01 76A7: 20 E4 BRA $768D 76A9: 86 0A LDA #$0A 76AB: 8D 19 BSR $76C6 76AD: 8D D4 BSR $7683 76AF: F6 C8 04 LDB widget_pia_dataa ; 76B2: 56 RORB ; move bit 0 (Move Up bit flag) into carry 76B3: 10 24 FE E1 LBCC $7598 76B7: 4A DECA 76B8: 26 F3 BNE $76AD 76BA: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function 76BC: 8E 76 C2 LDX #$76C2 ; address of function to call after delay 76BF: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 76C2: 86 01 LDA #$01 76C4: 20 E5 BRA $76AB 76C6: 34 02 PSHS A 76C8: BD 76 48 JSR $7648 76CB: 4C INCA 76CC: 6D 48 TST $0008,U 76CE: 2A 15 BPL $76E5 76D0: 0D DA TST $DA 76D2: 27 04 BEQ $76D8 76D4: 81 5E CMPA #$5E 76D6: 23 06 BLS $76DE 76D8: 81 5D CMPA #$5D 76DA: 23 02 BLS $76DE 76DC: 86 30 LDA #$30 76DE: 81 3E CMPA #$3E 76E0: 26 1B BNE $76FD 76E2: 4C INCA 76E3: 20 18 BRA $76FD 76E5: 81 5A CMPA #$5A 76E7: 23 0E BLS $76F7 76E9: 0D DA TST $DA 76EB: 27 08 BEQ $76F5 76ED: 81 5E CMPA #$5E 76EF: 22 04 BHI $76F5 76F1: 86 5E LDA #$5E 76F3: 20 02 BRA $76F7 76F5: 86 3A LDA #$3A 76F7: 81 3B CMPA #$3B 76F9: 26 02 BNE $76FD 76FB: 86 41 LDA #$41 76FD: BD 76 5D JSR $765D 7700: BD 76 2A JSR $762A 7703: D6 D0 LDB $D0 ; read "blit on odd pixel" flag and preserve in B 7705: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 7707: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER 770A: D7 D0 STB $D0 ; restore "blit on odd pixel" flag 770C: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 770E: 34 02 PSHS A 7710: BD 76 48 JSR $7648 7713: 4A DECA 7714: 6D 48 TST $0008,U 7716: 2A 15 BPL $772D 7718: 81 30 CMPA #$30 771A: 24 0A BCC $7726 771C: 0D DA TST $DA 771E: 27 04 BEQ $7724 7720: 86 5E LDA #$5E 7722: 20 02 BRA $7726 7724: 86 5D LDA #$5D 7726: 81 3E CMPA #$3E 7728: 26 1D BNE $7747 772A: 4A DECA 772B: 20 1A BRA $7747 772D: 81 39 CMPA #$39 772F: 26 0A BNE $773B 7731: 0D DA TST $DA 7733: 27 04 BEQ $7739 7735: 86 5E LDA #$5E 7737: 20 02 BRA $773B 7739: 86 5A LDA #$5A 773B: 81 40 CMPA #$40 773D: 26 02 BNE $7741 773F: 86 3A LDA #$3A 7741: 81 5D CMPA #$5D 7743: 26 02 BNE $7747 7745: 86 5A LDA #$5A 7747: 20 B4 BRA $76FD 7749: 6D 48 TST $0008,U 774B: 2B 34 BMI $7781 774D: 86 FF LDA #$FF 774F: 8E 77 55 LDX #$7755 7752: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7755: 86 FF LDA #$FF 7757: 8E 77 5D LDX #$775D 775A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 775D: 86 82 LDA #$82 775F: 8E 77 65 LDX #$7765 7762: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7765: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U 7767: 26 E4 BNE $774D 7769: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 776B: 33 84 LEAU ,X 776D: BD 76 48 JSR $7648 7770: 81 5E CMPA #$5E 7772: 26 05 BNE $7779 7774: 86 3A LDA #$3A 7776: BD 76 5D JSR $765D 7779: DE 15 LDU $15 777B: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry 777E: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] 7781: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa 7784: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; Has "ADVANCE" been pressed? 7786: 26 E1 BNE $7769 7788: 86 01 LDA #$01 778A: 8E 77 81 LDX #$7781 778D: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7790: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 7793: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 7796: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 7799: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 779C: FF FF FF STU $FFFF 779F: FF ; Called by $D17A after INITIAL TESTS INDICATE: message. 77A0: JMP $77A5 77A2: A5 79 BITA $FFF9,S ; ; TODO: ; ; ; 77A5: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 77A8: 0F F4 CLR $F4 77AA: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 77AD: 77 B9 ; pointer to function 77AF: 8E 77 E4 LDX #$77E4 77B2: 4F CLRA 77B3: BD D0 5A JSR $D05A ; JMP $D243 - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $981D and call function in X 77B6: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 77B9: 96 51 LDA $51 77BB: A7 47 STA $0007,U 77BD: 96 51 LDA $51 77BF: A1 47 CMPA $0007,U 77C1: 27 05 BEQ $77C8 77C3: 0C F4 INC $F4 77C5: 7E 79 9D JMP $799D 77C8: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; delay before calling function 77CA: 8E 77 BD LDX #$77BD ; address of function to call 77CD: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 77D0: 8A 77 ORA #$77 77D2: 8A CA ORA #$CA 77D4: 8B 16 ADDA #$16 77D6: 8A CA ORA #$CA 77D8: 8B 95 ADDA #$95 77DA: 8A 77 ORA #$77 77DC: 8A CA ORA #$CA 77DE: 8B CB ADDA #$CB 77E0: 8C 07 00 CMPX #$0700 77E3: 00 NEG $BD 77E4: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 ; JMP $DB7C - Clear the screen 77E7: BD DF 40 JSR $DF40 77EA: 0F F4 CLR $F4 77EC: 7E 79 9D JMP $799D 77EF: 0F F4 CLR $F4 77F1: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 77F4: BD D0 30 JSR $D030 ; JMP $D7A5 - initialise all object lists 77F7: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 77FA: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 77FD: 77 B9 ; pointer to function 77FF: 0F 0C CLR $0C 7801: 0F 0E CLR $0E 7803: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay 7805: 8E 78 0B LDX #$780B ; address of task 7808: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 780B: 8E 18 3A LDX #$183A 780E: AF 49 STX $0009,U 7810: 8E 9A B0 LDX #$9AB0 7813: 10 8E 77 D0 LDY #$77D0 7817: 10 AF 47 STY $0007,U 781A: AF 4B STX $000B,U 781C: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay 781E: 8E 78 24 LDX #$7824 ; address of task 7821: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7824: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 7827: CC 0B 0E LDD #$0B0E 782A: ED A4 STD ,Y 782C: C6 0D LDB #$0D 782E: ED 24 STD $0004,Y 7830: 30 2A LEAX $000A,Y 7832: AF 22 STX $0002,Y 7834: 30 A9 00 A4 LEAX $00A4,Y 7838: AF 26 STX $0006,Y 783A: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 783C: AF 28 STX $0008,Y 783E: 10 AE 47 LDY $0007,U 7841: EE A4 LDU ,Y 7843: 27 33 BEQ $7878 7845: 5F CLRB 7846: 86 CE LDA #$CE 7848: 34 10 PSHS X 784A: BD 8D 69 JSR $8D69 ; call RENDER_GRAPHIC 784D: DE 15 LDU $15 784F: 30 89 02 00 LEAX $0200,X 7853: AF 49 STX $0009,U 7855: 35 10 PULS X 7857: 10 AE 4B LDY $000B,U 785A: 31 2A LEAY $000A,Y 785C: CC 0B 1B LDD #$0B1B 785F: BD D0 B7 JSR $D0B7 ; JMP $DE59 : COPY_FROM_SCREEN_TO_RAM 7862: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7864: 30 89 01 33 LEAX $0133,X 7868: 10 AE 47 LDY $0007,U 786B: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y 786D: 20 A8 BRA $7817 786F: 34 02 PSHS A 7871: B6 CC 13 LDA $CC13 ; read "fancy attract mode" setting from CMOS 7874: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 7876: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7878: 8D F5 BSR $786F 787A: 27 03 BEQ $787F 787C: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 787F: 86 07 LDA #$07 7881: 97 0C STA $0C 7883: 86 3F LDA #$3F 7885: 97 0E STA $0E 7887: 8D E6 BSR $786F 7889: 10 27 0F 19 LBEQ $87A6 788D: 96 59 LDA $59 788F: 84 FB ANDA #$FB 7891: 97 59 STA $59 7893: DE 15 LDU $15 7895: 10 8E 9A B0 LDY #$9AB0 7899: 10 AF 47 STY $0007,U 789C: 86 09 LDA #$09 789E: A7 49 STA $0009,U 78A0: 20 08 BRA $78AA 78A2: 86 08 LDA #$08 78A4: 8E 78 AA LDX #$78AA 78A7: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 78AA: 10 AE 47 LDY $0007,U 78AD: EC 28 LDD $0008,Y 78AF: CB 0D ADDB #$0D 78B1: D7 A7 STB $A7 78B3: C0 0D SUBB #$0D 78B5: 30 A4 LEAX ,Y 78B7: BD 5B 55 JSR $5B55 78BA: CB 0E ADDB #$0E 78BC: D7 A7 STB $A7 78BE: 30 24 LEAX $0004,Y 78C0: BD 5B 55 JSR $5B55 78C3: 31 A9 01 33 LEAY $0133,Y 78C7: 10 AF 47 STY $0007,U 78CA: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U 78CC: 26 D4 BNE $78A2 78CE: 86 20 LDA #$20 78D0: 8E 87 A6 LDX #$87A6 78D3: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 78D6: 86 3F LDA #$3F 78D8: 97 0F STA $0F 78DA: 86 07 LDA #$07 78DC: 97 0D STA $0D 78DE: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 78E1: D0 C3 ; pointer to function 78E3: 10 8E 8C E8 LDY #$8CE8 78E7: 5F CLRB 78E8: 8E 39 5C LDX #$395C 78EB: 86 FD LDA #$FD 78ED: EE B1 LDU [,Y++] 78EF: 27 05 BEQ $78F6 78F1: BD 8D 69 JSR $8D69 78F4: 20 F7 BRA $78ED 78F6: EE A1 LDU ,Y++ 78F8: 27 05 BEQ $78FF 78FA: BD 8D 69 JSR $8D69 ; call RENDER_GRAPHIC 78FD: 20 F7 BRA $78F6 78FF: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 7902: 79 2D ; pointer to function 7904: 10 8E 79 75 LDY #$7975 7908: 8E 98 0E LDX #$980E 790B: 86 01 LDA #$01 790D: DE 15 LDU $15 790F: AF 49 STX $0009,U 7911: 10 AF 4B STY $000B,U 7914: A7 4D STA $000D,U 7916: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 7918: AF 47 STX $0007,U 791A: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 791C: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 791E: 27 F6 BEQ $7916 7920: A7 D8 0B STA [$0B,U] 7923: AF 47 STX $0007,U 7925: A6 4D LDA $000D,U 7927: 8E 79 1A LDX #$791A 792A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 792D: 96 86 LDA $86 792F: 2A 10 BPL $7941 7931: 86 07 LDA #$07 7933: 97 0C STA $0C 7935: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 7938: 84 07 ANDA #$07 793A: 4C INCA 793B: 8E 79 41 LDX #$7941 793E: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7941: 96 84 LDA $84 7943: 84 03 ANDA #$03 7945: 27 0A BEQ $7951 7947: 0F 0C CLR $0C 7949: 86 03 LDA #$03 794B: 8E 79 51 LDX #$7951 794E: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7951: 8E 79 8B LDX #$798B 7954: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 7957: 84 0F ANDA #$0F 7959: A6 86 LDA A,X 795B: 97 0C STA $0C 795D: 86 07 LDA #$07 795F: 8E 79 65 LDX #$7965 7962: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7965: 96 86 LDA $86 7967: 84 03 ANDA #$03 7969: 27 C2 BEQ $792D 796B: 0F 0C CLR $0C 796D: 86 04 LDA #$04 796F: 8E 79 2D LDX #$792D 7972: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7975: 3F 3F 3F 37 2F 27 1F 17 0F 07 07 07 0F 17 1F 27 7985: 2F 37 3F 3F 3F 00 798B: FF C0 C7 1F 07 07 C0 C7 FF C0 C7 16 07 FF C0 C7 799B: 20 37 BRA $79D4 799D: 96 F4 LDA $F4 799F: 8A 80 ORA #$80 79A1: 97 F4 STA $F4 79A3: 8D 0A BSR $79AF 79A5: 86 81 LDA #$81 79A7: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 print SAVE THE LAST HUMAN FAMILY 79AA: 8E 83 B2 LDX #$83B2 79AD: 20 2A BRA $79D9 ; ; This is involved in the "ROBOTRON: 2084 - SAVE THE LAST HUMAN FAMILY" attract screen. ; But it's not the entry point. ; ; ; 79AF: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 79B2: BD D0 C0 JSR $D0C0 ; JMP $D18A - reset text rendering related fields to their defaults 79B5: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 ; clear the screen 79B8: BD D0 24 JSR $D024 ; JMP $D89E - create tasks to animate colour palette 79BB: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 79BE: 7E C8 ; pointer to function 79C0: 96 59 LDA $59 79C2: 84 F3 ANDA #$F3 79C4: 97 59 STA $59 79C6: 0F 3F CLR $3F ; current player number = 0 (player 1) 79C8: 86 CC LDA #$CC 79CA: 97 8F STA $8F ; set current wall colour 79CC: BD 26 D2 JSR $26D2 ; JMP $34AF - draw player lives, score and border wall 79CF: 86 80 LDA #$80 79D1: 7E 5F 99 JMP JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 print ROBOTRON: 2084 ; called by $799B 79D4: 8D D9 BSR $79AF 79D6: 8E 7F A3 LDX #$7FA3 ; pointer to INSPIRED BY HIS NEVER ENDING QUEST FOR PROGRESS [..] text and actions 79D9: DE 15 LDU $15 79DB: AF 47 STX $0007,U 79DD: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get pointer to a byte which serves one of 3 purposes: a character, an action, or a delay 79DF: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read byte 79E1: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; stash updated character pointer 79E3: 81 09 CMPA #$09 ; is A higher than 9? If not, then A is an index into a jump table of actions. 79E5: 22 08 BHI $79EF ; A is higher than 9, it must be a character to display or a delay. ; if we get here, A is 0-9. A is an index into a jump table starting at $7A08. 79E7: 8E 7A 08 LDX #$7A08 79EA: 48 ASLA ; A = A * 2, to give offset into table from $7A08 79EB: AD 96 JSR [A,X] ; call function in table @ *(X+A) 79ED: 20 EE BRA $79DD ; read next character or instruction 79EF: 81 5F CMPA #$5F 79F1: 25 06 BCS $79F9 ; its a character to display, goto $79F9 ; if we get here, A is more than #$5F. Its not a character to print, but a delay to "sleep" before reading the next byte. 79F3: 8E 79 DD LDX #$79DD ; address of function to print character 79F6: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; if we get here, A identifies a character to blit. 79F9: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; get screen address to blit to 79FB: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER 79FE: AF 49 STX $0009,U ; save updated screen address 7A00: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay 7A02: 8E 79 DD LDX #$79DD ; address of task to call after delay expires 7A05: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; This is a jump table, used by $79EB ; 7A08: 7A 93 ; TODO: unsure if this is used, doesn't appear to be called 7A 9C ; address of CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING 7A B6 ; address of SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 7A C1 ; address of INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS 7A C7 7A 60 ; address of PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT 7A 84 7A 5A ; address of SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT 7A 29 ; Do something (TODO: what?) 14 times 7A 1C ; ; Function called from attract screen ; 7A1C: 96 F4 LDA $F4 7A1E: 84 7F ANDA #$7F 7A20: 97 F4 STA $F4 7A22: 10 27 FD C9 LBEQ $77EF 7A26: 7E 79 9B JMP $799B ; ; ; ; CREATE_14_GRUNTS_FOR_DEMO: 7A29: 8E 7A 31 LDX #$7A31 ; address of function to call 7A2C: 86 00 LDA #$00 ; delay before calling function 7A2E: 7E D0 57 JMP $D057 ; JMP $D25A - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $9813 and call function in X 7A31: 86 0E LDA #$0E ; countdown (decremented @ $7A4B) 7A33: A7 47 STA $0007,U 7A35: 86 10 LDA #$10 ; delay before calling task 7A37: 8E 7A 3D LDX #$7A3D ; address of task to call when delay expires 7A3A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7A3D: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 7A40: 84 06 ANDA #$06 ; preserve bits 1 & 2 of A, discard the rest. A is now one of these values: {0,2,4,6} 7A42: 8E 7A 52 LDX #$7A52 7A45: 10 AE 86 LDY A,X ; Y = *(A+X) 7A48: BD 7B 0F JSR $7B0F 7A4B: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown set at $7A33 7A4D: 26 E6 BNE $7A35 7A4F: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 7A52: 84 F5 85 17 85 40 85 67 ; ; Set text colour on attract screen ; SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT: 7A5A: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7A5D: 97 CF STA $CF ; set current text colour 7A5F: 39 RTS ; ; Function called from attract screen ; ; This function first clears a rectangular area near the bottom of the screen, almost, but not quite, near the bottom wall. ; It then prints, in the small font, the name of the character we are introducing, for example: ; MOMMY, DADDY, MIKEY, GRUNT-100, QUARK-1000, INDESTRUCTABLE HULK (amongst others) ; ; Method name subject to change as I verify extent of it ; PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT: 7A60: 86 14 LDA #$14 7A62: C6 D8 LDB #$D8 7A64: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = $14D8, blitter dest. Strange - why didn't they just use LDX #$14D8? 7A66: CC 74 06 LDD #$7406 ; width in bytes = 74 (116 decimal), height = 06 7A69: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 7A6C: 96 D0 LDA $D0 ; get "blit odd pixel" flag value 7A6E: 34 02 PSHS A ; save on stack 7A70: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script - X coordinate of text 7A73: C6 D8 LDB #$D8 ; Y coordinate of text 7A75: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit odd pixel" flag (pointless, as this is done at $613F anyway, no need to do this twice) 7A77: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = screen address to start drawing characters 7A79: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script - ID of text string to write 7A7C: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 7A7F: 35 02 PULS A ; restore "blit odd pixel" flag original value from stack 7A81: 97 D0 STA $D0 ; and set flag to what it was before 7A83: 39 RTS ; ; Function called from STORYLINE script when the STORYLINE concludes ; (player sprite has walked into an electrode at this point) ; STORYLINE_CONCLUDES: 7A84: 96 59 LDA $59 7A86: 8A 0C ORA #$0C 7A88: 97 59 STA $59 7A8A: BD D0 30 JSR $D030 ; JMP $D7A5 - initialise all object lists 7A8D: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries 7A90: 7E 77 A0 JMP $77A0 ; ; Function called from attract screen ; 7A93: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7A96: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U ; set screen address to print character to 7A99: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit odd pixel" flag 7A9B: 39 RTS ; ; Function called from storyline script ; ; This readies an area of screen for printing text. ; CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING: 7A9C: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7A9F: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; B = Y component of screen address 7AA1: 86 14 LDA #$14 ; set X component of screen address , to #$14 (20 decimal) 7AA3: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; set screen address where characters are blitted to D 7AA5: 8E 14 30 LDX #$1430 7AA8: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit odd pixel" flag 7AAA: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7AAD: 1F 89 TFR A,B 7AAF: C0 10 SUBB #$10 7AB1: 86 74 LDA #$74 ; width = 74, height = B 7AB3: 7E D0 1B JMP $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black ; ; Function called from storyline screen. ; ; Reset the character blit address to left hand side of screen, and add 11 (decimal) pixels to current Y coordinate. ; Pretty much equivalent to someone pressing the ENTER key in a word processor, ; this moving the text cursor to the next line, in preparation for printing more text. ; SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD: 7AB6: E6 4A LDB $000A,U ; get low byte of screen address to blit characters to 7AB8: 86 14 LDA #$14 ; set X component of screen address to #$14 (20 decimal) 7ABA: CB 0B ADDB #$0B ; add #$0B (11 decimal) to current Y coordinate 7ABC: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; update screen address where characters are blitted to 7ABE: 0F D0 CLR $D0 ; clear "blit odd pixel" flag 7AC0: 39 RTS ; ; Function called from storyline screen ; INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS: 7AC1: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7AC4: 7E 7B 0F JMP $7B0F ; introduce game characters ; ; Function called from storyline screen ; ; This spawns a task to continue reading from the story "script". SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY_ACTIONS: 7AC7: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7ACA: 8E 79 DD LDX #$79DD ; address of function to execute (in this case, the script reader) 7ACD: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7AD0: 10 8E FD 80 LDY #$FD80 7AD4: CC FF 06 LDD #$FF06 7AD7: 20 07 BRA $7AE0 7AD9: 10 8E 02 80 LDY #$0280 7ADD: CC 02 06 LDD #$0206 7AE0: BD D0 6F JSR $D06F ; JMP $D2FD - reserve an object entry 7AE3: 10 AF 0E STY $000E,X 7AE6: 10 AE 47 LDY $0007,U 7AE9: EB 2C ADDB $000C,Y 7AEB: E7 0C STB $000C,X 7AED: AB 2A ADDA $000A,Y 7AEF: A7 0A STA $000A,X 7AF1: ED 04 STD $0004,X 7AF3: FC 26 D7 LDD $26D7 7AF6: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer 7AF8: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 7AFB: 9F 17 STX $17 7AFD: AF 47 STX $0007,U 7AFF: A6 49 LDA $0009,U 7B01: 8E 7B 07 LDX #$7B07 7B04: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7B07: AE 47 LDX $0007,U 7B09: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 7B0C: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; ; Called by $7A48 and $7AC4 ; ; Y = pointer to a script to follow ; ; see $83B7 for script analysis (TODO: list other scripts here) ; INTRODUCE_GAME_CHARACTER_FROM_SCRIPT: 7B0F: 34 12 PSHS X,A 7B11: 86 00 LDA #$00 ; delay before calling function 7B13: 8E 7B 1E LDX #$7B1E ; address of function to call 7B16: BD D0 5A JSR $D05A ; JMP $D243 - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $981D and call function in X 7B19: 10 AF 07 STY $0007,X ; store pointer to script 7B1C: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; On the attract page, introduce each game character, such as the family and the baddies. ; This is responsible for rendering the characters, but not the text that accompanies them. ; ; 7B1E: BD D0 6F JSR $D06F ; JMP $D2FD - call RESERVE_OBJECT_FOR_SPHEROID_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SHELL ; X = pointer to object 7B21: AF 4B STX $000B,U ; save pointer to reserved object 7B23: 6F C8 12 CLR $12,U 7B26: 8D 11 BSR $7B39 ; invoke action from script 7B28: 8D 0F BSR $7B39 ; invoke action from script 7B2A: DE 15 LDU $15 7B2C: AE 4B LDX $000B,U ; get pointer to object 7B2E: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get pointer to current animation frame metadata 7B30: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 7B33: 9F 17 STX $17 7B35: 8D 02 BSR $7B39 ; invoke action from script 7B37: 20 FC BRA $7B35 ; ; ; Y = value set by @7A45 ; INVOKE_ACTION_FROM_CHARACTER_INTRO_SCRIPT: 7B39: 35 06 PULS A,B ; pull return address from stack into D 7B3B: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get address of task 7B3D: ED 4E STD $000E,U ; save return address in task (see $7B55) 7B3F: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7B42: 48 ASLA ; multiply byte by 2 7B43: 8E 7B 58 LDX #$7B58 7B46: AE 86 LDX A,X 7B48: 9F 2B STX $2B 7B4A: AE 4B LDX $000B,U ; get pointer to object 7B4C: 10 AE 49 LDY $0009,U ; get parameters (if any) 7B4F: AD 9F 98 2B JSR [$982B] 7B53: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get address of current task into U 7B55: 6E D8 0E JMP [$0E,U] ; jump to address we saved at $7B3D ; This is a list of function pointers. ; I have labelled the corresponding functions with UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_{n} where n is the 0-based index into the jump table ; For example, the code at 7D31 is labelled as UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_1, 7D4B is UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_2 and so on. ; ; See @7B43 for the code that identifies which function from the list to invoke. ; 7B58: 8D A0 ; pointer to RTS instruction 7D 31 ; SET_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_FOR_STORYLINE_CHARACTER 7D 4B ; SET_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_FOR_STORYLINE_CHARACTER_2 7D 19 7D 1F 7D 25 7D 2B 7C C1 ; SET_CHARACTER_POSITION_FROM_SCRIPT 7C B2 ; SET_CHARACTER_X_DELTA_FROM_SCRIPT 7C B9 ; SET_CHARACTER_Y_DELTA_FROM_SCRIPT 7C 8F 7C 87 ; READ_BYTE_FROM_SCRIPT_AND_CREATE_TASK 7B70: 7C 81 ; KILL_OBJECT 7C 6F 7C 68 7C 54 7C 5C 7C 4E 7C 1F 7C 26 ; UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_19 7C 37 7C 05 7B84: 7C CB D0 63 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 7D 41 7B 90 7C D9 7B FD UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_19: 7B90: 35 06 PULS A,B 7B92: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 7B95: BD 7C 54 JSR $7C54 7B98: 6F 88 12 CLR $12,X 7B9B: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7B9E: 10 AF C8 15 STY $15,U 7BA2: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7BA5: 10 AF C8 17 STY $17,U 7BA9: A6 0A LDA $000A,X 7BAB: E6 0C LDB $000C,X 7BAD: ED 04 STD $0004,X 7BAF: ED 06 STD $0006,X 7BB1: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; delay 7BB3: 8E 7B B9 LDX #$7BB9 7BB6: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7BB9: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7BBB: 8D 2F BSR $7BEC 7BBD: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 7BBF: AB 0E ADDA $000E,X 7BC1: EB 88 10 ADDB $10,X 7BC4: ED 04 STD $0004,X 7BC6: EC C8 15 LDD $15,U 7BC9: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X 7BCC: BD 1A C8 JSR $1AC8 7BCF: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 7BD1: ED 06 STD $0006,X 7BD3: A6 C8 18 LDA $18,U 7BD6: 27 05 BEQ $7BDD 7BD8: 8D 1A BSR $7BF4 7BDA: BD D0 18 JSR $D018 ; JMP $DAF2 - do blit 7BDD: 6A C8 17 DEC $17,U 7BE0: 26 CF BNE $7BB1 7BE2: 8D 10 BSR $7BF4 7BE4: 8D 06 BSR $7BEC 7BE6: BD 7C 5C JSR $7C5C 7BE9: 6E D8 10 JMP [$10,U] 7BEC: EC 06 LDD $0006,X ; D= blitter destination 7BEE: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata 7BF1: 7E D0 1E JMP $D01E ; JMP $DABF: clear image rectangle 7BF4: EC 04 LDD $0004,X 7BF6: A7 0A STA $000A,X 7BF8: E7 0C STB $000C,X 7BFA: 6F 0B CLR $000B,X 7BFC: 39 RTS 7BFD: AF 47 STX $0007,U 7BFF: BD 7C 54 JSR $7C54 7C02: 7E 38 95 JMP $3895 ; ; It looks like this creates another script-reading task ; ; X = pointer to object ; Y = don't care EXECUTE_CHARACTER_STORYLINE: 7C05: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7C08: 8E 7B 35 LDX #$7B35 ; address of function that reads items from a script 7C0B: 86 00 LDA #$00 ; delay 7C0D: BD D0 5A JSR $D05A ; JMP $D243 - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $981D and call function in X 7C10: 10 AF 07 STY $0007,X ; set pointer to script in object 7C13: EC 4B LDD $000B,U ; copy parameter fields from this object to the new object 7C15: ED 0B STD $000B,X 7C17: EC 49 LDD $0009,U 7C19: ED 09 STD $0009,X 7C1B: 6F 88 12 CLR $12,X 7C1E: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_18: 7C1F: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 7C22: 7A D0 ; pointer to function 7C24: 20 05 BRA $7C2B UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_19: 7C26: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 7C29: 7A D9 ; pointer to function 7C2B: EC 4B LDD $B,U 7C2D: ED 07 STD $0007,X 7C2F: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7C32: A7 09 STA $0009,X 7C34: 7E 7C 87 JMP $7C87 UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_20: 7C37: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7C3A: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7C3D: E6 C8 12 LDB $12,U 7C40: 26 03 BNE $7C45 7C42: A7 C8 12 STA $12,U 7C45: 6A C8 12 DEC $12,U 7C48: 27 03 BEQ $7C4D 7C4A: 10 AF 47 STY $0007,U 7C4D: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_17: 7C4E: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7C51: 7E 7B 0F JMP $7B0F UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_15: 7C54: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 7C57: EC 84 LDD ,X 7C59: DD 1B STD $1B 7C5B: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_16: 7C5C: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; get pointer to current animation frame metadata 7C5E: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) 7C61: DC 17 LDD $17 7C63: ED 84 STD ,X ; set next object pointer at (*x) 7C65: 9F 17 STX $17 7C67: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_14: 7C68: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script 7C6B: 10 AF 47 STY $0007,U 7C6E: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_13: 7C6F: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 7C72: 86 A6 LDA #$A6 7C74: 97 A7 STA $A7 7C76: CC FF 00 LDD #$FF00 ; set laser direction to be moving LEFT ($FF hex is -1 decimal) 7C79: DD 88 STD $88 ; store in laser direction flag 7C7B: BD 5B 43 JSR $5B43 ; JMP $5C1F - create an explosion 7C7E: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task KILL_OBJECT: 7C81: BD D0 75 JSR $D075 ; JMP $D31B - deallocate object and erase object from screen 7C84: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task READ_BYTE_FROM_SCRIPT_AND_CREATE_TASK: 7C87: 35 10 PULS X ; X now is address of function to call 7C89: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script (delay before calling task) 7C8C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_10: 7C8F: 35 06 PULS A,B 7C91: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 7C94: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; load Y with 2 bytes from story script. First byte: delay before running task @ $7CAA. Second byte: countdown 7C97: 10 AF C8 13 STY $13,U ; Store delay and countdown value (see $7CAA) 7C9B: 10 AE 49 LDY $0009,U 7C9E: BD 7D 41 JSR $7D41 7CA1: A6 C8 13 LDA $13,U ; delay before calling function 7CA4: 8E 7C AA LDX #$7CAA ; address of function to call when delay expires 7CA7: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7CAA: 6A C8 14 DEC $14,U ; decrement countdown value (see $7C97) 7CAD: 26 EC BNE $7C9B 7CAF: 6E D8 10 JMP [$10,U] SET_CHARACTER_X_DELTA_FROM_SCRIPT: 7CB2: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; Load Y with word read from script 7CB5: 10 AF 0E STY $000E,X 7CB8: 39 RTS SET_CHARACTER_Y_DELTA_FROM_SCRIPT: 7CB9: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; Load Y with word read from script 7CBC: 10 AF 88 10 STY $10,X 7CC0: 39 RTS SET_CHARACTER_POSITION_FROM_SCRIPT: 7CC1: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; Load Y with word read from script 7CC4: 1F 20 TFR Y,D 7CC6: E7 0C STB $000C,X ; set object Y coordinate 7CC8: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; set object X coordinate 7CCA: 39 RTS UPDATE_CHARACTER_COORDINATES_FROM_SCRIPT: 7CCB: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; Load Y with word read from script 7CCE: 1F 20 TFR Y,D ; Now A = delta to add to object's X coordinate. B = delta to add to object's Y coordinate 7CD0: AB 0A ADDA $000A,X 7CD2: A7 0A STA $000A,X ; Update object's X coordinate 7CD4: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X 7CD6: E7 0C STB $000C,X 7CD8: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_1A: 7CD9: A6 05 LDA $0005,X 7CDB: A7 C8 13 STA $13,U 7CDE: 86 40 LDA #$40 7CE0: A7 C8 15 STA $15,U 7CE3: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 7CE6: 84 07 ANDA #$07 7CE8: AB C8 13 ADDA $13,U 7CEB: A7 05 STA $0005,X 7CED: 86 01 LDA #$01 7CEF: 8E 7C F5 LDX #$7CF5 7CF2: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7CF5: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7CF7: BD D0 39 JSR $D039 ; JMP $D6CD - get a random number into A 7CFA: 84 07 ANDA #$07 7CFC: 40 NEGA 7CFD: AB C8 13 ADDA $13,U 7D00: A7 05 STA $0005,X 7D02: 86 01 LDA #$01 7D04: 8E 7D 0A LDX #$7D0A 7D07: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7D0A: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7D0C: 6A C8 15 DEC $15,U 7D0F: 26 D2 BNE $7CE3 7D11: A6 C8 13 LDA $13,U 7D14: A7 05 STA $0005,X 7D16: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_3: 7D19: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7D1C: 6E B8 04 JMP [$04,Y] UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_4: 7D1F: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7D22: 6E B8 06 JMP [$06,Y] UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_5: 7D25: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7D28: 6E B8 08 JMP [$08,Y] UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_6: 7D2B: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7D2E: 6E B8 0A JMP [$0A,Y] SET_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_FOR_STORYLINE_CHARACTER: 7D31: BD 7D 5E JSR $7D5E ; Load Y with word read from script 7D34: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U ; save for use with next function call (see $7D54) 7D37: 4F CLRA 7D38: A7 4D STA $000D,U ; A= index into a list of animation frame metadata 7D3A: 8D 14 BSR $7D50 ; compute animation frame metadata to use 7D3C: AE 4B LDX $000B,U ; get pointer to object 7D3E: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set objects animation frame metadata pointer 7D40: 39 RTS UNKNOWN_FUNC_7B58_24: 7D41: A6 4D LDA $000D,U 7D43: 4C INCA 7D44: A1 22 CMPA $0002,Y 7D46: 25 F0 BCS $7D38 7D48: 4F CLRA 7D49: 20 ED BRA $7D38 SET_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_FOR_STORYLINE_CHARACTER_2: 7D4B: BD 7D 6E JSR $7D6E ; Load A with byte read from script 7D4E: 20 EA BRA $7D3A ; ; ; On the STORYLINE screen, when the characters are being introduced one by one, this function is called to compute the initial animation frame ; for the character. ; ; Called by $7D3A ; A= index into animation frame list table ; ; Returns: D = pointer to animation frame metadata ; COMPUTE_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_TO_USE: 7D50: 34 60 PSHS U,Y 7D52: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get address of current task into U 7D54: 10 AE 49 LDY $0009,U ; get a pointer to a pointer to an animation frame data list 7D57: E6 23 LDB $0003,Y 7D59: 3D MUL 7D5A: E3 B4 ADDD [,Y] ; D now holds a pointer to animation frame metadata. 7D5C: 35 E0 PULS Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Load Y register with data from script. ; ; Returns: ; Y = word read from script ; LOAD_Y_WITH_WORD_FROM_SCRIPT: 7D5E: 34 50 PSHS U,X 7D60: 8D 07 BSR $7D69 ; get script position pointer into X 7D62: 10 AE 81 LDY ,X++ ; read 2 bytes (a word) from script and put into Y 7D65: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; update script position pointer 7D67: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Get script position pointer into X ; ; Returns: ; U = pointer to current task ; X = pointer to script item to be parsed ; GET_SCRIPT_POSITION_POINTER: 7D69: DE 15 LDU $15 7D6B: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get script position pointer into X 7D6D: 39 RTS ; ; Read a byte ; READ_BYTE_FROM_SCRIPT: 7D6E: 34 50 PSHS U,X 7D70: 8D F7 BSR $7D69 ; get script position pointer into X 7D72: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read byte from script @ X 7D74: 20 EF BRA $7D65 ; update script position pointer 7D76: 5F CLRB 7D77: ED C8 13 STD $13,U 7D7A: A6 2C LDA $000C,Y 7D7C: 40 NEGA 7D7D: 20 1C BRA $7D9B 7D7F: C6 03 LDB #$03 7D81: ED C8 13 STD $13,U 7D84: A6 2C LDA $000C,Y 7D86: 5F CLRB 7D87: 20 12 BRA $7D9B 7D89: C6 06 LDB #$06 7D8B: ED C8 13 STD $13,U 7D8E: E6 2C LDB $000C,Y 7D90: 20 08 BRA $7D9A 7D92: C6 09 LDB #$09 7D94: ED C8 13 STD $13,U 7D97: E6 2C LDB $000C,Y 7D99: 50 NEGB 7D9A: 4F CLRA 7D9B: ED C8 15 STD $15,U 7D9E: 35 06 PULS A,B 7DA0: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 7DA3: CC 7D F2 LDD #$7DF2 7DA6: ED C8 17 STD $17,U 7DA9: 10 AE 49 LDY $0009,U 7DAC: 8E 7D B4 LDX #$7DB4 7DAF: A6 2D LDA $000D,Y 7DB1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7DB4: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7DB6: EC C8 15 LDD $15,U 7DB9: 8D 24 BSR $7DDF 7DBB: 10 AE C8 17 LDY $17,U 7DBF: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y 7DC1: 10 8C 7D F3 CMPY #$7DF3 7DC5: 25 04 BCS $7DCB 7DC7: 10 8E 7D EF LDY #$7DEF 7DCB: A6 A4 LDA ,Y 7DCD: 10 AF C8 17 STY $17,U 7DD1: AB C8 14 ADDA $14,U 7DD4: BD 7D 38 JSR $7D38 7DD7: 6A C8 13 DEC $13,U 7DDA: 26 CD BNE $7DA9 7DDC: 6E D8 10 JMP [$10,U] 7DDF: 34 04 PSHS B 7DE1: 5F CLRB 7DE2: 47 ASRA 7DE3: 56 RORB 7DE4: E3 0A ADDD $000A,X 7DE6: ED 0A STD $000A,X 7DE8: 35 04 PULS B 7DEA: EB 0C ADDB $000C,X 7DEC: E7 0C STB $000C,X 7DEE: 39 RTS 7DEF: 00 01 NEG $01 7DF1: 00 02 NEG $02 7DF3: 5F CLRB 7DF4: 20 0A BRA $7E00 7DF6: C6 0D LDB #$0D 7DF8: 20 06 BRA $7E00 7DFA: C6 1A LDB #$1A 7DFC: 20 02 BRA $7E00 7DFE: C6 27 LDB #$27 7E00: AE B8 0C LDX [$0C,Y] 7E03: 3A ABX 7E04: AF C8 13 STX $13,U 7E07: A7 C8 15 STA $15,U 7E0A: 35 06 PULS A,B 7E0C: ED C8 10 STD $10,U 7E0F: 86 08 LDA #$08 7E11: 8E 7E 17 LDX #$7E17 7E14: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7E17: 8D 08 BSR $7E21 7E19: 6A C8 15 DEC $15,U 7E1C: 26 F1 BNE $7E0F 7E1E: 6E D8 10 JMP [$10,U] 7E21: AE 4B LDX $000B,U 7E23: 10 AE C8 13 LDY $13,U 7E27: EC 21 LDD $0001,Y 7E29: 8D B4 BSR $7DDF 7E2B: A6 A4 LDA ,Y 7E2D: 44 LSRA 7E2E: 44 LSRA 7E2F: BD 7D 38 JSR $7D38 7E32: 31 23 LEAY $0003,Y 7E34: E6 A4 LDB ,Y 7E36: C1 FF CMPB #$FF 7E38: 26 02 BNE $7E3C 7E3A: 31 34 LEAY $FFF4,Y 7E3C: 10 AF C8 13 STY $13,U 7E40: 39 RTS 7E41: 00 0E ; pointer to pointer to mummy standing LEFT 7E43: 0C 04 INC $04 7E45: 7D F3 7D TST $F37D 7E48: F6 7D FA LDB $7DFA 7E4B: 7D FE 00 TST $FE00 7E4E: 18 Illegal Opcode 7E4F: 1A CB ORCC #$CB 7E51: 01 Illegal Opcode 7E52: 04 00 LSR $00 7E54: 10 0C Illegal Opcode 7E56: 04 7D LSR $7D 7E58: F3 7D F6 ADDD $7DF6 7E5B: 7D FA 7D TST $FA7D 7E5E: FE 00 18 LDU $0018 7E61: 00 12 NEG $12 7E63: 0C 04 INC $04 7E65: 7D F3 7D TST $F37D 7E68: F6 7D FA LDB $7DFA 7E6B: 7D FE 00 TST $FE00 7E6E: 18 Illegal Opcode 7E6F: 00 14 NEG $14 7E71: 0C 04 INC $04 7E73: 7D F3 7D TST $F37D 7E76: F6 7D FA LDB $7DFA 7E79: 7D FE 00 TST $FE00 7E7C: 16 1A C3 LBRA $9942 7E7F: 0C 04 INC $04 7E81: 7D 76 7D TST $767D 7E84: 7F 7D 89 CLR $7D89 7E87: 7D 92 02 TST $9202 7E8A: 08 38 ASL $38 7E8C: 91 03 CMPA $03 7E8E: 04 38 LSR $38 7E90: 93 24 SUBD $24 7E92: 04 11 LSR $11 7E94: 48 ASLA 7E95: 06 04 ROR $04 ; 7E97: referenced by script action @ $83B7 7E97: 26 D5 0C 04 ; 26D5 is a pointer to $35EB, which is animation frame metadata for player standing still facing LEFT. 7E9B: 7D 76 7D TST $767D 7E9E: 7F 7D 89 CLR $7D89 7EA1: 7D 92 01 TST $9201 7EA4: 02 Illegal Opcode 7EA5: 4B Illegal Opcode 7EA6: 06 09 ROR $09 7EA8: 04 11 LSR $11 7EAA: 46 RORA 7EAB: 08 04 ASL $04 7EAD: 4B Illegal Opcode 7EAE: 08 05 ASL $05 7EB0: 06 4B ROR $4B 7EB2: 0A 04 DEC $04 7EB4: 04 00 LSR $00 7EB6: 0C 05 INC $05 7EB8: 04 00 LSR $00 7EBA: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 7EBC: 04 0D LSR $0D 7EBE: F4 26 05 ANDB $2605 7EC1: 0C F4 INC $F4 7EC3: 7E 79 9D JMP $799D 7EC6: 0C F4 INC $F4 ; Called from $79BB 7EC8: CC 10 05 LDD #$1005 ; width = 10, height = 5 7ECB: 8E 50 EE LDX #$50EE ; blitter destination 7ECE: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 7ED1: D6 51 LDB $51 7ED3: E7 47 STB $0007,U 7ED5: 86 7F LDA #$7F 7ED7: 8D 55 BSR $7F2E 7ED9: 86 20 LDA #$20 7EDB: A7 4A STA $000A,U 7EDD: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; delay before calling function 7EDF: 8E 7E E5 LDX #$7EE5 ; address of function to call 7EE2: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7EE5: 8D 39 BSR $7F20 7EE7: 96 51 LDA $51 7EE9: A1 47 CMPA $0007,U 7EEB: 26 D0 BNE $7EBD 7EED: 6A 4A DEC $000A,U 7EEF: 26 EC BNE $7EDD 7EF1: 8E CC 00 LDX #$CC00 ; Address of "extra man every " setting in CMOS 7EF4: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD 7EF7: 5D TSTB 7EF8: 27 DF BEQ $7ED9 7EFA: 8D 47 BSR $7F43 7EFC: 86 7D LDA #$7D 7EFE: 8D 2E BSR $7F2E 7F00: 86 0A LDA #$0A 7F02: A7 4A STA $000A,U 7F04: 96 51 LDA $51 7F06: A1 47 CMPA $0007,U 7F08: 27 04 BEQ $7F0E 7F0A: 8D 37 BSR $7F43 7F0C: 20 AF BRA $7EBD 7F0E: 86 08 LDA #$08 7F10: 8E 7F 16 LDX #$7F16 7F13: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 7F16: 8D 08 BSR $7F20 7F18: 6A 4A DEC $000A,U 7F1A: 26 E8 BNE $7F04 7F1C: 8D 25 BSR $7F43 7F1E: 20 A8 BRA $7EC8 7F20: 96 F4 LDA $F4 7F22: 2B 09 BMI $7F2D 7F24: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa 7F27: 81 41 CMPA #$41 7F29: 10 27 FB 57 LBEQ $7A84 7F2D: 39 RTS 7F2E: 34 06 PSHS B,A 7F30: 96 D0 LDA $D0 7F32: D6 CF LDB $CF ; colour to print string in 7F34: 34 06 PSHS B,A 7F36: EC 62 LDD $0002,S 7F38: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 7F3B: 35 06 PULS A,B 7F3D: 97 D0 STA $D0 7F3F: D7 CF STB $CF 7F41: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7F43: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 7F45: 8E 20 EE LDX #$20EE ; blitter destination 7F48: CC 50 05 LDD #$5005 ; width in bytes = 50, height = 5 7F4B: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black 7F4E: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 7F50: 20 43 4F 50 59 52 49 47 48 54 20 31 39 38 32 20 COPYRIGHT 1982 7F60: 57 49 4C 4C 49 41 4D 53 20 45 4C 45 43 54 52 4F WILLIAMS ELECTRO 7F70: 4E 49 43 53 20 49 4E 43 2E 20 20 41 4C 4C 20 52 NICS INC. ALL R 7F80: 49 47 48 54 53 20 52 45 53 45 52 56 45 44 2E 20 IGHTS RESERVED. 7F90: 20 22 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 3A 20 32 30 38 34 "ROBOTRON: 2084 7FA0: 22 20 20 ; ; Encoded text and actions (aka "Script") for the STORYLINE attract page. (STORYLINE given name by Mark Hoff) ; Like a movie script the data below defines the story plot, introduces [game] characters and makes them interact. ; ; Referenced by code @ $79D6. ; ; Note: Text is mostly encoded in ASCII, but punctuation characters and parentheses are not. ; ; STORYLINE_SCRIPT: 7FA3: 01 38 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $38 and $80 are parameters used 7FA6: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 7FA8: 49 4E 53 50 49 52 45 44 20 42 59 20 48 49 53 20 INSPIRED BY HIS 7FB8: 4E 45 56 45 52 20 45 4E 44 49 4E 47 NEVER ENDING 7FC4: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 7FC5: 51 55 45 53 54 20 46 4F 52 20 50 52 4F 47 52 45 QUEST FOR PROGRE 7FD5: 53 53 3C SS, 7FD8: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 7FD9: 49 4E 20 IN 7FDC: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 7FDE: 32 30 38 34 2084 7FE2: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 7FE4: 20 4D 41 4E 20 50 45 52 46 45 43 54 53 20 54 48 MAN PERFECTS TH 7FF4: 45 20 E 7FF6: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 7FF8: 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 3F ROBOTRONS: 8002: 04 20 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 20 (32 decimal) 8004: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8005: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8006: 07 FF ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $FF is text colour 8008: 41 20 52 4F 42 4F 54 20 53 50 45 43 49 45 53 20 A ROBOT SPECIES 8018: 53 4F 20 41 44 56 41 4E 43 45 44 20 54 48 41 54 SO ADVANCED THAT 8028: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8029: 4D 41 4E 20 49 53 20 49 4E 46 45 52 49 4F 52 20 MAN IS INFERIOR 8039: 54 4F 20 48 49 53 20 4F 57 4E 20 43 52 45 41 54 TO HIS OWN CREAT 8049: 49 4F 4E 3D ION. 804D: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 804E: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 804F: 04 20 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY 8051: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8053: 47 55 49 44 45 44 20 42 59 20 54 48 45 49 52 20 GUIDED BY THEIR 8063: 49 4E 46 41 4C 4C 49 42 4C 45 20 4C 4F INFALLIBLE LOGIC 8073: 3C , 8074: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8075: 54 48 45 20 THE 8079: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 807B: 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 ROBOTRONS 8084: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8086: 20 43 4F 4E 43 4C 55 44 45 3F CONCLUDE: 8090: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8091: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8092: 04 30 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, , delay: 30 (48 decimal) 8094: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 8096: 54 48 45 20 48 55 4D 41 4E 20 52 41 43 45 20 49 THE HUMAN RACE I 80A6: 53 20 49 4E 45 46 46 49 43 49 45 4E 54 3C S INEFFICIENT, 80B4: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 80B5: 41 4E 44 20 54 48 45 52 45 46 4F 52 45 20 4D 55 AND THEREFORE MU 80C5: 53 54 20 42 45 20 44 45 53 54 52 4F 59 45 44 3D ST BE DESTROYED. 80D5: 70 ; Action: Sleep for 70 (112 decimal) cycles ; We now clear all of the text off the screen, ready for the MUTANT SAVIOUR and FAMILY MEMBERS intro 80D6: 01 36 C0 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $36 and $C0 are parameters used 80D9: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 80DB: 03 83 B7 ; Action: call $7AC1: INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS, loading Y with $83B7 80DE: 59 4F 55 20 41 52 45 20 54 48 45 20 4C 41 53 54 YOU ARE THE LAST 80EE: 20 48 4f 50 45 20 4F 46 20 4D 41 4E 4B 49 4E 44 HOPE OF MANKIND 80FE: 3D . 80FF: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8100: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8101: 60 ; Action: Sleep for 60 (96 decimal) cycles 8102: 07 FF ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $FF is text colour 8104: 44 55 45 20 54 4F 20 41 20 47 45 4E 45 54 49 43 DUE TO A GENETIC 8114: 20 45 4E 47 49 4E 45 45 52 49 4E 47 20 45 52 52 ENGINEERING ERR 8124: 4F 52 3C OR, 8127: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8128: 59 4F 55 20 50 4F 53 53 45 53 53 20 53 55 50 45 YOU POSSESS SUPE 8138: 52 48 55 4D 41 4E 20 50 4F 57 45 52 53 3D RHUMAN POWERS. 8146: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8148: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8149: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 814A: 59 4F 55 52 20 4D 49 53 53 49 4F 4E 20 49 53 20 YOUR MISSION IS 815A: 54 4F TO 815C: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 815E: 20 53 54 4F 50 20 54 48 45 20 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 STOP THE ROBOTR 816E: 4F 4E 53 3C ONS, 8172: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8173: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8175: 41 4E 44 20 AND 8179: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 817B: 53 41 56 45 20 54 48 45 20 4C 41 53 54 20 48 55 SAVE THE LAST HU 818B: 4D 41 4E 20 46 41 4D 49 4C 59 3F MAN FAMILY: 8196: 03 84 77 ; Action: call $7AC1: INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS, loading Y with $8477 8199: 04 20 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 20 (32 decimal) 819B: 05 1C 73 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "MOMMY" (X coordinate of text: 1C, string ID: 73) 819E: 04 58 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 58 (88 decimal) 81A0: 05 18 74 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "DADDY" (X coordinate of text: 18, string ID: 74) 81A3: 04 58 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 58 (88 decimal) 81A5: 05 14 75 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "MIKEY" (X coordinate of text: 14, string ID: 75) 81A8: 70 ; Action: Sleep for 70 (112 decimal) cycles 81A9: 05 10 7E ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Clears the existing text only. 81AC: 70 ; Action: Sleep for 70 (112 decimal) cycles 81AD: 01 58 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $58 and $80 are parameters used 81B0: 07 33 ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $33 is text colour 81B2: 08 ; Action: call $7A29: CREATE_14_GRUNTS_FOR_DEMO 81B3: 54 48 45 20 46 4F 52 43 45 20 4F 46 20 47 52 4F THE FORCE OF GRO 81C3: 55 4E 44 20 52 4F 56 49 4E 47 UND ROVING 81CD: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 81CE: 55 4E 49 54 20 4E 45 54 57 4F 52 4B 20 54 45 52 UNIT NETWORK TER 81DE: 4D 49 4E 41 54 4F 52 20 MINATOR 81E6: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 81E7: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 81E9: 05 74 76 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "GRUNT - 100" (X coordinate of text: 74, string ID: 76) 81EC: 5B 47 52 55 4E 54 5C 3A (GRUNT) ; 3A is another space character it appears 81F4: 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 ROBOTRONS 81FD: 07 33 ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $33 is text colour 81FF: 20 ; space character. 8200: 53 45 45 4B 20 54 4F SEEK TO 8207: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8208: 44 45 53 54 52 4F 59 20 59 4F 55 3D DESTROY YOU. 8214: FF ; Action: Sleep for FF (255 decimal) cycles 8215: 01 58 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $58 and $80 are parameters used 8218: 07 55 ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $55 is text colour 821A: 03 85 A1 ; Action: call $7AC1: INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS, loading Y with $85A1 821D: 54 48 45 THE 8220: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 8222: 05 14 77 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "INDESTRUCTABLE HULK" (X coordinate of text: 14, string ID: 77) 8225: 20 48 55 4C 4B 20 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 20 HULK ROBOTRONS 8235: 07 55 ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $55 is text colour 8237: 53 45 45 4B 20 4F 55 54 SEEK OUT 823F: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8240: 41 4E 44 20 45 4C 49 4D 49 4E 41 54 45 20 54 48 AND ELIMINATE TH 8250: 45 20 4C 41 53 54 20 48 55 4D 41 4E 20 46 41 4D E LAST HUMAN FAM 8260: 49 4C 59 3D ILY. 8264: F9 ; Action: Sleep for F9 (249 decimal) cycles 8265: 05 14 7E ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Clears the existing text only. 8269: 01 70 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $70 and $80 are parameters used 826C: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 826E: 03 85 BD ; Action: call $7AC1: INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS, loading Y with $85BD 8271: 54 48 45 THE 8274: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 8276: 05 2C 78 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "SPHEREOID - 1000 QUARK - 10000" (X coordinate of text: 14, string ID: 78) 8279: 20 53 50 48 45 52 45 4F 49 44 53 20 41 4E 44 20 SPHEREOIDS AND 8289: 51 55 41 52 4B 53 20 20 QUARKS 8291: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8293: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8294: 41 52 45 20 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 4D 45 44 20 54 ARE PROGRAMMED T 82A4: 4F 20 4D 41 4E 55 46 41 43 54 55 52 45 O MANUFACTURE 82B1: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 82B2: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 82B4: 05 33 79 ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "ENFORCER - 150 TANK - 200" (X coordinate of text: 14, string ID: 79) 82B7: 45 4E 46 4F 52 43 45 52 20 41 4E 44 20 54 41 4E ENFORCER AND TAN 82C7: 4B 20 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 3D K ROBOTRONS. 82D3: A0 ; Action: Sleep for A0 (160 decimal) cycles 82D4: 05 10 7E ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Clears the existing text only. 82D7: 01 58 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $58 and $80 are parameters used 82DA: 07 FF ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $FF is text colour 82DC: 42 45 57 41 52 45 20 4F 46 20 54 48 45 20 49 4E BEWARE OF THE IN 82EC: 47 45 4E 49 4F 55 53 GENIOUS 82F3: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 82F4: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 82F6: 05 20 7A ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "BRAIN - 500 CRUISE MISSILE - 25" 82F9: 42 52 41 49 4E 20 52 4F 42 4F 54 52 4F 4E 53 BRAIN ROBOTRONS 8308: 07 FF ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $FF is text colour 830A: 20 54 48 41 54 20 50 4F 53 53 45 53 53 THAT POSSESS 8317: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8318: 54 48 45 20 50 4F 57 45 52 20 54 4F 20 52 45 50 THE POWER TO REP 8328: 52 4F 47 52 41 4D ROGRAM 832E: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 832F: 48 55 4D 41 4E 53 20 49 4E 54 4F 20 53 49 4E 49 HUMANS INTO SINI 833F: 53 54 45 52 20 STER 8344: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 8346: 50 52 4F 47 53 3D PROGS. 834C: 73 ; Action: Sleep for 73 (115 decimal) cycles 834D: 05 2C 7C ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Prints "PROG - 100" 8350: 80 8351: 03 86 CC ; Action: call $7AC1: INTRODUCE_STORY_CHARACTERS, loading Y with $86CC 8354: 01 64 80 ; Action: call $7A9C: CLEAR_AREA_READY_FOR_TEXT_PRINTING, $58 and $80 are parameters used 8357: 04 20 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 20 (32 decimal) 8359: 05 10 7E ; Action: call $7A60: PRINT_CHARACTER_NAME_FROM_SCRIPT. Clears the existing text only. 835C: 04 40 ; Action: call $7AC7: SPAWN_TASK_TO_CONTINUE_STORY, delay: 20 (32 decimal) 835E: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 8360: 41 53 20 59 4F 55 20 53 54 52 55 47 47 4C 45 20 AS YOU STRUGGLE 8370: 54 4F 20 53 41 56 45 TO SAVE 8377: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8378: 48 55 4D 41 4E 49 54 59 3C 20 HUMANITY, 8382: 42 45 20 53 55 52 45 20 54 4F 20 41 56 4F 49 44 BE SURE TO AVOID 8392: 02 ; Action: call $7AB6: SET_X_COORD_TO_20_AND_ADD_11_PIXELS_TO_Y_COORD 8393: 07 AA ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $AA is text colour 8395: 45 4C 45 43 54 52 4F 44 45 53 ELECTRODES 839F: 07 DD ; Action: call $7A5A: SET_TEXT_COLOUR_FROM_SCRIPT, $DD is text colour 83A0: 20 49 4E 20 59 4F 55 52 20 50 41 54 48 3D IN YOUR PATH. 83AF: D0 ; Action: Sleep for D0 (224 decimal) cycles 83B0: AD ; Action: Sleep for AD (173 decimal) cycles - verified in MAME, 2 consecutive sleep statements. 83B1: 06 ; Action: Invoke STORYLINE_CONCLUDES. We're done here B3B2: 03 ROR $03 83B3: 87 Illegal Opcode 83B4: 15 Illegal Opcode 83B5: FF 09 01 STU $0901 INTRODUCE_MUTANT_SAVIOUR_SCRIPT: 83B7: 01 7E 97 ; $7D31 - SET_ANIMATION_FRAME_METADATA_FOR_STORYLINE_CHARACTER 83BA: 07 18 A0 ; $7CC1 - SET_STORYLINE_CHARACTER_POSITION: X,Y coordinates 18,A0 83BD: 15 84 0F ; $7C05 - EXECUTE_CHARACTER_STORYLINE: character script for mutant saviour @840F. 83C0: 04 60 02 ; $7D1F 83C3: 06 0B 90 ; $7D2B 83C6: 0B FF 0B 83C9: FF 03 50 83CA: 03 50 COM $50 83CC: 04 68 LSR $68 83CE: 02 Illegal Opcode 83CF: 03 0B COM $0B 83D1: 80 0B SUBA #$0B 83D3: 80 02 SUBA #$02 83D5: 06 0B ROR $0B 83D7: 40 NEGA 83D8: 03 18 COM $18 83DA: 05 Illegal Opcode 83DB: 23 02 BLS $83DF 83DD: 00 0B NEG $0B 83DF: FF 02 06 STU $0206 83E2: 0B Illegal Opcode 83E3: E0 06 SUBB $0006,X 83E5: 3C 02 CWAI #$02 83E7: 03 0B COM $0B 83E9: 38 Illegal Opcode 83EA: 05 Illegal Opcode 83EB: 38 Illegal Opcode 83EC: 02 Illegal Opcode 83ED: 03 0B COM $0B 83EF: 20 02 BRA $83F3 83F1: 06 0B ROR $0B 83F3: E3 06 ADDD $0006,X 83F5: 20 02 BRA $83F9 83F7: 00 0B NEG $0B 83F9: 3C 02 CWAI #$02 83FB: 06 0B ROR $0B 83FD: F1 0B 30 CMPB $0B30 8400: 05 Illegal Opcode 8401: 20 02 BRA $8405 8403: 00 0B NEG $0B 8405: 20 02 BRA $8409 8407: 06 0B ROR $0B 8409: 90 0B SUBA $0B 840B: 90 04 SUBA $04 840D: 80 0D SUBA #$0D ; The 840F: 0B FF ; READ_BYTE_FROM_SCRIPT_AND_CREATE_TASK. Delay = 0xFF (255 decimal) - tinker with this to speed up/slow down appearance of mutant 8410: 0B 60 ; READ_BYTE_FROM_SCRIPT_AND_CREATE_TASK. Delay = 0x60 (96 decimal) ; Invoke method at @ $7C26 8413: 13 SYNC 8414: 1D SEX 8415: 05 Illegal Opcode 8416: 14 Illegal Opcode 8417: 0A 84 DEC $84 8419: 13 SYNC 841A: 12 NOP 841B: 1B Illegal Opcode 841C: 05 Illegal Opcode 841D: 14 Illegal Opcode 841E: 08 84 ASL $84 8420: 1A 13 ORCC #$13 8422: 1D SEX 8423: 05 Illegal Opcode 8424: 14 Illegal Opcode 8425: 14 Illegal Opcode 8426: 84 21 ANDA #$21 8428: 12 NOP 8429: 1B Illegal Opcode 842A: 05 Illegal Opcode 842B: 14 Illegal Opcode 842C: 05 Illegal Opcode 842D: 84 28 ANDA #$28 842F: 13 SYNC 8430: 1D SEX 8431: 05 Illegal Opcode 8432: 14 Illegal Opcode 8433: 0A 84 DEC $84 8435: 2F 0B BLE $8442 8437: FF 0B FF STU $0BFF 843A: 0B Illegal Opcode 843B: 50 NEGB 843C: 13 SYNC 843D: 0B Illegal Opcode 843E: 10 14 Illegal Opcode 8440: 0E 84 JMP $84 8442: 3C 0B CWAI #$0B 8444: E0 12 SUBB $FFF2,X 8446: 0B Illegal Opcode 8447: 0B Illegal Opcode 8448: 14 Illegal Opcode 8449: 0A 84 DEC $84 844B: 45 Illegal Opcode 844C: 0B Illegal Opcode 844D: FF 0B E3 STU $0BE3 8450: 0B Illegal Opcode 8451: 10 13 Illegal Opcode 8453: 0E 80 JMP $80 8455: 13 SYNC 8456: 18 Illegal Opcode 8457: 08 13 ASL $13 8459: 20 08 BRA $8463 845B: 14 Illegal Opcode 845C: 03 84 COM $84 845E: 58 ASLB 845F: 0B Illegal Opcode 8460: FF 0B 44 STU $0B44 8463: 12 NOP 8464: 09 C0 ROL $C0 8466: 0B Illegal Opcode 8467: E0 12 SUBB $FFF2,X 8469: 08 FF ASL $FF 846B: 0B Illegal Opcode 846C: 90 13 SUBA $13 846E: 04 10 LSR $10 8470: 13 SYNC 8471: 06 10 ROR $10 8473: 13 SYNC 8474: 08 01 ASL $01 8476: 17 01 7E LBSR $85F7 8479: 41 Illegal Opcode 847A: 07 18 ASR $18 847C: A0 11 SUBA $FFF1,X 847E: 84 AD ANDA #$AD 8480: 11 84 Illegal Opcode 8482: C6 04 LDB #$04 8484: 28 0F BVC $8495 8486: 01 Illegal Opcode 8487: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 848A: 00 16 NEG $16 848C: 00 04 NEG $04 848E: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 8490: 30 0F LEAX $000F,X 8492: 01 Illegal Opcode 8493: 7E 53 07 JMP $5307 8496: 18 Illegal Opcode 8497: A0 0B SUBA $000B,X 8499: 40 NEGA 849A: 10 04 Illegal Opcode 849C: 30 06 LEAX $0006,X 849E: 10 04 Illegal Opcode 84A0: 10 05 Illegal Opcode 84A2: 13 SYNC 84A3: 03 12 COM $12 84A5: 0F 01 CLR $01 84A7: 7E B9 10 JMP $B910 84AA: 0B Illegal Opcode 84AB: 80 0C SUBA #$0C 84AD: 01 Illegal Opcode 84AE: 7E 53 07 JMP $5307 84B1: 18 Illegal Opcode 84B2: A0 0F SUBA $000F,X 84B4: 0B Illegal Opcode 84B5: 70 10 04 NEG $1004 84B8: 1E 0F EXG D,inv 84BA: 01 Illegal Opcode 84BB: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 84BE: 01 Illegal Opcode 84BF: 16 00 04 LBRA $84C6 84C2: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 84C4: 30 0C LEAX $000C,X 84C6: 01 Illegal Opcode 84C7: 7E 61 07 JMP $6107 84CA: 18 Illegal Opcode 84CB: A0 0F SUBA $000F,X 84CD: 0B Illegal Opcode 84CE: D8 10 EORB $10 84D0: 04 15 LSR $15 84D2: 0F 01 CLR $01 84D4: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 84D7: 02 Illegal Opcode 84D8: 16 00 04 LBRA $84DF 84DB: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 84DD: 30 0F LEAX $000F,X 84DF: 01 Illegal Opcode 84E0: 7E 61 07 JMP $6107 84E3: 18 Illegal Opcode 84E4: A0 0B SUBA $000B,X 84E6: C0 10 SUBB #$10 84E8: 04 04 LSR $04 84EA: 05 Illegal Opcode 84EB: 08 04 ASL $04 84ED: 10 05 Illegal Opcode 84EF: 18 Illegal Opcode 84F0: 03 01 COM $01 84F2: 0E 84 JMP $84 84F4: A5 84 F5 85 17 85 40 85 67 ; Script referenced from lookup list @ $7A52 84F5: 01 7E 8B ; Invoke 7D31 84F6: 7E 8B 07 JMP $8B07 84F9: 86 85 LDA #$85 84FB: 0B Illegal Opcode 84FC: 10 16 Illegal Opcode 84FE: FE 04 02 LDU $0402 8501: 01 Illegal Opcode 8502: 0B Illegal Opcode 8503: 08 16 ASL $16 8505: FD 04 02 STD $0402 8508: 00 0B NEG $0B 850A: 20 16 BRA $8522 850C: FE 04 02 LDU $0402 850F: 02 Illegal Opcode 8510: 14 Illegal Opcode 8511: 02 Illegal Opcode 8512: 84 FB ANDA #$FB 8514: 0E 85 JMP $85 8516: 8B ; Script referenced from lookup list @ $7A52 8517: 01 8518: 7E 8B 07 JMP $8B07 851B: 88 90 EORA #$90 851D: 0B Illegal Opcode 851E: 09 16 ROL $16 8520: FE 02 02 LDU $0202 8523: 02 Illegal Opcode 8524: 0B Illegal Opcode 8525: 12 NOP 8526: 16 FE 02 LBRA $832B 8529: 02 Illegal Opcode 852A: 00 0B NEG $0B 852C: 12 NOP 852D: 16 FE 02 LBRA $8332 8530: 02 Illegal Opcode 8531: 01 Illegal Opcode 8532: 0B Illegal Opcode 8533: 0B Illegal Opcode 8534: 16 FE 02 LBRA $8339 8537: 02 Illegal Opcode 8538: 00 14 NEG $14 853A: 02 Illegal Opcode 853B: 85 1D BITA #$1D 853D: 0E 85 JMP $85 853F: 8B ; Script referenced from lookup list @ $7A52 01 ADDA #$01 8541: 7E 8B 07 JMP $8B07 8544: 88 BC EORA #$BC 8546: 0B Illegal Opcode 8547: 10 16 Illegal Opcode 8549: FE FD 02 LDU $FD02 854C: 01 Illegal Opcode 854D: 0B Illegal Opcode 854E: 06 16 ROR $16 8550: FE FD 02 LDU $FD02 8553: 00 0B NEG $0B 8555: 1A 16 ORCC #$16 8557: FE FD 02 LDU $FD02 855A: 02 Illegal Opcode 855B: 0B Illegal Opcode 855C: 08 16 ASL $16 855E: FE FD 14 LDU $FD14 8561: 02 Illegal Opcode 8562: 85 46 BITA #$46 8564: 0E 85 JMP $85 8566: 8B ; Script referenced from lookup list @ $7A52 8567: 01 8568: 7E 8B 07 JMP $8B07 856B: 88 B1 EORA #$B1 856D: 0B Illegal Opcode 856E: 04 16 LSR $16 8570: FE FE 02 LDU $FE02 8573: 01 Illegal Opcode 8574: 0B Illegal Opcode 8575: 09 16 ROL $16 8577: FD FE 02 STD $FE02 857A: 00 0B NEG $0B 857C: 18 Illegal Opcode 857D: 16 FE FE LBRA $847E 8580: 02 Illegal Opcode 8581: 02 Illegal Opcode 8582: 0B Illegal Opcode 8583: 15 Illegal Opcode 8584: 16 FE FE LBRA $8485 8587: 14 Illegal Opcode 8588: 02 Illegal Opcode 8589: 85 74 BITA #$74 858B: 02 Illegal Opcode 858C: 00 16 NEG $16 858E: FC 02 0B LDD $020B 8591: 04 02 LSR $02 8593: 02 Illegal Opcode 8594: 16 FE FE LBRA $8495 8597: 0B Illegal Opcode 8598: 20 02 BRA $859C 859A: 00 16 NEG $16 859C: FC 02 0B LDD $020B 859F: 12 NOP 85A0: 0D 01 TST $01 85A2: 7E 6F 07 JMP $6F07 85A5: 10 C0 Illegal Opcode 85A7: 15 Illegal Opcode 85A8: 85 B1 BITA #$B1 85AA: 04 1C LSR $1C 85AC: 06 10 ROR $10 85AE: 04 36 LSR $36 85B0: 0C 0B INC $0B 85B2: 7C 16 FE INC $16FE 85B5: 00 0B NEG $0B 85B7: 0B Illegal Opcode 85B8: 14 Illegal Opcode 85B9: 0A 85 DEC $85 85BB: B3 17 01 SUBD $1701 85BE: 7E A9 07 JMP $A907 85C1: 88 87 EORA #$87 85C3: 11 85 Illegal Opcode 85C5: D6 11 LDB $11 85C7: 85 E3 BITA #$E3 85C9: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 85CB: 03 11 COM $11 85CD: 86 1A LDA #$1A 85CF: 08 FF ASL $FF 85D1: 40 NEGA 85D2: 0A 02 DEC $02 85D4: 60 0C NEG $000C,X 85D6: 01 Illegal Opcode 85D7: 7E A5 07 JMP $A507 85DA: 0A B4 DEC $B4 85DC: 08 00 ASL $00 85DE: C0 0A SUBB #$0A 85E0: 02 Illegal Opcode 85E1: 60 0C NEG $000C,X 85E3: 01 Illegal Opcode 85E4: 7E AD 07 JMP $AD07 85E7: 10 B4 Illegal Opcode 85E9: 0F 0B CLR $0B 85EB: 10 10 Illegal Opcode 85ED: 0B Illegal Opcode 85EE: 14 Illegal Opcode 85EF: 16 00 FF LBRA $86F1 85F2: 18 Illegal Opcode 85F3: 14 Illegal Opcode 85F4: 03 85 COM $85 85F6: ED 0F STD $000F,X 85F8: 01 Illegal Opcode 85F9: 7E B1 10 JMP $B110 85FC: 08 00 ASL $00 85FE: 80 0A SUBA #$0A 8600: 02 Illegal Opcode 8601: 70 0D 01 NEG $0D01 8604: 7E 93 07 JMP $9307 8607: 80 87 SUBA #$87 8609: 0F 0B CLR $0B 860B: 10 10 Illegal Opcode 860D: 0B Illegal Opcode 860E: 14 Illegal Opcode 860F: 18 Illegal Opcode 8610: 14 Illegal Opcode 8611: 05 Illegal Opcode 8612: 86 0D LDA #$0D 8614: 08 FF ASL $FF 8616: A0 0B SUBA $000B,X 8618: 30 0D LEAX $000D,X 861A: 01 Illegal Opcode 861B: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 861E: 0A B4 DEC $B4 8620: 0F 0B CLR $0B 8622: C0 10 SUBB #$10 8624: 04 20 LSR $20 8626: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 8628: 8D 05 BSR $862F 862A: 0A 03 DEC $03 862C: 08 04 ASL $04 862E: 1A 16 ORCC #$16 8630: 03 FE COM $FE 8632: 0B Illegal Opcode 8633: 02 Illegal Opcode 8634: 15 Illegal Opcode 8635: 86 8C LDA #$8C 8637: 19 DAA 8638: AA BB ORA [D,Y] 863A: 28 00 BVC $863C 863C: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 863E: 48 ASLA 863F: 08 02 ASL $02 8641: 00 19 NEG $19 8643: 00 AA NEG $AA 8645: 2C 00 BGE $8647 8647: 0C 01 INC $01 8649: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 864C: 31 BC 02 LEAY [$02,Y] 864F: 03 0F COM $0F 8651: 0B Illegal Opcode 8652: 03 11 COM $11 8654: 86 66 LDA #$66 8656: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 8658: 7B Illegal Opcode 8659: 0B Illegal Opcode 865A: 04 10 LSR $10 865C: 08 02 ASL $02 865E: 00 19 NEG $19 8660: EE 00 LDU $0000,X 8662: 2C 00 BGE $8664 8664: 00 0C NEG $0C 8666: 01 Illegal Opcode 8667: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 866A: 31 BC 0F LEAY [$0F,Y] 866D: 0B Illegal Opcode 866E: 04 02 LSR $02 8670: 03 10 COM $10 8672: 08 02 ASL $02 8674: 00 19 NEG $19 8676: EE 00 LDU $0000,X 8678: 2C 00 BGE $867A 867A: 0C 01 INC $01 867C: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 867F: 31 BC 02 LEAY [$02,Y] 8682: 03 08 COM $08 8684: 02 Illegal Opcode 8685: 00 19 NEG $19 8687: EE 00 LDU $0000,X 8689: 2C 00 BGE $868B 868B: 0C 1A INC $1A 868D: 01 Illegal Opcode 868E: 7E 7D 07 JMP $7D07 8691: 0A A0 DEC $A0 8693: 04 10 LSR $10 8695: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 8697: A4 05 ANDA $0005,X 8699: 0C 04 INC $04 869B: 10 19 Illegal Opcode 869D: BB BB 38 ADDA $BB38 86A0: 01 Illegal Opcode 86A1: 04 0B LSR $0B 86A3: 0D 01 TST $01 86A5: 86 B0 LDA #$B0 86A7: 07 1A ASR $1A 86A9: A4 08 ANDA $0008,X 86AB: 00 60 NEG $60 86AD: 0B Illegal Opcode 86AE: 40 NEGA 86AF: 0C 86 INC $86 86B1: B4 01 04 ANDA $0104 86B4: 86 B6 LDA #$B6 86B6: 09 02 ROL $02 86B8: 86 BA LDA #$BA 86BA: DD DD STD $DD 86BC: DD DD STD $DD 86BE: DD DD STD $DD 86C0: DD DA STD $DA 86C2: A0 DD DD DD SUBA [$DDDD,U] 86C6: DD DD STD $DD 86C8: DD DD STD $DD 86CA: DA A0 ORB $A0 86CC: 01 Illegal Opcode 86CD: 7E 8F 07 JMP $8F07 86D0: 86 C1 LDA #$C1 86D2: 02 Illegal Opcode 86D3: 0C 0F INC $0F 86D5: 0B Illegal Opcode 86D6: 48 ASLA 86D7: 11 86 Illegal Opcode 86D9: ED 0B STD $000B,X 86DB: 0A 11 DEC $11 86DD: 86 F9 LDA #$F9 86DF: 0B Illegal Opcode 86E0: 0A 11 DEC $11 86E2: 87 Illegal Opcode 86E3: 07 0B ASR $0B 86E5: 10 10 Illegal Opcode 86E7: 19 DAA 86E8: 00 DD NEG $DD 86EA: B8 00 1B EORA $001B 86ED: 01 Illegal Opcode 86EE: 7E 8F 07 JMP $8F07 86F1: 68 C1 ASL ,U++ 86F3: 19 DAA 86F4: 00 FF NEG $FF 86F6: 8D 00 BSR $86F8 86F8: 1B Illegal Opcode 86F9: 01 Illegal Opcode 86FA: 7E 8F 07 JMP $8F07 86FD: 72 Illegal Opcode 86FE: C1 02 CMPB #$02 8700: 04 19 LSR $19 8702: 00 AA NEG $AA 8704: 91 00 CMPA $00 8706: 1B Illegal Opcode 8707: 01 Illegal Opcode 8708: 7E 8F 07 JMP $8F07 870B: 7C C1 02 INC $C102 870E: 08 19 ASL $19 8710: 00 CC NEG $CC 8712: 92 00 SBCA $00 8714: 1B Illegal Opcode 8715: 01 Illegal Opcode 8716: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 8719: 50 NEGB 871A: 68 11 ASL $FFF1,X 871C: 87 Illegal Opcode 871D: 39 RTS 871E: 11 87 Illegal Opcode 8720: 42 Illegal Opcode 8721: 11 87 Illegal Opcode 8723: 5B Illegal Opcode 8724: 11 87 Illegal Opcode 8726: 74 11 87 LSR $1187 8729: 8D 04 BSR $872F 872B: 09 0F ROL $0F 872D: 01 Illegal Opcode 872E: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 8731: 00 16 NEG $16 8733: 00 05 NEG $05 8735: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 8737: 50 NEGB 8738: 0C 01 INC $01 873A: 7E 97 07 JMP $9707 873D: 68 6A ASL $000A,S 873F: 03 80 COM $80 8741: 0C 01 INC $01 8743: 7E 53 07 JMP $5307 8746: 48 ASLA 8747: 69 0F ROL $000F,X 8749: 0B Illegal Opcode 874A: 10 10 Illegal Opcode 874C: 04 0A LSR $0A 874E: 0F 01 CLR $01 8750: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 8753: 01 Illegal Opcode 8754: 16 00 04 LBRA $875B 8757: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 8759: 50 NEGB 875A: 0C 01 INC $01 875C: 7E 61 07 JMP $6107 875F: 40 NEGA 8760: 6B Illegal Opcode 8761: 0F 0B CLR $0B 8763: 20 10 BRA $8775 8765: 04 0C LSR $0C 8767: 0F 01 CLR $01 8769: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 876C: 02 Illegal Opcode 876D: 16 00 02 LBRA $8772 8770: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 8772: 50 NEGB 8773: 0C 01 INC $01 8775: 7E 41 07 JMP $4107 8778: 38 Illegal Opcode 8779: 68 0F ASL $000F,X 877B: 0B Illegal Opcode 877C: 30 10 LEAX $FFF0,X 877E: 04 0D LSR $0D 8780: 0F 01 CLR $01 8782: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 8785: 03 16 COM $16 8787: 00 05 NEG $05 8789: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 878B: 50 NEGB 878C: 0C 01 INC $01 878E: 7E 61 07 JMP $6107 8791: 30 6B LEAX $000B,S 8793: 0F 0B CLR $0B 8795: 40 NEGA 8796: 10 04 Illegal Opcode 8798: 0F 0F CLR $0F 879A: 01 Illegal Opcode 879B: 7E B5 02 JMP $B502 879E: 04 16 LSR $16 87A0: 00 02 NEG $02 87A2: 10 0B Illegal Opcode 87A4: 50 NEGB 87A5: 0C BD INC $BD 87A7: D0 30 SUBB $30 87A9: 96 59 LDA $59 87AB: 8A 04 ORA #$04 87AD: 97 59 STA $59 87AF: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 87B2: 78 D6 ; pointer to function 87B4: BD 8A 3A JSR $8A3A 87B7: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 87BA: 87 F8 ; pointer to function 87BC: BD 78 6F JSR $786F 87BF: 26 15 BNE $87D6 87C1: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 87C4: 8A 4F ; pointer to function 87C6: 86 FF LDA #$FF 87C8: 8E 87 CE LDX #$87CE 87CB: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 87CE: 86 FF LDA #$FF 87D0: 8E 79 9B LDX #$799B 87D3: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 87D6: BD 88 BF JSR $88BF 87D9: 86 1C LDA #$1C ; number of "W" logos on screen to move round (28 decimal) 87DB: DE 15 LDU $15 87DD: A7 47 STA $0007,U 87DF: 9E E6 LDX $E6 ; load X with blitter destination 87E1: 96 E9 LDA $E9 ; A = colour to draw W in 87E3: BD 8A 19 JSR $8A19 ; draw the williams logo in the given colour 87E6: BD 89 6C JSR $896C 87E9: 86 04 LDA #$04 87EB: 8E 87 F1 LDX #$87F1 87EE: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 87F1: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown of "W" left to move 87F3: 26 EA BNE $87DF 87F5: 7E 88 CD JMP $88CD 87F8: BD 6F 06 JSR $6F06 87FB: 27 13 BEQ $8810 87FD: BE 6F 0F LDX def_wel_msg_ptr 8800: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #hs_inits 8804: EC 81 LDD ,X++ 8806: ED A1 STD ,Y++ 8808: 10 8C B4 1E CMPY #$B41E 880C: 25 F6 BCS $8804 880E: 20 12 BRA $8822 8810: 8E CC 24 LDX #$CC24 8813: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #hs_inits 8817: BD D0 A8 JSR $D0A8 ; JMP $D521 - pack 4 bytes at X into D 881A: ED A1 STD ,Y++ 881C: 10 8C B4 1E CMPY #$B41E 8820: 25 F5 BCS $8817 8822: B6 B4 1C LDA $B41C 8825: C6 86 LDB #$86 8827: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #hs_inits 882B: 8D 15 BSR $8842 882D: B6 B4 1D LDA $B41D 8830: C6 96 LDB #$96 8832: 10 8E B4 03 LDY #$B403 8836: 8D 0A BSR $8842 8838: D6 51 LDB $51 883A: 86 70 LDA #$70 883C: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font 883F: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task 8842: 35 10 PULS X 8844: DE 15 LDU $15 8846: AF 47 STX $0007,U 8848: 1F 01 TFR D,X 884A: 86 19 LDA #$19 884C: A7 49 STA $0009,U 884E: 86 66 LDA #$66 8850: 97 CF STA $CF 8852: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ 8854: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER 8857: AF 4A STX $000A,U 8859: 10 AF 4C STY $000C,U 885C: 86 02 LDA #$02 885E: 8E 88 64 LDX #$8864 8861: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 8864: AE 4A LDX $000A,U 8866: 10 AE 4C LDY $000C,U 8869: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U 886B: 26 E5 BNE $8852 886D: 6E D8 07 JMP [$07,U] 8870: ROBOTRON: 2084 COPYRIGHT 1982 8890: WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. ALL R 88B0: IGHTS RESERVED 88BF: BD 89 4B JSR $894B 88C2: 10 8E B4 26 LDY #$B426 ; memory destination to copy Williams Logo Template, once rendered, to 88C6: 86 10 LDA #$10 ; Colour 1 = 1, Colour 2 = 0 88C8: 8D 6A BSR $8934 ; Draw the Williams W Logo Template 88CA: 7E 89 4B JMP $894B 88CD: 8D F0 BSR $88BF 88CF: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function 88D2: 8A 4F ; pointer to function 88D4: DE 15 LDU $15 88D6: 8E 02 C0 LDX #$02C0 88D9: AF 4D STX $000D,U 88DB: 86 06 LDA #$06 88DD: A7 4B STA $000B,U 88DF: 9E E6 LDX $E6 88E1: 96 E9 LDA $E9 88E3: 20 0A BRA $88EF 88E5: 86 06 LDA #$06 88E7: A7 4B STA $000B,U 88E9: BD 89 6C JSR $896C 88EC: BD 89 E6 JSR $89E6 88EF: 10 9E EB LDY $EB 88F2: F6 CB 00 LDB vidctrs 88F5: D7 2B STB $2B 88F7: E1 21 CMPB $0001,Y 88F9: 25 0E BCS $8909 88FB: E0 21 SUBB $0001,Y 88FD: C1 14 CMPB #$14 88FF: 23 EE BLS $88EF 8901: D6 2B LDB $2B 8903: C1 EC CMPB #$EC 8905: 24 E8 BCC $88EF 8907: 20 0D BRA $8916 8909: E6 21 LDB $0001,Y 890B: C1 1E CMPB #$1E 890D: 23 E0 BLS $88EF 890F: F0 CB 00 SUBB vidctrs 8912: C1 1E CMPB #$1E 8914: 23 D9 BLS $88EF 8916: BD 89 F8 JSR $89F8 8919: BD 8A 19 JSR $8A19 891C: DE 15 LDU $15 891E: 6A 4B DEC $000B,U 8920: 26 C7 BNE $88E9 8922: AE 4D LDX $000D,U 8924: 30 1F LEAX $-1,X 8926: 10 27 F0 71 LBEQ $799B 892A: AF 4D STX $000D,U 892C: 86 01 LDA #$01 892E: 8E 88 E5 LDX #$88E5 8931: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task ; ; In the attract mode where the "W" scroll round the screen edges... ; Draws the FIRST "W" on the screen, which is then used as a template for the others. ; ; $E6 = position on screen to draw item ; A = colours to render item in. Left nibble = colour 0, right nibble = colour 1 ; Y = memory destination to copy the rendered template to - RAW. ; DRAW_WILLIAMS_LOGO_TEMPLATE: 8934: 34 22 PSHS Y,A 8936: 9E E6 LDX $E6 ; get position on screen to draw item 8938: 35 02 PULS A ; hmm, why did they do this? A hasn't been changed since $8934... 893A: 34 10 PSHS X 893C: 5F CLRB 893D: CE 8C F4 LDU #$8CF4 ; pointer to instructions on how to render graphic 8940: BD 8D 69 JSR $8D69 ; Call RENDER_GRAPHIC to Draw the large "W" for WILLIAMS logo 8943: 35 30 PULS X,Y 8945: CC 0E 1B LDD #$0E1B ; width in bytes and height 8948: 7E D0 B7 JMP $D0B7 ; JMP $DE59 : COPY_FROM_SCREEN_TO_RAM. Copies W to memory buffer as a template for others to use. 894B: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A 894D: 86 05 LDA #$05 894F: C6 0F LDB #$0F 8951: DD E6 STD $E6 ; blitter destination of "W" 8953: 0F E8 CLR $E8 8955: 0F EA CLR $EA 8957: 86 77 LDA #$77 ; colour to draw "W" in 8959: 97 E9 STA $E9 895B: 8E B5 AE LDX #$B5AE ; pointer to list of "W" logos to move around the screen 895E: 9F EB STX $EB 8960: CC 13 AF LDD #$13AF 8963: ED 81 STD ,X++ 8965: 8C B5 E6 CMPX #$B5E6 8968: 25 F9 BCS $8963 896A: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 896C: 34 04 PSHS B 896E: 96 E8 LDA $E8 8970: 84 03 ANDA #$03 8972: 4A DECA 8973: 2B 4E BMI $89C3 8975: 4A DECA 8976: 2B 3B BMI $89B3 8978: 4A DECA 8979: 2B 24 BMI $899F ; if we get here, the "W" in question is moving UP. 897B: DC E6 LDD $E6 ; load D with blitter destination of "W" 897D: C0 20 SUBB #$20 ; Y component of screen destination -= #$20 (32 decimal) , moving 32 pixels UP 897F: 25 04 BCS $8985 8981: C1 0F CMPB #$0F 8983: 22 4F BHI $89D4 8985: 96 EA LDA $EA 8987: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 8989: 81 10 CMPA #$10 898B: 25 08 BCS $8995 898D: 0F EA CLR $EA 898F: 86 15 LDA #$15 8991: C6 0F LDB #$0F 8993: 20 3D BRA $89D2 8995: 97 EA STA $EA 8997: C6 0F LDB #$0F 8999: 86 05 LDA #$05 899B: 9B EA ADDA $EA 899D: 20 33 BRA $89D2 ; the "W" is moving LEFT. 899F: DC E6 LDD $E6 ; load D with blitter destination of "W" 89A1: 80 10 SUBA #$10 ; X component of screen destination -= #$10 (16 decimal) - remember 2 pixels per byte, so moving 32 pixels LEFT 89A3: 25 04 BCS $89A9 89A5: 81 05 CMPA #$05 89A7: 22 2B BHI $89D4 89A9: 86 05 LDA #$05 89AB: D6 EA LDB $EA 89AD: 50 NEGB 89AE: 58 ASLB 89AF: CB CF ADDB #$CF 89B1: 20 1F BRA $89D2 ; the "W" is moving DOWN 89B3: DC E6 LDD $E6 ; load D with blitter destination of "W" 89B5: CB 20 ADDB #$20 ; Y component of screen destination += #$20 (32 decimal) , moving 32 pixels DOWN 89B7: C1 CF CMPB #$CF 89B9: 25 19 BCS $89D4 89BB: C6 CF LDB #$CF 89BD: 86 85 LDA #$85 89BF: 90 EA SUBA $EA 89C1: 20 0F BRA $89D2 ; the "W" is moving RIGHT 89C3: DC E6 LDD $E6 ; load D with blitter destination of "W" 89C5: 8B 10 ADDA #$10 ; ; X component of screen destination += #$10 (16 decimal) - remember 2 pixels per byte, so moving 32 pixels RIGHT 89C7: 81 85 CMPA #$85 89C9: 25 09 BCS $89D4 89CB: 86 85 LDA #$85 89CD: D6 EA LDB $EA 89CF: 58 ASLB 89D0: CB 0F ADDB #$0F ; ; D= blitter destination ; 89D2: 0C E8 INC $E8 89D4: DD E6 STD $E6 ; update blitter destination of "W" 89D6: 1F 01 TFR D,X 89D8: 96 E9 LDA $E9 ; get colour to draw "W" in. 2 colours are packed into this byte, 1 colour per nibble, but both colours are the same. 89DA: 80 11 SUBA #$11 ; subtract 1 from each nibble (ie: left nibble = left nibble - 1, right nibble = right nibble -1) 89DC: 25 02 BCS $89E0 ; if a carry occurred, goto $89E0, reset colour of W back to $77 89DE: 26 02 BNE $89E2 ; 89E0: 86 77 LDA #$77 ; colour 89E2: 97 E9 STA $E9 ; set colour to draw "W" in 89E4: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 89E6: 34 10 PSHS X 89E8: 9E EB LDX $EB ; get pointer to current "W" logo screen coordinates 89EA: 30 02 LEAX $0002,X ; X+= 2, X now points to next "W"'s screen coordinates 89EC: 8C B5 E6 CMPX #$B5E6 ; have we done all the "W" logos? 89EF: 25 03 BCS $89F4 ; no, goto $89F4 to update logo pointer 89F1: 8E B5 AE LDX #$B5AE ; yes, all logos have been done, reset pointer to first "W" 89F4: 9F EB STX $EB 89F6: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CLEAR_WILLIAMS_LOGO: 89F8: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC 89FA: AE 9F 98 EB LDX [$98EB] 89FE: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 8A00: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 8A03: CC 0A 1F LDD #$0A1F 8A06: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 8A09: 7F CA 01 CLR blitter_mask 8A0C: CC B4 26 LDD #$B426 ; see $88C2 8A0F: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 8A12: 86 1E LDA #$1E ; sync with E clock (we're blitting from RAM to RAM), transparency mode, solid mode 8A14: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 8A17: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; This routine is responsible for drawing all of the "W" williams logos in attract mode. ; ; A = colour to draw W in ; X = screen destination ; BLIT_WILLIAMS_LOGO: 8A19: 34 03 PSHS A,CC 8A1B: AF 9F 98 EB STX [$98EB] 8A1F: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 8A21: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask 8A24: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 8A27: CC 0A 1F LDD #$0A1F 8A2A: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h 8A2D: CC B4 26 LDD #$B426 8A30: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 8A33: 86 1E LDA #$1E ; sync with E clock (we're blitting from RAM to RAM), transparency mode, solid mode 8A35: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter 8A38: 35 83 PULS CC,A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 8A3A: 34 32 PSHS Y,X,A 8A3C: 8E 8A 70 LDX #$8A70 8A3F: 10 8E 98 01 LDY #$9801 8A43: A6 80 LDA ,X+ 8A45: A7 A0 STA ,Y+ 8A47: 10 8C 98 08 CMPY #$9808 8A4B: 25 F6 BCS $8A43 8A4D: 35 B2 PULS A,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 8A4F: 8E 98 01 LDX #$9801 8A52: AF 49 STX $0009,U 8A54: 8D E4 BSR $8A3A 8A56: AE 49 LDX $0009,U 8A58: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X 8A5A: 8C 98 08 CMPX #$9808 8A5D: 25 03 BCS $8A62 8A5F: 8E 98 01 LDX #$9801 8A62: AF 49 STX $0009,U 8A64: 86 FF LDA #$FF 8A66: A7 84 STA ,X 8A68: 86 03 LDA #$03 8A6A: 8E 8A 54 LDX #$8A54 8A6D: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate task 8A70: 07 C0 ASR $C0 8A72: 17 30 C7 LBSR $BB3C 8A75: 1F 3F TFR U,inv ; ; Data here ; ; 8A77: 01 Illegal Opcode 8A78: 39 RTS 8A79: 90 22 SUBA $22 8A7B: 57 ASRB 8A7C: 22 90 BHI $8A0E 8A7E: 21 59 BRN $8AD9 8A80: 21 90 BRN $8A12 8A82: 21 43 BRN $8AC7 8A84: 27 4F BEQ $8AD5 8A86: 21 90 BRN $8A18 8A88: 21 43 BRN $8ACD 8A8A: 21 05 BRN $8A91 8A8C: 22 4D BHI $8ADB 8A8E: 22 90 BHI $8A20 8A90: 21 43 BRN $8AD5 8A92: 21 06 BRN $8A9A 8A94: 21 42 BRN $8AD8 8A96: 2C 90 BGE $8A28 8A98: 21 43 BRN $8ADD 8A9A: 21 06 BRN $8AA2 8A9C: 21 42 BRN $8AE0 8A9E: 21 90 BRN $8A30 8AA0: C6 21 LDB #$21 8AA2: 43 COMA 8AA3: 22 05 BHI $8AAA 8AA5: 21 42 BRN $8AE9 8AA7: 21 90 BRN $8A39 8AA9: 21 44 BRN $8AEF 8AAB: 27 42 BEQ $8AEF 8AAD: 21 90 BRN $8A3F 8AAF: 21 4D BRN $8AFE 8AB1: 21 90 BRN $8A43 8AB3: 23 4B BLS $8B00 8AB5: 22 90 BHI $8A47 8AB7: 02 Illegal Opcode 8AB8: 2A 43 BPL $8AFD 8ABA: 2B 90 BMI $8A4C 8ABC: 0A 22 DEC $22 8ABE: 4D TSTA 8ABF: 22 90 BHI $8A51 8AC1: 0B Illegal Opcode 8AC2: 22 4C BHI $8B10 8AC4: 22 90 BHI $8A56 8AC6: 0C 2E INC $2E 8AC8: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 8ACA: 01 Illegal Opcode 8ACB: 39 RTS 8ACC: 90 22 SUBA $22 8ACE: 57 ASRB 8ACF: 22 90 BHI $8A61 8AD1: 21 59 BRN $8B2C 8AD3: 21 90 BRN $8A65 8AD5: 21 43 BRN $8B1A 8AD7: 33 43 LEAU $0003,U 8AD9: 21 90 BRN $8A6B 8ADB: 21 42 BRN $8B1F 8ADD: 22 11 BHI $8AF0 8ADF: 22 42 BHI $8B23 8AE1: 21 90 BRN $8A73 8AE3: 21 42 BRN $8B27 8AE5: 21 13 BRN $8AFA 8AE7: 21 42 BRN $8B2B 8AE9: 21 90 BRN $8A7B 8AEB: C8 21 EORB #$21 8AED: 42 Illegal Opcode 8AEE: 24 10 BCC $8B00 8AF0: 21 42 BRN $8B34 8AF2: 21 90 BRN $8A84 8AF4: 21 45 BRN $8B3B 8AF6: 22 0F BHI $8B07 8AF8: 21 42 BRN $8B3C 8AFA: 21 90 BRN $8A8C 8AFC: 21 46 BRN $8B44 8AFE: 22 0D BHI $8B0D 8B00: 22 42 BHI $8B44 8B02: 21 90 BRN $8A94 8B04: 21 47 BRN $8B4D 8B06: 2F 43 BLE $8B4B 8B08: 21 90 BRN $8A9A 8B0A: 21 59 BRN $8B65 8B0C: 21 90 BRN $8A9E 8B0E: 22 57 BHI $8B67 8B10: 22 90 BHI $8AA2 8B12: 01 Illegal Opcode 8B13: 39 RTS 8B14: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 8B16: 01 Illegal Opcode 8B17: 39 RTS 8B18: 90 22 SUBA $22 8B1A: 57 ASRB 8B1B: 21 90 BRN $8AAD 8B1D: 21 58 BRN $8B77 8B1F: 22 90 BHI $8AB1 8B21: 21 42 BRN $8B65 8B23: 27 50 BEQ $8B75 8B25: 21 90 BRN $8AB7 8B27: 21 42 BRN $8B6B 8B29: 21 05 BRN $8B30 8B2B: 22 4F BHI $8B7C 8B2D: 21 90 BRN $8ABF 8B2F: 21 42 BRN $8B73 8B31: 21 06 BRN $8B39 8B33: 21 4F BRN $8B84 8B35: 21 90 BRN $8AC7 8B37: 21 42 BRN $8B7B 8B39: 21 06 BRN $8B41 8B3B: 21 43 BRN $8B80 8B3D: 29 43 BVS $8B82 8B3F: 21 90 BRN $8AD1 8B41: 21 42 BRN $8B85 8B43: 21 06 BRN $8B4B 8B45: 21 42 BRN $8B89 8B47: 22 07 BHI $8B50 8B49: 22 42 BHI $8B8D 8B4B: 21 90 BRN $8ADD 8B4D: 21 42 BRN $8B91 8B4F: 21 06 BRN $8B57 8B51: 21 42 BRN $8B95 8B53: 21 09 BRN $8B5E 8B55: 21 42 BRN $8B99 8B57: 21 90 BRN $8AE9 8B59: C5 21 BITB #$21 8B5B: 42 Illegal Opcode 8B5C: 22 05 BHI $8B63 8B5E: 21 42 BRN $8BA2 8B60: 21 09 BRN $8B6B 8B62: 21 42 BRN $8BA6 8B64: 21 90 BRN $8AF6 8B66: 21 43 BRN $8BAB 8B68: 27 42 BEQ $8BAC 8B6A: 21 09 BRN $8B75 8B6C: 21 42 BRN $8BB0 8B6E: 21 90 BRN $8B00 8B70: 21 4C BRN $8BBE 8B72: 21 09 BRN $8B7D 8B74: 21 42 BRN $8BB8 8B76: 21 90 BRN $8B08 8B78: 22 4B BHI $8BC5 8B7A: 22 07 BHI $8B83 8B7C: 22 42 BHI $8BC0 8B7E: 21 90 BRN $8B10 8B80: 01 Illegal Opcode 8B81: 2A 43 BPL $8BC6 8B83: 29 43 BVS $8BC8 8B85: 21 90 BRN $8B17 8B87: 0A 21 DEC $21 8B89: 4E Illegal Opcode 8B8A: 22 90 BHI $8B1C 8B8C: 0A 22 DEC $22 8B8E: 4B Illegal Opcode 8B8F: 23 90 BLS $8B21 8B91: 0B Illegal Opcode 8B92: 2D 90 BLT $8B24 8B94: A0 01 SUBA $0001,X 8B96: 23 90 BLS $8B28 8B98: 22 41 BHI $8BDB 8B9A: 22 90 BHI $8B2C 8B9C: 21 43 BRN $8BE1 8B9E: 21 90 BRN $8B30 8BA0: C4 21 ANDB #$21 8BA2: 43 COMA 8BA3: 22 90 BHI $8B35 8BA5: 21 44 BRN $8BEB 8BA7: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 8BA9: 21 58 BRN $8C03 8BAB: 22 90 BHI $8B3D 8BAD: 21 59 BRN $8C08 8BAF: 21 90 BRN $8B41 8BB1: C1 21 CMPB #$21 8BB3: 44 LSRA 8BB4: 27 4D BEQ $8C03 8BB6: 22 90 BHI $8B48 8BB8: 21 43 BRN $8BFD 8BBA: 22 05 BHI $8BC1 8BBC: 2F 90 BLE $8B4E 8BBE: 21 43 BRN $8C03 8BC0: 21 90 BRN $8B52 8BC2: C4 22 ANDB #$22 8BC4: 41 Illegal Opcode 8BC5: 22 90 BHI $8B57 8BC7: 01 Illegal Opcode 8BC8: 23 90 BLS $8B5A 8BCA: A0 01 SUBA $0001,X 8BCC: 39 RTS 8BCD: 90 22 SUBA $22 8BCF: 57 ASRB 8BD0: 22 90 BHI $8B62 8BD2: 21 59 BRN $8C2D 8BD4: 21 90 BRN $8B66 8BD6: 21 42 BRN $8C1A 8BD8: 28 4F BVC $8C29 8BDA: 21 90 BRN $8B6C 8BDC: 21 42 BRN $8C20 8BDE: 21 06 BRN $8BE6 8BE0: 21 4F BRN $8C31 8BE2: 21 90 BRN $8B74 8BE4: 21 42 BRN $8C28 8BE6: 21 06 BRN $8BEE 8BE8: 22 4C BHI $8C36 8BEA: 22 90 BHI $8B7C 8BEC: 21 42 BRN $8C30 8BEE: 21 07 BRN $8BF7 8BF0: 2E 90 BGT $8B82 8BF2: 21 42 BRN $8C36 8BF4: 21 90 BRN $8B86 8BF6: C8 21 EORB #$21 8BF8: 42 Illegal Opcode 8BF9: 37 90 PULU X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) 8BFB: 21 58 BRN $8C55 8BFD: 22 90 BHI $8B8F 8BFF: 22 57 BHI $8C58 8C01: 22 90 BHI $8B93 8C03: 01 Illegal Opcode 8C04: 39 RTS 8C05: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 8C07: 03 24 COM $24 8C09: 0E 24 JMP $24 8C0B: 90 02 SUBA $02 8C0D: 22 42 BHI $8C51 8C0F: 22 0C BHI $8C1D 8C11: 22 42 BHI $8C55 8C13: 22 90 BHI $8BA5 8C15: 02 Illegal Opcode 8C16: 21 44 BRN $8C5C 8C18: 21 0C BRN $8C26 8C1A: 21 44 BRN $8C60 8C1C: 21 90 BRN $8BAE 8C1E: C5 02 BITB #$02 8C20: 22 42 BHI $8C64 8C22: 22 0C BHI $8C30 8C24: 22 42 BHI $8C68 8C26: 22 90 BHI $8BB8 8C28: 03 24 COM $24 8C2A: 0E 24 JMP $24 8C2C: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 8C2E: 01 Illegal Opcode 8C2F: 21 4C BRN $8C7D 8C31: 23 4C BLS $8C7F 8C33: 21 90 BRN $8BC5 8C35: 02 Illegal Opcode 8C36: 21 4C BRN $8C84 8C38: 21 4C BRN $8C86 8C3A: 21 90 BRN $8BCC 8C3C: 03 21 COM $21 8C3E: 57 ASRB 8C3F: 21 90 BRN $8BD1 8C41: 04 21 LSR $21 8C43: 55 Illegal Opcode 8C44: 21 90 BRN $8BD6 8C46: 05 Illegal Opcode 8C47: 21 43 BRN $8C8C 8C49: 26 41 BNE $8C8C 8C4B: 26 43 BNE $8C90 8C4D: 21 90 BRN $8BDF 8C4F: 06 21 ROR $21 8C51: 43 COMA 8C52: 21 04 BRN $8C58 8C54: 21 04 BRN $8C5A 8C56: 21 43 BRN $8C9B 8C58: 21 90 BRN $8BEA 8C5A: 07 21 ASR $21 8C5C: 43 COMA 8C5D: 21 03 BRN $8C62 8C5F: 21 03 BRN $8C64 8C61: 21 43 BRN $8CA6 8C63: 21 90 BRN $8BF5 8C65: 08 21 ASL $21 8C67: 43 COMA 8C68: 23 41 BLS $8CAB 8C6A: 23 43 BLS $8CAF 8C6C: 21 90 BRN $8BFE 8C6E: 09 21 ROL $21 8C70: 4B Illegal Opcode 8C71: 21 90 BRN $8C03 8C73: 0A 21 DEC $21 8C75: 49 ROLA 8C76: 21 90 BRN $8C08 8C78: 0B Illegal Opcode 8C79: 21 43 BRN $8CBE 8C7B: 21 43 BRN $8CC0 8C7D: 21 90 BRN $8C0F 8C7F: 0C 28 INC $28 8C81: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 8C83: 0D 21 TST $21 8C85: 45 Illegal Opcode 8C86: 21 90 BRN $8C18 8C88: 0C 21 INC $21 8C8A: 46 RORA 8C8B: 21 90 BRN $8C1D 8C8D: 0B Illegal Opcode 8C8E: 21 47 BRN $8CD7 8C90: 21 90 BRN $8C22 8C92: 0A 21 DEC $21 8C94: 48 ASLA 8C95: 21 90 BRN $8C27 8C97: 09 21 ROL $21 8C99: 45 Illegal Opcode 8C9A: 21 43 BRN $8CDF 8C9C: 21 90 BRN $8C2E 8C9E: 08 21 ASL $21 8CA0: 45 Illegal Opcode 8CA1: 22 43 BHI $8CE6 8CA3: 21 90 BRN $8C35 8CA5: 08 21 ASL $21 8CA7: 44 LSRA 8CA8: 21 01 BRN $8CAB 8CAA: 21 43 BRN $8CEF 8CAC: 21 90 BRN $8C3E 8CAE: 08 21 ASL $21 8CB0: 43 COMA 8CB1: 21 02 BRN $8CB5 8CB3: 21 43 BRN $8CF8 8CB5: 21 90 BRN $8C47 8CB7: 08 21 ASL $21 8CB9: 43 COMA 8CBA: 24 43 BCC $8CFF 8CBC: 25 90 BCS $8C4E 8CBE: 08 21 ASL $21 8CC0: 4E Illegal Opcode 8CC1: 21 90 BRN $8C53 8CC3: C3 08 28 ADDD #$0828 8CC6: 43 COMA 8CC7: 25 90 BCS $8C59 8CC9: 0F 21 CLR $21 8CCB: 43 COMA 8CCC: 21 90 BRN $8C5E 8CCE: C3 0E 21 ADDD #$0E21 8CD1: 44 LSRA 8CD2: 21 90 BRN $8C64 8CD4: C4 0F ANDB #$0F 8CD6: 21 43 BRN $8D1B 8CD8: 21 90 BRN $8C6A 8CDA: 10 21 42 21 LBRN $CEFF 8CDE: 90 11 SUBA $11 8CE0: 21 41 BRN $8D23 8CE2: 21 90 BRN $8C74 8CE4: 12 NOP 8CE5: 22 90 BHI $8C77 8CE7: A0 F0 SUBA [,S+] 8CE9: 19 DAA 8CEA: F0 1B 8C SUBB $1B8C 8CED: F2 8C 2E SBCB $8C2E 8CF0: 8C 83 00 CMPX #$8300 8CF3: 00 ; ; Plotting instructions for the Williams "W" Logo ; 8CF4: 0A 47 90 08 4B 90 06 4F 90 05 51 90 04 44 22 4D 8D04: 90 03 47 22 4C 90 02 49 24 4A 90 02 4A 25 48 90 8D14: 01 4C 27 46 90 01 4D 28 44 90 4D 27 47 90 48 22 8D24: 42 26 49 90 49 27 4B 90 4A 24 4D 90 49 27 4B 90 8D34: 48 22 42 26 49 90 4D 27 47 90 01 4D 28 44 90 01 8D44: 4C 27 46 90 02 4A 25 48 90 02 49 24 4A 90 03 47 8D54: 22 4C 90 04 44 22 4D 90 05 51 90 06 4F 90 08 4B 8D64: 90 0A 47 90 A0 34 8D66: 47 ASRA 8D67: 90 A0 SUBA $A0 ; ; Renders an image, such as the "W" Williams logo, following the drawing instructions contained at U. ; ; A = packed byte containing 2 colours to render with. Bits 7-4 and 3-0 represent 2 different colours (palette indexes) to use. I will call them "Colour 1" and "Colour 2" in the disassembly. ; ; U = pointer to data containing instructions on how to draw, and what colours to use ; X = screen address to start rendering ; RENDER_GRAPHIC: ; I suggest you skip to $8D85 for the real meat. This is just setting up 2 colours, in $DF and $E0 8D69: 34 62 PSHS U,Y,A 8D6B: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; preserve bits 7-4 8D6D: 34 02 PSHS A 8D6F: 44 LSRA ; shift bits 7-4... 8D70: 44 LSRA 8D71: 44 LSRA 8D72: 44 LSRA ; to bits 3..0 . Right nibble now holds a value from 0-#$0F (15 decimal), left nibble is cleared. 8D73: AA E0 ORA ,S+ ; OR in original value (pushed at $8D6D) so now left nibble is binary equivalent to the right nibble. Adjust stack to discard item pushed at $8D6D 8D75: 97 DF STA $DF ; store in Colour 1 field 8D77: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; read A that was pushed on stack 8D79: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; keep bits 3-0, discard the rest 8D7B: 34 02 PSHS A 8D7D: 48 ASLA ; move bits 3-0... 8D7E: 48 ASLA 8D7F: 48 ASLA 8D80: 48 ASLA ; to bits 7-4. Left nibble is set. Right nibble is clear. 8D81: AA E0 ORA ,S+ ; OR in original value so now right nibble is binary equivalent to the left nibble. Adjust stack to discard item pushed at $8D7B 8D83: 97 E0 STA $E0 ; store in Colour 2 field ; ; This code works like the following: ; REPEAT ; Gosub PROCESS_SET_OF_RENDER_INSTRUCTIONS ; U now points to next list of render instructions, to do another part of the graphic being built up ; UNTIL carry flag set 8D85: 8D 04 BSR $8D8B ; process a set of instructions 8D87: 24 FC BCC $8D85 ; if carry is clear then there's another set of instructions to process, continue until carry is set . 8D89: 35 E2 PULS A,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Process a set of render instructions. ; ; X = pointer to screen address to render to ; U = pointer to data containing set of render instructions ; $DF = colour 1 (left nibble and right nibble must be binary equal, otherwise rendering artifacts will occur) ; $E0 = colour 2 (left nibble and right nibble must be binary equal, otherwise rendering artifacts will occur) ; PROCESS_SET_OF_RENDER_INSTRUCTIONS: 8D8B: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; read instruction at U into A 8D8D: 43 COMA ; flip the bits 8D8E: 85 C0 BITA #$C0 ; is either bit 6 or bit 7 of the flipped bits set? 8D90: 27 02 BEQ $8D94 ; no, skip next line 8D92: DF E4 STU $E4 8D94: 9F DD STX $DD ; save pixel plot start screen address in $DD (see $8E02 for code that uses it) 8D96: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ ; read same instruction at U again, then increment U by a byte, to move to next instruction. 8D98: 2A 27 BPL $8DC1 ; if bit 7 is not set, goto $8DC1 ; ; if we get here, bit 7 of the instruction is set, meaning this is a special instruction. ; ; Bit 6 set: repeat instruction set for given count ; Bit 5 set: rendering complete - set carry flag and exit ; Bit 4 set: move to next pixel pair. (remember, in screen memory layout, 1 byte = 2 pixels.) ; 8D9A: 85 20 BITA #$20 ; is bit 5 set? 8D9C: 27 03 BEQ $8DA1 ; no, goto $8DA1 8D9E: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; yes, set carry flag - which means the rendering operation is entirely complete. (see $8D87) 8DA0: 39 RTS ; we're done. 8DA1: 85 10 BITA #$10 ; is bit 4 set? 8DA3: 27 05 BEQ $8DAA ; no, goto $8DAA 8DA5: 8D 5B BSR $8E02 ; yes, the plotting for this pixel column has been done, move to next pixel column 8DA7: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag (indicating to caller that plotting is not finished) 8DA9: 39 RTS 8DAA: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; is bit 6 set? 8DAC: 27 E8 BEQ $8D96 ; no, goto $8D96, get next instruction 8DAE: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask in right nibble. Now A = count of times to repeat instruction set 8DB0: 97 E1 STA $E1 ; save countdown variable 8DB2: DF E2 STU $E2 ; save pointer to instruction set 8DB4: DE E4 LDU $E4 ; change instruction set pointer to * $E4 (see $8D92 for info) 8DB6: 8D DC BSR $8D94 ; process instructions 8DB8: 0A E1 DEC $E1 ; decrement countdown variable 8DBA: 26 F8 BNE $8DB4 ; if countdown is not complete, repeat the instruction set again 8DBC: DE E2 LDU $E2 ; otherwise, the instructions have been repeated as necessary, restore pointer to instruction set 8DBE: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag (indicating to caller that plotting is not finished) 8DC0: 39 RTS ; ; if we get here, we either have a DRAW LINE or CHANGE PLOTTING START SCREEN ADDRESS command. ; 8DC1: 85 60 BITA #$60 ; is this a render vertical line command? (either bit 6 or bit 5 is set) 8DC3: 26 04 BNE $8DC9 ; yes, goto $8DC9, to draw line 8DC5: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; otherwise, change plotting screen address to be X + A, effectively moving A pixels DOWN from last plot. Remember the Robotron screen memory map. 8DC7: 20 CD BRA $8D96 ; and go process next byte. ; ; A contains both flags and a line height value. ; Bit 6 of A set = draw line using Colour 1 in $DF ; Bit 5 of A set = draw line using Colour 2 in $E0 ; ; Bits 4..0 - these bits contain a value specifying how high, in pixels, the line is going to be. ; ; X = screen address to draw line *vertically* from. ; ; For example, if A was set to $45 (69 decimal) this would mean use colour 1, and write 5 pixels (note: single pixels, not pairs of pixels) starting from screen address X. ; The end result is that a vertical line 1 pixel in width, 5 pixels in height is drawn. ; RENDER_VERTICAL_LINE: 8DC9: 34 03 PSHS A,CC 8DCB: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; extract height part from A. 8DCD: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts 8DCF: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest 8DD2: 30 86 LEAX A,X ; X (screen address to blit to) += height 8DD4: 88 04 EORA #$04 8DD6: B7 CA 07 STA blitter_height 8DD9: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; set width (1 pixel, as it is XORed with 4 by blitter chip) 8DDB: B7 CA 06 STA blitter_width 8DDE: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source 8DE1: A6 61 LDA $0001,S ; read the value of A pushed on the stack 8DE3: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; if bit 6 is set, we want to draw line using colour 1 8DE5: 27 04 BEQ $8DEB ; if bit 6 is not set goto $8DEB, draw line using colour 2 8DE7: 96 DF LDA $DF ; bit 6 is set, so use colour 1 8DE9: 20 02 BRA $8DED ; and then draw the line... 8DEB: 96 E0 LDA $E0 ; use colour 2 8DED: B7 CA 01 STA blitter_mask ; set colour to draw in 8DF0: 86 12 LDA #$12 ; solid mode 8DF2: 5D TSTB ; when B = 0, blit to even pixels *per row* only. When B nonzero, blit to odd pixels *per row* only. 8DF3: 27 04 BEQ $8DF9 ; if B=0 goto $8DF9 8DF5: 8A 80 ORA #$80 ; OR in Blit odd pixels only flag 8DF7: 20 02 BRA $8DFB ; do the line draw 8DF9: 8A 40 ORA #$40 ; Blit even pixels only 8DFB: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter ; execute the line draw 8DFE: 35 03 PULS CC,A 8E00: 20 94 BRA $8D96 ; go get next render instruction MOVE_TO_NEXT_PIXEL: 8E02: 9E DD LDX $DD ; get X (pixel plot screen address) from field 8E04: 5D TSTB ; if B is 0, make it #$FF.... so that odd pixels are blitted to next time 8E05: 27 06 BEQ $8E0D 8E07: C6 FF LDB #$FF ; else B is not 0, so needs made to 0... so that even pixels are blitted to next time 8E09: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; bump X to point to next pixel column, but same row, on screen 8E0D: 53 COMB ; flip bits in B. 8E0E: 39 RTS 8E0F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E1F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E2F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E3F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E4F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E5F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E6F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E7F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E8F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8E9F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8EAF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8EBF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8ECF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8EDF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8EEF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8EFF: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F0F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F1F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F2F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F3F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F4F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8F5F: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 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$DB9C D00F: 7E DC 13 JMP $DC13 CLR_SCREEN1: D012: 7E DB 7C JMP CLR_SCREEN D015: 7E DB 03 JMP $DB03 D018: 7E DA F2 JMP $DAF2 D01B: 7E DA DF JMP $DADF D01E: 7E DA BF JMP $DABF D021: 7E DA 82 JMP $DA82 D024: 7E D8 9E JMP $D89E D027: 7E D7 C9 JMP $D7C9 D02A: 7E D5 F5 JMP $D5F5 D02D: 7E D5 E2 JMP $D5E2 D030: 7E D7 A5 JMP $D7A5 LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1: D033: 7E D7 95 JMP LOAD_DA51_PALETTE D036: 7E D6 EC JMP $D6EC D039: 7E D6 CD JMP $D6CD D03C: 7E D6 C8 JMP $D6C8 D03F: 7E D6 B6 JMP $D6B6 D042: 7E D6 AC JMP $D6AC D045: 7E D6 99 JMP $D699 D048: 7E D6 A8 JMP $D6A8 D04B: 7E D3 C7 JMP $D3C7 D04E: 7E D2 A7 JMP $D2A7 D051: 7E D2 8F JMP $D28F D054: 7E D2 81 JMP $D281 D057: 7E D2 5A JMP $D25A D05A: 7E D2 43 JMP $D243 D05D: 7E D2 18 JMP $D218 D060: 7E D1 FF JMP $D1FF D063: 7E D1 F3 JMP $D1F3 D066: 7E D1 E3 JMP $D1E3 D069: 7E D3 0E JMP $D30E D06C: 7E D3 2B JMP $D32B D06F: 7E D2 FD JMP $D2FD D072: 7E D3 06 JMP $D306 D075: 7E D3 1B JMP $D31B D078: 7E D3 20 JMP $D320 D07B: 7E D2 DA JMP $D2DA D07E: 7E D2 C2 JMP $D2C2 D081: 7E D2 E7 JMP $D2E7 D084: 7E D2 CA JMP $D2CA D087: 7E D2 F2 JMP $D2F2 D08A: 7E D2 D2 JMP $D2D2 D08D: 7E DB 2F JMP $DB2F D090: 7E DA 9E JMP $DA9E D093: 7E DA 61 JMP $DA61 D096: 7E D1 96 JMP $D196 FLIP_SCR_UP1: D099: 7E D4 FC JMP FLIP_SCR_UP FLIP_SCR_DOWN1: D09C: 7E D5 03 JMP FLIP_SCR_DOWN D09F: 7E D5 C0 JMP $D5C0 PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1: D0A2: 7E D5 12 JMP PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A D0A5: 7E D5 23 JMP $D523 D0A8: 7E D5 21 JMP $D521 STA_NIB_X1: D0AB: 7E D5 2B JMP STA_NIB_X D0AE: 7E D5 39 JMP $D539 D0B1: 7E D5 37 JMP $D537 D0B4: 7E D5 E2 JMP $D5E2 D0B7: 7E DE 59 JMP $DE59 D0BA: 7E D6 5B JMP $D65B D0BD: 7E D6 55 JMP $D655 D0C0: 7E D1 8A JMP $D18A D0C3: 7E DA 0D JMP $DA0D D0C6: 7E D5 D8 JMP $D5D8 D0C9: EF 01 STU $0001,X D0CB: 20 1E BRA $D0EB D0CD: 00 FF NEG $FF D0CF: 01 Illegal Opcode D0D0: 20 0C BRA $D0DE D0D2: 00 FF NEG $FF D0D4: 01 Illegal Opcode D0D5: 20 20 BRA $D0F7 D0D7: 00 FF NEG $FF D0D9: 03 10 COM $10 D0DB: 24 00 BCC $D0DD D0DD: FF 01 20 STU $0120 D0E0: 27 00 BEQ $D0E2 D0E2: FF 01 20 STU $0120 ; D0E5: 2D 00 BLT $D0E7 D0E7: FF 02 10 STU $0210 D0EA: 35 00 PULS D0EC: FF 01 20 STU $0120 D0EF: 3A ABX D0F0: 00 FF NEG $FF D0F2: 01 Illegal Opcode D0F3: 20 3E BRA $D133 D0F5: 00 00 NEG $00 D0F7: 34 FF PSHS PC,U,Y,X,DP,B,A,CC D0F9: 35 00 PULS D0FB: 34 00 PSHS D0FD: 3C ; D0FE: C8 0C D100: C8 0E D102: C8 04 D104: C8 06 ; ; This function is called after the INITIAL TESTS INDICATE: message on startup/reset. ; ; ; D106: 1A FF ORCC #$FF ; set all flags and disable interrupts D108: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #$BF70 D10C: 86 98 LDA #$98 D10E: 1F 8B TFR A,DP ; set Direct Page to $9800 D110: 86 01 LDA #$01 D112: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; reads come from ROM, not RAM D115: 8E D0 F6 LDX #$D0F6 D118: 4F CLRA D119: 5F CLRB ; D = 0 D11A: ED 98 08 STD [$08,X] ; writes to $C80C (rom_pia_dataa) D11D: EC 81 LDD ,X++ D11F: ED 98 06 STD [$06,X] ; writes to $C80A (rom_pia_datab) D122: 8C D0 FE CMPX #$D0FE D125: 26 F1 BNE $D118 D127: 86 FF LDA #$FF D129: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab D12C: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 D12F: 86 3F LDA #$3F D131: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab D134: 8E 98 00 LDX #$9800 ; clear state D137: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ D139: C6 39 LDB #$39 D13B: F7 CB FF STB watchdog ; make sure watchdog is kept happy D13E: 8C BF 70 CMPX #stacktop D141: 26 F4 BNE $D137 ; if not at stacktop, keep clearing D143: CC A5 5A LDD #$A55A D146: DD 85 STD $85 ; seed random number generator values D148: 86 60 LDA #$60 D14A: 97 41 STA $41 ; set beam counter vertical value D14C: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 D14F: BD D0 36 JSR $D036 ; JMP $D6EC - initialise all object metadata lists D152: 8D 36 BSR $D18A ; reset text rendering related fields to their defaults D154: BD 6F 03 JSR $6F03 ; JMP $74B8 - D157: CC FF FF LDD #$FFFF D15A: DD 2F STD $2F D15C: DD 31 STD $31 D15E: 86 02 LDA #$02 D160: 97 40 STA $40 D162: 8E CD 00 LDX #credits_cmos ; read number of credits D165: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 ; convert 2 bytes to single byte BCD value D168: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; B now holds number of credits D16A: 81 20 CMPA #$20 ; more than 32? D16C: 22 06 BHI $D174 ; Yes, so we will reset the credit count D16E: C4 0F ANDB #$0F D170: C1 09 CMPB #$09 D172: 25 04 BCS $D178 D174: 4F CLRA ; clear credit count D175: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; update credit count D178: 97 51 STA $51 ; update local copy of credits D17A: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D17D: 77 A0 ; pointer to function D17F: 86 2C LDA #$2C D181: B7 C8 0E STA $C80E ; rom_pia_datab - must be to make a sound D184: 03 59 COM $59 D186: 1C 00 ANDCC #$00 ; clear all flags D188: 20 0C BRA $D196 D18A: BD D0 33 JSR LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1 D18D: BD 5F 9C JSR $5F9C ; JMP $5FA2 - RESET_TEXT_RENDERING_FIELDS D190: BD 5B 40 JSR $5B40 ; JMP $5B5E - initialise explosion list D193: 7E D0 30 JMP $D030 ; JMP $D7A5 - initialise all object lists ; ; TODO: ; ; D196: 8E 98 11 LDX #$9811 D199: 9F 15 STX $15 ; create first entry in tasks list D19B: 96 10 LDA $10 D19D: 81 02 CMPA #$02 D19F: 25 FA BCS $D19B D1A1: 48 ASLA ; multiply A... D1A2: 48 ASLA D1A3: 48 ASLA ; .. by 8 D1A4: 9B 42 ADDA $42 D1A6: 44 LSRA D1A7: 97 42 STA $42 D1A9: 0F 10 CLR $10 D1AB: BD D6 CD JSR $D6CD ; Get a random number into A D1AE: 96 59 LDA $59 D1B0: 85 04 BITA #$04 D1B2: 26 03 BNE $D1B7 D1B4: BD 5B 49 JSR $5B49 D1B7: 9E 33 LDX $33 D1B9: 26 0C BNE $D1C7 D1BB: 9E 37 LDX $37 D1BD: 27 17 BEQ $D1D6 D1BF: DC 39 LDD $39 D1C1: 0F 37 CLR $37 D1C3: 0F 38 CLR $38 D1C5: 20 06 BRA $D1CD D1C7: DC 35 LDD $35 D1C9: 0F 33 CLR $33 D1CB: 0F 34 CLR $34 D1CD: D4 59 ANDB $59 D1CF: 26 E6 BNE $D1B7 D1D1: BD D0 57 JSR $D057 ; JMP $D25A - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $9813 and call function in X D1D4: 20 E1 BRA $D1B7 D1D6: DE 11 LDU $11 ; U = pointer to list used by enforcer, quark, spark and shell D1D8: 27 13 BEQ $D1ED D1DA: 6A 44 DEC $0004,U ; decrement countdown before executing task D1DC: 26 0B BNE $D1E9 ; if !=0 then go do next object D1DE: DF 15 STU $15 ; save address of current object being processed D1E0: 6E D8 02 JMP [$02,U] ; call routine to execute task ; Allocate a task. ; ; A = initial delay before calling function. Multiply A by 16 Millisec to get real delay ; X = address of function to jump to when delay expires ; ALLOCATE_TASK: D1E3: DE 15 LDU $15 ; get pointer to free metadata slot D1E5: A7 44 STA $0004,U ; set countdown before task executes D1E7: AF 42 STX $0002,U ; store address of routine to jump to D1E9: EE C4 LDU ,U ; read next object entry D1EB: 26 ED BNE $D1DA ; if !=NULL then go process it D1ED: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop D1F1: 20 A3 BRA $D196 ; Returns: U = pointer to a task FREE_OBJECT_METADATA_AND_PROCESS_TASKS: D1F3: 9E 15 LDX $15 ; X = pointer to current task D1F5: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop D1F9: 8D 1D BSR $D218 ; free object metadata entry in X D1FB: 33 84 LEAU ,X D1FD: 20 EA BRA $D1E9 ; process object entry in U ; ; This routine appears to free all object metadata currently reserved ; ; FREE_ALL_OBJECT_METADATA: D1FF: 34 12 PSHS X,A D201: 8E 98 11 LDX #$9811 ; object metadata list start D204: AE 84 LDX ,X ; read pointer to object metadata D206: 27 0E BEQ $D216 ; if NULL then exit D208: 9C 15 CPX $15 D20A: 27 F8 BEQ $D204 D20C: A6 05 LDA $0005,X D20E: 81 01 CMPA #$01 D210: 27 F2 BEQ $D204 D212: 8D 04 BSR $D218 ; free object metadata entry D214: 20 EE BRA $D204 ; process next D216: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Called when an object is gone (e.g.: when it's been killed, rescued) and its associated metadata ; needs to be freed for use by other objects. ; ; Expects: X = pointer to an object's metadata ; Returns: X = FREE_OBJECT_METADATA_ENTRY: D218: 34 46 PSHS U,B,A D21A: CE 98 11 LDU #$9811 ; object metadata list start D21D: AC C4 CPX ,U ; x == *u ? (have we matched x in the list?) D21F: 26 18 BNE $D239 ; if x != *u, goto $d239 D221: EC 84 LDD ,X ; get pointer to NEXT object metadata entry into D D223: ED C4 STD ,U ; store in list D225: A6 06 LDA $0006,X D227: 27 06 BEQ $D22F D229: DC 1D LDD $1D ; get pointer to progs and cruise missile metadata list D22B: 9F 1D STX $1D D22D: 20 04 BRA $D233 D22F: DC 13 LDD $13 ; get pointer to enforcer, quark, spark and shell metadata list D231: 9F 13 STX $13 D233: ED 84 STD ,X D235: 30 C4 LEAX ,U D237: 35 C6 PULS A,B,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D239: EE C4 LDU ,U ; get next entry in object metadata list D23B: 26 E0 BNE $D21D ; if not null goto $D21D D23D: 8D 00 BSR $D23F D23F: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts D241: 20 FE BRA $D241 ; put in an infinite loop - this must be to invoke the watchdog! ; ; Reserve an entry in the THIRD object metadata linked list, which is pointed to by $981D ; This linked list of object metadata is used by progs and cruise missiles. ; ; See also: ; $1E23 - CREATE_PROG ; $2020 - CREATE_CRUISE_MISSILE ; ; On entry: X = pointer to function to call IMMEDIATELY ; ; Returns: X = pointer to object metadata ; RESERVE_OBJECT_METADATA_ENTRY_1D: D243: 34 62 PSHS U,Y,A D245: DE 1D LDU $1D D247: 26 01 BNE $D24A ; ???????? !!!!! $D24A is invalid code. But this routine still works, I stepped through it in MAME. D249: BD D2 3F JSR $D23F ; invoke watchdog D24C: 10 AE C4 LDY ,U D24F: 10 9F 1D STY $1D D252: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; flag to say that this object is in list $1D (see $D225) D254: A7 46 STA $0006,U D256: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; read A from stack D258: 20 11 BRA $D26B ; ; Reserve an entry in the SECOND object metadata linked list, which is pointed to by $9813 ; This list of object metadata is used by enforcer, quark, spark and shell. ; ; See also: ; $3201 - ; ; ; On entry: X = function to call IMMEDIATELY ; A = ??? ; ; On exit: X = pointer to object metadata entry in list RESERVE_OBJECT_METADATA_ENTRY_13: D25A: 34 62 PSHS U,Y,A D25C: DE 13 LDU $13 ; get valid object metadata entry D25E: 26 03 BNE $D263 ; if not NULL goto $D263 D260: BD D2 3F JSR $D23F ; OK, this value is null, jump into an infinite loop to invoke watchdog D263: 10 AE C4 LDY ,U ; Y = *U. Get next valid object metadata entry.. D266: 10 9F 13 STY $13 ; ...and store in $13 D269: 6F 46 CLR $0006,U D26B: AF 42 STX $0002,U ; function to call (see $D1E0) D26D: A7 45 STA $0005,U D26F: 86 01 LDA #$01 D271: A7 44 STA $0004,U ; delay D273: AE 9F 98 15 LDX [$9815] D277: EF 9F 98 15 STU [$9815] D27B: AF C4 STX ,U D27D: 30 C4 LEAX ,U ; X= U D27F: 35 E2 PULS A,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Strange bit of code here. Called a lot. ; You'll see blocks of code like the following in the disassembly: ; ; BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 ; 77 A0 ; pointer to function to call ; EF 07 STU $0007,X ; ; What happens is that the function loads the return address (the address the system would jump to ; when it encounters an RTS or a PULS PC) from the stack into U. Cunningly, the return address ; points to 2 bytes which are parameters. A PULU X reads the 2 bytes from the return address into X, ; in this case 77 A0. ; ; The return address is then updated on the stack to what U is *after* the PULU. ; When an RTS or PULS PC is hit, the system will pop the return address off the stack, ; which of course now points to the instruction immediately *following* the 2 parameter bytes: ; STU $0007,X . The parameter bytes never get processed by the CPU as instructions (which is a good thing). ; ; The system continues as normal. ; ; This is a crude way of passing parameters to a function, wonder why the Vid Kidz did it this way? ; ; See also: ; $017C - INITIALISE_SINGLE_HULK ; $02D9 - INITIALISE_FAMILY_MEMBERS ; $12D5 - SPHEROID_COLLISION_HANDLER (this routine draws the spheroid dying) ; $1B1F - INITIALISE_ALL_BRAINS ; $38F7 - INITIALISE_ALL_GRUNTS ; ; ; Returns: X set to object metadata entry. ; RESERVE_OBJECT_METADATA_AND_CALL_FUNCTION: D281: 34 42 PSHS U,A D283: EE 63 LDU $0003,S ; get return address off the stack and put into U D285: 37 10 PULU X ; pull parameters from U into X D287: EF 63 STU $0003,S ; update return address of this function to be == U. D289: 86 00 LDA #$00 D28B: 8D CD BSR $D25A ; reserve object metadata entry D28D: 35 C2 PULS A,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Reserve an object in the linked list for use by a game entity (Player, grunt etc etc.) ; Returns: X = the newly reserved object ; RESERVE_OBJECT_IN_LINKED_LIST: D28F: 34 06 PSHS B,A D291: 9E 1B LDX $1B ; read pointer to free object in linked list D293: 26 03 BNE $D298 ; if not 0 (end of available space) go to $D298 D295: BD D2 3F JSR $D23F ; pointer is zero - so go to a subroutine that ends up infinite loop. I think this is to force the watchdog to reset the game D298: EC 84 LDD ,X ; D = *pointer - now D points to the *next* free object, as this one has been taken up D29A: DD 1B STD $1B ; save free object pointer D29C: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; zero from position X+2 to X+#$18 - clear allocated object's internal state to 0 D29E: 6F 85 CLR B,X D2A0: 5C INCB D2A1: C1 18 CMPB #$18 D2A3: 26 F9 BNE $D29E D2A5: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Called when an object dies or needs to disappear. The object entry is then free for re-use. ; ; X = Object to free ; U = pointer to linked list that contains the object ; FREE_OBJECT: D2A7: AC C4 CPX ,U ; find X in the list D2A9: 26 10 BNE $D2BB ; OK we've found X in the list D2AB: 10 AE D4 LDY [,U] ; need to check to see what this does D2AE: 10 AF C4 STY ,U D2B1: 10 9E 1B LDY $1B ; get pointer to next object D2B4: 9F 1B STX $1B ; mark this object in X as current free object D2B6: 10 AF 84 STY ,X ; set pointer to next free object at (*X) - thus creating a chain of "free objects" D2B9: 35 F0 PULS X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D2BB: EE C4 LDU ,U D2BD: 26 E8 BNE $D2A7 D2BF: BD D2 3F JSR $D23F ; go to a subroutine that forces an infinite loop - to force watchdog ; ; Called to free a grunt, hulk, brain, prog, cruise missile or tank from the linked list beginning @ $9821. ; This is called when the entity has been killed. ; ; X = object to free from linked list FREE_GRUNT_HULK_BRAIN_PROG_CRUISE_OR_TANK_OBJECT: D2C2: 34 70 PSHS U,Y,X D2C4: CE 98 21 LDU #$9821 ; pointer to grunts_hulks_brains_progs_cruise_tanks list start D2C7: 7E D0 4E JMP $D04E ; JMP $D2A7: free object for use ; Called to free an electrode from the linked list beginning @ $9823. ; This is called when the entity has been killed. ; ; X = electrode to free from linked list FREE_ELECTRODE_OBJECT: D2CA: 34 70 PSHS U,Y,X D2CC: CE 98 23 LDU #$9823 ; pointer to electrode list D2CF: 7E D0 4E JMP $D04E ; JMP $D2A7: free object for use ; Called to free a family member from the linked list beginning @ $981F. ; This is called when the family member is either rescued/killed or just starting to be prog'd ; ; X = family member to free from linked list FREE_FAMILY_MEMBER_OBJECT: D2D2: 34 70 PSHS U,Y,X D2D4: CE 98 1F LDU #$981F ; pointer to family list D2D7: 7E D0 4E JMP $D04E ; JMP $D2A7: free object for use RESERVE_GRUNT_HULK_BRAIN_PROG_CRUISE_TANK: D2DA: 34 06 PSHS B,A D2DC: BD D0 51 JSR $D051 ; JMP $D28F - reserve an object entry ; X = the newly reserved object D2DF: DC 21 LDD $21 ; get pointer to last object created D2E1: 9F 21 STX $21 ; store pointer to freshly created object in $21 D2E3: ED 84 STD ,X ; create linked list from X to D D2E5: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) RESERVE_ELECTRODE_OBJECT: D2E7: 34 06 PSHS B,A D2E9: BD D0 51 JSR $D051 ; JMP $D28F - reserve an object entry ; X = the newly reserved object D2EC: DC 23 LDD $23 ; get pointer to last electrode created D2EE: 9F 23 STX $23 ; store pointer to freshly created object in $21 D2F0: 20 F1 BRA $D2E3 RESERVE_FAMILY_MEMBER_OBJECT: D2F2: 34 06 PSHS B,A D2F4: BD D0 51 JSR $D051 ; JMP $D28F - reserve an object entry ; at this point X = our new object D2F7: DC 1F LDD $1F ; get pointer to last family object created D2F9: 9F 1F STX $1F ; store object entry into family object pointer D2FB: 20 E6 BRA $D2E3 ; ; ; RESERVE_OBJECT_FOR_SPHEROID_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SHELL: D2FD: 34 06 PSHS B,A D2FF: BD D0 51 JSR $D051 ; JMP $D28F: reserve an object entry ; X = the newly reserved object D302: DC 17 LDD $17 D304: 20 DD BRA $D2E3 ; *X = D ; ; Called to free an enforcer, quark, spark, or shell from the linked list beginning @ $9817. ; This is called when the entity has been killed or expires (e.g. spark fizzles out). ; ; X = object to free from linked list ; FREE_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SHELL_OBJECT: D306: 34 70 PSHS U,Y,X D308: CE 98 17 LDU #$9817 ; address of list for those types of entities D30B: 7E D0 4E JMP $D04E ; JMP $D2A7: free object for use D30E: 10 8E AE D9 LDY #$AED9 D312: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP D281 D315: D3 68 ; pointer to function D317: 10 AF 09 STY $0009,X D31A: 39 RTS FREE_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SPHEROID_SHELL_OBJECT_AND_ERASE_SPRITE: D31B: 8D E9 BSR $D306 ; free baddy from list D31D: 7E D0 15 JMP $D015 ; JMP $DB03: erase object's sprite from screen FREE_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SPHEROID_SHELL_OBJECT_AND_METADATA_THEN_ERASE_SPRITE: D320: 34 10 PSHS X D322: 8D F7 BSR $D31B ; free object from its list D324: AE 06 LDX $0006,X ; get pointer to object metadata D326: BD D0 5D JSR $D05D ; JMP $D218 - deallocate object metadata entry D329: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Create an entity with parameters. An entity in this case can be a spark, an enforcer, a quark, or a tank shell. ; ; Returns: pointer to new entity in X ; ; See also: ; $1358 - CREATE_ENFORCER ; $141C - CREATE_SPARK ; $4B3D - INITIALISE_ALL_QUARKS ; $4E61 - CREATE_TANK_SHELL ; ; Notes: ; When this function is called, the function obtains the function return address from the stack, ; pulls *6* bytes from the return address, which are its parameters (see below for description) ; then modifies the return address on the stack to point to the instruction *immediately following the last parameter*. ; When the function returns (ie: hits RTS) the game continues from the line of code following the parameters! Quite smart eh? ; ; There are 3 parameters, all are pointers: ; First parameter: pointer to constructor to initialise object ; Second parameter: animation frame metadata pointer ; Third parameter: pointer to collision detection routine ; CREATE_ENFORCER_QUARK_SPARK_SHELL: D32B: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A D32D: 9E 1B LDX $1B ; read free object slot D32F: 27 2E BEQ $D35F ; if its null we don't have any free objects - must be a lot happening! - so just exit D331: 9E 13 LDX $13 ; read object linked list pointer D333: 27 2A BEQ $D35F ; if its null we've no object slots available either D335: 4F CLRA D336: EE 64 LDU $0004,S ; U = return address from stack D338: 37 10 PULU X ; pull pointer to function that initialises object (akin to a constructor in C++/Java/C# etc.) from U into X D33A: BD D0 57 JSR $D057 ; JMP $D25A - reserve object metadata entry in list @ $9813 and call function in X ; X = pointer to object metadata entry D33D: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Y = X D33F: BD D0 6F JSR $D06F ; JMP $D2FD - reserve an object entry & store at $17. ; X = pointer to freshly created object D342: EC C1 LDD ,U++ ; read next 2 bytes (animation frame metadata pointer) from U into D D344: ED 88 14 STD $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer D347: ED 02 STD $0002,X ; set current animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) D349: 37 06 PULU A,B ; pull pointer to collision detection routine from U into D D34B: ED 08 STD $0008,X ; store pointer to routine that handles collision detection D34D: EF 64 STU $0004,S D34F: 33 A4 LEAU ,Y ; U = Y D351: EF 06 STU $0006,X ; set pointer to object metadata in this object D353: AF 47 STX $0007,U ; set pointer to this object in the object metadata entry D355: 4F CLRA D356: 5F CLRB D357: ED 88 10 STD $10,X ; set Y delta to 0 D35A: ED 0E STD $000E,X ; set X delta to 0 D35C: 43 COMA ; flip bits (xor with #$FF) to set z flag D35D: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; If we get here, the object can't be created, so we need to clear the z flag ; D35F: EE 64 LDU $0004,S ; U = Y from stack D361: 33 48 LEAU $0008,U D363: EF 64 STU $0004,S D365: 4F CLRA ; clear zero flag to indicate failure D366: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D368: 96 F2 LDA $F2 D36A: 26 47 BNE $D3B3 D36C: 0C F2 INC $F2 D36E: 86 03 LDA #$03 D370: AE 49 LDX $0009,U D372: 30 89 28 57 LEAX $2857,X D376: AF 49 STX $0009,U D378: A7 47 STA $0007,U D37A: 86 08 LDA #$08 D37C: 8E D3 82 LDX #$D382 D37F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call ; ; This is the code that handles the second actions to show the Easter Egg: ; Move the "move" joystick up and the "fire" joystick down and press the two player start button. ; EASTER_EGG_STEP_2: D382: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa D385: 81 A1 CMPA #$A1 ; Up + 2 player + Fire down D387: 27 0A BEQ $D393 D389: 81 58 CMPA #$58 D38B: 27 ED BEQ $D37A D38D: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U D38F: 26 E9 BNE $D37A D391: 20 1E BRA $D3B1 D393: 86 03 LDA #$03 D395: A7 47 STA $0007,U D397: 86 08 LDA #$08 D399: 8E D3 9F LDX #$D39F D39C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call ; ; This is the code that handles the third actions to show the Easter Egg: ; Move the "move" joystick down and the "fire" joystick up. ; EASTER_EGG_STEP_3: D39F: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa D3A2: 81 42 CMPA #$42 ; Fire up + Move Down D3A4: 26 03 BNE $D3A9 D3A6: 6E D8 09 JMP [$09,U] ; jump to $D730 - EASTER EGG ACTIVATED!!!! D3A9: 81 A1 CMPA #$A1 D3AB: 27 EA BEQ $D397 D3AD: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U D3AF: 26 E6 BNE $D397 D3B1: 0F F2 CLR $F2 D3B3: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task ; ; Play a sound. ; ; B = index of sound to play. ; ; c80e rom_pia_datab ; bits 0-5 = 6 bits to sound board ; bits 6-7 plus CA2 and CB2 = 4 bits to drive the LED 7 segment PLAY_SOUND: D3B6: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC D3B8: 1A FF ORCC #$FF D3BA: 86 3F LDA #$3F D3BC: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab ; tell sound board to get ready.. D3BF: 53 COMB D3C0: C4 3F ANDB #$3F D3C2: F7 C8 0E STB rom_pia_datab ; tell sound board to play sound D3C5: 35 87 PULS CC,A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; D = address of sound info PLAY_SOUND_PRIORITY: D3C7: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC D3C9: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = D D3CB: A6 84 LDA ,X ; A = byte from X. This contains the sound's priority. D3CD: 91 56 CMPA $56 ; is the priority of the sound we want to play, higher than the priority of the sound currently playing? D3CF: 25 0D BCS $D3DE ; < no, so goto $D3DE, don't play the sound D3D1: 97 56 STA $56 D3D3: 30 1E LEAX -$2,X ; X = X - 2 D3D5: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts D3D7: 9F 54 STX $54 ; store address of sound currently playing D3D9: CC 01 01 LDD #$0101 D3DC: DD 57 STD $57 ; set "play sound" duration value to 1 D3DE: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Called by the interrupt handler at $DC6F ; SOUND_INTERRUPT_ROUTINE: D3E0: 96 57 LDA $57 ; read "play sound" duration value D3E2: 27 1E BEQ $D402 ; if no sounds playing, goto $D402 D3E4: 0A 57 DEC $57 ; OK a sound is playing, decrement $57 D3E6: 26 1A BNE $D402 ; and if its non zero, goto $D402 D3E8: 9E 54 LDX $54 ; get address of sound info into X D3EA: 0A 58 DEC $58 D3EC: 26 0E BNE $D3FC D3EE: 30 03 LEAX $0003,X ; X+= 3, bump to next sound.. D3F0: 9F 54 STX $54 ; and store address of next sound to play into info field. D3F2: A6 84 LDA ,X ; is next sound to play NULL? D3F4: 26 04 BNE $D3FA D3F6: 97 56 STA $56 ; D3F8: 20 08 BRA $D402 D3FA: 97 58 STA $58 D3FC: EC 01 LDD $0001,X ; read duration into A and sound to play into B D3FE: 97 57 STA $57 D400: 8D B4 BSR $D3B6 ; play sound in B D402: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa D405: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; read "slam door tilt" bit - wait, this can't be right, what does slam door have to do with it? D407: 27 04 BEQ $D40D ; if not set, goto $D40D D409: 86 3C LDA #$3C D40B: 97 4B STA $4B D40D: 96 4B LDA $4B D40F: 27 02 BEQ $D413 D411: 0A 4B DEC $4B ; $4B-- D413: 96 4C LDA $4C D415: 27 02 BEQ $D419 D417: 0A 4C DEC $4C ; $4C-- D419: 96 4E LDA $4E D41B: 27 02 BEQ $D41F D41D: 0A 4E DEC $4E ; $4E-- D41F: 96 4D LDA $4D D421: 27 02 BEQ $D425 D423: 0A 4D DEC $4D ; $4D-- D425: 96 59 LDA $59 D427: 2A 24 BPL $D44D D429: 96 CE LDA $CE D42B: 26 6A BNE $D497 D42D: 96 31 LDA $31 D42F: 9A 32 ORA $32 D431: 43 COMA D432: D6 31 LDB $31 D434: D7 32 STB $32 D436: F6 C8 04 LDB widget_pia_dataa D439: D7 31 STB $31 D43B: 94 31 ANDA $31 D43D: 84 30 ANDA #$30 D43F: 27 0C BEQ $D44D D441: 8E 26 CC LDX #$26CC D444: 85 10 BITA #$10 D446: 26 03 BNE $D44B D448: 8E 26 CF LDX #$26CF D44B: 8D 3B BSR $D488 D44D: 96 CE LDA $CE D44F: 26 46 BNE $D497 D451: 96 2F LDA $2F D453: 9A 30 ORA $30 D455: 43 COMA D456: D6 2F LDB $2F D458: D7 30 STB $30 D45A: F6 C8 0C LDB rom_pia_dataa D45D: C4 3F ANDB #$3F D45F: D7 2F STB $2F D461: 95 2F BITA $2F D463: 27 32 BEQ $D497 D465: 8E 00 78 LDX #$0078 D468: 30 1F LEAX $-1,X D46A: 26 FC BNE $D468 D46C: F6 C8 0C LDB rom_pia_dataa D46F: D4 2F ANDB $2F D471: D7 2F STB $2F D473: 94 2F ANDA $2F D475: 27 20 BEQ $D497 D477: 8E D4 96 LDX #$D496 D47A: 30 02 LEAX $0002,X D47C: 44 LSRA D47D: 24 FB BCC $D47A D47F: AE 84 LDX ,X D481: 8D 05 BSR $D488 D483: 86 01 LDA #$01 D485: A7 42 STA $0002,U D487: 39 RTS D488: CE 98 33 LDU #$9833 D48B: EC C4 LDD ,U D48D: 27 02 BEQ $D491 D48F: 33 44 LEAU $0004,U D491: AF C4 STX ,U D493: 6F 42 CLR $0002,U D495: 6F 43 CLR $0003,U D497: 39 RTS D498: 00 00 NEG $00 D49A: F0 03 D6 SUBB $03D6 D49D: 15 Illegal Opcode D49E: E3 DF D6 0C ADDD [$D60C,U] D4A2: D6 1E LDB $1E D4A4: 00 00 NEG $00 D4A6: 00 00 NEG $00 D4A8: ROBOTRON: 2084 (TM) COPYRIGHT D4C8: 1982 WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. D4E8: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FLIP_SCR_UP: D4FC: 34 06 PSHS B,A D4FE: CC 01 3C LDD #$013C D501: 20 05 BRA $D508 FLIP_SCR_DOWN: D503: 34 06 PSHS B,A D505: CC 03 34 LDD #$0334 D508: 97 45 STA $45 D50A: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl D50D: F7 C8 07 STB widget_pia_ctrlb D510: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A: ; Pack 2 bytes into A ; ; X = pointer to two bytes. ; Byte 0: number from 0 - #$0F (15 decimal) ; Byte 1: number from 0 - #$0F (15 decimal) ; ; Returns: ; Byte 0's value will be moved to bits 4..7 of A ; Byte 1's value will be moved to bits 0..3 of A ; ; IMPORTANT: on exit, X will be incremented by 2. D512: A6 01 LDA $0001,X ; read number from X + 1 D514: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask in bit 0..3 D516: 34 02 PSHS A ; save on stack for addition @ $D51E D518: A6 81 LDA ,X++ ; read number from X, then postincrement X by 2 D51A: 48 ASLA D51B: 48 ASLA D51C: 48 ASLA D51D: 48 ASLA ; shift bits from 0..3 to 4..7 D51E: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; add in value of A on stack D520: 39 RTS ; X = pointer to 4 bytes PACK_4_BYTES_INTO_A_AND_B: D521: 8D EF BSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A ; convert 2 bytes to single byte BCD value D523: 34 02 PSHS A ; save A on stack as the call below overwrites A ; X = pointer to 2 bytes PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_B: D525: 8D EB BSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A ; convert 2 bytes to single byte BCD value D527: 1F 89 TFR A,B D529: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Store A to X+1, and A >> 4 to X, then add 2 to X ; ; ; Returns: ; X is incremented by 2 ; STA_NIB_X: D52B: 34 02 PSHS A D52D: A7 01 STA $0001,X D52F: 44 LSRA D530: 44 LSRA D531: 44 LSRA D532: 44 LSRA D533: A7 81 STA ,X++ D535: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; A = ; B = ; X = pointer D537: 8D F2 BSR STA_NIB_X D539: 34 02 PSHS A D53B: 1F 98 TFR B,A D53D: 8D EC BSR STA_NIB_X D53F: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Add game credits ; ; A = number of credits to add ; ADDA_CREDS: D541: 34 12 PSHS X,A D543: 9B 51 ADDA $51 ; add to existing number of credits D545: 19 DAA D546: 24 02 BCC $D54A ; no carry from decimal adjust D548: 86 99 LDA #$99 ; 99 credits maximum - remember credits represented as BCD D54A: 97 51 STA $51 ; update number of credits D54C: 8E CD 00 LDX #credits_cmos D54F: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 ; write number of credits to CMOS D552: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) COIN_INSERTED_TO_RIGHT_SLOT: D554: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D556: C6 03 LDB #$03 ; index of "right slot coin" entry in CMOS bookkeeping totals D558: 20 0A BRA $D564 ; ; I spoke to the guys in "Williams Defender Players Unite" Facebook group and asked if they had seen a Robotron ; machine with a centre coin slot. Mark Hoff reckons this might be legacy code reused from another game. ; If anyone reading has seen a Robotron with a left, right and centre coin slot, drop me a line please (email at top of file), ; and I'll correct the docs. ; COIN_INSERTED_TO_CENTRE_SLOT: D55A: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D55C: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; index of "left slot coin" entry in CMOS bookkeeping totals D55E: 20 04 BRA $D564 COIN_INSERTED_TO_LEFT_SLOT: D560: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D562: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; index of "left slot coin" entry in CMOS bookkeeping totals D564: BD D0 BD JSR $D0BD ; JMP $D655 - increment bookkeeping total by 1 D567: 58 ASLB D568: 8E CC 04 LDX #$CC04 D56B: 3A ABX D56C: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D56F: BD D0 B4 JSR $D0B4 ; JMP $D5E2 - convert BCD in B into base 10 number D572: 96 4F LDA $4F ; D574: 34 04 PSHS B D576: AB E4 ADDA ,S D578: 97 4F STA $4F ; D57A: 96 50 LDA $50 D57C: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ D57E: 97 50 STA $50 ; We need to find out if enough coins (aka units) have been put in. minimum_units_for_any_credit in the CMOS is the number of units that have to be inserted ; before the system will give you any credit. D580: 8E CC 10 LDX #$CC10 ; address of minimum_units_for_any_credit D583: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D586: BD D0 B4 JSR $D0B4 ; JMP $D5E2 - convert BCD in B into base 10 number D589: 34 04 PSHS B D58B: A1 E0 CMPA ,S+ ; compare A (number of units inserted) to minimum units for any credit setting D58D: 24 02 BCC $D591 ; if >=, then enough units have been entered to get some credit, goto $D591 D58F: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; otherwise, not enough units inserted to get any credit. Insert more coins! ; If we get here, we've inserted the minimum units for any credit. ; ; But how much credit do we get? Depends on the settings. In the GAME ADJUSTMENT screen, ; units_required_for_credit is the multiple of units required to get a credit. ; units_required_for_bonus_credit is the multiple of units required to get a bonus credit. ; ; formula is: credits = ([number of units inserted] / units_required_for_credit) + ([number of units inserted] / units_required_for_bonus_credit) ; ; For example, if units_required_for_credit was set to 2, and units_required_for_bonus_credit was set to 6, ; and the player inserted 6 units, he would get 3 normal credits + 1 bonus credit. 4 credits in total... yes I can count ;) ; D591: 8E CC 0C LDX #$CC0C ; address of units_required_for_credit in CMOS D594: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D597: BD D0 B4 JSR $D0B4 ; JMP $D5E2 - convert BCD in B into base 10 number D59A: 8D 24 BSR $D5C0 ; call DIVIDE_A_BY_B, where B = value of units_required_for_credit D59C: 34 02 PSHS A ; save result of division (which is number of credits to add) on stack. Used in addition @ D5B3 D59E: D7 50 STB $50 ; save modulo of division in units_required_for_credit_counter D5A0: 8E CC 0E LDX #$CC0E ; address of units_required_for_bonus_credit in CMOS D5A3: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D5A6: 96 4F LDA $4F ; read bonus_credit_counter D5A8: 8D 38 BSR $D5E2 ; convert BCD in B into base 10 number D5AA: 8D 14 BSR $D5C0 ; call DIVIDE_A_BY_B, where B = value of units_required_for_bonus_credit D5AC: 4D TSTA ; A has amount of bonus to credit to add. Is it zero? D5AD: 27 04 BEQ $D5B3 ; if zero, no bonus credit to add, goto $D5B3 D5AF: 0F 50 CLR $50 ; zero units_required_for_credit_counter D5B1: 0F 4F CLR $4F ; zero bonus_credit_counter D5B3: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; A+= number of credits to add saved on stack D5B5: 19 DAA D5B6: C6 04 LDB #$04 ; index of PAID CREDITS entry in the bookkeeping totals D5B8: BD D0 BA JSR $D0BA ; JMP $D65B - update bookkeeping totals in CMOS D5BB: BD D5 41 JSR ADDA_CREDS ; add A to current number of credits D5BE: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Divide A by B. ; ; For example, on entry to this function, if A was set to 16 decimal and B was 4 decimal, ; the value returned by this function (in A) would be 4. ; ; Expects: ; A= value ; B= divisor ; ; Returns: ; A = (A divided by B) as BCD ; B = modulo of (A divided by B) ; DIVIDE_A_BY_B: D5C0: 34 04 PSHS B ; save divisor on stack ready for use @$D5CF D5C2: 5D TSTB ; is B nonzero? D5C3: 26 03 BNE $D5C8 ; yes, goto $D5C8 D5C5: 4F CLRA ; B, the divisor, is zero. You can't divide by zero, so set A to zero. D5C6: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ...and exit. D5C8: 1E 89 EXG A,B ; Now A = Divisor, B = Value D5CA: 86 99 LDA #$99 ; when you add 1 to #$99, and apply DAA, A becomes 0 D5CC: 8B 01 ADDA #$01 ; increment result count (eventual result of division) by 1 D5CE: 19 DAA ; ensure A is a valid BCD number D5CF: E0 E4 SUBB ,S ; subtract divisor held on stack, from value in B D5D1: 24 F9 BCC $D5CC ; if there's no carry, that is to say there's a positive integer left from subtraction, goto $D5CC D5D3: EB E0 ADDB ,S+ ; produce modulo D5D5: 39 RTS D5D6: D8 3E EORB $3E ; ; Expects: ; ; A = packed byte where bits 4..7 represent the first number and 0..3 represent second. ; ; Returns: unpacked value in A ; CONVERT_BCD_IN_A_TO_BASE_10_NUMBER: D5D8: 34 04 PSHS B ; D5DA: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; D5DC: 8D 04 BSR $D5E2 D5DE: 1F 98 TFR B,A ; D5E0: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Expects: ; B = BCD number ; ; Returns: ; B = Base 10 number ; CONVERT_BCD_IN_B_TO_BASE_10_NUMBER: D5E2: 34 02 PSHS A D5E4: 4F CLRA D5E5: C1 10 CMPB #$10 ; compare B to #$10 (16 dec) D5E7: 25 06 BCS $D5EF ; if < #$10 goto $D5EF D5E9: 8B 0A ADDA #$0A ; A += #$0A (10 dec) D5EB: C0 10 SUBB #$10 ; B -= #$10 (16 dec) D5ED: 20 F6 BRA $D5E5 D5EF: 34 02 PSHS A D5F1: EB E0 ADDB ,S+ D5F3: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; A = number to convert to bcd ; returns: A = bcd equivalent CONVERT_NUMBER_TO_BCD: D5F5: 34 04 PSHS B D5F7: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; B = number D5F9: 4F CLRA ; A = 0 D5FA: C1 0A CMPB #$0A ; 10 decimal? D5FC: 25 07 BCS $D605 ; < D5FE: 8B 10 ADDA #$10 ; A+=16 D600: 19 DAA ; Decimal adjust A D601: C0 0A SUBB #$0A ; B-=10 D603: 20 F5 BRA $D5FA ; D605: 34 04 PSHS B D607: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; A = A + B D609: 19 DAA D60A: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D60C: 8E 98 4C LDX #$984C D60F: 10 8E D5 60 LDY #$D560 D613: 20 10 BRA $D625 D615: 8E 98 4D LDX #$984D D618: 10 8E D5 54 LDY #$D554 D61C: 20 07 BRA $D625 D61E: 8E 98 4E LDX #$984E D621: 10 8E D5 5A LDY #$D55A D625: 96 4B LDA $4B D627: 26 27 BNE $D650 D629: A6 84 LDA ,X D62B: 26 23 BNE $D650 D62D: 86 16 LDA #$16 D62F: A7 84 STA ,X D631: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U D634: 86 0A LDA #$0A D636: 8E D6 3C LDX #$D63C D639: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call D63C: 96 4B LDA $4B D63E: 26 10 BNE $D650 D640: 86 05 LDA #$05 D642: D6 84 LDB $84 D644: C4 07 ANDB #$07 D646: 3D MUL D647: C3 D0 CE ADDD #$D0CE D64A: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority D64D: AD D8 09 JSR [$09,U] D650: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task D653: 5E Illegal Opcode D654: 31 ; Helper function that increments a bookkeeping total in CMOS by 1. ; ; B = index into bookkeeping item to be updated. (See docs for $D65B below) ; ADD_ONE_TO_BOOKKEEPING_TOTAL: D655: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D657: 86 01 LDA #$01 D659: 20 02 BRA $D65D ; ; A = value to add to value of bookkeeping item identified by B register ; B = index into bookkeeping item to be updated, where index can be: ; 1 = left slot coins ; 2 = centre slot coins ; 3 = right slot coins ; 4 = ; 5 = extra men earned ; 6 = play time in minutes ; 7 = Men played ; 8 = Credits played ; ; ; TODO: Need to document rest of CMOS entries UPDATE_BOOKKEEPING_TOTAL_IN_CMOS: D65B: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D65D: C4 0F ANDB #$0F D65F: 58 ASLB ; B *= 2 D660: 34 04 PSHS B D662: 58 ASLB ; B *= 4 D663: EB E0 ADDB ,S+ ; This computation makes B = (B on entry) * 6 D665: 8E CC FC LDX #$CCFC D668: 3A ABX ; compute where in CMOS the bookkeeping item is stored D669: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D66C: 34 04 PSHS B D66E: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D671: 34 04 PSHS B D673: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B D676: 34 04 PSHS B D678: AB E4 ADDA ,S ; A += B just pushed onto stack D67A: 19 DAA ; Ensure that A is between 0..9 D67B: A7 E4 STA ,S ; and save result on stack D67D: A6 61 LDA $1,S ; read value pushed onto stack at $D671 D67F: 89 00 ADCA #$00 ; take into account any carry from DAA @D67A D681: 19 DAA ; Ensure that A is between 0..9 D682: A7 61 STA $1,S ; and save result on stack D684: A6 62 LDA $2,S ; read value pushed onto stack at $D66C D686: 89 00 ADCA #$00 ; take into account any carry from DAA @D681 D688: 19 DAA D689: 30 1A LEAX -$6,X ; X-=6. That's because the 3 calls to $D0A5 have incremented X by 6. Now X points to CMOS bookkeeping item again. D68B: BD D0 AB JSR $D0AB ; JMP STA_NIB_X - update CMOS D68E: 35 04 PULS B D690: 35 02 PULS A D692: BD D0 B1 JSR $D0B1 ; JMP $D537 - write A and B to X - updates CMOS again D695: 35 02 PULS A D697: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; (PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Get a pointer to the state of the current player. ; ; Expects: $3F set to player number (1 or 2) ; ; Returns: X = pointer to player state ; LOAD_X_WITH_ADDR_OF_CURRENT_PLAYER_STATE: D699: 34 02 PSHS A D69B: 96 3F LDA $3F ; read player number D69D: 8E BD E4 LDX #p1_score D6A0: 4A DECA ; player number -- D6A1: 27 03 BEQ $D6A6 ; if we're player 1 this value will be 0, return D6A3: 8E BE 20 LDX #p2_score ; otherwise we're player 2... D6A6: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D6A8: 34 02 PSHS A D6AA: 20 F1 BRA $D69D ; ; A = number to multiply random number with ; ; Returns: A = product of multiplication ; MULTIPLY_A_BY_RANDOM_NUMBER: D6AC: 34 04 PSHS B D6AE: 1F 89 TFR A,B D6B0: 8D 1B BSR $D6CD ; get random number in A D6B2: 3D MUL ; D = A * B D6B3: 4C INCA ; to ensure A is nonzero D6B4: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Get a random number lower than or equal to the value in register A. ; GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_A: D6B6: 34 02 PSHS A ; save a on stack D6B8: 8D 13 BSR $D6CD ; get a random number D6BA: A1 E4 CMPA ,S ; compare random number to A to on stack D6BC: 23 03 BLS $D6C1 ; if random number <= A on stack, goto $D6C1 D6BE: 44 LSRA ; divide random number by 2 D6BF: 20 F9 BRA $D6BA ; repeat compare D6C1: 4D TSTA ; check if A is 0 D6C2: 26 01 BNE $D6C5 ; no D6C4: 4C INCA ; otherwise, make A = 1 D6C5: 32 61 LEAS $0001,S ; discard A on stack D6C7: 39 RTS ; return GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_INTO_A_AND_B: D6C8: 8D 03 BSR $D6CD ; get a random number D6CA: D6 86 LDB $86 D6CC: 39 RTS ; ; Pseudo random number generator. ; ; $9884, $9885 and $9886 are affected by this call. ; Returns: A = random number ; GENERATE_RANDOM_NUMBER: D6CD: 34 04 PSHS B D6CF: D6 84 LDB $84 ; DP set to 98 here, so real address is $9884 D6D1: 86 03 LDA #$03 D6D3: 3D MUL ; D = 3 * B D6D4: CB 11 ADDB #$11 D6D6: 96 86 LDA $86 D6D8: 44 LSRA D6D9: 44 LSRA D6DA: 44 LSRA D6DB: 98 86 EORA $86 D6DD: 44 LSRA D6DE: 06 85 ROR $85 D6E0: 06 86 ROR $86 D6E2: DB 86 ADDB $86 D6E4: D9 85 ADCB $85 D6E6: D7 84 STB $84 D6E8: 96 84 LDA $84 ; a= "random" number D6EA: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; This routine initialises the object metadata lists ; INITIALISE_OBJECT_METADATA_LISTS: D6EC: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A D6EE: 4F CLRA D6EF: 5F CLRB ; make D = NULL ; initialise list used by enforcer, quark, spark and shell D6F0: 8E A9 E0 LDX #$A9E0 D6F3: CE 97 6F LDU #$976F D6F6: 9F 13 STX $13 ; set main object list pointer D6F8: 30 0F LEAX $000F,X ; X+=#$0F (15 decimal) D6FA: AF 11 STX -$F,X ; store pointer to object at X in the previous object (X-15 decimal), establishing a forward only linked list D6FC: 8C B0 D9 CMPX #$B0D9 D6FF: 26 F7 BNE $D6F8 D701: ED 84 STD ,X ; terminate list with NULL D703: DD 11 STD $11 ; set $9811 to be NULL ; initialise list used by progs & cruise missiles D705: 8E B0 E8 LDX #$B0E8 D708: 9F 1D STX $1D D70A: 30 88 1F LEAX $1F,X ; X+= #$1F (31 decimal) D70D: AF 88 E1 STX -$1F,X D710: 8C B3 35 CMPX #$B335 D713: 26 F5 BNE $D70A D715: ED 84 STD ,X ; terminate list with NULL ; Initialise function call list ; D = 0 at this point D717: 8E 98 11 LDX #$9811 ; D71A: 9F 15 STX $15 D71C: C6 07 LDB #$07 D71E: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = B, as A is 0 D720: AB 84 ADDA ,X D722: 30 88 10 LEAX $10,X ; X = X + #$10 (16 decimal) D725: 8C 89 35 CMPX #$8935 D728: 25 F6 BCS $D720 D72A: A7 C9 01 84 STA $0184,U D72E: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) D730: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries D733: 86 FF LDA #$FF D735: 97 59 STA $59 D737: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay before calling function D739: 8E D7 3F LDX #$D73F ; address of function to call D73C: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call SHOW_EASTER_EGG_CREDITS: D73F: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 D742: BD 5F 9C JSR $5F9C ; JMP $5FA2 - RESET_TEXT_RENDERING_FIELDS D745: C6 7F LDB #$7F D747: D7 01 STB $01 D749: 10 BE D5 D6 LDY $D5D6 D74D: 31 A5 LEAY B,Y D74F: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ D751: 27 2C BEQ $D77F D753: 81 02 CMPA #$02 D755: 26 09 BNE $D760 D757: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa D75A: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; fire UP pressed? D75C: 27 30 BEQ $D78E ; no, goto $D78E D75E: 20 EF BRA $D74F D760: 81 01 CMPA #$01 D762: 26 06 BNE $D76A D764: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ D766: 0F D0 CLR $D0 D768: 20 E5 BRA $D74F D76A: 8B 2E ADDA #$2E D76C: CE D7 4F LDU #$D74F D76F: 34 40 PSHS U D771: FE D6 53 LDU $D653 D774: F6 D7 ED LDB $D7ED D777: 33 C5 LEAU B,U D779: 33 C5 LEAU B,U D77B: 33 C5 LEAU B,U D77D: 6E C4 JMP ,U D77F: 86 01 LDA #$01 D781: 8E D7 87 LDX #$D787 D784: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call D787: B6 C8 04 LDA widget_pia_dataa D78A: 85 40 BITA #$40 ; fire UP pressed? D78C: 26 F1 BNE $D77F ; yes, goto $D77F D78E: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 ; otherwise clear the screen D791: 6E 9F EF FE JMP [$EFFE,X] ; and reboot!!! ; ; Set up 9800-980F in RAM with palette ; LOAD_DA51_PALETTE: D795: 8E DA 51 LDX #colorpalette2 D798: CE 98 00 LDU #$9800 ; palette_start D79B: C6 10 LDB #$10 ; 16 bytes to copy D79D: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read byte and increment X D79F: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; write to palette in memory and increment U D7A1: 5A DECB ; B-- D7A2: 26 F9 BNE $D79D ; if B is !=0 goto D79D D7A4: 39 RTS INITIALISE_ALL_OBJECT_LISTS: D7A5: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC D7A7: 1A FF ORCC #$FF D7A9: 8E 99 00 LDX #$9900 ; set start of object linked list and store in $981B D7AC: 9F 1B STX $1B D7AE: 30 88 18 LEAX $18,X ; add #$18 to X D7B1: AF 88 E8 STX -$18,X ; set *(X-#$18) to X - this is to establish a forward-only linked list D7B4: 8C A9 C8 CMPX #$A9C8 D7B7: 26 F5 BNE $D7AE D7B9: 4F CLRA ; set D to 0 D7BA: 5F CLRB D7BB: ED 84 STD ,X ; mark end of list with two zeros D7BD: DD 21 STD $21 ; zero grunts_hulks_brains_progs_cruise_tanks D7BF: DD 17 STD $17 ; zero spheroids_enforcers_quarks_sparks_shells linked list pointer D7C1: DD 19 STD $19 ; D7C3: DD 23 STD $23 ; zero electrodes linked list pointer D7C5: DD 1F STD $1F ; zero family linked list pointer D7C7: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Checks for a collision between the main object (object ONE) and a list of other objects. ; ; D = blitter destination of object ONE. ; X = pointer to linked list of objects to check collision with object ONE. ; U = animation frame metadata pointer of object ONE. ; $48 = 1 if its the player collision detection routine calling this function, 0 otherwise ; ; Returns: ; ; COLLISION_DETECTION_FUNCTION: D7C9: DD 7C STD $7C ; save blitter destination of object ONE to $7C D7CB: E3 C4 ADDD ,U ; add in width and height of object ONE D7CD: DD 7E STD $7E ; store in $7E. Think of $7C, $7D, to $7E, $7F defining the rectangular area that object ONE occupies now. D7CF: 20 17 BRA $D7E8 ; X = pointer to object OTHER - the object that *may* have collided with object ONE D7D1: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination of object OTHER to compare against object ONEs boundaries D7D3: 27 13 BEQ $D7E8 ; if NULL, process next object ; perform rectangle intersection check. ; $7C,$7D = X and Y coordinates of top left of object ONE'S rectangle ; $7E,$7F = X and Y coordinates of bottom right of object ONE'S rectangle ; D = blitter destination of object OTHER D7D5: 91 7E CMPA $7E ; compare A (the X component) to bottom right X coordinate of rectangle D7D7: 24 0F BCC $D7E8 ; if A is >= this value then there is no intersection, goto $D7E8 D7D9: D1 7F CMPB $7F ; compare B (the Y component) to bottom right Y coordinate of rectangle D7DB: 24 0B BCC $D7E8 ; if B is >= this value then there is no intersection, goto $D7E8 D7DD: E3 98 02 ADDD [$02,X] ; D+= width & height of object being compared to object ONE D7E0: 91 7C CMPA $7C ; compare A to top left X coordinate of rectangle D7E2: 23 04 BLS $D7E8 ; if A <= this value then there is no intersection, goto $D7E8 D7E4: D1 7D CMPB $7D ; compare B to top left Y coordinate of rectangle D7E6: 22 06 BHI $D7EE ; if > then a possible collision ; if we get here, no collision has taken place, so get next object in the list, and try that D7E8: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get next object in list D7EA: 26 E5 BNE $D7D1 ; if object is not NULL, go to $D7D1 D7EC: 39 RTS ; otherwise we're done D7ED: Unused byte ; There might be a collision. We need to execute a collision detection check on a per-pixel level. ; ; At this point: ; U = animation frame metadata pointer of object ONE ; D = blitter destination of object OTHER ; X = pointer to object OTHER ; $7C,$7D = X and Y coordinates of top left of rectangle of object ONE ; $7E,$7F = X and Y coordinates of bottom right of rectangle of object ONE D7EE: DF 82 STU $82 ; store animation frame metadata pointer D7F0: 0D 48 TST $48 ; is it the player that's calling this function? (see $30B3) D7F2: 26 06 BNE $D7FA ; yes D7F4: 10 AE 88 16 LDY $16,X ; has collision detection animation frame metadata (a "collision mask") been supplied for this object? D7F8: 26 03 BNE $D7FD ; yes, so use the width and height in the metadata, goto $D7FD D7FA: 10 AE 02 LDY $0002,X ; get pointer to animation frame metadata of object OTHER D7FD: A3 A4 SUBD ,Y ; subtract width & height of object OTHER from its blitter destination D7FF: 10 9F 2D STY $2D ; store animation frame metadata pointer in $2D D802: DD 2B STD $2B ; store adjusted blitter destination to $2B D804: 4F CLRA ; D= 0 D805: 5F CLRB D806: DD 76 STD $76 ; $76,$77 = 0 D808: DD 78 STD $78 ; $78,$79 = 0 ; at this point: ; U = animation frame metadata pointer of object ONE ; X = pointer to object OTHER ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata of object OTHER ; $2B = adjusted (see $D7FD) blitter destination of object OTHER ; $2D = animation frame metadata pointer of object OTHER ; $7C,$7D = X and Y coordinate of top left of rectangle of object ONE ; $7E,$7F = X and Y coordinate of bottom right of rectangle of object ONE D80A: DC 2B LDD $2B ; D = adjusted blitter destination of object OTHER (see $D7FD) D80C: D0 7D SUBB $7D ; B (the Y component of blitter destination) -= top Y coordinate of object ONE, to give vertical distance in pixels D80E: 22 05 BHI $D815 ; if no carry after subtraction and non-zero result, ie distance is a non zero positive number, goto $D815 D810: 50 NEGB ; Make B a positive number D811: D7 77 STB $77 ; $77 = vertical distance in pixels between object OTHER and object ONE D813: 20 02 BRA $D817 D815: D7 79 STB $79 ; $79 = B ; now do horizontal axis D817: 90 7C SUBA $7C ; A (the X component of blitter destination) -= left X coordinate of object ONE, to give horizontal distance in pixels D819: 22 05 BHI $D820 ; if no carry after subtraction and non-zero result, ie distance is a non zero positive number, goto $D815 D81B: 40 NEGA ; Make A a positive number D81C: 97 76 STA $76 ; $76 = A D81E: 20 02 BRA $D822 D820: 97 78 STA $78 D822: DC 2B LDD $2B ; get adjusted blitter destination of object OTHER (see $D7FD) into D D824: E3 A4 ADDD ,Y ; and add width and height of image, which restores D back to the *real* blitter destination of object OTHER D826: D0 7F SUBB $7F ; B-= Y coordinate of bottom right of rectangle of object ONE D828: 22 01 BHI $D82B ; if result is a non-zero positive number, goto $D82B D82A: 5F CLRB ; otherwise result is 0 or negative, so set B to 0 D82B: 90 7E SUBA $7E ; D82D: 22 01 BHI $D830 ; if result is a non-zero positive number, goto $D82B D82F: 4F CLRA ; otherwise result is 0 or negative, so set A to 0 D830: DD 80 STD $80 ; at this point: ; U = animation frame metadata pointer of object ONE ; X = pointer to object OTHER ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata of object OTHER ; $2B = adjusted (see $D7FD) blitter destination of object OTHER ; $2D = animation frame metadata pointer of object OTHER D832: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; get width and height of object OTHER into D D834: 93 76 SUBD $76 D836: 93 80 SUBD $80 D838: DD 74 STD $74 D83A: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; get width of object ONE D83C: 97 7B STA $7B D83E: D6 79 LDB $79 D840: 3D MUL D841: EE 42 LDU $0002,U ; U now = pointer to very first 2 pixels of animation frame for object ONE D843: 33 CB LEAU D,U ; U = U + D D845: A6 A4 LDA ,Y D847: 97 7A STA $7A D849: D6 77 LDB $77 D84B: 3D MUL D84C: 10 AE 22 LDY $0002,Y ; Y = pointer to very first 2 pixels of animation frame for object OTHER D84F: 31 AB LEAY D,Y ; Y = Y + D D851: 96 76 LDA $76 D853: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y ; Y = Y + A D855: 96 78 LDA $78 D857: 33 C6 LEAU A,U ; U = U + A D859: D6 74 LDB $74 D85B: 5A DECB D85C: A6 C5 LDA B,U ; read pixels at U + B D85E: 27 2C BEQ $D88C ; if 0 then consider these pixels as transparent, do not use in collision detection, goto $D88C D860: A6 A5 LDA B,Y ; read pixels at Y + B D862: 27 28 BEQ $D88C ; if 0 then consider these pixels as transparent, do not use in collision detection, goto $D88C D864: 31 A5 LEAY B,Y ; Y = Y + B D866: 1F 20 TFR Y,D D868: DE 2D LDU $2D ; U - pointer to animation frame metadata of object OTHER D86A: A3 42 SUBD $0002,U D86C: 10 AE 04 LDY $0004,X ; Y = blitter destination of object OTHER D86F: E0 C4 SUBB ,U D871: 82 00 SBCA #$00 D873: 25 08 BCS $D87D D875: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y ; Y++ D877: E0 C4 SUBB ,U D879: 82 00 SBCA #$00 D87B: 24 F8 BCC $D875 D87D: EB C4 ADDB ,U D87F: 1F 98 TFR B,A D881: 5F CLRB D882: 33 AB LEAU D,Y D884: DF A6 STU $A6 ; save screen address of pixel where collision occurred into $A6 D886: AD 98 08 JSR [$08,X] ; call object X's collision handler D889: 86 01 LDA #$01 D88B: 39 RTS D88C: 5A DECB D88D: 2A CD BPL $D85C D88F: DC 7A LDD $7A D891: 31 A6 LEAY A,Y D893: 33 C5 LEAU B,U D895: 0A 75 DEC $75 D897: 26 C0 BNE $D859 D899: DE 82 LDU $82 D89B: 7E D7 E8 JMP $D7E8 ; Called by $79B8, the "ROBOTRON: 2084 - SAVE THE LAST HUMAN FAMILY" attract screen. ; This creates tasks to update the colour palette continuously. ; CREATE_TASKS_TO_UPDATE_COLOUR_PALETTE: D89E: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8A1: D9 DF ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8A3: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8A6: D9 D2 ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8A8: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8AB: DA 0D ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8AD: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8B0: D9 81 ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8B2: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8B5: D9 AE ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8B7: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function D8BA: D9 8E ; pointer to function to update colour entry D8BC: 39 RTS D8BD: 01 Illegal Opcode D8BE: 0C 28 INC $28 D8C0: 26 1A 1B 25 0C 1B 25 0C 24 21 14 21 26 24 21 20 ;Easter Egg Text (-#$2E) D8D0: 11 0C 04 21 0A 06 02 01 0C 58 16 17 25 1B 19 20 D8E0: 17 16 0C 17 2A 15 1E 27 25 1B 28 17 1E 2B 0C 18 D8F0: 21 24 01 0C 68 29 1B 1E 1E 1B 13 1F 25 0C 17 1E D900: 17 15 26 24 21 20 1B 15 25 0C 1B 20 15 0F 02 01 D910: 0C 78 14 2B 0C 17 27 19 17 20 17 0C 22 0F 0C 1C D920: 13 24 28 1B 25 0C 13 20 16 0C 1E 13 29 24 17 20 D930: 15 17 0C 17 0F 0C 16 17 1F 13 24 02 01 0C A8 15 D940: 21 22 2B 24 1B 19 1A 26 0C 03 0B 0A 04 0C 29 1B D950: 1E 1E 1B 13 1F 25 0C 17 1E 17 15 26 24 21 20 1B D960: 15 25 0C 1B 20 15 0F 01 0C B8 13 1E 1E 0C 24 1B D970: 19 1A 26 25 0C 24 17 25 17 24 28 17 16 D97D: 00 17 NEG $17 D97F: 22 30 BHI $D9B1 ; called by $D8AD D981: BD D9 E8 JSR $D9E8 D984: D9 8A ; address of colour list to pass to function D986: 98 0B ; address of 0bth entry in colour palette D988: 00 08 ; initial value to set ; Colour list for function @ $D981 D98A: 38 07 C0 00 ; Called by $D8B7 D98E: BD D9 E8 JSR $D9E8 D991: D9 97 ; address of colour list to pass to function D993: 98 0C ; address of 0cth entry in colour palette D995: 00 02 ; third parameter (discarded) ; ; Colour list for function @ $D98E ; D997: C0 C0 D0 E0 F0 F8 FA BA 7A 3A 34 2D 1F 17 0F 07 D9A7: 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 ; Called by $D8B2 D9AE: BD D9 E8 JSR $D9E8 D9B1: D9 B7 ; parameter 1: address of data to pass to function D9B3: 98 0E ; second parameter - which is a pointer to 2nd last entry in RAM palette D9B5: 00 01 ; third parameter (discarded) ; Colour list for function @ $D9AE D9B7: C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 87 87 47 47 07 07 47 47 D9C7: 87 87 C7 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 00 ; Called by $D8A3 D9D2: BD D9 E8 JSR $D9E8 D9D5: D9 DB ; parameter 1: address of colour list to pass to function D9D7: 98 0F ; second parameter - which is a pointer to last entry in RAM palette D9D9: 00 06 ; third parameter - initial index into colour list to start with ; Colour list for function @ $D9D2 D9DB: 07 07 2F 00 ; Called by $D89E D9DF: BD D9 E8 JSR $D9E8 D9E2: DA 2C ; parameter 1: address of colour list to pass to function D9E4: 98 0D ; second parameter - which is a pointer to 13th (decimal) entry in RAM palette D9E6: 00 02 ; third parameter - initial index into colour list to start with ; ; This method expects stack pointer to point to 3 parameters, which are a word size each (meaning, 6 bytes in total) ; Parameter 1: a pointer to a colour list. Each list is terminated with byte 0. The routine @ ; Parameter 2: pointer to a RAM palette entry which will be updated with an entry from the colour list ; Parameter 3: D9E8: AE E1 LDX ,S++ ; get address to return to from stack. This contains an address for data. D9EA: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read address for data D9EC: ED 47 STD $0007,U ; store it D9EE: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read next word D9F0: ED 4B STD $000B,U D9F2: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read next word D9F4: ED 49 STD $0009,U D9F6: 6F 49 CLR $0009,U ; clear index into data (totally overwriting what was just saved previously!) D9F8: AE 47 LDX $0007,U ; get address for data D9FA: E6 49 LDB $0009,U ; read index into data D9FC: 6C 49 INC $0009,U ; increment index D9FE: A6 85 LDA B,X ; read data at *(X + B) DA00: 27 F4 BEQ $D9F6 ; if 0, then we've hit the end of the list, goto $D9F6, which resets the index into data DA02: A7 D8 0B STA [$0B,U] ; write to palette entry DA05: A6 4A LDA $000A,U ; delay before calling function DA07: 8E D9 F8 LDX #$D9F8 ; address of function to call DA0A: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call ; Called by $D8AB DA0D: 86 FF LDA #$FF DA0F: 97 0A STA $0A ; store in #$980A - index 10 decimal in RAM colour palette DA11: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function DA13: 8E DA 19 LDX #$DA19 ; address of function to call DA16: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call DA19: 96 84 LDA $84 ; read random number DA1B: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; mask in bits 0..4 to give a number from 0..31 decimal DA1D: 8E DA 2C LDX #$DA2C ; data table start DA20: A6 86 LDA A,X ; A = *(X + A) DA22: 97 0A STA $0A ; store in #$980A - index 10 decimal in RAM colour palette DA24: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; delay before calling function DA26: 8E DA 0D LDX #$DA0D ; address of function to call DA29: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call ; Data read by $DA20 DA2C: 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 37 2F 27 1F 17 47 47 87 DA3C: 87 C7 C7 C6 C5 CC CB CA DA E8 F8 F9 FA FB FD FF DA4C: BF 3F 3E 3C 00 colorpalette2: DA51: 00 07 17 C7 1F 3F 38 C0 A4 FF 38 17 CC 81 81 07 ; ; D = blitter destination ; Y = animation frame metadata pointer (first 2 bytes are w & h, next 2 bytes are blit source address) ; $2D = remap colour BLIT_RECTANGLE_WITH_COLOUR_REMAP: DA61: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC DA63: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DA65: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DA68: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; get width & height into D DA6A: 88 04 EORA #$04 DA6C: C8 04 EORB #$04 DA6E: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DA71: EC 22 LDD $0002,Y ; get blitter source into D DA73: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source DA76: D6 2D LDB $2D DA78: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask DA7B: 86 12 LDA #$12 ; solid mode DA7D: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DA80: 35 87 PULS CC,A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; D = blitter destination ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata (first 2 bytes are w & h, next 2 are pointer to blitter source) ; BLIT_IMAGE_NO_TRANSPARENCY: DA82: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC DA84: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DA86: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DA89: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; get width & height into D DA8B: 88 04 EORA #$04 DA8D: C8 04 EORB #$04 DA8F: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DA92: EC 22 LDD $0002,Y ; get blitter source into D DA94: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source DA97: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; draw image without transparency DA99: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DA9C: 35 87 PULS CC,A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Blit an image in a solid colour. Basically take an image and remap all the nonzero bytes ; to the colour specified in $2D. ; ; D = blitter destination ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata (first 2 bytes are w & h, next 2 are pointer to blitter source) ; $2D = value to use in solid colour blit BLIT_IMAGE_IN_SOLID_COLOUR_AND_TRANSPARENCY: DA9E: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC DAA0: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DAA2: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest ; set blitter destination DAA5: EC A4 LDD ,Y DAA7: 88 04 EORA #$04 DAA9: C8 04 EORB #$04 DAAB: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h ; set blitter width & height DAAE: EC 22 LDD $0002,Y ; get blitter source DAB0: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source DAB3: D6 2D LDB $2D DAB5: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask ; set solid colour to draw DAB8: 86 1A LDA #$1A ; blitter flags: solid mode, transparent DABA: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DABD: 35 87 PULS CC,A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Clear a rectangular area matching the supplied animation frame metadata's width & height fields. ; ; D = blitter destination ; Y = pointer to animation frame metadata (first 2 bytes are width & height, next 2 are pointer to blitter source. e.g. the rectangle @ $3B25) ; CLEAR_IMAGE_RECTANGLE_TO_ZERO: DABF: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC DAC1: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DAC3: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DAC6: EC A4 LDD ,Y ; get width and height of image into D DAC8: 88 04 EORA #$04 DACA: C8 04 EORB #$04 DACC: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DACF: EC 22 LDD $0002,Y ; get pointer to actual image into D DAD1: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source DAD4: CC 12 00 LDD #$1200 ; solid mode, no transparency. Note that bit 3 is missing, so blitter is clearing rectangle DAD7: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask ; set 0 as mask colour (background) DADA: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DADD: 35 87 PULS CC,A,B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Clears a specified area (to black). ; ; X = Blitter dest (top left of rectangle to clear) ; D = Width & Height of rectangle ; CLEAR_RECTANGULAR_AREA: DADF: 34 07 PSHS B,A,CC DAE1: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DAE3: BF CA 04 STX blitter_dest DAE6: 88 04 EORA #$04 DAE8: C8 04 EORB #$04 DAEA: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DAED: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 ; set 0 as source, it doesn't matter for this routine DAF0: 20 DF BRA $DAD1 ; complete blit ; ; This routine is called when you want to blit an object with transparency, no extra effects. ; Family members, grunts etc use this routine to draw themselves, so it's quite an important routine to observe. ; ; X = object pointer ; BLIT_OBJECT: DAF2: 34 47 PSHS U,B,A,CC DAF4: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; U = pointer to animation frame metadata DAF6: EC C4 LDD ,U ; D = width & height DAF8: 88 04 EORA #$04 DAFA: C8 04 EORB #$04 DAFC: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DAFE: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DB01: 20 58 BRA $DB5B ; Finalise blit ; ; X = pointer to object ; ERASE_PREVIOUS_IMAGE: DB03: 34 47 PSHS U,B,A,CC DB05: EE 88 14 LDU $14,X ; get previous animation frame metadata pointer into U DB08: EC C4 LDD ,U ; get width and height DB0A: EE 42 LDU $0002,U ; get actual image data pointer into U DB0C: 88 04 EORA #$04 DB0E: C8 04 EORB #$04 DB10: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DB12: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DB15: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get current object's "last" blit destination DB17: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DB1A: FF CA 02 STU blitter_source ; set blitter source to actual image data pointer in U DB1D: CC 1A 00 LDD #$1A00 ; blitter flags:solid mode, transparent. B= colour 0 (background) to overwrite DB20: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask DB23: E6 88 12 LDB $12,X DB26: 2A 02 BPL $DB2A DB28: 8A 20 ORA #$20 ; one pixel to the right DB2A: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DB2D: 35 C7 PULS CC,A,B,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Erase previous animation frame at old (previous) position before object moved, ; draw new animation frame at new object position (where object moved to) ; X = pointer to object (grunt, brain etc) being processed ; ERASE_THEN_DRAW_NEW: DB2F: 34 47 PSHS U,B,A,CC DB31: EE 88 14 LDU $14,X ; get previous animation frame metadata pointer into U DB34: EC C4 LDD ,U ; D = width and height DB36: EE 42 LDU $0002,U ; get image data pointer into U DB38: 88 04 EORA #$04 DB3A: C8 04 EORB #$04 DB3C: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts DB3E: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h ; set width & height on blitter DB41: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; read "last" blitter destination from object DB43: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DB46: FF CA 02 STU blitter_source DB49: CC 1A 00 LDD #$1A00 ; A: 1A = solid mode + transparency mode) DB4C: F7 CA 01 STB blitter_mask ; B: 0 (colour 0, black) DB4F: E6 88 12 LDB $12,X DB52: 2A 02 BPL $DB56 DB54: 8A 20 ORA #$20 ; shift image one pixel to right DB56: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter ; erase object DB59: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get pointer to current animation frame metadata ; U = pointer to animation frame metadata DB5B: EF 88 14 STU $14,X ; set pointer to previous animation frame metadata (making previous = current) DB5E: EE 42 LDU $0002,U ; get pointer to actual previous image to draw DB60: FF CA 02 STU blitter_source DB63: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; read object X coordinate (whole part) DB65: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; read object Y coordinate DB67: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; set "last" blitter destination pointer DB69: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DB6C: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; transparency mode DB6E: E6 0B LDB $000B,X DB70: E7 88 12 STB $12,X ; set flag to say image needs shifted pixel right (bit 7 set = Yes) DB73: 2A 02 BPL $DB77 DB75: 8A 20 ORA #$20 ; shift image a pixel right DB77: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter ; draw object in new position DB7A: 35 C7 PULS CC,A,B,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CLR_SCREEN: DB7C: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A DB7E: CE 98 00 LDU #$9800 DB81: 8E 00 00 LDX #$0000 ; X = 0 DB84: 1F 12 TFR X,Y ; Y = X DB86: 1F 10 TFR X,D ; D = X DB88: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A ; write Y,X,D (all 0, where 0 = black pixel) to screen RAM DB8A: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A DB8C: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A DB8E: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A DB90: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A DB92: 36 10 PSHU X DB94: 11 83 00 00 CMPU #$0000 ; are we at the start of screen RAM DB98: 26 EE BNE $DB88 ; no DB9A: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; Updates the player score. ; ; Expects: ; ; A & B represent points to add to the score. I can't think of a better word than "represent" at the moment. ; ; B is a BCD number . A is the number of trailing zeros to put after the BCD number. ; ; Example, B=#$15 and A=3 means 15 with 3 trailing zeros = 15000 decimal to add to score. ; ; More examples: ; to add 100 to score, set a=1, b=#$10 ; to add 150 to score, set a=1, b=#$15 ; to add 1000 to score, set a= 2, b = #$10 ; to add 1500 to score, set a= 2, b = #$15 ; to add 10000 to score, set a = 3, b = #$10 ; to add 100000 to score, set a = 4, b = #$10 ; to add 150000 to score, set a = 4, b = #$15 ; ; I'm sure you get the drift!!! ; ; returns: All registers same as on entry. ; ; UPDATE_PLAYER_SCORE: DB9C: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A DB9E: 0C F0 INC $F0 ; As there are 2 numbers packed into a BCD encoded byte, divide A by 2. ; The result of this division is used to calculate an index to the first BCD number pair to update (see $DBB4). ; I will call the index the "r-index" later on. DBA0: 44 LSRA ; divide A bye 2 DBA1: 34 02 PSHS A ; save r-index on stack. It will be used @ $DBB6 DBA3: 86 00 LDA #$00 ; Clear A. DBA5: 24 08 BCC $DBAF ; the r-index is an even number, goto $DBAF ; if we get here, then the "number of trailing zeroes" value passed in A on entry is an odd number. ; Due to how 2 numbers are packed into a BCD byte, an odd number of trailing zeroes means the value in B can't be directly used to update the BCD ; score byte at r-index without some massaging. ; So, we need to split the value in B up over 2 bytes... DBA7: 58 ASLB ; shift 4 most significant bits of B into 4 least significant bits of A DBA8: 49 ROLA DBA9: 58 ASLB DBAA: 49 ROLA DBAB: 58 ASLB DBAC: 49 ROLA DBAD: 58 ASLB DBAE: 49 ROLA ; Result of all the bit shifting: ; ; A = BCD value to add to score[r_index-1] ; B = BCD value to add to score[r_index]; ; DBAF: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X. Now X = pointer to score DBB2: DD 2B STD $2B ; $2B = BCD value to add to score[r_index-1] ; $2C = BCD value to add to score[r_index]; DBB4: C6 03 LDB #$03 ; B = index of last BCD digit pair in score (the tens part of the score, to be precise). DBB6: E0 E0 SUBB ,S+ ; subtract value on stack from B. B is now the "r-index", a zero-based index into the first digit to update. DBB8: A6 85 LDA B,X ; Read BCD digit pair from score[r_index] DBBA: 9B 2C ADDA $2C ; A += BCD points value to add DBBC: 19 DAA ; Ensure result is valid BCD DBBD: A7 85 STA B,X ; update score digit pair at [r-index] DBBF: 5A DECB ; bump index to point to next digit pair (going from tens, to thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to millions) DBC0: 2B 0E BMI $DBD0 ; if b==-1 then we have just updated the millions score digits and there are no more digits we can do, goto $DBD0 DBC2: A6 85 LDA B,X ; A = *(X+B) DBC4: 99 2B ADCA $2B ; add in the BCD value to add to score [r_index-1]. Take into account any carry from last addition too. DBC6: 19 DAA ; and again, ensure that we have valid BCD digits. Carry flag will be set if carry over to next digit is required DBC7: A7 85 STA B,X ; update score digit at (X+B) DBC9: 86 00 LDA #$00 ; OK, we set the value to carry over to zero. So only the carry flag will be added to remaining digits DBCB: 97 2B STA $2B ; clear value to add DBCD: 5A DECB ; adjust index to point to previous score digit pair DBCE: 2A F2 BPL $DBC2 ; if b>=0 then we've got score digits left to update, goto $DBC2 ; this part of the code checks to see if we get a new life or not. DBD0: DC 46 LDD $46 ; read value of "bonus life every XYZ". See docs for $9846 and $9847 for info. DBD2: 27 38 BEQ $DC0C ; if 0, that means that earning bonus lives has been disabled, the arcade owner is money grabbing... goto $DC0C DBD4: 31 04 LEAY $0004,X ; Y = X + 4. Now Y points to p1_next_free_man (or if you're player 2, p2_next_free_man) DBD6: EC 84 LDD ,X ; read first 4 BCD digits of score DBD8: 10 A3 A4 CMPD ,Y ; compare to first 4 BCD digits of the score required to get a new life DBDB: 26 05 BNE $DBE2 ; if not the same, goto $DBE2 DBDD: EC 02 LDD $0002,X ; read last 4 BCD digits of score DBDF: 10 A3 22 CMPD $0002,Y ; compare to last 4 BCD digits of the score required to get a new life DBE2: 25 28 BCS $DC0C ; if lower, then you don't get a new life, sorry.. goto $DC0C ; If we get here, we are getting a bonus life. We need to calculate the score required to get the NEXT bonus life. DBE4: A6 22 LDA $0002,Y ; read the "thousands" part of the score required to get a bonus life - the score we just passed. DBE6: 9B 47 ADDA $47 DBE8: 19 DAA ; ensure the result is valid BCD. Carry will be set or cleared if required DBE9: A7 22 STA $0002,Y ; update the "thousands" part of the score required to get a bonus life. DBEB: A6 21 LDA $0001,Y ; DBED: 99 46 ADCA $46 DBEF: 19 DAA DBF0: A7 21 STA $0001,Y DBF2: A6 A4 LDA ,Y DBF4: 89 00 ADCA #$00 DBF6: 19 DAA DBF7: A7 A4 STA ,Y DBF9: CC D0 C9 LDD #$D0C9 ; address of sound info DBFC: BD D0 4B JSR $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority DBFF: BD D0 45 JSR $D045 ; JMP $D699 - get addr of current player game state into X DC02: 6C 08 INC $0008,X ; increment player lives DC04: BD 26 C9 JSR $26C9 ; JMP $34E0 - draw player lives remaining DC07: C6 05 LDB #$05 ; index to "extra men earned" entry in bookkeeping totals DC09: BD D0 BD JSR $D0BD ; JMP $D655 - increment bookkeeping total by 1 DC0C: 8D 03 BSR $DC11 ; draw player score DC0E: 35 76 PULS A,B,X,Y,U DC10: 39 RTS DC11: 96 3F LDA $3F ; read current player ; ; A = number of players ; DRAW_PLAYER_SCORES: DC13: C6 11 LDB #$11 ; colour to draw player score in DC15: 91 3F CMPA $3F ; compare to current player DC17: 26 02 BNE $DC1B DC19: C6 AA LDB #$AA ; colour to draw player score in DC1B: 34 02 PSHS A DC1D: D7 CF STB $CF ; save colour DC1F: 4A DECA ; decrement number of players by 1. DC20: 26 08 BNE $DC2A ; if the zero flag is not set, then this must be a 2 player game, goto $DC2A DC22: 8E 18 0E LDX #$180E ; blitter destination DC25: CE BD E4 LDU #p1_score DC28: 20 06 BRA $DC30 DC2A: 8E 58 0E LDX #$580E ; blitter destination DC2D: CE BE 20 LDU #p2_score DC30: CC 15 06 LDD #$1506 ; Width = 15, height = 6 DC33: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black DC36: 30 89 FD 00 LEAX $-300,X ; make X point to screen address 6 pixels to the left DC3A: 0F D6 CLR $D6 ; U = pointer to score to render DC3C: A6 C4 LDA ,U ; get millions part of score DC3E: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask off lower nibble DC40: BD 5F 9F JSR $5F9F ; JMP $6096 ; draw millions part of score DC43: A6 41 LDA $0001,U DC45: BD 5F 9F JSR $5F9F ; JMP $6096 ; draw hundred thousands part of score DC48: A6 42 LDA $0002,U DC4A: BD 5F 9F JSR $5F9F ; JMP $6096 ; draw thousands and hundreds part of score DC4D: 0C D6 INC $D6 DC4F: A6 43 LDA $0003,U DC51: BD 5F 9F JSR $5F9F ; JMP $6096 ; draw tens part of score DC54: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Interrupt handler ; ; Updates palette in game. ; Draws and updates spheroids, enforcers, sparks and player ; ; DC56: B6 C8 0E LDA rom_pia_datab DC59: 86 01 LDA #$01 DC5B: 9A 45 ORA $45 DC5D: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; change rom access state DC60: B6 CB 00 LDA vidctrs ; read beam counter (raster vertical position) DC63: 81 80 CMPA #$80 DC65: 25 32 BCS $DC99 ; if beam counter < #$80 (128 decimal) goto $DC99 DC67: 96 43 LDA $43 DC69: 26 20 BNE $DC8B DC6B: 0C 43 INC $43 DC6D: 0C 10 INC $10 DC6F: BD D3 E0 JSR $D3E0 ; play any sounds that need to be played DC72: BD 26 C0 JSR $26C0 DC75: B6 CB 00 LDA vidctrs ; read beam counter (raster vertical position) DC78: 7F CA 01 CLR blitter_mask DC7B: D6 45 LDB $45 DC7D: C5 02 BITB #$02 DC7F: 27 0C BEQ $DC8D DC81: 8B 10 ADDA #$10 ; add #$10 to the beam counter value in A DC83: 97 41 STA $41 ; and store in $9841 DC85: BD DC FF JSR $DCFF ; draw *and* move all spheroids, sparks, enforcers DC88: BD DD 4E JSR $DD4E ; draw player (version 1) DC8B: 20 54 BRA $DCE1 ; restore rom access state and return from interrupt DC8D: 80 10 SUBA #$10 ; substract #$10 from the beam counter value in A DC8F: 97 41 STA $41 ; and store in $9841 DC91: BD DD 90 JSR $DD90 ; draw *and* move all objects (version 2) DC94: BD DD 3E JSR $DD3E ; draw player (version 2) DC97: 20 48 BRA $DCE1 ; restore rom access state and return from interrupt DC99: D6 43 LDB $43 DC9B: 27 44 BEQ $DCE1 DC9D: 0F 43 CLR $43 DC9F: 0C 10 INC $10 DCA1: C6 39 LDB #$39 ; ensure watchdog doesn't reset DCA3: F7 CB FF STB watchdog DCA6: 81 04 CMPA #$04 DCA8: 22 1B BHI $DCC5 DCAA: CE C0 10 LDU #$C010 ; end of palette DCAD: DC 0A LDD $0A DCAF: 9E 0C LDX $0C DCB1: 10 9E 0E LDY $0E DCB4: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A ; set palette colours 15-10 DCB6: DC 04 LDD $04 DCB8: 9E 06 LDX $06 DCBA: 10 9E 08 LDY $08 DCBD: 36 36 PSHU Y,X,B,A ; set palette colours 9-4 DCBF: DC 00 LDD $00 DCC1: 9E 02 LDX $02 DCC3: 36 16 PSHU X,B,A ; set palette colours 3-0 DCC5: 0C 44 INC $44 DCC7: BD D4 4D JSR $D44D DCCA: 7F CA 01 CLR blitter_mask DCCD: D6 45 LDB $45 ; read rom state copy DCCF: C5 02 BITB #$02 DCD1: 27 08 BEQ $DCDB DCD3: BD DC E7 JSR $DCE7 ; draw all spheroids, sparks, enforcers (but does not move objects) version 1 DCD6: BD DD 3E JSR $DD3E ; draw player DCD9: 20 06 BRA $DCE1 ; restore rom write state and return from interrupt DCDB: BD DD 60 JSR $DD60 ; draw all spheroids, sparks, enforcers (but does not move objects) version 2 DCDE: BD DD 4E JSR $DD4E ; draw player DCE1: 96 45 LDA $45 DCE3: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl DCE6: 3B RTI ; return from interrupt ; ; Not all objects ; ; DRAW_ALL_SPHEROIDS_ENFORCERS_SPARKS_AND_TANK_SHELLS_BELOW_RASTER_BEAM: DCE7: 96 59 LDA $59 DCE9: 85 08 BITA #$08 DCEB: 26 11 BNE $DCFE DCED: 9E 17 LDX $17 DCEF: 27 0D BEQ $DCFE DCF1: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination DCF3: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; compare to beam counter value DCF5: 22 03 BHI $DCFA DCF7: BD DD CE JSR $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DCFA: AE 84 LDX ,X DCFC: 26 F3 BNE $DCF1 DCFE: 39 RTS ; This routine moves (that is to say, updates their X and Y coordinates) of all spheroids, enforcers, sparks and tank shells. ; In addition, it will draw them, but only if they have a Y coordinate *above* the current raster beam position. ; There's a near duplicate of this method at $DD90, the only difference with the other method is that it renders the baddies *below* the current raster beam position. ; ; This code's called from the interrupt routine, which is why these object types glide so smoothly. ; ; Thanks to Jim Bowley for seeing what I couldn't see in the enforcer movement routine. ; Also thanks to Eugene Jarvis, Larry DeMar for confirming what Jim thought!! Yes, the men themselves (Eugene via Eugene's wife.) Thanks very much. ; ; I (Scott) will try to explain this in plain English for the casual readers who are interested. ; ; You will notice in the code below references to $000E,X and $10,X. ; In an omnidirectional object like an enforcer or a spark, these fields are the horizontal and vertical movement deltas ; (= values to be repeatedly added to X and Y coordinates of an object) ; Yes, you could say they are vectors, if that makes things clearer. ; ; The deltas are comprised of 16 bits. ; The most significant byte, bits 15..8, is the *signed* integer part of the delta. This can be zero. Bit 15 set means delta is negative. ; The least significant byte, bits 7..0, is the FRACTIONAL part of the delta. Think of these as a fraction N/256. ; ; In this way you can represent a real number using a word value, as long as you are happy with the fractional part being in 1/256ths. ; ; Example: ; say you wanted to represent a delta of 0.5. You would set the most significant byte to 0, and least significant byte to #$80 (128 decimal, which is half of 256) ; ; the horizontal delta is added to the 16-bit current X coordinate of the object ($000A,X) and the result (including fractional part) is written back to $000A,X. ; If you add a negative delta to the X coordinate, the object will move left on the screen. ; If you add a positive delta to the X coordinate, the object will move right. ; ; The vertical delta is added to the 16-bit current Y coordinate of the object ($000C,X) and the result (including fractional part) is written back to $000C,X. ; If you add a negative delta to the Y coordinate, the object will move up. ; If you add a positive delta to the Y coordinate, the object will move down. ; ; After the additions are done the system then takes only the *most significant bytes* of the X and Y coordinates - NOT the full 16 bits - and uses ; them to form a memory address for the blitter to write to, which is held in $0004,X. ; ; MOVE_ALL_SPHEROIDS_ENFORCERS_SPARKS_AND_DRAW_IF_ABOVE_RASTER_BEAM: DCFF: 96 59 LDA $59 DD01: 85 08 BITA #$08 DD03: 26 72 BNE $DD77 DD05: 9E 17 LDX $17 ; get pointer to linked list of all spheroid, enforcer, spark objects into X DD07: 27 34 BEQ $DD3D ; if null, goto $DD3D DD09: EC 0A LDD $000A,X ; get X coordinate into D DD0B: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer into U DD0D: E3 0E ADDD $000E,X ; add X delta DD0F: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; at leftmost of playfield area? DD11: 25 0A BCS $DD1D ; <7, so yes, invalid coordinate, do not update X coordinate and goto $DD1D DD13: AB C4 ADDA ,U ; add width of animation frame (remember first byte of animation frame metadata is width) DD15: 81 90 CMPA #$90 ; > #$90 (144 decimal) ? DD17: 22 04 BHI $DD1D ; yes, invalid coordinate, do not update X coordinate and goto $DD1D DD19: A0 C4 SUBA ,U DD1B: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; update X coordinate with D ; now do Y coordinate part DD1D: EC 0C LDD $000C,X ; get Y coordinate into D. A = whole part, B = fractional part DD1F: E3 88 10 ADDD $10,X ; add Y delta DD22: 81 18 CMPA #$18 ; at topmost of playfield area? (#$18 = 24 decimal) DD24: 25 0A BCS $DD30 ; <#$18, so yes, invalid coordinate, do not update Y coordinate and goto $DD30 DD26: AB 41 ADDA $0001,U ; add height of animation frame (second byte of animation frame metadata is height) DD28: 81 EB CMPA #$EB ; at bottom-most of playfield area? (235 decimal) DD2A: 22 04 BHI $DD30 ; if higher than #$EB then invalid coordinate, do not update Y coordinate and goto $DD30 DD2C: A0 41 SUBA $0001,U DD2E: ED 0C STD $000C,X ; update Y coordinate with D DD30: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination into D DD32: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; "if vertical part of blitter destination is <= beam counter variable, do not draw object"" DD34: 23 03 BLS $DD39 DD36: BD DD CE JSR $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DD39: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get pointer to next object DD3B: 26 CC BNE $DD09 ; if not null goto $DD09 DD3D: 39 RTS DRAW_PLAYER_IF_ABOVE_RASTER_BEAM: DD3E: 96 59 LDA $59 DD40: 85 10 BITA #$10 DD42: 26 09 BNE $DD4D DD44: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start DD47: DC 5E LDD $5E ; player blitter destination DD49: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; compare to beam counter vertical value DD4B: 23 11 BLS $DD5E ; draw player DD4D: 39 RTS DRAW_PLAYER_IF_BELOW_RASTER_BEAM: DD4E: 96 59 LDA $59 DD50: 85 10 BITA #$10 DD52: 26 F9 BNE $DD4D DD54: 8E 98 5A LDX #$985A ; player_object_start DD57: DC 5E LDD $5E ; player blitter destination DD59: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; compare to beam counter vertical value DD5B: 22 71 BHI $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DD5D: 39 RTS DD5E: 20 6E BRA $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DRAW_ALL_SPHEROIDS_ENFORCERS_SPARKS_AND_TANK_SHELLS_ABOVE_RASTER_BEAM: DD60: 96 59 LDA $59 DD62: 85 08 BITA #$08 DD64: 26 10 BNE $DD76 DD66: 9E 17 LDX $17 DD68: 27 0C BEQ $DD76 DD6A: EC 04 LDD $0004,X DD6C: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; compare to beam counter vertical value DD6E: 23 02 BLS $DD72 DD70: 8D 5C BSR $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DD72: AE 84 LDX ,X DD74: 26 F4 BNE $DD6A DD76: 39 RTS DRAW_ALL_SPHEROIDS_ENFORCERS_SPARKS_AND_TANK_SHELLS: DD77: 96 59 LDA $59 DD79: 85 02 BITA #$02 DD7B: 26 12 BNE $DD8F DD7D: 96 44 LDA $44 DD7F: 84 07 ANDA #$07 DD81: 26 0C BNE $DD8F DD83: 9E 17 LDX $17 DD85: 27 08 BEQ $DD8F DD87: EC 04 LDD $0004,X DD89: 8D 43 BSR $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DD8B: AE 84 LDX ,X DD8D: 26 F8 BNE $DD87 DD8F: 39 RTS ; This routine is pretty much a copy of $DCFF - with one difference. The baddies will only be rendered ; if they are *below* the current raster beam position. ; ; MOVE_ALL_SPHEROIDS_ENFORCERS_SPARKS_AND_DRAW_IF_BELOW_RASTER_BEAM: DD90: 96 59 LDA $59 DD92: 85 08 BITA #$08 DD94: 26 E1 BNE $DD77 DD96: 9E 17 LDX $17 ; get pointer to all spheroids, enforcers, sparks into X DD98: 27 33 BEQ $DDCD ; if null, goto $DDCD DD9A: EC 0A LDD $000A,X ; get X coordinate into D DD9C: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; get animation frame metadata pointer into U DD9E: E3 0E ADDD $000E,X ; add X delta DDA0: 81 07 CMPA #$07 ; at leftmost of playfield area? DDA2: 25 0A BCS $DDAE ; <7, so yes, invalid coordinate, do not update X coordinate and goto $DDAE DDA4: AB C4 ADDA ,U ; add width of animation frame (remember first byte of animation frame metadata is width) DDA6: 81 90 CMPA #$90 ; > #$90 (144 decimal) ? DDA8: 22 04 BHI $DDAE ; yes, invalid coordinate, do not update X coordinate and goto $DDAE DDAA: A0 C4 SUBA ,U DDAC: ED 0A STD $000A,X ; update X coordinate with D ; now do Y coordinate part DDAE: EC 0C LDD $000C,X ; get Y coordinate into D DDB0: E3 88 10 ADDD $10,X ; add Y delta DDB3: 81 18 CMPA #$18 ; at topmost of playfield area? (#$18 = 24 decimal) DDB5: 25 0A BCS $DDC1 ; <#$18, so yes, invalid coordinate, do not update Y coordinate and goto $DDC1 DDB7: AB 41 ADDA $0001,U ; add height of animation frame (second byte of animation frame metadata is height) DDB9: 81 EB CMPA #$EB ; at bottom-most of playfield area? (235 decimal) DDBB: 22 04 BHI $DDC1 ; if higher than #$EB then invalid coordinate, do not update Y coordinate and goto $DD30 DDBD: A0 41 SUBA $0001,U DDBF: ED 0C STD $000C,X ; update Y coordinate with D DDC1: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; get blitter destination into D DDC3: D1 41 CMPB $41 ; "if vertical part of blitter destination is > beam counter variable, do not draw object"" DDC5: 22 02 BHI $DDC9 DDC7: 8D 05 BSR $DDCE ; erase then redraw object DDC9: AE 84 LDX ,X ; get pointer to next object DDCB: 26 CD BNE $DD9A ; if not null goto $DD9A DDCD: 39 RTS ; Erase object's old image at old X,Y coordinates, then blit current image at current X, Y coordinates. ; ; Expects: ; D = "old" blitter destination of object (screen address where erasing will begin) ; X = pointer to object (grunt, etc.) to be re-drawn ; ERASE_THEN_REDRAW_OBJECT: DDCE: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DDD1: EE 88 14 LDU $14,X ; get pointer to previous animation frame metadata into U DDD4: 37 26 PULU A,B,Y ; A= width, B = height, Y = pointer to actual image DDD6: 88 04 EORA #$04 DDD8: C8 04 EORB #$04 DDDA: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h DDDD: 10 BF CA 02 STY blitter_source DDE1: 86 1A LDA #$1A ; solid mode, transparency DDE3: E6 88 12 LDB $12,X ; read flag to see if image needs shifted one pixel right (bit 7 = yes) DDE6: 2A 02 BPL $DDEA DDE8: 8A 20 ORA #$20 ; shift image one pixel to right DDEA: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DDED: A6 0A LDA $000A,X ; A = X coordinate (whole part) DDEF: E6 0C LDB $000C,X ; B = Y coordinate DDF1: ED 04 STD $0004,X ; blitter destination = D DDF3: FD CA 04 STD blitter_dest DDF6: EE 02 LDU $0002,X ; U = current animation frame metadata pointer DDF8: EF 88 14 STU $14,X ; set previous animation frame metadata pointer (previous = current) DDFB: EC 42 LDD $0002,U ; D = pointer to actual image to blit DDFD: FD CA 02 STD blitter_source DE00: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; transparency mode DE02: E6 0B LDB $000B,X DE04: E7 88 12 STB $12,X ; set flag to see if image needs to be shifted right one pixel DE07: 2A 02 BPL $DE0B DE09: 8A 20 ORA #$20 ; shift image one pixel to right DE0B: B7 CA 00 STA start_blitter DE0E: 39 RTS ; ; Tests for pixels within a rectangle. ; This function is called to ensure it's "safe" to place an object at a given position. ; ; For example, at $38DC the grunt initialisation routine calls this function to ensure that no grunts are placed ; directly on top of electrodes that would kill them instantly. See also $393C ; ; A = width of rectangle ; B = height of rectangle ; U = screen position representing top left of rectangle ; ; Returns: Z flag is zero if no pixels detected in rectangle TEST_FOR_PIXELS_WITHIN_RECTANGLE: DE0F: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A DE11: 8E DA 05 LDX #$DA05 DE14: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; save height and width on the stack DE16: C6 FE LDB #$FE DE18: D4 45 ANDB $45 DE1A: D7 45 STB $45 DE1C: F7 C9 00 STB rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; turn off ROM to allow reads from screen RAM DE1F: 5F CLRB DE20: 6A 61 DEC $0001,S ; decrement height (B) by 1 on the stack DE22: A6 61 LDA $0001,S ; get adjusted height into A DE24: EA C6 ORB A,U ; B = B | *(U+A) - basically get values of pixels and OR them into B DE26: 4A DECA ; decrement height counter DE27: 2A FB BPL $DE24 ; if a>=0 goto $DE24 ; At this point B holds a value which if non-zero means there are some pixels DE29: 86 37 LDA #$37 DE2B: 33 C9 01 00 LEAU $0100,U ; bump U to point to next pixel to the right of previous DE2F: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; decrement width counter DE31: 26 EF BNE $DE22 ; if width counter !=0 then goto DE22 ; at this point B is either non-zero (meaning some pixels were found) or zero (meaning no pixels were found) ; this looks to me like security code, to make the game behave unpredictably. DE33: A1 89 BE EE CMPA -$4112,X ; compare A to *$98EE DE37: 27 12 BEQ $DE4B DE39: 96 86 LDA $86 ; read a random number DE3B: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; is number > 1 ? DE3D: 22 0C BHI $DE4B ; if higher than 1 goto $DE4B (normal service is resumed) ; haha, looks like this piece of code is trying to corrupt some fields in the object state!!! DE3F: 34 04 PSHS B DE41: D6 85 LDB $85 DE43: 86 98 LDA #$98 ; to form address #$98xx where B register = xx DE45: 1F 01 TFR D,X DE47: 6A 84 DEC ,X ; ouch! change the value in *X - who knows what this will break? DE49: 35 04 PULS B DE4B: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; enable ROM again DE4D: 9A 45 ORA $45 DE4F: 97 45 STA $45 DE51: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl DE54: 5D TSTB ; set zero flag according to B. if B is non zero (meaning, there are pixels found) then Z flag = 0 DE55: 32 62 LEAS $0002,S ; discard B and A pushed on stack at $DE14 DE57: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; X = source screen address ; Y = destination screen address ; A = width (in bytes. Remember in Robotron, 2 pixels per byte.) ; B = height in pixels ; COPY_FROM_SCREEN_RAM_TO_RAM: DE59: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A DE5B: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A DE5D: D6 45 LDB $45 ; get field containing current rom_enable_scr_ctrl state DE5F: C4 FE ANDB #$FE ; clear bit 0 DE61: D7 45 STB $45 DE63: F7 C9 00 STB rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; switch ROM out, so we can access screen RAM. We can now do screen RAM to screen RAM copy DE66: E6 84 LDB ,X DE68: E7 A0 STB ,Y+ DE6A: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; move to next pixel pair horizontally in source DE6E: 4A DECA ; decrement counter for how many bytes to do horizontally DE6F: 26 F5 BNE $DE66 DE71: AE 62 LDX $0002,S ; restore X from stack (pushed at $DE5B) DE73: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; add 1 to X to move to next pixel row down DE75: AF 62 STX $0002,S ; update X on stack DE77: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; restore counter for how many bytes to do horizontally DE79: 6A 61 DEC $0001,S ; decrement counter for how many bytes to do vertically DE7B: 26 E9 BNE $DE66 DE7D: 32 64 LEAS $0004,S ; discard items pushed on stack at $DE5B DE7F: 96 45 LDA $45 DE81: 8A 01 ORA #$01 DE83: 97 45 STA $45 DE85: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; restore rom_enable_scr_ctrl state, now rom is switched in again DE88: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) DE8A: ROBOTRON: 2084 (TM) COPYRIGHT DEAA: 1982 WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. DECA: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEDE: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DEEE: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DEFE: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DF0E: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DF1E: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DF2E: FF FF FF FF FF FF 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A FF FF FF DF3E: FF FF ; ; Called by $77E7 ; ; DF40: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address off stack into D DF42: DE 15 LDU $15 DF44: ED C8 19 STD $19,U ; save return address DF47: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function DF4A: E2 6F ; pointer to function DF4C: BD E1 E3 JSR $E1E3 DF4F: 86 99 LDA #$99 DF51: 97 D8 STA $D8 DF53: 86 CC LDA #$CC DF55: 97 D9 STA $D9 DF57: 10 8E CF 6E LDY #$CF6E DF5B: DE 15 LDU $15 DF5D: 86 07 LDA #$07 DF5F: A7 47 STA $0007,U DF61: CC 05 02 LDD #$0502 DF64: ED 48 STD $0008,U DF66: CC 09 34 LDD #$0934 DF69: ED 4A STD $000A,U DF6B: 86 01 LDA #$01 DF6D: A7 4D STA $000D,U DF6F: 8E 1A 35 LDX #$1A35 DF72: BD E0 5C JSR $E05C DF75: 86 AA LDA #$AA DF77: 97 D8 STA $D8 DF79: 86 DD LDA #$DD DF7B: 97 D9 STA $D9 DF7D: 10 8E CD 5A LDY #$CD5A DF81: BD E0 E9 JSR $E0E9 DF84: 8E CD 5E LDX #$CD5E DF87: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 DF8A: 30 1C LEAX $-4,X DF8C: 81 3A CMPA #$3A DF8E: 26 05 BNE $DF95 DF90: 8C CD 38 CMPX #$CD38 DF93: 24 F2 BCC $DF87 DF95: 30 02 LEAX $0002,X DF97: 34 10 PSHS X DF99: 8E 15 7A LDX #$157A DF9C: 86 31 LDA #$31 DF9E: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFA1: 86 5C LDA #$5C DFA3: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFA6: 30 89 03 00 LEAX $0300,X DFAA: 10 8E CD 38 LDY #$CD38 DFAE: 1E 12 EXG X,Y DFB0: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 DFB3: 1E 12 EXG X,Y DFB5: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFB8: 10 AC E4 CMPY ,S DFBB: 23 F1 BLS $DFAE DFBD: 30 89 02 00 LEAX $0200,X DFC1: 10 8E CD 60 LDY #score_chksum DFC5: BD E1 37 JSR $E137 DFC8: 9F 2B STX $2B DFCA: 8E CC 16 LDX #$CC16 DFCD: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 DFD0: 81 03 CMPA #$03 DFD2: 27 23 BEQ $DFF7 DFD4: 9E 2B LDX $2B DFD6: 30 89 05 00 LEAX $0500,X DFDA: 86 5B LDA #$5B DFDC: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFDF: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score DFE3: C6 03 LDB #$03 DFE5: 1E 12 EXG X,Y DFE7: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 DFEA: 1E 12 EXG X,Y DFEC: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFEF: 5A DECB DFF0: 26 F3 BNE $DFE5 DFF2: 86 5C LDA #$5C DFF4: BD 5F 93 JSR $5F93 ; JMP $6023 - call BLIT_LARGE_CHARACTER DFF7: DE 15 LDU $15 DFF9: 86 05 LDA #$05 DFFB: A7 47 STA $0007,U DFFD: CC 0C 03 LDD #$0C03 E000: ED 48 STD $0008,U E002: CC 07 28 LDD #$0728 E005: ED 4A STD $000A,U E007: 86 02 LDA #$02 E009: A7 4D STA $000D,U E00B: 8E 14 88 LDX #$1488 E00E: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E012: 8D 48 BSR $E05C E014: 86 6E LDA #$6E E016: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E019: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function E01C: E2 E0 ; pointer to function E01E: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function E021: E2 9A ; pointer to function E023: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function E026: E2 E9 ; pointer to function E028: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function E02B: E2 F5 ; pointer to function E02D: DE 15 LDU $15 E02F: 86 C8 LDA #$C8 E031: A7 47 STA $0007,U E033: 86 03 LDA #$03 E035: 8E E0 3B LDX #$E03B E038: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E03B: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U E03D: 26 F4 BNE $E033 E03F: 86 FF LDA #$FF E041: A7 47 STA $0007,U E043: 86 04 LDA #$04 E045: 8E E0 4B LDX #$E04B E048: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E04B: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab E04E: 84 03 ANDA #$03 E050: BA C8 04 ORA widget_pia_dataa E053: 27 04 BEQ $E059 E055: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U E057: 26 EA BNE $E043 E059: 6E D8 19 JMP [$19,U] E05C: 35 06 PULS A,B E05E: DE 15 LDU $15 E060: ED C8 12 STD $12,U E063: AF C8 16 STX $16,U E066: AF 4E STX $000E,U E068: 10 AF C8 10 STY $10,U E06C: A6 48 LDA $0008,U E06E: A7 4C STA $000C,U E070: 86 04 LDA #$04 E072: A7 C8 18 STA $18,U E075: AE 4E LDX $000E,U E077: 10 AE C8 10 LDY $10,U E07B: 8D 6C BSR $E0E9 E07D: E6 4D LDB $000D,U E07F: 86 6F LDA #$6F E081: BD E1 6E JSR $E16E E084: 34 10 PSHS X E086: C6 03 LDB #$03 E088: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E08A: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E08D: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E08F: BD E1 84 JSR $E184 E092: 5A DECB E093: 26 F3 BNE $E088 E095: 35 10 PULS X E097: A6 47 LDA $0007,U E099: C6 03 LDB #$03 E09B: 3D MUL E09C: 54 LSRB E09D: 5C INCB E09E: 1F 98 TFR B,A E0A0: E6 47 LDB $0007,U E0A2: C1 05 CMPB #$05 E0A4: 26 01 BNE $E0A7 E0A6: 4C INCA E0A7: 5F CLRB E0A8: 30 8B LEAX D,X E0AA: BD E1 37 JSR $E137 E0AD: A6 4D LDA $000D,U E0AF: 8B 01 ADDA #$01 E0B1: 19 DAA E0B2: A7 4D STA $000D,U E0B4: 1F 10 TFR X,D E0B6: A6 C8 16 LDA $16,U E0B9: EB 4A ADDB $000A,U E0BB: 1F 01 TFR D,X E0BD: 6A 4C DEC $000C,U E0BF: 27 13 BEQ $E0D4 E0C1: 6A C8 18 DEC $18,U E0C4: 26 B5 BNE $E07B E0C6: AF 4E STX $000E,U E0C8: 10 AF C8 10 STY $10,U E0CC: 86 01 LDA #$01 E0CE: 8E E0 70 LDX #$E070 E0D1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E0D4: EC C8 16 LDD $16,U E0D7: AB 4B ADDA $000B,U E0D9: A7 C8 16 STA $16,U E0DC: 1F 01 TFR D,X E0DE: A6 48 LDA $0008,U E0E0: A7 4C STA $000C,U E0E2: 6A 49 DEC $0009,U E0E4: 26 DB BNE $E0C1 E0E6: 6E D8 12 JMP [$12,U] ; ; ; called by $DF81 ; ; ; Y = ; $D8 = ; $D9 = ; ; E0E9: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A E0EB: 31 26 LEAY $0006,Y E0ED: 8E BD E4 LDX #p1_score E0F0: 8D 1C BSR $E10E E0F2: 27 0C BEQ $E100 E0F4: D6 40 LDB $40 ; read number of players E0F6: 5A DECB ; reduce by 1 E0F7: 27 0F BEQ $E108 ; if 0, meaning we're in a 1 player game, goto $E108 E0F9: 8E BE 20 LDX #p2_score E0FC: 8D 10 BSR $E10E E0FE: 26 08 BNE $E108 E100: 8D 23 BSR $E125 E102: 27 04 BEQ $E108 E104: 96 D9 LDA $D9 E106: 20 02 BRA $E10A E108: 96 D8 LDA $D8 E10A: 97 CF STA $CF E10C: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; X = pointer to score ; E10E: 34 20 PSHS Y E110: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E112: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E115: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E117: C6 04 LDB #$04 E119: A1 A0 CMPA ,Y+ E11B: 26 06 BNE $E123 E11D: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E120: 5A DECB E121: 26 F6 BNE $E119 E123: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E125: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y E127: 30 2E LEAX $000E,Y E129: C6 07 LDB #$07 E12B: A6 80 LDA ,X+ E12D: A8 A0 EORA ,Y+ E12F: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E131: 26 03 BNE $E136 E133: 5A DECB E134: 26 F5 BNE $E12B E136: 39 RTS E137: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E139: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E13C: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B E13F: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E141: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E143: 26 07 BNE $E14C E145: 5D TSTB E146: 26 04 BNE $E14C E148: 86 63 LDA #$63 E14A: 20 0D BRA $E159 E14C: 34 20 PSHS Y E14E: 1F 02 TFR D,Y E150: 86 62 LDA #$62 E152: BD E1 6E JSR $E16E E155: 35 20 PULS Y E157: 86 2A LDA #$2A E159: 34 02 PSHS A E15B: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E15D: BD D0 A8 JSR $D0A8 ; JMP $D521 - pack 4 bytes at X into D E160: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E162: 34 20 PSHS Y E164: 1F 02 TFR D,Y E166: A6 62 LDA $0002,S E168: 8D 04 BSR $E16E E16A: 35 20 PULS Y E16C: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E16E: 34 52 PSHS U,X,A E170: 8E 5F 99 LDX #JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E173: A6 47 LDA $0007,U E175: 81 07 CMPA #$07 E177: 27 03 BEQ $E17C E179: 8E 5F 96 LDX #$5F96 E17C: 1F 13 TFR X,U E17E: 35 12 PULS A,X E180: AD C4 JSR ,U ; JMP $613F: print string in small font E182: 35 C0 PULS U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E184: 34 52 PSHS U,X,A E186: 8E 5F 93 LDX #$5F93 E189: A6 47 LDA $0007,U E18B: 81 07 CMPA #$07 E18D: 27 ED BEQ $E17C E18F: 8E 5F 90 LDX #$5F90 E192: 20 E8 BRA $E17C E194: ROBOTRON: 2084 COPYRIGHT 1982 E1B4: WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS INC. ALL R E1D4: IGHTS RESERVED ; TODO: This is the colour tunnel effect before showing Robotron Heroes page ; ; Called by $DF4C ; E1E3: 35 06 PULS A,B ; pull function return address off stack into D E1E5: DE 15 LDU $15 E1E7: ED 4F STD $000F,U E1E9: 8E 98 00 LDX #$9800 ; zero RAM colour palette.. E1EC: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 E1EF: ED 81 STD ,X++ E1F1: 8C 98 10 CMPX #$9810 E1F4: 25 F9 BCS $E1EF ; E1F6: 8E 06 0D LDX #$060D E1F9: AF C8 17 STX $17,U E1FC: 86 11 LDA #$11 E1FE: A7 C8 15 STA $15,U E201: 8E 3E 7D LDX #$3E7D E204: AF C8 11 STX $11,U E207: 10 8E 59 7F LDY #$597F E20B: 10 AF C8 13 STY $13,U E20F: 86 02 LDA #$02 E211: A7 C8 16 STA $16,U E214: AE C8 11 LDX $11,U E217: 10 AE C8 13 LDY $13,U E21B: A6 C8 15 LDA $15,U E21E: BD E3 13 JSR $E313 E221: AC C8 17 CPX $17,U E224: 27 32 BEQ $E258 E226: 30 89 FE FE LEAX $-0102,X E22A: 31 A9 01 02 LEAY $0102,Y E22E: 8D 17 BSR $E247 E230: 6A C8 16 DEC $16,U E233: 26 E9 BNE $E21E E235: A7 C8 15 STA $15,U E238: AF C8 11 STX $11,U E23B: 10 AF C8 13 STY $13,U E23F: 86 01 LDA #$01 E241: 8E E2 0F LDX #$E20F E244: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E247: 34 04 PSHS B E249: E6 C8 17 LDB $17,U E24C: C1 06 CMPB #$06 E24E: 26 06 BNE $E256 E250: 80 11 SUBA #$11 E252: 26 02 BNE $E256 E254: 86 88 LDA #$88 E256: 35 84 PULS B,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E258: AE C8 17 LDX $17,U E25B: 8C 06 0D CMPX #$060D E25E: 27 03 BEQ $E263 E260: 6E D8 0F JMP [$0F,U] E263: 8E 0E 1D LDX #$0E1D E266: AF C8 17 STX $17,U E269: 6F C8 15 CLR $15,U E26C: 7E E2 01 JMP $E201 E26F: 8E E2 FE LDX #$E2FE E272: A6 80 LDA ,X+ E274: 8D 13 BSR $E289 E276: AF 47 STX $0007,U E278: 86 03 LDA #$03 E27A: 8E E2 80 LDX #$E280 E27D: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E280: AE 47 LDX $0007,U E282: 8C E3 13 CMPX #$E313 E285: 25 EB BCS $E272 E287: 20 E6 BRA $E26F ; ; move colour palette from $9802 to $9809, to $9801 to $9808 ; E289: 10 8E 98 01 LDY #$9801 E28D: E6 21 LDB $0001,Y E28F: E7 A0 STB ,Y+ E291: 10 8C 98 08 CMPY #$9808 E295: 25 F6 BCS $E28D E297: A7 A4 STA ,Y E299: 39 RTS E29A: 10 8E 98 0A LDY #$980A E29E: 8E E2 C2 LDX #$E2C2 E2A1: CC E2 C2 LDD #$E2C2 E2A4: ED 4B STD $000B,U E2A6: 10 AF 49 STY $0009,U E2A9: 20 02 BRA $E2AD E2AB: AE 4B LDX $000B,U E2AD: AF 47 STX $0007,U E2AF: AE 47 LDX $0007,U E2B1: A6 80 LDA ,X+ E2B3: 27 F6 BEQ $E2AB E2B5: A7 D8 09 STA [$09,U] E2B8: AF 47 STX $0007,U E2BA: 86 04 LDA #$04 E2BC: 8E E2 AF LDX #$E2AF E2BF: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E2C2: 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 57 A7 FF FF A7 57 00 FF E2D2: FF FF FF FF FF FF E4 D2 C0 C0 C0 D2 E4 E2DF: 00 8E NEG $8E E2E1: E2 C9 10 8E SBCB $108E,U E2E5: 98 09 EORA $09 E2E7: 20 B8 BRA $E2A1 E2E9: 8E E2 D8 LDX #$E2D8 E2EC: 10 8E 98 0C LDY #$980C E2F0: CC E2 D1 LDD #$E2D1 E2F3: 20 AF BRA $E2A4 E2F5: 8E E2 D1 LDX #$E2D1 E2F8: 10 8E 98 0D LDY #$980D E2FC: 20 F2 BRA $E2F0 E2FE: 37 2F 27 1F 17 47 47 87 87 C7 C7 C6 C5 CC CB CA E30E: C0 D0 98 38 33 ; A = ; X = ; Y = ; U = E313: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A E316: DE 15 LDA $15 E317: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 E319: A7 4B STA $000B,U ; store FIRST pixel colour pair to write to screen (remember, 1 byte of screen memory holds 2 pixels in Robotron hardware) E31B: A6 E4 LDA ,S ; read A as it was pushed on the stack E31D: 84 0F ANDA #$0F ; mask in bits 0..3. Bits 4-7 are discarded, so only right pixel colour is preserved E31F: A7 4C STA $000C,U ; store SECOND pixel colour pair to write to screen E321: 1F 10 TFR X,D E323: A7 49 STA $0009,U ; store X coordinate for left of tunnel section being drawn E325: E7 47 STB $0007,U ; store Y coordinate for top of tunnel section being drawn E327: 1F 20 TFR Y,D E329: A7 4A STA $000A,U ; store X coordinate for right of tunnel section being drawn E32B: E7 48 STB $0008,U ; store Y coordinate for bottom of tunnel section being drawn E32D: E0 47 SUBB $0007,U E32F: 56 RORB E330: 24 02 BCC $E334 E332: 6A 48 DEC $0008,U E334: A6 47 LDA $0007,U ; get y coordinate of top of "tunnel" E336: 8D 3B BSR $E373 ; draw horizontal line using FIRST colour pair E338: 4C INCA E339: 8D 4A BSR $E385 ; draw horizontal line using SECOND colour pair E33B: A6 48 LDA $0008,U ; get y coordinate of bottom of tunnel E33D: 8D 34 BSR $E373 ; draw horizontal line using FIRST colour pair E33F: 4A DECA E340: 8D 43 BSR $E385 ; draw horizontal line using SECOND colour pair E342: A6 49 LDA $0009,U ; get x coordinate of left of tunnel E344: 8D 0B BSR $E351 ; draw hatched vertical line using FIRST colour pair E346: 8D 17 BSR $E35F ; draw hatched vertical line using SECOND colour pair E348: A6 4A LDA $000A,U ; get x coordinate of right of tunnel E34A: 8D 05 BSR $E351 ; draw hatched vertical line using FIRST colour pair E34C: 4A DECA E34D: 8D 10 BSR $E35F ; draw hatched vertical line using SECOND colour pair E34F: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) DRAW_HATCHED_VERTICAL_LINE_USING_FIRST_COLOUR_PAIR: E351: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A E353: 8D 14 BSR $E369 E355: 5C INCB E356: A6 4B LDA $000B,U ; read pixel pair value E358: A7 81 STA ,X++ ; write pixel pair, and increment X by 2, skipping a pixel vertically (making it look like a "hatched" line) E35A: 5A DECB E35B: 26 FB BNE $E358 E35D: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) DRAW_HATCHED_VERTICAL_LINE_USING_SECOND_COLOUR_PAIR: E35F: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A E361: 8D 06 BSR $E369 E363: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; X++ . Bump X to point to next pixel pair down vertically E365: A6 4C LDA $000C,U ; A = alternate pixel pair value E367: 20 EF BRA $E358 ; ; Returns: ; X = screen memory address to begin drawing vertical line from ; B = number of pixels to draw vertically ; GET_SCREEN_ADDRESS_AND_HEIGHT_VERTICAL: E369: E6 47 LDB $0007,U ; get Y coordinate for top of tunnel section to be drawn E36B: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X now = screen memory address to start writing to E36D: E6 48 LDB $0008,U ; get Y coordinate for bottom of tunnel section to be drawn E36F: E0 47 SUBB $0007,U ; subtract Y coordinate of top of tunnel section E371: 54 LSRB ; divide result by 2 E372: 39 RTS ; Expects: ; A = Y coordinate of line ; DRAW_HORIZONTAL_LINE_USING_FIRST_COLOUR_PAIR: E373: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A E375: 8D 16 BSR $E38D E377: 5C INCB E378: A6 4B LDA $000B,U ; read FIRST colour pair value E37A: A7 84 STA ,X ; write pixels to screen E37C: 30 89 01 00 LEAX $0100,X ; bump X to point to next pixel pair to right E380: 5A DECB ; decrement counter of pixel pairs to write E381: 26 F7 BNE $E37A ; if counter is nonzero, goto $E37A E383: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) DRAW_HORIZONTAL_LINE_USING_SECOND_COLOUR_PAIR: E385: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A E387: 8D 04 BSR $E38D E389: A6 4C LDA $000C,U ; read SECOND colour pair value E38B: 20 ED BRA $E37A ; ; A = ; ; Returns: ; X = screen memory address to begin drawing horizontal line from ; B = number of pixels to draw horizontally E38D: 1F 89 TFR A,B E38F: A6 49 LDA $0009,U E391: 1F 01 TFR D,X E393: E6 4A LDB $000A,U E395: E0 49 SUBB $0009,U E397: 39 RTS E398: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E3A8: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E3B8: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E3C8: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF CHECK_CMOS1: E3D0: 7E E5 F5 JMP CHECK_CMOS GET_INITIALS1: E3D3: 7E E6 F7 JMP GET_INITIALS E3D6: 7E E8 A5 JMP $E8A5 E3D9: 7E E4 33 JMP $E433 E3DC: 7E E4 13 JMP $E413 E3DF: 7E E3 E2 JMP $E3E2 E3E2: 86 18 LDA #$18 ; set countdown for how long user has to hold down high score reset E3E4: A7 47 STA $0007,U E3E6: 86 3F LDA #$3F E3E8: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab E3EB: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; delay before calling function E3ED: 8E E3 F3 LDX #$E3F3 ; address of function to call E3F0: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call HI_SCORE_RESET_BUTTON_HANDLER: E3F3: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa E3F6: 85 08 BITA #$08 ; High score reset button pressed? E3F8: 27 16 BEQ $E410 ; no E3FA: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown, so that the user has to hold down the button to force a reset E3FC: 26 ED BNE $E3EB E3FE: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E402: 8E E4 6C LDX #$E46C ; address of "default" high scores E405: C6 17 LDB #$17 E407: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E40A: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E40D: 7F C8 0E CLR rom_pia_datab E410: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task E413: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E417: C6 08 LDB #$08 E419: BD E5 E3 JSR $E5E3 E41C: A8 26 EORA $0006,Y E41E: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E420: 27 03 BEQ $E425 E422: 5A DECB E423: 27 0E BEQ $E433 E425: 86 39 LDA #$39 E427: B7 CB FF STA watchdog E42A: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E42C: 10 8C CF 6E CMPY #$CF6E E430: 25 E7 BCS $E419 E432: 39 RTS ; ; ; RESET_HI_SCORE_TABLE: E433: 86 39 LDA #$39 E435: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy E438: 8E E4 6C LDX #$E46C E43B: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E43F: C6 92 LDB #$92 E441: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E444: 8E E4 FE LDX #$E4FE E447: 10 8E CE 56 LDY #$CE56 E44B: C6 8C LDB #$8C E44D: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E450: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E453: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E457: BD E5 DB JSR $E5DB E45A: 86 39 LDA #$39 E45C: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog happy E45F: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E461: 10 8C CF 6E CMPY #$CF6E E465: 25 F0 BCS $E457 E467: 86 5D LDA #$5D ; index of HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET text string E469: 7E 5F 99 JMP JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 ; The high score table! E46C: BILWILLY:ELKTRIX:::::::VID E48C: !EKID!5DRJ!'LEDEPJUJE E4AC: RPKID MLGSSRfEUNAf E4CC: 5JRSRPCJMAKJF0 MRS 5PGD E4EC: NJM eNHD ` E4FE: DON VIV GWWCRB UMDR E51E: ueBACrVW:RppMPT``SUEU M E53E: OMD DADDySFDDxAKDDwCWK E55E: 30TMH2pEJS1 RAY0eGAY)eRK E57E: M(UCNS'U E58A: 3A 3A 3A 00 01 00 00 C0 01 01 1B 01 01 02 00 C0 E59A: 01 FF 3C 01 FF 00 01 20 00 01 C0 36 01 60 3D 02 E5AA: 0A 11 02 40 3E 00 E5B0: 34 34 PSHS Y,X,B E5B2: 8E E5 8A LDX #$E58A E5B5: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; B = count of bytes to copy E5B7: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E5BA: 35 B4 PULS B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CHKSUM_SCORES: E5BC: 34 02 PSHS A E5BE: 8D 05 BSR $E5C5 E5C0: B7 CD 60 STA score_chksum E5C3: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E5C5: 34 10 PSHS X E5C7: 8E CD 32 LDX #top_score E5CA: 4F CLRA E5CB: AB 84 ADDA ,X ; E5CD: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X ; X++ E5CF: 8C CD 60 CMPX #score_chksum E5D2: 27 F9 BEQ $E5CD E5D4: 8C CD 68 CMPX #high_scores E5D7: 26 F2 BNE $E5CB E5D9: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E5DB: 34 02 PSHS A E5DD: 8D 04 BSR $E5E3 E5DF: A7 26 STA $0006,Y E5E1: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E5E3: 34 24 PSHS Y,B E5E5: C6 0E LDB #$0E E5E7: 4F CLRA E5E8: C1 08 CMPB #$08 E5EA: 27 02 BEQ $E5EE E5EC: AB A4 ADDA ,Y E5EE: 31 21 LEAY $0001,Y E5F0: 5A DECB E5F1: 26 F5 BNE $E5E8 E5F3: 35 A4 PULS B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CHECK_CMOS: E5F5: 86 32 LDA #$32 E5F7: 34 02 PSHS A E5F9: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E5FD: 8D E4 BSR $E5E3 E5FF: A8 26 EORA $0006,Y E601: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E603: 27 0F BEQ $E614 E605: BD E6 CC JSR MOVE_SCORES E608: 7F CD 00 CLR credits_cmos E60B: 7F CD 01 CLR $CD01 E60E: 6A E4 DEC ,S E610: 27 12 BEQ $E624 E612: 20 E9 BRA $E5FD E614: 86 03 LDA #$03 E616: C6 04 LDB #$04 E618: 8D 68 BSR $E682 E61A: 25 E9 BCS $E605 E61C: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E61E: 10 8C CF 6E CMPY #$CF6E E622: 25 D9 BCS $E5FD E624: 35 02 PULS A E626: 8E E4 95 LDX #$E495 E629: 10 8E CF 6E LDY #$CF6E E62D: C6 46 LDB #$46 E62F: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E632: 8D 91 BSR $E5C5 E634: B8 CD 60 EORA score_chksum E637: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E639: 27 02 BEQ $E63D E63B: 8D 0F BSR $E64C E63D: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E641: 86 17 LDA #$17 E643: C6 04 LDB #$04 E645: 8D 3B BSR $E682 E647: 24 02 BCC $E64B E649: 8D 01 BSR $E64C E64B: 39 RTS E64C: 8E CD 38 LDX #$CD38 E64F: 86 3A LDA #$3A E651: BD D0 AB JSR STA_NIB_X1 E654: 8C CD 60 CMPX #score_chksum E657: 25 F8 BCS $E651 E659: 8E CD 68 LDX #high_scores E65C: 10 8E CD 38 LDY #$CD38 E660: 86 06 LDA #$06 E662: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E665: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E669: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E66C: 8E CD 6E LDX #$CD6E E66F: 10 8E CD 60 LDY #score_chksum E673: 86 08 LDA #$08 E675: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E678: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E67B: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E67F: 7E E6 CC JMP MOVE_SCORES E682: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A E684: C6 39 LDB #$39 E686: F7 CB FF STB watchdog ; stop watchdog from resetting system E689: 1F 21 TFR Y,X E68B: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD E68E: C1 41 CMPB #$41 E690: 24 04 BCC $E696 E692: C1 3A CMPB #$3A E694: 26 32 BNE $E6C8 E696: C1 5A CMPB #$5A E698: 22 2E BHI $E6C8 E69A: 4A DECA E69B: 26 EE BNE $E68B E69D: A6 61 LDA $0001,S E69F: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD E6A2: C4 0F ANDB #$0F E6A4: C1 09 CMPB #$09 E6A6: 22 20 BHI $E6C8 E6A8: 4A DECA E6A9: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD E6AC: 34 04 PSHS B E6AE: C4 0F ANDB #$0F E6B0: C1 09 CMPB #$09 E6B2: 35 04 PULS B E6B4: 22 12 BHI $E6C8 E6B6: C4 F0 ANDB #$F0 E6B8: C1 99 CMPB #$99 E6BA: 22 0C BHI $E6C8 E6BC: 4A DECA E6BD: 26 EA BNE $E6A9 E6BF: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E6C1: 86 39 LDA #$39 E6C3: B7 CB FF STA watchdog E6C6: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E6C8: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 E6CA: 20 F5 BRA $E6C1 MOVE_SCORES: E6CC: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A E6CE: 30 2E LEAX $000E,Y E6D0: 8C CF 6E CMPX #$CF6E E6D3: 24 0F BCC $E6E4 E6D5: 86 0E LDA #$0E E6D7: 8D 13 BSR COPY_XYA E6D9: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E6DB: 30 0E LEAX $000E,X E6DD: 86 39 LDA #$39 E6DF: B7 CB FF STA watchdog E6E2: 20 EC BRA $E6D0 E6E4: BD E5 B0 JSR $E5B0 E6E7: BD E5 DB JSR $E5DB E6EA: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) COPY_XYA: E6EC: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A E6EE: E6 80 LDB ,X+ E6F0: E7 A0 STB ,Y+ E6F2: 4A DECA E6F3: 26 F9 BNE $E6EE E6F5: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) GET_INITIALS: E6F7: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries E6FA: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E6FD: BD D0 33 JSR LOAD_DA51_PALETTE1 E700: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 E703: 8E BD E4 LDX #p1_score E706: C6 01 LDB #$01 E708: 8D 20 BSR CHECK_SCORE E70A: D6 40 LDB $40 E70C: 5A DECB E70D: 27 18 BEQ $E727 E70F: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E712: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab E715: 2A 03 BPL $E71A E717: BD D0 9C JSR FLIP_SCR_DOWN1 E71A: 8E BE 20 LDX #p2_score E71D: C6 02 LDB #$02 E71F: 8D 09 BSR CHECK_SCORE E721: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E724: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 E727: 7E 77 A0 JMP $77A0 CHECK_SCORE: E72A: 35 20 PULS Y E72C: 10 BF B3 E4 STY $B3E4 E730: BF B3 E8 STX highscore E733: D7 3F STB $3F E735: BD E9 0E JSR $E90E E738: 24 5B BCC $E795 E73A: BD E8 B5 JSR $E8B5 E73D: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E741: 8E CF 60 LDX #$CF60 E744: BD E8 8F JSR $E88F E747: 8E CD 60 LDX #score_chksum E74A: 10 8E CD 6E LDY #$CD6E E74E: 86 08 LDA #$08 E750: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E753: 8E CD 32 LDX #top_score E756: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E75A: 86 06 LDA #$06 E75C: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E75F: 10 8E CD 68 LDY #high_scores E763: BD E5 DB JSR $E5DB E766: BE B3 E8 LDX highscore E769: 10 8E CD 60 LDY #score_chksum E76D: C6 04 LDB #$04 E76F: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E772: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E775: 8E E5 8A LDX #$E58A E778: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E77C: C6 03 LDB #$03 E77E: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E781: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E784: 86 60 LDA #$60 E786: B7 B3 E6 STA $B3E6 E789: 8E CC 16 LDX #$CC16 E78C: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD E78F: C1 03 CMPB #$03 E791: 27 42 BEQ $E7D5 E793: 20 22 BRA $E7B7 E795: BD E9 1B JSR $E91B E798: 25 09 BCS $E7A3 E79A: BD E9 38 JSR $E938 E79D: 25 04 BCS $E7A3 E79F: 6E 9F B3 E4 JMP [$B3E4,X] E7A3: 7F B3 E6 CLR $B3E6 E7A6: CC E5 91 LDD #$E591 E7A9: 10 8C CF 6E CMPY #$CF6E E7AD: 26 03 BNE $E7B2 E7AF: CC E5 99 LDD #$E599 E7B2: BD E9 71 JSR $E971 E7B5: 86 5F LDA #$5F E7B7: D6 3F LDB $3F E7B9: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E7BC: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E7BF: CC 3A 3A LDD #$3A3A E7C2: FD B3 EA STD hs_inits E7C5: B7 B3 EC STA $B3EC E7C8: CC 03 00 LDD #$0300 E7CB: 8E 46 80 LDX #$4680 E7CE: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #hs_inits E7D2: BD 6F 09 JSR $6F09 E7D5: BD E9 1B JSR $E91B E7D8: 24 06 BCC $E7E0 E7DA: 8E CF EC LDX #$CFEC E7DD: BD E8 75 JSR SAVE_HS E7E0: BD E9 38 JSR $E938 E7E3: 24 43 BCC $E828 E7E5: 7D B3 E6 TST $B3E6 E7E8: 27 1C BEQ $E806 E7EA: 8E B3 EA LDX #hs_inits E7ED: 10 8E CD 32 LDY #top_score E7F1: C6 03 LDB #$03 E7F3: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E7F6: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E7F9: 86 05 LDA #$05 E7FB: 8D 2F BSR CHECK_NUM_SCORES1 E7FD: 24 29 BCC $E828 E7FF: 1F 12 TFR X,Y E801: BD E6 CC JSR MOVE_SCORES E804: 20 12 BRA $E818 E806: BD E8 30 JSR CHECK_NUM_SCORES2 E809: 34 01 PSHS CC E80B: 34 10 PSHS X E80D: 10 AC E1 CMPY ,S++ E810: 22 02 BHI $E814 E812: 8D 61 BSR SAVE_HS E814: 35 01 PULS CC E816: 24 10 BCC $E828 E818: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 ;print MAX ENTRIES E81B: 86 64 LDA #$64 E81D: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E820: 86 60 LDA #$60 E822: 8E E8 28 LDX #$E828 E825: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call E828: 6E 9F B3 E4 JMP [$B3E4,X] CHECK_NUM_SCORES1: E82C: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A E82E: 20 0C BRA $E83C ; ; Sean Riddle has a patch that lets you get more than 5 entries - see seanriddle.com/robomax.pat ; ; ; CHECK_NUM_SCORES2: E830: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A E832: 8E CD 32 LDX #top_score E835: 8D 24 BSR CMP_HSINIT_X E837: 86 04 LDA #$04 E839: 25 01 BCS $E83C E83B: 4C INCA E83C: 97 2B STA $2B E83E: 8E CD 68 LDX #high_scores E841: 8D 18 BSR CMP_HSINIT_X E843: 24 04 BCC $E849 E845: 0A 2B DEC $2B E847: 27 0E BEQ $E857 E849: 30 0E LEAX $000E,X E84B: 8C CF 6E CMPX #$CF6E E84E: 25 F1 BCS $E841 E850: 8E CF 60 LDX #$CF60 E853: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E855: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E857: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag E859: 35 A6 PULS A,B,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) CMP_HSINIT_X: E85B: 34 10 PSHS X E85D: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #hs_inits E861: C6 03 LDB #$03 E863: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E866: A1 A0 CMPA ,Y+ E868: 26 07 BNE $E871 E86A: 5A DECB E86B: 26 F6 BNE $E863 E86D: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag E86F: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E871: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E873: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) SAVE_HS: E875: 34 20 PSHS Y E877: BD E8 8F JSR $E88F E87A: 8E B3 EA LDX #hs_inits E87D: C6 03 LDB #$03 E87F: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E882: BE B3 E8 LDX highscore E885: C6 04 LDB #$04 E887: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E88A: 35 20 PULS Y E88C: 7E E5 DB JMP $E5DB E88F: 34 30 PSHS Y,X E891: 1F 12 TFR X,Y E893: 10 AC 62 CMPY $0002,S E896: 27 0B BEQ $E8A3 E898: 30 32 LEAX $FFF2,Y E89A: 86 0E LDA #$0E E89C: BD E6 EC JSR COPY_XYA E89F: 31 32 LEAY $FFF2,Y E8A1: 20 F0 BRA $E893 E8A3: 35 B0 PULS X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E8A5: 35 06 PULS A,B E8A7: FD B3 E4 STD $B3E4 E8AA: C6 01 LDB #$01 E8AC: 8D 07 BSR $E8B5 E8AE: BD E5 BC JSR CHKSUM_SCORES E8B1: 6E 9F B3 E4 JMP [$B3E4,X] E8B5: 35 20 PULS Y E8B7: 10 BF B3 E6 STY $B3E6 E8BB: 4F CLRA E8BC: 1F 02 TFR D,Y E8BE: CC E5 99 LDD #$E599 E8C1: BD E9 71 JSR $E971 E8C4: 8E CC 16 LDX #$CC16 E8C7: BD D0 A5 JSR $D0A5 ; JMP $D523 - pack 2 bytes at X into B as BCD E8CA: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 E8CD: C1 03 CMPB #$03 E8CF: 26 0E BNE $E8DF E8D1: D6 3F LDB $3F E8D3: 86 5F LDA #$5F E8D5: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E8D8: 86 03 LDA #$03 E8DA: 8E 46 80 LDX #$4680 E8DD: 20 0D BRA $E8EC E8DF: 86 5E LDA #$5E E8E1: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 E8E4: 1F 98 TFR B,A E8E6: BD D0 C6 JSR $D0C6 ; JMP $D5D8 - convert from BCD to normal number E8E9: 8E 2D 80 LDX #$2D80 E8EC: 10 8E B3 FE LDY #$B3FE E8F0: C6 3A LDB #$3A E8F2: E7 A2 STB ,-Y E8F4: 10 8C B3 EA CMPY #hs_inits E8F8: 22 F8 BHI $E8F2 E8FA: 5F CLRB E8FB: BD 6F 09 JSR $6F09 E8FE: 8E B3 EA LDX #hs_inits E901: 10 8E CD 38 LDY #$CD38 E905: C6 14 LDB #$14 E907: BD 6F 0C JSR COPY_NIB_XYB1 E90A: 6E 9F B3 E6 JMP [$B3E6,X] E90E: 34 30 PSHS Y,X E910: 10 8E CD 60 LDY #score_chksum E914: BE B3 E8 LDX highscore E917: 8D 38 BSR $E951 E919: 35 B0 PULS X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E91B: 34 10 PSHS X E91D: 10 8E CF 74 LDY #$CF74 E921: BE B3 E8 LDX highscore E924: 8D 2B BSR $E951 E926: 25 0C BCS $E934 E928: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E92A: 10 8C CF FA CMPY #$CFFA E92E: 25 F4 BCS $E924 E930: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E932: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E934: 31 3A LEAY $FFFA,Y E936: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E938: 34 10 PSHS X E93A: 10 8E CD 60 LDY #score_chksum E93E: BE B3 E8 LDX highscore E941: 8D 0E BSR $E951 E943: 25 EF BCS $E934 E945: 31 2E LEAY $000E,Y E947: 10 8C CF 60 CMPY #$CF60 E94B: 25 F4 BCS $E941 E94D: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E94F: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E951: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A E953: 1E 12 EXG X,Y E955: C6 04 LDB #$04 E957: BD D0 A2 JSR PACK_2_BYTES_INTO_A1 E95A: C1 04 CMPB #$04 E95C: 26 02 BNE $E960 E95E: 84 0F ANDA #$0F E960: A1 A0 CMPA ,Y+ E962: 22 05 BHI $E969 E964: 25 07 BCS $E96D E966: 5A DECB E967: 26 EE BNE $E957 E969: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag E96B: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E96D: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 E96F: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) E971: 0F 56 CLR $56 E973: 7E D0 4B JMP $D04B ; JMP $D3C7 - play sound with priority E976: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E986: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E996: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E9A6: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E9B6: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E9C6: FF FF E9C8: E9 CC ; pointer to SMALL_CHARACTER_TABLE E9CA: EC 34 ; pointer to LARGE_CHARACTER_TABLE SMALL_CHARACTER_TABLE: E9CC: EA 2A ; pointer to small character 0 E9CE: EA 35 ; pointer to small character 1 E9D0: EA 40 ; pointer to small character 2 E9D2: EA 4B ; pointer to small character 3 E9D4: EA 56 ; pointer to small character 4 E9D6: EA 61 ; pointer to small character 5 E9D8: EA 6C ; pointer to small character 6 E9DA: EA 77 ; pointer to small character 7 E9DC: EA 82 ; pointer to small character 8 E9DE: EA 8D ; pointer to small character 9 E9E0: EA 98 ; pointer to black square (used as SPACE character) E9E2: EA 9E ; pointer to small "!" (exclamation mark) E9E4: EA A4 ; pointer to small "," (comma) E9E6: EA AF ; pointer to small "." (full stop/period) E9E8: EA B5 ; pointer to small up arrow E9EA: EA C5 ; pointer to small ":" (colon) E9EC: EA CB EA D6 EA E1 EA EC EA F7 E9F6: EB 02 EB 0D EB 18 EB 23 EB 2E EB 39 EB 44 EB 4F EA06: EB 5A EB 6A EB 75 EB 80 EB 8B EB 96 EB A1 EB AC EA16: EB B7 EB C2 EB CD EB DD EB E8 EB F3 EB FE EC 09 EA26: EC 14 EC 29 03 FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 EA36: 0F 00 0F 00 0F 00 0F 00 0F 00 03 FF F0 00 F0 FF EA46: F0 F0 00 FF F0 03 FF F0 00 F0 0F F0 00 F0 FF F0 EA56: 03 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 00 F0 00 F0 03 FF F0 F0 00 EA66: FF F0 00 F0 FF F0 03 FF F0 F0 00 FF F0 F0 F0 FF EA76: F0 03 FF F0 00 F0 00 F0 00 F0 00 F0 03 FF F0 F0 EA86: F0 FF F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 FF F0 F0 F0 FF F0 00 F0 EA96: 00 F0 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 F0 F0 F0 00 F0 03 00 EAA6: 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 0F 00 01 00 00 00 00 F0 05 EAB6: 00 F0 00 0F FF 00 FF FF F0 00 F0 00 00 F0 00 01 EAC6: 00 F0 00 F0 00 03 00 00 00 00 FF F0 00 00 00 00 EAD6: 03 FF F0 F0 F0 FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 03 FF F0 F0 F0 EAE6: FF 00 F0 F0 FF F0 03 FF F0 F0 00 F0 00 F0 00 FF EAF6: F0 03 FF 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF 00 03 FF F0 F0 EB06: 00 FF 00 F0 00 FF F0 03 FF F0 F0 00 FF 00 F0 00 EB16: F0 00 03 FF F0 F0 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 F0 F0 EB26: F0 F0 FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 03 FF F0 0F 00 0F 00 0F EB36: 00 FF F0 03 00 F0 00 F0 00 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 F0 EB46: F0 F0 F0 FF 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 03 F0 00 F0 00 F0 00 EB56: F0 00 FF F0 05 FF FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 00 EB66: F0 F0 00 F0 03 FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 03 EB76: FF F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 FF F0 F0 F0 FF EB86: F0 F0 00 F0 00 03 FF F0 F0 F0 FF F0 00 F0 00 F0 EB96: 03 FF F0 F0 F0 FF 00 F0 F0 F0 F0 03 FF F0 F0 00 EBA6: FF F0 00 F0 FF F0 03 FF F0 0F 00 0F 00 0F 00 0F EBB6: 00 03 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 03 F0 F0 F0 EBC6: F0 F0 F0 0F 00 0F 00 05 F0 00 F0 F0 00 F0 F0 F0 EBD6: F0 F0 F0 F0 FF FF F0 03 F0 F0 F0 F0 0F 00 F0 F0 EBE6: F0 F0 03 F0 F0 F0 F0 FF F0 0F 00 0F 00 03 FF F0 EBF6: 00 F0 0F 00 F0 00 FF F0 03 0F 00 F0 00 F0 00 F0 EC06: 00 0F 00 03 0F 00 00 F0 00 F0 00 F0 0F 00 07 00 EC16: 0F 00 00 00 00 F0 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 F0 00 00 EC26: 0F 00 00 03 00 F0 00 F0 0F 00 F0 00 F0 00 CHARACTER_POINTER_TABLE: EC34: EC 92 ; pointer to large character 0 EC36: EC A5 ; pointer to large character 1 EC38: EC B8 ; pointer to large character 2 EC3A: EC CB ; pointer to large character 3 EC3C: EC DE ; pointer to large character 4 EC3E: EC F1 ; pointer to large character 5 EC40: ED 04 ; pointer to large character 6 EC42: ED 17 ; pointer to large character 7 EC44: ED 2A ; pointer to large character 8 EC46: ED 3D ; pointer to large character 9 EC48: ED 50 ; pointer to black block (used as a space) EC4A: ED 5D ; pointer to large "!" (exclamation mark) EC4C: ED 6C ; pointer to large "," (comma) EC4E: ED 79 ; pointer to large "." (full stop/ period) EC50: ED 86 ; pointer to large red square EC52: ED A5 ; pointer to large character ":" (colon) EC54: ED B2 ; pointer to large "-" (minus sign) EC56: ED BF ; pointer to large character A EC58: ED D2 ; pointer to large character B EC5A: ED E5 ; pointer to large character C EC5C: ED F8 ; pointer to large character D EC5E: EE 0B ; pointer to large character E EC60: EE 1E ; pointer to large character F EC62: EE 31 ; pointer to large character G EC64: EE 44 ; pointer to large character H EC66: EE 57 ; pointer to large character I EC68: EE 6A ; pointer to large character J EC6A: EE 7D ; pointer to large character K EC6C: EE 90 ; pointer to large character L EC6E: EE A3 ; pointer to large character M EC70: EE B6 ; pointer to large character N EC72: EE C9 ; pointer to large character O EC74: EE DC ; pointer to large character P EC76: EE EF ; pointer to large character Q EC78: EF 02 ; pointer to large character R EC7A: EF 15 ; pointer to large character S EC7C: EF 28 ; pointer to large character T EC7E: EF 3B ; pointer to large character U EC80: EF 4E ; pointer to large character V EC82: EF 61 ; pointer to large character W EC84: EF 74 ; pointer to large character X EC86: EF 87 ; pointer to large character Y EC88: EF 9A ; pointer to large character Z EC8A: EF AD ; pointer to large character "(" (left parentheses) EC8C: EF BA ; pointer to large character ")" (right parentheses) EC8E: EF C7 ; pointer to large character "/" (forward slash) EC90: EF DA ; pointer to large character <- (left arrow) EC92: 05 99 99 90 EC96: 90 00 90 90 00 90 90 00 90 90 00 90 99 99 90 05 ECA6: 00 99 00 00 09 00 00 09 00 00 09 00 00 09 00 09 ECB6: 99 90 05 09 99 90 00 00 90 99 99 90 90 00 00 90 ECC6: 00 00 99 99 00 05 09 99 90 00 00 90 09 99 90 00 ECD6: 00 90 00 00 90 99 99 90 05 90 00 00 90 09 00 90 ECE6: 09 00 99 99 90 00 09 00 00 09 00 05 99 99 00 90 ECF6: 00 00 99 99 90 00 00 90 00 00 90 99 99 90 05 99 ED06: 99 00 90 00 00 99 99 90 90 00 90 90 00 90 99 99 ED16: 90 05 99 99 90 00 00 90 00 09 00 00 90 00 09 00 ED26: 00 90 00 00 05 99 99 90 90 00 90 99 99 90 90 00 ED36: 90 90 00 90 99 99 90 05 99 99 90 90 00 90 99 99 ED46: 90 00 00 90 00 00 90 09 99 90 03 00 00 00 00 00 ED56: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 ED66: 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 FF ED76: 00 F0 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 ED86: 09 FF FF FF FF F0 FF FF FF FF F0 FF FF FF FF F0 ED96: FF FF FF FF F0 FF FF FF FF F0 FF FF FF FF F0 EDA5: 02 EDA6: 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 03 00 00 00 EDB6: 00 00 00 22 20 00 00 00 00 05 66 66 60 60 06 60 EDC6: 66 66 60 60 06 60 60 06 60 60 06 60 05 66 66 00 EDD6: 60 06 00 66 66 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 66 60 05 EDE6: 66 66 60 66 00 00 66 00 00 66 00 00 66 00 00 66 EDF6: 66 60 05 66 66 00 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 EE06: 00 60 66 66 00 05 66 66 60 60 00 00 66 66 60 66 EE16: 00 00 66 00 00 66 66 60 05 66 66 60 60 00 00 66 EE26: 66 60 66 00 00 66 00 00 66 00 00 05 66 66 60 66 EE36: 06 60 66 00 00 66 06 60 66 00 60 66 66 60 05 66 EE46: 00 60 66 00 60 66 66 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 00 EE56: 60 EE57: 04 06 60 00 06 60 00 06 60 00 06 60 00 06 60 EE66: 00 06 60 00 05 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 EE76: 60 66 00 60 66 66 60 05 66 00 60 66 06 00 66 60 EE86: 00 66 60 00 66 06 00 66 00 60 05 60 00 00 60 00 EE96: 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 66 66 60 66 66 60 05 66 66 EEA6: 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 00 60 60 00 60 60 00 60 EEB6: 05 66 66 60 60 00 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 EEC6: 66 00 60 05 66 66 60 60 06 60 60 00 60 60 00 60 EED6: 60 00 60 66 66 60 05 66 66 60 60 00 60 66 66 60 EEE6: 66 00 00 66 00 00 66 00 00 05 66 66 60 66 00 60 EEF6: 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 06 00 66 60 60 05 66 66 00 EF06: 60 06 00 66 66 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 00 60 05 EF16: 66 66 60 60 00 00 66 66 60 00 00 60 66 00 60 66 EF26: 66 60 05 66 66 60 00 60 00 00 66 00 00 66 00 00 EF36: 66 00 00 66 00 05 60 06 60 60 06 60 60 06 60 60 EF46: 06 60 60 06 60 66 66 60 05 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 EF56: 00 60 66 00 60 06 06 00 00 60 00 05 60 00 60 60 EF66: 00 60 60 00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 66 66 60 05 60 EF76: 00 60 06 06 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 06 06 00 60 00 EF86: 60 05 66 00 60 66 00 60 66 66 60 00 60 00 00 60 EF96: 00 00 60 00 05 66 66 60 00 06 00 00 60 00 06 00 EFA6: 00 66 66 60 66 66 60 03 00 F0 0F 00 F0 00 F0 00 EFB6: 0F 00 00 F0 03 F0 00 0F 00 00 F0 00 F0 0F 00 F0 EFC6: 00 04 00 0F 00 00 F0 00 00 F0 00 0F 00 00 0F 00 EFD6: 00 F0 00 00 05 00 F0 00 0F F0 00 FF FF F0 0F F0 EFE6: 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF D1 06 D1 06 D1 06 EFF6: D1 06 DC 56 D1 06 D1 06 D1 06 F000: 7E F4 31 JMP RESET F003: 7E F4 A0 JMP $F4A0 F006: 7E F6 1B JMP $F61B F009: 7E F0 1D JMP $F01D F00C: 7E F0 D7 JMP $F0D7 F00F: 7E F0 66 JMP $F066 F012: 7E F3 4A JMP $F34A F015: F1 24 F1 CMPB $24F1 F018: D5 F3 BITB $F3 F01A: 68 F3 ASL [,--S] ; ; Reserve 1694 decimal bytes starting at #$B3E4 for a forward only linked list used for explosions. ; Each entry in the list uses 242 (!) bytes, and so there are 7 entries - meaning 7 explosions max. ; I could probably pick a better label than RESET_EXPLOSION_LIST - am open to suggestions :) RESET_EXPLOSION_LIST: F01D: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A F01F: 8E B3 E4 LDX #$B3E4 ; start of explosion forward only linked list F022: 9F AD STX $AD F024: 30 89 00 F2 LEAX $00F2,X ; X+= 242 decimal (bumps X to NEXT entry) F028: AF 89 FF 0E STX -$00F2,X ; store X in X-242 decimal (the previous entry), creating a forward only linked list F02C: 8C BA 82 CMPX #$BA82 F02F: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 ; mark end of explosion list with NULL F032: ED 84 STD ,X ; store null at end of list F034: DD A9 STD $A9 F036: DD AB STD $AB ; on exit, $AD = B3E4, $A9 = 0, $AB = 0 F038: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; (PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Get a pointer to a "free" (available for use) entry in the explosion list into U ; GET_FREE_EXPLOSION_LIST_ENTRY: F03A: 34 10 PSHS X F03C: DE AD LDU $AD ; get pointer to current explosion list entry F03E: 27 0E BEQ $F04E ; if at end of list goto $F04E F040: AE C4 LDX ,U ; get NEXT explosion list item pointer into X F042: 9F AD STX $AD ; and save in $AD F044: 9E A9 LDX $A9 F046: AF C4 STX ,U F048: DF A9 STU $A9 F04A: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag F04C: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) F04E: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; set carry flag F050: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; TODO: this appears to get an explosion list entry as well.... ; F052: 34 10 PSHS X F054: DE AD LDU $AD F056: 27 F6 BEQ $F04E F058: AE C4 LDX ,U F05A: 9F AD STX $AD F05C: 9E AB LDX $AB F05E: AF C4 STX ,U F060: DF AB STU $AB F062: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag F064: 35 90 PULS X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; TODO: And so does this. It's called if the fancy attract mode is ON. See $5BB1 ; F066: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A F068: BD F0 52 JSR $F052 F06B: 25 66 BCS $F0D3 F06D: EC 04 LDD $0004,X F06F: AE 02 LDX $0002,X F071: ED 49 STD $0009,U F073: D6 A6 LDB $A6 F075: E7 44 STB $0004,U F077: E0 49 SUBB $0009,U F079: 25 04 BCS $F07F F07B: E1 84 CMPB ,X F07D: 25 0A BCS $F089 F07F: E6 84 LDB ,X F081: E7 45 STB $0005,U F083: EB 49 ADDB $0009,U F085: E7 44 STB $0004,U F087: 20 03 BRA $F08C F089: 58 ASLB F08A: E7 45 STB $0005,U F08C: CC 46 46 LDD #$4646 F08F: ED 4F STD $000F,U F091: EC 84 LDD ,X F093: ED 4B STD $000B,U F095: 86 01 LDA #$01 F097: A7 C8 11 STA $11,U F09A: 88 04 EORA #$04 F09C: C8 04 EORB #$04 F09E: ED 4D STD $000D,U F0A0: AE 02 LDX $0002,X F0A2: AF 42 STX $0002,U F0A4: CC 10 00 LDD #$1000 F0A7: ED 46 STD $0006,U F0A9: 30 C8 11 LEAX $11,U F0AC: 9F B0 STX $B0 F0AE: 10 AE 42 LDY $0002,U F0B1: E6 4C LDB $000C,U F0B3: D7 B3 STB $B3 F0B5: 9E B0 LDX $B0 F0B7: 30 01 LEAX $0001,X F0B9: 9F B0 STX $B0 F0BB: A6 4B LDA $000B,U F0BD: 97 B2 STA $B2 F0BF: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ F0C1: A7 84 STA ,X F0C3: 3A ABX F0C4: 48 ASLA F0C5: 48 ASLA F0C6: 48 ASLA F0C7: 48 ASLA F0C8: A7 84 STA ,X F0CA: 3A ABX F0CB: 0A B2 DEC $B2 F0CD: 26 F0 BNE $F0BF F0CF: 0A B3 DEC $B3 F0D1: 26 E2 BNE $F0B5 F0D3: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag F0D5: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; X = pointer to object ; $A6 = screen address of pixel where collision occurred ; ; struct EXPLOSION { 2: 4: 5: Width of animation frame 9: Blitter destination F: $#4646 } CREATE_EXPLOSION: F0D7: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A F0D9: BD D0 15 JSR $D015 ; JMP $DB03 - erase object from screen F0DC: BD F0 3A JSR $F03A ; get a slot in the explosion list ; U = pointer to explosion slot F0DF: 25 F2 BCS $F0D3 ; if carry is set, then that means there's no slots left, so clear carry flag and exit F0E1: EC 04 LDD $0004,X ; D = blitter destination F0E3: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; X = animation frame metadata pointer F0E5: ED 49 STD $0009,U ; store blitter destination into explosion slot F0E7: D6 A6 LDB $A6 F0E9: E7 44 STB $0004,U F0EB: E0 49 SUBB $0009,U ; B-= Blitter destination MSB (X component) F0ED: 25 04 BCS $F0F3 F0EF: E1 84 CMPB ,X ; compare to width of animation frame F0F1: 25 0A BCS $F0FD ; if B < width, goto $F0FD F0F3: E6 84 LDB ,X ; B = width of animation frame F0F5: E7 45 STB $0005,U F0F7: EB 49 ADDB $0009,U ; B += Blitter destination MSB (X component) F0F9: E7 44 STB $0004,U F0FB: 20 03 BRA $F100 F0FD: 58 ASLB ; B = B * 2 F0FE: E7 45 STB $0005,U F100: CC 46 46 LDD #$4646 F103: ED 4F STD $000F,U F105: EC 84 LDD ,X ; D = width and height F107: ED 4B STD $000B,U F109: 48 ASLA ; multiply width by 2 F10A: A7 C8 11 STA $11,U F10D: 86 01 LDA #$01 F10F: 88 04 EORA #$04 F111: C8 04 EORB #$04 F113: ED 4D STD $000D,U F115: AE 02 LDX $0002,X ; pointer to animation frame (TODO: Metadata or pixel data?) F117: AF 42 STX $0002,U F119: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 F11C: ED 46 STD $0006,U F11E: 86 10 LDA #$10 F120: A7 48 STA $0008,U F122: 20 85 BRA $F0A9 ; ; This is to draw an object in a staggered (broken up) state, such as during an explosion when enemy killed ; This routine is also used to draw the word ROBOTRON forming up in large letters on title screen. ; ; X = pointer to image data (blitter source) ; Y = $CA05 (blitter destination LSB) ; B = width in bytes of image ; $A8 = variable that is added to X after every blit. ; ; If you are looking for references in the code to this routine, you won't find any obvious direct calls. ; Check out $5DFB which computes the address of routine to jump to. This is one of those routines called. DRAW_STAGGERED_IMAGE: F124: A7 A4 STA ,Y F126: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F129: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F12C: 3A ABX ; X+= B F12D: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F12F: A7 A4 STA ,Y F131: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F134: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F137: 3A ABX ; X+= B F138: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F13A: A7 A4 STA ,Y F13C: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F13F: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F142: 3A ABX ; X+= B F143: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F145: A7 A4 STA ,Y F147: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F14A: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F14D: 3A ABX F14E: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F150: A7 A4 STA ,Y F152: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F155: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F158: 3A ABX F159: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F15B: A7 A4 STA ,Y F15D: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F160: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F163: 3A ABX F164: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F166: A7 A4 STA ,Y F168: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F16B: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F16E: 3A ABX F16F: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F171: A7 A4 STA ,Y F173: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F176: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F179: 3A ABX F17A: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F17C: A7 A4 STA ,Y F17E: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F181: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F184: 3A ABX F185: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F187: A7 A4 STA ,Y F189: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F18C: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F18F: 3A ABX F190: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F192: A7 A4 STA ,Y F194: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F197: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F19A: 3A ABX F19B: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F19D: A7 A4 STA ,Y F19F: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F1A2: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F1A5: 3A ABX F1A6: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1A8: A7 A4 STA ,Y F1AA: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F1AD: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F1B0: 3A ABX F1B1: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1B3: A7 A4 STA ,Y F1B5: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F1B8: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F1BB: 3A ABX F1BC: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1BE: A7 A4 STA ,Y F1C0: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F1C3: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F1C6: 3A ABX F1C7: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1C9: A7 A4 STA ,Y F1CB: BF CA 02 STX blitter_source F1CE: FF CA 00 STU start_blitter F1D1: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F1D3: 35 A0 PULS Y,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; A = ; ; X = CA00 (start_blitter) ; U = CA05 (LSB of blitter_dest) ; $A8 = value to add to A after each blit ; DRAW_STAGGERED_IMAGE_2: F1D5: A7 C4 STA ,U F1D7: E7 84 STB ,X F1D9: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1DB: A7 C4 STA ,U F1DD: E7 84 STB ,X F1DF: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1E1: A7 C4 STA ,U F1E3: E7 84 STB ,X F1E5: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1E7: A7 C4 STA ,U F1E9: E7 84 STB ,X F1EB: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1ED: A7 C4 STA ,U F1EF: E7 84 STB ,X F1F1: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1F3: A7 C4 STA ,U F1F5: E7 84 STB ,X F1F7: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1F9: A7 C4 STA ,U F1FB: E7 84 STB ,X F1FD: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F1FF: A7 C4 STA ,U F201: E7 84 STB ,X F203: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F205: A7 C4 STA ,U F207: E7 84 STB ,X F209: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F20B: A7 C4 STA ,U F20D: E7 84 STB ,X F20F: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F211: A7 C4 STA ,U F213: E7 84 STB ,X F215: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F217: A7 C4 STA ,U F219: E7 84 STB ,X F21B: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F21D: A7 C4 STA ,U F21F: E7 84 STB ,X F221: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F223: A7 C4 STA ,U F225: E7 84 STB ,X F227: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F229: A7 C4 STA ,U F22B: E7 84 STB ,X F22D: 9B A8 ADDA $A8 F22F: A7 C4 STA ,U F231: E7 84 STB ,X F233: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F235: 39 RTS ; PLACEHOLDER FOR MORE TEXT. ; ; These instructions beginning at F1D5 each take up 6 bytes. ; ; A7 C4 STA ,U ; E7 84 STB ,X ; 9B A8 ADDA $A8 ; ; F236: E6 A8 11 LDB $11,Y F239: C0 10 SUBB #$10 F23B: 50 NEGB F23C: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; size of instruction group (6 bytes) F23E: 3D MUL F23F: 8E F1 D5 LDX #$F1D5 ; start of instructions F242: 3A ABX ; X+= B. This computes the address of the first blit to execute. F243: 34 10 PSHS X ; save address of function in X to return to on stack ; so when the RTS executes, the blit will be done. F245: A6 26 LDA $0006,Y F247: 97 A8 STA $A8 F249: EC 29 LDD $0009,Y F24B: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 F24D: F7 CA 05 STB blitter_dest_l F250: E6 2F LDB $000F,Y F252: CA 10 ORB #$10 F254: C4 F7 ANDB #$F7 F256: CE 00 00 LDU #$0000 F259: FF CA 01 STU blitter_mask F25C: F7 CA 03 STB blitter_dest_h F25F: EE 2D LDU $000D,Y F261: FF CA 06 STU blitter_w_h F264: CE CA 04 LDU #blitter_dest F267: 8E CA 00 LDX #start_blitter F26A: 39 RTS F26B: CE 98 A9 LDU #$98A9 F26E: 10 AC C4 CMPY ,U F271: 27 08 BEQ $F27B F273: EE C4 LDU ,U F275: 26 F7 BNE $F26E F277: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 F279: 20 FE BRA $F279 F27B: EC A4 LDD ,Y F27D: ED C4 STD ,U F27F: DC AD LDD $AD F281: ED A4 STD ,Y F283: 10 9F AD STY $AD F286: 31 C4 LEAY ,U F288: 39 RTS F289: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y F28B: 83 00 80 SUBD #$0080 F28E: A1 26 CMPA $0006,Y F290: 26 03 BNE $F295 F292: E7 27 STB $0007,Y F294: 39 RTS F295: BD F2 36 JSR $F236 F298: 96 59 LDA $59 F29A: 26 0B BNE $F2A7 F29C: D6 5F LDB $5F F29E: E7 2A STB $000A,Y F2A0: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y F2A2: 54 LSRB F2A3: DB 5E ADDB $5E F2A5: E7 24 STB $0004,Y F2A7: A6 2B LDA $000B,Y F2A9: 48 ASLA F2AA: 4A DECA F2AB: 97 AF STA $AF F2AD: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y F2AF: 83 00 80 SUBD #$0080 F2B2: 4D TSTA F2B3: 22 15 BHI $F2CA F2B5: CE 98 AB LDU #$98AB F2B8: 7E F2 6E JMP $F26E F2BB: 6A 28 DEC $0008,Y F2BD: 27 AC BEQ $F26B F2BF: A6 2B LDA $000B,Y F2C1: 48 ASLA F2C2: 4A DECA F2C3: 97 AF STA $AF F2C5: EC 26 LDD $0006,Y F2C7: C3 01 00 ADDD #$0100 F2CA: ED 26 STD $0006,Y F2CC: 97 A8 STA $A8 F2CE: 44 LSRA F2CF: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y F2D1: 26 01 BNE $F2D4 F2D3: 4F CLRA F2D4: 97 B2 STA $B2 F2D6: 30 A8 12 LEAX $12,Y F2D9: 96 A8 LDA $A8 F2DB: E6 25 LDB $0005,Y F2DD: 3D MUL F2DE: DD B0 STD $B0 F2E0: E6 24 LDB $0004,Y F2E2: 4F CLRA F2E3: 93 B0 SUBD $B0 F2E5: DB B2 ADDB $B2 F2E7: 89 00 ADCA #$00 F2E9: 26 04 BNE $F2EF F2EB: C1 07 CMPB #$07 F2ED: 22 16 BHI $F305 F2EF: 0A AF DEC $AF F2F1: DB A8 ADDB $A8 F2F3: 89 00 ADCA #$00 F2F5: 26 F8 BNE $F2EF F2F7: C1 07 CMPB #$07 F2F9: 23 F4 BLS $F2EF F2FB: E7 29 STB $0009,Y F2FD: EC 2B LDD $000B,Y F2FF: 90 AF SUBA $AF F301: 3D MUL F302: 3A ABX F303: 20 02 BRA $F307 F305: E7 29 STB $0009,Y F307: 96 AF LDA $AF F309: 4A DECA F30A: D6 A8 LDB $A8 F30C: 3D MUL F30D: EB 29 ADDB $0009,Y F30F: 89 00 ADCA #$00 F311: 27 08 BEQ $F31B F313: 0A AF DEC $AF F315: D0 A8 SUBB $A8 F317: 82 00 SBCA #$00 F319: 26 F8 BNE $F313 F31B: C1 8F CMPB #$8F F31D: 24 F4 BCC $F313 F31F: 96 AF LDA $AF F321: 10 27 FF 46 LBEQ $F26B F325: A7 A8 11 STA $11,Y F328: 80 10 SUBA #$10 F32A: 40 NEGA F32B: C6 0B LDB #$0B F32D: 3D MUL F32E: C3 F1 24 ADDD #$F124 F331: 34 26 PSHS Y,B,A F333: EE 2F LDU $000F,Y F335: EC 2D LDD $000D,Y F337: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 F339: FD CA 06 STD blitter_w_h F33C: A6 2A LDA $000A,Y F33E: B7 CA 05 STA blitter_dest_l F341: E6 2C LDB $000C,Y F343: A6 29 LDA $0009,Y F345: 10 8E CA 04 LDY #blitter_dest F349: 39 RTS F34A: 10 9E A9 LDY $A9 F34D: 27 0B BEQ $F35A F34F: BD F2 36 JSR $F236 F352: BD F2 BB JSR $F2BB F355: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y F358: 26 F5 BNE $F34F F35A: 10 9E AB LDY $AB F35D: 27 08 BEQ $F367 F35F: BD F2 89 JSR $F289 F362: 10 AE A4 LDY ,Y F365: 26 F8 BNE $F35F F367: 39 RTS F368: 17 21 90 0D 21 08 22 90 0C 22 07 21 41 21 90 0B F378: 21 41 21 06 21 42 21 90 0A 21 42 21 05 21 43 21 F388: 90 09 21 43 21 04 21 44 21 90 08 21 44 21 03 21 F398: 45 21 90 08 21 44 21 02 21 46 21 90 08 21 44 21 F3A8: 01 21 43 21 43 21 90 08 21 43 21 01 21 43 22 43 F3B8: 21 90 08 21 43 21 01 21 42 21 01 21 43 21 90 C4 F3C8: 08 21 43 23 42 21 01 21 43 21 90 08 21 48 21 01 F3D8: 21 43 21 90 C2 08 2A 01 21 43 21 90 12 21 44 21 F3E8: 90 C3 A0 0B 28 44 21 90 0A 21 4A 23 90 09 21 4B F3F8: 21 90 08 21 4D 21 90 07 21 44 27 44 21 90 06 21 F408: 44 21 07 21 44 21 90 05 21 44 21 09 21 44 21 90 F418: 04 21 44 2D 44 21 90 03 21 57 21 90 02 21 59 21 F428: 90 01 21 5B 21 90 3F 90 A0 RESET: F431: 1A FF ORCC #$FF F433: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop F437: 7F C8 0D CLR rom_pia_ctrla F43A: 7F C8 0C CLR rom_pia_dataa F43D: 86 3C LDA #$3C F43F: B7 C8 0D STA rom_pia_ctrla F442: 7F C8 0F CLR rom_pia_ctrlb F445: 86 C0 LDA #$C0 F447: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab F44A: 86 3C LDA #$3C F44C: B7 C8 0F STA rom_pia_ctrlb F44F: 86 C0 LDA #$C0 F451: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab F454: 86 01 LDA #$01 F456: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl F459: 8E F6 0B LDX #colorpalette1 ; set X to point to colour palette 1 F45C: 10 8E C0 00 LDY #color_registers F460: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read from palette F462: ED A1 STD ,Y++ ; set colour registers F464: 8C F6 1B CMPX #$F61B ; done all colours? F467: 25 F7 BCS $F460 ; no, goto $F460 F469: 86 02 LDA #$02 F46B: 10 8E F4 75 LDY #$F475 ; address to jump to if RAM test successful F46F: 8E 00 00 LDX #$0000 F472: 7E FD 65 JMP RAM_TEST ; If the RAM test completes with no problems, then we come here, to do the ROM test F475: 10 8E F4 7C LDY #$F47C ; address to jump to if ROM checksum test successful F479: 7E FF 3F JMP CHK_ROM_CHKSUMS ; do ROM test ; ; Show results of tests ; SHOW_RESULTS_OF_ROM_CHECKSUM_TEST: F47C: 86 34 LDA #$34 F47E: B7 C8 0D STA rom_pia_ctrla F481: B7 C8 0F STA rom_pia_ctrlb F484: 7F C8 0E CLR rom_pia_datab F487: 86 98 LDA #$98 ; set direct page $9800 F489: 1F 8B TFR A,DP F48B: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop F48F: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F492: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; INITIAL TESTS INDICATE: F494: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 F497: 10 8E D0 00 LDY #$D000 ; address of function to jump to - which is a JMP $D106 F49B: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; number of times to repeat process in function @ FE7F F49D: 7E FE 7F JMP $FE7F ; jump to WAIT_THEN_JUMP_TO_Y F4A0: 86 00 LDA #$00 F4A2: A7 45 STA $0005,U F4A4: 96 CE LDA $CE F4A6: 26 0F BNE $F4B7 F4A8: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function F4AA: 8E F4 B0 LDX #$F4B0 ; address of function to call after delay expires F4AD: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call F4B0: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa F4B3: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? F4B5: 26 03 BNE $F4BA ; yes, goto $F4BA F4B7: 7E D0 63 JMP $D063 ; JMP $D1F3 - free object metadata and process next task F4BA: BD D0 60 JSR $D060 ; JMP $D1FF - free all object metadata entries F4BD: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 F4C0: 86 FF LDA #$FF F4C2: 97 CE STA $CE F4C4: 97 59 STA $59 F4C6: BD F5 F5 JSR LOAD_F60B_PALETTE F4C9: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F4CC: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa F4CF: 46 RORA ; move "Auto Up" bit into carry F4D0: 10 25 06 1A LBCS $FAEE ; if auto up is set, then jump directly to BOOKKEEPING TOTALS screen, skip diagnostics F4D4: 1A BF ORCC #$BF ; set Entire Flag + Half Carry + Interrupt + Negative + Zero + Overflow + Carry flags F4D6: 10 8E F4 DD LDY #$F4DD ; address of routine to jump to F4DA: 7E FF 0D JMP $FF0D F4DD: 86 39 LDA #$39 F4DF: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; prevent watchdog from resetting system F4E2: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa F4E5: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? F4E7: 26 F4 BNE $F4DD ; yes, goto $F4DD - we want to wait until advance is *unpressed* F4E9: 10 8E F4 F0 LDY #$F4F0 ; address of routine to display "ALL ROMS OK" and then do the RAM test F4ED: 7E FF 3F JMP CHK_ROM_CHKSUMS ROM_TEST_SUCCESSFUL: F4F0: 86 98 LDA #$98 ;set direct page $9800 F4F2: 1F 8B TFR A,DP F4F4: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F4F7: 86 04 LDA #$04 F4F9: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 print ALL ROMS OK - RAM TEST FOLLOWS PRESS ADVANCE TO EXIT F4FC: C6 03 LDB #$03 ; multiplier - multiply with delay value below to calculate how many times this method loops before it progresses to RAM test anyway F4FE: 8E 70 00 LDX #$7000 ; delay value (28,672 decimal) . So 3 x 28672 = 86,016 (decimal) times this loops before progressing. F501: 86 39 LDA #$39 F503: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep watchdog from resetting system F506: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa F509: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? F50B: 26 16 BNE $F523 ; yes, goto $F523 F50D: 30 1F LEAX $FFFF,X ; X-- F50F: 8C 00 00 CMPX #$0000 ; is X 0? F512: 26 ED BNE $F501 ; no, goto $F501, keep checking for ADVANCE F514: 5A DECB ; multiplier -- F515: 26 E7 BNE $F4FE ; if B is not 0, loop another 28,672 times with the X register F517: 10 8E F5 23 LDY #$F523 ; address of method to jump to when RAM test is done F51B: 8E 00 00 LDX #$0000 ; seed "noise" value. F51E: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; value to set DP register to in RAM test F520: 7E FD 65 JMP RAM_TEST ; ; ; ; RAM_TEST_SUCCESSFUL: F523: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; F525: B7 C9 00 STA rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; reading from ROM F528: 86 98 LDA #$98 ; set direct page $9800 F52A: 1F 8B TFR A,DP F52C: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F52F: 86 05 LDA #$05 ; print NO RAM ERRORS DETECTED F531: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 F534: 86 39 LDA #$39 F536: B7 CB FF STA watchdog ; keep the watchdog happy F539: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa F53C: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? F53E: 26 F4 BNE $F534 ; yes, goto $F534 ; ; This is the entry point for the CMOS TEST ; ; CMOS_RAM_TEST: F540: 8E 98 00 LDX #$9800 ; clear all game state, lists etc F543: 4F CLRA F544: A7 80 STA ,X+ F546: C6 39 LDB #$39 F548: F7 CB FF STB watchdog ; keep watchdog from resetting system F54B: 8C BF 71 CMPX #$BF71 F54E: 25 F4 BCS $F544 F550: BD F5 F5 JSR LOAD_F60B_PALETTE ; set palette F553: CC A5 5A LDD #$A55A ; seed for the function at $FD00 (called by $F576) F556: DD 85 STD $85 F558: 97 CE STA $CE F55A: BD D0 36 JSR $D036 ; JMP $D6EC - initialise all object metadata lists F55D: BD D0 C0 JSR $D0C0 ; JMP $D18A - reset text rendering related fields to their defaults F560: BD D0 99 JSR FLIP_SCR_UP1 F563: 86 FF LDA #$FF F565: 97 59 STA $59 ; set game control flags F567: BD D0 54 JSR $D054 ; JMP $D281 - reserve object metadata entry and call function F56A: F5 73 ; pointer to function F56C: 8D 7A BSR $F5E8 F56E: 1C 00 ANDCC #$00 ; clear all flags F570: 7E D0 96 JMP $D096 ; JMP $D196 ; invoked by $F567 F573: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F576: BD FD 00 JSR $FD00 ; do CMOS test. If test succeeded, carry flag is clear F579: 1C 01 ANDCC #$01 ; preserve carry flag and clear all others F57B: 86 06 LDA #$06 F57D: 24 28 BCC $F5A7 ; if CMOS test succeeded goto $F5A7 ; if we get here, there's a CMOS RAM error. I'm not going to spend much time on this code because there's so much more interesting things in the game to spend my time on. F57F: C6 2F LDB #$2F F581: 8C CD 00 CMPX #credits_cmos F584: 22 02 BHI $F588 F586: C6 1F LDB #$1F F588: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts F58A: 10 CE F5 93 LDS #$F593 F58E: 86 03 LDA #$03 F590: 7E FE 93 JMP $FE93 F593: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop F597: 8D 4F BSR $F5E8 F599: 86 98 LDA #$98 ; set direct page $9800 F59B: 1F 8B TFR A,DP F59D: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F59F: 86 07 LDA #$07 ; index of text string CMOS RAM ERROR F5A1: C1 1F CMPB #$1F F5A3: 22 02 BHI $F5A7 F5A5: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; Index of text string CMOS RAM ERROR OR WRITE PROTECT FAILURE - FRONT DOOR MUST BE OPEN FOR TEST - SOUND_TEST: F5A7: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F5AA: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 F5AD: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F5B0: DE 15 LDU $15 F5B2: 6F 49 CLR $0009,U F5B4: BD FC 90 JSR $FC90 ; clear screen and set seed for sound test F5B7: BD FC 99 JSR $FC99 ; stop any sounds playing, then play sound test sound F5BA: BD FA DD JSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag F5BD: 24 F8 BCC $F5B7 F5BF: 86 3F LDA #$3F F5C1: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab ; stop playing any sounds. F5C4: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay F5C6: 8E F5 CC LDX #$F5CC ; address of function to call F5C9: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call F5CC: 86 2C LDA #$2C F5CE: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab F5D1: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F5D4: BD F9 28 JSR $F928 ; call SWITCH TEST F5D7: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F5DA: BD F8 88 JSR $F888 ; call COLOUR_TEST_VERTICAL_BARS_INDICATE_ERROR F5DD: BD FA DD JSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag F5E0: 24 03 BCC $F5E5 F5E2: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F5E5: 7E F6 77 JMP $F677 ; call MONITOR_TEST_PATTERN F5E8: 7F C8 0E CLR rom_pia_datab F5EB: 86 34 LDA #$34 F5ED: B7 C8 0D STA rom_pia_ctrla F5F0: 4C INCA F5F1: B7 C8 0F STA rom_pia_ctrlb F5F4: 39 RTS ; ; This palette is used during the game settings config routine. ; ; LOAD_F60B_PALETTE: F5F5: 8E F6 0B LDX #colorpalette1 F5F8: 10 8E 98 00 LDY #$9800 ; RAM palette start F5FC: CE C0 00 LDU #color_registers ; colour registers start F5FF: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; read colour value F601: ED A1 STD ,Y++ ; write to RAM palette F603: ED C1 STD ,U++ ; write to colour registers F605: 8C F6 1B CMPX #$F61B ; have we done all colours? F608: 25 F5 BCS $F5FF ; if not, goto $F5FF F60A: 39 RTS ; get outa here! colorpalette1: F60B: 00 07 17 C7 1F 3F 38 C0 A4 FF 38 17 CC 81 81 07 F61B: 86 3F LDA #$3F F61D: 1F 8A TFR A,CC F61F: 8D D4 BSR LOAD_F60B_PALETTE F621: 86 85 LDA #$85 F623: BE B9 EA LDX $B9EA F626: 30 89 12 34 LEAX $1234,X F62A: 10 8E F6 31 LDY #$F631 F62E: 7E FD 65 JMP RAM_TEST F631: 10 8E F6 38 LDY #$F638 F635: 7E FF 3F JMP $FF3F F638: 86 98 LDA #$98 F63A: 1F 8B TFR A,DP F63C: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #$BF70 F640: BD FD 00 JSR $FD00 F643: 24 1F BCC $F664 F645: 86 03 LDA #$03 F647: 8D 26 BSR $F66F F649: 86 08 LDA #$08 F64B: 8C CD 00 CMPX #$CD00 F64E: 23 02 BLS $F652 F650: 86 07 LDA #$07 F652: C6 39 LDB #$39 F654: F7 CB FF STB $CBFF F657: BD D0 12 JSR $D012 ; JMP $DB7C - Clear the screen F65A: BD 5F 99 JSR $5F99 F65D: 86 39 LDA #$39 F65F: B7 CB FF STA $CBFF ; keep watchdog happy F662: 20 F9 BRA $F65D F664: 8D 47 BSR $F6AD F666: 10 8E F6 1B LDY #$F61B F66A: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; number of times to repeat countdown F66C: 7E FE 7F JMP $FE7F ; jump to WAIT_THEN_JUMP_TO_Y F66F: 10 8E F6 76 LDY #$F676 F673: BD FF 1D JSR $FF1D F676: 39 RTS ; ; This is the entry point for the MONITOR TEST PATTERN page. ; MONITOR_TEST_PATTERN: F677: BD F6 FE JSR $F6FE ; Draw grid on screen F67A: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F67D: BD D0 12 JSR $D012 ; JMP $DB7C - Clear the screen F680: 86 07 LDA #$07 F682: 97 00 STA $00 ; set first RAM palette entry - entire screen will change colour F684: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F687: 86 38 LDA #$38 F689: 97 00 STA $00 ; set first RAM palette entry - entire screen will change colour F68B: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F68E: 86 C0 LDA #$C0 F690: 97 00 STA $00 ; set first RAM palette entry - entire screen will change colour F692: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F695: 8D 16 BSR $F6AD F697: BD FA AF JSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then wait for ADVANCE to be unpressed F69A: 7E FA EE JMP $FAEE ; Jump to display bookkeeping totals screen ; ; On entry: ; X = lower limit of screen RAM to write to. ; ; On exit: ; $2B = X on entry ; X = memory address which represents an upper limit of screen RAM. ; The calling function (@$F8E7) writes pixels from the lower limit to upper limit. ; F69D: 9F 2B STX $2B F69F: 30 89 10 00 LEAX $1000,X ; X+=#$1000 F6A3: 30 89 FF 00 LEAX -$0100,X ; X-=100 F6A7: 8C 98 00 CMPX #$9800 ; is X > top of screen RAM (which resides from $0000 - $97ff) ? F6AA: 22 F7 BHI $F6A3 ; yes, got back to $F6A3 F6AC: 39 RTS F6AD: 8E 98 00 LDX #$9800 F6B0: 10 8E F6 EE LDY #$F6EE F6B4: CE C0 00 LDU #$C000 F6B7: EC A1 LDD ,Y++ F6B9: ED 81 STD ,X++ F6BB: ED C1 STD ,U++ F6BD: 86 39 LDA #$39 F6BF: B7 CB FF STA $CBFF ; prevent watchdog from resetting system F6C2: 8C 98 10 CMPX #$9810 F6C5: 25 F0 BCS $F6B7 F6C7: CC 00 00 LDD #$0000 F6CA: 8E 00 00 LDX #$0000 F6CD: 8D CE BSR $F69D F6CF: ED 83 STD ,--X F6D1: 34 02 PSHS A F6D3: 86 39 LDA #$39 F6D5: B7 CB FF STA $CBFF ; prevent watchdog from resetting system F6D8: 35 02 PULS A F6DA: 9C 2B CMPX $2B F6DC: 26 F1 BNE $F6CF F6DE: 30 89 09 00 LEAX $0900,X F6E2: 4D TSTA F6E3: 26 03 BNE $F6E8 F6E5: 8E 0D 00 LDX #$0D00 F6E8: C3 11 11 ADDD #$1111 F6EB: 24 E0 BCC $F6CD F6ED: 39 RTS F6E5: 8E 0D 00 C3 11 11 24 E0 39 05 05 28 28 80 80 00 F6F5: 00 AD AD 2D 2D A8 A8 85 85 ; ; Draws the MONITOR TEST PATTERN, which is a grid with colour bars at the edge. ; DRAW_TEST_PATTERN: F6FE: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F701: 4F CLRA F702: BD F9 1D JSR $F91D ; call routine to fill RAM palette with single RGB value in A F705: 86 FF LDA #$FF F707: 97 01 STA $01 ; set palette entry #1 to white F709: 86 C0 LDA #$C0 F70B: 97 02 STA $02 ; set palette entry #2 to blue F70D: 86 38 LDA #$38 F70F: 97 03 STA $03 ; set palette entry #3 to bright green F711: 86 07 LDA #$07 F713: 97 04 STA $04 ; set palette entry #4 to bright red ; This part of the routine draws the vertical white lines in the grid F715: 10 8E F8 10 LDY #$F810 ; pointer to table detailing lines to draw - see docs at @$F810 for more info F719: CC 01 01 LDD #$0101 ; pixel data to write - 4 pixels worth (2 rows of a black and white pixel pair) F71C: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; read screen address to start drawing vertical line from, from table F71E: ED 81 STD ,X++ ; write pixel data and bump X to point to screen address 2 pixel rows down. F720: AC 22 CPX $0002,Y ; compare X to end screen address held in table F722: 26 FA BNE $F71E ; if not equal then we're not done drawing a vertical line, goto $F71E F724: 31 24 LEAY $0004,Y ; bump Y to point to next table entry - more vertical lines may need to be drawn F726: 10 8C F8 38 CMPY #$F838 ; have we reached the end of the table? F72A: 26 F0 BNE $F71C ; no, so goto $F71C to draw more white vertical lines ; This part of the routine draws the horizontal white lines in the grid F72C: 86 11 LDA #$11 ; pixel data to write - 2 white horizontal pixels F72E: 10 8E F7 F0 LDY #$F7F0 ; pointer to table detailing lines to draw - see docs at @$F7F0 for more info F732: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; read screen address to start drawing vertical line from, from table F734: 9F 2B STX $2B ; save address in temporary variable. F736: A7 84 STA ,X ; write pixels to screen F738: 0C 2B INC $2B ; increment the high byte of the screen pointer. Pointer now points to the pixel pair to right of last (in other words, we've moved 2 pixels right, relative). ; hold on, instead of doing this, wouldn't LEAX $0100,X be better here, than using a temporary variable? (Big deal..!) F73A: 9E 2B LDX $2B ; F73C: AC 22 CPX $0002,Y ; compare X to end screen address held in table F73E: 26 F6 BNE $F736 ; if not equal then we're not done drawing a horizontal line, goto $F736 F740: 31 24 LEAY $0004,Y ; bump Y to point to next table entry - more horizontal lines may need to be drawn F742: 10 8C F8 10 CMPY #$F810 ; have we reached the end of the table? F746: 26 EA BNE $F732 ; no, so goto $F732 to draw more lines ; This part of the routine draws the red and green colour bars at the top and bottom of the screen, and the horizontal parts of the blue crosshair. F748: 10 8E F8 38 LDY #$F838 ; pointer to table detailing lines to draw - see docs at @$F838 for more info F74C: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; read screen address to start drawing horizontal line from F74E: 9F 2B STX $2B F750: A6 24 LDA $0004,Y ; get pixel data to write F752: A7 84 STA ,X ; write pixel pair F754: 0C 2B INC $2B ; increment the high byte of the screen pointer. Pointer now points to the pixel pair to right of pixels just plotted. F756: 9E 2B LDX $2B F758: AC 22 CPX $0002,Y ; compare X to end screen address F75A: 26 F6 BNE $F752 ; if not equal then we're not done drawing the line, goto $F752 F75C: 31 25 LEAY $0005,Y ; bump Y to point to next table entry - more lines may need to be drawn F75E: 10 8C F8 74 CMPY #$F874 ; have we reached the end of the table? F762: 26 E8 BNE $F74C ; no, so goto $F74C to draw more lines ; This part of the routine draws the red and green vertical colour bars at the left centre and right centre of the screen. F764: 10 8E F8 74 LDY #$F874 ; pointer to table detailing lines to draw - see docs at @$F838 for more info F768: AE A4 LDX ,Y ; read screen address to start drawing vertical line from F76A: A6 24 LDA $0004,Y ; get pixel data to write F76C: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; write pixel pair, and bump X to point to pixel 1 row down F76E: AC 22 CPX $0002,Y ; compare X to end screen address held in table F770: 26 FA BNE $F76C ; if not equal then we're not done drawing the line, goto $F752 F772: 31 25 LEAY $0005,Y ; bump Y to point to next table entry - more lines may need to be drawn F774: 10 8C F8 88 CMPY #$F888 ; have we reached the end of the table? F778: 26 EE BNE $F768 ; no, so goto $F768 to draw more lines F77A: 86 21 LDA #$21 F77C: B7 43 7E STA $437E F77F: 86 20 LDA #$20 F781: B7 93 7E STA $937E ; This code draws the vertical line part for the top of the blue crosshair F784: 8E 4B 0A LDX #$4B0A F787: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts F789: 7F C9 00 CLR rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; enable reading from screen RAM F78C: A6 84 LDA ,X ; read 2 pixels from screen F78E: C6 01 LDB #$01 F790: F7 C9 00 STB rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; disable screen RAM reads, enable ROM reads F793: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F795: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; mask in (keep) first pixel of pixel pair F797: 8A 02 ORA #$02 ; set second pixel of pixel pair to colour 2, which is blue. F799: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; write pixel pair and bump X to point to next pixel down F79B: 8C 4B 6D CMPX #$4B6D ; have we done all the pixels? F79E: 26 E7 BNE $F787 ; no, goto $F787 ; This code draws the vertical line part for the bottom of the blue crosshair F7A0: 8E 4B 90 LDX #$4B90 F7A3: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts F7A5: 7F C9 00 CLR rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; enable reading from screen RAM F7A8: A6 84 LDA ,X ; read 2 pixels from screen F7AA: C6 01 LDB #$01 F7AC: F7 C9 00 STB rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; disable screen RAM reads, enable ROM reads F7AF: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F7B1: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; mask in (keep) first pixel of pixel pair F7B3: 8A 02 ORA #$02 ; set second pixel of pixel pair to colour 2, which is blue. F7B5: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; write pixel pair and bump X to point to next pixel down F7B7: 8C 4B F3 CMPX #$4BF3 ; have we done all the pixels? F7BA: 26 E7 BNE $F7A3 ; no, goto $F7A3 ; this code plots the single white pixel in the centre of each grid cell F7BC: 8E 0B 18 LDX #$0B18 ; screen address for first white pixel to be plotted to. X coordinate = 0B (11 decimal), Y coordinate = 18 (24 decimal) F7BF: 9F 2B STX $2B ; store in temporary variable F7C1: 9E 2B LDX $2B F7C3: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; disable interrupts F7C5: 7F C9 00 CLR rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; enable reading from screen RAM F7C8: A6 84 LDA ,X ; read 2 pixels from screen F7CA: C6 01 LDB #$01 F7CC: F7 C9 00 STB rom_enable_scr_ctrl ; disable screen RAM reads, enable ROM reads F7CF: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; clear interrupt flag F7D1: 84 F0 ANDA #$F0 ; mask in (keep) first pixel of pixel pair F7D3: 8A 01 ORA #$01 ; set second pixel of pixel pair to colour 1, which is white. F7D5: A7 84 STA ,X ; write pixel pair F7D7: D6 2C LDB $2C ; get Y coordinate of pixel just plotted F7D9: CB 22 ADDB #$22 ; Add #$22 (34 decimal) F7DB: 25 04 BCS $F7E1 ; if there's a carry, that means we've passed the bottom of the screen, goto $F7E1 F7DD: D7 2C STB $2C ; update temporary variable with screen address to plot next white pixel at F7DF: 20 E0 BRA $F7C1 ; when we get here, we've plotted a vertical set of white pixels for a grid column. We need to move to next grid column. F7E1: C6 18 LDB #$18 ; reset Y coordinate to top grid cell centre F7E3: D7 2C STB $2C F7E5: D6 2B LDB $2B ; get current X coordinate F7E7: CB 10 ADDB #$10 ; add $10 (16 decimal) , which is 32 pixels F7E9: D7 2B STB $2B ; update current X coordinate. F7EB: C1 9B CMPB #$9B ; if we hit #$9B (155 decimal) then we've done all the grid cells F7ED: 26 D2 BNE $F7C1 ; no, another set of pixels to be plotted, goto $F7C1 F7EF: 39 RTS ; yes, no more grid columns to plot pixels in, exit routine ; Referred to by $F72E ; ; This table defines the horizontal [white] lines that make up the test pattern grid. ; ; The first pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to start drawing a vertical line down from. ; The second pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to draw down to. ; ; For example, the first entry in the table below, 03 07 03 F5, tells the rendering routine to draw from $0307 to $03F5. ; The second entry in the table tells the rendering routine to draw from $1307 to $13F5. ; TEST_PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINES: F7F0: 04 07 94 07 04 29 94 29 04 4B 94 4B 04 6D 94 6D 04 8F 94 8F 04 B1 94 B1 04 D3 94 D3 04 F5 94 F5 ; ; Referred to by $F715. ; ; This table defines the vertical [white] lines that make up the test pattern grid. ; ; The first pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to start drawing a vertical line down from. ; The second pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to draw down to. ; ; For example, the first entry in the table below, 03 07 03 F5, tells the rendering routine to draw from $0307 to $03F5. ; The second entry in the table tells the rendering routine to draw from $1307 to $13F5. ; TEST_PATTERN_VERTICAL_GRID_LINES: F810: 03 07 03 F5 13 07 13 F5 23 07 23 F5 33 07 33 F5 43 07 43 F5 53 07 53 F5 63 07 63 F5 73 07 73 F5 83 07 83 F5 93 07 93 F5 ; ; Referred to by $F748 ; ; This table is used to plot horizontal lines from left to right, using a given colour. ; It is used to render the red and green colour bars at the top centre and bottom centre of the test pattern screen, ; as well as the horizontal parts of the blue crosshair. ; ; 5 bytes per entry define the line and its colour: ; ; The first pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to start drawing from. ; The second pair of bytes forms a pointer to the screen address to draw along to. ; The last byte, is the pixel colour pair to plot with. ; ; For example, the fourth entry in the table below, 45 08 52 08 33, tells the rendering routine to plot a horizontal line from $4508 to $5208, using palette entry 3 for each pixel pair. ; Remember, with Robotron hardware there is 2 pixels per byte, so 33 means "colour 3 for pixel 1, and colour 3 for pixel 2" TEST_PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_COLOUR_BARS_AND_CROSSHAIR: F838: 45 05 52 05 44 ; can't see (or at least I can't see this using MAME) 45 06 52 06 44 ; can't see 45 07 52 07 00 ; black horizontal line that disrupts white grid line at very top of screen 45 08 52 08 33 ; top part of green block at top of screen 45 09 52 09 33 ; lower part of green block at top of screen 45 F3 52 F3 33 ; top part of green block at bottom of screen 45 F4 52 F4 33 ; lower part of green block at bottom of screen 45 F5 52 F5 00 ; black horizontal line that disrupts white grid line at bottom of screen 45 F6 52 F6 44 ; red horizontal line at very bottom of screen 45 F7 52 F7 44 ; can't see 04 7E 43 7E 22 ; blue line for left part of crosshair 54 7E 93 7E 22 ; blue line for right part of crosshair ; ; Referred to by $F764 ; TEST_PATTERN_VERTICAL_COLOUR_BARS: F874: 02 6F 02 8E 04 ; can't see 03 6F 03 8E 30 ; green line at extreme left centre 93 6F 93 8E 00 ; erases right border of centre right grid cell 94 6F 94 8E 34 ; green and red line at extreme right centre ; ; This is the COLOUR TEST - VERTICAL BARS INDICATE ERROR screen. ; ; This function does the following: ; ; 1. Fills entire palette (16 bytes) with first palette RGB value in palette table located @$F905. All colours now have same RGB. ; 2. Draws vertical bars on screen using different palette entries. The table used to select palette entry is @$F90D. ; As all palette entries are the same, the screen should be a uniform colour... unless there is a problem with the colour ; hardware, in which case one of the vertical bars may show, indicating error. ; ; 3. REPEAT ; 3a. Delay for a bit ; 3b. Get next palette value from palette table ; 3c. Fill palette with palette value. All colours now have same RGB. This will make entire screen change colour. ; 7. UNTIL advance pressed ; 8. Leave function COLOUR_TEST_VERTICAL_BARS_INDICATE_ERROR: F888: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address from stack F88A: DE 15 LDU $15 F88C: ED 4D STD $000D,U F88E: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F891: 86 1E LDA #$1E F893: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 ; print COLOR RAM TEST F896: 86 80 LDA #$80 ; countdown F898: A7 47 STA $0007,U F89A: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay F89C: 8E F8 A2 LDX #$F8A2 ; address of function to call F89F: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call F8A2: BD FA DD JSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag F8A5: 25 34 BCS $F8DB ; if advance is pressed goto $F8DB F8A7: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown F8A9: 26 EF BNE $F89A ; if countdown is !=0 , goto $F89A F8AB: B6 F9 05 LDA $F905 F8AE: 8D 6D BSR $F91D ; call routine to fill RAM palette with single RGB value in A F8B0: 8D 2E BSR $F8E0 ; fill region of screen F8B2: 8E F9 05 LDX #$F905 ; pointer to table of palette values F8B5: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; read palette value from table into A F8B7: DE 15 LDU $15 F8B9: AF 49 STX $0009,U ; store pointer to current palette table entry being used F8BB: 8D 60 BSR $F91D ; call routine to fill RAM palette with single RGB value in A F8BD: 86 80 LDA #$80 ; countdown value before changing to new colour F8BF: A7 47 STA $0007,U F8C1: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay F8C3: 8E F8 C9 LDX #$F8C9 ; address of function to call F8C6: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call F8C9: BD FA DD JSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag F8CC: 25 0D BCS $F8DB ; if so, then exit this function F8CE: 6A 47 DEC $0007,U ; decrement countdown value F8D0: 26 EF BNE $F8C1 ; if !=0, keep current task running this block of code @F8C9 F8D2: AE 49 LDX $0009,U ; restore pointer to current palette table entry being used (see $F8B9) F8D4: 8C F9 0D CMPX #$F90D ; are we at the end of the palette table? F8D7: 25 DC BCS $F8B5 ; no, so jump to $F8B5 to get next palette value from table and set entire palette to that value F8D9: 20 D7 BRA $F8B2 ; otherwise, reset palette table pointer to start, and go again. F8DB: DE 15 LDU $15 F8DD: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] ; jump to return address saved @ $F88C ; ; Draw vertical bars for colour test. Different palette entries are used when rendering the bars, but you don't immediately see this ; because the entire colour palette is set to the same RGB value. ; DRAW_COLOUR_TEST_VERTICAL_COLOUR_BARS: F8E0: 8E 00 00 LDX #$0000 F8E3: 10 8E F9 0D LDY #$F90D ; pixel values to write to screen RAM F8E7: BD F6 9D JSR $F69D ; call function that defines low and upper boundaries for screen RAM writes. F8EA: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ ; get value to write to screen F8EC: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; ensure B is same as A, so that D represents 4 pixels of same colour F8EE: ED 83 STD ,--X ; decrement X by 2, moving 2 pixel lines up, then write 4 pixels to screen (2 rows of 2 pixels) F8F0: 9C 2B CPX $2B ; has X reached the lower boundary? F8F2: 26 FA BNE $F8EE ; if not, goto $F8EE and keep writing pixels F8F4: 30 89 09 00 LEAX $0900,X F8F8: 4D TSTA ; are we writing F8F9: 26 03 BNE $F8FE F8FB: 8E 0D 00 LDX #$0D00 F8FE: 10 8C F9 1D CMPY #$F91D F902: 26 E3 BNE $F8E7 F904: 39 RTS COLOUR_TEST_PALETTE_RGB_VALUES: F905: 02 03 04 10 18 20 40 80 COLOUR_TEST_VERTICAL_BAR_PIXEL_VALUES: F90D: 00 FF 11 EE 22 DD 33 CC 44 BB 55 AA 66 99 77 88 ; ; A= value to write from $9800 to $980F ; FILL_RAM_PALETTE_SINGLE_COLOUR: F91D: 8E 98 00 LDX #$9800 ; RAM palette start F920: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; write value to RAM palette F922: 8C 98 10 CMPX #$9810 ; is X pointing past the end of the palette? F925: 25 F9 BCS $F920 ; no, goto $F920 F927: 39 RTS ; otherwise, we're outa here ; ; The SWITCH TEST diagnostics screen ; ; SWITCH_TEST: F928: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address off stack F92A: DE 15 LDU $15 F92C: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; store return address for use at $F96D F92E: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; number of cycles that ADVANCE needs to be held down for, to exit switch test screen F930: A7 4B STA $000B,U F932: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 F935: 86 0C LDA #$0C F937: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 ;print SWITCH TEST F93A: CE B3 EA LDU #$B3EA ; Zero B3EA to $B3F4 F93D: 6F C0 CLR ,U+ F93F: 11 83 B3 F4 CMPU #$B3F4 F943: 23 F8 BLS $F93D F945: CE F9 E1 LDU #$F9E1 ; address of pointer pairs F948: 8D 26 BSR $F970 ; call method to read buttons and sticks F94A: 86 34 LDA #$34 ; 110100b in binary F94C: B7 C8 07 STA widget_pia_ctrlb ; select player 2 sticks (this is only applicable if you're using a cocktail machine) F94F: 8D 1F BSR $F970 ; process pointer pairs - this reads buttons and sticks F951: 86 3C LDA #$3C ; ‭111100b in binary F953: B7 C8 07 STA widget_pia_ctrlb ; select player 1 sticks F956: 8D 28 BSR $F980 ; display the switch test results on screen F958: BD FA DD JSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag F95B: 24 06 BCC $F963 ; ADVANCE is not pressed, goto $F963 ; we need to hold ADVANCE down for 10 cycles before we can continue to the next diagnostics screen. F95D: DE 15 LDU $15 F95F: 6A 4B DEC $000B,U ; decrement countdown F961: 27 08 BEQ $F96B ; if countdown is 0, then ADVANCE has been held down long enough, we can go to next screen F963: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay F965: 8E F9 45 LDX #$F945 ; address of function to call F968: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call F96B: DE 15 LDU $15 F96D: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] ; READ_CONTROLLERS_AND_FILL_SWITCH_STATE_TABLE reads the state of all of the controllers and buttons, and fills a table in RAM with the state. ; This table will be used to show what buttons and sticks are being held down or moved. ; ; U = pointer to a table containing pointer pairs. See $F9E1 for more info. ; READ_CONTROLLERS_AND_FILL_SWITCH_STATE_TABLE: F970: AE C1 LDX ,U++ ; get address of I/O port to query state from F972: 27 0B BEQ $F97F ; if 0, no more ports to be read, so goto $F97F (RTS) F974: 10 AE C1 LDY ,U++ ; get memory address to store state in F977: A6 84 LDA ,X ; read value from I/O port F979: A8 A4 EORA ,Y ; EOR with state of controller last time it was read F97B: A7 21 STA $0001,Y ; store result of EOR in second pointer + 1 F97D: 20 F1 BRA $F970 ; go do another port F97F: 39 RTS ; ; Iterate through the switch state table starting at $B3EA, determine what state has changed in it, and clear or show associated switch accordingly. ; SHOW_ALL_SWITCH_TEST_RESULTS: F980: CE F9 F9 LDU #$F9F9 ; pointer to table containing switch test text string metadata F983: 10 8E B3 EA LDY #B3EA ; Start of temp memory region where IO port state is held F987: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; start with bit 0 F989: E5 21 BITB $0001,Y ; test if bit B is set in *(Y+1). It will be set if there's a change in the associated controller bit state F98B: 27 02 BEQ $F98F ; if bit is not set, goto $F98F F98D: 8D 19 BSR $F9A8 ; the controller bit state has changed. Display, or clear, the associated switch text. F98F: 33 43 LEAU $0003,U ; U += 3. Bump to next switch test text metadata entry F991: 58 ASLB ; shift B left so we test a different bit in the controller F992: 24 F5 BCC $F989 ; if we have not caused a carry (meaning, we've not just tested bit 7, and can test no more bits) then goto $F989 F994: 31 22 LEAY $0002,Y ; Y+= 2. Read next controller state bits. F996: 10 8C B3 F3 CMPY #$B3F3 F99A: 22 0B BHI $F9A7 F99C: B6 C8 06 LDA widget_pia_datab F99F: 2B E6 BMI $F987 F9A1: 10 8C B3 EF CMPY #$B3EF F9A5: 23 E0 BLS $F987 F9A7: 39 RTS ; Called from $F98D. The state of a switch has changed, so now we need to either display the name of switch to show it's been moved/pressed, ; or we need to clear the existing text because the switch is no longer being moved/pressed ; ; B = bit ; Y = TODO: Explain purpose of Y SWITCH_STATE_CHANGED: F9A8: 34 14 PSHS X,B F9AA: 86 3F LDA #$3F F9AC: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab ; stop all sounds F9AF: E8 A4 EORB ,Y F9B1: E7 A4 STB ,Y F9B3: E6 E4 LDB ,S ; restore B from stack F9B5: E5 A4 BITB ,Y F9B7: 26 10 BNE $F9C9 ; if bit is set, goto $F9C9 to display the depressed switch F9B9: E6 42 LDB $0002,U ; read Y coordinate from table F9BB: 27 22 BEQ $F9DF ; if 0, this bit doesn't do anything, there's no stick or button assigned to it, so just RTS ; if we get here, a controller is no longer being held down, so time to remove the text. F9BD: 86 40 LDA #$40 ; X coordinate F9BF: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; D-> X. Now X is a screen address. F9C1: CC 30 06 LDD #$3006 ; Width: 30 (48 decimal) bytes, Height: 06 pixels F9C4: BD D0 1B JSR $D01B ; JMP $DADF - clear rectangle to black F9C7: 35 94 PULS B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; Display the stick that has been moved or the button that has been pressed ; DISPLAY_SWITCH: F9C9: E6 42 LDB $0002,U ; get Y coordinate to print string at F9CB: 27 12 BEQ $F9DF F9CD: 86 40 LDA #$40 ; set X coordinate to print string at F9CF: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; X = screen address to print string at F9D1: C6 BB LDB #$BB F9D3: D7 CF STB $CF ; text colour F9D5: EC C4 LDD ,U ; load A with number of string to print, and B with ??? (TODO: needs investigation.) F9D7: BD 5F 96 JSR $5F96 ; JMP $613F: print string in small font F9DA: 86 37 LDA #$37 ; and make a sound F9DC: B7 C8 0E STA rom_pia_datab F9DF: 35 94 PULS B,X,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; ; These are pointer pairs. ; The first pointer is the address of the IO port to read from ; The second pointer is the memory address to hold the value read. ; F9E1: C8 0C ; rom_pia_dataa F9E3: B3 EA ; store value read from rom_pia_dataa in $B3EA F9E5: C8 04 ; widget_pia_dataa F9E7: B3 EC ; store value read from widget_pia_dataa in $B3EC F9E9: C8 06 ; widget_pia_datab F9EB: B3 EE ; store value read from widget_pia_datab in $B3EE F9ED: 00 00 F9EF: C8 04 ; widget_pia_dataa F9F1: B3 F0 ; store value read from widget_pia_dataa in $B3F0 F9F3: C8 06 ; widget_pia_datab F9F5: B3 F2 ; store value read from widget_pia_datab in $B3F2 F9F7: 00 00 ; ; This table contains the indexes (indices?) of all text for the SWITCH TEST screen to display, and the vertical position to display the text at. ; ; Observant readers familiar with the Robotron controller I/O docs will see the order of entries in the table maps directly to the corresponding bits in ; rom_pia_dataa, widget_pia_dataa, widget_pia_datab (see Sean Riddles site for more info). It is no coincidence. ; ; ; Three bytes per entry: ; ; Byte 0: parameter to pass to PRINT_STRING_SMALL_FONT in register A - the ID of the text string ; Byte 1: parameter to pass to PRINT_STRING_SMALL_FONT in register B ; Byte 2: Y coordinate for PRINT_STRING_SMALL_FONT to print text string at. The X coordinate is hard coded, set at $F9CD ; ROM_PIA_DATAA_SWITCH_TEST_TABLE: F9F9: 0D 00 2C ; AUTO UP F9FC: 0E 00 33 ; ADVANCE F9FF: 0F 00 3A ; RIGHT COIN FA02: 10 00 41 ; HIGH SCORE RESET FA05: 11 00 48 ; LEFT COIN FA08: 12 00 4F ; CENTER COIN FA0B: 13 00 56 ; SLAM SWITCH FA0E: 00 00 00 WIDGET_PIA_DATAA_SWITCH_TEST_TABLE: FA11: 14 01 5D ; MOVE UP FA14: 15 01 64 ; MOVE DOWN FA17: 16 01 6B ; MOVE LEFT FA1A: 17 01 72 ; MOVE RIGHT FA1D: 18 00 79 ; 1 PLAYER START FA20: 19 00 80 ; 2 PLAYER START FA23: 1A 01 87 ; FIRE UP FA26: 1B 01 8E ; FIRE DOWN WIDGET_PIA_DATAB_SWITCH_TEST_TABLE: FA29: 1C 01 95 ; FIRE LEFT FA2C: 1D 01 9C ; FIRE RIGHT FA2F: 00 00 00 FA32: 00 00 00 FA35: 00 00 00 FA38: 00 00 00 FA3B: 00 00 00 FA3E: 00 00 00 FA41: 14 02 A3 15 02 AA 16 02 FA49: B1 17 02 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 1A 02 BF 1B 02 C6 FA59: 1C 02 CD 1D 02 D4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FA69: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FA71: CE F5 40 LDU #$F540 FA74: 20 03 BRA $FA79 FA76: CE F5 17 LDU #$F517 FA79: 10 CE BF 70 LDS #stacktop FA7D: 10 8E FA 86 LDY #$FA86 ; Address to jump to when countdown done FA81: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; number of times to repeat countdown FA83: 7E FE 7F JMP $FE7F ; jump to WAIT_THEN_JUMP_TO_Y FA86: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FA89: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FA8B: 26 F0 BNE $FA7D FA8D: 10 8E FA 96 LDY #$FA96 ; address to jump to when countdown done FA91: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; number of times to repeat countdown FA93: 7E FE 7F JMP $FE7F ; jump to WAIT_THEN_JUMP_TO_Y FA96: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FA99: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FA9B: 27 F0 BEQ $FA8D FA9D: 10 8E FA A6 LDY #$FAA6 ; Address to jump to when countdown done FAA1: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; number of times to repeat countdown FAA3: 7E FE 7F JMP $FE7F ; jump to WAIT_THEN_JUMP_TO_Y FAA6: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FAA9: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FAAB: 26 F0 BNE $FA9D FAAD: 6E C4 JMP ,U ; ; Wait for the user to press ADVANCE button, and then to take their hands/fingers/whatever appendage off the button. ; ; User must do the following: ; ; 1. Press ADVANCE. ; 2. Don't press advance. ; 3. Profit. WAIT_FOR_ADVANCE_TO_BE_PRESSED_THEN_UNPRESSED: FAAF: 35 06 PULS A,B ; get return address from stack FAB1: DE 15 LDU $15 FAB3: ED 4D STD $000D,U ; store return address FAB5: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FAB8: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FABA: 26 08 BNE $FAC4 ; yes, goto $FAC4, which will clear the screen and then test for ADVANCE to be *not pressed*. ; if we get here, the user is holding ADVANCE down, so we wait for him to stop doing that, and re-test the ADVANCE button status. FABC: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; delay FABE: 8E FA B5 LDX #$FAB5 ; address of function to call FAC1: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call FAC4: 0F 00 CLR $00 FAC6: BD D0 12 JSR CLR_SCREEN1 FAC9: 20 07 BRA $FAD2 FACB: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FACE: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FAD0: 27 08 BEQ $FADA ; no, so we can continue to next page. Goto $FADA, return to method that called $FAAF ; If we get here, advance is held down, we want the user to let go of it! FAD2: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; delay before calling function FAD4: 8E FA CB LDX #$FACB ; address of function to call when delay expires - ADVANCE button unpressed test FAD7: 7E D0 66 JMP $D066 ; JMP $D1E3 - allocate function call FADA: 6E D8 0D JMP [$0D,U] ; jump to return address popped at $FAAF SET_CARRY_FLAG_IF_ADVANCE_PRESSED: FADD: 34 02 PSHS A FADF: B6 C8 0C LDA rom_pia_dataa FAE2: 85 02 BITA #$02 ; "ADVANCE" pressed? FAE4: 27 04 BEQ $FAEA ; no, goto $FAEA FAE6: 1A 01 ORCC #$01 ; otherwise, set carry flag FAE8: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; and return FAEA: 1C FE ANDCC #$FE ; clear carry flag - advance not pressed FAEC: 35 82 PULS A,PC ;(PUL? PC=RTS) ; and return ; ; TODO: Complete ; DISPLAY_BOOKKEEPING_TOTALS: FAEE: 86 FF LDA #$FF FAF0: 97 59 STA $59 FAF2: BD F5 F5 JSR LOAD_F60B_PALETTE FAF5: 8D E6 BSR $FADD ; call routine to test if ADVANCE is pressed, and if so, set carry flag FAF7: 24 02 BCC $FAFB ; ADVANCE is not pressed, so we can go to the bookkeeping screen FAF9: 8D B4 BSR $FAAF ; wait for ADVANCE to be pressed, then for ADVANCE to be unpressed FAFB: 86 1F LDA #$1F ; BOOKKEEPING TOTALS FAFD: BD 5F 99 JSR JMP_PRINT_STRING_LARGE_FONT ; JMP $6147 FB00: CE CD 02 LDU #$CD02 ; X = pointer to left slot coins entry in CMOS FB03: 86 20 LDA #$20 ; index of LEFT SLOT COINS message to pass to print string. ; from FB05 to FB23 its equivalent to (for i=0; i