LIST OFF ; *** B E R Z E R K *** ; Copyright 1982 Atari, Inc ; Programmer: Dan Hitchens ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: December 29, 2004 ; ; - Dan seems to use a form of .skipDraw which was developed by ; Thomas Jentzsch (see ; ; It doesn't use illegal opcodes like the one referenced above. It looks ; more like my first attempt. Where two variables are used (upper and ; lower boundaries) to determine if it's time to draw the sprite. ; - This game adjusts game speed so PAL and NTSC game speeds are virtually ; identical. Notice how the frame delay values for PAL are 1.2 times that ; of the NTSC values. ; - It looks as if it was planned for the robots to fire diagonally. The ; values are present in the ROM but would need a little adjusting to get it ; accurate. ; - Looks as if RAM locations $FA and $FB are not used ; - Evil Otto is launched at ~12 seconds after entering a board ; - A number flags and RAM overlays are used in this game so I may not have ; identified them all correctly. processor 6502 ; ; NOTE: You must compile this with vcs.h version 105 or greater. ; TIA_BASE_READ_ADDRESS = $30 ; set the read address base so this runs on ; the real VCS and compiles to the exact ; ROM image include vcs.h include macro.h LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL = 1 COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC ; change this to compile for different ; regions ;============================================================================ ; T I A - C O N S T A N T S ;============================================================================ HMOVE_L7 = $70 HMOVE_L6 = $60 HMOVE_L5 = $50 HMOVE_L4 = $40 HMOVE_L3 = $30 HMOVE_L2 = $20 HMOVE_L1 = $10 HMOVE_0 = $00 HMOVE_R1 = $F0 HMOVE_R2 = $E0 HMOVE_R3 = $D0 HMOVE_R4 = $C0 HMOVE_R5 = $B0 HMOVE_R6 = $A0 HMOVE_R7 = $90 HMOVE_R8 = $80 ; values for NUSIZx: ONE_COPY = %000 TWO_COPIES = %001 TWO_WIDE_COPIES = %010 THREE_COPIES = %011 DOUBLE_SIZE = %101 THREE_MED_COPIES = %110 QUAD_SIZE = %111 MSBL_SIZE1 = %000000 MSBL_SIZE2 = %010000 MSBL_SIZE4 = %100000 MSBL_SIZE8 = %110000 VERTICAL_DELAY = 1 ; values for REFPx: NO_REFLECT = %0000 REFLECT = %1000 ; SWCHA joystick bits: MOVE_RIGHT = %1000 MOVE_LEFT = %0100 MOVE_DOWN = %0010 MOVE_UP = %0001 NO_MOVE = %0000 ; mask for SWCHB BW_MASK = %1000 ; black and white bit SELECT_MASK = %10 RESET_MASK = %01 ;============================================================================ ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;============================================================================ ROMTOP = $F000 ; color constants BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0E IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC VBLANK_TIME = $2C OVERSCAN_TIME = $24 ; NTSC color constants YELLOW = $10 RED = $30 RED_2 = $40 RED_3 = RED_2 RED_4 = RED PURPLE = $50 BLUE = $88 GREEN_BLUE = $A8 LT_GREEN = $CA BROWN = $F0 BROWN_2 = BROWN PLAYER_FRACTIONAL_DELAY = $70 ; move 7 out of 16 frames ; Robot movement frame delay values ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_0 = $20 ; move 4 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_1 = $28 ; move 5 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_2 = $30 ; move 6 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_3 = $38 ; move 7 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_4 = $40 ; move 8 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_5 = $48 ; move 9 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_6 = $50 ; move 10 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_7 = $58 ; move 11 out of 32 frames ; Robot missile frame delay values ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_0 = $38 ; move 7 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_1 = $40 ; move 8 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_2 = $50 ; move 10 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_3 = $60 ; move 12 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_4 = $78 ; move 15 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_5 = $90 ; move 18 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_6 = $B0 ; move 22 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_7 = $D0 ; move 26 out of 32 frames ELSE VBLANK_TIME = $36 OVERSCAN_TIME = $2B ; PAL color constants BLACK2 = $10 YELLOW = $20 BROWN = $40 RED = $60 RED_2 = RED RED_3 = BROWN RED_4 = RED_3 GREEN_BLUE = $56 LT_GREEN = $5E PURPLE = $A0 BLUE = $DA BROWN_2 = $F0 PLAYER_FRACTIONAL_DELAY = $86 ; move 7 out of 16 frames ; Robot movement frame delay values ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_0 = $26 ; move 4 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_1 = $30 ; move 5 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_2 = $3A ; move 6 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_3 = $43 ; move 7 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_4 = $4D ; move 8 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_5 = $56 ; move 9 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_6 = $60 ; move 10 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MOVE_DELAY_7 = $6A ; move 11 out of 32 frames ; Robot missile frame delay values ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_0 = $43 ; move 7 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_1 = $4D ; move 8 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_2 = $60 ; move 10 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_3 = $73 ; move 12 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_4 = $90 ; move 15 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_5 = $AD ; move 18 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_6 = $D3 ; move 22 out of 32 frames ROBOT_MISSILE_DELAY_7 = $FA ; move 26 out of 32 frames ENDIF COLOR_LIGHT_LUM = $F7 H_FONT = 7 H_ROBOT = 9 H_PLAYER = 12 H_KERNEL = 176 XMIN = 0 XMAX = 149 XMAX_PLAYER = XMAX - 3 YMIN = 0 MAX_GAME_SELECTION = $12 ; BCD SELECT_DELAY = 26 MAX_ROBOTS = 8 INIT_NUM_LIVES = 3 SHOOTING_ROBOT_SCORE = $50 ; BCD ROBOT_STAND_ANIM_OFFSET = 0 ROBOT_LEFT_ANIM_OFFSET = 9 ROBOT_RIGHT_ANIM_OFFSET = 12 ROBOT_UP_ANIM_OFFSET = 15 ROBOT_DOWN_ANIM_OFFSET = 19 ROBOT_DEATH_ANIM_OFFSET = 23 PLAYER_STAND_ANIM_OFFSET = 0 PLAYER_RUN_ANIM_OFFSET = 1 PLAYER_DEATH_ANIM_OFFSET = 3 ; game variation flags EXTRA_LIFE_2000 = %10000000 EXTRA_LIFE_1000 = %01000000 OTTO_INVINCIBLE = %00100000 OTTO_REBOUND = %00010000 NO_OTTO = %00001000 ROBOT_SHOOTING = %00000001 ; player starting location values PLAYER_ENTERING_NORTH = 0 PLAYER_ENTERING_SOUTH = 1 PLAYER_ENTERING_WEST = 2 PLAYER_ENTERING_EAST = 3 ROBOT_SHOOTING_RIGHT = %0001 ROBOT_SHOOTING_LEFT = %0010 ROBOT_SHOOTING_DOWN = %0100 ROBOT_SHOOTING_UP = %1000 XROBOT_MISSILE_BOX = 8 YROBOT_MISSILE_BOX = 6 ;============================================================================ ; M A C R O S ;============================================================================ ; ; time wasting macros ; MAC SLEEP_3 lda playerGraphicPointer ENDM MAC SLEEP_4 nop nop ENDM MAC SLEEP_8 nop SLEEP_3 SLEEP_3 ENDM MAC SLEEP_9 SLEEP_3 SLEEP_3 SLEEP_3 ENDM ;============================================================================ ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;============================================================================ gameSelection = $80 gameState = $81 mazeNumber = $82 mazeOffset = $83 ; offset into maze drawing data frameCount = $84 START_GAME_RAM = $85 ;-------------------------------------- colorEOR = $85 selectDebounce = $86 attractModeTimer = $87 gameVariation = $88 playerGraphicPointer = $89 ; $89 - $8A playerVertPos = $8B player0Scanline = $8C playerUpperBoundary = $8D playerDirection = $8E playerMissilePointer = $8F ; $8F - $90 playerAnimationIndex = $91 playerMotion = $92 ; fractional delay for player movement playerHorizPos = $93 playerMissileFlightTime = $94 playerMissileDirection = $95 playerMissileHorizPos = $96 playerMissileVertPos = $97 robotMissilePointer = $98 ; $98 - $99 robotMissileDirection = $9A robotMissileDelay = $9B ; fractional delay value for missile robotMissileFlightTime = $9C robotMissileHorizPos = $9D robotMissileVertPos = $9E delayRobotAnimation = $9F ;-------------------------------------- robotFineHoriz = delayRobotAnimation ; $9F - $A6 ;-------------------------------------- upperPlayfieldLimit = $A6 ; upper scanline limit for screen transition robotCoarseHoriz = $A7 ; $A7 - $AE evilOttoHorizPos = $AE robotPointers = $AF ; $AF - $B6 robotMotion = $B7 ; fractional delay for robot movement robotVertPos = $B8 ; $B8 - $C0 robotHorizPos = $C1 ; $C1 - $C8 ;-------------------------------------- tempOttoVertPos = $C8 playerCollisions = $C9 ; $C9 - $D0 ;-------------------------------------- lowerPlayfieldLimit = $D0 ; lower scanline limit for screen transition prevEvilOttoVertPos = $D1 robotAnimationIndex = $D2 ; $D2 - $D9 evilOttoVertPos = $D9 numberOfLives = $DA numberRobotsKilled = $DB gameLevel = $DC ; incremented when level is completed playerScore = $DD ; $DD - $DF robotMotionDelay = $E0 mazePF0Value = $E1 playerStartingLocation = $E2 random = $E3 ; $E3 - $E4 initRobotDelay = $E5 ; robots not active until value is 255 temp01 = $E6 ;-------------------------------------- lsbDigitPointer = temp01 ;-------------------------------------- robotGraphics = lsbDigitPointer ;-------------------------------------- tempPlayerExitingPos = robotGraphics temp02 = $E7 ; used for various things loopCount = $E8 ;-------------------------------------- randomNumberMax = loopCount lastRobotVertPos = $E9 ;-------------------------------------- tempCharHolder = lastRobotVertPos ;-------------------------------------- compRobotToMove = tempCharHolder digitPointer = $EA ; $EA - $F5 evilOttoLaunchTimer = $F6 audioIndex = $F7 robotMissileSoundIndex = $F8 ottoVerticalDelta = $F9 kernelSection = $FC playerGraphicLSB = $FD ;-------------------------------------- player0Graphic = playerGraphicLSB robotCoarsePos = $FE ; value to coarse move robot in kernel ;============================================================================ ; R O M - C O D E (Part 1) ;============================================================================ SEG Bank0 org ROMTOP Start jmp ColdStart .waste15Cycles SLEEP_9 ; 9 jmp .drawMazeData ; 3 .waste10Cycles SLEEP_4 ; 4 jmp .drawMazeData ; 3 ReadCollisionsForSection lda CXP1FB ; 3 read player1/PF collision ora CXM0P ; 3 or player0 missile collisions ora CXPPMM ; 3 or player/player and and #%10000000 ; 2 mask ball, M0/M0, M0/P0 collisions bit CXM1P ; 3 bvc .setCollisions ; 2³ ora #1 ; 2 show a robot shot this robot .setCollisions sta playerCollisions,x ; 4 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- SLEEP_3 ; 3 lda player0Graphic ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @09 lda (playerMissilePointer),y; 5 sta ENAM0 ; 3 = @17 SLEEP_8 ; 8 cpy player0Scanline ; 3 = @28 bcc .waste15Cycles ; 2³ cpy playerUpperBoundary ; 3 bcs .waste10Cycles ; 2³ lda (playerGraphicPointer),y; 5 sta player0Graphic ; 3 .drawMazeData iny ; 2 = @45 tya ; 2 lsr ; 2 clc ; 2 adc mazeOffset ; 3 tax ; 2 lda MazePF2Data,x ; 4 sta PF2 ; 3 = @63 lda MazePF1Data,x ; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = @70 lda MazePF0Data,x ; 4 ;-------------------------------------- ora mazePF0Value ; 3 sta PF0 ; 3 = @04 lda robotGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @10 draw Robot ldx robotCoarsePos ; 3 bmi CoarseMoveRobotOnRight ; 2³ SLEEP_3 ; 3 .coarseMoveRobot dex ; 2 bpl .coarseMoveRobot ; 2³ sta RESP1 ; 3 lda (robotMissilePointer),y; 5 sta ENAM1 ; 3 ldx kernelSection ; 3 lda robotPointers,x ; 4 tax ; 2 lda RobotGraphics,x ; 4 sta robotGraphics ; 3 jmp NextRobotKernelSection ; 3 CoarseMoveRobotOnRight SUBROUTINE lda (robotMissilePointer),y; 5 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @24 ldx kernelSection ; 3 lda robotPointers,x ; 4 tax ; 2 lda RobotGraphics,x ; 4 sta robotGraphics ; 3 ldx robotCoarsePos ; 3 = @43 .coarseMoveRobot inx ; 2 bmi .coarseMoveRobot ; 2³ sta RESP1 ; 3 NextRobotKernelSection sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 JumpIntoGameKernel lda player0Graphic ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @09 lda (playerMissilePointer),y; 5 sta ENAM0 ; 3 = @17 SLEEP_8 ; 8 cpy player0Scanline ; 3 = @28 bcc .waste12Cycles ; 2³+1 cpy playerUpperBoundary ; 3 bcs .waste7Cycles ; 2³+1 lda (playerGraphicPointer),y; 5 sta player0Graphic ; 3 .drawMazeData iny ; 2 = @45 tya ; 2 lsr ; 2 clc ; 2 adc mazeOffset ; 3 tax ; 2 lda MazePF2Data,x ; 4 sta PF2 ; 3 = @63 lda MazePF1Data,x ; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = @70 lda MazePF0Data,X ; 4 ;-------------------------------------- ora mazePF0Value ; 3 sta PF0 ; 3 = @04 lda robotGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @10 lda (robotMissilePointer),y; 5 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @18 ldx kernelSection ; 3 tya ; 2 cmp robotVertPos,x ; 4 bne DoneRobotKernelSection ; 2³ lda robotFineHoriz,x ; 4 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @36 lda robotCoarseHoriz,x ; 4 sta robotCoarsePos ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta robotGraphics ; 3 jmp ReadCollisionsForSection; 3 DoneRobotKernelSection bcc .skipRobotDraw ; 2³ sec ; 2 not needed -- carry already set sbc #MAX_ROBOTS+1 ; 2 bmi .drawNextRobotLine ; 2³ cmp robotVertPos,x ; 4 bcc .drawNextRobotLine ; 2³ inc kernelSection ; 5 .drawNextRobotLine inc robotPointers,x ; 6 increment robot pointer offset lda robotPointers,x ; 4 to draw next robot line tax ; 2 lda RobotGraphics,x ; 4 .setRobotGraphics sta robotGraphics ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- jmp JumpIntoGameKernel ; 3 .skipRobotDraw cpy #(H_KERNEL / 2) - 1 ; 2 bcs LastKernelSection ; 2³+1 lda #0 ; 2 jmp .setRobotGraphics ; 3 could use unconditional branch .waste12Cycles SLEEP_8 ; 8 jmp .drawMazeData ; 3 .waste7Cycles SLEEP_3 ; 3 jmp .drawMazeData ; 3 LastKernelSection sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda player0Graphic ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda (playerMissilePointer),y;5 sta ENAM0 ; 3 = @14 cpy playerUpperBoundary ; 3 bcs .skipPlayerGraphicSet ; 2³ lda (playerGraphicPointer),y;5 sta player0Graphic ; 3 .skipPlayerGraphicSet sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #%11100000 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 lda #%11111111 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @10 lda #%00000111 ; 2 ldx playerStartingLocation ; 3 cpx #PLAYER_ENTERING_SOUTH ; 2 bne .setPF2ForNextScanline ; 2³ lda #%11111111 ; 2 .setPF2ForNextScanline sta PF2 ; 3 = @24 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda player0Graphic ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @11 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP1 ; 3 = @03 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda CXP1FB ; 3 read player1/PF collision ora CXM0P ; 3 or player0 missile collisions ora CXPPMM ; 3 or player/player and and #%10000000 ; 2 mask ball, M0/M0, M0/P0 collisions bit CXM1P ; 3 bvc .setCollisions ; 2³ ora #1 ; 2 show a robot shot this robot .setCollisions ldx kernelSection ; 3 sta playerCollisions,x ; 4 ScoreKernel sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #0 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 clear the playfield graphics sta PF1 ; 3 = @08 sta PF2 ; 3 = @11 sta REFP0 ; 3 = @14 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @17 lda #THREE_COPIES ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @22 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @25 lda #YELLOW+12 ; 2 eor colorEOR ; 3 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @33 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @36 lda #VERTICAL_DELAY ; 2 sta VDELP0 ; 3 = @41 sta VDELP1 ; 3 = @44 ldx #6 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- .wait34Cycles dex ; 2 bpl .wait34Cycles ; 2³ nop ; 2 sta RESP0 ; 3 = @39 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @42 player 1 @ pixel 126 lda #HMOVE_R1 ; 2 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @47 player 0 @ pixel 118 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #H_FONT-1 ; 2 sta loopCount ; 3 .drawLoop ldy loopCount ; 3 lda (digitPointer),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @72 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda (digitPointer+2),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @08 lda (digitPointer+4),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @16 lda (digitPointer+6),y ; 5 sta tempCharHolder ; 3 lda (digitPointer+8),y ; 5 tax ; 2 lda (digitPointer+10),y ; 5 tay ; 2 lda tempCharHolder ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @44 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @47 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @50 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @53 dec loopCount ; 5 bpl .drawLoop ; 2³ lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @65 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @68 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @71 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @74 ;-------------------------------------- sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @01 IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC ELSE ldx #20 .skip21Scanlines sta WSYNC dex bpl .skip21Scanlines ENDIF lda #3 sta VBLANK ; disable TIA (D1 = 1) lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T ; set timer for overscan wait lda gameState ; get the current game state bpl .skipPlayerExitingRoom ; branch if not exiting room jmp SetupForPlayerExitingRoom .skipPlayerExitingRoom ldx #START_GAME_RAM ; set x to point to start of game RAM lda numberOfLives ; get number of lives remaining bpl ReadConsoleSwitches ; if positive skip joystick quick start lda INPT4 ; read joystick button for quick start bpl .resetGame ; button pressed so reset game ReadConsoleSwitches lda SWCHB ; read console switches and #RESET_MASK ; mask values to get RESET value bne .skipGameReset ; branch if RESET not pressed .resetGame ldy frameCount ; get frame count for random seed MSB lda #0 jmp ClearRAM ; clear game RAM (remember x set to start ; of game RAM) .skipGameReset lda gameSelection ; get current game selection bne .checkSelectSwitchDown inc gameSelection ; increment game selection so value = 1 .checkSelectSwitchDown lda SWCHB ; read console switches and #SELECT_MASK ; mask the SELECT value bne .setSelectDebounce sta AUDV0 ; turn off game sounds player is sta AUDV1 ; selecting a game (a = 0) lda selectDebounce ; get select debounce flag bne .reduceSelectDebounce lda gameSelection ; get the current game selection cmp #MAX_GAME_SELECTION bcc IncrementGameSelection lda #0 IncrementGameSelection clc sed ; set to decimal mode adc #1 ; increase game number by 1 cld ; clear decimal mode SetGameSelection sta gameSelection ; get current game selection sta playerScore+1 ; place in player score to display lda #$AA sta playerScore ; set these values to point to the Blank sta playerScore+2 ; character sta numberOfLives ; set number of lives so joystick quick ; start is available sta initRobotDelay lda #SELECT_DELAY .setSelectDebounce sta selectDebounce .reduceSelectDebounce dec selectDebounce lda numberOfLives bpl .skipAttractModeColorCycling ; branch if not selecting a game lda frameCount ; get the current frame count bne ColorForAttractMode inc colorEOR ; updated every 255 frames ColorForAttractMode ldx #3 .attractModeLoop lda AttractModeColors,x eor colorEOR and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM sta COLUP0,x dex bpl .attractModeLoop jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters .skipAttractModeColorCycling lda initRobotDelay ; get starting robot delay cmp #$FF beq DetermineToTurnOffMissiles sec ; set carry ror initRobotDelay ; shift bits right and move carry into D7 jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters DetermineToTurnOffMissiles ldx #0 ldy #3 lda robotMissileHorizPos ; get robot's missile horizontal position .checkRobotMissileXLimit cmp MissileVerticalLimitsTable,y ; see if the missile is out of range beq TurnOffRobotMissile ; turn off missile if out of range dey bpl .checkRobotMissileXLimit lda robotMissileVertPos ; get the missile's vertical position beq TurnOffRobotMissile ; turn off missile if reached upper limit cmp #(H_KERNEL - 8) / 2 beq TurnOffRobotMissile ; turn off missile if reached lower limit bit CXPPMM bvs TurnOffRobotMissile ; branch if missiles collided bit CXM1P bvs TurnOffRobotMissile ; branch if robot missile hit robot bmi TurnOffRobotMissile ; branch if robot missile hit player bit CXM1FB bpl CheckToTurnOffPlayerMissile ; branch if robot missile did not hit PF TurnOffRobotMissile lda robotMissileDirection ; get the robot's missile direction cmp #%00001111 beq .resetRobotMissileLSB ; branch if no direction (not moving) stx robotMissileDirection ; set robot missile direction to 0 .resetRobotMissileLSB stx robotMissilePointer stx AUDV1 ; turn off sound channel 1 lda #>MazePF0Data sta robotMissilePointer+1 ; set MSB for robot missile pointer CheckToTurnOffPlayerMissile ldy #3 lda playerMissileHorizPos ; get player's missile horizontal position .checkPlayerMissileXLimit cmp MissileVerticalLimitsTable,y ; see if the missile is out of range beq TurnOffPlayerMissile dey bpl .checkPlayerMissileXLimit lda playerMissileVertPos ; get player's missile vertical position beq TurnOffPlayerMissile ; turn off missile if reached upper limit cmp #(H_KERNEL - 8) / 2 beq TurnOffPlayerMissile ; turn off missile if reached lower limit bit CXPPMM bvs TurnOffPlayerMissile ; branch if missiles collided bit CXM0P bvs TurnOffPlayerMissile ; branch if player missile hit Otto bmi TurnOffPlayerMissile ; branch if player missile hit robot bit CXM0FB bvs TurnOffPlayerMissile ; branch if player missile hit BALL??? bpl DeterminePlayerSpriteAnimation; branch if player missile didn't hit PF TurnOffPlayerMissile stx AUDV0 stx playerMissileFlightTime stx playerMissilePointer lda #>MazePF0Data sta playerMissilePointer+1 ; set MSB for player missile pointer bit CXM0P bvc DeterminePlayerSpriteAnimation; branch if player missile didn't hit Otto lda gameVariation ; get the game variation and #OTTO_REBOUND beq DeterminePlayerSpriteAnimation lda #2 sta evilOttoLaunchTimer ; set Otto to launch in ~4 seconds sta CXCLR ; clear all collisions DeterminePlayerSpriteAnimation lda playerAnimationIndex ; get player animation index cmp #PLAYER_DEATH_ANIM_OFFSET bcc CheckPlayerOttoCollision bpl DetermineDeathAnimationSprite ldy #3 dec numberOfLives jmp IncrementGameLevel DetermineDeathAnimationSprite inc playerAnimationIndex ; increment animation index ldx #MazePF0Data sta playerMissilePointer+1 lda audioIndex bpl DeterminePlayerMissilePointer lsr sta AUDV0 and #$0F beq .skipAudioIndexDecrement dec audioIndex .skipAudioIndexDecrement eor #$0F sta AUDF0 DeterminePlayerMissilePointer lda #ONE_COPY sta NUSIZ0 lda HorizontalPixelOffsets,x beq .calculatePlayerMissileOffset asl ; multiply the value by 2 clc adc playerMissileHorizPos sta playerMissileHorizPos ldx #MSBL_SIZE4 stx NUSIZ0 lda #(H_KERNEL / 2) .calculatePlayerMissileOffset clc adc playerMissilePointer sta playerMissilePointer DetermineToMovePlayer lda playerAnimationIndex cmp #PLAYER_DEATH_ANIM_OFFSET bcs DetermineEvilOttoParameters lda playerMotion ; get the player's fractional delay clc adc #PLAYER_FRACTIONAL_DELAY ; add in the fractional delay value sta playerMotion ; set player's fractional delay bcc DetermineEvilOttoParameters ; skip player movement if no roll over dec playerAnimationIndex ; reduce player animation index bpl SetPlayerPositions ; branch if the value didn't roll over lda #PLAYER_RUN_ANIM_OFFSET+1 sta playerAnimationIndex ; reset animation index for roll over SetPlayerPositions ldx playerDirection ; get the player's directions lda playerVertPos ; get player's vertical position clc adc VerticalPixelOffsets,x ; add vertical pixel values to move sta playerVertPos ; player up or down lda playerHorizPos ; get player's horizontal position clc adc HorizontalPixelOffsets,x ; add horizontal pixel value to move sta playerHorizPos ; player left or right ldy #PLAYER_ENTERING_WEST ; assume player is exiting left lda playerHorizPos ; get player's horizontal position beq .playerExitingScreen iny ; check for exiting right (y = 3) cmp #XMAX_PLAYER bcs .playerExitingScreen ldy #PLAYER_ENTERING_NORTH ; assume player is exiting up lda playerVertPos ; get player's vertical position cmp #YMIN + 2 bcc .playerExitingScreen iny ; check for exiting down (y = 1) cmp #(H_KERNEL - H_PLAYER*2) bne DetermineEvilOttoParameters .playerExitingScreen jmp IncrementGameLevel DetermineEvilOttoParameters lda playerDirection asl ; move right value in D4 sta REFP0 ; set player REFLECT state lda playerVertPos jsr CalculateP0GraphicPointers lda #>PlayerSprites sta playerGraphicPointer+1 lda playerMissileHorizPos jsr DetermineDiv15Position ldx #2 jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; move player's missile lda frameCount ; get the current frame count ror ; move D0 to carry bcs .calcPlayerXPos ; branch if on an odd frame lda robotVertPos+MAX_ROBOTS-2 cmp #$7F bne .calcPlayerXPos lda gameVariation ; get the game variation and #OTTO_INVINCIBLE|OTTO_REBOUND beq .calcPlayerXPos ldx evilOttoLaunchTimer ; get Otto launch timer cpx #3 ; branch to move Otto if time to launch bcs DetermineEvilOttoMovement lda frameCount ; get the current frame count bne .calcPlayerXPos inc evilOttoLaunchTimer ; increment when frame count rolls to 256 lda #1 ; set to increment Otto's vertical sta ottoVerticalDelta ; position by 1 ldy playerStartingLocation ; get the player's starting location lda InitVerticalPosition,y ; read initial vertical position sta evilOttoVertPos ; set it to Otto's vertical position sta prevEvilOttoVertPos adc #16 sta tempOttoVertPos lda InitHorizontalPosition,y ; read initial horizontal position sta evilOttoHorizPos ; set it to Otto's horizontal position .calcPlayerXPos jmp CalcPlayerXPos DetermineEvilOttoMovement lda robotVertPos ; get the last robot's vertical postion cmp #$7F ; if not on the screen move Otto faster beq .moveEvilOtto lda robotMotionDelay ; get the robot delay value asl ; multiply by 2 so Otto moves twice as fast adc robotMotion bcc .setFullEvilOttoSprite .moveEvilOtto lda ottoVerticalDelta clc adc evilOttoVertPos ; change Otto's vertical position sta evilOttoVertPos cmp prevEvilOttoVertPos ; compare with Otto's previous position bcs .determineToBounceOttoUp ; branch if greater than previous position ldx #3 ; increment Otto's vertical position by 3 .setOttoVerticalDelta stx ottoVerticalDelta lda prevEvilOttoVertPos ; get Otto's previous vertical position cmp playerVertPos ; compare with player's vertical position bcs .moveOttoUp ; branch if Otto is below player inc prevEvilOttoVertPos ; increment Otto's previous position inc prevEvilOttoVertPos inc prevEvilOttoVertPos ; do it two more times so fall through inc prevEvilOttoVertPos ; doesn't affect value .moveOttoUp dec prevEvilOttoVertPos dec prevEvilOttoVertPos lda prevEvilOttoVertPos ; get Otto's previous vertical position clc adc #20 cmp #H_KERNEL - [(H_PLAYER - 1) * 2] + 1 bcc .setTempOttoVertPos lda #H_KERNEL - [(H_PLAYER - 1) * 2] .setTempOttoVertPos sta tempOttoVertPos DetermineOttoPosition ldx ottoVerticalDelta ; get Otto's vertical delta value bmi DetermineOttoHorizPosition ; branch if we will be moving Otto down lda prevEvilOttoVertPos ; get Otto's previous vertical position adc #5 cmp evilOttoVertPos bcs DetermineOttoHorizPosition lda tempOttoVertPos sta evilOttoVertPos lda #EvilOttoSprites sta playerGraphicPointer+1 lda evilOttoHorizPos jmp CalcOttoXPos .determineToBounceOttoUp cmp tempOttoVertPos bcc DetermineOttoPosition ldx #-4 ; set Otto vertical delta to move up jmp .setOttoVerticalDelta ; 4 pixels CalcPlayerXPos lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position CalcOttoXPos jsr DetermineDiv15Position ldx #0 jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; move player horizontally VerticalSync SUBROUTINE .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime lda #%00000011 sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sta VBLANK ; diable TIA (D1 = 1) sta VSYNC ; start vertical sync (D1 = 1) sta WSYNC inc frameCount sta WSYNC ldy #VBLANK_TIME sty WSYNC sty TIM64T ; set timer for VBLANK time ldy #0 sty VSYNC ; end veritcal sync (D1 = 0) lda playerScore ora playerScore+1 ora playerScore+2 beq .skipBCDToDigits ldx #10 lda #MazePF0Data sta robotMissilePointer+1 lda robotMissileSoundIndex bpl .skipRobotMissileSound lsr ; divide the value by 2 sta AUDV1 ; to set the volume and #$0F beq .skipReduceMissileSoundIndex dec robotMissileSoundIndex .skipReduceMissileSoundIndex eor #$0F sta AUDF1 lda #$0E sta AUDC1 .skipRobotMissileSound lda robotMissileDirection ; get missile direction and #%00000011 ; mask vertical values (keep horiz values) beq CalcRobotMissileXPos ; branch if not moving horizontally and #%00000001 beq .moveRobotMissileLeft inc robotMissileHorizPos ; move robot missile right inc robotMissileHorizPos inc robotMissileHorizPos ; increment 2 more times so fall through inc robotMissileHorizPos ; doesnt change value .moveRobotMissileLeft dec robotMissileHorizPos dec robotMissileHorizPos lda #(H_KERNEL / 2) clc adc robotMissilePointer sta robotMissilePointer CalcRobotMissileXPos SUBROUTINE lda robotMissileHorizPos jsr DetermineDiv15Position ldx #3 jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; move robot's missile lda robotMissileSoundIndex bmi SetRobotVariables sta AUDV1 beq .skipReduceMissileSoundIndex dec robotMissileSoundIndex .skipReduceMissileSoundIndex eor #$0F sta AUDF1 lda #8 sta AUDC1 SetRobotVariables ldx #MAX_ROBOTS-1 .setRobotGraphicPointers ldy robotAnimationIndex,x ; get robot animation index lda RobotAnimationTableOffsets,y ; get the LSB value from table sta robotPointers,x ; set robot graphic pointer dex bpl .setRobotGraphicPointers ldx #MAX_ROBOTS-1 .setRobotPositionValues lda robotVertPos,x cmp #$7F beq .nextRobot lda robotHorizPos,x ; get robot's horizontal position jsr DetermineDiv15Position sta robotFineHoriz,x ; set robot's fine horiz value dey ; reduce coarse position tya ; move coarse position to accumulator cmp #5 ; if it's less than 5 set coarse value bcc .setRobotsCoarseHorizPos sbc #4 ; subtract value by 4 eor #$FF ; make negative to show robot on right tay ; move coarse value back to y iny ; increment coarse value .setRobotsCoarseHorizPos sty robotCoarseHoriz,x .nextRobot dex bpl .setRobotPositionValues ldy #0 sty kernelSection ; re-initialize kernel section sty temp01 sty player0Graphic ; clear player0 graphic buffer sty GRP0 ; clear player0's graphic register sty ENAM1 ; disable robot missile sty ENAM0 ; disable player missile sty VDELP1 ; don't VDEL the robots lda colorEOR bne DisplayKernel lda #RED+12 sta COLUP0 ; color player0 lda initRobotDelay cmp #$FF beq DetermineRobotColor IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC tya ; a = 0 ENDIF sty COLUP0 ; set player's color to BLACK jmp .setRobotColor ; could use unconditional branch DetermineRobotColor lda gameLevel ; get the current game level lsr ; divide value by 2 and #7 ; make value 0 <= x <= 7 tax ; move to x for robot color lookup IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC lda RobotColorTable,x ; get the color for robots .setRobotColor sta COLUP1 DisplayKernel SUBROUTINE lda #%11100000 sta PF0 lda #%11111111 sta PF1 lda #%00000111 ldx playerStartingLocation ; get the player's starting location bne .setMazePF2Value ; branch if player not entering from north lda #%11111111 .setMazePF2Value sta PF2 .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sta HMOVE sta WSYNC sta VBLANK ; enable TIA (D1 = 0) ELSE ldy RobotColorTable,x ; get the color for robots lda SWCHB and #BW_MASK bne .setRobotColor lda PALRobotBWValues,x ror tay .setRobotColor sty COLUP1 DisplayKernel SUBROUTINE .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime sta WSYNC sta HMOVE sta VBLANK ldx #21 .skip22Scanlines sta WSYNC dex bne .skip22Scanlines lda #%11100000 sta PF0 lda #%11111111 sta PF1 lda #%00000111 ldx playerStartingLocation ; get the player's starting location bne .setMazePF2Value ; branch if player not entering from north lda #%11111111 .setMazePF2Value sta PF2 ENDIF sta WSYNC sta HMCLR ; clear all horizontal motions sta CXCLR ; clear all collisions ldy #2 cpy player0Scanline bcc .skipPlayerGraphicSet lda (playerGraphicPointer),y sta player0Graphic .skipPlayerGraphicSet iny sta WSYNC sta WSYNC jmp JumpIntoGameKernel IncrementGameLevel sty tempPlayerExitingPos ; save the player's exiting position inc gameLevel lda robotVertPos cmp #$7F ; if all robots not killed bne .skipLevelBonus ; then skip level bonus lda numberRobotsKilled ; get number of robots killed asl ; multiply the value by 16 to add to asl ; player's score asl asl jsr IncrementScore .skipLevelBonus lda #$7F sta robotVertPos ; set the last robot and sta playerVertPos ; player to out of range (don't show them) lda gameLevel ; get the current game level lsr ; divide the value by 2 and #$07 ; make the value 0 <= a <= 7 tax lda RobotMotionDelayTable,x sta robotMotionDelay lda #%00001111 sta robotMissileDirection ; set to no missile direction lda #0 sta robotMissileFlightTime sta frameCount ; reset frame count sta robotMissilePointer ; turn off robot missile sta upperPlayfieldLimit sta audioIndex sta AUDV1 ; turn off sound channel 1 sta playerAnimationIndex ; set player animation state to standing sta playerMissileFlightTime sta playerMissilePointer ; turn off player missile sta evilOttoLaunchTimer ; reset Otto launch timer lda #(H_KERNEL / 2) sta lowerPlayfieldLimit lda gameState ; get the current game state cmp #%00000011 bne .setGameStateToExiting lda #5 sta audioIndex .setGameStateToExiting lda #$FF sta gameState jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters SetupForPlayerExitingRoom ldy tempPlayerExitingPos cpy #PLAYER_ENTERING_SOUTH beq .skipIncrementUpperPFLimit inc upperPlayfieldLimit .skipIncrementUpperPFLimit cpy #PLAYER_ENTERING_NORTH beq .skipDecrementLowerPFLimit dec lowerPlayfieldLimit .skipDecrementLowerPFLimit lda upperPlayfieldLimit cmp lowerPlayfieldLimit bcs SetupForNewScreen jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters SetupForNewScreen lda #%00000010 sta gameState ldx #%00000000 cpy #PLAYER_ENTERING_WEST bcc .setMazePF0Value ldx #%00100000 .setMazePF0Value stx mazePF0Value lda StartingLocationValues,y sta playerStartingLocation tay lda InitVerticalPosition,y sta playerVertPos lda InitHorizontalPosition,y sta playerHorizPos jsr DetermineDiv15Position ldx #0 jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; move player horizontally lda random+1 ; get high random seed and #%00000011 ; make sure 0 <= a <= 3 (4 mazes) cmp mazeNumber bne .setMazeNumber eor #%00000010 .setMazeNumber sta mazeNumber tay lda MazeOffsetTable,y sta mazeOffset IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC jsr ResetRobotsForNewBoard jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters DisplayLivesKernel SUBROUTINE ; NOTE: we are still in vertical blank here... lda #0 sta PF0 ; clear playfield registers sta PF1 sta PF2 ELSE ResetRobotsForNewBoard ldx #MAX_ROBOTS-1 lda #0 sta numberRobotsKilled ; re-initialize number robots killed sta initRobotDelay sta temp02 lda #135 sta randomNumberMax ; set random number ceiling lda #75 ; initial vertical position of robot .nextRobot sta lastRobotVertPos sta robotVertPos,x ; set robot's vertical position jsr NextRandom ; get a random number sta robotHorizPos,x ; set robot random horizontal position jsr NextRandom ; re-seed random number and #7 ; and with 7 to get standing animation sta robotAnimationIndex,x ; set standing animation of robot lda lastRobotVertPos sec sbc #H_ROBOT+1 dex bpl .nextRobot jmp DetermineEvilOttoParameters DisplayLivesKernel SUBROUTINE lda #0 ENDIF sta AUDV0 ; turn off audio volume ldx audioIndex beq .waitTime lda frameCount ; get the current frame count and #$07 ; update the frequency every 8 frames bne .skipSetAudioFrequency lda AudioFrequencyTable,x sta AUDF0 dec audioIndex .skipSetAudioFrequency lda #13 sta AUDC0 lda #13 ; load accumulator with 13 again ??? sta AUDV0 .waitTime ldx INTIM bne .waitTime IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC stx WSYNC stx VBLANK ; enable TIA (D1 = 0) ELSE stx VBLANK ; enable TIA (D1 = 0) ldx #21 .skip22Scanlines sta WSYNC dex bne .skip22Scanlines ENDIF lda upperPlayfieldLimit beq DrawUpperPlayfieldBoarder ClearUpperPlayfield sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #0 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 clear playfield registers sta PF1 ; 3 = @08 sta PF2 ; 3 = @11 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- inx ; 2 cpx upperPlayfieldLimit ; 3 bne ClearUpperPlayfield ; 2³ DrawUpperPlayfieldBoarder cpx lowerPlayfieldLimit ; 3 beq ClearLowerPlayfield ; 2³ cpx #2 ; 2 bcs DrawShrinkingPlayfield ; 2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #%11100000 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 lda #%11111111 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @10 lda #%00000111 ; 2 sta PF2 ; 3 = @15 inx ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- jmp DrawUpperPlayfieldBoarder; 3 could use unconditional branch DrawShrinkingPlayfield cpx #86 ; 2 bcs DrawLowerPlayfieldBoarder; 2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- txa ; 2 lsr ; 2 clc ; 2 adc mazeOffset ; 3 tay ; 2 lda MazePF0Data+1,y ; 4 sta PF0 ; 3 = @18 lda MazePF1Data+1,y ; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = @25 lda MazePF2Data+1,y ; 4 .jumpIntoShrinkingPF sta PF2 ; 3 = @32 inx ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- cpx lowerPlayfieldLimit ; 3 bne DrawShrinkingPlayfield ; 2³ ClearLowerPlayfield cpx #(H_KERNEL / 2) ; 2 beq .jumpToScoreKernel ; 2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #0 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 sta PF1 ; 3 = @08 sta PF2 ; 3 = @11 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- inx ; 2 jmp ClearLowerPlayfield ; 3 could use unconditional branch .jumpToScoreKernel jmp ScoreKernel ; 3 DrawLowerPlayfieldBoarder sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #%11100000 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 lda #%11111111 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @10 lda #%00000111 ; 2 jmp .jumpIntoShrinkingPF ; 3 could use unconditional branch ColdStart ldy INTIM ; this is used for random number seed ldx #$FF txs ; set stack to beginning inx ; x = 0 txa ClearRAM .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x inx bne .clearLoop cld ; clear decimal mode sta COLUBK ; set background color to BLACK (a = 0) lda #BLUE sta COLUPF ; color the playerfield (i.e. maze) lda #%00010001 ; set BALL to 2 clocks (not used) and sta CTRLPF ; REFLECT the playfield lda #$7F sta robotVertPos+MAX_ROBOTS sty random+1 ; set the random number seed tya eor #%10110101 sta random lda #%00001111 sta robotMissileDirection ; set missile to no direction (not moving) ldx #INIT_NUM_LIVES-1 lda gameState bne .setNumberOfLives ldx #-1 .setNumberOfLives stx numberOfLives ldy #MOVE_DOWN sty playerDirection iny ; y = 3 ldx #11 .setCopyrightLoop lda CopyrightLiteral,x sta digitPointer,x dex bpl .setCopyrightLoop ldx gameSelection lda GameVariationTable,x ; set the game variation based on game sta gameVariation ; selection inc attractModeTimer jmp IncrementGameLevel CopyrightLiteral .word Blank,Copyright_0,Copyright_1,Copyright_2,Copyright_3,Copyright_4 CalculateP0GraphicPointers sta VDELP0 ; VDEL the player if on an odd line (2LK) lsr ; divide by 2 for a 2LK sta player0Scanline ; set scan line number for player0 clc adc #H_PLAYER+1 ; add with player height sta playerUpperBoundary ; save for sprite drawing ceiling lda #H_KERNEL - 7 sec sbc player0Scanline clc adc playerGraphicLSB sta playerGraphicPointer rts IncrementScore ldy playerScore+1 sty temp02 ; save the thousands value of the score ldy #2 sed clc .incrementScoreLoop adc playerScore,y ; increment score by accumulator sta playerScore,y lda #0 dey bpl .incrementScoreLoop cld bit gameVariation ; check for bonus life variation bvs .checkScorePass1000 ; check if score passed 100 for extra life bpl .leaveRoutine ; leave if no bonus to be rewarded lda temp02 ; load the saved thousands value (BCD) and #%00011111 cmp #$19 bne .leaveRoutine ; didn't pass 2000 so no bonus life .checkScorePass1000 lda temp02 ; load the saved thousands value (BCD) and #%00001111 cmp #$09 bne .leaveRoutine ; didn't pass 1000 so no bonus life lda temp02 ; load the saved thousands value (BCD) cmp playerScore+1 ; leave if it equals the value when coming beq .leaveRoutine ; to routine lda #%00000011 sta gameState inc numberOfLives .leaveRoutine rts NextRandom SUBROUTINE lda random asl ; shift random left (D7 into carry) eor random ; flip bits asl ; shift D6 of random into carry asl rol random+1 ; rotate carry (D6 from random) into D0 rol random ; rotate carry (D7 from random+1) into D0 lda random+1 and #%01111111 ; mask D7 (0 <= a <= 127) sta temp01 ; save value for later .recomputeRandom clc adc temp02 sec cmp randomNumberMax bcc .leaveRoutine beq .leaveRoutine lsr temp01 ; divide temp01 by 2 lda temp01 ; and load accumulator with new value jmp .recomputeRandom .leaveRoutine rts IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC ResetRobotsForNewBoard ldx #MAX_ROBOTS-1 lda #0 sta numberRobotsKilled ; re-initialize number robots killed sta initRobotDelay sta temp02 lda #135 sta randomNumberMax ; set random number ceiling lda #75 ; initial vertical position of robot .nextRobot sta lastRobotVertPos sta robotVertPos,x ; set robot's vertical position jsr NextRandom ; get a random number sta robotHorizPos,x ; set robot random horizontal position jsr NextRandom ; re-seed random number and #7 ; and with 7 to get standing animation sta robotAnimationIndex,x ; set standing animation of robot lda lastRobotVertPos sec sbc #H_ROBOT+1 dex bpl .nextRobot rts ENDIF DetermineTimeToMoveRobot lda temp01 bne .setToAllowRobotMovement lda playerCollisions+1,x ; get section player collisions beq .setToAllowRobotMovement ; branch if no collisions lda #ROBOT_DEATH_ANIM_OFFSET sta robotAnimationIndex,x ; set the robot animation to dieing lda initRobotDelay cmp #$FF beq .setToSkipRobotMovement jsr SortRobotVariables .setToSkipRobotMovement inc temp01 sec rts .setToAllowRobotMovement clc rts SortRobotVariables txa ; move robot index to the accumulator tay ; save it in y for later .sortLoop lda playerCollisions+2,x ; get the player's collision value sta playerCollisions+1,x ; bubble it up lda robotAnimationIndex+1,x ; get the robot's collision value sta robotAnimationIndex,x ; and bubble it up lda robotHorizPos+1,x ; get the robot's horizontal position sta robotHorizPos,x ; and bubble it up lda robotVertPos+1,x ; get the robot's vertical position sta robotVertPos,x ; and bubble it up inx ; increment robot index for next robot cmp #$7F ; see if the last robot is to be shown bne .sortLoop inc robotMotionDelay inc robotMotionDelay lda #$08 sta AUDC1 lda #$0F sta robotMissileSoundIndex tya ; move saved robot index to accumulator tax ; so we can restore it to x rts DetermineRobotToMove ldy #3 ; assume robot 3 will be selected to move lda #0 .determineBasedOnHorizPos clc adc #34 cmp playerHorizPos bcs .determineBasedOnVertPos dey ; reduce initial robot number to move bpl .determineBasedOnHorizPos .determineBasedOnVertPos lda playerVertPos cmp #(H_KERNEL / 2) - H_ROBOT + 1 bcs .getRandomRobotNumber ; branch if player in bottom half of PF iny iny iny iny .getRandomRobotNumber tya ; move initial robot number to accumulator eor random+1 ; flip bits based on random seed and #7 ; make sure 0 <= a <= 7 sta compRobotToMove ; set the computed robot number to move rts BOUNDARY 0 MazePF0Data MazePFData_0 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| REPEAT 16 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| MazePF0Data_1 .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| REPEAT 16 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND .byte $E0 ; |XXX.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| MazePF0Data_2 .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $2F ; |..X.XXXX| .byte $2F ; |..X.XXXX| .byte $2F ; |..X.XXXX| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| REPEAT 16 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| MazePF0Data_3 .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| REPEAT 16 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| ; ; NOTE: Below values not used for maze data...they are used for missile data ; .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| IF COMPILE_VERSION = NTSC REPEAT 88 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND ELSE REPEAT 80 .byte $00 ; |........| REPEND PALRobotBWValues .byte BLACK2+8,BLACK+8,BLACK2+12,BLACK2+4,BLACK+12,BLACK2,BLACK2+8,BLACK+4 ENDIF NumberTable .byte