LIST OFF ; *** D O N K E Y K O N G *** ; Copyright 1982 Coleco Industries, Inc. ; Designer: Garry Kitchen ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: Dec. 28, 2018 ; ; *** 126 BYTES OF RAM USED 2 BYTES FREE ; *** 0 BYTES OF ROM FREE ; ; ============================================================================== ; = THIS REVERSE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IS BEING SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN = ; = FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THOUGH THE CODE WILL ASSEMBLE INTO THE = ; = EXACT GAME ROM, THE LABELS AND COMMENTS ARE THE INTERPRETATION OF MY OWN = ; = AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL VISION OF THE AUTHOR. = ; = = ; = THE ASSEMBLED CODE IS © 1982, COLECO INDUSTRIES, INC. = ; = = ; ============================================================================== ; ; Garry uses a horizontal position routine that *seems* to first appear in his ; Space Jockey game. This routine was modified over the years and has been seen ; in a number of games. ; ; To produce the PAL50 listing I used the CBS version. The PAL50 version adjusts ; the vertical blank time and overscan time to make the game produce 312 ; scanlines. The colors were also adjusted but it seems they missed the place in ; the kernel where Garry colors Mario directly. The speeds were not adjusted but ; the sound frequencies were. ; ; This game uses a lot overlays and a lot of offsets so I might have missed some ; variable meanings or table positions. processor 6502 ; ; NOTE: You must compile this with vcs.h version 105 or greater. ; TIA_BASE_READ_ADDRESS = $30 ; set the read address base so this runs on ; the real VCS and compiles to the exact ; ROM image include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" include "tia_constants.h" ; ; Make sure we are using vcs.h version 1.05 or greater. ; IF VERSION_VCS < 105 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: vcs.h file *must* be version 1.05 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF ; ; Make sure we are using macro.h version 1.01 or greater. ; IF VERSION_MACRO < 101 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: macro.h file *must* be version 1.01 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL50 = 1 PAL60 = 2 TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 IFNCONST COMPILE_REGION COMPILE_REGION = NTSC ; change to compile for different regions ENDIF IF !(COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid COMPILE_REGION value" echo "*** Valid values: NTSC = 0, PAL50 = 1, PAL60 = 2" echo "" err ENDIF IFNCONST CHEAT_ENABLED CHEAT_ENABLED = FALSE ; set to TRUE to enable no death collisions ENDIF IF !(CHEAT_ENABLED = TRUE || CHEAT_ENABLED = FALSE) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid CHEAT_ENABLED value" echo "*** Valid values: FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1" echo "" err ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; F R A M E - T I M I N G S ;=============================================================================== IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60 VBLANK_TIME = 45 OVERSCAN_TIME = 35 ELSE VBLANK_TIME = 75 OVERSCAN_TIME = 64 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O L O R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0F NTSC_COLOR_MARIO_SUIT = $46 ; missed in PAL50 conversion IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC YELLOW = $10 RED_ORANGE = $20 BRICK_RED = $30 RED = $40 COBALT_BLUE = $60 BLUE = $80 CYAN = $A0 DK_GREEN = $D0 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_HAIR = YELLOW + 14 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_SHOES = YELLOW + 14 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_SASH = RED + 6 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_DRESS = CYAN + 8 COLOR_MARIO_SUIT = RED + 6 COLOR_MARIO_SHOES = CYAN + 6 COLOR_SCORE = BLUE + 10 COLOR_BONUS_TIMER = DK_GREEN + 10 COLOR_FIREFOX_PLAYFIELD = BLUE + 10 COLOR_BARREL_PLAYFIELD = COBALT_BLUE + 10 COLOR_OBSTACLES = RED_ORANGE + 15 COLOR_DONKEY_KONG = BRICK_RED + 4 ELSE YELLOW = $20 GREEN = $30 BRICK_RED = $40 RED = $60 PURPLE = $80 BLUE = $B0 LT_BLUE = $C0 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_HAIR = YELLOW + 14 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_SHOES = YELLOW + 8 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_SASH = RED + 9 COLOR_GIRLFRIEND_DRESS = BLUE + 7 COLOR_MARIO_SUIT = BRICK_RED + 4 COLOR_MARIO_SHOES = LT_BLUE + 8 COLOR_SCORE = LT_BLUE + 8 COLOR_BONUS_TIMER = GREEN + 8 COLOR_FIREFOX_PLAYFIELD = LT_BLUE + 8 COLOR_BARREL_PLAYFIELD = PURPLE + 8 COLOR_OBSTACLES = YELLOW + 11 COLOR_DONKEY_KONG = BRICK_RED + 4 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ROM_BASE = $F000 ; game state values GAME_IN_PROGRESS = %10000000 GAME_PAUSED = %00000000 START_NEW_LEVEL = %00000001 LEVEL_COMPLETED = %00000010 MAX_OBSTACLES = 4 HAMMER_KERNEL_SECTION = 4 NUM_WALKWAYS = 5 STARTING_MARIOS = 2 ; number of lives at the start of a game MARIO_MOVE_RATE = 2 ; decrement for faster mario -- increase for slower MAX_HAMMER_TIME = 3 JUMP_HANGTIME = 31 INIT_MARIO_HORIZ_POS = 49 INIT_MARIO_VERT_POS_BARREL = 154 INIT_MARIO_VERT_POS_FIREFOX = 133 INIT_HAMMER_HORIZ_POS_BARREL = 45 INIT_HAMMER_HORIZ_POS_FIREFOX = 84 BONUS_TIMER_DELAY = $7F H_DONKEY_KONG = 20 MARIO_HEIGHT = 17 H_DIGITS = 8 H_HAMMER = 14 H_KERNEL_SECTION = 27 JUMPING_HEIGHT = 7 ; increase this value for the high jump LADDER_RANGE = 3 FAIR_PIXEL_DELTA = 9 OBSTACLE_HEIGHT = 36 OBSTACLE_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT = 8 TOP_PLATFORM_VALUE = 12 BARREL_SPRITE_NUMBER = 0 FALLING_BARREL_SPRITE_NUMBER = 1 FIREFOX_SPRITE_NUMBER = 2 ; obstacle moving state OBSTACLE_MOVING_RIGHT = %01 OBSTACLE_MOVING_LEFT = %00 OBSTACLE_MOVING_DOWN = %11110000 ; rivit constants HORIZ_LEFT_RIVIT = 54 ; horizontal position of left rivit HORIZ_RIGHT_RIVIT = 106 ; horizontal position of right rivit COMPLETE_RIVIT_WALKWAY = 18 LEFT_RIVIT_VALUE = 6 RIGHT_RIVIT_VALUE = 12 MAX_FIREFOX_LADDERS = 16 XMIN_FIREFOX = 36 XMAX_FIREFOX = 124 ; barrel constants XMIN_BARREL_ODD = 41 XMAX_BARREL_ODD = 117 MAX_MARIO_BARREL_UP_LADDERS = 9 MAX_MARIO_BARREL_DOWN_LADDERS = 8 ; number of valid ladders Maio can use YMIN_LEVEL0 = 15 STARTING_BARREL_VERT = TOP_PLATFORM_VALUE STARTING_BARREL_HORIZ = 37 BOTTOM_BARREL_PLATFORM_VALUE = 145 ; point value constants (BCD) POINT_VALUE_JUMPING_OBSTACLE = $0100 POINT_VALUE_PULLING_RIVIT = $0100 POINT_VALUE_SMASHING_OBSTACLE = $0800 STARTING_BONUS = $5000 JUMPING_SOUND_IDX = 1 WALKING_SOUND_IDX = 2 INCREMENT_SCORE_SOUND_IDX = 3 GAME_OVER_SOUND_IDX = 3 LOSING_LIFE_SOUND_IDX = 4 LEVEL_COMPLETED_SOUND_IDX = 5 ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables .org $80 obstacleVertPos ds 4 marioHorizAnimationValue ds 1 jumpHangTime ds 1 hammerTime ds 1 playerScore ds 2 marioFrameDelay ds 1 colorCyclingTimer ds 1 soundIndex ds 1 gameState ds 1 losingLifeFlag ds 1 colorCyclingMode ds 1 currentSoundPlaying ds 1 currentGameBoard ds 1 resetDebounce ds 1 backgroundColor ds 1 marioHorizPos ds 1 marioDirection ds 1 hammerHandleGraphicPtrs ds 2 hammerMalletGraphicPtrs ds 2 nextObstacleSlot ds 1 playfieldColor ds 1 marioVertPos ds 1 hammerHorizPos ds 1 firefoxPFIndexValues ds 6 numberOfLives ds 1 bonusTimer ds 1 zpMarioGraphics ds 28 obstacleHorizPositions ds 4 obstacleDirections ds 4 barrelLadderNumber ds 4 obstacleCoarseHorizPosValue ds 6 obstacleFineHorizPosValue ds 6 rightPF1Pointer ds 2 pf0Pointer ds 2 digitPointer ds 9 ;------------------------------------------- pf2Pointer = digitPointer leftPF1Pointer = digitPointer + 2 obstaclePointer = digitPointer + 4 marioGraphicPointer = digitPointer + 6 ;------------------------------------------- marioColorPointer = marioGraphicPointer audioFrequecyPointer = marioGraphicPointer marioOffset = marioGraphicPointer + 2 ;------------------------------------------- joystickValue = marioOffset ;-------------------------------------- kernelSection = joystickValue ;------------------------------------------- obstacleOffset = kernelSection ;------------------------------------------- tmpLastObstacleToMove ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpSixDigitLoopCount = tmpLastObstacleToMove ;-------------------------------------- tmpKernelHeight = tmpSixDigitLoopCount randomSeed ds 1 frameCount ds 1 actionButtonDebounce ds 1 ladderNumber ds 1 jumpingDirection ds 1 jumpingObstacle ds 1 marioPlatform ds 1 ;------------------------------------------- tmpObstacleIndex = marioPlatform ;------------------------------------------- hammerHandleNUSIZ = tmpObstacleIndex ;------------------------------------------- tmpGraphicIndex = hammerHandleNUSIZ ;-------------------------------------- temp = tmpGraphicIndex hammerKernelVector ds 2 kernelVector ds 2 obstaclePointerLSB ds 6 marioColorPointerLSB ds 6 echo "***",(* - $80)d, "BYTES OF RAM USED", ($100 - *)d, "BYTES FREE" ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG Bank0 .org ROM_BASE Start ; ; Set up everything so the power up state is known. ; sei ; disable interrupts cld ; clear decimal mode ldx #$FF txs ; set the stack to the beginning inx ; x = 0 txa .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x inx bne .clearLoop jsr InitializeGame lda #STARTING_MARIOS sta numberOfLives ; intialize number of Marios dec resetDebounce ; set high to show RESET held dec colorCyclingMode ; set high to cycle colors MainLoop lda backgroundColor ; get background color sta COLUBK ; set background color ldy #$FF sty WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sty VBLANK ; disable TIA (i.e. D1 = 1) lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T ; set timer for overscan period inc randomSeed lda #> 8 sta bonusTimer ; init bonus timer value ldx #GAME_IN_PROGRESS | LEVEL_COMPLETED | START_NEW_LEVEL | 124 stx gameState ; set game state (i.e. x = 255) sty frameCount ; reset frame count (i.e. y = 0) sty resetDebounce ; reset RESET debounce value (i.e. y = 0) .setMarioGraphicPointerInfo jmp SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo DetermineMarioMovement lda losingLifeFlag ; get losing life value bmi .checkForJumpingMario ; branch if Mario losing life dec marioFrameDelay bmi .checkJoystickForMarioMovement .checkForJumpingMario jmp CheckForJumpingMario .checkJoystickForMarioMovement lda #MARIO_MOVE_RATE sta marioFrameDelay ; reset Mario move frame rate lda SWCHA ; read joystick values ldx jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value beq .setJoystickValue ; branch if Mario not jumping lda jumpingDirection ; get Mario jumping direction .setJoystickValue sta joystickValue ldx marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bpl DetermineMarioPlatform ; branch if Mario moving horizontally jsr DetermineIfVerticalMovementAllowed bcc DetermineMarioPlatform ; branch if vertical motion not allowed jmp CheckVerticalJoystickValues DetermineMarioPlatform ldx #NUM_WALKWAYS lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position sec sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION - 5 bcc .platformFound .determineWalkwayLoop dex sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 bcs .determineWalkwayLoop .platformFound stx marioPlatform ; set Mario platform lda joystickValue ; get current joystick value asl ; shift horizontal movements left bmi .checkRightMotion ; branch if not moving left inc randomSeed lda #NO_REFLECT sta marioDirection ; set Mario direction for MOVE_LEFT dec marioHorizPos ; decrement Mario horizontal position dec marioHorizAnimationValue ldy #XMIN_FIREFOX ; assume player on Firefox level lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board bne .checkMinHorizPosition ; branch if Firefox level lda marioPlatform ; get Mario platform lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcs .checkMinHorizPosition ; branch if an odd platform ldy #XMIN_BARREL_ODD .checkMinHorizPosition cpy marioHorizPos bcc CheckRampValues ; branch if Mario not reached left edge bcs .setMarioHorizPosition ; unconditional branch .checkRightMotion bcs CheckVerticalJoystickValues ; branch if not moving right inc randomSeed lda #REFLECT sta marioDirection ; set Mario direction for MOVE_RIGHT inc marioHorizPos ; move Mario right inc marioHorizAnimationValue ldy #XMAX_FIREFOX lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board bne .checkMaxHorizPosition ; branch if Firefox level lda marioPlatform ; get Mario platform lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc .checkMaxHorizPosition ; branch if an even platform ldy #XMAX_BARREL_ODD .checkMaxHorizPosition cpy marioHorizPos bcs CheckRampValues ; branch if Mario not reached right edge .setMarioHorizPosition sty marioHorizPos sty marioHorizAnimationValue .doneMarioHorizontalMovement jmp CheckForJumpingMario CheckRampValues lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board bne .doneMarioHorizMovement ; branch if Firefox ramps lda marioPlatform ; get Mario platform beq .doneMarioHorizMovement ; branch if first ramp cmp #5 ; determine if top platform beq .doneMarioHorizMovement ; branch if top ramp ldx #7 lda marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position ldy marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bne .determineMarioVertRampMovement; branch if Mario not moving left clc adc #1 ; increment Mario horizontal position .determineMarioVertRampMovement dex bmi .doneMarioHorizMovement cmp RampHorizValues,x ; compare with Mario horizontal position bne .determineMarioVertRampMovement lda marioPlatform ; get Mario platform lsr bcc .checkEvenNumberRamp ; branch if even platform tya ; move Mario direction to the accumulator bne .moveUpRamp ; branch if Mario is moving left beq .moveDownRamp ; unconditional branch .checkEvenNumberRamp tya ; move Mario direction to the accumulator bne .moveDownRamp ; branch if Mario is moving left .moveUpRamp inc marioVertPos ; increment Mario vertical position bne .doneMarioHorizMovement ; unconditional branch .moveDownRamp dec marioVertPos ; decrement Mario vertical position .doneMarioHorizMovement jmp CheckToRemoveRivits CheckVerticalJoystickValues lda joystickValue ; get the joystick value and #~MOVE_DOWN ; keep MOVE_DOWN value bne CheckForUpMotion ; branch if joystick not pushed down dec randomSeed lda marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bmi .marioMovingDown ; branch if moving vertically lda hammerTime ; get Mario hammer time bne .doneMarioHorizontalMovement ; branch if Mario using hammer ldy #MAX_MARIO_BARREL_DOWN_LADDERS; offset for the down ladder table ldx #MAX_MARIO_BARREL_DOWN_LADDERS; maximum barrel ladders Mario can decend lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq DetermineMarioDownLadder ; branch if barrels ldy #<[FirefoxDownLadderTable - DownLadderTable + MAX_FIREFOX_LADDERS] ldx #MAX_FIREFOX_LADDERS ; maximum number of ladders Mario can use DetermineMarioDownLadder lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position .downLadderCheckLoop dey ; decrement down ladder table index dex ; decrement maximum number of ladders bmi .doneMarioHorizontalMovement cmp DownLadderTable,y bne .downLadderCheckLoop lda marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position sec sbc LadderHorizValues,y cmp #LADDER_RANGE bcs DetermineMarioDownLadder sty ladderNumber .marioMovingDown lda #<-2 sta marioDirection ; set Mario direction value for MOVE_DOWN lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position ldy ladderNumber cmp UpLadderTable,y bne .moveMarioDown .doneMarioVerticalMovement jmp CheckForJumpingMario .moveMarioDown inc marioVertPos ; increment Mario vertical position bne CheckToRemoveRivits ; unconditional branch CheckForUpMotion lda joystickValue ; get the joystick value and #~MOVE_UP ; keep MOVE_UP value bne .doneMarioVerticalMovement ; branch if joystick not pushed up dec randomSeed lda marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bmi MarioMovingUp ; branch if moving vertically lda hammerTime ; get Mario hammer time bne .doneMarioVerticalMovement ; branch if Mario using hammer ldx #MAX_MARIO_BARREL_UP_LADDERS ; maximum barrel ladders Mario can ascend ldy #MAX_MARIO_BARREL_UP_LADDERS ; offset for the up ladder table lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq DetermineMarioUpLadder ; branch if barrels ldy #<[FirefoxUpLadderTable - UpLadderTable + MAX_FIREFOX_LADDERS] ldx #MAX_FIREFOX_LADDERS ; maximum number of ladders Mario can use DetermineMarioUpLadder lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position .upLadderCheckLoop dey ; decrement up ladder table index dex ; decrement maximum number of ladders bmi .doneMarioVerticalMovement cmp UpLadderTable,y bne .upLadderCheckLoop lda marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position sec sbc LadderHorizValues,y cmp #LADDER_RANGE bcs DetermineMarioUpLadder sty ladderNumber MarioMovingUp lda #<-1 sta marioDirection ; set Mario direction value for MOVE_UP lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position ldy ladderNumber cmp DownLadderTable,y beq CheckForJumpingMario dec marioVertPos CheckToRemoveRivits lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq PlayWalkingSound ; branch if barrels ldx marioPlatform ; get Mario platform cpx #1 beq PlayWalkingSound ; branch if Mario on last platform lda firefoxPFIndexValues,x ; get platform rivit value ldy marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position cpy #HORIZ_LEFT_RIVIT beq .determineLeftRivitValue ; branch if Mario at left rivit cpy #HORIZ_RIGHT_RIVIT bne PlayWalkingSound ; branch if Mario not at right rivit .determineRightRivitValue cmp #RIGHT_RIVIT_VALUE bcs .marioStandingInTheGap ; branch if right rivit pulled adc #RIGHT_RIVIT_VALUE bpl .rivitPulled ; unconditional branch .determineLeftRivitValue cmp #COMPLETE_RIVIT_WALKWAY bcs .marioStandingInTheGap ; branch if all platform rivits removed cmp #LEFT_RIVIT_VALUE bcc .pullRivitFromPlatform cmp #RIGHT_RIVIT_VALUE bcc .marioStandingInTheGap .pullRivitFromPlatform clc adc #LEFT_RIVIT_VALUE .rivitPulled sta firefoxPFIndexValues,x jsr IncrementScoreForPullingRivit; increment points for removing rivit bne PlayWalkingSound ; unconditional branch .marioStandingInTheGap lda jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value bne PlayWalkingSound ; branch if Mario jumping over rivit gap jsr PlayDeathSound ; Mario standing in rivit gap PlayWalkingSound lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played bne CheckForJumpingMario ; branch if a sound is being played lda marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position ldx marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bpl .walkingSoundFrequencyIndex ; branch if Mario not moving vertically lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position .walkingSoundFrequencyIndex and #3 bne CheckForJumpingMario lda #5 sta AUDC0 lda #11 sta AUDV0 lda #WALKING_SOUND_IDX sta currentSoundPlaying ; set to show walking sound playing sta soundIndex bne CheckActionButtonForJump ; unconditional branch CheckForJumpingMario lda jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value beq CheckActionButtonForJump ; branch if Mario not jumping ldx #MAX_OBSTACLES .checkForJumpingOverObstacle dex bmi .doneCheckForJumpingOverObstacle lda marioHorizPos ; get Mario horizontal position sec sbc obstacleHorizPositions,x ; subtract obstacle horizontal position tay ; move difference to y register iny cpy #3 ; compare with horizontal bounding box bcs .checkForJumpingOverObstacle ; branch if outside horizontal bounding box lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position sec sbc obstacleVertPos,x ; subtract obstacle vertical position cmp #4 ; compare with vertical bounding box value bcs .checkForJumpingOverObstacle ; branch if outside vertical bounding box lda jumpingObstacle ; get jumping obstacle value bmi .playMarioJumpingSound ; branch if rewarded for jumping obstacle dec jumpingObstacle ; set D7 high to show rewarded for jumping jsr IncrementScoreForJumpingObstacle jmp .playMarioJumpingSound .doneCheckForJumpingOverObstacle inx ; x = 0 stx jumpingObstacle ; set D7 low for not jumping obstacle .playMarioJumpingSound lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played cmp #JUMPING_SOUND_IDX bne .reduceHangtime ; branch if not playing jumping sound lda #12 sta AUDC0 lda jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value lsr ; divide by 2 sta AUDV0 ; set volume for jumping sound .reduceHangtime dec jumpHangTime bne SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position clc adc #JUMPING_HEIGHT ; increment by height of jump sta marioVertPos ; set Mario back to platform lda #0 sta marioHorizAnimationValue beq SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo ; unconditional branch CheckActionButtonForJump lda INPT4 ; read left port action button ora losingLifeFlag ; combine with losing life value bmi .clearActionButtonDebounce ; branch if losing life or button not pressed lda hammerTime ; get Mario hammer time bne .clearActionButtonDebounce ; branch if Mario using hammer lda marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bpl .setMarioJumpingStatus ; branch if Mario moving horizontally jsr DetermineIfVerticalMovementAllowed bcs .clearActionButtonDebounce ; branch if vertical motion allowed lda #NO_REFLECT sta marioDirection ; set Mario direction to facing left .setMarioJumpingStatus ldy actionButtonDebounce ; get action button debounce value bne SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo ; branch if action button held iny ; y = 1 sty currentSoundPlaying dec actionButtonDebounce ; D7 set high lda SWCHA ; read joystick values sta jumpingDirection ; set Mario jumping direction lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position sec sbc #JUMPING_HEIGHT ; decrement by height of jump sta marioVertPos ; set Mario vertical position for jump lda #JUMP_HANGTIME sta jumpHangTime ; set Mario jumping hangtime sta soundIndex bne SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo ; unconditional branch .clearActionButtonDebounce lda #0 sta actionButtonDebounce ; set to show button not held SetMarioGraphicPointerInfo ldx marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bpl .setIndexForHorizontalMovingMario; branch if Mario moving horizontally ldx #5 ; set index for ClimbingMario graphics jsr DetermineIfVerticalMovementAllowed bcs .setIndexForVerticalMovingMario; branch if vertical motion allowed inx ; increment for StationaryMario graphics .setIndexForVerticalMovingMario txa ; move graphic index value to accumulator bne .determineMarioGraphicPointers; unconditional branch .setIndexForHorizontalMovingMario lda marioHorizAnimationValue ; get Mario horizontal animation value and #3 << 1 lsr ; value now 0 <= a <= 3 ldx jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value beq .determineMarioGraphicPointers; branch if Mario not jumping lda #4 ; set index to JumpingMario graphics .determineMarioGraphicPointers tay lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position ldx #NUM_WALKWAYS .determineMarioPlatform cmp #46 bcc .setMarioGraphicPointers ; no need to calculate walkway number dex ; reduce the walkway value sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 ; subtract by walkway height bcs .determineMarioPlatform .setMarioGraphicPointers sty tmpGraphicIndex ; not used again sta marioOffset adc MarioColorTable,y sta marioColorPointerLSB,x lda #>MarioGraphics sta marioGraphicPointer + 1 ; set Mario graphic pointer MSB value lda marioOffset clc adc MarioAnimationTable,y sta marioGraphicPointer jsr StoreMarioGraphics ; store Mario graphics in RAM lda marioOffset ; get Mario offset value (i.e. div27 above) sec sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 2 bcc CheckMarioWithHammer ; branch if standing on hammer platform sta temp cpx #1 bcc CheckMarioWithHammer lda marioColorPointerLSB,x ; get Mario color LSB value sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 sta marioColorPointerLSB - 1,x lda marioGraphicPointer ; get Mario graphic pointer LSB value sec sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 sta marioGraphicPointer ldy #H_KERNEL_SECTION .setMarioGraphicData dec temp bmi .clearMarioOffsetGraphicData lda (marioGraphicPointer),y sta zpMarioGraphics,y dey bpl .setMarioGraphicData .clearMarioOffsetGraphicData lda #6 sta temp lda #0 .setMarioClearGraphicBytes sta zpMarioGraphics,y dey dec temp bpl .setMarioClearGraphicBytes CheckMarioWithHammer lda hammerTime ; get Mario hammer time bne .setHammerHorizPosition ; branch if Mario using hammer lda CXM1P ; check missile collisions (i.e. hammer handle) bpl SetCurrentSoundAudioFrequency; branch if Mario not touching hammer handle lda jumpHangTime ; get Mario jumping hang time value beq SetCurrentSoundAudioFrequency; branch if Mario not jumping lda #MAX_HAMMER_TIME ; set the time for Mario to hold the hammer sta hammerTime .setHammerHorizPosition lda #9 ; Mario facing right hammer offset ldy marioDirection ; get Mario direction value bne .offsetHammerPosition ; branch if Mario facing right lda #<-2 ; Mario facing left hammer offset .offsetHammerPosition clc adc marioHorizPos ; increment by Mario's horizontal position sta hammerHorizPos ; set hammer horizontal position ldy #<[HandleDownSwingAnimation - H_HAMMER] ldx #<[MalletDownSwingAnimation - H_HAMMER] lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #8 bne .setHammerGraphicPointerValues ldx #<[MalletUpSwingAnimation - H_HAMMER] ldy #<[HandleUpSwingAnimation - H_HAMMER] .setHammerGraphicPointerValues sty hammerHandleGraphicPtrs stx hammerMalletGraphicPtrs lda frameCount ; get current frame count bne SetCurrentSoundAudioFrequency dec hammerTime ; decrement hammer time value bne SetCurrentSoundAudioFrequency lda #<[NoHammerAnimation - H_HAMMER] sta hammerHandleGraphicPtrs sta hammerMalletGraphicPtrs SetCurrentSoundAudioFrequency lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played beq .setAudioVolume ; branch if no sound is being played cmp #LOSING_LIFE_SOUND_IDX bcc .setCurrentSoundAudioFrequency lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #3 bne NewFrame .setCurrentSoundAudioFrequency dec soundIndex ; decrement sound index value bmi .turnOffSound ; branch when donw playing current sound lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played asl ; multiply value by 2 tay lda AudioFrequencyTable - 2,y ; get audio frequency LSB value sta audioFrequecyPointer lda AudioFrequencyTable - 1,y ; get audio frequency MSB value sta audioFrequecyPointer + 1 ldy soundIndex ; get current sound index value lda (audioFrequecyPointer),y sta AUDF0 ; set sound audio frequency bpl NewFrame ; unconditional branch .turnOffSound lda #0 sta currentSoundPlaying ; set to show not playing a sound .setAudioVolume sta AUDV0 NewFrame .waitTime ldx INTIM bne .waitTime stx WSYNC ; wait for next scanline lda #START_VERT_SYNC sta VSYNC ; start VSYNC (i.e. D1 = 1) sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC stx VSYNC ; end VSYNC (i.e. D1 = 0) lda #VBLANK_TIME sty WSYNC ; wait for next scanline sta TIM64T ; set timer for vertical blank period lda gameState ; get current game state cmp #LEVEL_COMPLETED beq .checkToSwitchToNewLevel ; branch if LEVEL_COMPLETED lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq .checkIfBarrelLevelComplete ; branch if barrels CheckForLevelComplete ldx #3 .checkIfRivitLevelComplete lda firefoxPFIndexValues + 2,x ; get value from rivit array cmp #COMPLETE_RIVIT_WALKWAY bcc CheckToSpawnNewObstacle ; branch if less than competed rivit value dex bpl .checkIfRivitLevelComplete bmi .levelCompleted ; unconditional branch .checkIfBarrelLevelComplete lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position cmp #YMIN_LEVEL0 bne CheckToSpawnNewObstacle .levelCompleted lda #LEVEL_COMPLETED sta gameState ; set game state to LEVEL_COMPLETED ldx #10 lda #LEVEL_COMPLETED_SOUND_IDX jsr PlayMusic .checkToSwitchToNewLevel lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played cmp #LEVEL_COMPLETED_SOUND_IDX beq CheckToSpawnNewObstacle ; branch if playing level completed sound lda #START_NEW_LEVEL sta gameState ; set game state to START_NEW_LEVEL lda bonusTimer ; add bonus timer value to score jsr IncrementScore lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board eor #1 ; flip D0 value sta currentGameBoard ; set new game board value jsr StartNewGameBoard CheckToSpawnNewObstacle lda losingLifeFlag ; get losing life value bmi .doneMovingObstacles ; branch if Mario losing life lda gameState ; get current game state bpl .doneMovingObstacles ; branch if GAME_LEVEL_NOT_IN_PROGRESS ldx nextObstacleSlot lda obstacleVertPos,x ; get obstacle vertical position bne MoveObstacles ; branch if obstacle present lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board bne .spawnNewFirefox ; branch to do firefox lda obstacleVertPos + 1,x ; get vertical position of barrel above cpx #MAX_OBSTACLES - 1 bne .determineToSpawnNewBarrel lda obstacleVertPos ; get lower barrel vertical position .determineToSpawnNewBarrel tay ; move barrel vertical position to y beq .spawnNewBarrel ; branch if no barrel present cpy #35 bcc MoveObstacles .spawnNewBarrel lda #STARTING_BARREL_VERT sta obstacleVertPos,x ; set barrel starting vertical position lda #STARTING_BARREL_HORIZ sta obstacleHorizPositions,x ; set barrel starting horizontal position lda #OBSTACLE_MOVING_RIGHT sta obstacleDirections,x ; set barrel moving right bne .doneSpawnNewObstacle ; unconditional branch .spawnNewFirefox lda randomSeed ; get current random seed value and #$1F ; value 0 <= a <= 31 adc #XMIN_FIREFOX + 1 ; increment value by 37 (i.e. 37 <= a <= 68) sta obstacleHorizPositions,x ; set Firefox horizontal position and #OBSTACLE_MOVING_RIGHT sta obstacleDirections,x ; set Firefox direction lda FirefoxVerPos,x sta obstacleVertPos,x ; set Firefox vertical position .doneSpawnNewObstacle dex bpl .setNewSpawnObstacleNumber ; branch to set next obstacle slot to spawn ldx #MAX_OBSTACLES - 1 .setNewSpawnObstacleNumber stx nextObstacleSlot MoveObstacles ldx #MAX_OBSTACLES - 1 ldy #1 lda frameCount ; get current frame count lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc .setLastObstacleToMove ; branch on even frame ldx #1 ldy #<-1 .setLastObstacleToMove sty tmpLastObstacleToMove MoveObstacleLoop ldy obstacleVertPos,x ; get obstacle vertical position bne .moveObstacle ; branch if obstacle present jmp MoveNextObstacle .doneMovingObstacles jmp SetupObstaclesForKernel .moveObstacle lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq MoveBarrelObject ; branch if moving barrels lda firefoxPFIndexValues + 2,x ; get platform rivit value cmp #LEFT_RIVIT_VALUE bcc MoveFirefox ; branch if rivits not removed cmp #RIGHT_RIVIT_VALUE bcc .checkLeftRivitConstraint ; branch if left rivit removed lda #HORIZ_RIGHT_RIVIT cmp obstacleHorizPositions,x beq ChangeFirefoxDirection ; branch if Firefox at right rivit lda firefoxPFIndexValues + 2,x cmp #COMPLETE_RIVIT_WALKWAY bcc MoveFirefox .checkLeftRivitConstraint lda #HORIZ_LEFT_RIVIT cmp obstacleHorizPositions,x bne MoveFirefox ; branch if Firefox not at left rivit ChangeFirefoxDirection lda obstacleDirections,x ; get Firefox direction eor #1 ; flip D0 value to change direction sta obstacleDirections,x ; set Firefox new direction MoveFirefox lda obstacleDirections,x ; get Firefox direction beq .moveFirefoxLeft .moveFireFoxRight inc obstacleHorizPositions,x ; increment Firefox horizontal position lda #XMAX_FIREFOX cmp obstacleHorizPositions,x bcc .changeFirefoxDirection ; change direction if reached right max bcs .computeRandomDirection ; unconditional branch .moveFirefoxLeft dec obstacleHorizPositions,x ; decrement Firefox horizontal position lda #XMIN_FIREFOX cmp obstacleHorizPositions,x bcs .changeFirefoxDirection ; change direction if reached left min .computeRandomDirection lda randomSeed ; get current random seed value cmp #2 bcc .skipRandomDirection ; no random Firefox direction if less than 2 ldy playerScore ; get player score thousands value cmp RandomSeedTable,y ; compare the random seed with number table bcs .doneMovingCurrentFirefox lda RandomSeedTable,y ; get byte value from table sta randomSeed ; set new random seed value .changeFirefoxDirection lda obstacleDirections,x ; get Firefox direction value eor #1 ; flip D0 value tay ; move new direction value to y register bpl .setFirefoxDirection ; unconditional branch .skipRandomDirection lda obstacleVertPos,x ; get Firefox vertical position clc adc #FAIR_PIXEL_DELTA ; increment by FAIR_PIXEL_DELTA cmp marioVertPos ; compare with Mario vertical position bne .doneMovingCurrentFirefox ; branch if Mario not on platform under Firefox ldy #OBSTACLE_MOVING_LEFT ; assume to move Firefox left lda obstacleHorizPositions,x ; get Firefox horizontal position cmp marioHorizPos bcs .setFirefoxDirection ; branch if Firefox on Mario's right ldy #OBSTACLE_MOVING_RIGHT .setFirefoxDirection sty obstacleDirections,x .doneMovingCurrentFirefox jmp MoveNextObstacle MoveBarrelObject SUBROUTINE lda obstacleDirections,x ; get barrel direction beq .moveBarrelLeft ; branch if barrel moving left bmi .moveBarrelDown ; branch if barrel falling down .barrelMovingRight inc obstacleHorizPositions,x ; increment barrel horizontal position bne BarrelRampMovement ; unconditional branch .moveBarrelLeft dec obstacleHorizPositions,x ; decrement barrel horizontal position BarrelRampMovement cpy #TOP_PLATFORM_VALUE ; y is barrel vertical position beq .doneBarrelRampMovement ; branch if barrel on top platform cpy #BOTTOM_BARREL_PLATFORM_VALUE beq .checkBarrelDone ; branch if barrel on bottom platform ldy obstacleHorizPositions,x ; get barrel horizontal position asl ; shift barrel direction left bne .prepareToDetermineBarrelRampMovement; branch if barrel not moving left iny ; increment barrel horizontal position .prepareToDetermineBarrelRampMovement tya ; accumulator holds barrel horizontal position ldy #7 .determineBarrelVertRampMovement dey bmi .doneBarrelRampMovement cmp RampHorizValues,y ; compare with barrel horizontal position bcc .doneBarrelRampMovement bne .determineBarrelVertRampMovement inc obstacleVertPos,x ; increment barrel vertical position .doneBarrelRampMovement ldy playerScore ; get player score thousands value lda randomSeed ; get current random seed value cmp RandomSeedTable,y ldy #12 bcs .initIndexForBarrelOffsetDiff ldy #<-1 .initIndexForBarrelOffsetDiff lda obstacleVertPos + 1,x ; get next barrel vertical position cpx #3 bne .setBarrelOffsetValue lda obstacleVertPos ; get top barrel vertical position .setBarrelOffsetValue sta obstacleOffset .determineBarrelLadderNumber lda obstacleOffset ; get barrel offset value sbc obstacleVertPos,x ; subtract barrel vertical position .determineBarrelOffsetDifference iny cpy #18 bcs MoveNextObstacle cmp BarrelOffsetDiffTable,y bcc .determineBarrelOffsetDifference lda obstacleHorizPositions,x ; get barrel horizontal position sbc #1 ; subtract value by 1 (i.e. carry set) cmp LadderHorizValues,y bne .determineBarrelLadderNumber lda DownLadderTable,y sec sbc #FAIR_PIXEL_DELTA cmp obstacleVertPos,x bne .determineBarrelLadderNumber sty barrelLadderNumber,x lda obstacleDirections,x ; get barrel direction ora #OBSTACLE_MOVING_DOWN bmi .setBarrelDirection .moveBarrelDown inc obstacleVertPos,x inc obstacleVertPos,x ldy barrelLadderNumber,x ; get barrel ladder number lda UpLadderTable,y sec sbc #FAIR_PIXEL_DELTA cmp obstacleVertPos,x beq .setBarrelVerticalPosition ; branch if barrel on platform bcs MoveNextObstacle .setBarrelVerticalPosition sta obstacleVertPos,x lda obstacleDirections,x ; get barrel direction eor #OBSTACLE_MOVING_DOWN | OBSTACLE_MOVING_RIGHT;flip barrel direction value .setBarrelDirection sta obstacleDirections,x jmp MoveNextObstacle .checkBarrelDone lda obstacleHorizPositions,x ; get barrel horizontal position cmp #XMIN_FIREFOX - 1 bne MoveNextObstacle ; branch if barrel not off the screen lda #0 ; reset the vertical position of the barrel so sta obstacleVertPos,x ; reset barrel vertical position MoveNextObstacle dex cpx tmpLastObstacleToMove beq SetupObstaclesForKernel jmp MoveObstacleLoop SetupObstaclesForKernel ldx #MAX_OBSTACLES - 1 .setupObstaclesForKernel ldy #FALLING_BARREL_SPRITE_NUMBER lda obstacleVertPos,x ; get obstacle vertical position beq .beqNextObstacle ; branch if obstacle not present lda obstacleDirections,x ; get obstacle direction bpl .setRollingBarrelSprite ; branch if not moving down lda barrelLadderNumber,x cmp #13 bcc CheckForSmashingObstacle cmp marioVertPos bcs .removeObstacle ; branch if barrel under Mario .setRollingBarrelSprite dey ; y = 0 -or- BARREL_SPRITE_NUMBER CheckForSmashingObstacle lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq .checkForSmashingObstacle ; branch if barrels ldy #FIREFOX_SPRITE_NUMBER .checkForSmashingObstacle lda obstacleVertPos,x ; get obstacle vertical position stx tmpObstacleIndex ; save obstacle index for later ldx #NUM_WALKWAYS + 1 sec .determineObstaclePlatform dex sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 bcs .determineObstaclePlatform adc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 cpx #HAMMER_KERNEL_SECTION bne .calculateObstaclePointers ; branch if not on a hammer platform asl CXP1FB ; check if the obstacle hit by hammer bpl .calculateObstaclePointers ; branch if obstacle not smashed with hammer lda #POINT_VALUE_SMASHING_OBSTACLE >> 8 jsr IncrementScore ; increment score for smashing obstacle ldx tmpObstacleIndex ; restore x register with obstacle index .removeObstacle lda #0 sta obstacleVertPos,x ; clear obstacle vertical position .beqNextObstacle beq .nextObstacle ; unconditional branch .calculateObstaclePointers sta obstacleOffset clc adc ObstacleTable,y sta obstaclePointerLSB,x lda obstacleOffset cmp #18 bcc .determineObstacleKernelHorizPos ror obstacleCoarseHorizPosValue - 1,x cmp #19 bcc .determineObstacleKernelHorizPos txa beq .determineObstacleKernelHorizPos lda obstaclePointerLSB,x sbc #H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 sta obstaclePointerLSB - 1,x .determineObstacleKernelHorizPos ldy tmpObstacleIndex lda obstacleHorizPositions,y ldy #<-3 sec .coarseMoveLoop iny sbc #15 ; divide position by 15 bcs .coarseMoveLoop sty obstacleCoarseHorizPosValue,x; set coarse horizontal position value eor #15 ; 4-bit 1's complement for fine motion asl ; shift remainder to upper nybbles asl asl asl adc #(8 + 1) << 4 ; increment 2's complement by 8 for full range sta obstacleFineHorizPosValue,x ; set fine horizontal position value ldx tmpObstacleIndex .nextObstacle dex bmi CheckToPlayDeathSound jmp .setupObstaclesForKernel CheckToPlayDeathSound lda losingLifeFlag ; get losing life value bmi .continueDeathSound ; branch if Mario losing life IF CHEAT_ENABLED = TRUE lda #0 ELSE lda CXPPMM ; read player and missile collision value ENDIF bpl .clearCollisions ; branch if no player collisions jsr PlayDeathSound .continueDeathSound lda currentSoundPlaying ; get the current sound being played cmp #LOSING_LIFE_SOUND_IDX beq .clearCollisions ; branch if playing losing life sound lda #0 sta losingLifeFlag ; clear losing life flag jsr StartNewGameBoard ldy #START_NEW_LEVEL dec numberOfLives ; reduce number of lives bpl .setGameState ; branch if player has lives left jsr PlayGameOverMusic ; no lives left -- start GAME OVER routine ldy #0 sty numberOfLives ; set number of lives to 0 (i.e. y = 0) .setGameState sty gameState .clearCollisions lda #$FF sta CXCLR jsr SetupKernelPointers ldx #<[HMM1 - HMP0] lda hammerHorizPos ; get hammer horizontal position jsr PositionHammerObject ; horizontally position hammer handle ldy #MSBL_SIZE2 ; ball size 2 clocks ldx #MSBL_SIZE4 ; ball size 4 clocks lda hammerHandleGraphicPtrs cmp #<[HandleDownSwingAnimation - H_HAMMER] beq .setHammerHandleSwingDownValue; branch if hammer swinging down lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq .setHammerHandleSwingUpValue ; branch if barrels inx ; reflect Firefox playfield (i.e. D0 = 1) .setHammerHandleSwingUpValue stx CTRLPF ; set playfield REFLECT and mallot size sty hammerHandleNUSIZ ; set hammer handle to MSBL_SIZE_2 lda #<-1 bne .horizontallyPositionHammerMallot; unconditional branch .setHammerHandleSwingDownValue stx hammerHandleNUSIZ ; set hammer handle to MSBL_SIZE_4 lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board beq .setSwingDownHammerMallotPosition; branch if barrels iny ; reflect Firefox playfield (i.e. D0 = 1) .setSwingDownHammerMallotPosition sty CTRLPF ; set playfield REFLECT and mallot size lda #<-2 ldy marioDirection ; get Mario direction value beq .horizontallyPositionHammerMallot; branch if Mario facing left lda #4 .horizontallyPositionHammerMallot clc adc hammerHorizPos ldx #<[HMBL - HMP0] jsr PositionHammerObject ; horizontally position hammer mallot DisplayKernel SUBROUTINE .waitTime ldx INTIM bne .waitTime stx WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- stx VBLANK ; 3 = @03 enable TIA (i.e. D1 = 0) stx REFP0 ; 3 = @06 set to NO_REFLECT (i.e. D3 = 0) stx REFP1 ; 3 = @09 inx ; 2 x = 1 stx VDELP0 ; 3 = @14 VDEL players (i.e. D0 = 1) stx VDELP1 ; 3 = @17 ldx #THREE_COPIES ; 2 stx NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @22 stx NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @25 SLEEP 2 ; 2 ldy #HMOVE_R7 ; 2 sty HMP0 ; 3 = @32 move GRP0 right 7 pixels ldy #H_DIGITS - 2 ; 2 sta RESP0 ; 3 = @37 coarse position GRP0 @ pixel 111 ldx #COLOR_SCORE ; 2 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @42 coarse position GRP1 @ pixel 126 lda gameState ; 3 get current game state asl ; 2 shift D7 to the carry bit bcc .colorDigits ; 2³ carry clear -- game in progress ldx #COLOR_BONUS_TIMER ; 2 bonus timer color .colorDigits stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @54 stx COLUP1 ; 3 = @57 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 .drawDigits lda NumberFonts,y ; 4 read graphic value for zero sta digitPointer + 8 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda (digitPointer + 6),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @08 lda (digitPointer + 4),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @16 lda (digitPointer + 2),y ; 5 sta.w GRP0 ; 4 = @25 lda (digitPointer),y ; 5 tax ; 2 lda NumberFonts,y ; 4 read graphic value for zero sty tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 3 ldy digitPointer + 8 ; 3 stx GRP1 ; 3 = @45 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @48 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @51 sty GRP0 ; 3 = @54 ldy tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 3 dey ; 2 bpl .drawDigits ; 2³ stx WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMCLR ; 3 = @03 clear all horizontal movements ldx #0 ; 2 stx VDELP0 ; 3 = @08 turn off vertical delay of players stx VDELP1 ; 3 = @11 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @14 stx GRP1 ; 3 = @17 stx NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @20 set to ONE_COPY ldx #H_DONKEY_KONG ; 2 lda playfieldColor ; 3 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @28 color the playfield sta RESP0 - H_DONKEY_KONG,x; 4 = @32 wastes a cycle but saves a byte lda marioDirection ; 3 get Mario direction value bpl .setMarioReflectState ; 2³ branch if Mario moving horizontally lda marioVertPos ; 3 get Mario vertical position and #REFLECT >> 1 ; 2 asl ; 2 .setMarioReflectState sta REFP0 ; 3 = @47 lda #DOUBLE_SIZE ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @52 make Donkey Kong double size lda #COLOR_DONKEY_KONG ; 2 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @57 color Donkey Kong lda #>ObstacleSprites ; 2 set the MSB for the obstacles sta obstaclePointer + 1 ; 3 ldy numberOfLives ; 3 .drawDonkeyKongLoop lda DonkeyKong - 1,x ; 4 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 draw Donkey Kong character lda #0 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @08 clear the PF1 register lda Girlfriend - 1,x ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @15 draw girlfriend character lda GirlfriendColors - 2,x ; 4 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @22 color girfriend character cpx #H_DONKEY_KONG - 7 ; 2 bcs .nextDonkeyKongLoop ; 2³ cpx #H_DONKEY_KONG - 15 ; 2 bcc .nextDonkeyKongLoop ; 2³ lda TopBarrelSectionPFDataTable - 5,x;4 sta rightPF1Pointer - 5,x ; 4 lda LivesPFPattern,y ; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = @45 draw lives indicators .nextDonkeyKongLoop dex ; 2 bne .drawDonkeyKongLoop ; 2³ stx NUSIZ0 ; 3 set to ONE_COPY (i.e. x = 0) lda hammerHandleNUSIZ ; 3 get hammer handle NUSIZ value sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 lda frameCount ; 3 get current frame count sta REFP1 ; 3 ldy #1 ; 2 .drawDonkeyKongPlatform stx PF1 ; 3 clear the playfield registers stx PF2 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #$0F ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @05 lda #$FF ; 2 sta PF2 ; 3 = @10 ldx #6 ; 2 wait 35 cycles for barrel board lda currentGameBoard ; 3 get current game board beq .donkeyKongPlatformWaitLoop;2³ branch if barrels ldx firefoxPFIndexValues + 5;3 = @20 get top section playfield index value lda FireFoxLeftPF1Table,x ; 4 sta leftPF1Pointer ; 3 lda FireFoxPF2Table,x ; 4 sta pf2Pointer ; 3 lda FireFoxPF0Table,x ; 4 sta pf0Pointer ; 3 lda #>FirefoxPlayfieldData ; 2 sta leftPF1Pointer + 1 ; 3 sta pf2Pointer + 1 ; 3 sta pf0Pointer + 1 ; 3 ldx #1 ; 2 wait 4 cycles for Firefox board stx REFP1 ; 3 = @57 .donkeyKongPlatformWaitLoop dex ; 2 bne .donkeyKongPlatformWaitLoop;2³ dey ; 2 = @49 bpl .drawDonkeyKongPlatform; 2³ stx PF1 ; 3 = @68 clear the playfield registers stx PF2 ; 3 = @71 sec ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda marioHorizPos ; 3 get Mario horizontal position .coarseMoveMario sbc #15 ; 2 divide position by 15 bcs .coarseMoveMario ; 2³ eor #15 ; 2 4-bit 1's complement for fine motion asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 adc #(8 + 1) << 4 ; 2 increment 2's complement by 8 for full range sta RESP0 ; 3 sta HMP0 ; 3 lda #NTSC_COLOR_MARIO_SUIT ; 2 missed in the PAL50 version sta COLUP0 ; 3 lda marioVertPos ; 3 get Mario vertical position sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 cmp #YMIN_LEVEL0 ; 2 bcs .skipMarioDraw ; 2³ ldy #$1C ; 2 first byte of Mario sprite bne .drawMario ; 3 unconditional branch .skipMarioDraw ldy #0 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 .drawMario sty GRP0 ; 3 = @15 lda obstacleFineHorizPosValue + 5;3 get top obstacle fine horiz position ldy obstacleCoarseHorizPosValue + 5;3 get top obstacle coarse position value .coarsePositionTopObstacle dey ; 2 bpl .coarsePositionTopObstacle;2³ ldy #MarioColors ; 2 sta marioColorPointer + 1 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcc .drawMario_a ; 2³ bcs .skipMarioDraw_a ; 3 unconditional branch .drawMario_a ldx #$7E ; 2 second byte of Mario sprite .skipMarioDraw_a stx $00,y ; 4 = @12 write to GRP0 in 4 cycles and 3 bytes ldx #NUM_WALKWAYS + 1 ; 2 jmp EnterKernel ; 3 IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 .byte $00 ; not used ELSE .byte $9D ; not used ENDIF EndKernel jmp MainLoop BarrelHammerKernel SUBROUTINE stx PF2 ; 3 = @58 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 stx PF1 ; 3 = @66 clear the playfield registers (x = 0) beq .skipMarioDraw ; 2³ ldx zpMarioGraphics,y ; 4 .skipMarioDraw sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @03 lda (hammerHandleGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @11 lda (hammerMalletGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta ENABL ; 3 = @19 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @27 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @30 lda (pf2Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF2 ; 3 = @38 lda (rightPF1Pointer),y ; 5 ldx #0 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @48 dey ; 2 cpy #H_KERNEL_SECTION - H_HAMMER + 1;2 bcs BarrelHammerKernel ; 2³ BarrelKernel SUBROUTINE stx PF2 ; 3 = @57 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 stx PF0 ; 3 = @65 beq .skipMarioDraw ; 2³ ldx zpMarioGraphics,y ; 4 .skipMarioDraw sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @03 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @06 ldx #0 ; 2 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @16 lda (leftPF1Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF1 ; 3 = @24 lda (pf2Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF2 ; 3 = @32 lda (pf0Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF0 ; 3 = @40 lda (rightPF1Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF1 ; 3 = @48 dey ; 2 cpy tmpKernelHeight ; 3 bne BarrelKernel ; 2³ ContinueKernel SUBROUTINE lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 stx PF2 ; 3 = @63 sta COLUP0,x ; 4 = @67 bne .drawMario ; 2³ sta GRP0,x ; 4 = @73 beq .skipMarioDraw ; 3 = @76 unconditional branch .drawMario lda zpMarioGraphics + 2 ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @76 ;-------------------------------------- .skipMarioDraw stx PF1 ; 3 = @03 stx PF0 ; 3 = @06 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @14 ldx kernelSection ; 3 beq EndKernel ; 2³ + 1 branch crosses a page boundary ldy obstacleCoarseHorizPosValue - 1,x;4 get obstacle coarse position value bmi SkipObstacleMove ; 2³ .coarseMoveObstacle dey ; 2 bpl .coarseMoveObstacle ; 2³ sta RESP1 ; 3 lda obstacleFineHorizPosValue - 1,x;4 get obstacle fine horizontal position sta HMP1 ; 3 SkipObstacleMove SUBROUTINE ldy #1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @11 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 sta.w COLUP0 ; 4 = @20 bne .drawMario ; 2³ sta.w GRP0 ; 4 = @26 beq .skipMarioDraw ; 3 unconditional branch .drawMario lda zpMarioGraphics + 1 ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @29 .skipMarioDraw lda currentGameBoard ; 3 get current game board beq .loadBarrelPFPointers ; 2³ branch if barrels ldy firefoxPFIndexValues - 1,x;4 = @38 lda FireFoxLeftPF1Table,y ; 4 sta leftPF1Pointer ; 3 lda FireFoxPF2Table,y ; 4 sta pf2Pointer ; 3 lda FireFoxPF0Table,y ; 4 ldy #0 ; 2 sta pf0Pointer,y ; 5 = @63 beq .skipBarrelPFPointers ; 3 unconditional branch .loadBarrelPFPointers lda BarrelLeftPF1Table - 1,x;4 = @39 sta leftPF1Pointer ; 3 lda BarrelPF2Table - 1,x ; 4 sta pf2Pointer ; 3 lda BarrelPF0Table - 1,x ; 4 sta pf0Pointer ; 3 lda BarrelRightPF1Table - 1,x;4 sta rightPF1Pointer ; 3 dey ; 2 = @65 .skipBarrelPFPointers lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @73 (barrels) @74(firefox) lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 ;-------------------------------------- sta.w COLUP0 ; 4 = @05 (barrles) @06(firefox) bne .drawMario_a ; 2³ sta.w GRP0 ; 4 = @11 (barrels) @12 (firefox) beq .skipDrawMario_a ; 3 .drawMario_a lda zpMarioGraphics ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @14 (barrels) @15 (firefox) .skipDrawMario_a ldy #H_KERNEL_SECTION ; 2 EnterKernel lda obstaclePointerLSB - 1,x;4 sta obstaclePointer ; 3 set obstacle graphic pointer LSB value lda marioColorPointerLSB - 1,x;4 sta marioColorPointer ; 3 set Mario color pointer LSB value sta HMCLR ; 3 clear horizontal movement dex ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 stx kernelSection ; 3 cpx #HAMMER_KERNEL_SECTION ; 2 bne .skipHammerKernel ; 2³ ldx #0 ; 2 jmp (hammerKernelVector) ; 5 .skipHammerKernel lda KernelSectionHeight,x ; 4 sta tmpKernelHeight ; 3 ldx #0 ; 2 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 jmp (kernelVector) ; 5 FirefoxHammerKernel SUBROUTINE SLEEP 2 ; 2 = @54 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 bne .drawMario ; 2³ SLEEP 2 ; 2 beq .skipMarioDraw ; 3 unconditional branch .drawMario ldx zpMarioGraphics,y ; 4 .skipMarioDraw sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @69 lda FireFoxPF2Data_01 - 3,y; 4 sta PF2 ; 3 ;-------------------------------------- stx GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda (hammerHandleGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @11 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @19 lda (hammerMalletGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta ENABL ; 3 = @27 lda FireFoxPF1Data_01 - 3,y; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = @34 lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 lda marioColorPointer,y ; 4 ldx #0 ; 2 dey ; 2 cpy #H_KERNEL_SECTION - H_HAMMER + 1;2 bcs FirefoxHammerKernel ; 2³ FirefoxKernel SUBROUTINE lda (marioColorPointer),y ; 5 JumpFirefoxKernel beq .skipMarioDraw ; 2³ ldx zpMarioGraphics,y ; 4 .skipMarioDraw sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @03 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda (obstaclePointer),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @14 lda (leftPF1Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF1 ; 3 = @22 lda (pf2Pointer),y ; 5 sta PF2 ; 3 = @30 ldx #0 ; 2 lda (pf0Pointer),y ; 5 lda (pf0Pointer),y ; 5 dey ; 2 cpy tmpKernelHeight ; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @50 bne FirefoxKernel ; 2³ jmp ContinueKernel ; 3 RandomSeedTable .byte $30,$50,$70,$90,$B0,$D0,$D0,$D0,$FF,$FF DetermineIfVerticalMovementAllowed ldy ladderNumber lda marioVertPos ; get Mario vertical position cmp UpLadderTable,y beq .verticalMovementNotAllowed cmp DownLadderTable,y beq .verticalMovementNotAllowed sec rts .verticalMovementNotAllowed clc rts SetupKernelPointers lda currentGameBoard ; get current game board asl ; multiply value by 4 asl adc #3 ; a = 3 for barrels and 7 for firefox tax ldy #3 .vectorLoadLoop lda KernelVectorTable,x sta hammerKernelVector,y dex dey bpl .vectorLoadLoop ldx #10 ldy #0 lda gameState ; get current game state bpl .bcd2DigitLoop ; branch if showing player score ldy #<[bonusTimer - playerScore - 1]; set display bonus timer value .bcd2DigitLoop lda playerScore,y ; get number value (BCD) and #$F0 ; keep upper nybbles lsr ; divide by 2 (i.e. value * 8) adc #0 ; not needed...carry clear sta digitPointer - 4,x ; set digit pointer LSB value lda #>NumberFonts sta digitPointer - 3,x ; set digit pointer MSB value dex dex lda playerScore,y ; get number value (BCD) and #$0F ; keep lower nybbles asl ; multiply value by 8 (i.e. H_DIGITS) asl asl adc #0 ; not needed...carry clear sta digitPointer - 4,x ; set digit pointer LSB value lda #>NumberFonts sta digitPointer - 3,x ; set digit pointer MSB value iny dex dex bpl .bcd2DigitLoop lda gameState ; get current game state bpl .doneSetupKernelPointers ; branch if showing player score lda #> 8 IncrementScore sed ; set to decimal mode clc adc playerScore + 1 ; increment score hundreds value sta playerScore + 1 ; set score hundreds value lda #1 - 1 adc playerScore ; increment score thousands value sta playerScore ; set score thousands value cld ; clear decimal mode PlayIncrementScoreMusic PlayGameOverMusic IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 ldx #26 ELSE ldx #32 ENDIF lda #INCREMENT_SCORE_SOUND_IDX | GAME_OVER_SOUND_IDX PlayMusic sta currentSoundPlaying stx soundIndex lda #12 sta AUDC0 lda #15 sta AUDV0 rts DownLadderTable BarrelDownLadderTable .byte 132, 101, 104, 74, 76, 46, 48, 21, 5 .byte 21, 44, 72, 129, 21, 49, 77, 105, 133 FirefoxDownLadderTable .byte 21, 21, 21, 21, 49, 49, 49, 49 .byte 77, 77, 77, 77, 105, 105, 105, 105 KernelVectorTable .word BarrelHammerKernel + 2 .word BarrelKernel + 6 .word FirefoxHammerKernel .word JumpFirefoxKernel TopBarrelSectionPFDataTable .word RightPF1DataTopBarrelSection - 3 .word PF0DataTopBarrelSection - 3 .word PF2DataTopBarrelSection - 3 .word LeftPF1DataTopBarrelSection - 3 IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 .byte $00 ; not used ELSE .byte $2A ; not used ENDIF UpLadderTable BarrelUpLadderTable .byte 154, 130, 127, 101, 99, 73, 71, 43, 21 .byte 46, 75, 103, 154, 42, 70, 98, 126, 154 FirefoxUpLadderTable .byte 49, 49, 49, 49, 77, 77, 77, 77 .byte 105, 105, 105, 105, 133, 133, 133, 133 MarioColors HorizontalColors REPEAT H_KERNEL_SECTION + 2 .byte BLACK REPEND .byte COLOR_MARIO_SHOES .byte COLOR_MARIO_SHOES .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte WHITE .byte WHITE .byte WHITE .byte WHITE .byte WHITE .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT VerticalColors REPEAT H_KERNEL_SECTION + 2 .byte BLACK REPEND .byte COLOR_MARIO_SHOES .byte COLOR_MARIO_SHOES .byte COLOR_MARIO_SHOES .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT .byte COLOR_MARIO_SUIT REPEAT H_KERNEL_SECTION + 1 .byte BLACK REPEND DonkeyKong .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $E0 ; |XXX.....| .byte $E0 ; |XXX.....| .byte $67 ; |.XX..XXX| .byte $67 ; |.XX..XXX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3E ; |..XXXXX.| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $DC ; |XX.XXX..| .byte $BC ; |X.XXXX..| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $7F ; |.XXXXXXX| .byte $39 ; |..XXX..X| .byte $45 ; |.X...X.X| .byte $7D ; |.XXXXX.X| .byte $55 ; |.X.X.X.X| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| ObstacleTable .byte