LIST OFF ; *** F I S H I N G D E R B Y *** ; Copyright 1981 Activision, Inc. ; Designer: David Crane ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: July 7, 2019 ; ; *** 119 BYTES OF RAM USED 9 BYTES FREE ; *** 1 BYTE OF ROM FREE ; ; ============================================================================== ; = THIS REVERSE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IS BEING SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN = ; = FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THOUGH THE CODE WILL ASSEMBLE INTO THE = ; = EXACT GAME ROM, THE LABELS AND COMMENTS ARE THE INTERPRETATION OF MY OWN = ; = AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL VISION OF THE AUTHOR. = ; = = ; = THE ASSEMBLED CODE IS © 1981, ACTIVISION = ; = = ; ============================================================================== ; ; - Fish kernel consists of 7 horizontal bands ; - ROM sprites must be separated by 16 bytes (i.e. H_FISH) ; - Added PAL60 switch to make for an easy PAL60 conversion ; - PAL50 version ~17% slower than NTSC...movement delay by frame count ; - Shark sprite drawn by HMOVE and NUSIZ values processor 6502 include "tia_constants.h" include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" ; ; Make sure we are using vcs.h version 1.05 or greater. ; IF VERSION_VCS < 105 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: vcs.h file *must* be version 1.05 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF ; ; Make sure we are using macro.h version 1.01 or greater. ; IF VERSION_MACRO < 101 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: macro.h file *must* be version 1.01 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL50 = 1 PAL60 = 2 TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 IFNCONST COMPILE_REGION COMPILE_REGION = NTSC ; change to compile for different regions ENDIF IF !(COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid COMPILE_REGION value" echo "*** Valid values: NTSC = 0, PAL50 = 1, PAL60 = 2" echo "" err ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; F R A M E - T I M I N G S ;=============================================================================== IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60 FPS = 60 ; ~60 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 48 OVERSCAN_TIME = 32 ELSE FPS = 50 ; ~50 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 75 OVERSCAN_TIME = 63 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O L O R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0E IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC YELLOW = $10 ORANGE = $40 BLUE = $80 COLOR_FISHERMAN_FACE = ORANGE + 10 COLOR_LEFT_FISHERMAN = ORANGE + 2 COLOR_RIGHT_FISHERMAN = ORANGE + 2 COLOR_PLATFORM = BLACK COLOR_SKY = BLUE + 12 COLOR_EOR = BLUE + 4 COLOR_SEA = BLUE + 2 COLOR_SHARK = BLACK COLOR_FISH = YELLOW + 12 ELSE YELLOW = $20 RED = $60 BLUE = $B0 COLOR_FISHERMAN_FACE = RED + 10 COLOR_LEFT_FISHERMAN = BLUE COLOR_RIGHT_FISHERMAN = BLUE COLOR_PLATFORM = BLACK COLOR_SKY = BLUE + 12 COLOR_EOR = BLUE + 4 COLOR_SEA = BLUE + 2 COLOR_SHARK = BLACK COLOR_FISH = YELLOW + 12 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ROM_BASE = $F000 FISH_KERNEL_SECTIONS = 7 H_DIGITS = 8 H_COPYRIGHT = 8 H_FISHERMAN_HEAD = 8 H_FISHERMAN_BODY = 16 H_FISH = 16 H_WATER_SHIMMER = 16 H_FISH_KERNEL = [(FISH_KERNEL_SECTIONS - 1) * H_FISH] XMIN = 0 XMAX = 160 XMIN_FISH = XMIN + 20 XMAX_FISH = XMAX - 29 XMAX_SHARK = XMAX - 56 MIN_FISHING_POLE_VALUE = 4 MAX_FISHING_POLE_VALUE = 15 MIN_FISH_HOOK_VERT = 0 MAX_FISH_HOOK_VERT = 48 FISH_TYPE_MASK = %10000000 ID_SHARK = 1 << 7 ID_FISH = 0 << 7 FISH_DIRECTION_MASK = %00001000 FISH_MOVEMENT_DELAY = %00000111 FISH_DIRECTION_LEFT = 1 << 3 FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT = 0 << 3 MAX_SCORE = $99 BLANK_NUMBER_PTR = (Blank - NumberFonts) / H_DIGITS ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables .org $80 gameSelection ds 1 frameCount ds 1 randomSeed ds 1 screenSaverColorEOR ds 1 hueMask ds 1 objectColors ds 8 ;-------------------------------------- fishermanColors = objectColors ;-------------------------------------- leftFishermanColor = fishermanColors rightFishermanColor = leftFishermanColor + 1; not referenced platformColors = rightFishermanColor + 1 skyColor = platformColors + 1 colorEOR = skyColor + 1 seaColor = colorEOR + 1 floatingFishColors = seaColor + 1 ;-------------------------------------- sharkColor = floatingFishColors fishColors = sharkColor + 1 joystickValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1JoystickValue = joystickValues player2JoystickValue = player1JoystickValue + 1 zp_Unused_01 ds 1 selectDebounce ds 1 ; non-zero shows SELECT held fishingPolePFValues ds 4 ;-------------------------------------- fishingPolePF1Values = fishingPolePFValues ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingPolePF1Value = fishingPolePF1Values rightFishingPolePF1Value = leftFishingPolePF1Value + 1 fishingPolePF2Values = fishingPolePFValues + 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingPolePF2Value = fishingPolePF2Values rightFishingPolePF2Value = leftFishingPolePF2Value + 1 fishingPoleValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingPoleValues = fishingPoleValues rightFishingPoleValues = leftFishingPoleValues + 1 playerFishingLineHorizPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingLineHorizPos = playerFishingLineHorizPos rightFishingLineHorizPos = leftFishingLineHorizPos + 1 zp_Unused_02 ds 1 fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue = fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue rightFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue = leftFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue + 1 fishingLineSlopeFractionValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingLineSlopeFractionValue = fishingLineSlopeFractionValues rightFishingLineSlopeFractionValue = leftFishingLineSlopeFractionValue + 1 fishingLineHMOVEValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingLineHMOVEValue = fishingLineHMOVEValues rightFishingLineHMOVEValue = leftFishingLineHMOVEValue + 1 fishingHookHorizPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingHookHorizPos = fishingHookHorizPos rightFishingHookHorizPos = leftFishingHookHorizPos + 1 fishingLineHookHorizDistance ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingLineHookHorizDistance = fishingLineHookHorizDistance rightFishingLineHookHorizDistance = leftFishingLineHookHorizDistance + 1 fishingHookVertDistance ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftPlayerHookVertDistance = fishingHookVertDistance rightPlayerHookVertDistance = leftPlayerHookVertDistance + 1 hookedFishHorizPos ds 1 playerHookedFishIndex ds 1 hookedFishStatus ds 1 hookedFishLSBOffset ds 1 hookedFishCoarsePosition ds 1 hookedFishFineMotion ds 1 fishingHookSkillMask ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingHookSkillMask = fishingHookSkillMask rightFishingHookSkillMask = leftFishingHookSkillMask + 1 digitGraphicPtrs ds 8 ;-------------------------------------- tensDigitGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs ;-------------------------------------- player1TensDigitGraphicPtrs = tensDigitGraphicPtrs player2TensDigitGraphicPtrs = player1TensDigitGraphicPtrs + 2 ;-------------------------------------- onesDigitGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs + 4 ;-------------------------------------- player1OnesDigitGraphicPtrs = onesDigitGraphicPtrs player2OnesDigitGraphicPtrs = onesDigitGraphicPtrs + 2 floatingFishGraphicPtrs ds 2 hookedFishGraphicPtrs ds 2 floatingFishNUSIZPtrs ds 2 colorCycleMode ds 1 playerScore ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1Score = playerScore player2Score = player1Score + 1 hookedFishVertPos ds 1 gameState ds 1 fishingHookVertPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingHookVertPos = fishingHookVertPos rightFishingHookVertPos = leftFishingHookVertPos + 1 fishingHookKernelValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftFishingHookKernelValue = fishingHookKernelValues rightFishingHookKernelValue = leftFishingHookKernelValue + 1 floatingFishHorizPos ds 7 ;-------------------------------------- sharkHorizPos = floatingFishHorizPos + 6 floatingFishCoarsePosition ds 7 ;-------------------------------------- sharkCoarsePosition = floatingFishCoarsePosition + 6 floatingFishFineMotion ds 7 ;-------------------------------------- sharkFineMotion = floatingFishFineMotion + 6 floatingFishStatus ds 7 ;-------------------------------------- sharkStatus = floatingFishStatus + 6 floatingFishLSBValues ds 7 ;-------------------------------------- sharkLSBValue = floatingFishLSBValues + 6 hookedFishLSBValues ds 7 zp_Unused_03 ds 1 hookedFishIndex ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- leftHookedFishIndex = hookedFishIndex rightHookedFishIndex = leftHookedFishIndex + 1 caughtFishWeight ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1CaughtFishWeight = caughtFishWeight player2CaughtFishWeight = player1CaughtFishWeight + 1 sharkAteFishValue ds 1 ; any non-zero shows shark ate fish sharkFishCollisionValues ds 1 audioChannelEatingFish ds 1 div16Remainder ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpFloatingFishNUSIZMask = div16Remainder ;-------------------------------------- tmpFloatingFishDir = tmpFloatingFishNUSIZMask ;-------------------------------------- tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset = tmpFloatingFishDir ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayer2FishingLineOffset = tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset ;-------------------------------------- tmpCPUPlayerAllowedMotion = tmpPlayer2FishingLineOffset ;-------------------------------------- tmpFishingLineHookDistance = tmpCPUPlayerAllowedMotion ;-------------------------------------- tmpFishingHookVertPos = tmpFishingLineHookDistance ;-------------------------------------- tmpHorizDistRiseDiff = tmpFishingHookVertPos tmpHookedFishDir ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpFishingHookVertDistance = tmpHookedFishDir fishingHookHorizLineDiff ds 1 echo "***",(* - $80 - 3)d, "BYTES OF RAM USED", ($100 - * + 3)d, "BYTES FREE" ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG Bank0 .org ROM_BASE Start ; ; Set up everything so the power up state is known. ; sei ; disable interrupts cld ; clear decimal mode ldx #0 RestartGame lda #0 .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x txs inx bne .clearLoop lda #PF_PRIORITY | PF_REFLECT sta CTRLPF jsr InitializeGame lda randomSeed ; get random seed value bne MainLoop ; branch if been through cart startup once ldx #1 stx randomSeed ; initialize random seed dex ; x = 0 jmp SetGameSelection MainLoop ldx #<[fishColors - objectColors] .setObjectColors lda GameColors,x ; read game color table eor screenSaverColorEOR ; flip color bits based on color cycling and hueMask ; mask color values for COLOR / B&W mode sta objectColors,x cpx #<[colorEOR - objectColors] bcs .nextObjectColor sta COLUP0,x .nextObjectColor dex bpl .setObjectColors lda leftFishingHookVertPos ; get left fishing hook vertical position sta leftFishingHookKernelValue ; value decremented in kernel lda rightFishingHookVertPos ; get right fishing hook vertical position sta rightFishingHookKernelValue ; value decremented in kernel lda rightFishingLineHorizPos ; get right fishing line position ldx #<[HMBL - HMP0] jsr PositionObjectHorizontally ; position player 2 fishing line lda leftFishingLineHorizPos ; get left fishing line position dex ; x = 3 (i.e. HMM1) jsr PositionObjectHorizontally ; postion player 1 fishing line lda leftFishingLineSlopeFractionValue sta leftFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue lda rightFishingLineSlopeFractionValue sta rightFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue lda #40 ldx #<[HMP0 - HMP0] stx REFP0 jsr PositionObjectHorizontally ; horizontally position score tens digit lda #48 inx ; x = 1 (i.e. HMP1) jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; horizontally position score ones digit lda #MSBL_SIZE8 | TWO_WIDE_COPIES sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 sta PF0 DisplayKernel .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta VBLANK ; 3 = @03 enable TIA (D1 = 0) sta HMCLR ; 3 = @06 sta CXCLR ; 3 = @09 ldy #H_DIGITS - 1 ; 2 .drawDigits sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda (player1TensDigitGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @08 lda (player1OnesDigitGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @16 jsr Waste18Cycles ; 18 lda (player2TensDigitGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @42 lda (player2OnesDigitGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @50 dey ; 2 bpl .drawDigits ; 2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #REFLECT ; 2 sta REFP1 ; 3 = @05 set player 2 fisherman to REFLECT ldx #0 ; 2 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @10 stx GRP1 ; 3 = @13 jsr PositionObjectHorizontally;6 position player 1 fisherman inx ; 2 x = 1 (i.e. HMP1) lda #134 ; 2 jsr MoveObjectHorizontally ; 6 position player 2 fisherman lda #DOUBLE_SIZE ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 set to DOUBLE_SIZE to draw heads sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 ldy #H_FISHERMAN_HEAD - 1 ; 2 .drawFishermanHeads sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda FishermanHeadGraphics,y; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @07 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @10 lda screenSaverColorEOR ; 3 cpy #H_FISHERMAN_HEAD - 3 ; 2 bcs .colorFishermanHeads ; 2³ branch if coloring hats eor #COLOR_FISHERMAN_FACE ; 2 color fisherman face .colorFishermanHeads and hueMask ; 3 sta COLUP0 ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 ldx #$CF ; 2 graphic bytes for fisherman neck sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- dey ; 2 bpl .drawFishermanHeads ; 2³ stx GRP0 ; 3 = @07 lda leftFishermanColor ; 3 get color for left fisherman body sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 set color for left fisherman body eor colorEOR ; 3 flip bits sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @19 set color for right fisherman body lda leftFishingPolePF1Value; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @25 set PF1 value for left fishing pole lda leftFishingPolePF2Value; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @31 set PF2 value for left fishing pole lda #ENABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENABL ; 3 = @36 enable for right fishing line sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @39 enable for left fishing line stx GRP1 ; 3 = @42 lda rightFishingPolePF2Value;3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @48 set PF2 value for right fishing pole lda rightFishingPolePF1Value;3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @54 set PF1 value for right fishing pole sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #0 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @05 sta PF2 ; 3 = @08 ldy #H_FISHERMAN_BODY - 1 ; 2 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @13 .drawFishermanBody sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 tya ; 2 move index to accumulator lsr ; 2 divide index by 2 tax ; 2 move index to x register lda FishermanBodyGraphics,x; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @16 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @19 tya ; 2 move index to accumulator and #1 ; 2 keep D0 value tax ; 2 set x register to player number clc ; 2 lda fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue,x;4 get fishing line slope integer value adc fishingLineSlopeFractionValues,x;4 increment by slope fraction value sta fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue,x;4 set fishing line slope integer value sta HMCLR ; 3 = @42 bcc .nextFishermanBodyScanline;2³ branch if no overflow lda fishingLineHMOVEValues,x;4 get fishing line HMOVE value sta HMM1,x ; 4 = @52 set to adjust fishing line position .nextFishermanBodyScanline dey ; 2 bpl .drawFishermanBody ; 2³ + 1 crosses a page boundary sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 iny ; 2 y = 0 sty GRP0 ; 3 = @08 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @11 lda #$F0 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @16 set to draw platform asl ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @21 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMCLR ; 3 = @03 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #$70 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @08 set to draw platform support lda #$A0 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @13 lda hookedFishStatus ; 3 get status values of hooked fish sta REFP1 ; 3 = @19 set caught fish REFLECT state lda hookedFishFineMotion ; 3 sta HMP1 ; 3 set fine motion value for hooked fish ldy hookedFishCoarsePosition;3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- .coarsePostionHookedFish dey ; 2 bpl .coarsePostionHookedFish;2³ sta.w RESP1 ; 4 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- iny ; 2 y = 0 sty NUSIZ1 ; 3 set to MSBL_SIZE1 | ONE_COPY sty NUSIZ0 ; 3 set to MSBL_SIZE1 | ONE_COPY ldy #H_WATER_SHIMMER - 1 ; 2 lda randomSeed ; 3 get random seed value .colorWaterShimmer sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 and #2 ; 2 keep random seed D1 bit eor colorEOR ; 3 flip color bits sta COLUBK ; 3 = @11 set color for water shimmer cpy #(H_WATER_SHIMMER / 2) - 1;2 bcs .determineFishingLineRunValue;2³ eor #6 ; 2 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @20 color platform sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @23 color player 1 fishing line .determineFishingLineRunValue tya ; 2 move index to accumulator and #1 ; 2 keep D0 value tax ; 2 set x register to player number clc ; 2 lda fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue,x;4 get fishing line slope integer value adc fishingLineSlopeFractionValues,x;4 increment by slope fraction value sta fishingLineSlopeIntegerValue,x;4 set fishing line slope integer value sta HMCLR ; 3 = @46 bcc .nextWaterShimmerScanline;2³ lda fishingLineHMOVEValues,x;4 get fishing line HMOVE value sta HMM1,x ; 4 = @56 set to adjust fishing line position .nextWaterShimmerScanline lda randomSeed ; 3 get random seed value cmp #128 ; 2 set carry if 255 <= a <= 128 rol ; 2 multiply by 2 with carry in D0 sta randomSeed ; 3 a = 2a + (a > 127) dey ; 2 bpl .colorWaterShimmer ; 2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda seaColor ; 3 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @06 color sea lda platformColors ; 3 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @12 color platform supports lda fishColors ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @18 color caught fish ldy #<-2 ; 2 ldx #FISH_KERNEL_SECTIONS - 1;2 .fishKernelSection sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- iny ; 2 sty tmpFloatingFishNUSIZMask;3 iny ; 2 lda floatingFishColors,y ; 4 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @14 color floating fish lda hookedFishLSBValues,x ; 4 sta hookedFishGraphicPtrs ; 3 set hooked fish graphic LSB value ldy #H_FISH - 1 ; 2 lda (hookedFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @31 draw caught fish lda floatingFishStatus,x ; 4 get floating fish status value sta REFP0 ; 3 = @38 set floating fish REFLECT state lda CXPPMM ; 3 get player collision value asl ; 2 shift player collision to carry ror sharkFishCollisionValues;5 shift value to D0 lda floatingFishLSBValues,x; 4 get floating fish LSB value sta floatingFishGraphicPtrs; 3 set floating fish graphic LSB value lda floatingFishFineMotion,x;4 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @62 set floating fish fine motion value ldy #H_FISH - 2 ; 2 lda (hookedFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 ldy floatingFishCoarsePosition,x;4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @76 ;-------------------------------------- .coarsePostionFloatingFish dey ; 2 bpl .coarsePostionFloatingFish;2³ sta.w RESP0 ; 4 ldy #H_FISH - 3 ; 2 .drawFishKernelSection lda (floatingFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 draw floating fish lda (hookedFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @14 draw hooked fish lda (floatingFishNUSIZPtrs),y;5 get NUSIZ value for floating fish and tmpFloatingFishNUSIZMask;3 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @25 set NUSIZ value sta HMCLR ; 3 = @28 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @31 dec rightFishingHookKernelValue;5 bpl .determineRightFishingLineRunValue;2³ lda #DISABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENABL ; 3 = @43 disable right fishing line .determineRightFishingLineRunValue clc ; 2 lda rightFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue;3 adc rightFishingLineSlopeFractionValue;3 sta rightFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue;3 bcc .leftFishingLineKernel ; 2³ lda rightFishingLineHMOVEValue;3 sta HMBL ; 3 = @62 .leftFishingLineKernel dey ; 2 lda (floatingFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 draw floating fish lda (hookedFishGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @14 draw hooked fish lda (floatingFishNUSIZPtrs),y;5 get NUSIZ value for floating fish and tmpFloatingFishNUSIZMask;3 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @25 set NUSIZ value sta HMCLR ; 3 = @28 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @31 dec leftFishingHookKernelValue;5 bpl .determineLeftFishingLineRunValue;2³ lda #DISABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENAM1 ; 3 disable left fishing line .determineLeftFishingLineRunValue clc ; 2 lda leftFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue;3 adc leftFishingLineSlopeFractionValue;3 sta leftFishingLineSlopeIntegerValue;3 bcc .nextDrawFishKernelSection;2³ lda leftFishingLineHMOVEValue;3 sta HMM1 ; 3 = @63 .nextDrawFishKernelSection dey ; 2 bpl .drawFishKernelSection ; 2³ dex ; 2 bmi CopyrightKernel ; 2³ jmp .fishKernelSection ; 3 CopyrightKernel sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda platformColors ; 3 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @06 ldx #0 ; 2 stx PF1 ; 3 = @11 clear playfield graphic registers stx REFP0 ; 3 = @14 stx REFP1 ; 3 = @17 inx ; 2 x = 1 (i.e. TWO_COPIES) stx NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @22 stx NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @25 sta RESP0 ; 3 = @28 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @31 lda #HMOVE_L1 ; 2 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @36 ldx #H_COPYRIGHT - 1 ; 2 .drawActivisionLogo sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda Copyright_0,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @10 lda Copyright_1,x ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @17 SLEEP 2 ; 2 lda Copyright_3,x ; 4 tay ; 2 lda Copyright_2,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @32 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @35 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @38 dex ; 2 bpl .drawActivisionLogo ; 2³ Overscan IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 sta WSYNC lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T sta VBLANK ; disable TIA (D1 = 1) ELSE lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T ENDIF ldx #FISH_KERNEL_SECTIONS - 1 .moveFloatingFish lda floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value tay ; move status to y register and #FISH_MOVEMENT_DELAY ; keep movement delay value and frameCount ora gameState ; combine with current game state bne .moveNextFish ; branch if not time to move fish tya ; move status to accumulator and #FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; keep REFLECT state bne .moveFishLeft ; branch if fish facing left inc floatingFishHorizPos,x inc floatingFishHorizPos,x .moveFishLeft dec floatingFishHorizPos,x ldy #<[FishSprite_01 - H_FISH] lda floatingFishHorizPos,x ; get floating fish horizontal position and #2 ; keep D1 value bne .setFloatingFishLSBOffset ldy #<[FishSprite_02 - H_FISH] .setFloatingFishLSBOffset sty tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset lda hookedFishVertPos ; get hooked fish vertical position beq .animateFishSprite ; branch if fish not hooked ldy playerHookedFishIndex ; get player number for hooked fish inx ; increment fish index value txa ; move index value to accumulator dex ; restore fish index value cmp hookedFishIndex,y bne .animateFishSprite ; branch if not current hooked fish lda tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset sta hookedFishLSBOffset lda floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value sta hookedFishStatus lda #<[Blank - H_FISH] sta tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset .animateFishSprite lda tmpFloatingFishLSBOffset clc adc #H_FISH ldy floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value bpl .setFloatingFishLSBValue ; branch if not ID_SHARK adc #<[SharkSprite_01 - Blank - H_FISH] .setFloatingFishLSBValue sta floatingFishLSBValues,x ldy #FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT lda floatingFishHorizPos,x ; get floating fish horizontal position cmp #XMIN_FISH bcc .setFloatingFishDirectionValue ldy #FISH_DIRECTION_LEFT lda #XMAX_FISH cpx #6 bne .determineFishReachedRightBoundary; branch if not ID_SHARK lda #XMAX_SHARK .determineFishReachedRightBoundary cmp floatingFishHorizPos,x ; compare floating fish horizontal position bcs .moveNextFish .setFloatingFishDirectionValue sty tmpFloatingFishDir lda floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value and #~FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; clear FISH_DIRECTION_MASK value ora tmpFloatingFishDir ; combine with new direction sta floatingFishStatus,x .moveNextFish dex bpl .moveFloatingFish lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #7 beq CheckToScorePointsForCatchingFish tax dex ; 1 <= x <= 6 lda floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value bmi CheckToScorePointsForCatchingFish; branch if ID_SHARK lda randomSeed ; get random seed value eor frameCount and #7 ora gameState ; combine with current game state bne CheckToScorePointsForCatchingFish lda floatingFishStatus,x ; get floating fish status value eor #FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; flip the FISH_DIRECTION_MASK value sta floatingFishStatus,x ; change fish direction CheckToScorePointsForCatchingFish lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #1 ; keep D0 value tax lda audioChannelEatingFish ; get audio value for eating fish sta AUDC0,x beq .checkToScoreForCatchingFish dec audioChannelEatingFish .checkToScoreForCatchingFish lda caughtFishWeight,x ; get caught fish weight value beq BCD2Digits ; branch if done tallying weight lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #2 ora gameState ; combine with current game state bne BCD2Digits lda #4 sta AUDC0,x ; set audio channel for scoring points sed lda playerScore,x ; get player score clc adc #1 ; increment score by 1 sta playerScore,x cmp #MAX_SCORE bne .doneIncrementScore sta gameState ; set to show game not in session lda #1 ; set so game halts next time through sta caughtFishWeight,x .doneIncrementScore cld dec caughtFishWeight,x BCD2Digits txa ; move player number to accumulator asl ; multiply player number by 2 tay lda playerScore,x ; get player score value and #$F0 ; keep tens value lsr ; divide value by 2 bne .setTensValueGraphicPointer lda #> 4 ; isolate MOVE_LEFT bit bne .checkForJoystickPushRight ; branch if player not pushing left dec fishingPoleValues,x ; reduce player fishing pole value .checkForJoystickPushRight lda joystickValues,x ; get player joystick values and #<(~MOVE_RIGHT) >> 4 ; isolate MOVE_RIGHT bit bne .determineFishingPoleBoundaries; branch if player not pushing right inc fishingPoleValues,x ; increment player fishing pole value .determineFishingPoleBoundaries lda fishingPoleValues,x cmp #MIN_FISHING_POLE_VALUE bcs .checkFishingPoleMaxValue lda #MIN_FISHING_POLE_VALUE .checkFishingPoleMaxValue cmp #MAX_FISHING_POLE_VALUE + 1 bcc .setPlayerFishingPoleValue lda #MAX_FISHING_POLE_VALUE .setPlayerFishingPoleValue sta fishingPoleValues,x lda hookedFishIndex,x ; get index of hooked fish bne VerticalSync ; branch if player hooked fish lda joystickValues,x ; get player joystick values lsr ; shift MOVE_UP to carry bcs .checkForJoystickPushDown ; branch if joystick not moving up dec fishingHookVertPos,x ; move player fish hook up .checkForJoystickPushDown lsr ; shift MOVE_DOWN to carry bcs .determineFishHookVertBoundaries inc fishingHookVertPos,x ; move player fish hook down .determineFishHookVertBoundaries lda fishingHookVertPos,x ; get fishing hook vertical position bpl .checkFishHookLowerBoundary lda #MIN_FISH_HOOK_VERT .checkFishHookLowerBoundary cmp #MAX_FISH_HOOK_VERT bcc .setPlayerFishHookVertPos lda #MAX_FISH_HOOK_VERT .setPlayerFishHookVertPos sta fishingHookVertPos,x VerticalSync SUBROUTINE .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime ldy #DUMP_PORTS | DISABLE_TIA | START_VERT_SYNC sty WSYNC IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60 sty VBLANK ; disable TIA (D1 = 1) ENDIF sty VSYNC ; start vertical sync sty WSYNC sty WSYNC sty WSYNC sta VSYNC ; end vertical sync (D1 = 0) inc frameCount ; increment frame count bne DetermineTVMode inc colorCycleMode bne DetermineTVMode sec ; set carry ror colorCycleMode ; rotate carry to set D7 = 1 DetermineTVMode ldy #$FF ; assume color mode lda SWCHB ; read console switches and #BW_MASK ; get the B/W switch value bne .colorMode ; branch if set to color ldy #$0F ; hue mask for B/W mode .colorMode tya ; move hue masking value to accumulator ldy #0 bit colorCycleMode bpl .setColorHueMask ; branch if not in color cycling mode and #$F7 ; mask for VCS colors (i.e. D0 not used) ldy colorCycleMode .setColorHueMask sty screenSaverColorEOR sta hueMask lda #VBLANK_TIME sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sta TIM64T ; set timer for vertical blanking period ldy #$FF ; assume AMATEUR setting lda SWCHB ; read console switches and DifficultySwitchMask,x ; mask difficulty settings bne .setFishingHookSkillMask ldy #$FC ; mask setting for EXPERT .setFishingHookSkillMask sty fishingHookSkillMask,x lda SWCHA ; read joystick values tay ; move value to y register and #P1_HORIZ_MOVE sta player2JoystickValue ; set player 2 joystick value tya ; shift joystick value to accumulator and #P1_VERT_MOVE asl cmp #$0F bcc .setPlayer2JoystickValues ora #<~(MOVE_LEFT) >> 4 .setPlayer2JoystickValues and #P1_VERT_MOVE ora player2JoystickValue sta player2JoystickValue tya ; shift joystick value to accumulator lsr ; shift player 1 values to lower nybbles lsr lsr lsr sta player1JoystickValue ; set player 1 joystick value iny ; increment joystick value beq .checkForResetPressed ; branch if neither joystick moved stx colorCycleMode .checkForResetPressed lda SWCHB ; read console switches lsr ; shift RESET to carry bcs .checkForSelectPressed ldx #> 4 bcc .setAllowedVerticalMotion ldy #<(MOVE_UP) >> 4 .setAllowedVerticalMotion sty tmpCPUPlayerAllowedMotion lda frameCount ; get current frame count ora #~P1_VERT_MOVE << 4 ; set so HORIZ_MOVE not possible lsr lsr lsr lsr and tmpCPUPlayerAllowedMotion ldy rightHookedFishIndex ; get player 2 hooked fish value beq .setCPUOpponentJoystickValue ; branch if player 2 didn't hook fish lda #<(MOVE_LEFT) >> 4 .setCPUOpponentJoystickValue sta player2JoystickValue CheckToMoveHookedFish ldy hookedFishIndex,x ; get index of hooked fish beq MovePlayerFishingHook ; branch if player didn't hook fish lda floatingFishStatus - 1,y ; get hooked fish status value and #FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; keep direction value eor #FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; flip direction value clc adc floatingFishHorizPos - 1,y ; adjust with fish horizontal position sta fishingHookHorizPos,x ; set hooked fish horizontal position jmp DetermineFishingLineValues MovePlayerFishingHook lda playerFishingLineHorizPos,x ; get fishing line horizontal position cmp fishingHookHorizPos,x beq DetermineFishingLineValues bcc .moveFishingHookLeft inc fishingHookHorizPos,x inc fishingHookHorizPos,x .moveFishingHookLeft dec fishingHookHorizPos,x DetermineFishingLineValues ldy #HMOVE_L1 lda playerFishingLineHorizPos,x ; get fishing line horizontal position sec sbc fishingHookHorizPos,x ; subtract fishing hook horizontal position sta fishingHookHorizLineDiff ; set distance value bpl .setFishingLineHMOVEValue ; branch if hook to the left of line ldy #HMOVE_R1 eor #$FF clc ; could save a byte with adc #1...carry set adc #2 .setFishingLineHMOVEValue sty fishingLineHMOVEValues,x sta tmpFishingLineHookDistance sta fishingLineHookHorizDistance,x clc lda fishingHookVertPos,x ; get fishing hook vertical position adc #H_FISHERMAN_BODY + 1 ; increase by kernel height for true depth sta tmpFishingHookVertDistance sta fishingHookVertDistance,x lda #0 sta fishingLineSlopeFractionValues,x; clear fishing line slope value asl tmpFishingLineHookDistance ; multiple distance by 2 ldy #$80 .determineFishingLineSlope sec lda tmpFishingLineHookDistance ; distance * 2 sbc tmpFishingHookVertDistance ; 2a - b bmi .checkToSetNextBit ; branch when the result is negative sta tmpHorizDistRiseDiff ; not utilized for this routine tya ora fishingLineSlopeFractionValues,x sta fishingLineSlopeFractionValues,x .checkToSetNextBit asl tmpHorizDistRiseDiff tya lsr tay bne .determineFishingLineSlope ldy hookedFishIndex,x ; get index of hooked fish beq CheckForHookedFish ; branch if player didn't hook fish lda fishingHookVertDistance,x sec sbc fishingLineHookHorizDistance,x cmp #16 bpl CheckForHookedFish lda fishingHookHorizLineDiff ; get fishing hook and line difference and #$80 ; keep D7 value (i.e. negative value) lsr lsr lsr lsr sta tmpHookedFishDir ; set for new direction of hooked fish lda floatingFishStatus - 1,y ; get hooked fish status value and #~FISH_DIRECTION_MASK ; clear FISH_DIRECTION_MASK value ora tmpHookedFishDir sta floatingFishStatus - 1,y CheckForHookedFish ldx playerHookedFishIndex ; get player number for hooked fish ldy hookedFishIndex,x ; get index of hooked fish dey lda sharkAteFishValue ; get status of shark eating hooked fish beq CheckToReelInHookedFish ; branch if shark didn't eat hooked fish lda #8 sta audioChannelEatingFish ; set audio value for shark eating fish lda #NumberFonts .setDigitMSBValues sta digitGraphicPtrs,x ; all sprites on the same page dex dex bpl .setDigitMSBValues rts MoveObjectHorizontally jsr PositionObjectHorizontally sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sta HMOVE ; move object horizontally rts ; ; Horizontal reset starts at cycle 8 (i.e. pixel 24). The object's position is ; incremented by 46 to push their pixel positioning to start at cycle 23 (i.e. ; pixel 69) with an fine adjustment of -6 to start objects at pixel 63. ; CalculateObjectHorizPosition clc ; clear carry adc #46 ; increment horizontal position value by 46 tay ; save result for later and #$0F ; keep lower nybbles sta div16Remainder ; keep div16 remainder tya lsr ; divide horizontal position by 16 lsr lsr lsr tay ; division by 16 is course movement value clc adc div16Remainder ; add back division by 16 remainder cmp #15 bcc .determineFineMotionValue sbc #15 iny ; increment course movement value .determineFineMotionValue eor #7 ; get 3-bit 1's complement for fine motion asl Waste18Cycles asl asl asl rts PositionObjectHorizontally jsr CalculateObjectHorizPosition sta HMP0,x ; set object's fine motion value sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line .coarseMoveObject dey bpl .coarseMoveObject sta RESP0,x ; set object's coarse position rts InitFishStatusValues .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_LEFT | 3 .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT | 3 .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_LEFT | 3 .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT | 3 .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_LEFT | 3 .byte ID_FISH | FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT | 3 .byte ID_SHARK | FISH_DIRECTION_RIGHT | 7 InitFishHorizPos .byte 132, 21, 132, 21, 132, 21, 21 HookedFishKernelSectionVertPos .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 0) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 1) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 2) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 3) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 4) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 5) - 1 .byte H_FISH_KERNEL - (H_FISH * 6) + 1 Copyright_0 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $AD ; |X.X.XX.X| .byte $A9 ; |X.X.X..X| .byte $E9 ; |XXX.X..X| .byte $A9 ; |X.X.X..X| .byte $ED ; |XXX.XX.X| .byte $41 ; |.X.....X| .byte $0F ; |....XXXX| Copyright_1 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $50 ; |.X.X....| .byte $58 ; |.X.XX...| .byte $5C ; |.X.XXX..| .byte $56 ; |.X.X.XX.| .byte $53 ; |.X.X..XX| .byte $11 ; |...X...X| .byte $F0 ; |XXXX....| Copyright_2 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $BA ; |X.XXX.X.| .byte $8A ; |X...X.X.| .byte $BA ; |X.XXX.X.| .byte $A2 ; |X.X...X.| .byte $3A ; |..XXX.X.| .byte $80 ; |X.......| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| Copyright_3 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $E9 ; |XXX.X..X| .byte $AB ; |X.X.X.XX| .byte $AF ; |X.X.XXXX| .byte $AD ; |X.X.XX.X| .byte $E9 ; |XXX.X..X| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| BOUNDARY 0 NumberFonts zero .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| one IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| ELSE .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| ENDIF .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 .byte $18 ; |...XX...| ELSE .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| ENDIF .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| two .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| three .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| four .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $4C ; |.X..XX..| .byte $2C ; |..X.XX..| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| five .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| six .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| seven .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $42 ; |.X....X.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| eight .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| nine .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $3E ; |..XXXXX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| Blank .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| FishSprite_01 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $80 ; |X.......| .byte $C0 ; |XX......| .byte $4C ; |.X..XX..| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $3D ; |..XXXX.X| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $4C ; |.X..XX..| .byte $C0 ; |XX......| .byte $80 ; |X.......| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| FishSprite_02 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $CC ; |XX..XX..| .byte $DE ; |XX.XXXX.| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $3D ; |..XXXX.X| .byte $DE ; |XX.XXXX.| .byte $CC ; |XX..XX..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| SharkSprite_01 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $45 ; |.X...X.X| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $5F ; |.X.XXXXX| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $F0 ; |XXXX....| .byte $80 ; |X.......| FishermanHeadGraphics .byte $48 ; |.X..X...| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $70 ; |.XXX....| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $A0 ; |X.X.....| .byte $80 ; |X.......| FishermanBodyGraphics .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $F4 ; |XXXX.X..| .byte $F4 ; |XXXX.X..| .byte $DC ; |XX.XXX..| .byte $CC ; |XX..XX..| .byte $C4 ; |XX...X..| .byte $E0 ; |XXX.....| .byte $D4 ; |XX.X.X..| DifficultySwitchMask .byte P0_DIFF_MASK, P1_DIFF_MASK SharkSprite_02 .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $44 ; |.X...X..| .byte $5F ; |.X.XXXXX| .byte $7F ; |.XXXXXXX| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $5F ; |.X.XXXXX| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| .byte $E0 ; |XXX.....| .byte $80 ; |X.......| SharkTravelingLeftNUSIZValues .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_R8| MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R1| MSBL_SIZE8 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R1| MSBL_SIZE8 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R4| MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R1| MSBL_SIZE8 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R1| MSBL_SIZE8 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L5| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L7| MSBL_SIZE8 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_L2| MSBL_SIZE4 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_R7| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE SharkTravelingRightNUSIZValues .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_R2| MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L1| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L1| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L4| MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L1| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L1| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_R5| MSBL_SIZE8 | QUAD_SIZE .byte HMOVE_L3| MSBL_SIZE8 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_R2| MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_0 | MSBL_SIZE1 | TWO_COPIES .byte HMOVE_R3| MSBL_SIZE2 | QUAD_SIZE GameColors .byte COLOR_LEFT_FISHERMAN, COLOR_RIGHT_FISHERMAN, COLOR_PLATFORM .byte COLOR_SKY, COLOR_EOR, COLOR_SEA, COLOR_SHARK, COLOR_FISH HookedFishingHookVertPosValues .byte 45, 38, 31, 24, 17, 10, 3 InitAudioFrequencyValues .byte 16, 18 .org ROM_BASE + 2048 - 4, 0 ; 2K ROM .word Start InitHookHorizPosition .byte 44, 116