LIST OFF ; *** F O O T B A L L *** ; Copyright 1979 Atari, Inc ; Designer: Bob Whitehead ; ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: Dec. 10, 2019 ; ; *** 108 BYTES OF RAM USED 20 BYTES FREE ; *** 1 BYTE OF ROM FREE ; ; ============================================================================== ; = THIS REVERSE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IS BEING SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN = ; = FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THOUGH THE CODE WILL ASSEMBLE INTO THE = ; = EXACT GAME ROM, THE LABELS AND COMMENTS ARE THE INTERPRETATION OF MY OWN = ; = AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL VISION OF THE AUTHOR. = ; = = ; = THE ASSEMBLED CODE IS © 1979, ATARI = ; = = ; ============================================================================== processor 6502 ; ; NOTE: You must compile this with vcs.h version 105 or greater. ; TIA_BASE_READ_ADDRESS = $30 ; set the read address base so this runs on ; the real VCS and compiles to the exact ; ROM image include "tia_constants.h" include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" ; ; Make sure we are using vcs.h version 1.05 or greater. ; IF VERSION_VCS < 105 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: vcs.h file *must* be version 1.05 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF ; ; Make sure we are using macro.h version 1.01 or greater. ; IF VERSION_MACRO < 101 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: macro.h file *must* be version 1.01 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL50 = 1 TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 IFNCONST COMPILE_REGION COMPILE_REGION = NTSC ; change to compile for different regions ENDIF IF !(COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL50) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid COMPILE_REGION value" echo "*** Valid values: NTSC = 0, PAL50 = 1" echo "" err ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; F R A M E - T I M I N G S ;=============================================================================== IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC FPS = 60 ; ~60 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 37 OVERSCAN_TIME = 34 ELSE FPS = 50 ; ~50 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 68 OVERSCAN_TIME = 65 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O L O R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0E ORANGE = $40 BLUE = $80 DK_GREEN = $D0 ORANGE_TEAM_BW_VALUE = BLACK WHITE_TEAM_BW_VALUE = WHITE FOOTBALL_BW_VALUE = BLACK + 6 FOOTBALL_FIELD_BW_VALUE = BLACK + 10 ORANGE_TEAM_COLOR_VALUE = ORANGE + 8 WHITE_TEAM_COLOR_VALUE = WHITE - 2 FOOTBALL_COLOR_VALUE = BLUE + 2 FOOTBALL_FIELD_COLOR_VALUE = DK_GREEN + 6 ;=============================================================================== ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ROM_BASE = $F000 H_FONT = 5 H_FOOTBALL = 4 H_YARD_MARKER = 8 H_KERNEL = 200 H_PLAYER = 14 H_PLAY_INDICATOR = 5 H_INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS = H_PLAY_INDICATOR W_SCREEN = 159 W_PLAYER = 8 BW_HUE_MASK = $06 COLOR_HUE_MASK = $F6 VERT_MIN = 31 VERT_MAX = 194 HORIZ_MIN = 31 HORIZ_MAX = 119 MAX_DOWNS = 4 MAX_GAME_SELECTION = 3 GAME_SELECTION_PLAYER_CONTROL = 1 GAME_SELECTION_CPU_CONTROL = 2 GAME_SELECTION_COACH = 3 INIT_FOOTBALL_HORIZ_POS = 79 LEFT_TEAM_SAFETY_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE = 117 LEFT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE = 83 RIGHT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE = 151 RIGHT_TEAM_SAFETY_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE = 117 INIT_LEFT_PLAYER_TIGHT_HORIZ_POS = 59 INIT_RIGHT_PLAYER_TIGHT_HORIZ_POS = 91 INIT_LEFT_PLAYER_SPLIT_HORIZ_POS = 43 INIT_RIGHT_PLAYER_SPLIT_HORIZ_POS = 107 BLANK_NUMBER_PTR = (Blank - NumberFonts) / H_FONT PLAY_PUNT = 0 PLAY_DEEP = 0 PLAY_TIGHT_RIGHT = 1 PLAY_TIGHT_LEFT = 2 PLAY_SPLIT_RIGHT = 3 PLAY_SPLIT_LEFT = 4 POINTS_SAFETY = 2 POINTS_TOUCHDOWN = 7 INIT_CLOCK_MINUTES = 5 INIT_BALL_SNAP_TIMER_VALUE = 127 GAME_OVER = $FF MY_MOVE_RIGHT = <(~MOVE_RIGHT) MY_MOVE_LEFT = <(~MOVE_LEFT) MY_MOVE_DOWN = <(~MOVE_DOWN) MY_MOVE_UP = <(~MOVE_UP) MOVE_RIGHT_LEFT_PLAYER = MY_MOVE_RIGHT & P0_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_LEFT_LEFT_PLAYER = MY_MOVE_LEFT & P0_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_DOWN_LEFT_PLAYER = MY_MOVE_DOWN & P0_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER = MY_MOVE_UP & P0_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_RIGHT_RIGHT_PLAYER = (MY_MOVE_RIGHT >> 4) & P1_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_PLAYER = (MY_MOVE_LEFT >> 4) & P1_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER = (MY_MOVE_DOWN >> 4) & P1_JOYSTICK_MASK MOVE_UP_RIGHT_PLAYER = (MY_MOVE_UP >> 4) & P1_JOYSTICK_MASK SOUND_INDEX_MASK = $F0 SOUND_DURATION_MASK = $0F RIGHT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY = 1 << 7 LEFT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY = 1 << 6 ;=============================================================================== ; M A C R O S ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------- ; INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS ; Original author: Andrew Davie ; Interleaves graphics data in the assembled ROM. This was constructed to ; hopefully allow readers of the listing to easily see the graphics data that ; makes up a sprite. ; MAC INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS IF {1} = 1 .byte {2} ENDIF IF {1} = 2 .byte {3} ENDIF IF {1} = 3 .byte {4} ENDIF IF {1} = 4 .byte {5} ENDIF IF {1} = 5 .byte {6} ENDIF ENDM ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables .org $80 frameCount ds 1 ballSnapTimer ds 1 lineMarkerValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- lineOfScrimmage = lineMarkerValues firstDownMarkerVertPos = lineOfScrimmage + 1 randomPuntYardage ds 1 yardMarkingHeight ds 1 crowdVolumeValue ds 1 zp_Unused_01 ds 2 ; 2 unused RAM bytes selectedPlayNumber ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1PlayNumber = selectedPlayNumber player2PlayNumber = player1PlayNumber + 1 displayedPlayersVertPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1VertPos = displayedPlayersVertPos player2VertPos = player1VertPos + 1 displayedPlayersHorizPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1HorizPos = displayedPlayersHorizPos player2HorizPos = player1HorizPos + 1 teamVertPositions ds 8 teamHorizPositions ds 8 teamCollisionValues ds 8 controllerPortValues ds 3 ;-------------------------------------- actionButtonValues = controllerPortValues ;-------------------------------------- leftActionButtonValue = actionButtonValues rightActionButtonValue = leftActionButtonValue + 1 joystickValues = rightActionButtonValue + 1 controllerPortDebounceValues ds 3 ;-------------------------------------- actionButtonDebounceValues = controllerPortDebounceValues ;-------------------------------------- leftActionButtonDebounceValue = actionButtonDebounceValues rightActionButtonDebounceValue = leftActionButtonDebounceValue + 1 joystickDebounceValues = rightActionButtonDebounceValue + 1 playerReflectState ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1ReflectState = playerReflectState player2ReflectState = player1ReflectState + 1 footballVertPos ds 1 footballHorizPos ds 1 objectColorValues ds 4 ;-------------------------------------- player1TeamColor = objectColorValues player2TeamColor = player1TeamColor + 1 footballColor = player2TeamColor + 1 footballFieldColor = footballColor + 1 crowdRoarFrequencyPtrs ds 2 selectedPlayStatus ds 1 footballCollisionValue ds 1 footballStatus ds 1 receivingPlayerIndex ds 1 ; index of player that caught football endingPlayTimer ds 1 ; delay to transition to next play setup colorCycleMode ds 1 gameState ds 1 ; 0 = GAME_ON...-1 = GAME_OVER startingPossesionLineOfScrimmage ds 1 offensiveTeamIndex ds 1 scoreBoardValues ds 5 ;-------------------------------------- player1Score = scoreBoardValues player2Score = player1Score + 1 clockSeconds = player2Score + 1 clockMinutes = clockSeconds + 1 currentDown = clockMinutes + 1 teamFormationValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1TeamFormation = teamFormationValues player2TeamFormation = player1TeamFormation + 1 random ds 1 randomVertMotionTimer ds 1 zp_Unused_02 ds 1 ; 1 unused RAM byte playerAllowedMotionValues ds 8 interceptionStatus ds 1 ; non-zero shows pass intercepted gameSelection ds 1 selectDebounceRate ds 1 tmpHueMask ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpDisplayValue = tmpHueMask ;-------------------------------------- tmpHorizPosDiv16 = tmpDisplayValue ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayerIndex = tmpHorizPosDiv16 ;-------------------------------------- tmpFootballCollisionValue = tmpPlayerIndex ;-------------------------------------- tmpAllowedDirValues = tmpFootballCollisionValue tmpFieldColorIndex ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpOffensivePlay = tmpFieldColorIndex ;-------------------------------------- tmpFootballMidVert = tmpOffensivePlay ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayerNumber = tmpFootballMidVert currentPlayerIndex ds 1 ; index of current displayed player zp_Unused_03 ds 1 ; 1 unused RAM byte scoringFrequencyIndex ds 1 gameMusicSoundValues ds 1 crowdRoarVolumeModulator ds 1 playersHorizCoarseValue ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1HorizCoarseValue = playersHorizCoarseValue player2HorizCoarseValue = player1HorizCoarseValue + 1 playersHorizFineMotionValue ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1HorizFineMotionValue = playersHorizFineMotionValue player2HorizFineMotionValue = player1HorizFineMotionValue + 1 digitGraphicPtrs ds 16 ;-------------------------------------- player1ScoreGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs player2ScoreGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs + 4 clockSecondsGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs + 8 clockMinutesGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs + 12 currentDownGraphicPtrs = digitGraphicPtrs + 14 echo "***",(* - $80 - 4)d, "BYTES OF RAM USED", ($100 - * + 4)d, "BYTES FREE" ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG code .org ROM_BASE Start sei ; disable interrupts cld ; clear decimal mode ldx #$FF txs ; set stack to the beginning inx ; x = 0 txa ; a = 0 .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x inx bne .clearLoop lda #H_YARD_MARKER - 1 sta yardMarkingHeight dec random ; seed with 255 jsr ClearGameRAM jsr ResetScoreBoardValues jsr SetInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay MainLoop sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line stx VSYNC ; start vertical sync (i.e. D1 = 1) stx VBLANK ; disable TIA (i.e. D1 = 1) stx AUDV0 ; set volume 0 to max (i.e. x = 255) inc frameCount ; increment frame count bne DetermineTVMode inc colorCycleMode ; incremented ~ every 4.2 seconds bne DetermineTVMode stx gameState ; set game state to GAME_OVER (i.e. x = -1) DetermineTVMode lda gameState ; get current game state beq SetObjectColorValues ; branch if GAME_ON ldx #$F6 stx crowdRoarFrequencyPtrs + 1 ; set crowd roar pointer MSB value SetObjectColorValues lda SWCHB ; read console switches and #BW_MASK ; keep the B/W switch value lsr ; shift value right bne .setColorHueMask ; branch if set to COLOR pha ; push B/W switch value to stack txa ; move color masking to accumulator and #$0F ; mask color value...keep luminance value tax pla ; pull B/W switch value from stack .setColorHueMask stx tmpHueMask tay ldx #<[footballFieldColor - objectColorValues + 1] sta WSYNC ; start second VSYNC scan line .setObjectColors lda colorCycleMode and gameState ; mask with current game state eor GameColorTable,y ; flip color bits for color cycling and tmpHueMask ; mask color values for COLOR / B&W mode sta objectColorValues - 1,x ; set object color value sta COLUP0 - 1,x iny dex bne .setObjectColors stx WSYNC ; start third VSYNC scan line stx VSYNC ; end vertical sync (i.e. D1 = 0) lda #VBLANK_TIME sta TIM64T ; set timer for vertical blanking period lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #$3F ; 0 <= a <= 63 ora ballSnapTimer ; combine with ball snap timer ora gameState ; combine with current game state bne ReadConsolePortsAndSwitches ; branch if shouldn't decrement game clock lda clockSeconds ; get clock seconds sed sbc #1 - 1 ; carry clear from B/W shift above cld bpl .setClockSeconds lda clockMinutes ; get clock minutes beq ReadConsolePortsAndSwitches lda #$59 ; reset clock seconds to 59 dec clockMinutes ; reduce clock minutes .setClockSeconds sta clockSeconds ReadConsolePortsAndSwitches jsr ReadConsoleSwitches ldx #2 lda SWCHA ; read joystick values .readControllerPortValues tay ; move controller input values to y register eor controllerPortValues,x ; flip bits from previous frame read and controllerPortValues,x ; mask previous frame direction values sta controllerPortDebounceValues,x;set controller port debounce values sty controllerPortValues,x lda INPT4 - 1,x ; read action button values dex bpl .readControllerPortValues ldx #2 stx NUSIZ1 ; set to TWO_MED_COPIES .setObjectHorizKernelValues lda displayedPlayersHorizPos - 1,x;get player's horizontal position jsr DetermineObjectHorizValues ; determine horizontal fine & coarse values sty playersHorizCoarseValue - 1,x sta playersHorizFineMotionValue - 1,x lda displayedPlayersHorizPos - 1,x;get player's horizontal position asl ; shift value left eor displayedPlayersVertPos - 1,x; flip D3 based on player vertical position sta playerReflectState - 1,x ; set player REFLECT state value dex bne .setObjectHorizKernelValues lda footballHorizPos ; get football horizontal position jsr DetermineObjectHorizValues ; determine football fine & coarse values DisplayKernel .waitTime ldx INTIM bne .waitTime sty WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- .coarseMoveFootball dey ; 2 bpl .coarseMoveFootball ; 2³ sta RESBL,x ; 4 sta HMBL ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 stx tmpFieldColorIndex ; 3 clear field color index value lda footballFieldColor ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @12 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @15 lda #MSBL_SIZE2 | PF_REFLECT;2 sta.w CTRLPF ; 4 ldy #<[currentDownGraphicPtrs - digitGraphicPtrs];2 sty REFP0 ; 3 = @26 reflect player (i.e. D3 = 1) sty REFP1 ; 3 = @29 reflect player (i.e. D3 = 1) sta HMCLR ; 3 = @32 sta RESP0 ; 3 = @35 lda currentDown ; 3 get current down sta RESP1 ; 3 = @41 jsr BCD2Digits ; 6 ;-------------------------------------- lda clockMinutes ; 3 = @06 jsr BCD2Digits ; 6 ldx #<[clockSeconds - scoreBoardValues + 1];2 = @46 .setGraphicPointersForScoreBoard dex ; 2 lda scoreBoardValues,x ; 4 get score board value lsr ; 2 shift upper nybbles to lower nybbles lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 jsr BCD2Digits ; 6 ;-------------------------------------- lda scoreBoardValues,x ; 4 = @26 and #$0F ; 2 jsr BCD2Digits ; 6 bpl .setGraphicPointersForScoreBoard;2³ ldy #H_FONT ; 2 = @70 sty VBLANK ; 3 = @73 enable TIA (i.e. D1 = 0) lda #HMOVE_R4 | THREE_MED_COPIES;2 ;-------------------------------------- sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @02 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @05 lda #HMOVE_R6 | VERTICAL_DELAY;2 sta VDELP1 ; 3 = @10 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @13 sec ; 2 bcs .scoreBoardKernel ; 3 unconditional branch ScoreBoardKernel clc ; 2 .scoreBoardKernelLoop lda player1TeamColor ; 3 sta COLUP0 ; 3 .scoreBoardKernel sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda (clockMinutesGraphicPtrs),y;5 get graphic data for minutes value ora ColonGraphic - 1,y ; 4 combine with colon graphics sta GRP1 ; 3 = @15 draw minutes value lda (player1ScoreGraphicPtrs),y;5 get tens graphics data for score sta GRP0 ; 3 = @23 draw player 1 score tens value lda (currentDownGraphicPtrs),y;5 get graphics data for current down sta GRP1 ; 3 = @31 draw current down value lda (clockSecondsGraphicPtrs),y;5 get tens graphic data for seconds ldx footballFieldColor ; 3 stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @42 color timer ldx player2TeamColor ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @48 draw tens seconds value lda (player2ScoreGraphicPtrs),y;5 get tens graphics data for score sta GRP0 ; 3 = @56 draw player 2 score tens value stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @59 color player 2 score lda #HMOVE_L7 ; 2 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @64 shift players left 7 pixels sta HMP1 ; 3 = @67 lda #0 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @06 lda player1TeamColor ; 3 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @12 color player 1 score lda (player1ScoreGraphicPtrs + 2),y;5 get ones graphics data for score sta GRP0 ; 3 = @20 draw player 1 score ones value lda (clockSecondsGraphicPtrs + 2),y;5 get ones graphic data for seconds ldx #HMOVE_R7 ; 2 stx HMP0 ; 3 = @30 shift players right 7 pixels stx HMP1 ; 3 = @33 ldx footballFieldColor ; 3 stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @39 color timer ldx player2TeamColor ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @45 color player 2 score lda (player2ScoreGraphicPtrs + 2),y;5 get ones graphic data for score sta GRP0 ; 3 = @53 draw player 2 score ones value stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @56 bcs ScoreBoardKernel ; 2³ sec ; 2 dey ; 2 bne .scoreBoardKernelLoop ; 2³ sty GRP0 ; 3 = @67 sty VDELP1 ; 3 = @70 stx COLUP1 ; 3 = @73 ldy #H_PLAY_INDICATOR * 2 ; 2 .drawPlayIndicators sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda selectedPlayStatus ; 3 get selected play status values asl ; 2 shift player 1 status to carry asl ; 2 tya ; 2 shift scan line to accumulator adc #1 - 1 ; 2 increment with selected play status tax ; 2 lda PlayIndicator - 2,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @20 draw player program play indicator tya ; 2 shift scan line to accumulator ora offensiveTeamIndex ; 3 combine with offensive team index tax ; 2 set index for offensive indicator lda OffensiveIndicator - 2,x;4 tax ; 2 move offensive indicator graphic to x lda selectedPlayStatus ; 3 get selected play status values asl ; 2 shift player 2 status to carry tya ; 2 shift scan line to accumulator adc #1 - 1 ; 2 increment with selected play status stx GRP0 ; 3 = @45 draw offensive indicator tax ; 2 lda PlayIndicator - 2,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @54 draw player program play indicator dey ; 2 dey ; 2 bne .drawPlayIndicators ; 2³ sty GRP0 ; 3 = @63 sec ; 2 ldx #2 ; 2 .setFootballPlayerValues lda playerReflectState - 1,x;4 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta REFP0 - 1,x ; 4 lda playersHorizFineMotionValue - 1,x;4 sta HMP0 - 1,x ; 4 lda playersHorizCoarseValue - 1,x;4 sbc #3 ; 2 .coarsePositionFootballPlayer sbc #1 ; 2 bne .coarsePositionFootballPlayer;2³ dex ; 2 sta RESP0,x ; 4 bne .setFootballPlayerValues;2³ sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- ldx player1TeamColor ; 3 stx COLUP0 ; 3 = @06 clc ; 2 ldx #$F0 ; 2 stx PF1 ; 3 = @13 draw left and right boundaries sta PF2 ; 3 = @16 clear PF2 graphics (i.e. a = 0) ldx player1TeamFormation ; 3 ldy player2TeamFormation ; 3 lda #MSBL_SIZE2 | PF_PRIORITY | PF_REFLECT;2 sta CTRLPF ; 3 = @27 lda ballSnapTimer ; 3 get ball snap timer value bne .setPlayerNUSIZValues ; 2³ branch if ball not snapped tay ; 2 tax ; 2 .setPlayerNUSIZValues stx NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @39 sty NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @42 ldx #39 ; 2 txa ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bne .footballFieldKernel ; 3 + 1 unconditional branch Randomize lda crowdRoarVolumeModulator asl eor crowdRoarVolumeModulator asl asl ror random rol crowdRoarVolumeModulator rts PositionFootballWithBallCarrier lda teamHorizPositions,y ; get ball carrier horizontal position clc adc #(W_PLAYER / 2) ; increment by the horizontal mid point sta footballHorizPos ; set football horizontal position lda teamVertPositions,y ; get ball carrier vertical position adc #(H_PLAYER + 1) / 3 ; carry cleared above sta footballVertPos ; set football vertical position rts .skipDrawPlayer1 clc ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 bcc .checkToDrawPlayer2Sprite;4 unconditional branch...crosses page .skipDrawPlayer2 clc ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 bcc .checkToDrawFirstDownMarker;4 unconditional branch...crosses page FootballFieldKernel ;-------------------------------------- ldy #0 ; 2 sty PF2 ; 3 = @05 txa ; 2 move scan line count to accumulator .footballFieldKernel bit yardMarkingHeight ; 3 beq .alternateFieldColors ; 2³ sbc footballVertPos ; 3 subtract football vertical position and #~(H_FOOTBALL - 1) ; 2 and with 2's complement of H_FOOTBALL bne .skipDrawFootball ; 2³ branch to disable football ldy #ENABLE_BM ; 2 sty ENABL ; 3 = @24 SLEEP 2 ; 2 cpx #H_KERNEL + 1 ; 2 bcc .checkToDrawPlayer1Sprite;2³ bcs Overscan ; 3 unconditional branch .skipDrawFootball sta ENABL ; 3 = @23 bne .checkDoneFootballFieldKernel;3 unconditional branch .alternateFieldColors inc tmpFieldColorIndex ; 5 increment field color index ldy tmpFieldColorIndex ; 3 lda FieldColorEORValues - 1,y;4 eor footballFieldColor ; 3 alternate color D1 value sta COLUBK ; 3 = @31 lda (crowdRoarFrequencyPtrs),y;5 and #7 ; 2 0 <= a <= 7 ora #8 ; 2 8 <= a <= 15 sta AUDF1 ; 3 inx ; 2 increment scan line count clc ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 bcc .checkToDrawPlayer2Sprite;3 unconditional branch .checkToDrawPlayer1Sprite inx ; 2 increment scan line count txa ; 2 move scan line count to accumulator sbc player1VertPos ; 3 subtract player 1 vertical position cmp #H_PLAYER + 1 ; 2 bcs .skipDrawPlayer1 ; 2³ + 1 tay ; 2 lda FootballPlayerSprite,y ; 4 sta.w GRP0 ; 4 = @52 .checkToDrawPlayer2Sprite txa ; 2 move scan line count to accumulator sbc player2VertPos ; 3 subtract player 2 vertical position cmp #H_PLAYER + 1 ; 2 bcs .skipDrawPlayer2 ; 2³ + 1 tay ; 2 lda FootballPlayerSprite,y ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @70 .checkToDrawFirstDownMarker cpx firstDownMarkerVertPos ; 3 bne FootballFieldKernel ; 2³ ;-------------------------------------- ldy #$FF ; 2 = @01 sty.w PF2 ; 4 = @05 draw first down marker txa ; 2 move scan line count to accumulator bit yardMarkingHeight ; 3 beq .alternateFieldColors ; 2³ sbc footballVertPos ; 3 subtract football vertical position and #~(H_FOOTBALL - 1) ; 2 and with 2's complement of H_FOOTBALL bne .skipDrawFootball ; 2³ branch to disable football ldy #ENABLE_BM ; 2 sty ENABL ; 3 = @24 SLEEP 2 ; 2 .checkDoneFootballFieldKernel cpx #H_KERNEL + 1 ; 2 bcc .checkToDrawPlayer1Sprite;2³ Overscan SUBROUTINE ldx #0 stx GRP0 stx GRP1 stx ENABL dex ; x = -1 stx PF0 sta WSYNC stx PF1 stx PF2 lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T lda gameMusicSoundValues ; get game music sound values ldx #8 stx AUDC1 ; set sound channel for crowd roar and #$F0 ; keep sound index values bmi .setAudioMusicValues ; branch if done playing sound dec gameMusicSoundValues ; decrement game sound duration value lsr ; shift sound index value ora scoringFrequencyIndex ; combine with scoring frequency index value lsr ; shift sound index value bcc .determineSoundFrequencyIndex; branch if not reducing sound duration dec gameMusicSoundValues ; decrement game sound duration value .determineSoundFrequencyIndex lsr ; shift sound index value bcs .getGameMusicSoundFrequencies lsr ; shift sound index value and #1 .getGameMusicSoundFrequencies tay ; set index for reading music frequencies lda #12 ldx GameMusicSoundFrequencies,y .setAudioMusicValues stx AUDF0 sta AUDC0 lda crowdRoarFrequencyPtrs ; get crowd roar frequency LSB value .incrementCrowdRoarFreqPtr adc #23 cmp #256 - 23 bcs .incrementCrowdRoarFreqPtr sta crowdRoarFrequencyPtrs ldx crowdVolumeValue ; get crowd volume value lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #3 bne .setCrowdRoarVolumeLevel ; adjust volume every 4 frames lda ballSnapTimer ; get ball snap timer value ora endingPlayTimer ; combine with ending player timer value bne .reduceCrowdVolume ; branch if ending current play inx ; increment crowd volume cpx #10 bcc .setCrowdVolumeValue lda crowdRoarVolumeModulator ; get crowd roar volume modulator ora #8 ; volume not lower than 8 tax bne .setCrowdRoarVolumeLevel .reduceCrowdVolume dex bmi CheckForGameClockExpiration .setCrowdVolumeValue stx crowdVolumeValue .setCrowdRoarVolumeLevel stx AUDV1 CheckForGameClockExpiration lda selectedPlayStatus ; get selected play status value beq CheckObjectCollisions ; branch if both players selected play lda clockMinutes ; get remaining minutes ldx #1 ora clockSeconds ; combine with remaining seconds bne .checkPlayerForSelectingPlay ; branch if time left on the clock lda #GAME_OVER sta gameState ; set game state to GAME_OVER .checkPlayerForSelectingPlay ldy #PLAY_PUNT | PLAY_DEEP dec ballSnapTimer ; decrement ball snap timer bmi .setSelectedPlayNumber lda #INIT_BALL_SNAP_TIMER_VALUE sta ballSnapTimer ; set initial ball snap timer lda selectedPlayStatus ; get selected play status value and SelectedPlayStatusMask,x beq .checkNextPlayerSelectingPlay; branch if player selected play lda joystickDebounceValues ; get joystick debounce values ldy #PLAY_SPLIT_LEFT dex inx bne .determineSelectedPlay ; branch if processing player 2 lsr ; shift joystick values to lower nybbles lsr lsr lsr .determineSelectedPlay lsr ; shift joystick movement value to carry bcs .playSelected dey ; decrement play number bne .determineSelectedPlay lda actionButtonDebounceValues,x ; get action button debounce value bpl .checkNextPlayerSelectingPlay; branch if action button not pressed .playSelected lda gameState ; get current game state bne .checkNextPlayerSelectingPlay; branch if GAME_OVER lda selectedPlayStatus ; get selected play status values eor SelectedPlayStatusMask,x ; flip player selected play status sta selectedPlayStatus ; set to show play selected lda #4 sta AUDC0 .setSelectedPlayNumber sty selectedPlayNumber,x .checkNextPlayerSelectingPlay dex bpl .checkPlayerForSelectingPlay jmp .waitTime CheckObjectCollisions lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #3 ; 0 <= a <= 3 asl ; multiply value by 2 (i.e. a is even) tax ; x points to orange team player lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position adc #(H_FOOTBALL / 2) ; increment by 2 -- carry clear sta tmpFootballMidVert ldy #7 .checkObjectCollisions lda teamHorizPositions,x ; get team horizontal position sec sbc teamHorizPositions,y ; subtract alterate team horizontal position clc adc #(W_PLAYER / 2) ; increment by player horizontal mid point cmp #W_PLAYER + 1 ; compare with player width bcs .setTeamCollisionValue ; branch if no horizontal collision lda teamVertPositions,x ; get team vertical position sbc teamVertPositions,y ; subtract alternate verical position sec adc #(H_PLAYER / 2) cmp #H_PLAYER + 1 ; no collision if carry set .setTeamCollisionValue rol teamCollisionValues,x ; rotate result of compare to D0 lda footballHorizPos ; get football horizontal position sec sbc teamHorizPositions,y ; subtract team horizontal position cmp #W_PLAYER + 1 ; compare with player width bcs .setFootballCollisionValue ; branch if no horizontal collision lda tmpFootballMidVert ; get football vertical mid point sbc teamVertPositions,y ; subtract team vertical position cmp #(3 * H_PLAYER) / 4 ; no collision if carry set .setFootballCollisionValue rol footballCollisionValue txa eor #1 tax dey bpl .checkObjectCollisions lda ballSnapTimer ; get ball snap timer value beq MovePlayers ; branch if ball in play dec ballSnapTimer ; decrement ball snap timer bne .setInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay ldx offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team lsr ; a = 0 and carry set sta footballStatus ; clear football status value sta receivingPlayerIndex sta startingPossesionLineOfScrimmage sta interceptionStatus ; clear interception status lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position sta lineOfScrimmage ; set value for line of scrimmage ldy selectedPlayNumber,x ; get offense team selected play lda gameSelection ; get current game selection eor #3 beq .placeFootballWithQuarterback; branch if GAME_SELECTION_COACH lda QuarterbackHorizOffsetValues,y;get horizontal offset based on play adc teamHorizPositions,x ; adjust quarterback horizontal position sta teamHorizPositions,x ; set quarterback horizontal position .placeFootballWithQuarterback txa ; move offensive team index to accumulator tay ; move offensive team index to y register jsr PositionFootballWithBallCarrier;give quarterback the football lda random ; get current pseudo random value ora #160 ; 160 <= a <= 255 sta randomVertMotionTimer ; set timer for random vertical motion and #$1F ; 0 <= a <= 31 adc PuntYardageOffset,x ; incremet by punt yardage offset adc lineOfScrimmage ; increment by line of scrimmage value sta randomPuntYardage .waitTime ldx INTIM bne .waitTime dex ; x = -1 jmp MainLoop .setInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay jsr SetInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay bne .waitTime ; unconditional branch MovePlayers txa ; x points to orange team player (i.e. even) stx currentPlayerIndex and #2 asl tax .movePlayers lda #0 ; assume all directions allowed ldy endingPlayTimer ; get ending play timer value bne .pushDirectionalValuesToStack; branch if pausing for new play setup ldy gameSelection ; get current game selection cpy #GAME_SELECTION_COACH beq .checkLeftPlayerJoystickMoved; branch if GAME_SELECTION_COACH sta tmpAllowedDirValues lda offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team eor #1 ; flip value for defensive team index tay ; set y register to defensive team index txa lsr cmp receivingPlayerIndex beq .determineControlledPlayer lda JoystickMaskValues,y sta tmpAllowedDirValues .determineControlledPlayer cpx #2 ror ; shift carry to D7 eor INPT4,y ; flip value based on defense action button rol ; shift value to carry lda tmpAllowedDirValues bcc .combineJoystickValues ; branch if controlling defensive player ora JoystickMaskValues - 1,y .combineJoystickValues ora joystickValues ; combine with joystick values eor #$FF ; flip bits (i.e. allowed direction is high) .checkLeftPlayerJoystickMoved bit JoystickMaskValues - 1 bne .checkRightPlayerJoystickMoved;branch if left player moved joystick eor playerAllowedMotionValues,x .checkRightPlayerJoystickMoved bit JoystickMaskValues bne .determinePlayerVerticalDirection;branch if right player moved joystick eor playerAllowedMotionValues + 1,x .determinePlayerVerticalDirection cpx #2 bcs .pushDirectionalValuesToStack; branch if processing controllable player tay ; move directional values to y register lda teamVertPositions + 1,x ; get player vertical position adc #8 cmp footballVertPos tya ; move direction values to accumulator bcs .determinePlayerUpMovement ; branch if below football and #~(MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_RIGHT_PLAYER);clear vertical motion ora #MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER ; allow player to MOVE_DOWN .determinePlayerUpMovement ldy teamVertPositions,x ; get player vertical position cpy footballVertPos ; compare with football vertical position bcc .pushDirectionalValuesToStack; branch if above football and #~(MOVE_DOWN_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER);clear vertical motion ora #MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER ; allow player to MOVE_UP .pushDirectionalValuesToStack pha ; push directional values to stack ldy #0 .checkToRestrictPlayerHorizMovement lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #6 ; a = 0 || a = 2 || a = 4 || a = 6 beq .setAllowDirectionalValues sbc #3 bpl .setVerticalDirectionForBlocking eor SWCHB ; flip console switch values and DifficultySwitchMask,y ; isolate player difficulty setting beq .setVerticalAllowedDirections; branch if difficulty set to PRO lda #~(MOVE_DOWN_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER) .setVerticalAllowedDirections cpx #2 bcs .setAllowDirectionalValues ; branch if processing controllable player ora #MOVE_DOWN_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER .setAllowDirectionalValues ora #$0F ; allow all directions for white team sta tmpAllowedDirValues pla ; pull directional values from stack and tmpAllowedDirValues pha ; push new directional values to stack .setVerticalDirectionForBlocking lda teamCollisionValues,x ; get team collision value and #$0F ; keep lower nybble value eor #$0F ; flip lower nybble value beq .checkPlayerDirectionValues ; branch if no collision pla ; pull directional values from stack and BlockingDirectionalValues,y ; clear directions not allowed pha ; push new directional values to stack .checkPlayerDirectionValues pla ; pull directional values from stack asl ; shift move right value to carry bcc .checkForPlayerMovingLeft ; branch if not moving right inc teamHorizPositions,x ; move player right .checkForPlayerMovingLeft asl ; shift move left value to carry bcc .checkForPlayerMovingDown dec teamHorizPositions,x ; move player left .checkForPlayerMovingDown asl ; shift move down value to carry bcc .checkForPlayerMovingUp inc teamVertPositions,x ; move player down field .checkForPlayerMovingUp asl ; shift move up value to carry pha ; push directional values to stack bcc .keepPlayersInFieldBoundaries dec teamVertPositions,x ; move player up field .keepPlayersInFieldBoundaries lda #VERT_MAX ; get vertical boundary max value cmp teamVertPositions,x bcc .setTeamVerticalPosition ; branch to set player to vertical boundary lda #VERT_MIN ; get vertical boundary min value cmp teamVertPositions,x bcs .setTeamVerticalPosition ; branch to set player to vertical boundary lda teamVertPositions,x ; get player vertical position .setTeamVerticalPosition sta teamVertPositions,x lda #HORIZ_MAX ; get horizontal boundary max value cmp teamHorizPositions,x bcc .setTeamHorizontalPosition ; branch to set player to horizontal boundary lda #HORIZ_MIN ; get horizontal boundary min value cmp teamHorizPositions,x bcs .setTeamHorizontalPosition ; branch to set player to horizontal boundary lda teamHorizPositions,x ; get player horizontal position .setTeamHorizontalPosition sta teamHorizPositions,x inx iny cpy #2 bcc .checkToRestrictPlayerHorizMovement pla txa and #2 beq SetKernelPlayerPositionValues jmp .movePlayers SetKernelPlayerPositionValues ldx currentPlayerIndex lda teamVertPositions,x sta player1VertPos lda teamVertPositions + 1,x sta player2VertPos lda teamHorizPositions,x sta player1HorizPos lda teamHorizPositions + 1,x sta player2HorizPos jmp .waitTime SetInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay SUBROUTINE ldx #1 .setInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay stx tmpPlayerIndex lda selectedPlayStatus ; get selected play status values bne .determineInitPositions ; branch if a player not selected play lda selectedPlayNumber,x ; get player selected play .determineInitPositions and #7 pha ; push play selection to stack cmp #PLAY_TIGHT_RIGHT ; set carry if not PLAY_PUNT or PLAY_DEEP lda tmpPlayerIndex rol ; a = (player index * 2) + !(PLAY_PUNT) tay lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position clc adc InitTeamBackVertOffsetValues,y sta teamVertPositions,x ; set team's back player vertical position clc adc InitTeamLineVertOffsetValues,y sta displayedPlayersVertPos,x sta teamVertPositions + 2,x sta teamVertPositions + 4,x sta teamVertPositions + 6,x pla ; pull play selection from stack cmp #PLAY_SPLIT_RIGHT lda #0 rol tay ; 0 = PLAY_TIGHT -- 1 = PLAY_SPLIT lda #[(W_SCREEN + 1) - W_PLAYER] / 2 sta teamHorizPositions,x ; center Quarterback or defensive back sta teamHorizPositions + 2,x ; center Center or Defensive tackle lda InitLeftPlayerHorizPositionValues,y sta teamHorizPositions + 4,x sta displayedPlayersHorizPos,x lda InitRightPlayerHorizPositionValues,y sta teamHorizPositions + 6,x lda TeamFormationNUSIZValues,y sta teamFormationValues,x dex bpl .setInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay lda #INIT_FOOTBALL_HORIZ_POS sta footballHorizPos rts ; ; Horizontal reset starts at cycle 8 (i.e. pixel 24). The object's position is ; incremented by 55 to push their pixel positioning to start at cycle 18 (i.e. ; pixel 54) with an fine adjustment of -6 to start objects at pixel 48. ; DetermineObjectHorizValues clc adc #55 ; increment horizontal position value by 55 pha ; push value to stack for later lsr ; divide horizontal position by 16 lsr lsr lsr tay ; save the value pla ; get the object's x position and #$0F ; keep div16 remainder sty tmpHorizPosDiv16 ; division by 16 is coarse movement value clc adc tmpHorizPosDiv16 ; add in division by 16 remainder cmp #15 bcc .skipSubtractions sbc #15 ; subtract 15 iny ; and increment coarse value .skipSubtractions cmp #8 eor #$0F bcs .shiftFineMotionValue adc #1 ; get 2's complement value for fine motion dey ; reduce coarse value .shiftFineMotionValue asl asl asl asl rts ReadConsoleSwitches ldx #0 lda SWCHB ; read console switches lsr ; shift RESET to carry bit ror ; rotate SELECT to carry and RESET to D7 bcs .checkForResetPressed ; branch if SELECT not pressed ResetScoreBoardValues lda #BLANK_NUMBER_PTR << 4 | BLANK_NUMBER_PTR sta player2Score ; set player 2 score to Blank character sta clockSeconds ; set clock seconds to Blank character lda #0 << 4 | BLANK_NUMBER_PTR sta currentDown sta clockMinutes lda #6 sta colorCycleMode dex stx gameState ; set game state to GAME_OVER (i.e. x = -1) lda #RIGHT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY | LEFT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY sta selectedPlayStatus ; no player selected play ldy gameSelection ; get current game selection ldx selectDebounceRate ; get select debounce rate value bne .incrementSelectDebounceTimer; branch if debounce rate not expired cpy #MAX_GAME_SELECTION bcc .incrementGameSelection ldy #0 .incrementGameSelection iny sty gameSelection ; set current game selection tya ; move game selection to accumulator ora #BLANK_NUMBER_PTR << 4 ; combine with BLANK_NUMBER_PTR sta player1Score ; set to show game selection .incrementSelectDebounceTimer inx cpx #63 bcc .setSelectDebounceTimer ldx #0 .setSelectDebounceTimer stx selectDebounceRate rts .checkForResetPressed stx selectDebounceRate ; reset select debounce timer bmi CheckForBallInPlay ; branch if RESET not pressed ClearGameRAM ldx #<[currentDown - endingPlayTimer + 1] lda #0 .clearGameRAM sta endingPlayTimer - 1,x dex bne .clearGameRAM inc currentDown lda #INIT_CLOCK_MINUTES sta clockMinutes ; initialize clock minutes lda #LEFT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE jmp .initFootballVerticalPosition; set inital football vertical position CheckForBallInPlay ldx offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team lda ballSnapTimer ; get ball snap timer value beq .gamePlayInAction ; branch if ball in play rts .gamePlayInAction lda endingPlayTimer ; get ending player timer beq CheckForFootballPassOrPunt ; branch if players allowed to move jmp .decrementEndingPlayTimer CheckForFootballPassOrPunt lda footballStatus ; get football status value bne .checkForFootballCaught ; branch if not available for flight tay ; move football status to y register jsr CheckFootballPassingLineMarker;check if passed line of scrimmage (y = 0) bcc .checkForLaunchingFootball ; branch if not passed line of scrimmage jmp .footballNotAllowedForPuntOrPass;passed line of scrimmage .checkForLaunchingFootball lda actionButtonDebounceValues,x ; get offensive team action button value bpl .checkForSafety ; branch if action button not pressed inc footballStatus ; increment to show football in flight lda #12 sta AUDC0 ; set audio channel for launching football .checkForFootballCaught bpl CheckForFootballCaught ; branch if football not caught .checkForSafety jmp .checkForTackledInEndZone CheckForFootballCaught lda selectedPlayNumber,x ; get offensive team selected play sta tmpOffensivePlay beq .checkIfReceivingTeamCaughtFootball;branch if PLAY_PUNT lda TeamFootballCollisionValues,x; get team football collision value and footballCollisionValue ; mask with football collision value eor TeamFootballCollisionValues,x jsr DetermineReceivingPlayer beq .checkIfReceivingTeamCaughtFootball bpl OffensivePlayerCaughtFootball; branch if receiver caught football .checkIfReceivingTeamCaughtFootball lda TeamFootballCollisionValues,x ora footballCollisionValue eor #$FF jsr DetermineReceivingPlayer bpl DefensivePlayerCaughtFootball .controlBallInFlight clc lda teamHorizPositions,x ; get offensive player horizontal position adc #(W_PLAYER / 2) ; increment by the horizontal mid point sta footballHorizPos ; set football horizontal position lda BallInFlightVertDirection,x ; get ball in flight vertical change adc footballVertPos ; increment by football vertical position cmp #H_KERNEL + 24 sta footballVertPos ; set football vertical position bcs .setBallToLineOfScrimmage eor randomPuntYardage ora tmpOffensivePlay beq SetKickingYardageForMissedPunt jmp DetermineAllowedMotionValues DefensivePlayerCaughtFootball beq .playerInterceptedBall lda tmpOffensivePlay ; get offensive selected play beq .controlBallInFlight ; branch if PLAY_PUNT .playerInterceptedBall txa ; move offensive team index to accumulator eor #1 ; flip value sta offensiveTeamIndex ; set new offensive team index lsr ; shift defense team index to carry tya ; move intercept player index to accumulator rol tax ; set index of player with ball lda #1 sta interceptionStatus ; set to show pass intercepted sta scoringFrequencyIndex ; set scoring frequency index lda tmpOffensivePlay ; get offensive selected play beq .setDefensiveReceivingPlayerIndex; branch if PLAY_PUNT lda #7 << 4 | 15 sta gameMusicSoundValues ; set music values for interception .setDefensiveReceivingPlayerIndex sty receivingPlayerIndex lda teamVertPositions,x ; get ball carrier vertical position ldx offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team clc adc #4 jsr CheckObjectForCrossingGoalLine bcs .setAudioChannelForCatch ; branch if player not crossed goal line bne .setAudioChannelForCatch lda InterceptedStartingLineOfScrimmage,x sta startingPossesionLineOfScrimmage bne .checkToResetNumberOfDowns ; unconditional branch SetKickingYardageForMissedPunt jsr CheckFootballCrossingGoalLine bcs .changePlayerPossesion ; branch if football not crossed goal line .setBallToLineOfScrimmage lda tmpOffensivePlay ; get offesive selected play bne ResetBallToLineOfScrimmage ; branch if not PLAY_PUNT lda ScoringStartingLineOfScrimmage + 1,x bne .setFootballVertPosition ; unconditional branch OffensivePlayerCaughtFootball sty receivingPlayerIndex .setAudioChannelForCatch lda #4 sta AUDC0 .footballNotAllowedForPuntOrPass lda #$80 sta footballStatus ; set not allow pass or punt .checkForTackledInEndZone txa ; move offensive team index to accumulator lsr ; shift team index value to carry lda receivingPlayerIndex rol tay lda teamCollisionValues,y ; get team collision value and #$0F ; keep lower nybble value eor #$0F ; flip lower nybble value beq .ballCarrierNotTackled ; branch if no collision jsr CheckFootballCrossingGoalLine bcs .checkToResetNumberOfDowns ; branch if football not crossed goal line .scoreForCrossingGoalLine tya and #1 eor #1 tax ; set index for scoring team lda #7 << 4 | 15 sta gameMusicSoundValues lda PointValues,y ; get player point value sta scoringFrequencyIndex ; set scoring frequency index sed clc adc scoreBoardValues,x ; increment score by point value cld sta scoreBoardValues,x ; set new score for player lda ScoringStartingLineOfScrimmage,y sta startingPossesionLineOfScrimmage .changePlayerPossesion jmp ChangePlayerPossesion .ballCarrierNotTackled jsr PositionFootballWithBallCarrier jsr CheckFootballCrossingGoalLine bcs .skipScoreForCrossingGoalLine; branch if football not crossed goal line bne .scoreForCrossingGoalLine .skipScoreForCrossingGoalLine jmp DetermineAllowedMotionValues ResetBallToLineOfScrimmage lda lineOfScrimmage ; get line of scrimmage value sta footballVertPos .checkToResetNumberOfDowns ldx offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team ldy interceptionStatus ; get interception status bne ResetNumberOfDowns ; branch if pass intercepted iny ; y = 1 jsr CheckFootballPassingLineMarker;check if ball carrier reached first down bcs ResetNumberOfDowns ; branch if passed first down marker ldy currentDown ; get current down iny ; increment number of downs cpy #MAX_DOWNS + 1 bcc .setNextDownValue ; branch if not exceeded number of downs lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position adc FootballDownTurnoverVertOffsetValues,x .setFootballVertPosition sta footballVertPos ChangePlayerPossesion lda offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team eor #1 ; flip D0 bit tax ; set x to new offensive team sta offensiveTeamIndex ; set new offensive team index ResetNumberOfDowns ldy #1 .setNextDownValue sty currentDown lda #128 + 1 sta endingPlayTimer ; stall player movement for 128 frames sta AUDC0 sta colorCycleMode .decrementEndingPlayTimer dec endingPlayTimer bne .doneCheckFootballPassingLineMarker lda startingPossesionLineOfScrimmage beq .resetSelectedPlayStatus .initFootballVerticalPosition sta footballVertPos .resetSelectedPlayStatus lda #RIGHT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY | LEFT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY sta selectedPlayStatus ; no player selected play sta ballSnapTimer ldy currentDown ; get current down dey bne .skipInitFirstDownMarker ; branch if not first down lda FirstDownMarkerVertOffsetValues,x clc adc footballVertPos ; increment by football vertical position sta firstDownMarkerVertPos ; set first down marker vertical position .skipInitFirstDownMarker jmp SetInitPositionsFromSelectedPlay CheckFootballPassingLineMarker lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position clc adc FootballVertOffsetValues,x ; increment by team offset cmp lineMarkerValues,y ; compare with line marker value beq .doneCheckFootballPassingLineMarker lda FootballVertOffsetValues,x bne .doneCheckFootballPassingLineMarker;branch if checking player 1 team rol ; shift carry to D0 eor #1 ; flip D0 value ror ; rotate D0 to carry .doneCheckFootballPassingLineMarker rts DetermineAllowedMotionValues lda #3 sta tmpPlayerNumber ldy #7 .determinePlayerGroupAllowedMotion ldx #1 .determinePlayerAllowedMotion jsr Randomize sty tmpPlayerIndex lda selectedPlayNumber,x ; get player selected play beq .determineMotionForSelectedPlay;branch if PLAY_PUNT or PLAY_DEEP and #1 ; keep D0 (i.e. 0 = LEFT...1 = RIGHT) clc adc #1 .determineMotionForSelectedPlay asl ; multiply value by number of team players asl ora tmpPlayerNumber ; combine with player number for the team tay lda SelectedPlayAllowedMotionValues,y ldy gameSelection ; get current game selection cpy #GAME_SELECTION_CPU_CONTROL beq .setDesiredVerticalMotion ; branch if players following set pattern and random .setDesiredVerticalMotion ora #MY_MOVE_DOWN | MY_MOVE_UP >> 4 ldy tmpPlayerNumber bne .setPlayerAllowedMotion ldy randomVertMotionTimer ; get random vertical motion timer beq .setPlayerAllowedMotion ; branch if reached 0 dec randomVertMotionTimer ; decrement random vertical motion timer eor #(MY_MOVE_DOWN | MY_MOVE_UP) | [(MY_MOVE_DOWN | MY_MOVE_UP)] >> 4 .setPlayerAllowedMotion and JoystickMaskValues - 1,x ldy tmpPlayerIndex sta playerAllowedMotionValues,y ; set player allowed motion values dey dex bpl .determinePlayerAllowedMotion dec tmpPlayerNumber bpl .determinePlayerGroupAllowedMotion rts BlockingDirectionalValues .byte ~MY_MOVE_DOWN, ~MY_MOVE_UP NumberFonts zero .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| one .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| two .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $03 ; |......XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| three .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| four .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $03 ; |......XX| five .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $03 ; |......XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| six .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $03 ; |......XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| seven .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| eight .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| nine .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $33 ; |..XX..XX| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| Blank .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| ; ; last 2 bytes shared with table below ; ColonGraphic .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $80 ; |X.......| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $80 ; |X.......| .byte $00 ; |........| FootballPlayerSprite .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $5A ; |.X.XX.X.| .byte $42 ; |.X....X.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $BD ; |X.XXXX.X| .byte $BD ; |X.XXXX.X| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $E6 ; |XXX..XX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $07 ; |.....XXX| ; ; last byte shared with table below ; FieldColorEORValues .byte 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0 .byte 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2 PointValues .byte POINTS_SAFETY, POINTS_TOUCHDOWN .byte POINTS_TOUCHDOWN, POINTS_SAFETY GameMusicSoundFrequencies .byte 27, 15, 27, 15, 27, 18, 20, 15, 20 .byte 15, 27, 18, 23, 20, 23, 119, 187 DifficultySwitchMask SelectedPlayStatusMask .byte LEFT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY, RIGHT_PLAYER_NOT_SELECTED_PLAY BallInFlightVertDirection .byte 1;, -1 ; ; last byte shared with table below ; QuarterbackHorizOffsetValues .byte 0 - 1, 15 - 1, -15 - 1, 15 - 1, -15 - 1; carry set for addition .byte 5, 10, 48 ; these bytes aren't referenced TeamFootballCollisionValues .byte $55, $AA InitTeamBackVertOffsetValues .byte 210, 226, 36, 20 InitLeftPlayerHorizPositionValues .byte INIT_LEFT_PLAYER_TIGHT_HORIZ_POS, INIT_LEFT_PLAYER_SPLIT_HORIZ_POS InitRightPlayerHorizPositionValues .byte INIT_RIGHT_PLAYER_TIGHT_HORIZ_POS, INIT_RIGHT_PLAYER_SPLIT_HORIZ_POS TeamFormationNUSIZValues .byte THREE_COPIES, THREE_MED_COPIES FootballDownTurnoverVertOffsetValues .byte 2, -4 PuntYardageOffset .byte (H_PLAYER + 2) * 3, (H_PLAYER + 2) * 11 FirstDownMarkerVertOffsetValues .byte 21, -16 ScoringStartingLineOfScrimmage .byte LEFT_TEAM_SAFETY_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE .byte RIGHT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE .byte LEFT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE .byte RIGHT_TEAM_SAFETY_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE InterceptedStartingLineOfScrimmage .byte LEFT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE .byte RIGHT_TEAM_STARTING_LINE_OF_SCRIMMAGE GameColorTable ; ; B&W values ; .byte FOOTBALL_FIELD_BW_VALUE .byte FOOTBALL_BW_VALUE .byte WHITE_TEAM_BW_VALUE .byte ORANGE_TEAM_BW_VALUE ; ; Color Values ; .byte FOOTBALL_FIELD_COLOR_VALUE .byte FOOTBALL_COLOR_VALUE .byte WHITE_TEAM_COLOR_VALUE .byte ORANGE_TEAM_COLOR_VALUE FootballVertOffsetValues .byte 4;, 0 ; ; last byte shared with table below ; PlayIndicator GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX SET 1 REPEAT H_INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; |........| ; |........| ; |........| ; |........| ; |........| INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX, $20, $00, $E0, $88, $F8 ; |..X.....| ; |........| ; |XXX.....| ; |X...X...| ; |XXXXX...| GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX SET GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX + 1 REPEND OffensiveIndicator GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX SET 1 REPEAT H_INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX, $08, $04, $7E, $04, $08 ; |....X...| ; |.....X..| ; |.XXXXXX.| ; |.....X..| ; |....X...| INTERLEAVED_GRAPHICS GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX, $10, $20, $7E, $20, $10 ; |...X....| ; |..X.....| ; |.XXXXXX.| ; |..X.....| ; |...X....| GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX SET GRAPHICS_BYTE_IDX + 1 REPEND InitTeamLineVertOffsetValues .byte (H_PLAYER + 2) << 1, H_PLAYER + 2 .byte -[(H_PLAYER + 2) << 1], -(H_PLAYER + 2) SelectedPlayAllowedMotionValues ; ; PLAY_PUNT or PLAY_DEEP directions ; .byte NO_MOVE .byte ~(MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) ; ; PLAY_TIGHT_LEFT or PLAY_SPLIT_LEFT directions ; .byte ~(MOVE_RIGHT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_RIGHT_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_RIGHT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_RIGHT_RIGHT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_RIGHT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_RIGHT_RIGHT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) ; ; PLAY_TIGHT_RIGHT or PLAY_SPLIT_RIGHT directions ; .byte ~(MOVE_LEFT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_LEFT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_LEFT_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_LEFT_RIGHT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) .byte ~(MOVE_UP_LEFT_PLAYER | MOVE_DOWN_RIGHT_PLAYER) BCD2Digits sta tmpDisplayValue ; 3 save value asl ; 2 multiply value by 4 asl ; 2 adc tmpDisplayValue ; 3 add in original (i.e. a * 5) sta digitGraphicPtrs,y ; 5 lda #>NumberFonts ; 2 sta digitGraphicPtrs + 1,y ; 5 dey ; 2 dey ; 2 rts ; 6 CheckFootballCrossingGoalLine lda footballVertPos ; get football vertical position CheckObjectForCrossingGoalLine clc adc FootballVertOffsetValues,x ; increment by football offset value cmp #H_KERNEL - 16 bcs .objectCrossedGoalLine ; branch if crossed left player goal line cmp #56 bcs .doneDetermineCrossingGoalLine;branch if not crossed right player goal line .objectCrossedGoalLine lda offensiveTeamIndex ; get index value for offensive team rol ; multiply by 2 and shift in carry tay eor offensiveTeamIndex and #1 .doneDetermineCrossingGoalLine rts DetermineReceivingPlayer ldy #3 sta tmpFootballCollisionValue lda #3 << 6 .determineReceivingPlayer bit tmpFootballCollisionValue bne .doneDetermineReceivingPlayer; branch if found receiving player lsr lsr dey bpl .determineReceivingPlayer .doneDetermineReceivingPlayer tya rts .org ROM_BASE + 2048 - 4, 10 .word Start JoystickMaskValues .byte P1_JOYSTICK_MASK, P0_JOYSTICK_MASK