LIST OFF ; *** F R O S T B I T E *** ; Copyright 1983 Activision, Inc ; Designer: Steve Cartwright ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: Sept 10, 2018 ; ; *** 124 BYTES OF RAM USED 4 BYTES FREE ; ; NTSC ROM usage stats ; ------------------------------------------- ; *** 3 BYTES OF ROM FREE ; ; PAL50 ROM usage stats ; ------------------------------------------- ; *** 2 BYTES OF ROM FREE ; ; ============================================================================== ; = THIS REVERSE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IS BEING SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN = ; = FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THOUGH THE CODE WILL ASSEMBLE INTO THE = ; = EXACT GAME ROM, THE LABELS AND COMMENTS ARE THE INTERPRETATION OF MY OWN = ; = AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL VISION OF THE AUTHOR. = ; = = ; = THE ASSEMBLED CODE IS © 1983, ACTIVISION = ; = = ; ============================================================================== ; ; - Steve Cartwright's fifth VCS game with Activision ; - PAL50 version ~17% slower than NTSC ; - Fish don't respawn for a level once 12 have been eaten ; - screen is disabled when no player activity for ; ~1:12 for NTSC and ~1:30 for PAL50 ; - Magic Fish icon shown once player reaches level 21 processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" include "tia_constants.h" ; ; Make sure we are using vcs.h version 1.05 or greater. ; IF VERSION_VCS < 105 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: vcs.h file *must* be version 1.05 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF ; ; Make sure we are using macro.h version 1.01 or greater. ; IF VERSION_MACRO < 101 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: macro.h file *must* be version 1.01 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL50 = 1 PAL60 = 2 TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 IFNCONST COMPILE_REGION COMPILE_REGION = NTSC ; change to compile for different regions ENDIF IF !(COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid COMPILE_REGION value" echo "*** Valid values: NTSC = 0, PAL50 = 1, PAL60 = 2" echo "" err ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; F R A M E T I M I N G S ;=============================================================================== IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60 VBLANK_TIME = 48 OVERSCAN_TIME = 31 INCREMENT_SCORE_FRAME_DELAY = 6 SWAP_PLAYERS_FRAME_DELAY = 112 INCREMENT_LEVEL_FRAME_DELAY = 48 ELSE VBLANK_TIME = 58 OVERSCAN_TIME = 37 INCREMENT_SCORE_FRAME_DELAY = 5 SWAP_PLAYERS_FRAME_DELAY = 96 INCREMENT_LEVEL_FRAME_DELAY = 39 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O L O R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0E IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC YELLOW = $10 RED_ORANGE = $20 BRICK_RED = $30 RED = $40 PURPLE = $50 COBALT_BLUE = $60 ULTRAMARINE_BLUE = $70 BLUE = $80 DK_BLUE = $90 CYAN = $A0 OLIVE_GREEN = $B0 GREEN = $C0 DK_GREEN = $D0 ORANGE_GREEN = $E0 BROWN = $F0 COLOR_ARTIC_SEA = DK_BLUE COLOR_COPYRIGHT = WHITE - 2 COLOR_IGLOO = BLACK + 6 COLOR_IGLOO_DOOR_FLASH = BRICK_RED + 8 COLOR_INIT_ICE_BLOCK = WHITE - 2 COLOR_CHANGE_ICE_BLOCK = DK_BLUE + 8 COLOR_PLAYER_1_SCORE = BLUE + 14 COLOR_PLAYER_2_SCORE = OLIVE_GREEN + 10 COLOR_DAY_SKY = BLUE + 4 COLOR_SNOW_GEESE = BLUE + 15 COLOR_FISH = GREEN + 10 COLOR_KING_CRAB = BRICK_RED + 8 COLOR_KILLER_CLAM = YELLOW + 10 COLOR_BAILEY_COAT = BLACK + 6 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_01 = YELLOW + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_02 = YELLOW + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_03 = RED_ORANGE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_04 = RED_ORANGE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_05 = BRICK_RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_06 = BRICK_RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_07 = RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_08 = PURPLE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_09 = COBALT_BLUE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_10 = ULTRAMARINE_BLUE + 8 ELSE YELLOW = $20 RED_ORANGE = $20 GREEN = $30 BRICK_RED = $40 DK_GREEN = $50 RED = $60 PURPLE = $70 COLBALT_BLUE = $80 CYAN = $A0 BLUE = $B0 DK_BLUE = BLUE LT_BLUE = $C0 BLUE_2 = $D0 COLOR_ARTIC_SEA = BLUE + 2 COLOR_COPYRIGHT = WHITE COLOR_IGLOO = WHITE COLOR_IGLOO_DOOR_FLASH = RED_ORANGE + 12 COLOR_INIT_ICE_BLOCK = WHITE COLOR_CHANGE_ICE_BLOCK = $90 + 10 COLOR_PLAYER_1_SCORE = BLUE + 14 COLOR_PLAYER_2_SCORE = DK_GREEN + 10 COLOR_DAY_SKY = BLUE + 6 COLOR_SNOW_GEESE = BLUE + 15 COLOR_FISH = DK_GREEN + 8 COLOR_KING_CRAB = BRICK_RED + 12 COLOR_KILLER_CLAM = RED_ORANGE + 10 COLOR_BAILEY_COAT = BLACK + 4 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_01 = YELLOW + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_02 = YELLOW + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_03 = BRICK_RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_04 = BRICK_RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_05 = RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_06 = RED + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_07 = COLBALT_BLUE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_08 = COLBALT_BLUE + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_09 = CYAN + 8 NORTHERN_LIGHTS_COLOR_10 = CYAN + 8 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ROM_BASE = $F000 H_FONT = 8 H_BAILEY = 18 H_COPYRIGHT = 8 H_OBSTACLE = 8 H_POLAR_GRIZZLY = 19 SELECT_DELAY = 30 XMIN = 0 XMAX = 160 YMIN_BAILEY = 27 YMAX_BAILEY = 112 INIT_NUM_LIVES = 3 INIT_TEMPERATURE_VALUE = $45 ; BCD INIT_BAILEY_HORIZ_POS = 64 INIT_POLAR_GRIZZLY_HORIZ_POS = XMAX - 20 INIT_DELAY_ACTION_VALUE = 64 INIT_IGLOO_STATUS = 0 MAX_IGLOO_INDEX = 15 MAX_EATEN_FISH = 12 MAX_RESERVED_LIVES = 9 OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK = %10000000 ICE_BLOCK_DIR_MASK = %01000000 OBSTACLE_TYPE_MASK = %00000011 ; gameState status values DEMO_MODE = %10000000 ; Igloo status values BAILEY_ENTERED_IGLOO = %10000000 POINT_VALUE_MASK = %11110000 OBSTACLE_NUSIZ_MASK = %00001111 OBSTACLE_HORIZ_OFFSET_MASK = %11110000 ID_SNOW_GOOSE = 0 ID_FISH = 1 ID_KING_CRAB = 2 ID_KILLER_CLAM = 3 ; currentLevelStatus values BAILEY_SINKING = %10000000 LEVEL_COMPLETE = %01000000 SWAP_PLAYERS = %00100000 BAILEY_FREEZING = %00010000 INCREMENT_LEVEL = %00001000 MAGIC_FISH_LEVEL = 20 ; Ice Block score values (BCD) LEVEL_01_POINTS = $10 LEVEL_02_POINTS = $20 LEVEL_03_POINTS = $30 LEVEL_04_POINTS = $40 LEVEL_05_POINTS = $50 LEVEL_06_POINTS = $60 LEVEL_07_POINTS = $70 LEVEL_08_POINTS = $80 LEVEL_09_POINTS = $90 POLAR_GRIZZLY_LEVEL = 3 EAT_FISH_SOUND_VALUE = %01000000 SOUND_VALUE_MASK = %00011111 ;=============================================================================== ; M A C R O S ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------- ; FILL_BOUNDARY byte# ; Original author: Dennis Debro (borrowed from Bob Smith / Thomas Jentzsch) ; ; Push data to a certain position inside a page and keep count of how ; many free bytes the programmer will have. ; ; eg: FILL_BOUNDARY 5, 234 ; position at byte #5 in page with $EA is byte filler FREE_BYTES SET 0 .BYTES_TO_SKIP SET 0 MAC FILL_BOUNDARY IF <. > {1} .BYTES_TO_SKIP SET (256 - <.) + {1} ELSE .BYTES_TO_SKIP SET (256 - <.) - (256 - {1}) ENDIF REPEAT .BYTES_TO_SKIP FREE_BYTES SET FREE_BYTES + 1 .byte {2} REPEND ENDM ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables .org $80 gameSelection ds 1 frameCount ds 1 randomSeed ds 1 selectDebounce ds 1 currentJoystickValues ds 1 digitPointers ds 12 ;-------------------------------------- obstacleGraphicPtrs = digitPointers polarGrizzlyGraphicPtrs = obstacleGraphicPtrs + 2 baileyGraphicPtrs = polarGrizzlyGraphicPtrs + 2 baileyColorPtrs = baileyGraphicPtrs + 2 obstacleAttributes ds 4 currentPointValue ds 1 objectSpeedValues ds 3 ;-------------------------------------- iceBlockSpeedValue = objectSpeedValues obstacleSpeedValue = iceBlockSpeedValue + 1 ;-------------------------------------- polarGrizzlySpeedValue = obstacleSpeedValue baileySpeedValue = obstacleSpeedValue + 1 fractionalPositionValues ds 3 iceBlockFineMotionValues ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- iceBlockPlayerFineMotion = iceBlockFineMotionValues iceBlockMissileFineMotion = iceBlockPlayerFineMotion + 1 iceBlockFineMotionIndex ds 1 iceBlocksHorizPos ds 4 obstacleGraphicLSBValues ds 4 obstacleColors ds 4 iceBlockColors ds 4 actionButtonDebounce ds 1 obstacleCollisionValues ds 8 baileyObstacleCollisionIdx ds 1 baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx ds 1 currentKernelSection ds 1 skyColor ds 1 landColor ds 1 polarGrizzlyColor ds 1 iglooDoorColor ds 1 colorCycleMode ds 1 iglooGraphicValues ds 5 gameState ds 1 copyrightScrollRate ds 1 currentPlayerNumber ds 1 currentPlayerVariables ds 6 ;-------------------------------------- playerScore = currentPlayerVariables currentLevel = playerScore + 3 remainingLives = currentLevel + 1 buildingIglooIdx = remainingLives + 1 reservePlayerVariables ds 6 ;-------------------------------------- reservePlayerScore = reservePlayerVariables reserveCurrentLevel = reservePlayerScore + 3 reserveRemainingLives = reserveCurrentLevel + 1 reservedBuildingIglooIdx = reserveRemainingLives + 1 kernelObstacleHorizPos ds 4 obstacleNUSIZValues ds 4 obstaclePatternIndex ds 4 obstacleHorizPos ds 4 baileyVertPos ds 1 temperatureValue ds 1 baileyHorizPos ds 1 frameDelayValue ds 1 polarGrizzlyHorizPos ds 1 iglooStatus ds 1 baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ds 1 baileyGraphicOffsetValue ds 1 playerRefectState ds 1 baileyGrizzlyCollisionValue ds 1 baileyAnimationIdx ds 1 polarGrizzlyAnimationIdx ds 1 baileyColorOffsetValue ds 1 currentLevelStatus ds 1 obstacleCollisionIndex ds 1 soundValuesChannel_00 ds 1 soundValuesChannel_01 ds 1 completedIceBlocksDelay ds 1 baileyLandingStatus ds 1 numberOfFishEaten ds 1 tmpCharHolder ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpDiv15Remainder = tmpCharHolder ;-------------------------------------- tmpHorizPositionValue = tmpDiv15Remainder ;-------------------------------------- tmpIglooKernelIdx = tmpHorizPositionValue ;-------------------------------------- tmpIceBlockKernelIdx = tmpIglooKernelIdx ;-------------------------------------- tmpKernelIdx = tmpIceBlockKernelIdx ;-------------------------------------- tmpMovementSpeedValue = tmpKernelIdx ;-------------------------------------- tmpHorizPosition = tmpMovementSpeedValue ;-------------------------------------- tmpBaileyReflectState = tmpHorizPosition ;-------------------------------------- tmpPolarGrizzlyReflectState = tmpBaileyReflectState ;-------------------------------------- tmpNewIceBlockDirection = tmpPolarGrizzlyReflectState ;-------------------------------------- tmpNewObstacleType = tmpNewIceBlockDirection ;-------------------------------------- tmpObstacleAttribute = tmpNewObstacleType ;-------------------------------------- tmpBaileySpeedValue = tmpObstacleAttribute tmpSixDigitLoopCount ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpNorthernLightsColorMod = tmpSixDigitLoopCount ;-------------------------------------- tmpSpeedValue = tmpNorthernLightsColorMod ;-------------------------------------- tmpHorizJoystickValues = tmpSpeedValue tmpDrawLogoLoopCount ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpBaileyXMIN = tmpDrawLogoLoopCount changeIceBlockDirection ds 1 echo "***",(* - $80)d, "BYTES OF RAM USED", ($100 - *)d, "BYTES FREE" ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG Bank0 .org ROM_BASE Start ; ; Set up everything so the power up state is known. ; sei ; disable interrupts cld ; clear decimal mode ldx #0 ClearRAM lda #0 .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x txs inx bne .clearLoop jsr InitializeGameVariables ldx randomSeed ; get random seed value bne MainLoop ; branch if been through cart startup once inx ; x = 1 stx randomSeed ; initialize random seed jmp JumpIntoConsoleSwitchCheck MainLoop ldx #2 .bcd2DigitLoop txa ; move x to accumulator asl ; multiply the value by 4 so it can asl ; be used for the digitPointers indexes tay lda playerScore,x ; get the player's score and #$F0 ; mask the lower nybble lsr ; divide the value by 2 sta digitPointers,y ; set LSB pointer to digit lda playerScore,x ; get the player's score and #$0F ; mask the upper nybble asl ; muliply the value by 8 asl asl sta digitPointers + 2,y ; set LSB pointer to digit dex bpl .bcd2DigitLoop inx ; x = 0 ldy #Fish_00 ; 2 sta digitPointers + 7 ; 3 .drawTemperatureAndRemainingLives jsr SetupFontHeightSixDigitDisplay;6 ldx baileyAnimationIdx ; 3 get Bailey animation index lda BaileyGraphicValues,x ; 4 get Bailey graphic LSB value clc ; 2 adc baileyGraphicOffsetValue;3 increment by graphic offset value sta baileyGraphicPtrs ; 3 lda BaileyColorValues,x ; 4 get Bailey color LSB value clc ; 2 adc baileyGraphicOffsetValue;3 increment by graphic offset value adc baileyColorOffsetValue ; 3 increment by color offset value sta baileyColorPtrs ; 3 ldx #>BaileyGraphics ; 2 Bailey graphics and color on same page stx baileyGraphicPtrs + 1 ; 3 stx baileyColorPtrs + 1 ; 3 inx ; 2 stx polarGrizzlyGraphicPtrs + 1;3 stx obstacleGraphicPtrs + 1; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 ldx polarGrizzlyAnimationIdx;3 get Polar Grizzly animation index lda PolarGrizzlyAnimationValues,x;4 sta polarGrizzlyGraphicPtrs; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #ONE_COPY ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @08 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @11 sta VDELP0 ; 3 = @14 lda #COLOR_IGLOO ; 2 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @19 lda iglooDoorColor ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @25 lda randomSeed ; 3 get random seed value sta tmpNorthernLightsColorMod;3 and #2 ; 2 eor NorthernLightsColors + 9;4 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @40 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @06 lda baileyHorizPos ; 3 get Bailey's horizontal position cmp #15 ; 2 bcs .coarsePositionBailey ; 2³ sec ; 2 sbc #15 ; 2 subtract 14 saves 2 bytes ldx #HMOVE_L6 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 sta.w RESP0 ; 4 = @25 coarse position Bailey to pixel 75 stx HMP0 ; 3 = @28 bne .startNorthernLightsKernel;3 unconditional branch .coarsePositionBailey SLEEP 2 ; 2 .baileyHorizPosDiv15 sbc #15 ; 2 bcs .baileyHorizPosDiv15 ; 2³ sta RESP0 ; 3 set Bailey's coarse position .startNorthernLightsKernel sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta tmpDiv15Remainder ; 3 save remainder value for later lda tmpNorthernLightsColorMod;3 get color modulator value cmp #128 ; 2 rol ; 2 shift carry to D0 sta tmpNorthernLightsColorMod;3 and #2 ; 2 keep D1 value eor NorthernLightsColors + 8;4 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @25 lda tmpDiv15Remainder ; 3 get Bailey Bailey fine motion value asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 eor #7 << 4 ; 2 3-bit 1's complement for fine motion sta HMP0 ; 3 = @41 lda playerRefectState ; 3 get player REFLECT state sta REFP0 ; 3 = @47 set REFLECT state for Bailey lsr ; 2 shift Polar Grizzly REFLECT state sta REFP1 ; 3 = @52 set REFLECT state for Polar Grizzly lda buildingIglooIdx ; 3 get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX ; 2 bne ColorNorthernLights ; 2³ branch if not done building Igloo sta RESP1 ; 3 coarse position igloo door ColorNorthernLights ldx #7 ; 2 .colorNorthernLights lda tmpNorthernLightsColorMod;3 cmp #128 ; 2 rol ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta tmpNorthernLightsColorMod;3 and #2 ; 2 eor NorthernLightsColors,x ; 4 cpx #0 ; 2 bne .setColorForNorthernLights;2³ lda landColor ; 3 .setColorForNorthernLights sta COLUBK ; 3 = @22 lda #0 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @27 txa ; 2 move index to accumulator lsr ; 2 divide value by 4 lsr ; 2 tay ; 2 set index for drawing igloo top lda iglooGraphicValues + 3,y;4 get graphic value for igloo top dex ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @44 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @47 bpl .colorNorthernLights ; 2³ ldy baileyVertPos ; 3 get Bailey vertical position ldx #11 ; 2 stx VDELP1 ; 3 delay GRP1 write (i.e. D0 = 1) .drawIglooKernel stx tmpIglooKernelIdx ; 3 cpx #8 ; 2 lda IglooDoorGraphic,x ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @06 clear PF1 register for left side bcs .skipBaileyDrawIglooSection;2³ dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .skipBaileyDrawIglooSection;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @22 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyIglooKernel sta GRP0 ; 3 = @30 lda tmpIglooKernelIdx ; 3 get igloo kernel index value lsr ; 2 divide by 4 (i.e. H_IGLOO_BRICK) lsr ; 2 tax ; 2 set index for igloo graphics lda iglooGraphicValues,x ; 4 ldx tmpIglooKernelIdx ; 3 restore igloo kernel index dex ; 2 decrement igloo kernel index sta PF1 ; 3 = @51 bpl .drawIglooKernel ; 2³ bmi .doneDrawIglooKernel ; 3 unconditional branch .skipBaileyDrawIglooSection SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 jmp .drawBaileyIglooKernel ; 3 .doneDrawIglooKernel inx ; 2 x = 0 txa ; 2 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @06 bcs .setPolarGrizzlyColorAndSize;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @16 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .setPolarGrizzlyColorAndSize sta GRP0 ; 3 = @24 stx PF1 ; 3 = @27 lda polarGrizzlyColor ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @33 lda #DOUBLE_SIZE ; 2 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @38 txa ; 2 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .positionPolarGrizzlyHorizontally;2³ lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 tax ; 2 lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 .positionPolarGrizzlyHorizontally sec ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @06 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @09 lda polarGrizzlyHorizPos ; 3 get Polar Grizzly horizontal position SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 .coarsePositionPolarGrizzly sbc #15 ; 2 bcs .coarsePositionPolarGrizzly;2³ sta RESP1 ; 3 set Polar Grizzly coarse position sta CXCLR ; 3 clear all hardward collision values sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta tmpDiv15Remainder ; 3 save remainder value for later dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .setPolarGrizzlyFineMotion;2³ lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 .setPolarGrizzlyFineMotion lda tmpDiv15Remainder ; 3 get Polar Grizzly fine motion value asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 eor #7 << 4 ; 2 3-bit 1's complement for fine motion sta HMP1 ; 3 ldx #H_POLAR_GRIZZLY - 1 ; 2 .polarGrizzlyKernel dey ; 2 sty tmpKernelIdx ; 3 txa ; 2 tay ; 2 lda (polarGrizzlyGraphicPtrs),y;5 sta GRP1 ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 ldy tmpKernelIdx ; 3 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcs .drawBaileyForPolarGrizzlyKernel;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyForPolarGrizzlyKernel sta GRP0 ; 3 = @21 jsr Waste14Cycles ; 14 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @38 ldy tmpKernelIdx ; 3 dex ; 2 bpl .polarGrizzlyKernel ; 2³ lda CXPPMM ; 3 get player collision values bpl .noBaileyGrizzlyCollision;2³ branch if players didn't collide sta baileyGrizzlyCollisionValue;3 Bailey and Grizzly collided .noBaileyGrizzlyCollision dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #BLACK ; 2 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @08 bcs ObstacleKernelSection ; 2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @18 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 ObstacleKernelSection sta GRP0 ; 3 = @26 sta CXCLR ; 3 = @29 clear hardware collision registers ldx #7 ; 2 .drawObstacleKernelSection stx currentKernelSection ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @39 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .obstacleKernelScanline_01;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @53 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .obstacleKernelScanline_01 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda #COLOR_ARTIC_SEA ; 2 sta COLUBK ; 3 = @11 set color for Artic Sea txa ; 2 move kernel section to accumulator lsr ; 2 divide value by 2 tax ; 2 lda iceBlocksHorizPos,x ; 4 get Ice Block horizontal position bcc .kernelSectionTypeDetermined; 2³ branch if an Ice Block section lda kernelObstacleHorizPos,x;4 get obstacle kernel horizontal position .kernelSectionTypeDetermined sta tmpHorizPositionValue ; 3 lda obstacleNUSIZValues,x ; 4 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 sta HMCLR ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta VDELP1 ; 3 sta REFP1 ; 3 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .obstacleKernelScanline_02;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .obstacleKernelScanline_02 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda tmpHorizPositionValue ; 3 cmp #15 ; 2 dey ; 2 bcs .coarsePositionObstacle; 2³ sec ; 2 sbc #15 ; 2 subtract 14 saves 2 bytes ldx #HMOVE_L6 ; 2 sta.w RESP1 ; 4 = @25 coarse position obstacle to pixel 75 stx HMP1 ; 3 = @28 bne .obstacleKernelScanline_03;3 unconditional branch .coarsePositionObstacle sbc #15 ; 2 bcs .coarsePositionObstacle; 2³ sta RESP1 ; 3 .obstacleKernelScanline_03 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 tax ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .setObstacleFineMotionValue;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 .setObstacleFineMotionValue txa ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 eor #7 << 4 ; 2 3-bit 1's complement for fine motion sta HMP1 ; 3 lda currentKernelSection ; 3 get current kernel section value lsr ; 2 divide value by 2 tax ; 2 lda obstacleGraphicLSBValues,x;4 get obstacle graphic LSB value sta obstacleGraphicPtrs ; 3 lda obstacleColors,x ; 4 sta COLUP1 ; 3 lda obstacleAttributes,x ; 4 get obstacle attribute value bpl .obstacleKernelScanline_04;2³ branch if traveling right lda #REFLECT ; 2 sta REFP1 ; 3 .obstacleKernelScanline_04 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 bcs .determineObstacleOrIceBlockKernel;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @17 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @25 .determineObstacleOrIceBlockKernel lda #LOCK_MISSILE | VERTICAL_DELAY;2 sta RESMP1 ; 3 = @30 sta VDELP1 ; 3 = @33 lda currentKernelSection ; 3 get current kernel section value lsr ; 2 divide value by 2 sta CXCLR ; 3 = @51 clear hardware collision values sta HMCLR ; 3 = @54 clear horizontal motion values bcc .iceBlockKernel ; 2³ branch on ice block kernel section ldx #H_OBSTACLE - 1 ; 2 .drawObstacleKernel dey ; 2 sty tmpKernelIdx ; 3 txa ; 2 tay ; 2 lda (obstacleGraphicPtrs),y; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 ldy tmpKernelIdx ; 3 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcs .drawBaileyObstacleKernel;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyObstacleKernel sta GRP0 ; 3 = @21 dex ; 2 bpl .drawObstacleKernel ; 2³ ldx currentKernelSection ; 3 get current kernel section value lda CXPPMM ; 3 get player collision values sta obstacleCollisionValues,x;4 set collision value for section dex ; 2 jmp .drawObstacleKernelSection;3 .iceBlockKernel tax ; 2 lda iceBlockColors,x ; 4 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @66 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @71 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcs .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_02;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_02 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @21 lda #MSBL_SIZE8 | THREE_MED_COPIES;2 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @26 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @31 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcs .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_03;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_03 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @21 jsr Waste12Cycles ; 12 lda iceBlockMissileFineMotion;3 sta RESMP1 ; 3 = @39 sta HMM1 ; 3 = @42 lda iceBlockPlayerFineMotion;3 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @48 ldx #6 ; 2 stx tmpIceBlockKernelIdx ; 3 .drawIceBlock dey ; 2 ldx #$FF ; 2 stx GRP1 ; 3 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 bcs .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_04;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @13 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyIceBlockScanline_04 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @21 stx ENAM1 ; 3 = @24 ldx tmpIceBlockKernelIdx ; 3 lda IceBlockFineMotionAdjustmentValues,x;4 sta HMM1 ; 3 = @34 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @37 dec tmpIceBlockKernelIdx ; 5 bpl .drawIceBlock ; 2³ sta HMCLR ; 3 = @47 dey ; 2 cpy #H_BAILEY + 1 ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @56 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = @06 bcs .drawBaileyIceBlockScanlineFinal;2³ lda (baileyColorPtrs),y ; 5 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @16 lda (baileyGraphicPtrs),y ; 5 .drawBaileyIceBlockScanlineFinal sta GRP0 ; 3 = @24 ldx currentKernelSection ; 3 get current kernel section value lda CXPPMM ; 3 get player collision values ora CXM1P ; 3 combine with missile collision value sta obstacleCollisionValues,x;4 dex ; 2 bmi .doneDrawingGameKernel ; 2³ jmp .drawObstacleKernelSection;3 .doneDrawingGameKernel stx baileyObstacleCollisionIdx;3 set to reset collision values stx baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx;3 inx ; 2 x = 0 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @06 stx GRP1 ; 3 = @09 stx REFP0 ; 3 = @12 stx REFP1 ; 3 = @15 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @18 stx VDELP1 ; 3 = @21 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 ldy #H_FONT - 1 ; 2 lda copyrightScrollRate ; 3 and #$1F ; 2 cmp #20 ; 2 bcs .setLoopCountForCopyright;2³ ldy #0 ; 2 cmp #12 ; 2 bcc .setLoopCountForCopyright;2³ sbc #12 ; 2 tay ; 2 .setLoopCountForCopyright sty tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 3 tya ; 2 eor #7 ; 2 sta tmpDrawLogoLoopCount ; 3 lda #CopyrightFonts ; 2 .setDigitPointersMSBValue sta digitPointers,x ; 4 dex ; 2 dex ; 2 bpl .setDigitPointersMSBValue;2³ jsr SetupForSixDigitDisplay; 6 lda #$78 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @25 lda #MSBL_SIZE8 | PF_REFLECT;2 sta CTRLPF ; 3 = @30 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @33 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @36 lda #HMOVE_L1 ; 2 sta HMBL ; 3 = @41 ldy #H_FONT - 1 ; 2 sty ENABL ; 3 = @46 .activisionLogoLoop lda ActivisionLogo_4,y ; 4 tax ; 2 lda ActivisionLogo_0,y ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda ActivisionRainbowColors,y;4 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @10 lda ActivisionLogo_1,y ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @17 lda ActivisionLogo_2,y ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @24 lda tmpCharHolder ; 3 waste 3 cycles SLEEP 2 ; 2 lda ActivisionLogo_3,y ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @36 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @39 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @42 lda #BLACK ; 2 sta COLUPF ; 3 = @47 dey ; 2 dec tmpDrawLogoLoopCount ; 5 bpl .activisionLogoLoop ; 2³ lda #OVERSCAN_TIME ldx #DUMP_PORTS | DISABLE_TIA sta WSYNC ; wait for next scanline sta TIM64T ; set timer for overscan period stx VBLANK ; disable TIA and discharge paddles lda #0 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 sta GRP0 sta PF1 sta ENABL lda copyrightScrollRate ; get copyright scroll rate beq ResetIglooGraphicValues lda playerScore + 2 ; get score tens value and #$0F ; keep 1's value ora currentLevelStatus ; combine with current level status values bne ResetIglooGraphicValues ; branch if game in SELECT_MODE lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #$7F bne ResetIglooGraphicValues lda gameSelection ; get current game selection lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc ResetIglooGraphicValues jsr SwapPlayerVariables ResetIglooGraphicValues ldx #4 lda #0 .resetIglooGraphicValues sta iglooGraphicValues,x dex bpl .resetIglooGraphicValues bit gameState ; check current game state bpl CheckToPlayGameSounds ; branch if not DEMO_MODE jmp SetObstacleCollisionIndex CheckToPlayGameSounds lda baileyColorOffsetValue ; get Bailey color offset value ora baileyGraphicOffsetValue ; combine with Bailey graphic offset value beq .checkFirstPrioritySoundChannel_1; branch if Bailey not sinking or freezing clc tax adc #8 sta AUDF0 sta AUDF1 lda #12 sta AUDC1 lda #1 sta AUDC0 lda #4 cpx #18 bne .setVolumeForDeathSounds lda #0 sta soundValuesChannel_01 ; clear sound channel 1 values .setVolumeForDeathSounds sta AUDV0 sta AUDV1 .checkFirstPrioritySoundChannel_1 bit soundValuesChannel_01 ; check sound channel 1 values bvc .checkFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0; branch if not playing eating fish sounds dec soundValuesChannel_01 ; decrement sound values lda soundValuesChannel_01 ; get sound channel 1 value and #SOUND_VALUE_MASK ; keep sound values bne .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_1Values sta soundValuesChannel_01 ; clear sound channel 1 values (i.e. a = 0) .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_1Values sta AUDF1 ldx #12 stx AUDC1 ldx #0 and #3 beq .setSoundVolumeForEatingFish lda #$10 jsr IncrementScore ; increment score for eating fish ldx #5 .setSoundVolumeForEatingFish stx AUDV1 .checkFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0 bit soundValuesChannel_00 ; check sound channel 0 values bpl .checkSecondPrioritySoundChannel_1 dec soundValuesChannel_00 ; decrement sound values lda soundValuesChannel_00 ; get sound channel 0 value and #SOUND_VALUE_MASK ; keep sound values bne .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0Values sta soundValuesChannel_00 ; clear sound channel 0 values (i.e. a = 0) .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0Values sta AUDV0 cmp #7 bcs .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0Frequency lda #7 .setFirstPrioritySoundChannel_0Frequency sta AUDF0 lda #12 sta AUDC0 .checkSecondPrioritySoundChannel_1 bit soundValuesChannel_01 ; check sound channel 1 values bpl .checkSecondPrioritySoundChannel_0; branch if not playing sound dec soundValuesChannel_01 ; decrement sound values lda soundValuesChannel_01 ; get sound channel 1 value and #SOUND_VALUE_MASK ; keep sound values bne .setSecondPrioritySoundChannel_1Values sta soundValuesChannel_01 ; clear sound channel 1 values (i.e. a = 0) .setSecondPrioritySoundChannel_1Values lsr sta AUDV1 lda #8 sta AUDC1 lda #2 sta AUDF1 .checkSecondPrioritySoundChannel_0 bit soundValuesChannel_00 ; check sound channel 0 values bvc SetObstacleCollisionIndex lda soundValuesChannel_00 ; get sound channel 0 value and #SOUND_VALUE_MASK ; keep sound values lsr sta AUDV0 sta AUDV1 lda #12 sta AUDC0 sta AUDC1 lda soundValuesChannel_00 ; get sound channel 0 value bit buildingIglooIdx ; check building Igloo index value bmi .divSoundValueBy2 ; branch if no Igloo blocks sec sbc #2 ldx #12 ; value for channel 0 frequency ldy #15 ; value for channel 1 frequency bne .setSecondPrioritySoundChannel_0Values; unconditional branch .divSoundValueBy2 lsr ldx #5 ; value for channel 0 frequency ldy #1 ; value for channel 1 frequency .setSecondPrioritySoundChannel_0Values stx AUDF0 sty AUDF1 and #SOUND_VALUE_MASK ; keep sound values beq .setSoundChannel_0Value ora #1 << 6 .setSoundChannel_0Value sta soundValuesChannel_00 SetObstacleCollisionIndex ldx #7 .setObstacleCollisionIndex dex lda obstacleCollisionValues + 1,x; get obstacle collision value bpl .checkForBaileyIceBlockCollision; branch if no collision occurred txa ; move index to accumulator lsr ; divide value by 2 sta baileyObstacleCollisionIdx .checkForBaileyIceBlockCollision lda obstacleCollisionValues,x ; get ice block collision value bpl .checkSectionForCollision ; branch if no collision occurred txa ; move index to accumulator lsr ; divide value by 2 sta baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx .checkSectionForCollision dex bpl .setObstacleCollisionIndex lda #3 bit gameState ; check current game state bmi .setInitMovementSpeed ; branch if in DEMO_MODE lda currentLevel ; get the current level .setInitMovementSpeed clc IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 adc #3 sta tmpMovementSpeedValue lsr ; divide value by 4 lsr adc tmpMovementSpeedValue ; add back original (i.e. (5x + 15) / 4) ELSE adc #4 ENDIF tay ; move initial movement speed to y register sec sbc #15 bcc .determineSpeedFractionalValues .reduceInitMovementSpeed dey dey dey sbc #7 bcs .reduceInitMovementSpeed .determineSpeedFractionalValues tya ; move initial movement speed to accumulator ldx #0 lsr ; divide value by 2 jsr DetermineFractionalPositioning; determine Ice Block fractional position inx dey ; reduce initial movement speed for obstacle tya jsr DetermineFractionalPositioning; determine Obstacle Speed fractional value inx iny tya jsr DetermineFractionalPositioning;determine Bailey fractional value lda #0 sta changeIceBlockDirection ; clear change Ice Block direction indicator ldx currentPlayerNumber ; get the current player number lda INPT4,x ; read action button tay ; move action button value to y register and actionButtonDebounce ; and with debounce value eor actionButtonDebounce ; flip D7 value sty actionButtonDebounce ; set debounce value bpl .setIceBlockFineMotionValues ; branch if action button not released lda baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ; get jumping index value bne .setIceBlockFineMotionValues ; branch if Bailey is jumping lda #<-1 sta changeIceBlockDirection ; set D7 high to change Ice Block direction .setIceBlockFineMotionValues ldx iceBlockFineMotionIndex ; get Ice Block fine motion index value lda IceBlockFineMotionValues,x ; get Ice Block fine motion value tay and #$F0 ; keep upper nybbles for missile fine motion sta iceBlockMissileFineMotion tya ; get Ice Block fine motion value asl ; shift player fine motion to upper nybbles asl asl asl sta iceBlockPlayerFineMotion ldx currentLevel ; get the current level cpx #8 bcc .setLevelPointValue ; set point value if less than level 8 ldx #8 ; set to maximum point value .setLevelPointValue lda PointValueTable,x and #POINT_VALUE_MASK ; keep point values sta currentPointValue ; set current point value ldx buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value bmi .doneSetIglooRAMValues ; branch if no Igloo blocks ldx #0 .setIglooRAMValues ldy IglooGraphicRAMIndexValues,x ; get index pointer value for Igloo RAM lda IglooGraphicValues,x sta iglooGraphicValues,y cpx buildingIglooIdx bcs .doneSetIglooRAMValues inx bpl .setIglooRAMValues ; unconditional branch .doneSetIglooRAMValues lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #7 bne VerticalSync jsr NextRandom ; get new random number every 8 frames VerticalSync SUBROUTINE .waitTime lda INTIM bne .waitTime ldy #DUMP_PORTS | START_VERT_SYNC sty WSYNC ; wait for next scanline sty VSYNC ; start vertical sync (D1 = 1) sty WSYNC sty WSYNC sty WSYNC sta VSYNC ; end vertical sync (D1 = 0) inc frameCount ; increment frame count each new frame bne .setVerticalBlankingTime ; set VBLANK time if not reached 256 frames inc gameState ; increment every 256 frames (i.e. ~4 secs) lda gameState ; get current game state and #$C7 sta gameState and #7 bne .setVerticalBlankingTime inc colorCycleMode ; increment every 2,048 frames bne .setVerticalBlankingTime sec ; set carry bit ror colorCycleMode ; shift carry to D7 to disable TIA .setVerticalBlankingTime lda #VBLANK_TIME sta WSYNC ; wait for next scanline sta TIM64T ; set timer for vertical blank period ldy SWCHA ; read the player joystick values lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #7 bne SetPlayerControlValues lda copyrightScrollRate ; get copyright scroll rate beq SetPlayerControlValues ldy #NO_MOVE dec copyrightScrollRate bne SetPlayerControlValues dec copyrightScrollRate lda gameState ; get current game state bmi SetPlayerControlValues ; branch if in DEMO_MODE ora #DEMO_MODE sta gameState ; set game state to DEMO_MODE ldx #> 4 ldx frameCount ; get current frame count cpx #80 bcc .setJoystickValuesForStandingOnShore lda #<(MOVE_RIGHT & MOVE_UP) >> 4 .setJoystickValuesForStandingOnShore sta currentJoystickValues .determineBaileyIceKernelMovement ldx baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx ; get Bailey Ice Block collision value dex bpl .compareHorizPosToNextIceBlock; branch if Bailey standing on Ice Block ldx #3 ; set index for top row Ice Blocks .compareHorizPosToNextIceBlock lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position cmp iceBlocksHorizPos,x ; compare with Ice Block position bcs .determineBaileyDemoMovement ; branch if Bailey to the right of Ice Block adc #XMAX .determineBaileyDemoMovement adc #1 sec sbc iceBlocksHorizPos,x cmp #75 bcs .checkBaileyOnTopIceBlockRow lda #<-1 sta obstacleCollisionIndex ; reset obstacle collision index value lda #<(MOVE_LEFT & MOVE_DOWN) >> 4 bit frameCount ; check frame count bpl .setJoystickValuesForDemoMode; branch if less than 128 lda #<(MOVE_RIGHT & MOVE_UP) >> 4 bne .setJoystickValuesForDemoMode .checkBaileyOnTopIceBlockRow cpx #2 bne CheckGrizzlyChasingBailey ; branch if Bailey not on top Ice Block row lda #<(MOVE_LEFT & MOVE_UP) >> 4 .setJoystickValuesForDemoMode sta currentJoystickValues CheckGrizzlyChasingBailey bit baileyGrizzlyCollisionValue ; check Bailey and Grizzly collision value bpl .doneCheckGrizzlyChasingBailey; branch if didn't collide lda baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ; get jumping index value bne .doneCheckGrizzlyChasingBailey; branch if Bailey is jumping lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #POLAR_GRIZZLY_LEVEL bcc .doneCheckGrizzlyChasingBailey; branch if Polar Grizzly not active lda #REFLECT sta playerRefectState ; set Bailey REFLECT state lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #3 sta polarGrizzlyAnimationIdx beq .animateBaileyForGrizzlyChase lda polarGrizzlyHorizPos ; get Polar Grizzly horizontal position cmp #XMIN + 16 bcc .animateBaileyForGrizzlyChase; branch if Grizzly reached left border dec polarGrizzlyHorizPos ; decrement Polar Grizzly horizontal position .animateBaileyForGrizzlyChase lda frameCount ; get current frame count lsr ; divide value by 2 and #3 sta baileyAnimationIdx dec baileyHorizPos ; decrement Bailey's horizontal position lda #1 sta AUDC0 lda #8 sta AUDC1 lda #4 ; LSR would save a byte sta AUDV0 sta AUDV1 lda frameCount ; get current frame count asl ; multiply value by 4 asl and #$1F sta AUDF0 sta AUDF1 jmp .mainLoop .doneCheckGrizzlyChasingBailey lda currentLevel ; get the current level lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc MoveObstacles ; branch on even levels cmp #2 bcc MoveObstacles lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #$0F bne MoveObstacles dec iceBlockFineMotionIndex ; decrement Ice Block fine motion index bpl MoveObstacles lda #15 sta iceBlockFineMotionIndex ; reset Ice Block fine motion index value MoveObstacles ldx #3 .moveObstacles lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #5 bcc .moveObstacleHorizontally lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value and #OBSTACLE_TYPE_MASK ; keep obstacle type value tay lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #$40 bne .checkToMoveAllButKingCrab ; branch every 64 frames cpy #ID_KILLER_CLAM beq .moveNextObstacle ; branch if obstacle is a KILLER_CLAM bne .moveObstacleHorizontally .checkToMoveAllButKingCrab cpy #ID_KING_CRAB beq .moveNextObstacle ; branch if obstacle is a KING_CRAB .moveObstacleHorizontally lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value asl ; shift obstacle direction to carry lda obstacleHorizPos,x ; get obstacle horizontal position bcs .moveObstacleLeft ; branch if obstacle moving left adc obstacleSpeedValue ; move obstacle right jmp .setObstacleHorizPos .moveObstacleLeft sbc obstacleSpeedValue .setObstacleHorizPos sta obstacleHorizPos,x and #$F8 cmp #XMAX + 40 beq .spawnNewObstacle lda obstacleHorizPos,x ; get obstacle horizontal position jsr DetermineObstacleNUSIZValues jmp .checkBaileyMovingWithObstacle .spawnNewObstacle jsr NextRandom jsr SpawnNewObstacle .checkBaileyMovingWithObstacle cpx obstacleCollisionIndex bne .moveNextObstacle ; branch if not collided with obstacle lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value asl ; shift obstacle direction to carry lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position bcs .obstacleMovingBaileyLeft ; branch if obstacle traveling left adc obstacleSpeedValue ; obstacle pushing Bailey right bcc .checkBaileyRightBoundary ; unconditional branch .obstacleMovingBaileyLeft sbc obstacleSpeedValue .checkBaileyRightBoundary cmp #XMAX bcc .setBaileyPositionForObstacleNudge lda #XMIN .setBaileyPositionForObstacleNudge sta baileyHorizPos .moveNextObstacle dex bpl .moveObstacles ldx #3 .setObstacleColorsAndGraphicPtrs lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value and #OBSTACLE_TYPE_MASK ; keep obstacle type value tay ; move obstacle type to y register lda ObstacleColorValues,y sta obstacleColors,x ; set obstacle color value tya ; move obstacle type to accumulator asl ; multiply value by 2 tay lda #8 cpy #ID_KILLER_CLAM << 1 bne .determineObstacleAnimationIndex; branch if obstacle not KILLER_CLAM asl ; KILLER_CLAM animated every 16 frames .determineObstacleAnimationIndex and frameCount bne .setObstacleGraphicLSBValue iny ; increment for animation frame .setObstacleGraphicLSBValue lda ObstacleGraphicLSBValues,y sta obstacleGraphicLSBValues,x cpy #ID_FISH << 1 bcc .nextObstacleColorAndGraphicPtrs; branch if obstacle doesn't float in sea lda frameCount ; get current frame count lsr ; divide value by 8 lsr lsr IF COMPILE_REGION != PAL50 and #$1F ENDIF cmp #16 bcc .floatObstacleInArticSea eor #$1F .floatObstacleInArticSea tay lda obstacleGraphicLSBValues,x ; get obstacle graphic LSB value clc adc FloatingObstacleOffsetValues,y; increment by offset sta obstacleGraphicLSBValues,x ; set LSB for floating obstacle graphic .nextObstacleColorAndGraphicPtrs dex bpl .setObstacleColorsAndGraphicPtrs ldx baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ; get jumping index value beq .checkBaileySinkingInSea ; branch if Bailey not jumping jmp ChangeBaileyVerticalPosition .checkBaileySinkingInSea ldx baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx ; get Bailey Ice Block collision value bpl CheckToChangeIceBlockColor ; branch if Bailey standing on Ice Block lda baileyVertPos ; get Bailey vertical position cmp #YMIN_BAILEY bne .setBaileyToSinkingInSea ; branch if Bailey not standing on shore jmp CheckJoystickVerticalMovementValues .setBaileyToSinkingInSea lda #BAILEY_SINKING sta currentLevelStatus jmp .mainLoop CheckToChangeIceBlockColor bit baileyLandingStatus ; get Bailey jump landing status value bpl CheckToChangeIceBlockDirection; branch if Bailey landed from jump lda iceBlockColors,x ; get color of Ice Blocks cmp #COLOR_INIT_ICE_BLOCK bne CheckToChangeIceBlockDirection; branch if points recorded for Ice Block lda soundValuesChannel_01 ; get sound channel 1 values bne .baileyChangedIceBlockColor ; branch if playing sounds from channel lda #1 << 7 | 15 .baileyChangedIceBlockColor sta soundValuesChannel_01 lda #COLOR_CHANGE_ICE_BLOCK sta iceBlockColors,x lda #16 sta completedIceBlocksDelay lda #0 sta baileyLandingStatus ; clear Bailey landing status lda currentPointValue ; get current point value jsr IncrementScore ; increment score for changing Ice Block lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX beq CheckToChangeIceBlockDirection; branch if done building Igloo inc buildingIglooIdx ; increment Igloo blocks IF COMPILE_REGION != PAL50 jmp CheckForBaileyEatingFish ENDIF CheckToChangeIceBlockDirection bit buildingIglooIdx ; check building Igloo index value bmi CheckForBaileyEatingFish ; branch if no Igloo blocks bit obstacleCollisionIndex ; check obstacle collision index value bpl CheckForBaileyEatingFish ; branch if Bailey collided with obstacle bit changeIceBlockDirection ; check change Ice Block direction value bpl CheckForBaileyEatingFish ; branch if not changing Ice Block direction ldx baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx ; get Bailey Ice Block collision value bmi CheckForBaileyEatingFish ; branch if Bailey not on Ice Block lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value eor #ICE_BLOCK_DIR_MASK ; flip Ice Block direction value sta obstacleAttributes,x ; set new Ice Block direction lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX beq .skipRemoveIglooBlock ; branch if done building Igloo dec buildingIglooIdx ; decrement Igloo blocks .skipRemoveIglooBlock lda #1 << 7 | 15 sta soundValuesChannel_01 CheckForBaileyEatingFish ldx baileyIceBlockCollisionIdx ; get Bailey Ice Block collision value lda baileyObstacleCollisionIdx bmi CheckBaileyRidingIceBlock ; branch if no obstacle collision this frame tax ; move Bailey obstacle collision value to x lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value and #OBSTACLE_TYPE_MASK ; keep obstacle type value cmp #ID_FISH bne .determineIceBlockDirectionValue; branch if obstacle not a FISH inc numberOfFishEaten ; increment number of fish eaten lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position clc adc #8 ; increment horizontal position by 8 sec sbc obstacleHorizPos,x jsr Div16 ; divide value by 16 tay lda obstaclePatternIndex,x ; get obstacle pattern index value and RemovedFishMaskingValues,y ; remove fish eaten by Bailey sta obstaclePatternIndex,x jsr DetermineObstacleNUSIZValues lda #EAT_FISH_SOUND_VALUE | 27 sta soundValuesChannel_01 lda #16 sta frameDelayValue ; set to delay action for 16 frames bpl CheckBaileyRidingIceBlock ; unconditional branch .determineIceBlockDirectionValue stx obstacleCollisionIndex lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value lsr and #OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK >> 1 ; keep obstacle direction eor #$40 ; flip direction bit value sta tmpNewIceBlockDirection lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value and #$8F ; keep obstacle direction and type values ora tmpNewIceBlockDirection ; combine with new Ice Block direction sta obstacleAttributes,x ; set obstacle attribute value CheckBaileyRidingIceBlock bit obstacleCollisionIndex bpl CheckForLevelCompleted ; branch if Bailey collided with obstacle lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position sta tmpHorizPosition lda iceBlockSpeedValue sta tmpSpeedValue lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value asl ; shift Ice Block direction to carry asl jsr ChangeBaileyPositionOnIceBlock cmp #XMIN + 9 bcs .checkBaileyHorizMax ; branch if Bailey right of minimum lda #XMIN + 9 ; set to minimum Bailey position .checkBaileyHorizMax cmp #XMAX - 9 bcc .setBaileyHorizontalPosition ; branch if Bailey left of maximum lda #XMAX - 9 ; set to maximum Bailey position .setBaileyHorizontalPosition sta baileyHorizPos CheckJoystickVerticalMovementValues lda currentJoystickValues ; get current joystick values and #<(MOVE_LEFT & MOVE_RIGHT) >> 4;keep vertical movement values cmp #<(MOVE_LEFT & MOVE_RIGHT) >> 4 beq CheckForLevelCompleted ; branch if not moving vertically lsr ; shift MOVE_UP to carry bcs .joystickPushedDown ; branch if not moving up lda baileyVertPos ; get Bailey vertical position cmp #YMIN_BAILEY bne .baileyJumpingUp ; branch if Bailey not standing on shore lda #XMAX - 33 sec sbc baileyHorizPos cmp #8 bcs CheckForLevelCompleted lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX bne CheckForLevelCompleted ; branch if not done building Igloo lda #BAILEY_ENTERED_IGLOO sta iglooStatus ; set to show Bailey entered Igloo .baileyJumpingUp IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 ldx #<[BaileyJumpingUpOffsetValues - BaileyJumpingOffsetValues + 14] ELSE ldx #<[BaileyJumpingUpOffsetValues - BaileyJumpingOffsetValues + 16] ENDIF lda #1 << 7 | 15 sta soundValuesChannel_00 bne .setInitBaileyJumpingOffsetIndexValue; unconditional branch .joystickPushedDown lda baileyVertPos ; get Bailey vertical position cmp #YMAX_BAILEY bcs CheckForLevelCompleted IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 ldx #<[BaileyJumpingDownOffsetValues - BaileyJumpingOffsetValues + 13] ELSE ldx #<[BaileyJumpingDownOffsetValues - BaileyJumpingOffsetValues + 15] ENDIF lda #1 << 7 | 15 sta soundValuesChannel_00 .setInitBaileyJumpingOffsetIndexValue stx baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ChangeBaileyVerticalPosition lda frameCount ; get current frame count lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcs CheckForLevelCompleted ; branch on odd frame dex lda BaileyJumpingOffsetValues,x ; get Bailey jumping offset value clc adc baileyVertPos ; increment Bailey vertical position sta baileyVertPos ; set Bailey's new vertical position cpx #16 bne .setBaileyJumpingOffsetIndexValue ldx #0 .setBaileyJumpingOffsetIndexValue stx baileyJumpingOffsetIdx cpx #0 bne CheckForLevelCompleted stx baileyGrizzlyCollisionValue ; clear Bailey and Grizzly collision value dex ; x = -1 stx baileyLandingStatus ; set landing status to show Bailey landed CheckForLevelCompleted lda baileyVertPos ; get Bailey vertical position cmp #6 bcs CheckToResetIceBlockColors lda #0 sta baileyVertPos ; set Bailey position for entering Igloo sta iglooStatus ; clear Bailey entered Igloo status lda #LEVEL_COMPLETE sta currentLevelStatus sta frameDelayValue ; set to delay action for 64 frames CheckToResetIceBlockColors lda completedIceBlocksDelay bne MoveIceBlocks lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX beq MoveIceBlocks ; branch if done building Igloo ldx #3 .checkForAllBlocksDone lda #COLOR_INIT_ICE_BLOCK cmp iceBlockColors,x beq MoveIceBlocks ; branch if found one section WHITE dex bpl .checkForAllBlocksDone ldx #3 .resetIceBlockColors sta iceBlockColors,x ; set Ice Block color to WHITE dex bpl .resetIceBlockColors MoveIceBlocks ldx #3 .moveIceBlocks lda iceBlocksHorizPos,x ; get Ice Block horizontal position sta tmpHorizPosition lda iceBlockSpeedValue sta tmpSpeedValue lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value asl ; shift Ice Block direction to carry asl jsr ChangeIceBlockPosition sta iceBlocksHorizPos,x ; set Ice Block horizontal position dex bpl .moveIceBlocks bit obstacleCollisionIndex bpl DetermineBaileyAnimationIndexValue; branch if Bailey collided with obstacle bit iglooStatus ; check Bailey entered Igloo status bpl CheckJoystickHorizontalMovementValues; branch if Bailey not entered Igloo lda #XMAX - 37 sta baileyHorizPos bne DetermineBaileyAnimationIndexValue; unconditional branch CheckJoystickHorizontalMovementValues lda baileySpeedValue ldy baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ; get jumping index value bne .setBaileyHorizSpeedValue ; branch if Bailey is jumping lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #1 .setBaileyHorizSpeedValue sta tmpBaileySpeedValue lda currentJoystickValues ; get current joystick values and #<(MOVE_UP & MOVE_DOWN) >> 4 ; keep horizontal values sta tmpHorizJoystickValues lda #XMIN + 10 ldy baileyVertPos ; get Bailey vertical position cpy #YMIN_BAILEY bne .setBaileyHorizMinValue ; branch if Bailey not standing on shore lda #XMIN + 17 .setBaileyHorizMinValue sta tmpBaileyXMIN lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position lsr tmpHorizJoystickValues ; shift MOVE_LEFT to carry bit lsr tmpHorizJoystickValues lsr tmpHorizJoystickValues bcs .checkBaileyMoveRight ; branch if not moving left ldy #REFLECT cmp tmpBaileyXMIN bcc .setBaileyMovementHorizontalPosition sbc tmpBaileySpeedValue jmp .setBaileyMovementHorizontalPosition .checkBaileyMoveRight lsr tmpHorizJoystickValues ; shift MOVE_RIGHT to carry bit bcs DetermineBaileyAnimationIndexValue; branch if not moving right ldy #NO_REFLECT cmp #XMAX - 10 bcs .setBaileyMovementHorizontalPosition adc tmpBaileySpeedValue .setBaileyMovementHorizontalPosition sta baileyHorizPos sty tmpBaileyReflectState lda playerRefectState ; get player REFLECT state and #REFLECT << 1 ; keep Polar Grizzly REFLECT state ora tmpBaileyReflectState ; compine with Bailey REFECT state sta playerRefectState ; set player REFLECT state DetermineBaileyAnimationIndexValue ldx #2 ; assume Bailey jumping lda baileyJumpingOffsetIdx ; get jumping index value and #$0F cmp #7 bcs DeterminePolarGrizzlyMovement; set Bailey graphic index for jumping ldx #0 lda currentJoystickValues ; get current joystick values and #<(MOVE_UP & MOVE_DOWN) >> 4 ; keep horizontal movement values cmp #<(MOVE_UP & MOVE_DOWN) >> 4 beq DeterminePolarGrizzlyMovement; branch if not moving horizontally lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #4 lsr ; divide value by 4 lsr tax ; set for Bailey animation index DeterminePolarGrizzlyMovement stx baileyAnimationIdx ldx playerRefectState ; get player REFLECT state lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #$3F bne .setPolarGrizzlyReflectState jsr ReduceTemperature ; reduce temperature bne .determinePolarGrizzlyReflectState; branch if not reached 0 degrees lda #BAILEY_FREEZING sta currentLevelStatus ; set level status to BAILEY_FREEZING .determinePolarGrizzlyReflectState ldx #REFLECT << 1 lda baileyHorizPos ; get Bailey's horizontal position cmp polarGrizzlyHorizPos ; compare with Polar Grizzly position bcs .setPolarGrizzlyReflectState ; branch if Bailey to the right of Grizzly ldx #NO_REFLECT << 1 .setPolarGrizzlyReflectState stx tmpPolarGrizzlyReflectState lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #POLAR_GRIZZLY_LEVEL bcc .mainLoop ; branch if Polar Grizzly not active lda playerRefectState ; get player REFLECT state and #REFLECT ; keep Bailey REFLECT state ora tmpBaileyReflectState ; combine with Polar Grizzly REFLECT state sta playerRefectState and #REFLECT << 1 ; keep Polar Grizzly REFLECT state tax lda polarGrizzlyHorizPos ; get Polar Grizzly horizontal position cpx #NO_REFLECT << 1 bne .checkPolarGrizzlyRightBoundary cmp #XMIN + 16 bcc .mainLoop sbc polarGrizzlySpeedValue jmp .setPolarGrizzlyHorizontalPosition .checkPolarGrizzlyRightBoundary cmp #XMAX - 20 bcs .mainLoop adc polarGrizzlySpeedValue .setPolarGrizzlyHorizontalPosition sta polarGrizzlyHorizPos ldy polarGrizzlyAnimationIdx ; get Polar Grizzly animation index lda polarGrizzlySpeedValue beq .mainLoop dey bpl .setPolarGrizzlyAnimationIndex ldy #7 .setPolarGrizzlyAnimationIndex sty polarGrizzlyAnimationIdx .mainLoop jmp MainLoop DetermineGameColors bit gameState ; check current game state bpl .determineDayOrNightColorScheme; branch if not in DEMO_MODE lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value sta reservedBuildingIglooIdx lda #0 sta iceBlockFineMotionIndex beq .setToNightColorScheme ; unconditional branch .determineDayOrNightColorScheme lda currentLevel ; get the current level lsr ; divide value by 8 lsr lsr lda #COLOR_DAY_SKY ldx #WHITE - 4 ldy #BLACK + 4 bcc .setLevelColorScheme ; branch to set to day color scheme .setToNightColorScheme lda #BLUE ldx #BLACK + 2 ldy #WHITE - 2 .setLevelColorScheme sta skyColor stx landColor sty polarGrizzlyColor lda buildingIglooIdx ; get building Igloo index value cmp #MAX_IGLOO_INDEX bne .setIglooDoorAndGrizzlyColors; branch if not done building Igloo ldx #BLACK bit gameState ; check current game state bmi .flashIglooDoor ; branch if in DEMO_MODE lda currentLevel ; get the current level lsr ; divide value by 8 lsr lsr bcc .setIglooDoorAndGrizzlyColors .flashIglooDoor lda frameCount ; get current frame count eor randomSeed and #8 bne .setIglooDoorAndGrizzlyColors ldx #COLOR_IGLOO_DOOR_FLASH .setIglooDoorAndGrizzlyColors stx iglooDoorColor ldx landColor lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #POLAR_GRIZZLY_LEVEL bcs .doneDetermineGameColors stx polarGrizzlyColor .doneDetermineGameColors rts InitializeGameVariables ldx #<-1 stx buildingIglooIdx stx reservedBuildingIglooIdx ldx #INIT_NUM_LIVES stx remainingLives ; set initial number of lives lda gameSelection ; get current game selection lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc .setInitialLevelNumber ; branch if ONE_PLAYER game inx ; increment number of lives for player 2 stx reserveRemainingLives ; set player 2 initial number of lives .setInitialLevelNumber bit gameState ; check current game state bmi SetInitIceBlockAndObstacleValues; branch if in DEMO_MODE asl ; multiply game selection by 2 asl sta currentLevel ; set initial level sta reserveCurrentLevel ; set player 2 initial level SetInitIceBlockAndObstacleValues ldx #3 .setInitIceBlockAndObstacleValues lda #COLOR_INIT_ICE_BLOCK sta iceBlockColors,x ; reset Ice Block colors ldy #8 lda currentLevel ; get the current level lsr ; shift D0 to carry lda InitIceBlockAndObstacleHorizPos,x and #$F0 ; keep Ice Block init horizontal position bcc .setIceBlockPositionAndObstacleValues; branch if an even level ldy #0 .setIceBlockPositionAndObstacleValues sta iceBlocksHorizPos,x sta obstacleAttributes,x sty iceBlockFineMotionIndex lda InitIceBlockAndObstacleHorizPos,x; get obstacle init horizontal position asl ; shift value to upper nybbles asl asl asl jsr SetObstacleStartingHorizPos dex bpl .setInitIceBlockAndObstacleValues ldx #<[currentLevelStatus - baileyVertPos] .setInitValues lda #0 sta AUDV0 sta AUDV1 cpx #<[iglooStatus - baileyVertPos] bcs .setInitValue lda InitValueTable,x .setInitValue sta baileyVertPos,x dex bpl .setInitValues stx obstacleCollisionIndex rts IncrementScore sed bit gameState ; check current game state bmi .doneIncrementScore ; branch if in DEMO_MODE clc adc playerScore + 2 ; increment tens position sta playerScore + 2 bcc .doneIncrementScore lda playerScore + 1 ; get hundreds position adc #1 - 1 ; increment when carry set sta playerScore + 1 lda playerScore ; get thousands position adc #1 - 1 ; increment when carry set sta playerScore lda playerScore + 1 ; get hundreds position and #$FF beq .incrementRemainingLives cmp #$50 bne .doneIncrementScore ; branch if not time to increment lives .incrementRemainingLives lda remainingLives ; get remaining lives cmp #MAX_RESERVED_LIVES bcs .doneIncrementScore inc remainingLives ; increment remaining lives .doneIncrementScore cld rts ReduceTemperature lda temperatureValue ; get current temperature value sed sec sbc #1 sta temperatureValue cld rts SpawnNewObstacle SUBROUTINE lda randomSeed ; get random seed value and #7 sta tmpNewObstacleType .spawnNewObstacle lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #7 bcc .determineNewObstacle lda #7 .determineNewObstacle cmp tmpNewObstacleType bcs .checkToSpawnFish dec tmpNewObstacleType bpl .spawnNewObstacle ; unconditional branch .checkToSpawnFish lda numberOfFishEaten ; get number of fish eaten cmp #MAX_EATEN_FISH bcc .setNewObstacleType ; branch if max fish not eaten lda tmpNewObstacleType ; get new obstacle type and #3 ; get mod4 value (i.e. only 4 obstacle types) cmp #ID_FISH bne .setNewObstacleType inc tmpNewObstacleType ; make new obstacle ID_KING_CRAB .setNewObstacleType lda obstacleAttributes,x ; get obstacle attribute value and #OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK | ICE_BLOCK_DIR_MASK; clear OBSTACLE_TYPE value ora tmpNewObstacleType ; combine with new obstacle type sta tmpObstacleAttribute lda randomSeed ; get random seed value and #$80 ; keep bit for OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK value jmp DetermineObstacleStartingHorizPos FILL_BOUNDARY 0, 234 BaileyGraphics BaileyWalkingGraphics_00 .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $36 ; |..XX.XX.| .byte $36 ; |..XX.XX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| .byte $70 ; |.XXX....| .byte $00 ; |........| BaileyWalkingGraphics_01 .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $4E ; |.X..XXX.| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| .byte $70 ; |.XXX....| BaileyJumpingGraphic .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $14 ; |...X.X..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $42 ; |.X....X.| .byte $5E ; |.X.XXXX.| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $F8 ; |XXXXX...| .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| .byte $70 ; |.XXX....| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| BaileyColors .byte YELLOW + 6, YELLOW + 6, YELLOW + 6, YELLOW + 6, COLOR_BAILEY_COAT .byte COLOR_BAILEY_COAT, COLOR_BAILEY_COAT, COLOR_BAILEY_COAT .byte COLOR_BAILEY_COAT, COLOR_BAILEY_COAT, BRICK_RED + 6, BRICK_RED + 6 .byte BRICK_RED + 6, RED_ORANGE + 4, RED_ORANGE + 4, RED_ORANGE + 4 .byte RED_ORANGE + 4, RED_ORANGE + 4, RED_ORANGE + 4 FrozenBaileyColors .byte DK_BLUE + 2, DK_BLUE + 2, DK_BLUE + 4, DK_BLUE + 4, DK_BLUE + 6 .byte DK_BLUE + 6, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8 .byte DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8 .byte DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8, DK_BLUE + 8 BaileyDeathAnimation_00 .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $24 ; |..X..X..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7D ; |.XXXXX.X| .byte $75 ; |.XXX.X.X| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $F7 ; |XXXX.XXX| .byte $BE ; |X.XXXXX.| .byte $BC ; |X.XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| BaileyDeathAnimation_01 .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $24 ; |..X..X..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $BE ; |X.XXXXX.| .byte $B6 ; |X.XX.XX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $F7 ; |XXXX.XXX| .byte $7D ; |.XXXXX.X| .byte $3D ; |..XXXX.X| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| BaileyGraphicValues .byte > 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L3 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L2 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L1 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R7 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R6 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R5 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R4 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R5 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R6 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R7 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_0 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L1 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L2 >> 4 .byte HMOVE_R8 | HMOVE_L3 >> 4 BaileyDeathAnimation ldx #4 lda frameCount ; get current frame count and #8 bne .setBaileyDeathAnimationIndex inx .setBaileyDeathAnimationIndex stx baileyAnimationIdx ldx #4 stx frameDelayValue ; set to delay action for 4 frames rts Div16 ShiftUpperNybblesToLower lsr lsr lsr Waste14Cycles lsr Waste12Cycles rts SetupFontHeightSixDigitDisplay lda #H_FONT - 1 ; 2 sta tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 3 SetupForSixDigitDisplay IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 ldx #12 ; 2 .skip13ScanlinesForPAL50 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 dex ; 2 bpl .skip13ScanlinesForPAL50;2³ ELSE sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 ENDIF ldx #HMOVE_R1 | MSBL_SIZE8 | THREE_COPIES;2 stx NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @16 stx NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @19 ldy #PF_REFLECT ; 2 lda #HMOVE_L4 ; 2 IF COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 sty CTRLPF ; 3 = @22 sta HMBL ; 3 = @25 ELSE SLEEP 2 ; 2 ENDIF sta RESP0 ; 3 = @28 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @31 sta RESBL ; 3 = @34 IF COMPILE_REGION != PAL50 sty CTRLPF ; 3 = @37 sta HMBL ; 3 = @40 ENDIF stx HMP0 ; 3 = @43 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sty VDELP0 ; 3 = @06 sty VDELP1 ; 3 = @09 dey ; 2 y = 0 sty GRP0 ; 3 = @14 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @17 sty GRP0 ; 3 = @20 sta tmpCharHolder ; 3 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @26 .drawSixDigitDisplay ldy tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 3 lda (digitPointers + 10),y ; 5 sta tmpCharHolder ; 3 lda (digitPointers + 8),y ; 5 tax ; 2 lda (digitPointers),y ; 5 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda (digitPointers + 2),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @14 lda (digitPointers + 4),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @22 lda (digitPointers + 6),y ; 5 ldy tmpCharHolder ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @33 stx GRP0 ; 3 = @36 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @39 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @42 dec tmpSixDigitLoopCount ; 5 bpl .drawSixDigitDisplay ; 2³ lda #HMOVE_R8 ; 2 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @54 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @57 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @08 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @11 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @14 rts ; 6 SwapPlayerVariables SUBROUTINE lda #1 eor currentPlayerNumber ; flip D0 sta currentPlayerNumber ; set new current player number ldx #5 .swapPlayerVariables lda currentPlayerVariables,x ldy reservePlayerVariables,x sty currentPlayerVariables,x sta reservePlayerVariables,x dex bpl .swapPlayerVariables rts NextRandom ldy #2 .nextRandom lda randomSeed asl asl asl eor randomSeed asl rol randomSeed dey bpl .nextRandom rts DetermineObstacleStartingHorizPos eor tmpObstacleAttribute ; flip OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK value sta obstacleAttributes,x asl ; shift OBSTACLE_DIR_MASK to carry lda #XMAX + 8 bcs SetObstacleStartingHorizPos ; branch if obstacle traveling left lda #XMIN - 40 SetObstacleStartingHorizPos sta obstacleHorizPos,x ; set obstacle horizontal position lda currentLevel ; get the current level cmp #POLAR_GRIZZLY_LEVEL bne .setInitObstaclePatternIndex lda #0 .setInitObstaclePatternIndex and #3 tay lda InitObstaclePatternIndexes,y sta obstaclePatternIndex,x DetermineObstacleNUSIZValues lda obstacleHorizPos,x ; get obstacle horizontal position ldy #8 cmp #XMAX - 32 bcc .setObstacleNUSIZValues sbc #XMAX - 32 jsr Div16 tay ; set index for NUSIZ masking table .setObstacleNUSIZValues lda obstaclePatternIndex,x ; get obstacle pattern index value and ObstacleNUSIZIndexMaskingValues,y tay ; set index for reading NUSIZ table lda ObstacleNUSIZValues,y and #OBSTACLE_NUSIZ_MASK sta obstacleNUSIZValues,x tya beq .setObstacleKernelHorizPos lda ObstacleHorizOffsetTable,y and #OBSTACLE_HORIZ_OFFSET_MASK clc adc obstacleHorizPos,x cmp #XMAX bcc .setObstacleKernelHorizPos sbc #(XMAX / 2) + 16 .setObstacleKernelHorizPos sta kernelObstacleHorizPos,x rts PolarGrizzlyAnimationValues .byte