LIST OFF ; *** J A W B R E A K E R *** ; (c) 1982 Tiger Electronic Toys, Inc. ; Designer: John Harris ; Analyzed, labeled and commented ; by Dennis Debro ; Last Update: January 14, 2005 ; ; *** 123 BYTES OF RAM USED 5 BYTES FREE ; *** 0 BYTES OF ROM FREE ; ; ============================================================================== ; = THIS REVERSE-ENGINEERING PROJECT IS BEING SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN = ; = FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THOUGH THE CODE WILL ASSEMBLE INTO THE = ; = EXACT GAME ROM, THE LABELS AND COMMENTS ARE THE INTERPRETATION OF MY OWN = ; = AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ORIGINAL VISION OF THE AUTHOR. = ; = = ; = THE ASSEMBLED CODE IS © 1982, TIGER ELECTRONIC TOYS, INC. = ; = = ; ============================================================================== ; ; - This game was know as Sierra Online's Jawbreaker II for the A8 ; - This game uses the actual horizontal positioning value ; (i.e. FINE_MOTION | COARSE_VALUE) for the position of the sprites. This ; makes the horizontal calculations look a bit awkward. The value is ; incremented/decremented by 16 and if there is an over flow 15 is added/ ; subtracted from the value to get the new position. ; - The PF is used as a masking. In other words the playfield is inverted. The ; player sees the background. The playfield is BLACK and the background is ; colored. Notice how when the player eats a candy bar the value is OR'd ; to store the value vs. AND'd to remove it. ; - SWCHA is not used to read the joystick values. Instead John uses location ; $0288. This value returns the same value as SWCHA. It's not known why this ; register was used. Some theories are John didn't know about SWCHA, he ; tried to confuse people coming behind him, or the value was double ; meaning. Maybe it was used for a table read or to skip code (this was not ; confirmed in the disassembly though). ; - RAM location $D6 isn't used ; - The game speeds aren't adjusted for PAL50. ; - This game uses a lot of overlays and flags. processor 6502 ; ; Set the read address base so this runs on the real VCS and compiles to the ; exact ROM image. This must be done before including the vcs.h header file. ; TIA_BASE_READ_ADDRESS = $30 include "tia_constants.h" include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" ; ; Make sure we are using vcs.h version 1.05 or greater. ; IF VERSION_VCS < 105 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: vcs.h file *must* be version 1.05 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF ; ; Make sure we are using macro.h version 1.01 or greater. ; IF VERSION_MACRO < 101 echo "" echo "*** ERROR: macro.h file *must* be version 1.01 or higher!" echo "*** Updates to this file, DASM, and associated tools are" echo "*** available at" echo "" err ENDIF LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== NTSC = 0 PAL50 = 1 PAL60 = 2 TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 IFNCONST COMPILE_REGION COMPILE_REGION = NTSC ; change to compile for different regions ENDIF IF !(COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL50 || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60) echo "" echo "*** ERROR: Invalid COMPILE_REGION value" echo "*** Valid values: NTSC = 0, PAL50 = 1, PAL60 = 2" echo "" err ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; F R A M E T I M I N G S ;=============================================================================== IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC || COMPILE_REGION = PAL60 FPS = 60 ; ~60 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 38 OVERSCAN_TIME = 31 ELSE FPS = 50 ; ~50 frames per second VBLANK_TIME = 69 OVERSCAN_TIME = 57 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O L O R C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== BLACK = $00 WHITE = $0F RED = $44 IF COMPILE_REGION = NTSC FIRST_SMILEY_COLOR = $CA SECOND_SMILEY_COLOR = $8A THIRD_SMILEY_COLOR = $2A FOURTH_SMILEY_COLOR = $4A PURPLE = $60 PLAYER1_LIVES_COLOR = $6C PLAYER2_LIVES_COLOR = $AC PLAYER1_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR = $EF PLAYER2_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR = $CF PLAYER1_SCORE_COLOR = RED PLAYER2_SCORE_COLOR = $C4 ELSE FIRST_SMILEY_COLOR = $CA SECOND_SMILEY_COLOR = $DA THIRD_SMILEY_COLOR = $7A FOURTH_SMILEY_COLOR = $4A PURPLE = $80 PLAYER1_LIVES_COLOR = $0F PLAYER2_LIVES_COLOR = $0F PLAYER1_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR = $2F PLAYER2_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR = $5D PLAYER1_SCORE_COLOR = $36 PLAYER2_SCORE_COLOR = $96 ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; U S E R - C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ROM_BASE = $F000 VSYNC_TIME = 24 COLOR_LIGHT_LUM = $F7 H_FONT = 8 H_PLAYER = 10 H_SMILEY = 12 H_ROW = 18 XMIN = HMOVE_L7 | 0 XMAX = HMOVE_R1 | 9 YMIN = 6 YMID = 77 YMAX = 149 PLAYER_XMIN = HMOVE_R3 | 4 PLAYER_XMID = HMOVE_L7 | 9 PLAYER_XMAX = HMOVE_L3 | 13 TOOTHBRUSH_XMIN = HMOVE_L1 | 4 TOOTHBRUSH_XMAX = HMOVE_L4 | 8 PASS_THROUGH_XMIN = HMOVE_L5 | 1 PASS_THROUGH_XMAX = HMOVE_R6 | 8 INIT_SELECT_DEBOUNCE = $94 INIT_VITAMIN_TIME = 63 NUM_RAM_CANDY = 36 MAX_GAME_SELECTION = 6 MAX_GAME_BOARD = 8 MAX_SMILEY_ANIMATIONS = 8 MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS = 9 NUM_PASS_THROUGH_GAPS = 8 NUM_CANDY_BARS = 135 STARTING_NUM_LIVES = 3 MAX_NUM_SMILIES = 4 MAX_NUM_LIVES = 4 PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK = %10101010 PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK = %01010101 ; point values (BCD) MUNCHING_CANDY_POINT_VALUE = $01 MUNCHING_SMILEY_POINT_VALUE = $20 LEVEL_DONE_POINT_VALUE = $50 ; player state mask values MASK_LIVES = %111 ; game state mask values MASK_GAME_SELECTION = %111 MASK_GAME_RUNNING = %10000000 ; player frame state mask vales MASK_DIRECTION = %11110000 MASK_DIRECTION_HORIZ = %00110000 MASK_DIRECTION_VERT = %11000000 DIRECTION_DOWN = %10000000 DIRECTION_UP = %01000000 DIRECTION_RIGHT = %00100000 DIRECTION_LEFT = %00010000 ; smiley directions FIRST_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT = %00010000 SECOND_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT = %00100000 THIRD_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT = %01000000 FOURTH_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT = %10000000 MASK_ANIMATION = %1111 RAND_EOR_8 = $4D ; frame rate values MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6 = $67 MOVE_FRAME_RATE_7 = $77 MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8 = $87 MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9 = $97 MOVE_FRAME_RATE_10 = $A7 MOVE_FRAME_RATE_11 = $B7 ; player frame delay values INIT_PLAYER_DELAY_VALUE = MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8 FAST_MOVING_PLAYER = $08 ; move 8 out of 8 frames (no frame delay) SLOW_MOVING_PLAYER = $07 ; move 7 out of 8 frames ; smiley frame delay values FAST_MOVING_SMILEY = $08 MEDIUM_MOVING_SMILEY = $06 SLOW_MOVING_SMILEY = $05 ; ; bit equates ; D7 = %10000000 D6 = %01000000 D5 = %00100000 D4 = %00010000 D3 = %00001000 D2 = %00000100 D1 = %00000010 D0 = %00000001 ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables .org $80 tempVariables ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- digitPointers = tempVariables ;-------------------------------------- tmpPassThroughDirections = digitPointers ;-------------------------------------- tmpSmileyDirections = tempVariables ;-------------------------------------- tmpMovementDelta = tempVariables ;-------------------------------------- tmpSmileyRowValues = tmpMovementDelta ;-------------------------------------- vertMovementDelta = tmpMovementDelta horizMovementDelta = vertMovementDelta + 1 ;-------------------------------------- smileyGraphicsPointer = tempVariables ;-------------------------------------- playerCoarseXPos = tempVariables playerFineXPos = playerCoarseXPos + 1 ;-------------------------------------- playerPFPixelValue = playerCoarseXPos ;-------------------------------------- bitPointerCandyRAM = playerPFPixelValue tmpSmileyXPos ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- playerGraphicsPointer = tmpSmileyXPos ;-------------------------------------- candyRAMPointer = playerGraphicsPointer ;-------------------------------------- kernelCandyBarPatterns = tempVariables ;-------------------------------------- leftCandyBarPatterns = kernelCandyBarPatterns ;-------------------------------------- leftPF1CandyBarPattern = leftCandyBarPatterns leftPF2CandyBarPattern = leftPF1CandyBarPattern + 1 rightCandyBarPatterns = kernelCandyBarPatterns + 2 ;-------------------------------------- rightPF2CandyBarPattern = rightCandyBarPatterns rightPF1CandyBarPattern = rightPF2CandyBarPattern + 1 frameDelayDifference ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- frameDelayMSB = frameDelayDifference ;-------------------------------------- newFrameDelayLSB = frameDelayMSB ;-------------------------------------- skipAllowMotionState = newFrameDelayLSB ;-------------------------------------- kernelSection = skipAllowMotionState playerGraphicIndex ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- holdDelayMotionValue = playerGraphicIndex smileyIndex ds 1 ; used in kernel tmpSmileyGraphics ds 1 ; used in kernel ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayerGraphics_a = tmpSmileyGraphics tempDigit ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayerXPos = tempDigit ;-------------------------------------- tmpSmileyCoarseValue = tmpPlayerXPos ; used in kernel ;-------------------------------------- lowestSmileyRowValue = tmpSmileyCoarseValue tmpScanlineCount ds 1 ;-------------------------------------- tmpPlayerGraphics_b = tmpScanlineCount ;-------------------------------------- loopCount = tmpPlayerGraphics_b playerGraphics ds H_PLAYER smileyRowValues ds MAX_NUM_SMILIES ;-------------------------------------- toothbrushRow = smileyRowValues smileyHorizValues ds MAX_NUM_SMILIES ;-------------------------------------- toothbrushHorizValue = smileyHorizValues smileyDelayMotion ds MAX_NUM_SMILIES smileyColors ds MAX_NUM_SMILIES ;-------------------------------------- playerDeathAnimationIndex = smileyColors ;-------------------------------------- toothbrushSoundIndexes = playerDeathAnimationIndex + 1 ;-------------------------------------- toothbrushSoundIndex1 = toothbrushSoundIndexes toothbrushSoundIndex2 = toothbrushSoundIndexes + 1 toothbrushSoundIndex3 = toothbrushSoundIndexes + 2 smileyGraphics ds H_SMILEY playfieldCandy ds 36 ;-------------------------------------- leftPF1Candy = playfieldCandy leftPF2Candy = leftPF1Candy + MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS rightPF2Candy = leftPF2Candy + MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS rightPF1Candy = rightPF2Candy + MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS smileyInSection ds 1 selectDebounce ds 1 unused_01 ds 1 ; unused ZP RAM passThroughGapDelayMotion ds 1 ballHorizPos ds NUM_PASS_THROUGH_GAPS playerStates ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1State = playerStates player2State = player1State + 1 frameDelay ds 1 ; used to delay player movements vitaminActiveTimer ds 1 ; time player can eat smilies randomSeed ds 1 gameState ds 1 numCandyBarsEaten ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1NumCandyBarsEaten = numCandyBarsEaten player2NumCandyBarsEaten = player1NumCandyBarsEaten + 1 gameBoardState ds 1 playerDelayMotion ds 1 playerHorizPos ds 1 playerVertPos ds 1 playerScoreLSB ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1ScoreLSB = playerScoreLSB player2ScoreLSB = player1ScoreLSB + 1 gameTimer ds 1 passThroughDirections ds 1 smileyDirections ds 1 smileyAnimationIndex ds 1 playerFrameState ds 1 ; ddddaaaa d = direction - a = animation frame levelNumber ds 1 smileyIndexes ds MAX_NUM_SMILIES currentSmileyNumber ds 1 ; used in kernel soundIndex ds 1 playerScoreMSB ds 2 ;-------------------------------------- player1ScoreMSB = playerScoreMSB player2ScoreMSB = player1ScoreMSB + 1 echo "***",(* - $80 - 1)d, "BYTES OF RAM USED", ($100 - * + 1)d, "BYTES FREE" ;============================================================================ ; R O M - C O D E (BANK 0) ;============================================================================ SEG Bank0 .org ROM_BASE Start ; ; Set up everything so the power up state is known. ; sei ; disable interrupts cld ; clear decimal mode lda #0 tax .clearLoop sta VSYNC,x dex bne .clearLoop sta gameState dex ; x = #$FF txs ; set stack to the beginning lda #MSBL_SIZE8 | PF_REFLECT sta CTRLPF sta randomSeed ldx #MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS - 2 ; only 8 sections have pass throughs .setInitPassThroughPositions txa clc adc #1 sta ballHorizPos,x dex bpl .setInitPassThroughPositions lda #%10100100 ; set initial pass through directions sta passThroughDirections ; 0 = move right 1 = move left lda #$0D sta passThroughGapDelayMotion ldx #9 stx WSYNC ; wait for next scan line .coarseMoveVitamin dex bne .coarseMoveVitamin sta RESM0 ; position vitamin @ pixel 141 jsr ResetPlayfieldState lda #INIT_PLAYER_DELAY_VALUE sta playerDelayMotion jmp Overscan ; Understanding how the frame movements are calculated ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This game uses fractional delay values to control the movement of the ; objects. Unfortunatley the values weren't changed for the PAL50 version so the ; PAL50 version of the game runs slower than the NTSC version. ; ; To get the movement of the object use the formula... ; frameDelay / delayMotionValueMSB ; This will give you how many frames the object is allowed to move. DetermineIfTimeToMoveObject sta holdDelayMotionValue ; save delay motion for later lsr ; divide the frame delay value by 16 lsr ; so the upper nybbles now reside in lsr ; the lower nybbles lsr sta frameDelayMSB ; save it for later lda holdDelayMotionValue ; get the delay motion value and #$0F ; mask upper nybbles sec sbc frameDelay ; subtract the current frame delay value bpl .delayObjectMotion ; delay motion if the value is positive ldy #<-1 .getNewFrameDelayLSB iny clc adc frameDelayMSB bmi .getNewFrameDelayLSB sta newFrameDelayLSB ; save new frame delay LSB lda holdDelayMotionValue ; get current frame delay value and #$F0 ; mask LSB ora newFrameDelayLSB ; or in new LSB for new frame delay value sty skipAllowMotionState clc ; clear carry to allow movement this frame rts .delayObjectMotion sta frameDelayDifference ; save the difference from subrtaction lda holdDelayMotionValue ; get initial delay motion value and #$F0 ; mask lower nybbles ora frameDelayDifference ; or in new lower nybble values sec ; set carry to skip movement this frame rts ResetCandyPlayfield ldx #NUM_RAM_CANDY .resetCandyPlayfieldLoop lda player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active beq .skipPlayer2Reset asl ; shift active player flag to carry ldy #0 lda #PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK bcs .resetPlayer2CandyEaten sty player1NumCandyBarsEaten ; reset number of candy eaten by player 1 bcc .skipPlayer2Reset ; unconditional branch .resetPlayer2CandyEaten sty player2NumCandyBarsEaten ; reset number of candy eaten by player 2 lda #PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK .skipPlayer2Reset and playfieldCandy - 1,x sta playfieldCandy - 1,x cpx #10 bcs .nextCandySet ora #%11000000 sta playfieldCandy - 1,x .nextCandySet dex bne .resetCandyPlayfieldLoop rts IncrementScore tay ; move points to y temporarily jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active tya ; restore accumulator with point value sed ; set decimal mode clc adc playerScoreLSB,x sta playerScoreLSB,x lda playerScoreMSB,x adc #0 sta playerScoreMSB,x cld ; clear decimal mode rts SetXForActivePlayer ldx #0 ; assume player 1 is active lda player1State ; get player 1's state bpl .leaveRoutine ; leave routine if player 1 is active ldx #1 ; set for player 2 active .leaveRoutine rts DetermineRowOfPlayer lda playerVertPos ; get the player's vertical position ldy #0 sec sbc #5 beq .doneDetermineRowOfPlayer .incrementRowNumber iny sec sbc #H_ROW beq .doneDetermineRowOfPlayer cmp #192 bcc .incrementRowNumber .doneDetermineRowOfPlayer rts BCDToDigits sta tempDigit ; 3 and #$F0 ; 2 mask the lower nybbles lsr ; 2 divide the value by 2 clc ; 2 adc #NumberFonts ; 2 get the number fon MSB adc #0 ; 2 sta digitPointers + 1,x ; 4 set MSB pointer to digit lda tempDigit ; 3 = @26 reload accumulator with digit LSBToDigits and #$0F ; 2 mask the upper nybble asl ; 2 muliply the value by 8 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 clc ; 2 adc #NumberFonts ; 2 adc #0 ; 2 sta digitPointers + 3,x ; 4 set MSB pointer to digit rts ; 6 = @30 ResetPlayfieldState jsr ResetCandyPlayfield lda #INIT_VITAMIN_TIME sta gameBoardState stx AUDC0 ; set audio channels to 0 (x = 0) stx AUDC1 ResetPlayerPositions jsr SetSmileyAttributes ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .setInitSmileyValues txa ; move smiley number to accumulator sta smileyIndexes,x asl ; multiply smiley number by 2 adc #1 ; increment the value by 1 sta smileyRowValues,x ; to set smiley initial row value and sta smileyHorizValues,x ; set smiley's init horizontal position dex bpl .setInitSmileyValues ldx #H_PLAYER - 1 .setInitJawGraphics lda InitJawGraphics,x sta playerGraphics,x dex bpl .setInitJawGraphics lda #PLAYER_XMID sta playerHorizPos ; center player horizontally lda #YMID sta playerVertPos ; center player vertically inx ; x = 0 stx COLUPF ; set playfield color to BLACK stx playerFrameState stx vitaminActiveTimer lda #%10100000 sta smileyDirections ; set initial smiley directions lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state ora #INIT_VITAMIN_TIME sta gameBoardState lda #PURPLE + 6 sta COLUBK ; set background color rts SetSmileyAttributes lda levelNumber ; get current level number ldx player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bpl .maskLevelNumber ; branch if not (i.e. player 2 active) lsr ; shift player 1 level number into lower lsr ; nybbles lsr .maskLevelNumber and #$07 asl ; multiply value by 4 asl tay ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .setAttributes lda SmileyColorTable,x sta smileyColors,x lda SmileyDelayMotionValues,y sta smileyDelayMotion,x iny dex bpl .setAttributes rts ; Comments on this from David Galloway: ; This constant doesn't give proper coverage. The sequence repeats after 35 ; iterations. ; ; If they had only used #$4E then the sequence is a proper LFSR with 127 ; iterations before repeat covering every value from 1 - 127 NextRandom lda randomSeed asl bcc .skipXOR eor #RAND_EOR_8 .skipXOR sta randomSeed rts DetermineLevelNumber SUBROUTINE lda levelNumber ; get current level number ldx player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bpl .maskLevelNumber ; branch if not (i.e. player 2 active) lsr ; shift player 1 level number into lower lsr ; nybbles lsr .maskLevelNumber and #$07 rts Overscan lda #OVERSCAN_TIME sta TIM64T ; set timer for overscan period lda gameTimer ; get the current game timer lsr ; shift D0 into carry bcc ReadConsoleSwitches ; branch if on an even time value jmp CheckPlayerSmileyCollision ReadConsoleSwitches lda SWCHB ; read console switch value tay ; save value in y for later use and #SELECT_MASK bne .checkForGameReset lda selectDebounce ; get select debounce rate bpl .incrementGameSelection dec selectDebounce ; reduce select debounc rate bne .incrementAttractModeTimer .incrementGameSelection lda #INIT_SELECT_DEBOUNCE sta selectDebounce ; re-initialize select debounce rate inc gameState lda gameState ; get game state for game selection and #MASK_GAME_SELECTION ; mask the game selection cmp #MAX_GAME_SELECTION bcc .setGameSelection lda #0 .setGameSelection sta gameState jsr ResetPlayfieldState bne .incrementAttractModeTimer ; unconditional branch .checkForGameReset lda #0 sta selectDebounce ; reset select debounce rate tya ; move console switch value to accumulator and #RESET_MASK ; mask for GAME RESET beq StartNewGame ; start a new game of RESET pressed lda gameState ; get current game state bmi CheckForGameOver ; branch if game in progress .incrementAttractModeTimer inc vitaminActiveTimer ; increment attract mode timer bpl .jmpToVerticalSync ldy vitaminActiveTimer ; get attract mode timer iny bne .jmpToVerticalSync lda #$80 sta vitaminActiveTimer ; reset attract mode timer jsr NextRandom ; get new random number for color cycling lda #PURPLE + 6 eor randomSeed and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM sta COLUBK lda randomSeed and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM sta COLUPF ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .setSmileyAttractModeColors lda smileyColors,x eor randomSeed and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM sta smileyColors,x dex bpl .setSmileyAttractModeColors .jmpToVerticalSync jmp VerticalSync StartNewGame lda gameState ; get current game state bmi .initializeGameVariables ; branch if game in progress ora #MASK_GAME_RUNNING sta gameState ; set game state to GAME_RUNNING lda vitaminActiveTimer ; get the attract mode timer sta randomSeed ; set it to the random seed .initializeGameVariables ldx #0 stx levelNumber stx player1ScoreLSB stx player2ScoreLSB stx player1ScoreMSB stx player2ScoreMSB stx player1State jsr ResetPlayfieldState stx player1NumCandyBarsEaten stx player2NumCandyBarsEaten ldx #STARTING_NUM_LIVES stx player1State ; set player1's initial number of lives lda gameState ; get current game state lsr ; move D0 to carry bcs .setPlayer2Lives ; branch if a two player game ldx #0 .setPlayer2Lives stx player2State bpl .jmpToVerticalSync ; unconditional branch CheckForGameOver ldx #1 .checkNumberOfLives lda playerStates,x ; get current player state and #MASK_LIVES ; mask to get number of remaining lives bne jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush ; branch if player has lives remaining dex ; check next player bpl .checkNumberOfLives lda gameState ; get current game state and #~MASK_GAME_RUNNING sta gameState ; set game state to GAME OVER jmp .incrementAttractModeTimer CheckPlayerSmileyCollision bit gameBoardState ; check game board state bvs DoPlayerDeathAnimation ; branch if player caught by smiley bmi jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush lda CXPPMM ; check player to player collisions bpl jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush ; branch if no player collisions jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer bne jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush ldx #H_SMILEY - 1 lda vitaminActiveTimer ; determine if vitamin is active beq SmileyCaughtPlayer ; if not active then smiley caught player ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES tya ; move player row number to accumulator .findSmileyLoop dex bmi jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush ; branch if no smiley found cmp smileyRowValues,x bne .findSmileyLoop lda #138 sta soundIndex lda #$80 sta smileyRowValues,x lda #MUNCHING_SMILEY_POINT_VALUE jsr IncrementScore jmpToMoveSmiliesOrToothbrush jmp MoveSmiliesOrToothbrush SmileyCaughtPlayer SUBROUTINE .clearSmileyGraphics sta smileyGraphics,x ; a = 0 dex bpl .clearSmileyGraphics sta soundIndex sta playerDeathAnimationIndex ; reset player death animtion index lda #%00111000 sta playerGraphics lda #%01111100 sta playerGraphics + 1 lda #%10000000 sta smileyRowValues lda #4 sta smileyHorizValues ; set death animation frame wait lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state ora #%01000000 sta gameBoardState ; set to show player caught by smiley bne .setPlayerDeathAnimation ; unconditional branch DoPlayerDeathAnimation dec smileyHorizValues ; reduce death animation frame wait bne .jmpToVerticalSync lda #4 sta smileyHorizValues ; reset death animation frame wait .setPlayerDeathAnimation lda playerDeathAnimationIndex asl ; multiply by 8 asl asl tay ldx #0 .setPlayerDeathGraphics lda InitJawGraphics + 2,y sta playerGraphics + 2,x iny ; increment graphics table index inx ; increment RAM location index cpx #H_PLAYER - 2 bcc .setPlayerDeathGraphics lda #4 sta AUDC1 lda #6 sta AUDV1 inc playerDeathAnimationIndex ; increment player death animation index lda playerDeathAnimationIndex ; get death animtion index clc adc #3 ; increase value by 3 for death frequency sta AUDF1 cmp #10 bne .jmpToVerticalSync lda #0 sta AUDC1 lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state and #%10111111 ; clear the player caught by smiley flag sta gameBoardState jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active dec playerStates,x ; reduce number of lives lda gameState ; get current game state lsr ; move D0 to carry bcc .jmpToResetPlayerPositions ; branch if this is a one player game ldx #0 ; assume player 1 is active lda player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bmi .checkNumberOfRemainingLives ldx #1 ; set index for player 2 .checkNumberOfRemainingLives lda playerStates,x ; get current player state and #MASK_LIVES ; mask to get number of remaining lives beq .jmpToResetPlayerPositions ; branch if no more lives remaining lda player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bmi .setPlayer2Active ; branch if player 1 is active ora #%10000000 ; make player 1 active bmi .setPlayerActiveState ; unconditional branch .setPlayer2Active and #%01111111 .setPlayerActiveState sta player1State .jmpToResetPlayerPositions jsr ResetPlayerPositions .jmpToVerticalSync jmp VerticalSync MoveSmiliesOrToothbrush lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state bpl DetermineToMoveSmilies ; move smilies if board not finished ldx #0 ; index for tooth brush horizontal value jmp MoveToothbrush DetermineToMoveSmilies ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 MoveNextSmiley lda gameState ; get the current game state and #MASK_GAME_SELECTION ; mask to get game selection lsr ; divide value by 2 (0 <= a <= 3) tay lda SmileyFrameDelayValues,y sta frameDelay ; set frame delay for smilies lda smileyDelayMotion,x jsr DetermineIfTimeToMoveObject sta smileyDelayMotion,x bcc MoveSmileySprite jmp DoNextSmiley MoveSmileySprite lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values sta tmpSmileyDirections ; save to manipulate the values txa ; move smiley number to accumulator tay ; move smiley number to y .shiftSmileyDirectionToCarry asl tmpSmileyDirections ; shift current smiley direction to carry dey ; reduce smiley number bpl .shiftSmileyDirectionToCarry lda smileyRowValues,x ; get smiley's row value bpl .moveSmiley inc smileyRowValues,x beq .setSmileyToRow10 jmp DoNextSmiley .moveSmiley bcs .smileyTravelingLeft jsr MoveSmileyRight ; increment the smiley horizontal position cmp #XMIN ; compare with XMIN to see if off screen .checkIfSmileyOffScreen beq DetermineNewRowOfSmiley cmp #HMOVE_L6 | 3 beq DetermineSmileyChangeDirection cmp #HMOVE_R4 | 6 beq DetermineSmileyChangeDirection bne .doneMoveSmileySprite ; unconditional branch .smileyTravelingLeft jsr MoveSmileyLeft ; decrement the smiley horizontal position cmp #XMAX ; compare with XMAX to see if off screen jmp .checkIfSmileyOffScreen .setSmileyToRow10 lda #10 sta smileyRowValues,x jmp DetermineNewRowOfSmiley DetermineSmileyChangeDirection jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer tya ; move row number to accumulator cmp smileyRowValues,x ; compare with row value of smiley bne .randomlyChangeDirection jsr NextRandom ; re-seed random number cmp #48 bcc .checkToChangeSmileyDirection lda smileyHorizValues,x ; get smiley's horizontal position and #$0F ; mask fine motion position clc adc #4 sta tmpSmileyXPos ; save for later lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position and #$0F ; mask fine motion position cmp tmpSmileyXPos ; compare with smiley's coarse position bcc .playerToTheLeftOfSmiley lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values and SmileyLeftTravelValues,x beq .changeSmileyDirection bne .doneMoveSmileySprite ; unconditional branch .playerToTheLeftOfSmiley lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values and SmileyLeftTravelValues,x bne .changeSmileyDirection beq .doneMoveSmileySprite ; unconditional branch .randomlyChangeDirection jsr NextRandom ; re-seed random number cmp #192 ; if value greater than 192 then don't bcc .checkToChangeSmileyDirection; change smiley direction bcs .doneMoveSmileySprite ; unconditional branch .checkToChangeSmileyDirection jsr NextRandom ; re-seed random number bmi .changeSmileyDirection ; change smiley direction if random >= 128 bpl .doneMoveSmileySprite ; unconditional branch .changeSmileyDirection lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values and SmileyLeftTravelValues,x bne .setSmileyDirectionToRight lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values ora SmileyLeftTravelValues,x ; or in the left travel value for smiley jmp .setSmileyDirection ; could use unconditionl branch -- bne .setSmileyDirectionToRight lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values and SmileyRightTravelValues,x ; and in the right travel value for smiley .setSmileyDirection sta smileyDirections .doneMoveSmileySprite jmp DetermineToMoveSmiley DetermineNewRowOfSmiley SUBROUTINE lda vitaminActiveTimer ; determine if the vitamin is active bne CalculateRandomSmileyRow ; branch if vitamin active jsr NextRandom ; get a new random number cmp #32 bcc CalculateRandomSmileyRow jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer ; get the row the player is in tya ; move player row to accumulator jmp NewSmileyRowFound CalculateRandomSmileyRow jsr NextRandom ; get a new random number ldy #<-1 .nextRow iny ; increment row count sec sbc #(H_SMILEY * 2) + 4 beq NewSmileyRowFound cmp #228 bcc .nextRow NewSmileyRowFound tya ; move computed row to accumulator cmp smileyRowValues,x ; compare with the row of smiley beq .setNewSmileyRowValue ldy #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .findFreeSmileyRow cmp smileyRowValues,y ; compare with row of another smiley beq CalculateRandomSmileyRow ; re-compute row if in same row as another dey bpl .findFreeSmileyRow .setNewSmileyRowValue sta smileyRowValues,x jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer ; get the row the player is in tya ; move player row to accumulator cmp smileyRowValues,x ; see if player and smiley in same row bne SetSmileyNewDirection lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position and #$0F ; mask fine motion position cmp #8 ; compare player's coarse value with 8 bcc .setSmileyDirectionToRight bcs .setSmileyDirectionToLeft ; unconditional branch SetSmileyNewDirection jsr NextRandom bmi .setSmileyDirectionToRight .setSmileyDirectionToLeft lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values ora SmileyLeftTravelValues,x ; or in the left travel value for smiley sta smileyDirections ; set to make smiley move left next frame lda #XMIN bne .setSmileyNewHorizontalValue ; unconditional branch .setSmileyDirectionToRight lda smileyDirections ; get the smiley direction values and SmileyRightTravelValues,x ; and in the right travel value for smiley sta smileyDirections ; set to make smiley move right next frame lda #XMAX .setSmileyNewHorizontalValue sta smileyHorizValues,x DetermineToMoveSmiley dec skipAllowMotionState ; reduce skipAllowMotionState value bmi DoNextSmiley ; branch if not moving this frame jmp MoveSmileySprite DoNextSmiley dex bmi .doneMovingSmilies jmp MoveNextSmiley .doneMovingSmilies jmp VerticalSync MoveToothbrush lda toothbrushSoundIndex1 beq CheckToMoveToothbrushRight bpl ChangeToothbrushToLeft jsr MoveSmileyRight ; move toothbrush to the right cmp #TOOTHBRUSH_XMIN bne .doneMovingSmilies lda #0 sta toothbrushSoundIndex1 lda #7 sta toothbrushSoundIndex3 lda #12 sta toothbrushSoundIndex2 bne .doneMovingSmilies ; unconditional branch ChangeToothbrushToLeft dec toothbrushSoundIndex2 lda toothbrushSoundIndex2 bmi .moveToothbrushLeft_a lsr ; divide value by 2 sta AUDV1 ; for sound volume .moveToothbrushLeft_a jsr MoveSmileyLeft cmp #TOOTHBRUSH_XMAX bne .setChannelAndFreqForToothbrush jsr ResetPlayfieldState bne .doneToothbrushMovement ; unconditional branch CheckToMoveToothbrushRight lda toothbrushSoundIndex3 lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc ChangeToothbrushToRight ; if even then change Toothbrush direction dec toothbrushSoundIndex2 lda toothbrushSoundIndex2 bmi .moveToothbrushLeft_b lsr ; divide value by 2 sta AUDV1 ; for sound volume .moveToothbrushLeft_b jsr MoveSmileyLeft cmp #HMOVE_L6 | 5 bne .setChannelAndFreqForToothbrush dec toothbrushSoundIndex3 lda #12 sta toothbrushSoundIndex2 .setChannelAndFreqForToothbrush lda #$08 sta AUDC1 lda #$05 sta AUDF1 .doneToothbrushMovement jmp VerticalSync ChangeToothbrushToRight dec toothbrushSoundIndex2 lda toothbrushSoundIndex2 bmi .moveToothbrushRight lsr ; divide value by 2 sta AUDV1 ; for sound volume .moveToothbrushRight jsr MoveSmileyRight cmp #TOOTHBRUSH_XMIN bne .setChannelAndFreqForToothbrush lda #12 sta toothbrushSoundIndex2 dec toothbrushSoundIndex3 bpl .setChannelAndFreqForToothbrush lda #1 sta toothbrushSoundIndex1 bne .doneToothbrushMovement ; unconditional branch MoveSmileyRight lda smileyHorizValues,x ; get the smiley's horizontal value clc adc #16 ; increment value by 16 bvc .setSmileyHorizPosition ; check to see if overflow happened adc #15 ; if so then add 15 for the new position .setSmileyHorizPosition sta smileyHorizValues,x rts MoveSmileyLeft lda smileyHorizValues,x ; get the smiley's horizontal value sec sbc #16 ; subtract value by 16 bvc .setSmileyHorizPosition ; check to see if overflow happened sbc #15 ; if so the subtract 15 for new position jmp .setSmileyHorizPosition VerticalSync SUBROUTINE .waitTime lda TIMINT bpl .waitTime sta WSYNC ; end last scan line lda #DISABLE_TIA | START_VERT_SYNC sta VBLANK ; disable TIA (D1 = 1) sta VSYNC ; start vertical sync (D1 = 1) ldx #VSYNC_TIME stx TIM8T ; set timer for vertical sync time bit gameState ; check if game in progress bmi CheckForActiveVitamin ; branch if game in progress sta gameTimer ; set game timer to 2 jmp CheckPlayerVitaminCollision CheckForActiveVitamin dec gameTimer ; reduce game timer bne CheckPlayerVitaminCollision lda #30 sta gameTimer ; reset game timer bit gameBoardState ; check game board state bmi CheckPlayerVitaminCollision ; branch if game board done bvs CheckPlayerVitaminCollision ; branch if player caught by smiley lda vitaminActiveTimer ; get the vitamin timer beq DetermineToActivateVitamin ; branch if vitamin not active dec vitaminActiveTimer ; reduce vitamin timer beq .vitaminNotActive ldy #RED ; Smilies to be RED (vitamin active) ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 lda vitaminActiveTimer ; get the vitamin timer cmp #5 ; see if it's time to flash smiley colors bcs .colorSmilies ; color smiley RED if greater than 4 lsr ; move D0 to carry bcs .colorSmilies ; color RED on odd frames ldy #WHITE ; Smilies to be WHITE .colorSmilies sty smileyColors,x ; set Smiley colors lda #$C7 sta smileyDelayMotion,x dex bpl .colorSmilies bmi DoGameSounds ; unconditional branch .vitaminNotActive jsr SetSmileyAttributes jmp .vsyncWaitTime DetermineToActivateVitamin lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state and #$0F ; mask to get the vitamin timer beq CheckPlayerVitaminCollision ; branch if vitamin active dec gameBoardState ; reduce the vitamin timer ldy gameBoardState ; load y with the current game board state tya ; move gameBoardState to accumulator and #$0F ; mask to get current vitamin timer bne CheckPlayerVitaminCollision tya ; move gameBoardState to accumulator and #%00110000 bne CheckPlayerVitaminCollision inc gameBoardState CheckPlayerVitaminCollision bit CXM0P ; check missile 0 collisions bvc DoGameSounds ; branch if player not eaten vitamin lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state ora #$0F ; set the init vitamin timer sta gameBoardState jsr DetermineLevelNumber sta vitaminActiveTimer ; set the init vitamin active timer lda #13 sta soundIndex sec sbc vitaminActiveTimer sta vitaminActiveTimer lda gameBoardState ; get the current board state sec sbc #$10 sta gameBoardState lda #1 sta gameTimer ; set game timer to 1 DoGameSounds lda soundIndex ; get the sound index value beq .vsyncWaitTime ; skip sound if set to 0 bmi .playExtraLifeOrEatingSmiley ; extra life or points for smiley sound lda #8 sta AUDC1 lda #24 sta AUDF1 lda soundIndex sta AUDV1 dec soundIndex dec soundIndex lda soundIndex cmp #2 bcs .vsyncWaitTime lda #0 sta AUDC1 sta soundIndex beq .vsyncWaitTime ; unconditional branch .playExtraLifeOrEatingSmiley cmp #144 bcs .playExtraLifeSound and #$7F ; mask D7 of sound index tax ; move to x for table index dec soundIndex lda #12 sta AUDC1 sta AUDV1 lda MoveToothbrush + 14,x ; use code for freq and channel values sta AUDF1 bne .vsyncWaitTime sta AUDC1 sta soundIndex beq .vsyncWaitTime ; unconditional branch .playExtraLifeSound sta AUDV1 lda #12 sta AUDC1 lda #1 sta AUDF1 dec soundIndex dec soundIndex lda soundIndex cmp #192 bcs .vsyncWaitTime lda #0 sta soundIndex ; reset sound index sta AUDC1 .vsyncWaitTime lda TIMINT bpl .vsyncWaitTime lda #0 sta WSYNC ; wait for next scan line sta VSYNC ; end vertical sync (D1 = 0) sta VBLANK ; enable TIA (D1 = 0) lda #VBLANK_TIME sta TIM64T ; set timer for vertical blank time sta CXCLR ; clear all collision registers jmp StartGameCalculations SmileyRightTravelValues .byte ~FOURTH_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT, ~THIRD_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT .byte ~SECOND_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT, ~FIRST_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT SmileyLeftTravelValues .byte FOURTH_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT, THIRD_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT .byte SECOND_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT, FIRST_SMILEY_TRAVEL_LEFT SmileyColorTable .byte FIRST_SMILEY_COLOR, SECOND_SMILEY_COLOR .byte THIRD_SMILEY_COLOR, FOURTH_SMILEY_COLOR SmileyDelayMotionValues .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_10 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_11, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_10, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_10, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_7 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_10, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_7, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_7 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_9 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8 .byte MOVE_FRAME_RATE_8, MOVE_FRAME_RATE_6 SmileyFrameDelayValues .byte FAST_MOVING_SMILEY, MEDIUM_MOVING_SMILEY, SLOW_MOVING_SMILEY InitJawGraphics .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $44 ; |.X...X..| .byte $44 ; |.X...X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $44 ; |.X...X..| .byte $44 ; |.X...X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $08 ; |....X...| .byte $08 ; |....X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $40 ; |.X......| .byte $40 ; |.X......| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $08 ; |....X...| .byte $08 ; |....X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $40 ; |.X......| .byte $40 ; |.X......| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| StartGameCalculations bit gameBoardState ; check the game board state bvc CheckForEatingCandy ; branch if player not caught by smiley jmp SetSmileySpriteAnimation ; Understanding how the pointers are calculated for eating dots algorithm ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The player has a horizontal range in pixels of 75 - 204. To determine these ; values we use the formula (((C * 5) + 4) * 3) + HMOVE. ; ; The PF pixels are set up in the following manner (the PF is reflected) ; ; ----------------------- PF Pixels ----------------------- ; | PF0 | PF1 | PF2 | PF2 | PF1 | PF0 | ; |68 . 83|84 .. 115|116.. 147|148.. 179|180.. 211|212.227| ; ; Only PF1 and PF2 are used for the dots. Also remember the display is ; inverted...meaning the purple items are the background colors and the black ; items are the PF values. ; ; PF1 starts are cycle 84. Using the formula above the least coarse value to ; get in this area is 5. ; ; So to compute the coarse value pixel associated to the dots John first ; reduces the value by 5 (the least coarse value for the dot patterns). Then ; he takes this value and multiplies it by 15 which would be ; [((C * 5) + 4) * 3] - 87 which is... ; the computed coarse pixel position minus the least coarse pixel position for ; the dots. ; ; Next John adds in the fine motion value to get the player's horizontal ; pixel. If the player is moving right then the value is made negative so the ; fine motion is *added* to 7 (the fine motion offset). Once the fine motion ; has been added the value is increased by 2 and the following table is used ; for the PF pixels. ; ; ----------------------- PF Pixels ----------------------- ; | PF0 | PF1 | PF2 | PF2 | PF1 | PF0 | ; |0 . 15|16 .. 47|48 .. 79|80 .. 111|112.. 143|144.159| CheckForEatingCandy jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer ; y holds the row the player is in bne CheckForGameBoardDone lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position and #$0F ; mask fine motion position sec sbc #5 ; subtract 5 from coarse value sta playerCoarseXPos ; save value for later beq .computeFineMotionPosition ; this could be removed to save 2 bytes asl ; multiply the value by 16 asl asl asl sec sbc playerCoarseXPos ; subtract original value so the value sta playerCoarseXPos ; becomes (x * 15) .computeFineMotionPosition lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position lsr ; shift the fine motion value down to lsr ; the lower nybbles lsr lsr ldx playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position bpl .computePointerForCandyRAM ; branch if fine motion is moving left ora #$F0 ; make negative so it's added to coarse ; value .computePointerForCandyRAM sta playerFineXPos lda #HMOVE_L7 >> 4 sec sbc playerFineXPos ; subtract fine motion value clc adc playerCoarseXPos ; add in coarse value to get position clc adc #2 bmi CheckForGameBoardDone ; branch if value out of range sta playerPFPixelValue and #7 bne CheckForGameBoardDone ; branch if value not divisible by 8 lda playerPFPixelValue ; get the PF pixel value lsr ; divide the value by 8 (represents the lsr ; bit values of the candy RAM values) lsr sta bitPointerCandyRAM lsr ; divide the value by 32 to get the index lsr ; to read the pointers to RAM tax lda PlayfieldCandyPointers,x sta candyRAMPointer lda #0 ; set MSB to 0 because we are reading/ sta candyRAMPointer + 1 ; writing to ZP lda bitPointerCandyRAM ldx player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bpl .removeEatenCandyBar ; branch if player 2 is active clc adc #16 ; add 16 to get player 1 masking offset .removeEatenCandyBar tax lda (candyRAMPointer),y ; read the candy bar pattern for the row and CandyBarMaskingValues,x bne .determineToMovePlayer lda (candyRAMPointer),y ; read the candy bar pattern for the row ora CandyBarMaskingValues,x ; or in the masking value sta (candyRAMPointer),y ; and set the pattern for the candy bars lda #MUNCHING_CANDY_POINT_VALUE jsr IncrementScore ; increment score for eating candy bar lda soundIndex bne .incrementCandyBarsEaten lda #10 sta soundIndex .incrementCandyBarsEaten jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active inc numCandyBarsEaten,x ; increment player's number of candy eaten bne .determineToMovePlayer ; unconditional branch CheckForGameBoardDone lda gameBoardState ; get the current game board state bmi SetToothbrushGraphics ; branch if board done jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active lda numCandyBarsEaten,x ; get number of candy eaten by player cmp #NUM_CANDY_BARS ; compare with max number of candy .determineToMovePlayer bne DetermineToMovePlayer lda #LEVEL_DONE_POINT_VALUE jsr IncrementScore ; increment score with bonus points lda gameBoardState ; get the current game board state ora #%10001111 sta gameBoardState ; set to show board finished ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .loop lda #$FF sta smileyRowValues,x sta toothbrushSoundIndex1 txa sta smileyIndexes,x dex bpl .loop lda #0 sta smileyDirections lda #HMOVE_L4 | 8 sta toothbrushHorizValue lda #4 sta toothbrushRow ; set the toothbrush in row 4 lda #YMID sta playerVertPos ; center player vertically lda #PLAYER_XMID sta playerHorizPos ; center player horizontally lda #WHITE sta smileyColors jsr DetermineLevelNumber ; get the current level number cmp #MAX_GAME_BOARD - 1 ; see if the player has reached the max beq SetToothbrushGraphics ; if so then skip the extra life logic and #1 ; only increment the number of lives if beq IncrementGameLevel ; this is an odd level number jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active lda playerStates,x ; get current player state and #MASK_LIVES ; mask to get number of remaining lives cmp #MAX_NUM_LIVES ; see if reached max number of lives beq IncrementGameLevel inc playerStates,x ; increment number of lives lda #255 sta soundIndex IncrementGameLevel ldx player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bpl .incrementPlayer2LevelNumber lda levelNumber ; get current level number clc adc #8 ; increment by 8 to increase player 1's sta levelNumber ; level number bne SetToothbrushGraphics ; unconditional branch .incrementPlayer2LevelNumber inc levelNumber SetToothbrushGraphics ldx #H_SMILEY - 1 .toothbrushGraphicsLoop lda Toothbrush,x sta smileyGraphics,x dex bpl .toothbrushGraphicsLoop ldx #H_PLAYER - 1 .setJawSpriteGraphics lda JawSprites,x sta playerGraphics,x dex bpl .setJawSpriteGraphics DetermineToMovePlayer lda gameState ; get current game state bpl .skipJoystickRead ; branch if game not in progress bit gameBoardState ; check game board state bmi .skipJoystickRead ; branch if board done jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; determine which player is active jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer bne DeterminePlayerDifficulty lda INPT4,x ; read the player's fire button value bpl .skipJoystickRead ; skip joystick read if pressing button DeterminePlayerDifficulty ldy #SLOW_MOVING_PLAYER ; assume EXPERT (delay 1 out 8 frames) lda SWCHB ; read the console switches and DifficultySwitchMask,x ; and the difficulty mask for the player bne .setJawsFrameDelay ; set frame delay if EXPERT setting ldy #FAST_MOVING_PLAYER ; use AMATEUR setting (no frame delay) .setJawsFrameDelay sty frameDelay ; set frame delay for player motion lda playerDelayMotion jsr DetermineIfTimeToMoveObject sta playerDelayMotion bcc DeterminePlayerDirection .skipJoystickRead jmp SetSmileySpriteAnimation DeterminePlayerDirection lda $0288 ; read joystick values ldx player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bpl .shiftPlayer1JoystickValues ; shift joystick values if active and #$0F ; mask player 1's joystick values bne .determineMovementDelta ; unconditional branch .shiftPlayer1JoystickValues lsr ; shift player 1's joystick values lsr ; to the lower nybbles lsr lsr .determineMovementDelta tax ; move joystick values to x lda HorizontalDirectionTable,x ; read horizontal delta values sta horizMovementDelta lda VerticalDirectionTable,x ; read vertical delta values sta vertMovementDelta beq DeterminePlayerHorizMovement ; branch if invalid vertical value jsr DetermineVertAllowedMotion bcs DeterminePlayerHorizMovement lda horizMovementDelta ; get the horizontal movement direction bne DeterminePlayerVertMovement ; branch if valid horizontal value lda vertMovementDelta ; get the vertical movement direction bmi .movePlayerUp ; if negative then player moving up bpl .movePlayerDown ; if positive then player moving down ; unconditional branch DeterminePlayerVertMovement lda vertMovementDelta ; get the vertical movement direction bmi .determineMovePlayerUp ; branch if moving up lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #MASK_DIRECTION_VERT beq .movePlayerDown cmp #DIRECTION_DOWN ; check if the player is moving down beq DeterminePlayerHorizMovement ; branch if player moving down .movePlayerDown lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #$0F ; mask the direction bits ora #DIRECTION_DOWN ; or in the downward direction sta playerFrameState ; set the direction and branch bne MovePlayerVertically ; unconditional branch .determineMovePlayerUp lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #MASK_DIRECTION_VERT beq .movePlayerUp cmp #DIRECTION_UP ; check to see if the player is moving up beq DeterminePlayerHorizMovement ; branch if player moving up .movePlayerUp lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #$0F ; mask the direction bits ora #DIRECTION_UP ; or in the upward direction sta playerFrameState ; set the direction and branch bne MovePlayerVertically ; unconditional branch DeterminePlayerHorizMovement lda horizMovementDelta ; get the horizontal movement direction beq DetermineMovementByDirection ; branch if invalid horizontal value jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer bne DetermineMovementByDirection lda horizMovementDelta ; get the horizontal movement direction jsr DetermineHorizAllowedMotion bcs DetermineMovementByDirection lda horizMovementDelta ; get the horizontal movement direction bmi .movePlayerLeft ; branch if moving left (negative) lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #$0F ; mask the direction bits ora #DIRECTION_RIGHT ; or in right direction sta playerFrameState ; set the direction and branch bne MovePlayerHorizontally ; unconditional branch .movePlayerLeft lda playerFrameState ; get the current player frame state and #$0F ; mask the direction bits ora #DIRECTION_LEFT ; or in left direction sta playerFrameState ; set the direction and branch bne MovePlayerHorizontally ; unconditional branch DetermineMovementByDirection lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #DIRECTION_DOWN beq .checkPlayerMovingDown lda #1 .determineVertAllowedMotion jsr DetermineVertAllowedMotion bcc MovePlayerVertically bcs .setPlayerMotionToNotMoving ; unconditional branch .checkPlayerMovingDown lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #DIRECTION_UP beq .checkHorizMovementByDirection lda #<-1 bne .determineVertAllowedMotion ; unconditional branch .checkHorizMovementByDirection lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #DIRECTION_RIGHT beq .checkPlayerMovingLeft lda #1 .determineHorizAllowedMotion jsr DetermineHorizAllowedMotion bcc MovePlayerHorizontally .setPlayerMotionToNotMoving lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #$0F ; mask the direction bits sta playerFrameState ; set player direction to not moving jmp SetSmileySpriteAnimation .checkPlayerMovingLeft lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #DIRECTION_LEFT beq .setPlayerMotionToNotMoving lda #<-1 bne .determineHorizAllowedMotion ; unconditional branch MovePlayerVertically SUBROUTINE lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state bmi .movePlayerUp dec playerVertPos dec playerVertPos bne .determineJawsSpriteAnimation; unconditional branch .movePlayerUp inc playerVertPos inc playerVertPos bne .determineJawsSpriteAnimation; unconditional branch MovePlayerHorizontally lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #DIRECTION_RIGHT beq .movePlayerRight lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position sec sbc #16 ; subtract value by 16 bvc .setPlayerHorizontalPosition ; check to see if overflow happened sbc #15 ; if so then subtract 15 for new position .setPlayerHorizontalPosition sta playerHorizPos .determineJawsSpriteAnimation dec skipAllowMotionState ; reduce skipAllowMotionState value bmi SetPlayerSpriteAnimation ; branch if not moving this frame jmp DeterminePlayerDirection .movePlayerRight lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position clc adc #16 ; increment value by 16 bvc .setPlayerHorizontalPosition ; check to see if overflow happened adc #15 ; if so then add in 15 for new position bne .setPlayerHorizontalPosition ; unconditional branch SetPlayerSpriteAnimation lda gameTimer ; get the current game timer lsr ; shift D0 to carry bcc .doSmileySpriteAnimation ; branch if on an even time value lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #MASK_DIRECTION ; get the player's direction beq SetSmileySpriteAnimation and #MASK_DIRECTION_VERT beq .setForHorizontalAnimation lda #JawSpritesVertical ; set the player graphics MSB sta playerGraphicsPointer + 1 bne .incrementPlayerFrameState ; unconditional branch .setForHorizontalAnimation lda #JawSpritesHorizontal sta playerGraphicsPointer + 1 .incrementPlayerFrameState inc playerFrameState lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #$07 bne .setPlayerSpriteIndex lda playerFrameState ; get current player frame state and #MASK_DIRECTION ; reset animation frame to 0 sta playerFrameState .setPlayerSpriteIndex and #$06 asl ; multiply value by 8 (H_PLAYER) asl asl tay ldx #0 .setPlayerGraphics lda (playerGraphicsPointer),y ; read player sprite table sta playerGraphics,x ; set player graphics iny inx cpx #H_PLAYER bcc .setPlayerGraphics bcs MovePassThroughGaps ; unconditional branch SetSmileySpriteAnimation lda gameTimer ; get the current game timer lsr ; shift D0 into carry bcs MovePassThroughGaps ; branch if on an odd timer value .doSmileySpriteAnimation bit gameBoardState ; check game board state bmi MovePassThroughGaps ; branch if game board done bvs MovePassThroughGaps ; branch if player caught by smiley lda smileyAnimationIndex ; get smiley animation index clc adc #1 ; increment value by 1 cmp #MAX_SMILEY_ANIMATIONS * 2 bcc .setSmileyAnimationIndex lda #0 ; reset smiley animation index to 0 .setSmileyAnimationIndex sta smileyAnimationIndex and #$7E tay lda SmileyAnimationTable,y sta smileyGraphicsPointer lda SmileyAnimationTable + 1,y sta smileyGraphicsPointer + 1 ldy #H_SMILEY - 1 .setSmileyGraphics lda (smileyGraphicsPointer),y sta smileyGraphics,y dey bpl .setSmileyGraphics MovePassThroughGaps lda passThroughDirections ; get the pass through direction values sta tmpPassThroughDirections ; save in temp variable to be manipulated ldx #NUM_PASS_THROUGH_GAPS - 1 .movePassThroughGapLoop lda passThroughGapDelayMotion ; get the pass through delay values and PassThroughDelayMask,x ; get delay for current pass through beq .setPassThroughGapDelay ; move pass through if 0 lda passThroughGapDelayMotion ; get the pass through delay values and PassThroughMask,x ; isolate value for current pass through sta passThroughGapDelayMotion ; set pass through delay value asl tmpPassThroughDirections ; shift directions left so next direction jmp .nextPassThroughGap ; is in D7 .setPassThroughGapDelay lda #%11001101 and PassThroughDelayMask,x ; get delay for current pass through ora passThroughGapDelayMotion ; or with current delay values sta passThroughGapDelayMotion asl tmpPassThroughDirections ; shift current directions to carry bcs .movePassThroughLeft .movePassThroughRight lda ballHorizPos,x ; get horizontal position of "gap" clc adc #16 ; increment value by 16 bvc .checkXMAXRange ; check to see if overflow happened adc #15 ; if so then add in 15 for new position .checkXMAXRange cmp #PASS_THROUGH_XMIN bne .doneCurrentGapMovement lda passThroughDirections ; get the pass through direction values ora PassThroughDelayMask,x ; or the mask value in to make the gap sta passThroughDirections ; move left next frame .movePassThroughLeft lda ballHorizPos,x ; get horizontal position of "gap" sec sbc #16 ; subtract value by 16 bvc .checkXMINRange ; check to see if overflow happened sbc #15 ; if so the subtract 15 for new position .checkXMINRange cmp #PASS_THROUGH_XMAX bne .doneCurrentGapMovement lda passThroughDirections ; get the pass through direction values and PassThroughMask,x ; and the mask value to make the gap move sta passThroughDirections ; right next frame bne .movePassThroughRight .doneCurrentGapMovement sta ballHorizPos,x .nextPassThroughGap dex bpl .movePassThroughGapLoop ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 SortSmilies .tempStoreSmileyLoop lda smileyRowValues,x ; get the row value of the smiley sta tmpSmileyRowValues,x ; save it in temporary variable dex bpl .tempStoreSmileyLoop sta lowestSmileyRowValue ; save last value in floor value ldy #0 sty smileyIndexes .sortSmiliesLoop ldx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 .lowestRowValueLoop lda lowestSmileyRowValue ; get the current lowest smiley row cmp tmpSmileyRowValues,x ; compare it with the row value bcc .lookForNextLowestRowValue ; branch if less than row value lda tmpSmileyRowValues,x ; get smiley row value sta lowestSmileyRowValue ; save it as the new floor value stx smileyIndexes,y ; save index in smiley index values .lookForNextLowestRowValue dex bpl .lowestRowValueLoop ldx smileyIndexes,y lda smileyRowValues,x bpl .skipSmileyIndexSwap dey lda smileyIndexes,y iny sta smileyIndexes,y .skipSmileyIndexSwap lda #255 sta tmpSmileyRowValues,x sta lowestSmileyRowValue iny cpy #MAX_NUM_SMILIES bcc .sortSmiliesLoop jmp DoneGameCalculations DetermineHorizAllowedMotion SUBROUTINE bmi .determineAllowedLeftMotion lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position cmp #PLAYER_XMAX ; player can move right if they have not bne .setMotionAllowed ; reached the right side of the playfield .setMotionNotAllowed sec ; set carry to show motion not allowed rts .determineAllowedLeftMotion lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position cmp #PLAYER_XMIN ; player can move left if they have not beq .setMotionNotAllowed ; reached the left side of the playfield .setMotionAllowed clc ; clear carry to show motion allowed rts DetermineVertAllowedMotion SUBROUTINE bmi .determineAllowedUpwardMotion lda playerVertPos ; get the player's vertical position cmp #YMAX bcs .setMotionNotAllowed .determineBasedOnHorizPos lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position cmp #PLAYER_XMAX ; if the player is on the left or right beq .setMotionAllowed ; side of the playfield then they are cmp #PLAYER_XMIN ; allowed to move vertically beq .setMotionAllowed jsr DetermineRowOfPlayer bne .setMotionAllowed tya ; move row number to accumulator tax ; move row number to x lda vertMovementDelta ; get verical movement delta bpl .findGapForVerticalMovement ; branch if moving down dex ; moving up so reduce row number .findGapForVerticalMovement lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position and #$0F ; mask fine motion position sec sbc #4 ; subtract coarse position by 4 sta tmpPlayerXPos ; save it for later lda ballHorizPos,x ; get horizontal position of "gap" and #$0F ; mask the fine motion position cmp tmpPlayerXPos ; compare to the player's coarse position bne .setMotionNotAllowed ; vertical motion not allowed if not equal lda ballHorizPos,x ; get horizontal position of "gap" again and #$F0 ; mask the coarse position sta tmpPlayerXPos ; save it for later lda playerHorizPos ; get the player's horizontal position and #$F0 ; mask the player's coarse position sec sbc tmpPlayerXPos ; subtract the "gap's" coarse position cmp #17 ; vertical motion not allowed if greater bcs .setMotionNotAllowed ; than 16 .setMotionAllowed clc ; clear carry to show motion allowed rts .determineAllowedUpwardMotion lda playerVertPos ; get the player's vertical position cmp #YMIN ; branch if vertical position is greater bcs .determineBasedOnHorizPos ; than min value .setMotionNotAllowed sec ; set carry to show motion not allowed rts PlayfieldCandyPointers .byte leftPF1Candy, leftPF2Candy, rightPF2Candy, rightPF1Candy HorizontalDirectionTable .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 VerticalDirectionTable .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0 Toothbrush .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $55 ; |.X.X.X.X| .byte $C0 ; |XX......| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $FE ; |XXXXXXX.| .byte $C0 ; |XX......| .byte $55 ; |.X.X.X.X| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSprites JawSpritesHorizontal JawSpritesHorizontal_00 .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesHorizontal_01 .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesHorizontal_02 .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesHorizontal_03 .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesVertical JawSpritesVertical_00 .byte $34 ; |..XX.X..| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $34 ; |..XX.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesVertical_01 .byte $34 ; |..XX.X..| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $34 ; |..XX.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesVertical_02 .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| JawSpritesVertical_03 .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $46 ; |.X...XX.| .byte $62 ; |.XX...X.| .byte $20 ; |..X.....| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| PassThroughDelayMask .byte D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 PassThroughMask .byte ~D0, ~D1, ~D2, ~D3, ~D4, ~D5, ~D6, ~D7 CandyBarMaskingValues REPEAT 2 .byte D6, D4, D2, D0, D0, D2, D4, D6 REPEND REPEAT 2 .byte D7, D5, D3, D1, D1, D3, D5, D7 REPEND DifficultySwitchMask .byte P0_DIFF_MASK, P1_DIFF_MASK SmileySprites SmileyAnimation_0 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $DB ; |XX.XX.XX| .byte $DB ; |XX.XX.XX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $BD ; |X.XXXX.X| .byte $C3 ; |XX....XX| .byte $E7 ; |XXX..XXX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_1 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $ED ; |XXX.XX.X| .byte $ED ; |XXX.XX.X| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $DE ; |XX.XXXX.| .byte $E1 ; |XXX....X| .byte $F3 ; |XXXX..XX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_2 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $F6 ; |XXXX.XX.| .byte $F6 ; |XXXX.XX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $6F ; |.XX.XXXX| .byte $F0 ; |XXXX....| .byte $F9 ; |XXXXX..X| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_3 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $7B ; |.XXXX.XX| .byte $7B ; |.XXXX.XX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $B7 ; |X.XX.XXX| .byte $78 ; |.XXXX...| .byte $FC ; |XXXXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_4 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $BD ; |X.XXXX.X| .byte $BD ; |X.XXXX.X| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $DB ; |XX.XX.XX| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_5 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $DE ; |XX.XXXX.| .byte $DE ; |XX.XXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $ED ; |XXX.XX.X| .byte $1E ; |...XXXX.| .byte $3F ; |..XXXXXX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_6 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $6F ; |.XX.XXXX| .byte $6F ; |.XX.XXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $F6 ; |XXXX.XX.| .byte $0F ; |....XXXX| .byte $9F ; |X..XXXXX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimation_7 .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $B7 ; |X.XX.XXX| .byte $B7 ; |X.XX.XXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $FF ; |XXXXXXXX| .byte $7B ; |.XXXX.XX| .byte $87 ; |X....XXX| .byte $CF ; |XX..XXXX| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| SmileyAnimationTable .word SmileyAnimation_0, SmileyAnimation_1, SmileyAnimation_2 .word SmileyAnimation_3, SmileyAnimation_4, SmileyAnimation_5 .word SmileyAnimation_6, SmileyAnimation_7 NumberFonts zero .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $6E ; |.XX.XXX.| .byte $76 ; |.XXX.XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $00 ; |........| one .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $00 ; |........| two .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $00 ; |........| three .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $00 ; |........| four .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $1C ; |...XXX..| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $6C ; |.XX.XX..| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $00 ; |........| five .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $00 ; |........| six .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $60 ; |.XX.....| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $00 ; |........| seven .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $7E ; |.XXXXXX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $18 ; |...XX...| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $30 ; |..XX....| .byte $00 ; |........| eight .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $00 ; |........| nine .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $3C ; |..XXXX..| .byte $66 ; |.XX..XX.| .byte $3E ; |..XXXXX.| .byte $06 ; |.....XX.| .byte $0C ; |....XX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $00 ; |........| DoneGameCalculations lda #0 sta GRP0 ; clear the player graphics to avoid sta GRP1 ; bleeding for next frame sta VDELP0 ; do not vertical delay the players sta VDELP1 sta NUSIZ1 sta smileyIndex sta smileyInSection ; set smiley not in kernel section ldx smileyIndexes stx currentSmileyNumber ldy smileyRowValues,x bne .setTempSmileyGraphics lda #$FF sta smileyInSection ; set smiley in kernel section lda smileyGraphics .setTempSmileyGraphics sta tmpSmileyGraphics lda leftPF1Candy ; get the left PF1 candy values ldy player1State ; check to see if player 1 is active bmi .setLeftPF1CandyPattern ; branch if player 1 is active asl ; shift candy value left for player 2 .setLeftPF1CandyPattern ora #$80 | PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK sta leftPF1CandyBarPattern ; set the left PF1 pattern for the kernel lda leftPF2Candy ; get the left PF2 candy values cpy #0 ; remember y holds the active player flag bpl .setLeftPF2CandyPattern lsr ; shift candy value right for player 1 .setLeftPF2CandyPattern ora #PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK sta leftPF2CandyBarPattern ; set the left PF2 pattern for the kernel lda rightPF2Candy ; get the right PF2 candy values cpy #0 ; y holds the active player flag bmi .setRightPF2CandyPattern asl ; shift candy value left for player 2 .setRightPF2CandyPattern ora #PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK sta rightPF2CandyBarPattern ; set right PF2 pattern for the kernel lda rightPF1Candy ; get the right PF1 candy values cpy #0 ; y holds the active player flag bpl .setRightPF1CandyPattern lsr ; shift candy value right for player 1 .setRightPF1CandyPattern ora #PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK sta rightPF1CandyBarPattern ; set right PF1 pattern for the kernel lda gameState ; get the current game state and #MASK_GAME_SELECTION ; mask to get game selection clc ; increment number so player sees game adc #1 ; selection as 1 - 6 ldx #2 jsr LSBToDigits DisplayKernel SUBROUTINE .waitTime ldy TIMINT bpl .waitTime ldy #0 jsr LivesKernel ;-------------------------------------- lda #%10110000 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @22 ldx smileyIndexes ; 3 lda smileyHorizValues,x ; 4 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @32 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @35 and #$0F ; 2 sta tmpSmileyCoarseValue ; 3 lda playerHorizPos ; 3 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @46 and #$0F ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- tax ; 2 = @02 .coarseMovePlayer dex ; 2 bne .coarseMovePlayer ; 2³ sta RESP0 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 lda #MSBL_SIZE4 ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @08 lda #0 ; 2 sta kernelSection ; 3 sta playerGraphicIndex ; 3 sta VDELP1 ; 3 = @19 sta VDELP0 ; 3 = @22 sta HMP0 ; 3 = @25 ldy #1 ; 2 jmp JumpIntoGameKernel ; 3 DigitLoop lda (digitPointers + 6),y ; 5 tax ; 2 lda NumberFonts,y ; 4 sta tempDigit ; 3 lda (digitPointers + 2),y ; 5 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @30 nop ; 2 lda (digitPointers + 4),y ; 5 ldy tempDigit ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @43 stx GRP1 ; 3 = @46 sty GRP0 ; 3 = @49 sty GRP1 ; 3 = @52 ldy loopCount ; 3 iny ; 2 bne .drawDigits ; 3 DrawScoreDigits lda PlayerScoreColors,y ; 4 ldx vitaminActiveTimer ; 3 bpl .colorScoreDigits ; 2 eor randomSeed ; 3 and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM ; 2 .colorScoreDigits sta COLUP0 ; 3 sta COLUP1 ; 3 lda #THREE_COPIES ; 2 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 lda #TWO_COPIES ; 2 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 sta VDELP0 ; 3 sta VDELP1 ; 3 sta HMCLR ; 3 tay ; 2 .drawDigits lda (digitPointers),y ; 5 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @68 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sty loopCount ; 3 cpy #H_FONT - 1 ; 2 bcc DigitLoop ; 2³ lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @12 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @15 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @18 rts ; 6 LivesKernel lda playerStates,y ; 4 get current player state and #MASK_LIVES ; 2 get number of remaining lives tax ; 2 move lives number to x lda LivesIndicatorCount,x ; 4 bne .getLivesIndicatorColor; 2³ set lives colors if lives remain lda #PURPLE + 6 ; 2 set color to maze color bne .determineLivesColor ; 3 unconditional branch .getLivesIndicatorColor lda ActivePlayerLivesColor,y; 4 .determineLivesColor ldx vitaminActiveTimer ; 3 bpl .colorLivesIndicator ; 2³ eor randomSeed ; 3 and #$7F ; 2 .colorLivesIndicator sta COLUP0 ; 3 ldx #5 ; 2 stx WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- .coarseMoveLives dex ; 2 bne .coarseMoveLives ; 2³ stx RESP0 ; 3 = @27 set lives indicators @ pixel 81 ldx #4 ; 2 .wait19Cycles dex ; 2 bne .wait19Cycles ; 2³ lda playerStates,y ; 4 = @52 get current player state and #MASK_LIVES ; 2 get number of remaining lives tax ; 2 move lives number to x lda LivesIndicatorCount,x ; 4 sta NUSIZ0 ; 3 = @63 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @66 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #%00110000 ; 2 sta PF0 ; 3 = @05 lda #%00000000 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @10 sta PF2 ; 3 = @13 ldx LivesIndicatorColor,y ; 4 lda vitaminActiveTimer ; 3 bmi DrawLivesIndicators ; 2² stx COLUP1 ; 3 = @25 DrawLivesIndicators ldy #0 ; 2 .livesIndicatorLoop lda (digitPointers + 4),y ; 5 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP1 ; 3 = @03 lda LivesIndicator,y ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @10 iny ; 2 cpy #H_FONT - 1 ; 2 bcc .livesIndicatorLoop ; 2² jsr SetXForActivePlayer ; 6 determine which player is active sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @05 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @08 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @11 ldy #5 ; 2 .coarseMoveScoreDigits dey ; 2 bne .coarseMoveScoreDigits ; 2² sta RESP0 ; 3 = @40 sta RESP1 ; 3 = @43 lda #HMOVE_L1 ; 2 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @48 lda ActivePlayerLivesColor,x; 4 ldx vitaminActiveTimer ; 3 bpl .colorPlayer0 ; 2³ eor randomSeed ; 3 and #COLOR_LIGHT_LUM ; 2 .colorPlayer0 sta COLUP0 ; 3 = @65 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 ldy #%11111111 ; 2 sty PF1 ; 3 = @08 sty PF2 ; 3 = @11 rts ; 6 LivesIndicatorColor .byte PLAYER1_LIVES_COLOR, PLAYER2_LIVES_COLOR LivesIndicatorCount .byte ONE_COPY,ONE_COPY,MSBL_SIZE2,TWO_COPIES,THREE_COPIES LivesIndicator .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $54 ; |.X.X.X..| .byte $00 ; |........| .byte $28 ; |..X.X...| .byte $7C ; |.XXXXX..| .byte $38 ; |..XXX...| DetermineToDrawPlayers iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .setPlayerGraphics ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .setPlayerGraphics ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .setPlayerGraphics sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda smileyInSection ; 3 Waste12Cycles rts ; 6 .setPlayer2PF2CandyPattern lda rightPF2Candy,x ; 4 ora #PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK ; 2 sta rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 lda rightPF1Candy,x ; 4 lsr ; 2 jmp .setRightPF1CandyPattern; 3 MainKernelLoop lda #0 ; 2 ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc LastScanlineOfSection ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs LastScanlineOfSection ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 LastScanlineOfSection sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda #%10000000 ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @08 lda #ENABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENABL ; 3 = @13 enable ball (pass through gap) lda #%00000000 ; 2 sta PF2 ; 3 = @18 iny ; 2 increment scan line count lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipReadPlayerGraphics; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipReadPlayerGraphics; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .skipReadPlayerGraphics sta tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 stx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 ldx currentSmileyNumber ; 3 lda smileyHorizValues,x ; 4 ldx kernelSection ; 3 sta HMCLR ; 3 = @56 sta HMP1 ; 3 = @59 and #$0F ; 2 sta tmpSmileyCoarseValue ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda player1State ; 3 check to see if player 1 is active bmi .setPlayer2PF2CandyPattern; 2³ branch if player 2 is active lda rightPF2Candy,x ; 4 asl ; 2 ora #PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK ; 2 sta rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 lda rightPF1Candy,x ; 4 .setRightPF1CandyPattern ora #PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK ; 2 sta rightPF1CandyBarPattern; 3 JumpIntoGameKernel iny ; 2 increment scan line counter lda #0 ; 2 ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc SectionFirstScanline ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs SectionFirstScanline ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inc playerGraphicIndex ; 5 SectionFirstScanline sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 ldx #DISABLE_BM ; 2 lda #$FF ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @10 stx ENABL ; 3 = @13 disable ball graphic sta PF2 ; 3 = @16 ldx currentSmileyNumber ; 3 lda smileyRowValues,x ; 4 cmp kernelSection ; 3 bne .noSmileyThisSection ; 2³ lda smileyColors,x ; 4 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @35 color smiley sta smileyInSection ; 3 set to say smiley is in section lda smileyGraphics ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .jmpIntoFirstSection iny ; 2 increment scan line counter ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipSetPlayerGraphics ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipSetPlayerGraphics ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .skipSetPlayerGraphics iny ; 2 increment scan line counter stx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 compare scan line and player vert bcc .waste4Cycles ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs MoveSmileyNoPlayer ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 ldx tmpSmileyCoarseValue ; 3 beq .resetSmileyPosition ; 2³ nop ; 2 = @23 .coarseMoveSmiley dex ; 2 bne .coarseMoveSmiley ; 2³ .resetSmileyPosition sta RESP1 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 inc playerGraphicIndex ; 5 jmp ScanlineAfterSmileyMove; 3 .noSmileyThisSection lda #0 ; 2 sta smileyInSection ; 3 set to say smiley not in section sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 jmp .jmpIntoFirstSection ; 3 .waste4Cycles SLEEP 2 ; 2 SLEEP 2 ; 2 = @13 MoveSmileyNoPlayer SUBROUTINE lda #0 ; 2 = @15 ldx.w tmpSmileyCoarseValue ; 4 beq .resetSmileyPosition ; 2³ nop ; 2 = @23 .coarseMoveSmiley dex ; 2 bne .coarseMoveSmiley ; 2³ .resetSmileyPosition sta RESP1 ; 3 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 ScanlineAfterSmileyMove sta GRP0 ; 3 = @14 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @20 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSmileyVariables ; 2³ ldx smileyIndex ; 3 cpx #MAX_NUM_SMILIES - 1 ; 2 bcs .setTempSmileyGraphic ; 2³ inx ; 2 stx smileyIndex ; 3 lda smileyIndexes,x ; 4 sta currentSmileyNumber ; 3 .setTempSmileyGraphic lda smileyGraphics + 1 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSmileyVariables ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 iny ; 2 increment scan line number lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc SectionFifthScanline ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs SectionFifthScanline ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 SectionFifthScanline SUBROUTINE sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSetSmileyGraphic2 ; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 2 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSetSmileyGraphic2 jsr DetermineToDrawPlayers ; 6 ;-------------------------------------- beq .skipSetSmileyGraphic3 ; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 3 ; 3 = @23 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSetSmileyGraphic3 iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc SectionSeventhScanline; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs SectionSeventhScanline; 2 lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 SectionSeventhScanline sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 cpy #79 ; 2 bne .skipVitamin ; 2³ lda gameBoardState ; 3 get the current board state and #$0F ; 2 mask to get vitamin timer bne .skipVitamin ; 2³ branch if vitamin not be shown lda #ENABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENAM0 ; 3 = @25 .skipVitamin lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSetSmileyGraphic4 ; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 4 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSetSmileyGraphic4 iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc SectionEighthScanline ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs SectionEighthScanline ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 SectionEighthScanline sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda gameBoardState ; 3 get the current board state bpl .skipToothbrushHandle ; 2³ branch if not showing Toothbrush lda #QUAD_SIZE ; 2 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 = @19 lda #RED ; 2 sta COLUP1 ; 3 = @24 .skipToothbrushHandle lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq JumpIntoCandyBarKernel ; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 5 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 jmp JumpIntoCandyBarKernel ; 3 CandyBarKernel .skipSmileyDraw lda rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 sta.w PF2 ; 4 lda rightPF1CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 bne .nextCandyBarScanline ; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw lda #$FF ; 2 bne .drawRightCandyBars ; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw_c sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- bmi .jmpIntoNextCandyScanline; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw_b lda #0 ; 2 beq StartNextCandyScanline ; 3 unconditional branch .skipSmileyDraw_b lda rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 sta.w PF2 ; 4 lda rightPF1CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 bne .continueCandyBarKernel; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw_d lda #$FF ; 2 bne .drawNextRightCandyBars; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw_f sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- bmi JmpIntoEndCandyBarKernel; 3 unconditional branch .skipPlayerDraw_e lda #0 ; 2 beq EndCandyBarKernel ; 3 unconditional branch JumpIntoCandyBarKernel iny ; 2 increment scan line count lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .startCandyBarKernel ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .startCandyBarKernel ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .startCandyBarKernel iny ; 2 increment scan line count sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda leftPF1CandyBarPattern ; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @15 lda leftPF2CandyBarPattern ; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @21 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipPlayerDraw ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .drawRightCandyBars sta tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSmileyDraw ; 2³ nop ; 2 lda rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @48 lda rightPF1CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @54 lda smileyGraphics + 6 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .nextCandyBarScanline iny ; 2 increment scan line count cpx #H_PLAYER + 1 ; 2 bcs .skipPlayerDraw_b ; 2³ lda tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 bmi .skipPlayerDraw_c ; 2³ StartNextCandyScanline sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 .jmpIntoNextCandyScanline lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda leftPF1CandyBarPattern ; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @15 lda leftPF2CandyBarPattern ; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @21 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipPlayerDraw_d ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .drawNextRightCandyBars sta tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSmileyDraw_b ; 2³ nop ; 2 lda rightPF2CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF2 ; 3 = @48 lda rightPF1CandyBarPattern; 3 sta PF1 ; 3 = @54 lda smileyGraphics + 7 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .continueCandyBarKernel cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipPlayerDraw_e ; 2³ lda tmpPlayerGraphics_b ; 3 bmi .skipPlayerDraw_f ; 2³ EndCandyBarKernel sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 JmpIntoEndCandyBarKernel SUBROUTINE lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda #$FF ; 2 sta PF1 ; 3 = @14 sta PF2 ; 3 = @17 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSetSmileyGraphic8 ; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 8 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSetSmileyGraphic8 iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipPlayerDraw_a ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipPlayerDraw_a ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .skipPlayerDraw_a sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda gameBoardState ; 3 get the current board state bpl .skipDrawToothbrush ; 2³ branch if not showing Toothbrush lda #ONE_COPY ; 2 sta NUSIZ1 ; 3 lda #WHITE ; 2 sta COLUP1 ; 3 .skipDrawToothbrush lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .determineToDrawPlayers; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 9 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .determineToDrawPlayers jsr DetermineToDrawPlayers ; 6 ;-------------------------------------- beq .setVitaminEnableState ; 2³ lda #DISABLE_BM ; 2 sta ENAM0 ; 3 = @25 lda smileyGraphics + 10 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 lda #DISABLE_BM ; 2 .setVitaminEnableState sta ENAM0 ; 3 iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipPlayerDraw_b ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipPlayerDraw_b ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .skipPlayerDraw_b sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 lda smileyInSection ; 3 beq .skipSetSmileyGraphic11; 2³ lda smileyGraphics + 11 ; 3 sta tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 .skipSetSmileyGraphic11 iny ; 2 stx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 inc kernelSection ; 5 ldx kernelSection ; 3 lda leftPF2Candy,x ; 4 ldx player1State ; 3 check to see if player 1 is active bpl .orInCandyMask ; 2³ branch if player 1 is active lsr ; 2 .orInCandyMask ora #PLAYER1_CANDY_MASK ; 2 sta leftPF2CandyBarPattern ; 3 ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc PositionPassThroughGap ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs PositionPassThroughGap ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 PositionPassThroughGap SUBROUTINE sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta GRP0 ; 3 = @03 lda tmpSmileyGraphics ; 3 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @09 iny ; 2 lda #0 ; 2 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .setTempPlayerGraphics ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .setTempPlayerGraphics ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inx ; 2 .setTempPlayerGraphics sta tmpPlayerGraphics_a ; 3 stx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 sty tmpScanlineCount ; 3 store scan line count for later sta HMCLR ; 3 = @40 ldx kernelSection ; 3 lda ballHorizPos - 1,x ; 4 sta HMBL ; 3 = @50 and #$0F ; 2 mask ball fine motion tay ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- lda tmpPlayerGraphics_a ; 3 sta GRP0 ; 3 = @06 lda #0 ; 2 sta GRP1 ; 3 = @11 txa ; 2 ldx playerGraphicIndex ; 3 cmp #MAX_KERNEL_SECTIONS ; 2 beq ScoreKernel ; 2³ lda #0 ; 2 = @22 .coarseMoveBall dey ; 2 bne .coarseMoveBall ; 2³ sty RESBL ; 3 ldy tmpScanlineCount ; 3 restore scan line count iny ; 2 sta WSYNC ;-------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ; 3 cpy playerVertPos ; 3 bcc .skipPlayerDraw ; 2³ cpx #H_PLAYER ; 2 bcs .skipPlayerDraw ; 2³ lda playerGraphics,x ; 4 inc playerGraphicIndex ; 5 .skipPlayerDraw sta GRP0 ; 3 = @24 ldx kernelSection ; 3 lda leftPF1Candy,x ; 4 ldx player1State ; 3 check to see if player 1 is active bmi .setLeftPF1CandyPattern; 2³ branch if player 2 is active asl ; 2 .setLeftPF1CandyPattern ora #$80 | PLAYER2_CANDY_MASK; 2 sta leftPF1CandyBarPattern ; 3 iny ; 2 jmp MainKernelLoop ; 3 ScoreKernel lda levelNumber ; 3 = @24 get level number ldx player1State ; 3 check to see if player 1 is active bpl .maskForLevelNumber ; 2³ branch if player 1 is active lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 .maskForLevelNumber and #$07 ; 2 clc ; 2 increment by 1 so player sees adc #1 ; 2 level number starting with 1 ldx #2 ; 2 jsr LSBToDigits ; 6 ldy #1 ; 2 do lives kernel for player 2 jsr LivesKernel ; 6 ;-------------------------------------- sty PF0 ; 3 = @20 iny ; 2 y = 0 lda player1ScoreMSB ; 3 ldx #0 ; 2 jsr BCDToDigits ; 6 = @33 ;-------------------------------------- lda player1ScoreLSB ; 3 = @16 ldx #4 ; 2 jsr BCDToDigits ; 6 = @24 ;-------------------------------------- jsr DrawScoreDigits ; 6 = @10 ldy #1 ; 2 = @36 lda player2ScoreMSB ; 3 ldx #0 ; 2 jsr BCDToDigits ; 6 = @47 ;-------------------------------------- lda player2ScoreLSB ; 3 = @30 ldx #4 ; 2 jsr BCDToDigits ; 6 = @38 ;-------------------------------------- lda gameState ; 3 = @21 get current game state lsr ; 2 move D0 to carry bcs .drawSecondPlayerScore ; 2² branch if this is a two player game ldx #6 ; 2 .skipSevenScanLines stx WSYNC dex ; 2 bpl .skipSevenScanLines ; 2³ jsr Waste12Cycles ; 6 bmi .jmpToOverscan ; 3 unconditional branch .drawSecondPlayerScore jsr DrawScoreDigits ; 6 .jmpToOverscan jmp Overscan ; 3 PlayerScoreColors .byte PLAYER1_SCORE_COLOR, PLAYER2_SCORE_COLOR, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK ActivePlayerLivesColor .byte PLAYER1_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR, PLAYER2_ACTIVE_LIVES_COLOR .org ROM_BASE + 4096 - 6, 0 .word Start .word Start .word Start